2013 FMC Annual Report

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THE F. MELIUS CHRISTIANSEN ENDOWMENT FUND COMMITTEE Janice Gilbertson, chair Linda M. Armstrong Paul Brandvik Barbara A. Geier Mary Kay Geston Thomas W. Hassig Howard C. Lerohl Carl H. Lipke Larry McCaghy Mark Nelson Robert L. Peterson Bruce Phelps Linda M. Smith Michael Wolsted Bruce W. Becker, Executive Director Diana J. Leland, Director of Development

THE F. MELIUS CHRISTIANSEN ENDOWMENT FUND EMERITUS MEMBERS Steven Albaugh Steven O. Boehlke David Docter Katherine G. Doepke Richard Edstrom A. B. Engen+ Geneva S. Eschweiler Murrae N. Freng Lauretta P. Graetz+ Curtis E. Hansen+ Charles Hellie Wayne M. Kivell Robert D. Mix Ronald A. Nelson Roger H. Tenney + In Memoriam

THE F. MELIUS CHRISTIANSEN ENDOWMENT FUND ADVISORY BOARD Anton Armstrong Philip Brunelle Carol Barnett René Clausen Libby Larsen Stephen Paulus Jeffrey Van Dale Warland




The F. Melius Christiansen Endowment Fund was established in 1996 by the American Choral Directors Association of Minnesota (ACDA-MN) to guarantee a vibrant future for exemplary choral music in the state of Minnesota. Its mission is to provide active Minnesota choral conductors with professional development opportunities, to encourage and support talented young musicians to pursue choral conducting as a career, and to provide administrative support for ACDA-MN.


The endowment’s namesake, F. Melius Christiansen (18711955), was a Norwegian immigrant who is considered the ‘father’ of a cappella singing in North America. Christiansen founded the St. Olaf Choir in Northfield, Minnesota, and shaped it into arguably the best-known collegiate choir in the world. For nearly thirty years, he used an ethic of hard work to achieve perfect intonation, seamless ensemble blend, and crisp diction. The F. Melius Christiansen Endowment Fund recognizes Christiansen’s inspirational contributions to the choral art.


In addition to providing administrative support for ACDAMN, the F. Melius Christiansen Endowment Fund offers scholarships to ACDA of Minnesota conductors studying at the undergraduate or graduate levels and to conductors actively directing academic, community, corporate, faithbased and professional choral ensembles. Five scholarship programs provide financial support for ACDA-MN members and collegiate student conductors to attend Summer Dialogue, ACDA national and division conferences, the World Symposium on Choral Music, and to pursue graduate study in choral conducting. Scholarship descriptions and the 2013 recipients are listed on page 3.


Scholarships to attend this four-day ACDA of Minnesota annual professional development conference are available to conductors with up to two years of experience and conductors with any length of experience who have never attended a previous Summer Dialogue. The 2013 Summer Dialogue recipients were: Nyssa Brown Elizabeth Egger Will Lopes Ben Riggs Rachel Schmeltzer Stephanie Schmacher Stefan Swanson


Scholarships were awarded to nine Minnesota collegiate students to participate in a two-day conducting workshop during ACDA-MN’s Summer Dialogue conference as part of a pilot project. The 2013 collegiate conducting students were: Lauren Feider, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities Sam Fouts, Concordia College-Moorhead Lisa Hager, University of St. Thomas Ian Hendrickson, St. Cloud State University Tucker Moore, St. Olaf College Daniel Olson, Gustavus Adolphus College Antonia Ross, College of St. Scholastica Dan Sailer, Concordia University-St. Paul Brianna Webber, Minnesota State University-Mankato


Summer Dialogue scholarship recipients: Front Row: Nyssa Brown, Rachel Schmeltzer, Elizabeth Egger Back Row: Ben Riggs, Stefan Swanson, Stephanie Schumacher Not pictured: Will Lopes

Collegiate Student Conducting scholarship recipients, including the guest director and two coordinators: Front Row: Karen Kennedy (Guest Director), Lauren Feider, Dan Sailer, Brianna Webber, Lisa Hager, Antonia Ross Back Row: Brandon Dean (Coordinator), Matthew Ferrell (Coordinator), Sam Fouts, Tucker Moore, Ian Hendrickson, Daniel Olson

Scholarships to attend ACDA division or national conferences are awarded annually to undergraduate junior or senior vocal music education majors or graduate students in choral conducting who are student members of ACDA-MN. Scholarship recipients who attended the ACDA National Conference in Dallas, Texas, during 2013 were: Zachariah Carlson, University of Minnesota-Duluth Brandon W. Miller, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities


ACDA National Conference - Dallas scholarship recipients: Brandon Miller and Zachariah Carlson in Dallas, TX

Scholarships to study choral conducting part-time or full-time in graduate schools across the country are available to conductors who have completed a minimum of two years of choral conducting and are current members of ACDA-MN. The 2013 graduate study scholarship recipient was: Elizabeth Hellstedt, University of St. Thomas Graduate Study Scholarship recipient: Elizabeth Hellstedt

WORLD SYMPOSIUM ON CHORAL MUSIC SCHOLARSHIP The International Federation for Choral Music sponsors a World Symposium on Choral Music every three years. During August, 2014, the symposium will be held in Seoul, South Korea. A scholarship to attend the symposium will be offered to a current ACDA-MN member who has been active in the organization for a minimum of five years. There was no scholarship recipient in 2013 since a symposium was not held.



2013 FINANCIAL STATEMENT for the year January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013

2013 FMC Endowment Fund Balance as of December 31, 2013 = $722,396 INCOME CONTRIBUTED Individual Donations Foundation and Corporate Sponsorships CD Production TOTAL CONTRIBUTED EARNED Investment Income CD Sales TOTAL EARNED TOTAL INCOME

$35,447 $4,725 $6,585 $46,757

$16,604 $3,180 $19,784

EXPENSE Administrative Operating Costs ACDA-MN’s 50th Anniversary CD Production Credit Card Transaction Fees Endowment Fund Scholarships Summer Dialogue Student Conducting Workshop National Conference Graduate Study World Symposium on Choral Music - 2014 Student Symposium Total Scholarships TOTAL EXPENSE

$66,541 $14,333 $15,211 $4,044 $694 $1,710 $780 $1,600 $1,450 $1,500 $839 $7,879 $42,161


Gifts to the F. Melius Christiansen Endowment Fund Your gift to the F. Melius Christiansen Endowment Fund supports choral music excellence in Minnesota now and in the future. ACDA of Minnesota is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization and all gifts are tax-deductible. For more information or to make an on-line contribution, please visit: fmcendowment.org or mail your contribution to: FMC Endowment Fund Bruce W. Becker, ACDA-MN Executive Director 12027 Gantry Lane Apple Valley, MN 55124-6286 execdirector@acda-mn.org

We greatly appreciate your generosity and support. Thank you! 4


THE F. MELIUS CHRISTIANSEN ENDOWMENT FUND HONOR ROLL Donors to the F. Melius Christiansen Endowment Fund of the American Choral Directors Association of Minnesota from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013. MAESTRO (Gifts of $5,000-$9,999) Michael & Donna Wolsted – In-Kind Donation VIRTUOSO (Gifts of $2,500-$4,999) The Hubbard Broadcasting Foundation Phil & Mona Milne GUARANTOR (Gifts of $1,000-$2,499) Bruce W. & Paula M. Becker Thomas Hassig Jody Horner Diana J. Leland BENEFACTOR (Gifts of $500-$999) Richard & Zoma Edstrom Susan Ellefson Geneva Eschweiler Janet O. Estep Timothy & Kristin Gerry Roger S. & Donna Hoel JNBA Financial Advisors, Inc. Wayne M. Kivell Dione J. Peterson Kathryn R. E. Russell Julie Tiede Lynne Waldeland PATRON (Gifts of $250-$499) Allied Concert Services, Inc. Anton E. Armstrong Katie Moran Bart Ardis Cox Katherine G. Doepke Nancy L. Evert Jan Gilbertson Nancy & Stephen Grundahl Kenneth & Carolyn Jennings Melanie & Jeff Kjellberg Deborah Loon Lisa Lozito Larry & Faith McCaghy Kay Stroup Philson Popplers Music, Inc. Lynn Sandquist Margaret Seltz Ruth M. Sorenson Bernie & Janet Wagnild Westmark Productions Rebecca Wyffels SUSTAINER (Gifts of $100-$249) Accolades International Tours for the Arts Nancy Agneberg Steven Albaugh Beth Althof Anchor Bank, Apple Valley Kathleen & James Andrews Carole L. Arenson Linda Armstrong

Kenneth & Margaret Aspaas Andrew Beard Ann Behrens Linda Berger Deborah Biorn Linda Bjerke Patricia Blakely Steven O. & Margaret A. Boehlke Beth A. Bonnecroy Sharon Bonnet Daniel B. Borgmann, Ltd. Marta Brendon Angela Broeker Philip & Carolyn Brunelle ChiroZone, P.A., Dr. Jeffrey Smidt Fredrik & Mary Christiansen Virginia Coburn Cole’s Salon, Inc. Marilyn Cooper Dell Rapids Lutheran Church Choir Soren Docken Denise Dreier Christine Drotning Richard L. Duncan Marie Spar Dymit Bradley Ellingboe Deborah Embretson Sonia Esch Jason Etten Lisa Foerster John E. Folin Ronald Fossell David R. & Sandra L. Frauenshuh Murrae N. & Helen Freng Julayne Frost Sue Gilsdorf Groth Music Company Roe & Beverly Thompson Hatlen Charles & Anita Hellie David & Kristine Henderson Gene and Karene Heupel O. C. Hognander, Jr. Mark S. Johnson Elwood J. Johnson Kirsten N. Johnson Jon Kietzer, SeaNote Cruises Lynne King Margaret Kirkegaard Shelley Kline Carolyn Kochel Ulrike Kohler Matthew Krage Sarah J. Krumm Laurie Kuehn Janet Kunau Kathy Kunze Lou Ann Larson Teri Larson Scott Lehrke Howard Lerohl Carl H. & Jean C. Lipke Becky Malchow Duayne Malewicki Margaret E. Mansfield Sandra McRea Mary A. Megel Cassandra J. Midboe Karen Minge Minneapolis Window Shade Company Gay Nelson Marilyn Nelson Judith Nyquist

Barbara Ogle Yvonne Olson Lois Pallmeyer Kyle Pederson Steven J. Pederson Cynthia D. Petersen Randall & Deborah Petersen Robert & Patricia Peterson Neal Peterson & Deanna Thompson Cheryl Peterson-Schurke & Joel A. Schurke Roberta Pominville Paul & Abigail Pribbenow Anthony J. Priest Donald & Cleone Pritchard Janet Rahm Roshan Nicholas Rajkumar Jennifer Reed Paul & Donna Roe Kristine S. Roe Jane Rohrer Martha Rossing Rodney Rothlisberger Mary Louise Scott Elizabeth Shepley Linda & J. Patrick Smith Michael & Carol Smith Sunshine Travel Company Keith & Sylvia Textor Axel Theimer Kathryn Thompson Daryl Timmer Janice Trebbin United Educators Credit Union Jerome Upton Dale & Ruth Warland Karin & Scott Werdahl Nancy L. Winder Thelma Wiste Barbara Zander Susan C. Zemlin CONTRIBUTOR (Gifts up to $99) Mark & Karen Aamot American Family InsuranceLinda Stangland Agency Barbara Aspaas Carol Barnett Karen Bergh George Berglund Gail Bishop Lindsey Jo Bosl Virginia Bowles Jill Boyd Brad Brandt Paul & Mary Lou Brandvik Nichole Brenna Frank & Barbara Brocker Don Bulfer Katherine S. Burk Margaret K. Burk Ruth J. Buss Carol Carver Marilyn Cathcart Amy Jo Cherner Paul & Lois Christenson Marian & Kevin Christopherson Patricia C. Connors Carol Copperud Gloria Corbin

Holly A. Corrick Virginia Cronin Michael Culloton Florence Danielson Vicki Derrer Mark and Lois Docken David & Rita Docter Gregory J. & Kari E. Douma Father Henry L. Doyle Donald P. Dreyer Susan Engfelt Karle Erickson Christopher Fettig Belinda Fjeld Marie Flagstad Sam Fouts Sue A. Franke-Clark Jacquelyn S. Frerichs Stephen Fuller Barbara A. Geier Mary Kay & Douglas Geston Lana Gilster Joel and Karen Gotz Susan Graef Erin Gray Lisa Grevlos Stephen F. Griffin Elizabeth C. Gullick Brandy Klingel Gullickson Glenn & Sylvia Gunderson Barbara E. & Brian Hanson Randy J. Hartten Marilyn Haugen Diane Heaney Elizabeth Hellstedt Mark Hemingway Jane Hilleren Paula & Andrew Holmberg Marjorie Horning Ruth Hoyme David & Carol Hubert Beverly Isaksen Ramona Jacobsen Susan Jensen Janice B. Johnson Joel & Karen Johnson Kathleen & James Johnson W. Clark Johnson Gail Jothen Jeff Kantos Cheryl Karlgaard Patrick Karst Jesse Knight Karen Knutson Jane Kolarich Jon Kopplin Yvonne Kuhlman Marit Kvamme Richard A. Larson Meredith Leck Marvin & Marcia Lindseth Glen Linscheid Karen Lutgen Sonja Lynch Daniel Mahraun Virginia Segal Manczuk Joyce Manning Sharon Marquardt Phil Mattson Maren McBarnet Bryan McGinnis David & Katherine Mennicke

N. E. Midthun Robert D. Mix Robert & Rosalie Moninger Patricia Moore Ashley Morben Bonnie Nelson Mark L. & Ardis C. Nelson Ronald & Betty Lou Nelson Joan R. Nelson David & Carol Nordli Sarah O’Banion Gordon & Betty Olson Joseph Osowski Betty Overlund Patrick J. Thomas Agency, Inc. Kathy Pauls Katherine Quello Pekel Vicki Peters Bruce & Candace Phelps Christopher J. Piela Gary & Ruth Reetz Susan Rippon Eugene & Eileen Rudd Lillian Sather Randy S. Schafer Robert Schlidt Andrea & Larry Schussler Michael Sellheim Joshua D. Smith Eliza Snortland Chet Sommers Diane Steen-Hinderlie Karen Stein Mark Stover Noel & Lois Stratmoen Tony Streng Brian F. Stubbs Sandra Stugelmeyer Curtis Stull Leah Suffern Gillian Teoh Alexandra Thrasher Leon Thurman Janet Tollund Barbara Towey Laree M. Trollinger Kathleen Tunseth Jeffrey Van Sean Vogt Thomas Wadsworth Shelly Wahlin Edward and Susan Roark Waldron Sonja Wall Meredith Wallin Michael Walsh Doug & Nancy Watkins Karen Watkins Barbara Dzubay Weisman Chris & Jill Westermeyer Mary & Mark Whitlock Carole Whitney Eldri Wittkamper Stanley R. & Mona E. Wold Steven & Eileen Woyen




The F. Melius Christiansen Endowment Fund is grateful for the many gifts received in memory of or in honor of friends, family and colleagues. The following special tributes were made from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013. If you wish to make a tribute, please email execdirector@acda-mn.org or call 952-270-7489. In honor of Steven Albaugh Bruce W. & Paula M. Becker Diana J. Leland

In honor of Cathi Mahin Lee Bruce W. & Paula M. Becker Diana J. Leland

In honor of Anton E. Armstrong Sonia Esch

In honor of Murrae N. Freng Bruce W. & Paula M. Becker John E. Folin Diana J. Leland Carl H. & Jean C. Lipke Bruce & Candace Phelps

In memory of James Atherton Bruce W. & Paula M. Becker

In memory of Stephen “Gabe” Gabrielsen Bruce W. & Paula M. Becker

In memory of Diane A. Lerohl Howard Lerohl

In honor of Greg Aune Bruce W. & Paula M. Becker

In honor of Kristin Gerry Dione J. Peterson

In honor of Tim McConnell Daryl Timmer

In honor of Gladys A. Becker Bruce W. & Paula M. Becker

In honor of Jan Gilbertson Bruce W. & Paula M. Becker

In honor of Tucker Moore Patricia Moore

In honor of Arline Beutel Donald & Cleone Pritchard

In honor of Brittany & Madeline Gilje Marilyn Cooper

In memory of Armi Koskinen Nelson Diana J. Leland

In memory of Robert Bezdeny Diana J. Leland

In memory of Bill Hammer Sandra Stugelmeyer

In memory of Deloris Nelson Bruce W. & Paula M. Becker

In memory of Joyce Bloedel Bruce W. & Paula M. Becker

In honor of Thomas Hassig Bruce W. & Paula M. Becker

In honor of Weston Noble Paul & Abigail Pribbenow

In honor of Steven O. Boehlke Bruce W. & Paula M. Becker

In honor of Gladys Hayes Sue Franke-Clark

In honor of Joseph Osowski Bruce W. & Paula M. Becker

In honor of Paul Brandvik Bruce W. & Paula M. Becker

In memory of Quentin Heimerman Bruce W. & Paula M. Becker

In honor of Ken & Pat Paul Joel & Karen Gotz

In honor of the Rev. Dr. Richard Carter David Mennicke

In honor of Ben Henschel Eliza Snortland

In honor of Dione J. Peterson Father Henry Doyle

In honor of Rebecca Wyffels Katherine S. Burk Margaret K. Burk

In memory of Howard Casmey Murrae N. & Helen Freng

In honor of André-Louis Heywood Bruce W. & Paula M. Becker

In honor of Glenn & Erna Peterson Neal Peterson & Deanna Thompson

In memory of Al Zinter Bruce W. & Paula M. Becker

In memory of Paul J. Christiansen Glenn & Sylvia Gunderson Phil Mattson

In honor of Paula Holmberg Bruce W. & Paula M. Becker

In honor of Robert L. Peterson Bruce W. & Paula M. Becker Diana J. Leland

In honor of Lois Christianson Ruth M. Sorenson In honor of René Clausen Steven & Eileen Woyen In memory of Donald B. Danielson Florence Danielson In memory of Evelyn A. Duoos Diana J. Leland In honor of Marie Spar Dymit Beth Althof Scott Lehrke

In memory of Paula Hughes Diana J. Leland In honor of Kenneth Jennings Anton E. Armstrong In honor of Amy B. Johnson Bruce W. & Paula M. Becker In memory of Hollis L. Johnson Joel O. Johnson In memory of Marcus W. Johnson Bruce W. & Paula M. Becker Diana J. Leland

In memory of Eric Ericson Diana J. Leland

In honor of Sigrid Johnson Katherine S. Burk Leah Suffern

In honor of Sonia Esch Carol Carver

In memory of Larry G. Jones Diana J. Leland

In honor of Matthew Ferrell Joshua D. Smith

In memory of Inga Larson Cassandra J. Midboe

In memory of Eugene “Sarge” Firchau Bruce W. & Paula M. Becker

In honor of Garrett Lathe Jeff Kantos



In honor of Diana J. Leland Bruce W. & Paula M. Becker

In honor of Brother Paul Richards, OSB Jon Kopplin In honor of Ben Riggs Stephen Griffin In memory of Earl “Bud” Sagen Bruce W. & Paula M. Becker Diana J. Leland In memory of Leland B. Sateren Linda Armstrong Jesse Knight In honor of Robert Scholz Anton E. Armstrong In memory of Inga Sommers Chet Sommers In memory of Jo & Ed Spar Marie Spar Dymit In honor of James Story Erin Gray In honor of Brian Stubbs Bruce W. & Paula M. Becker

In memory of the Rev. Conrad M. Thompson Roe & Beverly Thompson Hatlen In honor of Gary & Lucy Thrasher Alexandra Thrasher In memory of Verona E. Vogt Bruce W. & Paula M. Becker In honor of Shelly Wahlin Belinda Fjeld In honor of Lin Warren Bruce W. & Paula M. Becker In honor of Paul Wehrle Diana J. Leland In honor of Karin Werdahl Dione J. Peterson In honor of Marin Werdahl Dione J. Peterson In Memory of Cleone Witte Murrae N. & Helen Freng In honor of Michael & Donna Wolsted Bruce W. & Paula M. Becker


To celebrate the anniversary of her 85th birthday, the Alice T. Larsen Memorial Scholarship campaign commenced in 2013. Donations will continue to be accepted via the mail and online. After the campaign reaches its goal of $25,000 and the principal generates sufficient interest and dividends, a scholarship will be awarded annually to a female Minnesota choral director who will pursue a graduate degree in choral conducting at the college or university of her choice. Contributions to the memorial scholarship may be given online at: fmcendowment.org or via the mail at: FMC Endowment Fund, Attention: Alice T. Larsen Scholarship, 12027 Gantry Lane, Apple Valley, MN 55124-6286.

Scholarship Donors (as of December 31, 2013)

GUARANTOR (Gifts of $1,000-$2,499) Jody L. Horner BENEFACTOR (Gifts of $500-$999) Susan Ellefson Janet O. Estep Roger S. & Donna Hoel Dione J. Peterson Katherine R. E. Russell Julie S. Tiede PATRON (Gifts of $250-$499) Anton E. Armstrong Ardis Cox Nancy Evert Nancy & Stephen Grundahl Deborah Loon Lisa Lozito Lynn W. Sandquist Margaret Seltz Ruth M. Sorenson Lynne Waldeland Rebecca Wyffels SUSTAINER (Gifts of $100-$249) Nancy Agneberg Beth Althof Carole L. Arenson Kenneth & Margaret Aspaas Katie Moran Bart Bruce W. & Paula M. Becker Ann Behrens Linda Berger Deborah Biorn Linda Bjerke Patricia Blakely Beth Bonnecroy Sharon Bonnet Marta Brendon Virginia Coborn Dell Rapids Lutheran Church Choir Soren Docken Denise Dreier Christine Drotning Marie Spar Dymit Bradley Ellingboe Sonia Esch Lisa R. Foerster Julayne Frost Jan Gilbertson Sue Gilsdorf Kirsten N. Johnson Lynne C. King Margaret Kirkegaard

Shelley Kline Carolyn Kochel Ulrike Kohler Sarah Krumm Laurie Kuehn Janet Kunau Kathy Kunze Scott Lehrke Diana J. Leland Becky Malchow Margaret E. Mansfield Sandra McCrea Mary A. Megel Cassandra J. Midboe Karen Minge Gay Nelson Marilyn Nelson Weston Noble Judith Nyquist Barbara Ogle Yvonne Olson Lois Pallmeyer Steven J. Pederson Cynthia D. Peterson Cheryl Peterson-Schurke & Joel A. Schurke Roberta Pominville Anthony J. Priest Janet Rahm Roshan Nicholas Rajkumar Jennifer E. Reed Paul & Donna Roe Kristine S. Roe Jane C. Rohrer Martha Rossing Mary Louise Scott Michael & Carol Smith Kathryn Thompson Daryl Timmer Janice Trebbin Dale & Ruth Warland Karin P. Werdahl Scott Werdahl Nancy Winder Thelma Wiste Barbara Zander CONTRIBUTOR (Gifts up to $99) Barbara Aspaas Karen E. Bergh Gail Bishop Virginia Bowles Frank & Barbara Brocker Angela E. Broeker Katherine S. Burk Margaret K. Burk Ruth J. Buss Paul & Lois Christenson Patricia Connors

Carol Cooperud Holly Corrick Vicki Derrer Mark & Lois Docken Susan Engfelt Jacqueline S. Ferichs Tim & Kristin Gerry Mary Kay & Douglas Geston Lana Gilster Susan Graef Lisa Grevlos Elizabeth Gullick Randy J. Hartten Jane Hilleren Paula Holmberg Marjorie Horning Ruth Hoyme Beverly Isaksen Ramona Jacobsen Susan Jensen Kathleen & James Johnson Gail Jothen Janet Knutson Jane Kolarich Yvonne Kuhlman Marit Kvamme Meredith Leck Sonja Lynch Virginia Segal Manczuk Sharon Marquardt Maren McBarnet David Mennicke Patricia Moore Joan R. Nelson Betty Overland Katherine Quello Pekel Susan M. Rippon Lillian Sather Robert & Cora Scholz Andrea Schussler Elizabeth Shepley Diane Steen-Hinderlie Karen Stein Leah Suffern Barbara Towey Edward and Susan Roark Waldron Sonja Wall Meredith Wallin Karen Watkins Barbara Dzubay Weisman Eldri Wittkamper Susan C. Zemlin

Alice T. Larsen Commemorative CD Production (as of December 31, 2013)

VIRTUOSO (Gifts of $2,500-$4,999) Phil & Mona Milne BENEFACTOR (Gifts of $500-$999) Tim & Kristin Gerry PATRON (Gifts of $250-$499) Lynne Waldeland

CONTRIBUTOR (Gifts up to $99) Beth A. Bonnecroy Patrick Karst IN-KIND DONORS VIRTUOSO (Gifts of $2,500-$4,999) Encore Productions Michael & Donna Wolsted

SUSTAINER (Gifts of $100-$249) Katie Moran Bart Lou Ann Larson Teri Larson



2013 Annual Report F. Melius Christiansen Endowment Fund


PAID ACDA of Minnesota Bruce W. Becker, Executive Director 12027 Gantry Lane • Apple Valley, MN 55124-6286 www.fmcendowment.org • www.acda-mn.org


Remember a Loved One • Honor a Mentor • Acknowledge a Friend A gift to the F. Melius Christiansen Endowment Fund is a lasting way to remember or honor loved ones, musical mentors, friends, or colleagues. Your contribution will help sustain the distinguished legacy of exemplary choral music in Minnesota.

A Special Gift...A Lasting Legacy Plan a special gift that will make a difference for many years to come. Designate the F. Melius Christiansen Endowment Fund as a beneficiary in your will or trust. The following statement will ensure that your gift is appropriately directed: I bequeath ____% of my estate (or a specific fund) to the FMC Endowment Fund of the American Choral Directors Association, a 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation located at 12027 Gantry Lane, Apple Valley MN 55124. A bequest and estate planning form is available at: www.fmcendowment.org/bequest-estate-planning-form For further information contact: Diana J. Leland, Director of Development, 612.861.5071, Dland6648@aol.com


Our Legacy: A Distinguished Past...A Vibrant Future


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