Adonai Magazine february 2015

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Jimmy Evans

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Modesty, Comparison, and a Man’s Sexual Appetite visit for more articles


dream marriage is the kind of marriage where both the husband and wife are concerned about meeting each other's needs. The man sacrifices to meet his wife's need for security and meaningful communication. The wife sacrifices to meet his need for honor and respect. Both are generous toward each other. That's foundational to a healthy, loving relationship. One of the places where this is most necessary is in the bedroom, where many marital conflicts (spoken and unspoken) tend to develop. The conflict arises because men and women are very different in how they become sexually aroused.

“A dream marriage is made of two people being generous and acting sacrificially toward each other.”

Women are non-visual. Their sexual excitement ramps up gradually by romance, soft touching and atmosphere. On the other hand, men are very visual. They get sexually excited must faster, mostly through sight and touch. That's the reason men are drawn to pornography. Though it is sinful and damaging to a man and a marriage, it illustrates the visual nature of a man's sexual appetite. Much of the lingerie industry and almost all the pornography industry owe their success to the visual appetite of males. This leads to a big problem for women: comparison. According to one report, more than 90 percent of fashion models suffer from low self-esteem. They compare themselves to their peers. They feel they aren't attractive. They know how much photo-re4

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touching takes place to make them even more "beautiful" in magazines.

Comparison is unhealthy—among models and among regular women, too. Why? Because it is selfrejection. It's an indirect accusation of God, blaming him for having made something defective or imperfect. And while many women have a comparison problem with their clothes on, it can be even worse when the clothes come off. Women have a strong, natural sense of physical modesty. It's God's way of protecting women and society at large. Combine that with the fact that few women are happy with their bodies, and you have problems in the bedroom. When comparison and modesty are taken into the marriage bed, it can be damaging. What's the answer? Well, it's easier for me to give than it is for women to practice: relax. Refuse to be intimidated and belittled by a perverted world that wants all women to fit a deceitful stereotype of perfection. Be yourself. Accept the way God made you. Look the best you can for your husband in the bedroom and out of the bedroom, because he needs you to look your best. And husbands? You're not off the hook. If it's important for your wife to look good for you, then it's just as important that you look good for her. Don't forget: A dream marriage is made of two people being generous and acting sacrificially toward each other. A husband needs to be understanding of his wife's insecurities. But sometimes modesty and comparison are the things a woman needs to sacrifice for the sake of her marriage.



The name Adonai is translated Lord in the Bible. Adon means, “steward administrator, master, or Lord.” The addition of ai to adon intensifies or elevates its meaning, changing it to mean “the ultimate Lord, the Supreme Lord, or Lord of all.” Adonai Bible Challenge The vision of Adonai Magazine goes beyond Study to shew thyself approved unto God... denominational, traditional, ethnic and cultural NETWORK barriers that are sometimes imposed and have interfered with the Lord’s vision for an international kingdom building.

mWFfold Empowering through networking and information


Henry Ayensu Franklin Kwaku Kyei Pas. Abraham Obadare


Joyce Meyer


Dr. Ralph F. Wilson


Jimmy Evans


Dr. William D. Watley


Dr. Kelafo Collie M.D.


Elsie Osae-Kwapong Cre8ive House

2015 – The Year Of Divine Destiny

‘For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end’ Jeremiah 29:11 (KJV).

Our Designed for Destiny Conference will be dealing with discovering who you are on the inside. This year, we must be diligent in walking into the purpose and plan that the Lord has for us. It is time to receive, plan and move with focus. Our keynote speaker is Pastor Paula White. Pastor White’s theme for that evening will be “Awakening the GIANT Within”. She is the Senior Pastor of New Destiny Christian Center in Orlando, Florida. Paula White is a teacher, author, philanthropist, mother, and highly sought after motivational speaker. She hosts her own television program, Paula Today, which is viewed in over 200 countries worldwide, and spearheads global humanitarian efforts. Whether traveling abroad or ministering to her local congregation, she is unwavering in her purpose – to “transform lives, heal hearts and win souls.”

Come and experience a powerful night of preaching and teaching that will stimulate the giant within you and set you on a pace to discover who you are!!!

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Dr. Myles E. Munroe

Rev. Nick Anane-Agyei



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Franklin Kwaku Kyei Editor of the Adonai Magazine Send your letters and suggestions to the editor at or call: 347 449 5892

Winds Of Revival - 2 visit for more articles


he Lord spoke to me about five months ago, during an intense time of prayer for the Body of Christ, about a coming revival to be initiated by His Spirit to reposition His Church on earth and in the heavenly places for His second coming. What I received suggested that it will be different from what we characterize as the Charismatic Revival. He made me understand that just as there were Protestant, Pentecostal, and Charismatic revivals, and their accompanying Evangelical identity, so shall there be another move of His Spirit that shall engulf the planet very soon. The following is a continuation and final part of the related article, which was first published in the January Editorial Column.

The divine order of God to reposition the church before His second coming.

Soon and very soon, most of the vaunted and exalted names in the Evangelical Circles of today will vanish from the limelight. Soon and very soon many that have failed to realize the change in the direction of the Winds of the Holy Spirit to adjust appropriately in holiness and humility will be swept away in a mighty tsunami of purge to be sent from the throne of God. This is going to be the trend in the next five years as the coming of Christ draws near. There shall surely be a lot of casualties in the pulpit and the pew during this new move, because it will catch many by surprise, and also because God will not compromise the shed blood of His Son, Jesus. It is also going to be a type of prelude to the book of Revelation, but this shall affect the body of Christ mostly, for the world outside the body is reserved onto a severer time of 6

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tribulation of its own, as described by the Apostle John in the book of Revelation. The ways, authority, institutions, and decrees of man will become predominant in the next couple of years, in an attempt to alter divine decrees and institutions across the globe to weaken and frustrate the Church of God. It shall become very distressing for many as persecution descends upon the Church of God from unlikely sources and many leaders in the body of Christ succumb to it. Many pulpits that are not loyal to the cause of Christ shall be overthrown in the next couple of years as a spectacle to all, and the Lord shall raise new altars to himself; altars that shall lift Him high for Him to draw all men onto himself. The zeal of the Lord shall perform it (Isaiah 37:32).

Do not be dismayed by events that will cause many to question the existence of God, His integrity, wisdom, and power; the relevance of their faith and convictions. Our God still reigns, and He shall do a short work on earth (Isaiah 9:28). Let us, therefore, hold onto the tried and tested pure truths we have believed and received lest we lose them in the shaking that is coming upon the Church (Hebrews 12:25-27). The prophet Daniel said in Daniel 12:10, concerning the very last days of man’s dominion on earth that: “Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly, and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.” However, in the midst of it all he also had this to say, “….but the people that know their God shall be strong and do exploits,” for in the annals of history, the Living God always makes sure that wherever and whenever sin abounds grace onto salvation and grace to magnify His name much more abound. Let us therefore stay awake and remain strong in that grace.

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Pastor Abraham Obadare Pastor Abraham Obadare is a minister at Christ Apostolic Church WOSEM, New York City •Our TV programs show: Queens: QPTV 34 on Wednesdays at 10:30pm & Fridays at 5:30pm, Brooklyn: BCAT 56 at 12am on Sunday Long Island: CABLEVISION 20 on Saturday 7:30am Tel: 718 658 8981

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Jesus: A King Who Loves The “Least.”


he identity of Jesus Christ in our age of Global Cities has been one that a lot of people have been struggling to define. Readings of the sayings of the historical Jesus even show that He himself knew that people had struggles with his identity. In Mark 8:27-28 he asked his disciples, “Who do people say I am?” They answered him, “Some say, John the Baptist, others Elijah, and still others one of the prophets.” After these many answers he then asked, his disciples, “But who do you say I am?” (Mark 8:29). Today one could ask a similar question like, ‘is Jesus a king in the palace who is just waiting to be worshipped or is he a man who loves and advocates for the “least” of our global cities and the world at large?’ In this essay as I attempt to define Jesus’ identity in our age of global cities, arguing that Jesus is a King who loves the “least.” In this age of technology, many cities are serving as global cities and in it all, I see a Jesus Christ that is advocating for social and economic justice and equality. Theologically and socially as we look at this topic of Jesus being a King who loves the “least,” I know we live in a world where kings are well-to-do, revered, empowered to rule over and dictate to people. In kings’ palaces and board rooms of CEO’s of great companies in our Global Cities, there is corruption of all sorts and people are only concerned about selves. But I see Jesus as a different type of King or CEO: one who identifies with the poor, honors the humble and grants justice to the oppressed and outcasts. One who has experienced what it means to be counted as fatherless and homeless. In Luke 8:1-8, Jesus told his disciples a parable about their need to pray all the time and never give up. He said, “In a city there was a judge who didn’t fear God or respect people. In that city there was also a widow who kept coming to him and saying, ‘Grant me justice against my adversary.’ For a while the judge refused. But later, he told himself, ‘I don’t fear God or respect people, yet because this widow keeps both8

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ering me, I will grant her justice. Otherwise, she will keep coming and wear me out.’” Then the Lord added, “Listen to what the unrighteous judge says. Won’t God grant his chosen people justice when they cry out to him day and night? Is he slow to help them? I tell you, he will give them justice quickly. But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” (ISV). Jesus is a King who loves the “least” and loves to see them vindicated.


n our global cities today everybody is fending for self, struggling to make ends meet even if it requires oppressing or cheating others in order to get what they want; it is a world of survival of the fittest; but Jesus is concerned about the economics of the poor and the suffering. Historically and in this day and age, one may wonder why one race, class or group is suffering under another. Could it be that God does not have the power to liberate them or He is just not willing to do so? This question of why the innocent suffer is not new to us today; it is raised in the bible too, but I want to tell you that God care. He wants to liberate the oppressed, He is looking to you and me to help liberate them. This is why Jesus said, as long as you did it for the least of these, you have done it for me. In Matthew 25:34-46 the bible says, “Then the king will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who have been blessed by my Father! Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world, because I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger, and you welcomed me. I was naked, and you clothed me. I was sick, and you took care of me. I was in prison, and you visited me.’ “Then the righteous will say to him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and give you something to eat, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you as a stranger and welcome you, or see you naked and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison, and visit you?’ Read full article on

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Joyce Meyer For more on this topic, order Joyce’s four-CD series Amazing Grace. You can also contact us to receive our free magazine, Enjoying Everyday Life, by calling (800) 727-9673 or visiting

Living Without Frustration visit for more articles


e all go through times of frustration in our lives. Frustration happens when we’re trying to do something in our own strength—something that only God can do through His grace in us. My personal definition of grace is “God’s power made available to us free of charge, enabling us to do with ease what we could never do on our own with any amount of struggle or effort.” The truth is, our human effort can never bring the changes that God’s amazing grace can bring. The word “grace” has become so common in church or

God is not just with us but in us and He will do through us what needs to be done. other religious settings that we sometimes forget its value in our life. God’s grace really is amazing, and once you have a revelation of His grace in your life, you’ll know just how amazing it is. It is the power we need to live an abundant life. And His grace can do more in us in five minutes than we could do in twenty-five years of living. In fact, we are saved by the grace of God through our faith in Him. Ephesians 2:8 says, “For it is by free grace (God’s unmerited favor) that you are saved (delivered from judgment and made partakers of Christ’s salvation) through [your] faith. And this [salvation] is not of yourselves [of your own doing, it came not through your own striving], but it is the gift of God.” God’s grace is a gift and all we have to do is receive it. It’s not something we can ever earn or deserve or take credit for it.

Living in God’s Grace

Salvation is given to us freely, by God’s grace, and the same way we receive Christ’s salvation, is the same way we have to live—by grace. God’s grace not only saves us, it also gives us everything we need to live a joy-filled life. Colossians 2:6 says, “As you have therefore received Christ, [even] Jesus the Lord, [so] walk (regulate your lives and conduct yourselves) in union with and conformity to Him.” I remember how frus14

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trated and miserable I used to be before I learned how to receive God’s grace. I loved God and really wanted to please Him, but I was always trying to do what I thought was right in my own strength. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t make things happen by my own effort. For example, when I first started this ministry, I thought I had to make everyone like me and the pressure was more than I could stand! I would get discouraged when it seemed like someone was giving me a funny look or left during my teaching because I would think they didn’t like what I was saying. One day I finally said, “God, it is not my responsibility to make people like me; it is my responsibility to do what You are telling me to do.” The pressure I had put on myself to please people was released when I got this revelation: God is not just with us but in us and He will do through us what needs to be done when we stop trying to do it ourselves and let Him work.

Stay Plugged In

Experiencing the grace of God comes as we learn how to stay plugged in to our Power Source. Plugging in means we need to keep feeding ourselves with God’s Word and stay connected to Him through prayer. If we can learn how to receive the grace of God, and let Him do things through us, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. When you feel like you are losing your charge, don’t let anything keep you from plugging in. Just take a moment and pray, asking God for His strength. It’s also vitally important to remember to keep your focus on God’s Word and His many promises to provide everything we need, when we need it. If you’re frustrated and struggling, I want to encourage you to stop trying to succeed in your own effort and start asking God for His grace. He knows what you need and what needs to change in your life. We can never ask for too much grace, and God’s grace has no limit. It won’t run out. God loves you and He wants to help you. He always knows exactly what you need, and He wants you to enjoy your life while you are in the process of becoming all He created you to be.

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Auntie Elsie

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Learning through Parenting

ur children didn’t understand why we made them eat green vegetables, do their schoolwork, and go to bed at a decent hour. They couldn’t fathom how baths were good and eating dirt was bad. It was a mystery to them why we were so passionate that they avoid alcohol, date only believers, and hang out with kids who loved Jesus.

Godly parenting can help boost your love for God

I loved playing with my children. I loved teaching them. I loved sharing adventures, reading to them, and taking trips. I loved feeding them, clothing them, and giving them special gifts. I did not enjoy making them obey. I didn’t enjoy holding them accountable to be honest, diligent, and respectful. I didn’t enjoy making them do chores, save their money, and complete their school assignments. I didn’t enjoy being “the bad guy” who punished them for disobeying and “forced” them to go to church. But I did it anyway, because I knew the scriptural guidelines we were laying down would help protect them from the danger and devastation of sin and help them become happy, healthy, productive, godly adults. I wanted my children to experience everything good and avoid everything bad. Many times, like my children, I struggle with obedience. I become willful and rebellious. 18

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I march off in pursuit of what I know is best for me. I’m convinced I know best what will make me happy. Obey God? Surely he doesn’t know better than I what makes me happy. And I’ve lived long enough to suffer the consequences of my disobedience. “If you love me,” he calls, “keep my commandments. Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. And all these things (everything you need to be fulfilled) will be added to you.” My children helped me understand why God wanted me to obey him.

2. Parenting taught me how much God loves me.

Because I didn’t enjoy babysitting, I worried I might not be a good mother. I was unprepared for the emotions that overwhelmed me following my daughter’s birth. Almost instantly, something happened that made me 100 percent mother. Fiercely protective. Sacrificially giving. Unconditionally loving. When I held my baby in my arms for the first time, I knew, should the need arise, that I would die for her. Yet I am frail, and flawed, and selfish. I’m impatient, fickle, and imperfect. I’m plagued by a sin nature, and I make mistakes. Because of my human limitations, I know the love I feel for my children is a mere whisper of the love God has for me. Loving my children gives me a glimpse of God’s heart toward his children.

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