MArch Adriana comi // Architectural Association School of Architecture

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Adriana Comi PretelĂ­n MSc & MArch Sustainable Environmental Design 2013-15 Dissertation Paper


Transgressing the social scheme of industrialized housing

AA E+E ENVIRONMENTAL & ENERGY STUDIES PROGRAMME Architectural Association School of Architecture Graduate School





NUMBER OF WORDS 13, 051 words STUDENT NAME: ADRIANA COMI PRETELÍN DECLARATION: “I certify that the contents of this document are entirely my own work and that any quotation or paraphrase from the published or unpublished work of others is duly acknowledged.” Signature:

Date: 6 February 2015




Mexico City, Mexico 2014. During recent years, “social housing” has been a recurrent topic of discussion. In Mexico City, the uncontrollable urban sprawl together with the government’s inability to provide qualitative solutions resulted on simplistic proposals that deprived users from the minimum habitable considerations. Mexico requires an urgent solution congruent to its situation, where users, schools and private enterprises could work jointly towards the formation of self-sufficient individuals; a transgressive answer to an extremely challenging urban, social and political environment. This project seeks to create a short and long term proposal located at the Benito Juárez International Airport which will be in disuse by 2018. Having sustainable principles and Mexican traditions as foundation as well as taking maximum advantage of the weather characteristics, the project is developed by the user with the public and private assistance from CECATIS, UNAM and CEMEX organisations. The master plan fabric encourages the user to walk around the complex and interact with their neighbours at different scales in order to regenerate the lost social tissue. Its flooding-friendly composition retakes the chinampas agricultural method that allows a constant harvesting of vegetables and flowers at a low cost. At the end of the first stage, inhabitants will acquire different skills to produce housing components, construction materials and food items to be either sold at the Ayotzinapa central market or used for their own benefit. The second phase consists on an evolving scheme that explodes the user’s knowledge and the organizations support as the potential innovative basis for a Social Housing Specialized Centre. Reflection, professional training and research will promote a correlated dialogue and enable the Mexican society to create more and better low income scenarios.



TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii INTRODUCTION 1 1. Context & Theoretical background 3 1.1. Mexico City in numbers 6 1.2. Urban characteristics 9 1.3. Social housing in Mexico City 18 1.4. Conclusion 19 2. Climate analysis 25 2.1. Location 27 2.2. Temperatures 28 2.3. Relative Humidity & rainfall 28 2.4. Prevailing winds 29 2.5. Solar radiation & sun path 29 2.6. Sky conditions 30 2.7. Conclusion 31

3. Precedents 3.1. PREVI, PerĂş 3.2. Chinampas method

35 39 43

4. Fieldwork 47 4.1. Precedent description 49 4.2. Fieldwork 51 4.3. Parametric studies 55 4.4. Conclusion 55 5. Pre-design studies 56 5.1. Site description 58 5.2. Design strategy 60 5.3. Materiality 64 5.4. Conclusion 69

6. Design application 6.1. Analytic work 6.2. Design brief 6.3. Unit definition 6.4. Master plan definition

72 76 78 86

Conclusion 105 Appendices 105




In particular I would like to acknowledge the Architectural Association School of Architecture and Dr. Luis Felipe Rodríguez Jorge without whom this project wouldn’t have been possible. I would like to thank Simos Yannas and Paula Cadima for their valuable guidance throughout this dissertation project and during the SED course. Additionally, I want to thank Herman Calleja and Byron Mardas for their continuous support and patience. Special thanks to the rest of the teaching staff for their commitment and taught knowledge. Many thanks are due to my colleagues and friends in the Master’s programme and in Mexico City for their help and friendship, as well to Cristina, Daniela and Liliana for their assistance during fieldwork studies. Finally, I would like to express my profound gratitude to my parents, my brother and Irene Gómez Emilsson for their constant encouragement and support.




From the past 50 years, Mexico has undergone various events that quickly transformed its urban qualities and its society. During the early years, the country went through a period known as the “Mexican miracle� characterized by a sustained growth that represented the shift towards the formation of a modern, industrialized nation. As a result, a large amount of inhabitants seeking for better working opportunities migrated massively towards the city centre. The unexpected migration provoked an uncontrollable urban sprawl expansion that quickly redefined the limits of the Federal District towards its outskirts. As a consequence, the population grew uncontrollably extending the territory of Mexico City to the State of Mexico and doubling the number of inhabitants between 1940 and 1950. The issue that arose then, was no longer the one of a city unable to cope with the sudden infrastructural requirements, but the problem of a State whose working centres flocked within an insufficient area to harbor at the same time the increasing housing demand. The uncontrollable urban sprawl together with the government’s inability to provide qualitative solutions resulted on simplistic proposals that deprived users from the minimum habitable considerations. Although the morphologic conditions of the contemporary proposals is an issue to be tackled, investigation demonstrated that the framework within which this developments are emerging, is of utmost importance. Social housing has proved to be an issue to be addressed from different perspectives, in the case of Mexico City it is unlikely to redensify the city or to stop neglected developments without ensuring alliances within the public and private sector. This dissertation aims at creating reflexion rather than finding an answer to what sustainable social housing would be. Considering the critical moment in which the country is embedded nowadays, it is necessary to pursue holistic solutions that integrate social, political and economic factors to give a real sustainable answer.





1.1. Mexico City in numbers 1) Geographic Characteristics 2) Earthquakes 3) Ecosystems 4) Population 1.2. Urban characteristics 1) The Mexican miracle 2) Urban sprawl & density 3) Mexico in crisis 1.3. Social housing in Mexico City 1)Typological & building transformation 2) Current practice 3) Government parties involved 4) Self-construction opportunities 5) Mexico City development agenda

1.4. Conclusion



CONTEXT & THEORETICAL BACKGROUND In order to understand the reasons and purpose of this dissertation, it is necessary to grasp the current condition of Mexico City in geographic, socio-economic and urban terms. This chapter contains therefore a brief background of what defines a social housing typology and its production process within a changing Mexican society.


Figure Territorial extension within the country (Source: after INEGI. Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía)

Figure Mexico City geographic location. (Source: after INEGI. Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía and Google Maps)

Figure Boroughs division (Source: after INEGI. Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía)

1.1 MEXICO CITY IN NUMBERS 1) Geographic characteristics Mexico City is located within the State of Mexico to the North and Morelos to the South (Lat.19.3°N; Lon. 99.8°W, Alt. 2421m) [fig.] and has a total extension of 1,495 km2 (the smallest federal entity of the country equivalent to 0.1% of Mexico’s total area) (INEGI. Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía) [fig.]. Being the capital of Mexico, the city is divided into 16 municipalities (delegaciones) [fig.] for which there is a specific political and administrative organ that forms the Federal District government. Its surface is found within the Neovolcanic axis and is defined by a mountain chain (west) extending from the Northeast to the Southeast and by a valley. In the central-western portion, the minimum altitude can be found (2,300 m) though, according to INEGI it goes up to 3,930 at the highest point [fig.]. 6

Figure Mexico City’s relief and altitude (Source: after INEGI. Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía)

2) Earthquakes The Mexican republic was divided into 4 seismic zones (A,B,C,D) [Fig.] in relation to the frequency, magnitude of historical data and subsurface conditions (Servicio Sismológico Nacional). The city of Mexico is part of the category B due to its soil characteristics which in turn are subdivided in 3 different levels [Fig.]. Despite the fact of being comprised in the B section (less often but higher accelerations) historical information shows and increase in frequency throughout the last 2 years [Fig.]. Albeit Mexico is a country whose history has been related to earthquakes, from the year 1985 when the most deadly and destructive event took place [Fig.], regulations in terms of height and structure changed drastically adding a section entitled Earthquake Resistant Design to the Mexico City Building Code. Context & Theoretical background

Figure Seismic regions in Mexico (Source: Servicio Sismológico Nacional)

Figure Valley of Mexico Zonification (Source: Servicio Sismológico Nacional)

Figure Strong earthqueakes in Mexico 20122015 (Source: Servicio Sismológico Nacional)

3) Ecosystems Although from the past 50 years the urban sprawl has endangered all the existing ecosystems of the Valley of Mexico, it is important to highlight that the most affected ones had been the water bodies. As figure displays, the drying-up of the Texcoco lake has been relentless, resulting on foundations weakening, ground subsidence and severe flooding at the lower area of the city (Sistema de aguas de la Ciudad de México 2012). Another noticeable loss has been deforestation. Mexico is among the countries with a major deforestation level with about 155,000 Ha per year. Just for year 2012 the capital presented a degree of affectation of 360 Ha against 100 Ha of reforestation (INEGI 2010)

4) Population According to INEGI, Mexico City is composed of 8,851,080 Context & Theoretical background

Figure 1985 earthquake images (Source: Google images)

Million habitants (7.9% of the total population). Half of the population is younger than 31 years old, though the majority is found within the range of 19 and 40 years old [Figs.]. It’s worth saying that nowadays the demographic situation of the city is in a deceleration stage which for the year 2030 will face a decrease of about 5% (8,439,786 hab.). Moreover, it is estimated that the group of 65 years old and above will have a greatest relative weight (14.7%). (Dinámica demográfica 19902010 y proyecciones de población 2010-2030, CONAPO 2014). In terms of educational activities, 27 people out of 100 (above 15 years old) have a higher education degree, 42.8% has a basic education and 25.2% has a secondary education level. It should be stressed that just 0.9% of the studied portion has a technical or commercial education (this type of instruction represents an opportunity for people that finished exclusively their primary studies, to become an economically-active individual)[Fig.]. 7

Figure “Water defeat” (Source: Reforma 2011)

Figure Mexico City population composition by age and gender (Source: INEGI 2010)

Figure Mexico City population proyection composition by age and gender (Source: CONAPO 2010)

Figure Mexico City educational characteristics (Source: INEGI 2010)

Figure Mexico City marital status (Source: INEGI 2010)

Figure Mexico City economic characteristics (Source: INEGI 2010)

As figure depicts, a huge proportion (43.9%) of the non-economically active sector is dedicated to household tasks, 11.3% are retirees or pensioners and 1.8% belongs to the population having a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits their working possibilities. If we consider a students percentage of 38.7%, exclusively 4.2% are related with other types of non-economical activities (INEGI, Panorama Sociodemográfico de México 2010). Taking into account that the non-economically active sector represents 42.4% of the analyzed population, it means that at least 40% of them have the possibility to spend a small amount of time on a technical or commercial education that would able them to participate as an economically active agent. Finally, as shown in figure, the distribution by marital status presents a greater proportion of single and married sectors to be considered to define, later on, a current and future user scenario. 8

Context & Theoretical background

Figure Mexico City population 1985-2014 (Source: CONAPO 2010)

Figure Mexico City urban sprawl 1950-2025 (Source: ZMVM, Laboratorio de la Ciudad de México, 2000. y Mapa de la Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transporte del D.F)

Figure Mexico Valley Metropolitan Area (Source: INEGI 2010)

1.2 URBAN CHARACTERISTICS 1) The “Mexican miracle” From 1940 to date, Mexico has undergone various events that quickly transformed its urban condition. During the early years, the country went through a period known as the “Mexican miracle” characterized by a sustained growth that represented the shift towards the emergence of a modern, industrialized nation (Carmona, Fernando 1973). However, the situation gave rise to a rural exodus of inhabitants seeking to find better opportunities within the City. The population grew without control extending Mexico City’s territory to the State of Mexico and doubling the number of inhabitants between 1940 and 1950 [Figs.,,] (CONAPO 2010). This period was a watershed event that defined the evolution of the urban sprawl and had as a consequence and unprecedented housing demand.

Context & Theoretical background

2) Urban sprawl & density Unfortunately, as figure depicts, the unplanned urban sprawl increased exponentially towards the north, requiring the government to designate an area formed by the Federal District and 60 municipalities (1 from the Hidalgo state and the rest from the State of Mexico) known as the Mexico Valley Metropolitan Area (Zona Metropolitana del Valle de México)[fig.]. (CONAPO 2010) According to INEGI there were about 20 million inhabitants in 2012 in this area and it was considered the third most populated city worldwide (El Universal 2012 after ONU). As a consequence, the problem was no longer the one of a city unable to cope with its sudden infrastructural requirements, but rather of a State whose working centres flocked within an insufficient area to harbor at the same time the increasing housing demand. 9

Figure Main migratory flows 1995-2000(Source: CONAPO after INEGI 2000)

Figure Density in Tokio, Michael Wolf

Figure Main migratory flows 2005-2010(Source: CONAPO after INEGI 2010)

Figure Work centralization, housing decentralization and daily journeys Figure Density in Mexico CIty, Pablo López Luz

Subsequently, while workplaces were centralized, habitable spaces were confined towards the outskirts of Mexico City where larger and economical plots were available, constraining about 3,000,000 inhabitants to spend within 2 to 4 hours and most of their incomes in daily transportation [ Fig.] (Reforma, Ciudad August 2014). From 1950, Mexico has faced an urban fabric growth dilemma; first, the creation of “cities outside the city” that could delineate the impact of a future urban development, secondly, the theory of the “city within the city” that would allow the establishment of high densities within small amounts of land (“Mi multi es mi Multi” documentary about CUPA 1998). If we analyze the density with quantifiable data, the country has an average rate of 57 hab/km2 (0.57 hab/Ha), however, Mexico City and the State of Mexico are within the three cities having the greatest density rate with 5920 hab/km2 (59.2hab/Ha) and 670 hab/km2 (6.7 hab/Ha) respectively (INEGI.Censos de población 10

y vivienda 2010). Moreover as Architect Juan José Kochen describes, (Las formas de la densidad: una cuestión cultural) the Mexico Valley Metropolitan Area (with 16,000 hab/km2 (166 hab/Ha)) has two predominant characteristics: low-rise buildings and a low demographic density (heterogeneous according to the specific urban area) and, although recent studies had presented redensification as necessary to control the urban sprawl, the way in which a city is grouped depends also on a specific sociocultural environment [Figs.]. Hence, if the city is already unable to provide the basic services (transportation, water supply, drainage, among others) not to mention the lack of specificity research regarding the impact of a redensification in a city as flimsy as the Federal District, wouldn’t it be worthwhile to question its real feasibility? Isn’t it necessary to promote as a first stage, joint actions between the public and private sectors to ensure sustainable and holistic solutions? (Montes, Salvador. Arquine 2015) Context & Theoretical background

Figure Weapons trafficking (source: Wordpress 2014) Figure (Down left) Ayotzinapa en pie de lucha (source: Figure ¿Qué cosecha un país que siembra cuerpos? (source: Twitter MTenMéxico, @MT_enMEXICO

Calderón Hinojosa’s term of office (2006-2012), after he

3) Mexico in crisis Before embarking on the housing topic, it is important to briefly describe the social situation in which the country is settled nowadays to understand how it affects directly the design decisions of this dissertation. During recent years, the level of violence has escalated exponentially. The rate of violence increased 16.9% between 2011 and 2012 affecting 1 out of 3 households (INEGI 2013). According to the same Institute, the population of 18 years old and older expressed that violence was their main concern (57.8%) above unemployment (46.5%) and poverty (33.7%)(Sin Embargo, 2013). Based on enquiries formulated at a national level, 41.8% of the population relates violence principally with unemployment, drugs and corruption. The wave of violence was triggered at the end of president Felipe Context & Theoretical background

declared the “war on drugs”[Fig.], which from 2007 to 2012 claimed the life of 121,000 individuals (Proceso 2013 after INEGI). Added to this, UNESCO Chair in Human Rights information suggests that the most affected social portion has been the low-income sector, as they are more frequently exposed to dangerous environments. The latest events such as the 43 Ayotzinapa students abduction and confirmed murder [Fig.], have unfortunately uncovered a direct alliance between the police, the government and the organized crime; a relation that is substantiated every day since. This social-political framework has led to a lack of trust towards the institutions and other inhabitants [Fig.], hindering the community development and the possibility to conceive a 11

Figure Typological transformation of popular housing in Mexico (source: After Sonia Hidalgo García, Trastocando el habitar del patrimonio familiar 2013)

Figure Building historical timeline (Source: Javier Sánchez Corral, La vivienda “social” en México; pasado, presente y futuro)

healthy habitable condition.

rental system [Fig.].

1.3 SOCIAL HOUSING IN MEXICO 1) Typological & building transformation Following the description and examples of Architect Sonia Hidalgo García (Vivienda de interés social, trastocando el habitar del patrimonio familiar, 2013), a summary of different buildings reflecting the social housing typological transformation is presented. VECINDADES The first typologies for low-income inhabitants appeared in the XVIII-XIX centuries. They consisted on small rooms of double height, where different families lived, surrounding a central patio and sharing the laundry facilities. In some cases working and commercial spaces were located at the front of the plot. Later on the vecindades where divided by a private central street reducing the interaction within neighbours and promoting a 12

SCHOOL ANNEX APARTMENTS This typology arose as an economical support for the adjacent educational institution. Dwellings are distributed within two levels and are surrounded by a peripheral corridor. Rooms are opened towards the light patios. [Fig.] SAN IGNACIO COLLEGE This example combines, educational, commercial and housing activities. The purpose was to host artisans whose production and rent benefited the institution maintenance.[Fig.] BUEN TORO NEIGHBORHOOD This neighborhood was the result of a private investor that around 1920 promoted the creation of several housing blocks with the objective of enhancing administration workers life quality by reducing the work-house distance. Context & Theoretical background

Dwellings were disposed around small patios within an urban

part of the main buildings or as detached constructions. A study

reticula scheme. [Fig.]

of this building was conducted as part of the graduate course [Appendix A_1].

CONDESA BUILDING This building is considered as the first multi-family construction and direct antecedent of the following massive developments. It comprises two almost identical buildings facing each other and sharing a common external green area and an internal street. Having the main entrance at the front side of the buildings, apartments vary in room’s number and are located around patios [Fig.]. CENTRO URBANO PRESIDENTE ALEMÁN MARIO PANI This housing complex was the first of its type, comprised of six 13 storey buildings and six 3 storey edifices making a total of 1080 apartments surrounded by green and commercial areas. Shops, and other services were located at the ground floor as Context & Theoretical background

For the period comprised in figure, the typological transformation was important, evolving from small rooms to massive housing complexes but having as a common factor the internal patios. At the same time, the housing area increased from 44 m2 to 51 m2 coping with the needs of the moment. Parallely, diverse governmental actions that facilitated the housing acquisition emerged. Institutions such as BANOBRAS to fund public works, and IMSS or PEMEX whose main purpose was to provide housing opportunities for their affiliates and workers, marked a watershed for the financial programs (La vivienda “social” en México; presente, pasado y futuro 2012).


Figure Typological transformation of popular housing in Mexico (source: After Sonia Hidalgo García, Trastocando el habitar del patrimonio familiar 2013)

NONOALCO TLATELOLCO Nonoalco Tlateloco was built a pole of economic and housing development. Having as a precedent, the President Alemán Urban Centre and under the precepts of the Modern Movement. It was comprised by 11,916 apartments distributed within 102 buildings of up to 24 floors storey and several different leisure, administrative, educational and commercial spaces. The main goal was the regeneration of the urban tissue by replacing old and deprived neighborhoods by new and affordable housing. During the 1985 earthquake, a third of the Nuevo León building collapsed provoking the abandonment of several apartments and undermining the social and architectonic basis upon which the complex was created [Fig.]. JARDÍN BALBUENA Although this type of complex was built before the 1985 earthquake, after the Tlatelolco experience, lower-rise buildings such as the one presented in figure were reproduced 14

all over the city. Maintaining the characteristics of a medium density development, these edifications integrate surrounding green and commercial areas but without the traditional patios disposition. GEO VILLAS DE LA ASUNCIÓN From 1995 onwards, inhabitants began to look after the acquisition of single family houses as apartments were no longer responding to their basic needs. Surveys gave evidence of a preference to find a single house outside the city rather than investing on small apartments within it. At this point, the social housing typology was radically transformed and replaced by 1 to 2 storey dwellings containing a parking lot and common green areas, educational and commercial zones [Fig.] [see also Chapter IV-Fieldwork]. LOS HÉROES TECÁMAC This urban centre was built as part of the “Bicentenario” project in order to promote the growth of the Valley of Mexico Context & Theoretical background

Figure Building historical timeline (Source: Javier Sánchez Corral, La vivienda “social” en México; pasado, presente y futuro)

Metropolitan Area as housing demand was increasing in this area. In continuity with the urban sprawl expansion, the complex was developed as an integral project that provided services and infrastructure. Six dwelling variations were designed adding the possibility of a future extension. The project tried to tackle the unplanned population growth by proposing an organized urban scheme in the outskirts of Mexico City [].

2) Current practice The last example represents the current condition of most of the latest social housing developments. Located generally outside the city, these proposals preserve the single housing concept described previously, however, developers completely ignored the necessary infrastructure, connectivity and basic requirements for large-scale projects such as these. Housing quality was diminished and quantity increased exponentially provoking problems in the long and short-terms for the inhabitants and the surrounding areas. These developments generally lack Context & Theoretical background

of integral urban planning and are based exclusively upon financial schemes and housing demand. Unfortunately from the past recent years, most of the financial support has been directed towards the purchase of these industrialized schemes, persuading users to commit with 30 years (in average) of monthly installments [Fig.](Geo Villas Fieldwork). The period displayed in figure defines the current typological characteristics of social housing arrangements (unit area 51m2 to 48.8m2). It is important to highlight the proliferation of housing developers and the consolidation of governmental financial programs from 1967 to date, which from 2009 are focused on sustainable integral projects. However, recent information demonstrates that due to changes in new housing policies and to an increment of the offer against the demand, Geo, Homex, Urbi and Ara (housing developers) are facing an important crisis (CNN Expansión 2013).


Figure Government organisations to promote housing acquisition in 1973 (source: CONAVI Historical statistics database)

Figure Government organisations to promote housing acquisition in 2003 (source: CONAVI Historical statistics database)

Figure Population afiliated to the social insurance (Source: Javier Sánchez Corral, La vivienda “social” en México; pasado, presente y futuro)

3) Governmental parties involved Without going into details, it is worthwhile mentioning that although the government had undertaken several strategies to enable inhabitants to purchase real estate, most of the financial programs are addressed to the population working directly for public institutions (workers or dependents)[figs.].[Appendix A_1] This situation leaves outside a large group of people that cannot benefit from social programs or financial support [fig.]. As Javier Sánchez Corral describes, 14% of the population willing to acquire a mortgage loan is discarded for reasons such as lack of minimum income, seniority, inexistent records of received perceptions among others. Added to this, if we consider that most of the low-income sector receives a salary in relation to the minimum wage (which increased 36% within 2002 and 2010 against 70% for the rate of construction cost), it is even more complex to have access to housing. 16

This explains why according to INFONAVIT (Institute of National Housing Fund for Workers), banking credits derived mainly from medium and upper-income population during 2012 while the social housing segment remained steady. (INFONAVIT Situación del mercado hipotecario en México).

4) Self-construction opportunities As a result of the conditions previously presented, private and public institutions have started to consider self-construction as the most viable option to reduce the housing deficit for the sector receiving 5 or less minimum wages. (CNN Expansión 16 July 2014). CNN Expansión article (18 July 2014) revealed that several initiatives had been lunched, examples such as ¡Échale! a tu Casa, Ayúdame que yo también soy mexicano, the Economic Fund for Enterprise Development (Fomepade) or the Patrimonio Hoy program by Cemex are being implemented.

Context & Theoretical background

Goethe David Pontón México

Alfonso Caraveo Castro

Figure Formal and informal housing in Mexico (source: Javier Sánchez Corral, La vivienda “social” en México; pasado, presente y futuro)

h t t p : / / w w w. c o m u n i c a c i e n c i a . u a m . m x / octubre2011/ Figure Cemex PIAC (Source: news-highlights/2014/02/building-the-link-to-home-ownership-cemex-joins-thebusiness-call-to-action/)

Taking into account that 65% of the total housing in Mexico is informal [fig.], self-built possibilities are already a reality for the Mexican society and represent an attractive niche market for private enterprises [figs.,B,C,D]. “Échale a tu casa”, to give an example, works together with the National Housing Commission (CONAVI) and with an approved financial intermediary. Users are asked to provide 10% of the house value ($ 220,000 MXN), CONAVI grants a subsidy of 25% to 30% and the intermediary puts in the rest. For the purpose of this dissertation, the Assisted SelfConstruction Integrated Program by CEMEX was chosen [fig.], as the model allows people to acquire production and construction skills throughout the building process by working in alliance with the Tec de Monterrey University. These characteristics open the possibility to extend this collaboration with the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and a branch of the Ministry of Public Education (SEP).

Context & Theoretical background

Figure Images showing informal housing conditions

5) Mexico City development agenda 2007-2012 Before concluding this chapter, a final consideration must be presented in order to complement the general background with the current planned agenda for Mexico City (Federal District Government). The agenda is divided into 7 fundamental axis that establish the public administration direction: 1) Political reform: full rights to the city and its inhabitants. 2) Equity 3) Security and expedite justice 4) Competitive and inclusive economy 5) Intense cultural movement 6) Sustainable and long-term development 7) New urban order: efficient services and quality of life for all Four of these categories (4,5,6,7) are important as they are directly related to a sustainable response. As we have seen 17

Figure Strategic priorities and action lines PACCM (Source: SEDEMA)

previously, it is crucial to create ties of cooperation with the government understanding their expectations on the short and long-terms.

of sustainable development seeking to impact the whole society.

The agenda highlights firstly, the necessity of promoting a higher commitment of the society to recover public spaces and reverse the deterioration of the environment to improve public services delivery. Therefore, to find new sources of funding and partnership schemes of investment in infrastructure and services will be imperative to expand the Federal District actions coverage.

According to SEDESO (Information System of Social Development), it is of utmost importance to foster the growth of own revenues to maintain and enhance sustainability and financial independence. Employment policy must embed a social character that combines public, private and mixedinvestment resources and focus on the following aspects: skills acquisition among the unemployed informal sector, development of cooperatives, social enterprises, grassroots networks and micro, small and medium enterprises.

As a multi-level strategy to encourage a competitive and inclusive economy, the government will conduct an ambitious program of public infrastructure investment that will have impact on productivity, employment, environmental protection and to attract private investors. Hence, appropriate conditions must be settled to build up productive chains of public policies, public services and infrastructure improvement together with a vision

In terms of cultural improvement, it is to be noted that the government strategies tilt towards social actions to encourage talent, identity generation, sense of community, values and practices that enable civilized conditions of coexistence and resources awareness. Although cultural and economic studies have a strong influence on the dissertation design decisions, the environmental


Context & Theoretical background

Figure Actions Relating the Strategic Axis “Urban and Rural Energy Transition” (Source: SEDEMA)

attributes expressed within the agenda are essential to justify a master planning approach. As the development plan states, Mexico contributes with about 1.5% of the global greenhouse emissions (being the Federal District responsible of 5.5% of it). It is therefore important to not only reduce the energetic consumption, but to follow up with scientific investigations and technological innovation to guarantee a sustainable environment and well-being of future generations. Moreover, as part of the Action Climate Program 2014-2020 SEDEMA (Environmental Ministry) has 5 strategic lines of action [fig.] among which the energetic transition [fig.] and the urban sprawl [fig.] restraint are of special interest.

Context & Theoretical background

Figure Actions Relating the Strategic Axis “Retainment of the urban sprawl of Mexico City” (Source: SEDEMA)

1.4 CONCLUSIONS This chapter has demonstrated that in order to achieve a sustainable response, to the housing problem in Mexico City, it is essential to promote a holistic strategy whose attributes are not based solely upon design characteristics. The proposal must rethink sustainability from its roots to be capable of tackling realistically the housing condition for low-income population in Mexico City by integrating social, political, economical and environmental aspects. The following is a summary of the findings that the conducted studies revealed respecting the chapter sequence. GEOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS • Earthquakes must be taken into consideration as it is one of the main characteristics of the city. • The loss of ecosystems is critical, the proposal must ensure their protection and promote a reforestation strategy within the Urban Centre. 19

POPULATION • The user definition must take into consideration the demographic deceleration and population characteristics such as education level, economic condition, employment status and future scenarios for an aging society. • The design strategy needs to encourage the creation of working possibilities for the non-economically active sector URBAN CHARACTERISTICS • Although redensification has been seen as the solution to reduce the urban sprawl expansion, studies have shown that in the case of Mexico City several actions must be undertaken to ensure the feasibility of a redensification process. Therefore, the project will be focused on a low-dense development that could improve the infrastructure conditions of the surrounding inhabitants to reduce the impact of a future redensification. • A critical aspect to discourage the urban sprawl expansion is to shorten the distance within the housing developments and the working centers, thus a plot within the City of Mexico and The State of Mexico having a good connectivity and access to the existing public services will be ideal for this proposal. HOUSING TYPOLOGIES AND CURRENT PRACTICE • Inhabitants are looking towards the acquisition of single family houses as a cultural characteristics and as the apartments offer within the city doesn’t comply with their needs. • The current practice proposals undermine the quality against the quantity, however, as the chapter reveals a major issue is the absence of urban infrastructure and basic services, hereafter the design proposal must not just reduce the impact of a new development but provide the sufficient resources to support the existing public equipment. GOVERNMENT PARTIES & SELF-CONSTRUCTION • The project must create a strong alliance with the public and private sectors to ensure its feasibility. • In order to fulfill the current housing requirements and taking advantage of the government’s development agenda, the proposal must consider the following aspects: -Create working opportunities for the informal sector -Provide users with technical skills -Use education as vehicle towards environmental awareness and innovation. -Promote a sense of community -Encourage talent and generate a sense of identity -Recover public spaces • The project must seek to initiate a shift towards renewables that could be considered later on as payment in kind to the government in exchange of financial help, moreover it is important to stimulate the participation of the private sector by the means of material production or programs assistance.


Context & Theoretical background

REFERENCES Carmona, F. (1973), El milagro Mexicano, Latinoamérica hoy Colección: Latinoamérica hoy, Nuestro Tiempo. CONAPO after INEGI 2000 CONAPO (Proyecciones de los hogares y las viviendas de México Virgilio Partida Bush y de las entidades federativas,2005-2050) (Accessed 28/01/2015) CONAPO (Dinámica demográfica 1990-2010 y proyecciones de población 2010-2030, CONAPO 2014) (http://www.conapo. Cuadernillo_DistritoFederal.pdf (Accessed 28/01/2015) CONAVI (Historical statistics database) estadisticas-historicas-de-viviendas (Accessed 30/01/2015) CONAVI (Guía para la redensificación Habitacional en la Ciudad Interior) final.pdf (Accessed 01/02/2015) Hidalgo García, S. (2013), Vivienda de interés social, trastocando el habitar del patrimonio familiar, Thesis, Facultad de Arquitectura, UNAM. INEGI, (Panorama Sociodemográfico de México 2010) http://www. censos/poblacion/2010/panora_socio/Cpv2010_Panorama.pdf (Accessed 30/01/2015) INEGI, (Censos de población y vivienda 2010) mx/est/contenidos/proyectos/ccpv/cpv2010/Default.aspx (Accessed 30/01/2015) INEGI,2012/2013, (Accessed 30/01/2015) INFONAVIT, Situación del mercado hipotecario en México, http:// (Accessed 01/02/2015) Kochen, J. J. (April 29 2014), Opinión: Las formas de la densidad, una cuestión cultural. (Accessed 30/01/2015) Geo Villas de La Asunción user’s guide (1995) Google images Google Maps Montes, S., Arquine (2015) (Accessed 30/01/2015) “Mi multi es mi Multi” documentary (1998), Instituto Mora, Consejo nacional de ciencia y tecnología Reglamento de Construcciones para el Distrito Federal (Mexico City Building Code) fototeca/1953790738-Reglamento_2005_%2528COMPLETOTRILLAS%2529.pdf (Accessed 02/02/2015) Context & Theoretical background


SACMEX (Sistema de Aguas de la Ciudad de México), (2012) http:// (Accessed 28/01/2015) Sánchez Corral, J. (2012) La vivienda “social” en México; presente, pasado y futuro, Sistema Nacional de Creadores de Arte Emisión 2008, (August 2009-July 2012). Servicio Sismológico Nacional, UNAM, http://www2.ssn.unam. mx:8080/website/jsp/fuertes.jsp (Accessed 02/02/2015) SEDEMA Action Climate Programme 2014-2020, http://www. cambio-climatico/PACCM-2014-2020completo.pdf (Accessed 01/02/2015) SEDESO (Accessed 02/02/2015) SIDESO 2007-2012 Mexico City development agenda http://www. (Accessed 31/01/2015) SEMARNAT “Secretaría del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales” (Secretariat of the environment and natural resources 2006) UNESCO Chair in Human Rights, Cátedra Unesco de Derechos Humanos de la UNAM, (Accessed 31/01/2015) ZMVM, Laboratorio de la Ciudad de México, 2000. y Mapa de la Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transporte del D.F http://www. (Accessed 31/01/2015) ARTICLES Alto Nivel 19-08-2013 (Accessed 30/01/2015) CNN Expansión May 16 2014, negocios/2013/05/16/inversionista-huyen-de-geo-urbi-y-homex (Accessed 31/01/2015) CNN Expansión March 21 2014, negocios/2014/03/21/10-claves-de-la-crisis-de-geo (Accessed 31/01/2015) CNN Expansión July 15 2014 economia/2014/07/15/autoconstruccion-apuesta-para-viviendas (Accessed 01/02/2015) CNN Expansión July 18 2014, negocios/2014/07/18/cementeras-concretan-nicho-informal (Accessed 01/02/2015) El Universal, April 06 2012, notas/840091.html (Accessed 31/01/2015) Proceso, 30 July 2013, (Accessed 30/01/2015) REFORMA 11 august REFORMA 11 august 2014 http:// 22

Context & Theoretical background aspx?id=310547&md5=03aca6eec6190c5757 cbefb94bf7d544&ta=0dfdbac11765226904 c16cb9ad1b2efe (Accessed 02/02/2015) Sin embargo 02 October 2013, articulo/es-alarmante-nivel-de-violencia-en-mexico-1380699219 (Accessed 30/01/2015) ONLINE REFERENCES building-the-link-to-home-ownership-cemex-joins-the-businesscall-to-action/ (Accessed 31/01/2015) Caraveo Castro, A. (2009), Archivo Colef, Tijuana, M茅xico, Norte/CiudadesFronterizas/Tijuana/General/Grupo-Mexico-ACCoct09-04.jpg?m=1401213444 (Accessed 31/01/2015) (Accessed 30/01/2015) (Accessed 31/01/2015) http://fuer -debe-impedirasentamientos-irregulares/ (Accessed 31/01/2015) Goethe Pont贸n, D. M茅xico http://www.arquitecturayresistencia. com/wp-content/gallery/goethe-david-ponton-mexico/aut_mex_1. jpg (Accessed 31/01/2015) L贸pez Luz P. (Accessed 30/01/2015) (Accessed 30/01/2015) AyotzinapaEnPieDeLucha1.jpg (Accessed 31/01/2015) (Accessed 31/01/2015) Worldpress 2014, (Accessed 31/01/2015)

Context & Theoretical background




Climate analysis

2.1. Location 2.2. Temperature 2.3. Relative humidity and rainfall 2.4. Prevailing winds 2.5. Solar radiation & sun path 2.6. Sky conditions 2.7. Conclusion



2.1. LOCATION Mexico City [Fig. 2.1.1] (Latitude: 19° 36’ - 19° 2’ N, Longitude: 98° 56’ - 99° 22’ W, Altitude: 2421 m) is located in an area known as “The Valley of Mexico” comprised of four states: Tlaxcala, Hidalgo, State of Mexico and the Federal District. The climate of the basin is considered tropical due to the altitude and position, although in the central portion where the Federal District is found the climate is subtropical with dry winters and hot summers and an annual temperature of 17.6 ° C (Jáuregui Ostos, E., El clima de la Ciudad de México (2000)).

Figure 2.1.1: Mexico City geographic location. (Source: after Meteonorm v.7, & google maps)

2.2 TEMPERATURE The temperature in Mexico City is characterized by warm days and cool nights throughout the year presenting a diurnal temperature range of 12 °C [see Fig. 2.3.1]. As shown in figure 2.2.1, the warmest season spans the months of March to May whereas the cool period is comprised within November and February. The temperature goes from a minimum of 6 °C (that considers night values) to a maximum of 26 °C, though, the monthly average distribution ranges from 7 °C to 23 °C annually.

Figure 2.2.1: Monthly dry bulb temperature distribution and solar radiation in Mexico City (Source: after Meteonorm v.7 and EN 15251:2007)

Climate analysis


TEMPERATURE AND COMFORT The comfort band displayed in the previous chart (figure 2.2.1) is a result for Mexico City according to the outdoor conditions based on the European Standard EN 15251 (CEN 2007). Despite the average temperature being below the comfort area, as Nicol suggests (Adaptive thermal comfort: principles and practice), thermal comfort depends on specific cultural, social and climatic aspects that will modify inhabitants expectations and adaptive opportunities [see chapter V]. In Mexico city, the temperature is mild throughout the year [Fig. 2.2.1], though a warmer and a cooler day [Fig. 2.2.2] were chosen to describe the typical temperature behaviour during 24 hours. In a warmer day the average temperature is 18°C with a minimum mean temperature of 13.9°C and a maximum of 22.3°C, whereas in a cooler day, temperature oscillates between 5.9°C and 20.1°C with an average of 13.9°C. The analysis suggests that diurnal fluctuation increases during the cooler period (November-December) reaching a diurnal temperature range of 14°C.

Figure 2.2.2: Typical hot and cold period days (Source: after Meteonorm v.7 and EN 15251:2007)

2.3 HUMIDITY AND RAINFALL As shown in figure 2.3.1 the annual trend defines a rainy period within June and September, which according to the SEMARNAT (Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources, 2006), is associated with highly humid tropical winds from the Pacific Ocean, the Caribbean sea and the Golf of Mexico. During the year, rainfall oscillates between 10 mm to almost 280 mm allowing the promotion of water harvesting. The relative humidity can widely vary within the same day, however the highest values are found during the rainy season.

Figure 2.3.1: Monthly average of relative humidity and rainfall in Mexico City (Source: after Meteornorm v.7)

2.4 PREVAILING WINDS In the Valley of Mexico, the prevailing winds come from the northern region where the terrain is flatter reaching no more than 6 m/s. Depending on the time of year, the wind direction may change creating winds coming from the northeast region of the Valley and even from South to North when the wind is intense enough to pass the mountains barrier (specially during the winter months) maintaining velocities within 1 m/s to 4 m/s. However, the last two behaviours are present in a low percentage so that they are not always detected (Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources / Secretaría del Medio ambiente y Recursos Naturales). 28

Climatic analysis

It is to be noted that the simulation results based on the weather station Mexico Central/Tacubaya (19.4째,-99.2째) (Meteonorm v.7) indicate that at this specific location, the prevailing winds come from the southeastern direction [see figure 2.4.1] and fluctuate mainly within 0 m/s and 3 m/s. As shown in the following chart [see figure 2.4.2] there is minimal variation in wind velocity throughout the year.

Figure 2.4.1: Prevailing winds, wind frequency (hrs) yearly analysis; Tacubaya weather station, Ecotect Analysis 2011 (Source: after Meteornorm v.7)

Figure 2.4.2: Monthly mean wind speed (m/s) (Source: after Meteornorm v.7)

2.5. SOLAR RADIATION AND SUN PATH The direct radiation throughout the year oscillates between 4 kWh/m2 and 5.6 kWh/m2 [See figure 2.2.1]. The highest values are found during the warmer period from March to May. The yearly behaviour together with the global and vertical radiation [fig. 2.5.1], display a significant opportunity to benefit from solar gains when a raise in temperature is needed, specially from the Southern and Eastern facades.

Figure 2.5.1: Monthly daily mean global vertical (Wh/m2). South, North, East and West orientations (Source: after Meteornorm v.7)

Climatic analysis


The following figure [fig. 2.5.2] presents the yearly sun path diagram in Mexico City. As the location is roughly close to the equator, between the winter and summer solstices, the daily length has a maximum variation of 30 minutes at sunrise and 1 hour at sunset [see figures 2.5.3, 2.5.4 & 2.5.5]. The solar altitude at 12:00 hrs fluctuates from 80.2째 in June to 46.3째 in December, it is therefore necessary to consider a strategy to avoid direct radiation on the roof. During the warmer period the southern, eastern and western facades are the most affected while during the cooler months, direct solar radiation affects essentially the southern orientation.

Figure 2.5.2: Yearly sun path diagram Mexico City (Source: Ecotect 2011)

Figure 2.5.3: Summer solstice (June 21st) (Source: Ecotect 2011)

Figure 2.5.4: Equinox (March 21st) (Source: Ecotect 2011)

Figure 2.5.5: Winter solstice (December 21st) (Source: Ecotect 2011)

2.6. SKY CONDITIONS Figure 2.6.1 displays the monthly variation of daily sky cover range. It is to be noted that throughout the year the average percentage remains above 40%, however, as the information extracted from climate consultant 5.5 is not conclusive, studies for a typical cold and hot weeks were conducted. The analysis [See figure 2.6.2] allowed a deep understanding of the sky cover variation related with diurnal and nocturnal cycles. Along the warm and cool weeks the average sky cover ranges between 70% to almost 80% without a meaningful difference among day and night values.


Climatic analysis

Figure 2.6.1: Daily sky cover range Mexico City (%) (Source: Climate Consultant 5.5)

Figure 2.6.2: Typical weeks analysis (warm and cool periods) total sky cover range (Source: after Meteornorm v.7)

2.7. CONCLUSION Although the temperature in Mexico City is mild throughout the year, the diurnal fluctuation is an essential characteristic to be addressed. The climatic analysis chapter highlighted essential key points to be considered as environmental strategies, below is a summary description responding to warm and cool conditions.

Warmer and cooler periods: Thermal mass, cross ventilation, solar gains, adaptive opportunities. Materials must be carefully selected to reduce daily temperature fluctuations, a high thermal inertia fabric is to be pursued to store and control solar radiation heat throughout the day that could be released during the night. A joint strategy with cross ventilation can offer the user the adaptive opportunities to achieve comfort. Thermal mass properties can contribute to reach the comfort levels by increasing the nocturnal temperatures. Solar gains derived from direct vertical radiation through the southern facade have a strong potential to increase indoor temperatures during the cooler period. As the global vertical radiation studies suggested it is suitable to provide solar protection to the roof and to control direct solar access through the western and eastern facades. A strategy to collect solar energy must be addressed. Adaptive opportunities such as windows control, internal blinds and spaces diversity must be given by the architecture itself in order to offer a good environment and achieve comfortable indoor temperatures passively.

Climatic analysis



REFERENCES Climate consultant 5.5 Ecotect Analysis 2011 European Standard EN 15251 (CEN 2007) Jáuregui Ostos, E., (2000) El clima de la Ciudad de México. Temas selectos de geografía de México., UNAM, geografía Meteonorm V.7 Nicol, J.F., M. Humphreys, S. Roaf (2012). Adaptive Thermal Comfort. Routledge. SEMARNAT “Secretaría del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales” (Secretariat of the environment and natural resources 2006)

ONLINE REFERENCES cont_criterio/06agrals0623oct08.pdf (accessed 17/04/2014)

Climatic analysis





3.1. PREVI, Perú 3.2. Chinampas method




BUILT PRECEDENTS The following precedents were chosen to inform the dissertation research and to focus on the social and environmental attributes of dwellings and master plan configurations. PREVI precedent was selected as an example of space appropriation, master plan diversification and incremental housing typologies. The chinampas example compiles the characteristics of mexican “chinampas�, an agricultural water system that was traditionally used during the early construction of the City of Mexico. A third case study was picked as precedent and fieldwork to describe an example of social housing in the State of Mexico. Environmental performance and design components were evaluated and a break down of the investigation is outlined in the FIELDWORK section (chapter IV).





3.1. PREVI, Perú PREVI (Proyecto Experimental de Vivienda) was an experimental scheme of social housing arrangement located in Lima, Perú [See Fig. 3.1.1]. Although the original proposal consisted on 4 pilot projects, this summary focuses on the first one (PP1) which involves the development of a new neighborhood of low-cost and contractor-built houses based upon the results of an international competition in 1969 (¡Time builds!, Ed GG/ 2008, Barcelona).

Figure 3.1.1: PREVI PP1 master plan location (source: after Google Earth)

The project’s master plan was designed by Peter Land (UK) in coordination with the PREVI development group. Under his supervision, a number of renowned architects from developing and developed countries were shortlisted to participate in the production of an urban design proposal for approximately 1500 dwellings [See Fig. 3.1.2]. Each scheme should present a cluster arrangement of houses (that would consider floor areas, cost estimates and building methods within specific plots) and the location of educational, social and commercial facilities. Every proposal was also required to follow an incremental strategy in stages, beginning with a basic unit (1 storey) that could grow into a fully expanded house(2-3 storey) [see Fig.3.1.3].

Figure 3.1.2: PREVI master plan & proposal’s location (source: After García-Huidobro, F.; Torres Torriti, D. y Tugás, N.: ¡El tiempo construye! El Proyecto Experimental de Vivienda (PREVI) de Lima).



Figure 3.1.3: Typologies incremental evolution from 1978 to 2003 (Source: After García-Huidobro, F.; Torres Torriti, D. y Tugás, N.: ¡El tiempo construye! El Proyecto Experimental de Vivienda (PREVI) de Lima). 40


As the preview image depicts, the design provided spatial units of 53 m2 to up to 107 m2 (determined by the design typology) sufficient to cover a wide range of user needs. Hence, the conception of a possible future extension allowed the occupant to develop a “self-managed transformation” that increased the initial area significantly (127 m2 - 352 m2). By establishing clear guidelines and construction criteria, the project achieved to foster diversity and to promote inhabitants appropriation [Figures 3.1.4, 3.1.5].

Figure 3.1.4: Images showing the transformation from 1985 to 2003 of Kikutak, Maki and Kurokawa housing group (Source: After García-Huidobro, F.; Torres Torriti, D. y Tugás, N.: ¡El tiempo construye! El Proyecto Experimental de Vivienda (PREVI) de Lima).

Figure 3.1.5: Images showing the transformation from 1978 to 2003 of i11, p20 and i3 proposals (Source: After García-Huidobro, F.; Torres Torriti, D. y Tugás, N.: ¡El tiempo construye! El Proyecto Experimental de Vivienda (PREVI) de Lima).



The project PP1 was considered experimental in 6 areas: neighbourhood and design based upon the high-density, low-rise concept, a module and model for future urban expansion / growing house concept with integral courtyard / configurations of housing clusters within the neighborhood master plan / human-scale pedestrian environment / overall neighborhood landscape plan.

Figure 3.1.6: Diagram showing PREVI’s master plan evolution (Source: After García-Huidobro, F.; Torres Torriti, D. y Tugás, N.: ¡El tiempo construye! El Proyecto Experimental de Vivienda (PREVI) de Lima).

As figure 3.1.6 illustrates, a large amount of dwellings had undertaken an extension process which gave rise to a commercial sprawl within the master plan. Although most of the commercial establishments are found along the main roads, educational facilities and services are located in the central area close to the public park.

Figure 3.1.7: Diagram showing current master plan characteristics (Source: After García-Huidobro, F.; Torres Torriti, D. y Tugás, N.: ¡El tiempo construye! El Proyecto Experimental de Vivienda (PREVI) de Lima).

The arrangement consolidates an inhabitant-centered strategy that through time had create a “dense and highly active barrio of great urban quality” (García-Huidobro, F.; Torres Torriti, D. y Tugás, N. (2008)). This precedent informs the dissertation as an example of architecture that adapts to people and conceives the built environment as a progressive result. It gives evidence of potential materials and a variety of construction systems that facilitates a modular design earthquake resistant. Finally, it displays an initial low-rise concept (1 storey) which 3 decades after its completion had incorporated two to six storeys buildings.



3.2. MEXICAN CHINAMPAS The term “Mexican chinampas” refers to a water based agricultural system where different vegetal species can be grown simultaneously. Within the years 1325 and 1521, inhabitants used it to expand Mexico City’s territory by building rectangular platforms made of soil and vegetation which dimensions ranged from 2.5 m to up to 10 m wide and of up to 100 meters long (Torres Lima, Canabal-Cristiani, Burela Rueda, 1994). Within a complex flood water system and canals, the irrigation was constant and provided the community with permanent sources of income and work [Figs. 3.2.4, 3.2.5]. Usually these platforms are characterized by surrounding ahuejotes, native trees able to reach up to 8 meters high in a 3 months period that perform as earth containers [Fig.3.2.1].

Figure 3.2.1: Section of the Chinampas system (Source: After

Contemporary studies had been undertaken to pursue this method in a larger scale in the City of Mexico and even as an urban sprawl container (Torres, L.P., Luis, R. S., Brenda, G. U., ACTAF). Moreover, chinampas represent a source of regional employment and most specially a source of food production (fruits, vegetables and plants) throughout the year. Recent studies suggest that, in comparison with green houses, this approach has considerably higher benefits in a longer term for both the user and the ecosystem if basic maintenance is provided. It “satisfy the basic needs of small scale farmers under marginal conditions with a low use of external inputs of industrial origins” (Merlin-Uribe 2013, Altieri 2002)

Figure 3.2.2: Inputs and outputs in chinampa and greenhouse systems in Xochimilco, Mexico. The width of the arrows indicates the importance of the flow. (Source: Merlín-Uribe et al 2013)

Figure 3.2.3: Amoeba graph for the evaluated indicators comparing chinampas and greenhouses (source: Merlín-Uribe et al 2013)

The previous scheme [Fig. 3.2.2] illustrates a higher reliance on external inputs for the greenhouses method and a production that supports essentially local markets. In contrast, chinampas system has a stronger relation with regional markets and offers the farmer a self-consumption possibility less dependent on external inputs. Although the study depicts the advantages and disadvantages of both systems, chinampas are shown to be more profitable in terms of initial investment, cost benefit, participation in decision making, equity income distribution, family labour, farmers organization, pesticides application, and forest and canal conservation [Fig. 3.2.3]. Precedents


In regard with the dissertation, this precedent displays evidence of an urban agriculture system that can be adapted to the current conditions of the capital by rethinking Mexican tradition and promoting self-sufficient communities. It provides information about a plausible solution to ecosystems destruction that can enhance the development of a good and diverse environment.

Figure 3.2.4: Image showing chinampas construction in San Pedro (Source:


Figure 3.2.5: Image showing chinampas construction (source:


REFERENCES García-Huidobro, F.; D. Torres Torriti, N. Tugás: ¡El tiempo construye! El Proyecto Experimental de Vivienda (PREVI) de Lima: génesis y desenlace (2008). Gustavo Gili, SL, Barcelona Merlín-Uribe Y., C. E. González-Esquivel, A. Contreras-Hernández, L. Zambrano, P. Moreno-Casasola, M. Astier (2013) Environmental and socio-economic sustainability of chinampas (raised beds) in Xochimilco, Mexico City, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability,11:3, 216-233, DOI: 10.1080/14735903.2012.726128 (accessed 19/12/2014) Torres Lima P., B. Canabal-Cristiani, G. Burela-Rueda, (1994) Urban Sustainable agriculture: the paradox of the chinampa system in Mexico City. Journal vol.11, issue 1, pp. 37-38, Agriculture and human values. (accessed 14/01/2015) Torres Lima P., Rodríguez Sánchez L. M., García Uriza B. I, Ciudad de México: La integración de la agricultura urbana para evitar la expansión urbana, estudio de caso de la Ciudad de México, download&link_id=268&cf_id=24 (accessed 14/01/2015)

ONLINE REFERENCES download&link_id=268&cf_id=24 (accessed 14/01/2015) (accessed 14/01/2015) h t t p : / / 4 . b p . b l o g s p o t . c o m / - M 4 Yu e f l S C S Q / UjuF2JIYK3I/AAAAAAAABfk/5HZdngJ6-hQ/s1600/ creacio%81n+de+una+chinampa.JPG (accessed 14/01/2015) (accessed 14/01/2015)






4.1. Precedent description 4.2. Fieldwork 1) Layout characteristics 2) Thermal performance 3) Thermal Calibration


4.3. Parametric Studies 4.4. Conclusion



4.1. GEO VILLAS DE LA ASUNCIÓN, STATE OF MEXICO_PRECEDENT DESCRIPTION Geo villas de la Asunción is a residential complex located in the outskirts of Mexico City [See figure 4.1.1] in the municipality of Valle de Chalco, solidaridad, State of Mexico. It was built in 1995 during a period where affordable housing options for city workers started to be an overriding topic of discussion [see Chapter I context: 1.2.2]. Built by Casas Geo, one of the leading housing developers in Mexico and Latin America, this case study presents an example of social housing proposals.

Figure 4.1.1 Geo Villas de la Asunción Location in relation to Mexico City, Source: after Google Earth

The master plan consists on 1,440 dwellings subdivided in 33 condominiums within a total area of 119,400 m2. It was projected to accommodate 8,064 inhabitants and 1,440 dwellings but despite the scheme being pedestrian-centered, the proposal considered 1,584 cars (1.1 cars / dwelling) and parking areas arranged in cul-de-sac disposition translated into 36,410 m2 (30% of the total area). The scheme was divided in two sections (Northern (dark gray) and Southern (light gray)) [Fig. 4.1.2] that were planned to be articulated by pedestrian walkways, commercial buildings and green areas (House manual, Geo villas de la Asunción). Unfortunately, fieldwork demonstrated that due to security issues, users had closed most of the parking pockets hindering the pedestrian fluidity and contact between neighbors [see fig. 4.1.3.A-B].

Figure 4.1.2 Geo Villas de la Asunción master plan characteristics, mobility and programme (Source: after house manual, Geo Villas de la Asunción)



As the following image displays [Fig. 4.1.3-C], green and commercial areas are gathered in the North-Eastern and central portions of the plot, location which primarily benefits the closest householders and provokes a mayor disconnection from the southern occupants.

Figure 4.1.3 A-Diagram showing the fabric permeability, B-Diagram showing the pedestrian mobility after users adaptations, C- Diagram showing the mobility consequences for an specific portion of the complex

The cul-de-sac disposition allows the distribution of dwellings around the parking areas where each occupant can have a parking lot alongside their entrance [Fig. 4.1.4-A]. As fieldwork revealed, the arrangement promotes the interaction between neighbors [Fig. 4.1.4-B] and organizes the fabric into small clusters. However, interviews reported that interaction remains superficial and limited to a few acquaintances that gather sporadically to discuss administration issues [see Appendix X, interviews summary], yet the parking space has become a protected playground for children.

Figure 4.1.4 A-Diagram showing cul-de-sac arrangement and parking lots, B-Diagram showing neighbours interaction and clusters boundaries, C- Diagram showing duplex dwelling typology

As figure 4.1.4-C illustrates, houses are located side by side in a duplex arrangement and sharing the intermediate wall. Literature gave evidence of an initial design strategy that anticipated a 1 floor extension to be undertaken by the occupant (marked in blue). Furthermore, it confirms that users had been given the elementary technical instructions to accomplish it in continuity with the previous stage and materiality. Master plans depict an inconsistent orientation which diversifies the distribution of solar radiation, thus shading studies shown that every dwelling receives daily at least 5 hours of sun throughout the year [Appendix B_1]



4.2 GEO VILLAS DE LA ASUNCIÓN, STATE OF MEXICO_FIELDWORK 1) Layout characteristics Fieldwork studies were undertaken to analyze the performance of a 3 storey extended house [see Fig. 4.1.4-C]. The house was occupied by 4 women who modified the original ground floor design to increase the kitchen area and the internal staircase (adaptations marked in red) [Figure floor].

Figure Top plans and sections of the analyzed dwelling (Source: After Geo Villas de la Asunción’s user manual)

The deep plan layout and limited openings suggested daylight and ventilation issues for the ground floor that were verified during the visit [Fig.]. Adequate daylight levels for the first and second floors were detected while at the ground stage lights were kept switched on during day time [Fig.]. As for ventilation, it was observed that occupants maintained the entrance door opened to promote air movement as the openings were not sufficient.

Figure Top plan and section scheme showing daylight and ventilation issues observed (source: fieldwork visit)






Figure Images showing daylight attributes; Images location in section plan.




The previous images illustrate the different rooms daylight characteristics: 1. Ground floor image from the entrance side, 2. Ground floor image from the dining area, 3. Room 1, 4. Room 2, 5. Room 3, 6. Room 3. In terms of materiality, dwellings were built with a simple fabric made of concrete blocks for the internal (gray colour) and external (brown colour) walls and with light concrete slabs with polystyrene insulation for the internal floors [Fig.]. However, users informed that the extension was done without considering the initial criteria (including second floor walls and roof).

Figure Case study materials definition and users selection for extended storey 52


Figure Envelope exposure for the extended room (3)

As the previous image depicts and investigation revealed, the developer could have selected materials according to cost, self-building possibilities and to promote thermal inertia through the exposed envelope(the house contract clearly states the prohibition of painting or changing facades finishes of any external wall). Added to this, a protection from direct solar radiation through the roof was suggested, thus inhabitants decisions reduced the envelope performance of the extended room (see U-values Fig. It is to be noted that being a terraced house, the only floor exposed from 4 of its 5 sides is the extended one (East, West, North and roof) [fig.].

2) Thermal performance In order to evaluate the building performance, its thermal behaviour was monitored during a period of 8 days (July 31st - August 9th). Instruments were protected from direct solar radiation to avoid misleading values and to use results for the model calibration later on. Temperature at the ground and first floors remained stable and within comfort levels whereas at the second level a fluctuation between 11°C and 35.5°C was detected (12 K above the comfort band)[Fig.]. The graph below considered an external dry bulb temperature from the closest weather station (Tlåhuac weather station ID: IMEXICOC4 Lat: 19.25 Lon: -99.01 Elev: 2293 m). Spot measurements for air and surface temperature confirmed a 4 degrees difference within the lower and upper floors by the time data was taken (10:30 am) [See appendix B_2].

Figure Dataloggers air temperature results for Ground, first and second floors and its position (Section and plan).

A model was developed to confirm the materiality hypothesis by creating an initial shoe box based on this case study. Calibration was done using the second floor air temperature values [Fig.] and parameters based on fieldwork information [Fig.].

Figure Internal conditions for thermal model (second floor).



Figure displays the building behavior during the typical warmer and cooler weeks after calibration process [see appendix B_3]. Although all along the warmer week the average temperature was 25°C, during the cooler period it stayed below comfort levels most of the time. It is important to highlight that in both cases dry bulb temperature showed a permanent daily swing of more than 5 K.

Figure Graph showing typical weeks results of second floor after calibration. Source after EDSL TAS

3) Thermal calibration The thermal model calibration was built using EDSL TAS based upon existing materiality and users characteristics in order to confirm thermal mass properties for a detached house in Mexico City [see appendix B_3]. Three stations were considered and compared with the monitored week to define a weather file that could simulate a more realistic scenario but, taking into account Mexico City’s micro-climate diversity, an extrapolated station was selected.

Figure Graph showing calibration results using Tláhuac weather station for monitored period. Source: after EDSL TAS

Bearing in mind the manual labour required for this type of construction and the lack of mechanical devices, an infiltration rate of 0.5 m/s and a ventilation rate of 0 m/s were selected. The difference within data logger values and simulation results is due to the inaccuracy of data collection related to occupancy and activities carried out by inhabitants. The presentation of the following information summarizes the parametric studies conducted to improve the building’s performance by replacing firstly the existing materials by those suggested in the house manual, and secondly, by combining them with others proposed by engineer Miguel Silva Conde and the National Housing Commission [see Appendix B_3]. Single glazing was maintained as it is traditionally used and represents around 5% of the total cost (Gutiérrez Blanco, Benito 2013). 54


4.3 GEO VILLAS DE LA ASUNCIÓN, STATE OF MEXICO_PARAMETRIC STUDIES Small actions were taken to maintain the simplicity of the design in terms of cost, self-construction and local materials. As a first stage, dark waterproof finish was replaced by white waterproof paint to reduce heat absorptance, bringing internal temperature down to the comfort limits during the warmer period but worsening the condition for the cooler season. Secondly, a layer of polystyrene insulation was added to the roof construction improving slightly the temperature for both weeks. Thirdly, a layer of polystyrene insulation (suggested by the National Housing Commission) was considered for the external walls reducing significantly the daily temperature fluctuation [see Appendix B_4]. Finally, 3 different concrete densities were tested showing a better result for a concrete f’C=2200 kg/m3 . For this simulation, temperatures remained within the comfort band being the minimum value 19 °C [Fig.]. As this condition is found between 00:00 hrs and 06:00 hrs, clothing insulation and blankets are sufficient for users to adjust (Nicol. F, Adaptive thermal comfort: principles and practice).

Figure Graph showing calibration results using Tláhuac weather station for monitored period. Source, after EDSL TAS

4.4 GEO VILLAS DE LA ASUNCIÓN, STATE OF MEXICO_CONCLUSION This case study informed the dissertation in several aspects: on the one hand it allowed to pinpoint the characteristics of a social housing development (from the master plan composition to the house detail) by undertaking in situ studies such as surveys and data collection and by complementing them with simulations when the information was insufficient. On the other hand, it fostered the initial parametric studies to confirm the materiality and performance hypothesis that arose as the analysis was progressing. Below, conclusions were divided into two categories to span a complete overview: Master plan • A vehicle-centered environment inclines users to isolate themselves from the rest of the community • Community disconnection increases security issues and hinders life quality • Centralized green areas are likely to be used by part of the inhabitants, decentralized green areas should be considered as well • A consistent orientation is suitable for large arrangements to secure homogeneous dwelling characteristics • House clusters can enhance interaction and facilitate administrative organization though it is necessary to promote a sense of appropriation for inhabitants to commit to the continual improvement of their environment. • Outdoors must provide micro-climatic diversity in order to expand adaptive opportunities Unit • It is crucial to avoid deep plan layouts to secure cross-ventilation and natural daylight possibilities • An exposure increase can enhance thermal mass properties and fabric permeability • Construction materials must encourage self-built possibilities. Still, architects must provide a strategy and course of action to preserve design intentions and building performance • Dwellings require the provision of roof protection from direct sun radiation while supporting its use as an external space Fieldwork


REFERENCES Ecotect Analysis 2011 EDSL TAS software Guti茅rrez Blanco, B. (2013). Environmental strategies for lowcost communities in hot-dry regions of Mexico, Architectural Association School of Architecture, dissertation project 2011-2013. House manual Casas Geo, Geo Villas de la Asunci贸n Meteonorm V.7 Nicol, J.F., M. Humphreys, S. Roaf (2012). Adaptive Thermal Comfort. Routledge.

ONLINE REFERENCES Silva Conde, M., National Housing Commission, http://www. mdulo%20-%20uso%20de%20aislamiento%20trmico%20en%20 la%20vivienda.pdf (Accessed 26/01/2015) (Accessed 26/01/2015)




Pre-design studies

5.1. Site description 5.2. Design strategy 5.3. Materiality 5.4. Conclusion


Figure 5.1.1. Image showing the site location (International airport of Mexico City Source: after Google Earth and Oscar Ávila

5.1 SITE DESCRIPTION The site was selected following the conclusions from the first chapter: a well connected plot located within in between the State of Mexico and Mexico City able to harbor a large scale and long-term proposal. For this purpose and taking into account a series of particular events, the current International Airport was chosen. The Benito Juárez International Airport has been an important topic of discussion as the government is propelling the creation of a new airfield designed by Foster & Partners that will leave the original plot empty by 2018. It is located in the Northeast portion of the Federal District (Lat. 19°26’07’’ N., Long. 99° 04’ 20’’ O., Alt. 2,237.5 m) at a distance of 4.5 km from the city centre. It currently has a built area of 576,802.63 m2 considering the terminals 1 and 2.

Texcoco, Cola de Pato and the Nabor carrillo lakes. The site is surrounded by 5 metro lines, 3 main highways 4 primary roads [fig. 5.1.2] ensuring an adequate accessibility from diverse directions. Hence, the selected fragment is bordering the federal zone [fig. 5.1.3] from its right side and has a direct access possibility in the northwest, northeast and southeastern limits. The total area is of about 90 Ha, However, the design doesn’t go into detail on the hole extension. This particular location presents an unique opportunity to extend the water culture towards the plot and take advantage of the existing drainage system (CONAGUA) [Appendix C_1].

As figure 5.1.1 depicts, the area is adjacent to one of the remaining water bodies of the Valley of Mexico comprising the 58

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Figure 5.1.2. Image showing site connectivity Source: after Google Earth

Figure 5.1.3. Image showing site plot connectivity (plan and perspective) Source: after Google Earth

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Figure 5.2.1. Involved sectors (private, public, governmental and finantial).

Figure 5.2.2. Intervention areas (construction, education, finantial support).

Figure 5.2.5. Diagram showing the strategic processes and expectations.

5.2 DESIGN STRATEGY The design strategy is based upon the Theoretical Background Chapter (Chapt. I) that highlighted the urgency to pursue holistic schemes to be able to provide a realistic solution. Although the dissertation will not detail every aspect, it is important to describe the general idea upon which the design was conceived and how the sustainability lies on a process rather than a formal result. As a starting point, 3 actors are involved [fig. 5.2.1], the public, the private and as the focal point, the inhabitant. The financial part can be either given by the government or by a private enterprise. Secondly, their role within the scheme was selected based on previous studies (Chapter I) [fig. 5.2.2]. The construction is alocated to the private sector. Through their socially responsible program called PIAC [fig.5.2.3], CEMEX (Cementos Mexicanos) the world’s third largest concrete and cement firm is able to provide assistance in the self building 60

processs.This program allows the inhabitant to participate along the concrete block production process receiving 50% as payment in kind. In a second stage, the company works jointly with the Tec de Monterrey (private university) to assist during the building development. The public sector was thought to be more competent in terms of education. First off, the creation of a specialized research center with the expertise of the Nationa University, would boost environmental awareness and sustainable innovation in the long term. By fostering research and reflection on housing, this centre should generate a critical mass. Of equal importance would be the implementation of short courses (2, 4 and 6 months long) provided by CECATI (Centros de Capacitación para el Trabajo Industrial / Training centers for the industrial work) in order to train students to meet the needs of the productive and service sectors (http://www.dgcft.sems.gob. mx/) [see Appendix C_2 for courses related to construction]. The strategy consists on selecting courses directly related Pre-design studies

Figure 5.2.3. User and actors.

Figure 5.2.4.Win to win process strategy.

Figure 5.2.6. DIagram displaying the type of sectors and actors in relation to specific activities.

with the building environment such as installations, electricity, furniture among others, for inhabitants to acquire specific skills to build, manage and maintain their heritage. This would not only create social cohesion and a sense of appropriation but also would allow to generate own source revenues for the families.

mandatory for its pursuit and summarized in figures 5.2.6 and 5.2.7. in detail.

The financial sector would com in as an intermediate, that would contribute economically to the process by providing mortgages and loans. In accordance to section 1.4, the intermediate will define its contribution in agreement with the government and other parties involved (a specific collaborator hasn’t been defined). Strategically, this scheme seeks to design a win to win relation among all those involved [fig. 5.2.4]. The general objectives and further expectations are divided into first and second degrees consequences and are described in figure 5.2.5. Although the scope of the project remains within the limits of an architectural outcome, the actors previously mentioned are Pre-design studies


Figure 5.2.7. Image showing the relationship diagram within actors and users

Figure 5.2.8. Diagram showing strategic process cycle 62

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To conclude this section, it is worth understanding how actors and users can create a production cycle that starts with the government’s development agenda. As figure 5.2.7 depicts, the architectural proposal is focused on the provision of the basic facilities required to ensure the scheme operation, being housing, workshops, markets and agricultural centers, the backbone for its consolidation. Figure 5.2.8 summarizes the dissertation outcome process cycle as a linear strategy. Beginning with the government setting a prospective agenda and financing direct or indirectly (through private intermediary) the housing acquisition and the development of public facilities (markets, cemex, cecati workshops, specialization centre Unam). The unit proposal must provide water harvesting systems, solar panels and urban agriculture (chinampas: see chapter III), in addition Cemex and Cecati will allow the inhabitant to produce housing and personalized dwelling elements. Finally, the production will be sufficient to be self-consumed and the surplus could be sold at the markets as a source of own-revenue.

Pre-design studies


Figure 5.3.1. Image showing the relationship diagram within actors and users (source: after Meteonorm v.7)

5.3 MATERIALITY The first consideration for the materials selection derived from the climate analysis showing one of the main characteristics is the diurnal fluctuation range [fig.5.3.1] along with the possibilities of benefiting from solar gains through the southern, western, and eastern facades [fig. 5.3.2]. Therefore, the use of high inertia materials is highly recommended and fits adequately the selfconstruction scheme.

Figure 5.3.2. Horizontal and vertical radiation in Mexico City (Extrapolated weather station) (Source: after Meteonorm v.7)


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Figure 5.3.3. Brick and concrete block characteristics (source: Guti茅rrez Blanco, B. after GreenSpec 2013)

Figure 5.3.4. Concrete and block production (sources:, )

Figure 5.3.5. Material characteristics in accordance with the scheme strategy

As presented in figure 5.3.5, in addition to the thermal characteristics [fig.5.3.3] materials were chosen to be in accordance with local tradition and to ennoble Mexican identity. Red bricks are produced massively in the State of Mexico where approximately 900 hand made brick producers can be found. Although the working conditions for these employees are regrettable, it represents a source of income for the vast majority living at the Horneros de Ixtapaluca village [fig 5.3.4] (Tabiqueros, la persistencia de una tradici贸n). The scale of the project would require a massive amount of these items; thus if the government sticks to their development agenda, its consumption could act as a double-edged tool assuring a stable and continuous production and improve the working environment through a process of institutionalization. Concrete blocks, as explained previously, are embedded within the PIAC Assisted Self-Construction Integrated Program, supplying a professional and regular assistance throughout the Pre-design studies

building process and an adequate material quality. Added to this, Cemex is seen as one of the largest socially responsible enterprises seeking permanently seeking the innovation towards a lower energy consumption and alternative raw materials. For internal floors and roof, the materiality follows the fieldwork parametric studies conclusions for which Panel W [fig.5.3.6] represents a favorable option. These panels are structural systems made of steel wire and a core which can be expanded polystyrene or polyurethane.

Figure 5.3.5. Panel W detail (source:


Figure 5.3.6. Materials application

5.4 CONCLUSION FInally, the chosen materials for the roof, that is enabled as an outer space are Panel W and Talavera ceramics. Panel W was chosen as an insulation material, that significantly reduces heat transfer. As a surface layer, Talavera ceramic was preferred as its highly reflecting surface can help reduce heat gains. In an aesthetic and social note, this specific type of ceramic is traditionally used in Puebla (State adjacent to the State of Mexico) for facades and floor decoration giving a colourful touch characteristic of mexican architecture. Finally knowing that Cecati center offer a technical course focused on its production, the use of this material would be in perfect accordance with the building principles previously mentioned.


This chapter settles the basis on which the design was planned, it defines the scope and intention of the architectural proposal and of the strategy to be addressed. Social, economical, environmental and infrastructural factors are taken into account to consolidate a process that seeks to transgress the industrialized production of social housing developments. Moreover, the project seeks to put the inhabitant at the core of the production, the development and the maintenance of their living environment [fig.5.3.6].

Pre-Design studies

REFERENCES CONAGUA (Accessed 02/02/2015) Gutiérrez Blanco, B. (2013). Environmental strategies for lowcost communities in hot-dry regions of Mexico, Architectural Association School of Architecture, AA + E Environment & Energy Studies Programme, Graduate School MArch Sustainable Environmental Design, dissertation project 2011-2013. House manual Casas Geo, Geo Villas de la Asunción GOOGLE EARTH Meteonorm V.7 ARTICLES Ávila, Oscar after Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transporte, Tlalpan Info 8 january 2015, (Accessed 02/02/2015) Tabiqueros, la persistencia de una tradición, (Accessed 02/02/2015) El negocio más pobre de la construcción, 23 August 2007, http:// ONLINE REFERENCES rticle&id=2388:cemex-construyendo-esperanza&catid=101:notic iasforumcategoria (Accessed 03/02/2015) h t t p s : / / w w w. d r o p b o x . c o m / s h / m 5 v 5 m m n n s i r n z 1 8 / AACKuDQgxpLfn63g4tGUj7Ela/actual%20aeropuerto.pdf?dl=0 (Accessed 02/02/2015) (Accessed 02/02/2015) (accessed 03/02/2015)

Pre-design studies




6.1. Analytic work 1) Window to floor ratio 2) Thermal studies 6.2. Design brief 1) Program 2) User definition 6.3. Unit definition 1) Program and zoning 2) Architectural considerations 3) Solar radiation studies 4) Layout & composition 6.4. Master plan definition 1) Area of intervention 2) Schematic general zoning 3) Cluster creation 4) Shading studies 5) Wind studies 6) Chinampas addition

Design application




DESIGN APPLICATION The following chapter comprises the outcomes of the various research threads and results from the project’s investigation. The proposal includes both empirical and analytic considerations leading to a design applicability.





Figure Window to floor ratio, daylight factor & schematic layout approach to define fenestration (Source: After DIVA-for-Rhino 2.0)

6.1 ANALYTIC WORK Before describing the undertaken analytical research it is necessary to explain the initial intentions. The dissertation project began with a different line of thought aimed at reaching an incremental unit design able to tackle the social housing situation in Mexico City. However, while going into detail, it was clear that rather than pursuing a housing design morphology the solution had to look towards a holistic and social strategy. Nowadays, several architectural offices [Appendix D] are focusing their efforts on a formal solution, yet evidence suggests that the issue is much more complex. Early parametric studies were done within this framework and towards the generation of a prototype, thus results were considered as a shoe-box analysis.

1) Window to floor ratio Window to floor ratio studies were conducted to define the size and position of windows in relation to thermal balance and daylight. Taking into consideration Mexican architectural 72

tradition as well, 3 opening percentages (10%, 25%, 50%) were analyzed using daylight factor values. The conclusion pointed out that having 25% W/F was sufficient to achieve good daylight levels (CIBSE 1999) [fig.]. The position of windows and its size were consequently defined based on orientation principles and spatial characteristics [fig.,C] resulting on 4 different types [fig.]: A) W/F_13% / Height (floor to lower distance)_1.30m (possibility to open 3 of 4 windows, located at the kitchen). B) W/F_16% Height (floor to lower distance)_1.80m, 1.30m (possibility to open 2 of four windows, used at bedrooms and living room). C) W/F_6% Height (floor to lower distance)_1.85m (possibility to open 1 of 3 windows, used for bathrooms and service areas). D) W/F_6% Height (total)_2.30 (red brick celosĂ­a openings, located at the ground floor to promote cross-ventilation and daylight access) Finally, as figure depicts, the height variation was Design application

Figure Fenestration definition: Window to floor ratio and height

decided based on solar incidence and users spatial requirements (Privacy, accessibility, aperture control) and after defining the shoe-box envelope. Before conducting thermal studies, mean free running indoor temperatures were revised (Mean Indoor Temperature calculation worksheet, Yannas, S., 1994) displaying a result within comfort levels [22.2°C-27°C] during the warmer period (22.1°C / outdoor temperature_18°C) but slightly below the comfort limits [20.6°C-25.6] during the cooler season (17.1°C / outdoor temperature_13.0°C) [Appendix D_1].

Design application


Figure Thermal studies prototype A single house (Source: After EDSL TAS)

2) Thermal studies The thermal model was calibrated as explained in chapter IV (pp. 53-55) following the materiality and internal conditions gathered from fieldwork studies [Appendix B_3]. As summarized in figure two improvement phases were undertaken to reach comfort levels [Appendix E_2]. The first test considered exposed concrete external walls (bright gray colour) (reflectivity_0.64) and closed windows. Internal temperatures for the warmer period were brought down but affected the thermal behavior during the typical cooler week. As Givoni suggests (Baruch, 1994) external walls reflectivity have a strong effect on internal temperatures, therefore, the initial process was to replace the colour finish of the walls receiving a higher solar impact with a darker surface (reflectivity_0.20). Results shown an improvement of 2K for the cooler period but provoked overheating during the warmer season [Appendix B_3]. 74

Henceforth, the second study consisted on determining the windows aperture range and time by establishing the following conditions based on users behavior and schedules:

Starts opening if adjacent room_23°C Reach fully aperture if adjacent room_25°C Openable proportion_50% External temperature cut-off ( If external temperature exceeds indoor temperature, windows remain closed)

It is to be noted that the application of an external control was not selected as during fieldwork, users were reacting to the internal temperature rather than to the external condition. The study procedure revealed that small changes were sufficient to achieve a comfortable environment. Mexico city’s climate characteristics allow buildings to depend completely on passive strategies. Design Application

Figure Thermal studies prototype A extended typology (Source: After EDSL TAS)

As explained at the beginning of this chapter, the initial intentions were to conclude with an incremental housing scheme, consequently thermal studies described in figure were developed. For this phase an extended scenario comprised of 3 different housing transformations was defined: 1) House divided into two apartments 2) Residential extension 3) Single family house analyzed earlier By using the single family resultant conditions, most of the internal temperatures fluctuated within the comfort levels. During the cooler period temperatures are found to be slightly below the limits, though if we consider the adaptability spectrum of low-income inhabitants and their possibility to increase their clo values, a minimum of 18°C is tolerable when the external temperature ranges within 7°C and 21°C. Design Application

From these studies, four main environmental aspects were confirmed. • Suitability to use thermal inertia materials to tackle the daily temperature swing. • By increasing walls exposure, thermal mass is more effective. • Possibility to suit users thermal preference by using different reflectivity values through colour. • Inhabitants behavior is unpredictable and can determine the performance of a building despite its materiality, hence adaptive opportunities at indoor and outdoor levels must be a central consideration for design proposal.


Figure Design brief strategies and objectives.

6.2. DESIGN BRIEF The previous chapters gave evidence of several strategies to be addressed in the design stage. The first part highlighted the importance of having a broaden perspective in terms of society, politics and economy. The second, provided testable information about the positive and negative aspects of contemporary social housing schemes. By understanding and analyzing its environmental and empirical attributes, essential key points were extracted and organized within a design brief.

Importance of roof protection from direct sun radiation. As studies demonstrated, Mexico City’s climate suggests a coupling with the outdoors during day when the external temperature reaches the comfort levels. Finally, it is fundamental to avoid deep-plan compositions to be able to benefit from passive strategies and to create a good internal environment.

Figure illustrates in the upper section the fundamental findings regarding both the unit and master plan schemes.

The master plan arrangement must avoid at all costs a rigid vehicular-centered configuration. Studies had shown that these typologies promote the disintegration of the social and urban tissue and hinders inhabitants life quality. A large development must stick to the urban acupuncture idea by fomenting the provision of public services and infrastructure for the adjacent areas. Ecosystem destruction must be tackled, thus considering the city conditions, efforts should be focused towards the creation

UNIT A reduction in diurnal fluctuation can be achieved by the selection of the proper materials for which red bricks and concrete blocks were chosen. For this purpose the design must seek a maximization of exposure without neglecting the 76


Design Application

Figure Spaces, relations and user definition (Source: After CONAPO Consejo Nacional de PoblaciĂłn)

of ecological lungs that give priority to reforestation, green areas and micro-climate generation. Finally, the main purpose of this project must be to provide the space and facilities within which the production process would be guaranteed. Having these objectives in mind, 12 design strategies were defined and are listed in figure

1) Program The master plan is divided into 3 areas: Public facilities (embedding markets, workshops and educational buildings), Agriculture which is defined by the chinampas placement and housing which integrates the dwellings clusters. All of them are articulated through green areas of different sizes.

connected through the circulation core.

2) User definition According to CONAPO, the family composition of the Federal District is mainly nuclear and comprises in average 3.6 members. However, population projections indicate a reduction of one member for the year 2050 and a significant increase of the nuclear composition (doubling within a period of 25 years) [fig.]. Considering this situation, the “traditional� family composition was selected as the potential user of a typical dwelling, giving future inhabitants the opportunity to transform their space in a broader manner.

The unit program is comprised of 5 spatial categories [Fig.]: Services, Social, External and Habitable all Design Application


Figure Diagram showing unit areas, spaces and zoning (Ground floor and First floor).

6.3. UNIT DEFINITION 1) Program and zoning As depicted in figure, the program is the result of a combination between regulations, observation and studies on social housing (Hidalgo, S. after González Lobo, C. 2013). The CEV column refers to the Housing Building Code requirements for a “traditional” dwelling typology [Appendix F_1] whereas areas were chosen after González Lobo suggestions. Finally an extension to the program was proposed following the most frequent complaints during fieldwork. In order to promote adaptive opportunities for the potential user and considering the possibility of building within a 2 phases scheme, the kitchen, dining room and master bedroom, have the option to be divided and used for a different activity.

regulations which stipulate a minimum of unobstructed area of 30% (Mexico City Building Code). Considering the building’s completion, the built area will be 134 m2.4 The location of each space within the plot was defined based on orientation principles. Habitable areas such as rooms and living room are located towards the southern direction whereas services are found in the middle facing the North side. The kitchen is located adjacent to the access and circulation core to act as a buffer space in case the dining area is transformed into an extra room.

The total foot print has 82m2 (against 48.8m2 of the current proposals) and a total area of 145 m2 that includes 63 m2 of open space. The proportion of green areas was based on 78

Design Application

Figure Architectural attributes to define private and exposed zones & daylight access based on Luis Barragán architecture (Source: After

2) Architectural Considerations To start the development of a morphologic response, two architectural attributes of Mexican tradition were revised. On the one hand, the proposal seeks to rethink the use of the patio in a linear disposition that allows a spatial distribution all along. On the other, the “Casa-Estudio” Luis Barragán as an example of envelope enclosure towards an orientation and openness towards the other. This approach would give the user a sense of protection even though the building is exposed from the four facades.

the building [fig.] and adequate daylight levels [fig.]. After defining the architectural intentions and bearing in mind the shoe-box parametric analysis solar radiation studies were developed.

This architectural aspect was applied in the design by opening the facades to the west side (where solar vertical radiation values are somewhat lesser) while diminishing the apertures to the Northern and Eastern facades [fig. considerations]. The described approach would allow a constant air flow through Design Application


3) Solar radiation studies The studies were conducted to find the best location of openings and envelope enclosure after defining a massing that suited the investigation carried out until now [fig.]. As a first step, the building was tested individually to assess the exposure assumptions and the effect of and elongated shape, the longer sides having an East-West orientation. Taking March 21st at 12:00 hrs as a reference to observe the behavior at peak hours, the results presented a self-shading particularity that protects 50% of the roof-terrace located on top of the kitchen and dining room. Furthermore, studies show a strong potential to benefit from thermal mass effect through the Southern and Eastern facades reaching 3000 Wh/m2. These conditions invites to enhance daylight access through skylights providing adequate levels at the kitchen and living room while reducing the west facade openness. Moreover, the roof presents a radiation of 5000 Wh/m2 that confirms the necessity of protection and endorses the use of Panel W and Talavera ceramics as chosen materials. As a second stage, the massing was tested within a cluster environment to assess the impact of the surrounding buildings. For this purpose, a december 21st scenario was chosen. It was noticed that gardens were not affected by the facing neighboring buildings being a positive situation to promote vegetation growth. Additionally, the patio located towards the North gives the user the possibility to choose between a shaded or exposed condition. As for the western side, apertures are advisable in the indicated zone [Northwest view] to secure solar gains for the upper room facing North. Hence, service cores apertures could be placed to the Northern orientation to avoid unwanted solar heat gains. Facade studies result reinforce the enclosure of the dining area and upper room towards the North to avoid heat losses during night time. Finally, the houses disposition allows the generation of a good environment in the inner streets (formed within the 4 dwellings cluster), it encourages the planting of small size trees and a comfortable pedestrian-centered walk-through. This analysis confirmed the environmental hypothesis regarding solar impact and envelope decisions enabling the design development to go into further details.


Design Application

Figure Massing radiation studies for March 21st and December 21st (source: After GECO GH 09.006)

Design Application


Figure Final layout (Perspective section & plans) (Ground floor and First floor).

4) Layout composition Figure illustrates the layout composition that complies with the environmental and spatial aspects analyzed in this chapter. Ground floor plan display minor apertures towards the West and larger windows facing the garden and patio. Similarly, the second floor has a window treatment that directs the inhabitant towards the private zone. As for the roof-terrace, skylights were located strategically respecting the structural reticula and providing adequate daylight levels to the lower floor [fig.]. In continuity with the radiation studies and security guidelines, a bordering red-brick balustrade was integrated at the roof-terrace level. In this way, protection at some hours of the day is provided for the 50% receiving direct radiation. At this point, the design detaches from the specificity to be part of the framework within which the dissertation was conceived. 82

Design Application

Figure Section describing houses in detail, as part of the a master plan strategy

As section A-A’ describes the particular characteristics of the housing proposal are part of a general production process. The upper part of the section describes the participation of the “hipoteca verde” program. A government incentive that seeks the conservation of the environment and energy (INFONAVIT, Hipoteca Verde). The proposal includes 3 solar panels to generate photovoltaic energy. Two of them must be acquired by the users, and another to be given and owned by the government to create a public grid. A similar system is proposed for rainwater collection and gray water. Black water needs to be connected to the public drainage system that passes around the plot. As the completion of the proposal requires a large initial investment, the design was thought to be built in two phases: The ground floor being the first, must include the circulation core and upper bathroom to enable the building to accept the photovoltaic system and water tank. The second, being the second floor. Design Application


Figure Final layout perspective describing house characteristics


Design Application

Figure Housing facades (East, West, North and South)

Design Application


Figure Area of intervention and of the architectural proposal scope (Source: After

6.4. MASTER PLAN DEFINITION 1) Area of intervention Figure presents the area to be intervened with the master plan proposal. As described in Chapter 5, the selected plot is a large space where the holistic approach can be developed. However, for the purpose of this dissertation, a smaller portion located in the Northern area was chosen (purple dashed line). The image shows the location of existing buildings, streets and green areas. Whereas in the plan the area where the project is placed is considered as a green, satellite images sows its actual poor condition.

Figure Area of intervention and of the architectural proposal scope (Source: Bing maps)


Design Application

Figure Schematic zoning of the intervention area (Source: After

2) Schematic general zoning The schematic zoning of the general project was drawn exclusively to give a broader idea of the future extension. The plot was divided into two zones by a vehicular axis that distributes the circulation towards the surrounding roads. Parking lots were placed along the streets to limit motor access and to persuade the inhabitant or visitor to use the cycling routes. A green belt was considered to decouple the city from the development visual and physically. Furthermore the soil exists already.

means of transportation. Two water system plants were proposed within the central park to receive gray and waste water directly from the dwellings. A final artificial lake was located at the Eastern side of the plot to maintain the connection with the existing water bodies. The position of dwellings is represented in beige and is shared with the chinampas water system.

Educational facilities and commercial areas where located at the centre of the plot as an interaction attractor. Markets, where placed along the main access road. The cycling circuit connects the four sides of the area and promotes bicycles as the main Design Application


Figure Image showing duplex arrangement characteristics)

3) Clusters creation The cluster’s generation is based on the addition of several units sharing a common factor. The initial process consists of two families who gather photovoltaic energy and rainwater. 80% of what they collect is for personal consumption while the rest goes directly to the public use. Thus, multiplied by the number of families, the collection is gradually transformed into a service network. Each dwelling has a zero landscape semi-public garden to maintain. In this way, the administration of the complex is decentralized and divided into the number of houses.


Design Application

Figure Image describing the four dwellings cluster characteristics (Source: After Ecotect)

The second stage consists on a 4 dwellings cluster which entrances are facing each other. The purpose of this arrangement is to persuade inhabitants to interact at a second degree level. The space created in between the houses becomes a semipublic plaza which is more likely to be frequented by the cluster users. As the image depicts [fig.], the environmental characteristics of the outdoor spaces vary according to the houses proximity. Radiation studies had shown that the planting of small trees can enhance the spatial quality of the inner streets. For this purpose, fruit trees were chosen.

Design Application


Figure Image showing environmetal variety in relation to the plazas generation.

As presented in this image [fig.], the dwellings arrangement promotes the generation of a spatial diversification. Public and semi-public plazas create linear circulation streets that are intersected by transversal paths. At this intersections, the planting of bigger trees such as Jacarandas is suitable [fig.]. From this point an pedestrian reticula starts to be defined.


Design Application

Figure Image describing the four dwellings cluster characteristics

Design Application


Figure Shadow range studies. (Source: Ecotect 2011)

4) Shading Studies Within the scheme created so far, chinampas are of most importance. In order to locate the better position for these agricultural systems, shading and wind studies were conducted. The shadow range analysis for March, June and December had shown that the southern portion was the less affected throughout the year. Moreover, it revealed that gardens were not constantly shaded, meaning that the facades facing the South will receive a good amount of daylight.


Design Application

Figure Image describing the four dwellings cluster characteristics

5) Wind studies Wind studies were conducted to assess the flow at the inner streets. Although, as displayed in the climate chapter the air velocity is not high, it is important to secure the air flow circulation to promote an adequate ventilation for the houses themselves. The analysis results presents a constant air flow of about 0.8 m/s which is sufficient for the purpose and creates a good environment for pedestrians when the temperature goes above 24째C

Design Application


Figure Chinampas addition to the general composition

6) Chinampas addition Figure illustrates a composition made of 16 dwellings that introduces the chinampas agricultural system. This addition provides the master plan with environmental attributes that improve the users sensation. As depicted, each cluster has the right to own a quarter of chinampa to harvest flowers and vegetables for its own consumption and/or to be sold at the markets.


Design Application

Design Application


Moreover, as presented, the different pathways are proposed to promote different activities based on the street’s micro-climate. To give continuity to this idea, an image showing shading and solar angles is presented as follows [fig.]. The micro-climatic diversity was analiyzed by calulating the PET sensation of the 3 types of inner streets in which activities vary. (Cycling and running, walking at a normal pace, sit and walk slowly).


Design application



Design application







Design application

Design application



Design application

Design application


CONCLUSIONS This dissertation aimed to foster awareness towards what sustainability could be for a city like the Federal District. Investigation demonstrated that the key elements to create a selfsufficient community exist already. However, the difficulty lies on finding a common objective among all the parties. A scheme like the one proposed could be real and profitable if the government’s development agenda is used as line of action. Within this scheme, the architect plays just the role of coordinator and master planner. However, the real value of the project lies on its viability and transgressive alliances. This proposal is not looking towards a sustainable response as it is understood at the SED programme; yet it is still seeking to meet a sustainable process that, based on literature, would be more adequate to responde to what it’s happening in the country. Furthermore, the location, market names, and scope of the project is a direct criticism to the Mexican governement that seems to ignore what its development agenda is promoting. Although the scope of the project was an idea rather than a design, the analysis conduction gave evidence of a climatic condition that allows to have free running buildings if a good materiality is chosen and simple principles are applied. Hence, education remains the most complex and worrying situation to be tackled. It is clear that environmental architecture is changing as the user does; inhabitants are the key points towards a sustainable understanding. As PLEA states , we must seek towards a broaden environmental principle . In the case of Mexico city, adaptive opportunities are determinant to achieve a level of comfort, thus their behaviour is variant and so will the building’s performance.


Design application

REFERENCES Baruch, G. (1994). Passive and Low Energy Cooling of Buildings, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York. CIBSE (1999) Daylight and window design, Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, London CONAGUA (Accessed 04/02/2015) CONAPO Consejo Nacional de Población DIVA-for-Rhino 2.0 ECOTECT 2011 EDSL TAS GECO GH 09.0064 Hidalgo García, S. (2013), Vivienda de interés social, trastocando el habitar del patrimonio familiar, Thesis, Facultad de Arquitectura, UNAM. INFONAVIT, Hipoteca Verde vivienda/2008/infonavit/hipotecaverde.htm Yannas, S. (1994). Solar Energy and Housing Design. Architectural Association Publications. London. ARTICLES

ONLINE REFERENCES h t t p : / / w w w. a r q . c o m . m x / i m a g e s / d o c u m e n t o s / f o t o t e ca/1953790738-Reglamento_2005_%2528COMPLETO-TRILLAS%2529.pdf (Accessed 04/02/2015) ce47/9000/0014/large_jpg/141024PRESENTACIONJSa_001. jpg?1415119473 (Accessed 04/02/2015) ce51/8700/0012/large_jpg/141024PRESENTACIONJSa_002. jpg?1415119503 (Accessed 04/02/2015) cef6/0e00/0012/large_jpg/DELVURHUAMANTLAlaminasentregafinalprint_001.jpg?1415119729 (Accessed 04/02/2015) Design application



Introduction (Accessed 04/02/2015) (Accessed 05/02/2015) (Accessed 03/02/2015)








Figure A_1: Government parties involved within the housing process and financial aid (Source: Javier Sánchez Corral, La vivienda “social” en México; pasado, presente y futuro)






Figure A_2: Institutions and parties involved in the housing process and finacial aid timeline (Source: Canadevi)

Figure A_3: Institutions and parties involved in the housing process and finacial aid for the Federal District 1973 (Source: Canadevi)



Figure A_4: Institutions and parties involved in the housing process and finacial aid for the Federal District 2003 (Source: Canadevi)




Figure B_1.1/ B_1.2. (up)Shading studies showing equinox, winter and summer solstices effect on Phase I master plan arrangement. (down) Image illustrating sun angles and section for June and December at 8:00 hrs. Source: after Ecotect 2011



Figure B_1.3./B_1.4.(up) Image illustrating sun angles and section for June and December at 12:00 hrs. (down) Image illustrating sun angles and section for June and December at 16:00 hrs (Phase I). Source: after Ecotect 2011



Figure B_1.5/ B_1.6. (up)Shading studies showing equinox, winter and summer solstices effect on Phase II master plan arrangement. (down) Image illustrating sun angles and section for June and December at 8:00 hrs. Source: after Ecotect 2011



Figure B_1.7./B_1.8.(up) Image illustrating sun angles and section for June and December at 12:00 hrs. (down) Image illustrating sun angles and section for June and December at 16:00 hrs (Phase II). Source: after Ecotect 2011




Figure B_2.1. Spot measurements taken at 10:30 am on August 9th 2014. Upper image: air temperature / lower image: surface temperature 120


It is noticeable that daylight factor percentages are the result of simulations developed with DIVA and Rhinoceros 5.0 as spot measurements could not be taken during fieldwork.

Figure B_2.2. Spot measurements taken at 10:30 am on August 9th 2014. Upper image: humidity /daylight factor based on simulations




Figure B_3.1. Materials used for EDSL TAS for calibration compared with existing envelope elements based on fieldwork information. 122


Figure B_3.2. Internal conditions and schedules for second floor calibration and further simulations based on fieldwork information. Source: after EDSL TAS



Figure B_3.3. Internal conditions and schedules for ground floor calibration and further simulations based on fieldwork information. Source: after EDSL TAS and fieldwork studies 124


Figure B_3.4. Internal conditions and schedules for first floor calibration and further simulations based on fieldwork information. Source: after EDSL TAS and fieldwork studies



APPENDIX B_4 The following calculation sheet was extracted from a document that establish common materials (for social housing developments) in order to enhance energy savings. The material components described below were used as an example of concrete block construction for walls that includes 0.25 cm of polystyrene insulation, however, to meet a more realistic result, plaster internal finishes and 21.5 cm width concrete blocks were selected (instead of inner and outer perlite finishes and 10 cm width blocks).

Figure B_4.1. Table showing composition and thermal resistance of concrete block walls with insulation. Source: images/stories/PDF/04%20cuarto%20mdulo%20-%20uso%20de%20aislamiento%20trmico%20en%20la%20vivienda.pdf 126



Figure B_5.1. Weekly graphs showing dry bulb temperature for the second floor after stage 1 improvement Source: After EDSL TAS

Figure B_5.2. Weekly graphs showing dry bulb temperature for the second floor after stage 2 improvement Source: After EDSL TAS



Figure B_5.3. Weekly graphs showing dry bulb temperature for the second floor after stage 3 improvement Source: After EDSL TAS




Figure C_1. Image showing drainage system in Mexico City Source: CONAGUA




Figure C_2. CECATI courses related to construction and housing Source: (Accessed 02/02/2015) 130



Figure D_1. Single family proposal; Puebla, Puebla, Centro de Colaboraci贸n Arquitect贸nica (Source:




Figure D_1.1. Single family proposal; Tlajomulco, Jalisco, Javier Sรกnchez Arquitectos (Source: 132



Figure D_1.2. Single family proposal; Tlajomulco, Jalisco, Javier Sรกnchez Arquitectos (Source:




Figure D_1.3. Single family proposal; Huamantla, Tlaxcala, Dellekamp Arquitectos (Source: 134


APPENDIX E_1 Mean Indoor Calculations for prototype A. cool and warmer periods.



APPENDIX E_2 Graphs showing thermal analysis results for prototype A changing wall surface colours (1_White surface/ reflectance 0.64; 2_Dark surface (brown)/ reflectance 0.20)





Figure E_1. Litres of rainwater per m2 per year (Source:, after CONAGUA)




Figure D_2. Mean Indoor Temperature Calculation (External temperature 13 째C and 18째C) (Source: Yannas, S. Solar Energy and Housing Design)




Figure D_2. Mean Indoor Temperature Calculation (External temperature 25 째C) (Source: Yannas, S. Solar Energy and Housing Design)



Figure E_1. Housing classification (source: Mexico City Building Code)



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