Thursday, July 11, 2019

Page 1

‘Time Inside’

Tough stretch


A Cornwall poet’s latest book draws on his experience teaching in prison. See Arts + Leisure.

The AC Legion team rallied for one stirring win, but lost three other games. See Page 1B.

Middlebury’s parking enforcement officer takes a diplomatic approach to her work. See Page 2A.


Vol. 73 No. 28

INDEPENDENT Middlebury, Vermont

Thursday, July 11, 2019

42 Pages


Patton eyes town-gown future

College president dreams big, works patiently By CHRISTOPHER ROSS as local classroom opportunities for MIDDLEBURY — Where town- Middlebury College students majoring in gown relations are concerned, a lot has Education Studies. happened during Laurie Patton’s four • Through a yearlong “workforce years as president of Middlebury College, planning” project, the college put itself and she’s perfectly happy to on a path toward financial take an inventory of recent “We can be a sustainability — without successes: laying off any employees. major driver in • The percentage But in a recent interview of students engaged in keeping talented with the Independent, community service has students here, Patton grew most excited increased from 70 percent both in the when she talked about to 80 percent, roughly, and the “twinkles” in her county and in Patton is eyeing 90 percent eye — those still-forming Vermont.” in coming years. dreams and schemes — Laurie Patton for collaborating with • The college has worked with the Addison Central the community to solve School District to develop an International shared challenges. Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum for its “But make sure you put ‘twinkle in schools, and after two years of planning my eye’ in bold,” Patton said, laughing. will soon roll out graduate-credit-bearing “We’re not at ‘Middlebury Announces courses for ACSD teachers, as well New Initiatives’ yet.”

RETAINING YOUNG PEOPLE “We can be a major driver in keeping talented students here, both in the county and in Vermont,” Patton said. “The first way is to get them really excited about their internships, where they say, ‘Oh, I’d really like to stay.’ It would be great to partner with both Addison County and the broader Vermont business community on a program that would offer internships, and maybe some financial aid, and in return, students could stay and work at those companies for a year or two afterward.” Such a program, she said, would both contribute to the Vermont economy and help to keep talented young people in the state. “That’s a really big dream,” she acknowledged. “But you have to start small. We could stand it up with three or four students, then others would say, (See Patton, Page 13A)

MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE PRESIDENT Laurie Patton believes the college has a powerful role in the community and that its decisions have real impact. This role has informed her approach to strengthening town-gown relationships.

Independent photo/Steve James

Middlebury water/sewer rates rising By JOHN FLOWERS MIDDLEBURY — The average municipal water and sewer user in Middlebury will pay a combined total of $700 for those services this fiscal year, a bump of more than 6.5 percent, or $43, compared to last year, according to figures supplied by the town. At issue are fiscal year 2020 water and sewer rates recently endorsed by the Middlebury selectboard, rates that are likely to rise further in the coming years as the community takes stock in its aging infrastructure — specifically, water and sewer mains. “The water system is underfunding its capital improvements by around $575,000 a year, based on life-cycle costs (of related infrastructure),” Middlebury Public Works Planning Director Dan Werner said. “We have 54 miles of water main in an assumed 80-year lifespan. We would need to spend about $784,000 (annually) to sustain the water main replacement program.” The new water fund budget of $1,473,805 represents a $136,664 increase compared to the last fiscal year that concluded on June 30. Werner noted $109,800 of the increase will be sunk into a capital improvements budget that has historically been shortchanged in order to keep the water rate in check. In addition to allowing for more capital improvements, the $136,664 increase will cover $6,600 in contracted wage and benefit increases for water department employees, and will allow the town to complete its phase-in of more modern water meters that can be read through cellular technology. Prior to this latest increase, Middlebury had been budgeting $235,000 annually for water main improvements. The new infusion of $109,800 will bring the total to $344,800. The Middlebury Infrastructure Committee will (See Middlebury, Page 13A)

New plants sprouting up in emerging local market

Pittsford farm changes crop to keep growing By RUSSELL JONES PITTSFORD — “Our secret’s out,” grinned Sam Markowski as he surveyed a dirt field full of different farm equipment. “We’re growing hemp up here in Pittsford.” A close relative of the marijuana plant, hemp looks and smells just like it, but lacks the mind-altering chemicals found in its biological cousin. Hemp also has a wide variety of uses, most notably of late as the main ingredient in products made with CBD (shorthand for the chemical compound “cannabidiol”). For the Markowskis, the decision (See Hemp, Page 9A)

Top shelf music

THE 41ST ANNUAL Festival on the Green rocked Middlebury this week. Above, Véronique Plasse and Dominic Desrochers of the Montreal trio Bon Débarras belt out a tune on Monday evening; ever-popular Vermont musician Jon Gailmor, below, gets a little audience participation during the Tuesday Brown Bag Lunch show; and Davy Sturtevant, right, blows an excellent cornet during a Heather Pierson Acoustic Trio performance Tuesday night. The Festival continues through Saturday night. See more photos on Pages 4A and 8A.

By the way

Independent photos/Trent Campbell and John S. McCright

The American Legion Department of Vermont convened its 100th Annual Department Convention on June 27–29 in South Burlington and elected a variety of officers for fiscal year 2020. Among them was Ronald LaRose of Post 19 in Bristol, who was elected Department Commander. Jeremy Revell of Squadron 19 in Bristol was elected Senior Vice Commander of Sons of The American Legion. Please don’t forget about the Helping Overcome Poverty’s (See By the way, Page 9A)

Local families provide a bridge for foreign students By NORA PEACHIN MIDDLEBURY — Every fall semester, Middlebury College’s Great Hall is decked out with decorations and numbered stations for the big host family reveal. International students and local families meet on campus to discover their matches.

Participants in the Friends of International Students (FIS) Host Program anxiously await this morning, which comes weeks after they fill out questionnaires detailing their expectations and hopes for their host experiences. Kathy Foley and her colleagues at Middlebury College’s Office for

International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) work tirelessly during the short time period at the start of the semester to pair students and hosts, based on preferences such as family size, religion and academic or professional interests. As participants trickle in, they are given the questionnaire of their

match to read over. Students and families are confined to separate rooms. Once everyone has gathered, they are released into the Hall to finally meet their partners for the next four years. It’s a moment full of expectation and excitement. Foley piloted the program in 2001 as a result of student interest. Chinese

professor John Berninghausen had created an informal host family arrangement for students before the official program, which introduced Middlebury students and families to the idea. “We live in an 8,000-person town, and the world is coming (See Students, Page 14A)

Index Obituaries.........................6A-7A Classifieds......................8B-10B Service Directory.............6B-7B Entertainment...... Arts + Leisure Community Calendar.......4B-5B Arts Calendar...... Arts + Leisure Sports...............................1B-3B

PAGE 2A — Addison Independent, Thursday, July 11, 2019

Covey settles in as parking ‘ambassador’ Tickets are fraction of her varied duties By JOHN FLOWERS MIDDLEBURY — Monikers like “meter maid” and “parking cop” are thankfully exiting the law enforcement lexicon. Jodi Covey has a more elegant and diplomatic term for describing her role of directing people to parking spaces and local services, while ticketing vehicles that overstay their welcome: “Parking ambassador.” Though she says “parking enforcement officer” will do just fine. Covey started the job with the Middlebury police this past April, and puts in around 25 hours a week, spring through the fall, strolling through downtown Middlebury helping locals and visitors in whatever way she can. While her primary task is to make sure the town’s parking ordinances are obeyed, Covey sees her role as much more. She’s also a Good Samaritan, community ombudswoman, greeter and information clearinghouse about all things Middlebury. She’s an extra set of eyes and ears for Middlebury police, whose ranks happen to include her spouse, Sgt. Jason Covey. “We’re like ships that pass in the night,” Jodi Covey smiled. “(Jason) works the evening shift and I work the day shift. But we do share a day off together. It does make it easy for me if I have a questions, I can get a hold of him real quick.” It was only last year that Covey, a New Hampshire native, was serving her country as a member of the United State Air Force. Her primary task: Maintaining F-16 fighter jets while assigned to the 158th fighter wing of the Vermont Air National Guard. While she enjoyed her work, an Air Force career often requires a ton of travel. And that’s not an ideal situation when you’re married with three small children. So she looked around for a part-time gig that would allow her to serve people while at the same time keep an eye on the home front. She found the perfect match as Middlebury’s parking ambassador. “I love this job,” she said. “I have to say this is one of my most favorite jobs, ever — not because of the enforcement aspect, but (the ability to) talk with the community. I have made so many friends.” Indeed, you know you must have a magnetic personality if

MIDDLEBURY PARKING AMBASSADOR Jodi Covey is becoming a popular public servant. She greets, informs and helps people while enforcing parking laws in the downtown.

Independent photo/John Flowers

you can strike up a friendship while “I’m not there to bother anyone, to toting a pad of citations. But Covey be this black-and-white ticket endoesn’t begin each day with the goal forcer. I’m there to help downtown of snagging parking scofflaws. She businesses, to keep people safe, and stressed she has no parking ticket to be a friendly person.” quota to meet, and her pay isn’t Unless otherwise marked, there’s linked to the amount of a two-hour limit on fines she brings in. “I love this job. I downtown parking. Covey estimates she It’s a three-hour limit writes 5-10 tickets per have to say this in the lot behind the day. At $5 a pop, the is one of my Ilsley Library, and a parking tickets aren’t most favorite 30-minute limit on meant to hurt people, jobs, ever — not some spaces behind but rather discourage because of the the adjacent municipal folks who would othbuilding at 77 Main St. enforcement erwise hog spaces for For those able to long periods of time. aspect, but walk a minute or People, by nature, (the ability to) two, there are plenty want to park as close talk with the of long-term parking to their destination as community. I spots in the municipal possible. Problem is, have made so lots off Bakery Lane, there are seniors and Mill Street and Acadfolks with disabilities many friends.” emy Street. — Jodi Covey who really need those As a Middlebury prime places because resident who shops they have difficulty walking to local whenever she can, Covey Main Street from the more remote, understands the parking challenges long-term municipal lots. people face. “(The parking tickets) are not “I have myself experienced drivthere to bother people, they are there ing around, wanting to patronize a to keep people moving and abide local business and I can’t, because by the two-hour limit,” Covey said. there’s no parking and I have three

little children and can’t walk from the other end of town,” Covey said. “So I have to keep driving.” While she wants to see reasonable turnover in the parking spots, Covey doesn’t want people to feel hurried when they visit downtown Middlebury. “I want people to shop downtown and have enough time to eat or grab a cup of coffee,” she said. Young, gregarious and always upbeat, Covey can light up a parking lot with a quick salutation, kind words or just a beaming smile. As a parking ambassador, Covey likes helping people find a restaurant, playground or specific store. She places a premium on suggesting safe places for people to park. “I feel I almost have my finger on the pulse of downtown Middlebury,” she said. “I know what everybody needs. I go in and talk with the business owners. I speak with people on their walks. People get to know me and figure they can come up and talk to me about whatever is going on.” Ebullient by nature, Covey begins each day as if it’s sunny and 80 degrees — even if it’s actually 50 degrees and raining. She never knows what she might encounter that day, though she’s prepared for the worst. Covey received extensive medical training during her Air Force career, training she believes can be of service to her community. She’s certified in basic lifesaving skills and carries Narcan, a substance that can revive people overdosing on opioids. “I come in contact with that population a lot,” she said of folks dealing with drug dependency issues. “I’ve gotten to know these people and they feel comfortable with me. I feel I am right there if anybody needs me.” Covey’s position will take on even greater importance later this summer and especially next year, when work intensifies on a $72 million project to replace Middlebury’s two downtown rail bridges with a concrete tunnel. The project will cause construction disruption and temporarily remove several parking spots from Merchants Row and Main Street. She’s been asking downtown stakeholders how she could help mitigate the project impacts. “I don’t know what (the downtown) is going to look like, but it’s a little scary,” she said. “I’ll help in any way I can and will be as flexible as possible for people during that difficult time.”

Vermont gave ICE license information

Practice discontinued two years ago By XANDER LANDEN Security Investigations, a branch of ICE. In June 2016, the state In 2013, Vermont became one searched the database for ICE in of the few states in the nation to a case related to financial fraud, offer driver’s licenses to undoc- and in March 2017 it searched umented immigrants. Six years the database to aid the agency in later, it is one of two states to an identity theft case, documents have allowed federal immigration show. authorities to search its photoBetween December 2012 and graphic database of drivers. May 2017, the Vermont DMV Vermont and Utah have used routinely conducted facial recogfacial recognition technology to nition scans for a variety or state, run searches for U.S. Customs federal and local law enforcement and Immigration Enforcement, agencies, according to data from known as ICE, according to doc- the department. uments compiled by Georgetown In four and a half years, the Law’s Center on Privacy and department conducted 429 facial Technology. Vermont stopped the recognition searches for law enpractice in 2017. forcement agencies— The searches were “We agreed comparing photos first reported by The of individuals under that the New York Times and investigation to the the Washington Post. law wasn’t thousands of photos in The Times found the clear and the DMV’s database. two states are the only the governor The bulk of the in the U.S. with undoc- also has a searches — 296 — umented immigrants libertarian were conducted for licenses that are known the Federal Bureau of to have complied with streak and Investigation. Some ICE requests to search he did have of the searches were license databases. concerns over completed for local Washington may have privacy and and state police, and conducted searches we thought 21 were conducted after receiving federal the U.S. Marshals the important for subpoenas, but it’s Service. unknown if they com- thing was to DMV officials said discontinue plied. they didn’t know “ICE was doing this use.” whether the informato multiple states and — Rebecca Kelley tion they provided clearly has a largeGov. Scott’s to ICE or other law scale effort to use spokesperson enforcement agencies state agencies, state led to arrests or dedatabases and state portations. officials to advance President But the facial recognition Trump’s immigration agenda,” searches raised concerns from Jay Diaz, a staff attorney at the privacy advocates, particularly Vermont ACLU, said of the new- because in Vermont undocumently released documents from the ed immigrants can legally obtain law center. credentials to drive in the state. “That’s something Vermont VTDigger reported on the searchneeds to do everything it can to es in 2016 and 2017. resist.” In 2013, the Vermont legalized One out of the two known ICE driver privilege cards, which alsearches of Vermont’s driver low state residents to drive even database — and hundreds more if they don’t have proof of U.S. conducted by other federal law citizenship. enforcement agencies — ocIn May 2017, in response to curred under the administration concerns from the ACLU that of former Gov. Peter Shumlin, a the DMV’s facial recognition Democrat. program was in violation of a Gov. Phil Scott, a Republican, 2004 law restricting collection told the DMV to suspend the of “biometric data,” Scott shut it practice in May of 2017, a few down. months after taking office. Ver“We agreed that the law wasn’t mont hasn’t allowed ICE or any clear and the governor also has a U.S. law enforcement agency to libertarian streak and he did have search its database with facial concerns over privacy and we recognition technology since, thought the important thing was Scott’s administration says. to discontinue use,” said Rebecca Documents provided to VTDig- Kelley, Scott’s spokesperson. ger by the law center show that Col. William “Jake” Elovirta, the DMV conducted facial rec- the director of the DMV’s Enognition searches for Homeland (See Vt. and ICE, Page 3A)

RiseVT grants offered to promote healthy communities

By JOHN FLOWERS MIDDLEBURY — Have an idea for a program designed to promote good health among residents in your community? You have until Aug. 1 to apply for grants ranging from $500 to $1,500 to help get your program off the ground. The money is being offered up by RiseVT-Addison County, an independent nonprofit that launched last fall. Now reaching eight counties, RiseVT’s stated mission

is “to make the healthy choice the easy choice” for Vermonters, by successfully engaging “individuals, businesses, schools, community organizations and municipalities in changing practices, policies and infrastructure to make it easier for their residents to make small changes in their health.” Based at Porter Medical Center, RiseVT-Addison County is led by Michele Butler Gilbert, who last September announced a budget of

$25,000 to fund promising local initiatives that promote healthy lifestyles. There’s still $10,000 available. Programs that have received a cut of the money thus far have included the “Farmacy” program, through which patients at several area practices are being given fresh produce to promote good health; and snowshoe rentals at Middlebury’s Ilsley Public Library. Organizers are particularly

excited about a “Rise & Walk” Middlebury program that will feature a series of 14 consecutive Tuesday walks that will kick off on July 16. Originating at Mary Hogan Elementary School, each walk will be led by a local health care professional who will provide healthful tips to participants as they make their way through town. Headlining the inaugural walk will be new Porter Medical Center President Seleem Choudhury,

who during a recent interview extolled the role RiseVT is playing in encouraging Addison County residents to adopt healthier lifestyles. “The old model of sickness — where people come through the emergency department, are admitted for days on end — just doesn’t work,” Choudhury said. “What we are starting to do is look backwards and have a look where we can impact health.”

He said 30 percent of a person’s health profile is associated with genetics, while 10 percent of it is influenced by the medical services they receive. Choudhury said the remaining 60 percent of a person’s health destiny is shaped by lifestyle choices and intangibles, such as poverty, education, housing, where one lives, and what one does. “Really, this is about putting ourselves out of business,” (See RiseVT, Page 3A)

Addison Independent, Thursday, July 11, 2019 — PAGE 3A

Workshop to help firms get government work

MIDDLEBURY — For those who would like to have one or more government agencies as clients for their business, the Vermont Procurement Technical Assistance Center (VT PTAC) will hold a workshop on how to make such an arrangement come about on Wednesday, July 17, from 10 a.m.-noon, at Addison County Economic Development Corporation, 1590 US Route 7 South, Suite 8, in Middlebury.

VT PTAC is a government-funded program that helps Vermont small businesses sell their goods and services to the federal, state or local government. The workshop will describe the services PTAC offers and help small business owners make the best value decision before proceeding further into the process of government contracting. For more information and to register, go to vtptac.ecenterdi-

Vt. and ICE

CYANOBACTERIA, SUCH AS this green pea soup-like bloom in Lake Champlain, is often mistakenly called blue-green algae. But, unlike algae, cyanobacteria can produce toxins that can be harmful if swallowed.

Cyanobacteria blooms can pose risk in lakes VERMONT — Warm weather said pet owners also need to take is a welcome sign of summer, but care. “Dogs are especially vulnerit also creates ideal conditions for able to the toxic effects of blooms cyanobacteria to grow in Vermont because they will drink the water, waters. Cyanobacteria (sometimes lick bloom residue off their fur and referred to as blue-green algae) are eat cyanobacteria scum from the tiny microorganisms. In large num- shore.” bers they sometimes form blooms “If you think you see a bloom, on the water’s surface and wash or even if you are not sure, it’s best up along shorelines — to stay away and find and can produce toxins a new place to play,” harmful to humans and “The best said O’Brien. way to protect animals. “We want evBecause State and yourself is to eryone who is out volunteer citizen know what a enjoying Vermont’s monitors have already recreational waters bloom looks started to see cyanoto be able to recbacteria blooms form- like, and to ognize, avoid and ing in Malletts Bay stay out of the report cyanobacteand Missisquoi Bay water when ria,” said Lori Fisher, in Lake Champlain, one is present. executive director of officials want people to Blooms are the Lake Champlain know how to identify Committee (LCC), a bloom, and to avoid usually green which trains and contact with cyano- or blue-green oversees dozens of bacteria. Swimming and can make citizen volunteer or wading in water the water look water monitors each with cyanobacteria like pea soup year. may cause skin rashes, Volunteer monor spilled paint, itors diarrhea, a sore throat, report their stomach problems, or but they can be findings, which are more serious health other colors and logged to the Health concerns. Department’s Cyaconsistencies “The best way to too.” nobacteria Tracker protect yourself is to — Bridget O’Brien map. This interknow what a bloom active tool allows looks like, and to stay the public to check out of the water when one is pres- conditions along Lake Chament,” said Bridget O’Brien, radio- plain and various inland lakes in logical and toxicological analyst Vermont, including recreational with the Vermont Department of swimming areas. Sites are Health. “Blooms are usually green identified as “Generally Safe,” or blue-green and can make the “Low Alert” or “High Alert.” The water look like pea soup or spilled Health Department also posts a paint, but they can be other colors weekly summary of conditions. and consistencies too.” Members of the public can also O’Brien said that it is important submit their bloom sightings. for people to be mindful of their If you think you see a cyanobacchildren when cyanobacteria is teria bloom: present. “It can be difficult, espe• Avoid contact with the water. cially on a really hot day,” said • Do not let pets or livestock O’Brien, “but kids tend to play swim in or drink the water. along the shore where cyanobac• Read and obey posted signs at teria accumulate, and drink the beaches. water when they swim.” O’Brien • Report blooms to beach man-

agers, town health officers or to the Health Department. If you come in contact with cyanobacteria, rinse yourself off thoroughly as soon as possible. Talk with your health care provider if you have concerns from possible exposure. To report a bloom, email Send photos of the bloom if you can, and an image of a map or description noting the location of the bloom or the closest street address. Along with LCC, the Health Department works with the Department of Environmental Conservation, other state agencies, the Lake Champlain Basin Program, recreational site managers, town health officers and drinking water system operators to monitor and track cyanobacteria. “The State of Vermont is working to reduce the amount of nutrients and other pollutants reaching our lakes and ponds, which can feed cyanobacteria and other algae,” said Angela Shambaugh, aquatic biologist for the Department of Environmental Conservation. “Cyanobacteria is an ongoing concern. The good news is there are things each of us can do in our backyards — no matter where we live — to keep the nutrients that feed cyanobacteria on the land and out of the water.” To learn more about Vermont’s clean water activities, listen to the DEC’s Clean Water Lectures or follow the Watershed Management Division’s blog. A video of cyanobacteria and photos of what is – and isn’t a bloom is available at If you are interested in becoming a volunteer monitor or learning how to identify cyanobacteria email the Lake Champlain Committee at Learn more about cyanobacteria and what you can do:

RiseVT (Continued from Page 2A) Choudhury said of Porter’s efforts to improve the overall health of its constituents. “It’s shifting away from the ‘sickness’ model to a ‘wellness’ model. If we do it right, then the people who should be using our hospitals should be people who are really sick.” Butler Gilbert has embedded herself in the community to learn more about local initiatives that promote health and wellness. These initiatives can be educationbased, exercise-related, or focused on increasing public access to nutritional foods. “The broader thing is to see if we can make some policy changes that might affect health,” she said. That might include pulling sugary drinks out of public schools or making its easier for women to breastfeed.

Butler Gilbert has found herself primarily working in Bristol, Lincoln and Middlebury. She’s also awarded RiseVT grants to programs in other county towns, including to Camp Ubuntu Bridport. Ubuntu is a day camp serving elementary school-age kids during the last week of July and the first week of August. The $1,500 RiseVT grant will cover the cost of an experienced guide and equipment to enable campers to enjoy a half day of kayaking and a half day of tubing on local waterways. “I love that our funds will get kids being active and enjoying all that our natural environment has to offer in our beautiful county,” Butler Gilbert said. Other RiseVT funding has helped: • Defray Middlebury swimming

pool expenses for some ParentChild Center of Addison County clients. • Support Addison Central Teens activities, including entry fees for state parks. • Lincoln’s safe routes to school program. • The Middlebury Farmers Market. Grant recipients must spent the money before the end of this year, Butler Gilbert explained. Next fall, another $25,000 pool of grant money will be available for applicants. Groups seeking a cut of the $10,000 left in this year’s grant budget should apply online at Questions should be sent to Butler Gilbert at Reporter John Flowers is at

• Department of Health at • Department of Environmental Conservation at VT-DEC-Cyanobacteria • Lake Champlain Committee at lakechamplaincommittee. org/lcc-at-work/cyanobacteria-in-lake • Lake Champlain Basin Program: -

(Continued from Page 2A) forcement and Safety Division, said that the primary use of facial recognition was to keep Vermonters safe by preventing fraudulent licenses. “The ancillary use was that you did have the ability to assist law enforcement at the time,” he said. The Vermont DMV commissioner at the time of the searches was Robert Ide, a holdover from the administration of former Gov. Jim Douglas, a Republican. In most cases, Elovirta said DMV officials did not know the specifics of what agencies like the FBI were investigating when they asked Vermont officials to run facial recognition searches. They also didn’t necessarily hear back from agencies about the outcome of investigations. Will Lambek, an organizer with Migrant Justice, an organization that advocates for immigrant farmworkers, called the DMV’s use of the facial recognition a “concerning practice.” “We’re glad that it stopped, but this was one tool in a larger toolbox between the Vermont DMV and ICE that has resulted

in the detention and deportation of many immigrants in the state,” Lambek said. Lambek said he didn’t know whether the use of the facial recognition technology alone led to any arrests or deportations. But the organization is suing the Vermont DMV and ICE for targeting its leaders and members in retaliation for their activism. The suit alleges that in 2014 the DMV began providing information from undocumented Vermonters’ driver’s privilege card applications to federal agents and “scheduling appointments to facilitate ICE arrests.” DMV officials declined to discuss the lawsuit. But they said officials follow the state’s fair and impartial policing policy, which dictates that Vermont law enforcement agencies can only provide the federal government with information about individuals under criminal investigation. “If an agency is looking for information from DMV as it relates to civil immigration enforcement, we cannot provide that information,” Elovirta said.

PAGE 4A — Addison Independent, Thursday, July 11, 2019




to the Editor

Rapinoe’s challenge to Trump US women’s soccer captain Megan Rapinoe has boldly seized the nation’s attention with the team’s second World Cup victory to challenge the establishment and status quo. First and foremost she has been a leading champion of equal pay for women in sports, and rightfully so. For the past several decades, the U.S. Women’s Soccer team has been among the superstars, while the U.S. men’s team has struggled. And yet, pay for the women in a World Cup championship is a fraction of what members of the men’s team would earn. And it’s not about television draw, either. The U.S. women’s team consistently draws more viewers than the U.S. men’s team. Pure and simply, there is a gender bias in pay between the teams, and it ought to be fixed. But that’s not the issue Americans are talking about this week. Rather, it’s her challenge to Trump to be a president who cares about all Americans, as she said in a very articulate conversation with CNN’s Anderson Cooper in a Tuesday interview that has gone viral. Specifically, she told Trump his message excluded too many Americans and she challenged him to do better. “Your message is excluding people,” she said to the camera when asked what she would say to the president. “You’re excluding me, you’re excluding people that look like me, you’re excluding people of color, you’re excluding Americans that maybe support you.” She challenged the president to be more inclusive and respond to the needs of all Americans. “You have an incredible responsibility as the chief of this country to take care of every single person, and you need to do better for everyone.” But even that isn’t at the heart of what Trump and his supporters are bemoaning in the aftermath of Rapinoe’s comments. Rather, Trump is riled up about Rapinoe’s point-blank refutation to visit the White House as long as Trump is there. As is typical of Trump, the story is about a slight to him; a refutation of who he is and of the repressive and backward policies he espouses. Trump twists that personal slight and riles up his base over a contrived charge that Rapinoe should be proud of the nation she represents — as if she isn’t. “Megan should never disrespect our Country, the White House, or our Flag, especially since so much has been done for her & the team. Be proud of the Flag that you wear,” he, of course, Tweeted. What bunk. Rapinoe and her teammates are the ones making history with their superb play, talent and work ethic. They are the ones advocating for fair pay, equality in the world of sports, but also beyond that. They have been expounding a message of equality among all Americans, regardless of race, gender or sexual preference. The president, on the other hand, has provoked white nationalism at every turn; his tax policies greatly favored the wealthiest 10 percent of Americans while enacting polices that have hurt the middle class and poor; he continues to undermine public health care for those who can’t afford private insurance and his continual degradation of the environment (for the benefit of coal, gas and oil companies) will ultimately most hurt those who can least afford it. And it’s Trump who disrespects America’s strong democratic institutions and has sought to tear down the rule of law — not to mention telling now over 10,000 documented lies in his first two years in office. As president, that’s pathetic. Aa a person, Trump used family contacts and favors to get into college (because he performed so poorly in school), cheated on taxes, lied about a bone spur to keep from serving in the military, used bankruptcy laws to dump the consequences of his bad decisions on others, lost hundreds of millions of dollars of his father’s money and ultimately lied his way to a modicum of success playing a dislikable rear-end of a mule on television — all before using Russia’s help to misinform millions of American voters and sway just enough voters in a few key state’s to win an unlikely bid as president. In comparison, Rapinoe has used her own skills, hard work and bravado to be a champion of champions. The contrast between the two is stunning. One raised in privilege and stained by the greed of elitism, and yet it is he who tries to claim the patriotic upper hand. The other, a woman who rose to prominence by her own hard work and by her leadership ability was chosen co-captain of America’s best sports team in recent times, winner of four world championships. Rapinoe makes the most of this with her acceptance of other invitations to Washington, D.C. and to New York City for the team’s ticker tape parade. She makes it clear she is not raining on America’s parade, but rather on Trump and his policies. The team has gladly accepted numerous invitations to visit Washington, D.C., the House Speaker, and a bipartisan Congress that would honor the team for its victories and vision. “This is such a special moment for us,” she told Cooper, “and to be able to sort of leverage this moment and talk about the things that we want to talk about and to celebrate like this with the leaders of our country is an incredible moment. So, yes to AOC, yes to Nancy Pelosi, yes to the bipartisan Congress, yes to Chuck Schumer — yes to anyone else that wants to invite us and have a real substantive conversation...” Which, of course, leaves Trump out of that limelight. “I don’t think anyone on the team has any interest in lending the platform that we’ve worked so hard to build, and the things that we fight for, and the way that we live our life — I don’t think that we want that to be co-opted or corrupted by this administration,” Rapinoe said. And does anyone deny she is right that Trump would have used their presence to glorify himself? Rapinoe, understanding what greatness is, played her hand well. The president, once again, appears shallow and petty in comparison.

Angelo Lynn


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Thanks given for road paving Thank you to the selectmen of the town of New Haven. Congratulations on Dog Team Road’s paving. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Tony Neri New Haven

Diner makeover called ‘soulless’

A summer evening

THE LIGHT WAS magical and the music was mighty fine Monday evening in Middlebury when this boy took a break from listening to vocal ensemble Windborne at the Festival on the Green to see what his neighbors were up to.

Independent photo/John S. McCright

Response on July 4 gave hope I remember how, for so many years, I was desperate to “do something” on the 4th of July, mainly to escape from New York City, where the ever-putrescent smell of summer in the city rises from baking black asphalt, the heat and smell shimmering together in waves, the consecutive nights of firecrackers sounding like gunshots or maybe they were gunshots, certainly there were some on many of the other 364 nights of the year ... but yes, desperate for an escape to someone’s country house or lake house or beach house, sometimes forthcoming, sometimes not. I wanted outdoors, grilled food, barbecue, fireworks, sparklers, ice-cream, to be “at the party,” to By Julie be having a “good time.” Conason Now it’s different. Now I live among mountains and trees and air and I don’t need to escape from gunshot/firecrackers and summer’s olfactory assault on urban spaces. Now I’ve lost my faith in human nature and I’m just trying to find some others, to run toward others who, like me, don’t think there’s anything to celebrate, certainly not at this moment in time. Others who are sickened at heart by the reports from the camps, reports from the southern border, reports of ICE agents apprehending and jailing migrant workers not far from where we are, but who are far from their homes, which are far from the places they went to shop for

Ways of Seeing

bare necessities, to wire money to loved ones in those faraway homes. Sickened at heart by the daily injustice, the ongoing racial apartheid of existence in this country. Over and over, sickened at heart by people, people WhiteLikeMe calling the police on people not WhiteLikeThem. So we got ready to march in a parade, not with BuntingDrumsAndAmericanFlags but with space blankets and signs about not caging people, and it happened because a person said, and then two people said and then three people and then some more, converging SocialMediaWise to say that the knowledge of this was unbearable. To say that they couldn’t and wouldn’t be the “good Germans,” the complicit one-third of society that watches while a murderous one-third kills the victimized and marginalized remaining one-third. Some folks jumped into the conversation and said “I’m in” and others arranged a meeting space and 20 of us showed up and then the following week more people showed up and by July 4th, 50 people marched in a parade wearing silver space blanket capes and carrying signs asking for liberation, asking others to think about what it might be like to be in a cage because you’re running to escape the mouth of a shark, (See Ways of Seeing, Page 7A)

Trump has re-election advantages The identity of President Trump’s Democratic challenger will not be known until next spring. While the large field of Democrats contests primaries and caucuses with each other, the president is actively and always campaigning for re-election. Trump will be a formidable opponent for whoever ends up as the Democratic nominee. A recent poll by the Washington Post and ABC News showed Trump’s overall approval rating at 44 percent. No reputable poll has shown Trump with more than 50 percent approval since his inauguration. Trump could very well lose the popular vote by millions of votes, and still be re-elected with an Electoral College majority. The Electoral College provides Republicans with several structural advantages. First, millions of Democratic votes are wasted in strongly Democratic states such as California and New York. In electoral vote terms, it means nothing whether a candidate wins one of those states by 3 votes or 3 By Eric L. Davis million votes. Second, the Electoral College over represents the smallest states, those with only 3 or 4 electoral votes. More of the smallest states are strongly Republican than are strongly Democratic. The small-state advantage could be worth a dozen electoral votes to Trump, enough to provide the margin of victory in a close contest. Two other factors working in Trump’s favor will be differential turnout and voter suppression. Differential turnout refers to the tendency of younger and more diverse voters to vote less frequently than older

Politically Thinking

white voters. Studies of the 2016 election results indicate that if African-American, Latino and under-30 voters had gone to the polls at the same levels they did in 2008 and 2012, Trump might not have won in Michigan, North Carolina and Florida, all states essential to his Electoral College victory. Republican governors and legislatures in states that are competitive in the Electoral College will also try to suppress the vote of Democratic-leaning voters. An example of such a measure is a bill recently passed by Florida Republicans that would require ex-felons whose voting rights were restored by a 2016 referendum to pay all outstanding fines and court costs before they can be reinstated on the voting rolls. This legislation is being challenged in federal court on grounds that it is a form of poll tax. Trump’s campaign will likely be advantaged by the economy over the next year. The Post-ABC News poll that showed the president’s overall approval at 44 percent had his approval on economic issues at 51 percent. Unemployment and inflation are both low, and recent data show that wages are increasing faster than the cost of living — not enough to make up for lost income on the part of many households since the financial crisis a decade ago, but still a faster rate of increase than at any time since Trump took office. Trump is trying to bully and pressure the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates to goose the economy further before the election. The risk for Trump is (See Davis, Page 5A)

The evisceration of the Park Diner by its conversion from the heart of working-class Middlebury to a tableau beside which the town’s elite can sip wine and eat from a prohibitively expensive out-of-town French restaurant ‘food truck’ while taking selfies against a colorful painted backdrop is a classist and insulting blow to our community. Murals and artwork are of course time-honored traditions, but totally obscuring this building — a contributing structure to Middlebury’s downtown historic district — in swaths of sorbet color is more akin to another time-honored tradition, that of one tyrant smashing the noses off the faces of statues of the prior ruler to obliterate history. Town Hall Theater’s A-list of trustees and directors clearly did not want anyone to continue to think of the Park Diner as the place where for over 80 years we all went in the morning to connect with local tradesmen and landscapers, held our non-profit, church board and high school team meetings, and drank a reasonably-priced cup of coffee. Saving the decayed Town Hall building and converting it to a community performing arts space was a good idea — but its success has now passed the stage of blossom, and developed into a spreading rot of overblown gentrification, buoyed by high-priced opera tickets. Instead of supporting an authentic, functioning downtown (by, for example, leasing the diner to a nonprofit or school to operate during the day, then using it for events like dinner-with-the-director at night), Town Hall Theater has advanced Middlebury’s race to become a soulless tourist attraction. Perhaps they can engage Mr. Trump to build a hotel casino to complete their ensemble. Cindy Hill Middlebury

Vandalism not fair to volunteers A little over a week ago around the time the Addison Independent was being printed on July 4, several good citizens of the town had to go down to the railroad tracks to retrieve the flower boxes that were thrown from the pedestrian bridge running from the National Bank to the U.S Post Office area and then had to refill and replant the flower boxes. The town has spent a lot of time and money making the downtown area attractive and safe during the last couple of years while the tunnel project is under construction. The selectboard and the town have hired a project manager to keep everyone informed of plans for completing the project and minimizing the impacts on the downtown businesses. We all need to rally around the businesses negatively impacted by the tunnel project, keep our business local and keep a good positive attitude. And please do not destroy the hard work of our volunteers, our town employees and good citizens who are trying to make the Downtown look attractive during this time period. Karl W. Neuse Middlebury

U.S. is a nation of immigrants In 1976 during the Republican Convention, the late President Gerald Ford said, and I paraphrase, “ Everyone keeps talking about being an immigrant. The (See Letter, Page 5A)

Addison Independent, Thursday, July 11, 2019 — PAGE 5A

Why build sandcastles on the beach? Ever since I was pregnant with our first child 12 years ago, with a few exceptions, our family has spent a week of every summer at the Maine coast. This summer was no exception. Our daughters conBy Faith sider Maine one of the fixed points Gong of their year, and look forward to our summer week there all of the as a child to the simple shoreline 51 other weeks. This year brought some chang- pleasures that we now share with es, as is inevitable with the passage my four children: rock climbing (a of time and the aging of people. must for New England beachgoSome were bittersweet: Due to ers), tidepooling, and sandcastle a combination of busy-ness and building. Now, with four pairs of illness, my extended maternal increasingly adept and enthusiastic relatives visited Maine for only a hands, our sandcastles have beday instead of staying the entire come more elaborate. They always week. But some were sweet: My feature a moat, a defensive wall, growing daughters no longer wake and a castle keep, but this summer at dawn demanding entertainment, they included towns and fields, being now content to sleep late and temples and gatehouses. Instead of spend slow, quiet mornings read- merely building them on the sand, ing, drawing, and talking. They we’ve branched out to multi-level can apply their own sunscreen and structures nestled into the craggy help lug beach paraphernalia. For coastal rocks. Here’s the strange thing about the first time, we were able to enter sandcastle building, the gift store in town though: For all the that’s full of break- The beauty time and effort it able items, where my requires — not daughters chuckled of our Maine over the card that week — and the to mention sandy said, “Let’s get this reason I suspect knees — the castles never last. We build party started (because it holds such a them knowing full I’d really like to be in special place in well that the tide will bed by 11!)” — which our daughters’ rise and the waves they suggested getting will wash away our for their father — and hearts — is workmanship. We go debated over which how few things back to the beach the welcome mat would change year to next day and start all be most appropriate year. over again. Looked for our house: “Welat logically, from a come to the Jungle,” “You’ve Made it This Far,” or “The dispassionate distance, it makes no sense. Neighbors Have Better Stuff.” I raised the question to my famBut the beauty of our Maine week — and the reason I suspect ily over lunch on the porch of our it holds such a special place in our rental house about halfway through daughters’ hearts — is how few our Maine sojourn: “Why do we things change year to year. For the even bother building sandcastles, past six years, we’ve stayed in the when we know they’ll just get same house, with a big climbing washed away?” Nobody answered; later that day, rock out front. Each visit entails several nonnegotiable activities: they went to the beach and built multiple visits to Perkins Cove another sandcastle. It occurs to me that one of the Candies and the Corner Café, daily beach and rock climbing time, and things that sets humans apart is an excursion to Dunne’s Ice Cream that humans are always doing (formerly Brown’s) and Nubble things that don’t make sense — at Light, with dinner at Fox’s Lobster least when viewed logically, from House (where their Nana spent a a dispassionate distance. There is summer hostessing during high probably a biologist out there who can prove me wrong, but other school.) And when we go to the beach, creatures seem to do things that the girls always build sandcastles mostly make sense. Observe an with their grandfather — my insect, animal, or plant, and they’re probably focused on finding nourfather. My father has always loved ishment and shelter, or on reprothe beach, and he introduced me ducing themselves. These things

Ways of Seeing

Adams and Jefferson in retrospect

make sense: Their goal is survival. Sandcastles have nothing to do with survival. Neither do art, music, literature, dance, or drama (although my eight-year-old asked me, while in Maine, to imagine a world without art or music, then shuddered at the thought and concluded that she’d rather not live in such a world.) Relationships, apart from the basic biological urge to reproduce, are another human activity that make no sense. This has come up in conversations I’ve had recently with both a friend who lost his wife to cancer, and another friend whose family has taken in a foster child. Both have had to answer the question: “Why bother loving and caring for others if loss is the likely or inevitable outcome?” Love, in other words, makes no sense. The only way I can explain sandcastles is to theorize that the human soul longs for something more than just survival. We hunger for that which transcends our basic appetites for food, shelter, and reproduction. We have an urge to create things of beauty, even if they’re temporary, because our souls are enlarged by the act of having created. We have an urge to love, because even if loss is certain and painful, our souls are enlarged by having loved. That these things appear to make no sense could be because our view is too small. I considered this as I watched the world of a tidepool one afternoon. To the periwinkles, limpets, crabs and algae there, that tiny pool in a rock was the whole world. I even imagined little periwinkle PhDs explaining with authority how things worked to all the other inhabitants. All the while, none of them had the least idea that they were part of something so much larger: a beach on the edge of an enormous ocean on a spinning planet in a vast universe. Perhaps, considered from a larger vantage point, sandcastles might make a whole lot of sense after all. Faith Gong has worked as an elementary school teacher, a freelance photographer, and a nonprofit director. She lives in Middlebury with her husband, four daughters, assorted chickens and ducks, one feisty cat, and one anxiety-prone labradoodle. In her “free time,” she writes for her blog at

Editor’s note: This is the 25th years in their friendship and in a series of essays on the histo- correspondence, which followed ry and meaning of the American Jefferson’s unhappy exchange with Abagail Adams, they political tradition. On July 4, 1826 — 50 years af- resumed their correspondence, ter the signing of the Declaration which continued until the year of Independence — at 6:30 in the they both died. What is most impressive about evening, John Adams died. His last words were “Thomas Jeffer- these letters is their humanity. son still lives.” He was mistaken, Adams and Jefferson had grown old and were acutely for Jefferson had aware of their declindied four hours ing powers and loss before. That both of physical agility. men should have At the outset, Adams died on the same was 77, Jefferson 70; day, and on that when the last letters particular day were exchanged in seemed remarkable 1816, Adams was to many then as it 90, and Jefferson does now. Given 83. The founders of the narrative of this nation were not American indeTitans or great heroes, pendence and but mortal human nation-building, it beings, frail, afflicted was a fitting conThe American with infirmities, and clusion; to many it was providential, Political Tradition haunted by regrets. Their letters are a proof that the An essay by fitting postscript to the founding of this naVictor Nuovo founding, bringing it tion was not a mere Middlebury College down to earth. historical accident. professor emeritus Here were two old It is also remarkof philosophy men, sensitive to their able that 17 years age. In his first letter, before the event, a Jefferson excuses mutual friend, Dr. Benjamin Rush (1746–1813) had himself for his “senile garrulity,” a premonition of it in a dream, to which Adams, always the which he described to John Ad- Latinist, responded that he has ams in a letter dated October 17, retaliated with “my Senectutal 1809; he wondered whether the Garrulity.” But they were also dream might be prophetic. Rush founders of a new nation, whose was a signer of the Declaration destiny to expand across a contiand a noted physician who did nent and become a world power pioneering research into the was already becoming evident. physical causes of psychological Prominent in its founding, they disorders. He had taken on the had served in the highest offices task of restoring the friendship of its government and shaped its policies. These were prodigious between Adams and Jefferson. Once close friends and co-rev- achievements and they took olutionists, Adams and Jefferson pride in them. Yet they did not had become political enemies. glory in them or try to relive Profound differences about the them. Jefferson allowed that he nature of government and of would be ready to live them over domestic and foreign policy, just as they happened, but Adams exacerbated by their opposing demurred, mostly recalling the views on the French revolution, pain and regret. When, in 1825, created feelings of resentment Jefferson congratulated him on and estrangement between them his son’s succession to the Presithat in their retirement only deep- dency after a distinguished career ened. Rush worried over this; as a diplomat, his response was it was not good for them or for subdued. Jefferson writes about his the nation. He wrote to both men and, having secured from them poor health and the difficulty of mutual expressions of continuing keeping physically active. He respect and love, informed each commends Adams on his conof what the other had written, tinuing good health and describes urging them to renew their his efforts: he rides everyday, but friendship. Finally, on the first adds that he is able to walk only a of January, 1812, Adams wrote mile. Later he would tell of havJefferson a short note wishing ing imbibed the waters at Warm him “many happy new years,” Springs and the ill effects that expressing his long and sincere resulted from it which seemed to esteem, and signing off as “your cause a rebellion in his body that faithful friend.” Jefferson quickly never relented. It was the onset of responded with expressions of Uremia or kidney disease, which “sincere esteem” and pledged eventually caused his death. his “unchanged affections and Adams was more robust, walking respect.” After a hiatus of eight three or four miles “every fair

Letter (Continued from Page 4A) only non-immigrants are the Native American Indians.” It was indeed refreshing to hear someone of the stature of President Gerald Ford make such a declaration. Unfortunately, it has been my experience, many so-identified Anglos and/or Anglo-Saxons appear to believe this country, the United States of America, belongs to them alone. And anyone

after them is an immigrant and addressed with the connotation of inferiority. I pray within the current crisis at the southern border that the citizenry will open their hearts and hear the cries of desperation to those women, children and male adolescents or male adults seeking asylum who are felling from violence and/or extreme poverty situations. Again let us all recognize this

as a country of immigrants and we should welcome all non-violent immigrants. They are desperately needed as part of our work force, without them many enterprises cannot function. I recall President Jimmy Carter referring to the United States as a mosaic of citizens. What a beautiful and artistic proclamation. Princess Montpelier Middlebury

day.” But he complains of the onset of tremors, and the palsy, which makes writing difficult for him. Both rejoice in their families, notwithstanding the pain of the early death of children, delighting in their grandchildren, and Jefferson of a great-grandchild. Jefferson was still active, not as a politician but as an educator, overseeing the University of Virginia, which he had founded, still shaping its curriculum, and building up its faculty, but increasingly spending his days in his library at Monticello searching for ancient and modern wisdom. “I have given up newspapers in exchange for Tacitus and Thucydides, for Newton and Euclid, and I find myself the much happier.” Adams was far more pessimistic. Although he was continuously gathering books, most of which he would never read, “100,000 would not be enough,” he was harsh in his criticism of what he found in them. He applauds his friend’s activity only so far as he studies Newton and “the contemplation of the heavens.” He had had his fill of ancient learning and its purported wisdom and of politicians to boot: “I am weary of Philosophers, Theologians, Politicians, and Historians. They are immense masses of absurdities, vices, and lies.” He prefered journeymen and the products of their honest labor. And yet, he continued to collect books, and continued to read them. It is a curious paradox, but not unusual. They contemplated death. Commenting on Samuel Johnson’s fear of death, Adams wrote mockingly, “a friend of Johnson told me that Johnson died in Agonies and Horror of Annihilation … Dread of Annihilation! Dread of Nothing? A dread of Nothing should be no dread at all. Can there be any real substantial rational fear of nothing?” Adams expressed no fear of death: If it is annihilation, that he will remember nothing of it: if he survives, he will exist under the same rule of the universe that he did in life. In his old age, Adams, once a Christian, seems to have become a philosophical naturalist. His God is evident only in the natural order of things: a great intelligence, but indifferent to the sorrows and misfortunes of his creatures. “That there is an active principle of power in the Universe is apparent, but in what substance that active principle of power resides is past our investigation. The faculties of our understanding are not adequate to penetrate the Universe” He has only harsh words for the biblical account of creation which (See Nuovo, Page 7A)

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Davis (Continued from Page 4A) that a Fed decision to reduce rates might come not in response to the president’s pressure, but in order to counteract a slowing of the economy due to the negative effects of Trump’s tariff and trade policies on both the manufacturing sector and lower-middle-income consumers. While the Democrats raise money to contest each other in the primaries and caucuses, Trump can raise money for the general election. Trump and the Republican National Committee together raised $105 million in the second quarter. This is roughly the same amount of money as was raised in the same three months by the top five Democratic candidates — Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg — combined. The Democratic candidates will spend almost every dollar they raise now on the nominating campaign. Thus, the eventual Democratic nominee will come out of next summer’s convention far behind Trump in terms of financial resources available for the fall campaign. Eric L. Davis is professor emeritus of political science at Middlebury College.

Professor Amy Morsman, with student Carol Milkuhn share thoughts of “The People’s Civil War”

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PAGE 6A — Addison Independent, Thursday, July 11, 2019



James Cyr, 75, Ferrisburgh FERRISBRUGH — James (Jim) Andrew Cyr, 75, born July 5, 1943, passed away with his family by his side on July 2, 2019. Jim grew up living and working on the family farm in New Haven. After graduating from high school, he worked at Grand Union for 30 years. Jim and Penny purchased the Monkton General Store, where they raised their family for 23 years. After selling the store, they moved to Ferrisburgh. Jim was an avid fisherman, always coming home with a smile and a pail full of fish. Always an outdoorsman Jim loved hunting, snowmobiling, four wheeling and just being in the woods. Jim was best known for his great humor and love of children. Everyone loved Uncle/Grandpa Jim. Jim leaves behind his wife of 34 years, Penny (Hoag) Cyr; his three daughters, Kimberly-Ann and Alan Coe of Essex, Becky Cyr and Craig Smith of New Haven, and Kathleen Cyr of Monkton. Jim also leaves behind five grandchildren; Ridmi, Nipu, Hannah, and Tovah Coe and Kyrin Cyr Smith; his siblings, Phillip Cyr of Bristol, Janet and Bob Edwards and Yvonne and Donald Habberfield of Penn Yan, N.Y.; Patricia and Mark Richardson of Keuka, N.Y.; sisterin-law Susan Cyr of Myrtle Beach, N.C.; Claire Cyr of Bristol, and Kim and Becky’s mother, Linda Cyr. Jim was predeceased by his parents, Andrew Adelord Cyr and Helen (Hagan) Cyr and his brother, Edward Cyr. Jim’s extended family include Robin Steady, Jim and Betty Hoag,

JAMES (JIM) ANDREW CYR Christine Hoag, Jason and Jennifer Lyman and Marlene Hoag. Jim was predeceased by his brother in law, Randy Steady. Jim also leaves many nieces and nephews. Jim’s family would like to extend special thanks to all the staff at UVMMC McClure 6 floor, Project Independence, Age Well and Vergennes Rescue for taking such good care of him. Special thanks to Tammie Booska for always being ready to help. Calling hours for Jim will held at Brown-McClay Funeral Home on 4 South Street in Bristol from 5-8 p.m. on Friday, July 12. A service will be held at St. Ambrose Church in Bristol on Saturday, July 13, at 1 p.m. ◊

Robert Fuller memorial service BRISTOL — Robert G. Fuller, born on February 4, 1931, to Glenn and Caroline Fuller, passed away in his home on June 25, with his grandson Randy by his side. A memorial service is being held

at Mt. Abraham High School on Saturday, July 13, at 11 a.m. Come by and celebrate the life of a man we all loved so much. Condolences by card can be mailed to 1425 Rte. 116 North, Bristol VT, 05443.

Richard Nicklaw, 87, Leicester LEICESTER — Richard Russell Nicklaw, age 87, died Friday, July 5, 2019, at Helen Porter Rehabilitation and Nursing in Middlebury. Mr. Nicklaw was born in Leicester on August 11, 1931. He was the son of Russell and Hazel (Tyler) Nicklaw. He has been a Leicester resident all of his life. He grew up there and received his early education there. He graduated from Brandon High School, class of 1949. Mr. Nicklaw was a dairy farmer and sugar maker. He was an avid hunter and fisherman. He enjoyed gardening and bowling. Surviving are three sons; Richard “Rick” Nicklaw and his companion Bonnie Litchfield, Rusty Nicklaw and his wife Lori and John Nicklaw and his wife Cheryl, all of Leicester; two brothers, Harold Nicklaw and his wife Joan and Frank William “Bill” Nicklaw and his wife Yvonne, also of Leicester. Seven grandchildren, a great-grandson and several nieces, nephews and cousins also survive him. The graveside committal service and burial will take place on Thursday, July 11, 2019, at 10 a.m.,

RICHARD RUSSELL NICKLAW at Pine Hill Cemetery in Brandon. Memorial gifts in lieu of flowers may be made, in his memory to the Brandon Area Rescue Squad, P.O. Box 232, Brandon, VT 05733. Arrangements are under the direction of the Miller and Ketcham Funeral Home in Brandon.◊

Card of Thanks

The Van Vleck family would like to thank everyone who helped pull together the service and party for our parents’ memorial service and celebration of life on Saturday, June 15th, at the Town Hall Theater. Big thanks to the THT gang: Doug, Mary, Mark, and Haley for providing the space and the slide show and Broadway tunes. More big thanks to Chris, Gwen et al from Rosie’s who put on a fabulous snack and drink offering for all the guests. Still more thanks to the Middlebury Community Players who helped clean up afterwards, and Bruce Byers for attending to the beverage bar throughout. Many thanks to Deb Barone for helping set up the VV memorabilia at the THT. Cole’s provided gorgeous flowers all week to our house and to the celebration of life. A big thanks to Reverand Andrew Nagy-Benson who led the memorial service and Susan Mason who provided the hymn music at Mead Chapel. You all made our day happily memorable, and everyone enjoyed themselves thoroughly! Mom and Dad would have had a great time!

Cremation With A Service A Celebration of Life, for those left behind, helps those family members and friends with closure. Even though your loved one says “I just want to be cremated – no funeral,” they forget the Celebration of Life service is not for them, but for the ones left behind. A service is a healthy way to say good-bye.

Sanderson-Ducharme Funeral Home 117 South Main St. Middlebury, VT 802-388-2311

Mary Munnett, 70, Addison County native BURLINGTON — Mary A. Munnett passed away Thursday, July 4, 2019, at Birchwood Terrace Nursing Home in Burlington. She was born June 3, 1949, in Middlebury, Vt., the daughter of Ralph W. and A. Isabel (Husk) Munnett. She graduated from Vergennes Union High School in 1967 and went on to receive a Bachelor’s Degree in Teaching at UVM in 1974. She taught for seven years in St. Albans, Vt., as a middle school English teacher. Later she served as a U.S. Postal Service rural route carrier in Shoreham, Vt., until retiring in 2004. Throughout high school and college Mary enjoyed theater arts, both acting in and working on several plays, including the Champlain Shakespeare Festival at UVM’s Arena Theater. Music was also enjoyed, singing in choirs and playing her trombone. Other hobbies Mary enjoyed were various sports as a player or spectator, including basketball, softball, bowling and golf. She traveled numerous times to LPGA golf tournaments, combining with family gatherings. Since retiring Mary discovered and enjoyed visiting casinos, limiting her losses but quite often winning. In addition to her parents, Mary was predeceased by her brother, William Munnett and sister in-law, Sally Munnett. Mary is survived by her sister Barbara Munnett of Winston-Salem, N.C.; brother Peter Munnett of Vero Beach, Fla.; three nieces, Kerri Munnett of

MARY A. MUNNETT Whiting, Vt., Kristina Munnett of Gibsonville, N.C., and Karin Stevenson of Essex Jct., Vt.; and one great nephew, Jace Stevenson of Essex Jct., Vt. A special thank you to Lois, Steve, Rod and Patty for their caring and strength during Mary’s last months. Visiting hours will be held Saturday, July 20, at BrownMcClay Funeral Home in Vergennes from 1 to 3 p.m. with a burial following at North Ferrisburgh Cemetery. In lieu of flowers contributions may be made to American Cancer Society, 55 Day Lane, Williston, VT 05495. To send online condolences to her family visit◊

Leo ‘Art’ Doty, 83, Brandon BRANDON — Leo Arthur Doty, age 83, died Tuesday, July 2, 2019, at Helen Porter Nursing Home in Middlebury. Mr. Doty was born in Watertown, Mass., on Sept. 23, 1935. He was the son of Leo A. and Jennie (Williams) Doty, Sr. He grew up in Belmont, Mass., and received his education in Saugus, Mass., schools. He graduated from Saugus High School, class of 1955. He furthered his education at Boston University. He joined the United States Army in 1957 and was activated during the Berlin Crisis. Following his honorable discharge, he came to Salisbury. He worked for Penn Mutual Insurance Company and later as a counselor at the Week’s School in Vergennes. He later purchased the Credit Bureau of Rutland and operated it until his retirement, following 30 years of service — he retired in 1997. He and his wife spent 14 years travelling from Florida to Nova Scotia visiting family and friends in their R.V. He belonged to Otter Valley Sam’s. He served as board member of BLSG, chairman of BRAVO, member of Compass Treasure Chest and was a history buff who volunteered at the Stephen Douglas House in Brandon. He enjoyed sailing, fishing and model trains. Surviving is his wife, Donna (Foster) Doty of Brandon, whom he married 60 years ago in the Methodist Church in Middlebury on Dec. 23, 1958; one son, Paul H. Doty and his wife Jackie of Brandon; his daughter, Susan M. Hinton of St. Johnsbury; a nephew, David Dewey of Essex. Five grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, and all of the other children that touched his life

LEO ARTHUR DOTY also survive him. He gives praise to the Veterans Administration, and all medical teams. He was very spiritual and wished “People would Love each other more.” A celebration of life is planned for Saturday, July 13, at 10 a.m., at the Middlebury United Methodist Church. The Rev. Mari Clark, pastor, will officiate. Following the ceremony, the family will receive friends in the church hall for a time of remembrance. Memorial gifts in lieu of flowers may be may, in his memory to The Middlebury United Methodist Church, c/o Eileen Rinker, Treasurer 1301 Pearson Road, New Haven, VT 05472, or the Middlebury Volunteer Ambulance Association, 55 Collins Drive, Middlebury, VT 05753. Arrangements are under the direction of the Miller & Ketcham Funeral Home in Brandon. ◊

Janet Clark, 72, formerly of Vergennes PRESCOTT, Ariz. — Janet Alice (Caron) Clark, 72, loving wife, mother and grandmother, passed away peacefully while surrounded by family on February 26, 2019, in Prescott, Ariz. She was predeceased by her devoted husband of 47 years, Terry William Clark, her father, Amede Caron, her mother, Alice Caron, and her sister Linda Cox. Janet is survived by her three children: Todd Clark (Karen), San Diego, Calif., Laura Gregory, Prescott, Ariz., and Kristina Bell (Curtis), Durango, Colo. She is also survived by six grandchildren: Coury Clark (Lauren), Phoenix, Ariz., Kylie Dorsey (Andrew) Watertown, N.Y., Kaitlyn Bell and Kodi Bell, Durango, Colo., and Ryan Clark and Haley Clark, San Diego, Calif. She also has many extended family members in the Vergennes area. Janet was born on Sept. 5, 1946, in Morrisville, Vt. After she married Terry, they moved to Prescott, Ariz., to raise their family. Throughout her life, she devoted herself to her family and to her work in real estate. She knew the importance of family and was a loyal daughter, sister, wife, mother, and grandmother and thrived on taking care of those around her. She loved to spend time with others “visiting” with them and taking the time to listen. She developed a good rapport with almost everyone she met. Over the years, Terry and Janet welcomed many people to their home for holidays and the sounds of laughter and feeling of love filled the halls. She was also a very thorough and conscientious person with a finetuned attention to detail. In her more than 40 years in real estate, she kept impeccable records and helped many people to find the houses that would be made into homes. Janet started her work at Don Clark Realty with

Jared Wetmore, 46, Middlebury native

JANET ALICE (CARON) CLARK her father-in-law before moving to Realty World and then went on to work at Red Arrow Real Estate. She took pride in everything she did and passed on to her children and those around her the meaning of teamwork, kindness, generosity, devotion, love, laughter, and loyalty. Janet was a wonderful cook and an avid reader and thoroughly enjoyed the time she spent with family and friends. She showed tremendous strength and character through her final weeks during her bout with cancer. Her openness about her illness and her direction for her family allowed for a more tranquil atmosphere in those difficult final weeks. As a testament to her character, she experienced a windfall of love and support from many people who knew and loved her. She is deeply loved and missed. In lieu of flowers, she requested donations to West Yavapai Guidance Clinic: WYGC Foundation, 3343 Windsong Dr., Prescott Valley AZ 86314. ◊

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MLS # 4731757 $399,900 Make this renovated 1850 farmhouse your new home with views of the Adirondack Mountains and Lake Champlain. Sit by the fireplace and enjoy the warmth while looking out over the breathtaking mountain views or enjoy cooking or sitting in the kitchen at the island by the wood stove. There is plenty of space in this 3622 sq. ft. home. An acre of fencing surrounds part of the property. Garden beds and mature perennials bloom in the spring and summer. The larger barn is partially restored and the other holds the firewood and storage upstairs.

East Middlebury, VT MLS # 4759182


East Middlebury well maintained home. Library, park, restaurant, stores, etc. all within walking distance. Abundant kitchen cabinet space with an island and door to the attached screened-in porch. All hardwood floors in living room, dining room and hallway. Enjoy central air on hot days, central vac for convenience and a generator just in case. The downstairs is partially finished with attached room designed just for storage. Washer hook-ups downstairs and up. Easy one level living! Propane heater in the basement for an additional heat source. Enjoy the two car attached garage. Paved driveway. Spacious lot for East Middlebury. This property is move in ready!

MIDDLEBURY, Vt./PASCOAG, R.I. — Jared Allen Wetmore, 46, died unexpectedly on Saturday morning July 6, 2019 surrounded by his family during our 29th annual Wetmore camping Ruckus in South Lincoln. He loved family and cherished our time together, especially in Lincoln. As the youngest sibling, Jared left us with many special memories. He never missed a chance to give a massive bear hug to let you know how much you were loved by him. Jared’s passing is a very dark cloud over our lives but with faith and our memories we know the sun will shine through. Jared was born Aug. 8, 1972, in Middlebury, the son of John Allen Wetmore and Laurie (Bourdon) Wetmore. He was a graduate of Middlebury Union High School class of 1990 and continued his education at VTC, receiving an Associates Degree in Computer Science. Jared began working for Computer Alternatives in Middlebury and then moved to Rhode Island to continue working as an IT professional for numerous companies including Hasbro Toys, Alexion Pharmaceuticals and most recently as a private consultant for regional and national companies. It is impossible to sum up Jared’s life in a few short words. Anyone who knew him would agree that he enjoyed life fully. He was so proud of his boys, Zachary and Nathan and participated in all their interests and celebrated their accomplishments. He and his loving partner Alyssa built a life together and brought their five boys together as a family. He embraced being a devoted father. Jared was an Eagle Scout and enjoyed camping and traveling. In recent years, together with his boys, he assembled an impressive and extensive Boy Scout patch collection. While Jared’s journey was sometimes challenging and hectic, he was happiest surrounded by his family and friends. He is survived by his mother Laurie B. Wetmore, of Middlebury; by his two sons, Zachary and Nathan Wetmore, both of N. Smithfield, R.I., their grandparents FUNERAL MEMORIAL SERVICE CREMATION PRE-PLANNING SERVICES


BRISTOL 453-2301

VERGENNES 877-3321

JARED ALLEN WETMORE Diana and Richard Ellis, mother Rebecca Ellis and her siblings; by Alyssa Stevenin and her children Riley, Aiden and Zachary and her father Ron Stevenin; by his siblings David Wetmore and wife Joyce and children Rebecca (Nuwt), Chris (Mari) and Allyson (Ryan); Lynda Bushman, her husband Robert and children Benjamin, Louise (Shawn) and Nicholas; by his brother-in-law Rick Lowd and wife Deborah; and by several aunts and uncles and numerous nieces, nephews and cousins. Jared was predeceased by his father, John Allen Wetmore, his sister Kelly Lowd and Carol Stevenin. A Mass of Christian burial will be celebrated on Saturday July 13, at noon, at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, in Middlebury, Vt., with the Rev. Luke Austin as the celebrant. A reception will be held directly following. A memorial service will be held in Rhode Island later this month. Memorial contributions may be made to Lincoln Volunteer Fire Department/First Responders at 34 Gove Hill Rd., Lincoln, VT 05443 or The American Cancer Society. Arrangements are under the direction of the Sanderson-Ducharme Funeral Home. Online condolences at◊

Obituary Guidelines The Independent will publish paid obitu‑ aries and free notices of passing. Paid obituaries cost 25 cents per word and will be published, as submitted, on the date of the family’s choosing. Paid obituaries are marked with a “◊” symbol at the end. The Independent offers a free notice of passing up to 100 words, subject to editing by our news department. Photos with either paid obituaries or free notices cost $10 per photo. Obituaries may be emailed to, or call 802‑388‑4944 for more information.

Scientist releases ‘Odd’ novel By RUSSELL JONES BRANDON — A research professor in Brandon has taken a skill he developed as a scientist and used it to pivot into writing works of fiction. Gary Meffe is releasing a book that captures the feel of life in rural Vermont so well you would think he was a lifelong Vermonter. “I learned concise writing as a scientist and I feel I came in with good basic tools based on 30 years of writing professionally,” Meffe said. “I had never really dreamed of being a novelist, but I realized long ago that I do like writing.” The New Jersey native said he was looking through a bookshelf one day and saw the title The Wizard of Odd, but when he looked again, there was no book on the shelf with that title. “It kind of stuck with me and for six months I just thought about that title,” Meffe said. “So all I had was the title, which is a crazy way to write a novel.” His book revolves around the fictional town of Oddertown, Vermont and the cast of characters that work to save the local general store. “I was trying to capture small town Vermont, because it captured me,” the 64-year-old author said. “One of the very real problems you see around the state is that these general stores are closing down, after decades of business.” Using that as the crux for the problems in the book, Meffe began to develop the plot. The easy part was actually typing the words, he said.

“The toughest part for me was taking off the scientific shackles,” the former ecology and conservation biology professor said. “It was getting out of fact-based logic and letting my mind expand and run free.” Meffe said he saw the plot as what “could be” instead

of “what is,” which is how he would look at the scientific articles he used to write. The author, who’s literary heroes are mostly scientists such as Charles Darwin, is also a fan of fiction writers like Harper Lee and Howard Frank Mosher, a wellknown Vermont author who wrote several novels set in small towns in the Northeast Kingdom. “I certainly have been influenced by his work,” Meffe said. “He really captured hardscrabble Vermont and its people.” Although he got a doctorate from Arizona State University and spent many years teaching at the universities of Florida and Georgia, he has lived with his wife in Brandon for 12 years now. He drew inspiration for many of the characters from people he has met. “The characters are a mix of people from here and elsewhere,” he said. “You can’t help but be influenced by people if you’re paying attention.” Some days the author would be out walking or driving when inspiration would strike and he would hurry home where he would race through the house to his office and grab his laptop, frantic to get the thought down before it left him. “Sometimes my wife would say something and a plot point would hit me,” Meffe said, “and I’d tell her ‘No, stop,’ and I’d grab my notepad and write it down.” It took him about a year and a half to complete the book. He launched the book at Brandon’s Book and Leaf last month. Though this book is just being released, Meffe is not content to sit around. “I have several books in mind,” he said. “I don’t think I’m done writing just yet.”

Addison Independent, Thursday, July 11, 2019 — PAGE 7A


Obituaries Nancy Mackenzie Witherell Hunt, 84, Middlebury native ESSEX JUNCTION — Born in Middlebury, October 9, 1934, Nancy Mackenzie Witherell, daughter of Stuart and Jessie Witherell, passed away on June 12, 2019. She enjoyed a rewarding life as a nurse, mom, wife, crafter, and active member of her Congregational Church. Survived by sons Ronald and Scott Hunt and families and sisters, Susan Julian and Sarah Hildebrand. Funeral service was July 10, 12:30 p.m., First Congregational Church, 1 Church Street, Essex Junction. Burial service at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, 256 Ranney Rd., Stockbridge. A gathering followed at Stockbridge Meeting House. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the Alzheimers Assocation in Nancy’s Honor at

Nuovo to affirm liberty and equality as the fundamental principles of society; they expressed scorn for monarchies and aristocracies, worried over the growing wealth based aristocracy in this nation, opposed slavery, and cultivated a serious interest in the culture of the

indigenous American nations. Postscript: The institution of slavery and the treatment of the Indian nations make it difficult to write a celebratory history of the United States. The great divide in wealth increases the difficulty.

Ways of Seeing thinking of the shivering people in the cages blasted with a punitive level of air conditioning as they lie on floors or cots, if they’re lucky. We were 3 years old and we were 77 years old, we carried flags from Guatemala and El Salvador and Honduras, we carried signs about kids in cages and justice. And the people, the people wearing American flags, carrying American flags, waving American flags with American flags painted on their faces, the people read our signs and clapped for us. They didn’t just nod as we walked by. They rose in waves and in droves and clapped and cheered when they saw the words “Showing Up For Racial Justice” and “Asylum Seekers are Not Criminals” and “Everyone Deserves to Be Safe” and “No Human Is Illegal.” And for a moment ... a flicker of faith

was restored, faith in the Anne Frank-ish ideal, my 13-year-old’s soul that somewhere still pulses with the thought that maybe it doesn’t have to be like this, maybe we can “... still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart.” And for a moment … just for a tiny moment in my still-sentimental though utterly betrayed heart ... this too was America. Julie Conason is a “new Vermonter,” having moved to Salisbury in 2017 from East Harlem with her husband. Having been a public school teacher, coach, principal, and school leadership development specialist in New York City and nationally, she now works as an education consultant with a particular focus on racial and social justice, school climate and culture, and responsive pedagogy.



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(Continued from Page 4A) to have your loved ones in a cage because they were fleeing certain disaster, to have your loved ones in a cage because you begged them to flee with you or they were small and you made the choice for them and grabbed them up to be carried or run alongside you. We were going to be “in their faces” we were going to “ruin the 4th of July” we were forthright, we were proud, we would stand up to hecklers by trying to engage them. What if the organizers kicked us out of the parade? We’d march anyway. We’d show them all. We’d ask them how they’d like it if ... if ... if ... Funny. It didn’t go like that at all. We led with the banner of the organization Showing Up For Racial Justice. We wore our silver space blankets in the 90 degree heat,


(Continued from Page 5A) reduced the universe to “this little ball” of earth: and proceeded to “spit upon it.” Both men expressed anxiety concerning the future, although both expected it would become a great world power. They continued

Ron Slabaugh, PhD, MSSW, CBP is a former psychotherapist and family therapist who now practices BodyTalk. BodyTalk System is a holistic healthcare system that supports and promotes wellbeing from within using a careful noninvasive protocol to subtly shift things from within to tap the innate wisdom of the body and tendency toward wellness. BodyTalk can help symptoms ranging from stress to diabetes, dizziness to chronic pain. See if BodyTalk can help you with a free 60-minute introductory BodyTalk session with Ron. Somaworks • Middlebury, VT 802-458-7549

Carolyn (Cary) Beckwith, M.Ed. 802-558-3673 Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Adults, Teens, Children and Families Jim Condon 388-4880 or 475-2349 SomaWork Caryn Etherington 388-4882 ext. 3 Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork Nancy Tellier, CMT 388-4882 ext. 1 Therapeutic Massage, CranioSacral Therapy, Ortho-Bionomy®, Soul Lightning Acupressure Donna Belcher, M.A. 388-3362 Licensed Psychologist - Master, Psychotherapy & Hypnosis Charlotte Bishop 388-4882 ext. 4 or 247-8106 Therapeutic Soft & Deep Tissue JoAnne Kenyon 388-0254 Energy Work. Karen Miller-Lane, N.D., L.Ac. 388-6250 Naturopathic Physican, Licensed Acupuncturist, CranioSacral Therapy. Ron Slabaugh, PhD, MSSW, CBP 388-9857 The BodyTalk™ System Irene Paquin, CMT 388-4882 ext.1 or 377-5954 Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork, OrthoBionomy®

PAGE 8A — Addison Independent, Thursday, July 11, 2019

Time for tunes

THE BIG TENT on the town green in Middlebury was thumping with beautiful sounds, and music fans spilled out on the lawns this week during the 41st annual Festival on the Green. Among the highlights were, clockwise from left, Rik Palieri delivering a typically energetic performance Monday afternoon; Jean-François Dumas picking a tune with Bon Débarras on Monday; singer-songwriter Cara Luft of The Small Glories hitting a strong note on Tuesday; Bon Débarras’s Dominic Desrochers demonstrates fancy footwork Monday night; audience members stretching way beyond the tent to hear The Small Glories; Heather Pierson providing some soul to her namesake trio on Tuesday; Shawn Nadeau keeps the beat for The Heather Pierson Trio; and JD Edwards joining Luft on stage for some Canadian Prairie folk music. The Festival wraps up with a street dance Saturday night.

Independent photos/Steve James, John S. McCright and Bethany Palmer

Addison Independent, Thursday, July 11, 2019 — PAGE 9A

By the way

EVALYNN HERMANSKI, granddaughter of Sam and Debra Markowski visits her grandfather’s farm and poses in front of the hemp planter.

Brandon Reporter photos/Russell Jones

Hemp (Continued from Page 1A) to plant hemp came down to one thing. “We wanted the land to stay in the family,” Sam Markowski said. “We didn’t want to have to break up the land and sell pieces of it.” Markowski said he had been growing organic corn on just over 100 acres of farmland, originally a dairy that his family has owned for about a century. He had been growing corn there for the last seven or eight years and the land had been leased out to local farmers for hay and corn in prior years. Two years ago, the price of corn dropped and the demand for the corn was not high enough to continue. If he did not find an alternative, the fields would have lain fallow and eventually been sold off in pieces. So starting last year, they began experimenting with a new cash crop. “Last year we planted 40 acres of hemp,” Markowski said. “This year we’re planting 100.” But growing hemp is not the same as growing corn, and he is learning from mistakes he made his first year growing hemp. “We pay the highest prices for the best lessons,” the 64-year-old farmer said. “This year we’re using the plastic mulch, last year we didn’t.” The plastic mulch is a layer of plastic that goes down on the soil to prevent weeds from overtaking the hemp while it is in the early growing stages. There is also an irrigation drip line under the plastic. The plants themselves are started in a greenhouse at Wood’s Market Garden in Brandon until they grow between six and 12 inches tall. Once they are ready, they are planted using a water wheel planter. The large metal wheel rolls along the plastic and about every four feet a spike on the wheel punches into the plastic and fills the hole with water, creating a slurry into which the plant’s root ball is shoved by a worker sitting on a chair hanging inches above the ground at the back of the tractor. Markowski said there was a lot of expense involved upfront, however. “Good seeds are about a dollar apiece,” he said, “and we’re planting 150,000, so you can see how quick that can add up.” The farmer, who also owns Markowski Excavation, added he was lucky to have the equipment that he does, something other farmers may not have on hand. On top of that, there is also the cost of labor to think about. The process for growing crops such as wheat or corn have been mechanized over the years to require as few people as possible, but hemp is still largely planted by hand and all the harvesting is done by hand, as well. “It takes six people on the back of the planter,” Markowski said. “The tractor goes one mile per hour, which doesn’t sound very

BUTCH SHAW, STATE representative from Pittsford, works the fields during his summer intern job planting hemp.

fast, but if you only have three planting it seems very fast trying to fill the holes.” SHAW WORKING IN THE FIELD Markowski has a new summer intern to help shove the young plants into the soil, though. Butch Shaw, state representative of PittsfordBrandon-Sudbury, has volunteered to help with the operation for the summer. “When I was campaigning this past year, I said that we should look at ways to help the agriculture industry,” Shaw said. “Help them do something different than milk and hay.” Shaw said that growing unorthodox crops such as barley, hops and hemp could be the new future for some farmers. The politician turned farmer for the summer said he originally did not vote for allowing hemp to be grown in the state. “We got a letter from the federal government the day we voted to allow it,” Shaw said, “that said if we allowed growing hemp, they would come take the farms away. So, I didn’t vote for it.” He changed his mind about the issue after Congress passed the 2018 farm bill and the president signed it, which dropped hemp as a federally controlled substance. Now, he is learning everything he can about this new cash crop by getting out in the fields and getting dirty. Markowski said he is trying to get all the work he can out of Shaw. To begin, he’s had Shaw planting hemp but there’s much more to do before harvest. “We’ve still got a lot of planting to do and irrigation after,” Shaw said. “There is just so much that goes on with the process. I’ll be interested to see if the market stays as bullish as it has been.” The market in Vermont has indeed been bullish regarding hemp. According to Hemp Industry Daily, the going price for one pound of dried flowers or buds for state farmers is $100. States like North Carolina and Colorado are reporting prices of $35 per pound and in Nevada prices are a whopping $200 per pound of flower. So while the cost can be prohibitive upfront, the return on the investment could offer farmers hope when other crops are down in

value. Hemp is a versatile plant and can be used to make CBD-infused products, clothing, paper, bio-fuel and many other things, but to Sam Markowski, it’s being used to keep the farmland in the family.

(Continued from Page 1A) Effects (HOPE) food shelf this summer. The Middlebury-based nonprofit provides a variety of services to area low-income families. Summer is a time in which food shelf donations subside, but demand for food does not. HOPE provides food to an average of 675 people each month. Right now, food items at HOPE’s food pantry and others in the area are very low on a number of important items, including breakfast cereals, soups, pasta, flavored rice, quinoa, and other grains, canned beans, mayo, ketchup, cooking oil, salad dressing, jelly, cookies, crackers and granola bars. Food donations can be dropped off at HOPE, 282 Boardman St., Middlebury, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For more info, visit The 30 Miles/ 30 Days Walking Challenge in Middlebury will run from July 16 through Aug. 14. It is free, healthy and should even be pretty fun. Pick up log books and registration forms at the downtown National Bank of Middlebury or Isley Library. Suggested walking routes are in the back of the log book. Bring your completed log to the downtown Middlebury Block Party on Aug. 14 to enter to win one of five $100 Middlebury Money certificates. This healthyliving community activity is sponsored by Neighbors Together, Come Alive Outside, RiseVT, Experience Middlebury, and Casella. Contact lindahorn14@ for more information. Lake Champlain Maritime Museum’s replica 1862 canal

schooner Lois McClure, an 88-footlong full-scale working boat based on shipwrecks discovered in the lake, has taken to the water this summer to celebrate the International Year of the Salmon. The Lois McClure has been designated Lake Champlain’s flagship for the International Year of the Salmon, a global initiative to bring awareness to the importance of wild salmon and build resilience for salmon and communities. The schooner is making stops in New York and Vermont this summer, including at the Westport Marina in Westport, N.Y., this Saturday and Sunday, July 13 and 14. It will spend the month of August at the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum in Ferrisburgh off Basin Harbor Road. Boarding is free at all locations, thanks to the generosity of sponsors and the efforts of local hosts. Dr. Ben Rosenberg of Cornwall has joined the list of cyclists participating in the 2019 Pan-Mass Challenge (PMC). Participants will pedal up to 192 miles with the goal of raising $60 million for cancer research and patient care at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. The PMC will take place Aug. 3 and 4 in Massachusetts with more than 6,700 riders. Participants are required to raise between $600 and $8,500, depending on their chosen route, though the average cyclist raises more than $8,825. Start sharpening those scythes

and practicing those swings. Organizers have announced that the annual hand mowing competition at the Addison County Fair and Field Days will be held on Thursday, Aug. 8, at 10 a.m., at county fairgrounds, near the antique tractors and the horse barns. The Middlebury Studio School on Route 7 South in Middlebury is seeking picnic tables in order to expand its our work area to the back bower in the shade of maple trees. Sturdy picnic tables would enhance various creative projects and classes at then center. If you have one looking for a home, or if you want to sponsor the purchase of one or two, contact Kathy at Found an orphaned raccoon, skunk, bat, fox or woodchuck? In Vermont, these animals can carry rabies. The best way to help them get back safely into the wild where they belong is to leave them alone. Call the Rabies Hotline at 1-800-4-RABIES if you need help or advice dealing with animals in the wild, or with a bat in your home. If you touch an animal that can carry rabies — even young animals — they might bite or scratch you and spread the deadly disease. These animals might need to be tested for rabies, which requires humanely euthanizing the animal. So, for their own sake, leave wildlife in the wild. Learn more about rabies from the Vermont Department of Health, at

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PAGE 10A — Addison Independent, Thursday, July 11, 2019



Peasant Market brought bargains to Middlebury

THE PEASANT MARKET staged by the St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church on the Middlebury green this past Saturday, July 6, not only raised lots of funds for local charities, but also served as an outlet for the good old Vermont tradition of passing things on to your neighbor when you’re done with them — for a small fee. The variety of stuff was wide-ranging, the prices were more than reasonable and the smiles were plentiful. Photos by Jason Duquette-Hoffman

Brandon’s July 16 auction will have fun items galore BRANDON — For the 31st year running, Brandon will have its annual Great Brandon Auction on Tuesday, July 16, at 4 p.m., at Estabrook Park. Billed as the auction to be at, the event supports local businesses and the Brandon Chamber of Commerce community projects. Auctioneer Barb Watters will preside over the event, which offers antiques, collectibles, new merchandise, services, original art, and more. There will be surprises and treasures from attics and barns and lots of gift certificates to dozens of state and local businesses, including restaurants, museums, fuel oil and massages. New merchandise from many local businesses will also cross the stage, as will other donations like dressers, beds, tools, art, chairs, bookshelves and gardening items. For art fans, original artwork from many of Brandon’s artists will be up

for grabs. Anyone in need of household goods and furnishings including collectibles, books, kitchen gadgets, children’s items and box lots will have plenty to choose from, as well as the usual selection of interesting and eclectic items, including items from the Brandon Museum at the Stephen Douglas Birthplace. The Brandon Lions Club will provide food. Since the auction is under the tent, it will happen rain or shine. Vermont State Sales Tax of 7 percent will apply to all purchases excluding gift certificates. Resellers will be required to sign an exemption form. The auction will accept cash or good checks For more information call 247-6401 or log onto for a partial listing and some pictures. Estabrook Park is located one mile north of town on Route 7. Auction preview opens at 2 p.m.

Monkton MONKTON — The Monkton Museum and Historical Society will be visiting the Lincoln and Bristol Historical Society Museums on Saturday, July 13. Anyone interested in joining the group for this tour is welcome. If you would like to carpool, be at the Monkton Town Hall by 9:15 a.m. on the 13th — the group will leave by 9:30 a.m. sharp. If you wish to drive yourself, the plan is to be at the Lincoln Historical Society Museum, located on 88 Quaker Street, by 10 a.m. After visiting the Lincoln museum, the group will have lunch in Bristol, then go to the Bristol Historical Society Museum, located at Howden Hall,

Have a news tip? Call Liz Pecor at 453-2180 NEWS

19 West Street at 1 p.m. If you are interested in going on this venture, RSVP by e-mail to or call 482-2277 and leave your name, phone number, number of people attending and the number planning to have lunch with the group. The Russell Memorial Library is offering “Five Weeks of Summer Fun!” Every week attendees will explore stories about space. This program will feature a “Universe of Stories,” beginning with the moon and continuing from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. each week with a different topic. The schedule is as follows: • July 13: The Moon. The phases

milestones births

of the moon and why does the moon change? • July 16: A special evening program viewing the moon through a telescope, weather permitting and time and place to be announced. • July 20: Aliens. Are we alone in the universe? Who else might be out there? You may design your own alien to take home. • July 27: Stars. You can examine the constellations and even design one. Learn about the night sky. • Aug. 3: Astronauts. What do they wear? How do they eat and sleep in space? How do they land on a planet? • Aug. 10: Planets. How many

planets are there and where are they located in our universe? Come join the librarians for this fun filled program. All are welcome For questions or more information, call the library during regular hours (listed in your town report on the back page) or call and leave a message at 453-4471. The librarians want to remind summer readers to keep a list of the books you read and hand in your list at the school or the public library in the fall for a free gift from the Russell Memorial Library. Happy reading to all. Have a news tip? Call Liz Pecor @ 453-2180

• Chelsea Philbrick and Nicholas Desjodon of Middlebury, June 26, a girl, Amelia Hope Desjodon. • Megan and Lyman Gaudette of Vergennes, July 8, a boy, Kasey Earl Gaudette. • Sarah (McGowen) and Nathan Audet of Bridport, July 8, a boy, Nash McGowen Audet.

Kimberly Paul

End of Life Author, Podcaster and Speaker, visits our community as part of her renowned national tour. Kimberly Paul encourages us to face the issues of death and dying head-on, embracing a more positive way of thinking. “I believe we avoid the death and dying conversation because it truly reminds us that we are not living the life we desire.” - Kimberly Paul

July 14-15, 2019 Community Conversation - The Three Things We Have in Common Sunday, July 14 - 3:00-5:00 pm at CVUUS (Champlain Valley Unitarian Universalist Society, 2 Duane Court) Presentation for Caregivers - Lessons I Learned From the Dying Monday, July 15 - 10:30-11:30 am, EastView at Middlebury Advance Care Planning - Facing the Elephant in the Room Monday, July 15 - 3:30-4:30 pm, Eastview at Middlebury Free and open to the public For more information: call 388-4111 or email

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Addison Independent, Thursday, July 11, 2019 — PAGE 11A

Vergennes Union High School honor roll VERGENNES — Vergennes Union High School has announced its honor roll for the final quarter of the 2018-2019 academic year. Those named to the roll include: GRADE 12 High honors: Kaelen Dobson, Bess Gramling, Marin Howell, Cheyenne Jewett, Morgan Lynk, Wade Mullin, Ezekiel Palmer, Hannah Philbrook, Dylan Rapoport, Abigail Smith and Cedar Winslow. Honors: Jasmine Arel, Nathan Bourgeois, Emma Bryant, Colby Bushey, Benjamin Clark, Holden Clark, Kylie Comeau, Ashley Cray, Bethany Delgadillo, Trayshawn Floyd, Jameson Haggett, Jack Halpin, Olivia Hutchins, Josie Jackman, Emily Jackson, Olivia Lorrain, Cooper O’Brien, Sarah Peterson, Richmond Rathbun,

Ruth Simpson, Madeline Smith, Sydney Tarte, Carter Visicaro, Andrew Wood and Brendan Yantz. GRADE 11 High Honors: Adelaide Brooks, Leah Croke, Benjamin Curtis, Sophie Hatch, Marlie Hunt, Emily Rooney and Kai Williams. Honors: Emma Beauchemin, Luke Bergmans, Brianna Billings, Abigail Bluteau, Emily Brinkman, Ian Brons, Kaleigh Campbell, Matthew DeMatties, Nathan DeVos, Siobhan Eagan, Heather French, Aidan Gardner, Jackson Hameline, Kyla Heir, Karyn Kenfield, Amber Krumrie, Alexyss MacKinnon, Justin McEntee, Zeke McGee, Rory Patch, Maya Praamsma, Erich Reitz, Josias Salomao, Aidan Scott, Jeffrey Stearns, and Robert

Verburg. GRADE 10 High Honors: Xander DeBlois, Aidan Gebo, Emalie Gernander, Emma Jackman, Reagan Kayhart, Kobe Kessler, Jordan Kimball, Riley Lane, Chloe Mailloux, Anna Rakowski, Antonio Socinski and Pearl Sutton. Honors: Jenna AbbeyLowell, Katherine Anderson, Daniel Anguish, Ryan Baringer, Barret Barrows, Daniel Beach, Christopher Bolduc, Summer Chabot, Stang Chantawan, Lauren Curtis, Zehra Cushman, Sophia Davis, Ryleigh Dieterle, Oscar Downing, Alexis Emmons, Ashton Greenia, Benjamin Huston, Jordan Jewell, Sydney Jewell, Jacob Kadric, Hannah Kelly, Sabrina Larrow, Thomas Lawrence, Alyssa MacKinnon, Nima Mehregan,

Adam Sausville, Tucker Stearns, Morgan Terry, Samuel Visser and Jonathan Willis. GRADE 9 High Honors: Olivia Brooks, Alisdair Chauvin, Ila Collette, Ryley Dubois, Mykenzie Duffy, Una Fonte, Amy Garrison, Ella Hameline, Bradley Kutchukian, Jonah Mahe, Clarinda McAllister, David Nicholls, Ryley Olsen, Felicia Poirier, Alexandria Rice, and Audrey Tembreull. Honors: Kathryn Armstrong, Hayden Bowen, Anna Carr, Adam Clark, Richard Cosgrove, Allison Croke, Madeline DeGraaf, Payden Garthaffner, Ethan Gebo, Andrew Kachmar, Kaitlyn Little, Colby Martin, Cal Seyler, Taylor Stearns, Eric Tarte, Christopher Therrien, Geneva Verburg and Olivia Wyckoff.

Middlebury Union High School honor roll MIDDLEBURY — Middlebury Union High School has released its honor roll for the final quarter of the 2018-2019 school year. Students on the roll include: GRADE 9 High Honors: Megan Balparda, Julia Bartlett, Caroline Browdy, Carlisle Brush, Zachariah Burrows, Ivy Doran, Catherine Dyer, Owen Hamilton, Viviana Hammond, Anya HardyMittell, Sophie Larocque, Jason Li, Joseph Morsman, Zoe Noble, Astrid Olsen, Fairley Olson, Holly Staats, Abigail Sunderland, Alex Tolgyesi, Hannah Turner, Grace Vining and Katherine Whipple. Honors: Camilla Adelman, Alyza Alger, Thomas Ash, Noah Berg, Natasha Berno, Taylor Betourney, Alyauna Blaise, Alexandra Bonavita, Ainsley Busby, Ira Carling, Henry Carpenter, Talia Cotroneo, Megan Daly, Jocelyn Deering, Genevieve Dora, Zora Duquette-Hoffman, Ethan Foster, Avery Gale, Saskia Gori-Montanelli, Patience Hanley, Rita Ho, Edwin Hodde, Nora Hyde, Amanda Kearns, Matthew Kiernan, Oni Krizo, Ella Landis, Reilly Lawson, Camille Maglienti, Jordan Martin, Clare Molineaux, Ben Munkres, Lucas Palcsik, Brianna Pike, Shae Terk, Alanna Trudeau, Samuel Warren, Emma Welch, Alexa Whelan, Brian Whitley, Thomas Wolosinski and Kaya Wright. Honorable Mention: John


Bergeron, Reese Fitzgerald, Robert Kite, Michael Plouffe, Stephen Ragan-Selecky, Caroline Teague and Ryan ThomasDanyow. GRADE 10 High Honors: Lois Alberts, Olivia Audet, Anna Berg, Alexander Bleich, Chloe Clark, Lydia Deppman, Ava Devost, Andy Giorgio, Benjamin Graham, Evan Gregory, Ella McKhann, Kaitlyn McNamara, Thomas Nevins, Sarah Nicolai, Andrea Palmer, Rhys Pitner, Oliver Poduschnick, Sophie Pope McCright, Chelsea Robinson, Sofia Stefani, Nicholas Suchomel, Kathryn Waterman, Paige Williamson and Clara Wolff. Honors: Abel Anderson, Abigail Bailey, Elizabeth Bright, Lukas Broughton, Jack Christner, Aiden Cole, Owen Connelly, Emma Franklin, Adin Girard, Mahaila Gosselin, Bridget Graham, Colby Hammond, Charles Hodson, Martha Horne, Timothy Hunsdorfer, Trystan Jones, Mason Kaufmann, Kyle Mitchell, Lucas Nelson, Kai Pasciak, Karic Riche, Rayven Roark, Bode Rubright, Marshall Sanchez, Alex Shashok, Kieran Sheridan, Harper Sinclair, Kelsey Treadway, Gwen Troumbley, Samuel Visser, Anna Wagner and Henry Wagner. Honorable Mention: Gabriel Dunn, Wesley Hirdler, Rosa Kehoe, Shannon OudmanBlackwood, Lena Sandler, Griffin

Schneider. GRADE 11 High Honors: Kenneth Barkdoll, Caleb Benz, Celeste Berenbaum, Ellen Berg, Nicolas Brayton, Kelsey Buteau, Wren Colwell, Spencer Doran, Joseph Findlay, Eloe Gile, Emma Huntington, Meredith Kimble, Journey LaRose, Mira Maglienti, Hunter Munteanu, Jameson Murray, Mary Nagy-Benson, Isabel Olson, Emily Pecsok, Eva Phair, Catherine Schmitt, Michelle Skovsgaard, Gwen Stafford and Theo Wells-Spackman. Honors: Jesse Audet, Kamrin Bartlett, Eli Billings, Gabriel Cason, Eryn Diehl, Mary Ann Eastman, Alice Ganey, Jasmine Gero, Timothy Goettelmann, Maeve Hammel, Hale Hescock, Malia Hodges, Ezekiel Hooper, Jenna Howlett, James Jette, Devon Kearns, Kira Kemp, Annie Lapiner, Bryan Limoge, Giulia Lins, Jeffrey Lokatys, Gabriela Aspichueta, Anna McIntosh, Kennedy Montani, Rosemary Munkres, Ryan Nadeau, Ulysse Niel, Colleen Oster, Owen Palcsik, Logan Pierson-Flagg, Isabella Pistilli, Devyn Pratt, Anna Scalia, Phoebe Smith, Grace Tucker, Sabina Ward, Katelyn Warner, Charles Welch and Peter Wolosinski. Honorable Mention: Hunter Gale, Anthony Garner, Addison Hubbell, Alexia Huestis, Martine Limoge, Taylor Moulton, Cassie Stearns, Kassidy Sunderland,

Jasper Williams graduates from Rice high school

SOUTH BURLINGTON — Jasper Williams of Vergennes received his diploma from Rice Memorial High School in South Burlington in the school’s 60th commencement ceremony on June 9. Williams also received the Senior Excellence in Concert Band Award, the Ultimate Frisbee Sports Award and the Vermont Principal’s Association Scholar-Athlete Other Addison County students garnered recognition with the following awards: Junior Fred Pohlen of Middlebury won the award for Junior Excellence in Drama. Junior Zach Wang of Ferrisburgh won the Best in School Award for UVM Department and Mathematics and Statistics Annual High School Math Exam, and the Excellence in Mathematics award.

JASPER WILLIAMS OF Vergennes was the only Addison County resident to graduate from Rice Memorial High School in South Burlington this year at a ceremony held on June 9. Courtesy photo

VTC names nursing graduates

Thatcher Trudeau, Avery Walker and Franklyn Wolff. GRADE 12 High Honors: Ada Anderson, Isaac Buttolph, Owen Heminway, Marina HerrenLage, Suzanne Klemmer, Emily Laframboise, Maisie Newbury, Virginia Patz, Emma Pope McCright, Kyra Roberts, Jesse Rubin, Diya Taylor, Benjamin Turner, Katherine Wallace, Grace Widelitz and Xavier Wyncoop, Honors: William Barber, Parker Beatty, Hogan Beazley, Aileen Bosworth, Wyatt Cameron, Elizabeth Chamberlain, Silas Conlon, Benjamin Crawford, Samuel Daly, Derek Felkl, Jayden Fitzgerald, Ashley Friend, Jacob Galvin, Lacey Greenamyre, Anabel Hernandez, Michael Huber, Audrey Huston, Justin Jackson, Isaiah Kelly, Drew Kiernan, Carly Larocque, Will Larocque, Aleta Mathers, Eleanore McGarry, Michael Odell, Peter Orzech, Samantha Paige, Joel Pyfrom, Holly Rancour, David Robidoux, Brandon Ronish, Anna Scharstein, Katelyn Stearns, Harley Williams and Carson Yildirim. Honorable Mention: Jack Berthiaume, Alexis Cram, Rebekah Crossman, Colin Dowd, Zachary Dunn, Kolby Farnsworth, Joshua Kerr, Simon Kiel, Natali Sullivan and Serena Welch.

RANDOLPH CENTER — Congratulations to the following students, who all graduated from Vermont Technical College’s Practical Nursing program in the spring 2019 semester: Laura Abell of Bristol, Shelby

Andrews of Granville, Sean Beinhaur of Shoreham, Molly Fisher of Brandon, Cindy Gosselin of Shoreham, Rachel Lavoie of Middlebury, Caitlynn Pecor of Vergennes, Sara Sayles of Bristol and Erin Sullivan of Middlebury.

Nursing scholarships granted VERMONT — The Vermont chapter of the Forty and Eight, a national veterans organization, has awarded scholarships to five outstanding students in nursing programs in colleges in Vermont, including nursing student Caitlynn Pecor from Vergennes. Pecor is a sophomore at Vermont Technical College. A national program to help alleviate the shortage of skilled nurses in this country La Societé des Quarante Hommes et Huit Chevaux, the veterans organization

founded in 1920 also known as the “Forty and Eight,” has provided over $33,000,000 and assisted more than 54,500 nurses in obtaining nursing degrees. For more information about the Forty and Eight and the Nurses Training Program contact Melvin McKnight at 802-454-7746 or For more information about the Nurses Training Scholarship call Karlene Devine at 802-877-6392 or

Legion scholarship winners named VERMONT — The American Legion Department of Vermont has announced winners selected from nearly 300 outstanding students vying for Department scholarships this year. Will Larocque, a student at Middlebury Union High School, will receive the PDC’s

Lawrence, Vail, Garland & Ferris Award, an American Legion $500 Scholarship. Carly Larocque also a student at Middlebury Union High School, will receive the PDC George Harrington Award, an American Legion $500 Scholarship.

Alexandria Lorraine Brace of Ferrisburgh was among the 300 students at the University of Maine at Presque Isle to be named to the

dean’s list for the spring semester. Brace’s achievement of high honors helped her to qualify for the list.

School News Briefs

U.S. Air Force Airman Jonathan E. Ellery graduated from basic military training at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, San Antonio, Texas. Ellery completed an intensive, eight-week program that included training in military discipline and studies, Air Force core values, physical fitness, and basic warfare principles and skills. Airmen who complete basic training also earn four credits toward an associate in applied science degree through the Community College of the Air Force. Ellery is the son of Melissa I. and Keith E. Ellery of Cornwall, Vt., and brother of Lauren N. Ellery of Cornwall, Vt., and William G.

Ellery of Haddam, Conn. He is a 2017 graduate of Haddam-Killingworth High School, Haddam, Conn. Four Addison County natives have been named to the dean’s list at the University of New Hampshire’s for the spring 2019 semester. Michelle Peterson and Maxim Mayone of Middlebury, Hayden Done of Shoreham and Dacey Anachiarico of Whiting were all named to the list, and all four achieved highest honors for the semester. Highest honors are awarded to students who earn a semester grade point average of 3.85 or better out of a possible 4.0.

James Sanchez of Middlebury received the Outstanding Senior in Sociology Award at UVM’s College of Arts and Sciences Awards Ceremony held May 17. The award is given to the graduating senior whose outstanding academic work has both reflected and perpetuated the sociological enterprise inside the classroom and beyond. Sanchez also won the Jeannette R. Folta Memorial Award in Sociology at the same ceremony. The honor is bestowed to the graduating senior who has shown special fortitude in meeting significant challenges, has succeeded academically, and has plans to pursue a graduate degree.

Congratulations to Vergennes’ Alice Beauchemin, who has been named to the dean’s list at Bryant University in Smithfield, R.I. for the spring 2019 semester. Beauchemin is a member of the class of 2021.

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Annie Lindholm of Middlebury participated in the Bates College Junior Semester Abroad program. Lindholm, a 2015 graduate of Middlebury Union High School, studied in France through University of Minnesota, Montpellier. Lindholm is the child of Dr. Karl L. Lindholm and Dr. Brett C. Millier of Cornwall, Vt. She is majoring in biological chemistry and minoring in French and Francophone studies at Bates.

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PAGE 12A — Addison Independent, Thursday, July 11, 2019

Mosquito larvae moderately low

By JAY MICHAEL With June just ended, the second quarter of 2019 will likely test the record books for rain. While n o t as severe as April, which saw essentially double the average rainfall, May and June continued to be well above average. Even though Otter Creek is within its banks, the wetlands are still holding an excessive amount of water. Continued large rainfall will perpetuate large mosquito nesting areas. However, the worst of the flooded fields is hopefully, but no guarantees, in the past. Larvae counts are now generally moderate in most areas, although there were some high counts — 50

to 200 larvae in a “dip cup” — in late May in Brandon and mid-June in Pittsford. The Brandon, Leicester, Salisbury, Goshen Insect Control District (BLSG) treated these area with larvicide to the extent possible. Sampling and larvicide treatments will continue across nearly 70 sites as new generations of mosquitoes can occur every two to four weeks. Adult mosquitoes have been a reality since about Memorial Day. The severity and locations can vary daily as new hatches of eggs turn into adults in various locations every week or two. BLSG field technicians placed approximately 18 traps throughout the district’s area to

determine where counts are high and spraying is needed. The traps have a small light and emit a small amount of CO2 to entice the mosquitoes into the traps. Guided by the trap counts and telephone reports there have been five nights when spraying occurred so far this season. In each case four or five routes were covered. You are encouraged to learn about the spray routes at Look at the district maps section to find your route and then look at the Public Notice section to see if spraying will occur soon. Routes that will be sprayed are posted each day by 3 p.m., if spraying is planned for the evening. Editor’s note: Jay Michael is a member of the BLSG Insect Control District board.

Davenport Solar, landowners reach agreement By RUSSELL JONES BRANDON — Davenport Solar LLC has reached an agreement with the landowners adjacent to their proposed new solar site near Syndicate Road and West Creek Road in Brandon and also with the state. The agreement clears the way for a certificate of public good that could soon be issued by the Public Utility Commission (PUC), the agency that regulates utilities in Vermont. The proposed solar array would generate 15 megawatts of electricity. For the sake of comparison, in Addison County there is a 4.99MW array in Panton (off Panton Road near Jersey Street), a 2.2MW array off Route 7 north of New Haven Junction and a 2.2MW solar farm in Middlebury off Route 7 behind the former Blue Spruce Motel. In Brandon, Debbie and Bruce Howard in January asked the PUC to be made an intervener in

Davenport Solar’s 15-megawatt project because of the aesthetic and historical impact the solar panels would have on their historic farmhouse off Old Brandon Road. That legal action put a temporary halt to the project. However, a memorandum of understanding was filed with the PUC on June 13 that states the company will plant 42 trees between the farmhouse and the solar panels. The trees will be a mix of white spruce and white pine between six and eight feet tall and spaced 15 feet apart. The company also agreed to pay the Howards $3,750 within seven days of the memo’s execution and an additional $3,750 after the project’s completion. Once the memo has been executed, the Howards will withdraw their status as interveners. The company also filed a stipulation it signed with the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets that will

determine what happens to the dirt that will be turned to place the solar panels. According to the stipulation, close to 80 percent of the 65.5 acres that the project will be built upon is used to harvest hay, and 66 percent of the 172-acre area will rest on prime agricultural soil. Davenport Solar will keep all the soil on-site and protected, according to state standards. Tree stumps can be removed if they interfere with access roads, but only after the soil has been shaken off of them. Large logs from site may be removed, but all other wood must remain and vehicles used on-site must not have an axle load of more than 12,000 pounds. On June 27, the PUC issued an extension to the deadline that allows non-petitioners to file direct testimony. There will be an updated schedule for the project no later than Aug. 2.

presents the

2019 Garden Game

The 2019 Garden Game is here! Cool, wet weather delayed things a bit, but the veggies are catching up quickly!


The Garden Game is a competition for local gardeners to see who can grow the largest produce in several different categories.

Mission accomplished

THIS NEWLY IMPROVED and widened Vergennes sidewalk runs along Park Street between the city green and St. Paul’s Episcopal Church property. The church and the city split the tab for the project, with the church pledging to open up its adjacent lawn to park-goers. The cost came in at about $40,000, much less than first projected, and a grant paid for half of the work. The church is now restoring the stained-glass windows that overlook the lawn and plans to finish upgrading landscaping by next summer to better welcome the public.

Independent photo/Andy Kirkaldy

Vergennes Police Log VERGENNES — Vergennes police on July 4 cited a city woman for domestic assault after responding to a 2 a.m. report of

Step 1. Pick the biggest veggie in your garden Step 2. Bring it in to our office in the Marble Works in Middlebury Step 3. Get your veg measured and its picture taken Step 4. Check the paper every week to make sure you’re still in the frontrunner spot!

We love to see fresh faces and new participants, as well as gardeners who have been playing for years.





VERMONT’S TWICE-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Middlebury, VT 05753 • (802) 388-4944 •

more info online at GARDEN GAME RULES

Entries must be home grown in the greater Addison County area • Only produce brought to the Addison Independent office between Mon-Fri, 8am5pm will be eligible • Weekly front runners will be listed in the “Garden Game” column until another contestant provides a larger sample of that produce category (The largest entries as of Thursday noon deadline will be the front runners listed in that Monday’s edition) • One winner per category • Judge has final word • First place winners will be announced at sign of first frost.

Annuals & Houseplants Mon.-Sat., 8am-5pm Sun., 9am-4pm 2638 Ethan Allen Hwy, New Haven


Lincoln, VT Homeowner Recommends Bristol Electronics Have you been thinking you want to go solar? Bristol Electronics is the place to call. Over a year ago we met with

another company and were so frustrated by the whole process that we decided to forget all about solar power. But when we met Bristol Electronics staff at the Bristol Harvest Festival they encouraged us to rethink it. We’re glad we did. Everyone at Bristol Electronics is friendly, courteous, professional and efficient. They are patient with questions and concerns and they go beyond what they have to do. The price was fair, the installation was completed on schedule, and even the cables and wiring were neatly done! The design met our power needs, gave us the latest, most powerful panels available, and the panels are barely visible high up on our rooftops but they are up there working away - - - LOVE watching the meter go backwards! We wanted to invest in our property, instead of the stock market; and even though it was early winter when the installation was complete, we began to see a reduction in our power bill right away. We are looking forward to this summer and having zero electric bills! Patricia & Bob – Lincoln, VT

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people yelling in a Main Street apartment building. Police allege that Tammy Curler, 53, struck a man in the face. Police said Curler told them the victim’s dog bit her hand before she allegedly hit the man. The alleged victim denied that allegation, according to police. Curler was cited and released. City police between July 1 and 7 also conducted 14 directed patrols intended to curb speeding and enhance road safety within city limits. On those patrols they ticketed 19 drivers, warned seven, issued two sets of court diversion paperwork to a minor, and cited another motorist for an non-traffic offense. During those seven days, Vergennes police also: On July 1: • Conducted a background investigation for the U.S. Army. • Began investigating a counterfeit $20 bill being passed at a local business. On July 2: • Provided directions to a lost motorist. • Cited Robert McFev, 53, of Burlington for violating conditions of his release and a restraining order. McFev allegedly assaulted a Vergennes woman and allegedly then contacted her by mail. • Helped Vermont State Police with an accident at the intersection of Routes 7 and 22A. On July 3: • Dealt with a parking complaint on Walker Avenue. • Looked into a report of a woman yelling at and grabbing the arm of a young girl on South Maple

Street, but could not find them. • Dealt with a minor two-car accident at Vergennes Union Elementary School. On July 4: • Took a report from a Hillside Drive resident of a stolen license plate. • Provided information to the Francestown, N.H., police about the owner of a local license plate; police said their New Hampshire counterparts were investigating a report about a man taking pictures of juveniles swimming at a lake. • Ticketed an underage Northlands Job Corps student for drinking alcohol; Northlands personnel took him to Porter Hospital. On July 5: • Responded to report of a downed phone line on West Main Street; a resident had moved it off the road. • Told a caller they would keep an eye on a burned Mountain View Lane home after being told someone might be camping out in it. • Helped a motorist get into a locked car on Armory Lane. On July 6: • Dealt with a minor two-car accident on Main Street. • Contacted the Essex, N.Y., owner of a credit card and ID found by a city store employee. • Determined a report of a gunshot near Green Street had been triggered by someone setting off fireworks. On July 7 checked the welfare of a guest of a Hillside Acres apartment resident; he was fine.

Be sure to check out the fliers in our paper this week! Great information from: • Vt. Firefighters Convention • Paris Farmers Union ADDISON COUNTY


VERMONT’S TWICE-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Middlebury, VT 05753 • (802) 388-4944 •

Addison Independent, Thursday, July 11, 2019 — PAGE 13A

Panton sets manure talk for Monday

Patton (Continued from Page 1A) ‘Oh, I see how this could work.’ Many young Middlebury alumni in Vermont are interested in small business, nonprofits and energy entrepreneurship, so that’s the area where I think we’d really be able to make it attractive for students.” Another dream-project could provide useful information for such programs. The Middlebury College Economics Department is having conversations with the governor’s office about creating a series of student research projects involving data analytics, which the college has recently begun to integrate into its curriculum. “Again, this is in its initial stages, but we’re hoping to start with maybe two or three pilot programs for the state that would look at the effectiveness of its policies,” Patton said. “If those go well, we’d like to move on to something that would be more about panel data across the state of Vermont — for example, why young people stay here, why they go.” Through such projects, she said, students could both further their education and be of service to their community. And perhaps be inspired to stick around. ENERGY2028 The Energy2028 initiative approved by the board earlier this year will fully withdraw the college’s $1.1 billion endowment from investments in the fossil fuel industry, as well as reduce campus energy consumption and eliminate fossil fuel use. “Our energy focus and what we were able to accomplish was, to my mind, the best of Middlebury,” Patton said. “And that involved an absolute understanding that we would be able to work with partners in the region to make that happen.” Energy reduction alone is a huge project, she said. “We have building after building after building, and the energy measurements needed for

AS LAURIE PATTON enters her fifth year as president of Middlebury College, she continues to prioritize town-gown relations, and to approach them through the lens of a “common educational purpose.” She likes to begin potential collaborations by asking, What do you need? and How can I help? Independent photo/Steve James

each building are going to look different. We haven’t made any specific contracts with companies yet — we’re still in the planning phase — but after we made the announcement, people who are hands-on in Vermont around energy reduction called us, and they are pushing us, and it’s really great. “Green Mountain Power was like, ‘OK, you guys, are you ready to play with this? We have similar goals — we’re going to do this statewide. You’re not just going to be 100 percent energy neutral — you’re going to be providing energy.’” The community has pushed the college in good ways, too, Patton said, and she finds it “exhilarating.” “It’s faithful. It’s connected. It’s not about reinforcing everybody’s good feelings, but about ‘How do we honestly move to the next level?’” Another twinkle in Patton’s eye made an appearance at a recent meeting of the Middlebury selectboard. “Could we, in our energy goals, actually be of mutual benefit?” she wondered. “Could there be ways in which the town and maybe even the county could benefit from some of the energy work that we’re doing?” DIVERSITY Depending on how you mix in international students, Middlebury College is 29 to 36 percent diverse.

“We know diversity and excellence go hand-in-hand,” Patton said. “We also know that a more diverse community is a struggling community — in all the best ways — and Middlebury is out there, doing that work, and doing it in a tough-minded and intelligent way.” Another project Patton hopes will lead to town-gown collaborations has already gotten under way. “We’re working with Middlebury students to look at our own history in Vermont, very honestly,” she said. “That will mean asking, What is our history of diversity? What are the moments we’re not so proud of? Because answering those questions and telling those stories are absolutely essential for our community’s health.” Members of the college community have received training in oral history, Patton explained, and a group of student interns this summer will be working in that area. “We hope that our next step, in addition to telling really honest stories and embracing all the tough parts of Middlebury’s history, will be to work with our community partners to do the same.” Again, she cautioned, this is just in the initial stages — another piece of Patton’s dream. “But, as you’ve probably figured out, a lot of my dreams involve the community.”



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PANTON — The Panton selectboard has scheduled a special meeting for Monday night at 7 p.m. at Panton Town Hall, to which it has invited Vermont Agency of Agriculture and Agency of Natural Resources officials to address the issues of manure spreading, particularly in the winter months, and water quality, particularly in Lake Champlain. Selectboard Chairman Howard Hall said the board invited state officials to the meeting to explain the permitting process for manure spreading and protecting the lake. The agenda also includes a chance for residents a chance to question officials and comment on those

regulations. Although state regulations prohibit manure spreading between Dec. 15 and April 1, the agriculture agency can grant exemptions, and it did so to Panton’s Allendale Farm this past March when its manure pits were full. Unfortunately, although the farm spread manure on snowy fields, temperatures hit 60 degrees the next day, causing significant manure run-off into Lake Champlain. Hall said he hopes the meeting will focus on the larger issues. A Vermont Public Radio story broadcast in April noted the agriculture agency allowed emergency exemptions for 75

manure applications on snow before Dec. 15 and another 19 during the wintertime ban when farms ran out of manure pit capacity. Officials said that number was higher than usual, according to the VPR story. The VPR story quoted an agency official as saying the agency granted the exemption to the Panton farm because it was thought it would be better to have the manure spread than to have a certain overflow from a manure pit. At the same time, officials said manure is not allowed to enter waterways, and the Panton spreading was investigated along with three other cases.

• Fiscal year 2019 — $72.01. • Fiscal year 2020 — $81.90. SEWER RATES Meanwhile, the typical residential user of the municipal sewer system will see a new quarterly charge of $93.06, based on 9,300 gallons of use. That’s a $1 increase compared to FY 2019. The new charge includes a base rate of $30, and a “usage” fee of $6.78 per 1,000 gallons used. The new $2.7 million wastewater budget represents an increase of $73,741 compared to this year that will cover increased administrative charges, a bump of $62,772 for capital improvements, meter upgrades and changes in employee compensation. The annual Middlebury wastewater charge, for the average residential user, was $354.36 in fiscal year 2018. It was $368.28 in fiscal year 2019, and is now $372.24 based on the selectboard’s decision. Werner stressed the importance of keeping pace with water and sewer main upgrades. Expensive

repairs are often the byproduct of deferred maintenance, Werner noted. “Residents and businesses want reliability, as in any utility,” Werner said. The town’s top priority water project right now, according to Werner, is to upgrade a stretch of main at the nexus of Washington Street, Court Square and on Court Street, extending to the Mary Hogan southern driveway. “We’ve had some expensive repairs in that section,” he said. “We’re in the process of getting engineering proposals for (replacing) that section of water main.” The state of Vermont will is slated to repave all Class 1 highways in Middlebury in 2021. Plans call for the Washington/Court Street project to dovetail with that paving work. “We often hear America isn’t investing enough in its infrastructure,” Werner said. “We’re trying to (turn that tide) here.”

Middlebury (Continued from Page 1A) consider future water rate increases during the next five-or-more years in order to get the capital improvement budget to the desired $784,000 level, according to Werner. Officials believe that could be achieved by fiscal year 2025 with an annual water charge climbing to $543. The goal, according Werner, is to balance the need for increased capital investment with the impact of rate increases on utility ratepayers of all sizes. Middlebury’s water rate includes a base fee that is now $50 for intown users and $55 for out-of-town users. There’s an additional “usage charge” that stands at $3.43 per 1,000 gallons used by in-town customers and $3.63 per 1,000 gallons for out-of-towners. Here’s how quarterly municipal water charges have changed in recent years for Middlebury’s average residential user, based on 9,300 gallons per quarter: • Fiscal year 2018 — $63.79.

PAGE 14A — Addison Independent, Thursday, July 11, 2019

Students (Continued from Page 1A) go when they feel homesick or want Program seemed like the perfect a home cooked meal,” she said. way to take advantage of the influx “We love to eat and cook (with of international students. our students),” Miska said. She The program immediately and her family also enjoy taking received an outpouring their host students of interested families around Vermont and and students. Foley “I think it’s having them over for and her team quickly important for us holidays. Miska feels learned how to manage to get to know that the relationships expectations on both college students she forms with her ends and facilitate host students are good communications because often reciprocal. In return between hosts and there is friction for her generosity students. The host between college and vulnerability, she families are not and town… and receives the same expected to provide it’s important from her students. She students with a place loves to learn about for students to to stay, but rather their different cultures. to invite students to get off campus When Miska began explore life outside the and get to know hosting, her son was FLOR FERNÁNDEZ MONTES, third from left, teaches Brian and Amy Mason and their kids — Elizabeth, campus. Hosts may be the community, seven years old and Sophie and Zachary — how to prepare traditional Argentine empanadas. The Middlebury College student individuals, couples, because it’s her daughter five. and the Weybridge family met through Middlebury’s Friends of International Students Host Program. or extended families. She wanted them “to never the way Many host families learn from early on him. His experience showed him summer. One host daughter brought offers, to have a tie to the college,” and students arrange they assume it that there are different that “you don’t have to share blood her six-month old baby along, she said. to have a weekly is.” cultures out there and with someone to be family. You lovingly dubbed Joselson’s “host “I think it’s important for us — Host mom you can respect and meal together; attend don’t have to spend 17 years of your grandson.” to get to know college students Jutta Miska accept them.” She sees a community activity life with someone to be family.” Joselson has attended dance because often there is friction or event, or take trips this as a powerful way Another host family veteran, recitals, music performances, and between college and town… and throughout the state. And, of course, to counteract racism and hatred. Emily Joselson, has had similarly presentations. She has travelled it’s important for students to get have the students join them to Miska is currently hosting two positive experiences with to British Columbia and Bosnia to off campus and get to know the experience holiday celebrations. students. Abdoul Nasser Bounia, Middlebury students. Joselson visit former students. She has found community, because it’s never Even though the host commitment a rising junior at the college from has been hosting for 14 years, it “so enriching and wonderful” to the way they assume it is,” Miska is modest, Foley and her team Niger, was surprised at how much and “enjoyed visits from (her) learn about and experience different said. also discovered how complicated Miska and her family cared about two original host daughters” this cultures via the FIS program. On an even bigger scale, the the matching process could be. Amy Mason is a newcomer to the program works to create more “There’s never a perfect match or a program. In October 2017, she met cross-cultural understanding. It mathematical formula to calculate her student, Flor Fernández Montes, acts as a form of “citizen-to-citizen whether people will blend well,” and they immediately hit it off. diplomacy,” as Foley puts it. ISSS Administrative Coordinator Mason has enjoyed their cultural “(My husband) Brian and I Carolyn Dahm said. exchange through conversations appreciate the opportunity these Dahm realized through her and through food. Fernández expanded friendship circles have work on the program “how diverse Montes taught her host family how provided as we seek to raise students and hosts are.” As a result, to make empanadas and Argentine our children with an awareness “some matches don’t take off,” cookies called alfajores; in return, of diverse perspectives and Foley said. But it seems that many the family shared their famous backgrounds, which feels especially do, and can even lead to lifelong chocolate crinkle cookie recipe. important when xenophobia and connections, according to Foley. Miska has also bonded with her racism are on the rise in America,” Host mom Jutta Miska has made students over culinary exchanges. Mason said. many such connections in her She and her husband prepare Foley and Dahm will be running 30 years of hosting international traditional German recipes for information sessions throughout the students. Miska and her family Nasser Bounia, and he has cooked summer for interested host families. just attended their first Middlebury Nigerian dishes for his host parents They plan to continue bridging student’s wedding, and have kept in return. cultural and generational divides in contact with many past host Beyond the individual, and often and creating more communication students. tasty, exchanges between hosts and and understanding with their work. Miska herself was an immigrant students, Foley feels the program is For individuals interested in from Germany, and so relates to HOST PARENTS ALAN Hewhe and Emily Joselson receive a visit encouraging unity between college hosting students, more information students feeling lonely or out of from their first FIS Host Program student, Jeanine from Mexico, who and community at large. “It’s a and important dates can be place. “We thought as host parents was back for her 10th Middlebury College reunion, and Goran from way for community members to found online at we could give kids a home they can Bosnia, back for his 5th reunion. participate in what the college international/isss/fis.

The Salisbury Fire Department is grateful to the community and our valued sponsors for their generous help in raising more than $13,000 to bring running water and a septic system to the Salisbury Fire Station. We are nearly half way to our goal of $30,000 and none of it would be possible without you - thank you!

Special thank you to.... Amey Ryan

Amy Nuceder

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Eastview Electric IPJ Real Estate

Jim Meyersburg Kampersville

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National Bank of Middlebury Notte Neapolitan Pizzeria Otter Creek Furniture Parker Excavation

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Two Brothers Tavern

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Steps to follow if you want to be a host family

1) Go to the FIS page at the college’s website, and complete the FIS Student Questionnaire. 2) ISSS typically matches students with hosts twice per year (Fall and Winter) at an informal “matching event” hosted by International Student and Scholar Services. From that point on, program officials say, “the program is what you and your international student make of it. Some families and students meet weekly, while others meet periodically throughout the year for meals, campus events or holiday celebrations. Our hope is that you will form a friendship that will last far beyond the student’s time at Middlebury.” The next matching event is Fall 2019, Saturday morning, Sept. 28. 3) To get involved all host families must attend an information session: Sessions are held during the summer for Fall Term matches, and by appointment for Winter matches. 2019 FIS Information Sessions will be held on: • Monday, July 22: 5:30-6:30 p.m. • Wed., July 24: 5:30-6:30 p.m. • Tuesday, Aug. 6: 12:15-1:15 p.m. • Friday, Aug. 16: 12:15-1:15 p.m. • Monday, Aug. 19: 12:15-1:15 and 5:30-6:30 p.m. • Thursday, Sept. 5: 5:30-6:30 p.m. Can I ask for a student from a certain country? While we cannot guarantee that you would be matched with a student from a particular country, we will consider special requests. All potential hosts will fill out a questionnaire in which they can provide detailed information regarding their interests and expectations. ISSS will use this information as well as the students’ questionnaires to arrange the best matches possible for all involved. Where do the students come from? The incoming class includes over 70 international students from more than 25 countries, including some U.S. students who live abroad. We also match students who are at Middlebury for a year-long exchange program. — Nora Peachin

Thank you!


B Section





• School News • Legal Notices

Canoeing provides outdoor rewards My wife, Deborah, likes to angle for beavers. No, not in the same way that I angle for trout. She doesn’t try to catch them. She definitely would not want to hook them, or net them, or get them to try to eat something that looks like food but isn’t. But when we go out on the water paddling together, seeing a beaver or two is for her a sort of extra reward. This is also true for her of turtles, or osprey, or blue heron, or really any wildlife. But especially beavers. I recently did a radio interview on my new book with a radio program out of New Hampshire. I had a very enjoyable conversation with the host, and it turned out we had fished many of the same waters over the course of our lives, mostly in Maine but also some out west. He told a story (on air) about a day he spent at Lee’s Ferry on the Colorado River in Arizona — a place I have also spent some time fly fishing. After a day of spectacular scenery of vermillion cliffs rising straight out of the water, and California condors with nine-foot wing spans soaring overhead, a ranger asked him if he’d caught any fish. “Yes,” he answered. “A (See Dickerson, Page 3B)


Local golfers vie in state tourneys

MIDDLEBURY — Ralph Myhre Golf Course members fared well in several recent statewide competitions. On July 2 at the Women’s State Day tournament held at the Proctor-Pittsford course, Erika Politano scored the second-place net finish in the top flight, Eva Mastalos earned the third-place gross score in the second flight, and Eileen Sims and Kathy Mackey tied for the first-place net score in the fourth flight. On July 3 at a Vermont Junior Tour event at the Country Club of Vermont, Lucas Politano took second and Thomas Politano finished fifth in the Boys’ 12- and 13-yearold division. On June 23 at Neshobe Golf Course, Greg Scott and Hogan Beazley qualified to compete in this week’s Vermont Amateur Championship in Rutland, which was set to wrap up on Thursday after the deadline for this issue. In regular weekly play at Ralph Myhre, in the Wednesday Men’s Scramble on July 3 the team of Dale White, Josh Newton, Bert Phinney and Ric Wheeler came away with the victory. In Thursday Bill Davidson Men’s Golf, the trio of John Davis, Paul Politano and Lucas Politano celebrated Independence Day with a victory. In Friday Night Mixer play, the threesome of Father Skip Baltz, Deb Hadeka and James Hadeka prevailed.

• Classifieds • Police Logs

Champs splash past host St. Albans By ANDY KIRKALDY ST. ALBANS — The Vergennes Swim Team edged host St. Albans on Tuesday, 244-226, in a Champlain Valley Swim League meet as the Champs evened their record at 2-2. Will Clark won another three of his races for Vergennes, and Annika Smits, Adrienne Smits, Connor Husk and Gideon Palmer picked up two victories apiece to pace the team. The Champs will host Essex on Thursday before visiting Middlebury on this coming Tuesday. Vergennes swimmers earning points for their team with top-three finishes in individual events on this past Tuesday were: BUTTERFLY • U-8 girls: 1. Lauren Husk, 26.71; 3. An. Smits. • U-8 boys: 1. C. Husk, 22.39. • U-10 girls: 1. Ad. Smits, 17.43; 3. Sophia James. (See Champs, Page 3B)

A FRANKLIN COUNTY runner beats the tag of AC pitcher Nolan Whitcomb to score in the second game of a double-header on Sunday in Middlebury. Franklin scored six times in the inning, but AC rallied to win.

Independent photos/Steve James

Legion nine rallies to salvage one vs. Franklin

By ANDY KIRKALDY MIDDLEBURY — Visiting Burlington Tennis Club on Tuesday topped the Middlebury Marlins, 248-202, in a competitive Champlain Valley Swim League Meet. The Marlins came up short despite two victories apiece from Mitzi Poduschnick, Aurora Foley, Sadie Chance, Ava Schneider, Natalie Rockwell and Constantin Bellman. Middlebury is set to visit Winooski this Thursday before hosting (See Marlins, Page 3B)

Playoffs out of reach following 1-3 stretch By ANDY KIRKALDY MIDDLEBURY — The Addison County American Legion baseball team rallied to salvage the last of three weekend games vs. Franklin County, but then dropped a road contest at S.D. Ireland on Tuesday. With that, AC’s record fell to 5-11 in Northern Division play as the local nine nears the summer homestretch. Franklin topped AC this past Friday, 6-2, and on Sunday at Middlebury College Franklin and Addison split a doubleheader, with Franklin taking the opener, 8-2, and AC fighting back to claim the nightcap, 7-6. The weekend results

Baseball players named all-stars ADDISON COUNTY’S TUCKER Stearns is safe at second in the first inning of the home team’s 7-6 win over Franklin in the second game of a doubleheader in Middlebury on Sunday.

left Franklin with a 7-4 Northern Division record, good for a second-place tie with South Burlington behind Colchester (13-1). On Tuesday SDI prevailed,

2-1. Details on that game were unavailable. SDI improved to 7-5 and moved into fourth place in the Northern Division. Records and standings were as of

Wednesday morning. AC will look to get on a late-season roll this weekend, when the team is scheduled to host Barre (2(See Legion, Page 2B)

Leicester’s Piper picks up a victory at Bowl

WEST HAVEN — New York driver Kenny Tremont Jr. did it again on Sunday, winning for the second time in five days and for the fourth straight time at Devil’s Bowl Speedway. Leicester racer Adam Piper also picked up his first victory of the summer that evening. Tremont earned his triumph in the 30-lap Sportsman Modified feature. Tremont started in 18th place and needed some luck to win the race. Early on, Adam Pierson — the only driver to truly keep pace with Tremont so far in 2019 — tangled with Shoreham’s Brent Warren and fell out of contention. Several other frontrunners — including Fletcher’s Joey Roberts, Orwell’s Tim LaDuc and the three racing Hammonds of New Hampshire, Walt, Walter, and Allan, also encountered problems. (See Devil’s Bowl, Page 2B)

BTC edges Marlins in Middlebury

LEICESTER’S ADAM PIPER won the O’Reilly Auto Parts Limited Sportsman race on Rutland Regional Medical Center “Hometown Heroes” Night at Devil’s Bowl Speedway this past Sunday.

Photo credit Jeremy McGaffin/Showstopper Designs & Photography

ADDISON COUNTY — Eighteen members of the Otter Valley, Vergennes, Middlebury and Mount Abraham union high school baseball teams received postseason honors from the Lake Division or the Marble Valley League B Division. From VUHS, Jeffrey Stearns was named the Lake Division Player of the year, and Jarret Muzzy and Tucker Stearns joined him as FirstTeam All-Stars. His peers also voted Commodore Coach Dwight Burkett as the Lake Coach of the Year. Also picked as Lake First-Team All-Stars were Wyatt Cameron and Sean Deering of MUHS. OV was well represented on the MVL First Team: The league’s coaches gave Josh Beayon, Reilly Shannon, Patrick McKeighan and Nate Hudson that honor. Named to the Lake Division Second Team were Mount Abe’s Nolan Whitcomb and Parker Hines, Middlebury’s Hale Hescock, and Commodores Aiden Gardner, Rob Bicknell and Cooper O’Brien. Tiger Jordy Stearns, Commodore Barret Barrows and Eagle Jackson Gepfert received Lake Honorable Mention, and Otter Alex Polli received that distinction from the MVL.

PAGE 2B — Addison Independent, Thursday, July 11, 2019

Devil’s Bowl (Continued from Page 1B) And when Roberts opened the bottom lane with four laps to go, Tremont, a nine-time Bowl champion, seized the moment to take the lead for good. Roberts inherited the lead when Walter Hammond’s throttle stuck wide open on a restart, sending his car flying through a tire barrier in Turn 1. Hammond, who was uninjured, partially cleared the speedway’s northern property line and crossed into the town of Benson. Roberts led 18 laps before

holding on for the runner-up finish. Pierson recovered from his early run-in to come back and earn third. Tremont is now one victory shy of matching his personal-best streak of five consecutive wins at Devil’s Bowl, which he achieved in 2007. The late Vince Quenneville Sr. holds the all-time Modified track record of 11 straight wins, which he set in 1968-69. Piper picked up his first win of the year in the 25-lap Limited Sportsman race. Piper blew an engine on Wednesday, but


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rebounded for the second win of his career. He and Poultney’s Marty Hutchins had an intense dogfight in the final stages of the race, only to be stalled by a late caution flag. Piper broke away at the restart, and Orwell’s James Hanson slipped past Hutchins to finish second. The Super Stocks ran a special two-segment race, with the overall finish based on low-total scoring points. Josh Bussino of Belmont found himself in the catbird seat in the first segment when leader Chris Murray tangled with a lapped car and flipped over just short of the finish line. Bussino won that round to collect one scoring point, with Mark Norris taking two points, Kevin Elliott three, Scott FitzGerald four, and Garrett Given five. Given dominated the second segment and appeared to have the overall victory in hand before two late caution flags bunched the field up and gave Bussino an opportunity for a late pass to steal the overall win. Bussino won with five points (1st, 4th), and Given took second with six points (5th, 1st). P.J. Bleau of Latham, N.Y., scored his second Mini Stock win of the season. Bleau and early leader Jake Barrows of Middlebury had a good battle up front before Bleau was able to pull away. Barrows took second. New York’s Samantha Mulready scored a career-first win in the 500cc Mini Sprint division. Driving hard on the outside lane, Mulready tried multiple times to pass leader Shawn McPhee before pulling the trigger in the final corner and winning a drag race to the checkered flag. McPhee was second by a hair. The winners and local drivers’ results on the Rutland Regional Medical Center “Hometown Heroes” Night were: • Pepsi Sportsman Modified Feature (30 laps): 1. Tremont ; 9. Justin Comes, Middlebury; 16. Tim LaDuc, Orwell; 17. Vince Quenneville Jr., Brandon; 19. Mike Palmer, Salisbury; 26. Brent Warren, Salisbury; 28. Jimmy Ryan, Shoreham. • O’Reilly Auto Parts Limited Sportsman Feature (25 laps): 1. Piper; 2. Hanson; 6. Anthony Warren, Shoreham; 7. Matt Bilodeau, Brandon; 8. Dave Snow, Brandon; 13. Austin Comes, Middlebury. • Super Stock Feature (15 laps x 2): 1. Bussino; 2. Given; 8. Kaleb Shepard, Vergennes; 11. Ronnie Alger, Orwell. • Mini Stock Feature (15 laps): 1. Bleau; 2. Barrows; 13. Scott Cowdrey, Leicester. • Friend Construction 500cc Mini Sprint Feature (15 laps): 1. Mulready; 9. Alyza McKeighan, Brandon.

ADDISON COUNTY FIRST baseman Cooper O’Brien stretches for the throw to make an out in the home team’s win over Franklin in the second game of Sunday’s doubleheader in Middlebury.

Independent photos/Steve James

Legion (Continued from Page 1B) 12) at 5:30 p.m. on Friday and then entertain Essex for a pair of games on Saturday starting at 11 a.m. Coach Cam Curler hoped AC could win the weekend series with Franklin, a necessary result if the local team had designs on one of the four Northern Division playoff spots. But he was happy to see the team rebound late on Sunday to salvage the finale. “We knew we had to win two out of three. So it’s disappointing to win one out of three,” Curler said. “At least we bounced back in the last game, and hopefully we can start to get some momentum.” GAMES VS. FRANKLIN AC threatened to break open Sunday’s nightcap early off FC starter Taylor Yates. Tucker Stearns singled, stole second and trotted home on a Wyatt Cameron double. Cameron scored on Payson Williams’ RBI grounder, with Williams reaching second on a throwing error. Dustin Whitcomb then singled in Williams. AC made it 4-0 in the fourth even though Cameron was nailed trying to stretch a leadoff double into a triple by FC second baseman Karson Fortin’s perfect relay throw. Williams walked, Whitcomb singled again, and Williams scored when FC misplayed a ball hit by Hale Hescock. Meanwhile AC starter Ryan Whitcomb tossed three scoreless innings, stranding five runners after allowing two hits and two walks while fanning one. He ran into a little trouble to open the fourth, allowing a single and a walk while retiring one batter. With his starter’s pitch count mounting, Curler called Ryan’s older brother Nolan Whit-

PAYSON WILLIAMS SCORES for AC as the Franklin catcher can’t handle the throw in the first inning of the second game of a doubleheader. AC rallied to win for a split of the twin bill.

comb to the mound. It wasn’t Nolan Whitcomb’s best day. Mike Roy and Jackson Porter greeted with him with singles, and after Whitcomb walked the next batter Colby Brouillette cleared the bases with a triple to make it 5-4. Whitcomb fanned Kristian Viljanen for the second out, but Liscinsky doubled in Brouillette, and Curler re-emerged from the dugout and waved Jarret Muzzy to the mound. Muzzy got the next batter to fly out to center field to end the threat. Muzzy tossed three more scoreless innings, allowing one hit and two walks while fanning one. He earned the win when AC rallied. AC got one run back in the bottom of the fourth, Yates’ final inning. Tucker Stearns, who reached base four times on two singles and two walks, scored three runs and stole two bases, singled with one out and moved up to second on a balk. From there he scored easily on a Cooper O’Brien double to make it 6-5.






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Viljanen tossed a 1-2-3 fifth inning for FC, but AC rallied with two outs and the bases empty in the sixth. Viljanen walked Devon Kearns and Stearns, and O’Brien lined a single to plate courtesy runner Adam Mansfield and tie the game. Cameron then lined a Viljanen offering into centerfield to score Stearns, and AC had regained the lead at 7-6. Muzzy walked a batter and wildpitched him to second with one out in the top of the seventh, but struck out one batter and retired Fortin on a fly out to Stearns in center to nail down a much-needed victory for AC. “We’ve fallen victim to the big inning many times this year, and it was great to see the big fourth inning not get the best of us,” Curler said. “We got off to a good lead early, and gave it up just like that, but kept chipping away. It was a big run in the fourth, and a big two-out rally in the sixth.” Curler was also happy to see Cameron come up with what proved to be the game-winning hit. “He’s a competitor, and he’s not afraid of anything. You feel good when he’s on the mound, and you feel good when the ball’s hit his way, and you feel good when he’s at the plate,” Curler said. “So it was nice to see him get a couple hits in crucial situations.” In Sunday’s first game FC bunched its hits off Cameron, who has proven to be the team’s ace, to score three runs in the fourth and four in the fifth on the way to the 8-2 victory. In all Cameron allowed 11 hits, 10 in those two innings; hit two batters; walked none and struck out six. Franklin had an 8-0 lead before AC scored on RBI groundouts by Williams and Dustin Whitcomb in the fifth and seventh innings, respectively. FC took a 1-0 lead in the third on a hit batter, stolen base and two errors. In the third FC scored three runs on four straight two-out singles by Kyle Gilbert, Fortin, Roy and Porter. Williams threw out a runner at home from right field to limit the damage. In the fourth FC put the game away with doubles by Johnny Paquette and Viljanen and singles by Brouillette, Liscinsky and Fortin. On Friday at Franklin County in St. Albans Dustin Whitcomb started and went 2.2 innings, taking the loss. Liscinsky singled home two runs in the first, and in the third Viljanen doubled and Liscinsky and Yates singled. FC added two more runs in the fourth off Muzzy on singles by Porter and Brouillette, and RBI grounder and an error. Muzzy tossed a scoreless fifth, and Mansfield threw a scoreless sixth. Williams and Kearns singled home runs for AC in the first and second innings, respectively.

Addison Independent, Thursday, July 11, 2019 — PAGE 3B

Ripton’s Sumner earns win


Prevails in Bowl’s ‘Enduro’ event WEST HAVEN — In dirt track auto racing on July 3, New York driver Kenny Tremont Jr. added to his already impressive win total, and Ripton racer Chris Sumner also picked up a victory at Devil’s Bowl Speedway. Tremont is the leader in all-time victories and championships at Devil’s Bowl Speedway, and his victory on July 3 came with personal milestones attached to it. Tremont dominated the second half of the 100-lap main event in the Sportsman Modified division to take his third consecutive win at Devil’s Bowl and the 85th of his career at the track. The win was the 375th overall victory of his 40-year career, and Tremont has his eye on the century mark at Devil’s Bowl. “We’ve been doing this a long time, and I’ve got a great team and we’re still running well,” Tremont said. “If the breaks keep coming our way, I’d really like to get to 100 wins here at Devil’s Bowl.” (Tremont crept a little closer to that mark with a win on Sunday; see story on Page 1B.) New York’s Alex Bell led the first 50 laps of the race before Tremont completed his march from 18th starting position. Bell dueled with East Corinth’s Adam Pierson from that moment on, and Pierson eventually edged Bell for second place at the finish. Ripton’s Chris Sumner won a 50-lap Enduro Series race on the 0.3mile infield short track, and the tight confines of the track made for some entertaining action. Sumner’s Honda Accord trailed Shawn Fountain for the first 20 laps, but he took over after the first of two red flags and never looked back. Kyle Botala drove a Chevrolet Colorado pickup truck to the runner-up finish. Orwell’s Kenny Torrey finished third, and Middle-

CHRIS SUMNER OF Ripton drove his Honda Accord to victory the Enduro Series race at Devil’s Bowl Speedway in West Haven on July 3.

Courtesy of Bill McGaffin Photos

bury’s Brian Blake was fourth. Plainfield’s Will Hull won the 25-lap feature for the Sprint Cars of New England after a thrilling final five laps. Hull started on the pole but fell back to third place early in the running behind Floyd Billington and Peter Dance. Hull clawed his way back past Dance and reached leader Billington in the stretch drive. Hull made a move on the outside with five laps left, but contact with Billington sent him off the backstretch at full speed. Hull never lifted off the throttle, drove back onto the track, chased Billington down and made a pass on the outside coming out of Turn 4 with one lap left; Billington settled for second. Sixteen-year-old Johnny Bruno of Castleton prevailed in the Limited Sportsman division. The youngster battled out front with Brandon’s Matt Bilodeau for most of the 20-lap distance; Bruno led the first seven circuits before Bilodeau passed him on the outside, but Bruno returned the favor on a lap 12 restart and drove away. Bilodeau took second ahead of Mike Ryan, Anthony Warren of Shoreham and Dave Snow or Brandon. In the 25-lap Super Stock feature West Rutland’s Scott FitzGerald outran his son, Andrew, for the win. Bill Duprey was third, and Orwell’s Garrett Given finished fourth. Shawn Moquin of Milton continued his hot streak by prevailing in the 20-lap feature in the Mini Stock division, taking his third win and fifth top-two finish in five starts. He took the lead just after halfway point

and cruised to the victory. Middlebury’s Jake Barrows came on strong to finish second. Thirteen-year-old rookie Evan Roberts of Fletcher claimed his second win in the 500cc Mini Sprint division. The 20-lap race was cut short to 14 laps by time constraints, but Roberts had already made a nice drive from ninth at the start to take the lead seven laps in. The winners and local finishers at Devil’s Bowl Speedway on July 3 were: • Sportsman Modified division (100-lap Main Event): 1. Tremont; 10. Justin Comes, Middlebury; 15. Vince Quenneville Jr., Brandon; 16. Tim LaDuc, Orwell; 18. Jimmy Ryan, Shoreham; 26. Brent Warren, Salisbury. • Sprint Cars of New England Feature (25 laps): 1. Hull; 7. Lacey Hanson, Orwell. • O’Reilly Auto Parts Limited Sportsman Feature (20 laps): 1. Bruno, 2. Bilodeau; 4. Warren; 5. Snow; 6. James Hanson, Orwell; 11. Austin Comes, Middlebury. • Super Stock Feature (25 laps): 1. FitzGerald; 4. Given; 9. Ronnie Alger, Orwell; 13. Kaleb Shepard, Vergennes. • Mini Stock Feature (20 laps): 1. Moquin; 2. Barrows; 7. Scott Cowdrey, Leicester. • Friend Construction 500cc Mini Sprint Feature (20 laps): 1. Roberts; 6. Kevin Smith, Brandon; 11. Alyza McKeighan, Brandon. • Enduro Series Feature (50 laps): 1. Sumner; 3. Torrey; 4. Blake; 7. Ethan White, Leicester.

• U-18 girls: 1. Anna Rakowski, 33.89; 3. Anna Doucet. • U-18 boys: 2. Adam Clark. BREASTSTROKE • U-8 girls: 1. R. Muzzy, 26.28; 2. Isabella De La Cruz. • U-8 boys: 1. Sk. James, 32.07. • U-10 girls: 2. So. James; 3. Eloise Eckels. • U-10 boys: 1. W. Clark, 20.39; 2. Noah Smits. • U-12 girls: 3. Amelia LaMothe. • U-12 boys: 1. G. Fearon, 51.72; 2. Rudolf Vorsteveld. • U-14 girls: 1. C. Rapoport, 35.81; 2. Ac. Clark. • U-14 boys: 1. G. Palmer, 37.59; 2. Nate Muzzy. • U-18 girls: 2. Sydney Jewell; 3. J. Jewell.

• U-18 boys: 2. N. Engvall; 3. Dylan Rapoport. FREESTYLE • U-8 girls: 1. An. Smits, 18.64; 2. R. Muzzy. • U-8 boys: 1. C. Husk, 19.63; 3. Greyson VanderWey. • U-10 girls: 1. Ad. Smits, 15.11. • U-10 boys: 1. W. Clark, 14.64; 2. Q. LeBeau. • U-12 girls: 3. A. LaMothe. • U-12 boys: 2. G. Fearon. • U-14 girls: 2. C. Rapoport; 3. Ac. Clark. • U-14 boys: 1. G. Palmer, 31.65; 2. Nate Muzzy. • U-18 girls: 2. J Jewell; 3. S. Jewell. • U-18 boys: 3. N. Engvall.


hen Dam. Dunmore isn’t a great place for beavers. It’s too busy with boat traffic. But we do often see loons there, and bald eagles. And turtles. Our recent trip to Goshen Dam was even more fruitful. Not only did a couple beavers come out and warn the world of our presence by proceeding to slap their tails several times on the water, but we also saw a loon mother carrying a fluffy little chick on her back. Eventually, after the mud from yet another hard rain settled, we finally made it out on Otter Creek and paddled up from Huntington Falls to the confluence of the New Haven River and the base of the rapids below Belden Falls. I brought my rod and took several casts, in both likely looking smallmouth water and in some water I thought might hold trout. I didn’t catch anything. We did see numerous kingfishers and two families of ducks, both with too many ducklings to number. We listened to wood thrush singing to us from the woods, and watched damselflies and dragonflies dance above the water surface. We marveled at the majesty of some big old riverside sycamores. Deborah also saw three beavers. But who’s counting?

Green Mountain Foster Grandparent Program


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would like to thank the following businesses for their generous donations to help us raise over


Students broke 700 boards - during our Break-a-Thon

Marlins (Continued from Page 1B) friendly county rival Vergennes this coming Tuesday. Marlins scoring points with topthree finishes this past Tuesday vs. BTC were: BUTTERFLY • U-8 girls: 1. M. Poduschnick, 20.38; 2. A. Foley. • U-8 boys: 1. C. Bellman, 20.38. • U-10 girls: 1. S. Chance, 18.42; 2. Sarah Bevere. • U-10 boys: 1. Daniel Power, 20.95. • U-12 girls: 1. A. Schneider, 33.37; 3. Lucy Poduschnick. • U-14 girls: 1. N. Rockwell, 33.55; 2. Catherine Carpenter. • U-14 boys: 2. Connor McNamara; 3. Aidan Chance. • U-18 girls: 2. Holly Staats. • U-18 boys: 1. Fraser Milligan,27.74; 2. Eliot Schneider. BACKSTROKE • U-8 girls: 1. A. Foley, 22.77. • U-8 boys: 1. Paul Foley, 26.37; 3. Reed Allen. • U-10 girls: 3. Eleanor Orten. • U-10 boys: 2. Isaiah Robinson; 3. D. Power. • U-12 girls: 3. Margaret Orten. • U-14 girls: 2. N. Rockwell. • U-18 girls: 3. H. Staats. • U-18 boys: 2. Oliver Poduschnick; 3. Will Carpenter. BREASTSTROKE • U-8 girls: 1. M. Poduschnick, 24.24. • U-8 boys: 2. C. Bellman.

me. We canoe a variety of waters: various sections of Otter Creek in between the local dams, bigger lakes down in the valley like Bristol Pond or Lake Dunmore, and mountain ponds like Goshen Dam. Most of our favorite state parks are also on water, and we bring our canoe when we go camping—taking it for morning or evening paddles. Depending on the water, I might be after pike, bass, trout, or even some rarer fish like a bowfin. The point of the trip isn’t to catch fish. The point is to enjoy the water and activity of propelling a watercraft across it by our own power, to appreciate the beauty of Vermont’s mountains and the shapes and colors of their slopes, or the variety and majesty of trees lining the shorelines: cedars, oaks, sycamore, maples. And especially the point is just to enjoy time together. Sometimes I don’t even bother casting, if the conditions don’t look very promising and I don’t want to make Deborah stop the canoe. But Deborah always looks for turtles and beavers. As a result of the unusually high levels of Otter Creek, which resulted from the unusual amount of rain we’ve been receiving, our paddling season began this year on Dunmore and Gos-

TaeKwon Do KICKS

Champs (Continued from Page 1B) • U-10 boys: 1. W. Clark, 17.57; 2. Quinn LeBeau. • U-12 girls: 2. Nola Roberts. • U-12 boys: 3. Grey Fearon. • U-14 girls: 1. Acadia Clark, 32.29; 3. Carlyn Rapoport. • U-18 girls: 2. Jordan Jewell; 3. Grace LeBeau. • U-18 boys: 3. Noah Engvall. BACKSTROKE • U-8 girls: 1. An. Smits, 24.46; 3. Reese Muzzy. • U-8 boys: 2. Skylar James. • U-10 girls: 2. Eleanor Brooks. • U-10 boys: 3. Clark Crary. • U-12 girls: 3. Elise Parker. • U-12 boys: 3. Julian Potter. • U-14 girls: 3. Frances Eckels. • U-14 boys: 3. Calder Rakowski.

(Continued from Page 1B) nice bonus, isn’t it?” the ranger said. I understood my host’s point at once, just as he’d understood the ranger’s point. Appreciating the beauty of the place is a big part of why we fish. Often times, it’s enough. However catching a few fat, gorgeously colored trout is a pretty nice addition. There have been a few days in my life where all the conditions were perfect and I caught so many fish I lost track. Usually, however, at the end of a fishing trip, I can tell you how many fish I caught (and sometimes even how many I lost), and what type of fly each took, and where I hooked it. It isn’t that I’m intentionally tallying some score, as though the number of fish I catch is critical to the trip being a “success.” I have had more than one steelhead fishing trip where I landed nothing, and still had a great time. It’s more that each individual fish is such a pleasure to dance with for a short time, that the experience is embedded in my memory. That’s how Deborah feels about beavers and turtles. They are, for her, the bonuses on our canoeing outings. When we go paddling together, I usually bring a fishing rod with

which allowed us to support • U-10 girls: 2. S. Chance; 3. S. Bevere. • U-10 boys: 1. I. Robinson, 25.00. • U-12 girls: 2. Kaitlyn Sulik-Doty; 3. L. Poduschnick. • U-14 girls: 3. C. Carpenter. • U-14 boys: 2. C. McNamara; 3. Patrick Stone. • U-18 girls: 1. Ellie Ross, 35.43; 3. H. Staats. • U-18 boys: 2. O. Poduschnick; 3. F. Milligan. FREESTYLE • U-8 girls: 1. A. Foley, 18.35; 2. M. Poduschnick.

• U-8 boys: 1. C. Bellman, 19.25; 3. P. Foley. • U-10 girls: 1. S. Chance, 17.03; 2. Louisa Orten. • U-10 boys: 3. D. Power. • U-12 girls: 1. A. Schneider, 30.54; 3. L. Poduschnick. • U-12 boys: 3. Gabriel Schmidt. • U-14 girls: 1. N. Rockwell, 29.43. • U-14 boys: 2. A. Chance; 3. P. Stone. • U-18 girls: 3. E. Ross. • U-18 boys: 1. O. Poduschnick, 23.94; 3. W. Carpenter.

the Vergennes Boys & Girls Club, Addison Central School District Leg-Up Fund, and Project Hoeppner.

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Self defense classes available for men, women and children, as well as workplace seminars and birthday parties. Locations in Middlebury, Shoreham, Orwell, Vergennes and Hinesburg

PAGE 4B — Addison Independent, Thursday, July 11, 2019




65 Annual


AUCTION and B-B-Q On the Middlebury Village Green Rain Location: Memorial Sports Center

Wednesday, July 17th B-B-Q AT 4:30pm - 6pm

ONLY $1300

½ Chicken - Macaroni Salad - Potato Salad Rolls & Butter - Iced Tea - Lemonade - Water - Ice Cream


Auction stArts At 6 PM shArp For more information call Roger Desabrais Jr. at 802-236-9978 or Matt at 758-2813

Auction items from these local businesses! Addison County Solid Waste Mgt. District • Addison County Transit Resources (ACTR) Addison Independent • American Flatbread • Buds Barber Shop • County Tire Center, Inc. • Danforth Pewters • Desabrais Glass • Desabrais Laundry & Dry Cleaners • Distinctive Paint & Interiors • Fire & Ice • Floyd’s Automotive • Forth ‘N Goal • Frog Hollow Bikes • Green Peppers Restaurant • Inn on The Green • J P Carrara & Son • junebug • Laberge Insurance Agency, Inc. & Tourterelle Restaurant Maple Landmark • Marquis Theater • Middlebury Bagel & Deli • Middlebury Inn Middlebury Natural Food Co-op • Mike’s Fuels • Mikes Auto & Towing • My Kim Nails • Neat Repeats Resale Shop • Neshobe Golf Course • Purple & Sage Property Maintenance • RK Miles • Ralph Myhre Golf Course • Travel Associates • UPS Store • Vermont Field Sports • Vermont Sun Fitness Center • Vermont Folklife Center • Vermont Shade & Blind •Vermont National Ag Products Inc. (Moo) • Waterfalls Day Spa •Weybridge Garage • Woodchuck’s Hard Cider • Woodware


th Anniversary

Point CounterPoint Faculty Concert Series

Friday, June 28, 7:30pm: Salisbury Congregational Church Friday, July 12, 7:30pm: Middlebury Town Hall Theater Thursday, Aug 1, 8pm: Mead Chapel, Middlebury College sponsored by the Language Schools

Friday, Aug 9, 7:30pm: Salisbury Congregational Church

Friday, Aug 30, 7:30pm: Middlebury Unitarian Universalist Church

Friday, Sept 6, 7:30pm: Middlebury Unitarian Universalist Church Free-will Donation Wheelchair Accessible

community Jul


a.m.-noon, Vergennes Falls Park, 103 Mechanic St. Meet at the library and walk over to the park together to explore and play. Event is weather dependent. Bring a picnic lunch and a drink. Kids under 8 must have an adult (16 years or older) with them. Free, registration required. Questions? Contact Rachel Plant, at rachel. or 802-877-2211, or register at Age Well senior luncheon in Middlebury. Wednesday, July 17, 11:15 a.m. Middlebury rec Center, 154 Creek Rd. Doors open at 11:15 a.m. Meal served at noon of Pork chow mein, brown rice with veggies, broccoli cauliflower blend, wheat bread and grapes. Bring your own place setting. $5 suggested donation. 72 hours advanced notice required. Call Michelle to reserve 802-377-1419. Open to anyone age 60 and up and their spouse of any age. Free ride may be provided. Call ACTR at 802-388-2287 to inquire. Middlebury Lions Club annual auction and chicken barbeque in Middlebury. Wednesday, July 17, 4 p.m., on the green. Meal includes half-chicken, salads, baked beans, roll, drink and ice cream, all for $13. Pick-ups available. More info at 802-388-7124. “Au Revoir Les Enfants” on screen in Middlebury. Wednesday, July 17, 6-8:30 p.m., Community Room, Ilsley Public Library, 75 Main St. This classic French film explores what could have been a friendship between a French boy and a German Jewish boy. The screening, in French with English subtitles, commemorates the Vel’ d’Hiv Roundup of July 16-17 1942, when the French Police, under the direction of the Nazis, arrested between 7,000 and 14,000 Parisian Jews. Following the screening, Middlebury College Professor emeritus Simon Barenbaum will share a few memories of July 16, 1942.


Age Well Button Bay picnic in Ferrisburgh. Thursday, July 11, 10:30 a.m., Button Bay State Park, Button Bay Rd. Music by Deuces Wild starts at 11 a.m. BBQ served at noon of BBQ chicken, cheeseburger sliders, baked beans, broccoli salad, pasta salad, watermelon and cookie. Milk and ice water also served. Music, 50/50 raffle and door prizes sponsored by Vergennes Area Seniors Association. No early birds. Advanced tickets only by Monday, July 8. Park admission free with Green Mountain Passport, otherwise entry free of $4/ person. Call Michelle to arrange 802-377-1419. Open to anyone age 60 and up and their spouse of any age. Free ride may be provided. Call ACTR at 802-3882287 to inquire. Diabetes Self-Management Program in Middlebury. Begins Thursday, July 11, 4-6:30 p.m., Congregational Church of Middlebury, 2 Main St. For those who struggle with the daily tasks of managing diabetes, this program is designed to help. The six-week session begins Thursday, July 11 and is free and open to everyone in the community. To participate contact Courtney Thorn at 802388-8860 or Coyote talk with Chris Schadler in Middlebury. Thursday, July 11, 6-7:30 p.m. Community Room, Ilsley Public Library. 75 Main St. Schadler’s 30 years of wolf and coyote research provides unique insight the eastern coyote. Learn the true story of how and when it arrived in New England, how it lives among us but is rarely seen, and how it contributes to keep our forests and fields healthy. Free and open to the public.




Age Well Senior Luncheon in Bristol. Friday, July 12, 11:30 a.m., Mary’s, Route 116. Doors open at 11:30 a.m., meal served at noon of watermelon feta salad, turkey burger with cranberry orange relish, potato salad, coleslaw and strawberry shortcake. 72 hours advanced notice required. Call Michelle to reserve 802-377-1419. $5 suggested donation does not include gratuity. Open to anyone age 60 and up and their spouse of any age. Free ride may be provided. Call ACTR at 802-3882287 to inquire.




Green Mountain Club Breadloaf section dog-friendly hike in Hancock. Saturday, July 13, Long Trail and Burnt Hill. A moderate to strenuous 6- to 7-mile hike on the Long Trail and Burnt Hill. Bring snacks and water. Plan for an early start. Dog friendly. Contact leader Ellen Cronan at or 908-595-2926 for details. More activities at Monthly wildlife walk in Middlebury. Saturday, July 13, 7 a.m., Otter View Park, intersection of Weybridge St. and Pulp Mill Bridge Rd. Otter Creek Audubon and the Middlebury Area Land Trust invite community members to help survey birds and other wildlife at Otter View Park and the Hurd Grassland. Birders of all ages and abilities welcome. More info at 802-3886019 or 802-388-1007. Cold roast turkey and in Vergennes. Saturday, July 13, 5-6:30 p.m., Vergennes United Methodist Church, Main Street, across from the Vergennes Opera House. Menu includes cold roasted turkey, potato salad, broccoli salad, rolls, dessert and beverage served buffet style. Tickets $9 for adults/$5 for children. Take out available. More info at 802-877-3150. Moth Night in Middlebury. Saturday, July 13, 8 p.m., Community Room, Ilsley Public Library, 75 Main St. Guest speaker and Vermont moth expert JoAnne Russo will give an informative presentation on the vast diversity of moths in Vermont, their lives and how you can observe them. Jennifer Murdoch will be on hand with live caterpillar and moths. After the presentation, we will move to a nearby Middlebury location for a live moth viewing.





Vermont Sun Triathlon Series in Salisbury. Sunday, July 14, Branbury State Park, 3570 Lake Dunmore Rd. Sprint distance. Includes new aqua/bike option and the return of the Branbury Classic paddle option. More info at or info@ Green Mountain Bicycle Club Monkton Ridge Ride through Addison and Chittenden counties. Sunday, July 14, meets at 8:45 a.m., Shelburne Village Shopping Center. Three options: 23 (E), 38 (M) and 43 (M) miles. Rides travel some familiar roads and some less traveled. The short ride will not ascend to Monkton Ridge but all rides will have some nice descents. Lots of food stops available along the way. More info contact Brian Howard at 802-505-1148 or, or Matt Kuivinen at 802-8819045 or Finding the Green Mountain Boys Project in Orwell. Sunday, July 14, 2-3:30 p.m., Mount Independence State Historic Site, 497 Mount Independence Rd. Members of the Green Mountain Boys Project will talk about their work the past three years on researching the Green Mountain Boys of Vermont, and their recent focus on Shoreham, looking for their tombstones, cemetery clearing, and their new project in Orwell. With the Shoreham Historical Society. Kimberly Paul, end of life author, in Middlebury. Sunday, July 14, 3-5 p.m., Champlain Valley Unitarian Universalist Society, 2 Duane Ct. Paul, an author, podcaster and speaker on the end of life, will lead a community conversation on “The Three Things We Have in Common” as part of her Vermont tour. Free and open to the public. More info contact Laurie Borden at 802-388-4111 or




Kimberly Paul, end of life author, in Middlebury. Monday, July 15, 10:3011:30 a.m., Community Room, EastView at Middlebury 100 EastView Ter. Author, podcaster and speaker Kimberly Paul gives at presentation for caregivers, Presentation “Lessons I Learned From the Dying,” a bridging the gap book presentation. Free and open to the public. More info contact Laurie Borden at 802-388-4111 or Age Well senior luncheon in Bristol. Monday, July 15, Cubbers, Main St. Doors open at 10:45 a.m. Meal served at 11 a.m. Chef’s Choice — always delicious. $5 suggested donation does not include gratuity. 72 hours advanced notice required. Call Michelle to reserve 802-377-1419. Open to anyone age 60 and

50 years ago

APOLLO 11 LANDED on the Moon 50 years ago this month. Many events are taking place around Addison County to mark the anniversary, from summer reading programs and activities at all the local libraries to a talk on the legacy of Apollo 11 at the Ilsley Library on July 15, from 1-2 p.m., to the Fritz Lang silent film “Woman on the Moon” at Brandon Town Hall on Saturday, July 13. Check the Addison Independent calendar here and online for details.

up and their spouse of any age. Free ride may be provided. Call ACTR at 802-388-2287 to inquire. “The Legacy of Apollo 11” in Middlebury. Monday, July 15. 1-2 p.m., Community Room, Ilsley Public Library, 75 Main St. Middlebury resident and former NASA senior science writer Louis Varricchio offers a 50-year look back at the historic and scientific legacy of the United States’ first mission to land astronauts on the Moon in July 1969. Kimberly Paul, end of life author, in Middlebury. Monday, July 15, 3:30-4:30 p.m., Community Room, EastView at Middlebury 100 EastView Ter. Paul, an author, podcaster and speaker on the end of life, will lead a talk on “Advance Care Planning -Facing the Elephant in the Room” A movement starts with an empowered community. Free and open to the public. More info contact Laurie Borden at 802-388-4111 or




Age Well senior luncheon in Vergennes. Tuesday, July 16, 10 a.m., Vergennes Area Seniors Armory Lane Senior Housing, 50 Armory Ln. Doors open at 10 a.m. for bingo and coffee hour. SASH Health Awareness program at 11:15 a.m. Meal served at 12 noon of cheese tortellini alfredo, zucchini, wheat roll, and watermelon. Bring your own place setting. $5 suggested donation. 72 hours advanced notice required. Call Michelle to reserve 802-377-1419. Open to anyone age 60 and up and their spouse of any age. Free ride may be provided. Call ACTR at 802-388-2287 to inquire. “Recycling Right” presentation in Middlebury. Tuesday, July 16, 10:30-11:30 a.m., Community Room, EastView at Middlebury, 100 Eastview Ter. Jessie-Ruth Corkins, Public Outreach Coordinator for Addison County Solid Waste Management District, will deliver a presentation and answers questions on proper waste and recycling procedures. Free and open to the public. Blood pressure and foot care clinic in Brandon. Tuesday, July 16. 11 a.m., Conant Sq. The cost of the foot clinic is $10. No appointment necessary. “Understanding American Politics in the Age of Trump” in Middlebury. Tuesday, July 16,12:30-2 p.m., Community Room, EastView at Middlebury, 100 Eastview Ter. Middlebury College Professor Matt Dickinson returns to Eastview for the fourth in a series of six biweekly, lively and engaging “Political Luncheon” talks. Free and open to the public. Great Brandon Auction in Brandon. Tuesday, July 16, 2 p.m., Estabrook Park, 1 mile north of Town. Brandon’s 30th annual benefit auction offering quality goods and services. Special items and the regular collection of attic treasures and barn bargains. New art, merchandise, gift certificates, antiques, furniture and lots of surprises. Preview at 2 p.m., gavels falls at 4 p.m. Cash or good check accepted. Auctioneer Barb Watters. Rain or shine. More info at 802-2476401 or The Brandon Chamber’s main annual fundraiser. Rise and Walk in Middlebury. Tuesday, July 16, 5:15 p.m., Mary Hogan Elementary School, Mary Hogan Dr. The kickoff for getting healthier in Middlebury. Walk 30 miles in 30 days this summer and enter to win great prizes. Learn where to park for a quick one-mile walk into the downtown, join group walks with UVM-Porter doctors talking about specific healthrelated topics and have fun getting yourself moving. At this walk meet Porter Medical Center President Seleem Choudhury, President/COO Porter Medical Center. Free. More info at Simulated automobile pile-up in New Haven. Tuesday, July 16, 7 p.m., Addison County Fair and Field Days, 1790 Field days Rd. You’ve seen them on the highway; now see them up close and personal. Local fire and rescue will be simulating a 5-car pileup. Admission and parking is free. Town Line First Response’s regularly scheduled training will be open to the public to educate people about what goes on at large accident scene without having to rubberneck on the highway.



WEDNESDAY Bixby Story Hour Field Trip in Vergennes. Wednesday, July 17, 10:30




Age Well Senior Luncheon in Vergennes. Thursday, July 18, 10 a.m., Vergennes Area Seniors Armory Lane Senior Housing, 50 Armory Ln. Doors open at 10 a.m. for coffee hour. Meal served at noon of chicken-n-biscuits, mashed potatoes, carrots with dill, and pumpkin cake. Bring your own place setting. $5 suggested donation. 72 hours advanced notice required. Call Michelle to reserve 802-377-1419. Open to anyone age 60 and up and their spouse of any age. Free ride may be provided. Call ACTR at 802-388-2287 to inquire. “John Adams, An Unsung President of the United States,” in Bristol. Thursday, July 18, 7 p.m., Howden Hall, 17 West St. The Bristol Historical Society welcomes Cliff Adams for this presentation. Free and open to the public. More info call Steve Ayotte at 802-453-7709. Linda Radtke, “Vermont History Through Song” in Salisbury, Friday, July 19, 7:30 p.m., Salisbury Congregational Meeting House, 853 Maple St. Part of the 40th Annual Summer Performance Series, with support from the Salisbury Historical Society, Free-will donation.




Pre-schoolers at the Point in West Addison. Friday, July 19, 10:30-11:15 a.m., Chimney Point State Historic Site, 8149 Route 17W. Bring your preschooler to enjoy story and craft time at Chimney Point. Topics relate to the history of Chimney Point and may include archaeology, bridges, boats, clocks, post offices, or lighthouses. A parent or responsible adult must be with the child. Ages 3 to 5. Well-behaved siblings welcome. Bring snacks if you like. Call 802-759-2412 for topic. Suggested donation $5 per family. Peter Stumpf, cello; Cynthia Huard, piano, in Rochester. Friday, July 19, 7 p.m., Federated Church of Rochester, 15 N. Main St. Stumpf and Huard will plays works by Beethoven, Schumann, Dvořάk and Fauré. Middlebury College music professor Larry Hamberlin will give a preconcert talk at 7 p.m., followed by the concert at 7:30 p.m. Admission by donation, More info at or 802-767-9234.




Green Mountain Club Breadloaf section Paddle in Bristol. Saturday, July 20, Bristol Pond. An easy two-hour flat-water morning paddle. Bring your own canoe or kayak, paddle and PFD (required). Contact leader Kathy Duclos at or 802-453-2149 for more information. More activities at gmcbreadloaf. org. Summer Breakfast in Shoreham. Saturday, July 20, 8:30-10:30 a.m., Shoreham Congregational Church, 28 School Rd. Feast on blueberry pancakes, French toast, quiche, home fries, sausages, fruit and beverages as you chat with your friends and neighbors. Tickets $8 for adults, $4 for children, and $20 for families. Bring a non-perishable food or personal care item for the Food Shelf to help those in need. Fireman’s muster in Middlebury. Saturday, July 20, beginning at noon, Woodchuck Hard Cider, 1321 Exchange St. Muster games, kids’ games, equipment demonstrations, vendors and fire apparatus judging. Tours of Woodchuck and Maple Landmark also available. Part of the Firefighter’s convention hosted by Middlebury. Marshall Highet in Middlebury. Friday, July 20, 2-3 p.m., Community Room, Ilsley Public Library, 75 Main St. Join Highet as she reads from her latest book, “Hold Fast.” For ages 8-14. Landscape architect Peter Ker Walker in Middlebury. Saturday, July 20, 2 p.m. Middlebury Town Offices, Main St. Ker Walker will discuss his post-Dan Kiley career. He and Ian Tyndall began working with Dan Kiley in the mid-1960s, and began the firm known as Kiley, Tyndall, Walker in 1974 and worked together through 1979. Tickets $5 general public/ Sheldon Museum members free. In conjunction with the Sheldon’s Dan Kiley exhibit. More info at for information. Goshen Gallop XLI in Goshen. Saturday, July 20, 4 p.m., Blueberry Hill. Register for “the toughest 10k in New England” at Moss Glen Grange barbeque in Granville. Saturday, July 20, 5-7 p.m., Moss Glen Grange, 82 Post Office Hill Rd. Come celebrate 71 years of the Moss Glen Grange serving the community. Menu includes chicken, ribs, hamburgers, hot dogs and pulled pork. Also lots of side salads and dessert. Join in for a night on the town with good food and great company. Tickets at the door. More info call 802-767-4600. King Pede card party in Ferrisburgh. Saturday, July 20, 6:30 p.m., Ferrisburgh Community Center, Route 7. The evening begins with a sandwich supper and then on to the games. King Pede is a unique game that involves “trick-taking” techniques such as in Hearts and Spades or Pitch. A game of fun and skill. Come prepared to use your strategic thinking.



Astronomy night in Hubbardton. Saturday, July 20, 7-11 p.m., Hubbardton Battlefield State Historic Site, 5696 Monument Hill Rd. It’s the 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11 Lunar Landing. Weather permitting, talk with the members of the Green Mountain Astronomers while enjoying the Town Family Fun, then after the fireworks enjoy the night sky. The astronomers share their knowledge and telescopes. Where were you 50 years ago when the first astronauts landed on the moon? More info and to confirm event at 802-273-2282. Steve Kirby in Brandon. Saturday, July 20, at 7:30 p.m., Brandon Music, 62 Country Club Rd. Concert tickets $20. Pre-concert dinner available for $25. Reservations required for dinner and recommended for the show. Venue is BYOB. More info contact Edna at 802-247-4295 or e-mail




Tea Cup Fairy Workshop in Middlebury. Sunday, July 21, 1:30-3 p.m., Sheldon Museum, 1 Park St. Fairy House artist Sally J. Smith will show participants a few of her amazing fairy houses now on view at the museum. She will share some of her tips for creating fairy houses and provide inspiration for the activity. Fairy costumes welcome. All necessary materials provided. For ages 5 and up, accompanied by an adult. Cost $10 per child. Space is limited. Reserve and pay in advance by calling the Sheldon at 802-388-2117. “Blast from the Past: How to Weed Your Attic” in West Addison. Sunday, July 21, 2-4 p.m., Chimney Point State Historic Site, 8149 Route 17W. Archivists Elizabeth H. Dow and Lucinda P. Cockrell advise you how to weed your attic. They will share their insights, and then are available to give advice. Bring questions or items you have questions about. Gregg Humphrey and Mike Connor perform in New Haven. Sunday, July 21, 2-4 p.m., Lincoln Peak Winery, 142 River Rd. Relax on the porch with wine and live music. Wine available by the glass. Music is rain or shine on the covered porch (we’ll move indoors if it’s pouring).





MONDAY Vergennes City Band concert in Vergennes. Monday, July 22, 7 p.m., City Park.


Age Well senior luncheon in Vergennes. Tuesday, July 23, 10 a.m., Vergennes Ares Seniors Armory Lane Senior Housing, 50 Armory Ln. Doors open at 10 a.m. for bingo and coffee hour. Meal served at noon of Italian chicken fingers with bbq sauce, peas and carrots, diced potatoes, wheat roll, and fruit cocktail with cream. Bring your own place setting. $5 suggested donation. Call Michelle to reserve 802-377-1419. Open to anyone age 60 and up and their spouse of any age. Free ride may be provided. Call ACTR at 802-388-2287 to inquire. Writer Rick Hawley in Middlebury. Tuesday, July 23, 3-4:15 p.m., Community Room, EastView at Middlebury, 100 Eastview Ter. Hawley will read from and discuss his new memoir “On My Way Out,” in which he conveys some of the surprises, strangeness, and beauty of late life. Rise and Walk in Middlebury. Tuesday, July 23, 5:15 p.m., Mary Hogan Elementary School, Mary Hogan Dr. Walk 30 miles in 30 days this summer and enter to win great prizes. Learn where to park for a quick one-mile walk into the downtown, join group walks with UVM-Porter doctors talking about specific healthrelated topics and have fun getting yourself moving. Dan Huber MD, Primary Care Middlebury, will walk and talk about “Pre-diabetes What to Do?” Free. More info at




4-H Day at the Morgan Horse Farm in Weybridge. Wednesday, July 24, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., University of Vermont Morgan Horse Farm, 74 Battell Dr. A chance for 4-H’ers and other visitors to tour the farm to learn about the Morgan horse, the breed’s history and the farm’s breeding program. Farm staff also will share information about apprenticeship and internship programs. 4-H members and leaders free with a 4-H membership card. General public $5 adult/$3 5-17 years old/ Under 5 free. Children’s Revolutionary storytime in Orwell. Wednesday, July 24, 10:30-11:30 a.m., Mount Independence State Historic Site, 497 Mount Independence Rd. Children, ages 6 to 10, are invited to come, with a responsible adult, to an hour of story time, with books, hands-on activities, simple crafts relating to the Revolutionary War time-period and history of Mount Independence, and some outdoor time if weather permits. Bring snacks if you like or a picnic to enjoy afterwards. Suggested donation of $5 per family. More info at 802-948-2000. Age Well senior luncheon in Shoreham. Wednesday, July 24, 11 a.m., Halfway House, Route 22A. Doors open and meal served at 11 a.m. until all are served. Soup of the day, sandwich of the day, coleslaw and dessert. 72 hours advanced notice required, call Michelle to reserve 802-377-1419. $5 suggested donation does not include gratuity. Open to anyone age 60 and up and their spouse of any age. Free ride may be provided. Call ACTR at 802-388-2287 to inquire. Brandon Town Band in Brandon. Wednesday, July 24, 6 p.m., Behind the Brandon Inn. Classic band concert music. Bristol Town Band in Bristol. Wednesday, July 24, 7 p.m., on the green. The Bristol Band has presented outdoor summer band concerts in the gazebo on the Town Green every Wednesday evening in the summer since shortly after the Civil War. Bring a lawn chair, blanket or picnic dinner and enjoy an evening of small town entertainment. There is often a fundraiser barbecue before each concert. Call 802-453-5885 for details. “History Happens Here” presentation in Salisbury. Wednesday, July 24, 7 p.m., Salisbury Congregational Meeting House, 853 Maple St. Glenn Andres will give this Salisbury Historical Society lecture. Free. Gypsy Reel in Brandon. Wednesday, July 24, 7 p.m., Behind the Brandon Inn. High energy stirring music rooted in Celtic traditions world rhythms. Free. Stargazing open house in Middlebury. Wednesday, July 24, 9-10:30 p.m., Mittelman Observatory,

Bicentennial Hall, Bicentennial Way. Get a closer view of Jupiter, a variety of interesting stars, star clusters, and nebulae through the Observatory’s telescopes. Free and open to the public as long as the sky is mostly clear. To confirm go to observatory/ or call the Observatory at 802-443-2266 after 7 p.m. on the evening of the event.




Age Well senior luncheon in Vergennes. Thursday, July 25, 10 a.m., Vergennes Area Seniors Armory Lane Senior Housing, 50 Armory Ln. Doors open at 10 a.m. for bingo and coffee hour. Meal served at noon of roast pork loin, mashed potatoes, garden peas and onions, wheat roll, and apple crisp with cream. Bring your own place setting. $5 suggested donation. 72 hours advanced notice required. Call Michelle to reserve 802-377-1419. Open to anyone age 60 and up and their spouse of any age. Free ride may be provided. Call ACTR at 802-388-2287 to inquire. Modern Times Theater presents “The Astro-nut” in Vergennes. Thursday, July 25, 10:30-11:30 a.m., Community Room, Bixby Memorial Library, 258 Main St. Punch and Judy are at it again. Mr. Punch attempts to be the first puppet in space.. Preregistration required online or at the library, for All Ages. Kids under 8 must have an adult (16 years or older) with them. Free. Registration required. Questions? Contact Rachel Plant, or 802-877-2211, or register at Middle Grade Book Club in Middlebury. Thursday, July 25, 5-6 p.m., The Vermont Book Shop, 38 Main St. A summer book club for kids ages 8-12 that reads fun, engaging books. Read “Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus,” prior to the meeting and come prepared to talk about it … and eat Nino’s pizza. The book is about a spunky girl born without arms and a boy with Tourette syndrome navigating the challenges of middle school, disability, and friendship — all while solving a mystery in a western theme park. Led by Jenny Lyons. Parents are welcome (but not required). More info and RSVP to jenny@vermontbookshop. com. “Mary Poppins” (1964) on screen in Bristol. Thursday, July 25, begins between 7 and 8 p.m., on the green.




Three Day Stampede Toward the Cure for Cystic Fibrosis in Bristol. Friday, July 26, Bristol Rec Field. A gigantic yard sale where all the proceeds go to research into finding a cure for Cystic Fibrosis.

House, 853 Maple St. Part of Salisbury’s 40th Annual Summer Performance Series. Free-will donation.




Green Mountain Club Breadloaf section hike and family outing in Salisbury. Saturday, July 27, Silver Lake and Lenny’s Lookout. An easy to moderate hike, 3.5 miles round trip, with picnic and swimming options. Families are encouraged to join this hike but all are welcome. Contact leader Ruth Penfield at ruthpenfield@gmail. com or 802-388-5407 for details. More activities at Three Day Stampede Toward the Cure for Cystic Fibrosis in Bristol. Saturday, July 27, Bristol Rec Field. A gigantic yard sale where all the proceeds go to research into finding a cure for Cystic Fibrosis. Free books for young children in Middlebury. Saturday, July 27, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Middlebury Farmers Market, VFW, 530 Exchange St. Addison County Readers, sponsor of the pre-school book club Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, will set up a reading nook and will offer a used book to every child. Imagination Library is free to every Addison County Child under age 5. Signup information will be available. “Circus Arts: Step Right Up & Be the Next Performer” in Vergennes. Saturday, July 27, 10 a.m.-noon, Otter Creek Room, Bixby Memorial Library, 258 Main St. Learn new performance skills: hoola hoops, clowning around, and much, much more. Perform for parents at 11:45-noon. Pre-registration required online or at the library, Ages 6-11. Kids under 8 must have an adult (16 years or older) with them. Free. Registration required. Questions? Contact Rachel Plant, rachel. or 802-877-2211, or register at “Legally Blonde the Musical” in Middlebury. Saturday, July 27, 2 p.m., Town Hall Theater, 68 S. Pleasant St. Douglas Anderson directs THT’s Young Company in the fabulously fun award-winning musical based on the movie, “Legally Blonde.” Elle Woods tackles stereotypes and scandal in pursuit of her dreams. Action-packed and exploding with memorable songs and dynamic dances — this musical is so much fun, it should be illegal. L.C. Jazz Swing Dance Band in Brandon. Saturday, July 27, 7 p.m., Brandon Town Hall,1 Conant Sq. Brandon Town Hall welcomes back this 17 piece volunteer Swing Dance Band. They play to have a good time, play fantastic music and support music education through scholarships. Dance the night away or just sit back, relax and tap your toes. Tickets Adults $8/seniors and students $7/couples $14. Cecilia Zabala in Brandon. Saturday July 27, 7:30 p.m., Brandon Music, 62 Country Club Rd. Hailing from Buenos Aires, Argentina, Cecilia Zabala is a rising star on the international music scene. Tickets $20. Pre-concert dinner available for $25. Reservations required for dinner and recommended for show. Venue is BYOB. More info at 802-247-4295 or “Jaws: The Musical” in Lincoln. Saturday, July 27, 7:30 p.m., Zeno Mountain Farm, 950 Zeno Rd. Come see Zeno’s original musical production of “Jaws.”

Addison Independent, Thursday, July 11, 2019 — PAGE 5B

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Moth’s eye view

LEARN ABOUT MOTHS native to Vermont, such as this Polyphemus Moth, when Vermont moth expert JoAnne Russo gives an informative presentation on the vast diversity of moths in Vermont, their lives and how you can observe them at Moth Night, Saturday, July 13, 8 p.m., at Middlebury’s Ilsley Public Library. See live caterpillars and moths, then move outside for live moth viewing.

Age Well senior luncheon in Middlebury. Friday, July 26, 11:30 a.m., Rosie’s, Route 7 South. Doors open at 11:30 a.m., meal served at noon of a cold salad plate with turkey salad, coleslaw, fruit salad, roll and cookie. 72 hours advanced notice required. Call Michelle to reserve 802-377-1419. $5 suggested donation does not include gratuity. Open to anyone age 60 and up and their spouse of any age. Free ride may be provided. Call ACTR at 802-388-2287 to inquire. “Jaws: The Musical” in Lincoln. Friday, July 26, 1 and 7:30 p.m., Zeno Mountain Farm, 950 Zeno Rd. Come see Zeno’s original musical production of “Jaws.” Dayve Huckett in Middlebury. July 26, 3:30-4:30 p.m., Bistro, EastView at Middlebury, 100 EastView Ter. Huckett, Kansas City born, widely traveled as a musician and now settled happily in Vermont, returns to EastView with his joyous finger-picking style guitar and voice, covering many musical styles. Free and open to the public. Free family movie night in Vergennes. Friday, July 26, 6:30-8 p.m., Community Room, Bixby Memorial Library, 258 Main St. Come for a family-friendly PG movie. Comfy seating and free popcorn are always available. Check website for details. Kids under 8 must have an adult (16 years or older) with them. Free. No registration needed. “Legally Blonde the Musical” in Middlebury. Friday, July 26, 7 p.m., Town Hall Theater, 68 S. Pleasant St. Douglas Anderson directs THT’s Young Company in the fabulously fun award-winning musical based on the movie, “Legally Blonde.” Elle Woods tackles stereotypes and scandal in pursuit of her dreams. Action-packed and exploding with memorable songs and dynamic dances — this musical is so much fun, it should be illegal. “Rise!” on screen in Monkton. Friday, July 26, 7 p.m., East Monkton Church, 405 Church Rd. “Rise!” is the fifth episode in professor Henry Louis Gates Jr.’s documentary “The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross.” It highlights the historic events of AfricanAmerican people from 1940-1968. Onion River Jazz Band in Salisbury. Friday, July 26, 7:30 p.m., Salisbury Congregational Meeting

Basin Bluegrass Festival in Brandon. Thursday, July 11-14, all day, Basin Rd. The Michele Fay Band in Hancock. Thursday, July 11, 6:30 p.m., Hancock town green OKAN in Middlebury. Thursday, July 11, 7 p.m., on the green. LowDown Brass Band in Middlebury. Thursday, July 11, 8:30 p.m., on the green. Middlebury Community Music Center House of Rock Campers in Middlebury. Friday, July 12, 11:30 a.m., on the green. Tatiana Lukyanova, carillon, in Middlebury. Friday, July 12, at 6 p.m., Mead Chapel Soule Monde in Middlebury. Friday, July 12, 7 p.m., on the green. Point Counterpoint faculty in Middlebury. Friday, July 12, at 7:30 p.m., Town Hall Theater Big Night in Middlebury. Friday, July 12, 8:30 p.m., on the green. The Vermont Jazz Ensemble in Middlebury. Saturday, July 13, 7 p.m., Main St. Bach Bash in Granville. Saturday, July 13, 7 p.m., Granville Town Hall Twangtown Paramours in Brandon. Saturday, July 13, at 7:30 p.m., Brandon Music. Richard Ruane and Beth Duquette in New Haven. Sunday, July 14, 2-4 p.m., Lincoln Peak Winery. Vergennes City Band concert in Vergennes. Monday, July 15, 7 p.m., City Park. The Plumb Bobs in Brandon. Wednesday, July 17, 7 p.m., Behind the Brandon Inn. Bristol Town Band in Bristol. Wednesday, July 17, 7 p.m., on the green. Mark Harding in Middlebury. Friday, July 19, 3:30-4:30 p.m., EastView at Middlebury. George Matthew Jr., carillon, in Middlebury. Friday, July 19, 6 p.m., Mead Chapel. Peter Stumpf, cello; Cynthia Huard, piano, in Rochester. Friday, July 19, 7 p.m., Federated Church of Rochester. Nathan Evans Fox and Jane Kramer in Brandon. Friday, July 19, at 7:30 p.m., Brandon Music. Steve Kirby in Brandon. Saturday, July 20, at 7:30 p.m., Brandon Music. Gregg Humphrey and Mike Connor perform in New Haven. Sunday, July 21, 2-4 p.m., Lincoln Peak Winery. Vergennes City Band concert in Vergennes. Monday, July 22, 7 p.m., City Park. Bristol Town Band in Bristol. Wednesday, July 24, 7 p.m., on the green. Gypsy Reel in Brandon. Wednesday, July 24, 7 p.m., Behind the Brandon Inn. Dayve Huckett in Middlebury. July 26, 3:30-4:30 p.m., EastView at Middlebury Onion River Jazz Band in Salisbury. Friday, July 26, 7:30 p.m., Salisbury Congregational Meeting House. L.C. Jazz Swing Dance Band in Brandon. Saturday, July 27, 7 p.m., Brandon Town Hall. Cecilia Zabala in Brandon. Saturday July 27, 7:30 p.m., Brandon Music Naomi Vernon in New Haven. Sunday, July 28, 2-4 p.m., Lincoln Peak Winery. Go online to see a full listing of ONGOINGE V E N T S

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Marcel Brunet & Sons, Inc. Windows & Siding Vergennes, VT

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AIRPORT AUTO Self Storage • Low Rates

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Also a good selection of used vehicles 44 School House Hill Road, E. Middlebury



388-0432 • 388-8090

WINDOW TREATMENTS, AWNINGS, SCREENS 298 Maple Street, Middlebury, VT 802.247.3883

Call today to list YOUR ad in our Business & Service Directory


PAGE 8B — Addison Independent, Thursday, July 11, 2019

Addison Independent


Public Meetings

Public Meetings

Public Meetings

Public Meetings

Public Meetings

Public Meetings

Garage Sales

Garage Sales

Garage Sales

ADULT ALL‑ RECOVERY Group Meeting for anyone over 18 who is struggling with addiction disorders. Wednesdays, 3‑4 p.m. at the Turning Point Center (54 Creek Rd). A great place to meet with your peers who are in recovery. Bring a friend in recovery. For info call 802‑388‑4249 or 802‑683‑5569 or visit turn‑

AL‑ANON: FOR FAMI‑ LIES and friends affected by someone’s drinking. Members share experience, strength and hope to solve common problems. New‑ comers welcome. Confiden‑ tial. St. Stephen’s Church (use front side door and go to basement) in Middlebury, Sunday nights 7:15‑8:15 pm.

ALCOHOLICS ANONY‑ MOUS, 2 MONDAY As Bill Sees it Meeting, Ripton, Ripton Firehouse, Dug‑ way Rd. 7:15‑8:15am. As Bill Sees it Meeting, Middlebury, The Turning Point Ctr, 54 Creek Rd. Noon‑1pm. Women of AA (Step/Speaker), Middlebury, The Turning Point Ctr, 54 Creek Rd, 5:30‑6:30pm. Big Book Meeting, New Haven, Congregational Church, Vil‑ lage Green, 7:30‑8:30pm. Discussion Meeting, Bran‑ don, St. Thomas Episco‑ pal Church, Rte 7 South, 7:30‑8:30pm.

ALCOHOLICS ANONY‑ MOUS, 3 TUESDAY 12 Step Meeting, Middlebury, The Turning Point Ctr. 54 Creek Rd. Noon‑1pm. Daily Reflection Meeting, Ver‑ gennes, Congregational Church, Water St. 7‑8pm.

ALCOHOLICS ANONY‑ MOUS, 5 THURSDAY 12 Steps and Traditions Meeting, Ripton, Ripton Firehouse, Dugway Rd. 7:15‑8:15am. Big Book Meeting, Middlebury, The Turning Point Ctr. 54 Creek Rd. Noon‑1pm. Alternat‑ ing Format Meeting, Fer‑ risburgh, Assembly of God Christian Center. Route 7, 7‑8pm.

NA MEETINGS MIDDLE‑ BURY Sundays, 3:00 pm, held at The Turning Point Center, 54 Creek Rd.

GARAGE SALE, SATUR‑ DAY July 13 8am. 48 Lower Plains Rd. East Middlebury. Metal signs, lots of other collectibles and household items.

MULTI FAMIILY YARD SALE lots of tools and ev‑ erything else from A‑Z. July 13, 14, 20 and 21, 9‑5pm. 445 Quaker Street, N. Fer‑ risburgh.

YARD SALE. FABRIC/ PATTERNS Floor tile, ephemera, cookbooks, Tif‑ fany‑style ceiling lamp and much more. Saturday, July 13, 9am, 48 Ossie Road, East Middlebury

MOVING SALE. FURNI‑ TURE, kitchen items, sport‑ ing goods, tools, clothing,. household, artwork. Huge house, barn, 20 year col‑ lection. 208 Mead Lane, Middlebury. Saturday, July 13 and July 20, 9am‑2pm.

MULTI FAMILY YARD SALE 31 Lower Plains Road, East Middlebury 7/13, 9‑1. Ice fishing shanty and equipment, small wood stove, chicken feeder, cloth‑ ing and misc. Truck parts and household items.

Addy Indy Classifieds are online:

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

AL‑ANON FAMILY GROUP For families and friends of problem drinkers. Anony‑ mous, confidential and free. At the Turning Point Center, 54 Creek Rd, Middlebury. 7:30‑8:30 PM Friday eve‑ nings.

ALCOHOLICS ANONY‑ MOUS, 1 SUNDAY 12 Step Meeting, Middlebury, United Methodist Church, North Pleasant St. 9‑10am. Discussion Meeting, Bris‑ tol, Howden Hall, 19 West St. 4‑5pm. 12 Step Meet‑ ing, Vergennes, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Park St. 7‑8pm. AA 24‑Hour Hotline 802‑388‑9284,

Garage Sales

Garage Sales



ALCOHOLICS ANONY‑ MOUS, 4 WEDNESDAY Big Book Meeting, Middle‑ bury, United Methodist Church, North Pleasant St. 7:15‑8:15am. Discus‑ sion Meeting, Middlebury, The Turning Point Ctr. 54 Creek Rd. Noon‑1pm. 12 Step Meeting, Brandon, St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Rte 7 South, 7‑8pm.

Garage Sales


Garage Sales

SALE Season...

Let us get the word out for you!

ONLY $7 PER RUN (up to 30 words) – includes a FREE internet listing. Additional words are 25¢ per word / per run.







Thursday Noon for Monday papers


Monday 5pm for Thursday papers Mail in your classified ad with payment to : 58 Maple Street, Middlebury VT 05753 OR Email your ad to: classifieds OR stop in and drop it off to Alicia at our office in the


Marble Works, Middlebury



Is your total $12 or more? If so, come get your FREE GARAGE SALE KIT! Services


x ___ # of runs

Total Payment Enclosed $


ALCOHOLICS ANONY‑ MOUS, 7 SATURDAY. Discussion Meeting, Mid‑ dlebury, United Methodist Church, North Pleasant St. 9‑10am. Discussion Meet‑ ing, Middlebury, Beginner’s Meeting, Middlebury, The Turning Point Ctr. 54 Creek Rd. 6:30‑7:30pm. ARE YOU BOTHERED BY SOMEONE’S DRINK‑ ING? Opening Our Hearts Al‑Anon Group meets each Wednesday at 1:30 pm at Middlebury’s St. Stephen’s Church on Main St. (enter side door and follow signs). Anonymous and confiden‑ tial, we share our experi‑ ence, strength and hope to solve our common prob‑ lems. Babysitting available. NARCAN KITS are avail‑ able at the Turning Point Center of Addison County FREE of charge. Narcan (Naloxone) is a nasal spray used to reverse an opioid overdose in progress. These kits are specifically intended for public distri‑ bution and can be used by anyone to save a life. Easy training is provided at Turn‑ ing Point Center, 54 Creek Rd, and takes approximate‑ ly 10 minutes. Wednesdays between 9 a.m. ‑ noon, or call for an appointment (802) 388‑4249. NA (JUST IN TIME) Mon‑ days, 6:30 pm, held at The Turning Point Center, 54 Creek Rd.

# of additional words x 25¢ x # of runs


ALCOHOLICS ANONY‑ MOUS, 6 FRIDAY. Spiritual Awakening, Middlebury, St. Stephes Church, 3 Main St., 7:30‑8:30am. Discussion Meeting, Middlebury, The Turning Point Ctr. 54 Creek Rd. Noon‑1pm. Discussion Meeting, Vergennes, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Park St. 8‑9pm.



PARKINSONS SUPPORT GROUP meets on the last Thursday of every month from 10 am to 11:30 am. We meet at The Residence at Otter Creek in Middle‑ bury. For info call APDA at 888‑763‑3366 or parkin‑ REFUGE RECOVERY ‑ TUESDAYS 6‑7 p.m. A non‑theistic, Buddhist‑in‑ spired approach to recovery from addictions of all kinds. Dedicated to the practices of mindfulness, compas‑ sion, forgiveness, and generosity, this recovery meeting uses meditation and kindness to heal the pain and suffering that ad‑ diction has caused. Turning Point Center, 54 Creek Rd. (802) 388‑4249.

Services BRUSH HOGGING AT good reasonable price. 802‑453‑2189. C&I DRYWALL. Hanging, taping, skim coat plas‑ tering. Also tile. Call Joe 802‑234‑5545 or Justin 802‑234‑2190. CONSTRUCTION: ADDI‑ TIONS, RENOVATIONS new construction, drywall, carpentry, painting, flooring, roofing, pressure washing, driveway sealing. All as‑ pects of construction, also property maintenance. Ste‑ ven Fifield 802‑989‑0009.

Middlebury College seeks a Licensed Practical Nurse/Medical Assistant to provide age-appropriate care to college students, under the direction and supervision of a registered nurse or MD or NP. This position will also provide technical nursing care to students in varying states of health and wellness. Licensed practice nurse with a current license to practice in Vermont required OR certified medical assistant. Nursing/ medical assisting experience is required. Experience in a community setting preferred. Must have CPR certification; handle confidential information in a discreet manner; clinic availability; demonstrate effective verbal and written communication; prioritize and multi-task to optimize patient flow and the patient experience; adhere to standards of business conduct and compliance; and familiarity with Banner, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. To view the complete job description and apply online, visit Middlebury College employees enjoy a high quality of life with excellent compensation; competitive health, dental, retirement, and vision benefits; and educational assistance programs. EOE/Minorities/Females/Vet/Disability.

Who wi ll jo our awa in winning rd team?

Free FREE CAMP WOOD. You haul away. Monday ‑ Wednesday pick up. 453‑2897.

FIELDS ROAD NEIGH‑ BORHOOD garage sale in Middlebury. Saturday, July 13, 8 a.m. ‑ 2 p.m.


Fowlerʼs R & R Ranch Drivers Needed! Located in Whiting, Fowlerʼs R & R Ranch is a nonprofit organization which provides a supportive working and training environment for veterans. They help unite veterans with their community by developing marketable skills such as farming, mechanics, woodworking and cooking. Fowlerʼs R & R Ranch also serves daily meals to visitors using eggs, meats and produce from their working farm. They are in need of volunteer drivers to help bring veterans to and from the ranch. If you have some time to give a growing organization, please contact RSVP of Addison County at 388-7044 or


Licensed Practical Nurse/Medical Assistant

HANDYMAN ‑ LIGHT carpentry, insulation, yard clean up, junk removal, dump trailer services. Call Eugene 802‑453‑8546.

Garage Sales


Graphic Designer needed

The Addison County Independent is currently hiring a full-time graphic designer. Experience required. This gold-star individual will work with our team of award-winning designers 32-40 hours a week, creating advertising and page layouts. Health care and other benefits offered. Excellent organizational skills and creativity necessary, as is a good command of spelling and grammar. Proficiency in the Adobe Creative Suite for print and web required. Must be able to work well under the pressure of weekly and daily deadlines. Please send cover letter and resumé to Sue Leggett, production manager: ADDISON COUNTY


VERMONT’S TWICE-WEEKLY L NEWSPA P PER Middlebury, VT 05753 • (802) 388-4944 • ww

Addison Independent


Cash in on our 4-for-3 rates! Pay for 3 issues, get 4th issue free! • email:


An ad placed for consecutive issues (Mondays & Thursdays) is run 4th time free! • Special 4 for 3 rates not valid for the following categories: Services, Opportunities, Real Estate, Wood heat, Attn. Farmers, For Rent & Help Wanted

Name: Address: Phone: Email: DEADLINES: Thurs. noon for Mon. paper


ADDISON INDEPENDENT 58 Maple Street, Middlebury, VT 05753 802-388-4944

Mon. 5 p.m. for Thurs. paper

• 25¢ per word • minimum $2.50 per ad • $2 internet listing for up to 4 issues • minimum 2 insertions

Notices Card of Thanks Personals Services Free** Lost ’N Found** Garage Sales Lawn & Garden Opportunities Adoption ** no charge for these ads

Work Wanted Help Wanted For Sale Public Meetings** For Rent Want to Rent Wood Heat Real Estate

Att. Farmers Motorcycles Cars Trucks SUVs Snowmobiles Boats Wanted


Real Estate Wanted Vacation Rentals

Spotlight with large


The Independent assumes no financial responsibility for errors in ads, but will rerun classified ad in which the error occurred. No refunds will be possible. Advertiser will please notify us of any errors which may occur after first publication.

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Addison Independent, Thursday, July 11, 2019 — PAGE 9B

Addison Independent


Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted FULL TIME POSITION open on Monkton dairy farm. Driver’s license and references required. Call 802‑453‑2286 for details and leave message.

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

JOIN THE 2020 CENSUS team and get paid to help ensure our communities are properly represented in Congress. To learn more and apply, visit 2020census. gov/jobs.

MIDDLEBURY ANIMAL HOSPITAL needs a reli‑ able individual to help care for our building and grounds. Approximately 20 hours a week. M‑F gener‑ ally 7:00‑11:00 am. Duties include general cleaning, lawn care, running errands and some animal care. Possibility for advancement. Reply with resume or letter of interest to the Middle‑ bury Animal Hospital at

MOOSE RUBBISH IS LOOKING for part‑time, year round positions. One or two positions available. 30+ hours a week. Early morning Field Days work Aug. 6‑11. Contact Randy at 377‑5006 or email at

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

HOUSEKEEPER NEEDED. $15/hour. Middlebury. 978‑489‑5810.



Middlebury Union High School Events Coordinator - 2019-2020

REQUIREMENTS OF THE POSITION: Background in, and knowledge of food preparation, ordering. GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES: The foods coordinator will be responsible in working with the coordinators from various events on the planning of the menu, and the ordering of the food and supplies. The Foods Coordinator will ultimately have the last say on the food choices for these events. The coordinator will work with the advisors of the Winter Ball, Prom, Senior Picnic, Graduation Breakfast, and Project Graduation. It is not the responsibility of the Foods Coordinator to be at all these events, or to oversee the food production. The coordinator will orient the advisors to the proper preparation for the events.

Coaching Position Middlebury Union High School is seeking JV Field Hockey Coach. Applicants must possess a strong knowledge of Field Hockey coaching principles with previous coaching experience preferred. Must possess strong organizational skills and the ability to communicate and relate to student athletes.

National Honor Society Advisor - 2019-2020 Middlebury Union High School is seeking a National Honor Society Advisor for the 2019-2020 school year. REQUIREMENTS OF THE POSITION: The National Honor Society Advisor is to supervise all activities of the group both financial and social. These activities include coordinating the selection process, facilitating meetings, supervising social events, orchestrating community service and fund raising. GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES: Develop goals, objectives, and activities for the year with the members of the NHS, to be presented to the Activities Director. Hold regular ( weekly ? ) meetings with the NHS membership to organize the ACCAG food & toy drive and other charitable activities throughout the year. Help the officers coordinate and manage such activities. Maintain yearly membership with the National Association through the prompt payments of dues. Organize the selection of new members, and the new member induction ceremony to be held in the spring. Keep accurate records of meetings, membership and other related information. Interested parties should send a letter of interest, resume, and three current letters of reference to: Sean Farrell/Athletic Director Middlebury Union High School 73 Charles Avenue Middlebury, VT 05753 Applications will be accepted until the positions have been filled. E.O.E.

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Feed Commodities International is in need of A/R Administrator

IS HIRING! FIELD SERVICE TECHNICIANS We are seeking Field Service Technicians to join our Natural Gas Service team! Responsible for maintenance, repairing, and installing natural gas equipment throughout our service territories in Chittenden, Franklin, and Addison counties. Including repairing minor leaks, turn-ons/ offs, setting and changing meters, basic control wiring, installing and servicing all types of domestic gas appliances including conversion burners, central heating, and water heating equipment. Delivering excellent customer service is expected and the right candidate will embody our values of respect, integrity and safety. The individual will also have plumbing, electrical or mechanical background as well as high school diploma, an unrestricted driver’s license and experience working with Natural Gas is preferred. We are a growing utility and comfort with technology is a must.

Diversity & Inclusion Statement We are committed to building a work community that is inclusive and represents a vibrant diversity of background, experience, perspective, and thought. Candidates across all markers of identity (age, race, gender, ability, communication style, etc.) are highly encouraged to apply.

Vermont Gas Systems is an employee and customer-centric natural gas utility company. We take pride in our total benefits rewards program offered to our employees. Our generous benefits package includes comprehensive healthcare coverage, competitive compensation and bonus potential, 401(k) with employer contributions, and ample paid time off. Please go to

to view the full job descriptions and apply today!

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Chief Maintenance Engineer

Responsible for maintaining the property and equipment in excellent condition. Adhering to all codes and safety regulations. Should have a background in and be familiar with machinery, electrical systems, PTAC’s, Pool maintenance, boiler functions, and other forms of systems maintenance. Be able to read maintenance manuals and work orders. Able to have a flexible work schedule including some nights, weekends and holidays. Salary commensurate with experience. Equal Opportunity Employer. Apply in person at the Courtyard Marriott, 309 Court St, Middlebury, VT 05753

This position is based in our Middlebury, VT location. The A/R Administrator will perform a variety of accounting functions such as Accounts Receivable, Account Reconciliation, Check Posting, and A/R Reporting. He/She will also provide assistance with A/P functions. The candidate requires accounting experience, excellent verbal and written communications skills and an extensive experience with Microsoft Word, Excel and Accounting software. A Degree in Business or Accounting would be highly desirable. Attention to detail, ability to work independently and manage time. This is a full time position with benefits including 401k, medical, life and disability insurance, and generous time off. For more information about the company, visit Please send your cover letter and resume to: Irma Higgins, HR Manager, For questions, call 802-458-3916

FULL & PART TIME WORKERS To assist with flooring and lumber manufacturing. Must be able to lift heavy material at times. Lathrop’s Maple Supply, LLC and Vermont Wood Products, LLC Call Tom for an appointment. (802) 453-2897

FCI is an equal opportunity employer.

WANTED Circulation manager/Renaissance person who is eager to help grow our subscription base and newsstand paper sales, plus a multitude of other tasks that will make the days fly by and will never leave you bored! The job entails coordinating distribution of the twice-weekly Addison Independent newspaper and our sister paper The Reporter (covering greater Brandon), as well as Vermont Ski + Ride Magazine and Vermont Sports magazine. Ample opportunities for creative thinking, problem-solving and innovation. The right person might also help proofread and work with other facets of the organization. Competitive wage and benefits offered. Please send a cover letter, resumé and references to: Angelo Lynn at ADDISON COUNTY



FULL-TIME WAREHOUSE EMPLOYEE WANTED Duties Include: Filling order for our customers Receiving incoming products Loading trucks for delivery Maintenance to keep warehouse & store clean Forklift operation necessary Team player with fellow employees Contact Skip Cray at 802-388-7000 or


is seeking a School Nutrition Manager. School nutrition manager is needed to manage daily responsibilities preparing and serving healthy meals to students and adults using wholesome fresh foods. Work as a team with one assistant bringing good nutrition as well as food education to the school community. Excellent scratch cooking skills needed along with planning and organizational skills to efficiently manage meal preparation, food ordering, inventory, program reporting, and accounting. Must love children and creating community with food. 35 hours/week. Hourly pay and benefits. Bachelor degree and prior food service experience preferred. Applications with references may be submitted through or email

Middlebury, VT 05753 • (802) 388-4944 •

The Vermont Department of Liquor & Lottery, Division of Liquor Control is seeking interested parties in or near Bristol who may have an interest in and a suitable location to operate a State Liquor Agency.

Think you’ve got a good hand shake?

Want to make a bit of extra $$$ this summer? Freedom Publications is hiring for a temporary advertising sales position. Territory within Rutland County, Vermont. July through September. Commission-based compensation — the more you sell, the more you make! Send letter of interest & resume to Angelo –

The VDLC requires 300 sq feet of retail space and 250 sq feet of storage space all devoted to retailing liquor; plus adequate parking, signage, loading and unloading facilities. Interested parties should apply by letter to: Kim Walker, Director of Retail Operations Vermont Department of Liquor & Lottery Division of Liquor Control 13 Green Mountain Drive Montpelier, VT 05620-4501 Applications can be found on: Please send a LETTER OF INTEREST to Ms. Walker before 4pm on July 26th,2019. FORMAL APPLICATIONS must be received Before 2pm On August 9th, 2019. The Vermont Department of Liquor & Lottery and its respective Board reserve the right to reject any and all applications and to change the terms of the request for applications without notice to any person. Further information can be obtained by calling 800-642-3134 (In VT) or 802-828-4923 and ask For Kim Walker, Director of Retail Operations or email

Full-time food service

My fresh In East Middlebury Apply in Store or online at

Full-time Assistant Manager and Manager In Training for Addison County Maplefields

Full-time Opener and Part-time Deli Breakfast Cook Bristol Maplefields

Full-time and part-time Cashier Positions

Opening, closing and mid shifts and weekends. On the spot interviews, application can be done onsite. Maplefields Bristol, Maplefields New Haven

Maplefields Middlebury & East Middlebury

Middlebury Maplefields 60 North Pleasant St., Middlebury

PAGE 10B — Addison Independent, Thursday, July 11, 2019

Addison Independent

For Rent


Help Wanted

Full/Part time Housekeeping Part time Desk Associate A.M. & P.M. Bistro Attendant



• At least 25 years old • Must have a valid driver’s license • Clean driving record on that license for the last 39 months • Pass a criminal background check • Must be reliable! If you have an interest in learning more about the positions available, please contact Pat at or call 802 495 0846 for more information.

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

PART‑TIME ADMIN AS‑ SISTANT opening at Ad‑ dison County Community Trust, a nonprofit affordable housing provider based in Vergennes. Entry‑level, approx. 10 hours per week with some flexibility. $15 per hour. Duties include daily deposits, filing, and assisting the finance team as needed. Work with a dedicated team of expe‑ rienced professionals in the nonprofit, financial , and real estate fields, and contribute positively to your neighbors in need while you build skills and gain experience. Must have excellent attention to detail and pass background/credit check. Resume and cover letter to jobs@addisontrust. org by 7/19/19 EOE.

SHARED LIVING PROVID‑ ER for a woman in her 50’s with a mild developmental disability. She needs to transition from indepen‑ dent living, and would like support in ensuring safety, medication oversight, and getting to her part‑ time job in Middlebury. Expe‑ rience with Alzheimer’s desirable. She loves to listen to rock’n roll and Christian music, read the Bible, watch game shows, and spend quiet time in nature. She smokes, and has an indoor cat. A county setting is ideal. Generous tax‑free stipend, monthly room and board payment and a respite budget. Call Donna Quesnel at Com‑ munity Associates. (802) 388‑4021.

DO YOU WANT a job with a competitive wage, pre‑ dictable schedule, paid time off, top notch medical insurance, and a fun, lively work atmosphere where you can do something that makes a difference? If so, we want to talk with you. HOPE is seeking a few dedicated, hardwork‑ ing, team members who have good communica‑ tion skills, and an eye for details. Mechanical ability, cash register experience, and customer service skills are a plus. To apply, send resume and brief letter of interest to receptionist@ hope‑, or mail to or drop off at 282 Boardman Street, Middlebury.

SHARED LIVING PRO‑ VIDER sought for a man in his early 60’s with a mild developmental disability and anxiety disorder. He enjoys watching NASCAR and old westerns, mowing, and going to yard sales and the demo derby. He is committed to his part‑time job and receives commu‑ nity support services. Best match would be a home that can provide respect, patience, and firm boundar‑ ies, and is without children. Tax‑free annual stipend of approximately $31,000, room and board payment of $8,700, and a respite bud‑ get. Call Keiko Kokubun at Community Associates. (802)388‑4021

For Rent

For Rent

MIDDLEBURY 1 OR 2 BEDROOM apartment near village wanted for single, female profes‑ sional. Retired innkeep‑ er. Nonsmoking, no pets. References available. (802) 881‑2509.


For Sale

drivers in Addison County to help with school transport. This is an excellent position for semi retired or retired individuals looking to supplement their income. Hours are roughly 7 am to 10 am and 1 to 4 pm Monday through Friday. This is an hourly paid position based on experience.

Want to Rent

Shard Villa

Med Techs ★ ★ Caregivers ★ ★ LPNs ★ Part-time & Per Diem Please visit our website for information on how to apply.

Vermont Ride Network is looking for reliable

VALLEY VIEW APART‑ MENTS is currently ac‑ cepting applications for 1 and 2 BR apartments in Vergennes. All income/ assets must be verified to determine monthly rent, but tenants only pay 30% of their income toward rent. Elderly or disabled only. W/D onsite. Call 802‑247‑0165 or visit our website www.summitpmg. com. Equal Housing Op‑ portunity.

Help Wanted

Candidates must be available weekends, evenings, and holidays. We offer competitive wages and benefits. Previous hotel experience is preferred but not required. Training is provided. Join our awardwinning team, providing quality customer service, a positive attitude and excellent work ethic. Interested, qualified candidates can apply in person at 309 Court Street, Middlebury. Please, no phone inquiries.

REFRIGERATOR, KEN‑ MORE 2 years old, top freezer, black stainless, runs perfect. 30” wide. New $800. Asking $400. 802‑989‑5773, leave mes‑ sage.

Vacation Rentals ADDISON: LAKE CHAM‑ PLAIN waterfront camp. Beautiful views, gorgeous sunsets, private beach, dock, rowboat and canoe included. $600 weekly, or call for weekends. 802‑349‑4212, no texts.

For Rent 1 BEDROOM APART‑ MENT, Leicester. Lease, deposit. $800/mo. 802‑349‑9733, leave message. 2 BEDROOM APART‑ MENT. Fully furnished. Court Street, Middlebury. All inclusive except TV/ internet. $1,600/mo. 802‑349‑8544. 5,000 SQ. FT. AVAIL‑ ABLE. Retail, light in‑ dustry/commercial, office space, food operation. Route 7, Middlebury. 802‑349‑8544. B R I D P O R T: S U N N Y, SPACIOUS 1/br. apart‑ ment. Beautiful views, garden space. All utili‑ ties included except heat. Washer/dryer. No pets. No smoking. $900 per month. 802‑349‑9624. BRISTOL VILLAGE, HIGHLY visible retail/of‑ fice street level space on the Main Street. Avail‑ able now. $1,370 mo. Ap‑ prox. 1,800 SF. Basement space also available. Call Tom at Wallace Realty 453‑4670 or Tom@Wal‑ DRY, WINTER/SUMMER STORAGE SPACE in Addison. Available stor‑ age space in my barn for summer/winter storage. The barn is structurally sound and weather‑tight with electricity. No heat or running water. The barn is also available for lease. The entrance door measurements are 8’ wide by 7’ high. For more info: 802‑363‑3403 or

For Rent

For Rent

Wood Heat EAST MIDDLEBURY ‑ FURNISHED rooms to rent. All included in a love‑ ly, classic home. Some with private bath. Includes: utilities, wifi, cable, w/d and parking. Clean. Se‑ rene. $450‑$500/mo. Call/ text Susan 802‑989‑8941. MIDDLEBURY 2 BED‑ ROOM near downtown. Appliances, off street parking, lease. No pets. Real Net Management Inc. 802‑388‑4994. MIDDLEBURY VILLAGE‑ PROF. F. wishes to share new 2 bedroom, furnished apt. W/D, all hardwood floors, housekeeping. $575/mo., including utili‑ ties. References. Security deposit required. Available July 6. 978‑489‑5810. MIDDLEBURY, 2,600 SQ FT office space. Court St., central location, park‑ ing. Can be subdivided. Real‑Net Management Inc. 802‑388‑4994. NEW HAVEN ONE BED‑ ROOM fully furnished apartment with W/D. Security deposit, plus monthly rent. $1,150/mo. Available after Aug. 12. 802‑453‑3870. ONE BEDROOM BASE‑ MENT APARTMENT heat and electric included. Single occupancy, $750/ month. First, last and de‑ posit. Walking distance to Hannaford. Available im‑ mediately. 802‑388‑1912. SMALL OFFICE SPACE, 656 Exchange Street, Middlebury. $500/month. 802‑388‑4831.

EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 as amended which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national origin, sexual orientation, or persons receiving public assistance, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD Toll-free at 1-800-4248590. For the Washington, DC area please call HUD at 426-3500.

For Rent

FIREWOOD. CUT, SPLIT and delivered. $220./cord green. 802‑282‑7906.

Real Estate 2019 ENERGY STAR homes, modular, dou‑ ble‑wides and single‑ wides. Open 7 days a week. Beanshomes. com. 600 Rte. 7, Pitts‑ ford, VT. 1‑802‑773‑2555. tflanders@beanshomes. com. Down payment as‑ sistance now available.

EAST MIDDLEBURY, DAISY Lane Lot #11. Beautiful, level 1/2 acre building lot with good southern exposure on a private lane. Town water, power and cable hookups at curbside. Site approved for four bedroom home with con‑ ventional (no mound nec‑ essary) septic system. $68,000. Call Jack Brown 388‑7350. LAKE VIEW PORT HENRY home. Owner financed. Down pay‑ ment required. Brook, 3 porches, hardwood floors throughout. Ask‑ ing $29,000. Also, RV lot, gorgeous location and mobile home on 12.6 acres, waterfront and mountain backdrop. 518‑597‑3270.

Att. Farmers HAY FOR SALE. Small square bales, first cut + mulch. 802‑349‑9281. 802‑453‑4481. WHITNEY’S CUSTOM FA R M W O R K P o n d agitating, liquid ma‑ nure hauling, drag line aerating. Call for price. 462‑2755, John Whitney.

Boats BOAT FOR SALE 12’ Aluminum Boat, Gal‑ vanized Trailer, 8 HP Johnson Motor, with all accessories. Price neg. Call (802) 247‑3147.

Wanted TRUSTED 3RD GEN. VT Antique dealer special‑ izing in jewelry, watches, silver, art, military, an‑ tique collectibles, etc. Visit bittnerantiques. com or call Brian at 802‑272‑7527. Consult‑ ing/appraisal services available. House calls made free of charge.

For Rent

It’s against the law to


when advertising housing And it’s easier to break the law than you might think. You can’t say “no children” or “adults only.” There is lots you can’t say. The federal government is watching for such discrimination. Let us help you sift through the complexities of the Fair Housing Law. Stay legal. Stay on the right side of the nation’s Fair Housing Law. Call the Addison Independent at (802) 388-4944.

Talk to our sales professionals.

272 Main St.- P.O. Box 311, Vergennes, VT 05491 Phone: 802-877-2626 • Fax: 802-877-2627 MOBILE HOME LOTS FOR RENT

Addison County Community Trust has Mobile Home lots for rent in Addison County. We currently have two vacant lots at Kilbourn Trailer Park in Bristol, one vacant lot at Maple Ridge Mobile Home Park in Bristol, three vacant lots at Hillside Manor in Starksboro, and one vacant lot at Lazy Brook Mobile Home Park in Starksboro. If interested, please contact Chris at (802) 877-2626 x 107 or

Public Notices Index

Found on Pages 10B & 11B.

Albertson’s (1) Addison Co. Courthouse (1) Addison County Superior Court (1) Addison County Probate Court (3) ANWSD (1)

Full Passport Service Addison County Courthouse

The Addison County Clerk is available to accept passport applications and provide passport photos.

REGULAR HOURS Monday-Friday 9am to 1pm Appointments appreciated but not necessary.

Bridport (1)


Hancock (1) Prospect Cemetery Association Vergennes (1) Shoreham (1)


Check out the Public Notices section every Monday and Thursday in the

Addison Independent


The Shoreham Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing on Thursday, July 25, 2018 at 6 pm at the Shoreham Town Office to consider the review of application (#19-016) for a conditional use in accordance with provisions of the Town Zoning Regulations. The applicant, VT Trade Winds, LLC, requests to Adaptively Reuse a barn on their property at 884 Rte 74E. Approximately 1,275 square foot of the barn will be used for making, storing, packaging, and shipping maple value-added products. The space will also house an office and a display/sales area. On Thursday, July 25, at 7 pm at the Shoreham Town Office the ZBA will consider the application (#19-015) for a conditional use in accordance with provisions of the Town Zoning Regulations. The applicant, Shoreham BTS Retail, LLC, requests to construct an approximately 7,545 square foot retail building on a new 1.0 acre parcel (pending) subdivided from the existing Otelco, Inc. lot at 3167 Route 22A. The applications are available at the Town Office for review. Participation in these proceedings is a prerequisite to the right to make any subsequent appeal. John Kiernan, Chair Shoreham Zoning Board of Adjustment 7/11, 7/18, 7/22

INVITATION TO BID TOWN OF HANCOCK PO BOX 100, HANCOCK, VT 05748 TOWNCLERK@HANCOCKVT.ORG Sealed bids for the contract work described below and a sample of material must be received at the Town Offices by 3:00 PM, Tuesday, July 30, 2019. TYPE OF WORK: Supply and delivery of 1000 cubic yards of 3/4 inch road sand (free of all organic material including clay or soils). Prospectus is available for viewing upon request. Contact Town Clerk, Jody Jesso, for information. (802) 767-3660 or Road Commissioner, James Leno ( Request for bids and prospectus will also be posted on the town website – www. BID OPENING: Sealed bids should be marked “2019 Road Sand” and will be publicly opened and read aloud on Tuesday August 6th, 2019 at 6:30 pm at the Hancock Town Office. Insurance Requirements and other important requirements: Please see prospectus for this important information. Contact the Hancock Town Clerk (802-767-3660) for a full copy of the prospectus or visit to download a copy. *The Hancock Select Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids

7/4, 7/11, 7/18


A meeting of the Prospect Cemetery Association of Vergennnes will be held at the meeting room of the Vergennes police station on July 18th at 9:00am.

PROBATE DIVISION DOCKET NO. 283-6-19 ANPR STATE OF VERMONT DISTRICT OF ADDISON, SS. IN RE THE ESTATE OF DONALD CARL DOLLIVER, JR NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the creditors of the estate of Donald Carl Dolliver, Jr. of Starksboro, Vermont. I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period. Dated: July 8, 2019 Deborah D. DeVolder 1027 Big Hollow Road Starksboro, VT 05487 802-453-3790 Name of Publication: Addison Independent Publication Date: July 11, 2019 Address of Probate Court: Addison Probate Court, 7 Mahady Court, Middlebury, VT 05753 7/11

PROBATE DIVISION DOCKET NO. 259-5-19 ANPR STATE OF VERMONT DISTRICT OF ADDISON, SS. IN RE THE ESTATE OF ROGER L. BROUILLETTE NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the creditors of the estate of Roger L. Brouillette of Vergennes, Vermont. I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period. Dated: July 1, 2019 Douglas J. Harrod, Executor 337 Rice Hill Road Franklin, Vt., 05457 802-285-2078 Name of Publication: Addison Independent Publication Date: July 11, 2019 Address of Probate Court: Addison Probate Court,7 Mahady Court, Middlebury, VT 05753 7/11


By virtue and in execution of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage given by John Hergenrother and Debbie Hergenrother dated November 9, 2016 and recorded in Volume 156 at pages 403-404 of the Land Records of the Town of Ferrisburgh, of which mortgage Terry and Deborah Allen are the present holders, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same said property will be sold at public auction at 11:00 o’clock a.m. on the 3rd day of August, 2019 at 5220 Route 7, Ferrisburgh, Addison County, VT being the location of the mortgaged property: To Wit: Being all and the same land and premises conveyed to John Hergenrother and Debbie Hergenrother by Warranty Deed of Terry F. Allen and Deborah M. Allen dated November 9, 2016 and recorded at Volume 156, Pages 401-402 in the Town of Ferrisburgh Land Records, and more particularly described as follows: Being all and the same land and premises conveyed to Terry F. Allen and Deborah M. Allen by Warranty Deed of Glenn E. Rossier and Kathy S. Rossier dated March 22, 2001 and recorded in Volume 97, Page 180 of the Town of Ferrisburgh Land Records. Being a lot of land said to contain 5.02 acres, more or less, located on the easterly side of U.S. Route 7 in the Town of Ferrisburgh with a frontage thereon of 567.6 feet. Said lot is described as beginning in the westerly corner as located in the easterly sideline of the right-of-way for U.S Route 7. Beginning at a point, which point is marked by a metal pipe, thence proceeding northerly on a course of N 30º57’30” E a distance of 567.6 feet, more or less, to a point marked by a ¾ inch metal pipe set in the ground; thence turning to the right and proceeding S 40º6’30” E a distance of 277.4 feet, more or less, to a point, which point is marked by a ½ inch piece of rebar rod set in the ground; thence turning to the right and proceeding S 4º44’53” W a distance of 645.8 feet, more or less, to a point marked by a metal pipe set in the ground; thence turning to the right and proceeding N 48º30’48” W a distance of 557.0 feet, more or less, to the place and point of beginning. Said lot is shown on a Plan entitled “Proposed Subdivision of a portion of lands belonging to Glenn E. and Kathy S. Rossier to be sold to Terry Allen”, dated July 17, 2000, revised November 3, 2000, and of record in Map Volume 7, Page 23 (now in Map Slide 70C) of the aforesaid Land Records. The property is known and designated as 5220 Route 7, Ferrisburgh, Vermont. The property may be subject to and may have the benefit of easements, rights of way of record, and other interests of record. Terms of Sale: The Property shall be sold “AS IS WHERE IS” to the highest bidder, who will pay a minimum of $46,000.00 plus costs, expenses, interest, fees and related payments recoverable by mortgagee, payable as follows: $10,000 cash, or certified check delivered at time and place of auction made payable to Doremus Kantor & Zullo Trust Account, and will pay the balance of the highest bid price by cash or certified funds within thirty (30) days of the auction. The mortgagee may credit bid the amount due under the mortgage. The mortgagee may agree to seller financing for qualified purchasers. The highest bidder will be required to sign a no contingency Purchase Agreement. Title to the Property will be conveyed by foreclosure deed and affidavit pursuant to 12 V.S.A. 4967 with no warranties of title or of any kind. The property is sold subject to unpaid taxes, municipal assessments and superior liens, if any. If the highest bidder fails to complete the purchase of the Property as required by the Purchase Agreement, $10,000.00 of the deposit will be forfeited and retained by the Mortgagee as agreed liquidated damages , and the property may be offered to the next highest bidder still interested in the Property. The mortgagor and all Junior lien holders are entitled to redeem the mortgaged property at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the mortgage, including the costs and expenses of the sale. The mortgagor and all Junior lien holders are hereby notified that at any time before the foreclosure sale, the mortgagor and all Junior lien holders have a right to petition the Civil Division of the Superior Court for the county in which the mortgaged property is situated, with service upon the mortgagee, and upon such bond as the court may require, to enjoin the scheduled foreclosure sale. Failure to institute such petition and complete service upon the foreclosing party, or the party’s agent, conducting the sale prior to sale shall thereafter bar any action or right of action of the mortgagor or any Junior lien holder based upon the validity of the foreclosure, the right of the mortgagee to conduct the foreclosure sale, or compliance by the mortgagee with the notice requirements and other conditions of 12 V.S.A. Section 4965. An action to recover damages resulting from the sale of the mortgaged property on the date of the sale may be commenced at any time within one year following the date of sale, but not thereafter. Other terms to be announced at the sale. Dated: May 29,2019 TERRY AND DEBORAH ALLEN By: Steven J. Kantor, Esq. Doremus Kantor & Zullo 346 Shelburne Road, Suite 603 Burlington, VT 05401 (802) 863-9603 7/11, 7/18, 7/25

Addison Independent, Thursday, July 11, 2019 — PAGE 11B

Police cite man with aggravated domestic assault MIDDLEBURY — Middlebury police cited Urban Landon, 32, of Lincoln for first-degree aggravated domestic assault and interference with access to emergency services, after a report of a person striking a woman in the Maple Street area on July 4 at 6:44 p.m. Police said Landon was lodged at the Marble Valley Correctional Facility pending his arraignment in Addison Superior Court on July 8. In other action last week, Middlebury police: • Investigation the alleged theft of a wallet from an unlocked car on Mary Hogan Drive, near the town’s recreation park on July 2. • Checked on the welfare of a

Middlebury Police Log

man who had hinted at self-harm in a Facebook message on July 2. Police said they found the man in good spirits and added he reported no plans to harm himself. • Helped defuse a verbal dispute between a man and woman on Main Street on July 2. • Responded to a report of an outof-control juvenile at a Sugarwood Court home on July 3. • Assisted Middlebury Regional


EMS in helping a woman who had fallen and cut her head on Court Street on July 3. MREMS officials took the woman to Porter Hospital. • Arrested Arlo Mager, 44, of Middlebury and cited him for violation of an abuse prevention order, following an alleged incident at the Frank Mahady Courthouse on July 3. • Assisted Vermont State Police with a report of an out-of-control person on the Leicester Whiting Road on July 4. • Checked on the welfare of a man seen laying in the sun on the town green during the afternoon of July 4. Police said the man was intoxicated, and declined assistance. • Took home a man found drinking alcohol at the side of Exchange Street during the early afternoon of July 5. • Released, into the custody of sober friends, an intoxicated man who had been hanging out near the Rite Aid Pharmacy off Court Street Extension on July 5. • Investigated a reported domestic disturbance at a Route 7 North home on July 5. Police said they couldn’t determine whether a physical fight had occurred. • Assisted Middlebury Regional EMS with a patient at the Residence at Otter Creek on July 5. • Checked into a complaint of illegal dumping into a Route 7 South business’s trash receptacle on July 5. • Responded to a report of a woman who had allegedly been yelling and removing her clothing near a College Street business on July 5. Police said they served the woman with a no-trespass order for Shafer’s Market & Deli. • Checked the welfare of an elderly person at a Stonegate Drive

residence on July 6. • Launched an investigation into the potential abuse/neglect of a local vulnerable adult on July 6. • Assisted in removing a tree limb that was blocking part of Route 125 in East Middlebury on July 6. • Responded on July 6 to a report of a fight in front of Two Brothers Tavern on Main Street on July 6. When police arrived on the scene they said they found the people involved to be calm and leaving with sober friends. • Responded to an alleged domestic disturbance at a North Pleasant Street home on July 7. Police said they found no signs that a fight had occurred. • Assisted Middlebury Regional EMS on a medical call at a Chipman Park home on July 7. • Checked on the welfare of a man who had been sleeping on a park bench on the town green on July 7 at 4:11 p.m. • Investigated a report of a vehicle leaving the scene of an accident on Court Street Extension on July 7. • Responded to Court Street on July 7 on a report of a woman having a mental health crisis. • Received a report that a manhole cover was missing from a Frog Hollow Alley location on July 7. Police said they made sure the cover was replaced. • Responded to a report of a woman screaming near the intersection of Main Street and Merchants Row during the early morning of July 7. Police believed the woman was having a mental health crisis. • Checked on a homeless person who was seen talking to herself — sometimes in a loud voce — on the steps of the Frank Mahady Courthouse on July 8. Police said the woman reported being OK.



Our 31 ye ar! st

Tuesday, July 16 - 4pm

Public Notices can be found on Pages 10B & 11B.

See Index on Page 10B PROBATE DIVISION DOCKET NO. 293-6-19 ANPR STATE OF VERMONT DISTRICT OF ADDISON, SS. IN RE THE ESTATE OF NICHOLAS R. CLIFFORD NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the creditors of the estate of Nicholas R. Clifford of Middlebury, Vermont. I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period. Dated: July 8, 2019 W. Andrew Mims c/o John Mazzuchi, Esq., 7 Washington Street, Middlebury, VT 05753 802-388-7933 Name of Publication: Addison Independent Publication Date: July 11, 2019 Address of Probate Court: Addison Probate Court, 7 Mahady Court, Middlebury, VT 05753 7/11


Grievance hearings for property assessments in the Town of Bridport will be held at the Town Clerk’s Office on Tuesday July 16, 2019 from 10 am to 4:00 pm. Please call the Town Clerk’s Office at 758-2483 to set up an appointment. Must make an appointment, no walk-ins. Office hours are Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 9:00-4:00. Thursday & Friday 9:00-12:00. Bridport Board of Listers Vicki Major, Suzanne Buck and Donald Sheldrick 7/8, 7/11, 7/15


Please take notice that Mountain Fresh Cleaners, located at 10 Washington Street, Suite #4, Middlebury, Vermont 05753, is no longer in business at this location. Many items of clothing, left behind after Mountain Fresh Cleaners’ closure, have been secured by its landlord, Shaw’s Supermarkets. If you were a customer of Mountain Fresh Cleaners and would like to recover your items, you are notified to contact Brittany Hall at (802) 388-0930. Any items not recovered by July 15, 2019, will be donated to a local charity.

Read the Addison Independent legal notices every Monday and Thursday


The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 763.93 {g} {4} requires that written notification be given that the following schools have Asbestos Management Plans for the safe control and maintenance of asbestos-containing materials found in their buildings. The Asbestos Management Plans are available and accessible to the public at the administrative office of the school as well as the Superintendent’s office. Vergennes Union High School 50 Monkton Rd, Vergennes, VT 877-2938 Union Elementary No. 44 43 East Street, Vergennes, VT 877-3761 Ferrisburgh Central School 56 Little Chicago Rd, Ferrisburgh, VT 877-3463 Addison Central School 121 VT Rte 17W, Addison, VT 759-2131 Addison Northwest SD 11 Main St., Ste. B100, Vergennes, VT 877-3332


Estabrook Park Brandon, Vermont

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Preview Time 2-4 pm To benefit the businesses and community projects of the Brandon Area Chamber of Commerce. More information: 802-247-6401


Hilltop Farm Complete Dispersal WHERE: 59 RT 73 SHOREHAM VT. 05770 WHEN: JULY 24, 2019 – 9 AM SHARP





FOR MORE INFO 802-388-2661 OR 802-989-1507 • Paul Parent 802-558-2699 AUCTIONEER JOHN NOP

SALE MANAGED BY: Addison County Commission Sales, Inc. ACCSCATTLE.COM


RT. 125 • EAST MIDDLEBURY, VT Sales for July 4th & July 8th, 2019 Defreest Farm Vorsteveld Farm Gosliga Farm A. Brisson Wilcon Farm Danyow Farm J. Allen


1880 1735 1775 1540 1765 1525 1935

Cost /lb



Cost /lb


B. Hanfield UVM H. Allen Monument Farms J. Butler

111 107 89 103 118

.71 .71 .70 .65 .62 .61 .60


1334.80 1231.85 1242.50 1001.00 1094.30 930.25 1161.00 $

1.45 160.95 1.40 149.80 1.00 89.00 .72 74.16 .65 76.70

Total # Beef: 154 • Total # Calves: 376 We value our faithful customers. Sales at 3pm - Mon. & Thurs. For pickup and trucking, call 1-802-388-2661

Check out the Auctions section every Mon. & Thurs. in the



We have been commissioned to sell the following……….. Early Cherry Hyboy – Curved glass oak china cabinet – 3 sectional Beige sofa (like new) – Commodes – Oak free standing clock and others – Dovetailed blanket box – Crocks and jugs including Ludlow, VT. – snow shoes (old & new) – Griswold ironware and others – asst. fishing reels – bamboo fishing rods – early barrel pumps – 1929 VT. License plate- wooden sap bucket– tole tray – 9’’ x 12’ oriental rug (as found) – braided and rag rugs – lg. variety of old and new decoys (Gary Starr) – costume jewelry – DeSoto 1941 grill – Tramp Art cross – Wrought iron floor lamps – Mahogany ½ Side table – early 5 gal. advertising gas cans – early child lazy susan table – child Morse chair – fancy oak library table – oak glass door bookcase – 4 drawer painted chests – hand held school bell – early quilts – early Bennett portable typewriter – marbles – Hubley door stop (Hunter & Dog) – Walnut twisted leg dining room table - 6 Windsor style plank bottom chairs – misc. paper lot – early seat table – VT W. Gage Northfield, VT milk crate – adv. tins – misc. stamp collection – toy steam engines - wolverine tin toys – lg. view master collection – sheet music – cricket stool – lg. spinning wheel & /yarn winders - watt pottery – lg. German stein – collection of adv. Signs – early sewing stand – lg. gold quild mirror – early Madelion sewing machine & Bernina – ceremonial swords – 1 drawer wash stand and others – iron lamp brackets – deacon bench – early aquakot boat speed measure – early baby and doll carriages – maple dressers – early butcher bench – 1876 Durant iron accurium – early bottles – dining room table w/4 chairs – 16’ early apple ladder – wing back chair – early Evenrude, British Seagull, Blue Ribbon Champion boat motors – canoe paddles – early 8’old town? row boat (as is) – Lawn cart and wheel barrel – Grain cradle – book cases – wrought iron patio set – white porch rockers – wicker patio chairs – Weber free standing grill – boat anchors – organ stool – lg. assortment of walnut frames – cherry marble top 4 drawer sideboard – early marble top vanitys – Honda Wx10 2 hp water pump (new) portable air tank – 8’ handmade harvest table (top only) UVM 1916 McAllister military photo – asst. oil on canvas paintings – water colors – prints – mottos – Silhouettes – Bowens Ilumitran 3sc slide copier – sm. Magic chef ref/freezer – Pr. Serta twin box spring & mattress – pitcher pump – Oak shoe shine bench – Carpenter tool chest – early shingle maker – 1938 german 8mm Amo (original boxes) and more – asst. pocket knives – lg brass kettle and much much more………..

Terms – Cash, good check, MC, Visa Lunch - Bridport Grange Tom Broughton Auctioneer Rtes. 22A & 125, Bridport, VT 05734 PS – 3:30 Preview day of sale – Nice variety – All items sold as is, where is, with no implied warranty - 10% buyer’s premium (13% credit cards) JULY 17TH – MIDDLEBURY LIONS AUCTION & BARBECUE - MIDDLEBURY GREEN BARBECUE 4:30 - AUCTION 6:00 PM

PAGE 12B — Addison Independent, Thursday, July 11, 2019

Dr. Barnard receives the End-of-Life award

COMPETITION WAS KEEN among the 12- and 13-year-olds at the State 4-H Dairy Judging Contest, June 28, at Audet’s Blue Spruce Farm in Bridport. Among those placing in the group were Whiting’s Morgan White (in pink t-shirt), and Elisabeth Crawford, second from right. Missing from the photo was honorable mention winner Emma Deering of Middlebury.

Photo courtesy UVM Extension

County 4-H’ers do well at state dairy judging contest BRIDPORT — The annual State 4-H Dairy Judging Contest, held June 28 in Bridport, saw a good turnout with 53 4-H dairy members from throughout the state competing for top-10 rosette ribbons in their respective age groups.

The judging took place at Audet’s Blue Spruce Farm, a third-generation family farm. The 4-H’ers, ages 8 to 18, judged two classes of Holsteins (junior threeyear-olds and senior three-yearolds) and three classes of Ayrshires (three-year-olds, fall calves and

Lincoln LINCOLN — There will be a walk-a-thon to raise money for the Haiti orphanage on Saturday, July 13. The event will start with registration at the park in Bristol at 9 a.m. The two mile walk starts at 9:30 a.m. and will take you on sidewalks through beautiful Bristol village. The event is suitable for all ages, including strollers. The money raised will be used to purchase beds and bedding and to meet ongoing monthly expenses. Sponsor sheets are available at BFit in Bristol or fill out the sheet the morning of the walk. Please bring money raised with you to the walk. Register with Karen Wheeler by email at raisearoofforhaiti@

winter calves). The top Addison County finishers, included Brianna Vander Wey of Ferrisburgh, who received third place in the Senior (14-18) category; Elisabeth Crawford of Whiting, who received fourth in the 12- and 13-year-olds category,

her fellow Whiting-ite Morgan White, who received tenth in the same category, and Emma Deering of Middlebury who was tapped for honorable mention; and Chase Boudreau of Bridport, who garnered third place in the 10-11-year-olds division.

Have a news tip? Call Dawn Mikkelsen at 453-7029 NEWS This year, because of scheduling conflicts, the Be Bop Car Hop will be held on Saturday, July 13. Get ready for poodle skirts, pony tails, white t-shirts and slicked-back hair. Enjoy the drive-in diner experience they’ve been providing for over 20 years. Serving begins at 5 p.m. and ends at 7 p.m. Know someone with an older model car? Encourage them to drive it to the hop. Be there or be square. There will be an origami event on Wednesday, July 17 at 10:30 a.m. at the library. Special guest Gail Martin will be working with anyone who wants to learn more about origami. She is wonderful

at leading participants through new paper folding adventures, and works expertly with more than one ability level at a time. Refreshments provided. Questions? Call 4532665. In conjunction with the summer reading program, the library will be hosting a children’s activity minicamp on Monday, July 22, Tuesday, July 23 and Wednesday, July 24 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Camp-goers will be participating in various activities that relate to the summer reading program theme “A Universe of Stories.” There will be snacks, crafts, storytelling and scavenger hunts. Please sign up at the library.

Are you currently reading a good book? The library is looking for readers to stop by and write a quick review for a chance at winning a prize or a treat from the Lincoln General Store. Children and adult readers are both welcome. The Lincoln Library would like to give special thanks to Kevin McClain, Alan Borys, Bern Terry and Mike and Sally Burgess for helping to make the two raised beds a reality. The library plans to integrate them into their childrens’ programming. Until next time ... Never Regret Anything That Made You Smile. Be Fearless. Let All That You Do Be Done In Love.

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MIDDLEBURY — Dr. Diana Barnard, a palliative care physician and long-time member of the Addison County medical community, who works at both Porter Medical Center and the UVM Medical Center, has been awarded the UVM Health Network Home Health and Hospice Madison-Deane Award for Excellence in End-of-Life Care. This annual award is given by the Madison-Deane Education Fund, formerly the MadisonDeane Initiative (MDI), which is the educational arm of the UVM Health Network Home Health and Hospice’s Hospice and Palliative Care Program. According to the MDI website, this award is given annually by the Madison-Deane Initiative to a Vermont individual, group or organization who “exemplifies the original mission and vision

of MDI, thereby continuing the legacy of Drs. Madison and Deane and their original intent. Dr. Madison wanted to see physicians educated about pain assessment and control, and Dr. Deane wanted to see education about advance directives and hospice and palliative care, so as to prevent unnecessary suffering for patients at the end of life.” “We are so pleased to learn of this well-deserved award, and deeply grateful to Dr. Barnard for the specialized and invaluable work she does here at Porter to provide palliative and end-oflife services to the people of our community,” said UVMHN Porter Medical Center President Seleem Choudhury. “Diana exemplifies our mission of caring for our community, one person at a time.” illness.”

Motorcycle crashes into a deer on road in Ripton

ADDISON COUNTY — On the morning of July 4 Vermont State Police responded to a report of a motorcycle hitting a deer on Lincoln Road in Ripton. Police report that sometime before 11:20 a.m. this past Thursday, Robert Wesley, 54, of Ripton was driving a 2014 Yamaha motorcycle northbound on Lincoln Road when a deer entered the roadway. Wesley reportedly attempted to avoid the deer but collided with animal. Neither alcohol nor drugs played a factor in the collision, police said. Wesley and a passenger were transported to Porter Medical Center for treatment of suspected minor injuries to both parties. Lincoln Road was temporarily reduced to one lane of travel due to the collision. The Vermont State Police were assisted on scene by the Ripton Fire Department and Middlebury Regional EMS. Meanwhile, in the past week Vermont State Police reported on the outcome of investigations into two separate incidents that took place in the past eight week. First, on July 2, troopers said who they thought was at fault in the June 8 incident in which a vehicle inflicted $2,500 in damage to a lawn in on Singing Cedars Road in Orwell. When police were called to the scene of the crime at 2 a.m. that day, they found the vehicle (with an open container of alcohol in it) on the lawn, but the driver was no longer on scene. State police now say that 50-year-old Randy Ryan of Orwell was the one driving the car and they cited Ryan for unlawful mischief. Then, on July 7, troopers reported on the results of their investigation into a May 19 vandalism at a Starksboro home. State police said they determined that Colleen Dorney, 45, of Burlington had vandalized a vehicle at the Ireland Road residence. The damage was estimated to be valued at $6,936.68. On July 3 police cited Dorney for unlawful mischief. In other recent activity, Vermont State Police: • On July 3 at a little after 1 a.m. were called to a Lincoln home for a report of domestic assault. After investigating, troopers reported that Taj Rothblatt, 39, of Lincoln had physically assaulted a family member. Police cited Rothblatt for domestic assault. • On July 5 at around 5:30 p.m. observed a vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed on Route 7 near River Road in New Haven and clocked it at 80 mph in a 50 mph zone. Police stopped the vehicle and identified the driver as Jesse Gagne of Franklin. During the stop, police learned that Gagne had an active warrant for his arrest and that his license was under criminal suspension. So troopers took Gagne into custody, cited him for driving with a suspended license and speeding, and took him to the Chittenden Regional Correctional Center where he was lodged on the outstanding warrant and for lack of $200 bail. • On July 5, while driving through Middlebury at about a quarter to midnight, stopped a car for an observed motor vehicle equipment violation on Washington Street in Middlebury. Police cited driver Matthew Hunter, 29, of St. George for driving under the influence. State police operating out of the New Haven barracks release a daily log of a selection of their activities. In Addison County, those activities

Vt. State

Police Log

included: • June 30, citizen assist, Snake Mountain, Weybridge. • June 30, agency assist, Garfield Street, Bristol. • July 1, vandalism, Keewaydin Way, Salisbury. • July 1, traffic crash, Brown Road at Bay View Lane, Shoreham. • July 2, public speaking engagement, Shelburne Road, Shelburne. • July 2, citizen assist, Lovers Lane, Bristol. • July 2, larceny from a building, Chipman Point Road, Orwell. • July 2, accident with damage, Route 22A, Orwell. • July 2, citizen assist, Rockydale Road, Bristol. • July 2, citizen assist, Shacksboro Road, Shoreham. • July 2, motor vehicle disturbance, Routes 22A and 7, Ferrisburgh. • July 3, family disturbance, West Hill Road, Lincoln. • July 3, suspicious person, Plank Road, Bristol. • July 3, vandalism, Barnumtown Cemetery, Monkton. • July 3, traffic hazard, Route 73 three-quarters of a mile east of Field Days Road, New Haven. • July 3, agency assist, Morgan Road, Salisbury. • July 3, larceny from a building, Old Stage Road, Orwell. • July 3, fireworks, Lower Notch Road and Vincent Drive, Bristol. • July 4, citizen assist, Hollow Road, Monkton. • July 4, accident with injury, Lincoln Road, Ripton. • July 4, welfare check, Forrest Road, Bridport. • July 4, welfare check, Leicester Whiting Road, Leicester. • July 5, suspicious person, Hawkins and Little Chicago roads, Ferrisburgh. • July 5, driving with a suspended license, Route 7, New Haven. • July 5, larceny, Falls of Lana, Salisbury. • July 5, ATV incident, Meehan and Purinton roads, Bristol. • July 5, fireworks, Fern Lake Road, Leicester. • July 6, leaving the scene of an accident, Route 116, Starksboro. • July 6, abandoned vehicle, Downingsville and Hall roads, Lincoln. • July 6, citizen assist, Panton Road, Panton. • July 6, juvenile problem, Ten Acre Drive, Addison. • July 6, suspicious person, Hawkins Road at South Mccuen Fishing Access, Ferrisburgh. • July 6, suspicious person, Shoreham Depot Road, Orwell. • July 6, animal problem, Battell Drive/Morgan Horse Farm Road, Weybridge. • July 6, citizen assist, Waterhouse Drive/Tent site 68C, Salisbury. • July 6, suspicious person, Robinson Road, Lincoln. • July 6, citizen assist, East Street, New Haven. • July 7, suspicious person, Shoreham Whiting Road, Whiting. • July 7, citizen assist, Route 73, Orwell. • July 7, citizen assist, Conkey Hill Road, Orwell. • July 7, citizen assist, Avian Lane, Starksboro.

Real Estate





Feature Interviews


July 11, 2019

The Addison Independent

Gary Margolis, a poet from Cornwall, has recently published a book of poems inspired in part by his time volunteering in a maximum security prison, where he facilitated poetry and writing workshops for inmates. INDEPENDENT PHOTO / STEVE JAMES

Cornwall poet reflects on ‘time inside’ a prison


hen’s the last time you wrote a poem? For some of us, it was a long time ago… like, before Facebook, OMG — back when journals served as outlets for inward, emotional tweens. For others, like Gary Margolis, poetry is a daily practice.

Every morning when this poet wakes up in his Cornwall home, he gets up and heads out for an hour’s walk down Sperry and Bordeau roads. “It’s a way for me to get into my body easily,”

Margolis said. “It’s meditative. I go out with no expectations of writing.” He opens himself up to what he sees, hears and feels. “It’s about being open to whatever it is that might be there,” he added. “Images come up and thoughts emerge… By the time I get back to the house I’m ready to sit down… And then my only instruction to myself is to ‘let it go’ — meaning just start writing.” Once the poem begins, Margolis tries to follow it organically. “I’d call it associative poetry. Yet the poems are simultaneously informed by tradition, experience, history and form,” said Margolis, who most recently published his seventh (or is it

eighth?) book of poems. It is titled, “Time Inside,” which was inspired in part by poetry/writing workshops he led in a maximum security prison. No, these poems are not middle school ramblings; they are thoughtfully crafted with depth and awareness. Of course they are. We’d expect no less from Margolis, who served as executive director of College Mental Health Services and associate professor of English and American Literatures (part-time) at Middlebury College for 38 years; who was a Robert Frost and Arthur Vining Davis Fellow; and who taught at the University of Tennessee, Vermont and Bread Loaf, and Green Mountain writers’ conferences. Oh and his third book, “Fire in the Orchard” was nominated for the 2002 Pulitzer Prize in Poetry. SEE INSIDE ON PAGE 2

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| ARTS+LEISURE | Thursday, July 11, 2019

Yeah, this Ph.D. knows what he’s doing, but he CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 didn’t start out a master. Nope. On the contrary, when Margolis was a student at Middlebury College he was a four-sport athlete — a jock. He was on the football, basketball, lacrosse and track teams; and his poetry (which he did write) was closeted.

more online


That is until a girlfriend kept talking about this guy who wrote poetry. “I was curious and a little jealous,” Margolis remembered. “So I went to his office one day and he gave me three poems by Wallace Stevens, W. B. Yeats and Robert Frost and told me to come back and we’d talk about them… At that second meeting he asked me if I wrote poetry. I said I did, and he told me to bring him three poems of mine the next time… Now he’s almost 90 years old and we’ve become life-long friends.” This relationship with Bob Pack — a “teacherpoet-mentor-friend” — solidified Margolis’ pursuit of poetry. Margolis graduated from Middlebury College in 1967 and went on to earn his graduate degree in counseling from The State University of New York at Buffalo, and wrote his dissertation on the uses of poetry in counseling. A skill that came in handy when he was volunteering in the correctional facility.

‘TIME INSIDE’ So what prompted Boston-born Margolis to want to go into a maximum security prison to facilitate workshops on writing and poetry? Good question. Well several things, really. First the facility was a place Margolis had seen over the years and he had curiosity and stereotypes about it. “I wanted to see what it was really like, not just to imagine it,” he said. Second, Margolis knew of Ellen Bass, who founded poetry workshops at Salinas Valley State Prison and the Santa Cruz jails in California. He had also recently watched the PBS TV program “The Great American Read,” which featured Free Minds, a book club program within a Washington, D.C., jail. And third, Margolis has personal experience with a family member who was incarcerated. Once his proposal to facilitate these workshops was vetted and accepted, Margolis held two backto-back five-week sessions.

Hear Gary Margolis read his poem “Fourth” in a recording posted with this story online at

facilitator and from each other,” Margolis said. “I was very moved by this.


I could thank you for being with me in this writing room. For the state letting me come in. To read poetry, to listen to what you’ve written. In pencil. Pens forbidden. Ballpoints use too many parts. Ink you could tat yourself with, draw blood. Signs on your skin meaning more to you, the men on your block than me. Although even a broken heart, needled on your arm, speaks to the poems we’re reading. A poet needed to writie, locked into his feelings. Which, I’m thinking, is why you have a key stamped over your heart, you pull up your shirt, for me to see as I’m leaving. To remmeber you by. Poetry being a feeling in the body, in a cell of thoughts. Words that can find you later next year, month after month Where his is your life sentene inside this barred building with all there is inside. all unique to being in a facility.” The workshops were not large groups.

“The first section of ‘Time Inside’ is about going into that place, and being with those men and reading and writing poetry,” Margolis said. “Being there your senses are very alive. What you see, smell, hear are

“The men were very receptive, respectful and motivated to engage and learn to write. They very much wanted to learn from me as the

“When you’re incarcerated, you have the therapeutic and creative need of writing poetry,” he said. “It is self- and other-enhancing when you’re being creative beyond survival.” Though Margolis facilitated these classes like he was back in his Middlebury College classroom — complete with lessons on sonnets, villanelles, sastinas, couplets and blank verse — he was most definitely not, and a correctional officer reminded him. “One day, the CO said to me, ‘Remember where you are.’” Margolis was reminded by Mary Oliver’s famous question in “The Summer Day:” “Tell me, what is it you plan to do / with your one wild and precious life?” “I didn’t have to be there, and they knew that. They knew I cared enough to want to be there, and cared about their work and them,” Margolis reflected. “Feeling cared for, encouraged, even with the act that landed them in prison, opened their creativity and healing… We all need healing.” But like poems, these workshops had a beginning, middle and end. Soon, Margolis was back to his routine Cornwall walks; reflecting on his time at the maximum security facility and his “time inside” his own mind. His book of poems continues in six sections exploring in what Weybridge author Julia Alvarez called “the myriad meaningful moments in our lives” — including a section of elegies for his sister Shelly, who died last year. “Poetry can be therapeutic self-expression,” said Margolis, who has had his own private practice as a psychologist in Middlebury since completing his work at the college in 2010. “But it’s important for me to also ask, ‘Can it be received and heard — maybe not completely understood — but is there an empathetic connection that goes beyond me as the speaker of the poem?’” Yes, a resounding yes. “Time Inside” holds a deepening awareness of at once the beauty and trauma of life — for you, your tweenage self, and me. Editor’s Note: The Vermont Book Shop in Middlebury has copies of “Time Inside.”

Addison Independent



n Saturday, July 13, at noon, Sheldon archivist, Eva GarcelonHart, will discuss a recently-discovered unique photographic portrait of Joseph Battell as part of the Henry Sheldon Museum’s Hidden Treasure Series. Battell (1839-1915) was a local philanthropist, Morgan horse breeder and person behind many landmarks of Middlebury architecture. The crystoleum photograph, sometimes called an American ivorytype, was recently conserved and is now on view for the first time, just for the month of July. Free with museum admission. The talk is presented in conjunction with Battell Weekend (July 13 and 14) recognizing Joseph Battell, detail, crystoleum photograph Joseph Battell’s legacy. The Sheldon COLLECTION OF HENRY SHELDON MUSEUM is located at 1 Park Street in downtown Middlebury across from the Ilsley Library. Museum hours: Tues.-Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Research Center hours: Thurs. and Fri. 1-5 p.m. Admission to the museum is $5 adults; $3 youth (6-18); $4.50 seniors; $12 family; $5 research center. For more info visit or call (802) 388-2117.

Amassed & Up-ended: Decoding the Legacy of Stuff What happens when four generations of one family live out their lives in the same house? Many, things transpire, of course, including the accumulation of a lot of stuff. In the case of Rokeby Museum, from 1793 to 1961 four generations of the Robinson family lived in the historic home that is now one of the center pieces of this National Historic Landmark designated for its well-documented Underground Railroad history. The Museum’s 2019 special exhibit, opens July 14 and runs through October 27, featuring a unique gallery exhibition inviting visitors to meet each generation of this remarkable family of farmers, abolitionists, artists, writers and homemakers by examining what they left behind. From portraits painted by one, to notes attached to objects by another, some aspects of who they were is made clear. In other cases, items like a chair and chest of drawers provides a sense of the person. And other objects, at first glance, may appear as conundrums. Known in the family as the “Fish chair,” this early maple and oak chair descended in the family of Jemima Fish Robinson (1761-1846) and was brought with her from Rhode Island to Ferrisburgh in 1793.

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| ARTS+LEISURE | Thursday, July 11, 2019

The Vermont Brewers Festival will come to the Burlington Waterfront again this year on July 19-20. Vermonters get first dibs on Friday, July 19, from 12-4 p.m. PHOTOS / VERMONT BREWERS ASSOCIATION



he Vermont Brewers Festival is back for its 27th year. This festival, held on the Burlington Waterfront July 19-20, is the only festival created for and hosted by the brewers themselves.

tasting tickets. Each session is 30 minutes and will feature three different cheeses paired with three different beers. The first tasting session on Friday, July 19, from 12-4 p.m., is open to everyone; but geared toward Vermont locals.

As the craft beer industry has grown, so has the Vermont Brewers Association. This year’s festival will feature 50 brewers, including many that have never attended the festival in previous years. The brewers will be predominantly from Vermont, (including Addison County’s Otter Creek Brewing and Drop-In Brewing) with a few invited guests from out of state and country.

“We want people to enjoy a summer Friday in Vermont by heading out of work early to sample beers with our Vermont brewers,” said Melissa Corbin, Executive Director of Vermont Brewers Association. “Our Friday afternoon session is for locals. We want people from Vermont to have the opportunity to sample beers they haven’t tasted before while chatting with the brewers who made the beer.”

Entry fee is $5. That gets you into the event where there will be live music, food and retail vendors, and brewers (naturally). To participate in tasting the beers, guests will need to purchase

All proceeds from the event support the nonprofit Vermont Brewers Association. For a full list of participating brewers and A customer samples beer from Drop-In Brewing in Middlebury other vendors, or to purchase tickets, during last year’s Vermont Brewers Festival. visit

Addison Independent

| ARTS+LEISURE | Thursday, July 11, 2019 — PAGE 5


Brandon Town Hall marks Apollo 11 anniversary with vintage lunar voyage masterpiece


sci-fi adventure hailed as the first feature film to depict realistic space travel will be screened this week at Brandon Town Hall in honor of the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11.

“Woman in the Moon” (1929), directed by German filmmaker Fritz Lang (“Metropolis,” 1927), will be shown with live music on Saturday, July 13, at 7 p.m. at Brandon Town Hall, 1 Conant Square, Route 7, Brandon. The presentation will include live music performed by silent film accompanist Jeff Rapsis. “We felt it was worth marking this important milestone by sampling visions of space travel before the Apollo program put mankind on the moon,” said Dennis Marden of the Friends of Brandon Town Hall, which organized the screening. “And what better way to do it than go back to the silent era and run ‘Woman in the Moon,’ an epic fantasy about the German space program that never happened.” The rarely seen full-length version of “Woman in the Moon” follows an intrepid band of space pioneers as they attempt mankind’s first voyage to the lunar surface, where they hope to find large deposits of gold. The film, made with German rocket experts as technical advisers, anticipated many of the techniques used by NASA for the Apollo moon launch program 40 years later. For example, a multi-stage rocket is employed to escape Earth’s gravity, and a separate capsule is used to reach

the lunar surface. The film is also noted for introducing the idea of a dramatic “countdown” prior to launch, which later became standard procedure in actual space flight. Critics regard the film’s extended launch sequence as a masterpiece of editing and dramatic tension. But “Woman in the Moon,” with its melodramatic plot, also stands as the forerunner of many sci-fi soap opera elements that quickly became clichés: the brilliant but misunderstood professor; a love triangle involving a female scientist and her two male crewmates; a plucky young boy who yearns to join the expedition; fistfights and gunfire and treachery on the lunar surface. Added to the mix is a vision of the moon (created entirely on a massive studio set in Berlin, Germany) that features a breathable atmosphere, giant sand dunes, distant mountain peaks, and bubbling mud pits. The film’s showing at Brandon Town Hall is in honor of the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11, the successful moon voyage by astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins. It’s also the 90th anniversary of the original theatrical release of “Woman in the Moon.” SEE MOON ON PAGE 16

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ARTIST’S RECEPTION IN BRANDON. Friday, July 12, 5-8 p.m., Compass Music and Arts Center, 333 Jones Dr. Opening reception for “Carolyn Shattuck: Into My Space.” Shattuck presents a selection of her still life paintings, several of her skillfully colored, patterned and layered prints and textured collages, and her meticulous and sculptural Book Art. The exhibit runs July 12 through Sept 7. GALLERY TALK BY EVA GARCELON-HART IN MIDDLEBURY. Saturday, July 13, noon, Henry Sheldon Museum, 1 Park St. Sheldon Archivist, Garcelon-Hart, will discuss a recently discovered unique crystoleum photographic portrait of Joseph Battell as part of the Sheldon’s Hidden Treasure Series. Battell (1839-1915) was a local philanthropist, Morgan horse breeder and responsible for many Middlebury architectural landmarks. Free with museum admission. More info at EXHIBIT OPENING IN FERRISBURGH. Sunday, July 14, 2-4 p.m., Rokeby, 4334 Route 7. A reception for “Amassed and Up-ended: Decoding the Legacy of Stuff.” The show gathers objects, artworks, and documents representing four generations of one Vermont family to explore how what we save over a lifetime gives voice to some of our stories and silences others.

Curators Jane Williamson and Catherine Brooks will give a gallery talk at 2 p.m., and Elizabeth Dow and Lucinda Cockerel authors of “How to Weed Your Attic: Getting Rid of Junk without Destroying History,” will present at 3 p.m.


new series set in England during World War I, Charles Todd introduces Bess Crawford, a spectacular female protagonist. Come enjoy smart, literary mysteries (none too gruesome), lively conversation and snacks. Open to the public. New members always welcome.


“MARCH: BOOK ONE” DISCUSSION IN MONKTON. Thursday, July 11, 6:30 p.m., Russell Memorial Library, 4333 State Prison Hollow Rd. Gather with others to explore some of the themes in “March: Book One,” the autobiographical graphic novel by U.S. Congressman and Civil Rights leader John Lewis. MIDDLE GRADE BOOK CLUB IN MIDDLEBURY. Tuesday, July 16, 5-6 p.m., The Vermont Book Shop, 38 Main St. A summer book club for kids ages 8-12 that reads fun, engaging books. Read “Reformed,” by Justin Weinberger, prior to the meeting and come prepared to talk about it … and eat Nino’s pizza. Watch your back. Hide your underwear. Only the fearless survive in Weinberger’s novel. Led by Jenny Lyons. Parents are welcome (but not required). More info and RSVP to MYSTERY READERS BOOK GROUP IN MIDDLEBURY. Wednesday, July 17, 6 p.m., Shafer’s Market and Deli, 54 College St. In “A Duty to the Dead,” the first book of an exciting



GAIL MARTIN ORIGAMI MASTER IN LINCOLN. Wednesday, July 17, 10:30 a.m., Lincoln Library, 222 W. River Rd. Join Martin when she leads participants through new paper folding adventures, and works expertly with more than one ability at a time. Refreshment provided. Questions? Call 802-453-2665.


“JUMANJI” ON SCREEN IN BRISTOL. Thursday, July 11, between 7 and 8 p.m., on the green. The first film in Bristol’s summer of Movies in the Park. “WOMAN IN THE MOON” ON SCREEN IN BRANDON. Saturday, July 13, 7 p.m., Brandon Town Hall, 1 Conant Sq. In honor of the 50th anniversary of the lunar landing, come see this 1929 silent film directed by Fritz Lang (“Metropolis”), a grand sci-fi adventure epic about the first rocket ship to the moon. The final silent feature from German filmmaker CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE

art works Every ad in Arts + Leisure helps support local artists. Put your ad to work. Call us today!

Twangtown Paramours

Nathan Fox & Jane Kramer

Steve Kirby Jazz

Cecilia Zabala

This husband ‘n wife acoustic duo is known for their awardwinning songs, top-notch lead singing, and fine harmonies.

These singer/songwriters from North Carolina will join together to co-headline a special night of Americana Folk.

The Boston-based Steven Kirby Jazz Quintet will perform an evening of contemporary and mainstream jazz.

A rising singer/songwriter from Argentina who combines elements of jazz and global folkloric music.

Saturday, July 13

Friday, July 19

Saturday, July 20

Saturday, July 27

Tickets are $20. Add a pre-concert dinner for $25. Reservations required for dinner and recommended for the show. 802-247-4295 • • 62 Country Club Road, Brandon, VT


Addison Independent

Lang laid the groundwork for all outer space movies to come. “SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY” ON SCREEN IN BRISTOL. Thursday, July 18, between 7 and 8 p.m., on the green. The latest installment in Bristol’s summer Movies in the Park.


TOWN PICNIC IN WEYBRIDGE. Saturday, July 13, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Weybridge School, Quaker Village Rd. Live music, communitybuilding games, food & fun. Bring side dish or dessert to share, along with a reusable place setting. There will be a book swap bin for those wanting to participate. Rain or shine. More info contact Kirsten Hendy at 802-349-7167 or “A CELEBRATION OF THE INDEPENDENT SPIRIT” IN ROCHESTER. Sunday, July 14, 5:308 p.m., BigTown Gallery, 99 N. Moan St. An evening with presentations from Deirdre Heekin and Vermont distiller Duncan Holaday followed by a prepared meal with food historian and author of “Cooking With Fire,” Paula Marcoux. Live performance They Might be Gypsies. Part of the Joan Hutton Landis Summer Reading Series. Contact for information on tickets. SPACE GAMES IN VERGENNES. Thursday, July 18, 10:30-11:30 a.m., on the lawn, Bixby Memorial Library, 258 Main St. Dress for mess, goop, and possibly catching Alien Flu. Good humor is a must. Good sportsmanship is a must too, even among aliens. Bring goggles or a scuba mask. Will reschedule if raining. Preregistration required online or at the library, Ages 8-12. Space is limited. Kids under 8 must have an adult (16 years or older) with them. Free. Registration required. Questions? Contact Rachel Plant, or 802-877-2211, or register at


CHRIS YERLIG: MIMEALOT! IN MIDDLEBURY. Thursday July 11, noon, on the green. Yerlig has traveled the world with his funny, consummate mime routines. A Festival on the Green event. Free. MAGICIAN TOM VERNER IN MIDDLEBURY. Friday, July 12, noon, on the green. Addison County based magician Tom Verner’s Magicians Without Borders performs magic shows for children in refugee camps, orphanages and hospitals around the world — often in war torn places where love, laughter and magic are desperately needed. A Festival on the Green event. Free. DINOMAN IN VERGENNES. Saturday, July 13, 10:30-11:30 a.m., Community Room, Bixby Library, 258 Main St. Dinoman Space uses dinosaurs, meteors, comets, liquid air, and a

goldfish to give students a truly unique view of the heavens. Preregistration required online or at the library, for ages 4 and up. Kids under 8 must have an adult (16 years or older) with them at the library or at any library program. Free, Registration required. Questions? Contact Rachel Plant, or 802-877-2211, or register at


BASIN BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL IN BRANDON. Thursday, July 11, Friday, July 12, Saturday, July 13, and Sunday, July 14, all day, Basin Rd. Lots of events, activities and above all, music. Day and weekend ticket prices. Celebrate all things Bluegrass in the Basin. More info at, 802-247-3275 or THE MICHELE FAY BAND IN HANCOCK. Thursday, July 11, 6:30 p.m., Hancock town green, Route 100. Come hear the Michelle Fay Band’s original and Americana music for the Hancock Summer Concert series. Fee and open to the public. Bring a lawn chair and enjoy. More info at 802-388-6863. OKAN PERFORMS IN MIDDLEBURY. Thursday, July 11, 7 p.m​., on the green. Taking its name from the word for heart or soul in the AfroCuban religion of Santeria, OKAN fuses AfroCuban and other global rhythms with jazz, folk and classical forms. Embracing genres and roles that have historically been dominated by men, co-leaders, Elizabeth Rodriguez and Magdelys Savigne bring a fresh perspective to Latin and world jazz fusion through their powerful vocals, incredible musicianship and potent lyrical content. A Festival on the Green concert. Free. LOWDOWN BRASS BAND IN MIDDLEBURY. Thursday, July 11, 8:30 p.m., on the green. LDB brandishes a powerful brass frontline of trumpets, trombones, saxophones, with a funky backline of drums and sousaphone. Combining the poetic ferocity of Billa Camp with stellar vocal harmonies, adventurous improvisation, movement, and grooves, LDB creates an infectious and diverse sound that has something for every listener. A Festival on

| ARTS+LEISURE | Thursday, July 11, 2019 — PAGE 7

the Green event. Free. MIDDLEBURY COMMUNITY MUSIC CENTER HOUSE OF ROCK CAMPERS IN MIDDLEBURY. Friday, July 12, 11:30 a.m., on the green. Come hear what these campers are up to. TATIANA LUKYANOVA, CARILLON, IN MIDDLEBURY. Friday, July 12, at 6 p.m., Mead Chapel, 75 Hepburn Rd. Lukyanova is the carillonneur at the Congregational Church, New Britain, Conn., and Former Associate Carillonneur, St. Petersburg, Russia. The sounds of the carillon bells are a staple of summer life on the Middlebury campus. Free. More info at SOULE MONDE IN MIDDLEBURY. Friday, July 12, 7 p.m., on the green. Soule Monde is avant funk erupting from the syncopated minds of power drummer Russ Lawton and B3 wizard Ray Paczkowski. This is fluid funk, crafted for the dance floor but supported by an extensive grasp of jazz improvisation. A Festival on the Green concert. Free. POINT COUNTERPOINT FACULTY CONCERT IN MIDDLEBURY. Friday, July 12, at 7:30 p.m., Town Hall Theater, 68 S. Pleasant St. Come hear the professional musicians who teach at Point CounterPoint Chamber Music Camp on Lake Dunmore Program includes works by Carlo Gesualdo, Mendelssohn, Kaija Saariaho and Brahms. Good will donations to support Point CounterPoint encouraged. BIG NIGHT IN MIDDLEBURY. Friday, July 12, 8:30 p.m., on the green. Inspired by past and current music and dance from southwest Louisiana and Texas, and dedicated to the idea that every person deserves an opportunity to two-step, Big Night is a group of Burlington-based musicians playing a mix of Cajun, western swing, Zydeco and classic country. Come out and dance to one of the hottest new bands making it’s way through New England. A Festival on the Green concert. Free.



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| ARTS+LEISURE | Thursday, July 11, 2019

Americana comes to Brandon NATHAN EVANS FOX AND JANE KRAMER


Brandon Music will welcome Nathan Evans Fox and Jane Kramer to Brandon Music on Friday, July 19, at 7:30 p.m. Fox and Kramer are both highly regarded singer songwriters from North Carolina who frequently perform individually and with other artists but for this American tour have come together to co-headline a special night of Americana Folk with a North Carolina overlay. They will be playing together and separately.

The music of The Twangtown Paramours has been called “sophisticated Americana,” and is a hybrid of the Nashville and Austin music scenes. This husband and wife acoustic duo, made up of MaryBeth Zamer and Mike T. Lewis, is known for their well-crafted and award-winning songs, top-notch lead singing, and fine harmonies. Twangtown Paramours are favorites with Brandon Music audiences and will return to perform on July 13, at 7:30 p.m.



Fox is an Americana songwriter and musician from Glen Alpine, N.C. Growing up immersed in country, rock, bluegrass, and hymns, Fox synthesizes his musical roots to produce a sound all his own. He has been writing music, playing fiddle and guitar, and collaborating with other musicians for over 10 years. Fox’s lyrics confront the difficulties of his cultural and religious heritage with quiet grief, incisive anger, and an unexpected wit. Above all, he is a storyteller whose narrative landscapes are at once familiar and strange. He has written, produced, and performed two full-length albums: “Home” (2017) and most recently “Texas Dust,” which was released in April 2018. Fox is based in Atlanta, Ga., where he lives with his best friend/wife Elizabeth and their dog Maisie.

Zamer has sung professionally since the age of 18. Before moving to Nashville, she
was a fixture of the local music scene in the Washington, D.C. area, where she fronted a
popular bar band for several years. Zamer sang background vocals for the band Method Actor featuring Eva Cassidy and after relocating to Nashville, continued her musical career working as a demo singer for local songwriters, as a background vocalist for several new country artists, and worked on her own projects, including serving as lead vocalist for the band Blue Martini.

JANE KRAMER Asheville-based Kramer was described by a U.K. music reviewer in Three Chords and the Truth as sounding like she was “born to gypsy poets and raised by Emmylou Harris.” With deep roots in Appalachian musical traditions, culture, and lore, Kramer’s songs are introspective and gracefully gritty. Her performances are poignant and engaging, accessible, warm, and often hilarious. Her third album, “Valley of The Bones,” was released this March 2019.

MIKE T. LEWIS Lewis has played guitar for a million-and-a-half years, and bass for about half that
time. He sometimes tours with Jimmie Dale Gilmore, playing upright bass. In 1997, Lewis had a No. 1 pop hit in South Korea on the big pop icon, Yangpa’s first album called “A Heartbeat Away.” It sold over 800,000 units. Yangpa will release a few more of Lewis’ songs on her upcoming autumn release. He has also had songs recorded by independent artists in the U.K., Japan, and the U.S. Lewis runs a studio in Nashville, producing albums and demos for up-and-coming artists. And if you look very closely, sometimes you can see him playing a background acting role of songwriter, studio engineer, or roadie on ABC’s “Nashville.”

Concert tickets are $20. A pre-concert dinner is available for an extra $25. Reservations are required for dinner and recommended for the show. Venue is BYOB. Call (802) 247-4295, email or visit for more info.

live music BASIN BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL IN BRANDON. Thursday, July 11-14, all day, Basin Rd. THE MICHELE FAY BAND IN HANCOCK. Thursday, July 11, 6:30 p.m., Hancock town green TATIANA LUKYANOVA, CARILLON, IN MIDDLEBURY. Friday, July 12, at 6 p.m., Mead Chapel POINT COUNTERPOINT FACULTY IN MIDDLEBURY. Friday, July 12, at 7:30 p.m., Town Hall Theater THE VERMONT JAZZ ENSEMBLE IN MIDDLEBURY. Saturday, July 13, 7 p.m., Main St. TWANGTOWN PARAMOURS IN BRANDON. Saturday, July 13, at 7:30 p.m., Brandon Music. RICHARD RUANE AND BETH DUQUETTE IN NEW HAVEN. Sunday, July 14, 2-4 p.m., Lincoln Peak Winery. VERGENNES CITY BAND CONCERT IN VERGENNES. Monday, July 15, 7 p.m., City Park. THE PLUMB BOBS IN BRANDON. Wednesday, July 17, 7 p.m., Behind the Brandon Inn. BRISTOL TOWN BAND IN BRISTOL. Wednesday, July 17, 7 p.m., on the green.

BACHBASH The annual Rochester Chamber Music Society’s Bach Bash will be held on Saturday, July 13, at the Granville Town Hall. All string players are welcome to join of any age. The goal is just to get together with other musicians who enjoy playing classical music and have fun. Everything is free, and the music is provided.

“Merry Gathering of the Country Folk,” by Beethoven, will be conducted by guest conductor, Justin Yanowicz. The rest of the pieces will be conducted by, Charlotte Brook-Signor.

Rehearsal starts at 1 p.m. Musicians will take a break for a free buffet dinner at 5:30 p.m., and then present the free concert at 7 p.m.

Songs performed this year: J.S. Bach, Air on the G String Tomaso Albinoni, Adagio in G Telemann Concerto in D major for Flute & Stings (Allegro Assai) Arensky, Variations on a Theme by Tschaikowsky, and Dvorak, Waltz, Op. 54 No. 4

This year one of the numbers,

To join in call (802) 767-3809.

Addison Independent

| ARTS+LEISURE | Thursday, July 11, 2019 — PAGE 9

Point CounterPoint celebrates 40th anniversary Concert Series


he Point CounterPoint faculty musicians will present their 40th evening of chamber music at Middlebury’s Town Hall Theater on Friday, July 12, at 7:30 p.m.

The professional musicians who teach at Point CounterPoint Chamber Music Camp on Lake Dunmore hail from prestigious music institutions and from many parts of the world. PCP Faculty changes every two weeks with each new session of campers. Friday’s performance will feature Ari Streisfeld, Anne Lanzilotti, David Kaplan,

did you know? Joann Whang is one of the faculty members at Point CounterPoint who will perform in their annual concert at the Town Hall Theater in Middlebury on Friday, July 12, at 7:30 p.m. Admission is free. Donations appreciated.

Joann Whang, Jessica Tong, Romina Monsanto and Isabel Ong. This year’s musical program includes Three Madrigals from Book VI by Carlo Gesualdo, arr. Ari Streisfeld, Mendelssohn’s Piano Trio No. 2 in C Minor Op. 66 , Light and Matter by Kaija Saariaho, and Brahms’ String Sextet No. 1 in Bb Major Op. 18. These faculty concerts give PCP campers a chance to experience the musical excellence and the dedication of their teachers, which proves to be an inspiration. Admission to the concert is free, and goodwill donations to support Point CounterPoint are encouraged. The house opens at 7 p.m. for the 7:30 p.m. concert.

Middlebury’s own Emory and Diana Fanning used to own and direct Point CounterPoint. Since their first year in 1979, the Fannings were able to attract outstanding musicians and performers to teach at the camp. To give these talented musicians some performance opportunities, the Fannings founded the Point CounterPoint Faculty Concert Series which (under their 10-year leadership) performed in numerous venues across Vermont, sharing a tradition of outstanding musical achievement. For more information about the camp, visit

Vermont history through song rings at the Salisbury Church On Friday, July 19, at 7:30 p.m., the 40th annual Salisbury Summer Performance Series (at the Salisbury Congregational Meetinghouse), in collaboration with the Salisbury Historical Society and the Vermont Council on the Humanities, will sponsor an evening of historic Vermont song performed by Linda Radtke (right) and pianist Arthur Zorn. Classically trained, Radtke, host of the Choral Hour on Vermont Public Radio, is a member of Counterpoint, the Oriana Singers, and Vermont Symphony’s Ah!Capella. Her program brings Vermont history to life with performance and commentary about songs found in the Vermont Historical Society’s sheet music collection. In costume, she guides listeners through the state’s history from the earliest published song, “Green Mountain Farmer,” through 1850s temperance ballads and Civil War era songs, to songs about Vermonters Calvin Coolidge, Thomas Dewey, and Jim Fisk. This will be the third event in the Summer Performance Series, which will continue on Friday evenings through Aug. 9 at the historic, but handicapped accessible, 1838 meetinghouse in Salisbury Village. There is no admission charge; a free-will donation in support of the series will be appreciated. Any receipts in excess of the expenses for the series will be applied to the continuing restoration of the Salisbury landmark.

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| ARTS+LEISURE | Thursday, July 11, 2019



Merchants Row, Middlebury, VT Tickets: 802-382-9222 Preservation Fee: $1-$2 per ticket

Fri 7/12 7:30pm Free – Donations Appreciated



The outstanding musicians and performers on faculty at Point Counterpoint perform a delightful evening of chamber music.

Fri 7/26 @ 7pm; Sat 7/27 & Sun 7/28 @ 2pm $15/$5 12 & under


The fabulously fun award-winning musical based on the adored movie follows the transformation of Elle Woods as she tackles stereotypes and scandal in pursuit of her dreams. Exploding with memorable songs and dynamic dances – this musical is so fun it should be illegal!



The Middlebury College Russian Language School presents Russian folk musicians Zolotoy Plyos.

In the Jackson Gallery Now through Sun 8/4 SCORED PAINTINGS


This artist/writer’s creativity flows through myriad genres, informed by sensitivity, curiosity and passion for experiences and interconnections. Her creations display a unique and thoughtful perspective – from careful crafting of poetry through the gesture of wordless writing, to the marking of the blank canvas of her textured scored paintings..

Fri–Sat 8/16 & 8/17 7pm $15/$5 12 & under THT’S YOUNG COMPANY PRESENTS


Shakespeare’s comedy gets a rock-n-roll upgrade in this Young Company production. With songs by Clint Bierman and the Young Company ensemble, this is a fun and funky show with plenty of physical comedy and lots of sass.

Fri & Sat Evenings – Now through 10/4


This Summer & into early October, visit the alley beside Town Hall Theater on Merchant’s Row on scheduled Friday & Saturday evenings for a taste treat from Tourterelle, Bobcat Cafe and Evolution Kitchen. Go to for more info.


EXHIBITS 50/50: FIFTY YEARS OF COLLECTING FOR MIDDLEBURY. On view Jan. 25-Aug. 11, featuring one piece of art from every year Middlebury College has formally been acquiring art for its permanent collection. Middlebury College Museum of Art at Mahaney Center for the Arts, Route 30, Middlebury. (802) 443-5007 or AMASSED AND UP-ENDED: DECODING THE LEGACY OF STUFF. On view July 15-Oct. 27, featuring the objects, artworks, and documents representing four generations of the Robinson family that lived at Rokeby from 1793 to 1961. Rokeby Museum, 4334 Route 7, Ferrisburgh. (802) 877-3406 or “BARBADOS CLOUDSCAPES.” On view for the month of July, featuring a new body of work from National Geographic photographer James P. Blair. Edgewater Gallery at The Falls, 1 Mill St., Middlebury. (802) 4580098 or CAROLYN SHATTUCK: INTO MY SPACE. On view July 12-Sept. 7, featuring Carolyn Shattuck’s still life paintings, prints and textured collages, and sculptural Book Art. An artist’s reception will be held on Friday, July 12, from 5-8 p.m. Compass Music and Arts Center, 333 Jones Dr., Brandon. (802) 247-4295 or FANTASY CREATURES. On view through Sept. 1, featuring the briar burl sculptures of Andrew Marks. Henry Sheldon Museum, 1 Park St., Middlebury. (802) 388-2117 or “FROM THE FOOTHILLS OF THE MIGHTY HOGBACKS TO THOMPSON POINT.” On view for the month of July, featuring Homer Wells’ new collection of local landscapes brought to life on etched aluminum. Edgewater Gallery at The Falls, 1 Mill St., Middlebury. (802) 458-0098 or ICE SHANTIES: FISHING, PEOPLE & CULTURE. On view through the summer, featuring the structures, people and culture of ice fishing seen through the lens of Vermont-based Colombian photographer Federico Pardo — with audio reflections from the shanty owners. Vermont Folklife Center, 88 Main St., Middlebury. (802) 388-4964 or INTENTIONAL SPACES. On view June 20-July 13, featuring 35 images for the gallery and 35 more images for the online gallery selected by juror Laura Moya. This exhibit shows a variety of spaces all that evoke an emotional response. PhotoPlace Gallery, 3 Park Street, Middlebury. (802) 388-4500 or KARLA VAN VLIET: SCORED PAINTINGS. On view June 2-Aug. 4, featuring Karla Van Vliet’s unique scored paintings that look and feel like etchings. Jackson Gallery at Town Hall Theater, Middlebury. (802) 382-9222 or NEW GROWTH. On view June 1-July 14, featuring featuring new work from Anna Dibble, Anne Cady, Bonnie Baird, Hannah Morris, Hannah Secord Wade, Julia Jensen, Pamela Smith, and Susanne Strater. Northern Daughters Fine Art Gallery, 221 Main St., Vergennes. (802) 8772173 or POETRY ON AND OFF THE PAGE. On view through the summer, featuring “Object Poems” by Vermont-based poet and translator, Jody Gladding along with fine press poetry broadsides and manuscripts. Middlebury College Special Collections, Atrium, Lower Level, and Special Collections, Davis Family Library. (802) 443-3028. RECENT WORK. On view for the month of July, featuring Duncan

Addison Independent


Johnson’s constructed wall paintings. Edgewater Gallery on the Green, 6 Merchant’s Row, Middelbury. (802) 9897419 or STEAMBOATS OF LAKE CHAMPLAIN. On view along with other permanent exhibits through Oct. 13, featuring portraits of Jahaziel Sherman, 19th century Lake Champlain steamboat pioneer, and his wife Harriet Daggett Sherman. Lake Champlain Maritime Museum, 4472 Basin Harbor Road, Vergennes. (802) 475-2022 or THE ART OF WATER. On view June 28-Aug. 27, featuring pieces linked by the common theme of water, and includes ceramics, collage, watercolor, oil, photography, glass and more. The Brandon Artists Guild, 7 Center Street, Brandon. (802) 247-4956 or THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LEGACY OF DAN KILEY. On view May 14-Sept. 1, featuring a retrospective exhibit honoring Vermont landscape architect Daniel Urban Kiley (1912 – 2004). General public $5 (includes Museum admission). Henry Sheldon Museum, 1 Park St., Middlebury. (802) 388-2117 or WHIMSICAL WONDERS: FAIRY HOUSES FROM NATURE. On view May 14-Sept. 1, featuring a selection of fairy houses created by environmental artist Sally J. Smith. Henry Sheldon Museum, 1 Park St., Middlebury. (802) 388-2117 or

| ARTS+LEISURE | Thursday, July 11, 2019 — PAGE 11



he Middlebury New Filmmakers Festival announces its opening and closing night films for this year’s fifth annual event, Aug. 22-25 in Middlebury. In addition, MNFF is introducing a late night screening at the festival. MNFF has selected an inspiring documentary, “The Dog Doc,” as the opening night film, screening on Aug. 22, 7 p.m., at Town Hall Theater in Middlebury. “The Dog Doc” tells the story of Dr. Marty Goldstein, a maverick veterinarian, and his dedicated team of DVMs at Smith Ridge Veterinary Center, as they create a mecca for pets and their owners looking for hope and a last chance for animal healing. “The Dog Doc” poses deep questions about treatment, pushing humans to consider the difference between medication and integrative, holistic care and to contemplate the nature of universal sympathy. This film offers an immersive view into a seldom seen world, painting a picture of pure dedication and joy. Director Cindy Meehl and Jacqueline Ruskin, DVM, and partner at Smith Ridge, will attend the opening night screening and will participate in an on-stage event following the screening, hosted by

MNFF Artistic Director Jay Craven. “I believe that dogs, cats, and people will benefit from this story about a cutting edge alternative path to health,” Meehl said. “I am so passionately in love with all my animals and want them around for a very long time. That is why I had to make this film, so others would have new insight in how to keep their own pets and their family healthier.” Fast forward to closing night on Aug. 25, MNFF has selected “Ernie & Joe” to close this year’s Fest, screening at 8 p.m. at Town Hall Theater. “Ernie & Joe” is an intimate portrait of two San Antonio, Texas, police officers who are helping change the way police respond to mental health calls. The film takes audiences on a personal journey, weaving together the officers’ experiences during their daily encounters with people in crisis. In taking this different path, Ernie and Joe’s success is engendering change in police departments around the country. Director Jenifer McShane will attend the closing night screening and talkwith MNFF Artistic Director Craven following the screening. “Upon learning of the innovative work of the SAPD mental health unit and meeting Ernie and Joe in person, I felt compelled to make this film,”

one more thing

McShand said. “Their jail diversion work is humane and desperately needed to improve not only the health of the mentally ill, but also of their families. We have seen many films illustrating the multitude of sins in police departments across the country. ‘Ernie & Joe’ introduces us to officers trying and succeeding in doing it right.” New to the Fest this year, MNFF will present “Late Night at The Marquis”— a special screening on Friday, Aug. 23, 11 p.m., at the Marquis Theatre in Middlebury. Modeled after Sundance Film Festival’s signature Midnight Screenings, MNFF’s iteration will showcase an astonishing and utterly original animated film, “Ruben Brandt, Collector.” Geared to audiences 18+, this colorful film follows Ruben Brandt, a psychotherapist forced to steal masterpiece paintings to cure his horrific nightmares. He enlists four of his patients/confidants to form a strike team that regularly and with great success pulls off heists at the Louvre, Tate, Uffizi, Hermitage, and MoMA Museums, to name but a few of their targets. “Ruben Brandt, Collector” is the work of Hungarian director Milorad Krstic and displays a prodigious talent and imagination. To get tickets, fest passes or learn more visit



THE MICHELE FAY BAND PLAYS FREE CONCERT IN HANCOCK The Michele Fay Band will be performing original and Americana music for the Summer Concert series on the Hancock town green, on Thursday, July 11, at 6:30 p.m. The Hancock concerts are free and open to the public. Bring your lawn chair and enjoy. For more information call (802) 388-6863.

Elderberry & Aronia Berry Native Shrubs High in Antioxidants Perennials ~ Shrubs ~ Trees Native Species ~ Statuary ~ Gift Shop ~ Events 2127 RTE 73 EAST ~ SUDBURY, VT ~ 802-623-7373

PAGE 12 — Addison Independent

| ARTS+LEISURE | Thursday, July 11, 2019

the movie YESTERDAY — RUNNING TIME: 1:56 — RATING: PG-13 Any summary of “Yesterday” would miss its magic. Don’t look for the good, the mediocre or the bad in this one. Just try watching and waiting for it to wrap you in its arms. That takes about five minutes. In its entire length there is nothing by the scriptwriter or any actor that trips the whole, and the whole is not a story so much as it is a fairy tale. Jack Malik (Himesh Patel) and his dear friend Ellie (Lily James) have a friendship that borders on more but is rooted in her being his manager while she isn’t working at her job as a school teacher. She never gives up on his career even though singing to unresponsive bar patrons gives him no professional or emotional lift. How’s that for an ordinary beginning? Himesh Patel stars in “Yesterday” (2019).

One night the whole world goes dark and silent for 12 seconds and when that’s over, Jack sings “Yesterday” on his new guitar and discovers the world has become a place where no one has ever heard of The Beatles. He searches frantically for them on his computer and finds no mention of them anywhere. In this sudden new world, they never existed. By this early time in the movie, we are already hooked by Jack, who is now a creature of our imaginations as he sings the songs of The Beatles as if they were his own. As his success grows, he knows he must move to Los Angeles with Rocky (Joel Fry) who will manage his career as he soars to the heights of the celebrity he has earned with the songs of a group that has disappeared from world history. That’s the last you’ll hear from me about the plot that unfolds and envelops us without even an ounce of conventional unpleasantness. Oh yes, one nasty successful business executive (Sophia Di Martino) reaches for control of Jack and fails. Her personality is so out of tone with all the others that we wonder if she was introduced just to show us mean people don’t survive in Jack’s world.

I went in thinking that any new interpretation by unknowns of The Beatles’ music simply couldn’t work and I came out grinning in its success. In no way a true anecdote, it’s a fable designed with imaginative twists and turns and acted by a cast that understood precisely what they were doing. Sitting in the dark theater and hearing appreciative laughter in all different parts of the story was a lovely tribute to everyone involved. Director Danny Boyle and screenwriter Richard Curtis created a flawless script that is interpreted beautifully by a cast of actors who understand exactly how to deliver the magic of the imagination created by those two men. It’s hard to convey in words the magic running through the performance of Patel as he carries the fairy tale to all its happy endings. Just go and let it all roll gently over you.

the book

— Reviewed by Joan Ellis



“Late Migrations” is, on the surface, a collection of essays. Astute observations and vignettes of natural surroundings, place and wildlife, that set the scene for anecdotes of family, ancestry and heredity. There’s remembrance and recognition in the passages; they are precious and inclusive simultaneously. Tales relayed by the author’s grandmother are studded with relics of dialect that lodge the stories firmly in time. These stories paint a portrait of a family, a child’s view of a family at first, and then a shift in point of view, as the observer becomes an adult. Structure guides the reader, encouraging you to pause between short entries and reflect. Beautiful full color illustrations created by her brother, the artist Billy Renkl, punctuate and enhance the text; his botanical illustration collage forms the silhouette of a young girl’s face on the cover. The book itself is small, precious. That this unusually captivating memoir is a debut book from the New York Times opinion writer Margaret Renkl is astonishing. Firmly rooted in place, in particular the world surrounding the author’s suburban Nashville home, nonetheless, these essays transcend the mundane while elevating the mundane. Sounds magical? It is.

How to Be a Good Creature, by Sy Montgomery Horizon, by Barry Lopez Lab Girl, by Hope Jahren The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating, by Elisabeth Tova Bailey Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, by Barbara Kingsolver The Way Through the Woods, by Litt Woon Long The Farmer’s Son, by John Connell Deep Creek, by Pam Houston

— Reviewed by Jenny Lyons of The Vermont Book Shop in Middlebury.

Addison Independent

| ARTS+LEISURE | Thursday, July 11, 2019 — PAGE 13



Breathtaking oasis on Lake Champlain Enjoy the advantages of year-round lakeside living – tranquility, natural beauty, sunsets, easy access to the water and spectacular Adirondack views. This home has 264 feet of solid frontage on Lake Champlain. Larger than it appears from the outside, the home boasts 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and is full of charm. Private deck space from 2 bedrooms, a great back deck off of the living room for entertaining and a stunning gazebo perched over the stone seawall provide ample space for relaxing outdoors. Oversized 3-bay garage with a spacious second floor for storage or future bonus living space. Just minutes from the renowned Basin Harbor Club. All of this can be your home, your haven and your slice of heaven on Lake Champlain.

This home is listed & marketed by Michael Johnston (802-846-9518) of Coldwell Banker Hickok & Boardman Realty. For more information visit

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| ARTS+LEISURE | Thursday, July 11, 2019


THE VERMONT JAZZ ENSEMBLE IN MIDDLEBURY. Saturday, July 13, 7 p.m., Main St. Take to the street and dance the night away when the 17-member Vermont Jazz Ensemble performs music in the jazz and “big band” and other styles. Get out your dancing shoes, bring the entire family, and enjoy a special Festival on the Green finale on New England’s most unique dance floor. Come right at 7 p.m. to learn a few dance steps with Jim Condon! BACH BASH IN GRANVILLE. Saturday, July 13, 7 p.m., Granville Town Hall, 4157 Route 100. Professional and amateur musicians celebrate the music of Bach and others in this Rochester Chamber Music Society concert. TWANGTOWN PARAMOURS IN BRANDON. Saturday, July 13, at 7:30 p.m., Brandon Music, 62 Country Club Rd. Concert tickets $20. Preconcert dinner available for $25. Reservations required for dinner and recommended for the

show. Venue is BYOB. More info contact Edna at 802-247-4295 or email RICHARD RUANE AND BETH DUQUETTE IN NEW HAVEN. Sunday, July 14, 2-4 p.m., Lincoln Peak Winery, 142 River Rd. Relax on the porch with wine and live music. Wine is available by the glass. Music is rain or shine on the covered porch (we’ll move indoors if it’s pouring). VERGENNES CITY BAND CONCERT IN VERGENNES. Monday, July 15, 7 p.m., City Park. THE PLUMB BOBS IN BRANDON. Wednesday, July 17, 7 p.m., Behind the Brandon Inn. A creative mix of folk, rock and eclectic sound. Free. BRISTOL TOWN BAND IN BRISTOL. Wednesday, July 17, 7 p.m., on the green. The Bristol Band has presented outdoor summer band concerts in the gazebo on the Town Green every Wednesday evening in the summer since shortly after the Civil War. Bring a lawn chair, blanket or picnic dinner and enjoy an evening of small town entertainment. There is often a fundraiser barbecue before each concert. Call 802-453-5885 for details. LINDA RADTKE, “VERMONT HISTORY THROUGH SONG” IN SALISBURY, FRIDAY,

JULY 19, 7:30 P.M., Salisbury Congregational Meeting House, 853 Maple St. Part of the 40th Annual Summer Performance Series, with support from the Salisbury Historical Society, Free-will donation. MARK HARDING IN CONCERT IN MIDDLEBURY. Friday, July 19, 3:30-4:30 p.m., Bistro, EastView at Middlebury, 100 EastView Ter. Specializing in popular songs from the 20s to the 70s, Mark Harding (guitarist, harmonica player, and vocalist) is a “solo entertainer with a full band sound.” Free and open to the public. GEORGE MATTHEW JR., CARILLON, IN MIDDLEBURY. Friday, July 19, 6 p.m., Mead Chapel, 75 Hepburn Rd. Matthew, Carillonneur, Middlebury College and Norwich University will perform. The sounds of the carillon bells are a staple of summer life on the Middlebury campus. Free. More info at NATHAN EVANS FOX AND JANE KRAMER IN BRANDON. Friday, July 19, at 7:30 p.m., Brandon Music, 62 Country Club Rd. Concert tickets $20. Pre-concert dinner available for $25. Reservations required for dinner and recommended for the show. Venue is BYOB. More info contact Edna at 802-247-4295 or email


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| ARTS+LEISURE | Thursday, July 11, 2019 — PAGE 15


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PAGE 16 — Addison Independent

| ARTS+LEISURE | Thursday, July 11, 2019

“This is a great and at-times CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 bizarre film, one that must be seen to be believed,” said Jeff Rapsis, a New Hampshire-based silent film accompanist who will create live music for the Regent’s screening. “It’s as entertaining as any spy-thriller. And as a past vision of a future that didn’t quite come to be, it really gets you thinking of time and how we perceive it.”


Rapsis will improvise live musical accompaniment during the screening, using a digital synthesizer to recreate the sound of a full orchestra and other more exotic textures. ‘Woman in the Moon,’ a full-length feature than runs more than two and a half hours, should not be confused with the much earlier film “A Trip to Moon,” a primitive “trick” short movie made by French filmmaker George Méliès in 1902 and famous for the image of a space capsule hitting the eye of an imaginary moon man. “Unlike the Méliès film, there’s nothing primitive about ‘Woman in the Moon,’” Rapsis said.

July 7-13, 2019


“It’s silent film story-telling at the peak of its eloquence, with lively performances, imaginative camera angles, and superb photography.” Director Fritz Lang, responsible for the groundbreaking sci-fi epic ‘Metropolis’ (1927), planned “Woman in the Moon” as another step in his quest to stretch cinema’s visual, story-telling, and imaginative capabilities. Bad timing is one reason that “Woman in the Moon” (titled ‘Frau im Mond’ in German) is not as well known today as ‘Metropolis,’ its legendary predecessor. Lang completed “Woman in the Moon” just as the silent film era was coming to a close. As one of the last silent films of German cinema, “Woman in the Moon” was unable to compete with new talking pictures then in theaters, making it a box office flop at its premiere in October, 1929. However, German rocket scientist Hermann Oberth worked as an adviser on the movie, and it developed cult status among the rocket scientists in Wernher von Braun’s circle starting in the 1930s. During World War II, the first successfully launched V-2 rocket at the German rocket facility in Peenemünde had the “Woman in the Moon” logo painted on its base.

a l v i t s

During the war, the Nazis tried to recall and destroy all prints of “Woman in the Moon” due to its detailed depiction of state-of-the-art rocket propulsion technology; in later years, this served to make the film even more difficult to find. For many years, the film was available only in cut-down 16mm versions that ran as short as one hour. But pristine and complete 35mm copies of “Woman in the Moon” did survive in several European archives. Today, restored prints are amazingly clear and sharp, Rapsis said. “‘Woman in the Moon’ is technically one of the best-looking silent films I’ve ever seen,” he said. “If you think all silent films are grainy and scratchy-looking, ‘Woman in the Moon’ will change your mind. It’s like an Ansel Adams photograph come to life.” “Although “Woman in the Moon” is available for home viewing, this is a motion picture that should be experienced as intended: on the big screen, with live music, and with an audience,” Rapsis said. “There’s nothing like it.” Admission is free; donations are encouraged, with all proceeds support ongoing restoration of the Town Hall, which dates from 1860 and is being brought up to modern standards as funds allow.

41st annual

2019 Schedule

Sunday, July 7 7p.m. Sam Reider and the Village Green Human Hands Middlebury, VT Monday, July 8 Noon Brown Bag Singer/ storyteller Rik Palieri 7p.m. Windborne 8:30p.m. Bon Débarras Featured Artist Tuesday, July 9 Featured Artist Noon Brown Bag Vermont troubadour Jon Gailmor 7p.m. The Small Glories Friday, July 12th, 8:30pm Saturday, July 13th, 7:00pm 8:30p.m. Heather Pierson Acoustic Trio Wednesday, July 10 Noon Brown Bag No Strings Marionette Company 7p.m. Joe Davidian Trio featuring Amber deLaurentis 8:30p.m. Matt Flinner Trio Thursday, July 11 Noon Brown Bag Mime Chris Yerlig 7p.m. OKAN Inspired by past and current music and dance from With musicians hailing from all corners of the 8:30p.m. Lowdown Brass Band southwest Louisiana and Texas, and dedicated to the Green Mountain State, the 17-member Vermont Friday, July 12 idea that every person deserves an opportunity to Jazz Ensemble performs music in the jazz and “big 11:30a.m. MCMC House of Rock two-step, Big Night is a group of Burlington-based band” styles, and also plays selections in rock, fusion, Campers musicians playing a mix of Cajun, western swing, Latin and popular music styles. Get out your dancing Zydeco and classic country. Come out and dance to shoes, bring the entire family, and enjoy a special Noon Brown Bag one of the hottest new bands making its way through festival finale on New England’s most unique dance Magician Tom Verner New England! floor. Come right at 7 p.m. to learn a few dance steps 7p.m. Soule Monde with Jim Condon! 8:30p.m. Big Night To see the full schedule, visit Saturday, July 13 or “Middlebury Festival on the Green” on Facebook. 7p.m. Vermont Jazz Ensemble Info: 802-462-3555 Street Dance

on- the-

Big Night

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The Vermont Jazz Ensemble Street Dance

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