Action Care Annual Report 2018

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2018 年報

Annual Report

關於關愛動員 Who We Are 成立於2008年,是一間香港註冊的慈善機構 (註冊編號︰91/9677)。自 成立以來,一直致力推動社區的憐憫工作。憐憫是內在生命的質素,由 愛從心發出來的果效,讓人感受被愛和接納。我們不分宗教、種族、國 籍、階層,並積極連結不同夥伴,藉著物資轉贈、外展探訪及家庭支援 等,幫助社區有需要的人。關愛動員現時的服務地點集中在港島東區, 主要對象為單親及低收入家庭、無家者、獨居長者、拾荒者及新移民。 Action Care is a Hong Kong registered charitable organization (File No. 91/9677) established in 2008. Our goal is to serve our needy community through acts of love and mercy. We perform more than charity work. Mercy is a quality of life, an attitude resulting from our love inside, which makes people feel loved and accepted. Our community is served regardless of their race, nationality or religion. We serve the homeless, scavengers, new immigrants, elderly, single parents and low-income families in the Eastern District of Hong Kong Island. We serve the needy through aligning different organizations with appropriate resource allocation, and by outreach programs to meet their needs.


目錄 | Contents 1 1 3 4 4

關於關愛動員 Who We Are


What We Believe In








Love Care Mobilize

5 6 7 8 9

1. 恩典屋服務站 Grace House

2. 外展關懷服務

Outreach-Visit to Scavengers and Homeless People

3. 長者關懷服務 Serving the Elderly

4. 家庭關懷服務

Focus on the Family

5. 兒童關懷服務

Caring for Our Children


Walk Together

10 11 12

1. 婦女同行計劃

Serving Women in the Community

2. Big Brother 同行計劃 Big Brother Program

3. 青少年同行計劃 Youth Program


Abundant Blessings through Ten Years

13 13 14 14 15 15 16 17-18 18

1. 耆妙跳唱賀新歲

“Celebrating New Year with Singing and Dancing” Elderly Activity

2. 端午祝福探訪月/中秋祝福探訪月

Blessing & Visiting for Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival

3. 薄扶林親子營

Pok Fu Lam Parent-Child Camp

4. 讓愛走動社區嘉年華 Overflowing Love Carnival

5. 十周年感恩會-以愛.同行

10th Anniversary Thanksgiving Gathering - Walk with Love

6.「盛宴」盆菜宴-合一的祝福 Poon Choi Feast- The Blessing of Unity


Financial Summary



關愛動員團隊 Our Team


前言 Foreword-總幹事的話





區內合作伙伴代表蒞臨指導及坐上席。 其後整年的祝福活動源源不絕,繼耆妙跳唱賀新歲後,有節日探


薄扶林親子營及聖誕千人盆菜宴。 為了感謝過去十年與關愛動員同行的所有單位、機構和同行者,



地。為了籌備這次感恩會,同工、義 工和實習生同心協力地去預備每個環節, 包括:邀請嘉賓名單、節目 內容、茶會食物、佈置等等,一 切盡在不言中。當天三百多嘉賓的出席,讓關愛動員每位同工添

上極大的鼓勵。 「為您加油! 與您同行!」。再次感謝您們過去的支持,2019年關 愛動員會繼續努力


更多家庭生活和諧。 - 陳小荃總幹事 In early 2018, our 10th anniversary launching ceremony was held together with “Celebrating New Year with Singing and Dancing” Elderly Activity. We are honoured to have invited Miss Lau, vice chairman of Cheung Hing Wah Foundation to be one of our honourable guests. Several directors, consultan ts, as well as our partners in the community also attended the ceremony. Activities were held throughout the year. After “Celebrating New Year with Singing and Dancing” Elderly Activity, we also held Festival Warm Blessings, Overflowing Love Carnival , Pok Fu Lam Parent-Child Camp and Christmas Poon Choi Feast. To thank all our partners, organisations and friends who have been walking with us for the past decade, we held our 10th anniversary on 1st of December 2018. We are grateful for Shaukiw an Baptist Church’s generous support for lending us the venue. In order to organize the event, our staff, volunteers and interns put a lot of effort in preparing every session, including inviting the guests, preparing the activities, ordering food and beverages, and decorating the venue. Over 300 guests attended the ceremon y that day and we were so encouraged! “Refuel For You and Walk Together” Thanks again for your support! Action Care will continue to put in our effort and walk with families to create more harmonious families . - Jessica Chan, Chief Executive


董事 Director

「耶穌看見許多的人,就憐憫他們;因為他們困苦流離,如同羊沒有牧人一般。」(太9:36) 因著聖經的教導,筲箕灣浸信會開拓了憐憫事工,於2008年成立了名為關愛動員(國際)有限公司 的慈善機構。服務範圍除了服務弱勢社群外,還分享主耶穌的救恩給他們,並支援宣教的工作。 「非以役人、乃役於人」(可10:45) 過去十年,每一位同工都懷著憐憫的心腸,委身機構裏服侍人群。而機構經費來源主要是靠其他機 構及個人捐款,為使關愛動員有足夠的資源去發展各項美好的事工,在各項籌款活動或向外申請合 適的經費上,都需要大家的鼎力支持。 願主保佑及祝福各同工的事奉,祝福更多有需要的人群。 -林建輝董事 “When He saw the crowds, He had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” (Matthew 9:36) Based on the teachings of the Bible, Shaukiwan Baptist Church started ministry of mercy and established the charity organization, Action Care International Limited in 2008. Our services include helping the disadvantaged, sharing the salvation of Jesus and supporting missionary work. “Come not to be served, but to serve” (Mark 10:45) Over the past decade, every staff has been delivering our services with a heart of mercy, committing to serve the community. Our funding mainly comes from other organizations and individuals. In order to develop more meaningful projects, we need all of us to participate in fundraising. May God bless every staff and bless more people in need

顧 問 Consultant

澤四方, 關懷社區達十戴,愛主助人 聚賢能。 可施 員方 敬, 受眾 動人心弦 關愛動員,樂助社群, 服務坊眾,不計艱辛; 耕耘十載,碩果纍纍, 傳揚真理,尊主愛人。


ing others. 10 years, loving God and serv Caring for the community for gathering the wise. Moving people’s hearts while dship. community regardless of har Action Care loves to serve the its. fru d ts goo 10 years of cultivation harves and love people. Spread the gospel, honor God


關懷全人 Love Care Mobilize 1. 恩典屋服務站 Grace House 「恩典屋」是我們在這社區的服務站,善心人送贈的物資都會集 合到這裡來。透過每日派發的過程,義工和街坊漸漸地建立一份 互信。部分街坊還自願成為關愛動員義工,讓他們更投入社區。 Grace House is our service station in this community, gathering supplies from donations. Through the daily distribution process, volunteers and neighborhoods gradually build a mutual trust. Some of them even become volunteers of Action Care and engage more in the community. 事工回顧: 施與者見到有需要人士,願意解囊去給欠缺溫飽的人士,讓 他們三餐得溫飽。謹此感謝各施與者和各機構的一顆善心, 讓關愛動員成為社區的橋樑,能夠在這十年間,祝福了無數 申請食物援助人士和家庭。 其中一位我們服侍的街坊,因病患而需申請短期食物援助, 連出門都沒有氣力於是我們連結義工一同探訪和送物資。後 期該名街坊覆述,食物固然重要,但其中的人情味卻是没有 東西可取代。在該名街坊患病時的支持和鼓勵,是令他最感 安慰和被關心,這份真情流露的背後就是愛。 - 同工陳偉珊 Ministry Review: When donors see those in need, they are willing to share what they have for the hungry. For this, we thank every donor and every organization who is willing to help. Your efforts have become the bridge between us and the community and have blessed so many people in these ten years. One of the neighbors that we served applied for food aid because he was ill. He did not even have the energy to step out of his house. So our volunteers decided to bring the food to his house and visit him. Later, this neighbor told us that the food was important to him, but the care that we showed was even more valuable. The encouragement and support that we had for him when he was sick made him feel loved. — Wai Shan

恆常服務:眾善坊分發站、關愛糧倉、輝哥 有機蔬菜 Regular Services: Food Bank, Fai Gor Organic Vegetables


關懷全人 Love Care Mobilize 2. 外展關懷服務 Outreach-Visit to Scavengers and Homeless People 我們分派餐廳捐贈的愛心飯盒到拾荒者和無家者手中,給予關懷與 祝福。與他們一同享用及交流,讓他們感受到一份支持和尊重。 We deliver lunch boxes donated by restaurants to scavengers and homeless people, giving care and blessings to them. Through having meals together and talking with them, we hope that they can feel our support and respect. 事工回顧: 轉眼已在關愛動員工作五年,有著不同的滋味和衝擊,但那些開心興奮的事使 我有動力繼續服侍下去。 起初團隊義工只有一兩位,到現在已有十多位。他們在服侍的分工和配搭,使 流程變得更有生氣,更令街坊們感受到尊重和愛,街坊的生命因而漸漸改變, 走回正面的人生路。 其中一位患眼疾的清潔工A先生,每次復診都是義工相陪,後來義工有機會與他 的兒子溝通,得悉A先生已多年沒和家人溝通,引至關係疏離和不了解。經半年 的同行和協調下,A先生與家人的關係已好多,他不再只是回家食飯和睡覺,學 會分享自己的喜與憂及了解和愛家人,皆因他和家人都感受到我們同行的愛。 - 同工張乃光 Ministry Review: Time flies, I have been working here for five years. Even though there have been a lot of challenges from my work, the happy and exciting experiences have been keeping me motivated. At the beginning, we had only 1-2 volunteers. Now we have more than ten volunteers. The division of labor and cooperation have been effective and our neighbors feel that they are loved and respected. Their lives have gradually changed and they can face their problems more positively now. Mr. A is a cleansing worker and he has an eye sickness. Every time he was accompanied by a volunteer when he returned to the clinic. Later, when the volunteer had the chance to talk to Mr. A’s son, it was learned that Mr. A had not been communicating with his family for years and therefore he was not close with his family. Through helping him to communicate for about half a year, Mr. A now has a better relationship with his family. Besides just having meals and sleeping at home, he now can also share his joy and worries with his family and love and understand them. These are all because Mr. A and his family has felt the love from us. — Shelton Cheung

恆常服務:北角外展、跑馬地外展 Regular Services: North Point Outreach, Happy Valley Outreach


關懷全人 Love Care Mobilize 3. 長者關懷服務 Serving the Elderly 透過不同的活動模式及多元化內容,我們盼望可以給予 長者他們配受的尊重及關懷,向上一輩表達敬意,送上 祝福,給予適當的支援。 Through different activities modes and diverse content, we hope to give the respect and care to the elderly that they deserve. We want to express our respect to them, bless and support them.

事工回顧: 當初抱著學習的心態來到機構的長者事工中做義工。最初只是 從旁協助陪長者傾談,但因慢慢看見長者的需要,令我願意持 續服侍,而見到他們的改變,就更願意與他們同行。 在服侍的過程中,最觸動我的是看見長者的改變。初認識時, 有些長者時常駡人,有些則靜靜坐在一旁,但慢慢透過在長者 事工中的服侍和探訪與建立關係後,她們笑容多了,也學會為 義工的付出感恩。

恆常服務:祝福飯聚會、長者生日會、長者探訪 Regular Services: Blessed Lunch Gathering, Birthday Party, Home Visit

雖然我們所作的不多,但相信只要專心聆聽,送上真切問候, 與他們同行,定能讓長者們在晚年的生命不再一樣,經歷到被 愛與尊重。 - 同工張麗如 Ministry Review: At first I joined the elderly voluntary work because I wanted to learn. I used to just talk with them in the beginning. Later, I understood more about elderly’s need gradually so I am willing to continue serving. When I saw their life transformation, I wanted to walk with them even more. In the process of serving, I felt touched when I see their life changing. When I first met the elderly, some shouted at people, and some were very quiet. When we served and visited them and built a relationship with them, they smiled more and would thank us. Our work is small, but if we listen and care for them more, their lives will be changed. They will feel loved and respected. — Sadie Cheung


關懷全人 Love Care Mobilize 4. 家庭關懷服務 Focus on the Family 家庭是社會的基礎單位,為使生命、家庭及社區得 着轉化,我們設計了具教育性、經驗實踐及以生命 成長為導向的活動,推動家庭和諧,強化家庭功能。 Family is the basic unit of society. In order to transform life, family and community, we designed educational, experiential and life-oriented activities to promote family harmony and strengthen family functions.

事工回顧: 對一些基層和突變家庭來說,要渡過緊急難關,食物及緊急支 援對家庭成員是必需的,但他們所面對的難處、周邊的壓力、 照顧子女和身心靈健康等問題,更是我們團隊所關心,因此每 一個接觸關愛動員的家庭,我們也希望盡量讓他們感受被愛和 被尊重。從不同的活動平台和面談建立他們的信心,增加他們 對自己的了解,從而更明白家人和孩子的需要,鼓勵彼此間建 立互信。從這份愛和關懷可以讓他們一步一步走出黑暗,重建 美好的明天,更重要是可以再次擁有一個充滿和諧而有朝氣的 家庭。 - 總幹事陳小荃 Ministry Review: For some grassroots families and families encountering sudden change, food and emergency support are necessary for family members. However, the difficulties they face, pressures around them, care of children and health of body and mind concern us most. Therefore, we want every family we serve can feel loved and respected as much as possible. We also try to build up their confidence through different platforms and counselling to increase their understanding of themselves so they can better understand the needs of their family and children can have mutual trust. We encourage them to step out of the darkness and build better tomorrow. More importantly, they can once again have a harmonious and energetic family. — Jessica Chan, Chief Executive

恆常服務:家長加油站、情緒支援 Regular Service: Parental Support Group, Emotional Support


關懷全人 Love Care Mobilize 5. 兒童關懷服務 Caring for Our Children 關愛動員珍惜與未來主人翁邁步前行的機會,見證他們茁壯地 成長。我們從學習和心智上支援,使他們有一個更全面和健康 的發展。 Action Care cherishes the opportunity to walk with our future masters and witness their growth. We want to support their academic performance and mental health so that they can have a more comprehensive and healthy development. 事工回顧: 小朋友是我們未來最大的主人翁,他們有著令人意想不到的精力,創 造力和潛力。他們每一個都有自己獨特的性格和想法,但我們現在所 接觸的部分小朋友,因為有著特殊教育需要往往會容易令人誤解及被 邊緣化。我們希望他們在這裡除了得到學習的支援外,亦可以得到被 理解和被愛的感受。所以在課餘時間我們都會透過不同活動,建立小 朋友的自信及教導小朋友情商管理,同時亦會給他們足夠的空間表達 自己。希望每個來到這裡的小朋友都能感到被愛和被了解,亦因為這 個平台而懂得去愛別人。 - 同工陳芷瑩 Ministry Review: Children are our society’s future. They have incredible energy, creativity and potential. All of them have unique thoughts, ideas and personalities. However, some of the children we are serving now are being misunderstood and isolated due to their special education needs. We hope that they can feel that they are loved and accepted besides support for academic learning. Therefore, we organize various activities to help children build their confidence and teach them emotion management. At the same time, they are given enough space to express themselves. We sincerely hope every child who come here can feel loved and understood, and they can love others because someone love them first. — Scarlett Chan

恆常服務:個別學習支援、自修班、心智上 支援、同行計劃 Regular Service: Individual Learning Support, Tutorial Class, Emotional & Mental Support, Partnership Program


與您同行 Walk Together 1. 婦女同行計劃 Serving Women in the Community 透過舉辦聚會或工作坊培訓婦女,讓婦女融入社會,發揮潛能與 優勢,從中建立友誼,互相勉勵支持,重拾自信。 We host gatherings and workshops for women so that they can integrate into society and to develop their potentials advantages. They might even develop friendships and confidence while supporting each other. 事工回顧: 最初加入關愛動員是憑著愛主的心事奉。沒想過能透過機構,將神賜 給我的祝福向外延伸。 關愛讚美操從2018年9月成立,至今雖然參與會眾不太多,但因這個 緣故,可以讓我們與婦女們更貼近,除了舞蹈分享外,也讓她們有空 間分享生活中的小故事、喜與悲,為她們禱告及祝福。此外,我們不 定時舉辦戶外活動,彼此分享自家製食物及詩歌等,每次大家都帶著 愉快的心情盡興而歸! 感謝神讓我有機會接觸更多有需要或被忽略的一群,祈望她們生命中 能燃起一點點光,讓她們生命滿有盼望和祝福! - 同工鄭詩穎 Ministry Review: I joined Action Care because I can serve with my love for God. I never thought I could extend the blessings God gave to me through AC. Praise Dance was set up in September, 2018. Although there are not many participants, we can have a closer relationship with the women. Apart from dance sharing, they would share little life story, joy and sorrow. We would pray and bless them. Also, we


have outdoor activities occasionally. We would share homemade food and


worship songs; we are all so happy through it!


I thank God for this opportunity to reach the needy and the ignored. I pray that


their life would sparkle and fill with hope and blessings! — Grace Cheng

生活的擔子。我們將蔬菜交給家庭並送上祝福,很開 心看著他們的孩子長大和陸續分配到公屋,亦有回來 幫忙做義工,證實祝福是可以一同分享和傳遞的。 - 同工張錦宏 Ministry Review: We have delivered fresh vegetables for seven years. Thanks to weekly vegetables from Fai Gor, we have benefited more than 300 households. Please don’t look down on a bag of vegetables! It can indeed reduce the life burdens of grassroots families. We deliver the vegetables with blessings to the family. It is a pleasure to see them gradually being allocated to public housing and their children grow up. Some even come back to be volunteers. It has proven that blessings can be shared and spread together. — Agnes Cheung

恆常服務:DIY手作坊、有機菜義賣、 關愛讚美操 Regular Service: DIY Workshops, Organic Vegetables, Praise Dance


與您同行 Walk Together 2. Big Brother同行計劃 Big Brother Program 一班男義工,定期持續關顧一些基層或單親家庭 的小朋友,希望與孩子同行,鼓勵他們,充當他 們的生命教練,分享經驗幫助孩子解難和面對挑 戰,給他們多一份支持! A group of male volunteers, who regularly care for children from grassroots or single-parent families, hope to walk with them and encourage them. They act as children’s life mentors, share valuable experience to help them solve problems and face challenges, and support them!

事工回顧: 不經不覺做了 Big Brother 事工已有六年了,由於身形肥胖說話大 聲,所有小朋友都稱呼我做胖虎哥哥。當中有一位小朋友令我有 深刻印象就是健仔,初初他給我印象是非常有性格及少許反叛, 第一次見面時他給我介紹:「你稱呼我鄺生得喇!」真是可氣又可 笑,但經過多次相處及了解後,發覺他本質不壞,只要耐心聆聽 和循循善誘,他會明白的。現見他與媽媽的關係由經常發脾氣到 現在學懂尊重她,真是很大的進步。 經過幾年的相處健仔開始長大,由最初無從入手至到現在建立深 厚的感情,盡在不言中。健仔快要進入中學階段,透過關愛動員 的邀請及祈禱後,很想和他渡過這段路程,一起同行。現在每星 期一次接他放補習班及一起晚飯聊天,關係就像兄弟般,只希望 可以一直與他同行,陪伴他成長。 - 義工鄧子偉 Ministry Review: It has been six years since I engaged in the Big Brother Ministry. Because of my round body and loud voice, all the children call me “Gian GorGor”. One of the children, Kian Jai, deeply impressed me. At the beginning, he gave me the impression that he has a strong personality and is a bit rebellious. When we first met, he introduced himself: "You can call me Mr. Kwong!" This is ridiculous! But when we got along and understood more, I found that he is not bad in nature. He will understand when he listens patiently and as we teach patiently. In the past, he would lose his temper at his mother, but now he learnt to respect her. It is a great progress to see how his relationship with his mother improves. After several years of getting along, Kian Jai is now growing up. I used not to know the way to build a relationship with him, but now we develop a good and deep relationship. Kian Jai is about to enter secondary school. Through the invitation of Action Care and prayers, I really want to walk with him and go through this journey with him together. Now I pick him up after tutorial class once a week and have dinner together. Our relationship is like brothers. I hope that I can always walk with him and accompany him to grow up. — Volunteer Jeffrey Tang


與您同行 Walk Together 3. 青少年同行計劃 Youth Program

年青人愛創新又富有冒險精神,擁有嶄新的思維和視野。透過 「實習生培訓計劃」,盼望與年青人一起走上發現之旅,讓他 們能重新認識自己,迎接未來。 Youth are innovative and adventurous, with new thinking and vision. Through our Intern Scheme, we hope to go on a journey of discovery with youth so that they can rediscover themselves and embrace the future.

事工回顧: 「關愛動員」很鼓勵同工多作新嘗試,在事工運作上亦比 較有彈性。最初我的服侍都是支援性質多,直到上年安排 負責青少年事工時,真的不知道該從哪開始著手,幸可與 一位教會青少年領袖合作,可以在從中慢慢學習。 《發現》是新的青少年媒體事工,從招募、蒐集資料到出 版刊物過程中,體會到青少年事工的不容易,同行上亦要 更加「給力」。然而當《發現》真的面世時,最大的體會 是,無論做得好不好,原來盡了力是如此「過癮」。 - 同工沈如辰 Ministry Review: Action Care encourages staff to make new attempts and have flexibility in ministry operations. I used to support different ministries until I was responsible for the youth ministry last year. I didn't know where to start at first, but I could work with a church youth leader and learned gradually. “Discovery” is a new youth media ministry. From recruiting, collecting information to publishing, I experienced that youth ministry is indeed not easy, and we have to put more effort in walking with our youth. When “Discovery” was introduced, , my deepest impression was that whether it is well done or not, it is such fun to pour out our best. — Peter Sham

恆常服務:實習生培訓計劃 Regular Service: Summer Intern Program


十周年祝福滿滿 Abundant Blessings through Ten Years 1. 耆妙跳唱賀新歲 “Celebrating New Year with Singing and Dancing” Elderly Activity 關愛十周年第一項祝福活動就是為長者舉辦春茗午宴「耆妙 跳唱賀新歲」。「金齡歲月,白髮尊榮」,上一輩的努力, 是配得我們去尊榮的。為表示我們的敬意,同工們就安排上 花了不少心思,並互相配搭,由前台到後勤支援同工們都總 動員出席幫手,更不少得落力付出的義工們。 是次春茗祝福滿滿很有恩典,有善心人贊助豐富禮物,有多 元化表演節目,當中的讚美操更讓老友記與義工們一同載歌 載舞,場面相當熱鬧,正如與活動名稱一樣「耆妙跳唱賀新 歲」。 The first blessing event for the 10th anniversary of Action Care was a Spring lunch for the elderly. The efforts of the older generations are worthy of our honor. To express our respect, our staff spent a lot of thoughts on the arrangement of the event. We all participated and supplemented each other, from front desk to logistics support, and many volunteers put in their efforts too. The Spring lunch was full of blessings and grace, with abundant gifts from our sponsors and a variety of performances including Praise Dance which made the elderly and volunteers sing and dance together. It was truly a scene of bustle and excitement!

2. 端午祝福探訪月/中秋祝福探訪月 Blessing & Visiting for Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival 關愛動員一直盼望能以實務回應社區需要,感謝一直支持和捐贈食物的機構和 有心人,讓我們可將食物轉贈到有需要的長者及家庭當中。 適逢十周年,我們定意透過同工和義工,在不同的中國時節將祝福和溫暖送到 有需要的家庭。當中新年有步步高升蘿蔔糕; 端午當然有裹蒸糉,中秋更有月餅 相伴。除了這些應節食物,更會有一包包祝福包送給家庭,看見被探訪家庭由 心發出的笑容,特別長者們更把他們家中的食物全拿出來與義工們分享,當中 的享受和鼓勵對雙方都是一份極大鼓勵。 Action Care always hopes to respond to the needs of the community in a practical way. Thanks to the institutions and donors who have been supporting and donating food so that we can transfer it to the elderly and families in need. On our 10th anniversary, we are determined to send blessings and warmth to families in need through different staff and volunteers in different Chinese festivals. These included turnip cake for the Chinese New Year, Sticky Rice Dumplings for the Dragon Boat Festival, and mooncakes for the Mid-Autumn Festival. In addition to these festive foods, we had little bags of blessings for the families. There were smile from the family being visited, the elderly would even share their food with the volunteers. It was an enjoyment and encouragement for all.


十周年祝福滿滿 Abundant Blessings through Ten Years 3. 薄扶林親子營 Pok Fu Lam Parent-Child Camp 和往年的親子營有所不同,今年希望家庭在營會中能享受親子關係中那親密的感覺。營地五星級的宿舍設備和一望 無際的藍天白雲,令大家眼前一亮。一切安頓後便開始進行各類型的營會活動,小朋友和家長都玩得不亦樂乎,家 庭和家庭之間亦變得更親近。 晚會中,小朋友和父母亦透過不同活動學會要多欣賞自己的家人,家長要多欣賞多讚賞小朋友,小朋友亦要多欣賞 父母的付出。可愛的小朋友們都爭相舉手表達對父母的欣賞,那個場面既震撼又感動。 Different from previous parent-child camp, Families could enjoy closeness together. We are all amazed by the five-star hotel facilities in the campsite and the endless blue sky and white clouds. Various camp activities were started after settling down. Children and parents were having fun, and families became closer to other families. In the evening session, children and parents learned to appreciate their family members through different activities. Parents learned to appreciate their children more and children learned to appreciate the efforts of their parents. The lovely children were even eager to express their appreciation for their parents. It was a moving scene.

4. 讓愛走動社區嘉年華 Overflowing Love Carnival 嘉年華會以 「讓愛走動」為主題,除了攤位及表演項目,更創新加入歷奇競技,藉這些活動更了解及親身體會社區憐憫 事工。同工用了不少心力和動員了大量義工,邀請不同教會及機構學校參與,務求讓參與者享受歡樂週日,更重要是認 識憐憫工作及基督的愛。 嘉年華會只有很短時間預備場地,超過100名義工們發揮了合作精神,有效率地完成各崗位的預備工作。縱然那天烈日 當頭,都沒有減退大家的熱情,各人都積極地接待參與者。看見大家都笑容滿面及滿載而歸,義工們都很滿足。 The theme of the Carnival was "Overflowing Love". In addition to booths and performances, there were adventure competition to let participants experience and learn more about our ministry in community. Our staff put a lot of effort and mobilized a large number of volunteers. Different churches, institutions and schools were also invited, in order to let participants enjoy the joyful Sunday, and more importantly, to understand the work of mercy and the love of Christ. We were given a short and limited time to prepare the venue for the Carnival. More than 100 volunteers cooperated together and efficiently completed the preparation work for each position. We enthusiastically welcomed participants even though it was very hot that day. Seeing the smile and fruitful rewards, the volunteers were very satisfied.


十周年祝福滿滿 Abundant Blessings through Ten Years 5. 十周年感恩會-以愛.同行 10th Anniversary Thanksgiving Gathering - Walk with Love 2018年12月1日是關愛動員十歲生日,當晚超過三百多位嘉賓,包括關愛 動員董事、顧問、同工、教會牧者、機構代表、學校校長老師、義工、實 習生和街坊一同感恩、回顧、分享和展望將來。感謝大家對關愛動員的支 持及認同,成為我們團隊的鼓勵,繼續活出使命。 關愛動員是提供一個「機會」的平台,人是需要給予機會去學習及嘗試, 同工與義工們因此藉同行服侍生命被陶造改變。 在未來日子,關愛動員需要大家一起同行,一起創造機會,起動社群,以 愛同行,為每一個家庭添上祝福和盼望。 Action Care celebrated its 10th birthday on 1st of December 2018. More than 300 guests including directors, consultants, staff, church pastors, institutional representatives, school principals and teachers, volunteers, interns and neighbors joined together to gratefully look back, share and look forward to the future. Thank you for your support and recognition for Action Care, encouraging our team to continue to live our mission. Action Care is a platform for providing opportunities. People need to be given opportunities to learn and try. Staff and volunteers are thus changed by serving their lives. Action Care needs everyone to walk together, create opportunities, mobilize, walk with love, send blessings and hope to every family in the days to come.

6. 「盛宴」盆菜宴-合一的祝福 Poon Choi Feast- The Blessing of Unity

2018年聖誕節,關愛動員舉行千人盆菜宴「盛宴」。有超過33個單位參與,包括學校、教會及負責表演的團體, 服侍約1000名街坊。 在嘉年華會時段,除攤位遊戲外,也包括協辦機構筲箕灣教牧同工會的教牧獻唱聖詩,提升會場的聖誕氣氛。當街 坊進場就座後,先由表現者大巡遊開始,拉近了表現者與參加者的距離。表演嘉賓落力的演出贏得熱烈的掌聲,其 中有一群未正式學過音樂的小朋友,經過義工們悉心培訓了一段時間,也成功地在台上表演唱歌和彈樂器,這個機 會對他們來說是非常寶貴,也大大地建立了他們的自信。 Action Care held a Christmas Poon Choi Feast at Christmas in 2018. More than 33 groups participated, including schools, churches, and performance team, serving about 1,000 neighbors. During the carnival, in addition to booth games, the pastoral staff from our co-organizer, Shaukeiwan Pastoral Fellowship, sang hymns to enhance the Christmas atmosphere of the venue. After our neighbors entered the venue, a large parade of performers kicked off the event, drawing closer the distance between the performers and the participants. The performance of the guest performers won warm applause of the participants. A group of children who had not officially learned music, had been trained by volunteers for a period of time, and successfully performed singing and playing instruments on the stage. This opportunity is precious for them and had greatly established their confidence.


財政摘要 Financial Summary (截止2018年12月31日For the year ended December 31, 2018)

收入 Income

東區區議會 Eastern District Council 1.1%

港幣HK$ 1,518,527 65,230 400,000

比例% 61.5% 2.6% 16.2%

張慶華基金贊助 Cheung Hing Wah Foundation Fund



教會捐款 Churches Fund 東區區議會 Eastern District Council 學校捐款 School Fair and Donation

179,651 28,105 1,738 2,468,251

7.3% 1.1% 0.1% 100.0%

港幣HK$ 522,262 67,086 361,416 63,503 62,176 250,040 230,790 139,856 55,145 61,282 431,291 130,225

比例% 22.0% 2.8% 15.2% 2.7% 2.6% 10.5% 9.7% 5.9% 2.3% 2.6% 18.2% 5.5% 100.0%

捐款 Donations Income 活動收費 Activities Income 筲箕灣浸信會資助 SKWBC Fund

支出 Expenditure 行政費 Administration 合作項目 Cooperation in Love 恩典屋 Grace House 無家者服務 Homeless Care 拾荒者服務 Scavengers Care 食物援助服務 Food Supports 家庭關懷服務 Family Care 兒童關懷服務 Children Care 南亞裔服務 South Asian Care 助人自助 Helping People Help Themselves 關懷活動 Care Project 青少年服務 Teenagers' Project 其他 Others


教會捐款 Churches Fund 7.3%

收入 Income 學校捐款 School Fair and Donation 0.1%

張慶華慈善基金贊助 Cheung Hing Wah Charitable Foundation Funds 11.1% 筲箕灣浸信會資助 SKWBC Fund 16.2%

活動收費 Activities Income 2.6%

捐款 Donations Income 61.5%

青少年服務 Teenagers' Project 5.5% 關懷活動 Care Project 18.2%

支出 Expenditure 行政費 Administration 22.0%

助人自助 Helping People Help Themselves 2.6%

合作項目 Cooperation in Love 2.8%

南亞裔服務 South Asian Care 2.3%

恩典屋 Grace House 15.2%

兒童關懷服務 Children Care 5.9% 家庭關懷服務 Family Care 9.7%

無家者服務 Homeless Care 2.7% 食物援助服務 Food Supports 10.5%

拾荒者服務 Scavengers Care 2.6%

與近4年收支比較 Compared with the Financial Statements of the past 4 years 207,015


2,326,636 2,533,651




2,408,504 145,645



2018 -500,000

2,212,427 2,358,072


2,375,072 2,468,251 500,000




註: Remarks: 此摘要根據本機構2018度未審核財務資料,截至2018年12月31日。各項支出已計算負責同事的薪酬。 This summary was based on the unaudited financial information for the year ended 31 December 2018. This expenditure has counted in the salary of the responsible staff. 如欲索閱本機構2018度審核財務報告,請致電2886-0737與我們聯絡。 For a free copy of the audited financial report 2018 please contact us at 2886-0737.




鳴謝 Acknowledgements



東區區議會 康樂及文化事務署

Eastem District Council Leisure and Cultural Services Department


張慶華基金 惜食堂 眾膳坊 聖雅各福群會 樂餉社 膳心連

Cheung Hing Wah Foundation Food Angel by Bo Charity Foundation People's Food Bank St. James' Settlement Feeding Hong Kong Limited Foodlink Foundation Limited


中國基督教播道會太古城堂 中國基督教播道會柴灣同福堂 中華基督教會基灣堂 中華基督教會鰂魚涌堂 中華基督教閩南三一堂 宣道會杏花邨堂 香港以琳教會 基督教忠信堂 基督教牧愛會 基督教宣道會恩樂堂 基督教香港信義會信望堂 循道衛理聯合教會筲箕灣堂 超窮教會 新生命浸信會 筲箕灣浸信會 筲箕灣國語浸信會 筲箕灣崇真堂 筲箕灣教牧同工團契 筲箕灣潮語浸信會

Evangelical Free Church of China Taikoo Shing Church E.F.C.C.- Tung Fook Church The Church of Christ in China Kei Wan Church The Church of Christ in China Quarry Bay Church The Min-Nam Chinese Trinity Church Christian & Missionary Aliance Heng Fa Chuen Church Hong Kong Elim Presbyterian Church Chung Shun Christian Church Christian Prison Pastoral Association Christian & Missionary Grace And Joy Church Faith Hope Lutheran Church Shau Kei Wan Methodist Chapel Christ Transcending Poverty Church New Life Baptist Church Shaukiwan Baptist Church Shaukeiwan Mandarin Baptist Church Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Shaukiwan Church Shaukeiwan Pastoral Fellowship Shaukeiwan Swatow Baptist Church


勵志會梁李秀娛紀念小學 香港東區婦女福利會幼兒園 香港真光中學 香港教育大學 浸信會培理學校 筲箕灣街坊福利會張錦添紀念幼稚園 耀東浸信會幼稚園 聖公會聖馬可小學

The Endeavourers Leung Lee Sau Yu Memorial Primary School WWC(ED)HK Nursery The True Light Middle School of Hong Kong The Education University of Hong Kong Baptist Pui Li School Shaukiwan Kai Fong Welfare Community Centre Cheung Kam Tim Memorial Kindergarten Yiu Tung Baptist Kindergarten St Mark's Primary School


浸信會愛群社會服務處 香港基督教女青年會明儒松柏社區服務中心 循道愛華村服務中心

Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service YWCA Ming Yue District Elderly Community Centre Methodist Epworth Village Community Centre


國度復興事奉中心 仙跡岩 四海魚蛋有限公司 先鋒印刷紙業廠有限公司 好燒味 香港地 香港聖約翰救護機構 香港福音武術事工有限公司 時代論壇 御壹工房 梓桐堂 壹品豆漿 愉園體育會 無線電視暨職藝員愛心基金 友邦保險 影音使團 親子資訊網 Aha Restaurant

Kingdom Ministries Saint's Alp Teahouse Four Seas Fish Balls Company Upgrade Business Forms Manufactory Good BBQ HKDay Hong Kong St. John Ambulance Hong Kong Gospel Martial Arts Ministry Christian Times Yoyo Kitchen GITONE Topsoya Happy Valley Athletic Association TVB, Staff & Artistes Fund for Charities Limited AIA The Media Evangelism Limited KidsMust


鳴謝 Acknowledgements 人物



郭奕宏牧師 梁永善牧師 謝又生牧師 李光平牧師、彭艷桃師母 區曜華先生 翁巧香女士 李榮基先生 小兵一家 煎雙蛋夫婦 榮安 吳慧珍女士及朋友 趙太 吳衛東先生 眾捐獻者及義工

Rev. Kwok Rev. Stephen Leung Rev. Kennedy Tse Rev. David Li & Pang Yim To Mr. Au Yiu Wah Ms. Yung Hsu Heung Mr. Li Charles' Family

吳艷珍讚美操隊 Big Brother Formula-Dreamers Rachael and Kenneth S&T 千鼓聚人 全心音樂 好好丑丑佈道隊 宣道會杏花邨堂(金齡天地/朋友同行) 宣道會杏花邨堂-Medium rare 宣道會杏花邨堂-The Awakens 筲浸同感一靈跳舞隊 筲箕灣浸信會兒童部 筲箕灣浸信會攝影隊

Good Clowns Ministry Team IOS Dance Crew SKWBC Kids Section SKWBC Photography Team

Ms. Amy Ng & friends Mrs. Chiu Mr. Ng All Donors

關愛動員團隊 | Our Team





林健民董事局主席 林建輝董事局副主席 鍾志雄先生 陳偉強先生 劉靜雯女士 胡愛卿女士

陳小荃總幹事 陳偉珊拓展幹事 張乃光拓展幹事 沈如辰拓展幹事 陳芷瑩拓展幹事 張錦宏拓展幹事(半職) 張麗如拓展幹事(半職) 鄭詩穎行政助理(半職) 吳慧敏義務會計 黎送好庶務

吳志揚博士(註冊律師) 周偉文先生(出版人) 周錦華先生 唐嘉名牙科醫生 孫梁惠芬女士 翁巧香女士(前浸信會培理學校校長) 馬學俊先生(音樂治療師) 梁永善牧師 陳少權先生(註冊社工) 黃子明董事(註冊中醫) 葉維傑醫生 鄭之先生 蕭陳雪梅女士 區曜華校董(勵志會梁李秀娛紀念小學)


譯: Sharon Chow, Irene Wu, Angel So 翻 輯: Peter SHAM


Action Care International Limited





恩典屋 Grace House



Flat C-D, Mezz/F, Lok Kwan House, 280-288A Shau Kei Wan Road, Shau Kei Wan, Hong Kong. T︰(852) 2886-0737 F︰(852) 2886-0739 M︰(852) 5594-3327

Shop F, Fortune Court, 3 Tai Ning Street, Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong M︰(852) 9303-7473

設計夥伴: inFocus Productions Co. & Upgrade Business Forms Manufactory LTD.


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