July 2016 Edition - Access Press

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All-Stars, Pg 15

Volume 27, Number 7


Deadline draws near Weigh in Worthy nominees are sought on new federal rule for 2016 Charlie Smith Award Minnesotans with disabilities, their family members and caregivers are urged to weigh in on a new federal rule for home and community-based services. This is an opportunity to provide feedback about choice, community integration and employment. The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) is hosting several meetings around the state to seek comments from people receiving services through the Brain Injury, Community Alternative Care, Community Access for Disability Inclusion and Developmental Disability waivers. “We want to hear about individuals’ experiences in receiving services in their homes and elsewhere in the community,” said DHS Commissioner Emily Piper. “We want to learn what it means to people with disabilities to be part of a community, to have meaningful relationships and to have the freedom to make choices.” The federal government is allowing states until March 17, 2019, to come into full New disability rule - p. 4

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by Access Press staff

Time is running out to honor Minnesotans and Minnesota organizations that provide outstanding service to the state’s disability community. Deadline for nominations for the 2016 Access Press Charlie Smith Award is 5 p.m. Wednesday, August 15. The newspaper’s board of directors is waiting for the nominations to start rolling in. This year’s award will be presented Friday, November 4 at the newspaper’s annual banquet in Bloomington. Please save the date. The event has moved to a new, larger location, DoubleTree by Hilton, 7800 Normandale Blvd. Information on the award can be found at www.accesspress.org under the “Charlie Awards” tab. Email access@accesspress. Five years ago Jeff Bangsberg was the winner of the org for a form or call 651-644-2133 for as- Access Press Charlie Smith Award. Bangsberg is shown sistance. If assistance or accommodations here with his wife Anita Boucher. File photo are needed to submit an award nomination, Access Press staff is glad to provide help. ago, Bangsberg cited the importance of the The Charlie Smith Award is named honor. He and Smith worked together on the in honor of the late Charlie Smith Jr., Medical Assistance for Employed Persons with founding editor of Access Press. He was a Disabilities (MA-EPD) program. well-known Minnesota disability rights advo“I view this award as a legacy for the things I cate and founded the paper as a way to prowas fortunate to be part of, from the days when vide information and organize the community I first became involved in Project Mobility; the around key issues. He was well-known for his days in the late 1970s when the personal care tenacious spirit, yet he was also someone who assistance program began; when I had the opquietly reached out to and helped people with portunity to chair the State Rehabilitation disabilities. Council; and contracting with the Minnesota Many deserving Minnesotans have received Department of Health in evaluating health care the award. One is activist Jeff Bangsberg, homes as a consumer representative.” who won in 2011. In his speech five years Nominees sought - p. 3

Olmstead amendments address two areas

“The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have.” — Vince Lombardi


Years of fundraising end with playground’s debut. Page 15 What can we do that will make a difference? Page 2 A court case, committee work and communications helped people find a place in the community. Page 5

by Access Press staff

U.S. District Court Judge Donovan Frank, shown here at an ACT event, just issued an order on the Olmstead Plan. File photo

Many proposals to address abuse and neglect, and provide more access to assistive technology, are included in the latest update to the state’s Olmstead Plan. U.S. District County Judge Donovan Frank issued his latest order on the plan June 21, in response to a June 6 biannual status conference. Frank approved the plan updates in the two areas, and also gave approval to reporting deadlines, approval of Olmstead Subcabinet goals and other technical measures. Every state is required to have an Olmstead Plan, which outlines ways to full integrate people with disabilities into the community. Minnesota’s current version of the plan has been in the works for almost five years, under the direction of the Olmstead Subcabinet appointed by Gov. Mark Dayton. The conference was held for the court to hear updates on the plan, as well as its comprehensive plan of action and on the Jensen settlement agreement. The latter is a legal settlement ordered in response to alleged mistreatment of residents of the now-closed Minnesota Extended Treatment Options facility in Cambridge. Frank’s order shows mixed reactions to Olmstead amendments - p. 3

Pull out and save our Directory of Organizations, and use it as a resource. Pages 7-10 Attend the ADA anniversary celebration. Page 12

INSIDE Around the Dial, pg 14 Enjoy!, pg 12 Events, pg 11 People & Places, pg 13 Radio Talking Book, pg 14 Regional News, pg 6

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