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sustAinAble interACtive surfACe

AdriAnA CAbrerA GAlindez diAnA CAno GArCiA

Bauhaus Universität Weimar


sustAinAble interACtive surfACe




StudentS AdriAnA CAbrerA 101163 diAnA CAno 111497

AdvAnCer Prof. dr. JenS GeelhAAr

MediA fACulty interfACe deSiGn MfA MedienkunSt/MedienGeStAltunG

B a U h a U s

U n i v e r s i t ä t

W e i m a r



stAte of the Art + + + + +

introduCtion referentS inSPirAtionS the ProbleM the ideA


State of the art

introDuCtion the performance of surfaces are evolving day per day. it has even, become a frequent topic of research in different areas such as architecture, media, fashion (textile) and more. this has resulted in the creation of smart surfaces, which can be applied in the innovation of several products. a surface is something that people still can touch, see, and smell in a world where everything is changing to virtual space. furthermore, in many cases the surfaces have become the interface between the real world and virtual world. the surface is seen as tangible interactive interface in this context, the project aims to generate a live surface which can interact with the environment and have a natural characteristics. the tangible interface was proposed as sensitive membrane, for

characteristics that are interesting when the surface is created. structure and distribution, this can create several kinds of forms and volumes .in adittion, this work focused on the interactive system to generate movement and animation in the surface. therefore, electronics elements are integrated on the tangible surface, that will later be programmed with arduino, in order to obtain a tangible interactive interface.

Some of the questions that were asked during the project were: bined with the electronically application and how can it be used in design? What are the appropriate and hand craft manufacturing

element but also as a sustainable material. in order to contribute the impact and recycle the electronic components in our environment.


State of the art

inSpirationS interface as medium of interaction between two or more parts. furthermore, is a point of communication between inside and outside.

Communicative features: the special interest in the design of an interactive surface with membrane for the senses , but also the interface as sustainable communicative medium


the MeMbrAne of SenSe in design of surfaces is considered a tactile and a sense experience as a most important resource, in fact the membranes are the representation of the skin of our body. there are a lot of shared expressions, not only do we use naturally the senses of sight and hearing, where we can include patterns, rhythms, modular armonie and more expressions, in graphic design but also in arthe perceive textiles and the new materials try to express a more natural atmosphere as well as reactive environments.

huMAn Skin human skin is composed of several layers which are changing whole time while send information outside through the exterior layer. What is more, the complex process that are occurred on the depth is transmitted by one surface in different ways.


State of the art

opportunity of DeSign nowadays the conscience to buy has changed, therefore, the consumer consumption tendency is moving toward being more critic

on the other hand, we looked the interest that emergent companies and research institutions focus on developing smart material which opens a new perspective on the project about the relation

in fact, the designer has a responsibility to incorporate alternatives thinking about the real and sustainable design.

this way, the starting point of the project was a previous research of cellulose to produce paper. Consequently, we have the possibility to explore the work with the traditional manufacturing to create new applications in the interactive area, like a haptic perception and ubiquious computing. this was an opportunity to explore the sensitive surface.




State of the art

referentS Sustainable Design

experience Design

the Sustainable design is focused on creating objects with the least possible negative impact on the environment. Since a couple of years, it was begun establish to have a new responsibility on managing the available resources and to use the sustainable alternatives , therefore, the role of architects and designers is capable to relate the creative concepts, life cycle and thinking on environmental protection[1].

the experience design is focused on whole elements around: people, activities, scenario and context are connected with the design. people whom they are as individual or like groups, including, emotions, prior experience, personality, performance,reaction cultural information and all external knowledge which affect the activity. the scenario represents the physical space where meet user and object. the analysis of all this aspects have as objective understanding their relation and create a properly environment, in order to, generated an individual experience on each user.



State of the art

the iDea the objective of “interactive Surfaces” project was to develop a sustainable interactive surface, for that reason, we used as structural property, we began by exploring with different technology applications. afterwards, using the basic principles of electronics, we through construction layers and folding structure, at in the end we achieved the interactive surface by programming the circuits. the sustainable interactive surface was taken into account, from

Surface design the foldable materials such as paper and textiles have the possibility to transform of a surface into a volume, in addition the characteristics of the materials can be improved through the structural nuity of the material.

the aim is to investigate how developable surfaces and the techniques for the surfaces can be used to develop structural membranes.

re-used into a new application. the production of smart materials is not only the process of digitalization, but also on how it could be used for the non-standardised practices to transform the traditional materials. how the basic interactive applications allow us to rethink the traditional boundaries between architect and builder, designer and craftsman?.



development of the ideA + + + +

MAteriAlS fique SurfACe deSiGn ProCeSS lAyerS of SurfACe inteGrAtion of eleCtroniC SySteM ProxiMity SenSor / PreSS SenSor SurfACe deSiGn


DeVeLopment of the iDea

reSourCeS MAteriAlS re- growing materials

borrowing from traditional weaving and braiding techniques to modern furniture or in surfaces for architecture that can be manufacand processed into textiles that are not only durable but also aesthetically appealing. thus providing nutrients for the next generation of renewable materials and ideal cycle. the manufacturing cost is relatively low and the amount of energy required in p roduction is ecologically viable. in addition, most regrowing materials can be produced locally , thereby eliminating high transport cost. Some special features are that these are light and durable, their structure makes them particularly suitable from manufacturing various types of insulating materials[2], one of those being the paper.


approaCh / materiaLS

fique ea andina, a xerophytic native to andean regions of Colombia, ecuador, and peru. from here it was extended to Venezuela and the east coast of Brazil.

the zone where the production of the fique in Colombia, is in conditions of poverty, this circumstance was our motivation to the project is meditated the alternatives to improve the use fique from a piece of paper to cardboard objects. the reutilization of juices1, was considered to create a sustainable and more resistant material as a basis of our surface.

the fique paper production has a big advantage to manage and control the obtaining process. therefore it is suggested to use the combination of the different physical structures of the fique leaves.[3]. 1 subproducts in the obtention of fique fiber. components fiber 5% JuiCe 70% toW 8% bAGAsse 17%



Some fibers and specially fique are currently used in the following application areas: PACkinG: the main use of the Colombian cabuya is for the fabrication of sacks and packages for agriculture. roPeS: with cabuya one can make very resistant ropes and strings of different calibres, from threads to manilas )of one inch in diameter. Such ropes are used in the transportation, construction, sailing industries and many others. ArrieríA ACCeSSorieS: many of the elements used in the pack animals such as enjalmas, cinchas, retrancas, lazos, preta- les, tapa

tAPeStry: the mixed and crude cabuya is used in rugs and tapedifferent organic materials such as avocado seed, achiote and eucalyptus cortex. otherS: handcrafts, purses, bags, handbags, mattresses, curtains, shoes, umbrellas, baskets and many other products[3]


approaCh / materiaLS

SurfaCe DeSign During the process of interactive surface design was considered different aspects, one of them related to the surface as interface that represents the contact part between the mobile device and the user, which now is marked by trend of touch gestures. Due to the surface works as tangible side should be thinking the aspect, in the context of this project, the appearance and the textaphor of living and tangible nature, moreover, the living characteristic is also evident in the movements of the surface which are activated by sensor of proximity.

the foldable materials such as paper and textiles have the possibility to transform of a surface into a volume. in addition, the characteristics of the materials can be improved through the structural tinuity of the material and proposed a orientation on the surface.

the aim is to investigate how developable surfaces and the techniques for the surfaces can be used to develop interactive and structural membranes with interesting tangible aspect.




LayerS of SurfaCe it is important to highlight that the interactive interface was produced through layers. the surface is composed by several layers

CelluloSe (Mix) fiber


lonG fique fiber

the paper to produce a special effect in thus facade, this material is considered, according to their phenomenological-logical (physical) characteristics, communicative (iconographic) effects and the procedural possibilities (joints, weaving, modulating) to generate a natural spiritual individual as well as a personal experience.

eleCtroniC CirCuit lAyer

CelluloSe (Mix) fiber


figure 1.1 l AyerS of SurfACe



Pin 9


Tip 120


figure 1.2 nitinol MeMory Wire CirCuit

nitinol MeMory Wire

liGht CirCuit

Arduino Pin


figure 1.3






integration eLeCtroniC SyStem

proximity SenSor/ preSS SenSor one of the tasks was to build a proximity sensor, used to detect the presence of a person, moreover, this sensor is integrated on the surface’s layers, which allow to generate a reaction such as movement or turning on the light when the person is next or gets in contact with the surface.

how it works this kind of experimental capacitive sensor is built with sheets of electrically conductive material, such as, aluminum foil, when a it functions properly is because the human body is mostly water thus creating an electrical current. in fact, when the human body ases. as consequence it expansion of the amount of energy stored


arduino pin

pin Digital

Digital output


figure 2.1 ProxiMity SenSor CirCuit


overview, this capacitive sensor is connected and programmed through arduino system. “all the sensor setup requires is a medium to high value resistor, a piece of wire and a piece of aluminum foil on the end. at its most sensitive, the sensor will start to sense a hand or body inches aways from the sensor”. [f. gmeiner 2012] CapSense


integration eLeCtroniC SyStem

Light the proximity sensor detects someone close to the surface, this output is made of light. the circuit of light has to be integrated with the layers of the surface. for that reason, was used series circuits of small LeD which was programmed by arduino system to create different kind of effects changing the intensive and brightness of the light, when people get in contact with the interactive surface.

“an LeD circuit usually needs small amount of voltage, in this case is necessary to employ an additional resistor when directly connected to power. the shorter leg is the cathode (-), and the longer leg is the anode (+)” [f. gmeiner 2012]



integration eLeCtroniC SyStem

Smart materiaL: memory Wire (nitinoL) the movement system was developed through the memory wire (nitinol), which is this allows to generate a natural movement thank to the faculty to keep the memory and also could be programming by arduino.

how it works the memory wire is a metal alloy of nickel and titanium, the new material called nitinol have elastic properties, that mean able to deform through of contraction movements when an electric charge is applied and return to its original shape in expanding when the electric charge is removed.



integration eLeCtroniC SyStem

StruCtureS /foLD StruCtureS patternS the foldinGS the folds were viewed as design method, to integrate the structure in the surface . tures. in fact the tessellations were created with geometric designs folded from a single sheet of paper. Creating a complex repeating pattern of shapes from folded pleats and twists. an example of this is the range from simple square tilings to extremely intricate to realistic faces formed from tessellated shapes.

this simple tessellation pattern is illustrated on the surface. Which the surface in severals kind of movements, in order to generate a unique functions like a knotting, folding, twisting and compressing

the object. in addition this technique allows the user to modify the forms, this will produce different volumes shapes .



integration eLeCtroniC SyStem

V foLDing pattern v foldinG PAttern V folds are characterized by the distinct V, this occurs when three mountain folds and three valley folds meet at a point. V folds can this technique affects all folds, so that the paper can be pushed together.


eleCtroniC Wire PAttern

And liGhtinG

the interactive wire is integrated the same way as the foldings, allowing a harmonical movement in the surface. the lighting is mediated around an angle between the V foldings, generating a better

MeMory Wire liGht CirCuit


MeMory Wire liGht CirCuit


SuStainaBLe interaCtiVe SurfaCe



mechanical properties


Wrinkled material


Space-saving due to the modules


Special acoustic quality


more stiffness due to the structure


moisture resistance of the environment


SuStAinAble ASPeCtS


natural product made by renewable resources(fique)


recycling of the electrical components


to increase warmer


chlorine-free bleached paper


less percent of energy and water


less chemical components


SuStainaBLe interaCtiVe SurfaCe

uSeS And ProCeSSinG


interior design




as mobile furniture (louver)


facades with a complex geometries


insulating facade


medical device




no contact with the foods


poor moisture resistance to water


ConCeptuAl AppliCAtion lAbyrinth + + + + + + +

vieW of viA CruSiS inStAllAtion develoPMent of lAbyrinth foldinG forMS ModuleS liGhtinG in the ModuleS diStribution of ModuleS interACtion With the uSerS


ConCeptuaL appLiCation

LaByrinth vieW of

viA CruCiS inStAllAtion

after a long process and compilation of experiments around the creation of an interface surface in architecture, we developed a modular labyrinth as a proposal of the Via Crucis installation, in which a special environment is created through a modular interactive surface of paper and electronic components, such as lighting and movements. this way we can generate a harmonic, natural and traditional atmosphere situated in franz Liszt period.

viA CruCiS „Via Crucis“ of 1878/79 is a musical compositions inspired by the 14 Stations of the Cross from franz Liszt. During the arts festival Liszt in Weimar this piece is reinterpreted in a light and sound installation1.

1 the reminiscence about the Via crucis, this exceptional religious episode, evoques elements of the church history, where dance, music and others rituals , rotate around this dynamic



ConCeptuaL appLiCation

DeVeLopment of LaByrinth the proposal was originated with the exploration of surfaces and membranes as a facade in architecture. We explored the folding techniques to build the form and volumes of this membrane.

DeVeLopment of the moDuLeS

between them and also could be changing or replaced in case to be necessary, we developed three main modules using two „V“



ConCeptuaL appLiCation

foLDing formS A) from this form we obtained two different shapes of structures. (fiG. forM A)


b) this form provides a structure that is able to transform its shapes by the visitor. (fiG. forM b)


ConCeptuaL appLiCation

moDuLeS „S“ Module With the forM A

1,25 M

2, 83 M

toP vieW



5,08 M

froM vieW


riGht vieW


ConCeptuaL appLiCation

moDuLeS Curve Module With the forM A)

2, 83 M


1,78 M

toP vieW 2,16 M



froM vieW 2, 83 M


riGht vieW


ConCeptuaL appLiCation

moDuLeS Module With the forM b)

4,30 M

1,90 M

toP vieW



1,90 M

froM vieW


riGht vieW



ConCeptuaL appLiCation

Lighting in the moDuLeS .



ConCeptuaL appLiCation

DiStriBution of moDuLeS it is the kind of labyrinth which have many paths and doesn‘t have center.



ConCeptuaL appLiCation

interaCtion With the uSerS the interaction is through the ludic game, into labyrinth will gedistribution at the same time that the modules which conform the labyrinth are moved and illuminated depend of the proximity with the user.



ConCeptuaL appLiCation

interaCtion With the uSerS reaL SCaLe of a moDuLe part



ConCLuSion ConCerninG to SuStAinAble Work ConCerninG to the eleCtroniC PAttern ConCerninG to the APPliCAtion lAbyrinth


ConCLuSion ConCerninG to the eleCtroniC PAttern a result we presented a prototype of surface, which is able to work due to the interaction and sustainable area. With the integration of the electronic system in the surface we attained to integrate the capacitive sensor to mediate the interaction with the user. in this case the reaction was illustrated in the interaction with a basic circuits of lights and the movement, thanks

ConCerninG to SuStAinAble Work

With this elements we could appreciate the characteristics of the proper material. nevertheless, it was necessary to test and combine the material with other kind of cellulose paper, in order to produce enough experiments, and test the relation between folding surface and interactive interface.

keep the direction on the folding patterns that we recommended, in order to create the natural movement and to make a better use of the memory wire. it’s possible to experiment with others electronics circuits, that depends on the aspect of interest. Concerning to the application of the material it is important to explore more options in different scales with distinct proposals and users.

in order to continue developing this interactive material it is nelaboratory is required, to calculate a values of: face. + the physical analyse of the properties of the surface ones of those are the thermal and electrical insulation, optical and permeable aspects. + the approximate weight and life-cycle to recycle the electrical components.


ConCLuSion ConCerninG to the APPliCAtion lAbyrinth

We found in architecture a clear appropriation of the surface characteristics, that can communicate the faculties with the user.

regarding the Labyrinth, the following aspects are could be required in the future work.

During the process we thought about the following interrogations + the no-conventional materials. + the architecture or facade as medium of the reality.

+ the construction of the real scale model

+ the no-standarizated practices of the manufacturing material.

+ research about proper smart material which have the similar performance or behaviour that the muscular wire due to the memory wire needs to much energie to move a surface in a architectonic scale

small scale.

+ the design of simple pipe structures could be propose, in order to make the modules more stable.

the concept of labyrinth was developed aimed from the point of view of the user to generate a different experience, which produces the balance of a responsive surface , the natural interactive environment and the ludic. in fact, each of the modules have a certain role in the labyrinth, furthermore to permit a different experience every time. from the point of view of the producer, the creation of the momodules.




[1] Julius Wiedemann, product Design in the Sustainable era. (02.07.2012)

- ledS CirCuit

[2] Chistine Sauer made of... new materials Sourcebook for architecture and Design. (28.07.2012) [3] (03.08.2012)


[4] miniSterio De amBiente, ViVienDa y DeSarroLLo nitrinol: aDois8

territoriaL - miniSterio De agriCuLtura y deSarroLLo ru- raL: repuBLiCa De CoLomBia guía ambiental para el subsector

- CAPACitive SenSor - exPerienCe deSiGn uSer exPerienCeS, deSiGn by bill buxton

GettinG the deSiGn riGht And the riGht




Adriana Cabrera Galindez

diana Cano Garcia

mfa medienkunst/gestaltung matrikelnummer : 101163

mfa medienkunst/gestaltung matrikelnummer : 111497

industriedesignerin handy: (+49) 0176 78549157

industriedesignerin handy: (+49) 0176 78549157

thomas münzer Straße 18 99423 Weimar

rodolf-Breitscheid-Straße 3 99423 Weimar


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