Rwandese flowers - chapter 1

Page 11

The crew tried to understand why the Rwandese Army stopped the plane. Besides being afraid, they were sorry for me because it was clear that those sinister, uniformed and armed men were catching me. I asked the lieutenant. "Who is insisting on talking to me, officer?" "The president of this country himself, Paul Kagame, Dr. Isabelle." I stood up and followed the Rwandese soldiers along the narrow aisle as a sergeant confiscated and carried my luggage. The passengers were silent, feeling the tension in the air following us for their relief. The soldiers, all them young men, for their part, did not know why they held me, and they expressed this in prying eyes. Thus, I stepped off the airplane to face my destiny, and when I was going down the airport, most people aboard the plane went to the windows to witness me walking across the Kanombe escorted by militaries. They looked down on me, with concern about my situation, seeming to believe I had gotten into a big trouble, or I was so dangerous to the point that the Army had almost run over a plane that size on takeoff just to hold me in Rwanda any longer.

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