Man and the natural environment

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Man and the natural environment Endangered species Causes of endangerment are habitat destruction by humans, e.g. rainforests, introduction of exotic species that are interlopers and unfamiliar with the environment to which brought up, overexploitation due to demands for items such as rhino horns and tiger bones, skin etc.; disease, pollution, and limited distribution. Examples of endangered species: African and Asian elephant, whales, gorilla, red wolf, some species of leopards, tiger, giant and lesser panda, rhinoceros, silver shark, polar bear, dolphin. How to help: conserve habitat (establish national parks or nature reserves), make space for wildlife (building birdfeeders, planting trees and plants, abandon chemicals), recycle to use less resources. Organisations: Wildlife Conservation Society, World Wildlife Fund Natural disasters -

avalanches: massive slabs of snow.


earthquakes (temblors): collision or sliding of tectonic plates that cause massive vibrations called seismic waves. Loss of life can be avoided through emergency planning, education, and the construction of buildings that sway rather than break under the stress of an earthquake.


floods: water overflows or inundates land that's normally dry.










volcanos: vents on the Earth's surface where molten rock, debris, and gases from the planet's interior are emitted.



Animals: New diseases: AIDS: Bird flu: Greenhouse effect: Global warming: 00/1575441.stm Rainforests: -

looking for products with the the Forest Stewardship Council's (FSC) seal of approval. The FSC makes sure that the wood it approves comes from sustainable sources and does less damage to wildlife habitats.

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