Malta Business Review Issue 13

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Issue 13 - September 2015

EU DEBATE Is this a David and Goliath Struggle?

Oscar Williams-Grut tells reports the Google vs Margrethe Vestager - p.10

EXCLUSIVE The First 100 Days

UK Prime Minister David Cameron’s exclusive dissertation - p.14

FOCUS Dedication, Commitment & Respect

An interview with the Police Commissioner Michael Cassar - p.22

FEATURE Doing Business with China

Broad interview with Chev Maurice Mizzi - p.32 Newspaper Post


Trust in experience: GC Renting Malta Ltd. Interview with

Paolo Dellamano, Managing Director of GC Renting Malta Ltd - p.06

Issue 12 – August 2015

Issue 12 – August 2015

Issue 13 - September 2015

25 10 FOCUS Promoting Creativity, Breaking New Grounds Interview with Rafael Carrascosa, MD of the Insignia Group of Companies - p.10 FOCUS

EU DEBATE Is this a David and Goliath Struggle? Promoting Creativity, Breaking New Grounds

Oscar Williams-Grut tells reports the Google vsof Margrethe Vestager - p.10 SPECIAL FEATURE Celebrating Malta’s Entrepreneurs the Year Awards Interview with Rafael Carrascosa, MD ofBest the Insignia Group of Companies - p.10 We feature this year’s main protagonists - p.25 EXCLUSIVE The First 100 Days

SPECIAL FEATUREUKCelebrating Best Entrepreneurs of the Year Awards Prime MinisterMalta’s David Cameron’s exclusive dissertation - p.14

FEATURE The Business Ecocide We feature this year’s of main protagonists - p.25

FOCUS Dedication, & Respect Melanie Vella interviews highly acclaimed British Commitment lawyer Polly Higgins - p.56


The Business of Ecocide An interview with the Police Commissioner Michael Cassar - p.22 Newspaper Post Vella interviews highly acclaimed British lawyer Polly Higgins - p.56 Melanie FEATURE Doing Business with China Newspaper Post




Leadership, Professionalism & Dedication in experience: Interview withTrust Julia Chatard, Executive

Leadership, Professionalism & Dedication Director with FXDDExecutive - p.06 Renting Malta Interview with GC Julia Chatard, Director with FXDD - p.06 Interview with

Broad interview with Chev Maurice Mizzi - p.32 Newspaper Post


Paolo Dellamano, Managing Director of GC Renting Malta Ltd - p.06

MBR Publications Limited

MBR Publications Limited

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30 22


cover story

cover story COVER STORY 6

6 6

leadershiP, Professionalism & dedication

leadershiP, Professionalism & dedication Trust inJulia Experience: GCDirector Renting Malta Ltd. We interview Chatard, Executive with FXDD Interview with Poalo Dellamano, Managing Director, GC Renting Malta Ltd. We interview Julia Chatard, Executive Director with FXDD


EU DEBATE focus 10 Promoting creativity, breaking neW 10 10Isgrounds this a David and Goliath Struggle? Promoting creativity, breaking neW

an exclusive withtells rafael managing of the costly Oscar Williams-Grut why carrascosa, Google has managed to director make a potentially grounds enemy: Margrethe Vestager… We find out exactly why in this exclusive article

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Anita Aloisio; Maurice Aquilina; David Baker;

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28 14

an exclusive with rafael carrascosa, managing director of the


kames caPital lists for more funds in insignia group of companies malta EXCLUSIVE



kames caPital more funds malcolm J. naudi interviews lists stephenfor baines, investment malta manager in the Kames Capital fixed income team


The First 100 Days malcolm J. naudi interviews stephen baines, investment

UK Prime Minister David Cameron’s perspectives on his first 100 days in office in the Kames Capital fixed income team at No 10manager Downing Street

sPecial feature

& FEATURES 25INTERVIEWS celebrating malta’s best entrePreneurs of the sPecial feature

year aWards



We interview some of the main award-winning protagonists of this A Service Excellence Mentality year’s highly successful MBEOTYA event celebrating malta’s best entrePreneurs MBR interviews Entrepreneur and chef Patron Marvin Gauci

year aWards

of the

2622 building a better Working World We interview some of the main award-winning Dedication, Commitment & Respect protagonists of this We interview Malta’s Overall Best Entrepreneur of the Year year’s highly successful MBEOTYA event Police Commissioner Michael Cassar explains why “honesty” is his guiding Drprinciple Adrian Attard Trevisan, CEO of AAT Research and his motivation is his driving force

26 strong building a better Working World 3026 leadershiP and teamWork Turning the Tables:

We interview Malta’s Overall Best Entrepreneur of the Year


Diane Izzo, CEO, Dizz Group, reflects back on her Researching Gambling Research Dr remarkable Adrian Attard Trevisan,as CEO AAT Research recent achievement DizzofGroup were proclaimed Profs Rebecca Cassidy with a unique anthropological study Malta’s Best Entrepreneurial Company of the Year of the gambling research community

strong leadershiP and teamWork

Diane Izzo, CEO, Dizz Group, reflects back on her OUR GOLD our gold PARTNERS Partners recent remarkable achievement as Dizz Group were proclaimed Malta’s Best Entrepreneurial Company of the Year

our gold Partners


malta Business review


CONTENTS intervieWs & features


understanding & faCing reaLities An Excellent Interview with intrepid Maltese MEP Miriam Dalli


doing Business With China: fostering Business deveLoPment

“Daesh (ISIS) is killing people and destroying sites, but cannot silence history and will ultimately fail to erase this great culture from the memory of the world,” declared Irina Bokova, the Unesco chief.

Broad, interesting interview with Chev Maurice Mizzi



emanating enthusiasm Stefan De Battista discusses his philosophy that concentrates on progressive design resolutions

And more recently, at the hands of the bloodthirsty iconoclasts of our time, ISIS nihilists destroyed ancient sculptures at Iraq's Mosul Museum.

What i’d give…

Watching footage of the Mosul art being destroyed is painful. The statues seem to acquire a human quality for a moment, which may be why ISIS ordered them wrecked — for being idols and distractions from the warped worship of their God. ISIS nihilists have become the bloodthirsty iconoclasts of our time.

MBR Editor is driven by singer Ira Losco in her new BMW Series 1… Let’s find out more in this rare interview


the other guYs John Catania, Director with The Other Guys reveals why a good entrepreneur must have sheer determination to succeed


WorkPLaCe CoaChing todaY Jes Camilleri, ILM specialised coach with Think Talent, with the perfect insight on workplace coaching


It is stomach-turning as much as it is shocking when art or historical sites become one of the chief tragets and victims of political upheavals or war. Cultural vandalism acts such as the ones perpetrated by ISIS against the Mosul museum, the Nineveh and Palmyra UNESCO world heritage sites is not just a war crime. These acts of sheer barbaric acts of hooligan destruction are an immense loss for the Syrian people and an affront against humanity.

emPoWering migrants to Live

The religious argument is not invalid per se. Yet religion can also be a convenient facade for another, more ambitious objective: power. ISIS sees in these social forms (religion, personal conduct, morality and art) areas where power is wielded, and rightly so. Art in this case is a repository of a society's representations and history, so destroying it is one simple way to negate that reigning society and its history, or at least make a mark on them. "When I hear the word culture, I reach for my pistol," Hitler's "art" and propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels infamously declared.

Interview with Dr Ahmed Z. Bugri, Director Foundation for Shelter and Support to Migrants, Marsa Open Centre

Regimes, and not just those with radical religious or political tendencies, have resorted to destruction because culture expresses a type of power, and perhaps power itself. Culture is the first enemy targeted by those who wish to impose a single viewpoint, because at its best art is an expression of diversity. And diversity is sickening to dictators, gangsters and hoodlums. You can impose your power on culture through destruction — like ISIS or the Taliban, which bombed the Afghan Buddhas in 2001 — or through various forms of ”appropriation”.



Some of the artworks the Nazis termed "degenerate" were destroyed in May 1933, but others entered the private collections of various Gauleiters and goons. One of them, Hermann Göring, was fond of paintings by Picasso, Matisse and Maurice Vlaminck, all deemed degenerate, of course. Yet he valued the status art bestowed, and that may well be one reason why he built a collection of 1,800 pieces. The Soviet Union banned Expressionist painting after taking power, instead promoting Realism, seen as fit for the workers. Appropriation and theft are two other ways of imposing yourself on culture, leaving a people without its cultural character, thus "smashing" the national spirit in pieces. Culture is cyclical and for some, intimidating. Hence the need of barbarians to impose themselves through destruction, appropriation or banishment. That destructive act should perhaps also be considered a part of mankind's cultural heritage.




Malta Business Review


Trust in experience: GC Renting Malta Ltd. By Martin Vella

Businesses that do not generate ideas have no viable long-term future. Ideas are the most important competitive capital and are at the heart of every powerful brand. As an enterprise that strives to actively shape the future of its chosen market segment, GC Renting Malta Ltd has an ambitious philosophy: to “grab the bull by the horns” and make the most of every opportunity that comes along. Paolo Dellamano, Managing Director, GC Renting Malta Ltd, always looks to the future and aims to create the conditions that foster further growth.


The GRENKE story began in the southern German town of Baden-Baden. Wolfgang Grenke saw an untapped market in office communication equipment leasing and founded his business in 1978. GRENKE have since grown into a group of companies offering leasing, banking services and factoring services across the European market. Leasing remains the Group’s core business, however, GRENKE enjoys a leading position in the small-ticket IT market.



MBR: What can you tell us about GC Renting Malta and the Grenke franchise? PD: GC Renting Malta Ltd was founded on November 2012, and the business started operating on January 2013. Our office, complying with Grenke international policy, is in one of the best business building in Sliema, the Tagliaferro Business Centre. Thanks to our Franchise contract with Grenke, our company has the exclusive rights to sell Grenke products on the Maltese islands. GRENKE enables small and mid-sized companies to simply rent the equipment they need, instead of purchasing them and tie up their valuable capital resources. GC Renting Malta was set up two years ago to operate the Grenke franchise. The Grenke Group was set up in 1978 in Germany, and has bought more than €1,3 Billion worth of equipment only on 2014, through its presence in 29 countries. MBR: What is your relation with The Grenke Group of Germany? PD: From Grenke group we have had, and we have all days, all the support needed to settle the company, expand our business and doing our daily business. I have invested in GC Renting, under the Grenke Group umbrella, offering companies the opportunity to rent their equipment, whether start-ups wanting an all new set-up, established companies wanting to refurbish, or growing companies wanting to expand. MBR: How has GRENKE Leasing presented a successful business model on the stock market that has stood for national and international growth for many years? PD: On 2014 Grenke Group new business was more than 1,3 Billion Euro - corresponding to a growth of 13.9% compared with the previous year - with a small ticket IT average of 8,163€! This results are due to our business model based on close relationships with the local resellers, spreading the risk on a big number of contracts. As the resellers number in Malta is not so high, we are more involved in a Direct Sales business, directly contacting the best Maltese companies to establish a durable business relationship. Just to make some example of our best customers: AX Holdings, Vassallo Group, Saint James Hospital, the Maltese National Aquarium, MCP Car Park,

CassarCamilleri Bottlers and Vintners (Marsovin), Bay Street Shopping Complex, 155 The Strand, Vivaldi Hotel, Golden Sands Resorts (Radisson), 6PM Limited, Hal Mann Vella, Alberta Group, Robert Arrigo & Sons.


MBR: Can you highlight some of the sectors you have expanded into? PD: GC Renting is constantly expanding the list of resellers in its client portfolio and has moved beyond IT into more and more sectors, from medical equipment for St James hospital, to kitchen equipment for Michael’s Restaurant in Valletta, from shop fittings and POS equipment for fashion retailer List Roma to IT systems for the Radisson Blu hotels. Some clients – like Alberta and Vivendo – are both resellers and clients.

IT remain our core business but for the Maltese business reality, we can’t limit our business to this section MBR: What is the significance behind your Grenke Group offices in Tagliaferro Centre in Sliema and what business model does it provide to its customers? PD: The model is very simple: the companies determine what they want and source the products. GC Renting then pays the reseller for the products – in full, within 24 hours – and rents the equipment to the client for a minimum of 15 months. The rental model differs from a bank loan in that the client does not need to provide any collateral – the equipment itself remains the property of GC Renting. And the negotiated interest rate is very competitive when compared to that offered by a bank. MBR: Why is it important to balance speed and service with risk in your work?


PD: We have to distinguish our services from the bank, so a very quick response to our partners – the resellers that introduced us to their customers – is really essential. On the other hand we have to be careful with the customers analysis. Our experience and our internal tools permit us to reach this goal nearly in the 100% of the requests.

Malta Business Review

MBR: How does the Grenke rental model differ from a bank loan? PD: First of all we don’t give money to anybody; we purchase the equipment needed by the customers and agreed with their entrusted resellers in exchange of the signed rental contract for the period agreed (between 15 and 60 months). After the equipment delivery and installation, receiving the contract signed and the invoice printed to us by the reseller, the reseller is paid in 24 hours via bank transfer. So the customer save his cash flow to use money for his core business and the resellers are paid immediately after delivery and installation. MBR: How is GC Renting constantly expanding the list of resellers in its client portfolio and why was it important to move beyond IT? PD: IT remain our core business but for the Maltese business reality, we can’t limit our business to this section. We are growing our business especially with furniture but also with shop systems and catering equipment. MBR: Can you explain to our readers your corporate and management strategy? PD: The company is very proud of its response record, which is all based on speed. We understand that once companies have gone through the whole process of identifying their needs and going through the procurement process, they are anxious to get going as soon as possible. This is why we pride ourselves on being able to give a reply on equipment of up to €50,000 in just 20 minutes, and of over €50,000 in a few hours, certainly no more than 24 hours. MBR: How does GC Renting create the link between the short and medium-term reporting of corporate successes with your long-term strategy? PD: For GC Renting, the trick is to balance speed and service with risk – after all, it is basically shelling out up to €340,000. To ensure a low delinquency rate, it has a robust due diligence system, carrying out credit checks on the applicant. It also relies on relationships and networking, which is given in Malta. Malta is very low risk. This is also part of your business culture. MBR All Rights Reserved | © Copyright 2015


Paolo Dellamano graduated with a degree in Physics (Electronic) in 1991 and spent several years in Milan, specialising in IT business. In 2002 started his collaboration with Grenke Group in Italy and, from November 2012, relocated himself and his family in Malta to settle and start-up GC Renting Malta Ltd.


Malta Business Review


Bridging the Gap between Traditional and Digital Forensics By Kurt Mahoney

CSI, SOCO and Forensics all conjure up the same image: people in white overalls, blue slippers and a face mask collecting fibres, DNA samples and fingerprints from a crime scene. Most of us are even familiar with the basics of evidence collection and handling, from gloves and evidence bags, to the chain of custody and standard tests (such as toxicology). However the term “Digital Forensics” is often understood to mean hackers (good hackers, of course) who intercept communications, access Facebook accounts and basically have a carte blanche to the Internet’s backend. As fantastical as that sounds, it is, sadly, not the case.


raditional forensics are well documented and studied sciences. Although new techniques and research do become available from time to time, the procedures are essentially standard depending on what one wants to achieve. For example, a knowledgeable chemist implements a standardised test when checking for the presence of narcotics. In contrast Digital Forensics is a fairly young science and although an amount of documentation already exists, the goal posts are shifted with every new software update and patch to every application in existence. The Microsoft Windows Operating System (OS) for example ranges from XP to 10, plus server, embedded and legacy versions. Each OS version is designed differently, with new features added and others removed. As Microsoft is not in the habit of detailing every modification, it is down to the forensic analyst to research, experiment and discover all the hidden nuggets of evidence. Journal papers are eventually published, conferences are held and the big forensic software houses start supporting the new OS. This process understandably requires an enormous amount of time and man-hours, so thankfully Microsoft does not release an OS every day, but what about applications? More importantly, what about mobile phone applications and OSs? Desktop applications do not change their structure very often, with the majority of common applications now using a SQLitetype database. Mobile phones and their applications on the other hand have proliferated in number and usage, with data acquisition and decoding being the main challenges for forensics. Decoding is generally handled in the same way as desktop applications, either through personal research or via a forensic application (when supported). Data acquisition however is a completely different kettle of fish. Unlike hard drives, one may not simply plug in and access the entire memory space of a mobile phone, as these were not designed to have such universal access. Access methods are also different based not only on the make and model of the phone, but also on the version of OS. A couple of very large forensic


software houses do conduct extensive R&D on each handset in order to provide a more or less “1-click extraction” of the entire memory space within the rules that govern the forensic sciences.

The modality of this field causes a rift in budgetary amounts between it and traditional forensics The gap between traditional and digital forensics exists mainly on two fronts, the way they are perceived and funded – both of which are intrinsically linked. Firstly, one must appreciate that digital forensics must subscribe to the exact same principles as all other forensic sciences. For example, the precautionary full-body suits and sanitised worktops used in traditional forensics need to be mimicked in the digital world. Secondly, constant research and upgrades are needed just to keep up with the digital world. Although the majority of traditional forensics may continue using the same processes to achieve the same results, when it comes to digital forensics the process changes with every update. The modality of this field causes a rift in budgetary amounts between it and traditional forensics, with the former needing to constantly increase its cost-base or risk becoming redundant. Bridging the gap between the two scientific fields has already begun, with the same forensic principles being employed by professionals from both camps. On the funding front however, just like any other IT field, constant investment is needed to stay ahead of the game. A percentage of that investment would then be needed to take the same products apart and examine them forensically. MBR All Rights Reserved | © Copyright 2015

Malta Business Review


vs the EU Commissioner

Is this a David and Goliath struggle? By Oscar Williams-Grut

Margrethe Vestager, the EU's new competition watchdog and one of the most prominent and well-liked figures in Danish politics, has taken on the technology giant over its alleged abuse of the market Google has managed to make a potentially costly enemy: Margrethe Vestager. The European Union’s new competition commissioner has stepped up a long- running inquiry into the technology giant, formally charging Google with market abuse for the first time since the EU’s anti-trust investigation began in 2010. The action leaves Google open to potentially large fines or lengthy court proceedings. The charges centre around Google’s online shopping comparison service, Google Shopping, which Ms Vestager alleges is unfairly favoured in search results at the expense of rivals. If, say, you search for the best price for a specific polo shirt, the results will show Google’s selection first, regardless of whether it offers the cheapest price. This becomes a problem when taking into account the fact that Google controls more than 90 per cent of the search market in Europe. 10

“In our experience Google Shopping always comes up first when you search at your desk,” Ms Vestager explained. The EU’s “Statement of Objections”, as it is known, represents a radical escalation of proceedings against Google, which began after complaints from numerous small businesses that Google was stifling competition.

We should not close any door. This is a Union that works on law and this is how we work Ms Vestager’s predecessor, Joaquin Almunia, was largely accommodating of Google, working on three possible settlement deals. But Ms Vestager, said to be the inspiration behind Birgitte Nyborg, the prime minister in the TV show Borgen, has adopted a more hard-line approach. Asked about the possibility of fines or legal action, the 47year-old said: “We should not close any door. This is a Union that works on law and this is how we work.” Microsoft found itself mired in a long legal battle with the European Union over competition issues in the past decade, eventually facing a €860m (£620m) fine. Ms Vestager said: “Google now has the opportunity to convince the Commission to the contrary. However, if the investigation confirms our concerns, Google would have to face the legal consequences and change the way it does business in Europe.”

Adding to the technology giant’s headache, Ms Vestager has also launched a new investigation into Google’s Android, probing claims that the company uses its mobile operating system as leverage to promote its own apps and services. The Google Shopping charges could also snowball, with Ms Vestager saying flight and hotel comparison services, and Google Maps, could be added to the Statement of Objections if infringements are discovered in these areas. For its part, Google has gone on the front foot against Ms Vestager’s charges, publishing two blog posts arguing that its services have in fact added to competition. Amit Singhal, Google’s senior vice-president for search, wrote: “Allegations of harm, for consumers and competitors, have proved to be wide of the mark. “We respectfully but strongly disagree with the need to issue a Statement of Objections and look forward to making our case over the weeks ahead.” Google now has ten weeks to address the EU’s complaints. Ms Vestager said she would not be satisfied with superficial changes to the design of search results, asGoogle has previously proposed in settlement talks. “It is important to rethink how to solve this,” she said. “I am looking for a solution based on principle so this is future-proof.” Whether Google will be able to satisfy the Danish watchdog or whether this will be the first of many tussles between the two remains to be seen. MBR Credit: The Independent / The Interview People

Malta Business Review


Looking Beyond Our Horizon

By George Carol

In a double-take interview, David Micallef, Regional Director and Lorraine Tagliaferro, Innovation Manager with Ateknea Solutions Malta explain why every SME in Malta is eligible for most of the funding programmes presented in the European Funding for SMEs – Info Day on Horizon 2020 event being held on the 2nd October 2015. The event is important for all SMEs and third parties working with SMEs.


MBR: How long have you been involved with providing consultation on EU funding for SMEs and what, or who, inspired you to take up this work as a full time career and vocation? DM: I actually got involved with ‘EU Funding’ working as engineer on several projects which Ateknea was handling as coordinators. After some time and experience I started working with clients looking for EU funds for their projects, helping them form consortia of partners, doing research for their projects and

ultimately writing and winning proposals within the FP6 and FP7 funding programmes. The best thing about this work is that one can experience the whole lifecycle of an innovative product or service from concept to a commercial solution. MBR: Ateknea Solutions Ltd are the main sponsor and you are keynote speaker for “European Funding for SMEs – Info day on Horizon 2020” event being held on the 2nd October, 2015. Are you looking forward to this event, can you give us a precursor to your presentation and why is this a must-see-mustattend B2B event for Maltese family businesses and SMEs in particular? DM: The event is very interesting as it gives an overview of available funds for SMEs and above that it also identifies national contact points


who could help guide interested parties. One common comment we get from our clients is that they heard about EU funding but would not dare look into it due to the complexity of the programs. The primary aim of this event is to make clear to SMEs what each funding program offers and identify the main contact points where SMEs can ask for assistance in acquiring such funds. MBR: Do you agree that one of the aims should be to raise the profile, importance and knowledge of EU funding within the SME sector as a precursor to growth? DM: Any innovative product comes with its own set of risks and the security of a local market is diminishing fast due to globalization. Therefore any knowledge about acquiring funds to support any innovative project development would be considered vital especially if a concept or idea requires costly development time and expertise. During the event the speakers will present different forms of funds available at different stages of a product lifecycle. MBR: What about the scope of having a platform to provide a unique learning event to illustrate how SMEs can achieve growth locally or in the international markets through the EU Funding schemes and procedures, such as Horizon 2020, or JEREMIE? DM: A key requirement to successfully acquiring EU funds is a European or International dimension. Part of the process in acquiring funds (locally and on an EU scale) is the formation of this dimension. Often companies are quite versed in how to make or develop a product but the big question is ‘Are you prepared to compete on an international scale?’. This is major challenge faced by any global company and one of the key ‘checkboxes’ which is commonly overlooked. In this event we will explain the importance of this dimension and how such funding instruments can help SMEs reach the levels of internationalisation. MBR: Can you walk us briefly through the list of good quality speakers covering the key areas in “European Funding for SMEs – Info day on Horizon 2020” event? DM: The event will kick-off with the Parliamentary Secretary for the EU Presidency 2017 and EU Funds, Hon. Dr Ian Borg who will speak about the role of the ministry with EU funds and their work in acquiring regional EU funds. Bridgette Tanti from Malta Enterprise and EEN will follow with a presentation related to the availability of funds and services provided by Malta Enterprise & Enterprise Europe Network. Raphael Scerri from FPD will present the role of the funds and programs division in supporting SMEs to acquire EU funds specifically regional funds. Miklos Zoltai, CEO of Ateknea Solutions will present Ateknea and how the company supports SMEs in

acquiring EU funds, while I will be giving a presentation specifically on the SME instrument which is one of the main EU funding instruments for SMEs. The event will also showcase some success stories, with presentations from SMEs who will share their experience of working with Ateknea in acquiring EU funds, and how this has helped them achieve their product development. Experienced Horizon 2020 evaluator Ms Anamaria Magri Pantea will provide key advice to SMEs regarding the evaluation process and will give essential tips on writing a successful proposal. MBR: What would you like to give SMEs and other business start-ups who will attend in the hope to take away something they could apply when they come to submit a proposal for EU funding? DM: Our aim is to provide relevant knowledge that could help SMEs and people attending the event decide on the best route for funding of their concepts and products. Furthermore what is most important is that the attendees learn to develop their concepts in a way that would be beneficial for them when the time comes to apply for EU funds or similar funding.

Over the past 15 years Ateknea has helped more than 600 SMEs all over Europe develop their ideas and concepts into commercial solutions MBR: What are the biggest challenges related to SMEs when they look for growth beyond our shore and also on a local level? DM: There is no one major challenge but a series of related complexities for SMEs who want to expand their business. More often the challenges are on a case by case basis but the biggest mistake one can make is to overlook these challenges. Distribution, language, policies and politics are only a few of these challenges but overlooking one of them can easily lead to failure of a project. MBR: Do local SMEs and business start-ups have the capacity to grow an understanding of what it entails to procure EU Funding? DM: Yes for sure, in fact many SMEs have participated and where successful in acquiring such funds. The key to success is to have the right support in developing your project or concept. The aim of this event is actually to show that support is available and also guide the attendees in the right direction for acquiring help.

Malta Business Review

MBR: Why is “European Funding for SMEs – Info day on Horizon 2020” event important? DM: Every SME in Malta is eligible for most of the funding programmes presented in this event and therefore the event is important for all SMEs and third parties working with SMEs. Even SMEs who are not currently seeking funds may in the future end up needing funds to support new concepts and products. MBR: Do you feel your work is of value to SMEs? If so, how can we discover it? DM: Over the past 15 years Ateknea has helped more than 600 SMEs all over Europe develop their ideas and concepts into commercial solutions. Unlike large corporations who can afford to have departments focused on acquiring funds, SMEs require a tailored service that is complementary to their resources. Throughout our 15 years of service we have tailored our offerings to become the best in Europe in acquiring EU funds and assisting SMEs implement their projects from start to finish. MBR: Finally, why and who should attend “European Funding for SMEs – Info day on Horizon 2020” B2B networking event and information seminar, including the interactive workshop? DM: The event will benefit all SMEs and anyone working in close collaboration with SMEs. The information which will be shared at the event will be essential for anyone who is developing disruptive innovation and is interested in funding. Moreover, third parties can continue to share the knowledge they acquire from this event with their clients to continue supporting the growth of European SMEs. MBR All Rights Reserved | © Copyright 2015


David Micallef is the Regional Director of Ateknea Solutions Malta. David started working with Ateknea as a Research Engineer before taking the lead of the company in the Maltese office in 2014. He has worked on more than fifteen projects with the company and has written several successful proposals for EU funding. He has experience in all the stages of European projects including project management, reporting and auditing. Lorraine Tagliaferro is an Innovation Manager at Ateknea Solutions Malta. Lorraine has over ten years of experience working in EU projects as a project manager and assisting SMEs in forming their ideas and writing successful projects. She is very active in the SME Instrument and has experience in guiding SMEs to the right topics and instruments for funding.


Malta Business Review


The First 100 Days David Cameron

One hundred days ago I stood on the steps of Downing Street and told the British people that the first Conservative majority government for 18 years would govern on behalf of everyone. One nation, one United Kingdom.

Prime Minister of the United Kingdom


ur central task is to finish the job we started in turning around our economy. Through our long term economic plan we are getting the fundamentals right, generating growth, creating jobs, clearing the deficit and offering the British people the security they need to get on in their lives.

also means giving great headteachers the freedom to run their own schools with the ability to set their own curriculum and pay their staff properly. Academy schools were created to do exactly that.

I am determined that we will build on this foundation. By cutting taxes, reforming welfare and increasing minimum wages we are showing we are the real party of working people. On the challenge of tackling poverty, we’re attacking the causes of poverty, not just the symptoms, by tackling generational unemployment, strengthening families and ensuring that work always pays. On the challenge of delivering security in a dangerous world, we will confront the extremist threat in all its forms and build a stronger, prouder sense of British identity. We also want to restore Britain’s place in the world which is why we will meet our international commitments on defence spending and international aid. This is not some naïve neo-conservative internationalism but a hard-headed realism that recognises our national prosperity and security are inextricably linked to how we work with our international partners to meet the threats of terrorism, poverty and climate change. Our success also depends on being an outward-facing trading nation and that is why I will also continue to lead trade delegations oversees to win new business for Britain and, with that, more jobs and growth for the whole country. Taken together all these beliefs add up to a genuine one nation vision for our country. We are delivering strong, centre-ground, pragmatic and progressive government exemplified by our new National Living Wage and our commitment to a real terms increase of at least £8 billion a year by 2020 to support 14

the NHS’s own Five Year Plan. We are moving from a low wage, high tax, high welfare society to a higher wage, lower tax, lower welfare society. By 2020, the new National Living Wage will represent a pay rise of around £100 a week for the lowest paid. While our continued commitment to cutting taxes means we have already raised again the amount you can earn before paying any tax at all. And the legislation we are bringing forward will mean no increases in income tax, VAT or national insurance in the lifetime of this Parliament. We are also deadly serious about providing security at every stage of working people’s lives. Training is essential in building an economy where working people benefit from growth, and apprenticeships are a proven route to a great career. So we have begun the task of creating 3 million more apprenticeships. We are supporting working parents with the challenges of childcare, so they can take on that extra shift or go back to work after a break. So the Queen’s Speech honoured our promise to double free childcare to 30 hours a week for 3 and 4 year olds. We are also seeing through vital reforms in our public services, including the creation of a truly 7-day NHS. We want everyone to have a chance to succeed and education is the best way of ensuring that. This means schools with strong standards and discipline, offering our children a firm foundation for future success. It

I profoundly believe this is the right direction for our country because I want teachers not bureaucrats deciding how best to educate our children. We have already seen how academy freedoms have been fundamental in turning around failing schools – like Manchester Enterprise Academy, where results have almost doubled during its time as an academy. That is why in the first 100 days we have brought forward legislation to transform all failing schools into academies and for the first time taken the power to convert coasting schools into academies too. But we have also seen how these freedoms can help all schools, with more than 3,000 good and outstanding schools already making the decision to become academies themselves. I want every school in the country to have the opportunity to become an academy and to benefit from the freedoms this brings. So we will make it a priority to recruit more academy sponsors and support more great headteachers in coming together in academy chains. In doing so, we can extend educational excellence and opportunity to every school and every child in our country. One hundred days in, our government has the ideas to build the one nation vision - and to deliver real social mobility in our country. We will not waste a second in getting on with the job, supporting working people and delivering the prosperity and security on which our future depends. MBR

This was published on 15 August 2015. This is a version of an article that the Prime Minister David Cameron wrote for the Telegraph to mark the first 100 days of this government.

Malta Business Review



Personal and Professional

By Dr Jean Paul Demajo

Treating patients is a professional affair. However there is a very big personal touch, which is not thought in textbooks. When patients are about to embark on a big dental job they tend to go down one of two roads. One road may lead the patient to the Internet forcing them to go on some Google marathon searching every detail available to help the patient make up their mind on how he/she would like their teeth to be fixed. Then whilst comparing photos and quoting big treatments plans they agree with the dentist on the plan. This is not the ideal way of doing things but at times ends up in this manner. The second road is all about leaving it entirely in the hands of the professional. In this scenario the patient tells the practitioner what he/she have in mind and then after having received the best treatment options from the dentist, they confirm which plan they wish to take on. Either road leaves the patient determined, excited, worried, anxious and full of expectations. More often than not the desire to correct ones teeth is associated with a milestone such as their children’s wedding, their anniversary, retirement plan and may often be attached to a financial commitment with the bank. This places the dentist in a position to have to tick all the boxes on the patient’s list delivering them on time and up to the patient’s likings or sometimes more importantly the likings of their better half! It is not easy to please all your clients. There is always someone who isn’t happy with the end result. Your only saving grace would be to redo the teeth until the patient is happy. A costly affair! Certain programs help in visualising the final result. For example, using certain smile design software, a close-up photo of the old teeth is taken and by modifying the colour, shape and character of the teeth, the final result may be visualized by the patient. This image may then be translated into a model producing a temporary plastic mock-up to be fit onto the teeth for a few hours allowing the patients to see the new teeth in situ. 16

A Case Scenario A middle-aged very smart looking woman would like to work on her teeth. She takes good care of herself, always seeing to her hair, skin, nails and figure she now wishes to rejuvenate her smile.

Treatment Plan 1. Lengthy consultation involving photographs, study models, radiography and digital planning 2. Gum treatment establishing healthy gums 3. Conservative tooth preparations taking good care of the teeth 4. Removal of old restorations including heavily filled teeth with amalgam, old crowns/bridges containing dark metal 5. Try-in of new restorations 6. Approval and subsequent cementation of new porcelain inlays/onlays/veneers/ crowns/bridges.

7. Review and established



Once the treatment commences all those emotions are left in the hands of the dentist to address and deal with whilst having the patient in their dental chair. Communication and trust between the dentist and patient build up and a friendship is established. The relationship doesn’t remain only professional, but also very personal, as the dentist would not want to displease or disappoint their patient. Plus ‘word of mouth’ is also the best form of advertising. Ask your dentist. MBR


Dr Jean Paul Demajo is a Dental and Implant Surgeon trained in London working in private practice in Malta

Malta Business Review


A Service Excellence Mentality By Martin Vella

I caught up with the award winning Marvin Gauci at his evocative restaurant Tarragon. I had the honour of sitting down with him for a riveting and revealing interview, about his life and owning his two outstanding restaurants Tarragon and Caviar & Bull. He opens up about his significance of his recent award, the natural food industry, his love of cooking as a young boy and his future in the restaurant business. MBR: You have recently won Malta’s topmost accolade during Malta’s Best Entrepreneur of the Year with the prestigious Award for Excellence. What does this mean to you and how significant is this achievement to restaurant franchise? MG: The reason for the prestigious nature of Malta’s Best Entrepreneur of the Year Awards is the independence, rigor, impartiality and transparency of the evaluation process. The award programmes are run by a team of highly qualified judges who conducted extensive desk and field research, including interviews with us nominees. Therefore, to be awarded the Award for Excellence during these awards was a great honour and also a high-status recognition of the work I do. Moreover, the fact that the Award refers to the hospitality industry means a lot to me. I am a culinary chef by profession, so being presented with an award related to my area of expertise is the ultimate compliment. MBR: How important do you consider such awards are and what are its contributions towards the enhancement of entrepreneurship in Malta? 18

MG: Extremely important. I’m very proud of this achievement. When one’s hard work, commitment and sacrifice have been truly recognised by such an award, it is a great personal satisfaction. Therefore, we witness how entrepreneurs are driving forward in the face of a challenging, fast-evolving business environment. Using innovative solutions and breaking existing paradigms entrepreneurs are a driving force in the economy. Their contributions to their industries and entrepreneurialism in the Malta deserve to be recognised. That s why I consider these awards so important as they highlight more entrepreneurial success stories and celebrate their triumphs, setting examples to future budding best entrepreneurs. MBR: What is the key to the success of Tarragon and Caviar & Bull, and what has made the system work so well? MG: The key ingredients behind our success is to endurance, resilience, patience and passion.

The ability to face constant challenges without despite all odds, hard work and commitment and most importantly, to become successful as an entrepreneur, the one thing that is essential is to be passionate about what you do and this flags everything else that an entrepreneur does! MBR: What is the motivational force behind working in the gourmet sector? MG: In living and loving all things related to eating, exquisite food and attentive service, as well as creativity and innovation. MBR: What is your favorite thing about being a chef at Tarragon? MG: I have a sincere love for cooking. I just love the buzz of the kitchen, the adrenalin and kick I get out of the pressures of each day. To me it’s all about respecting the produce but also about a genuine passion, drive and a complete devotion to the industry. MBR: What are the biggest challenges of running restaurants? MG: There are numerous challenges – one of them being that we are in a confined small area where there aren't many highly trained gourmet or pastry chefs. Fortunately, we have been extremely lucky with our team, we couldn't ask for better. The biggest challenge is quality control. Even with an excellent team and strict recipes and methods things flop sometimes, for no discernible reason. Quality is our number one principle, and we wouldn't want anyone to buy something that wasn't 100%. Staffing is the hardest thing. In Europe a professional waiter trains for three years and becomes very skilled. They understand the specialties of the house, they know how to read a table as they approach it and they know the wines. But in Malta many people


Malta Business Review

available for these jobs are part-time employees. We do the best we can with training. We have been lucky. But the restaurants tend to steal personnel from each other and it is hard to find reliable people. MBR: Ok your latest restaurants that you opened Caviar & Bull and Buddhamann, can you tell me about the cuisine and how you came about picking the menu? MG: I have concentrated on a fresh winter feel, using the best products that our kitchen has to offer. The menu includes dishes unique to Caviar and Bull, which have been created by my teams diverse experience, such as steamed local mini prawns, wagyu tacos and many more., and a braised stuffed oxtail, the recipe of which is one of my best kept secrets. Molecular and modernist cuisine is all about experimenting with ingredients and textures to create unique, jaw-dropping dishes. And where else can you dine knowing you will get the freshest food, with the peace of mind that you are not falling into a typical tourist trap? MBR: I know earlier on in your career you went to Europe not just to study under some amazing Chefs, but to present your marvellous food creations. How do you continue to find new things to do? MG: To be successful, a restaurant needs a good location, a theme or style that appeals to a broad range of customers and a solid menu. My restaurants must stand out from the crowd, especially restaurants in urban areas with high competition. I continually review our menu and theme to ensure we are giving customers what they want. If customers do not enjoy the food or the restaurant itself, the owner will start to lose business and good word-of-mouth advertising. Delicious food is a given. The key is consistently find ways how to invent new dishes, prepare

and present that food, so the customer experiences the same great taste every single time.

Molecular and modernist cuisine is all about experimenting with ingredients and textures to create unique, jaw-dropping dishes MBR: Why do you think food and cooking has become so fashionable? MG: One main reason is because there is an increased amount of television programmes that are cheap to make, commercially successful and the filming can be done indoors. Also people travel more, expanding their knowledge and taste of different foods. MBR: What is the future for Chef Marvin Gauci?

MG: I genuinely gave my all and luckily the customers understood me, as do the judges when awarding us with prestigious awards such as the Award for Excellence during Malta’s Best Entrepreneur of the Year Awards 2015. For the future there is only one way for me: I want to continue on the course of excellence. MBR: What do you enjoy most about being a chef? MG: The progression of responsibility from commis to Chef-Patron, the creativity, and the never ending will to make everything better. MBR


Marvin Gauci is known as Malta’s own dashing gourmet chef who’s flair and ingenuity has earned him an international reputation on the gastronomic charts. Marvin is legendary for his dynamic, polite and smart jolly character, but still, as ever, ravenously enthusiastic about gastronomic perfection: something he pursues to an unprecedented level of detail that would impress a brain surgeon. Today, he runs three of the most iconic and attractive restaurants, Tarragon, Caviar & Bull, and now Buddhamann. One of Marvin’s success factors is his ability to form a team that shares his vision and passion. He has worked in a restaurant opposite Parliament House in Dublin and attracted the attention of top Irish celebrities and politicians, frequently entertaining dignitaries there. Marvin represented Malta and its gastronomy several times and was featured in many magazines and television programs in Italy, Greece, Ireland, Japan, France, England and other countries, who seek his inventiveness, and passion, traits which made him a culinary ambassador who’s name has become synonymous with innovative dishes and Mediterranean hospitality.


Malta Business Review


Excellence In Education by Gwen Gomis

The eie Educational Group ( is celebrating its 15th anniversary, a long way from the day when it opened its doors to the first local students who found in eie an alternative to the traditional higher education system. The eie acronym stands for – Excellence in Education. Excellence is confirmed by the student and graduate testimonials that eie regularly receives from satisfied students. eie has grown into an established organisation both in Malta and internationally. Apart from locals, the eie Institute of Education (www.eieonline. com) hosts international students who choose Malta as a place to further their education. One can opt to follow part-time, distance learning or lecture based programmes, which are carefully designed to be both enticing and versatile – what our working students require while studying and coping with their busy lives. eie will help students reach their goals as highly qualified professional individuals to play important roles globally. All academic programmes offered are MQRIC recognised complying with local regulations governing tertiary educational programmes.

the outcome of the course is determined as some students wish to improve their conversation skills, whilst others want to improve their writing or academic skills. This is then communicated to the EFL teacher so that they work together on achieving the client’s target.

eie Educational Group, also runs an EFL licensed English language school – eie Languages Centre (www.eielanguages. com) – and offers courses in General English, Business English and IELTS preparation. Students hail from various countries and choose eie to further their English language skills. Courses start every Monday, whereby students are first tested to establish their current level and followed up with a meeting with the school’s Director of Studies, where

Sales & Marketing (Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma and Masters)


In terms of Academic courses, the institute offers the following Pathways: Business & Management (Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma, Bachelor, Pg. Diploma and Masters) Finance & Accounting (Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma, Bachelor and Masters)

I.T. (Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma and Masters) Human Resources (Diploma, Advanced Diploma, Graduate Diploma and Masters)

Maritime Management (Diploma, Advanced Diploma, Graduate Diploma) Journalism (Certificate and Diploma) Tourism & Business Studies (Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma and Masters) eie collaborates with renowned foreign educational institutions and all academic courses are recognised by the local MQRIC. MBR We invite you to call eie on 21332804/5 or email on for any assistance. eie Institute of Education is licensed by the National Commission for Further and Higher Education as an Institute of Further and Higher Education - (License Number: 2005-TC-001), whilst eie Languages Centre is licensed by the EFL Monitoring Board as an English Language School (License Number: 282/MB 42).

Malta Business Review


Dedication, Commitment and Respect By Martin Vella In a broad interview with the Malta Business Review, Police Commissioner Michael Cassar reassured us that despite the latest pitfalls, he has vouched to clean up the Police Force. Focusing on the positives rather than the downsides, he confirmed his main objective is to bring back discipline and respect to the Police Corps. Commissioner Cassar, who is known for his utmost dedication and commitment to the Corps, said that “honesty” is his guiding principle and his motivation is his driving force. Discipline and respect must be reintroduced from top to bottom and bottom-up. All ranks are to be respected and recognition given to all members of the Force who contribute towards the Police Force itself and towards all the community.



MBR: How do you assess the performance of the Police Corps across Malta? MC: A lot of negatives have been unearthed and these are giving a negative picture of the Police Force. In reality we are doing well and are contributing a lot. Surely, the situation is not perfect, but a lot of improvements have been made already. In a recent meeting with my senior officers I outlined where we started and where we are now and highlighted several short, medium and long term goals. The short term goals include stepping-up police presence and patrols in our streets, presence of police officers at the scene of crimes, more commitment towards Court proceedings and strengthening our relationship with the public by giving due importance to all cases reported irrelevant of the entity of the reported case. However, the vast majority already go beyond their call of duty, and it is only a few who tarnish the Force’s reputation. There is still a long way to go but I believe that we are moving in the right direction. During the past difficult seven months, he has worked hard to enhance the credibility, integrity and respect of the Police Force. This can be confirmed by the negative cases reported that have tarnished the Police Force and which have not been hidden away but action taken in the most severe manner against members of the Force who defaulted. MBR: You have come up with a very ambitious change while seeing an overall big reduction in police staff, what are you going to do to keep the frontline as large as possible, but at the same time as well equipped as possible? MC: Well, it is definitely important to ensure that an officer is well-equipped, both on a personal as well as a professional level. This not only applies to the district police but also the specialised branches, who take on a more intelligence-led approach. Times change, technology develops, and so must the Force. This is the mentality we must adopt and the approach we must take in order to achieve the best results with the number of officers that we have that does not suffice. Unfortunately, the strength of the Police Force depends on finances, as well as other issues. As a result, human resources are still lacking and this is one of the areas identified and earmarked for improvement. MBR: Do you consider the educational level very paramount to recruiting new officers? MC: Yes, absolutely. As a matter of fact, following the last recruitment I have overseen that the educational level will improve. However, having said that, it does not necessarily mean that we should rely on a high academic level only. I am very much in

favour of a blend of the technical and academic officers. In the meantime, I am also revamping a number of sections, one of which is the Counter Terrorism Unit, the Traffic Branch and the Forensic Science Laboratory. MBR: What is the most challenging aspect of your daily duty within the police as a Commissioner? Is it management; communication with the police as a whole? Or is it the political forces that try to press on to the role that you have? MC: The political aspect does not bother me much. I am who I am and I am here to manage and administer the Force. The most hectic thing about my job would probably be trying to cope with the challenges you mentioned while trying to strengthen our relationship with the public. For instance, there are times when the public does not receive a satisfactory service and I must push my subordinates to do better. It is impossible to tackle everything simultaneously, but I try my best. This is definitely not an eight hour job! Mind you, I do not do anything to please anyone. I do what I do because I believe that it is the right thing to do.

Mind you, I do not do anything to please anyone. I do what I do because I believe that is the right thing to do MBR: There has been a controversy over the police retention of digital materials as a very increasing numbers of crime are involving digital evidence. Do you think it is a big challenge trying not to treat digital information any differently from other information? MC: This is yet another challenge that the Police Force is doing. We have the Cybercrime Unit who is responsible for these particular crimes. This Unit works in co-ordination with other Units and Squads depending on the cybercrime reported. This Unit is also being beefed up once more Police Officers are recruited. MBR: A case that springs to mind concerns the Police Inspector who caught the right criminal and the Inspector who caught the wrong one, with the first being brought to court on certain misgivings. The Police had correct information which it could have acted upon but it did not go the upward channel of communication it should have and so the information was misused, with the result being negative consequences on the Police Corps…

Malta Business Review

MC: I believe that we have a very good communication system between us. For example whenever a report is lodged, it is archived and accessible to all members of the Force. Each member has his or her own username and password to access this information. Even though this login protocol was compromised in the past, I have ascertained that a new procedure was established to allow more accountability and better auditing to ensure that things are done in a serious and responsible way. So, communication is there already. The problem might be the zealousness and pride by the officers who solve the case. This may result in a lack of communication or, let us say, competition which, mind you, if positive, is healthy. However, in the case you cite, it was definitely not. As far as I am concerned, I always promoted healthy competition in the Squads I headed as this was always beneficial. When I used to manage other divisions within the force, I used to initiate investigations myself, then delegate to other Inspectors to continue them. As the whole Police Force, we are now a big team and we must move forward gradually yet diligently. And we have already started reaping some rewards. In fact, in one of my early meetings with my senior officers, I emphasised that I do not want cliques but teams that in turn will form up the Malta Police Force as a unified team. MBR: How does the public look at the current situation of the recent gang activities? How do you pacify the man in the street with regards to this topic? MC: We are here first and foremost to safeguard and guarantee the safety and security of the public. It would be presumptuous of me to give a hundred per cent guarantee but we do a lot which is intangible, things which cannot be publicised and therefore cannot be appreciated. These actions cannot be discussed in public. In fact, although some of the cases you are referring to are as yet unsolved, others were successfully brought before the courts. On the other hand, I am also concerned with petty crimes. Hence, this new approach of having more uniformed officers on our streets may be one way of better preventing them and stepping up security. This is, however, only one of the many measures we are currently working on. In fact, district officers are now also being complimented by the Traffic Police, Rapid Intervention Unit, Vice Squad and Drug Squad, the Mounted Section and the Dog Section, all of which conduct patrols organised according to the exigencies of the day.


Malta Business Review


MBR: What are the investments that the Police are doing in HR, education, and training, so that these three pillars of reorganisation, as well as administration, are implemented and these bear the results expected? MC: We have already started discussions with the Police Academy’s Board regarding training, so that we can implement a new curriculum, particularly for new recruits. So much so that we have stopped the refresher courses we used to hold in order to better focus on their training. This new curriculum addresses the duties of those constables on the front line, such as professionally and efficiently dealing with reports and complaints, regardless of their severity and interacting with people, especially victims of crimes, such as domestic violence and sexual offences. MBR: Let’s go down to the district level of towns and villages. Don’t you think that we face a situation that with every report made to a police constable, whether it is true or false, or whether it is simply an allegation made to spite people and put them into disrepute, all these reports are ending in court cases, which in turn, add on to the endless cases pending in court, and besides add the burden on the Courts of Justice with trivial/petty cases, when such cases can be heard at local council level? MC: I understand. Yet, this is not something that can be tackled by the Police since this is a legal matter. This is the way the process is and we have to adhere to it as enacted by law. However, having said that, several cases are already being heard in tribunals. The majority of traffic offenders, for instance, are brought before a local tribunal, significantly reducing the courts’ workload. MBR: What is your strategy in order to create this new culture that is required within the police force with a touch of human practice? MC: Rest assured that I have been assiduously working on this issue from my first day in office. The importance of a good and positive approach of the police towards the public. Police officers at every rank must understand that citizens who seek our assistance expects to be served, if not there and then, at least


very quickly and the public must be served by right and not by favour. One must bear in mind that this follows a change of mentality and this takes time. Here I can freely say that we have already made good progress in this respect. MBR: So what do you think needs to be done to redress all of this? MC: The mentalities and attitudes adopted must definitely change. However, I will not lose heart and have seen changes for the better in the past seven months. Respect must be shown towards the hierarchy of the Force. Something which I strongly believed in and practiced throughout my long career. There have been instances where I had to drew the attention of my subordinates because they either failed at what they were doing or did not work with the expediency required. Then again, I am happy to say that I have also congratulated numerous officers for their work, some of whom have gone beyond their call of duty to help others, be it while on duty, as they are obliged to do, and also while off duty. MBR: What do you expect the future will give you personally, in merit that you have practically devoted your life to the Corps? And what is the greatest satisfaction that you take with you once your term is over? MC: Personally, I do not seek any gratification. Once I retire and bring my career to a close, I will become history. However, when I look back, and I can say that I have made positive changes in the lives of the Maltese people. When an officer is awarded the long and efficient service medal, the fact that he or she served in the Force for a long time does not mean anything. But if he or she did something positive, achieved something worthy and has been a catalyst for change, regardless of how big or small that change was, then he or she

contributed to improving the life of our citizens. I have done that while assigned to several Squads and Police Branches, especially when I headed the Drug Squad. Today, I have been entrusted with greater responsibility of the Police Force. Notwithstanding, I have definitely given my maximum and unconditional loyalty, energy and commitment. And that is the only way I perform: To the maximum. MBR


Commissioner Michael Cassar enlisted in the Malta Police Force as a Constable in 1979. Mr Cassar was assigned district policing duties before being transferred to the Criminal Investigation Department and Airport Security. He was eventually promoted to Sergeant in 1981 and Inspector in 1984, where he was posted at the Vice Squad, Immigration Branch, District policing, Corradino Correctional Facility and Fraud Squad. In 1993, Mr Cassar was detailed at the Vice Squad and in 1995 he formed up the Drugs Squad and was the Head of the newly set up Squad. In 1996 he was promoted to Superintendent and in 1997 he was promoted to Assistant Commissioner. Throughout these years of fruitful service, he was also entrusted with heading the Vice Squad and Economic Crimes Squad, with the latter being also set-up under his charge. Mr Cassar was eventually appointed Head of the Malta Security Services in 2013 and Commissioner of Police in 2014. Throughout his successful career, Mr Cassar represented the Malta Police Force in a long list of conferences, seminars and courses, both locally and overseas, particularly those related to narcotics and economic crime. His receipt of the Long and Efficient Services Medal and Two Clasps, which denote thirty years of active service, bear testimony to his commendable contribution to the Malta Police Force.

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Malta Business Review


Turning the Tables: Researching Gambling Research By Profs Rebecca Cassidy

We normally think of anthropologists studying ‘exotic’ cultures – ancient tribes that live in faraway places. But how about cultures that are closer to home? Professor Rebecca Cassidy has devoted herself to anthropological studies of European cultures of gambling. In the ‘Gambling in Europe’ (GAMSOC) project – funded by the ERC – Prof. Cassidy and her team have taken this a step further, and conducted an anthropological study of the gambling research community itself.


he gambling industry in Europe, which is already worth an estimated EUR 89 billion, is undergoing rapid growth and change. Having resisted the economic downturn, gambling is expected to be worth EUR 351 billion globally by 2015. The nature of gambling is also changing: the impact of online gambling, cross-border gambling companies and other new phenomena enabled by technology are a source of concern to legislators and consumers, and are still poorly understood. That is why the GAMSOC project – having applied anthropological research methods to the relationships between gambling and religion, gender, age, social class and regulation – then set out to apply them to the world of gambling research. “It is more important than ever to look at how knowledge on gambling is produced,” explains Prof. Cassidy. “As anthropologists, we participate in the same culture as the people we are investigating. And we feel this gives us a unique perspective to ask ‘Why do we not understand gambling better?’” Broadening the field The project’s report, entitled ‘Fair Game: producing gambling research’, concludes that gambling research currently is too heavily dependent on industry support. It also finds that the industry is often reluctant to share data with researchers – and there is a lack of transparency around relationships and influence between industry and researchers. “Our report shows the need to separate fundraising from research,” says the professor. “We want to open up the debate: What is evidence? How does this shape the debate?” The project concludes that research is often limited in its aims, tending to focus only on 26

individuals whose gambling has become pathological. Funding is often only available for research into people for whom gambling has become a ‘problem’ or addiction, rather than the wider social and cultural implications for a society where gambling is ever more prevalent. “Research funding is often limited to looking at ‘problem gambling’,” says Prof. Cassidy, “with an implicit assumption that gambling is OK for others. But this closes down questions about the broader community and gambling’s impact.” “The question is: how robust are the mechanisms for the protection of the public now?” she says. “There tends to be resistance to regulations until the research community can produce ‘causal evidence of harm’. But in many cases it might not be possible.” The report includes detailed recommendations which the researchers hope will influence future support for research in the field. They suggest, for instance, setting up a professional code of ethics, funding research into a wider range of topics using a wider variety of research methodologies, and levying the gambling industry in order to provide public funds for such research. Hands-on research The four researchers in the GAMSOC team had previously carried out in-depth case studies of different gambling cultures – Chinese casinos, croupiers in Slovenia, mobile gambling in emerging economies, and Cyprus blackjack tables – published in 2013. “For my previous research into horse racing, for example, I lived and worked in Newmarket,” Prof. Cassidy explains. “But for this project, the research community is very widely distributed, so we spoke at conferences, attended events

and organised interviews glossary/term/291 with stakeholders.” In all, the project approached 143 people, with 109 being interviewed. The primary focus was in the UK – with 67 subjects interviewed there – but also covered Hong Kong, Macau and Slovenia, which are in strong contrast to the mature UK market. “There was no homogeneous industry line,” Prof. Cassidy emphasises. “We found very diverse industry opinion – producing information that the field has not considered before, including very candid responses to the question: ‘why is research limited?’” “Thanks to funding by the ERC, we have enjoyed a privileged position that allowed us to really examine how gambling research is carried out – in a way that would be impossible without that independent support,” says Prof. Cassidy. “It encouraged us to take risks, asking difficult and less-obvious questions. It’s a feature of ERC Starting Grants that we are encouraged to go outside the field and ask new questions.” MBR All Rights Reserved | © Copyright 2015

More information: Prof. Rebecca Cassidy’s website: http:// GAMSOC project blog: http:// Project: GAMSOC Principal Investigator: Prof. Rebecca Cassidy Host institution: Goldsmiths College, University of London, United Kingdom Project: Gambling in Europe (GAMSOC) ERC call: Starting Grant 2010 Project duration: 5 years ERC funding: EUR 1 200 000

Malta Business Review


Real Estate Insights Survey 2015 Earlier this year, Re/Max Malta commissioned the “Real Estate Insights Survey”, which is complete quantitative survey on the property trends and dwellings in Malta so that the agency can better understand the Maltese real estate market and deliver cutting-edge industry information to the community. This is undoubtedly part of Re/Max’s commitment to the general public to deliver an unprecedented service to buyers and sellers in Malta and Gozo, so that they will be in a position to make more knowledgeable decisions when dealing with their property requirements.

18.4% of the sampled population owned a secondary residence, compared to the 15.5% average in Europe.  Just 0.6% owned their second home abroad while 23.9% of second residences were located in Gozo, 12% in St. Paul’s Bay and 7.6% in Marsascala.   The majority (38%) of the respondents that owned a second home said that they used theirs as a vacation property whereas 33% of the respondents said their second homes were used for investment purposes.  This statistic shows that the Maltese believe in investing in brick and mortar, whether it is for personal use or an investment. Re/Max delved further into the housing expenditure whereby the interviewers asked the respondents how much they spent, including their mortgage, maintenance and utilities, from their annual income.  The overall average spend on housing amounts to 26% of the total household income. When compared to the European average, the Maltese spend 14% less, which means that though our utilities are somewhat on the high side, we spend less on housing.


he study was carried out by Informa Consultants and consisted of quantitative research through a questionnaire which also integrated a number of questions used internationally to assess trends in property purchases and dwelling compositions. The objective of the study was to dig deeper into the actual understanding of the household by asking relevant questions. The survey reveals fascinating results which we would like to share. One of the facts from our findings is that the majority of households in Malta live in either terraced houses or townhouses (34.4%), 29.4% live in flats/apartments, while 28.9% live in maisonettes/groundfloor tenements. According to this survey, 67% of the population has never moved house whereas, on average, persons in Malta only move house 1.4 times in their lifetime. This is an interesting statistic since the average European moves house 4 times (source: europeans-only-move-four-times-in-theirlives). It is also quite astonishing to see that


The second part of the survey concentrated on the number of people living in each residence and the size of the average household itself.  It transpired that 3 residents live in the majority (29%) of the sample households, whereas there are 4 and 2 residents living in 27% and 26% of the sample

households respectively.  The households where only 1 person lived accounted for 4.8%, whereas those homes where 5 persons and more lived accounted for 12.2% of the sampled households.

The last part of the survey focused on the behaviour process of a property purchase. This constituted a number of questions related to a previous property purchase. 31% of the targeted population participants said that they initially turn to newspapers, with 28.2% stating they would go to a real estate website, whereas 27% said they would talk to their local real estate agent directly. The most critical factors when searching for a property were price (68%) and location (56.2%), while type of property and layout followed with 27.8% and 24.8% respectively. Furthermore, the time and number of properties it took the respondents to find a home during their last property purchase experience, is also noteworthy. On average it took people four months to find a home, during which the respondents visited an average of eleven properties before they made up their mind. The full report goes into further details and can be found MBR

Malta Business Review


Understanding & Facing Realities By Martin Vella

“It is clear that we need to invest further in renewable energy for the sake of our environment and the conservation of our planet,” declares Miriam Dalli with her unmistakable vigour and determination. In her first interview after her successful MEP election, Miriam tells us why it is imperative that we differentiate sources and routes of energy, the need to have an energy mix and also stresses the importance to give utmost priority to the refugee crisis and enhance dialogue to provide security and stability in the Mediterranean. MBR: You have had quite a remarkable journey from a journalist to a full time mother, to a successful lawyer to MEP candidate. How have you evolved and adapted through this journey? MD: My sister and I were both fortunate to have parents who followed closely our academic development and support us all along the way. I further consider myself lucky to have got into journalism at a very early age. I can say without any doubt that my journalistic career helped me mature faster and provided me with the required skills to work efficiently, effectively and manage time better. In everything I do I try to do the most I can and I try not to waste time. That’s why I read for different University courses whilst working even when I took over new responsibilites. I met John and then Jack came into our lives. I have to admit that it is not always easy. It is hard work but we are a strong team, John, Jack and I. John and I make it a point to support one another in everything we do, and it was in this spirit that we decided that I will be a candidate for the MEP elections in 2014 and here we are today! MBR: As Malta’s most promising new MEP you sit as a full member of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety. What have been your assignments and contributions on this Committee? MD: The Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee (ENVI) is the one of the leading legislative committees of the European Parliament and it is also my main committee. In ENVI I am mainly working on promoting a resource-efficient and sustainable Europe and 30

on fighting climate change, including a particular focus on Air Quality. During the past year I was entrusted to work on three different reports for the environment Committee. I represented the whole committee including other political groups in the discussions known as trilogues, between the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Council on the ‘European Fund for Strategic Investment’. This was a report I worked on to ensure that any projects funded through this Fund will be environmentally sustainable and resource efficient. I focused in particular on Energy Efficiency and alternative fuels, renewables and innovative medicines and health services. My main concern here was to make sure that this financial instrument will finance those projects which are innovative in nature even though they can entail a degree of risk. It is useless having a fund which will finance the usual projects if we truly want to give the EU economy the boost it requires.

It is useless having a fund which will finance the usual projects if we truly want to give the EU economy the boost it requires At the moment I am currently working on a report which targets Euro 5 and Euro 6 cars with the ultimate aim of ensuring less emissions from vehicles. Air Pollution remains one of the major sources of pollution all across the EU and Malta is no exception to this reality.

With this report we want to ensure less pollution is emitted from new vehicles. In the environment committee I worked on behalf of the Socialist and Democrats Group on the European Energy Security Strategy dossier. This strategy addresses medium and long-term security of supply challenges, with a particular emphasis on energy efficiency and also on the Mediterranean as a potential source and route for energy. One particular report which is close to my heart is the Blue Economy report on which I have been working through the Industry Committee (ITRE). I believe that here is a niche area which we, as Maltese, can tap into and which can create economic growth and job opportunities. MBR: You also are an active member of Peti - Committee on Petitions and DMAG Delegation for relations with the Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb Union. Can you tell us how are you tackling PETI and highlighting the situation in Malta on the challenges that the island faces in order to incorporate these concerns with DMAG? MD: The PETI committee discusses petitions that European citizens present to the European Parliament in order to highlight an issue or another they face and where they ask the European Parliament to take action where a matter falls within the competence of the European Union. The petitions touch on a wide range of subjects and can vary from the very technical, to serious cases to other more specific issues. I make sure to go through the number of petitions which are


presented and when Malta is involved I make it a point to scrutinise the details of the case. In reality it was a number of petitions on immigration which brought together my work in the PETI Committee and the Maghreb Delegation. However when it comes to immigration it is my work in the Civil Liberties (LIBE) Committee which has a direct link with my work in the Maghreb Delegation. Particularly since Libya is constantly on the agenda of the Maghreb Delegation due to the instability that is currently reigning and since the majority of immigrants crossing the Mediterranean are at the moment leaving from Libya. MBR: Why do you feel there is need to establish mechanisms whereby member states on the periphery of Europe are not the only states which should carry the responsibility for mass amounts of migrants? MD: The refugee crisis that we are facing is of epic proportions and it will not slow down any day soon. I believe that Europe needs to enact real solidarity in this issue as it is obvioulsly unacceptabe that the border countries particularly in the Mediterranean and Eastern Europe carry the brunt of the problem on their own. The Dublin mechanism is clearly unfair to border member states as it obliges the state of arrival to be responsible for the asylum applicant even once that applicant is successfully granted refugee status. It is evidently clear that as we have emphasised for long, the Dublin Regulation is a complete failure and should be changed immediately. Furthermore any voluntary schemes for distribution of immigrants have evidently failed and we need an obligatory system so that all Member States carry their responsibilities together. MBR: What is your opinion regarding the Austrian Proposal of resettlement, which encompasses a distribution key in order to ensure fair distribution of migrants? MD: Having a distribution key is at the heart of the discussions being carried out at the moment particularly after the European Commission presented its Agenda on Migration for the years 2015 – 2020. It was a great disappointment that the EU leaders did not even agree on the distribution key that was proposed and instead settled for a voluntary scheme, which in all frankness will not work. The discussion should not be on whether we need such a distribution key or not, but rather on how this distribution key should be implemented in the most effective way. Countries on the periphery like us and Italy do not have the luxury to shrug off their responsibilities and other countries should shoulder their responsibilities too. MBR: As a substitute member of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, whose remit includes border

control and security issues, what is your standpoint on Libya? MD: I believe that after the revolution that ousted Gaddafi, all of Libya, Libyans and all those living in the country desreve stability and further democratic and financial development. I fully support the current diplomatic efforts bythe United Nations support mission to Libya (UNSMIL). However, the peace talks between the two political authorities, one based in Tripoli and one based in Tobruk are proving to be lenghty and complicated. Over the last months I have been doing my utmost in the European Parliament to stress the need that the EP must focus its attention on Libya. If the EU, the international community and the UN do not see to the end this stalemate we might be heading towards long months of instability, not only in Libya, but also in the Mediterranean and the EU as reality is showing us right now. Over the last weeks I have sent a letter together with over 60 MEPs calling for the reality of people trafficking in Libya to be included in the Libyan Peace talks led by UNSMIL. We do not afford to let the international community put aside what’s happening in Libya. The instability in Libya is having an impact on all of the Mediterranean and should be addressed immediately.

The Dublin mechanism is clearly unfair to border member states as it obliges the state of arrival to be responsible for the asylum applicant

MBR: How has your relationship with EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs Federica Mogherini developed and where does it stand, particularly with the situation on illegal immigration/Libya? MD: Federica Mogherini is a regular visitor to our Socialist and Democrats group meetings and I had opportunities to interact and discuss with her. Federica Mogherini was committed to keep in touch with the European Parliament from the very beginning and her attitude confirms this. She is very present during the debates in the Plenary Session in the European Parliament. I think that having the High respresentative responsible for Foreign Affaris coming from a Mediterranean country means that we have a senior politician who can understand the realities that our region faces every day. MBR: The Commission is proposing an Energy Union. Why is this an important step forward? MD: Having an Energy Union which functions properly is of utmost importance particularly when considering security of supply. It also touches upon stability and an energy mix which has to point towards clean energy

Malta Business Review

production as much as possible. It is further important to ensure that the reality of energy isolated member states such as Malta are taken into account. This is what I will be emphasising on in my work both in the Environment and the Industry and Energy Committee where the Energy Union Strategy is going to be discussed and formulated. MBR: Can you tell us about your policy initiative on youth entrepreneurship? MD: During the MEPs election campaign I came across a mixed reality of youths who are not managing to enter the job market and others who have good business ideas but who seem not to have the appropriate guidance to start off their start-up. This led me to team up with student organisation AEGEE-Valletta in order to take action. The project consists of three events held in Malta and Brussels with the ultimate aim to come up with a final report including all the policy recommendations we would be presenting to the Minister for the Economy Dr Chris Cardona and the Minister for Education and Employment Evarist Bartolo as well as European Commissioner Elizbieta Bieńkowska, who has already expressed her interest in the project. Our ultimate aim is to influence directly upcoming policies on this topic. MBR: Do you maintain that SMEs have been burdened by too much regulation and what can be done to address these shortcomings so that these may be included in the Commission’s work programme? MD: The majority of SMEs in Malta are microenterprises, having a much smaller operation, fewer employees and possibly being even family run. This kind of business set-up needs to be duly recognised in EU legislation rather than grouping all SMEs together. SMEs are very diverse in their nature. Alongside other MEPs, including British MEPs, I have been highlighting this aspect to the European Commission. I also decided to take action on this particular aspect by developing another policy initiative which I will be driving alongside the General Retailers and Traders Union and the Malta Employers Association, with the participation of Commissioner Elizbieta Bieńkowska. Following the reasoning behind the youth entrepreneurship project, this initiative will also propose changes to current EU legislation. Amongst the different laws that we intend to analyse there is the Small Business Act, the Services Directive and possibly other specific areas covered by the Waste of electric and electronic equipment directive and the Regulation on the provision of food information to consumers. Topics we will certainly deal with will be compliance, bureaucracy, labour laws, accounting and other aspects that have a direct impact on the everyday running of these businesses. MBR All Rights Reserved | © Copyright 2015


Malta Business Review


Fostering Business Development (Part 1) by Martin Vella

Malta Business Review caught up with the intrepid and affable Chev Maurice Mizzi, President and Co-Founder of the Maltese-Chinese Chamber of Commerce, to discuss the Malta-China business climate. Chev Mizzi told us that with the global development of IT now is as good a time as ever to reach out and explore business opportunities in China. On the other hand Chinese entrepreneurs are eager to tap every opportunity for exporting their products thereby enriching themselves as well as the motherland since most of them are patriotic and nationalistic. Mr Mizzi accentuates why the MCCC would like to see more Chinese companies setting up shop in our islands and would like to help so that this dream will become a reality. MBR: As President and Co-Founder of the Maltese-Chinese Chamber of Commerce, can you highlight some of the opportunities that exist for Maltese companies wanting to do business in China? MM: With the largest population and the second greatest economy in the world, China is an ideal market for Maltese companies, particularly in financial markets and education. China’s top import is machinery and transport equipment with non-edible raw materials coming second. Chemical products, mineral and fuel materials, textile and rubber products come next. It is interesting to note that the agricultural marketing reform which

It is a challenge to tackle the Chinese market with a Maltese product since unlike Chinese companies, Maltese industru lacks economy of scale was liberalised in 1978 has since moved to a growing number of other sectors and China has created a number of economic zones and foreign investment incentives in order to promote this progress. Moreover, since the country’s accession to the WTO the Chinese Government has abolished many trade related regulations, reduced significantly

many customs tariffs and reformed the transparency of its market regulations as well as its legal system. At the end of 2014 China registered an economic growth rate of 7.7 % and a GDP of USD 9420 billion. This is largely composed of services and industry, mainly manufacturing. China is unique and many opportunities exist for the entrepreneur who is prepared to devote his time and energy in exporting to this country. The main challenge is the fact that most of the products which are produced in Malta are being produced in China at a fraction of our price. A great deal of European manufacturing units has migrated to China which is one of the main reasons for Europe’s never ending small recession. An area which could benefit Malta is tourism which could be divided into Chinese students visiting Malta and attending one of the many schools of English, and Chinese holiday or business visitors. However apparently for some unknown reason it is not easy for a Chinese national to obtain a visa for Malta MBR: What advice on doing business in this dynamic market would you give to new entrants?

At the Malta China Forum in Canton


MM: The easiest way for a Maltese entrepreneur to start a business in China is to identify a reliable Chinese partner. Besides speaking the language the Chinese would know the pitfalls as well as the prospects of the market.


There are several cantons in China and each one has different regulations for importers. It is vital to identify a region and concentrate all ones efforts there. Another way is to employ a consultant to guide you to the many opportunities which China offers. A meeting with an expert on China from one of the institutes such as HSBC would guide you away from the many hazards and into safer territory. Furthermore the MCCC welcomes any request for help in exporting to China or in importing from China. Malta has over 700 small and medium manufacturing companies. Most of their products can be exported. However, it is a challenge to tackle the Chinese market with a Maltese product since unlike Chinese companies, Maltese industry lacks economy of scale. The difference in wages and salaries between Malta and China would also make it difficult to promote a product manufactured in Malta. However the situation is not as bad as all that and Maltese industry have won a few battles. During January to May this year imports increased from 51.6 M Euros to 77.7M Euros while exports increased from 11.5 M Euros to 29.1 M Euros. Beer is being successfully

The investment by these two Chinese companies in Malta is significant since it will undoubtedly encourage other Chinese companies to follow suit exported from Malta to China. Textiles from one of Malta’s factories are also finding themselves in China while ST Microelectronics are responsible for a great deal of our exports. Furthermore many Chinese entrepreneurs have ambitions to establish themselves in the EU and the Middle East and the Maltese entrepreneur has the right skills to serve as a bridge or a partner in these ventures. Malta is geographically and strategically placed to help any country to penetrate commercially European and North African markets. MBR: What advantage does the double taxation agreement signed between China and Malta in 2010 provide to Maltese companies doing business with, or in China? MM: A double taxation agreement was signed between Malta and China in 2010. This was

Malta Business Review

an important step in encouraging business relations and investment opportunities for both Maltese as well as Chinese entrepreneurs. The DTA with China means that the Maltese tax system is treating trade and tax with Chinese companies in a similar manner as it treats European ones. The result of this agreement has encouraged both trailblazers Shanghai Electric Company and Huawei to venture into what to them would have originally looked like unchartered waters. The investment by these two Chinese companies in Malta is significant since it will undoubtedly encourage other Chinese companies to follow suit. Malta also has been included in the Maritime Silk road, a Chinese strategic initiative to increase investments across the historic Silk Road. When this Chamber was formed its main aim was to entice large Chinese companies to invest in Malta. However nobody believed that these ventures would have happened in such a short time. Malta like most countries needs foreign investment and the Chinese RMB or the Yuan is as welcome in our islands as the American dollar. MBR All Rights Reserved | Š Copyright 2015

Chev Maurice Mizzi, President and Co-Founder of the Maltese-Chinese Chamber of Commerce with Foreign Minister Dr George Vella


Malta Business Review


The History of OPI T

hrough continuous growth and innovation of the 10 exhibitions, today ’ s OPI has become a barometer reflecting future trends and the convention center where senior decision makers flock together, as well as an information platform reporting the latest demand from both audience and exhibitors. The world was changing at March,2011 when the 1st OPI was launched at the Shanghai International Convention Center. It was the first exhibition that attracted real estate developers and agencies from the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia to attend the exhibition. There is no doubt that it was a brand-new attempt for the real estate industry in America, Britain and Australia at that time. This exhibition aiming at covering the whole real estate industry shown the public all kinds of overseas property for the first time, which involved the range of high-end together with low and medium end. Since then, OPI promptly established its absolute prestige not only in Shanghai but also in eastern China. Serving as the tide of overseas property exhibition, OPI reflected and made specific discoveries about future trends. Furthermore, the organizer of OPI also achieved the goal of creating a flexible information platform to reflect audiences and exhibitors’ demands and the changes in market. In the context of rapid expansion of China’s overseas investment market, open investment and the acceleration of China ’ s modernization, OPI developed to a new height in 2013 when the number of overseas property exhibitors reached as much as 113, and the visitors grossing at 33,039. There were approximately 150 overseas real estate developers and immigration serviced agencies from more than 40 countries participated in this grand event held twice a year. The number of exhibitors has 34

quadrupled that of 2011, so does the visitors. Such attendees as real estate developers, real estate brokers, famous chain of real estate company, immigration serviced agencies, internationally well-known law firms, accounting firms, immigration agency and industry associations exhibited a series of products to their target audience, which included luxury properties, villas, apartments, land, investment projects, resettlement projects, audit projects. The professionalism and diversity OPI hold are unparalleled among similar exhibitions. During the past 9 exhibitions, audiences’ interest in overseas investment has increasingly grown. New exhibitors from emerging immigrant destination countries like Spain, Cyprus, Portugal, Greece in Europe, Dubai, Saint Kitts together with Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore in Southeast Asia have added great success to OPI’s rapid development for their active participation in OPI from 2013 to 2015. Therefore, it is evident that OPI has been keeping pace with the times. Constant communications with exhibitors, industry associations and other organizations successfully ensured OPI ’ s unremitting innovation. Apart from being a symbol in real estate exhibition, OPI added also forum, seminar and conference into it ’ s profile, enriching both the content and spirit of OPI. In the course of 10 successful exhibitions, OPI has been enjoying the most magnificent reputation in the exhibition industry. OPI has become a necessity and the first choice for many exhibitors, ranging from real estate developers, real estate brokers, famous chain of real estate company and immigration serviced agencies to internationally well-known law firms, accounting firms, immigration agency and industry associations. MBR All Rights Reserved | © Copyright 2015


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10th Overseas Property & Immigration & Investment Exhibition/Shanghai, 2015

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Malta Business Review

Show Time: 11th-13th September 2015 Venue: Shanghai International Convention Center (No.2727, Riverside Avenue, Shanghai, China) Organizer: Shanghai Formote Exhibition Service Co. Ltd Space: 5000 sq.m Expected exhibitors: 130-150 Expected visitors: >30,000 Accompanying Events: Luxury International Property Show The best platform to showcase worldwide real estate & investment projects to the Chinese buyers! This is the best platform for overseas exhibitors to explore the Chinese market and meet face-to-face with Chinese high-networth buyers. Each year, the show attracts over 100,000 visitors and over 500 exhibitors who hail from all four corners of the world to showcase their luxury properties and real estate services.

Exhibitor Profile Overseas Real Estate Developers and Agencies; Land, Farm, Chateau Investments; Investment Projects; EB5 Projects and Regional Center; Immigration Serviced Agencies; Law Firm; Banks and Financial Institutions; State & Local Government/ Associations/Chambers


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Malta Business Review


Emanating Enthusiasm by George Carol

When Stefan De Battista ultimately decided to set up his own design studio, he had been working across a range of interior projects, as well as being involved in product development with a creative philosophy that concentrates on progressive design resolutions extending from an experimental standpoint. We interview the Twelve Works Director to find out more about how his business is rising to success. MBR: Can you tell us a bit about your background, your creative team and design projects that range from print to digital/web media? SDB: Twelve Works is a small design studio based in Malta, founded and run by Stefan De Battista. The services offered by the team at Twelve Works focus on web and interface design. Throughout the course of his studies, Stefan specialised on Graphic Design and Graphical Communication at Targa Gap, Mosta, and later studied Art and Design at the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology. Following his studies Stefan founded Twelve Works where, together with a creative team, he focuses specifically on affordable design projects that range from print to digital and web media, website design and development, interface design for web applications, and print media such as editorial design and stationary. When he is not designing, Stefan may be found in his art studio creating art and sculpture, inspired by organic and tactile elements. MBR: What about your approach? SDB: Whether the end product is a high traffic portal, corporate website or blog, we craft it to the highest web and design standards. With more than eight years of experience in the industry, we strive for high quality work even if pressed by tight deadlines. We are always open and enthusiastic to discuss new and interesting projects. MBR: How do your failures influence you? Why are they important? SDB: Every business faces hurdles from time to time, nonetheless the most important 36

photo by

attitude in this respect is to fail forward. Our approach at Twelve Works is to focus on fun and enthusiasm. Whether we are designing a website for a restaurant or a retail advert, we ensure that the end result emanates our enthusiasm and passion for design. The extra spark in our work together with effective ideas and good planning ensures that our business does not suffer significant setbacks. The worst attitude for an entrepreneur is to grow disheartened by small obstacles and failures.

The extra spark in our work together with effective ideas and good planning ensures that ]our business does not suffer significant setbacks

MBR: How does the current competitive climate and your experience with previous downturns affect what you do? SDB: There has been an upward trend in local competition over the last years. An effective strategy in the face of increasing competition is to value the client relationship. For instance, offering reasonably priced packages for our services together with a professional attitude towards our clients have proven to be effective measures that avert significant downturns. We have been approached by individuals searching for better design services after previous disappointing experiences. The client satisfaction is something that we take very seriously. MBR: What does the future hold for 12works? SDB: We work hard to expand our clientele on an international level in search for larger


scale projects that provide us with increased opportunities to present contemporary design ideas. This is advantageous and attractive because you get to share ideas and receive valuable feedback from a creative team of art directors, photographers and digital marketing specialists. At present, we are also developing a new online concept relating to client relationship, a project that will further enhance our effectiveness vis-Ă vis the needs of the client. BR MBR: What is the recipe of managing a small business? SDB: Managing any type of business requires skill. One of my mentors has taught me that repetition is the mother of all skill, which means that mastering a skill requires dedicating time and effort everyday in order to reap rewarding results for your hard work. This does not mean that managing a small business successfully

AREAS... THIS IS WHAT WE DO Websites and Digital Media Concept design of interfaces and websites, email marketing, blogs, personal websites and portfolios. Illustrations Digital and technical illustrations, concept art and print media.

I regularly read books that inspire me to search for key opportunities to grow and differentiate myself from competition‌ equates to sitting at your desk for the whole day, seven days a week. On the other hand, I have found that setting clear and reachable goals and prioritising effectively between them helps me work efficiently. Starting early in the morning is also a healthy habit which I have chosen to adopt in order to increase my productivity. Time is a scarce resource for an entrepreneur and hence good time management is crucial. The early hours of the morning provide a pocket of time during which distractions are minimal, allowing me an early head start towards a productive day.

Malta Business Review

MBR: What does it take to become a successful entrepreneur? SDB: The potential for success brings challenges for burgeoning entrepreneurs that wish to make a name for themselves in their respective fields. Nonetheless, mental preparation to face the obstacles without throwing the towel is essential for successful business growth. The challenge to defeat burnout and stay inspired and motivated can make the difference between success and failure. Every morning I listen to motivational talks and podcasts by accomplished business persons and designers, since these help me to get the most out of my working day. I regularly read books that inspire me to search for key opportunities to grow and differentiate myself from competition. Successful entrepreneurs are ones that maintain a positive mental attitude towards their business. MBR All Rights Reserved | Š Copyright 2015

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Malta Business Review


Express Trailers Trusted with Transport of Classic Cars for Mdina Grand Prix Express Trailers has this year been trusted again with the transportation to Malta of 10 classic cars from the United Kingdom. These classics, are due to participate in the fifth edition of the Mdina Grand Prix. The event, which is fast becoming one of Europe’s most interesting classic car races, will be attracting around 65 classic car owners mostly from Malta, the UK and Italy.


xpress Trailers is the largest operator to and from the UK. When it comes to car transportation, the company is a leader in the sector where it’s two car transporters are constantly completing trips to and from the UK on a weekly basis. “Being trusted with the transportation of such prestigious and priceless collectables confirms the high reputation that Express Trailers enjoys in the sector,” comments Franco Azzopardi, Chairman and CEO of Express Trailers. “The organisers are fully aware of the risks involved in transport and logistics of such vehicles but they are also aware that our business is into risk and that our job is to use our experience, our infrastructure and the expertise of our professional people to minimise this risk. The success of Express Trailers is built on a great team and it is the combined effort that always ensures a safe and seamless delivery. This is why people want to work with us – because we don’t just deliver but we deliver trust,” added Franco Azzopardi.

Josef Abela from the Mdina Grand Prix’s organising committee notes how safety remains at the top of the event’s agenda all the time. “We are constantly aware that a serious accident or mishap can jeopardise the event. From months ahead, many people are involved with the safety aspects both with the competing cars , the general public and the circuit safety. As organisers, we carry out various risk assesments together with the relevant authorities and experts like the CPD, Red Cross, Police and the Local councils involved.”

The great thing of working with a reliable company like Express Trailers is that we always found them when we needed them most. Collaboration with Express Trailers started from the very first event in 2007 with its active involvement in the logistic operations related mainly to circuit construction and dismantling. As the event evovled into an international one, Express Trailers started supporting with the tranportation of foreign participating cars to Malta. “The great thing of working with a reliable company like Express Trailers is that we always found them when we needed them most. In 2011 for example, a number of protective hay bails wre stolen overnight from inside the circuit without which the Sunday


event could not start for safety reasons. Express Trailers came to the rescue when on Sunday morning at 5:00am they transported new safety equipment in literally less than an hour from when we contacted them,” recalls Josef Abela, one of the organisers. “We know that with Express Trailers, the Mdina Grand Prix is in very safe hands. We saw this even a year later during the 2012 edition when Express Trailers successfully transported ten Bugatti racers from all over Europe including the UK , France and Italy,” added Josef Abela. Just like Express Trailers’ commitment to deliver the best service, the Mdina Grand Prix Foundation strives to deliver the highest standards especially as we keep promoting this event on the international calendar for classic car racing. In order to deliver the best possible product one has to naturally be supported by the best possible brands and service providers. Express Trailers is one such brand,” concluded Josef Abela. MBR All Rights Reserved | © Copyright 2015

Malta Business Review


What I’d Give... By Martin Vella

At an early age she decided she wanted to follow music as her path, and began writing her own pop songs. Ira Losco is now enjoying the music business the way she likes it. With her next studio album due out in 2016, Ira is reaching a new level of artistry, creativity, and, perhaps, identity. The music she makes today is summery and blissful, much like her sense of style. In this interview, Ira talks about her new BMW 1 Series, the kind of music she likes doing and the importance of stage presence.

MBR: Tell us a bit about the features of the New BMW 1 Series and what difference has it made? IL: First of all, I am not going to mention the brand , but I used to drive a very steady car before and I was very happy with it. However when you start driving a BMW, you definitely feel the change. MBR: What are the visible changes? IL: The visible changes is that it has a smoother drive, steadier and compact rearwheel-drive and elegant sporting exterior design. It has a economic diesel engine runs 40

I consider the stage as my extended living room and I want the audience to feel welcomed and at home extremely smooth and is complimented with BMW TwinPower Turbo technology. When I started driving it, I didn’t realise it had certain features like the eco-pro and the sport feature with large air intakes. It felt so different, the power upon pressing on the speed pedal was awesome, giving an unforgettable and dynamic moment, which I really enjoyed. As I said, you are talking to someone who is no car

expert . I have park-assist front and rear and it also has a camera, which is very helpful and useful . Not that I had problems with parking in reality so I’m quite good at that, but the added feature makes it easier to fit in those tight spaces especially when parking slots aren’t that easy to find. And the intelligent allwheel drive, makes every road, every corner and every driving situation a pleasure. MBR: Ira, can you rewind back to your first Eurovison experience… 7th Wonder, propelled you to where you are now- you were young, precocious; you won the boys’ hearts too, and you lost by a whisker. What can you tell us about it?


IL: Initially, I started with an alternative band so my roots where profoundly deep into alternative music and to be honest I didn’t even know that this song festival even existed in Malta. With that said, ocassionally I used to follow the Eurovision yearly show with my family and used to enjoy it as any kid would enjoy it, full of hype and gimmicks. I have to say at the time, the songs were in my opinion a bit Euro trash. The story has changed quite a bit nowadays and it is more respected and valid in the music industry. In a way i’m glad that I did it back in 2002 but unfortunately the industry used to snob it back then. During that year, it was the Latvian entry which won, and I ended second, by 12 points only. MBR: Your stage presence really made a big difference at that time, I am not an expert, but I love music and I follow music; music that fills a hollow world at times. In reality, I admit there was competition, but I think that stage your stage-presence was very important. IL: You can have good stage presence by moving around with high energy as well as just standing still. It can be as simple as the expressions on your face and how appealing your smile is to the crowd. How you move your arms… the choreography and clothes, or costumes are equally important, but not as much as how it matches the music. It is hard to "develop" stage presence when it’s not backed up by good music. I consider the tags as my extended living room and I want the audience to feel welcomed and at home. Stage presence is extremely important and especially so nowadays when the music industry is so visual.

Malta Business Review

That’s the exciting part of being an artist; its building your new portfolio, while exhibiting a bigger effort to perform in front of your audience The quality of the songs that are entering the said festival has improved as last year’s festival clearly shows. There are record labels and management companies which are sending some of their top artists because it is now considered one of the biggest TV productions and of course this makes it valid as a platform. Nowadays, the music industry is looking for outlets where they can spend less money and gain more from an artist. Before it was very different when labels were ready to risk much more to develop an artist’s career. Record labels used to put in huge amounts of money into an artist or a band that they believed in. They used to give them a good advance, and they used to allow them to create their album, then just put them out there into the world. And if it worked, it was accepted it would have worked out for all parties. However whilst Eurovision, X factor and all these TV shows are a great platform it does not necessarily mean there’s a guaranteed career after. One Direction, ABBA and recently Loreen are not necessarily the rule of thumb here but it does make it appealing of course to the industry. MBR: Does Ira Losco take a lot of risks? IL: I prefer to see myself as a go getter. I calculate risks carefully but do not shy away from challenges either.

MBR: Don’t you think we do lack when it comes to stage presence, putting up a huge choreography show with dancers, special effects and stuff ? IL: Well I wouldn’t say that in general we lack it, there are many people who go out of their way to provide a professional show. Don’t be easily fooled that it is the creativity that lacks but rather budgets. In EUROVISION for example there’s a price to pay if a country wants customised visuals. So of course it might also boil down to that. MBR: Tell us a bit what you are doing now and also what lies ahead? IL: I have recently returned from a trip to Germany, where I was performing in front of international journalists and I’m in the process of hopefully signing an international deal with a brand who invited me over but that’s still on the table. I’m also currently writing a number of songs for my new album in the recording studio and preparing for the new forthcoming release. That’s the exciting part of being an artist; its building your new portfolio, while exhibiting a bigger effort to perform in front of your audience. MBR: What about the entrepreneurial spirit within Ira Losco, can you tell us something briefly about that? IL: I guess It’s always been in me. Since the age of 19-20 I wanted to be an entrepreneur. Ultimately it’s my business, it’s my act, it’s my project and I have to make it a reality . Turning music into a career can be a very tricky deal especially when the creative side goes against the business side. Ultimately it’s all about being honest to who you really are and your audience will always appreciate this. MBR Photo Credits: Brian Grech; Allen Venables; Brands Promo

MBR Editor & Publisher Martin Vella with Ira Losco and her BMW Series 1

All Rights Reserved | © Copyright 2015


Malta Business Review


The Jack of All Trades is a Master of None, Especially When it Comes to Waterproofing By Antoine Bonello

There are various types of waterproofing membranes, the best ones on the market are made from resin and polyurethane, they are designed to withstand our harsh climate, but when and where do you apply them?


e know it All… and we have been doing this type of application for many years… This classic phrase is what we usually hear in the building industry by many selfthought applicators. The fact that a person is doing the same thing for many years does not qualify it as the right solution. A good waterproofing system for our island must withstand heat more than water. Two important products that are leaving their mark in this field are resin and polyurethane, they are designed to be used in foundations, pools, roofs planters etc. Every project has its particular exigencies. And this is absolute when it comes to waterproofing and resin flooring. NP5 Resin are usually designed for foundation walls and planters they can easily stop mould, humid and most of all they are all root repellent, thus preventing any damages caused by roots. Those designed for roofs are fibre reinforced and can withstand heat and movements. Unfortunately Materials do not speak so they can’t defend themselves when someone applies them wrong, and this happens a lot. The Malta Professional Waterproofing and Resin flooring Association was formed with an 42

aim in mind, to teach and promote the correct use of materials and proper workmanship. The Association constantly organises seminars on the matter where prominent Italian Resin architects and installers are brought over to share and show the constant innovations that are being developed in this field. Some of these innovative products include the NAICI Resin Thermal membrane, that besides waterproofing it is able to reduce heat intake by 90%. It is also designed to resist for years the severe Maltese summer and is elastic enough to expand during concrete movements. An Important factor is the environment, Bitumen products melt at low temperatures, create heat intake and are considered a hazard to the environment. Acrylic products on the other hand do not have a good resistance to UV rays and do not last more than a winter or two. Companies like NAICI are constantly researching and creating products that are made with environmentally friendly materials with knowing that good waterproofing system for our island must withstand heat more than water. These materials can be applied with ease and are available at The Resin and Membrane Centre.

On the other hand resin flooring can satisfy any design style demand, and is typically greatly recommended were a high standard of hygiene is required, whether in homes, Hospitals, Clinics or any other premises. It can be used were resistance to oils and acids is a must, particularly in industrial premises. Resin floors are effortless to clean, scratch resistant and visually appealing. Unlike other types of flooring, resin floors do not make use of joints and therefore is easier and faster to finish and add a new dimension to flooring.


Resin floors can be applied directly on the existing floors saving you the hassles and costs associated with dismantling and removal of debris. NAICI resin floors are certified to be used in the food industry and were a high sanitary level is required or when you want to create a unique artistic place.

The NAICI International Academy together with the Malta Professional Waterproofing and Resin flooring Association and The Resin and membrane Centre are regularly organising seminars with regards resin flooring for those who wish to learn how to implement them. This academy is renowned

Malta Business Review

in Italy for its constant dedication in the trade Industry. MBR For more information visit The Resin and Membrane Centre showroom at 264 Old railway track St Venera, Malta


Malta Business Review


The Other Guys By George Carol

In this interview, John Catania, Director with The Other Guys maintains that of the most important ingredients to be a good entrepreneur is sheer determination, focus and the drive to succeed even when the going gets tough.

MBR: How does it feel to be recognised as the winner of Malta’s Best Start-Up Company of the Year? JC: Any form of recognition is a privilege to our business. Winning the Start-Up company of the year is a great honour as it reaffirms that not only are we doing a good job in terms of our client services but also in our growth and development as a company. Receiving this award indicates we are moving in the right direction and paving the way for future success. MBR: What are the key initiatives in your opinion that have made the difference to win such prestigious awards? JC: One of the key initiatives we have always emphasized at TOG is to be different. Trying to break into an already saturated market with a number of established agencies was never going to be easy. Being different and continuously striving to find ways to be innovative were both key initiatives to ensure we turn heads and our leave a mark in this industry. The digital world can be turbulent at times, as new trends and technologies are constantly emerging, it is vital to adapt and keep up with the times. Like in many industries, 44

clients often feel the relationship with their suppliers leaves much to be desired, especially in our industry. This was an opportunity for us to be different by providing a good solid service to our clients through which we would retain a positive relationship with our clientele. Our aim is to invest 100% in every project no matter the size or complexity.

A good entrepreneur must be able to identify and invest in individuals who are not only brilliant at what they do, but also fit in to the company culture MBR: How do you motivate people to build and create something, and to share in the success?

JC: The fact that TOG is made up of young ambitious individuals means the motivation level is at its peak in our office. The team is continually working to produce the best results they are capable of both individually and finally as a team. Client satisfaction is the reason behind all this which proves to be a great source of motivation and rewarding feeling. Being a good leader does not only entail steering the company in the right direction, but also giving the right amount of credit on a job well executed, this keeps the team properly motivated. MBR: Edmond Harty states, “Innovation to me is like baking a cake: you have a lot of ingredients and it’s how you combine those ingredients together that makes something your customer likes. It’s not splitting the atom.” What significant is innovation to The Other Guys?


JC: Innovation is embedded in TOG in several ways. The business model, the way we handle our client relationships and the way we produce the work for our clients. Innovation is part of the TOG culture. MBR: What range of leadership skills do successful entrepreneurs need to have? JC: There are a number of qualities an entrepreneur needs to start and develop a successful business. It is very easy to lose sight of the bigger picture, especially during the initial stages of the start-up when things are often happening at a fast pace. We found that besides having long term goals, setting short term goals or milestones as we like to call them, helps ensure that we are moving in the right direction and keep our feet on the ground. Building the company with a solid team with a passion for the work they do is essential. A good entrepreneur must be able to identify and invest in individuals who are not only brilliant at what they do, but also fit in to the company culture and ensure they gel with the rest of the team. Effective time management is vital. It is very easy to get caught up with the day to day running of the company and lose precious time.

Pressure is inevitable and sometimes even the most experienced in the field require some help in making decisions. It is therefore important to learn to ask for help whenever you need it otherwise you risk making a mistake which could have been easily avoided.

One of the most important ingredients to be a good entrepreneur is sheer determination, focus and the drive to succeed MBR: Do you consider this award a recognition of your business model? JC: Having good leaders in the team are a key part of the equation which results in a successful business. We thrive on the customer’s experience therefore it is essential to make sure every team member in the company understands this is part of our business and needs to be respected, no matter how daunting the task at hand is and to always treat your client with respect. At the end of the day, this award has proved that our business strategy and the execution of the overall processes is a successful one. MBR: Is thought leadership a key component of your entrepreneurial success?

Malta Business Review

JC: Thought leadership is a crucial component for us as a team but maybe not in the conventional way. While each of us always seek advice and listen to those who inspire us, internally we work on allowing every member of the team to lead throughout. We find it’s important in an industry where creativeness is vital to listen to opinions, ideas and advice of those who are knowledgeable and experienced. MBR: When the opportunity came about to be the lead participant in this prestigious event, did you feel the qualities you had would fit the role and has there been a learning curve? JC: Every day you are faced with new challenges and situations. This was the first occasion where TOG was nominated for a set of awards and the whole team stepped up to the occasion to make an impact before and on the night. Emotions can run high but the key is to maintain composure, whilst we are grateful and happy for receiving the award, we must continue to build on our success. MBR: What are the key ingredients to being a successful entrepreneur? JC: As previously stated, an entrepreneur must possess a variety of different qualities. One of the most important ingredients to be a good entrepreneur is sheer determination, focus and the drive to succeed even when the going gets tough. Success is rarely achieved overnight. Being able to pick yourself up and carry on is one of the key ingredients to being able to call yourself a good entrepreneur. MBR All Rights Reserved | © Copyright 2015

From left to right: Jason Potter, John Catania, Clive Vella, Ian Fenech Conti


Malta Business Review


International Trade: July 2015 Provisional data for international trade show that the trade defi cit in July stood at €222.3 million, down by €77.4 million when compared to the corresponding month of 2014.

Imports declined by €58.2 million while exports registered an increase of €19.1 million. The decrease in the value of imports was primarily due to mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials (€91.5 million). Other recorded for food, chemicals, mber 2015 decreases | 1100 hrswere | 162/2015 miscellaneous manufactured articles, and animal and vegetable oils and fats.

value of exports was triggered by lower mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials (€178.5 million), and machinery and transport equipment (€20.4 million).

January-July 2015

During the fi rst seven months, the trade defi cit widened by €410.5 million, to €1,700.2 million Regarding exports, mineral fuels, lubricants when compared to the corresponding period and related accounted for the a last year.defi Imports by €250.3 million, minary figures showmaterials that Malta registered trade citincreased of €222.3 main increase (€19.9 million), with chemicals, while exports registered a decline of €160.2 n in July miscellaneous 2015, compared to €299.7 millionmillion in the corresponding manufactured articles, food, (Table 1a). Higher imports were mainly h of 2014. semimanufactured goods, and beverages and due to machinery and transport equipment tobacco also registering increases. (€700.8 million), while the decrease in the

: July 2015

Level 2 Certificate in Art, Design and Creative Studies

ry-July 2015


The Level 2 Certifi in defi Art,cit Design and by €410.5 million, to €1,700.2 the first seven months, the cate trade widened Creative Studies is designedperiod to meet when compared to the corresponding lastthe year. Imports increased by €250.3 following aims a decline of €160.2 million (Table 1a). Higher imports were while exports registered due to machinery and transport equipment (€700.8 million), while the decrease in • was Introduce the basic skills mineral and techniques ue of exports triggered by lower fuels, lubricants and related materials of art and design disciplines 5 million), and machinery and transport equipment (€20.4 million) (Table 2).

Balance of trade (€)

Imports (€)

Exports (€)

























Explore creative potential within art and disciplines trade imports design from the European Union reached €2,144.7 million, or 56.3 per cent MODULES • Develop an understanding of visual imports. There was an increase of €272.0 million in imports from euro area countries 1. and Using and handling media and materials language and formal elements relating to ompared to the same period last year. Main increases decreases in imports in art and design art and design disciplines egistered from the Netherlands (€191.3 million) and the United States of America 2. Researching and developing • Develop On and practical andincrease 4 million) respectively. thebroaden export side the main was directed to Franceideas through practical application of techniques technical skills, encouraging creative million), whereas Libya (€76.6 million) registered the highest decrease (Table 3)  3. Working to a brief in art and design potential 4. Investigating information and developing Chart 1. International trade research techniques The course is a first step into Art, Design and n 5. Developing and handling media and Creative Studies and provides an introduction materials into the sector with the development of 6. Recognising and applying visual language practical skills and the flexibility to suit and formal elements within production individual requirements in a variety of different techniques craft areas. 7. Working to set brief It also provides learners with the opportunity GUIDED LEARNING HOURS to apply more advanced principles and This course comprises one lesson per week of 2 techniques, including detailed forms of hours and the duration is 6 months. Lessons are research and experimentation, a wider use held at the training centre in Floriana but visits and appreciation of materials and design to museums and art galleries can be included. concepts, along with a wider range of tools, 2009 equipment, 2010techniques 2011 2012 from 2013 2015 to do a project, The student2014 is expected and applications assignments and carry out extra reading a craft and design perspective.quarter Q2


| 16

Preliminary figures show million in July 2015, comp month of 2014. Courtesy of NSO - External Cooperation and Communication Unit

International Trade: July 2015

onal data for international trade show that the trade deficit in July stood at €222.3 down by €77.4 million when compared to the corresponding month of 2014. Cut-off ofdate: s declined by €58.2 million while exports registered an increase €19.1 million 1a). The decrease in the value of imports was primarily to mineral fuels, 28due August 2015 nts and related materials (€91.5 million). Other decreases were recorded for food, als, miscellaneous manufactured articles, and animal and vegetable oils and fats. ding exports, mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials accounted for the main e (€19.9 million), with chemicals, miscellaneous manufactured articles, food, semiactured goods, and beverages and tobacco also registering increases (Table 2).


Malta’s trade imports from the European 3 September Union reached €2,144.72015 million, |or 1100 56.3 perhrs cent of total imports. There was an increase of €272.0 million in imports from euro area countries when compared to the same period last year. Main increases and decreases in imports were registered from the Netherlands (€191.3 million) and the United States of America (€164.4 million) respectively. On the export side the main increase was directed to France (€19.8 million), whereas Libya (€76.6 million) registered the highest decrease. MBR

Provisional data for internationa million, down by €77.4 million Imports declined by €58.2 millio (Table 1a). The decrease in th lubricants and related materials chemicals, miscellaneous manu Regarding exports, mineral fuels increase (€19.9 million), with che manufactured goods, and bever January-July 2015 COURSE RECOGNITION This course is recognized locally by the National Commission for Further and Higher Education

During the first seven months, million when compared to the co million, while exports registered a COURSE FEE due to machinery and tra mainly The fee is Euro 800 which is paid as follows: the400 value of exports Euro on application and the was balancetriggere either on the fi rst day of the course or in two (€178.5 million), and machinery installments of Euro 200 each.

Malta’s trade imports from the E of total imports. There was an inc when compared to the same pe were registered from the Nether (€164.4 million) respectively. On Classes are smallmillion), to guarantee individual attention. Libya (€ (€19.8 whereas ON COMPLETION On completion the student can further his/ her studies in design and can work as assistant to the designer. This is an ideal opportunity for those interested in embarking in a career in design which is a growing industry with great work opportunities. MBR

Lecturers are highly qualified. The lecturing team is international.

€ million 2,000


Malta Business Review


Workplace Coaching Today By Jes Camilleri

Workplace coaching is no longer considered to be just a buzzword or an HR fad that only a few select companies would consider implementing as a strategic tool. Nor is it limited to top executives who do not have the time (or the inclination) to sit down for a training session with members of their staff in a classroom environment. As Percy Zeus and Suzanne Skiffington wrote in The Coaching at Work Toolkit, “coaching is increasingly recognised as a methodology for creating more effective conversations, for assessing and reformulating values and goals, and reaching solutions”.


n recent years we have seen more and more organisations develop a “coachingstyle” of managing and leading their teams. This is in stark contrast to the traditional “command and control” style of management which is widely regarded to be no longer effective in today’s environment where rapid response, creativity, resilience, and individual effort and performance are essential in order to remain competitive. With various employee engagement surveys confirming that less than one in three employees feel engaged at their workplace it is no surprise that we are witnessing a number of organisations reinvesting in their people and empowering them through a number of workplace initiatives. Coaching seems to be the one that many organisations are placing a lot of faith in due to the well documented ways in which it has impacted performance and workplace behaviour in a number of organisations worldwide. Coaching has come a long way from its origins in the 1980s. Today coaching can be delivered both one-to-one or in teams. It can be delivered face-to-face, via phone or even via video or web chat applications. It can tackle personal or work issues and it can also be used as a follow-up to classroom training in order to embed the learning achieved in the individual learners’ day-to-day role. It can be used to assist employees achieve their predefined goals using well-established coaching models like GROW and can also be used as a framework around which one can structure performance appraisal and as a process to change workplace behaviour. 48

This is in stark contrast to the traditional “command and control” style of management which is widely regarded to be no longer effective in today’s environment

After more than thirty five years of organisations implementing coaching as an organisational change tool we can now start to see how effective it has been in implementing change in both individual behaviour and organisational culture. Despite the fact that it tackles one employee at a time, coaching has been shown to deliver a high return-on-


investment. This is because the investment in a targeted approach on select key individuals can have a profound transformational effect across the whole organisation and delivers a far-reaching impact on its culture. The power of coaching as an agent of change comes from its customized approach and ability to adapt to the unique requirements of each client. Moreover, when coaching is combined with formal training, the impact on changed behaviour of the coachee is dramatic (nearly 4 times greater) increasing behaviour change from 22% to 80% (Olivero, Bane, & Kopelman, 1997). The link between coaching and business strategy is becoming ever stronger. Coaching can be used as a strategic tool both during the planning and the implementation process. Coaching is particularly useful to bolster management competencies and practices that facilitate the strategic process. Strategy development provides opportunities for both individual and team coaching designed to maximize outcomes, establish clear roles and relationships, and ensure that new and existing competencies contribute to measurable results. Companies that have used professional coaching for business reasons have seen a median return on their investment of seven times their initial investment, according to a study commissioned by the International Coach Federation, and conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers and Association Resource Centre Inc. (ICF Global Coaching Client Study, 2009). A study commissioned by a professional services firm, and performed by

MatrixGlobal showed that the ROI on coaching was 6.8x the initial investment. (The Business Impact of Leadership Coaching at a Professional Services Firm, Merrill C. Anderson, PhD, 2006). Employees at Nortel Networks estimate that their coaching programs earned the company a 5.2x return on investment and significant intangible benefits to the business, according to calculations prepared by Professor Merrill C. Anderson, (Coaching the Coaches, Psychology Today, 2004, and Case Study on the Return on Investment of Executive Coaching, Merrill C. Anderson, PhD, 2001).

Coaching uses all of the coach’s knowledge and experience to enable the coachees to create and develop their own best practices Despite increasing its breadth and scope over the years, coaching has maintained some important characteristics that continue to define it from other tools at the disposal of the organisation. In particular, workplace coaching is neither therapy nor counselling. Coaching is not designed to support individuals in times of deep crisis or serious emotional trauma. It is not designed to help individuals overcome feelings of intense grief, deep depression or other psychological conditions .Although coaching uses some of the same processes of counselling, coaching is more about creativity, performance and action, while therapy deals with resolution and healing of the past.

Malta Business Review

Although coaches will use their experience to diagnose situations and give opinions or advice at times, coaching is also distinct from mentoring or business consulting. Coaching uses all of the coach’s knowledge and experience to enable the coachees to create and develop their own best practices, connections and resources. Finally, coaching is not training. Coaches might impart information, but they encourage and guide those they coach in developing their own skills and knowledge. Workplace coaching can and does improve performance in individuals, teams and the organisation itself. Many companies who have successfully used coaching as a strategic tool find that their employees take responsibility for their own functions. This changes their attitude from a reactive to a proactive one and opens up their thinking to new and more effective ways of working leading to a continuous improvement change process. MBR All Rights Reserved | © Copyright 2015


Jes Camilleri is an ILM accredited coach with ThinkTalent, an HR outsourcing, consulting and development company made up of seasoned and experienced practitioners with a proven track record in the industry. Jes has contributed to the growth and success of a number of different organisations, in different industries and in a variety of senior management roles both locally and overseas.


Malta Business Review


Empower Migrants to Live Interview with Dr Ahmed Z. Bugri, Director Foundation for Shelter and Support to Migrants, Marsa Open Centre By Martin Vella

Negative perceptions and discrimination, especially toward black African migrants, are still a major barrier to employment of migrants in certain sectors of the economy. Let’s learn more through this interview with Dr Bugri. MBR: What pushes a person to leave their country and what are the immigrants’ expectations of more developed countries? AB: There are several causes of forced migration, of which I will mention three. First, the main cause of forced migration is armed conflict and persecution. For people fleeing from their country due to war or persecution their motivation is to find safety and peace to rebuild their lives. Second, people are forced to migrate because of the failure of the development and trade policies of developed countries, which have led to inequalities in opportunities and income distribution in least developed countries. People from least developed countries migrate to improve the conditions of their lives by finding work, education, and opportunities to support their families. Third, increasingly people are forced to leave their countries because of the effects of climate

change and globalisation. Floods, drought, and natural disasters caused by climate change and its effects force people to migrate. This is the case in sub-Saharan Africa and other parts of Asia. The motivation of these people is to have a better live and to be able to care for their families and provide a better future for their children.

Contrary to popular opinion, the expectation of migrants is to find peace and security and the respect for their dignity and human rights It is important to note here that the developed world receives only a fraction of migrants from developing countries. Usually, people migrant internally from rural areas to urban centres, and it is only when they do not succeed that they attempt the journey to Europe or other developed countries. Contrary to popular opinion, the expectation of migrants is to find peace and security and the respect for their dignity and human rights in the case of refugees, whilst for other migrants the expectation is to find work to fulfil their dreams of a better life and to earn money to care for their families. MBR: As founder and CEO of Foundation for Shelter and Support to Migrants, what is it that you, along with your organisation, do in order to accommodate immigrants?

AB: The main objective of FSM is to empower migrants to live dignified lives and to contribute positively to the community in which they now live. In this regards, temporary shelter and support is essential if the migrant is to integrate in the society. The Foundation does not just provide temporary shelter to migrants, but also provides trauma-informed care and support to them in order to enhance their eventual integration in the Malta society and Europe. The Foundation has a multidisciplinary care team consisting of a medical doctor, a psychologist, social workers, care workers, security personnel for access control, and the management. Services provided to residents include counselling, educational causes in language acquisition, cultural orientation, basic computer courses, food hygiene and health promotion. MBR: Do you consider employment as a key tool for the integration of immigrants within a society? AB: Yes, employment is one of the main key tools for integration of migrants in society. It does not only empower migrants to live independently in the community and to contribute positively to the country and society at large, but also employment provides migrant with the social networks and a new healthy identity. Most migrants are the only life and economic support for the rest of their family. Remittances by migrants have become a major economic contributor to developing countries. Thus, employment is not only a key tool for the proper integration of migrants, but it is also contributes to both the local economy and the much needed development of countries of origin. MBR

Migrants attending educational programme at Marsa Open Centre


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Malta Business Review

Managing Mobility By Natalia Parfenova

MBR Corporate Interview with Malta Employers Association Director General, Joseph Farrugia, who discusses immigration and tells us that as long as there are people, Maltese or otherwise, who are willing and able to work, and the economy is competitive enough to generate productive jobs, there should not be any major issues as far as employers are concerned. MBR: Do you consider employment as a key tool for the integration of immigrants within a society?

The situation also calls for long term planning as Maltese society has to come to terms with the fact that in many cases, second generation migrants will aspire towards upward social mobility through better education and standard of living, and will thus expect and be entitled to equal opportunities. This will also enable them to contribute more to our economy.

JF: As long as these people are staying in our country, it would be better if they are engaged in productive employment. Many of them are skilled people, and may also have skills which are lacking in our labour market. In cases where these migrants are settling in Malta employment is an essential requisite for integration as work gives dignity to a person, and through their productivity, migrants will also be contributing to the economy.

our world our dignity our future

MBR: What are the barriers preventing immigrants from accessing decent jobs in Malta?

MBR: How do low-skilled immigrants fare in relation to higher skilled ones?

JF: It is evident that the labour force in Malta is becoming more cosmopolitan, and currently there are more than 20k foreigners working out of a total labour force of 160k. This number has increased steadily over the past ten years and this trend is envisaged to continue in the future. Therefore Maltese employees are becoming more accustomed to working with foreigners. In some cases there are reports of racist attitudes but I believe that in general there is a cultural adaptation to work with people who come from different background than ours. MBR: What needs to be done ensure that immigrants can contribute to the Maltese economy, thus integrating better within society? JF: The integration of migrants should be a part of a national social inclusion strategy. It has been the experience of other countries that the social exclusion of ethnic minorities is the source of many problems and divisions within society.

JF: As with Maltese people, low-skilled immigrants fare worse than higher skilled ones, and are more likely to end up in jobs with substandard conditions of employment. However immigrants with refugee status and a work permit are much more likely to have similar working conditions to Maltese employees, as they are fully protected by labour legislation. Those without a working permit are constricted to work in the informal economy which does not offer such protection. This is where the vast majority of allegations of exploitation occur, as conditions of employment will be completely determined by the relative bargaining power of the employer and the person seeking employment. MBR: How does the Malta Employers Association (MEA) address immigrant-related employment issues? JF: The MEA does not distinguish between persons. It is consistent in its advice to its members, which is for employers to adhere to

The project is co-funded by the European Union

their legal obligations and to expect productive work in return. As long as there are people, Maltese or otherwise, who are willing and able to work, and the economy is competitive enough to generate productive jobs, there should not be any major issues as far as employers are concerned. MBR: Are there any changes that should be implemented within Malta in order to adapt to the country’s diverse workforce? JF: A diverse workforce is a manifestation of globalisation. In today’s world, markets, consumers, supply chains, culture are all becoming increasingly globalised. With greater labour mobility, even the labour force is adopting a more international character, with more foreigners working in Malta, and an increasing number of Maltese seeking employment elsewhere. Perhaps the biggest challenge is to manage such mobility to ensure that, in terms of human capital, Malta will be in a position to be more competitive and generate more investment to increase the overall standard of living of its citizens. What worries people the most is not the diversity of the labour force, but the fact that the extent of the influx of migrants is, as yet, not managed and in this respect our society is dealing with an unknown quantity. MBR Both interviews were conducted as part of MEUSAC’s EYD2015 Media Campaign All Rights Reserved | © Copyright 2015


Joseph Farrugia has occupied the post of Director General of the Malta Employers’ Association since 2001. He is also a visiting lecturer at the Department of Marketing at the University of Malta. Mr Farrugia has extensive experience in marketing consultancy and human resources management. Between 2010 and 2013 he served as President of the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology. Mr. Farrugia sits on the board of directors of the Employment and Training Corporation, the Employment Relations Board and represents the MEA on the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development.


Malta Business Review


Nilara’s Paint It Black Collection Charms Russian Celebrities in Moscow!


ilay Camilleri the owner of the Maltese Fashion Brand Nilara has been invited as guest of honor to the prestigious MRS RUSSIA 2015 mrsrussia event in Moscow, which took place on Saturday the 8th August 2015 at the ESTET JEWELERY HOUSE (which is the venue hall of the biggest Diamond Production Facility in Europe). MRS.RUSSIA Pageant is organized by WOMEN`S PLANET Foundation which also has an International department in Malta. In fact the collaboration between Nilara and MRS. RUSSIA started last year within QUEEN OF THE PLANET 2014 https://business.facebook. com/queenoftheplanet contest organized by WOMEN`S PLANET at Corinthia Hotel in Malta. The Foundation WOMEN’S PLANET stands for motherhood, family and children support. This organization is very famous in Russia. In fact MRS.RUSSIA 2015 celebrated 15th anniversary this year attracting local and international

celebrities and artists congratulating the organizers! The judging panel consisted of many famous people: Mrs. Irina Dzhalialianc - Beverly Hills based sculpturist, Mr Yurin Rozuminternationally acclaimed Pianist who in fact has a music school in Malta named after him. Mr. Alexander Piatkov – famous Russian Actor, Alexander Deriabin – international scientist, Mrs. Ekaterina Dibrova – the president of RHANA Japanese medical Corporation together with Nilay Camilleri who was the exclusive designer of the show. Nilay Camilleri as the owner of Nilara Brand has been celebrated during the event as a Maltese Designer and the show has been opened by the famous Paint It Black Collection accompanied with Live Performance of the famous Violinist from Peru Mario Durand. Paint it black collection has earned standing ovation from the guests, and Ms Nilay Camilleri has been awarded by

the vice-president of the contest MRS.RUSSIA 2015 Ekaterina Camilleri an exclusive Nilara tiara for being a successful business woman and at the same time being a mother of two children. Nilara´s Paint it Black Collection has been shown on local TV and Ms Nilay Camilleri has been interviewed by local Journalists. The winner of the contest MRS.RUSSIA 2015 is Ekaterina Kirmel, the mother of 6 children from St.Petesburg. The event has been already published on numerous local media including NTV Russia, Lifenews Russia, Vesti TV, Reporter tv etc. All the finalists were awarded with exclusive Nilara evening dresses! This prestigious event has hosted some 1.100 VIP Guests, and created an amazing introduction of the Mediterranean Island Malta and international awareness of the Nilara Brand. MBR All Rights Reserved | © Copyright 2015



Malta Business Review

Deputy PM Louis Grech Announces Setting-up of the Malta Development Bank


he Acting Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Louis Grech, this morning announced that the Malta Development Bank will be set up within 3-4 months, after he indicated that considerable progress has been made in clearing the concept and the Bank’s intended operations with the European Commission. The Bank will also play a prominent role in the implementation of the European Fund for Structural Investment in Malta. The announcement was made when the Deputy Prime Minister met Jyrki Katainen, European Commission Vice President responsible for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competiveness. Vice President Katainen is in Malta as part of his ‘road show’ tour, which he is giving to all EU member states to explain in more detail and promote the launch of the €315 billion European Investment Plan, the Flagship Project by the Juncker Commission. EFSI will make an important contribution to Malta’s development. Primarily it will focus on SME’s and mid-caps, and will target projects that will incentivise more creation of jobs, long-term growth and competitiveness. EFSI

will be managed by the Ministry for European Affairs under the watch of the Deputy Prime Minister Louis Grech. Managing such an initiative would entail in disseminating information about EFSI, assisting potentially interested parties in making applications for financing and also will give advisory services to help business in assessing project feasibility. Malta has already some projects that are being shortlisted and that could be funded by this plan, mainly the Marsamxett breakwater and development of Malta’s port. Besides this project, Malta is evaluating other projects that fall under the remits of Infrastructure, Transportation, Energy, Health and Education. This plan will complement the Malta Development Bank. This Bank could form a logical conduit for these Funds. As such this Bank can cluster together a number of smaller projects generated by SME’s and present them jointly for consideration by the fund. It is an ideal instrument to implement EFSI because it could co-finance projects together with the private financial institutions and could also guarantee or co-guarantee loans.

The Deputy Prime Minister stressed that the status quo on migration is not tenable and that this goes beyond solidarity; the European Union cannot have a knee-jerk reaction every time an atrocity occurs. It is more evident than ever before that this is not a Mediterranean issue, not even a European issue but an international duty. The European Union has acted too little too late on this issue and the closing of borders does not mean that the human tragedy would stop. In conjunction with international fora such as the United Nations, the European Union should find a comprehensive solution that addresses saving lives and sharing of responsibility. MBR All Rights Reserved | © Copyright 2015


Malta Business Review


Creditinfo acquire Credit Bureau in Morocco from Experian C

reditinfo are pleased to announce that they have entered into a definitive agreement to acquire a credit bureau operation in Morocco, from Experian. The office is based in Casablanca, and at this stage has no intention of moving location. Creditinfo is a leading service provider for credit information and risk management solutions worldwide. It has developed, through its multiple subsidiaries in more than 25 countries and 9 partner companies operating Creditinfo credit bureau systems, numerous innovative products and services from official and customer information sources to facilitate best practices in credit risk management. Creditinfo has been shortlisted and awarded in several tenders supported by World Bank, IFC, Millennium Challenge Corporation and other international organisations. Creditinfo has headquarters in Reykjavik, Iceland, and it employs around 300 people worldwide. Mr. Kristinn Agnarsson, Head of Credit Bureau Expansion of Creditinfo Group added “New operations in Africa are a strategic priority for Creditinfo and we are pleased to have acquired an operation in Morocco with existing employees who have a great deal of expertise in both the credit industry and the local market. We are also eager to bring our own expertise and proven capabilities to the marketplace, particularly that gained from our operations in 7 other African countries. By combining our capabilities with those of the existing staff, we plan to ensure a smooth transition, so that the customers will not experience any inconvenience or difficulties with the service. ”


Mr. Agnarsson added, “We will actively bring greater structure and strategic direction with the aim of further increasing the stability of the Moroccan financial system and stimulating investment and financial inclusion, to create an environment in which the Moroccan banks can provide improved facilities for all borrowers, ranging from small enterprises and micro enterprises.” Through the exchange of information, credit reporting systems can be established to enable financial systems to use accurate information to offer credit based on objective criteria. The result is lower risk and costs for the creditor and increased economic opportunities for SMEs and members of society and especially for those at the bottom of the financial pyramid. Creditinfo will design, integrate and implement

strategic solutions to improve credit risk management procedures in Morocco. Mr. Reynir Grétarsson, CEO and majority shareholder of Creditinfo Group welcomes the acquisition to the Group advising “Experian Morocco is an established business in the Moroccan marketplace with a talented team of dedicated employees, which will be an asset to our existing team. Creditinfo has made the strategic decision of investing heavily in financial infrastructure in Africa in the coming years. The new operation will enable us to speed up this expansion, while also providing us with indispensable knowledge of local specifics through the existing employees.” MBR For further information please contact: Creditinfo Group - Tel. +356 2131 2344


Malta Business Review

BOV awards Prize in Medicine to Dr Greta Maria Mattocks Dr Greta Maria Mattocks is this winner of this year’s BOV Prize in Medicine. She was the student achieving the highest marks in the final qualifying medicine exams at the University of Malta. Dr Mattocks was awarded the prize by John Paul Abela, Manager Media and Community Relations in the presence of Professor Stephen Montfort, Head of the Department of Medicine at the Medical School. “Bank of Valletta supports excellence in various fields of study through the Education pillar of its Community Programme, which covers a broad spectrum of the community”, said John Paul Abela. “The BOV Prize in Medicine which we have instituted years ago together with the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery within the University of Malta serves to encourage students to pursue their goals, whilst rewarding excellence and commitment,” he explained. Thanking Bank of Valletta for its support over the past years, Professor Montefort confirmed, “Obtaining the highest grades in the final qualifying examinations in medicine at University level is a great achievement. The BOV Prize in Medicine is an incentive for our students to strive harder. This award is presented to the student who obtains

BOV Prize in Medicine 2 - Left to right: John Paul Abela, Stephen Montefort and Greta Maria Mattocks

the highest mark in the final qualifying examination in medicine.” Dr Montefort explained that Dr Mattocks’ performance had been consistent throughout her academic years. She went on to cement her hard work when she distinguished herself by earning

the highest grades in the final examination.” Bank of Valletta congratulates Dr Mattocks and augurs her well for her career. MBR


Malta Business Review


Worldwide luxury residential real estate as ‘opportunity gateway’ for UHNW Individuals


he last report published by Wealth X in collaboration with Sotheby’s International Realty demonstrated that collectively, the world’s Ultra High Net Worth Individuals currently have around 10% of their collective net assets invested in real estate around the world and are looking to place more investments in luxury real estate worldwide as a way of diversifying their holdings.

Malta’s citizenship programme enables foreign nationals to purchase one property anywhere across the island, although more than one property situated within Special Designated Areas (SDAs) can be bought. All the island’s luxury lifestyle developments fall within this compiled list and most of them are located in prime, highly sought after locations in the island’s commerce, leisure and activity hubs.

As a result, they are looking to invest their money in destinations that are capable of offering a distinct lifestyle option. The latest and third report published this year by Wealth X in collaboration with Sotheby’s International Realty reaffirms that the Ultra Wealthy are indeed buying homes as ‘opportunity gateways’ for diversification and citizenship or foreign residency. Malta’s citizenship programme is a good long-term investment

“Malta currently enjoys the highest economic growth rate across all 28 European Union member states and its citizenship programme supports malta’s economic development through foreign investment, allowing all the benefits attached to being Malta citizen to foreign individuals and their families who contribute to Malta’s economy. In addition, the Mediterranean island offers a highly advantageous fiscal policy with a flat tax rate, has a diverse real estate market, and a hospitable local population.” - Michael J.Zammit, Joint Owner and director, Malta Sotheby’s International Realty

Malta Fact file: 35 – UHNW POPULATION 2 – NUMBER OF BILLIONAIRES US$2.5 – MILLION AVERAGE LISTED PRICE (FOR HOMES OVER $1 M) US$678 – AVERAGE PRICE PER SQUARE FOOT 4.2 – AVERAGE NUMBER OF BEDROOMS 59 – AVERAGE AGE FINANCE, BANKING & INVESTMENT – TOP INDUSTRY 77% – PERCENT SELF-MADE US$160 MILLION – AVERAGE NET WORTH SPORTS – TOP HOBBIES FRANCE, GERMANY & UNITED STATES – TOP COUNTRY FOR FOREIGN OWNERS The exciting news for Malta is that the island is deemed to offer a good long-term investment opportunity. In the past year, market volatility in certain nations, particularly in China, has led buyers to seek homes in economically and politically stable locations as a hedge against market instability at home and Malta offers the desired stability in both regards. In view of this scenario, Malta’s citizenship programme enhances the island’s position as an attractive location for investment, especially as the EU is the most significant region of citizenship application. As stated in the report, “Global citizenship” is becoming an increasingly popular tool for the world’s ultra wealthy. There are many different reasons why a UHNW individual might seek a second citizenship including, but not limited to: greater stability and security, tax efficiency, ease of travel, higher standard of living, increased options for children’s education, and investment opportunities that may not otherwise be available.” 56

MORE KEY FINDINGS FROM THE REPORT To give an overview and insight on trends surrounding luxury residential real estate worldwide and the UHNW population, the key findings on the potential of the luxury real estate market extracted from the report are the following: •

12% of second homes purchased by UHNW individuals in emerging countries (those who reside in BRICS nations) are located outside their country of residence. Recent market fluctuations in emerging nations are leading a new generation of UHNW investors to consider investing in

luxury residential real estate in Western markets. Chinese UHNW individuals make up the third largest share of foreign UHNW homeowners in the United States, behind only Canada and the United Kingdom. Many of these target Western markets, including Sydney and Vancouver, have rising property values that are still three to five times less expensive than London and New York. Twenty nations in Europe and the Americas now offer citizenship or residency programs to individuals willing to invest in domestic residential real estate. Many residential real estate markets with such programs – including Sao Paulo, Malta, and the Bahamas – offer good long-term investment opportunities.

The findings of the report were issued using a proprietary valuation model to assess all asset holdings including privately and publicly held businesses and investible assets. Wealth X holds the largest existing proprietary database of UHNW individuals, highlighting their financial profile, passions and interests, known associates, affiliations, family members, biographies, news and much more. v_3_9_0_10/siteresources/my folder/wealthx/ sir_homes as opportunities_wx_report.pdf to read the full report. For more information, kindly direct your request to or visit our website MBR All Rights Reserved | © Copyright 2015

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Malta Business Review


The Comfur Guest™ Mattress A

good night’s sleep. Those four simple words may be more important than anything else when it comes to a guest’s lodging experience. After all, even the most luxurious of rooms can disappoint if a guest spends a restless night in bed. Be part of the future of guest lodging, open up a new window to the world for your hotel. We all have individual needs and prefernces, its the desire for a good nights sleep that universal. Your guest’s needs and preferences are diverse and the demand for a personalised sleep environment is increasing. We have come up with the solution for those seeking the perfect rest away from home Mattress Collection is proud to introduce the world’s first multi firmness Hotel Guest Mattress, the Comfur Guest™ Mattress. One Mattress that caters to multiple guest preferences and provides different levels of comfort in a matter of minutes without the need to rotate or flip the mattress. The Comfur Guest™ Mattress is an innovative mattress developed using the worlds most advanced natural materials, each guest can have their bed personalized to their unique preference upon booking their hotel room or at check in as the guest bed can be personalised in a matter of minutes.

Using our proprietary Technology we have designed the guest mattress to offer three different levels of firmness in one for customised comfort - Firm, Medium or Soft, offering guests the freedom to choose their own bed and personalise their sleep during every stay.

Comfur Guest Bed uses a system of revolutionary mattress toppers engineered specifically for Hotels, Boutique Hotels and guest houses. The staff can easily change the firmness by swapping one topper for another in a matter of minutes; guests arriving to their room will find their chosen bed in place when they arrive.

The iconic Comfur Guest™ Mattresses are the ultimate in luxury bedding, the epitome in Guest accommodation – featuring the latest technology: • Easily Interchangeable toppers • Patented Heat absobing Technology keeping you cool and comfortable throughout the night

• •

Water resistant mattress covers Natural comfortable Memory foams providing optimal support whislt removing partner motion transfer

Using our Formulated technology, our combination of advanced foams at the exact density and firmness merge to provide the perfect comfort and more importantly, the correct spinal alignment each and every guest requires.

How to use? Instructions / Changing the firmness: Easy zip removal makes changing the toppers quick and effortless. Both topper covers and mattress cover are easily removable and washable. Waterproof mattress and topper covers are also available upon request. All our Mattress are delivered and assembled at no extra fee. Our mattresses are made in Europe. They are certified Class 1 Medical devices under the European Directive for the prevention, treatment and allevation of pain. The firm hotel bed is a feature of the past. Join the growing list of visionary hoteliers set to redefine the most important aspect of the room: the bed, and the sleep experience itself. MBR Mattress Collection, Mdina Road, Zebbug Tel: 2146 1961


Malta Business Review


Telehealth: What and why By Roderick Mallia - AAT Research

Telecommunications have always played an important role in medical healthcare. The telephone consultation has long been a standard practice in medicine and is perhaps one of the very first attempts at using telecommunications in the medical field. As telecommunications moved into the digital age, so we have moved away from the humble telephone and adapted new technologies to standard medical practices, giving rise to the telehealth sphere.


elehealth is a broad term used to refer to the provision of long-distance healthcare, education and information services, overcoming any physical and geographical barriers in the process. Telemedicine and eHealth are generally incorporated within the broader scope of telehealth. Telemedicine includes video consultations, remote medical evaluations, and remote medical diagnoses, while eHealth is more concerned with the transfer of health resources and healthcare by electronic means. Internet and cellular mobile technology have helped establish eHealth as one of the preferred ways for the transmission and dissemination of medical information, mainly because it is swift and cost-effective. Its ease of use also promotes interaction and collaboration among institutions, health professionals, health providers, and the public. One of the major advantages of telehealth is “store and forward” technology, which allows medical images to be scanned and forwarded anywhere in the world. Internet has made this particularly easy and accessible, and now radiological images such as X-rays, MRI and CT scans, as well as other patient-test information can be sent to medical experts in another country who can then review them and electronically deliver a diagnosis. Apart from being cost-effective, this technology also overcomes the lack of local expertise. Telehealth also allows medical practitioners 60

to quickly detect and evaluate a patient’s medical condition at home (ECG, blood pressure, vital signs, etc.), altering therapy or medications accordingly if required. Technology has gone as far as allowing us to set up live transmissions and interactive video, linking one emergency room with skilled specialists in another, thus allowing specialist help to be sought quickly. However, the cutting edge of telemedicine lies in what is known as remote surgery. This involves technology not unlike video gaming, where a surgeon can control an instrument in another physical location to perform the surgery. As existing technology is refined and more tools become available, the number of procedures that can be carried out at a distance will continue to increase. Not only does computer-assisted telecommunications technology allows us to deliver healthcare on a global scale, but it also helps us in public health functions, allowing disease surveillance and health promotion in a costeffective manner. Nowadays, we are able to keep track of diseases in real time via mobile technology, leading to more accurate and better quality data, and allowing prompt action in the face of a disease epidemic. As technology advances even further, we can expect telehealth to improve, leading to more educational opportunities for healthcare providers, lower healthcare costs, and more

effective medical treatment, and in so doing, act as a catalyst for economic growth. MBR All Rights Reserved | © Copyright 2015


Roderick Mallia is Research Executive at AAT. He holds qualifications in biomedical science, and in anatomy and physiology. Prior to joining AAT, Roderick was a fulltime science lecturer at the Malta College for Arts, Science, and Technology (MCAST). He had previously worked for a number of years in pharmaceutical quality control, and research and development, before moving on to work in research and development of food products. Roderick is passionate about the written word and has a strong background in writing, translating and editing medical, pharmaceutical, and scientific texts.


Malta Business Review

Handmade Glass Trophies and Corporate Gifts by Mdina Glass The sourcing of the right trophies and corporate gifts is important for businesses of all shapes and sizes. Mdina Glass produces a wide range of products that will help project your brand or event in a positive, memorable light.


hether you want to say a special ‘thank you’ or your business, brand or institution has a special event coming, an anniversary, product launch, awards – or if you need branded give-ways to reinforce your presence and keep your name front and centre of your clients’ mind – you need to ensure that, whatever it is you give out, it impresses in some way, through colour, quality, aesthetic value and practicality. The last thing you want to do is give out gifts you’ve spent money on, only for them to be forgotten about just moments later. Aware of these all important requirements, Mdina Glass has developed a wide range of trophies and corporate gifts made from handcrafted glass using various techniques including glassblowing, lampwork and fused glass (or a combination of more than one technique) that leave the desired impression. Mdina Glass Retail Manager, Pamela Said explained, “We have a large number of options available from our product lines including various trophies, clocks, paperweights and figurines. We offer various sizes and flexibility in quantities ordered, which is important from a budget issue depending on the client. We

also have a wide range of colours available as well so that we can reflect a client’s corporate identity as closely as possible.” Nevise Said oversees the processing of corporate orders and explained, “Logos, dates and other details required can be engraved directly on products or on glass blocks upon which the item is mounted.” While Mdina Glass offers a wide selection of products from its production portfolio, Nevise Said elaborated that, “We produce items that are specially commissioned by a client, either designed by them, based on pre-existing material they have, or designed by us after consultation with the client. The possibilities are vast, so it really comes down to finding solutions within a given budget or deadlines.” Some recent commissions have included major sporting events, music, culture and journalisms award events, conventions for

high profile international brands and fund raising events. However, Operations and Product Design Manager, Olivia Said is keen to point out, “We are flexible and strive to offer solutions, not only to large corporations and events, but to smaller businesses, organisations and individuals. That is why we offer items from stock as well as bespoke designs. We know that budgets can vary greatly and it is important we are as accommodating as possible. However, whatever we supply, it is always a handmade product and carries with it a certain added value as a consequence.” MBR For more information about Mdina Glass and the range of trophies and corporate gifts, call 2141 5786 or email: You can also check out and follow at


Malta Business Review


Gender Diversity Deloitte survey reveals advances in gender diversity but fears of being labelled ‘too bossy’ remain, potentially hindering career progression for women By Caroline Cassar Reynaud

Sixty-five percent of professionals believe their organization is improving the representation of senior women within their company, citing flexible working programs and gender diversity targets as examples, according to a survey released recently by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (Deloitte Global). However, while 80 percent of respondents believe ideas were welcomed in their organizations regardless of gender, 40 percent said they sometimes hold back their opinion for fear of being labelled ‘bossy’ or ‘too assertive.’


he global survey of more than 1700 respondents was undertaken to gain insights into the progress being made to improve gender equality in the workplace. The survey revealed that the majority of respondents believe self-confidence (78 percent) is more important than technical ability (22 percent) for professional success. “In order to attract and retain the best talent, business must provide an environment that is conducive to professional as well as personal growth,” said Punit Renjen, Deloitte Global CEO-select, during Deloitte Global’s webcast on gender diversity. “Global organizations will only fully thrive once they take action to address the issue of gender diversity. It is not only the right thing to do, but it is the right business thing to do.” Additionally, the survey found when it comes to sustaining personal and professional excellence, 68 percent of respondents believe it is possible to ‘have it all.’ 62

Over the years the opportunities for women to progress and further their careers have improved significantly, commented Sarah Curmi, Director at Deloitte Malta .“Increasingly companies recognise the long term benefits of implementing flexible work arrangements enabling women to develop professionally as well as personally. Coupled with an increased acceptance of women in senior positions, this has increased retention levels of talented individuals.” Additional findings from the survey include: Gender diversity must be treated as a business issue - Less than half of respondents (48 percent) believe gender diversity is treated as a C-suite priority by their executives. This indicates progress is being made, but there is still work to be done. Diversity initiatives are proving effective – Sixty-five percent of respondents reported their organization has taken steps to improve the representation of women in senior positions. Flexible working (45 percent), gender diversity and inclusion targets (28 percent), maternity support (26 percent), paternity leave (26 percent), and executive commitment (23 percent) were cited as the most common initiatives put in place. Top initiatives to support gender diversity Respondents ranked flexible working, executive commitment, targets, and an agreed and articulated business case for gender diversity as the top priorities for the advancement of women.

Deloitte Malta today boasts 51% of its workforce as women with gender issues huge on its agenda, encouraging both women and men to balance their work and home life. MBR

ABOUT DELOITTE Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee (“DTTL”), its network of member firms, and their related entities. DTTL and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. DTTL (also referred to as “Deloitte Global”) does not provide services to clients. Please see about for a more detailed description of DTTL and its member firms. Deloitte Malta refers to a civil partnership, constituted between limited liability companies, and its affiliated operating entities; Deloitte Services Limited, Deloitte Technology Solutions Limited and Deloitte Audit Limited. The latter is authorised to provide audit services in Malta in terms of the Accountancy Profession Act. A list of the corporate partners, as well as the principals authorised to sign reports on behalf of the firm, is available Cassar Torregiani & Associates is a firm of advocates warranted to practise law in Malta and is exclusively authorised to provide legal services in Malta under the Deloitte brand. © 2015. For information, contact Deloitte Malta.


Malta Business Review

The 308

GTi by PEUGEOT Sport open for orders The radical new PEUGEOT sporty hatch unveiled on 18 June, the 308 GTi by PEUGEOT Sport, is now open to orders. Radical styling, hyper-dynamic performance, full equipment levels in line with the ultra-sporty temperament of this new GTi, best in class CO2 emissions: PEUGEOT’s new lioness awaits its future drivers with impatience! After the 308 GT and GT Line, the 308 GTi by PEUGEOT Sport tops off the 308 range in a radical way, as regards its efficiency and dynamic performance. On sale now in its 270 hp version, performance AND efficiency are

assured with a record power to weight ratio of 4.46 kg/hp and well contained CO2 emissions of just 139 g/km, equal to fuel consumption of 47.1 mpg (6.0 l/100km). Often cited as a benchmark in terms of road holding for all PEUGEOT models and the 308 in particular, the chassis on the 308 GTi by PEUGEOT Sport includes a Torsen® limitedslip differential and large 380mm brake discs at the front. The 308 GTi by PEUGEOT Sport is also an exclusive design with 19“ alloy wheels, twin

exhaust tailpipes and chequered flag motifs on the radiator and air intake grilles. The new signature introduced by PEUGEOT on its sporty lionesses, the striking and unique straight cut Ultimate Red and Perla Nera Black paint finish is of course available. MBR

The 308 GTi by PEUGEOT Sport is now available to order from Michael Attard Ltd, National Road, Blata l-bajda. Visit for more information, videos and images.


Malta Business Review


Delicata Celebrating

100 Awards E

mmanuel Delicata, Malta's fourth generation family run winery, has achieved a historic milestone by accomplishing the significant feat of being awarded over 100 international awards for its wines over a span of 20 years.

The 100 awards include gold medals won in France, Italy and Spain, silver medals won in Bordeaux, Burgundy, Paris, London, and Verona, and numerous bronze medals and Commendations awarded at wine competitions from all over Europe. In 1995, Delicata entered its wines into a wine competition in London for the very first time and immediately won 4 awards. Since then the company has entered a small number of wines every year in various international wine competitions. Twenty years on, this Maltese winery has amassed an impressive 106 awards, with 22 of those being won in 2014 and 2015 alone.


“Our real sense of achievement is the knowledge that the wines that have won international awards are not just our premium wines, but wines at all price-points,” said Mr Mario Delicata. “Achieving 100 international awards is a major accomplishment that any winery in the world would be proud of. It is independent proof, by some of the world’s leading wine authorities, that the quality of Delicata wines is going from strength to strength.”

taken over the reins of winemaking, has had his wines rewarded with 3 gold, 2 silver, 5 bronze medals and 4 commendations in the last 8 months alone, making Delicata Malta’s most awarded winery. MBR

In recent years, Delicata has intensified its investment into improving quality through advanced viticulture and winemaking technology. Matthew Delicata, who of late has

To see the complete list of 106 awards and the wines accredited visit or

Malta Business Review


Bank of Valletta and Debenhams announce winner of joint campaign

Air Malta Sells Eight Seats every Minute in its Latest Promotion Over 22,000 customers have benefitted from the sale offered last week by Air Malta during which it offered flights starting at Euro 44 on the airline’s network for travel between November and June 2016. These bookings were received in just 44 hours; equating to a sale of eight seats every minute. Customers took advantage of seat prices starting from Euro 44 oneway that included taxes and charges.


s Isabelle Cutajar was the lucky winner of the campaign ‘Pay with your BOV Cards at Debenhams and win’. Her name was drawn in a raffle from among all BOV card holders who purchased from a Debenhams outlet during the month of June 2015 and gave the correct answer to a skill-based question. Ms Cutajar received a full refund of her purchase. Congratulating the winner during a presentation at Debenhams at The Point, Michael Galea, Chief Electronic Banking Officer at Bank of Valletta said, “We are delighted to have teamed up with Debenhams for this successful promotion related to cards usage. The results of this campaign show that cards are continuing to increase in popularity and we are focused on continuing to offer added value to our customers so as to make card usage even more convenient and attractive”. Mr. Galea also expressed the Bank’s delight in running this campaign with Debenhams Malta which is one of the Bank’s partners under the BOV Loyalty Rewards Programme. Congratulating Ms Cutajar, Veronica Cassar Torreggiani, Brand Manager at Debenhams said, "Through such initiatives we seek to reward our clients for their loyalty to our outlets. At Debenhams Malta, we strive to give our clients quality service to compliment the quality products that our brand is synonymous with.” MBR Further information about Bank of Valletta’s full suite of cards as well as the BOV Loyalty Programme can be obtained from the Bank’s portal, or by contacting the Bank’s Customer Service Centre on 2131 2020. For updated information about offers and events at Debenhams Malta, one can visit BOV Contact: Joyce Tabone, Media and Community Relations Bank of Valletta BOV Centre, Cannon Road, St Venera SVR9030, Malta • Tel +356 2275 3037


“This promotion had an outstanding response. It generated four times as many bookings as received on a normal day. This offer was good news for both the local travelling public and the local tourism industry. The airline intends to offer similar promotions in the coming weeks in conjunction with travel agents and other trade partners. Through our new product range we have invested in customer experience by offering more choice and flexibility to customers. For Air

Malta, low-cost prices do not imply a low cost service and through this offer we are maintaining our commitment that We Care More”, commented Ursula Silling, Air Malta’s Chief Commercial Officer. The Maltese airline maintains its commitment to offer value for money prices and superior service in both its economy as well as business class cabins. Air Malta operates a conveniently timed flight schedule to main city airports, offering easy access and connections with a reliable flight schedule. Together with partner airlines, the Maltese airline offers a network of over 100 destinations. For more information visit www., or log onto www. or your local travel agent. MBR

24th August 2015

First BOV Card holder to win an iPad mini 3 announced Martin Calleja is the first BOV card holder to win with Bank of Valletta’s Cards Summer Promotion. The first of three iPad mini 3 was up for grabs among BOV clients who used their credit card to pay for purchases between the 24th May and the 31st August 2015. The iPad mini 3 was presented to Mrs Calleja who collected the gift on behalf of her husband by Michael Galea, Chief Electronic Banking Officer at Bank of Valletta. More information, including the terms and conditions of this campaign may be obtained from the Bank's website www.bov. com, by phoning the Bank’s Customer Service Centre on 2131 2020 or from any BOV branch. MBR

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