My Time 2 - Story Time

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Goodbye, my baby. Don't be afraid. God protects you. Story Time 1 - Scene 1 of 6 - My Time 2-

Don't cry, brother. I'm with you.

Story Time 1 - Scene 2 of 6 - My Time 2-

Look! What's that?

A princess from Egypt is in the ri


Oh, it's a baby!

Story Time 1 - Scene 3 of 6 - My Time 2-

Hello, Miriam. Where is he from?

Hello, princess. I'm Miriam.

He is from Israel.

Story Time 1 - Scene 4 of 6 - My Time 2-

You are my son now. I name you Moses. But you need a nanny.

My mum is a good nanny. Story Time 1 - Scene 5 of 6 - My Time 2-

This is my mum. Where is she from?

She is from Israel.

Story Time 1 - Scene 6 of 6 - My Time 2-

Thank you, Lord! He is safe.

How many coins are there? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, nine...

There are nine coins in the box. I've lost one coin. Where is my coin? Story Time 2 - Scene 1 of 6 - My Time 2-

Is it on the table?

No, it isn't.

Story Time 2 - Scene 2 of 6 - My Time 2-

Is it in the bag?

No, it isn't.

Story Time 2 - Scene 3 of 6 - My Time 2-

Is it under the bed?

Yes, it is!

Story Time 2 - Scene 4 of 6 - My Time 2-

I'm very happy! How many coins are there now? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

There are ten coins now. I'll tell my friends. Story Time 2 - Scene 5 of 6 - My Time 2-

Friends, I lost one coin. Yes, but now there are ten coins again. I'm so happy now. Really? We are happy, too. Story Time 2 - Scene 6 of 6 - My Time 2-

…red...a bit of blue...hmm. Well, I finished!

Story Time 3 - Scene 1 of 6 - My Time 2-

Joseph, my dear son, I have a present for you.

Oh! A present? And it's for me! Story Time 3 - Scene 2 of 6 - My Time 2-

What is it? Is it a cap?

Open it!

Story Time 3 - Scene 3 of 6 - My Time 2-

Oh! It's a tunic with so many colours! Red, blue, green, yellow and violet. And it's so big!

Story Time 3 - Scene 4 of 6 - My Time 2-

Look, dad! I'm wearing my tunic. I'm like a prince.

Story Time 3 - Scene 5 of 6 - My Time 2-

Thanks, dad! I love you so much!

I love you too, my son.

Story Time 3 - Scene 6 of 6 - My Time 2-

Look, Peter, today it's sunny! Yes! And the sea is so calm.

Story Time 4 - Scene 1 of 6 - My Time 2-

Look Peter. Now it's cloudy...

...and windy!

Story Time 4 - Scene 2 of 6 - My Time 2-

Oh, now it's rainy!

...and it's so windy.

Story Time 4 - Scene 3 of 6 - My Time 2-

Jesus, Master Jesus, wake up, wake up! Help us!

Story Time 4 - Scene 4 of 6 - My Time 2-

Wind, stop blowing.

Rain... stop!

Story Time 4 - Scene 5 of 6 - My Time 2-

Thank you, Jesus, for saving us!

Remember, Jesus is your best friend. He always helps you and protects you! Story Time 4 - Scene 6 of 6 - My Time 2-

Come in, David! This is my bedroom.

Story Time 5 - Scene 1 of 6 - My Time 2-

David! What is it? It's my harp. It's big and brown. Listen...

That's nice!

Story Time 5 - Scene 2 of 6 - My Time 2-

Look, David! This is my bow and my arrows.

Story Time 5 - Scene 3 of 6 - My Time 2-

Wow! Can I have them, please?

Yes, David! Here you are.

Story Time 5 - Scene 4 of 6 - My Time 2-

Friends share everything. You are my friend!

Yes! We are friends!

Story Time 5 - Scene 5 of 6 - My Time 2-

Jesus is our best friend!

Story Time 5 - Scene 6 of 6 - My Time 2-

One day, Jesus was teaching to a lot of people.

Story Time 6 - Scene 1 of 6 - My Time 2-

Oh, we are so hungry!

We are so tired!

Story Time 6 - Scene 2 of 6 - My Time 2-

But Master, there are only two fish and five pieces of bread. Dear Jesus, I want to share my lunch.

For God nothing is impossible.

Story Time 6 - Scene 3 of 6 - My Time 2-

Let's pray. Dear Father, we thank you for the bread and fish.

Story Time 6 - Scene 4 of 6 - My Time 2-

Share the fish and bread with the people.

Yes, Master. Story Time 6 - Scene 5 of 6 - My Time 2-

Thank you, Jesus, for the food.

Thank you, Jesus, for the food.

...and that was one of Jesus' miracles! Story Time 6 - Scene 6 of 6 - My Time 2-

Noah, make a big ark!

Yes, Jesus.

Story Time 7 - Scene 1 of 7 - My Time 2-

Can you hear that noise? Yes, I can. It's Noah. He's making a big ark.

He's crazy!

Story Time 7 - Scene 2 of 7 - My Time 2-

Look, father. Can you see the animals?

Yes! I can see two giraffes and two zebras. Story Time 7 - Scene 3 of 7 - My Time 2-

I can hear lions.

I can hear elephants, too. Story Time 7 - Scene 4 of 7 - My Time 2-

Father, can you see the parrots and birds?

Yes. They can sing very well. Story Time 7 - Scene 5 of 7 - My Time 2-

Where are the animals going?

The animals are going into the ark. Story Time 7 - Scene 6 of 7 - My Time 2-

They are safe on the ark.

Thank you, Jesus, for saving the animals and my family. Story Time 7 - Scene 7 of 7 - My Time 2-

Moses and his people are walking in the desert. They walk for 6 days. I'm tired‌

It's very hot!

Story Time 8 - Scene 1 of 6 - My Time 2-

Now they are near the Red Sea…

Let's stop here…

Story Time 8 - Scene 2 of 6 - My Time 2-

The Egyptians are coming and the people are scared! Look! The Egyptians are near.

Oh, no! We're trapped.

Story Time 8 - Scene 3 of 6 - My Time 2-

Moses raises his hands and God divides the sea. Now it's windy.

Our dear Lord... help us!

Story Time 8 - Scene 4 of 6 - My Time 2-

The people walk through the sea. Look, there is a path in the sea!

It's a miracle!

Story Time 8 - Scene 5 of 6 - My Time 2- aceseducacion. com

Now the people are happy and grateful!

Thank you for saving us, Lord! Story Time 8 - Scene 6 of 6 - My Time 2-

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