2024 Health & Medical Guide for Chester County, PA and New Castle County, DE

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Health&Medical GUIDE GUIDE

LCH Health and Community Services

See pages 12 & 13 for additional information Complimentary Copy Southern Chester County Edition

Restoring your vision one piece at a time

Eye Experts Trusted for Over 50 Years Cataract Surgery Corneal Disease Eye Emergencies LASIK

Macular Degeneration Retina Disorders Routine Eye Care Contact Lenses

Diabetic Eye Disease Glaucoma Dry Eye

Schedule your exam: 610-696-1230 chestercountyeyecare.com 2 • 2024 MEDICAL GUIDE





Brandywine Urology ............................... Urology .............................................................. back cover Center for Advanced Eye Care ................ Eye Care ........................................................................... 25 Chester County Eye Care ........................ Eye Care ....................................................................2,28,29 Churrascaria ............................................ Restaurant ....................................................................... 27 Delaware Opthalmology ......................... Eye Care ............................................................................. 3 DOS .......................................................... Orthopaedics ...............................................................38,39 Freedom Village....................................... Senior Living Community ................................................ 43 Harvest Market ........................................ Everyone's Grocery Store ................................................... 4,5 Home Smart ............................................ Home Solutions ...........................................................15,35 Interior Alternative .................................. Fabric Store/Custom Upholstery & Window Treatments ... 32,33 Jennersville Family Dentistry ................. Dentistry ............................................................................ 7 Jenny Chen Family Dentistry.................. Dentistry ......................................................................22,23 Kennett Center for Advanced Dentistry ... Dentistry ............................................................................ 9 KW Solar .................................................. Home Solutions ............................................................... 37 LCH Health & Community Services ........ Health Center .................................................. Cover, 12,13 Newark Urgent Care ................................ Emergency Care .............................................................. 21 Patina Health ........................................... Hospital .......................................................................16,17 Premier Dermatology.............................. Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery ............................... 19 R&D .......................................................... Air Quality Solutions ........................................................ 11 Schagrin Gas ............................................ Oil and Gas Service .......................................................... 31 6 • 2024 MEDICAL GUIDE

OCCUPATION DIRECTORY 2024 HEALTH & MEDICAL GUIDE is published annually by the Chester County Press, P.O. Box 150, Kelton, PA 19346. For more information please call 610-869-5553. Cover design by Tricia Hoadley



Air Quality Solutions ...................................... 11 Dentistry ............................................ 7,9,22,23 Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery ................. 19 Eye Care ....................................... 2,3,25,28,29 Emergency Care ............................................ 21 Fabric Store/Custom Upholstery & Window Treatments ............................. 32,33 Health Center ................................. Cover,12,13 Health Food Store ........................................ 4,5 Home Solutions.................................... 15,35,37 Hospital .................................................. 16,17 Oil and Gas Service ........................................ 31 Orthopaedics ........................................... 38,39 Restaurant ................................................... 27 Senior Living Community................................ 43 Urology............................................back cover


Social Connections Nurturing meaningful relationships leads to healthier lives. Human beings are inherently social creatures. Throughout history, our ability to connect, communicate and form relationships has been essential to our survival and well-being. Today, in an increasingly digital and fastpaced world, the importance of social connections remains crucial. Social connections enrich 8 • 2024 MEDICAL GUIDE

our experiences, provide support during challenges and offer a sense of belonging. While the digital age offers new avenues for connection, it is essential to strike a balance between online and offline interactions. As you nurture your social relationships, remember that building meaningful connections is an ongoing journey. It requires active listening, vulnerability and a genuine connection to fostering bonds with others. A socially rich life contributes

significantly to mental, emotional and even physical well-being, making it a cornerstone of a happy and fulfilling existence. POWER OF CONNECTION Social connections come in many forms, from family and close friends to colleagues and acquaintances. These relationships provide a sense of belonging, support and meaning in our lives. Strong social relationships are linked to improved mental health. Interacting

with others boosts feelings of happiness and reduces stress. Conversations and shared experiences offer opportunities for emotional expression and catharsis. Social support acts as a buffer against life’s challenges, improving our emotional resilience. When we face adversity, knowing we have a support network to rely on can enhance our ability to cope and bounce back from setbacks. It’s not just our mental health, an active social life influences

our physical health. Studies suggest that those with strong social ties tend to have stronger immune systems, lower blood pressure and better overall health. Research consistently shows that people with robust social connections tend to live longer. The sense of purpose and fulfillment derived from relationships can extend our lifespan. FOSTERING CONNECTIONS Building and maintaining meaningful relationships takes effort and intention. Engage in active listening with others. Show genuine interest in their thoughts

and feelings and ask openended questions. It’s not about the number of friends or followers, but the quality of the relationships. Invest time and energy in a few close connections rather than spreading yourself thin. Participating in shared activities or hobbies can be an excellent way to connect with others who have similar interests. Join clubs, classes or online communities related to your passions. Being vulnerable and sharing your struggles and emotions can deepen connections. It allows others to relate to your experiences and encourages

reciprocity. Don’t wait for others to initiate contact. Reach out to friends, family or acquaintances and make plans to meet up or have a conversation. DIGITAL DILEMMA Te c h n o l o g y has transformed the way we connect. While it offers opportunities for socialization, it can also pose challenges. Excessive screen time and shallow online interactions can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation. To maintain a healthy balance, consider these tips: • Aim for quality screen

time. Prioritize meaningful online interactions such as video calls, online community participation or educational webinars over mindless scrolling. • Set boundaries. Stick to screen time limits and allocate specific periods for digital interactions. • Disconnect when necessary. Find time to focus on face-to-face interactions. Enjoy the beauty of the offline world. • Practice mindful consumption. Be mindful of what you consume online. Surround yourself with positivity and avoid engaging in toxic discussions.


Nurture Your Health with Water It’s easy to forget one of the simplest yet most vital aspects of self-care: Staying hydrated. Our bodies demand attention and care and hydration is a significant part of that. Each sip of water nurtures your body’s vitality. By integrating simple practices, we embark on a journey toward enhanced well-being — one refreshing gulp at a time. Water is the elixir of life and its importance cannot be overstated. It maintains bodily functions, facilitating digestion, circulation, temperature regulation and even cognitive performance. Water provides cells with the fluids it needs to keep the body operating smoothly. PRACTICAL TIPS The Mayo Clinic recommends that men drink 15 ½ cups of water per day and that women drink 11 ½ cups per day. Penn Medicine recommends that you drink between a half ounce and an ounce of water for every pound that you weigh. Set reminders on your phone or calendar to prompt you to drink throughout the day. Carry a reusable bottle that you keep within arm’s 10 • 2024 MEDICAL GUIDE

reach no matter where you are. If plain water feels bland, infuse it with slices of fruit, vegetables or other flavors. This adds a burst of flavor without any added sugars or artificial ingredients. Create rituals that incorporate hydration into your routines. Drink a glass of water when you first wake up, before a meal and before bed. This mindful approach ensures consistent intake. If you’re worried about whether you are drinking enough, monitor your urine color. Light yellow means you are properly hydrated while dark yellow may signal the need for more fluids. BENEFITS Staying hydrated goes beyond quenching thirst. It offers several health benefits. Dehydration can lead to fatigue and decreased energy levels while adequate hydration can keep you feeling vibrant and ready to tackle your day. Drinking water supports cognitive function, enhancing your focus, memory and overall mental acuity. Water aids in digestion, promoting the movement of nutrients and waste through the digestive tract. This can help prevent issues

like constipation. Staying hydrated optimizes physical performance by regulating body temperature and supporting muscle function. Drinking water even affects how you look and feel. Hydration contributes to healthy, glowing skin. Well-hydrated skin appears more plump and vibrant, minimizing the appearance of fine lines. Lack of water

can affect mood and lead to irritability. Keep drinking lots of water to support emotional well-being and help maintain a positive outlook. The benefits of hydration are within reach. With every sip you are helping to ensure your body focuses at its best. Stay hydrated, stay healthy and relish in the wellness that flows from within.


LCH Health and Community Services

Pia Center for Behavioral Health Say “Yes!” to Health with LCH We offer accessible, equitable, and expert care, so that all of our patients can thrive and be happy. We emphasize preventive care and educate our patients on how life experiences and

influences at work and at home can affect overall health. LCH has been serving our community for 50 years! Elevate Your Well-Being At LCH, we are here to support you with both your physical and mental health care. Mental Health Matters: How Seeking Support Can Change Your Life The LCH mission to improve health and well-being could not be complete if we did not address mental and behavioral health support among our priorities. We believe that promoting wellness within our community requires high-quality and affordable mental and behavioral health services.


AT LCH we help our patients with anxiety, depression, peer relationships, improving focus, substance use, self-harm, and more. We help our patients to identify and strengthen social supports, reduce feelings of isolation, improve selfesteem, create positive coping skills, offer drug and alcohol counseling, and other skills that improve our patients’ daily lives. Available Support At LCH LCH provides mental health services in all of our locations and at the Pia Center for Behavioral Health, ensuring convenient access to patients in Kennett Square, Oxford, West Grove, and the surrounding area.

At LCH we promote an integrated approach to mental health support, which means that we work alongside primary care doctors and nurse practitioners at each of our locations to promote optimal health outcomes. At the Pia Center for Behavioral Health, we also offer individual and group therapy and counseling for anyone who feels this kind of support would benefit them. Our caring staff is qualified to help anyone from our community connect with the right

services for their needs. Simply call us with questions, and we’ll get started. How LCH Can Help At LCH Health and Community Services, mental health is every bit as important as physical health. We believe in treating the whole person for total well-being. Because we offer mental health services in all three locations, patients can work closely with counselors and their primary care provider to ensure a cohesive

treatment plan. At the Pia Center for Behavioral Health we offer mental and behavioral health services and are accepting new clients aged 14 and above to schedule new patient appointments with our behavioral health team. If you have been trying to address your mental health on your own, it’s time to reach out for help. There is nothing to fear in seeking mental health support. In fact, the benefits of mental health services are often life changing!

Please contact us to discuss your mental health concerns and to get started on your path to overall wellness. Schedule an appointment today by calling (610) 444 – 7550. For additional information about LCH Health and Community Services please visit our website at LCHStayHealthy.com.


Journal for Healthy Eating In the quest for a healthier lifestyle, keeping a food journal can be a game-changer. This simple yet effective practice offers valuable insights into your eating habits, helps you make more informed choices and sets the stage for long-lasting dietary improvements. A food journal is not a tool for judgment or restriction, but a guide toward healthier choices and a better understanding of your relationship with food. It empowers you to make informed decisions, identify triggers for unhealthy eating and celebrate your successes along the way. Remember, the goal is progress, not perfection. By regularly reviewing what you eat, setting achievable goals and seeking support when needed, you’ll pave the way to a healthier, more balanced diet. Embrace the journey and let your food journal be your trusted companion on your path to better eating and improved well-being. REASONS TO KEEP A FOOD JOURNAL A food journal raises awareness about what you eat and drink. It sheds light on patterns, portion sizes and 14 • 2024 MEDICAL GUIDE

meal timings that you might not have noticed otherwise. Tracking your food intake holds you accountable for your choices. When you see what you consume in black and white, you’re more likely to make healthier decisions. Food journals can help identify emotional or environmental triggers for unhealthy eating. Recognizing these triggers empowers you to address them constructively. If you have specific dietary goals, a food journal provides a concrete way to track your progress and adjust your approach accordingly. GETTING STARTED Decide what format you are going to use. A few options include traditional hard-copy notebooks, digital apps, simple spreadsheets or even calendar software. Choose a format that suits your lifestyle and preferences. Make it a habit to record everything you eat and drink, including portion sizes, ingredients and cooking methods. Be honest and precise. Alongside each entry, note the time, location and your emotional state. This contextual information can reveal patterns related

to stress, boredom or other emotions. USING YOUR JOURNAL Set aside time daily or weekly to review what you’ve eaten. Look for patterns, triggers and areas for improvement. Celebrate your successes, no matter how small. Did you make healthier choices this week? Acknowledge your efforts. Based on your observations, set achievable dietary goals. For example, you might aim to reduce sugary snacks or

increase vegetable intake. Plan meals and snacks in advance. This reduces impulsive, less healthy choices. If you see patterns in your journal that you want to change, make plans for how to respond. Share your food journal with a trusted friend, family member, nutritionist or therapist. Their insights and guidance can be invaluable. As you progress on your journey to healthier eating, be open to adjustments. Refine your approach over time.


An alternative to concierge care has arrived for people 65+. Neil Patel, M.D., Chief Health Oႈcer, Patina You might be hearing about the growing number of doctors who are making the change to concierge care. Frustrated by challenges like high patient volume and not being able to get to know their patients well, some primary care practitioners are transitioning to the concierge model. But concierge care is not a ¿t for everyone. For many people, the cost of concierge care is simply out of reach. Fortunately, there are better options for Medicare enrollees, particularly those who want to make the most of their plan. Let’s take a closer look at these options.

Concierge care

Concierge care is membership-based medicine where patients pay an extra fee in exchange for an exclusive, direct relationship with their doctors. Patients often have access to a primary care practitioner (PCP) 24/7 while receiving highly personalized, comprehensive care. The drawback is cost. Membership fees run anywhere from $1,500 to $20,000 a year, and Medicare does not cover these. In addition, a concierge physician can manage acute needs or chronic conditions, but patients will still pay for visits to the hospital or emergency room, major surgeries and visits to other specialists. While concierge care might be a great alternative for patients who are

Neil Patel, M.D., Chief Health Oႈcer for Patina with patient Anna Batten

frustrated with their care provider or who suɣer from chronic illnesses and might bene¿t from a higher level of care, concierge doctors make up just a small percentage of available clinicians.

Patina: primary care that starts with relationships

A few years ago, I had the opportunity to rethink the care experience for people 65+ based on my own experiences as a doctor and caregiver. The result is Patina, a medical practice that specializes in care for older adults.

Patina incorporates many of the same principles as concierge care – but delivers these services to anyone with a participating Medicare or Medicare Advantage Plan, at their current PCP copay. Job one? Relationships. Every Patina patient has a real relationship with their dedicated care team. It’s rooted in trust, where you feel seen as a unique person. Your team understands your needs, goals, values and preferences – and stays with you over time – which is vital to providing personalized, whole-person care.

This kind of care is why patient Mark Pinsky switched to Patina. “I never could aɣord concierge care,” he told us. “But now with Patina, I feel like I have it.”

Prioritizing access and convenience

Access and convenience are other reasons many patients opt for concierge care. These are key elements of Patina’s care, but in a more modern way. We’ve done away with the physical doctor’s oɤce. Instead, we bring care to you through video visits, online chat, phone and in-person visits at home whenever appropriate for your needs. A lot of care happens in convenient virtual visits, so patients don’t feel they have to save up their symptoms for months. Our team goes to patients’ homes when needed for hands-on care, conducting the same examination we would if we were in an oɤce setting. With Patina, you don’t have to take time to go to a PCP’s oɤce and sit in crowded waiting rooms – only to be rushed through your appointment. Whether you’re at home or traveling, your primary care team is there for you exactly when and where you need them. No matter if you’re relatively ¿t or managing one or more conditions, Patina can meet your needs.

Team approach Every Patina patient has a PCP, as well as a dedicated health champion, who will take on whatever is needed to make care navigation easier. Our patients love having this resource to help with making appointments, arranging transportation, coordinating lab work and prescription re¿lls, understanding insurance bene¿ts and more. With the patient’s permission, loved ones can easily join a video or at-home visit and stay updated on Patina’s app. Loved ones also really appreciate the support of Patina health champions – who can take legwork oɣ their plate. Together, you have a total care team. “The only other way to ¿nd this degree of interactivity is to pay thousands of dollars for a concierge doctor – and Patina oɣers the same accessibility of a concierge practice for no extra cost,” Patina patient Steve Solotist shared. You CAN have it all: access, quality, aɣordability, convenience and personal attention with medical practices like Patina.

Patina is the primary care you deserve. Dedicated team who knows you, including PCP and health champion Same- and next-day appointments; 24/7 access to care Focused on your unique needs and preferences Care on your terms – convenient, easily accessible and never rushed Support for your total health and well-being Same copay under most Medicare and Medicare Advantage plans; no extra costs

Patina is available to people 65+ in Chester, Bucks, Delaware, Montgomery and Philadelphia Counties. Call (800) 476-7992 or visit patinahealth.com to schedule an appointment.

Q&A with Patina patient Anna: Getting care on her terms. Anna Batten, 72, is actively involved in managing her health. But she started to feel invisible after her doctor’s practice was absorbed into a large health system. That’s when she found Patina. What were your ¿rst interactions like? Anna: Everyone I met with was really kind and compassionate – so genuine. During my initial visit, my PCP, Michelle, said to me, “What’s most important to you right now?” This really set the stage for our future discussions and dealing with some of my health concerns.

How does Patina diႇer from your previous primary care experience? Anna: Appointments are set up at my convenience and yearly wellness visits can be scheduled in my own home – no need to drive anywhere, deal with traɤc or pay to park! And the 24/7 access to a nurse practitioner is so valuable should the need ever arise. What’s it like to work virtually with your care team? Anna: It gives me peace of mind

that they’re always there for me. I can have anyone I want sit in on any visit because it’s virtual. I also like that I can send messages when it’s convenient to me, like maybe I think of something after hours or even if I’m out shopping. How would you describe your overall health now? Anna: I am doing a lot better since being under Patina’s care. I feel cared for and listened to for the ¿rst time in a long time.

Elevate Health with Foot Care Our feet deserve more attention than they often receive. Our overall health is tied to the well-being of our feet. Our health journey involves tending to the intricate needs of our feet. By recognizing the pivotal role our feet play and incorporating mindful practices into our routine, we lay the groundwork for comfort, vitality and wellbeing. Our feet bear our weight throughout the day and help us move through life’s demands. Neglecting foot health can lead to a range of issues from discomfort and pain to more serious problems affecting our mobility and overall wellbeing. The National Library of Medicine explains that foot health can be a clue to overall health. If your joints are stiff, you might be developing arthritis. Tingling and numbness is a sign of diabetes. Swelling is a warning sign of kidney disease, heart disease and high blood pressure. GOOD SHOES Our feet require proper footwear to function optimally. Ill-fitting shoes can 18 • 2024 MEDICAL GUIDE

lead to blisters, bunions and even long-term conditions affecting joints and posture. Investing in quality shoes that offer support, cushioning and a proper fit is essential for maintaining foot health and preventing discomfort. Foot Care MD recommends wearing shoes that are comfortable, practical and fit well. They need to fit the shape of your foot. If they are too narrow or tight, they can result in foot problems. Poorly fitting shoes can also cause calluses, corns and blisters. You shouldn’t have to break shoes in, they say. If that is necessary then they aren’t a good fit or they aren’t properly designed. FOOT CARE TIPS You don’t need elaborate rituals to promote foot health. Start with a daily inspection to examine your feet for cuts, blisters or any irregularities and take care of these minor issues before they escalate. Clean any wounds and cover them in bandages. If you have rashes, treat them with anti-fungal powders and lotions. Keep our feet clean by washing them thoroughly with regular soap and water. Apply a nourishing foot cream to prevent moisture

buildup. Change socks every day and allow wet shoes to dry before wearing them again. This helps keep your feet dry as sweaty feet can cause rashes or eczema. Trim your toenails straight across to prevent ingrown nails. Use proper nail clippers and avoid cutting them too short. Incorporate simple foot exercises like toe stretches and ankle circles to maintain flexibility and strengthen foot muscles. What you eat can also affect your foot health and stave off osteoporosis. Include lots of calcium and Vitamin D in your diet. PROFESSIONAL HELP Seeking out such services as pedicures, foot massages and reflexology go beyond pampering and indulgence.

They contribute to your overall well-being, especially if you have a lot of foot pain or are diabetic. Pedicures involve exfoliation, nail care and moisturization. Regular pedicures — for men and women — can prevent nail and skin problems. Foot Care MD recommends spacing your pedicures eight weeks apart. Foot massages enhance circulation, reduce tension and relieve stress throughout the body. You can give yourself a foot massage by rolling your feet back and forth over a rolling pin. Reflexology is an ancient practice that involves applying pressure to specific points on the feet, believed to correspond to different body organs.

Healing from Addiction

Addiction is a complex and often misunderstood medical condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide. It’s important to understand that addiction is not a moral or ethical failing, but rather a medical issue with various treatment options and ways to manage it. The Addiction Center shares that nearly 21 million Americans have at least one addiction, but only 10% of them get treated for it. Alcohol 20 • 2024 MEDICAL GUIDE

and drug addiction cost the U.S. economy more than $600 billion every year. Addiction is a challenging condition, but it is treatable. There are several paths in the journey to healing and recovery. With the right support and strategies, it’s possible to overcome addiction and lead a healthier, more fulfilling life. DEFINING ADDICTION Addiction, also known as substance use disorder, is a chronic disease characterized by the compulsive use of a

substance despite harmful consequences. It can involve drugs, alcohol or even behaviors like gambling or compulsive eating. Key features of addiction include: • Loss of control: Individuals struggle to control their substance use or behavior, even when they want to stop. • Craving: Intense cravings for the substance or behavior are a hallmark of addiction. • Negative consequences: Addiction often leads to difficulties in various areas

of life, such as health, relationships and work. • Tolerance and withdrawal: Over time, individuals may develop a tolerance to the substance, requiring more of it to achieve the desired effect. Withdrawal symptoms may occur when they try to quit. TREATMENT OPTIONS The first step in treating addiction is often detoxification, where the body is gradually rid of the substance. This can be done

in a supervised medical setting to manage withdrawal symptoms safely. Various forms of therapy, including cognitivebehavioral therapy (CBT) and motivational interviewing, can help individuals understand the root causes of their addiction and develop healthier coping mechanisms. Therapists or doctors may prescribe medications to manage cravings, reduce withdrawal symptoms

and support recovery. For example, methadone can help those with opioid addiction, while medications like naltrexone can reduce alcohol cravings. Support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) provide peer support and a sense of community, which can be crucial for recovery. For severe addiction cases, residential or inpatient treatment facilities offer

intensive therapy, 24/7 supervision and a supportive environment. MANAGING ADDICTION Recognize that addiction is a medical condition. Understanding it is not a moral failure is crucial. This perspective reduces stigma and encourages seeking help. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, it’s essential to seek professional help. Addiction specialists can

create personalized treatment plans. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family members. Develop healthy coping mechanisms by identifying triggers and developing ways to respond to stress or difficult emotions. Recovery is a journey and setbacks may occur. Set realistic goals and celebrate small victories to stay motivated. Stay away from environments or situations that may trigger cravings.


Jenny Chen Pediatric and Family Dentistry: Making smiles affordable for everyone For the past 19 years, Jenny Chen Pediatric and Family Dentistry has been one of southern Chester County’s leading dental practices by providing several generations of their patients with outstanding and personal care. To Dr. Jenny, Dr. Ahmad F. Charkas, Dr. Robert Delie and the practice’s caring and dedicated staff, the mission

that began back in 2006 remains folded in a simple philosophy that believes every person deserves the gift of a healthy smile. Using the latest in advanced dental technology, Jenny Chen Pediatric and Family Dentistry provides its patients with a full array of dental services, preventative care and restorative solutions that include

cosmetic dentistry, implant restorations, periodontal surgery, pediatric dentistry, extractions, root canal therapy, dentures, as well as orthodontic care. Too often, however, the path to a healthy smile is impacted by a person’s ability to afford one. Consequently, a visit to the dentist is frequently limited to emergency care only. “Some of our patients

Jenny Chen Pediatric and Family Dentistry in West Grove is now celebrating its 19th year as a premiere dental practice. 22 • 2024 MEDICAL GUIDE

have been visiting us to get a procedure here and there, when what they really need is to receive comprehensive treatment,” Dr. Jenny said. “I will look at a patient’s chart and see so many dental needs listed, but nothing is being done. The next year, they will come back for an emergency and the next year they have a tooth removed. “Because of finances, their dentistry care becomes segmented. Our goal is to provide them with education about the importance of maintaining their smile and help them coordinate their financing to afford that full care – to restore function to their teeth and bring back a confident smile.” Understanding that every family has different financial needs, Jenny Chen Pediatric and Family Dentistry works with them to find solutions that allows each patient to afford high quality care. It is currently partnering with two financing companies

Dr. Jenny Chen

that will enable many more patients to be able to create a payment schedule that works with their budgets. The CareCredit® health and wellness card allows patients to pay for their dental care in convenient and lower monthly payments, as well as their chiropractic, cosmetic, dermatology, hearing and vision care. The practice is also

Dr. Ahmad F. Charkas

establishing a partnership with Sunbit, a financing company trusted by thousands of dental practices that will help open the door to hundreds more patients at Jenny Chen Pediatric and Family Dentistry to receive comprehensive dental care through payment plans designed specifically for them. “Over the years, we have

worked with many patients who were too embarrassed to smile at first, but when we see them now, they’re smiling and opening up and experiencing wonderful life changes,” Dr. Jenny said. “They tell us, ‘I have so much more confidence in myself since I was able to smile again.’ A smile can change a person’s life, and with gentleness and our commitment to developing

Dr. Robert Delie

trust, we get to play a big part in that. “When people have a good smile, they want to take care of it. Having a healthy smile provides motivation for so many of their hopes and dreams – preparing for retirement, for a new job or for an upcoming wedding. Having a nice smile can help them accomplish their next goals in life and bring them happiness.”

Jenny Chen Pediatric and Family Dentistry is located at 207 North Guernsey Road, West Grove. For more information, visit the website at www.smilesinpa.com or call the office at 610-869-0991 to speak with bilingual staff.


Home Workouts Dedicating time to fitness can be a challenge. Yet, maintaining an active lifestyle is essential for well-being. Home workouts offer a practical solution for individuals with jampacked schedules. Home workouts empower you to weave physical activity seamlessly into your busy life. Every rep and every stretch contributes to your 24 • 2024 MEDICAL GUIDE

path toward a healthier and more active lifestyle. Advantages to working out at home include the increased flexibility and convenience. You don’t have to drive anywhere or keep to someone else’s schedule. It is less expensive than paying for a gym membership. There are many ways to work out at home. You can livestream classes, use a phone or computer app or

watch a video. You can also pipe in your own music and get the whole family to work out with you. SAMPLE ROUTINES The Tabata Circuit takes about 15 minutes and is a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) routine. Alternate between 20 seconds of intense exercise and 10 seconds of rest. Choose exercises like

jumping jacks, squats, pushups and burpees. Complete each exercise for four minutes and then move to the next. The bodyweight circuit takes 20 minutes and involves performing a series of bodyweight exercises such as lunges, planks, mountain climbers and triceps dips. Do each exercise for 45 seconds, followed by 15 seconds of rest. Repeat the circuit twice.

A 10-minute cardio blast involves you jumping rope, doing jumping jacks or running in place for 10 minutes. Alternate between high-intensity bursts and moderate-paced recovery periods. Yoga and stretching routines can be done for 15 minutes at a time. Dedicate the time to stretching and flexibility. Practice yoga poses or engage in static stretches to improve mobility and reduce muscle tension.

BENEFITS Regular exercise increases energy levels and combats feelings of fatigue, helping you tackle daily tasks with vigor. Physical activity triggers the release of endorphins, reducing stress and promoting a positive outlook. Short bursts of exercise can enhance focus and productivity, making you more efficient in your tasks. Engaging in regular workouts supports heart

health, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It also contributes to weight management by burning calories and boosting metabolism. FORMING A HABIT Home workouts will be more successful when they become a habit, something your body learns to expect on a regular basis. Schedule wisely by identifying pockets of time in your day when you can fit

in a workout on a consistent basis. Designate an area in your house for workouts. Clear the space and have any necessary equipment nearby. Keep water bottles handy to stay hydrated during your workouts. Start with manageable routines and gradually increase intensity as you build strength and stamina. Switch up your routines to prevent boredom and engage different muscle groups.

CENTER FOR ADVANCED EYE CARE • Cataract • LASIK • Pediatric • Glaucoma • Cosmetic • General Ophthalmology (Ȳ‫ خ‬yƵǞǶ ßƊƮǘƊȲ‫ ة‬w( • (Ȳ‫ خ‬wǞɈƧǘƵǶǶ ²ɈƵǞȁ‫ ة‬w( (Ȳ‫ خ‬ƵƵȲƊȁ wƵǐǘȯƊȲƊ‫ ة‬w( ‫( ا‬Ȳ‫ خ‬ǶƊǞȲ ȲǿȺɈȲȌȁǐ‫ ة‬w( (Ȳ‫ خ‬Ǟȁǐ !ǘǞɐ‫ ة‬w( • (Ȳ‫ خ‬mƵȌȁƊȲƮ yƵǶȺȌȁ‫ ة‬w(

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Ease Digital Eye Strain Screens have become our windows to the world. From work tasks to entertainment, we spend hours gazing at digital displays. Yet, this digital immersion comes with a downside — digital eye strain. But relief is within reach. You can nurture your eyes through simple adjustments and mindful practices. You can actively promote your vision and lasting eye health by implementing screen settings that suit your eyes, taking regular breaks, practicing eye exercises and creating an ergonomically friendly workspace. Your eyes deserve attention and care to keep capturing the vibrant canvas of life with clarity and comfort. SCREEN SETTINGS Soothe your eyesight by ensuring your screen settings are in harmony with your eyes before you delve into the digital abyss. Adjust the screen’s brightness and contrast to match your surroundings. A bright screen in a dim room or vice versa strains your eyes. Opt for larger text and clear fonts to minimize squinting. Adjust the settings until the text is comfortably legible. 26 • 2024 MEDICAL GUIDE

Activate blue light filters on your devices to reduce the glare that contributes to eye strain. Many devices offer built-in blue light filters or apps that serve the same purpose. TAKING BREAKS Your eyes deserve minivacations during digital marathons. Prevent eye fatigue by taking regular breaks. Every 20 minutes, shift your focus to something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. This exercise rests your eyes and reduces strain. Blinking hydrates your eyes and prevents dryness. Combine blinking with deep breaths to refresh both your eyes and mind. Eye Relief Exercises Just as a stretch rejuvenates your body, eye exercises can do wonders for your visual well-being. Rub your palms together to generate warmth, then gently cup them over your closed eyes. Feel the soothing darkness and allow your eyes to relax. Shift your focus. Hold your thumb about ten inches from your face. Focus on it for a few seconds, then shift your focus to an object in the distance. Alternate between near

and far a few times. Gently roll your eyes in a circular motion, first clockwise and then counterclockwise. This exercise loosens eye muscles and improves circulation. HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT Create an environment that supports hydration and ergonomics. Proper hydration supports eye moisture, so

keep a water bottle nearby. Adjust your workspace to reduce strain. Position your monitor at eye level, about 20 inches from your face. This prevents neck strain and encourages a natural gaze. Ensure ambient lighting is comfortable and doesn’t create glare on the screen. A well-lit room reduces eye strain.


A Guide to Cataract Surgery Lenses By John DeStafeno, MD

and are educated on all the options that are available to refine their vision today. There is a large amount of information to digest when planning cataract surgery, so even with the best tools, discussions, and examples, it is perfectly normal for patients to feel stressed when deciding their procedure and lens options. A successful cataract surgery revolves around a safe, low-risk procedure that delivers the patient’s expected vision. Since each individual is unique, a customized plan is made to meet the specific needs of the patient.

How Do You Decide What Lens to Use for Surgery? A close up of an intraocular lens

Overview of Cataract Surgery Cataract surgery is one of the most common surgeries performed in the world, with over 26 million done annually. Cataracts, characterized by the clouding of the natural lens, typically develop with age. Additionally, medical conditions and certain medication usage can also lead to cataract formation. During surgery, the cataract is completely removed and an intraocular lens (IOL), often made of acrylic material, is inserted in its place. Every individual requires an intraocular lens to focus their vision. The evolution of technology, such as advanced lasers, computer-guided imaging, and innovative intraocular lenses, has enabled patients to achieve better vision than ever. While these advancements contribute to outstanding outcomes, they have also led patients to face more complex decisions for surgery--especially concerning IOL’s. At Chester County Eye Care, our goal for patients is to ensure they feel comfortable with the procedure

The first step in determining the best lens option for a patient is a detailed preoperative exam and discussion. In addition to getting measurements of your eye, it is essential for our surgeons to understand what the patient’s goal for their vision is. The process is a team effort between the surgeon and the patient. A key part of this collaboration comes from the surgeon listening to your own preferences so a clear goal can be set.

A patient getting their eyes measured with an IOLMaster™

In order to get you closer to choosing what lens you want, we will always ask what activities you use glasses and contacts for, and how often. For instance, some patients use corrective lenses for all tasks, while others may use them exclusively for either far or near vision. Furthermore, some patients may use corrective lenses but desire to be less dependent on them for certain tasks. Gathering this information is crucial for your surgeon, as it will be used to collectively decide on the lens that best matches your vision goals.

Types of Intraocular Lenses With the significant advancements in intraocular lenses today, they can now correct nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, or a combination of all three. Lenses are primarily available in two categories: monofocal and multifocal. Monofocal lenses (mono meaning one) provide a single focal point that we set. This means that they can help you see at either near (books), far (driving), or intermediate (computer) vision. Keep in mind that this only corrects one of those options, so glasses will still be needed to compensate for vision at the points that are not corrected. On the other hand, the second category of lenses are able to extend the range of vision and add more focal points to your vision, thus reducing your dependency on corrective lenses. This option, aptly named multifocal, has more than one focusing zone and can allow for improved computer vision and smaller print vision in books. In addition, there are special circumstances that require specific lenses for optimal vision. Astigmatism, or the uneven shape of the eye, can be corrected with a toric lens, which is available in both monofocal and multifocal options. For patients who have undergone prior eye surgery (e.g., LASIK), and where accuracy is crucial, there are light-adjustable lenses. These lenses can be fine-tuned after cataract surgery, enabling patients to “test-drive” their vision before finalizing the focus.

Monofocal left, multifocal right. Notice the increased range of vision with the multifocal

Wrap Up Overall, innovation in the field has made it possible to not only remove a cataract, but also provide exceptional vision for countless patients. Becoming less dependent on corrective lenses can be very exciting, so it is wonderful that we have so many options now to provide a fuller range of vision. When making decisions related to cataract surgery, it is important to leverage all available information to ensure you choose the lens that best suits your needs. We would love to assist you on your journey to achieve your ideal vision and make you feel comfortable with your eyesight. If you would like to learn more or schedule an appointment with us, please call 610-696-1230 or visit www.chestercountyeyecare.com. If you would like to learn more about cataracts and surgery on our website, scan the following QR code:

Choosing Healthy Snacks In the whirlwind of modern living, maintaining a nutritious diet can be a challenge. However, with a little planning and smart choices, healthy snacking can seamlessly fit into your on-the-go lifestyle. Seek out nourishing snacks that promote mindful eating and keep you energized throughout your day. Healthy snacking is more than just filling the gap — it’s about giving your body the sustenance it needs to thrive. By embracing nourishing options that align with your busy lifestyle, you’re making a conscious choice to make your health a high priority, one snack at a time. Every snack is an opportunity to infuse your day with energy and vitality. Whether you are tackling meetings, juggling errands or simply embracing the day, let your snacks be a source of nourishment that propels you forward with strength and wellness. SMART SNACKING Fresh fruits like apples, bananas and grapes are portable and packed with vitamins, fiber and natural sugars. Pair individual nut 30 • 2024 MEDICAL GUIDE

butter packets with wholegrain crackers or apple slices for a satisfying blend of protein and healthy fats. Opt for single-serving containers of Greek yogurt. They’re rich in protein, calcium and probiotics. You can turn it into a parfait by adding layers of granola and mixed berries. Create your own trail mix with a mix of nuts, seeds, dried fruits and a touch of dark chocolate for an energyboosting combo. Pre-cut vegetables like carrots, cucumber and bell peppers, paired with a small container of hummus, offer a balanced and crunchy snack. You can also cut celery sticks and fill them with peanut butter which can promote feelings of fullness. Prepare a batch of hard-boiled eggs for a protein-packed, portable snack that curbs hunger. Portable and portioncontrolled, string cheese offers protein and calcium on the go. Grab some whole-grain bars that have minimal added sugars and whole-food ingredients for a convenient snack option. Roasted chickpeas are a great source of fiber and have an impressive nutrient

profile. They’re filled with vitamins and minerals and are high in folate, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, copper and manganese. Create turkey roll-ups by laying out a slice of turkey breast. Layer on top of it your favorite cheese, a pickle, cucumber and a tomato slice. Roll it into a wrap. Snacks like this that are low in carbs and high in protein can improve blood sugar levels and regulate appetite. Other options can include cheese slices, baked tofu, cottage cheese, roasted watermelon seeds, canned salmon or tuna, chia pudding, edamame, lentil salad, overnight oats and seasoned popcorn.

PREPARING AHEAD OF TIME Spend a few minutes prepping snacks for the week. Wash and cut fruits and vegetables, portion out nuts and assemble snack packs. Invest in reusable containers that keep snacks fresh and prevent squishing. Mason jars, bento boxes and small airtight containers are great options. Carry a reusable water bottle to sip on throughout the day. Avoid mindless munching by listening to your body and practicing portion control. Tune in to your hunger cues. Snack when you’re genuinely hungry, not out of boredom or stress. Even with healthy snacks, portion control is key.


YOUR HOME, YOUR WAY, INSIDE & OUT Change to spring brings the urge to refresh our indoor and outdoor spaces. From your own design inspiration to professionals who can offer expert advice, measurement, and installation, 2023 brings focus back to home. It Can Be Quite Daunting To Get Started Tackling “dream Home” Projects. Is It Time To Redo That Old Favorite Couch In the Living Room? Or, Finally Find Fun New Outdoor Pillows To Display For Spring? Maybe It’s Time To Finally Find the Right Sheer or Texture For Draperies In the Great Room. If there’s One Thing Everyone Can Agree On In the Post Covid World, It’s That Being Comfortable In Your Own Home Should Never Be Taken For Granted. With Free In-store Design Services To Brighten Your Home and Bring Your Vision To Life, A One-stop-shop With Over 35 Years Experience Is Continuing To

Inspire Delaware Residents With the Tools Needed To Reinvent their Homes. With An Endless Array of Design Elements, Walking Into the Interior Alternative Is Like Being A Kid In A Candy Store. You’ll Find Thousands of Indoor and Outdoor Fabric Selections Broken Into Categories Such As Ultra-high Performance, Classic Velvet, Bold Boucle, Caterpillar-like Chenille, Faux-suede, Natural Cotton, Linen and More. All these Amazing Choices To Go Along With Designerdirect Prices. Prefer To Shop From Home? The Staff Can Bring their Expertise Right To You. You Can Redesign

Your Entire Home Without Ever Leaving. A Design Professional Will Come Out To Your Home With Gorgeous, High-performance Fabric Swatches and Help You Select Just the Right Color and Pattern For Your Projects. We offer Customized Creations For Drapery/window Treatments, Sofas/sectionals, Bedding, Headboards, Cushions and Pillows For the Home. You Can Call Us Anytime (302-454-3232) and We Will Help Make Your Dream Home A Reality. We Do Home Appointments, In-store Appointments, and Walk-ins. Many of Our High Performance, Best Selling Private

Label Dorell Fabrics Are Available Both In the Store and On thefabricoutlet. Com. Our Dorell Private Label Develops An Abundance of New Products Each Year and Many of the Items At the Interior Alternative Cannot Be Found Anywhere Else In the Country. Whether You Are An Experienced Interior Designer or Looking To Redesign Your Home For the First Time, the Interior Alternative Is A Must-stop-shop Bef or e Tackling Any Home Decor Project. Our Staff Are Trained and Excited To Help You Redesign the Home of Your Dreams Without Breaking the Bank.

Start your day with healthy habits Your mornings set the tone for the rest of your day. By establishing a healthy morning routine, you can unlock a multitude of benefits, including increased productivity to enhanced well-being. Healthy morning rituals can incorporate exercise, hydration and mindfulness practices. A healthy morning ritual is a powerful tool for enhancing your physical and mental well-being. Start your day with intention and watch as it positively affects every aspect of your life. CNBC reported that research done by psychologists found that developing morning habits such as exercise and healthy eating can improve one’s energy for the entire day. That same study found that there were other effects on the amount of energy a person had — such as age, happiness levels and genetics — but that 60% of one’s alertness depended on the environment and what a person chose to do upon waking. 34 • 2024 MEDICAL GUIDE

BENEFITS A well-structured morning routine can help you start the day with purpose and energy, enhancing your productivity throughout the day. It can enhance physical and mental health. Incorporating exercise and hydration into your morning can kickstart your metabolism, improve cardiovascular health and promote overall physical wellbeing. Mindfulness practices like meditation and journaling can reduce stress, anxiety and depression, fostering better mental health. Establishing a morning ritual creates consistency in your life, making it easier to manage your time and achieve your goals. ELEMENTS Start your morning with physical activity, whether it’s a brisk walk, yoga or a quick workout. Exercise releases endorphins, increasing your energy and improving your mood. After hours of sleep, your body needs hydration. Begin your day with a glass

of water to kickstart your metabolism and replenish lost fluids. Incorporate mindfulness practices into your morning, such as meditation, deep breathing exercises or journaling. These activities promote mental clarity and reduce stress. Take a few minutes to set daily goals and intentions. This helps you establish priorities for your tasks and stay focused on what matters most. Fuel your body with a nutritious breakfast. Opt for whole grains, fruits and lean proteins to provide sustained energy throughout the day. PUTTING IT INTO PRACTICE If you’re not accustomed to a morning routine, begin

with small, manageable steps. Gradually add new practices as you become more comfortable. Let your ritual reflect your unique needs, personality and preferences. Choose those exercises, activities and food that resonate with you, that will let you welcome and enjoy your mornings. Establish a consistent wake-up time to anchor your morning routine. Over time, it will become a habit. While consistency is important, allow flexibility for occasional variations due to travel or special occasions. Let your routines evolve with your changing needs and goals. Periodically review and adjust it to ensure it continues to serve you.


A Comfortable Home Office

Many people are now working from home more than ever before. While this offers newfound freedom and convenience, it comes with its own set of challenges. Creating a comfortable and ergonomic workspace at home is crucial for preventing strain, injuries and maintaining overall wellbeing. 36 • 2024 MEDICAL GUIDE

Ergonomics is the science of designing and arranging our environment to fit the way we work and interact with it. In the context of a home office, it means setting up your workspace to support your body’s natural movements and reduce the risk of discomfort or injury. COMMON ISSUES The Texas Department of

Insurance reported that during the pandemic’s shift to more people working from home, there was a surge in injuries. People had left their ergonomically designed work spaces and were now working on kitchen counters, coffee tables or their beds. This led to people slouching, sitting too long, extending the wrists and relying on laptop screens.

Too much sitting at poorly designed work stations led to neck and shoulder pain, back pain, wrist and hand discomfort, eye strain, fatigue, tight hips, leg cramps and reduced productivity. ARRANGEMENTS Invest in an ergonomic chair that provides adequate lumbar support and allows for adjustments in height,

arm rests and backrest angle. Your feet should rest flat on the floor or on a footrest. If it isn’t possible to have your feet on the ground, use a footrest, books, boards or other material to relieve the pressure on your thighs and prevent leg cramps. When sitting in the chair, don’t lean forward to type. Sit in a relaxed, slightly reclined position. This will decrease muscle strain and

pressure on the discs in your spine. Set your desk at a height that allows your elbows to stay close to your body at a 90-degree angle while typing. Use a keyboard tray if necessary to achieve this position. Place your monitor at eye level, with the top of the screen aligned with your eye line when you are looking straight ahead. Use a monitor

stand or adjust the height of your monitor accordingly. Ensure your workspace is well-lit to reduce eye strain. Use natural light whenever possible, but use task lighting as needed. An ergonomic keyboard and mouse allows for a relaxed, neutral wrist position. Avoid resting your wrists on a hard surface while typing. Keep cable organized and out of the way to prevent

tripping hazards. Take regular breaks to stand, stretch and walk around. Set a timer or use productivity apps to remind you to step away from your desk. Even while sitting, occasionally stretch your hands, fingers and arms. To avoid eye strain, look away from the computer every 10 to 15 minutes and focus on a spot 30 feet away for 30 seconds.


Vaccination: vital to public health Vaccinations have played a pivotal role in safeguarding society’s health for decades. These medical marvels have saved countless lives, prevented severe illnesses and even eradicated some deadly diseases. Vaccinations are a remarkable achievement of modern medicine, safeguarding individuals and communities from preventable diseases. To ensure public health, it is crucial to educate oneself about the importance of vaccinations, dispel myths and stay up-to-date with recommended vaccines and boosters. The World Health Organization reports that between 3.5 million and 5 million deaths are prevented each year by vaccines that prevent lifethreatening diseases such as diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, influenza and measles. Despite this, there are still 12 million children under five worldwide who die every year even though more than half of those diseases could have been prevented with a vaccine. 40 • 2024 MEDICAL GUIDE

While vaccine hesitancy is not at all a new problem, it flared up during the COVID-19 pandemic, spilling over into other vaccines and setting back efforts to eliminate such diseases as polio. IMPORTANCE Vaccines save lives by protecting individuals and communities from dangerous infectious diseases, reducing the risk of outbreaks. When a significant portion of a population is vaccinated,

it creates herd immunity, effectively shielding those who can’t be vaccinated due to medical conditions or age. Vaccination efforts have successfully led to the eradication of diseases like smallpox and are making other diseases very rare. COMMON MYTHS “Vaccines cause autism.” Numerous scientific studies have debunked this myth and no credible evidence links vaccines to autism. All claims

showing otherwise have been debunked and many who have made them have lost their licenses to practice medicine. “Vaccines contain harmful ingredients.” Vaccine ingredients are carefully studied and monitored for safety. Common ingredients like preservatives are used in minimal, safe quantities. “Natural immunity is better.” Vaccines provide immunity without causing the disease, unlike natural infection,

which can be severe or fatal. “Vaccines aren’t necessary anymore.” Many vaccinepreventable diseases remain a threat, and vaccination is still vital to prevent outbreaks. KEY VACCINES AND BOOSTERS COVID-19 vaccines, such as Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson, have been rigorously tested and authorized for emergency use.

Boosters are recommended to maintain immunity, especially as new variants emerge. Annual flu vaccines are essential to protect against seasonal influenza. They’re especially important for vulnerable populations like the elderly and those with chronic conditions. The measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine prevents three highly contagious diseases and is essential for community

immunity. The tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (Tdap) vaccine is crucial for all age groups, with boosters recommended. Hepatitis B can lead to liver disease and cancer. The vaccine against it is essential for infants and high-risk adults. Other vaccines that are now available or in development include ones protecting against shingles, pneumonia, rotavirus and RSV.

Vaccinations protect against forms of cancer including cervical, vaginal, vulvar and anal cancer. Clinical trials are in progress for cancers such as bladder, breast, brain, colorectal, kidney, leukemia, lung, melanoma, myeloma, pancreatic and prostate. Boosters reinforce the immunity provided by initial vaccinations, especially as the effectiveness of immunity wanes or new variants emerge.


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Nurture your gut Your gut health is intricately linked to your overall well-being, affecting everything from digestion to immune function and even your mood. Your gut plays a pivotal role in your overall wellbeing, influencing digestion, nutrient absorption and immune function. By nurturing your gut through a balanced diet, probiotics and stress management, you can support your digestive health and your body’s ability to fend off illness. Remember that a healthy gut isn’t just about digestion — it’s about strengthening your body’s first line of defense against infections and maintaining vibrant health from the inside out. The National Institutes of Health cite research saying the bacteria in your gut reduces your risk of diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease and psoriatic arthritis. GUT HEALTH CONNECTION Your gastrointestinal (GI) tract, often referred to as your gut, is a complex system responsible for digesting food, absorbing nutrients and playing a crucial role in your immune response. It serves three primary roles: 42 • 2024 MEDICAL GUIDE

digestion, absorption and providing a microbiome. Your gut breaks down the food you eat into essential nutrients that nourish your body. Nutrients from digested food are absorbed into the bloodstream through the gut lining. The GI tract hosts trillions of microorganisms, collectively known as the gut microbiome. These microbes aid digestion, synthesize vitamins and even influence your mood. Healthline explains each person has more than 200 different species of bacteria, viruses and fungi in their digestive tract. They vary between those that are harmful, healthy and essential. TIPS FOR A HEALTHY GUT Consume a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. A diverse diet supports a diverse gut microbiome and a robust immune system. Fiber promotes regular bowel movements and feeds beneficial gut bacteria. Incorporate food like oats, beans and broccoli. Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts found in yogurt, kefir and fermented foods like sauerkraut. They help maintain a balanced gut microbiome. Also helpful are

prebiotic-rich foods such as garlic, onions and asparagus. Drink plenty of water. Being well hydrated is good for your health in many ways. Meanwhile, limit excessive sugar and processed food as it can disrupt the balance of gut bacteria. Antibiotic use has also been linked to an unhealthy gut by researchers who published in “Nature,” so talk to your doctor about which antibiotics are essential and when alternatives might be possible. Chronic stress can negatively affect gut health. Practice relaxation techniques like meditation or yoga. Get adequate sleep to allow your body’s immune cells to function optimally. Make it a priority to get enough sleep every night. Physical activity supports gut motility and a healthy

gut microbiome, so engage in regular exercise. IMMUNE FUNCTION Your gut and immune system are deeply intertwined. About 70% of your immune cells reside in your gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT). The gut lining acts as a barrier, preventing harmful substances and pathogens from entering the bloodstream. Beneficial bacteria help regulate the immune system and protect against harmful invaders. When the gut detects potential threats, it triggers an immune response, releasing antibodies and immune cells to defend against infections. An unhealthy gut can lead to chronic inflammation, which is linked to various diseases, including autoimmune conditions.

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