Deborah Willis, New York University
“Comrade Sisters: Women of the Black Panther Party is a magical and magnificent gift to the world by legendary photographer Stephen Shames and legendary BPP leader Ericka Huggins. Simply put, there would not have been a Black Panther organization without the love, dedication, and, yes, labor, of Black women. We forever honor what Huey Newton and Bobby Seale created, yes, no question. But if Black folks are truly to be empowered in this nation, holistically and across the globe, then that means we must hear and see those who identify as women, because their lives and their work and their places in history matter, too.”
Comrade Sisters Women of the Black Panther Party
“This book is central to all who have missed the determined voices and exceptional images of the women of the movement. […] Stephen Shames witnessed these events, and his photographs represent the diversity of the members as the words of Ericka Huggins and the women convey their hopes as activists, comrades, wives, girlfriends, daughters, and mothers.”
Comrade Sisters
Kevin Powell, poet, journalist, civil and human rights activist, filmmaker, author
Robyn C. Spencer, author of The Revolution Has Come: Black Power, Gender, and the Black Panther Party in Oakland
ISBN: 978-1-78884-175-7
9 781788 841757
54500 £35.00/$45.00
Stephen Shames Ericka Huggins
“Comrade Sisters is a visually stunning book that provides a rare and intimate look inside the revolutionary lives of women of the Black Panther Party. Seeing and hearing from these women is essential to any attempt to answer the transformative questions being raised in the era of Black Lives Matter.”
Women of the Black Panther Party
Stephen Shames Ericka Huggins