Digital Marketing Strategy

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Social Media Marketing

In this digital era,Social media platforms are vastly popular for digital marketers to reach new customers. The good thing is that you can easily find customers in different industries on social media. However, due to the large number of social media platforms available, it can be difficult to choose the right platform for your business. For recent times, majorly popular social media platforms are, Facebook,Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram,YouTube, Pinterest, Reddit,

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Content Marketing

Content marketing is one of the digital marketing strategies used to attract, and gain viewers by creating and sharing related articles,podcasts, and videos, blogs and other media. This approach builds expertise, increases brand awareness, and keeps the business in mind when people are looking to buy what you sell.

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Search Engine Optimization

There are mainly three types of search engine optimisations. On-page SEO-everything on your website-blogs, product texts, web texts. Off-page SEO – Everything that happens outside your website helps backlink your SEO strategy. Technical SEO-What was technically done to improve search rankings-Indexing websites to help bots crawl. SEO is crucial to make your website lead ahead of your competitors

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Pay-Per-Click PPC stands for Payperclick and is a model of internet marketing where advertisers get paid for each click on one of their ads. Basically, this is a way to get visits to your site rather than trying to "acquire" the visit organically. This strategy is getting quite popular these days

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Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing refers to all promotional activities that take place on smartphones and other handheld devices, including tablets and other mobile phones.Mobile marketing aims to reach a mobile user audience through mobile-optimized advertising, push notifications, mobile applications and more.


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CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, infographics & images by Freepik

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