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Develop Methods and Execute Initial Procurement and Contracts Incentivizing
Project and evaluation activities informed the following key findings of the Behavioral Health System Transformation (BHST) Innovation project:
COVID-19 affected community engagement plans, community capacity for engagement, and made it more challenging to connect with as many diverse communities. Establishing and maintaining transparent relationships is integral to success. Adapting communication styles to consistently take information back to the community in a meaningful way is important.
BHST One: Performance and Value-Based Contracting
BHST Two: OC Navigator
California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM) began in 2022 and is gradually changing behavioral health policies and regulations, which may have unexpected influence on project progress.
Community partnership and community centered design are key to project success (e.g., identifying project goals, developing new features, identifying resources). Community and provider values of quality align. The Orange County community is focused on access to the right care when needed. They want fewer forms, more time for care, and payment for the quality of care given/received.
Consumers report being satisfied with the OC Navigator and their engagement with the OC Navigator team. About half of individuals said they would like to be more engaged with the OC Navigator project. Access to data is important for project success. Some limitations include multiple record management systems which causes challenges in streamlined sharing and reporting of data.
Challenges engaging with the OC Navigator project include meetings being too short to always engage in meaningful discussions and lack of a routine meeting schedule.
A comprehensive list of learnings for BHST Part One: Performance and Value-Based Contracting and BHST Part Two: OC Navigator can be found on page 101.
A comprehensive list of recommendations for BHST Part One: Performance and Value-Based Contracting and BHST Part Two: OC Navigator can be found on page 108.