ACCESS Spring News 2020

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25 YEARS OF SERVICE Our Mission: Expanding Individual Potential Through Innovative Instruction SPR ING NEWS 2 0 2 0

Plants With A Purpose Shop the ACCESS Spring Plant Sales and Support New Opportunities for Purpose and Independence for Individuals with Special Needs

Expanding Potential:


“Happy. Loving. Determined.” These are the three words Mandy and Eric Wright use to describe their oldest daughter Eloise. Those traits have served Eloise well as she works to overcome developmental delays. Eloise’s story began four and half years ago in Boston, Massachusetts when she was born with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, resulting in cerebral palsy. “They told us in Boston she would have delays in speech, but we were first-time parents. We didn’t know what that meant,” said Mandy. “She received early intervention through the state, but we are originally from Arkansas and wanted to move back.” When Mandy and Eric moved back to Arkansas in 2016, they continued with outpatient therapy along with typical childcare services for Eloise. However, when Eloise was around one and a half years old, their therapist suggested a comprehensive approach to intervention might be beneficial and told them about ACCESS®.

Mandy began research and toured numerous facilities but the team approach at ACCESS really stood out to her. “After visiting ACCESS, I realized that Eloise needed to be somewhere where people understood her delays, and I did not have to explain why she wasn’t walking yet like her typical peers - somewhere that understood it was just going to take her a little longer to meet those milestones. We went through the admissions process with ACCESS, and Eloise was able to start in Ms. Stephanie’s toddler class just before she turned two-years-old.” Eloise was only in the toddler classroom a couple of months before transitioning to the two-year-old classroom with Ms. Suzanne, tenured special education teacher and now Assistant Director of the ACCESS Early

Cover Story Continued on page 5

ACCESS Academy and Young Adult Campus 1500 North Mississippi Street Little Rock, AR 72207

Mondays—Fridays 9:00am—3:00pm

Angelonia Banana Boat Butterfly Bushes Caladium Coneflower Cora Bells Coreopsis Day Lily Dianthus Dragon Wing Begonia Drift Roses Elephant Ears Ferns Garden Flox Guara Geranium Grasses Hosta Hydrangea Ivy

Knockout Roses Lantana Lavandula Blue Spire Lime Mound Mexican Heather Perennial Hibiscus Petunias Phlox Rex Begonia Rosemary Salvia Setcreasea Silver Falls Succulents Sun Patients Sweet Potato Vine Verbena Yarrow Zinnia

Plus a Variety of Other Perennials & Annuals


Celebrating 25 Years OF PROVIDING INDEPENDENCE & NEW OPPORTUNITIES Dear ACCESS Community, In August 2019, ACCESS launched its 25th year of building brighter futures for individuals with special needs. We have celebrated the individuals served through our mission, the dedicated team that comes together to provide the comprehensive services needed, and the community that supports us each day, year after year. As we persist through this global pandemic, we are reminded that the words we have used to celebrate our milestone year could not ring more true:

ACCESS has changed lives from the very beginning. And now we are creating active, productive, successful citizens of our society that are contributing to our community, and that is so good for all of us. But we cannot do this work alone. Your investments provide the tools to unlock potential of infants, children and young adults with special needs. Every day new windows of opportunity are being opened because of your generosity. The milestones that are met are not only with the child, they are with the entire family.

I am ACCESS. We are ACCESS. This is ACCESS.

I feel called to serve this mission because I believe in this team and see the impact of their work. My wife and sons, too, are volunteers and supporters. Our educational assistance dog, Josie, is even a part of the ACCESS team!

ACCESS professionals have always listened to families and continue to adapt to meet the needs of the individuals we serve. The expansion of services has been supported by continued development of innovative educational curriculum, high-quality therapy services, and unique vocational training experiences. And through the years, our vision continues to drive our common belief for which this organization was founded. It is a reminder of our purpose and consistent with our philosophy: All persons have the potential to learn, the capacity for change, and the right to live a meaningful life in the community of his or her choice. As we commemorate 25 years of service, we celebrate every milestone our clients achieve. At the ACCESS Academy and Young Adult Campus, you can’t help but take joy in hearing the ringing of a bell followed by cheers from the therapists in the therapy gym when a student meets a goal. At the Stella Boyle Smith Early Childhood campus, we celebrate children who are able to consume enough calories independently because of the work being done in the ACCESS Feeding Clinic. The services provided by the ACCESS team is truly changing lives!

On behalf of the ACCESS Board of Directors, I extend my sincere gratitude to every individual, corporation and foundation that has supported our important work. With your continued investments, we will remain strong for many generations to come. Together, we are ACCESS. Together, we are changing lives one child at a time. All my best,

W. Scott Davis President, ACCESS Board of Directors

The stories that follow in this publication are just a few of the many inspiring ways that ACCESS is having a significant impact in the lives of the individuals they serve. Our new normal incorporates innovative treatment such as telemedicine and embraces advanced technology and apps for enriched educational experiences. Wyatt, Wally, Libby and Scott Davis


Finances 1% 5%








80% Compensation/Benefits


Programs & Tuition


Direct Program

Other (Interest Depreciation)



ACCESS by the Numbers

During the 2019—2020 academic year, ACCESS will serve more than 780 families from 34 counties in Arkansas, as well as neighboring states.




Adults in the ACCESS Life Program

ACCESS Academy Students

Early Childhood Students


Members of the ACCESS Board of Directors

60 Interns in Project SEARCH Arkansas: ACCESS Initiative in partnership with Arkansas Rehabilitation Services across seven business sites


ACCESS Employees delivering life-changing services each day

Community Volunteers



Hours of therapy services per week


ACCESS Evaluation & Resource Center


Evaluations Our onsite neuropsychologist and psychological examiner provide comprehensive evaluations to help families throughout our community identify underlying learning disabilities, behavioral disorders, mental health diagnoses, and more throughout Arkansas and its bordering states. From there, they can help you develop a plan to help your child reach their full potential.

Behavioral Health Counseling Anxiety, depression, and other behavioral and mental health issues can coincide with developmental or learning disabilities in youth and adolescents. Our Licensed Clinical Social Worker can help children and their families learn to cope with those issues through specialized counseling methods and more.

Academic Therapy Children with learning disabilities often need access to specialized teaching methods to be able to achieve their personal best. Academic tutoring can provide children in our community the academic resources they need to learn best at school. From reading and comprehension to writing and organization, we can help!

“The evaluation at the AERC gave us a complete understanding on how our child processed information. My children were not just having learning difficulties at school, but also at home - a time to learn those social and emotional skills needed in life. The results of the comprehensive evaluation allowed me to connect what my children were thinking to how they were acting.” - Cate Kelly, AERC Client Mother

“I felt like we had a complete picture of what our child’s needs were.” – Mark Kelly, AERC Client Father


executive function bad grades


??? poor memory

anger issues social problems

What is a neuropsychological evaluation? ACCESS Neuropsychologist Kelly Pizzitola explains. Neuropsychology is the study of brainbehavior relationships. In other words, it provides insight into one’s cognitive and behavioral functioning known to be linked to particular areas of the brain. A neuropsychological evaluation uses paper and pencil, objective testing techniques and behavior rating scales completed by parents, teachers, and the child being evalauted to assess these areas of functioning. Areas assessed include intelligence, academic functioning, memory, visual spatial/perceptual skills, fine motor output and coordination, attention, executive functioning, social/emotional functioning, and behavioral functioning. A neuropsychological evaluation is different than invasive medical techniques (i.e., MRI, CT scans) used to interpret behaviors of the child. It is often recommended for children with medical diagnoses such as seizure disorders, traumatic brain injury, brain tumors, spina bifida, genetic disorders, developmental disabilities, and a variety of other medical and brain conditions. Neuropsychological testing can also be used to assess children with complicated learning issues and attention disorder.

Expanding Potential Childhood program. “When Eloise first came to Early Childhood, she was shy and had no words, only very basic ways to communicate,” Suzanne remembers. “She mainly got her point across with her actions - and crying. She did not participate in activities without help and did not initiate interactions with peers, or even very many adults.” “I had the privilege of being her teacher partway through that first year. As Eloise became immersed in a language-rich, literacy-based curriculum, she blossomed!” Suzanne explained. “It became evident that she had lots to say and we began hearing some sounds and then some spontaneous words. Eloise understood every bit of what we were teaching, and she began to show us that comprehension through active participation in daily activities.”


at ACCESS was when she received her LAMP (Language Acquisition through Motor Planning) communication device, a sort of iPad-like device that allows individuals to use pictures and symbols along with motor planning to create words and phrases that can be used in communicating with others. “When we got the device, I was not one-hundred percent sure how this was going to help her,” said Mandy. “But we worked with Sally, her new speech-language pathologist at the time to try to understand it. I went to a training per Sally’s suggestion, and she kept working with Eloise on how to use the device.”

“When Eloise first came to ACCESS, it took a few weeks of getting to know her before it became apparent to me that her speech wasn’t just delayed, but that I was seeing signs of apraxia,” explained Kasie Birdwell, speech-language pathologist specializing in early childhood intervention. “Her apraxia was different in that it wasn’t Childhood Apraxia of Speech, but apraxia caused by a brain injury she experienced at birth.” “Eloise was an incredibly bright and social little girl. She loved giving everyone hugs and high fives as we walked down the hallway to therapy,” said Kelli. “However, she struggled with fine motor tasks like getting dressed by herself, using a fork and spoon, and putting together puzzles. It was really frustrating for Eloise to need help with a task, but not be able to ask for it.”

“Picture symbols were helpful, but the signs and picture symbols we could give Eloise weren’t keeping up with everything she wanted to tell us,” said Kasie. “She was ready to tell us more! I started the process of acquiring a communication device for her.” The device arrived just before the end of the summer in 2018 when Eloise turned three. According to Mandy and Eric, one of the most defining moments of Eloise’s journey

In the Pre-K 4 classroom, “Eloise is doing beautifully,” says her teacher Lorie Baker. She participates in circle time activities every morning using her device and is exhibiting more verbal speech. “It is great watching her during movement and music. She does all of the movements and tries to sing every word! Eloise’s receptive language skills are right up there with her typical peers in class. She follows directions just like the others and understands the literary concepts in our unique curriculum. Although her ability to communicate verbally is more limited than her peers, her out- going personality is definitely not!” Eloise also continues to work on language skills with her speech therapist, independence skills with her occupational therapist, and her physical therapist helps her to gain the skills and strength she needs to participate in everyday activities at home and in her community. She goes to gymnastics and dance class, and she is signed up to try tee ball soon. “She just does what the other kids do to the best of her ability,” shares Mandy. “If we need to incorporate some skills into therapy to help her better participate, I just text Carly (her physical therapist at ACCESS), and we work on it.”

During her two-year-old year at ACCESS, Eloise also began working with occupational therapist Kelli Miller and speech-language pathologist Kasie Birdwell.

“We began using picture symbols during our occupational therapy sessions to help Eloise communicate her wants and needs. At that point, we saw a huge change in Eloise’s demeanor. She began requesting help when she needed it, asking for her favorite play activities, and even verbalizing more, along with the picture symbols,” recalled Kelli. “It became apparent that Eloise was very smart and just needed a way for her voice to be heard.”

do you think the dinosaurs eat?’ And she yelled out ‘grass!’ She knew the answer and told us. And she LOVES to sing!”

Now, Eloise gets to enjoy having little sister Genevieve at ACCESS with her as well. “The reason we like Genevieve to go to school here is because she sees kids that are not typicallydeveloping, and she doesn’t know there is a difference,” explained Mandy. “Genevieve never asked why her sister isn’t able to do things that she can do. I don’t think she knows there’s a difference. To her, Eloise is just her sister.” “As a teacher, it is always amazing and heart-warming to see how the combination of high-quality instruction, a team approach to therapy services, intensity, and peer interactions truly does change the life of a child. And in turn, the life and trajectory of an entire family,” says Suzanne. “We are over a year out from Eloise receiving her communication device. Just as she turned four years old, she started this school year in Pre-K 4, and her verbal communication has taken off. She is saying so much more, which they told us would happen,” explained Mandy. “Everything happens in slow motion with her. And then as soon as it happens, I’m just taken back. She is saying all sorts of things, now. The other day, we were listening to the ‘We Are the Dinosaurs’ song. I asked Eloise, ‘what

“When I think about what ACCESS has given our family, I can’t help but think about the cohesion we see with everyone who supports Eloise. The teachers, the therapists, her whole team, they just get her,” says Mandy. “I don’t have to explain anything. Sometimes, I feel a little overwhelmed when I think about whether Eloise is going to meet typical milestones. And I never get that kind of sense from the team at ACCESS. They give me reassurance. They just know what she needs, and they make sure she gets it. I don’t have to worry anymore. I know she’s going to be okay.” 5

Expanding Potential Through ACCESS Therapy THE VALUE OF OUTPATIENT THERAPY

ACCESS provides a variety of therapy services for children and adolescents ages 6 weeks and up.

Shannon Shirley, ACCESS Parent Upon arriving at ACCESS Outpatient Therapy several years ago, Stella had many milestones to meet. As a parent, you may feel any number of emotions while seeking special help for your child. Our path, as special needs parents, is different. It is also bright, filled with love, and sacred in its purpose. ACCESS provided us with a consistent touch point of empathetic and helpful faces to sort through our missed milestones. We set reasonable objectives together and worked toward steady gains in the areas that matter most. ACCESS helps parents break everything down into bite size, age-appropriate goals for long-term, steady gains in your child’s abilities. Along the way, you may also wonder who is teaching whom. The truth is that it is a partnership between you, your child, and your team of professionals. This is the nature of our parental path. Watching your children blossom while gaining confidence in themselves is an achievement unlike any other. The difference this makes in the child is lifelong and deep. At this point in time, Stella has spent years in therapy. The progress is profound. We are able to use conversational speech, and she can tell me her needs with words. She is sharing more of her thoughts, emotions, and preferences daily. I get glorious, and wellcrafted objections when I try to do homeschooling lessons she doesn’t prefer. She makes her opinions known, and I’m so very thrilled to know them. We can finally purchase gifts that she asked for during celebrations and holidays, instead of guessing. We have high hopes for a summer filled with camping, fishing, “ACCESS is a special visiting with family, and all of the other things we needs village filled with have missed for so many hope, encouragement, years. We couldn’t be empathy, and concrete more proud of Stella. I’m plans to find solutions honestly in awe of her hard work to persevere in your specific in the face of challenges. situations.” Stella has become an increasingly independent young lady. The ability to communicate with my child is a blessing. At times, it feels like a miracle given the amount of time and effort it took to get here. We have stumbled in therapy. There have been days where tears flowed freely and sessions couldn’t continue as planned. We persevered through it all to great accomplishment, all of us, led by my one little girl’s inner drive to succeed. She is my real hero, and she is the hardest worker that I know. Our work isn’t finished, but we need recognition and celebration of our great accomplishments all along the path.

Speech Therapy

Occupational Therapy

Physical Therapy

The people who come together to form ACCESS, each and every one of them, are tireless champions for children. Their specialty happens to be those children with special needs. All children require a village, and special needs children require one that is specially crafted for the situation. ACCESS is a special needs village filled with hope, encouragement, empathy, and concrete plans to find solutions in your specific situations. We are happy to be a part of the unique and caring village at ACCESS. 6

Feeding Therapy

Innovative Instruction to Meet the Need Today’s unique environment is challenging ACCESS to find new ways to serve its mission. We are taking innovative instruction to a whole new level to ensure our students and clients continue receiving the services they need to expand their individual potential. Teachers at the Early Childhood campus have been recording daily circle time videos, story time, corresponding activity instructions and more so students can continue to receive the literacy-based, language-rich curriculum at home. Students at the ACCESS Academy are finding new, creative virtual learning avenues to continue lessons and stay connected, learning not just curriculum through online learning, but also receiving important therapy services Mattie works hard in physical through telehealth. Therapists are continuing therapy while her ACCESS therapist to use telehealth as a means to help clients coaches her through the exercises via telehealth. progress toward their individual goals. Even our ACCESS Evaluation and Resource Center is finding innovative ways to provide our essential services to those families who need us most, from virtual Academic Therapy lessons to comprehensive evaluations where appropriate. We are so proud of the great job our clients are doing both at ACCESS and from home! Together, we are working together to build brighter futures.

Mason and Sarah completed their artwork that Pre-K 3 teachers sent home to go along with the week’s unit on Pete the Cat. Multi-sensory, literacy-based learning is just as important at home as it is in the classroom.


Save-the-Date for the 5th Annual ACCESS Gator Gras! TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2020 ACCESS Academy and Young Adult Campus 1500 North Mississippi Street Little Rock, AR 72207

Join us for this annual tradition as we celebrate the mission of ACCESS with fun, games, music, parade, food trucks, and more! Watch for more information in the coming months. This is one event you DO NOT want to miss.

Mark Your Calendars for the 23rd Annual Starry Starry Night benefitting ACCESS! SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2020 Little Rock Marriott 3 Statehouse Plaza, Little Rock, AR 72201

Cocktails, Dinner, Auction, Entertainment and more. Now accepting sponsorships. Speech-language pathologist Sally does a speech therapy session with her early childhood client.

Academy student Landon learns virtually with his Lower 1 class from his kitchen.

Contact Tori Horton, ACCESS Special Events and Corporate Sponsors Associate, for more information. 501-217-8600




The 22nd Annual Starry Starry Night, presented by Bank OZK, was indeed a night to remember and a fantastic celebration of ACCESS’ 25th anniversary year! Almost 300 guests gathered for an evening at the ACCESS Academy and Young Adult Campus and were able to experience a unique, mission-driven event in ACCESS’ very own back yard.

Thank you to the MANY ACCESS Ambassadors, volunteers, and more that made this event possible including our dedicated ACCESS team, Fellowship Midtown Young Adults, Junior League Little Rock – Catherine Kelley and Meagan Murphy, Catholic High School REACH Program, and ACCESS Art and Ceramics teacher Karen Shepherd.

Presenting Sponsor

VIP Lounge Sponsor Lynn and George O’Connor Program Sponsor The Philip R. Jonsson Foundation After Party Sponsor Ellis B. Walton Ambassadors of Innovation Sponsor Dona and Gene Scott

A cocktail hour and silent auction was held in the ACCESS Academy lobby, our ACCESS Greenhouse served as the VIP Sponsor Lounge, a large tent transformed the ACCESS parking lot into a dining room, and guests danced the night away at the After Party in our therapy gym. Starry Starry Night raised more than $250,000 to support ACCESS in building brighter futures, and allowed our staff to share the mission of ACCESS: “Expanding Individual Potential Through Innovative Instruction”, with our great community. Hosting this event would have not been possible without the large number of ACCESS staff members, ACCESS Ambassadors, volunteers, planning committee, sponsors and in-kind donors that came together to host this memorable night. Thank you to our friends, ACCESS family and community of supporters that made Starry Starry Night possible.

A special thank you to the generous sponsors that helped make this event a success!

Advocates for Independence Terri and Chuck Erwin Champions for Brighter Futures Sponsors Libby and Scott Davis Arkansas Democrat-Gazette inVeritas Patti Bailey Stella Boyle Smith Trust Patrons of Potential Sponsors Jill and Ted Penick Mary and Dick Kelley, Bray Sheet Metal Fuqua Campbell PA Dillard’s Arkansas Bolt Company Jeanne and Harold Joyner Rachael and Dan Oberste Callie and David Gutierrez Ginna and JD Simpson

Guests gathered in a beautiful tent for a program, dinner, live auction and Golden Paddle Raffle.

In Kind Sponsors Arkansas Portable Toilets Big Rock MiniGolf and Fun Park Bylites Eventology Heritage Catering Premium Refreshments Pinnacle Auction and Estate Services Southern Glazers O’Connor Distributing Tanarah Luxe Floral Salute Wine and Spirits Ansley Watson and Shelby Rose, KATV Matthew Rowe, Videographer TC Print Solutions

Thank you to our Starry Starry Night Planning Committee!

We are so grateful to each person that helped us celebrate 25 years of service. The 22nd Annual Starry Starry Night was an evening we won’t forget!


ACCESS Ambassadors helped lead the event and showed how together, WE are ACCESS. Different educational, therapy and sensory activities led by the ACCESS Ambassadors helped share some of the challenges our students and clients overcome each day.

Mollie Campbell Stephanie Chester Lindsey Cooper Amanda Daugherty Natalie Hairston Julia Hamra Jillian Hastings Beverly Israel Lauren McCullar Shannon McKinney

McKenzie Moriconi Jill Penick Laura Ritchie Rachael Oberste Amy O’Connor Carrie Scott Hayden Shurgar Janna Toland Angela Wilcox

ACCESS Events Although we were not able to meet in person for the 18th Annual Harriet and Warren Stephens, Stephens Inc. ACCESS Cup tournament, we were still able to come together to honor this cherished event. Through the support of our steadfast sponsors and teams, along with a virtual celebration on May 11th in lieu of the tournament, we were able to raise more than $80,000 in support of the mission of ACCESS. Thank you to our sponsors, teams and committee for making this possible. We are so excited to celebrate our 19th Annual ACCESS Cup on the course with you next year!

Bingo Bash Chairmen Kelli and Mason Miller with their daughter Avery and son Elliott

ACCESS Cup Chairman Chris McNulty with his wife Molly, daughter Mary Carter, and son Tom

“More than ten years ago, I attended the Bingo Bash fundraiser held every summer to benefit ACCESS. I was impressed by its mission and the enthusiasm of the volunteers at the fundraiser. I joined the Bingo Bash committee, and then moved over to the ACCESS Cup committee. I have continually been struck by ACCESS’s impact, and now, as an ACCESS parent, I am delighted to see that impact day in and day out as our son Tom thrives in the Early Childhood program. All of my experiences with ACCESS over the last decade have confirmed my first impression of ACCESS, and it’s an honor to continue to support the ACCESS community through the ACCESS Cup.” - Chris McNulty, ACCESS Cup Chairman

Thank you to our sponsors and teams for making this event possible! Title Sponsor

Cart Sponsor Uniti Group Inc. Scorecard Sponsor Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard Check-in Sponsor Friday, Eldredge & Clark, LLP

Putting Contest Sponsors Meadors Adams & Lee TLC Laser Eye Centers Dr. Edward Penick, III Hole-in-One Sponsors American Abstract & Title Company Delta Dental FCA Certified Public Accountants, PLLC Smart Buick GMC Smiley Technologies, Inc. Wright Lindsey & Jennings, LLP Print Sponsor TC Print Solutions Media Sponsor KABZ 103.7 The Buzz

Hole Sponsors Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield Beechwood Hospitality Dr. Gary and Leslie Collins Desselle Real Estate Lewis & Clark Outfitters And a special thank you to our teams that supported this tournament: Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield BankLabs Bumper 2 Bumper Auto Parts/Crow Burlingame Scott Davis Delta Dental Jackson Farrow Jr. Fence World First Security Bank McGriff Insurance Southern Bancorp Southwest Power Pool Texbook Brokers The Hat Club USAble Life Wright Lindsey & Jennings LLP

Mark your calendars – its BINGO time! The 14th Annual Bingo Bash Presented by Encore Bank, is scheduled for Thursday, July 16, 2020 at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church. This event, planned by our ACCESS in Action Young Professionals group and led by Chairmen Kelli and Mason Miller, is an evening of fun, great food, exciting prizes and of course, Bingo! This is an event you won’t want to miss. Sponsorships now open, tickets coming soon! Limited tickets available. Reserve your table today!

“We are excited and honored to host this year’s Bingo Bash because it provides us an opportunity to give back to an organization that means so much to us and to our community. The mission of ACCESS is touches our lives in so many ways: as a place of employment, as parents, as clients, as volunteers, and as donors of both our time and resources. Having the support and capabilities of a program like ACCESS is vital to our community, and now more than ever, ACCESS needs our community’s help in order to continue serving their wonderful mission.” - Kelli & Mason Miller, Bingo Bash Co-Chairs

Presented By:


Giving Back to Build Brighter Futures ACCESS LEGACY SOCIETY When most people think of supporting a nonprofit organization, they think of outright gifts of cash or a gift of shares of stock. These outright annual gifts are crucial dollars for a nonprofit because they are immediately available for the charitable purposes to support the day-to-day operations of the organization. But have you considered Planned Giving as an option?

Heather, Priscilla, Vivian, Scott, and Croix Allmendinger

Planned giving allows individuals to make large, meaningful investments to organizations that they believe in and leave a unique legacy that supports this organization during their lifetime and beyond.

“My hope has always been to give back to those who have given to me and my family. I believe that the ACCESS mission should continue on long after I’m no longer here to witness, first-hand, how ACCESS changes lives every day. With ACCESS included in my will as a recipient of a planned gift, I’m able to make a more transformative gift that otherwise I would not be able to give on an annual basis. This also ensures that a legacy is left behind, not my own, but the legacies of those children and young adults who rise above their disability to find a brighter, more fulfilling future, as well as a meaningful place within our community because of ACCESS.”

-Heather Allmendinger, ACCESS Parent

Join us today with a commitment to the ACCESS Planned Giving Program and be a part of the ACCESS Legacy Society. Take the time to visit with your financial advisor about exciting options with Planned Giving. Your family’s legacy will impact future generations to ensure independence and new opportunities for individuals with developmental disabilities. Contact Kellie Wilhite, Director of Development for more information. (501) 217-8600

ACCESS Endowment Fund

Leo and Crissy Monterrey, Monterrey Law Firm are ACCESS’ most recent donors to the endowment fund.


Unlike annual donations that support our day-to-day operational expenses, the ACCESS Endowment Fund supports the fiscal health of our overall organization. Donations to this fund are invested, expenditures are restricted by the ACCESS Board of Directors, and funds can support areas that are not typically funded through annual donations, such as capital expenditures.

ACCESS Annual Giving Campaign Join me in supporting A C C E S S through the Annual Giving Campaign. Every year, parents, the community and the ACCESS staff join forces to support the mission and services of the organization. Our family believes in the important work that ACCESS does because we see it in action every day through our beautiful, curious little girl who continues to surprise us with what she learns at school. You are part of this process, too, because without donor support, ACCESS wouldn’t be able to positively impact so many families just like ours.

ACCESS plays a significant role not only to our family but also to our community, helping families get the resources they need to achieve their highest potential. They are changing the trajectory of lives and impacting the way others view people with special needs. Because of ACCESS, we are able to see the possibility in Ellie’s future as a happy, healthy adult who contributes to the world by doing something she loves. We thank you for your gifts and look forward to you joining us in celebrating ACCESS’s 25 years of service this year by continuing to support the mission we all love. No gift is too small! -Heather Honaker, ACCESS Parent Wondering how to celebrate that special someone on his or her special day? Donate to ACCESS in their honor! Send a gift using the attached envelope or donate online at We will send a heartfelt acknowledgement letter sharing the meaningful gift with your honoree. Big days are right around the corner – don’t forget about Father’s Day and school graduations!

Volunteers Making an Impact

The Covey

In November, members of the ACCESS Life young adult group joined members of the Little Rock Garden Club to work together with the Covey, a partnership between groups across our state to restore a 12-acre, open field site in Central Arkansas as habitat for the Northern Bobtail Quail, Monarch butterflies, pollinators, and other wildlife species. The ACCESS Life team enjoyed learning about the project today as they worked alongside ACCESS Board members and community supporters to pick seeds to help with the conservation efforts. Thank you to the Little Rock Garden Club for helping us get involved with such a special project!

Gator Gras

A great time was had by all at the 4th Annual ACCESS Gator Gras celebration! More than 475 ACCESS families, alumni, supporters and more came together to celebrate a new academic year and ACCESS’ 25th Anniversary. Guests enjoyed games, bounce houses, music, food trucks, and the ever-popular Gator Gras parade as they played and visited. We cannot wait to see you all again for another fun-filled Gator Gras on Tuesday, October 13! Thank you to our volunteers for all of your help to put on another great event: Boys Scouts, Catholic High School for Boys REACH, Little Rock Central High Cheer, ACCESS team members, and more! Also, a shout out to our vendors for coming out on a hot evening to give our guests a wonderful experience. Lastly, a very special thank you to the ACCESS Development Council and Gator Gras committee for all of your hard work and efforts in planning an event that would be enjoyable for all ages.

ACEing Autism

ACCESS is thrilled to announce our new partnership with ACEing Autism, a nonprofit based in California whose goal is to connect kids through tennis. ACCESS hosts the first program in Arkansas, and one of just a few school-based programs. In October, the program was launched with our Upper School classes and will continue introducing tennis to the Intermediate classes. The students work on skills, physical fitness, socializing and, of course, the basics of tennis. The program would not be possible without our therapist program instructors Stephanie Chester, Maeve Shaddock, Allie Smith and Angela Wilcox, along with our community volunteers!

Presidents Volunteer Service Award

Kaleigh Jones and Maeson Moore

We want to give a special shout out to Maeson Moore and Kaleigh Jones, two young women who committed over 100 hours of their time this past year volunteering at ACCESS. We are proud to announce they are both recipients of the bronze President’s Volunteer Service Award due to the outstanding work and impact they made during their time with us. 11

Donors ACCESS extends a heartfelt thank you to the following individuals, corporations, and foundations who made a cumulative gift of $100 or more to our mission between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019. Also listed are the many friends and family members to whom you paid tribute with donations to ACCESS. The generosity represented in the following pages enables our efforts to expand individual potential through innovative instruction. These names inspire us each day as we live out our mission and continue to meet the needs of our community.

BENEFACTOR Anonymous The Brown Foundation, Inc. AMBASSADOR Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities PATRON Lynn and George O’Connor Windgate Foundation LEADER Harriet and Warren Stephens, Stephens Inc. John and Robyn Horn Foundation, Inc. PARTNER Anonymous Patti Bailey Bank OZK Libby and Scott Davis Terri and Chuck Erwin Becky and Jackson Farrow Jr. George and Linda Gleason Foundation Judy W. Fletcher Family Foundation Marion & Miriam Rose Trust Philip R. Jonsson Foundation The Roy and Christine Sturgis Charitable and Educational Trust Dona and Gene Scott Katherine Ann Trotter The Walt & Lee Keenihan Foundation ANCHOR Arkansas Democrat Gazette John Bailey Mollie and John Campbell Chenal Properties Dillard’s Fuqua Campbell, P.A. George H. Dunklin Jr. Charitable Foundation Callie and David Gutierrez Gwatney Chevrolet Jane and Chris Hartz Beth and Don Johnson Jo and Marcus McCain Mary and Mark Millsap Northwestern Mutual Foundation Rachael and Dan Oberste Rebsamen Fund J.D. and Ginna Simpson Stella Boyle Smith Trust Steuri Family Endowment Uniti Group Inc. USAble Life DIAMOND Anonymous Arkansas Bolt Co. Amy and Wes Baden

ACCESS Projects You’ve Helped Support 12

Bemis Company Foundation The Birch Family Pam and Rick Blank Jr. Encore Bank Friday Eldredge & Clark, LLP Kathryn and Will Griffin III inVeritas Cheryl and Jeff Jones Ashley and Kurt Knickrehm Ann and Mark Langston Marci H. Hall Charitable Fund Julie and Lynn Marshall Lauren and Dr. Ethan McCullar Meadors Adams & Lee, Inc. Mightycause Charitable Foundation Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates, & Woodyard, P.L.L.C. Monterrey Law Firm Patricia and Dr. Andre Paixao Jill and Dr. Ted Penick III Olivia and Joe Ramsey Tammy Simmons Ruth and Lance Whitney PLATINUM Heather and Scott Allmendinger Anonymous Arkansas Blue Cross & Blue Shield BankLabs Baptist Health Neurosurgery Arkansas Bray Properties LLC Brent Stevenson Associates Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation C. B. Foundation Alison and Cesar Caballero Lori and Dr. Jeff Carfagno Suzanne and Walt Carter Chambers Bank Pam and Edwin Clark Cogbill-Crone Wealth Management Leslie and Dr. Gary Collins Kim and Chad Crank Datek Inc. Christy Snowden Davis and Mark Davis Irene and George Davis Kristen and Steele Davis Delta Dental of Arkansas Laura and Mark Doramus Allison and Jim Dowden Skip Ebel Enterprise Holdings Foundation Evo Business Environments The Faded Rose Restaurant Brittany and Ryan Franklin Gill Ragon Owen P.A. Louise and Roy Gutierrez The Hat Club Andrea and Jay Heflin Walter and Ben Hussman

The gift of LITERACY to children and youth

Laura and Dr. Cooper Keane Mary and Dick Kelley Sarah and Dr. William Knight The Kurrus Family Kutak Rock LLP Linda and Jim Landers Krysten and Mark Levin Sandy and Dr. Fred Levin Leah and John Lile LPR Foundation Natalie and Richard Madison Erin and Hugh McConnell Chase and Matthew McKay Leigh and Philip Merry Jr. Crissy and Leo Monterrey Jane and Michael Moore McKenzie Moriconi Murphy USA Rick Murphy Jessica Johnston-Myers and Kenneth Myers Network for Good Phelps Fan, LLC Helen Porter Drs. Laura Hobart-Porter and Nicholas Porter Potbelly Sandwich Shop Purple Cow Restaurants Beth and Ted Rice Riceland Foods, Inc The Robert C. & Anne A. Hickman Foundation Rose Law Firm Sage Partners Melissa and John Saviers Simmons Bank Smiley Technologies, Inc. Monika Garner-Smith and Roger Smith Morgan and Isaac Smith Snell Prosthetics & Orthotics Judy and David Snowden Sr. Southern Bancorp Laurie and Justin Spencer Angie and Jackson Stephens Strategic M&A Advisors Ashley and Dr. Joe Stuckey Philip and Gina Tappan Libby and Lee Thalheimer Melissa Thomas Janna and Matthew Toland W M Lloyd Company Michael and Kellie Wilhite Wright Lindsey & Jennings LLP Wright Plastic Surgery Drs. Mandy and Eric Wright GOLD Bob and Lisa Althoff American Abstract & Title Company Anonymous Rose Ann and Peter Attig


to address developmental delays

B Interiors Inc Lorie and Chip Baker Dr. Shelly Baldwin The Barnett Grace Charitable Trust Donna Via and Granville Burruss Becky and Phil Campbell Robert Childress Cathy and Eric Coleman Colliers International Kelli Davis Kacy and Tim Dawson Erin and Drew Dees Ann and Merritt Dyke Dr. Sabine and Rev. Ruskin Falls FCA Certified Public Accountants Laura and Milton Fine Cynthia and Dr. Tom Frazier Frost, PLLC Julia and Randy Garcia Sharon and Dr. Marc Gunter Jillian and Grant Hastings The Hatcher Agency Heather and Ben Honaker Ashley and Jon Honeywell Tori and Drake Horton Huffman & Company Insight Logistics Management Katie’s Krew Kroger Nicole and Rob Lashbrook Lester McKinley Family Foundation Little Rock Pediatric Clinic Neilla and Greg Longino Malmstrom-White Co. Malvern National Bank McDonald’s The Retzer Group Shannon and Frank McKinney Liane and Alan Meadors Kristi and Will Millard Judy and Joe Morgan Lisa and Joe Moriconi Carol and Dave Naragon PCA Technology Solutions Jananne and David Reding Candace and Dr. William Rolston RPPY Roark Perkins Perry Yelvington, P.A. Architects Saviers Partners, LLC Becky Scott Cynthia Sieber June and David Simpson Smart Chevrolet Cadillac Buick GMC South Arkansas Telephone Co., Inc. The Southern Company of NLR, Inc. Cheri Stevenson T. Rowe Price Mark Teguns Katie and Kent Thompson VCC Construction Cate and Robbie Wilson Marla and Richard Wirges

Derek Cisne Celeste and Dr. David Connor Desselle Real Estate, Inc. Peggy and Haskell Dickinson Kate Dimitrova and Stan Dimitrov Amanda and Tim Driedric Eliza and Alec Gaines Tori and Dumas Garrett Elizabeth and Jeff Glasbrenner Stacy and Jack Grobmyer McCall and John Harriman Heart of Arkansas United Way Sarah Henry Drs. Lindsay and Jay Heulitt Susan and Chris Hill Alicia and Keith Hughes Mimi and Joe Hurst Kelly Jackson Robert Klein Rachel and Kris Knox Lewis and Clark Outdoors, Inc. Annie and Matt Lindsey Mann and Kemp PLLC Mary-Margaret and Matthew Marks The Mayo Family Ashley and Eric Merriman Abbey Merry Michelle and Lance Miller Paula and Joe Morgan Emily and Jason Nadeau Gary Nash Kimberly and Donald Newton Katherine and Geoffrey Niebaum Amy and Ryan O’Connor Ann and Dr. Ashay Patel Meredith and Colin Pelton Jessica and Blake Philips Mary Lou and Terry Rasco Drs. Kimberly and Kirk Reynolds Jami and Justin Rhoads Carol and Robert Ricketts Laura and Jimmy Ritchie Maria Izquierdo-Roque and Tony Roque Cecile and Tom Rose Dr. Monica Lo and Dr. Daniel Sherbet Sheila and Ben Shields Martha and Robert Snider Lauren and Nate Steel Sterling Seacrest Partners Brent Stevenson Carol and Chuck Tennyson Lisa and Dale Thomas Trojan Athletic Foundation, Inc. Becky and Rett Tucker Cappy and Charles Whiteside III Angela and Lance Wilcox Becky and Jeremy Wilson WordsWorth Books & Co. Laura and Patrick Wyerick Jillian and Scott Yant

SILVER ACE Glass Jan and Dave Allmendinger Anonymous Arvest Bank Beechwood Hospitality Tommy Bittle Dr. Jamie and J.R. Bizzell Wendy and Richie Butler Brad Canada Shalene Caple Ann and Hollis Carter The Charlotte John Company, Inc. Cheryl and Dick Cisne

Jenny Adams AmazonSmile Foundation Anonymous Leighann Arthur Attig | Steel PLLC The Barker Family Dr. Claudia Beverly Mollie and Brent Birch Jill and Bob Bloom Chucki and Curt Bradbury Joyce and Fred Burkhead Jonie and George Burks Stephanie and Daniels Bynum Amy and Mark Campbell Kerry Carson


INNOVATIVE VOCATIONAL TRAINING that affords opportunity and independence for high school students adults with developmental disabilities

Dr. Tom Carson and Felipe Hernandez Stephanie and Elliott Chester Martha and Ronald Clark Catherine and Dr. Howard Cockrill Jr. Patti and Charlie Coleman Meghan and Andrew Collins Danielle Cooper Amanda and Jacy Daugherty Sarah Beth and Fred Davis Wally Davis Wyatt Davis Joanne de Prez Megan and Brad Delco Pamela Diemer Julianne and Allen Dobson Chenin and Chuck Doiron Dr. Heather Pinckard Dover and Dustin Dover Shalisa Dumas Dr. Mark Dyer Janice and Kyle Edmonson Karen and Denny Ferra Tori Fortner Jeffrey Fratesi Loris and Jay Fullerton Mandy and Matt Galbraith Peggy and Doyce Garner Christy Garrett Randy Goins Leslie and Zach Gray Claudia and Harry Hamilton Gerald Hammons Nicole and Ben Hartz Drs. Jennifer and Nate Hill Erica Ibsen Elizabeth and Wesley Ivory Haley and Jett Jones Tammy Jones Pamela and Dr. Edward Kleitsch Nikki and Dr. Larry Lawson Joel Ledbetter Jr. Josefina Maranon Amanda and Dr. Robert Martin Stacey and Wes Martin Masching Financial Group, LLC Rachelle and Holt McConnell Molly and Chris McNulty Mary Stuart McRae Kelli and Mason Miller Nancy and Mark Miller Cissie Paddie Alicia Pattillo Beth and Charlie Porter Lois Rachels Andrew Rice Caroline and David Rieger Drs. Catherine and Whit Robben Jeannie Roberts Deborah and George Robertson Donna and Gain Robinson Jennifer and Reid Robinson Carrie and Hunter Scott LaSonya and Roderick Shelby The Siria Family Ellie and Brian Smith Anne and Breck Speed Katie and Miles Stephens Grace and John Steuri Becky and James Terbrack Jordan and Clarke Trotter Rob Walker Lydia and David Waller Beth and Jeffrey Wickliffe Dr. Karmen and Jim Williams Loan and Dr. Scott Wofford Brandy and Bubba Wood Teresa and Richard Wright

UPGRADED TECHNOLOGY that is a critical part of every student’s educational experience 13

In-Kind Donors 103.7 the Buzz 107 Liquor Marlon, Haynes, Absolute Athlete Alice 107.7 Katherine and W. Blair Allen Andrew Crone Ann Potter Baking Anne Amie Vineyards Anonymous Anthropologie Arkansas Arts Center Arkansas Game and Fish Foundation Arkansas Healing Arts Massage and Wellness Arkansas Portable Toilets Arkansas Symphony Orchestra Arkansas Travelers Arkansas Yoga Collective Arthur Jane Claire Artlab Athleta Atlas Bar Austin’s Lost Pines Zipline Tours B. Barnett Becca Bailey Chandler Bailey, B Interiors Ballet Arkansas Candace Baltz Barbara Jean Ltd. Bass Pro BEIGE Bella Boutique Beyond Cotton 2 Big Rock Mini Golf & Fun Park BK Moulding Blue Coast Burrito Tomas Bohm, The Pantry Bordinos Boulevard Bread Company Bradford Marine and ATV Brave New Restaurant Bray Gourmet Bristle + Balm Buenos Aires Café and Grill Burge’s Hickory Smoked Turkeys and Hams Wendy Butler Buzz Free of Arkansas By Invitation Only ByLites Cache Cafe Prego Camp Winnamocka Becky and Phil Campbell Mollie and John Campbell Card My Yard Carrot Tops Catering to You Cheers in the Heights Chenal Country Club Chenal Pet Palace Clique Cycle Closet Consulting by Sarah Dodson and Amy Peeples Clubhaus Fitness Cobblestone & Vine Cosmetic Surgery Center Crossfit Midpoint Daniel Orthodontics Amanda and Jacy Daugherty Libby and Scott Davis Debi Davis Interior Design Megan and Brad Delco Diamond Pools Diane’s Gourmet Luxuries Dillard’s Dr. Suzanne Yee Dust Bowl Lanes and Lounge DVP Hair E. Leigh’s Boutique Eventology The Everyday Chef The Faded Rose Restaurant


Falk Plumbing Supply Fancyful Parties Fassler Hall Fence World Festive Haus The First Tee of Central Arkansas Fleet Feet Foley Family Wines Cynthia and Tom Frazier Fresh I.D. Jamie Freyaldenhoven Frias Family Vineyard Fringe Garretts, Hellers, and Tulls Tracee Gentry-Matthews Grapevine Wine and Spirits Hannah Kate Brenda Hartness Jillian and Grant Hastings Heights Corner Market Heights Nail Salon and Spa Heritage Catering Hillcrest Designer Jewelry Hollywood Feed Tori and Drake Horton Hounds Lounge Hourglass Wine Co. Illume in the Heights Increased Heights Gymnastics The Inn at Carnall Hall Irby Studio of Dance Jayson Cain Interiors JE Stover Photography JMC Home Team JMD Construction Services Jill Johnson, Carter Miller Salon Jones and Son Diamond and Bridal Fine Jewelry Jumpin Jupiter K. Lewis Interior Design Kaiser Co. LLC KARK Kathryn J. LeMaster Art and Design Kavanaugh Eye Clinic Kendra Scott Kilgore Saw Co. Kinder Songs KravFit Lana’s Little Happys Laura Stanley Personal Jeweler Krysten and Mark Levin Little Rock Athletics Little Rock Cheese Please Little Rock Plastic Surgery, PA Little Rock Racquet Club Little Rock Zoo Loblolly Creamery L’Oreal Love Yoga Lyndsey Sullivan Photography Magna IV Make Up by Megan Irwin Market Street Catering Mike Markum Mary Garrett Jewelry Shannon McKinney Abbey Merry Leigh and Philip Merry Monograms, Etc. Moonlight Mixes Lisa and Joe Moriconi McKenzie Moriconi Mountain Harbor Resort Mr. Wicks Clothing Museum of Discovery Carol Naragon Natural Gear North Little Rock Police Department The Nutrition Spot O’Connor Distributing Amy and Ryan O’Connor Lynn and George O’Connor Rachael and Daniel Oberste

Chris H. Olsen, The Edgemont House Omnis Rehab Orange Theory Fitness Midtown Organize with Mallory Mike Page The Painted Pig Painting with a Twist - West Little Rock Petit and Keet Pinnacle Auction and Estate Services Pleasant Valley Country Club Pleasant Valley Veterinary Clinic Potbelly Sandwich Shop Premium Refreshments Presqu’ile Pure Barre Little Rock Chef Scott Rains, Table 28 Ransom Interiors Rebsamen Liquor Recharge Massage Tiffany and Brian Reddick Revive Medical Spa Rhea Drug Bryan Richmond The Robinson Theater Rock City Dance Center Rock City MMA and Jiujitsu Rock Town Distillery Matt Rowe Shelby Rose, KATV Ashley Saer Salute Wine and Spirits Santa Pete Sassafras Springs Vineyard and Winery Vicki and Mark Saviers Scarlet Clothing Dona and Gene Scott Sephora April Shurgar Hayden and Thomas Shurgar Tammy Simmons Clarke Simpson Rachel Sims, Franks Dermatology SkinStar Laser MedSpa Smith Caldwell The Social Type South on Main Southern Glazers Southern Life Southern Trend St. Louis Cardinals Staley Electric Stan Jones Mallard Lodge Steamroller Blues SWaNK Hair Studio Sweet Lavender Bake Shop Tanarah Luxe Floral Samantha and Chris Tanner Taylor Family Vineyards TCPrint Solutions The Toggery Third Realm Patrick Thompson Townley Pool and Spa Tulips US Pizza Company JoLynne Varner Vesta’s Walker Retriever Complex Ansley Watson, KATV Angel and David Weiss Teresa Westfahl Whimsey Cookie Co. Whitefish Mountain Cabins Angela Wilcox Carol Wilbanks The Wonder Place Woodland Heights Wright Plastic Surgery Yellow Rocket Concepts Dan Young ZenStudio Zig Zag Art Studio

Honorariums In honor of the ACCESS Staff Libby and Scott Davis In honor of Heather and Scott Allmendinger Strategic M&A Advisors, LLC In honor of the Attig, Steel, Walter Family Rose Ann and Peter Attig In honor of Fritz Attig Rose Ann and Peter Attig In honor of Chandler Bailey and Callie Gutierrez Lynn and George O’Connor In honor of Madison Birch and Owen Lloyd Fuller Birch Mollie and Brent Birch Noah Birch Reid Birch Robert Birch Trish and Bob Birch In honor of Gavin Bruender The Bruender Family In honor of Becky Campbell Cooper Campbell In honor of Chase Canterbury Laura and Patrick Wyerick In honor of Leslie and Dr. Gary Collins Laura and Patrick Wyerick In honor of Campbell, Lindsey & Hunter Cooper Becky and Phil Campbell In honor of Irene and George Davis Judy W. Fletcher Family Foundation In honor of Libby Davis Wally Davis Wyatt Davis In honor of Libby and Scott Davis Judy W. Fletcher Family Foundation In honor of W. Scott Davis Irene and George Davis In honor of Joanne de Prez The McNulty Family In honor of Ellison Doom Amber and Bradley Doom In honor of Marissa Dove Paula and Joe Morgan In honor of Skip Ebel Kathryn and Will Griffin In honor of Eli Falls Dr. Sabine Falls and Rev. Ruskin Falls In honor of Becky and Jackson Farrow Allison and Jim Dowden

In honor of Judy Fletcher Anonymous In honor of Whit Garner Peggy Garner In honor of Tripp Gleason Amy and Wes Baden In honor of Richard Hahn, Kelly O’Connor and Matthew Prickett Katherine Ann Trotter In honor of Jane and Chris Hartz Donna Via and Granville Burruss In honor of Joseph Heulitt Drs. Lindsay and Jay Heulitt In honor of Ali Hicks Neilla and Greg Longino In honor of Livi Hill Drs. Jeni and Nate Hill In honor of Susan Hill Joyce and Fred Burkhead In honor of Jan Honaker Ben, Heather, Ellie and Jack Honaker In honor of Michael Honaker Heather and Ben Honaker In honor of Jeanne and Harold Joyner Sarah Henry In honor of Ellis Keane Erica Ibsen In honor of Kyle Kilgore Laura and Patrick Wyerick In honor of Rory Larkin Jo and Marcus McCain In honor of Dutch Leger Mary Horras In honor of Paula Lelansky and Raymond O’Connor Anonymous In honor of Samuel I. Levin Krysten and Mark Levin In honor of Riley Mayo The Mayo Family In honor of Mary Ann McGowan and Molly McNulty Drs. Catherine and Whit Robben In honor of Mary Stuart McRae Leslie and Zach Gray In honor of Meadors, Adams & Lee Rick Nola

In honor of Liane and Alan Meadors Andrea and Jay Heflin In honor of Maeson Moore Laura and Patrick Wyerick In honor of Lynn and George O’Connor Becky Scott In honor of the George O’Connor Family Patricia Blass Laura and Mark Doramus In honor of Anja Pace Ben, Heather, Ellie and Jack Honaker In honor of David Pace Heather and Ben Honaker In honor of Baily Parks James Emmett Williams In honor of Carter James Pitcock Dr. Claudia J. Beverly In honor of Barrett Reiger Elaine and Dave Fenske In honor of Claire Ricketts Carol and Brandon Ricketts In honor of Alydia Roque Maria Izquierdo-Roque In honor of Mark Saviers Libby and Scott Davis In honor of Tammy Simmons Erin and Hugh McConnell Lynn and George O’Connor In honor of Clarke Simpson Joel Ledbetter Jr. In honor of Ginna and J.D. Simpson Linda and James Landers In honor of Henry Smith Ellie and Brian Smith In honor of Sam and Charlie Thompson Katie and Kent Thompson In honor of Cheri Thriver Ben, Heather, Ellie and Jack Honaker In honor of Katherine Ann Trotter Peggy and Haskell Dickinson In honor of Kellie Wilhite and the Development Team Becky Scott In honor of Laura Ann Wyerick Dr. Tom Carson and Felipe Hernandez In honor of Evelynn Zellmer Teresa Hutcheson

Memorials In memory of Nick Alexander Fred Davis In memory of J. Hardin Bale, III The Morin Scott Family In memory of Claire Bihn Rachelle and Holt McConnell In memory of Michael Caple Libby and Scott Davis Sarah Beth and Fred Davis Beth and Don Johnson Lynn and George O’Connor Krysta and Nick Rupp Gina and Philip Tappan Kellie and Michael Wilhite

In memory of Charles Carroll Brent Stevenson In memory of Margaret Neill Davis Lynn and George O’Connor In memory of Glenn Earlywine Gerald Hammons In memory of Dr. Turner Harris Beth and Don Johnson In memory of Fletcher Hartz Jane and Chris Hartz Nicole and Ben Hartz In memory of Betty Johnson Monika Garner-Smith and Roger Smith

In memory of James “Jim” Francis Lercher Gerald Hammons In memory of Ralph Sturges O’Connor Laura and Mark Doramus Beth and Don Johnson Katherine Ann and Scott Trotter Becky Scott In memory of Gregory Rachels Kimberly and Donald Newton Jr. In memory of Shanna Ramos Jeannie Roberts

In memory of Gus Walton Beth and Don Johnson Judy W. Fletcher Family Foundation Katherine Ann and Scott Trotter In memory of Mary Elizabeth Washburn Marcia and James Darr Becky and Jackson Farrow Bonnie and Bob Fincher Mary R. Hiegel Ann and Gene L. Lewis Jr. Cissie E. Paddie Georgia and Dr. Henry Rogers Susan K. Schallhorn Grace and John Steuri


Expanding Language and Learning ACCESS EARLY CHILDHOOD Bringing Books to Life

Astronaut Day

The ACCESS Pre-K 4 blasted off to the moon this spring to bring their study of Eric Carle’s beloved book “Papa, Please Get the Moon For Me” to life. Students learned about outer space and decorated their own space helmets in preparation for the big day. After clearance from mission control, our little astronauts rode their spaceships to the moon to find their very own space rocks! These multi-sensory learning experiences bring literacy to life, giving students a more meaningful and lasting learning experience as they strive toward expanding their individual potential.

Early Childhood students got a fun surprise when they received a visit and in-person story time from the The Little Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie, the main character in Alison Jackson’s childrens book. The Old Lady, played by ACCESS Early Childhood Director Monika GarnerSmith, read and enacted the book for the whole school, teaching about different foods and more!

“I don’t want to think about where we would be without the therapists and teachers at ACCESS. They have made incredible progress with her on reaching developmental and physical milestones as well as helping her grow alongside her peers. The staff has pointed us in the right direction many times when it comes to navigating how to care for a child with special needs. We feel very lucky to be part of this extended family of Ellie’s who loves her so much.” - Heather Honaker, ACCESS Early Childhood Parent

Each year, the ACCESS Early Childhood program offers a Family Literacy Night for our families, giving parents and grandparents the opportunity to experience the hands-on, literacy-based learning that defines our original, unique curriculum. This year, families walked through a multi-sensory version of “The Snowy Nap” by Jan Brett. From taste tests and sleigh rides to sensory tables and a visit with a real hedgehog, our ACCESS families got to experience how a literacy-based curriculum can create unique learning experiences for children of all ages.

Family Literacy Night

Now Enrolling for Fall Ages 6 weeks through Kindergarten Transition Unique, literacy-based curriculum and integrated, team approach for typicallydeveloping children and individuals with developmental delays and special needs. Contact us today to learn more:

(501) 217-8600


Reaching Potential Through Innovative Instruction ACCESS ACADEMY

students at the It’s All Greek To Me Intermediate ACCESS Academy have been studying all about Ancient Greece in their Language Arts classes this year. They have explored a variety of aspects of ancient Greek life, including fun and games! Students researched and made their own version of the game Knucklebones, wrote about various Greek sporting events, made their own model chariots, and even took part in discus throwing. By engaging students through this hands-on learning approach, teachers at the ACCESS Academy are able to provide an individualized experience for each student.

Academics and More

Students in Ms. Erin’s Upper School 2 class take learning to another level, no matter what they do. Daily lessons such as vocabulary turn into games that challenge not only their brains, but also coordination, balance, and more. Students also work on independence and life skills that prepare them for opportunities beyond ACCESS. From prepping and cooking meals to vocational training, these young men and women are receiving instruction both in the classroom and beyond.

“When we came to ACCESS, we wanted Ellis to find a space that he could continue to learn and grow. We also wanted to find a place that would help us, Ellis’s parents, learn and grow as we got to know him better in his own changes. The Ellis we know today is the Ellis he has always been - a sweet, smart, capable boy - but now we see all of that more clearly. The teachers, therapists, and staff at ACCESS have all lovingly and graciously sought to help Ellis find his best good, and, thankfully, he is well on his way to finding it. I am so thankful that our family found this partnership with ACCESS to help Ellis maximize his potential.” - Laura Keane, ACCESS Academy Parent

Now Enrolling for 2020-2021 Academic Year Kindergarten through High School Ages

Lower School 2 students focused on community helpers during the first months of 2020. The class wrote valentine’s to nurses at both Arkansas Children’s Hospital and UAMS, working on writing and reading skills to share the love with others. Students then turned a lesson on community helpers into a taste testing opportunity! New foods can be a source of anxiety for individuals with special needs, and taste tests make that process fun and more likely to be a success.

A Heart for the Community

Most comprehensive special education program in Arkansas. Person-centered, individualized approach to education using specialized methods, highly-trained and dedicated teachers, and a team approach to learning.

Contact us today to learn more:

(501) 217-8600


CES Waiver

BUILDING INDEPENDENCE IN THE COMMUNITY ACCESS® Expert Explains How CES Waiver Services Can Improve Independence and Community Integration for Individuals with Special Needs Melissa Thomas, M.S. SLP-CCC, Director of Clinical Operations

What is Supported Employment, and how does it work? How can CES Waiver help me or my child gain independence and be part of the community? Community and Employment Supports (CES) Waiver Program is a Medicaid and state-funded program for children and adults diagnosed with a developmental disability prior to the age of 22. CES Waiver’s goal is to provide these individuals with the support they and their families require to live as independently as possible within their homes and communities. Under this CES Waiver, individuals may receive services such as: • Supported Employment • Supported Living Services • Non-Medical Transportation • Adaptive Equipment • Environmental Modifications • Supplemental Support Services • Consultation Services • Crisis Intervention Services Services must be received through DDS licensed community providers.

Supported Employment is a tailored array of services that offers ongoing support to beneficiaries to assist in their goal of working in competitive, integrated work settings including: • Job coaching • Continued monitoring of employment outcomes • Discovery career planning • Employment path mapping • Job development This service has allowed the ACCESS Waiver team to assist clients in every step of the employment process, from understanding different careers and preparing for interviews, to continuing to follow along with them in their jobs to assist with new tasks, modifications, and more. We have even seen Supported Employment services help our graduates from the Project SEARCH® Arkansas: ACCESS® Initiative in partnership with Arkansas Rehabilitation Services. Some of our graduates have remained in the same job for more than five years, continuing to add new responsibilities to their roles.

They are more independent than ever before and have found great success and purpose! How can I learn more about CES Waiver services and if they can help me and my family? At ACCESS, we have a team of CES Waiver experts who can help families navigate the appropriate services for their situation. Independence and community integration are key to living a meaningful life, and our team is devoted to helping our clients do just that through a person-centered approach. To learn more about our team or the array of CES Waiver services offered at ACCESS, contact us today. 501.217.8600

I am extremely thankful for the Waiver services provided through ACCESS. As a parent, it is a great peace of mind knowing my daughter is provided with such a caring team of individuals. They are also a huge source of support to me and provide me with wonderful resources. -Tina Pilgreen, Waiver Parent

Did You Know?

ACCESS® Offers CES Waiver Services Our ACCESS CES Waiver team is here for you and your family! Call today to learn more about our CES Waiver services. 501.217.8600 |


Supportive Living Respite Coordination Supported Employment Consultation Services

Opportunities for a Life of Independence ACCESS ADULT PROGRAMS

Project SEARCH® Arkansas: ACCESS® Initiative in Partnership with Arkansas Rehabilitiation Services

Interns across Project SEARCH Arkansas: ACCESS Initiative’s seven business sites have been busy with new opportunities that allow them to develop new vocational skills, as well as practice community involvement and social situations. In partnership with Arkansas Rehabilitation Services, young adults with developmental disabilities rotate through three internships within their host business site learning job skills from Project SEARCH instructors, department mentors, and co-workers. In addition, interns work in the classroom on soft skills to prepare them for success throughout the job process. At the end of their internships, participants begin their search for competitive, integrated employment, giving interns the purpose and independence they seek as productive members of society.

Some interns in our programs don’t finish the whole year, but for good reason! Congratulations to Mercy Fort Smith Project SEARCH intern Michael on his new job!! Michael is working full-time within the Main Lab at Mercy Hospital Fort Smith. Such a wonderful opportunity for our graduates and such a wonderful partnership with Mercy, Arkansas Rehabilitation Services, and ACCESS!

While the Project SEARCH program is focused on vocational training, interns and staff also value the social and community-involvement opportunities it brings. Interns, staff, and program alumni of Ouachita County Medical Center Project SEARCH in Camden participated in the annual Christmas parade, showing the program’s gratefulness to the Camden community for its support.

Interns at St. Bernards Project SEARCH in Jonesboro toured a local Embassy Suites hotel, learning about the various departments and types of work involved to keep the business going. Thank you to Embassy Suites and all of our local businesses that help support and promote employment for individuals with developmental disabilities.

Attention ACCESS Alumni! Project SEARCH Interns competed in their program Holiday Bake-offs with homemade recipes special to them. Fellow interns, Project SEARCH staff, and even co-workers from their internships voted at each site to pick a winner.

Friday Night Hangouts E V E R Y F R I D AY N I G H T

Coming Soon! DINNER WILL BE SERVED You may bring a friend that is also a young adult. Drop off and pick up will always be at ACCESS Cafeteria. Cost is $10 per person. 1500 North Mississippi in Little Rock QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS? J E N N Y A D A M S AT 5 0 1 . 5 2 9 . 3 1 3 9

The current ACCESS Academy Cafeteria has exciting improvements underway. Long gone are the days with folding cafeteria tables. With the help from Aimco Equipment, LLC and Hickingbotham Investments Inc, our students and young adults will soon enjoy a retro vibe student union place for dining and social/leisure activities. The first official event to be held in the Ottenheimer Brothers Foundation ACCESS Student Union space will be a Soda Social for our ACCESS Alumni. Alumni! We want to hear from you. Email us your contact information so we can be in touch once a date is set for this party.





PERMIT #2281

10618 Breckenridge Dr. | Little Rock, AR 72211 |

2020 ACCESS Board of Directors Shay Sebree Chairman

W. Scott Davis President

2020 ACCESS Senior Management Tammy Simmons, M.S., CCC-SLP Executive Director, Co-Founder

Monika Garner-Smith, M.Ed. Director of Early Childhood, Co-Founder

Lynn O’Connor

Cheri Stevenson, M.S., CCC-SLP

Vice President

Director of Academy and Young Adult Services

Jackson Farrow, Jr.

Melissa Thomas, M.S., CCC-SLP

Amy Baden

Kellie Wilhite



Heather Allmendinger Shelly Baldwin, M.D. Fred Davis Walter M. Ebel, III Brandon Freville Harold Joyner Kurt Knickrehm Olivia Ramsey Becky Scott Philip Tappan Katherine Ann Trotter

Director of Clinical Operations Director of Development

Jo Carson

Director of Administration

Mark Langston

Connect With Us ACCESS Stella Boyle Smith Early Childhood Campus 10618 Breckenridge Drive Little Rock, AR 72211

ACCESS Academy and Young Adult Campus

1500 North Mississippi Street Little Rock, AR 72207

(501) 217-8600

Director of Finance

Shalene Caple

Executive Assistant

ACCESS® is a 501c3 nonprofit offering evaluation services, full-time education, therapy, training and activities for individuals with disabilities. Founded in 1994, the center comprises ACCESS Early Childhood Program, ACCESS Academy, ACCESS Therapy, ACCESS Academic Therapy (specialized tutoring), ACCESS Life, Project SEARCH® Arkansas: ACCESS Initiative in partnership with Arkansas Rehabilitation Services, CES Waiver, and the ACCESS Evaluation and Resource Center. The ACCESS Stella Boyle Smith Early Childhood Campus is located at 10618 Breckenridge Drive in Little Rock, Arkansas. The ACCESS Academy and Young Adult Campus is located at 1500 N. Mississippi Street in Little Rock, Arkansas.

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