Create a deepfake

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OK, so I trained the model with extracted frames, one set (A) for the video source and the other set (B) for the exchange. The training lasted longer than expected (more than 20 hours) and I had to stop earlier and then try again and had to stop within a few hours (for other options read on ​​). Question 1: Can you use data from the initial canceled training session or do you need to have a complete training session that can last for days? So I used training data that ended prematurely to change my project. So I set the path to my input directory and the path to my source directory and specify my model directory (which in turn contains a log of training about initial termination) and use all the default settings, except that I change and set Writer in FFmpeg Select the checkbox in next to the Exchange model. The converted video is an original video with a faded face, and the second attempt is worse. Unfortunately, there is no detailed explanation. Transform the explanation of the process in the forum as well as other processes such as extraction and training, which are explained clearly in their chapter. And it also confuses me what happened to my folder B which contains the photos that I want to replace with the original because I didn't see the file path for them during the conversion and only assumed that the model directory was in the program carrying this file. After I say all this, my second question is: "What exactly am I not doing right?" As long as the training isn't broken (eg due to a computer crash while recording), you are fine. Clicking Cancel is the right way to end the exercise, and continuing is the recommended way to exchange people with some exercises. We are working on the full conversion guide, but this is a fairly clear process compared to the others. I recommend starting with the preview tool, making sure the results look good and then reading the tooltips in the "Conversions" section. The process is quite simple and I think you will be able to understand this (and you can ask questions if you encounter problems). You don't need to convert someone's source at all. You need to provide the frame you want to exchange with the face, the orientation of this video source and the trained model. The model swaps "memory" (that's what training means) so you don't have to see the person you want to convert. Thank you for your answer It's only wrong if you check or uncheck the box here, which can cause problems along the way. I am still having problems with the conversion process. My next step is to go back to the beginning and try to do everything in the book and read forum posts to find out what the problem is. In the meantime, I'm looking forward to the new conversion guidelines as they become available. Thanks again

First, create a Google account, sign in, go to, click "Get Started" and fill in the details. You will need a credit card but you will not be charged. Hooray, now you have $ 300 credit. Then update your account. You will not be charged, but only with an updated account that you can apply to use GPUS. I use GPU P100, but of course, you can use any GPU provided by Google. The steps are the same. Name your project as desired. Then navigate to the quota in the navigation menu (IAM & admin -> Quota). Select GPU NVIDIA P100 from the metric if you want to use more than one GPU and select GPUS (all regions). Select the P100 quota for the desired region, if you want to use more than one GPU, select all quota regions, click Edit quota, enter your data, number, and description of the desired GPUS. Honestly, machine learning will succeed. In my experience, it takes about 2 hours for Google to approve quota requests, but it can take up to 48 hours. Once your application is approved, it is time to create a virtual machine. Create an example, once this is done, it will start automatically. Press SSH, the terminal opens. Once you are logged in, you will be prompted to install the Nvidia driver, do so by entering. Then download two files that me one, and FSR Xstartup. You can do this by clicking on the top configuration of the right wheel and click the download file. During the execution of the script, you will be asked several times. Press ENTER to continue the installation Miniconda. Enter Yes to accept the license terms. Press ENTER to confirm the default installation location Miniconda. Press ENTER to initialize Miniconda no. Press ENTER to continue installing a virtual environment. Press Enter to activate does not support AMD. Press ENTER to activate not attachable. Press ENTER to activate CUDA. Press S to continue. Press ENTER to select the layout of the default keyboard. Intro (and remember) the password for the VNC server twice. (8 char limit) Enter n not enter a password just to see. To start the GUI faceswap, launch a terminal (Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal) and run the following command (from your home directory). Faceswap in installing Linux is very easy. Linux installer installs everything you need except your graphics driver.

It is recommended to use a light distribution (such as Xubuntu), but the installer should work fine on all versions of Linux. If you use a card (which is highly recommended. Faceswapping the CPU is very slow) chart, make sure your drivers are on. Download Install Faceswap. Open a terminal emulator, go to the download location, then enter the following command as a normal user (not run this command as root or sudo): The Faceswap logo will be followed by some information. Be sure to read (especially the section on user access in the destination folder) and press Enter to continue. Conda - Faceswap Conda use for the treatment of installing all prerequisites (GIT, Cuda, TensorFlow, etc.) and contain in their environment, away from the rest of the system. If the existing installation Conda found, ask if you want to use it. You must select Yes. The next option will only be displayed if the existing Conda facility can not be found, or if you choose not to use an existing installation Conda. The default installation location of Conda is good in 99% of cases. If you want to install it elsewhere, make sure: the user has permission to write to the selected location. There is no space in the location you previously provided (this is a limitation of Conda and beyond our control). If you are satisfied with the default location, then just press Enter. You will be asked if you want to add to the PATH Conda. Up to you, but it would make life easier if you say yes. This means that you will have access to `conda` the command line, and you need not search for executable dalam` miniconda3` folder. Press Enter to select the default or press N if you do not want Conda added to your route. Faceswap runs in a "virtual environment." This is a Python environment that is maintained separately from the rest of your system to avoid conflicts. environmental needs a name. The default should be fine, but if you have installed, you want to set the name of a particular neighborhood here. Note: If your environment already exists with the name you choose will be removed (you will be notified if it will happen before the start of the installation). Press Enter to use the `faceswap` default or enter the name you choose here.

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