CCA 2023 Annual Report

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Annual Report 2023

Bringing stability and resilience to employees in businesses across America.

2023 was fast-paced and demanding for business leaders .

There were multi-angled pressures on employers and employees that tested every environment. It was a year that produced economic pressures business leaders hadn’t encountered in over 40 years. Early-year bank collapses and four interest rate hikes by the Fed impacted Wall Street. However, Corporate Chaplains of America’s (CCA’s) interest is in Main Street. We saw how these pressures impacted workers, and there were two primary responses:

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Hopelessness and despair Stability and resilience

At CCA, we reduce hopelessness and despair in the workforce by serving and valuing employees through the love of Christ .

The LORD is exalted, for he dwells on high; he will fill Zion with justice and righteousness, and he will be the stability of your times, abundance of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge; the fear of the LORD is Zion's treasure.

When the Lord is exalted in people’s lives, where they dwell is filled with justice and righteousness, and He becomes the stabilizing force in the lives of employees in our mission fields. He brings stability. He brings resilience. In today’s fast-paced and demanding business world, resilience and stability are key to thriving personally and professionally.

Corporate Chaplains of America understands that the success of any organization lies within its people. In 2023, our work saw increased adoption, success, and fruit as we provided support, guidance, and care for employees and their families.


Ali’s Story

“I was distressed after learning that a severe earthquake had devastated my home country of Morocco.

I shared with our Corporate Chaplain, who had traveled there, and we prayed together for my family, our country, and for understanding in this difficult time. His compassion touched me deeply and helped me se e that I was not alone.

He asked if he could talk about my personal journey with God. I'm now exploring the Bible, starting with the book of John. I've read it twice in two weeks, purchased my first Bible, and committed to attending a church. This new path has brought hope and purpose that I haven't experienced before. I always look forward to seeing my Chaplain each week, and I’m grateful for the support he has given me during this time.”


Permission-Based Gospel Presentations in 2023

Nearly 6 times per hour, Chaplains gained permission to share the life-changing Good News of Jesus Christ in a non-threatening and relevant way in 2023.

At Corporate Chaplains of America, we are increasingly excited about God’s continued favor in and through our ministry. In 2023, we intentionally emphasized building the Kingdom, and we saw God move in new ways.

“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

When reflecting on the Great Commission Christ gave in Matthew 2 8:18-19, we realized more could be done to encourage employees who professed Christ to be more committed to live out their faith. In 2000, Dr. Billy Graham sa id, “I believe that one of the next great moves of God is going to be through the believer s in the workplace.” We couldn’t agree more. The Great Commission isn’t “Go and mak e converts.”

In 2023, first-time faith decisions grew 116% from 2022, but we saw an explosion in growth commitments and recommitments of believers we serve – a 366% year-over-year increase! This is multiplying CCA’s ministry impact well beyond our chaplains into churches and communities across America. These workers demonstrate a deeper faith commitment and are shining the Light of Christ in their workplaces and beyond.

“I was sharing with my manager the di culties I was facing in my relationship with my girlfriend.

She had been unfaithful, and it hurt me deeply. My manager asked if I loved her and thought forgiveness was possible, and I said I wasn't sure. That’s when my manager suggested I talk to the Chaplain. When I explained it all to him, he then asked if he could speak about the spiritual side of things.

I agreed, and that’s when the lights began to come on. He s hared a perspective I hadn’t thought of before, how even though we, as humans, are undeserving and unfaithful to our Creator, He still offers u s forgiveness. He shared the gospel, and I made the decision to accept and follow Christ. We are now praying together, asking God to help me forgive my g irlfriend and for me to be able to share with her what I’ve learned.”


First-Time Decisions for Christ in 2023

(16% increase over 2022 )

The joy and significance of spiritual transformation when a person moves from darkness to light and from death to life is the fruit of our mission!

Joe’s Story

From our CEO

I am so thankful for all that God has done through CCA. In 2023 , 28,963 lives changed, and a significant multitude, thousands upon thousands, since our incep tion in 1996. But each one is a life impacted by Christ, a change brought by repentance or a recommitment to Christ in some aspect that reflects who the Scriptures say they are as a follow er of Jesus.

As we look at our culture, it can feel as though we are in a wilderness. As our chaplains care for hurting, broken people, it can sometimes feel like a desert. Go d is doing something new, and once His power is unleashed in a worker's heart, it makes all the difference – for them, their family, their community, and their work. The result is a more stable and resilient spirit at work in them.

Our Chaplains align themselves with each individual, walking in the Spirit, bearing His fruit; “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” Against such things, there is no law and this mindset. This fruit of the Spirit equips each Chaplain to live our Missionary Mindset, which is our theme for 2024.

The missionary mindset is a godly humility that puts God first a nd the needs of others before my own in actions and words. The missionary mindset comes from the overflow of a life that abides in Christ’s love and draws others into a deeper walk with Jesus. The person standing in front of me, reading my posts, watching my actions, or baiting me – is more important than my voice, my feelings, or my freedoms. This is because that person needs to know how much Jesus loves him or her. Their soul is more important than their behaviors.

The harvest fields are ripe. As thankful as I am for all that God has done in the past, I be lieve we are on the threshold of something amazing, something new. I hear the words of the prophet Isaiah ringing in my ears.

Join with us in praying for something new!

John 9:4,

Larry Griffith


Look, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.

Our Impact in 2023


Total Employee Touches Total Care Sessions Decisions for Christ Growth Commitments Gospel Presentations Employees in Care Workplace Mission Fields New Chaplains Trained Chaplains on Mission 5,388,562 573,071 5,066 23,897 51,297 213,064 2,550 107 364 2023 4,124,834 446,970 4,374 6,535 41,156 166,764 2,058 77 278 2022 3,897,303 380,332 4,104 5,576 40,128 160,103 1,814 67 253 2021 3,438,332 331,549 2,847 4,072 34,642 130,892 1,560 52 236 2020 6,919 9,680 10,909 28,963
Life-Change Decisions 2020 2021 2022 2023 5,388,562 Total Employee Touches 10 times every minute of 2023, a Chaplain touched an individual.
Total Care Sessions Every minute of 2023, a Chaplain engaged someone in deep conversation about life.

Fast-Track Chaplains

In 2021, Corporate Chaplains of America asked donors to assist us with a new project we called the Fast-Track Chaplain. This strategy enables us to find a full-time chaplain to place into a mission field before revenue streams are in place to sustain them. From that first trial, we knew the Lord was in it!

We were able to hire a high-quality, full-time individual for the role who had a love for their community and a love for CCA. Second, we could deploy that chaplain into full-time service while we worked to open new mission fields for them to serve.

We also learned that we needed to provide layers of leadership and support to surround the new Fast-Track Chaplains as we helped them see their city with spiritual eyes. We asked Melvin Swafford, a 12-year CCA veteran and Vice-President, Business Development, to come alongside these new Fast-Track Chaplains to help them build meaningful networks in their cities .

“The first thing I want to do is to help the Fast-Track Chaplain develop a prayer network in the city. As we’ve done that, God has made the way!”

Our goal is to see a Fast-Track Chaplain at full ministry capacity in multiple mission fields within twelve months.

During those first twelve months, the chaplain may only have face-to-face fieldwork one or two days a week. That leaves a lot of capacity to be redeemed. CCA’s Robert Hudson, who is the VP of Expanded Services, has developed the perfect way for these Fast-Track Chaplains to have a powerful, life-changing ministry while they patiently wait to grow the work locally.

The Fast-Track Chaplain strategy is opening the doors for tremendous opportunities for CCA to create alliances with other organizations where people need a listening ear and the application of biblical wisdom. Hudson added, “When someone is in crisis, a trained, credentialed Chaplain can guide them to a much better place.” CCA’s virtual platforms make the connection, and if needed, we can quickly connect them with a local, live chaplain to care for them. The life-change opportunities are incredible!

As of December 31, 2023, CCA had launched 53 Fast-Track Chaplains into mission fields.

24 of those have become full-time local chaplains, and our plan is to launch a total of 100 Fast-Track Chaplains into workplace mission fields by the end of 2027.


“CCA’s virtual care has exploded over the last year. Our chaplains have enabled us to come alongside organizations touching people urgently needing help.”

Care in 2023

With permission, Chaplains moved beyond the superficial and prov ided emotional support, conflict resolution, and personal development to individuals. Us ing wisdom and empathy, Chaplains cultivated meaningful connections on a variety of top ics in 2023.

Top Care Session Topics in 2023

Work Related Concerns

Marital Concerns

Parenting Concerns

Financial Concerns

Addiction Issues

Hospital Visits

Suicide Concerns

123,721 79,444 110,082 11,904 2,969 2,519 1,001 34,406 Employees in our Care 213,064 Chaplains on Mission 364 Workplace Mission Fields 2,550

“I grew up with a challenging childhood.

I experienced the constant upheaval of being raised in various foster homes. As I became an adult, the dysfunctional journey I had been on began showing up in negative ways in my relationships and my work. My company has a Chaplain and my supervisor thought he might be able to give me some insight and help.

I cannot tell you how much I began to see about myself in my talks with the Chaplain.

He’s been a gift and I’ve learned so much. Thankfully, my Chaplain’s compassion has helped me find a more stable place to build my life. I am so thankful!”


Growth Commitments in 2023

(366% increase over 2022)

CCA’s persistence in calling believers to mature in their faith in Christ was an emphasis in 2023, further emphasizing our commitment to discipleship.

Natasha’s Story

From our Chairman

I think that, of late, many have been questioning the meaning o f the words “evangelism” and “evangelist.” I’m not one of them. Consider for a moment how you might define an evangelist. Here’s an example: go and build caring relationships with the hope of gaining permission to share the life-changing Good News of Jesus Christ in a non-thre atening manner. If that's not the definition of an evangelist, I don't know what is!

The charge of a Corporate Chaplain to simply love and serve people while building relationships to the point where permission would be granted to share the good news of Jesus Christ is an incredible blessing. That's the greatest calling a ministry could have.

As we move into 2024, my challenge is for all who believe, and it’s from Romans 1:16 – “For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes…” What a verse for today in the culture that we face, for I'm not ashamed of the Gospel, for it's the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes. How many a re afraid or at least reluctant to share the Good News of Jesus Christ to others? I know Corporate Chaplains are not in that group.

Last fall, we gathered all the Chaplains together for training, and it was so humbling to see how the movement has grown. I remember when we could get all of our chaplains around a table. Now it’s hard to get them all in a ballroom. We are so grateful for the growth, but we are most excited about the fruit of these amazing laborers in the harves t fields of the workplace.

As a representative of the Board of Directors for this great organization, we couldn’t be more proud of our Chaplains' work in the greatest mission field in Am erica, the workplace.


the Training in Raleigh in October 2023.

Christie’s Story

“I received devastating news about the death of a family member.

Our whole family was in shock and it was affecting my ability to work. It was so distracting. When I shared this with our Chaplain, I knew he cared, and he asked if we could talk. We talked through the details, and he suggested so many helpful things in making final arrangements and even offered to meet with my family.

He seemed to tune in that I was struggling with the ‘why’ and the timing of it all.

Of all the conversations I was having, the Chaplain was most helpful. He helped me and my family understand our grief and gave us all a much-needed place to speak about what we were feeling.”


Deaths and Funerals that CCA guided families through in 2023

Guidance through grief, understanding, perspective, and companionship is one of the key caring initiatives of Corporate Chaplains.

Our days are few. Our priorities matter.

Stewarding legacies for a lifetime and beyond

War and Peace author Leo Tolstoy, in his book A Confession and Other Religious Writings, asked the question, “What will become of what I do today or tom orrow?” Psalm 90:12 reminds us “… to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wis dom.” The conclusion is that when numbering our days, our days are few, and our priorities matter.

What God has built through your leadership is worth preserving, and your influence can be felt for generations when your desire is God-honoring stewardship.

Christians should understand that everything they own ultimatel y belongs to God. Managing the resources God has given you today is just as important as m anaging them into the future –for those you love and the movements that resonate with your passions.

Author Dallas Willard once said, “Blessing is the projection of good into the life of another.” Great planning can extend your impact for generations, taking much less effort and energy than you think.

Corporate Chaplains of America is honored to partner with The G iving Crowd to provide you with professional stewardship advisement. The Giving Crowd spec ializes in will design, estate planning, asset liquidation, sale of a business, and succession planning. The Giving Crowd will work with you to uncover solutions that fit your needs and wishe s, often presenting ideas other professional advisors overlook, allowing you to make more informed planning decisions.

To maximize your stewardship and legacy, contact Mike Clowers at Corporate Chaplains for more information. Email or phone, (501) 920-3785.

“From the beginning of my medical practice and after I got married, I was told I needed to get an estate plan for my family.

I did one but then forgot about it. I did not update it or review it as had been recommended—life got in the way. When Corporate Chaplains of America introduced me to Richard Blackmon at The Giving Crowd, I knew it was time. My interaction was refreshing, creative, and thorough. Richard showed me WHY it was so important to keep these things current, and he gave me several new stewardship strategies to help establish kingdom generosity after my wife and I are gone.”

Our Vision

In great anticipation of a John 9:4 Movement, we revised our li ves changed goal to more than 363,000 lives changed between 2023 and 2027. In 2023, as this report details, we saw nearly 29,000.

Our goal for 2024 is 51,000 lives changed. It is a God-sized task that Corporate Chaplains of America is undaunted to pursue.

We are grateful today for every partner, company owner, company leader, donor, and connector who labors to see God redeem those and their family members in the greatest untapped mission field in America – the workplace!

To build caring relationships with the hope of gaining permission to share the life-changing Good News of Jesus Christ in a non-threatening manner. 1300 Corporate Chaplain Drive, Suite 301 | Wake Forest, NC 2758 7 | 919.570.0700 OUR MISSION

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