Every effort is made to maintain accurate records; however, mistakes may occur. If you feel your name should have been listed or is misspelled, please accept our apologies and contact the Foundation so we have correct information for future publications. The Foundation maintains a system of internal accounting controls designed to provide responsible assurance that transactions are properly executed and recorded in all material respects, assets are safeguarded and established policies and procedures are carefully followed.
Albuquerque Community Foundation would like to acknowledge Mr. Bill Lang of the Albuquerque Journal and Starline Printing for donating the cost of printing this report.

Photograph from freeabqimages.com
Sandia Mountains

Table of Contents
ABOUT THE FOUNDATION........................... 40TH MEETFINANCIALPROFILESGIVINGCOMMUNITYDONORS........................................................ANNIVERSARY.......................................IMPACT...................................CIRCLES...........................................INPHILANTHROPY.....................SUMMARY.................................THEFOUNDATION.............................ABOUT71655855372785 THE FOUNDATION | 4
Mission: to build, invest and manage endowment funds to enhance the quality of our community through informed strategic grantmaking
Vision: to be a leader in community philanthropy
We strive to make charitable giving accessible to all, make investments that address the greatest needs and support the unique talents of Albuquerque. With continued conversation and community-informed giving, we are growing our impact, together.
Mission and Vision

• Received contributions totaling $9.7M
We are rooted in Albuquerque and have invested in the community for over 40 years. We pursue ways to make donations of all sizes in order to have a larger and longer impact than they would have on their own. Along with partners, donors, students and organizations, we have planted seeds of great change in the community.
• Co-sponsored the Standing Together Against Racism: Building on our Common Heritage event, hosted by Burque Against Racism and Jewish Federation of New Mexico
• Collaborated with the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Funders Network to promote access to the federal childhood tax credit program in New Mexico
• Thanks to the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, established an Impact Grant Program to support Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC)-led organizations through the DEI United Collaborative
• Grew assets under management to $145M
• Introduced several new initiatives and granted over $600,000 (in addition to our typical grantmaking) in honor of our 40th Anniversary
• Partnered with Santa Fe Community Foundation, which also celebrated its 40th Anniversary in 2021, on a $40,000 joint grant
About the Foundation
• Staff grew to 15—the largest it has been in the Foundation’s history
Mural created by Working Classroom on the east side of the Foundation building. Photograph by Kim Jackson

Since our founding in 1981, the goals of the Foundation have remained the same: to coordinate endowment-based contributions, distribute funds for community needs in a timely and equitable manner and to serve as a leader and resource for philanthropy in this great city.
• Grew the Julie Weaks Gutierrez Opportunity Fund, established in 2019, to over $40,000
• Added the Hancock Family Foundation as a partner and began managing their long-standing grant program that serves the state of New Mexico
Community is Our Foundation
In 2021, the Foundation:
When you think about Albuquerque Community Foundation, we hope you will think of three words: Leadership, Trust and Legacy. They describe who we are, what we do and what we will continue to be, forever.
• Hosted an in-person event in partnership with the national organization, Hispanics in Philanthropy, which included deeper outreach and engagement with diverse communities in Albuquerque
• Awarded $5.6M in grants
• Continued our collaboration with United Way of Central New Mexico through the DEI United Collaborative, which included a Dismantling Racism training with Solfire Consulting for all staff

Letter from Board Chair

recognized new opportunities to grow our support of the organizations and individuals that rely on us. One of those was better reflecting the broad diversity of our community by strengthening representation on our Board of Trustees, our volunteer committees, our task force and our growing staff. These new additions have brought their rich experience and knowledge to the team, creating a dynamic group well positioned to lead the Foundation into a new chapter.
Steve Maestas
One of the most striking lessons of 2021’s socially-distanced events and virtual connections was the starkness of the pronounced gap in resources that exists in our community. If anything, instructive insight came from lockdowns, alternative communication methods, isolated learning and working from home. It was the stark acknowledgement of these vulnerabilities laid bare. Now we turn our faces toward them and recommit the Foundation’s resources to addressing the economic and electronic divide that is more relevant and important now than it was pre-pandemic.
By focusing on the community, our staff, trustees, volunteers and donors rose above all the obstacles that 2021 presented. The excitement of celebrating four decades and our eagerness to embark on the next four never waned, nor did our readiness to face a world that’s growing more complex.
Pulitzer Prize-winning author Bill Dedman once wrote that “history is the best guide to the future.” In reflecting on 40 years of supporting the Albuquerque community, the Foundation has learned from the past. The past is instructional, valuable and absolutely worth celebrating, but I believe it is not the lens that will see us to the future. The path that brought us here is not the same road that will take us where want to be tomorrow. That’s the true lesson of our 40th anniversary year different strategies and methods were and will be required to advance our mission.
I believe the Foundation became better in 2021. We reacted faster, more thoughtfully and with more impact. I’m grateful for the many and varied accomplishments you’ll read about here. And I am optimistic for the future.
The Foundation became even more thoughtful about how we applied our resources and the social and economic return on those investments. It became just as important not to do things as it was to do them. And in many ways, we got better results. The conversations I’ve participated in were deeper, more meaningful exchanges about what really matters. They centered around where we could make the most impact, think the most strategically and how we could further bolster the community’s education and economic environments the building blocks of success.
hat an interesting, complicated and challenging 40th year. Our community experienced lingering effects from the pandemic, an extraordinary event that tested us, yet also made us stronger and more resilient. Certainly, the pandemic gave the Foundation many occasions to demonstrate that not only are we among the most capable and respected community leaders, but we are also willing, able partners and
Grant Recipient: La Cosecha
Photograph by Hyunju Blemel

Yet when the Foundation’s 40th Anniversary Task Force, composed of staff, Trustees and community members, convened in early January 2021, we had to actually remind ourselves of this milestone 40th year serving the community. We’d just made it through a different kind of historic year in 2020 responding to dire community needs that the pandemic created. Planning a party wasn’t even on our radar.
objective—to support the nonprofit community by awarding grants, recognize donors and volunteers, and advance our support of the community—remained crystal clear. We found creative ways to celebrate with our partners, donors and collaborating organizations. What might have become a traditional, congratulatory event pivoted to community impact and sowing seeds for long-term initiatives that honored the generous giving of our donors. We believe that is exactly where the focus
hink of anniversaries, especially big ones that end in zero. People gather to laugh, dance, eat, drink and celebrate. A party, right?

Trustee Task Force Chair 40th Anniversary Task

Community is Our Foundation: Honoring and Reflecting on 40 Years
In discovering new ways to celebrate, we drew out the meaning of the occasion and not the occasion itself. In an incredibly unique way, our 40th Anniversary really did happen...and did so with grace and glory.
Staff Task Force Chair 40th Anniversary Task Force
So how should we celebrate four decades of impact? How could we recognize the immense community support we’ve received to effect positive change in Albuquerque? Everyone, but especially our staff, felt as if they had run a marathon. Now they were embarking on another, planning a 40th Anniversary, without a rest. We were not alone in this feeling—the entire nonprofit sector was feeling “pivot fatigue” and the effects of two years of trying to operate in a global
proud of the agile and innovative ways we found to celebrate. The Foundation’s commitment turned even more strongly to the community, guiding us for the next 40 years. Our 40th Anniversary was a year of transformation, where collaborations strengthened and multiplied, grantmaking became more purposeful and reached historic levels and everyone was as excited and joyous as if we had been together in the same room.
To read more about the initiatives that were a part of our special year, check-out the 40th Anniversary section of the Annual Report.

Pam Hurd-Knief
of us, the course kept shifting. As the pandemic morphed so did our plan for our 40th Anniversary celebration. From meeting to meeting and week to week, the path moved. Face-to-face opportunities became Zoom interactions. In-person parties turned into online events. Again and again, we revisited whether we should gather, how to safely gather and how to recognize our accomplishments.

Denise Nava Wyrick

Celebrating our 40th Anniversary didn’t happen quite as we imagined. But we are enormously proud that our goals were not merely reached, they were exceeded and by more than we could have imagined. Onward to the next four decades!
Letter from President & CEO

Foundation formed, positively affecting the community through grantmaking and endowment growth were the main priorities. Over time, the Foundation developed the third aspect of its vision: community leadership. At our 25th Anniversary in 2006, a major donor helped us fund several public art pieces at Tingley Beach, a step forward into our desired community leadership role. To commemorate our 40th Anniversary, we carried on this tradition of beautifying our community landscape. In collaboration with the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center, the Near North Valley Neighborhood Association and the City of Albuquerque Arts Board, we commissioned a sculpture by local artist, Upton Ethelbah, Jr.
To honor the late Julie Weaks Gutierrez, past Board Chair, Treasurer and advocate for diversity, equity and inclusion, the Foundation set a goal to grow the Julie Weaks Gutierrez Opportunity Fund to $40,000. With gratitude to generous donors, we surpassed this goal, ensuring that the best and brightest individuals and community leaders can serve as Trustees.
Our idea for a 40th Grantiversary 40 grants averaging $10,000 each honored four decades of grantmaking, representing key focus areas and important moments in the Foundation’s history. So generous were our individual and corporate donors that we actually made 44 grants, totaling over $500,000, focused on today’s emergent needs and planting seeds for tomorrow.
hen Albuquerque Community Foundation opened its doors in 1981, a group of philanthropic community leaders sought to establish permanently endowed funds to serve our community’s unique needs. They took seriously their responsibility to advocate for and bolster Albuquerque to become a more vibrant, successful place. And they did it with integrity, accountability and commitment. Four decades later, the Foundation truly belongs to the community. Because community is our foundation.
Here’s a peek at some of our accomplishments in 2021, all of which are expanded upon further in the following pages.
We partnered with Santa Fe Community Foundation, also celebrating its 40th Anniversary, to support the New Mexico Economic Relief Working Group, a collaborative of five organizations supporting COVID-19 recovery efforts for Hispanic/Latino communities across the state, in particular immigrant communities. This $40,000 joint grant to the New Mexico Economic Relief Working Group helped support $25 million in local and state cash assistance
Another step in community leadership was continuing our partnership with United Way of Central New Mexico through the DEI United Collaborative. Through a grant from W.K. Kellogg Foundation, an Impact Grant Program was established by DEI United, to support grassroot and BIPOC-led nonprofits.
Randy Royster
None of these special 40th Anniversary efforts could have borne fruit without our dedicated volunteers, tireless staff, generous donors and committed Board of Trustees. To honor those community leaders who have served on the Foundation’s Board, we invited current and past Trustees to a reunion at which special guest and founding Trustee Ray Zimmer lauded those who have guided us through four decades of growth.

Grant Recipient: MANA De Albuquerque
Photograph by Hyunju Blemel

Vizionz-SankofaSt.RonaldNMCANNewMexicoKidsCANTeamMcDonaldHouseFelixPantry 44 FundedOrganizations GrantedOver $500,000 11 | 40 TH ANNIVERSARY
How did we celebrate and honor 40 years of grantmaking? Through a Grantiversary! The Foundation awarded over forty grants to honor each decade of the Foundation, as well as additional grants focusing on emergent needs of today and planting seeds for tomorrow. These grants were in addition to the Foundation’s usual grantmaking and were made through a lens of COVID-19 recovery and diversity, equity and inclusion principles.
Albuquerque Reads–Career Guidance Institute Buddies New Mexico Ability Plays Project for Network Institute of Flamenco Mexico Gay Men’s Chorus VisionAlbuquerqueABQInc./MLK Jr. Scholarships Middle School

Grants honoring the Foundation’s focus on children and youth by funding organizations that serve the community’s current and future generations.
40th Grantiversary
Grants honoring the Foundation’s original grantmaking focus by funding arts and education organizations.
NACA-InspiredKids Schools
American Diabetes Association El Puente de Encuentros and Refugee Resource Village of NewAlbuquerqueMexicoDream
Grant Recipients
Grant Recipients
(CGI) Best
Asian Business Collaborative Crossroads for Women

Cooperativa Korimi Dental Care in Your Home InternationalHopeWorks District Library
New Mexico Foundation for Dental Health, Research and Education
SAGE Albuquerque Silver Rainbow NM Supportive Housing Coalition Women in Leadership
& Jan HarringtonDavidDaultonGriffinFamilyDeeHines
New Mexico Immigrant Law Center
Albuquerque Health Care for the CenterHomelessofSouthwest Culture

Lutheran Family Services Meals on Wheels
Equality New Mexico Fresh Fields
NM Native American Recovery Fund–Family Economic Security
NM Native American Recovery Fund–Water Resilience
NM-New, PresbyterianInc.Medical Services (Torrance County)
Martinez Ann DorothyJaneMorrison&EdMcCulloughWood THANK YOU TO DONORS 40 TH ANNIVERSARY | 12
New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty
Partnership for Community Action United Voices for Newcomer Rights
Every Ability Plays Project (EAPP) Founder and Executive Director Toña Rivera knows from personal experience the barriers children with disabilities face when trying to access a playground. She uses a wheelchair and adaptive speech device, a result of being born with cerebral palsy.
“This grant from Albuquerque Community Foundation means that two friends in wheelchairs finally get to swing together,” says Rivera. “To EAPP, it’s a step closer to being able to accept other special playground equipment projects, too. Every child deserves a playful life.”

40th Grantiversary Grantee Highlights
Center of Southwest Culture
Every Ability Plays Project
The Center of Southwest Culture (CSC) develops healthy Indigenous and Mexicano/Chicano communities through economic development and culture-focused educational programs. Its work takes a linguistically and culturally supportive approach and is centered on cultural lifeways, traditional knowledge and existing resources to increase overall community health.
This grant was utilized to further its next project, an adaptive wheelchair swing for local nonprofit Casa Angelica. Casa Angelica serves children and young adults with very special needs. Rivera volunteered at Casa Angelica as a young adult.
Story Riders teaches a science, technology, engineering, arts, math and storytelling curriculum delivered through a cultural lens. Interns learn bicycle mechanics and safety, take younger children through trainings on these topics and lead guided excursions along Rio Grande Bosque trails. An important program goal is bringing young people into natural spaces. Despite living close by, many young people have never spent time in the Bosque.
Grant Recipient: Every Ability Plays Project Photograph provided by Every Ability Plays Project
“I got this grand idea for EAPP from seeing philanthropist Wallis Annenberg on television. She had donated money for an accessible tree house in California,” Rivera says. “I thought to myself, ‘Why can’t we have something like that here in Albuquerque?’ ”
“It’s always good to have a funder that is based locally see something in the work we do, and want to know more about our program,” says Kateri Zuni, CSC’s Associate Director. “It means we’re on the right track and doing important work for the community. We’re grateful to Albuquerque Community Foundation and appreciate our partnership with them. To have something like this that comes from the community is heartening.”
There were no accessible local playgrounds when she was growing up. She’s also seen first-hand that when adaptive equipment in parks or playgrounds exists at all, it is often separated from the swings, slides and other areas that able children use. This is something EAPP is working to change.
CSC works to implement programming that strengthens, promotes and helps retain Chicano, Mexicano and Indigenous cultures in New Mexico and across the Southwest. The grant helped support the Center’s established internship program that offers students from South Valley Academy an opportunity to give back to the community and gain real-world experience. High school students work in the organization’s finance and administrative departments, and with Story Riders, a bicycling program for Latino, Indigenous and youth of color.
Since 2014, EAPP has been raising money to purchase and install adaptive playground equipment for children with physical disabilities throughout Albuquerque and New Mexico. “Play is the first form of communication for a child,” says Rivera. It’s how they learn to interact with the world and other people. Her own best childhood memories are playing on a swing with her aunt and laying on a big red spinning plate.
Rodriguez also says the grant was a powerful signal about how grassroots programs that started with community funding can find support from local, regional and national foundations. “When the Albuquerque community gets together when faced with adversity to help each other, that’s a good message,” says Rodriguez. “And when an organization like Albuquerque Community Foundation gives its support, that adds another layer. It’s a good message.”
New Mexico Dream Team is a statewide network committed to creating power for multigenerational, undocumented, LGBTQ+, and mixed status families toward liberation. Through training and leadership development, the organization works to engage community members and their allies in becoming leaders. The New Mexico Dream Team utilizes an inter-sectional gender and racial justice lens to develop and implement an organizing and advocacy infrastructure for policy change fighting to dismantle systematic oppression.

Grant Recipient: Center for Southwest Culture Photograph by Hyunju Blemel
At the beginning of the pandemic, New Mexico Dream Team launched a fundraising campaign to help immigrant and undocumented families who did not qualify for federal stimulus payments. As the pandemic continued and more people were faced with challenges meeting rent and other obligations, the organization began helping people apply for rental assistance. “The Foundation’s grant allowed us to continue our rental
assistance program and shift from direct cash assistance to helping people fill out applications for assistance,” says Felipe Rodriguez, New Mexico Dream Team Co-Director. “Part of the grant was also used by our communications department to create social media information to raise awareness of the program and guide people through the application process. We helped over 100 families start their applications. About 60 finished them and received assistance.”
Grant Recipient: New Mexico Dream Team Photograph by Hyunju Blemel

This grant launched NM-NEW into action, enabling its staff to secure matching funds and expand its internal capacity by hiring a professional researcher and grant
New Mexico New Elder World (NM-NEW) is on a mission to change how we think about aging. The organization focuses on building awareness around the importance of proactively engaging those ages 50 to 70-plus, a cohort they refer to as New Elders. Over 30% of New Mexico’s population is over the age of NM-NEW50.
“I realized when retiring from a 40-year career in tech that I had experience and skills to offer. I wanted to give back to my community by staying involved—on nonprofit boards, in service to start-ups, or engaging at a civic level,” says Paula Getz, Co-Founder. “However, it was very challenging to find easy ways to connect to meaningful opportunities.”
Getz reached out to Tammy Stocker, a local marketing consultant, who agreed to help her bring NM-NEW to life. Because they are the target audience they serve, it was easy for them to see how building community was the first step.

grant gave us credibility and opened new doors for funding,” says Stocker. “It enabled us to grow our community to over 500 New Elders and collaborate with an intergenerational network within the aging sectors across New Mexico. The grant has been incredibly valuable, and we are grateful to be a recipient.”
Grant Recipient: NM-NEW
Photograph by Hyunju Blemel
leads the charge to embrace and capitalize on how longevity can impact New Mexico’s bottom line socially, economically and fiscally. The organization offers learning events, social connections and eventually, a platform to connect New Elders to work and volunteer opportunities. Many in this cohort want to engage in meaningful activity, whether paid work or volunteering, to share their knowledge and wisdom.
Glenn Fellows & Patricia Hancock
After Julie retired from the Board, Trustees established the Julie Weaks Gutierrez Opportunity Fund in her honor. The fund creates opportunities for the best and brightest individuals and community leaders who otherwise would be unable to join the Board due to financial barriers. Julie felt passionately that this was critical to future of the Board to reflect the community which the Foundation serves.
The Roehl Law Firm
Photograph provided by Albuquerque Community Foundation
Julie passed away in 2020, her legacy lives on. With the establishment of the Foundation’s Task Force on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (dEi) in 2018, with then Chair-Elect Walter Stern, Julie ensured the Task Force became a formal committee of the Foundation in 2019.
McCarthy Apodaca
Pam Hurd-Knief & Ron Knief
Emily & Garrett Allen
Brian & Aleli Colón
Debbie Johnson
Julie Weaks Gutierrez Photograph provided by Julie Weaks Gutierrez
Patrick V. Apodaca & Leslie
The dEi Committee deepens and integrates the Foundation’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion as integral to its development as an organization. As part of this effort, the Foundation is committed to diversifying its governing body—the Board of Trustees—so it better reflects the racial, economic and cultural make-up of the community.
Bob Bowman & Jack Knight
Michelle & Jimmy Dearholt
Jason & Rebecca Harrington
Charlotte & Stuart Schoenmann
Tom & Keri Antram
Walter & Mimi Stern
María Griego-Raby & Randy Royster
Julie Weaks Gutierrez and Randy Royster
In our 40th year, we honored one of Albuquerque’s most extraordinary women, Julie Weaks Gutierrez. Julie joined the Foundation Board of Trustees in 2013, serving as both Treasurer and Chair. She was a proponent of the importance of diversifying the Foundation, and in particular, its Board of

Anne & Ken Sapon
Mike Walker & Gari Fails
Jerry & Nancy Roehl
Chet & Diana Stewart
Julie Weaks Gutierrez Opportunity Fund
Because of our generous donors, the fundraising goal for the Fund was surpassed, ensuring that the best and brightest individuals and community leaders can serve as
José Viramontes
Anna & Michael Doss
Garcia Automotive Group
Beverly & Perry Bendicksen
Linda & Paul Cochran
Julie Weaks Gutierrez Opportunity Fund Donors
Linda & Carl Alongi
Bill & Elizabeth Lang
Sanjay Engineer
Steve & Debbie Maestas
Photograph by Kim Jew
Upton Ethelbah, Jr.

known today as All Pueblo Council of Governors (APCG), as federal trust land, giving it reservation status.
by the FUNd of Albuquerque Community Foundation, the final design, fabrication, base construction and installation will be completed by the end of 2022.
Indian Pueblo Cultural Center Public Art Piece

In November, the Committee chose artist Upton Ethelbah Jr., who signs his art “Greyshoes” and his design Pueblo Matriarch. Greyshoes (Santa Clara/White Mountain Apache), who lives and works in the North Valley, sculpts contemporary, stylized and flowing forms inspired by the aesthetic motifs and movements found in the ceremonial regalia and dances of his heritage.
The fabricated steel sculpture will be 20 feet tall secured to a 2-foot concrete base with an overall height of 22 feet and will feature a headdress symbolic of women corn dancers, honoring the historic Pueblo ceremony and prayer to the Creator for a good harvest, plenty of rain for the crops and prosperity for all

40th Anniversary Speaker Series

Dr. Susannah Heschel agreed, saying she has hope for a new, younger generation that is moving forward with optimism and deep caring. “What can we do to set a good example? What can we teach them?” she asked.

Both women and Rabbi Funnye praised the ongoing relationship between the Black and Jewish communities. Although tested at times, each agreed that this relationship remains strong and even more important today, when the awareness of and fight against systemic racism is top of mind.
The event presented by Burque Against Racism (BAR) and the Jewish Federation of New Mexico (JFNM), streamed live on Zoom and YouTube. Rabbi Capers Funnye, Jr. moderated the discussion between the daughters of the two men: Dr. Susannah Heschel and Dr. Bernice King. As part of the Foundation’s own work to address systemic racism in the community, we co-sponsored this event.
Standing Together Against Racism: Building on Our Common Heritage
Rabbi Capers Funnye, Jr.
Dr. Bernice King

As part of the Foundation’s 40th Anniversary, staff introduced the inaugural Speaker Series program to provide ongoing support to local organizations as well as create a space for learning. After the success of the Speaker Series in 2021, it has become an integral part to the Foundation’s future programming. Read more about the two events hosted last year below.
In January 2021, the Albuquerque community heard about one of the most powerful historical narratives in the fight for justice and civil rights: the friendship and alliance between the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, a scholar and civil rights advocate.
“The experience of fighting a common enemy is what brought them together then and what brings us together today—the fight against oppression, hatred, violence and discrimination,” said Dr. Bernice King, alluding to the highly publicized accounts of police killing unarmed Blacks. “It made for a wonderful relationship because injustice threatens all of us. As my father said, ‘an injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.’ ”
Her answer was to live in a way that was deserving of reverence and honor by younger generations.
Dr. King asked participants to stop thinking that change comes through the masses and to act individually. “What does it really mean to be a person of faith, and how do we translate that outside of the four walls [of a church, synagogue or mosque]? We are in a real, worldwide emergency. Another sermon won’t do it. Words must become flesh, and manifest in the culture and our times, to overcome with a vision of love. We must start creating it, for justice and equity in our world,” she said.
Dr. Susannah Heschel

said he wants more organizations to take bold stands for systemic and societal change, too. “Many nonprofits feel like they can’t advocate [for change], but in fact, they can. Advocacy is education. You’re teaching people and sharing knowledge. Every organization can do that. And some organizations are experts and would be great advocates but hold back. That’s an area we haven’t tapped yet.”
All panelists emphasized that diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives are not a one-and-done solution to the lack of inclusion in the sector, in the board room and in leadership. Rather, there are long term, justice-driven goals that require mentorship, foundation and corporate reflection, and changes to grantmaking processes.
When asked how the sector can increase the number of Hispanics in leadership positions, Argilagos said, “[Philanthropy] can be a lonely place. It’s important to prepare and hold people’s hands. HIP has a program that mentors Hispanics in the sector–a place for people to get their oxygen, to be sure we’re retaining the amazing people in the sector.”

Frank R. López
Viramontes challenged companies and boards to “cultivate a culture in your organization that acknowledges and overcomes barriers to BIPOC leaders continuing up the ladder. We need more people of color and women in all roles—CEOs, program officers, directors and associate directors, and on boards,” he Lópezsaid.

The panel discussed the philanthropic sector’s need to address the long-time, institutionalized lack of representation of BIPOC individuals: 40% of foundation boards are entirely white; only 1% of U.S. foundation giving goes to minority-led organizations; and BIPOC communities receive 67% less unrestricted funding than white communities.
Meriah E. Heredia-Griego
Institute of Flamenco partnered with the Foundation to present “A Conversation with Ana Marie Argilagos.” Argilagos is the President and CEO of Hispanics in Philanthropy (HIP), an organization that has invested over $1.7 million in the Albuquerque area since 2003.

The community panel discussion included three philanthropy advocates, and was moderated by Marisa Magallanez, Foundation Vice President of Strategy & Equity. Panelists included Meriah E. Heredia-Griego, Ph.D, Owner and CEO, Meriah HG Consulting, LLC; Frank R. López, Executive Director of Groundworks New Mexico; and José Viramontes, CEO, MediaDesk and Foundation Trustee.
Ana Marie Argilagos
The Foundation’s first in-person event since 2020 outlined a bold vision to usher in a new generation of philanthropy that is for, by and about the BIPOC
José Viramontes
Marisa Magallanez
A Conversation with Ana Marie Argilagos, President & CEO of Hispanics in Philanthropy

Although we were unable to hold the Great Grant Giveaway in person, staff wanted to honor the part of the event that has the most community impact: the grantmaking. To continue the spirit of giving and community, we mailed resources and involved community members via our website and social media during October.
Great Grant Giveaway

Over $160,000 was raised! We are grateful for the continued support of all that Great Grant Giveaway stands for—lifting up excellent nonprofits, collaborative giving and, of course, community.
Flower Hill Institute (FHI) is a organization’snonprofit.community-directednative-owned,Themission is to build strong, stable and self-determined Tribal communities by leading efforts to improve the environment, agriculture and economichealth,projectseducationbusinesslocalFHIpartneringdevelopmenteconomicofcommunities.supportssustainablefoodsystems,development,andculturaltoincreasethevitalityandopportunities

To keep with event tradition, videos explaining their important work in the community were shared via the Foundation’s website and on social media platforms. We also encouraged our donors and community to support the work of these organizations by contributing to any or all of them.
for Native Americans. FHI uses holistic learning, traditional practices and spiritual values in their projects to enhance cultural awareness in their community and the general public. Flower Hill Institute’s programs seek to cultivate the next generation of Native American leaders, scientists, farmers and cultural experts.
and building collective resilience in historically excluded communities (the process) and creates arts-based events and programs (the product). NMBLC provides culturally competent and targeted professional support for burgeoning or expanding social profit organizations in the areas of communications, grant writing, planning.development/successionadministrativedevelopment/fundraising,andleadership
New Mexico Black Leadership Council, Flower Hill Institute, South Valley MainStreet and TenderLove Community Center were digitally highlighted and received grants.
New Mexico Black Leadership Council - $40,000
Community is Our Foundation
Flower Hill Institute - $40,000
The New Mexico Black Leadership Council (NMBLC) is devoted to creating a viable and sustainable social profit sector targeted at serving the Black community and benefitting the entire state of New Mexico. The NMBLC AABCD(AABCD)CommunityArts-and-Assets-BasedusesDevelopmentinitsprogramming.isespeciallyeffective for marginalized communities because it focuses on developing and supporting human capital

WaFd WesternBankSky Community Care Yearout Companies
SouthwestPNM Capital Bank Starline Printing, Inc. The Payroll Company Bank
Our Sponsors:
South Valley MainStreet is dedicated to the preservation and revitalization of the historic commercial district along the Bridge Blvd. and Isleta Blvd. corridors. Since 2014, South Valley MainStreet has been attracting both public and private financial investment to the area. In collaboration with Bernalillo County and New Mexico MainStreet, South Valley MainStreet is developing and implementing a community-based construction mitigation plan to support local small businesses challenged by COVID-19. They did this by continuing to provide small business technical assistance, rehabilitation of business facades and commercial properties, marketing and advertising, and asset building of local Hispanic business owners and community redevelopment through housing rehabilitation and beautification with the goal of economic vitality.

While seeing friends, enjoying fellowship and the buzz of the room, staff and trustees were our Great Grant Giveaway champion donors met the challenge with generosity.
US Eagle FCU
A big thank you to Corporate Partner PNM Resources Foundation. Its $40,000 grant helped us reach $160,000 total!

Lovelace Health System, Inc. Modrall Sperling NAI NewSunVistaMexicoGas Company NusendaNMOGA Union
delighted that
CommunityTenderLove Center - $40,000

Albuquerque Journal Bank of
The mission of TenderLove Community Center (TLCC) is to help homeless, near homeless and low-income individuals achieve stable, self-supporting lives for themselves and their families. During intake, TLCC does not see an individual experiencing homelessness, instead they see potential community leaders. Their programs transform the lives of vulnerable people through job training, life skills and housing. TLCC offers support programs such as G.E.D. preparation, personal finance and money management workshops all while creating pathways for clients’ children to thrive. The program is free and accommodates individual learning styles and teaches skills that permit flexible hours, while navigating toward life sufficiency. Each year TenderLove Community Center continues to advance its mission of empowering vulnerable individuals.
South Valley MainStreet - $40,000
we missed the excitement of
Santa Fe Community Foundation and Albuquerque Community Foundation Joint Grant

In partnership with Santa Fe Community Foundation (SFCF), which also celebrated its 40th Anniversary in 2021, we made a $40,000 grant to support the New Mexico Economic Relief Working Group, a cohort of community immigrant organizations. The unrestricted grant represents a collaborative effort between the two Foundations to support inclusive COVID-19 recovery across the state.
The New Mexico Economic Relief Working Group is made up of five community-based advocacy organizations: New Mexico Voices for Children, El CENTRO de Igualdad y Derecho, Partnership for Community Action, Comunidades en Acción y de Fe (NM CAFé) and Somos Un Pueblo Unido.

Together, these organizations research, design and implement government-sponsored emergency assistance programs for New Mexicans who were excluded from federal COVID-19 relief efforts, including undocumented residents and those from mixed immigration status families. During the pandemic, the group successfully advocated for $25 million that was distributed through local and state cash assistance programs.

“In providing this award to our coalition, Santa Fe Community Foundation and Albuquerque Community Foundation are recognizing the contributions of essential immigrant workers to our state and the unfair exclusions embedded in our safety net systems,” says Marcela Díaz, Executive Director of Somos Un Pueblo Unido. “It is also a recognition of the power of grassroots groups to advance solutions grounded in the everyday experiences of our communities. Our work to ensure equity in the state’s recovery plans is far from done. We are deeply honored by the Foundations’ show of support.”
A workgroup of Albuquerque and Santa Fe Community Foundation staff identified potential collaboratives to support through this joint grant opportunity, agreeing on the importance of eliminating barriers to all immigrants and refugees receiving assistance via the safety net. Also, it was crucial for the grant to make an impact on youth, solidifying each Foundation’s commitment and investment in future generations.
Scholarship Reception
Photograph provided by Albuquerque Community Foundation

Trustees Debbie Harms and José Viramontes visiting at the Leadership and Trustee Reunion
Photograph by Kayleigh Maes

“Most meaningful to me has been the fact that the Foundation is a permanent, lasting memorial to the generous people of Albuquerque. I remembered a quote, which inspired me to pursue the establishment of the Foundation in the first place: ‘Better never to have lived, than to exist and pass away without leaving a trace.’ I hope the Foundation will be the ‘trace’ I can leave to my community,” Zimmer shared.
Other Trustees and past Executives recounted their Foundation involvement, adding their thoughts about the Foundation’s commitment to the community, pandemic response and its diversity, equity and inclusion
Leadership and Trustee Reunion
Founding Trustee Ray Zimmer Photograph provided by Ray Zimmer

Current President & CEO Randy Royster addressed attendees and shared remarks from Ray Zimmer, a founding trustee, who was unable to attend. Zimmer recounted how a small group of dedicated, community-minded individuals came together to establish the organization.
Bass, Executive Director from 1991 to 2006, reflected that this reunion was especially heartfelt. “I still have great respect for all the people in the room, and to see how far the Foundation has come—I was overwhelmed with emotion.”
The Foundation invited its past Executives and Trustees to a Leadership Reunion celebrating the many achievements of the past four decades. The last time this group gathered was the Foundation’s 25th anniversary in 2006.
Leadership and Trustee Reunion Photograph by Kayleigh Maes

Building Community Fund
1 Sam Adélemar7:12N.
Goldenberg-Elder Family Fund
CTWCRW Fund 2017
Cinco Amigos Fund 2007 Classical Music Fund 2013
Common Bond New Mexico Foundation
Doyel2011Family Fund 2005
Dr. and Mrs. Sterling Edwards Family Education Fund Dr.1994Barry and Roberta Cooper Ramo Advised Fund 2001 E. Blaugrund Family Fund 1994
Our donors have a broad range of motivations in establishing their funds. Some donors desire to give back to organizations which have helped them; others choose to honor or memorialize loved ones. Other reasons donors establish endowment funds include wanting to support a field-of-interest like education, helping to cultivate a passion or create an income stream. The Foundation assists donors in meeting their goals, whether they seek to support multiple organizations, donate anonymously or simply share in the joy of giving back to this terrific place we call home.
Funds Established in 2021
David and Susan Weymouth Fund
Judith Jeanne Babcock Fund
Kimsteinerling Fund
Albuquerque Community Foundation Now & Forever Fund
New Car & Truck Dealers Fund 1986
Connor O'Loughlin Mantsch Memorial Fund 2014 Cramer Family Fund 2006
Debbie Walters and Richard Armstrong 2020 Debora Lynn Harms and Irwin Todd Harms 2020 Di Gregorio Baci e Abbracci Fund 2006
Arthur J. and Naomi C. Rosenberg Charitable Fund 1997 Avery Fund 2016
Effective Families Fund 2003
Eye Associates Gerald and Alice Rubin Memorial Foundation Fund 2005 First Things First Fund (2008)
Arthur H. Spiegel Family Fund 1996
Hakes Brothers Scholarship Hancock Family Fund Horizons Donor Advised Fund
Adélemar N. Alcántara Memorial Fund for the Support of Filipino Community Activities in New Mexico Andtram/French Fund
Michael L. Danoff Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mike Mittelstaedt Memorial Fund
Endowment funds are customized to fulfill each donor's philanthropic visions and the needs of the Albuquerque community. Working as partners, we help donors meet their charitable goals, as well as receive tax benefits without the burden of administrative responsibilities. Funds can be established by individuals, families, businesses or organizations.
Dave and Mary Colton Fund for Arts and Culture 2009 Dave and Mary Colton Fund for Children and Youth 2009 Davis-Kozoll Donor-Advised Fund 2018 Debbie and David Dozier Fund 2014
María Griego-Raby and Randy Royster Charitable Fund
Ann and Russell Rhoades Fund 2006
Funds Established Prior to January 1, 2021
Cavanaugh Young At Heart Fund 2009 Chester French Stewart Fund 2005
Daulton Family Foundation Fund 2008
Elevate by Maestas Development Group 2019 Erik and Veronica Olson 2018
Dave Gives Back Donor Advised Fund
Aetna Life & Casualty Fund 1984
Alcántara Memorial Fund for the New Mexico Asian Family Center
Placitas Artist Series
Loral and David Welde Forevermore Fund
Endowment Funds
Albuquerque Community Foundation Impact Fund 1984
Paul S. Moya and Mary Jo Garley Moya Memorial Fund
Becky and Rudy Díaz Fund 2006 Beresford and Margaret Menagh Fund for Animals 2013 Beverly and Perry Bendicksen Legacy Fund 2019 Bob L. Turner Family Fund 2014 Bryan Konefsky Fund 2018 Carolyn Dooley Martinez Fund 2006
Margaret Garrison Fund
Ezra Trager-Tarrant Music and Education Memorial Fund
Don Blaugrund LGBT Fund 2006 Donald E. Carnicom and Mina L. Koym Carnicom Fund
PNM PossibilityFund Funds
American Home Fund 1986
King Family Fund 2006
Parker Family Fund 2019 Peggy Cavett-Walden & Professor Jerrold Walden Fund for Art & Music 2014
The Ann C. Bailey Fund for Animals 2017
Future Fund 1997
Jane and Doug Swift Fund for Art and Education 1997
Kurt and Edith Kubié Family Impact Fund 2007
Marie Kelly Gorham Fund for Women's Issues 2006
Nancy Anderson Roberts Fund 1983
Bass Family Fund 2000
Pete & Mateo Sandoval Fund (NMAA) 2020 Rashap Family Fund 2016 Reba Price Fund for Animal Welfare 2016 Rich Diller Now and Forever Donor Advised Fund 2019 Richard J. and Linda N. Eitzen Fund 2000 Robert W. Kaufmann Fund 2001 Roy Lee Cain Fund 2011 Royce Family Fund 2017
The Bright Futures Fund 2014
Infinite Gesture Fund 2016
Sofia Marie Pergola Memorial Fund 2020 Strosnider Family Fund 2004 Susan G. Hill Fund 2020
Nina2002Forrest Fund 2015
Gordon Church Fund 2007
Frank D. Schubert Fund for Aging Services 2019
HENMAR Fund 1998
Jorgensen Family Fund 2007
Mesa Del Sol Education Fund 2008
Kubié Family Fund for Classical Music 2013
Johnnie Mae Tate Memorial Fund 2006
Frank and Dolores Hines Family Fund 1997
Jack Grevey Memorial Fund 2005
Mrs. Clinton P. Anderson Fund 1994
Lewis O. and Leona R. Kohlhaas Fund 2000
Goodman Family Fund 2003
Frank and Mickey Peloso Memorial Fund 2007
George and Jenean Stanfield Fund 2010 Glenwood Impact Fund 2017
Kelli and Kevin Cooper Family Fund 2006
Margaret and Ted Jorgensen Donor Advised Fund 2007
HB Construction Fund 2011
Michael Henningsen Youth Fund 2014 Minnie Gooch Hall Charitable Fund 2007
THE REALTOR FUND of the Greater Albuquerque Association of REALTORS 2011
Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Galles, Jr. Fund 1986
T & F Blueher Family Fund 2019
Garcia Automotive Group Fund 1999
Junior League of Albuquerque Charitable Fund 1984 Kate Nanlohy in Memory of Charles Marko 2009
Harrington Family Fund 2018
NMOGA's Brighter Future Fund 2019 Notah Begay III Fund 1999
La Meristema Fund 2018
The FUNd 1988
Hopkins Campbell Family Fund 2012 Hospitality and Tourism Scholarship Fund 2015 Howard Friedman & Debra Wechter Friedman Fund 2020 Hueter
New Mexico Heart Institute Foundation Fund 2001 Nicholas C. Nellos Memorial Fund for At-Risk Children
Novak MPGJ Family Fund 2008
John and Kathleen Avila Family Fund 2017 John and Marie Marshall Fund 2004
Lee Blaugrund Fund 2005
Galles Chevrolet Friends of Youth Fund 1988
Frank and Judy Love Impact Fund 2017
Frank Fine and Leslee Richards Fund 2018
Hearst Music Education Fund 2013
Jennifer Riordan "Sparkle" Fund 2018
Lasso the Moon Fund 2016
Levy Family Fund 2008
Lanting Shibuya Fund 2012
Lawrence Monte, Sr. Memorial 2008
Sandia Foundation and Estate of Hugh and Helen Woodward Fund 2006 Santangelo Fund 2007 Sean Hopkins Fund 2013 Shelly and Rafael Colón Memorial Fund 2006 Social Giving Club 2015
Molly R. Huber Fund 2007
Maggie's Giving Circle 2006
T.J. Sivley and Mary Ray Sivley Perpetual Fund 1995
Linda K. Estes Giraffe Award Fund 2005
Tallman Family Fund 2020
Frank D. and Marie K. Gorham Fund 2001
Frederick Hammersley Fund for the Arts 2019
Gorvetzian Croker Family Fund 2010
Jolly Family Foundation 2011
Para los Niños Fund 1989
Team Tio Fund 2011
NDB and CEB Fund 2017
Frank D. and Marie K. Gorham for Classical Music 2013
Greg and Diane Harrison Ogawa Family Fund 2003
Hanna/Woodford Family Fund 2013
JoAnn and Steve Ruppert Fund 1998
Kevin and Lian Yearout Family Fund 2009
Maisel/Goodman Charitable Fund 2002
T.J. Sivley and Mary Ray Sivley Education Fund 1997 T.J. Sivley and Mary Ray Sivley Fund for Public Television 1997
Wilfred "Coach" Tull Fund 2005
Verstella Biondi Charitable Fund 2018
Vitality Works 2017
Wells Fargo Bank for Classical Music 2013
Funds Established Prior to January 1, 2021 (cont’d)
The Robert P. Tinnin, Jr. and Elizabeth P. Madden Fund 2016
Three Hearts Fund 2006
The Ron and Jane Abramshe Fund for Animals 2020
Walter and Allene Kleweno Fund 2003
Walter and Mimi Stern Family Fund 2019

Wells Fargo Bank Fund 1998
Theodore R. Brown Fund 1983
Tom Jenkins and Elaine Roy Fund 2018
Grant Recipient: Cuidando Los Niños Photograph by Hyunju Blemel

Albuquerque Youth Symphony Program (4) All AmyFaithsBiehl
Casa CathedralEsperanzaChurch of St. John Catholic Charities (3)
Albuquerque Health Care for the Homeless
High School Foundation
Corrales Cultural Arts Council
Friends of Corrales Library
ARCA, Inc. (3)
Children's Cancer Fund of New Mexico (2) Children's Grief Center of New Mexico
Greater Albuquerque Habitat for Humanity Greater Albuquerque Housing Partnership Guadalupe County Hospital
Albuquerque Boy Choir
The larger they are, the greater investment return potential that an endowment funds yields. By pooling the funds of an organization with the Foundation's endowment, the organization benefits from a diverse investment portfolio, as well as low investment fees that typically come only with very large funds.
Adelante Development Center (2)
Congregation Albert Congregation B'nai Israel (2)
Christina Kent Early Childhood Center Cibola County Education Foundation CNM CommonFoundationBondNew Mexico Foundation
Casa Angelica
National Hispanic Cultural Center Foundation National Sisterhood United for Journeyman Linemen New Mexico Academy of Science (2)
Little Theatre
Albuquerque Chapter of The Military Officers Association of America
these organizations depend upon the annual distributions from their endowment(s) to help them meet the needs of our community. Others choose to reinvest their annual distribution into their fund for faster growth.
The Foundation helps organizations achieve their goals and meet various needs in our community. In Albuquerque, we're fortunate to be served by so many generous nonprofits and philanthropists who invest in our city. The Foundation considers effective management of organization endowment funds to be an important contribution to maintaining the strength of our community's nonprofit organizations. We believe that managing endowment funds through Philanthropy Central is one of the things we do best. It is a privilege to help ensure Albuquerque remains a city of philanthropic visionaries.
Philanthropy Central
Friends of Music, Inc.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central New Mexico Boy Scouts of America (2) Boys & Girls Clubs of Central New Mexico Cancer Services of New Mexico (2) Carrie Tingley Hospital Foundation
Friends of the Rio Grande Nature Center Ginger Grossetete Endowment Fund for Silver Horizons (2)
Albuquerque High School Alumni Association (2) Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce
Albuquerque Genealogical Society (2)
Filipino American Foundation of New Mexico First Presbyterian Church
National Dance Institute of New Mexico
Good Shepherd Center, Inc. (4)
Animal Humane New Mexico (3) Animal Protection of New Mexico, Inc.
MANA de Albuquerque (2) Mandy's ManzanoFarmDaySchool (9)
Albuquerque Meals on Wheels
Heading Home (2) HopeWorks (2) Joseph Saavedra's Pennies for the Homeless (2) Junior League of Albuquerque Leadership New Mexico
Menaul School (3)
Cottonwood Classical Preparatory School de DualProfundisLanguage Education of New Mexico Explora! (2)
There are two types of Philanthropy Central Funds: Organization Endowment Funds (an agency establishes a fund with their money) and Donor-Designated Endowment Funds (a donor establishes a fund for the benefit of an Manyagency).of
Albuquerque Metropolitan Crime Stoppers, Inc. (3) Albuquerque Rose Society, Inc.
Center for International Studies Albuquerque International Association (2) Challenge New Mexico Chamber Music Albuquerque
Parker Center for Family Business
Senior Citizens Law Office (2)
PB&J Family Services, Inc. (2)
St. George Greek Orthodox Church St. Mark's in the Valley Day School
New Mexico Biopark Society (3)
New Mexico Cancer Center Foundation
Sunset Mesa Teacher Endowment Fund Corp.
UNM Cancer Research & Treatment Center
New Mexico Geological Society, Inc.
Opera Southwest (2) Outpost Productions, Inc.
VSA Arts of New Mexico
New Mexico Voices for Children (2)
New Mexico Military Institute Foundation, Inc.
Parents Reaching Out
SW Foundation for Osteopathic Education

New Mexico Engineering Foundation (2)
SW Branch of the International Dyslexia Association
New Mexico School for the Blind & Visually Impaired Foundation
Urban Land Institute New Mexico
New Mexico Veterans' Memorial
YMCA Central New Mexico
United Way of Central New Mexico (31)
New Mexico Ballet Company
New Mexico Coalition for Literacy (2) New Mexico Conference of Churches
New Mexico Parents of Multiples (2)
New Mexico Asian Family Center (2)
New Mexico Art League
New Mexico Wildlife Association
New Mexico PBS
Placitas Artist Series
Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, Inc. (2) Presbyterian Ear Institute (2) Roadrunner Food Bank
New Mexico Museum of Natural History Foundation
San Felipe de Neri Church
Santa Rosa Moise Memorial Library (2) Savila Collaborative (2)
The Arc of New Mexico
Grant Recipient: MANA de Albuquerque Photograph by Hyunju Blemel
Think New Mexico
Society for the Preservation of American Indian Culture Special Olympics New Mexico
Richard & Michelle Andes
C. Thomas & Jan Daulton
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Goldfarb Jeanne Grealish
*Sally A. Denzer
Mr. & Mrs. David Emin Ian
John & Kim Ackerman
*Dr. & *Mrs. Sterling Edwards
*Mrs. Molly Huber
*Frances Joy Dazzo
Mark Duhamel & Ann Swancer William E. Ebel Lauri Ebel
*Robert W. Kaufmann
Kreg *EdwardHill L. Hillsman
Mr. & Mrs. Abramshe
*Daniel & *Marian Frances Smith Hooks
Paul & LaDonna Hopkins
Ginger Grossetete
Heritage Society
*Henry C. Dennis & *Sarah B. Dennis
WesBernie*RalphBerglundBerkowitz&SueBernard&JessicaBigney III *Don TomClaudiaBlaugrundBloom&Francesca Blueher
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Eitzen
Richard Babcock
C. David Bedford Beverly & Perry Bendicksen III
*Josephine Atkinson
Acknowledging Heritage Society members is our simple way of recognizing future benevolence.
*Mrs. Nancy Anderson Roberts
Ron Beauchamp & Cecilia Navarrete
The Ray Zimmer Heritage Society, named in honor of one of the Foundation's founders and its first Board President, is designed to make Albuquerque a place of stronger partnerships for generations to come. The Heritage Society connects the past, present and future. It recognizes donors whose far-sighted generosity will benefit future generations through deferred gifts and estate plans. These individuals have committed to the future of our community by naming Albuquerque Community Foundation in their wills, qualified retirement plans, life insurance policies, trusts or other instruments.
*Dean & *Alice Irvin
*Mrs. Keziah Hoyt
Mr. Howard W. Henry
*Ann C. Bailey
*Taylor & Joan Bowen Sue
Mr. & Mrs. Rex Allender
James & Diane Bonnell
Nancy Berg
*Mr. Robert C. Boule
Billie Jo Crouse
JoAnn Albrecht
*Mrs. Sue M. Daulton
*Mrs. Mildred Gauntt Hall
*Minnie Condrey Gooch Hall
A Conversation with Ana Marie Argilagos, President & CEO of Hispanics in Philanthropy event Photograph by Kayleigh Maes
DONORS *Leona Kohlhaas Bryan María*Ms.*MaryLaree*GeorgeDavidMr.RonSJClaudiaGaleDrs.Steve*Maynard*Jan*Ellie*Ms.Ed*Ms.*Mr.*Paul*Mr.Dr.BobKathleen*Ms.JudyRobert*Anne*RoyAmy*John*Ms.*Mrs.StephenKonefskyKranzEdithKubiéShirleyLambertF.&*MaeLarkLegantLeeCainLittleLoughridgeBeardenLoveAnnLucero"Nats"LundeTinninGloria&RobertMalloryWilliamF.Mann&*PattiMarianetti&*Mrs.JohnC.MarshallJeanMarshall&JaneMcCulloughPatriciaL.McDonald&GaryMiller&*MarionLeeMiller&*BethMoiseFrank&DiannaMontoyaWilliamsDoyel&RobertMoragaMorgan&MaryMoyaMichaelMurphyObergClaytonPearlPerezPooleRebaPriceGriego-Raby&RandyRoyster Mr. & Mrs. Steve Ruppert *Betty Rynd *Mrs. Jane Sandoval Arthur Schreiber *Mrs. June Schutzberger *Carl F. DavidDiane*Mr.*Nathan*Ms.*DebbieMr.*Mrs.Mr.*Mrs.*Mr.Mrs.Karin*Mr.David*James*Rev.WalterMrs.SallyJeffMyrna*RobertCarolyn*ShirleyWilliam*T.J.GeorganneScottSeeley&*MaryRaySivleySneadS.SpiewakSpolideroJ.StammSmyer&CarltonCanadySterbaStorrsMarilynB.Strauss&MimiSternA.W.Tarbell&*Helen"Maxine"TempletonStuartPhD&CynthiaStuartEdDBobTurnerUrbanMaryUtsinger&*Mrs.FrederickTraugerBettyVortman&Mrs.JohnVanlandinghamNellitaWalker&Mrs.PaulVosburghWaltersLucyAnnWarnerWineberg&*Mrs.CliftonElbertWoodcockYanneyZeuch&NenaJoyAlmodovar

Mimi Burns
Virginia Scharff
Partners ($500 & up)
The following donors have elected to support the Foundation's operations in perpetuity through the establishment of an endowed administrative fund:
Abinash Achrekar MD MPH & Shalini Achrekar John & Kim Ackerman
Louise Campbell-Tolber & Steven Tolber Elaine & William G. Chapman
Patrick V. Apodaca & Leslie McCarthy Apodaca Linda & Richard Avery Dave BeverlyBedfordR.&Mr. Perry E. Bendicksen
Endowed Administrative Funds
Thomas “Tom” E. & Keri A. Antram
Mary Ellen Capek & Sue Hallgarth
Theodore R. Brown Administrative Endowment Fund
Friends (up to $499)
Robert Anderson & Susan Nelson Anderson
JamesAnonymous&Yvonne Beckley
Laura and Zack Clem, Jr. Endowment Fund
Sharon Gross
Henry C. Dennis and Sara B. Dennis 624 Champion Building Endowment Fund
Jeff and Janet Sterba Partners in Philanthropy Endowment Fund
Peltier, Gustafson & Miller PA Endowment Fund Ray and Barbara Zimmer Endowment Fund
Susanne B. Brown Administrative Endowment Fund
Jonathan Roepcke
Moise Family Administrative Endowment Fund
Michael RaymondGeorgeMustafaKimberlySchulteSelvingKTajThomas&Maureen
Pepper Cooper Mark & Jane Epstein Gary & Melodie Eyster
Emily & Garrett Allen Rex & Barbara Allender
Doug and Sarah Brown Administrative Endowment Fund
Laura Hueter Bass Fund for Administrative Excellence
Albuquerque Community Foundation Administrative Fund Bank of America Endowment Fund
Walter E. and Shelley Cohen Fund for ACF Wells Fargo Bank Administrative Endowment Fund
Mike & Bonnie Blackledge
Frank Gorham, Jr. Endowment Fund
Bradbury Stamm Administrative Endowment Fund
Glenn Fellows and Patricia Hancock Administrative Fund
As a nonprofit organization, Albuquerque Community Foundation also relies on the generosity of donors for critical operational support. Partners in Philanthropy invest in us, so we may continue to invest in
Robert and Ann Clark Administrative Endowment Fund
David Bernstein & Erika Rimson
Hyunji Kim Choi
Ken Harmon & Cathy Haight David & Stephanie Kauffman
Sarah Kotchian & Robert Nellums
exemplify and embody a belief in community support. Please join us in thanking the following donors, who help us accomplish our goal to support Albuquerque through philanthropy.
Jason & Danielle Galloway
Partners in Philanthropy
Bob Bowman & Jack Knight Martha G. Brown
Mrs. Clinton P. Anderson Administrative Endowment Fund
Tara Dr.GrahamLovatoLynchGloria&Robert Mallory Alan JohnSteveMishlerMoise&Silke
Nancy Anderson Roberts Administrative Endowment Fund
Peter Weinreb & Judy Basen Weinreb Joe & Cheryl Zebrowski
Lance & Kathy Chilton Arellana D. Cordero & Greg Levenson Norman & Jan Corzine Philip & Krys Custer C. Thomas & Jan Daulton Michelle & Jimmy Dearholt Anna & Dr. Michael Doss Paul & Caryn DiPaola David & Debbie Dozier
Calla Ann Pepmueller
Grant Recipient: Mandy’s Farm Photograph by Evan Pierce

Linda H. Parker
Duffy & Jean Ann Swan
Joan Weissman & Michael Nutkiewicz Chuck & J.D. Wellborn David & Susan Weymouth
Marcus J. Mims
Daniel Montoya Shirley RobertoDavidAlbertMarkMichaelMorrison&JudyMuldawerNapolin&ShannaNarathNeal&AliceRedmond-NealOrtega&LorettaCordova
Leslie Phinney Peggy & Jeff Roberts Stephen Royce María Griego-Raby & Randy Royster Ellen Ann Ryan Anne & Ken Sapon
Charlotte Coulombe Schoenmann & Stuart Schoenmann
Andrew & Kathleen Metzger
The Becket Family Foundation Len & Liz Trainor José Viramontes
Partners & up) cont’d
de Ortega James & Janice Parker
Ronald & Claudia Short Stan & Marilyn Stark Walter E. & Mimi Stern
Wayne & Elaine Chew
ARTS & CULTURE EDUCATION $464,600 47 organizations. in unrestricted grants were awarded to In Albuquerque2021,Artwalk $4,600 ALMA (Apprenticeships for Leaders in Mosaic Arts) $7,500 Assistance League® Albuquerque $10,000 Duke City Repertory Theatre $10,000 Festival Ballet Albuquerque $6,100 Keshet Dance Company $10,000 OffCenter Community Arts $5,000 Working Classroom $10,000 Amy Biehl High School Foundation $9,450 MANA de Albuquerque $5,000 Sofia Center for Professional Development $9,450 Southwest Creations Collaborative $14,450 Together for Brothers Grant$14,450Recipient:

Competitive Grant Program
Duke Repertory
Theatre Photograph provided by Duke City Repertory Theatre $63,200 $52,800 37 | COMMUNITY IMPACT
Each year, Albuquerque Community Foundation awards grants through a competitive process. Awards are granted to organizations providing services that uplift residents in the four-county Greater Albuquerque Metropolitan Area (Bernalillo, Sandoval, Torrance and Valencia). The Competitive Grant Program is supported by over 90 endowment funds. To respond to the community’s specific needs, distributions from the funds are pooled and aligned directly with the Foundation’s fields-of-interest.
Our ongoing work in grantmaking, asset development and community leadership are focused on supporting organizations that meet the basic needs of our community and work toward creating lasting positive
Competitive Grant Program is organized in six fields-of-interest: Arts & Culture, Economic & Workforce Development, Education, Environmental & Historic Preservation, Health and Human Services.
IMPACTCOMMUNITY ENVIRONMENTAL & HISTORIC PRESERVATIONSERVICESHUMANHEALTH Ancestral Lands Conservation Corps $10,000 Hawks Aloft $10,000 Homewise/B Ruppe $10,000 La Cosecha CSA $15,000 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTWORKFORCE& Albuquerque Adult Learning Center $6,600 Asian Business Collaborative $10,000 Encuentro $15,000 International District Economic Development Center $15,000 Casa de Salud $20,000 Centro Savila $18,000 GriefChildren’sCenter $13,350 Domestic Violence Resource Center $12,000 East MinistriesCentral $10,000 Simply Salud $10,000 Casa Q $14,000 Cuidando Los Niños $10,000 Enlace Comunitario $10,000 Fathers Building Futures $10,000 Saranam $15,000 CommunityTenderLove Center $10,000 ofCenterResourceTransgenderNewMexico $10,000 Mandy’s Farm $15,000 Manzano Mountain Art Council $10,000 Rocky Mountain Youth Corps $9,600 North American Digital Fabrication Alliance $10,000 Rio Grande DevelopmentCommunityCorp. $15,000 WESST $15,000GrantRecipient: Cuidando Los Niños Photograph by Hyunju Blemel $79,000$83,350 $79,600$86,600 COMMUNITY IMPACT | 38

Grant Recipient: Duke City Repertory Theatre
Photograph provided by Duke City Repertory Theatre

“We were already working from home on the business side,” says Amelia Ampuero, Duke City Rep’s Co-Founder and Artistic Director. “Then we took a pause to consider how we could present the best theater possible. We also thought about our values, especially artist and worker’s rights, equity and inclusion. If there’s been a silver lining in the pandemic, it’s that we were forced to take a breath and think about what kind of organization we wanted to be. And what it will look like in two, five or ten years. We couldn’t do that when presenting four live shows a year.”
Grant Recipient: Duke City Repertory Theatre Photograph provided by Duke City Repertory Theatre
Like many performing arts organizations, Duke City Repertory Theatre pivoted to virtual presentations during the pandemic, learning new technical skills to survive. The bigger question for them was how this new way of reaching audiences would affect the future.
“We cannot express how grateful we are to the Foundation, especially because their grants are for general operating funds. It’s such a blessing, and we’re going to keep doing what we’re doing,” she
Duke City Repertory Theatre
A recipient of a general operating grant, the company continued its Pay What It’s Worth initiative for those without resources to see live theater. With Pay What It’s Worth, and the streaming shows we created like Ugly Sweater Revue and Head Over Heels, anyone could watch for free, or donate what they could. Especially now, we want people to have access to our work,” Ampuero says. “We would not have thought about streaming before the pandemic, either. Because of funding from the Foundation, we were under no pressure to charge for these streaming shows.”
The grant also supported the company’s Theater on the Farm season. Part live performance, part audio play, part gallery piece by Albuquerque writer and actor Stephanie Grilo, the piece was performed outside on the grounds of Farm and Table restaurant in Albuquerque’s North Valley. The play examined where and how we unite when connection is lost.

Duke City Rep used part of the grant to create a more spacious creative process for other artists, too. Taking care of their artists by putting their physical and mental health first, allowing them to work safely and in innovative ways, and paying them appropriately, have always been among the group’s primary goals. For example, they brought in a writing coach to shepherd a writer through the process of creating a one-woman play about deeply personal subjects so she wouldn’t be re-traumatized during the work’s creation. The company expects to stage this play in 2022.
Ampuero doesn’t think theater is going back to the way it was. Instead, she sees artistic voices starting to shift. The company realized it has a platform to give young, female identifying, people of color, and gender expansive individuals space for their voices. The focus on diversifying and building audiences in their live and streaming programming has been successful.
Grant Recipient: MANA de Albuquerque
Photograph by Hyunju Blemel

Hermanitas® Youth Leadership program, hermanitas (little sisters) participate in monthly workshops on topics like financial literacy, healthy relationships, and creativity—taught by MANA volunteers and its partners. The program, which pairs young women with older mentors to expose them to ideas and opportunities they might otherwise encounter, is designed to encourage girls to stay in school, pursue high academic and career goals, maintain and/or improve their health and raise their self-confidence and expectations for the future.
MANA de Albuquerque
past participants to return to the organization as mentors to share their own experiences and personal and professional lessons learned. MANA’s mentors, called Madrinas® (godmothers), include Latinas of varied interests, careers and lifestyles who support the mission of empowering Latinas through education, leadership development, community service and advocacy.
Photograph by Hyunju Blemel
During the pandemic, MANA pivoted its workshops online, and incorporated health and well-being topics such as suicide prevention, exercise through activities like yoga, ice skating and running, and the value of nature walks along the river.

“We used the grant from the Albuquerque Community Foundation to support our regular $1000 scholarships for graduating seniors. They also get a new laptop and backpack to help with their studies,” says Blanco-Silva. The scholarships are for graduating seniors who enroll in an accredited college or university and who demonstrate a commitment to community service.
After a challenging year, the organization appreciates the vote of confidence the Foundation grant signified. “It was nice to count on this support from the Albuquerque Community Foundation to improve the quality of our workshops—we needed more supplies for this programming. Because we are a local chapter of a national organization, this local funding means everything as we invest in the next generation of leaders in the community,” Blanco-Silva
Recipient: MANA de Albuquerque
MANA de Albuquerque is an all-volunteer driven organization committed to creating a community of informed and active Latinas working together to support the success of all Latinos. Serving the local area since 1985, the Albuquerque chapter is part of a national network of Latinas throughout the U.S. who value education, service, advocacy and leadership Throughdevelopment.its
A first-generation college graduate herself, MANA President Lorena Blanco-Silva knows firsthand the value of having examples of successful women in one’s life and the challenges faced by being among a first generation applying for and going to college. The organization’s goal is to assist Latinas ages 11—18 in achieving their full potential personally and professionally while serving their community.
“I wish that someone had done something like this for me when I was younger to help remove barriers,” says
Grant Recipient: La Cosecha Photograph by Hyunju Blemel

La Cosecha Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a food access program that operates within the Agri-Cultura Network, a farmer-owned cooperative located in Albuquerque’s South Valley. The CSA provides subsidized and sponsored produce for more than 300 qualified low-income families each week. The organization’s goal is to create a healthier food system, build self-sufficiency among local farmers and families, and improve community health by increasing access to healthy, affordable, locally grown food and community-based nutrition education.
La Cosecha began in 2012 when network farmers noticed that their produce was not being distributed in the South Valley. This was a matter of concern, because the low-income South Valley is considered a food desert, defined as an area with a lack of access to healthy food and lack of resources to pay for it. The farmers wanted to feed their friends and neighbors and support the neighborhood economy.
La Cosecha Community Supported Agriculture
Photograph by Hyunju Blemel
Participants in the La Cosecha CSA make a commitment for 20 weeks during the growing season of June through late October/early November to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables grown locally by farmers using organic methods. The organization provides a bilingual newsletter in the weekly farm shares with healthy recipes, storage tips and nutrition information. Referral clinics at partner sites reach families and children who either have a need for food access or have been diagnosed with chronic illnesses such as diabetes.
need to have markets for their food. La Cosecha purchases the food, giving them a steady market. During the peak of the season, we distribute more than 3000 pounds of food each week, all grown in New Mexico. That’s extraordinary economic activity going into farms to boost their capacity. Supporting nutrition is also an important piece in our long-term goal of New Mexico becoming a sustainable food state, meaning that community supports farmers growing in healthy ways,” says
La Cosecha
As a community food hub, La Cosecha also offers bilingual online cooking demonstrations called Cooking For Health, featuring physicians who discuss food as medicine and how smart eating can have an impact on cholesterol levels and diabetes, and also addresses food intolerances and allergies. CSA members also share dishes they prepare using CSA ingredients, and what these dishes and recipes mean to them. Pre-pandemic, classes were presented live with chefs preparing three dishes. The organization changed course, now featuring participants who share their stories and recipes because surveys suggested that regular people preparing simple, nourishing food was a more realistic way to influence
“This program changes lives. Families come out healthier and they really like it,” says Helga Garza, La Cosecha Executive Director. “This grant from the Albuquerque Community Foundation means that we can continue to develop, maintain, and strengthen community driven markets. With community investment in the program, we continue to connect farmers and community together to change food
consists of six South Valley farms, all of which use organic practices. The CSA also sources from over 30 out-of-network farms across New Mexico.

Grant Recipient: Transgender Resource Center of New Mexico Photograph by Hyunju Blemel

The grant from the Foundation came with no restrictions, meaning the award could be used for general operating funds so grant recipients can decide where best to use the award. The TGRCNM used its grant to hire a part-time position at its drop-in center. At this facility, participants (overwhelmingly transgender women of color and many times experiencing unemployment and homelessness) are offered food, safe bathrooms and showers, a mailing address, free monthly bus passes, rapid HIV testing, and resources for other social services and care. Most importantly, they have a place to get out of the weather and be together.
The Center’s programs also benefit participants who are not located in the greater Albuquerque area or even New Mexico. The Center is the only organization of its kind for hundreds of miles in any direction, says Lawyer. “But it shouldn’t be. There should be one in every state and community. That’s why it’s so important to us that a foundation like the Albuquerque Community Foundation supports us.”
Grant Recipient: Transgender Resource Center of New Mexico Photograph by Hyunju Blemel
“Having the right amount of staff, and empathetic staff, is crucial to making sure people have access to our services. We didn’t have another way to hire someone, and we’re working on ways to continue to support the position. Grassroots organizations like ours often operate with way too little. It takes time and funds to build a program. We’re ramping up and on our way to having enough,” Lawyer continues.
“Families from other states also call us to talk about moving here. To me that’s terrifying, uprooting a family in this way. But they find us and think about New Mexico as viable option, because our organization is here and our community is supportive,” Lawyer says.
transition support, too. Training on transgender lives and issues for any class, workplace, or group that is interested is also available, in which Foundation staff have participated.
Grant recipient Transgender Resource Center of New Mexico (TGRCNM) was founded in 2008 to be a clearinghouse of direct services, education and advocacy for the transgender community. Today, it provides advocacy, education and direct services in support of transgender, gender nonconforming, nonbinary, and gender variant people and their “Thesefamilies.are services for some of the most marginalized transgender people in the community,” says Adrien Lawyer, Executive Director. “If a trans woman lives on the street with no place to shower, there is tremendous fear. Survival is on the line.”
As trans people become more visible in the community, TGRCNM fills a breach in services in the region. In addition to the drop-in facility, the TGRCNM operates a thrift store that accepts donations of clothing, electronics and household goods. Participants in the Center’s programs receive vouchers to shop at the store at no cost to them. The TGRCNM also serves many participants who are housed and employed, running nine different support groups each month. The Center provides help with name and identity document changes, trainings and

Transgender Resource Center of New Mexico

Grant Recipient: Cuidando Los Niños Photograph by Hyunju Blemel

Grant Recipient: Cuidando Los Niños Photograph by Hyunju Blemel

Hoehn adds that the program and associated services, like parent education, child development, financial literacy and nutrition classes are all provided free of charge. The Foundation grant also allowed the organization to upgrade technology for parents so they could remotely connect with teachers and maintain contact with the organization. Hoehn says that he was pleased to see the Foundation broaden its funding criteria this year to include organizations like theirs. “It was a lift in morale during a challenging time. It meant a lot to all of us that the community, through Albuquerque Community Foundation, was there to support us.”

Grant Recipient: Opera Southwest Photograph provided by Opera Southwest

Grant Albuquerque Youth Symphony Program Photograph provided by Albuquerque Youth Symphony Program
Albuquerque Youth Symphony $23,750 New Mexico Philharmonic $88,400 New Mexico Symphonic Chorus $4,850 Opera Southwest $16,000

When the New Mexico Symphony closed its doors in 2011, the Foundation held several funds for the benefit of the former Symphony. One of the many advantages of endowed funds is that they are protected from bankruptcy and can be reallocated to similar groups that continue the mission of the original organization. Today, the Foundation leverages the endowment funds to support symphonic music performances and education through our Orchestral Symphonic Music Grant Program.
SymphonicOrchestral Music

The New Mexico Funders Collaborative (NMFC) is a network of statewide funders committed to pooling time, energy and resources for the betterment of New Mexico communities. This year, the Collaborative awarded $70,000 through the Educate2Elevate (E2E) grant program to two organizations to support Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and address students’ behavioral health needs. SEL is the process of learning social skills and self-awareness, emotional management, responsible decision-making and relationship skills that students need to succeed in every area and stage of their lives.

Grant Recipient: Mandy’s Farm Photograph by Evan Pierce

New FundersMexicoCollaborative


Future EducationFocused(FFE) creates healthier and more communitiesprosperous by advancing the best education for students who need it most. FFE works with the Leadership Schools Network,

Mandy’s Farm $25,000
Future Focused Education $45,000


Mandy’s Farm is a nonprofit organization that assists individuals with developmental disabilities in achieving their goals for living, learning and working in the community. Funding supports the VAMOS Program, a youth development initiative in which AmeriCorps staff provide job training and skill development for people with developmental disabilities in the Albuquerque metro area. Due to significant funding shortfalls, waiting lists for services, and resource gaps for young adults with disabilities, who are transitioning from high school to adulthood, individuals with disabilities often go without the resources, accommodations and opportunities they need to be successful. The goal of the VAMOS program is to assist young people with disabilities (14—22 years old) in receiving the training and support necessary to obtain their diploma or GED, pursue higher education, participate in national service, and/or obtain employment in the community at minimum wage or higher.
Grant Recipient: Future Focused Education Photograph provided by Future Focused Education

Internship sub-program that focuses on Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and the mental/behavioral health of Central New Mexico high school students who face challenges to graduation. It targets young parents with the goal to develop SEL and workforce skills, knowledge and attitudes, as well as promote participants’ basic stability (including financial stability), mental and behavioral health, and overall personal wellness. The overarching aim is to prepare participants for school, internship and career opportunities that create a educationalpositivetrajectory.

Foundation staff member Juaquin Moya
Khadijah Bottom, Executive Director of Vizionz-Sankofa, estimates some 300 children received toys, acknowledging that “without the Foundation’s help, we wouldn’t have reached as many kids.” Vizionz-Sankofa is a local nonprofit that advocates for African refugee and immigrant populations in New Mexico toward community inclusion.
For tours, Albuquerque Trolley Company ferries participants for an open-air morning jaunt to nonprofits as varied as Rio Grande Community Farms, New Mexico Steam Locomotive & Railroad Historical Society and Rio Grande Food Project. On a downtown walking tour, donors visit several downtown-based nonprofits in close proximity. Typically, tour participants enjoy lunch at one of the nonprofit stops.
The personal connection the tours foster is perhaps even more important for smaller, grassroots groups who might not get as much public attention as larger, more visible ones. To date, more than 60 competitive grant recipients have been a tour stop. During the pandemic, donors went on a virtual tour. Whatever the mode of transport, grantees and donors connect in a way that builds personal interaction and a deeper connection. And of course, everyone has fun!
It’s one thing to read about the organizations the Foundation funds each year. It’s quite another to see where and how these community nonprofits accomplish their mission and to meet them in person. Since 2015, the Foundation has invited donors on tours around the community to see how their generosity makes an impact.
Economic Development Center is a business incubator, co-working space and media lab. It also focuses on helping businesses develop, build and grow within the International District.
International District Winter Fest
Trolley Tours

The International District Winter Fest, hosted in December by the Foundation, International District Economic Development Center and Vizionz-Sankofa, brought together community, economic development, health and social service organizations for a day of information, food and winter cheer. Families in the International District neighborhood received toys, winter clothing, gift cards and lunch from local food trucks. Flu and COVID-19 vaccines were offered, as well as tax preparation support and rental assistance information.
“What a great cap off to the year, bringing so many families out that we couldn’t reach otherwise,” says Alex Horton, Founder and Executive Director of the International District Economic Development Center. “It was a group effort—the Foundation was a great help in bringing everyone together to guide the future of the Internationalneighborhood.”District
Photograph by Evan Pierce
International District Winter Fest
Photograph provided by International District Winter Fest

Trolley Tours Photograph by Evan Pierce

In 2021, Albuquerque Community Foundation awarded student aid to 175 students through our 23 scholarship programs.
Andrew Piech Memorial Scholarship for graduating high school seniors or current college students who are pursuing a career in the automotive or vocational tech fields
Hakes Brothers Scholarship Fund for students who are single parents, actively parenting, and studying within the fields of science, technology, engineering, math (STEM), medical, accounting and attending the University of New Mexico
Davis-Kozoll Scholarship for high school, undergraduate and graduate students pursuing a degree in science or human services, or those who are preparing for non-scientific or human service employment in communities of northwest New Mexico
Student Aid
Carl F. Scott Scholarship for Tucumcari Lodge #27 A.F. & A.M. for Quay County students graduating high school or currently enrolled in college
Barnes W. Rose Jr. and Eva Rose Nickol Scholarship for Albuquerque High School (AHS) students pursuing a college degree in the fields of science, technology, engineering or math
Robby Baker Memorial Scholarship for La Cueva High School (LCHS) students with a learning, language, or reading disability
New Mexico Manufactured Housing Association Scholarship for students living in a mobile or manufactured home
Albuquerque Community Foundation’s scholarship programs are as unique as the donors who established them. However, the scholarships all have one thing in common: they support New Mexico students by alleviating financial barriers.
Manuel Lujan Excellence in Education Scholarship for graduating high school seniors of 24 designated high schools, who plan to continue their education full-time at a New Mexico four-year college or university
James Ledwith Memorial Scholarship for students who have faced an extraordinary life challenge while continuing to pursue their dreams with hope, faith and courage
David R. Woodling Memorial Scholarship for students pursuing a career in metal technology or welding technology
Bryan Cline Memorial Soccer Scholarship for one male-identifying and one female-identifying Eldorado High School graduating senior who participated in varsity soccer
Jose "Isi" Trujillo Scholarship for a graduating senior from Hot Springs High School (HSHS) in Truth or Consequences, who will be attending a New Mexico public college, university or community college
Kiwanis Club of Albuquerque Scholarship for students with community service experience; preference is given to students studying early childhood development and/or teaching and those who participate in Key Club
Rae Lee Siporin Scholarship for Women for those who are returning to college or university after an official break and are returning to complete their senior year of their first undergraduate degree
Nina J. Wing Scholarship for students who were previously in the foster care system and are currently attending or plan on attending Central New Mexico Community College
Pedro and Mateo SandovalStrong Memorial Scholarship for Moriarty High School (MHS) graduating seniors who are community-oriented and engaged in extra-curricular activities
These awards ranged from $500 to $4,000, totaling over $150,000.
Youth in Foster Care Scholarship Fund for high school or college students who have been in the New Mexico foster care system for a minimum of one year
2021 Scholarship Recipients

Women in Rhetoric and Logic Scholarship for graduating Albuquerque Academy female students participating in debate and pursuing a college degree
Susie Kubié Symphonic Music Scholarship for students who participate in the Albuquerque Youth Symphony Program who plan on pursuing a music-related degree
Sussman-Miller Educational Assistance Fund for financial aid assistance to support the “gap” in student financial aid award packages
Photograph provided by Albuquerque Community Foundation
William F. Mann Scholarship for graduating high school seniors with a strong community service background, preference is given to Albuquerque High School (AHS) students
Woodcock Family Education Scholarship Fund for Albuquerque metro-area high school graduating seniors of exceptional promise in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math
The Pam Schneider Memorial Scholarship Presented by American Advertising Federation of New Mexico for students pursuing a degree in the field of marketing and communication
Trythall Family Scholarship for Excellence in Continuing Education for students working a minimum of 20 hours per week while attending undergraduate or vocational school to help further their career goals
Future Fund
Over the years, members have grown the Future Fund endowment to $750,000 through annual membership donations and they have granted more than $334,000. Through its grantmaking, Future Fund focuses on removing obstacles to funding for nonprofits and getting support out to the community quickly. In 2021, all grants awarded were unrestricted.

Members host a variety of fun social activities throughout the year culminating in the annual highlight, “Grant Night,” when members meet with nonprofits and select a grantee. Future Fund took an innovative approach by hosting a masquerade round table discussion around three pressing community issues: access to justice, housing insecurity and mental health, each as they relate to children. Nonprofits remained “masked” or anonymous. While members discussed the issues and topics, this new approach benefitted not only the organizations who received grants, but also Future Fund members by educating them about community problems and how to make a deeper impact.
A $22,500 grant was made to Breaking the Silence New Mexico, which promotes mental health literacy, education, advocacy, and well-being for teens, youth and adults.

Future Fund members
Photograph provided by Albuquerque Community Foundation
Established in 1997 for young philanthropists and leaders, Future Fund’s collaborative giving circle is comprised of diverse people from various sectors who believe in the concept of collective impact and community engagement. It introduces young members of the community to responsive philanthropy, develops community awareness and nurtures future leadership.

Hakim Bellamy Adam Biederwolf
Libby AdamAriannaAbbottAbramsAlvarez&
MaDonna Analla
Kyle CindyRathiKevinNadineBiederwolfBuergerBurns&BenCaseyChavez&Paul
Cynthia Schultz
Mitchel JulisaCameronEvanJoséAnthonyAngelicaOlsonOrtegaOrtizOrtizPiercePriceRodriguez & Gabe Gallegos
Tania & Jonas Armenta
Anna & Michael Doss
Laura RhiannonJaymieRothRoybal&Adan Samuel
Brandon & Christina Furst
Nina AdamChavez&Misty Ciepiela
Anonmyous (2)
Amanda Aragon
Katie & Ian Esquibel
ChanelMelodyMissyMichelleDanielTaylorSonyaAouassouTorrezTroddenTrujilloVanengenWaunekaWellsWiese&David Carl Brandon Writtenberry provided by
Destiny Logan Smith
Dena Thomas–Aouassou & Salah
Erin Scott Adams
Sommer Smith
David & Shelley Silverman
Albuquerque Community Foundation

David LindseyJenniferBakerBaker&Kristen Baker
Andre Durham & Katja Fitz Annemarie & Mark Henton
Kristin Grassham
Future Fund members Photograph
Future Fund Members
Thomas Cooper
Sanjay Engineer
Joe Gorvetzian & Nancy Croker
Jane Jones
Since 1998, a proud and committed board and staff have been working to close the gap in available services to people like its namesake, Susan Rose, by providing services which were not available to Susan, a much loved, talented and beautiful woman.
Cris & Kenneth Abbott
Rohini & David Arter
Giving Club chose to meet virtually this year, hosting presentations from three nonprofits on Grant Night. Their $25,000 impact grant was awarded to Susan’s Legacy. Susan’s Legacy provides gender-specific services to women with co-occurring mental health and addiction disorders, including intensive case management, mental health counseling, addiction counseling and support groups. All services are provided at no cost to the client with the goal of learning to become self-sufficient, independent, and empowered women.
Susan’s Legacy is named after Susan Rose, who suffered from a mood disorder that began in childhood, and later developed into a substance abuse disorder. In 1997, at the age of 28, Susan passed away.

Michael Dexter
Carol Jakowatz
Peggy & Jeff Roberts
Debbie & Irwin Harms
Kathleen & Will Raskob
Anna & Gabe Sanchez
Susan’s Legacy was formed so that women diagnosed with co-occurring disorders do not lose their battles as Susan so tragically did. The organization tackles mental health challenges and addiction struggles simultaneously.
Established in 2016, the Social Giving Club is a collaborative giving circle created for those who believe in the power of collective impact. Members award a collective $25,000 impact grant to one grantee each Socialyear.
Glenn Fellows & Patricia Hancock
Social Giving Club
Karen & Chris Bard
Jessica & Kat Wright
Judy Bearden Love
Carol MaureenMaddux&Steve Martinick
Art & Patricia Priebe
Lynn Johnson & Fritz Eberle
Nina SuzanneForrestStrong & Marc Gillihan
Social Giving Club Members
David Zeuch & Nena Joy Almodovar
Charlotte & Stuart Schoenmann
Franklin Wilson
Leslie Neal
Pam Hurd-Knief & Ron Knief
Julie LaurieSilverman&Rogan Thompson
Richard Lamport
Debbie & David Dozier
When New Mexican artist Reyes Padilla hears music, he sees colors—a condition called synesthesia. His paintings, murals and site—specific installations are inspired by playlists he compiles.

Profile in Philanthropy: Reyes Padilla
Reyes Padilla Photograph provided by Reyes Padilla
As part of our 40th Anniversary celebration, we collaborated with Padilla and other local artists making an imprint on the community.
Reyes was lead artist for New Mexico’s first permanent traffic mural located in Albuquerque’s Barelas neighborhood, and his installation “¡Mira, Look!” was purchased for the permanent collection of Explora! Science Center and Museum.
Cruzando Ríos (Crossing Rivers) Photograph provided by Reyes Padilla
The genesis of Reyes’s painting “Cruzando Ríos (Crossing Rivers)” was a playlist he created to bring himself hope. “Cruzando Ríos” was featured on the front of our fall newsletter. The abstract representation of surmounting obstacles symbolizes the energetic rise that comes from a hopeful outlook. “Crossing Rivers is about getting through tough moments,” he says. “When looking at hope, you’re definitely looking to overcome and rise.”
Other works have sold to collectors and museums, including the State of New Mexico and the Mesa Contemporary Arts Museum in Arizona. His work “Cruzando Ríos” is now displayed in the Foundation’s office.

Joseph Saavedra with Pennies for Homeless nonprofit grantees Photograph provided by Albuquerque Community Foundation

Bernalillo County Tiny Home Village shade structure Photograph provided by Pennies for the Homeless

Joseph Saavedra and Pennies for Homeless nonprofit grantee Photograph provided by Albuquerque Community Foundation


From left to right: Katie, Aurora, Ian and Javi Esquibel Photograph provided by Esquibel family

Profile in Philanthropy: The Esquibels
From left to right: Javi, Katie, Ian and Aurora Photograph provided by Esquibel family
Photograph provided by Esquibel family
who graduated from public schools here, we hope that our family is a counter-narrative to the myth. We choose to stay here because we love the land and the people. There isn’t a job anywhere else that pays enough money to pull us away,” says Ian.
The couple are long-time members of Future Fund, and credit the group as a meaningful way for younger adults to get connected and stay informed about organizations and causes in Albuquerque. Katie, a business manager at Sandia Labs with nonprofit career experience, is a past president of Future Fund, and currently a member of the Foundation’s Advancement Committee. Ian, a consultant in the racial equity and social justice space, formerly worked at the Foundation. He participates in the Foundation’s Community Impact Committee.
Ian and Katie
Katie and Ian Esquibel want to challenge the idea that Albuquerque suffers from brain drain. They hope to pass on their love of the city and state as a vibrant, engaged place by dedicating themselves to improving the community through board service with multiple local nonprofits and volunteering with the “AsFoundation.twopeople

The Esquibels are instilling the value of giving in their children: daughter Aurora, six, and son Javi, four. It is important to them that their kids see philanthropy as more than writing checks. “We talk with them about gratitude and privilege and how to be a part of community. We want them to contribute their time, leadership and work, because it all counts as investment into our community,” Katie says.

Charles “Chick” Hancock and Lynn Springer Photograph provided by the Hancock family

family’s first meeting with the Foundation in 2021, Hancock has been pleased at how seamless the transition has been. Deciding which organizations to fund last summer—a task that used to take the family (now including grandchildren) several hours to accomplish—required only one hour.

Lynn Springer and Chick Hancock Photograph provided by the Hancock family
his business, Chick’s Harley-Davison, 15 years ago, his accountant suggested setting up a family foundation with the proceeds. Hancock, his wife Lynn Springer, and their four daughters could continue supporting organizations whose missions were meaningful to them. For most of that time, Lynn managed the administration of the Hancock Family Foundation—reviewing proposals, receiving reports, and corralling the family to make giving decisions.
“In retirement, opportunities for travel and time spent with friends and family moved to the forefront,” says Hancock. “Our accountant, Albuquerque Community Foundation former Trustee Karl Gustafson, suggested transferring our funds to a foundation endowment and letting them handle the administration. Now we get the best part, giving the money away to pre-screened applicants, instead of doing paperwork and managing the investments. It’s Fromideal.”the
Photograph provided by the Hancock family
Charles “Chick” Hancock grew up in a generous family. His parents instilled in him that money isn’t everything, and that he should be giving with both his wealth and his time. They led by example, volunteering with local organizations that served Whencommunity.thehesold
“My advice to someone setting up a foundation? Don’t. Knock on the Albuquerque Community Foundation door instead. There’s no downside. You can be as involved or uninvolved as you want. And they like that families are involved,” Hancock

Profile in Philanthropy: The Hancock Family
Charitable Planning: More Important Now than Ever!
Taxation of Trusts in 2021

Ken Leach Kenneth C. Leach & Associates, P.C.
New Mexico Estate Planning Conference

FirstPanelistAmerican Bank
Beneficiary Consent, Release or Ratification Under the UTC
Greg Mackenzie Hurley, Toevs, Styles, Hamblin & Panter, P.A.
Featured Panel: Beyond HEMS... A Trust Officer's Guide to Discretionary Distributions
Panel Facilitator
The event, approved for continuing education credit, is part of the Foundation’s ongoing relationship building with professional advisors who help us connect with generous supporters in the community. They are a vital link and often the first touch in their clients’ engagement with philanthropy.
The annual New Mexico Estate Planning Conference brings together attorneys, bankers, investment and financial advisors, estate planning and tax practitioners for a one-day seminar on the ever-changing estate planning industry. In its second year, over 40 attendees–some virtual and others in person–heard multiple perspectives from tax and trust professionals, attorneys and financial advisors on the many changes in federal rules and regulations for estate and trust planning, as well as updates on the national and local philanthropic landscape.
Anna Grace Trust
NewPanelistMexico Bank &
Bill Slease State Bar of New EstateEthicalCoercion,Conflicts,MexicoCapacity,OhMy!IssuesinPlanning
Bridget Mullins Pregenzer, Baysinger, Wideman & Sale, P.C.

Featured Speakers
Nell Graham Sale Pregenzer, Baysinger, Wideman & Sale, P.C.
The Messy Intersection Between Guardianship and Divorce
Special thanks to Foundation Trustee and attorney Kenneth Leach for his help and guidance in coordinating this growing event.

Established in 2019, the New Mexico Oil & Gas Association Fund kept the focus of its Brighter Future Fund with the Foundation on supporting educational organizations, economic opportunities and hunger initiatives statewide. In 2021, $200,000 was awarded to 29 nonprofits around New Mexico.
Investment in our community is fundamental to the success of our state. A strategic philanthropy program managed by Albuquerque Community Foundation creates a scalable, customized way to demonstrate community involvement, improve employee morale and express the values of a company by connecting employees and companies with causes that matter.

Foundation Staff Member Kate Leung at Leadership and Trustee Reunion Photograph by Kayleigh Maes
Since 2017, when Vitality Works, an Albuquerque-based herbal supplement manufacturer, set up the Vitality Works Endowment Fund with the Foundation, it provided the opportunity to involve employees in the community in ways they couldn’t or wouldn’t necessarily undertake themselves. This year, the company granted $100,000 to seven organizations whose work supported environmental preservation and sustainable living causes, including community supported agricultural projects centered around participants growing their own food.
Bradbury Stamm Construction (BSC) established an Employee Giving Committee in 2018. Guided by employees’ giving priorities such as education, the BSC Committee worked with Foundation staff to review applications and award $145,000 to 13 nonprofits whose missions improve the educational outcomes for children.
Corporate Philanthropy
In 2021, a loan to Siembra Leadership High School supported its purchase of a downtown Albuquerque property to better serve its growing student population. This entrepreneur-focused, public charter school gives students relevant real-world experience and the opportunity to start their own business or nonprofit while they prepare for college.

In 2021, focused on
The Foundation’s impact investments centered primarily on COVID-19 related recovery by funding local Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) to rapidly distribute cash to businesses to keep their workforces employed. These low-cost capital loans allowed the CDFIs to serve small, local businesses quickly at a time of tremendous need, and are performing well as the CDFIs pay them back.
Impact Investing
Grant Recipient Siembra Leadership High School
Photograph provided by Siembra Leadership High School
The Foundation’s Impact Investment program invests in the local economy through private equity investments and direct low-interest loans. These investments are designed for both financial and social returns. Impact Investing is another tool the Foundation uses to bring significant new money into the Albuquerque area.

The financial information below reflects highlights from unaudited financial statements in the 2021 calendar year. Our most recent audited financial statements with accompanying notes (plus a report from an independent auditor) are available at abqcf.org.
Financial Summary and Highlights
The objective of the Foundation’s investment program is to produce growth and income sufficient to support both donor goals and Foundation objectives and to maintain the purchasing power of the fund for future beneficiaries. The long-term total return need of the Foundation’s portfolio is CPI, plus the current spending policy rate, plus the Foundation’s average administrative fee.
Total Assets By Year $145.5M in 2021 $91.3M $94.1M $108.6M $124.6M 2017 2018 2019 2020 $16.7M $10.6M $7.2M $10.7M 2017 2018 2019 2020 $4.8M $4.5M $4.8M $6.4M 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total Contributions By Year $9.7M in 2021 Total Grants By Year $5.6M in FINANCIAL2021SUMMARY | 68
The Finance Committee oversees our accounting process. The Audit and Risk Management Committee is responsible for overseeing the audit process. The Investment Committee oversees all aspects of the investment program, ensuring assets are well-diversified and designed to meet the Foundation’s objectives. Our investment management summary, along with quarterly investment performance reports, are also available on our website. We welcome your comments and input.
Grant Distributions $5.6 MillionTotal $184,000 Scholarships $490,000 40th Grantiversary $160,000 Great Grant Giveaway $181,000 Agency Distributions $200,000 Other Programs $695,109 Competitive Grants $2,700,000 Donor Advised Funds $503,000 Regrant $84,000 Foundation Advised $450,000 Pass Through

SUMMARYFINANCIAL $695,109 Total Competitive Grant Distributions Grant Recipient: La Cosecha Photograph by Hyunju Blemel $83,350 Health $79,000 Human Services $86,660 Economic & DevelopmentWorkforce $34,149 Animals $133,000 Music $83,350 Other $63,200 Arts & Culture $79,600 Environmental & Historic Preservation $52,800 Education

Support the Foundation, Support the Community! Enclosed is my donation of $___________________________________. All gifts are tax deductible to the maximum allowed by law. linedottedthealongCut Payment Type: Name(s) as should be listed in publications: I prefer to remain anonymous Connect with Us Check please make your check payable to Albuquerque Community Foundation My contribution will arrive through United Way Credit Card Card # __________________________________ Exp. Date _________________ CVV ______________ Name on card __________________________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________________________ City ______________________________________ State ______________ Zip ______________________ Email ________________________________________________ Phone (_______) ___________________ Signature _______________________________________________________________________________ Make my credit card donation recurring: Monthly Annually PartnerDEIUnrestrictedUnitedinPhilanthropyPartner:$500andupFriend:anygiftupto$499 Social Giving Club: $1,000 Future Fund: $200 or $17/month Please contact me, I am interested in learning more about a planned gift or establishing an endowment fund Name ________________________________ Phone (_______)_______________________ My Gift Is: Arts & EconomicAdministrativeCulture&Workforce Development EnvironmentalEducation & Historic Preservation HumanHealth Services Impact Endowment Giving: Please mail this completed form to: Albuquerque Community Foundation PO Box Albuquerque,25266NM 87125-0266 71 | MEET THE FOUNDATION
Fathers Building Futures on Trolley Tour Photograph by Evan Pierce

Robert Bovinette
Sheilah Purcell-Garcia
Barbara Trythall

Karl Gustafson Cindy Johns
* Remembered
John T. Ackerman

Curtis Brewer
The Emeritus Board is comprised of former Trustees who have demonstrated long and distinguished service to the Foundation. They have contributed significant and ongoing financial support to the Foundation as well.
Jeff Sterba
*Mary Poole
Lee Blaugrund
*Robert J. Stamm

James N. King
Barry W. Ramo

Steven K. Moise
María Griego-Raby

Roberta Cooper Chavez

Douglas M. Brown

Michael Walker
*ShirleyWillardLeslie MEET THE FOUNDATION | 74
VictorRamo J.
John P. Salazar

Emily Allen Dekker/Perich/Sabatini Ltd.
Marcus Mims CliftonLarsonAllen LLP

The Foundation is grateful for this remarkable team of Trustees who demonstrate forward thinking, passionate support and philanthropic investment.
Abinash Achrekar UNM SciencesHealthCenter

Albuquerque draws its strength from passionate leaders who are committed to making our city the best it can be while inspiring those around them to do the same. These leaders build connections in our community, meet challenges head-on and celebrate the great accomplishments that are possible when people work together with a shared vision.
Steve Maestas Maestas Development Group
Anne Sapon True Health New Mexico

Rebecca Harrington Community Member

Tom Antram French Funerals & Cremations
Linda Parker Parker Center for Family Business
Patrick V. Apodaca PNM Resources

Michelle Dearholt Nusenda Credit Union

Board of Trustees

Bill Lang Albuquerque Journal & Starline Printing
José Viramontes MediaDesk

Sanjay Engineer FBT Architects
Paul DiPaola U.S. Bank

Bob Bowman Bowmania Productions
Anna Doss Junior League of Albuquerque
Charlotte SchoenmannCoulombe
Walter Stern Modrall Sperling
Beverly Bendicksen Sandia Consulting,FinancialLLC

Debbie Johnson Central New Mexico Community College
Arellana Cordero Community Member

Pam Hurd-Knief Philanthropic Advisor

Community Member
Debbie Harms NAI SunVista
Tom Daulton Private Equity Investor

Kenneth C. Leach Kenneth C. Leach & Associates P.C.

Griffis Senior OfficerImpactCommunityProgram

MagallanezMarisa President
Mwei Donor Relations & Systems Manager
Carr Accountant & HR Professional
Schoepke Director of ImpressionsFirst

provided by Albuquerque Community Foundation
Rawls Senior Accountant

Williams CFO

Staff Members
Moya Vice President of AdvisingPhilanthropic
Spencer Grants Associate
Garcia Scholarship & Grants Associate GonzalezVanessa OfficerImpactCommunityProgram

Nava Wyrick ManagerCommunicationsSenior

Royster President & CEO
of Strategy & Equity
Griego AssociateGovernance
Leung Governance AssociateAdvisingPhilanthropic&

Corporate Partners in Philanthropy

Our Corporate Partners have long invested in the Foundation, creating win-win relationships that benefit companies, the Foundation and the larger Albuquerque community. Corporate investments support the future development of Albuquerque for local employees, their families and generations to come.