Absolute Seychelles Edition Five

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Editor - Victoria Marie Emerson

Guest Editor - Glynn Burridge

Guest writers - Judith Heede | Kasia Kash | Pete Hayward | Tony Shattell

Designer - Pete Hayward - www.petehayward.design

Owners - Publishers

Simon Darcy Abbott - simon@absolutemagazine.co.uk

David Camici - dcamici@absolutemagazine.co.uk

Cover Shot

Photography - Marsha Dine Photography

Model - Anisa Rose

Clothing - Kankan Seychelles

Hair and make up - Anisa Rose Make up

Stylist - KC Rose

Shoot director - James Dupres

ABSOLUTE is owned and produced by

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The Editor

The past few years have delivered many challenges in the world of travel, pushing people to explore and adapt in different ways, In this dedicated book for the Seychelles we aim to highlight just a small few resorts that we feel are stand out in the nation. Our enthusiastic team of writers and reviewers have explored them all, discovering the fantastic owners and teams of staff have not only weathered the storm but came out the other side stronger than ever. In this issue we feature the very best of the Seychelles, As you take a look at our encounters and expeditions, be sure to add these must-visit places to your bucket list!

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Island Jewels in an Azure Sea

The islands finally emerged from their slumber of ages in 1972 when they became connected to the rest of the world via a new international airport which saw the birth of the islands’ tourism industry.

The 115 islands of the Seychelles Archipelago lie scattered across their secret corner of the western Indian Ocean like precious gemstones set in a universe of azure water – stepping stones to the east coast of Africa, some thousand miles away, and natural gateway to the many treasures of the continent.

These islands were first discovered by the brave Arab mariners of the 9th century B.C. who first began to chart the unknown waters of an ocean they called the ‘bahr al zanj’’ or ‘sea of the blacks’, leaving traces of their presence in the names they gave to certain of the islands such as Aldabra which is sometimes appropriately translated from Arabic as ‘the rock.’

With nothing in the way of historical records to fall back on, we are left with little more than conjecture to fathom the precise history of these spectacularly beautiful islands which may also have received visits from the Phoenicians; from a people who once sailed from the other side of the planet to eventually settle the island of Madagascar and from the famous 1472 Chinese treasure fleet of Admiral Zheng. Whatever their past, the waves have long since washed away all trace of those early settlers and explorers.

After having served as a hideout for the pirates of the 17th and 18th century, one of whom, Olivier Le Vasseur, also known as La Buse, is believed to have buried a massive and as yet undiscovered treasure hoard on the main island, Mahé, the islands were finally settled by the French in 1756. They remained a French colony until they passed to the English after the defeat of Napoleon in 1814 and it was they who administrated the islands until their independence as a sovereign republic within the Commonwealth in 1976.

The islands’ legendary loveliness has long acted as a magnet to travellers in search of the Holy Grail of

pristine tropical beauty and many famous travellers have beaten a path to its shores including the likes of Ian Fleming, author of James Bond, who visited the islands to receive inspiration for one of his Bond books.

The islands finally emerged from their slumber of ages in 1972 when they became connected to the rest of the world via a new international airport which saw the birth of the islands’ tourism industry.

Seychelles, straddling the western Indian Ocean between 6 and 10 degrees south of the equator, is divided into 6 island groups with the Inner Islands of Mahé, Praslin and La Digue together with their neighbouring isles forming the hub of the islands’ tourism industry, the economic life of the nation and its political and social infrastructure.

Measuring 27km long and 8km wide, Mahé, the principal island is a mountainous, granitic island that boasts no less than 65 beaches. It is home to the capital, Victoria, and also to the international airport and to the vast majority of the 90,000, mainly Roman Catholic population. Commanding spectacular views of the surrounding ocean, Mahé contains the lion’s share of the archipelago’s hotels, tourism amenities and retail outlets. The charming capital, Victoria, has many fascinating nooks & crannies and points of historical interest including its bustling market that supplies much of the island’s fresh produce: fresh fish; vegetables; fruits; condiments and spices. Mahé also showcases a surprising variety of flora & fauna including many indigenous species, discoverable at the Botanical Gardens or on organised excursions along popular walks and trails. The fascinating underwater treasure houses of the Ste. Anne and Cap Ternay Marine National Parks, meanwhile, can be visited on snorkeling expeditions and a variety of excursions.

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Seychelles' second largest island, Praslin, lies 45 kilometers (24 miles) north-east of Mahé and is accessible by Air Seychelles domestic flights in 15 minutes or by fast catamaran ferry in 45 minutes. It is home to the legendary Vallée de Mai in which grows the fabulous Coco-de-mer and possesses some of the most striking beaches of the archipelago such as Anse Lazio, widely acclaimed to be the most beautiful beach on earth.

Praslin stands at the forefront of the country's tourism industry with a rich assortment of hotels and guesthouses whose strong tradition of Seychelles' hospitality over a period of many years has proved a favourite with visitors.

The island is ideally situated for holidaymakers wishing to island hop to a handful of nearby exotic destinations such as Chauve Souris, Cousin, Curieuse, St. Pierre, La Digue and the Aride bird reserve. It is also a haven for nature lovers seeking rare endemic species such as the black parrot for which Praslin is the last habitat or wishing to explore the island's network of footpaths.

La Digue, known as ‘the island where Time stands still’, is situated forty kilometres (25 miles) from Mahé and 7 km (3.5 miles) from Praslin and is the fourth largest island in the Seychelles after Silhouette. This granite island, with its unique, languid pace of life, receives its visitors mainly by boat at the quaint jetty at La Passe and is a popular destination for holidaymakers wishing for a taste of the traditional. Here is a place where the bicycle and ox cart still hold sway on shady island pathways and where a distinct sense of antiquity pervades the island's customs, architecture and general way of life.

Anse la Source d'Argent is among the island's most famous beaches, celebrated for its granite boulders that seem to have been sculpted by a divine hand to adorn a beach of breath-taking beauty while at the Union Estate, visitors will have the chance to view some of the traditional local industries of times past. Nature lovers will have the opportunity to seek out the rare Black Paradise Flycatcher, once thought to be extinct but now protected in the La Digue Vev Special Reserve which is also home to two extremely rare species of terrapin. The woodlands of La Digue are especially attractive and nurture several species of delicate orchids. The island is also an ideal steppingstone for the nearby island attractions of Grande and Petit Soeur, Félicité, Coco and Marianne.

The remaining five groups of Outer Islands represent the far frontier of the Seychelles holiday experience. Here, shimmering atolls and reef islands, thread like pearls on strings of surf and unaltered since the days of their origin, offer the summit of islandstyle living. Currently, only three such islands offer accommodation: the islands of Denis and Bird located 100 miles to the north of Mahé and Desroches Island in the Amirantes, 140 miles to the south-east. Here the fishing, diving and sailing are superb in places where the only sail on the ocean and the only tracks on any beach will be your own.

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Island Jewels in an Azure Sea
Anse la Source d'Argent is among theisland's most famous beaches, celebrated forits granite boulders that seem to have beensculpted by a divine hand
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The surrounding waters, meanwhile, are anatural aquarium boasting a dizzying array ofcoral reef fish, turtle, ray, shark, dolphin, marlinand sailfish

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Island Jewels in an Azure Sea

Overall, all the islands have been blessed with many natural assets and attributes including possessing a near-perfect and disease-free climate; an endless list of world-beating beaches; a sanctuary for some of the world’s rarest species of flora & fauna and an enviable conservation record whereby almost half of the 455 sq.km landmass has been set aside as natural parks and reserves. There are also no less than two UNESCO World Heritage Sites: the extraordinary Vallée de Mai where the legendary, double-lobed coconut, the Coco-de-Mer grows high on ancient palms in a setting so surreal it was once thought to be the original site of the Garden of Eden, and Aldabra atoll, the planet’s largest raised coral atoll.

Nowhere else on earth will you find the mysterious Jellyfish Tree of which only 8 specimens remain; the Seychelles Paradise Flycatcher; the world’s smallest frog; heaviest land tortoise; largest population of giant land tortoises (150,000) living in the wild and the Indian Ocean’s only flightless bird. Between them, the islands also boast some of the most spectacular seabird colonies on earth as well as 13 species and 17 sub-species of birdlife that occur in Seychelles and nowhere else, making the islands a true birdwatcher’s paradise.

The surrounding waters, meanwhile, are a natural aquarium boasting a dizzying array of coral reef fish, turtle, ray, shark, dolphin, marlin and sailfish as well as colourful coral growth and a host of other marine organisms. The world’s largest fish migrates to these waters: that gentle giant of the seas, the 40 ft. whale shark - one of Seychelles’ many protected species.

Also on offer is an amazing degree of diversity which takes in the contrast between 41 towering granite isles and the 74 shimmering sand cays, reef islands and atolls of the Outer Islands while the multi-ethnic roots of its relatively young society lend themselves to a var ied and vibrant culture with all its people and major religions living beside one another in perfect harmony. The diversity also extends to contrasting styles of architecture and beyond to the delicious, Seychellois Creole cuisine with its magical blend of European, Indian and Chinese culinary influences.

And when it comes to things to do, there is a wide choice of world-class fishing, sailing and diving as well as spa & wellness holidays, honeymoons & romance, trekking, island-hopping & golf. All of these can be en joyed from an equally diverse array of accommodation options that includes the ultimate in pampering at ex clusive 5-star resorts and island hideaways, the Creole intimacy of the smaller hotel and guesthouse and the flexibility of any number of self-caterings. These are the stepping stones to your unique experience of Para dise, where the innate tranquility of the islands forms the ideal backdrop against which to recalibrate mind, body and soul and enjoy the vacation of a lifetime.

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Island Jewels in an Azure Sea

No account of Seychelles’ riches can be considered complete without mention of its reputation as ‘The Islands of Love’ and it is little wonder that that lovers are inspired to take their vows and wed in this gentle and romantic atmosphere. Sensual Seychelles creates the idyllic ambience for an unforgettable wedding day, honeymoon or anniversary upon the silver-soft sands and beneath the swaying palms of discreet island hideaways.

Transportation, both in between and around the islands, makes the visitor’s dream of island-hopping a reality and besides Air Seychelles’ domestic flights, fast ferry transfers or passages on traditional, sail-assisted schooners all bring the principal islands and their satellites within easy reach.

A varied choice of excursions, both land and marine, is available through local ground handlers that will introduce you to the very best that Seychelles has to offer while hire and chauffeur driven cars and taxis are also available for you to enjoy your personal voyage of discovery around the main islands of Mahé and Praslin. A wide network of bus routes on Mahé and Praslin caters for most itineraries for those who wish to sample an aspect of the typical Creole lifestyle.

Further memorable experiences can be had via Seychelles’ suite of events that includes February’s increasingly popular Eco-friendly Marathon; August’s Feast of La Digue; September’s Tourism Ball and the perennial FetAfrik and Festival Kreol.

The islands have been made accessible as never before thanks to the arrival on the aviation scene of major players such as Emirates Airlines, Kenya Airways, Ethiopian Airlines, Condor, Sri Lankan Airline, Turkish Airways, British Airways, Air France and Etihad which is now in a dynamic partnership with the national carrier, Air Seychelles, offering daily frequencies to make Seychelles virtually one stop away from anywhere on the planet with the added advantage of zero visa requirements for any nationality.

Meditation techniques invite us to close our eyes and imagine Shangrila, a mythical place of ultimate harmony where tired spirits can be refreshed and worries washed away. Somewhere with the space to breathe the purest air and ample room to stroll the trackless, powder-soft sands of breathtaking beaches. A place for the senses to feast on the endless delight of fresh experiences.

Creation has blessed Seychelles with all of this and more. Against the backdrop of its unique island beauty, it is a place where harmony, tranquility and Nature at its very best will conspire to leave you with the memories of a lifetime.

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PHOTOGRAPHY Marsha Dine Photography



MAKE UP ARTIST Anisa Rose Make Up, Ann-Marie Hair, Wigs and Make Up

HAIR STYLIST Ann Marie Hair, Wigs & Make Up, Federica Desir

MODEL Anisa Rose


WARDROBE Kankan, Portofino SUNGLASSES VisionCare

JEWELRY Kankan, Gianmaria Carbo

LOCATIONS Alphonse Island Resort, Kempinski Seychelles Resort, Bliss Boutique Hotel Seychelles

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PHOTOGRAPHY Daren Black Photography MODELS Layla Harris, Daisy Boote and Alex CLOTHES: Mottoo Brighton, Walk in Wardbrobe Hove, Raffles Hotel Boutique, Kankan Seychelles, Jouel Seychelles LOCATIONS: Raffles Praslin Seychelles, Carana Beach Hotel Seychelles, Story Seychelles, Bird Island, Pangia Beach, Eden Island Seychelles
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SEYCHELLES, NaturE Flora & Fauna

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Most travellers identify the Seychelles Islands with unsurpassed natural beauty and exoticism without being aware that these islands still, in many cases, slumbering in their first innocence since the dawn of Time, are home to staggering degrees of diversity and uniqueness when it comes to the species of flora and fauna to which they are home.

The islands of this sparkling archipelago, all but lost in the immensity of the western Indian Ocean, have been eloquently described as a chain of Noah’s Arks harbouring a treasure trove of natural treasures that have survived thanks to the islands’ remote location and also to their intrinsically benign nature, far from the cyclone belt and extremes of weather.

The first written accounts that come down to us from, for example, John Jourdain on his 1604 expedition under British captain Sharpeigh, describe the abundance and richness of nature on these islands they briefly visited by way of abundant timber, fowl, fish, coconuts, tortoises and even the crocodiles they came across in huge numbers, but which have since been hunted to extinction. Indeed, one of the earliest names bequeathed to Mahé, the main island, by the early French settlers was Isle of Abundance.

Still, today, this epithet is well-deserved because the still largely pristine state of many of its islands harbour many extraordinary species of flora and fauna found nowhere else except in these remote island sanctuaries.

There can be nothing so iconic of the Seychelles Islands than the wondrous coco-de-mer, Lodoicea maldivica, the world’s heaviest seed that falls from ancient, towering palms hiding in an ancient valley on the island of Praslin that is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Long before its somewhat late discovery following the settlement of the islands in the mid-eighteenth century, the coco-de-mer nut intrigued the inhabitants of the various countries upon whose shores it washed up as the fruit of some mysterious tree growing beneath the waves.

The reputation of Seychelles’ amazing nut was further boosted by a visit of General Gordon of Khartoum, otherwise known as Chinese Gordon, who visited the islands on a military mission in 1881. Clearly fascinated by the suggestively-shaped nut, in a manuscript he depicted Praslin Island as the Garden of Eden and the coco-de-mer as the Tree of Knowledge.

Today, the 46-acre Vallée de Mai is an eloquent reminder of how Praslin must have looked in antiquity. Palms have been known to reach over

100 feet in height and the shade created by their giant, overlapping fronds still creates an ambiance of eternal twilight through which flit such visitors as the super-rare Seychelles Black Parrot, another endemic treasure of Seychelles. The Vallée de Mai is a not-to-be-missed treat on your adventures through the islands.

Besides the coco-de-mer, once prevalent on at least six islands but now very largely confined to Praslin, Seychelles’ flora contains over 1,000 species of plant of which about 250 occur naturally and 80 are endemic and found nowhere else on earth. Endemic plants and animals are more prevalent on the granitic islands than elsewhere. This is because of the ancient geological history and greater altitude of these islands, which allows for higher rainfall and a diversity of habitats.

In sheltered river estuaries around the coasts grow mangrove trees, adapted to tolerate salty water and the low oxygen levels of estuary mud. Their amazing ‘breathing’ roots form a maze of archways and narrow pillars, amongst which crabs, young fish and a wide variety of other organisms thrive.

Many beaches are still fringed with native trees, bushes and creepers, such as takamaka Calophyllum inophyllum, bodanmyen Terminalia catappa, vouloutye Scaevola sericea and beach morning glory Ipomoea pes-caprae. These plants help to protect the coastline.

Further inland, the flat coastal ‘plateau’ is the previous site of coconut plantations that were once the mainstay of the islands’ economy. Originally covered with forest and freshwater marsh, much of this flat land is now given over to housing and agriculture. However, there is a wealth of introduced decorative bushes and flowers, such as frangipani, hibiscus and bougainvillea, adorning gardens and roadsides, and tropical fruit trees producing abundant and delicious mangoes, star fruit, golden apples and many others.

The mountain slopes which form the major part of the granitic islands are clothed with forest, which remains lush and green throughout the year. Although the forest has been much altered by human activities, the variety of endemic and indigenous plant species is high. Notable amongst these are trees such as bwa rouz, Dilennia ferruginea, with heavily ribbed leaves, bwa sagay (the Seychelles’ ebony), Diospyros seychellarum, shrubs such as kafe maron gran fey, Paragenipa wrightii, and herbs such as pti koko maron, Hypoxidia rhizophylla. Also to be found are introduced spice trees such as cinnamon, clove and nutmeg.

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A very special vegetation occupies the large expanses of granite rock known as ‘glacis’. Conditions here are harsh and soil lies in small pockets between the rocks. Most plants have thick leathery leaves to reduce the loss of water. A rare sight is the ancient jellyfish tree, Medusagyne oppositifolia, whose brown parasol-shaped fruits resemble jellyfish and whose rediscovery in 1970 caused a sensation. Somewhat easier to see is the carnivorous pitcher plant Nepenthes pervillei, with little lidded pots at the ends of its leaves, in which insects are trapped, digested and absorbed, adding welcome nutrients to pitcher plant’s ‘diet’. Also easier to see is the Seychelles vanilla orchid, Vanilla phalaenopsis, with its thick leafless green stems and beautiful white flower. Mist forest is found only above about 600 metres on the islands of Mahé and Silhouette. The mountain tops are frequently covered with cloud and humidity is high. Moisture-loving plants abound and trees are draped with mosses, ferns and tiny orchids. Pyramids of stilt roots support several vacoas, Pandanus spp., and one of the palms, Verschaffeltia splendida. Another typical tree is kapisen, Northea hornei, so-named because the large seed resembles the cowled head of a capuchin monk. The silent and eerie dankness of the forest is pierced only by the calls of endemic frogs, truly a special world of its own.

Although there is a range of walks available to hikers seeking a great introduction to these natural treasures of the islands, the ones below on Mahé are highly recommended. Excellent walks are also possible on Praslin and La Digue as well as on just about every island you might care to mention.

Morne Blanc

This 90-minute trail is a continuous climb from a high starting point in the Morne Seychellois National Park to the top of a prominent mountain of west Mahé, characterized by cloud forest but commanding extraordinary views. First passing through a tea plantation the trail encounters an interesting patch of endemic Vacoa plants as well as Capucin and Latanier. Higher up, one encounters Cinnamon forest, Jackfruit trees and Jambrosa. With altitude, the forest becomes moister, encouraging the growth of mosses and ferns which, together with sang dragon trees and bird nest ferns accompany the walker to the summit and to the spectacular views it offers. This trail offers the chance to see one of the tiniest frogs in the world as well as birdlife in the form of Seychelles’ Bulbuls, Mynahs and Sunbirds.


This one-and-a-half-hour route, which commences at Val Riche, about 6km south from Victoria, offers stunning views from the summit of Copolia, accessed through Takamaka woodland, Cinnamon forest with Rubber trees featuring a variety of endemic palms and other endemic plants. Seychelles Bulbuls are common birds found here. Higher up, the proportion of endemic plants increases as the summit approaches with its glorious views of Morne Seychellois, Seychelles’ highest mountain, and Trios Frères. The panoramas of Mahé’s east coast, Praslin and La Digue are equally stunning.

Dans Gallas

This trail to a place once settled by Ethiopian people freed by the British Navy from Arab slavers, takes two and a half hours to complete and commences at the information point at Le Niol before climbing to a shelter

at its half way point that offers amazing views of Beau Vallon Bay and Silhouette Island. Endemic palms make an appearance on the second half of the route as the path ascends into Cinnamon forest dotted with Albezia and tall palms. The elusive Scops Owl can be found here.

While talking of birds, Seychelles is considered to be a birdwatcher’s paradise and many birds are endemic species or sub-species and afford birdwatchers and ornithologists the rare thrill of knowing that what they are seeing can be found nowhere else on the planet. Seychelles has a reputation for having some of the most spectacular seabird colonies in the world and the names of certain of our islands such as Praslin, La Digue, Bird, Denis, Aride, Frégate, Cousin and Aldabra have become bywords for the optimum in bird-watching opportunities. Within the islands there are 13 species and 17 subspecies that occur nowhere else on earth. The largest inner islands each have a rare bird to boast about: on Mahé it is the bare-legged scops owl, Otus insularis which for more than a century was believed to be extinct until it was rediscovered in 1959. Even to this day a sighting is rare with only 85 pairs scattered around Mahé. They can be recognized by their distinctive call, a slow rasping like a saw, which gives this bird its Creole name of scieur. Another more recent discovery is that of the Seychelles White Eye Zosterops modesta on Conception island in 1997. On Praslin the black parrot Coracopsis nigra barklyi is the bird to see. This is now the only remaining parrot in Seychelles following the extinction of the native Green Parakeet. It can be seen in and around the Vallée de Mai, feeding from the fruit trees in the late afternoon, or flitting between the coco-de- mer palms and calling to its mate.

On the island of La Digue, the rarity is the Black Paradise fly catcher Terpsiphone corvina known in Creole by the name of veuve or widow. The total world population of this bird is thought to be less than 80 pairs almost all of which are found on La Digue, in the western coastal plateau among the trees of Takamaka and Indian Almond. A special reserve the ‘La Digue Vev Special Reserve’ has been created on La Digue to help protect this bird which once had a wider distribution among the surrounding islands.

The Seychelles Kestrel, Falco araea, is the only bird of prey breeding in the granitic islands. The majority breed on Mahé but this bird also features on Silhouette, Praslin and La Digue feeding off lizards, insects, rats and mice. Another bird unique to Seychelles and with a distribution among the islands of Mahé, Praslin La Digue and especially Frégate is the attractive Seychelles Blue Pigeon Alectroenas pulcherrima. It can normally be seen in forests from sea level upwards but is most common in the mountains. In hilly regions one is sure to come across the Seychelles Bulbul Hypsipetes crassirostris known locally as Merle whose noisy calls are bound to attract attention. Another Seychelles success story is the Seychelles Magpie Robin Copsychus sechellarum, a black and white bird of the thrush family rescued from the brink of extinction by Birdlife International. Over eighty individuals now live on the islands of Frégate, Aride, Cousin and Cousine as well as, more recently, on a handful of outer islands. The Seychelles Bush Warbler, Acrocephalus sechellensis, has also been the subject of intense conservation efforts on the Cousin Island Nature Reserve after numbers dropped to around 26 birds. Today thousands of birds live mainly on Cousin, Aride and a handful of other islands.

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SEYCHELLES, NaturE Flora & Fauna

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Meanwhile, on the ground, Seychelles’ giant tortoises are some of the most primitive reptiles still surviving on earth. The world’s largest wild population of approximately 150,000 is now only found on the giant raised atoll of Aldabra although you will still find smaller groups dotted across certain of the islands.

The Hawksbill and Green marine turtle are found in Seychelles where they return yearly to ancestral breeding grounds. Two other varieties, the Loggerhead and Leatherback are rarer sightings, chiefly on the Outer Islands.

Other reptiles include the endemic chameleon, green gecko, bronze-eyed gecko and Seychelles skink. There are four endemic species of frog in Seychelles, two of which are considered unique. The Seychelles midwife frog carries the tadpoles on her back until they mature and hop off while the Seychelles piping pigmy frog is one of the smallest frogs in the world and you may be lucky enough to spot one on your walk through the Vallée de Mai.

There are some interesting species of insect in Seychelles such as the endemic Grasshopper, four endemic species of stick insects as well as butterflies, mud wasps and Frégate Island’s endemic Tenebrionid beetle. There is even a tiny mosquito that likes to live dangerously, breeding in the pitchers of pitcher plants.

This spectacular picture of natural diversity is unchanged beneath the waves where the underwater life of Seychelles is a treat not to be missed and whether diving, snorkelling or viewing by glass bottom boat, there are abundant treasures to be discovered.

The Marine National Parks of Ste. Anne, Baie Ternay and Port Launay on Mahé, Curieuse near Praslin and Ile Cocos near La Digue provide visitors with an ideal introduction to the underwater delights of the Inner Islands. The shallow inshore reefs of the inner islands host many different types of Butterfly and Angelfish, Soldierfish, Squirrelfish and Sweepers together with Octopus and Spiny Lobster while Turtles can often be seen gliding in and out of coral formations.

Some sites host fan and tree coral formations while others feature Napoleon Wrasse, Giant Groupers, Reef Sharks and Stingrays not forgetting occasional 10-metre long Whale Sharks, the gentle giants of the Ocean. The ‘Outer Islands’ offer the chance of encountering the larger species of Grouper, in particular the Spotted Potato Bass as well as Grey reef, Silver Tip and Nurse Sharks, Manta Rays, Dolphins as well as the greater open-water Sharks such as the Bull shark, Hammerhead and Oceanic Whitetip.

Enlightened policies, such as a ban on spear-fishing over 25 years ago have created a safe haven for many marine species who consequently feel less threatened than their counterparts elsewhere.

The Hawksbill and Green marine turtle are found inSeychelles where they returnyearly to ancestral breedinggrounds.
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• Aldabra. World’s largest raised coral atoll and spectacular example of the planet’s last unspoiled environments. Limited access to this UNESCO World Heritage Site.

• Aride. ‘Sea Bird Citadel’ of the Indian Ocean with colonies of Roseate Terns, Lesser Noddies, Shearwaters and bridled Terns. Also home to rare endemic fauna.

• Bird Island. Spectacular nesting ground for over 1,000,000 Sooty Terns and nesting site for Hawksbill and Green turtles.

• Cousine. Private nature reserve and home to six species of rare endemic birds as well as a nesting site for Hawksbill turtles.

• Cousin. A special reserve since 1975. Haven for endangered species of land and sea birds and for 11 species of reptile.

• Curieuse. Home to wild Coco-de Mer and other endemic fauna, nesting Hawksbill Turtles and a Giant Tortoise rearing pen.

• Frégate Island. Home to the rare endemic Seychelles Magpie Robin and diverse flora and fauna.

• Morne Seychellois National Park. Encompassing large portion of uplands of central Mahé. Sanctuary for fascinating plants and animals.

• Vallée de Mai. UNESCO World Heritage Site. Legendary primeval forest, home to the fabulous Coco-de-Mer as well as other rare species of flora and fauna.

Due to its extreme isolation, Seychelles has received more than its fair share of Nature’s bounty and today, with nearly half its limited landmass set aside as nature reserves, the ecological integrity of its islands remains intact – providing the visitor with some of the most unique ecological experiences to be found anywhere.

A list of Seychelles ’biodiversity hot spots follows beneath
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people4ocean suncare

97% of all sunscreen is toxic to marine life, we talk tohusband & wife team & founders of people4ocean suncareabout this global problem.

People4Ocean (P4O) is an Australian-based company working at fighting the global coral crisis through innovative strategies and is now branching into both the UK and Europe. P4O offers sustainable consultancy services in coral reef management and expertise in coral reef rehabilitation. Their founders are a franco-australian couple

– Louise Laing and Austin Laing-Herbert - who lived at Amitié (Praslin) for over two years, leading the coral restoration program for the NGO Nature Seychelles. Fighting for Seychelles’ coral reefs was their way-of-life. They believe Seychelles has a privileged chance to be a leader in the preservation of coral reefs, by focusing on mitigating impacts from climate change, and now, sunscreen pollution. With products now available in stores and hotel across the Seychelles, we talk with them about their range and their incredible global work.

Why did you decide to launch People4Ocean and can you give some insight into the work you do?

I co-founded People4Ocean Sun Care with my husband Austin Laing-Herbert a couple years ago. Austin and I met in 2012 on the Great Barrier Reef while studying coral reefs and tropical ecosystems at James Cook University in Townsville. In 2015 with our Master Degree in hand, we travelled to the Indian Ocean to coordinate a USAID funded, large-scale reef rehabilitation project in Seychelles with a local non-for-profit organisation. In 2016, we witnessed the devastating impacts of climate change, as our restored reef (about 24,000 corals transplanted over a football field size area) was nearly wiped out by mass coral bleaching. We dedicated the following year to “growing our reef” back to life, by propagating corals that had survived the heat wave. Already back then, we were determined to do all we could to protect these ecosystems most at risk, and raise awareness on the coral reef crisis. We made the protection of coral reefs our “way-of-life”.

The idea for People4Ocean Sun Care followed scientific findings on the impacts of sunscreen ingredients on marine ecosystems and coral reefs. As sunscreen leaches off your skin – in the shower or swimming in the ocean – and washes off into rivers, lakes and oceans, the chemicals interact in insidious ways on aquatic life. Experiments performed by the University of Hawaii found that common UV-filters have lethal impacts on coral reefs, from DNA damage to increased sensitivity to bleaching.

These findings revealed the toxic nature of 97% of sunscreens on the market, but they also shown the light on yet another source of stress inflicted on reef ecosystems already threatened globally by climate change, land use, predator invasions and overfishing.

We were not sunscreen lovers to start with. All the sunscreens we could find were filled with toxic ingredients, unpleasant to use and harsh on the skin. In 2018, we returned to Australia, determined to raise awareness on this issue and set out on a journey to create sun care solutions genuinely good for us and harmless to ocean life.

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We created People4Ocean Sun Care with a simple intention: to end sunscreen pollution in our oceans and within our bodies. Most of all, we wanted to bring pleasure back in applying sunscreen! In Australia, a country where rates of skin cancer and coral bleaching are at record high, we took the challenge of addressing skin and oceanic wellness hand-inhand. We joined forces with skincare brand LaGaia Unedited to create a one-of-a-kind sun system ecoconsciously formulated to protect the most sensitive skin and while preserving natural ecosystems. The P4O range offers a true skin & ocean-conscious experience, by combining the best ingredients from the spa industry and excluding all toxins found in mainstream sunscreens. We also don’t dilute our sunscreens with water or synthetic fillers, resulting in a concentrated and long-lasting protection.

Since its origins, People4Ocean has committed to its fundamental core – Protect More Than Your Skin™ - by donating a percentage of all sales towards reef conservation initiatives. We believe our sun care products - and the people that use them - can be a driving force to help preserve reefs worldwide. With P4O, applying sunscreen goes beyond personal care, it is a promise to your longterm health and to the future of our oceans. What motivated you to develop the P4O reef safe sunscreen range? How exactly do normal sunscreens adversely affect coral and marine life? We just couldn’t understand how an everyday product that is supposed to protect people could have so many health and environmental drawbacks. Ingredients in sunscreens should not be irritating or cause skin allergies, nor should they enter the bloodstream or harm coral reefs. For example, Oxybenzone and Octinoxate are common UVfilters characterized as ‘Hazardous to the aquatic environment, with long-term hazard by the United Nations Global Harmonized System (GHS). And yet, 97% of sunscreens and cosmetics on the market contain these ingredients. What if something as simple as making the switch to healthy sun protection could solve the problem? In 2018, the state of Hawaii was first in history to ban the sale of sunscreens containing Oxybenzone and Octinoxate to protect its coral reefs. This statewide bill was voted following a study by Downs et al. (2015) quantifying sunscreen impacts on coral fragments and coral polyps, showing death at certain concentrations. Their testing showed that exposure to Oxybenzone can inhibit and alter the growth of baby corals, is toxic to seven coral species and is likely to induce coral bleaching in the wild, further increasing our reefs sensitivity to threats like climate change.

Oxybenzone and Octinoxate may also bioaccumulate and be biomagnified in organisms. Biomagnification means they may increase in concentration in the tissues of organisms as it travels up the food chain. A number of aquatic and marine species have been discovered to be contaminated, from carp, catfish, eel, white fish, trout, barb, chub, perch and mussels to coral, mahi-mahi, dolphins, sea turtle eggs, and migratory

Zinc oxide providesexcellent broadspectrum protection andhas several advantagesover synthetic People4Oceanactives. sunscreens exclusivelyuse zinc oxide as the active ingredient.
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bird eggs. Finally, additional testings have revealed Oxybenzone also acts as an endocrine disruptor on marine invertebrates such as shrimps and bivalves. Other ingredients commonly found in cosmetics –such as butylparaben, octocrylene and a chemical called 4MBC – have proven highly toxic to marine life. You can find the full list at www.haereticus-lab. org. These findings show that sunscreen pollution should be addressed as an environmental hazard.

Humans are not exempt from these impacts. In recent FDA testings, all non-mineral sunscreen chemicals [oxybenzone, octinoxate, octisalate, octocrylene, homosalate and avobenzone] absorbed into the body and could be measured in blood after just a single use. Previous studied detected several sunscreen ingredients in breast milk and urine samples. By penetrating the skin and entering our bloodstream, these chemicals trigger a cascade of reactions from increased free-radicals in the skin, endocrine disruptive properties in the body and, ironically, enhanced risk of melanoma in cases of sunscreen abuse for intentional sun exposure. What are the differences between reef safe formulations and normal sunscreens?

Chemical sunscreens contain ingredients that wash off our skins (or down the drain) to harm coral reefs. Using a ‘reef safe sunscreen’ means that no ingredients in that product will cause detrimental effects to marine life. There are no governmentregulated certifications for reef-safe sunscreens yet (the research is quite new) so certain brands falsely claim to be "Reef-Safe" despite containing harmful chemicals. It is up to the consumer to read sunscreen labels for toxic ingredients. A reef-safe sunscreen should not include ingredients such as Oxybenzone, Avobenzone, Octinoxate, Octocrylene, Parabens, etc. An easier way to identify reef-safe sunscreens is to choose ones that exclusively use mineral UV-blockers as their active ingredients, such as zinc oxide.

People4Ocean sunscreens exclusively use zinc oxide as the active ingredient for several reasons: Zinc oxide provides excellent broad-spectrum protection and has several advantages over synthetic actives. Zinc particles are photo-stable (they don’t degrade in sunlight) and sit on top of your skin to act as a reflective barrier (exactly like a mirror), blocking both UVAs & UVBs from penetrating your skin and causing damage and ageing.

It is the only FDA (Food & DrugAdministration) and TGA (Therapeutic GoodsAdministration) approved broad-spectrum sun protection ingredient, and unlike any other active ingredient, its concentration in a product has no limitation. It is also the EWG (Environmental Working Group) nº1 ingredient for sun protection. Dermatologists recommend zinc oxide sunscreens on children (6 months and over), pregnant women and people with sensitive skin. It is the only reef-safe UV filter available.

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P4O founders six-senses
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What are the immediate benefits and the longterm benefits of using reef safe formulations like P4O?

There are many benefits in making the switch to reef-safe/ mineral sunscreens.

Firstly, they are better for the skin. That is because reef-safe sunscreens generally exclude harsh chemicals such as benzophenones, parabens, and other skin irritants that are also environmental pollutants. It is no coincidence that baby sunscreens are mineral-based, as they are safer for sensitive skin, have cleaner formulations and offer excellent sun protection.

Secondly, they are a good long-term investment in your health. Natural sunscreens offer excellent broad-spectrum protection without the side effects of chemical sunscreens. According to dermatologists, applying mineral SPF30 sunscreen daily can significantly reduce your chances of developing skin cancer (particularly if you live in Australia) and is the #1 routine you should adopt to effectively prevent premature ageing. Your skin is your largest organ, so it is important to invest on a good sunscreen to protect it.

In addition to reef safe sunscreen, what can people do to make a real difference to the health and wellbeing of our oceans and marine life?

Making the switch to reef-safe sunscreen is a good first step towards helping our oceans and raising awareness for their protection. However, sunscreen pollution is only a very small part of the problem. Climate change is undeniably the biggest threat to our Oceans. Not many people know this, but our oceans are the true lungs of the Earth as they generate most of the oxygen we breath. They are also are great carbon sink, as they absorb CO2 through photosynthetic processes (by marine plants, such as phytoplankton, kelp and algal planktons). Since the start of the industrial age, our oceans have absorbed over a third of the anthropogenic CO2

released into the atmosphere. But there is a limit to the amount of CO2 and heat our oceans can absorb. From polar regions to kelp forests and coral reefs, the rise in atmospheric CO2 is increasing sea surface temperatures, affecting the dynamic of ocean currents and disrupting ocean chemistry (ocean acidification is one example) with consequences on food chains and more. Governments and industries are often given full responsibility to mitigate climate change, but there are many things individuals can do to make a difference in reducing their own carbon footprint in the way they consume, travel and eat. Simple lifestyle changes such as buying locally made goods, eating locally grown foods, reducing plane travels and cutting your intake of meat and dairy can contribute to reducing global greenhouse gas emissions. Plastic Pollution comes second on the list of threats compromising the future of marine life. According to a report from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, plastic in the oceans will outweigh fish by 2050. We can all help by refusing single-use plastics such as straws, cutlery, and food containers (Styrofoam trays, coffee cups, etc.). These are in our lives for seconds, but can then spend centuries circulating in our oceans, causing significant damage to marine life. Promoting recycling and circular economies can also keep plastic from entering our oceans.

Overfishing and poor fisheries management is also high on the list of threats. Almost a third of global fish stocks are overfished. Fish that were once extremely abundant, such as bluefin tuna, are now approaching extinction. Restaurants and seafood markets routinely serve endangered seafood species that are the underwater equivalent of a rhino or a panda. New apps, including Seafood Watch (US) and Goodfish (AUS), can help us steer clear of these endangered species, and select sustainable and healthy seafood choices instead. Cutting down on our consumption of seafood is an even better way to take pressure off fish stocks.

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Can you explain how the coral restoration projects you are supporting work?

Over the years working for different non-for-profit organizations, we noticed most projects were starving for funding. This in turn affected their long-term feasibility. With People4Ocean Sun Care, we contribute up to a dollar of all sales towards supporting projects we know have a positive impact in preserving coral reefs. Since our launch, we have been able to support great communitybased projects in Fiji and the Seychelles. These projects practice coral gardening by propagating corals that show tolerance to temperatureinduced bleaching. This strategy aims to assist coral reefs in their adaptation to climate change. In addition to sale-based donations, Austin and I continue to provide consultancy services to NGOs and resorts who are undertaking reef conservation and restoration actions. In 2019, we travelled to Fiji and later French Polynesia to donate our time and expertise in designing a community-based restoration strategies with local non-for-profits.

As People4Ocean Sun Care grows internationally, we hope to support a growing number of initiatives in Australia and around the world.

People4Ocean All Natural Sun System www.people4ocean.co.uk

**Winners Of The Australian Non-Toxic Awards 2020 – SPF30 GOLD Sunscreen Winner – SPF50 GOLD & SILVER Sunscreen & Kid Sunscreen Winner**


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People4Ocean 100% Natural Sun care

First launched in Australia back in 2018 and available in the UK from Jan 2021 People4Ocean Sun Care is the creation of accomplished marine biologists, husband and wife team, Louise and Austin Laing. Working in collaboration with Australian Spa label La Gaia Unedited they developed a one-of-a-kind sophisticated sun care range, eco-consciously formulated to protect sensitive skins and natural ecosystems. The entire range excludes all water polluting elements. Formulas are skin-loving, combining clean and active botanicals with mineral-rich ingredients making them ocean & skin-conscious. Using plant-based and local ingredients, the entire range is suitable for vegetarian (Australian sustainable beeswax being the only animal by-product to its formulas) and offers 100% plant-based products.

There is overwhelming evidence, shown now through many studies, that mainstream sunscreens are polluting our waterways, entering our oceans and affecting aquatic life. Oxybenzone, Octinoxate and Octocrylene are just some of the most commonly used UV-filters in chemical base sunscreens ingredients which are toxic to ocean life, acting as hormones disruptors on marine species and impacting coral reefs even from very small concentrations are unnecessarily damaging our oceans. It is for this reason that all People4Ocean Sun Care formulations exclude water-polluting elements.

Many people are unaware that 97% of sunscreens out there contain toxic ingredients harmful to marine life. In-fact, there is also research that the same ingredients can also be detrimental to human health following long term use. In a global society and growing culture where consumers are more aware of their impact on the planet, and the role they have in preserving our ecosystems, People4Ocean is offering an alternative to the conscientious consumers looking at minimize their global footprint.

People4Ocean Pillars in Sustainability

• Free of water polluting ingredients. Biodegradable & reef-friendly formulas.

• Low carbon packaging made from 100% recyclable sugarcane PE bioplastic. No single-use packaging.

• 100% manufactured in Australia with solar power, sustainable & ethical practices.

• Offering carbon neutral domestic shipping.

All products are 100% Australian-made, including their packaging. Using solar energy and sustainable manufacturing practices the brand commits to its ground breaking sustainability ethos within the luxury skincare market with bio-plastic packaging, carbon neutral shipping methods and pro-actively working with Reef Conservation projects globally, as well as supporting local initiatives in the regions they are distributed in (ex. Seychelles sales contribute back to local reef conservation initiatives).

£1 For The Reef - Coral reefs around the world need our help. In the past 50 years, global warming, overfishing and land use have killed over 50% of reefs worldwide, compromising marine biodiversity and millions of human livelihoods. Today, sunscreen pollution is part of the problem. For this reason, for every product you purchase, People4Ocean donates $1 to reef conservation initiatives worldwide in an effort to reverse the damages done to these ecosystems.


shop people4ocean on Ibiza at www.ibiza-runners.com/en/ibiza/shops/people4oceanibiza

P4O Coralfullworld-Fiji
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Celebrating 250 years since settlement

The year 2020 has a pleasant ring to it, and it just had to be the year Seychelles celebrates its milestone of 250 years since first settlement.

In the millennia of a country’s story, two hundred and fifty years might not seem much. Nonetheless, this year, Seychellois of all persuasions can take pride in the fact that regardless of this short, but significant amount of time, a homeland with its own culture and identity has been shaped from what were unrelated ethnicities with diverse and often incompatible interests.

So unquestionably it is opportune that we celebrate how we have pleasantly coexisted with each other thus far, compared to other parts of the world.

The celebration of the anniversary of the first settlement in Seychelles is a huge milestone in Seychelles history, and the month of August will become a very important month in the calendar of events for Seychelles as it celebrates the birth of Seychelles and commemorates the anniversary of 250 years since settlement.

To ensure the occasion is given its prominence, since August 2019, the President announced the set-up of a national prepara tory committee to spearhead the planning and organisation of the events. The committee consists of the following members: Jeannine Chung Faye, Emanuel D’Offay, Sybille Cardon, Oliver Bastienne, Tony Mathiot, David Andre, Cindy Vidot and Alvin Laurence with Sherin Francis as the chairperson.

The committee has stated that the event be celebrated the whole year through, starting with the countdown 250 days prior to the event. With that said, a PR communications and digital marketing team is ready to take us all on a journey right through 2020, to make certain the event receives the right amount of public exposure right throughout its implementation to its final orchestration. The aim here is that the celebrations stay forever in people’s minds.

‘Celebrating 250 years ofSeychelles - on the occasionof the 250 years anniversaryof the first settlement inSeychelles’.
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First things first: with occasions like this, a unique image almost always has to be created. For this special happening, out of the 3 graphic designers who submitted their proposals, STB’s very own were the ones awarded for having created the design closest to the committee’s vision. Of course, so as to not to have a potential conflict of interest, the chairperson from STB was not part of the judging panel for the logo, which will be used to brand the celebration all the way through.

The pre-launch took place last year in August, marking the date and acting as a projection to the chief celebration. It was on this occasion that the first branded commemorative items were distributed and there will be many other unique keepsakes of the like to look out for.

Apart from the artisanal craftsmen and artists producing pieces, the committee is open to anybody who wishes to produce items. Designs and logos will be supplied by the committee.

Additionally, both the Central Bank of Seychelles and the Seychelles Postal office will be producing silver and gold commemorative coins and stamps respectively for the occasion and possibly we may even see a celebration beer courtesy of Seychelles Breweries. An important component will be an episodic account of Seychelles history since the first settlement, with supporting images and documents, tackled by a panel of authors, namely: Glynn Burridge, Tony Mathiot, William McAteer, Bernard George, Penda Choppy, Philippe Michaud, Bernard Shamlaye, Marie France Watson and Richard Touboul. The commemorative book is well underway, headed by STB with Glynn Burridge appointed as chief editor. It will be a valuable document for scholars and lovers of history and one of the most comprehensive histories ever undertaken in Seychelles.

Since the official 250 days’ countdown started in December 2019, to keep up the momentum of anticipation and continuous engagement, there have been several historical debates, documentary series and one-minute spots being aired on social media, TV and radio. This is the vehicle to hear from people of all works of life, picked to share their tales or recollections and to express what this celebration signifies to them and what their hopes are for the next 250 years.

On a different level, besides commemorative items, several iconic landmarks are planned. As Ste Anne is the place where the first settlement took place, the Seychelles heritage foundation, in collaboration with Club Med, is coordinating to erect an iconic Museum project, similar to that on Silhouette, to mark this Sestercentennial anniversary.

For Victoria itself, a commemorative replica of the frigate Thelemaque or a similar symbolic icon in Victoria is to be installed as a monument along with a first settlers’ plaque. Also in order for this celebration is a life-size sculptured replica of a typical traditional village of the past to bridge the gap in our history. This is intended to be a valuable historical and educational tool for both Seychellois and visitors.

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Celebrating 250 years since settlement

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A homeland with its own culture and identity has been shaped from what wereunrelated ethnicities with diverse and often incompatible interests.
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Let us not fail to remember the second largest island of Seychelles, Praslin, where the committee is working with Praslin’s Community to erect a Youth Fisherman Statue in honour of all the people lost at sea. The sculpture is to represent a young boy fishing on a rock, an activity carried out by the elder generation and a practice hardly exercised by the younger generation today in this world of technology. This is to be a milestone achievement for the people of Praslin and Seychelles in general.

When it comes to all the events, it is hoped that they will be similarly launched in parallel on Praslin and La Digue. Scheduled, are activities by the various districts fortnightly from this month of January onwards up until August 2020. These activities are to showcase what makes Seychelles unique by creating an opportunity to celebrate a point of the history of the district, region or island in question. This has been planned to be undertaken by inaugurating historic milestones, organising activities ranging from exhibitions to unveiling of plaques and restoring cultural sites, places, products and trails.

A calendar of events will be drawn out to be distributed through various channels once all activities have been identified.

The history fair is the one project to be led by the department of culture in collaboration with the ministry of education. The idea is to have schools across Mahé, Praslin and La Digue work on exposés to be displayed in one National Fair in August 2020. All entries will be made into a book as tokens for those interested to purchase.

Interestingly, an art exposition titled “Desin mon lavi” has been suggested as part of the buildup. Desin mon lavi involves a young artist’s meeting with an elderly person to paint a picture on canvas of one of his favourite, most remarkable stories.

Equally, the activities planned have Government organisations involved to showcase their sector via a walk through in the 250 years of Seychelles, particularly when it comes down to the evolution of land transport, health and maritime voyage.

On the whole, the launching event will be a promising one with VVIPS, dignitaries, guests of honour, sponsors and partners and the general public, in the heart of Victoria at Freedom Square, believed to have been formed by the landslide of 1862. Freedom Square, formerly known as Gordon Square, is symbolic as a location as it reflects the spirit of the Seychellois solidarity and nationhood, especially during the prolonged struggle for Independence between 1964 and 1976.

The main day event will be of two parts: the official ceremony and the cultural show, highlighting the key milestones of the journey through Seychelles. This will be followed by the unveiling of symbolic pieces and will finish with a float parade which will show the evolution of 250 years since settlement.

With all reflected on, our Seychellois tale speaks of adaptation and increasing tolerance; of differences of origin, beliefs and welfares being collapsed to create mutual ground as we have all come to understand that we are literally in the same boat!

When all is said and done, truthfully, we didn’t come this far to get just this far and so definitely this is a time to celebrate and carry on weaving the strands of our different roots with great care so as to consolidate the progress we have made as a nation as we continue to move forward in harmony.

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Part of experiential travel company, Blue Safari Seychelles and located 400km southwest of the mainland of Mahé, lies the untouched Eden that is Alphonse Island.

Part of the Alphonse Group of Islands, which also comprise St Francois and Bijoutier, this pristine, natural paradise is considered one of the purest natural idylls in the world. Alphonse Island is blessed with one of the world’s healthiest climates and gorgeous, consistent weather. Alphonse offers guests year-round summer days with temperatures seldom dropping below 22°C. Beautiful white beaches line the edges of tropical forests, surrounded by miles of unblemished shorelines, lagoons, sea flats and protected coral reefs, home to the vast array of wildlife that exists in this ecosystem.

Alphonse Island is truly unlike any other island in the Seychelles. Just 7°South of the equator, accommodation is simplified barefoot luxury. With two four-bedroomed Beach Villas, five Beach Suites, and 22 Beach Bungalows, all have been decorated in hues that complement the natural surroundings and all have outdoor showers and are just steps from the beach. With three accommodation choices, there is something for groups of friends, families, multi-generational families, as well as smaller families and couples to enjoy.

Alphonse Island encourages its guests to spend as much of their time as possible discovering all the island offers. Due to its size and remote location, Alphonse Island is free from the influx of tourism that is often present at resorts. Guests can explore the island by bike and encounter the array of wildlife that inhabits the island on land as well as discovering the marine life by scuba diving or snorkelling. The experiences are the true luxury of Alphonse Island and are authentic and cannot be encountered anywhere else in the Seychelles. Guests of Alphonse Island can experience the fascinating marine environment on a first-hand basis as they swim in the Indian Ocean and encounter shoals of assorted, vibrantly coloured fish of varying species: green and hawksbill turtles, spinner dolphins, and humpback whales, all in their natural environment. Swimming with sailfish and manta rays is an unforgettable experience, like no other. An encounter with these animals in their habitat is an incredible and unforgettable experience, whether seen from a boat, from the shore, or in the Indian Ocean itself. Be amazed as they flash through the crystal waters and witness these craniate animals in their environment. These unique experiences make Alphonse Island nothing short of spectacular.

115 islands form part of the Seychelles and each one is truly unique in its environment, topography, and location. These islands are renowned for their natural beauty and the wildlife that inhabits them.
swim in the Indian Ocean and encounter shoals of assorted, vibrantly coloured fish
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Alphonse Island Dive Centre offers a full range of PADI courses from Discover Scuba diving to Divemaster. The PADI-certified dive centre caters to children, who can experience their first foray into the underwater world from nine years old by completing a Bubble Maker course. It also offers exclusive dives to families where children from the age of eight can experience the wonders of scuba diving with their parents. 34 dive sites that surround Alphonse Island, all of which are easily reached in under 30 minutes on comfortable purposebuilt dive boats. Manta rays and squadrons of Eagle rays, the ‘Wolf Pack’ of hundreds of Bluefin trevally and associates patrolling or even attacking prey on the reef can be seen. Groups of Bumphead parrotfish, schools of batfish numbering in the hundreds as well as interesting animal behaviour such as nesting triggerfish can be viewed.

Aquatic adventures at Alphonse Island are not limited to below the water. Kayaks are a perfect and non intrusive way to get up close to turtles and rays around the flats. Choose between a guided tour by nature experts who will point out seabirds and spot fishermen’s delights such as bonefish, permit, and triggerfish, or explore the island at your own pace. Kayaks are readily available for guests to use and a picnic basket can be organised to choose a spot for a secluded meal.

Set sail into the Alphonse Lagoon on one of the luxury boats, ready to salute the setting sun with a cocktail or beer from the onboard bar. This is an exceptional way to view the island from a different perspective as the sun sets, providing an incredible backdrop.

A guided tour by nature experts who will point outseabirds and spot fishermen’sdelights such as bonefish, permit,and triggerfish, or explore theisland at your own pace.
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It’s not just the resort, the diving opportunities, the thrilling activities, and the weather that makes Alphonse Island so spectacular. Add in the terrain, the techniques, the season, and the species diversity and you have an incredible mix, custom-made for fly fishing. On the terrain front, fly fishing in the Alphonse Atoll sets itself apart due to the largely land-based approach it offers. While blue-water, boat-based fishing is available to anglers, the main draw these atolls holds is for the angler to be able to target challenging species on foot. In line with its environmental ethos and practices, a strict catch and release system is in operation. Saltwater fly-fishing destinations in many parts of the world are boat-based, the Alphonse Atoll stands apart because of the opportunities it gives anglers: to wading in shallow, warm water on hard white sand and turtle grass, on coral flats to discover a plethora of exciting new species. It’s the opportunity to cast at behemoth giant trevally or shoals of bonefish in the same knee-deep water you are standing in, is not something many fly anglers who are accustomed to boat-based fishing, will ever forget.

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The Island Conservation Society (ICS) team offers activities enabling guests to connect with the natural environment and surroundings whilst respecting it. By assisting the ICS, guests gain a wider understanding of the ecology and ecosystems that exist on Alphonse, St François, and Bijoutier, and the importance of their work and how it greatly affects the islands. As part of the guided walks and the Native Vegetation Restoration project, guests can choose to plant an endemic tree. Swimming with – and photographing – Manta Rays, is a particularly magical ocean experience, which helps capture important data about individual specimens and their movements. These islands provide important nesting grounds for our endemic Hawksbill and Green turtles; the turtle patrol and tracking project provides important insights into the population numbers and their movement, which helps the team protect them.

With days filled with adventures on land, in or above the shimmering waters of the Indian Ocean, relax at the central dining and bar area, as the sun slowly dips into the ocean and melts away, signalling the end of another day in paradise. Menus are created from freshly caught fish, and grilled meats and 65% of the fruits and vegetables served are grown on the island’s farm. Combining the influences of local Seychellois Creole and French cuisine, dishes are inspired from all corners of the Indian Ocean.

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In addition to the restaurant, private dining can be arranged to allow guests to enjoy meals on a special spot on the beach, or alongside the pool.

The idyllic, pristine, and picture-perfect paradise that is Alphonse Island is the definitive wedding destination. Alphonse Island has a full license for weddings and the talented team of staff can arrange every detail from providing the registrar to working with the bride and groom to create delicious menus, signature cocktails and canapés, as well as arranging tropical flowers and fantastic music. Each detail is carefully considered to create an unforgettable wedding in paradise.

For those who seek exclusivity, Alphonse Island can be hired in its entirety-the ultimate wedding venue! Exceptional experiences last a lifetime. They are stories that people tell people with enthusiasm, passion, and love, they are memories that can never be erased. Alphonse Island is a sanctuary for the senses, a discovery for the mind, and food for the soul. It is a place where guests are at one with the environment, where peace and tranquillity reign. It is a destination like no other, it is paradise perfected and this enchanting island is just waiting to be explored!

For more information, please visit www.alphonse-island.com

The idyllic, pristine, andpicture-perfect paradise that isAlphonse Island is the definitivewedding destination.
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find your paradise #fishermanscoveseychelles

SUNSET BEAU VALLON SEYCHELLES making memories that will last a lifetime


Taking up less than one third of the totalisland, Six Senses Zil Pasyon is the only resorton Félicité island surrounded by a glitteringnecklace of satellite islands.

Tucked away on the 652-acre granite island and ecological jewel of Félicité in the Seychelles Archipelago amid impressive Jurassic slabs of granite and coral-fringed beaches of picturepostcard splendour lies the Six Senses Zil Pasyon. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for guests to reconnect with their environment according to the timeless rhythms of nature while enjoying the very best that Seychelles has to offer in absolute comfort.

Situated 30 miles (55 kilometers) northeast of Mahé International Airport, Six Senses Zil Pasyon is accessible only by a scenic 20-minute private helicopter journey or an exhilarating one-hour boat trip on a private motor yacht. Both modes of transport allow guests to enjoy the breathtaking beauty of Seychelles in the best possible ways. For guests travelling by private jet, landing permits are issued at the discretion of the Seychelles government and should be applied for directly by the client.

Taking up less than one third of the total island, Six Senses Zil Pasyon is the only resort on Félicité island surrounded by a glittering necklace of satellite islands.

Accommodation takes the form of 28 one bedroom and two two-bedroom, spacious pool villas alongside two striking three and four bedroom residences with ultra-sleek finishes, offering optimal seclusion within a uniquely beautiful tropical landscape and sublime, uninterrupted ocean panoramas made in heaven from the various private decks and swimming pools.

Guest’s enjoyment of the ultimate in tropical island cocoons comes with their very own multi-lingual GEM or guest experience-maker to assist in navigating the many facilities and amenities available in the resort that include everything from hiking, excursions, island tours, sunset cruises and discovering nature and even learning Creole to water sports and beach activities in Seychelles and rounding the day off at Cinema Paradiso under the stars.

At Six Senses Zil Pasyon there is something for every sun-worshipper, nature lover, thrill seeker, yogi, Insta family, foodie and lounger.

Zil Pasyon Seychelles

Six Senses Zil Pasyon isaccessible only by a scenic20-minute private helicopterjourney or an exhilaratingone-hour boat trip on aprivate motor yacht.

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Fine-dining together with more casual fare can be enjoyed at Six Senses Zil Pasyon’s eclectic choice of dining venues and private, immersive culinary experiences such as at the Chef’s Kitchen and Wine Vault or blending the idyllic setting of Seychelles with a traditional French afternoon with a game of pétanque accompanied by Pastis or rosé wine and a gourmet charcuterie board. There is also Lakanbiz with its fine selection of home-infused rums, punch and cigars; the Koko bar with its tempting range of bespoke cocktails; the Ocean Kitchen with non-meat dishes inspired by local Creole cuisine and the Island Café with its fusion of European, Asian and African fare.

Six Senses Spa Zil Pasyon features five double treatment villas (Rock, Cave, Ocean, Nature and Floating) that reflect the island’s eco-system, colours, textures and themes. The elevated pool with sundeck, yoga, and meditation pavilion enhance the personal journeys. The Seychelles spa’s wide range of holistic wellness, rejuvenation, local and African inspired treatments are designed around the natural beneficial properties of the island’s fauna and flora. There is also a sauna and steam room, outdoor infinity pool and yoga and meditation pavilion plus a state-of-the-art fitness centre at guest’s disposal.

Six Senses Spa Zil Pasyon featuresfive double treatment villas (Rock,Cave, Ocean, Nature and Floating)
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On this intimate jewel of Seychelles, it is the guest’s choice whether to step in tune with nature or take a dip with the turtles. The island is an ecological marvel, so everything revolves around sustaining its integrity. As part of the resort’s philosophy, social and environmental projects are not obligations, they are an essential part of the island ethos. For example and most encouragingly, in 2019 the resort produced nearly 39,000 kilos of organic herbs, fruits and vegetables to feed guests and hosts.

The island is home to plants, shrubs and trees indigenous or endemic to Seychelles, setting Six Senses Zil Pasyon apart from the "artificial" landscapes of other resorts. The landscaping team has worked for a decade to eradicate invasive coco-plum and reintroduce authentic species of trees and plants. The habitats will, in the course of time, be rich and productive and a happy result will be the return of endemic birds including the Seychelles Magpie Robin, Seychelles Paradise Flycatcher, Seychelles Whiteye, Seychelles Warbler and Seychelles Fody. As coastal habitats are also much improved, it is hoped to see seabirds returning in numbers to nest. Meanwhile, 1800 coral fragments have been harvested so far in the island’s nursery with 600 fragments transplanted to the Ocean as part of the resort’s coral restoration project.

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Unparalleled Paradise

Located on Beau Vallon beach which lays northwest on the island of Mahé; a mere 30 minutes’ drive from the international airport – STORY Resort Seychelles is a contemporary & chic property featuring 100 rooms comprising of villas and suites, an award winning spa and 7 eclectic dining experiences. As your paradise home away from home, the resort offers you the opportunity to enjoy all the modern comforts in this beautiful tropical paradise entwined with chic décor, sumptuous food & beverages and spacious luxury to relax in.

Whether it’s a fun holiday with the family, a romantic escape or the start of one, or to even look back and reminisce life with a loved one - STORY Resort Beau Vallon Beach is known for its turquoise ocean views, crystal white beach and lush emerald greenery where you can expect nothing but undisturbed sights, charming creole hospitality and new heights of life & style indulgence.

STORY Resort Beau Vallon Beach offers an unparalleled collection of opulently appointed accommodations, relaxation and recreational spaces that showcase the true heritage of their Seychellois surroundings. The 100 villas and suites redefine paradise - they simply exude stylish opulence, stylish comfort and idyllic bliss. Designed to represent a blend between creole and colonial architecture - the resort is an epitome of tropical luxury. From plush furnishings and mesmerizing backdrops, to the spacious layout and beautiful finishing’s - all overlooking the topical tropical gardens leading to the beach.

The beach facing private pool-villas offer an entirely new level of luxury. A unique product available only at this resort in the Beau Vallon beach area - each one occupies a private spot on the beach with direct access to the bay as well as a private pool, pool-deck, cabana, outdoor rain showers, luxury in-room amenities and personal pampering products. Similarly the suites include a comfortable double bed and lounge area with luxurious amenities of comparison. All suites have choice of private terrace balcony or a terrace that opens out onto the resort gardens, complete with sun loungers. Each villa or suite also features indoor and outdoor daybeds and dining areas; plush sofas, beds and seating areas; pristine bathrooms featuring oversized freestanding bathtubs and rain showers - as well as all the modern technologies such as a large screen LCD and complimentary high-speed Wi-Fi.

With seven eclectic dining experiences in the form of bars and restaurants to choose from –you’re spoilt for choice. The resort offers a wide selection of dining options.

Tranquil, boutique and culturally connected,the resort offers guests a chance to creatememories worth sharing.
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A world of gastronomic adventure is waiting to be discovered at STORY Resort Beau Vallon Beach Seychelles. Open to both guests and now the public, this luxury resort now offers a smorgasbord of restaurants set to capture the imaginations and hearts of the most discerning of diners.


Nestled between the luscious greenery of the gardens on the property and at the foot of the beach, Eden is a hub of gastronomic experiences. Romantic yet authentic, it serves a delicious selection of Creole inspired dishes with fresh seafood and prime cuts of meat from the BBQ. The restaurant seats up to 50 people and can be hired out, upon request, for intimate wedding receptions and celebrations. The dedicated team of chefs & service staff ensure and cook the meat to your choice while the sommelier enthralls you with their excellent selection of wines.


Seyshima, derived from ‘Sey’ for Seychelles and ‘Shima’ - the Japanese term for island, is a venue that oozes Asian sophistication and is renowned for its mouthwatering selection of Teppanyaki and Sushi. The restaurant is located on the natural lagoon that flows through the resort and true to its name gives you an island dining experience. The quaint and cosy restaurant can seat up to 25 persons and is perfect for family and couples to dine in. A popular venue for Japanese cuisine on the Mahé, diners can simply enjoy some freshly rolled sushi or can dine a la carte whilst they revel in a Teppan show by the chef.

Vasco’s & 1502 Lobby Bar

The resort’s main restaurant, which is named after the Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama, is the perfect spot to enjoy your breakfast or to finish your day with a hearty dinner. Open-aired, bright and contemporary in décor, it offers both indoor and al fresco seating for up to 125 guests. The buffet and live stations feature international and Creole cuisine and offers a daily changing theme for dinner. On dedicated evenings, a

variety of traditional dance and live music performances keep you entertained.

1502 was the year in which Vasco da Gama sighted the Seychelles islands. This lobby bar is a quintessential venue and the place to discover your own paradise with their concoctions of delectable cocktails, fine wines and spirits. You can enjoy some shisha on the terrace while you soak in the sunset colors or some sporty bites and beverages while you enjoy the live sports and games or a weekly screening of classic movies.

Trader Vic’s Seychelles

Trader Vic’s is an internationally renowned restaurant and bar. The founder Victor Jules Bergeron, Jr. opened his first outlet that bore his nick-name Trader Vic and ever since the French-Polynesian bar & restaurant concept has grown by leaps and bounds. Trader Vic’s Seychelles as a venue is the life and soul of the Beau Vallon and home to the famous Mai Tai® cocktail – which dates back to 1944.

Years ahead of his time, this world renowned restaurant chose to offer Chinese dishes alongside the then-contemporary continental cuisine, creating the original fusion menu decades before it would become a trend. Following the culinary curiosity along the ancient spice route, the founders collected recipes to bring back to Trader Vic’s, and this eclectic cuisine reinvented fine dining. Following in these footsteps, each venue is constantly innovating and adding to the menu while the zeal to scour the globe for new ideas and revolutionising dishes goes on.

The signature restaurant in Seychelles sets a worldstandard for tropical sophistication with its eclectic cuisine – enhanced by using a Chinese wood-fired oven. Trader Vic’s Chinese Ovens can be traced back to the Han Dynasty. This method of cooking differs from traditional direct fire barbecues and imparts a subtle flavor and helps create a unique dining experience. Each Trader Vic’s showcases this style of ancient cooking. You get to savor an exciting menu every month along with the authentic ‘Taste the World Cuisine’ available all through the year or just enjoy and sip the tropical cocktails curated from international & local favourites. Be it the Mai tai or the Seyhorse, you are guaranteed an amazing time as you relax & sit in the spectacular interior space, or on the terrace overlooking the lagoon while you are entertained by the resident band featuring a Latin-American influence. The restaurant has an exciting atmosphere with the exotic décor, including timeless and authentic artefacts from around the globe and can seat up to 100 guests. It’s the perfect venue for corporate parties, wedding reception or simply celebrating life!

Guests can also choose the resort’s ‘pièce de résistance,’ a bespoke, romantic under the moon & stars dining on the beach coupled with the ambience of the soothing ocean waves. Customised options also include privatised group reservations for beach and/or in-villa barbecues as well as a luxurious in-villa floating pool breakfast. For more information, or to make a reservation at any of the restaurants, please visit


Culinary Discovery at STORY Resort Seychelles
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The signature restaurant in Seychelles sets a worldstandard for tropical sophistication with its eclectic cuisine – enhanced by using a Chinese wood-fired oven. Trader Vic’s Chinese Ovens can be traced back to the Han Dynasty. This method of cooking differs from traditional direct fire barbecues and imparts a subtle flavor and helps create a unique dining experience. Each Trader Vic’s showcases this style of ancient cooking. You get to savor an exciting menu every month along with the authentic ‘Taste the World Cuisine’ available all through the year or just enjoy and sip the tropical cocktails curated from international & local favourites. Be it the Mai tai or the Seyhorse, you are guaranteed an amazing time as you relax & sit in the spectacular interior space, or on the terrace overlooking the lagoon while you are entertained by the resident band featuring a Latin-American influence. The restaurant has an exciting atmosphere with the exotic décor, including timeless and authentic artefacts from around the globe and can seat up to 100 guests. It’s the perfect venue for corporate parties, wedding reception or simply celebrating life!

Guests can also choose the resort’s ‘pièce de résistance,’ a bespoke, romantic under the moon & stars dining on the beach coupled with the ambience of the soothing ocean waves. Customised options also include privatised group reservations for beach and/or in-villa barbecues as well as a luxurious in-villa floating pool breakfast. For more information, or to make a reservation at any of the restaurants, please visit www.hresortseychelles.com

Holidays are meant for indulgence so guests are encouraged to pamper themselves at the award winning Sesel Spa or try some customised workouts at the Beau Vallon Gym & Yoga Studio to flaunt that beach body. Sesel Spa is a true heaven within a haven - whether it’s a results orientated treatment, or just an experience of utter relaxation you’re looking for, it is a must, to make it a part of your Seychelles experience.

Explore the healing elements in nature and discover the true essence of being at one with yourself. Named as a tribute to its destination (Sesel is the Creole name for Seychelles), this blissful space features a total of seven treatment rooms including five single rooms and two couples suites, in addition to a Vichy Hydrotherapy room. We also have a salon for nails, hair and other beauty therapies. 'Sesel Spa' offers a selection of signature treatments that infuse the best of Western and Eastern techniques – all implemented by expert therapists who take a holistic approach to wellness. The luxury relaxation areas offer a tranquil setting for both pre and post massage treatments, so make sure you spend some time there to truly rediscover wellness.

Open 24/7 and overlooking the lagoon, the Beau Vallon Gym & Yoga Studio is equipped with state-ofthe-art Life Fitness cardio machines and free weights. The Beau Vallon Studio is perfect for syncing your body and mind with yoga. Guests can take advantage of the complimentary recreational schedule – which is designed

for the holidaying guest’s fitness goals. RecreAction Program.

In addition to our fitness and yoga programmes, recreational facilities are dotted throughout the resort with the stunning infinity pool taking centre stage. With ample sun loungers and parasols bordering it, the 24 meter long sapphire blue water invitingly tempts you to submerge. The accompanying kids’ pool is a safe 0.4 meter in depth. Also on offer is tennis, volleyball, pétanque, table tennis, a giant chessboard, masks, snorkels, paddle boards and kayaks to satisfy all your holiday recreational needs.

It's not only the grown-ups that are spoilt - a world of exploration and fun awaits the little ones at Treetops Kids’ Club. Happy kids make for happy parents and this is the main priority. You can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your child is well cared for by a team of professional caretakers who arrange fun-filled activities. Suitable for children aged 3 to 12 years, the club is open daily from 9am – 6pm. The resort also offers baby-sitting services and can prepare baby-food upon prior requests.

Guests can also indulge in our weekly activities that includes a range of paid & complimentary options like transfers to Victoria city, drop-off for the Anse Major Hike, cocktails & conversations with the resort management, a scenic sunset cruise in a glass bottom boat, bi-weekly live-entertainment, Cinema Paradiso, sundowners and many more seasonal events – there’s always something for everyone to enjoy at the resort.

This intimate, tropical island retreat is the perfect location for a destination wedding or honeymoon. When one thinks of the term ‘tropical island’, it conjures up thoughts of pristine ivory shorelines, a turquoise ocean and a backdrop of luscious greenery. This is exactly what you can expect at STORY Resort Beau Vallon Beach – the perfect destination to turn the dream wedding into a beautiful reality.

Couples can choose to say ‘I do’ either along the beach, in the spectacular garden gazebo or in a number of secluded venues dotted around the resort. In addition to an idyllic backdrop, a customised wedding ceremony can be organized by the team of wedding specialists. From eclectic table designs, tiered wedding cakes and bespoke menus, to entertainment, bamboo ceremony archways and a civil ceremony officer, there’s no dream that can’t be made into a reality. STORY Resort Seychelles offers a number of packages that can be tailored to ensure that each and every wedding is both perfect and personal. If you are looking for the ultimate honeymoon escape or just a time away with family, then look no further than STORY Resort Beau Vallon Beach. Everything, from the moment you arrive, to the time you reluctantly depart, has been designed with the discerning traveler in mind. For more information or to make a reservation, please


Explore the healing elements in natureand discover the true essence of being atone with yourself
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bliss hotel

a paradisiac hideaway

Hidden within a lush cove on the northern side of Mahe, Bliss Hotel overlooks a stunning beach caressed by cascading boulders and is cuddled within a lush backdrop of green forest.

One of the oldest hotels in Seychelles that was once called Vista Do Mar and was abandoned for some time, the owner Mr Alain Hazan renovated it and transformed it into the beautiful gem that it is today.

The Suites are decorated with only natural materials found in Seychelles and as well as combining creole architecture with contemporary interior design, Bliss Hotel evokes an exotic, friendly and romantic space with 24 Suites, each with its own charm.

Bliss Hotel believes in real relaxing where the sounds and beauty of nature inspire the guest and provide them with a total escape. There are no paintings on the wall in this hotel, to promote tranquility and keep the focused attention on mother nature. Situated within the same building guests can also enjoy soothing natural massages and treatments at the Pure-Bliss Spa with Coconut Scrubs, Patchouli Sugar Scrubs and other delightful treatments on offer.

The hotel is situated in the quiet area of Glacis that’s only 10 minutes’ drive away from the famous Beau Vallon Beach, home to the Bazaar Labrin Street Market, the Baobab Pizzeria, Boat House Restaurant and water sports activities.

Travellers can enjoy varying ambience at Bliss, the Seaside and the Hillside. Both with its own unique features.

Bliss Hotel believes in 'real relaxing' wherethe sounds and beauty of nature inspirethe guest and provide them with a total escape.
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Let the lapping of the waves on the shores delight you!

The Suites overlook a stunning white sandy beach and the world’s most breath taking deep orange sunsets. The private beach is nestled within the cove and features a natural swimming pool made from the cascading boulders surrounding the shoreline.

One of the pearls of the Seaside is the Junior Opuni Suite with its rustic furniture and a panoramic view of the Indian Ocean that can also be enjoyed in the outdoor bathroom.

The Oceanfront Wave Suite offers a stunning view of the beach with a private terrace, and a personal sitting area ideal for socializing and relaxing. For a more inspiring blend of contemporary and creole architecture, the Suite Birgo would be the luxury escape. The white cement and polished granite plays beautifully with the setting sun creating deep shades of relaxing earthy colours. The Family Apartment, named The Shadow provides enough space and is ideal to accommodate up to 6 adults and somehow in the various spaces, the sails and the sun are having fun; the shadows and reflections somehow merge. The natural wood used to decorate the rooms give off a natural and organic feel, providing the perfect space for a relaxing and re-energizing holiday at one with nature. The hotel also offers Zumba and Yoga classes for the active clients!


Nestled up in the Secret Garden, the Suites offer beautiful views of the Indian ocean and the relaxing sounds of nature.

The Suites are surrounded by green vegetation, tropical flowers and the sounds of birds singing. Perched on the hillside, the rooms are spacious and plush with wooden furniture and white walls, some with beautiful shell curtains. The Charme Superior Room is spacious with a double view of the garden and the ocean with a private terrace/garden which melts in luxuriant tropical vegetation. Set amidst the vegetation, guests can enjoy the private pool or the choice of walking down just a stone throw away to the secluded beach.

Dining at the Bliss Hotel is an unforgettable authentic experience of traditional creole cuisine using fresh ingredients from the island!

The Suites overlook a stunning white sandybeach and the world’s most breath takingdeep orange sunsets.
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bliss hotel

Barefoot Terrace Restaurant

Bliss Hotel offer their clients homemade Breakfast and Afternoon Tea found only on the islands in the stunning Barefoot Terrace Restaurant that boasts amazing sunset views, sandy floors and wood beamed ceiling covering the comfortable sofas. Once the sun has set behind the horizon and the sky is adorned by a tapestry of exotic colours, guests can enjoy happy hour sipping a tropical cocktail in tranquility. For Dinner guests can taste the exquisite authentic creole cuisine Buffet. The restaurant also offers an a la carte lunch menu that offers a variety of local dishes as well as snacks and coffee. Whatever time of day that you are enjoying a meal, you can do it soothing your toes in the sand, sitting back and relaxing with the amazing view and sounds of the waves.

Rockpool Seafood Grill & Bar

Another must try is the Rockpool Restaurant that is shaded just below the terrace offering a cozy and elegant atmosphere. The friendly team offer wonderful cocktails and some of the best Italian food on the island. Rockpool is the ideal venue to experience the perfect fusion of local and Mediterranean culinary delights with a hint of creole touch, whilst enjoying a stunning panoramic view of the Indian ocean. Be sure not to miss the majestic Silhouette Island in the far distance.

The hotel offers a few attractive packages such as the Honeymoon Package, Wedding Package and Long Stay Package. To make your holiday to Seychelles exciting, snorkeling trips to beautiful secluded beaches can be organized on their very own boat. An opportunity not to miss to see colourful fish and corals in the alluring clear turquoise waters.

As well as snorkeling, the team at Bliss Hotel can arrange for Hiking, Fishing, Island Tours, Diving and other activities to make your holiday moments memorable.

At Bliss Hotel guests can experience mother nature in her truest form and marvel at the world’s most beautiful sunsets, all the while enjoying traditional creole cuisine and appreciating the rustic and creole inspired architecture.

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Fisherman's cove

your key to the ultimate Seychelles adventure

The Seychelles archipelago’s 115 islands are situated 1600 km from the east coast of Africa. They are divided into 41 steep, granitic islands and 74 flat coralline reef islands and atolls of which only 16 currently offer accommodation for visitors. They lie spread across their secret corner of the western Indian Ocean like precious gemstones set in a universe of azure water – stepping stones to the east coast of Africa, some thousand miles away, and natural gateway to the many treasures of the continent beyond. Only 2 centuries old, Seychelles has always been a melting pot of peoples from every corner of the planet who, together, form today’s tranquil yet vibrant 90,000-strong Seychellois Creole society, the vast majority of whom are catholic.

These islands were first discovered by the brave Arab mariners of the 9th century B.C. who first began to chart the unknown waters of an ocean they called the ‘bahr al zanj’’ or ‘sea of the blacks’, leaving traces of their presence in the names they gave to certain of the islands such as Aldabra which is sometimes appropriately translated from Arabic as ‘the rock.’

After having served as a hideout for the pirates of the 17th and 18th century, one of whom, Olivier Le Vasseur, also known as La Buse, is believed to have buried a massive and as yet undiscovered treasure hoard on the main island, Mahé, the islands were finally settled by the French in 1756. They remained a French colony until they passed to the English after the defeat of Napoleon in 1814 and it was they who administrated the islands until their independence as a sovereign republic within the Commonwealth in 1976.

The islands’ legendary loveliness has long acted as a magnet to travellers in search of the Holy Grail of pristine tropical beauty and many famous travellers have beaten a path to its shores including the likes of Ian Fleming, author of James Bond, who visited the islands to receive inspiration for one of his Bond books.

The islands’ legendary loveliness has long actedas a magnet to travellers in search of the HolyGrail of pristine tropical beauty
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The Seychelles Islands finally emerged from their slumber of ages in 1972 when they became connected to the rest of the world via a new international airport which saw the birth of the islands’ tourism industry.

Today, in every way, Fishermans Cove echoes - and adds value - to the rich history of the islands since their eventual settlement in 1770; to Seychelles’ multidimensional culture - and beyond - to the indomitable island-style soul that still reigns as a reflection of the unique topography, diverse flora and fauna and the wonderful air of other-worldliness that pervades everything from the mist-topped granite peaks, the emerald forests, right down to the sapphire ocean.

The pedigree of this hotel extends back to 1943, even before the opening of the International airport several decades later and ranks among the very earliest island accommodation establishments on the island to open its doors to the first wide-eyed travellers to visit these shores.

Situated in the quaint seaside town of Bel Ombre on the principal island of Mahé, the birthplace of Seychellois hospitality, Fisherman's Cove nestles in its very own corner of a lush tropical paradise. Whether walking on one of the most beautiful beaches in the Seychelles, pampering yourself at the Zen Spa or savouring the extraordinary nuances of Creole cuisine, a stay at Fisherman’s Cove creates memories to last a lifetime.

Overlooking Beau Vallon, the most iconic and popular beach on Mahé the ideal location of the resort allows clients to make enriching and diverse discoveries at this western tip of Seychelles. Lush and vibrant gardens create an inspiring atmosphere for a romantic idyll or a serene getaway while our two restaurants and bars allow you to explore innovative pairings of flavours and spicy aromas. Meanwhile, beyond the simple relaxation afforded by the sand and sea, an exhilarating choice of water sport activities and the delicate attentions of our spa await your visit.

Fisherman's Cove offers an extensive choice of rooms with magnificent views of the Beau Vallon Beach complete with ivory sands and crystal clear Indian Ocean waters. Designed to embrace a typical Creole style, all rooms are open plan, light and airy with wooden accents and rattan furniture. Whether you choose a chalet-style room or one situated within the main hotel block, you will enjoy all the creature comforts of bathrooms with their modern showers. Separate deep soaking tubs, oversized rainforest showers, and ample toiletries create a haven of comfort and sweet indulgence. Air-conditioning in every room may be finely adjusted to keep you cool and comfortable and tea and coffee making facilities all add to that feeling of being pampered.

Magnificent views ofthe Beau Vallon Beach complete with ivory sandsand crystal clear IndianOcean waters.
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Fisherman's cove

Designed to create an open natural setting, each room enjoys its own private wooden terrace offering beautiful views of the resort’s lush tropical gardens or dazzling blue Indian Ocean, which you can capture perfectly and boast about online by taking advantage of the WLAN Internet access.

Fisherman’s Cove features an asymmetrically shaped infinity pool that creates an idyllic setting for you to spend a long, languid day relaxing in the sun on one of the surrounding sun loungers. Those who prefer a more active holiday will enjoy their time in the gym and water sports enthusiast can try their hand at canoeing or pedal boating.

As you near the end of an active day, Fisherman's Cove welcomes you to its very own corner of paradise. Undeniably luxurious yet comfortably relaxed, the soothing Zen Spa is surrounded by dazzling views of the Indian Ocean and invites you to indulge in the ultimate pampering experience.

Lush and vibrant gardenscreate an inspiring atmospherefor a romantic idyll or a serene getaway
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Fisherman's cove

The Fitness Centre is accessible 24hrs a day with your room key. A steam room and plunge pool is available to guests on a complimentary basis.

The resort boasts two restaurants and two bars, all with ocean-facing views, featuring a sensational selection of international and local dishes in an elegant, yet relaxed, atmosphere. Discover the local touch, aroma and taste of Seychellois Creole cuisine; experience a-la-carte finedining and generally unwind while sipping exotic cocktails accompanied by breathtaking views of the ocean.

Embark on a culinary journey of discovery and stimulate your taste buds at Paris Seychelles and Le Cardinal restaurant. For a relaxed gathering spot at sunset, the Cocoloba and the Sunset Bars serve signature cocktails and light snacks by the water.

Le Cardinal serves a lavish buffet of differently themed delicacies every night in its beautiful, open-air dining room. Enjoy local seafood, luscious fruits, organic produce and exquisite desserts against the dazzling backdrop of the Indian Ocean.

Located on the resort's picturesque pontoon, Paris Seychelles offers classic French gastronomy combined with Seychelles’ rich culinary offerings that draw from both Africa and Asia in a truly unique Beau Vallon Restaurant experience.

With its casual, contemporary design, the Sunset Bar sets a chic backdrop for enjoying signature cocktails made from local ingredients, while the relaxed and welcoming Le Cocoloba Bar invites you to unwind to the sounds of "Nouvelle Vague" while soaking up an exceptional view of the Indian Ocean.

Additionally, the resort offers a delicious selection of Inroom dining options at any hour of the day or night.

A mere 20 minutes away from the smallest capital city in the world, Victoria, guests are urged to make the most of the resort’s unique location and explore the local seafood and craft markets. Dive into the region’s fascinating history and experience firsthand the subtly intertwining French, Indian and Asian influences that permeate the cooking and culture. Explore the resort's winding pathways, lush landscape and private enclaves which set an undeniably romantic stage for couples who want to escape from the hustle and bustle of modern life. Home to a mesmerizing underwater world of coral reefs and tropical fish, Fisherman's Cove is the perfect destination for snorkelling and diving enthusiasts. Explore pristine white sands lapped by topaz waters, coral sunsets and ignite your inspiration with an underwater encounter that leaves you with incredible memories of your stay on the island.

Visit enchanting underwater sites and learn about the importance of marine conservation with marine experts from our partner, the Marine Conservation Society Seychelles, who have helped us develop the project and continue to support it. Proceeds from the donations collected go towards sustaining the marine conservation projects led by the Marine Conservation Society Seychelles. The usage of water sports equipment is complimentary during your stay however a deposit of 50 Euro is required when you wish to make use of this equipment.

In a utopian setting overlooking the coral reefs of the Indian Ocean, Fisherman’s Cove offers an authentic venue for your wedding experience that you will find resonates with a unique cultural vibe.

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Get married on the beach or on the pontoon that offers a unique setting for the exchange of wedding vows with the ocean as a spectacular backdrop. The team at Fisherman’s Cove can even take care of all the legal documents that are required for the ceremony as well as arrange the logistics of your special day through tailor-made packages.

Even though the Fisherman’s Cove prides itself on being able to retain the interest of the most discerning traveller across its broad spectrum of facilities and amenities, this exceptional resort is also an ideal stepping stone to the wider arena of Seychelles adventures.

It should not be overlooked that Seychelles is home to 2 UNESCO World Heritage sites, the legendary Vallée de Mai in which grows the mysteriously shaped Coco-de-Mer, and Aldabra, the planet’s largest raised coral atoll. With nearly 50% of its limited landmass set aside as national parks and reserves, Seychelles remains a sanctuary for some of the rarest flora & fauna on earth.

With an economic zone of over 1,400 million km², and a climate providing almost perpetual summer, Seychelles offers a captivating choice of accommodation options throughout the islands and unparalled diving, sailing, cruising, fishing, golf, spa & wellness, golf and eco-activities.

Get married on the beach or on the pontoon that offers a unique setting for theexchange of wedding vows with the oceanas a spectacular backdrop.
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Pineapple Beach Villas

Tucked away on a secluded cove, upon anexquisite white sandy beach, Pineapple BeachVillas is a piece of paradise on the South Westcoast of Mahé, the main island of Seychelles.

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Live out your tropical paradise fantasyas you feel the warm sand betweenyour toes, gaze upon the clear turquoisewaters and spend your days enjoyingbeach life, all whilst knowing all thecomforts of home are just a step awayfrom the ocean at your beach front villa.

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Pineapple Beach Villas

Once you step from the private beach and into the Pineapple Beach Villas resort, lush greenery, small paths and lofty palm trees can all be found in the well-maintained beach garden outside the apartments, whilst the elevated pool, right by the beach calls upon guests to take a relaxed dip or while away their day on the luxury sunbeams that surround it. There is also a small shop that stocks all your every day essentials plus holiday luxuries and a bus stop that opens up the island to those looking to explore. Free parking makes hiring a car a great option too and an exceptional concierge service allows for activities and tours to be booked with ease. Enjoy snorkelling by the coral reef, stand up paddle boarding and kayaking all free of charge, or for an extra fee guests can take part in hikes across the island, boat excursions, diving and even fishing. For those looking to slow down the pace, yoga classes can be arranged and for celebration nights, a personal chef can be booked to cater to your every culinary whim at your villa.

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Each of the eight spacious, air-conditioned selfcatering apartments at Pineapple Beach Villas offer a luxury living atmosphere consisting of bright, natural light, lots of wood, stone and other natural materials and decorations which lend the atmosphere a modern, comfortable and stylish tone. The apartment itself offers an open-plan living and dining area complete with a plush sofa, a flat-screen TV with satellite channels, as well as an adjacent, fully-equipped kitchen. The bedroom contains a king size bed, ensuring utmost comfort and total relaxation, plus an open bathroom with original stone basins and modern fittings. If it’s alfresco dining you are looking for, guests can enjoy a private terrace or a stylishly-furnished balcony with a view of the garden or the ocean and equipped with a BBQ.

It’s not just beautiful and peaceful beaches that the south of Mahé is world-renowned for. There’s a plethora of exquisite and authentic restaurants to sample, plus fabulous shops and boutiques just a short distance away from the resort. The south is also home to numerous famous artists, all of whose Seychelles-inspired pieces of art are available to purchase at their galleries. For fans of nature, there are multiple tropical gardens that you can wander through and discover the plant and animal life that call Seychelles their home.

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Pineapple Beach Villas

Each of the eight spacious, air-conditioned self-catering apartmentsat Pineapple Beach Villas offer aluxury living atmosphere
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Splendid and preserved, the island of Praslin offers an Edenic frame for a stay in the Seychelles archipelago. Just 14 minutes by plane or 45 minutes by boat from Mahé, Praslin is the second island of the archipelago with an area of 26 km². Less mountainous than Mahé, it owes its reputation to its exceptional Vallée de Mai, a nature reserve, classified in the UNESCO world heritage, where grows the emblematic coco-fesse, you can also find Anse Lazio, one of the most beautiful beaches in the world.

This sumptuous retreat charms its visitors with a delicate blend of modern architecture and Creolity, gibing a nod to the island’s heritage, but with a foot firmly in the future. Visitors to The Bliss Hotel can choose from a variety of accommodation, including 27 Rooms and Suites set within 15 chalets that hide away within nature’s paradise. The 15 Chalets available are built with local wood and granite and are set on lush tropical land, surrounded by island Fauna and Flora. The interior decoration of each chalet is inspired by Seychelles and Mother Nature herself, whilst the interiors of the rooms and suites themselves are breathtakingly exotic and a feast for the senses.

Enjoy your stay in one of the 6 welcoming and homely ‘Charme rooms’ set in a Chalet. Let the tranquility wash over you the moment you enter this warm and Creole ambiance styled room, where you will be seduced by its simplicity. Each 22m2 room is accompanied by a vast 11m2 terrace; your ideal place for relaxation & reflection. You will wake up as birds sing and be greeted by colourful tropical flowers and luxurious shades of green.

For those looking for even more room to kick back and relax, there are 18 ‘Charme Superior’ Rooms, (35m2) that feature an additional reading bed/sofa corner, a large dressing room, an office corner and, as with the Charme rooms, your very own terrace for relaxation and reflection.

Families are made very welcome at The Bliss Hotel, with 3 ‘Suite Family Chalet’ available, at a huge 46m2 in size, plus a terrace at 15m2. As well as the bedroom area, these suites feature a relaxing living area that is sure to make you feel like you have arrived at your very own traditional Seychelles house. Sitting on your intimate terrace set in a chalet, families can simmer down and enjoy the sound of the birds, enjoy some refreshments and take in the huge variety of plants and exotic species that surrounds.

Take a stroll out of your chalet and you will discover a white sand beach where the sun embraces your skin. As you relax by the waves, you’ll be able to glance upon the sea horizon, scattered with little islands such as Cousin and Cousine.

The Bliss Hotel, Praslin is an exotic, friendly andromantic escape is located in the heart of Praslin,lying between the romantic beach of Grand’Anse andthe tropical land in the shade of the ‘Coco de Mer’.
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Away from the beach, the Bliss Hotel Praslin Sea Side pool and bar is an ideal place to sip a cocktail of your choice while feeling the ocean breeze and enjoy a meditation moment.

The gastronomy is as enticing and blissful as the accommodation. The Beach House Restaurant, set in a cozy, comfy and elegant ambiance, serves exquisite Mediterranean cuisine prepared by devoted chefs. With breakfast served 8AM to 10:30AM each morning, you can enjoy a breakfast buffet teaming with fresh local fruits and vegetable, daily pastries and choices of breads, Seychelles jams and paste, yoghurt and cheese, a choice of cereals and more. The team will welcome you for breakfast, be it for the buffet or all day dining with its a la carte menu. Always looking to please and accommodate, the Morning Chef will be delighted to cook your delicious early bright eggs at your taste!

Fish and Mediterranean cuisine are served at The Beach House from 12PM to 9.30PM. In this peaceful, cosy, comfy and elegant setting, enjoy the calming ambiance with a feast of fresh fish brought daily from the nearby Seychellois fishermen that you can enjoy grilled or cooked with local ingredients. The Beach House à la carte menu brings authenticity in delivering Mediterranean cuisine with a selection of pasta, appetisers, salads, fish, meat and delicious desserts.

The Beach House serves all day cocktails to sip, choices of fresh juice and drinks to quench and delicious coffee and teas, perfect for when you want to take for a break

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The tropical Garden Pool and Bar is set in the middle of all the Chalets and will refresh you after a beach day or a long day exploring the island. Tea Time is hosted from 4-5PM each day, where you can enjoy complimentary homemade tea set around the Garden Pool. You will taste delicious homemade cakes and pastries, plus Iced Island Vanilla Tea and iced flavoured spring water.

Set by the sea’s edge and in harmony with the natural surroundings, Pure-Bliss Spa offers a range of local products exclusively made of fresh and organic ingredients. Enjoy a moment of blissful relaxation with a selection of treatments and entertain yourself in the boutique with some local handmade shopping items.

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motor yachts

The crews of Motor Yacht Bliss Oceanic and Motor Yacht Bliss Mokkaran are ready to welcome you ready to sail upon the gorgeous beauty of the Seychelles Ocean, in the comfort and relaxation of a luxury yacht sailored by Bliss’ experienced Captain.

Boasting two decks and specious exterior living, Motor Yacht Bliss Oceanic is 26 meters long, has an average cruising speed of 18 knots and a dedicated and professional crew, ensuring a memorable luxury crewed yacht charter experience.

As guests step out through the wide sliding glass doors of the salon, a partially shaded aft deck is waiting to be enjoyed, complete with seating and an alfresco dining option. An upper deck offers a further alfresco dining option, double sun pad, flybridge helm station and Jacuzzi. Both decks offer a Barbecue facility.

Accommodating up to eight charter guests within four cabins, Motor Yacht Bliss Oceanic offers all the comforts of home in a plush setting, with luxury interiors and modern facilities. The Master cabin is amidships and full beam of the yacht, with a central queen size bed, spacious lounge area, vanity, walk-in wardrobe and en-suite facilities. Forward and full beam of the yacht is the VIP cabin, offering a double bed and en-suite facilities. Two guest twin cabins on starboard and port side have side by side twin beds with ensuite bathroom. She is also capable of carrying three crew onboard to ensure a relaxed luxury yachting experience.

Motor Yacht Bliss Mokkaran also boasts two decks, is 20.5m long, has spacious exterior living areas, a partially shaded aft deck and has a slightly faster average cruising speed of 22 knots. With a dedicated & professional crew of two, she ensures a memorable luxury crewed yacht charter experience. For water enthusiasts, the extended swim platform makes for effortless direct water access and an additional upper deck offers a further alfresco dining option, double sun pad, and flybridge helm station.

Motor Yacht Bliss Mokkaran also accommodates eight charter guests within four cabins. The Master cabin is amidships and full beam of the yacht, again with a queen size bed, sofa, vanity, walk-in wardrobe and en-suite facilities. Forward and full beam of the yacht is the VIP cabin, offering a double bed and en-suite facilities. A guest twin cabin on the starboard side has side by side twin beds, while a guest cabin to port, has upper and lower single bunks. Both the twin cabins have shared facilities, with a shower.

For thrill seekers looking for some action above and below the waves, the tenders and toys onboard both Bliss Motor Yachts include a tender 3.80m, canoe, tubes, water ski equipment for adults and kids and snorkelling equipment. Guests can also find a satellite TV and DVD player onboard.

For those yearning to experience life upon the ocean wave,Bliss Hotels are now proud to offer a choice of two luxurymotor yachts available for daily charter or cruises, navigatingaround the inner and outer islands of the Seychelles.
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and the George Camille Gallery

An Art Lovers’s Retreat

Sat harmoniously within the surrounds of a lush forest upon La Digue Island, Villa Verte is a holiday home that has been lovingly created and designed by well -known local artist, George Camille. Featuring colour schemes that reflect the lush surroundings as well as displaying many of the artist’s original paintings, this is a retreat that sings with the promise of a relaxing, tropical atmosphere and a glimpse into the laidback and friendly lifestyle of the island.

The fourth largest island of the Seychelles group, La Digue is considered to be one of the most beautiful islands with palm–fringed beaches, towering granite boulders and turquoise waters and is only a short sail away from the larger island of Praslin.

The villa is ideally located on the north east of the island by Anse Gaulettes and is just a 15 minute cycle to bustling La Passe, but far enough away to provide a quieter and more relaxing spot. It was built in 2002 on the site of a old creole wooden house which had fallen down, with the gentleman who constructed it running a small holding there together with a few farm animals to keep his lifestyle self-sufficient. Ensuring the character and story of the site was upheld and respected, the walls of the ground floor were made from granite rocks that were broken on site whilst the land was being cleared for the construction, whilst the rest of the house is clad with timber, allowing the villa to sit camouflaged within its surroundings.

Today this striking three storey building houses not only holiday accommodation on the top two floors, but the highly acclaimed George Camille Gallery on the ground floor, making it the perfect accommodation for lovers of the arts.

Villa Verte can comfortably sleep 6 – 8 people in 3 double ensuite bedrooms, the largest of which is on the upper floor and has ample space for an additional 2 single beds. It is without doubt that the most popular place in the house is the 36 square metre verandah with its wooden swing and great views over the ocean and across to the cluster of islands that includes Felicite, the sister islands and Coco Island. The wooden balustrade and lambrequin are both hand-carved with leaves. The villa itself is painted green, the colour of new leaves and is built in the traditional creole style with quaint wooden shutters hung on traditional forged metal hinges and locked with metal crochets all made on La Digue.

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The perfect accommodation forlovers of the arts.

The artwork within Villa Verte has all been created by the Seychellois artist George Camille, inspired by local flora and fauna, creating an eclectic, breezy and tropical feeling. Villa Verte is in itself a gallery of Camille’s art, which he created in 2001.

Camille was born and continued to live and work in Seychelles and its Indian Ocean environment inspires, drives and informs everything he does.

‘Living next to the ocean has resulted in its sounds, smells and beauty being represented through forms and movements in my work. Within my aesthetic environment, natural forms intertwine and overlap, creating a sense of place recognisable as the multilayered panorama of light and texture I see when I look at the sea and sky every morning.’

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George Camille

George Camille was born and continue to live and work in the Seychelles. The fourth child from a family of eight, George’s parents ran a family bakery on the island of La Digue. Helping out in the bakery from an early age instilled a natural work ethic in him. But art was his calling, a talent that was recognized and nurtured at an early age by his parents and his teachers. His first wish to become an artist one day was grounded in his childhood while watching his late eldest brother, Patrick drawing scenes of tropical island life with effortless grace. Being the designated class artist and even selling drawings to friends at school would influence the budding artist to choose a career that would culminate in being recognized as the best visual artist in Seychelles in 2019.

George was twenty years old when he first left Seychelles. London – where he arrived to study after winning an art scholarship – shocked him to the marrow. It was a great culture shock indeed for a young man who grew up in a cultural void on a faraway island in the Seychelles to find himself living and studying in one of the busiest metropolitan city in Europe.

In 1987 on his return to Seychelles and being unable to find a job in the creative field, he decided to design and print T-shirts and beach sarongs to sell to tourists. To start this business, he borrowed the equivalent of 50 USD from his sister and bought T-shirts, paints and fabrics, turning his mom’s kitchen into a working place. Soon after that, he had the chance to have his first retail outlet in the main market in Victoria. Camille’s products were very colorful and bright – each one of them was a painting as he treated the T-shirts and fabrics as canvas for painting. And from such humble origins was born Sunstroke Studio, a design and screen printing business that at the height of it success trained and provided work for over thirty young Seychellois artists and craftsmen and ran several boutiques and galleries

This was followed in 1997 by the restoration of an old wooden colonial house, Kaz Zanana, which he opened as his first permanent art gallery in Victoria, Seychelles.

A number of important collaborative friendships with fellow artists also helped to focus his direction as an artist, most notably his work with ‘Tonga Bill’ Fehoko, the Martinique artist Habdaphaï and the French artist Mikel Chaussepied who in 1992, introduced George to the techniques of etching.

While the breathtaking beauty of the Seychelles and its people have always inspired George, it’s the light drenched refuge of his recently built studio at Le Rocher that releases the creative genie in him. Decorated on the outside with a sea of three shades of turquoise, punctuated by a multitude of primary coloured fish, this double storey building commands an amazing view of Trois Freres Mountain and provides the perfect sanctuary for his printmaking, sculpture and painting studios. George‘s studio space also hosts artist residencies, allowing the community to benefit from his facilities and offers an international meeting point for talented artists.

George has also used this space to regularly offer mentorship opportunities to young student artists and

has allowed school visits from time to time. There is an emphasis on mentoring and youth engagement. Bettering the younger generation.

Over the last thirty years, etchings have become the medium for his more detailed and figurative work. Having his own printing press has allowed him to experiment with a range of intaglio print techniques, combining a variety of materials and processes to create images which has shaped the development and presentation of his personal visual alphabet.

Working mainly on copper and zinc plates and using dry point and acid bite techniques, George produce limited edition monochrome prints as well as hand painted etchings that strive to capture the spirit of Seychellois life.

His heavily textured collages, made from glued pieces of cut and ripped canvases and painted in acrylic depicting traditional Creole scenes and sceneries, transport the viewer on an intense journey into the physical beauty and evocative mythology of the Seychelles islands.

His most recent work has incorporated elements of ‘objets trouve’ into mixed media work which has seen him experimenting with embossed copper, recycled electrical wire, metal, relief work , and installation art. The shutter project was an initiative whereby discarded windows and doors from local houses/buildings were salvaged and transformed into new pieces of art, so as to pay homage to their inherent value and perhaps serve as a gentle reminder of old ways forgotten.

On the local side, many of the projects undertaken have drawn inspiration from issues facing the Seychellois People, this is especially true at many of the high-profile biennales most domestically and internationally where George has used his talent to shine a light on some of the darker issues facing our society today.

George is currently chairman of Seychelles Art Foundation, an art NGO with affiliates in China, African and Italy. The vision of Seychelles Art Foundation is to create a vibrant, dynamic, and sustainable artistic and creative sector engaged in the production, promotion and diffusion of all art forms in Seychelles and internationally.

Through the Foundation, George has been involved in a number of high-profile public art projects whose purpose has been to use the power of art to educate and inform the community on the issues facing the Seychelles fragile ecosystem and the need to reexamine our human behavior and sensitize the youth.

George is currently using the quiet period enforced by the Corvid19 pandemic to carry out extensive renovation on his art gallery at Kaz Zanana in Victoria. The recent shift in his style and scale of work has required a rethink regarding the exhibition spaces in the signature, wooden house gallery. The open plan restaurant space at the rear of the building is being enclosed and turned into a spacious modern white cube space. The Gallery will open in December 2020 with a major solo exhibition of George’s latest works that has been inspired by the challenges that Seychelles has faced during these challenging times. This will be the first solo exhibition of Georges work in Seychelles for over ten years and will incorporate more sculpture pieces and large scale canvases.

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and the George Camille Gallery

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Creating the perfect island destination

Today, Eden Island is the perfect holiday destination with its four secluded beaches, swimming pools, a tennis court, a jogging track that circles the entire island and a gymnasium all set in lush green landscaped gardens. However, this hasn’t always been the case. In fact, it is only in the last decade that Eden island has been constructed and raised to opulent perfection.

Eden Island graces the east coast shoreline of Mahé and was once merely a dead coral reef. That is, until Seychelles officials recognised an opportunity to create both a new place for many people to call home and a community and lifestyle in itself. They approached South African property developer, Craig Heeger and after meticulous planning, construction of the foundations of Eden Island began just prior to 2000 and ran up until 2006.

The luxury villas, maisons and apartments that you see today soon began to be created and by 2006, the international market was invited to purchase - and purchase they did. By less than 10 year later, around 500 units had been snapped up and developers and officials were quick to see the impact the development had made.

Today, an enticing array of luxurious homes are available for sale and for rental in this prestigious island location. Eden Island has three product offerings available; spacious Apartments, deluxe Maisons and top of the range Villas which are the epitome of luxury and sophistication – all with ocean frontage in superb surroundings and all available either to buy or to rent long term or for a self- catering holiday.

Each home on Eden Island is sold on freehold title and offers owners the option to apply for Seychelles residency. Some 500 homes have been sold to date and close to 50% of these have been placed in the Eden Island Luxury Accommodation portfolio of

properties. This portfolio offers a selection of homes for rental either on a long term basis or as holiday accommodation.

Each home comes with its own mooring for a boat, allowing you the opportunity to leisurely spend your days exploring the neighboring islands. Because motor vehicles aren’t allowed in the residential area on Eden Island, buggies come standard with every home, with a private bay for parking. There is a separate, secure parking garage for residents who have cars.

Eden Island has become an all-in-one destination within the Indian Ocean island destination of Seychelles. The Eden Plaza shopping centre offers a broad range of shops and services from a supermarket to banks to restaurants and there is even a small brewery on Eden Island, medical services and a Spa so there is no need to travel far. You’ll find almost everything you need on Eden Island itself. The commercial marina boasts an array of charter offerings. If it’s diving, snorkelling, fishing, sailing or day tripping you are after, there are people just waiting to whisk you away out into the Indian Ocean.

Now is the time to visit Eden Island for what will be a memorable holiday for the family. With all that Eden Island has to offer, it is the perfect place to base yourself to explore the beautiful Seychelles and have the Eden Island Luxury Accommodation team look after your every need. You can book or make enquiries online and one of the team will give you all the detail you need to plan an unforgettable holiday. So whether it’s a lifestyle or investment that you are looking for, or you’re just planning your next holiday destination, Eden Island definitely ticks all the boxes. Join the many different nationalities who have already visited Eden Island and enjoyed their holiday in paradise or become a homeowner and own your piece of paradise.

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Eden Island – Owning the Seychelles dream

A personal account by Glynn Burridge

Descending the lower reaches of the La Misère road as it meanders towards the capital, Victoria, the narrow view through the roadside trees suddenly swells to the horizon and, soon, the shimmering red roofs, turquoise lagoons and pastel hues of Eden Island ghost into my field of vision like a tropical daydream.

The development of Eden Island as a residential and commercial marina dates back to 2005, with the first homes completed in 2008, the year when the marina also welcomed its first vessels. Since that time, it has become Mahé island’s most dominant landmark and groundbreaking development, showing the way forward to an exciting new business model and fresh concept of island living.

Eden Island occupies 56 hectares of reclaimed land just off Mahé’s east coast. Connected to the mainland by bridge, today this prestigious development features a total of 501 residences divided between apartments, maisons and villas, out of a final target of 576 and with a mere 45 units unsold. All nestle within an island cocoon of tidy gardens with hotel, gym, clubhouse, swimming pools, tennis court, four private beaches, 300-berth marina and commercial centre containing Seychelles’ only shopping mall, restaurants, bars, coffee shops and myriad retail outlets.

Surrendering my car to the multi-storey car park in favour of an electric buggy which every resident of the island is given, I pass through one of the 24-hour security stations and into the web of pathways that circle and traverse the island. Navigating these takes a bit of getting used to, especially at night, but my overall impression is one of tidiness and order with the odd roadside map positioned to guide you to the beaches and various island amenities. I pass a family strolling the path, heading towards the beach at Anse Bernik, a glorious, shimmering strand fringing a protected bay and offering the perfect venue for a family picnic, afternoon’s relaxation or even a spot of kite-surfing. It is here that I catch my first sight of one of Eden’s majestic $3,500,000 villas, crowning the entrance to an azure waterway in splendid solitude as the undisputed master of all it surveys. The crisp, flowing lines of its Creole vernacular architecture are arresting, its proportions voluptuous.

My residence for the weekend is a spacious 3-bedroom maison complete with swimming pool, close to the water’s edge with private garden and BBQ area. All Eden homes come with their own mooring and in the fully airconditioned interior, the stylishly-furnished living room flows into a fully-equipped Miele kitchen. Again, I am impressed by the tidiness of the design and the maison’s unassuming ambiance of comfort which quickly has me settling in and feeling at home.

“The crisp, flowing lines of its Creole vernacular architecture are arresting, its proportions voluptuous.”
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My brief tells me that Eden Island boasts a full range of freehold title homes: 3-6 bedroom villas;$1300000 to $1800000 3-4 bedroom, duplex maisons and $500,000 to $995 000, 1-3 bedroom apartments to accommodate all tastes, with the one-bedroom units specifically targeting the rental market. Neatly avoiding the hassle of buying furniture and decorating, Eden even gives you a choice of different styles for furniture and interior decor. All you need to do is turn the door key and step into your new island life. An additional advantage is that as an owner, you and your family can apply for Seychelles residency and you can also place your home in the Eden Island Luxury Accommodation portfolio and rent it out on short or long term. Buyers also have access to the attractive resale market which has already shown some impressive capital growth.

Eden has attracted a lot of attention for the ambitious nature and scale of its development, earning accolades at the International Property Awards, Arabia and Africa 2013/14 and 2015/2016 events but perhaps the most eloquent statement of confidence comes from customers themselves, over 25% of the homes on Eden Island are owned by people who have two or more homes on the island. Nothing, after all, succeeds like success.

I decide to take my buggy for an evening spin just as the sun is setting against Eden’s spectacular mountain backdrop in a riotous splash of colour, the island deeply tranquil as its inhabitants prepare for their evening. A lone fishing boat drifts languidly back into its mooring after a day’s fishing out on the banks, the occupants jubilantly planning the evening’s BBQ as they drag off the day’s catch. A French-speaking couple set off to explore Eden Plaza and, on the tennis court, a couple contest final, heated points in the encroaching twilight.

One thing that’s particularly noticeable is the number of different languages I am hearing spoken. When I ask about this, I learn that no less than 43 nationalities have already bought property on Eden Island which is totally in keeping with Seychelles’ age-old tradition of being a melting pot for nationalities from all across the globe. I can’t help but smile to myself as I recall a friend’s mantra: “What Seychelles is today, the world will become tomorrow.” Over the years, it is precisely this grand diversity which has bestowed on our islands their unique sense of social and political harmony – an oasis of calm in a world of turmoil - and it’s heartwarming to see Eden maintaining the tradition of this welcoming, gentle way of island living.

The phone rings and I’m off to join friends for a drink at the Eden Bleu hotel, one of the recent additions to Eden’s expanding portfolio. Ideally located, just minutes from both the airport and the capital, Victoria, this chic hotel offers a comprehensive suite of facilities to the discerning vacationer or business traveller including a restaurant, bar, swimming pool and even conference facilities.

It’s hard to beat Eden for the security and the convenience of living it provides
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Its deck overlooks the Eden marina, where a vast flotilla of yachts and pleasure craft, some local, others visiting, take advantage of state-of-the-art facilities. That, and the fact that the Seychelles seascape with its many islands, all within easy sailing distance, is not only visually stunning, but also safe.

From here, it’s only a short walk to the Eden Plaza with its many boutiques, services, SPAR supermarket, coffee shops, bars and rich choice of restaurants. I find myself considering what else a resident of Eden Island might need by way of amenities and sheer convenience.

After another night spent in the cool vibe of my maison and a poolside BBQ with friends, it’s time to leave. When I think back on my stay, several impressions linger: one is that Eden, and the various experiences it offers, comes across as being well-integrated. Secondly, as a foreigner looking to set down roots in Seychelles, it’s hard to beat Eden for the security and the convenience of living it provides. Last, but by no means least, is the breadth of vision of the Eden Island project which definitely builds on the uniqueness of the Seychelles brand to bring the dream of refined island living with all its trappings within reach of a fortunate few.

For more information, please visit www.edenisland.sc

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Paul Turcotte Photographer

Le Studio Photo Gallery, Anse Lazio Road, Baie de Pasquière, Praslin
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Le Studio Photo Gallery

Anse Lazio Road

Baie de Pasquière




Paul Turcotte Photographer
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