AV 29th September 2018

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Let noble thoughts come to us from every side

29 SEPT - 5 OCT 2018 - VOL 47 ISSUE 22

WORLD'S LARGEST HEALTH SCHEME Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the world's largest state-funded health scheme, the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY) in Ranchi on Sunday. The scheme which is solely launched to benefit the poor, is touted to change the healthcare scenario in India. Modi said the plan will form a model for other countries to follow and replicate. Addressing an enthusiastic crowd in Ranchi, he said, “A government scheme on such a grand scale is not being carried out anywhere in the world. Even the last person standing in the queue should get better health facility. More than 500 million people will get health insurance up to Rs 5,00,000. This is the world's first such scheme.” In less than a day after the announcement, over 1,000 patients across the country availed the benefits of the health insurance scheme, with maximum cases reported from Chhatisgarh and Haryana, followed by Jharkhand, Assam, and Madhya Pradesh. Nearly 20 patients were admitted on the

India scraps talks with Pak after 3 Kashmir cops killed SEE PAGE 26

Hollande comments add fuel to India's Rafale deal scandal SEE PAGE 26

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressing the gathering at the launch of the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY), at Ranchi in Jharkhand

inaugural day of the scheme and operated on at the Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), Ranchi. The first beneficiary of the scheme was Punam Mahato of Jharkhand, who gave birth to a baby girl at a hospital in Jamshedpur. Around 56,00,000 families in Jharkhand will be covered under the scheme. The Centre has identified

TRAVLIN STYLE 0203 751 4242



46 Church Road Stanmore Middx London HA7 4AH * All price are from and subject to change and availability*

25,00,000 families in Jharkhand, but Chief Minister Raghubar Das added another 32,00,000 and agreed to bear the additional cost of £54 million. The scheme will allow a beneficiary to access healthcare at government as well as private hospitals. There is no cap on family size and age or restriction on preexisting conditions.

Mumbai: Delhi: Hyderabad: Chennai: Ahmedabad: Rajkot: GOA:

Continued on page 17

£385 £385 £400 £395 £395 £455 £395

Bangalore: Bhuj: Lucknow: Kochi: Kolkata: Amritsar: Dhaka:

Contaminated blood scandal: Judge warns there could be more victims as inquiry gets underway SEE PAGE 9

£395 £455 £485 £395 £400 £425 £485

Singapore :








2 UK




29 Sept - 5 Oct 2018


Funnily enough, although it was the hardest work, it was to earn seventy two pounds in my first pay packet in the United Kingdom in 1981.


And the worst?


What inspires you?

Kailash Chander Suri I came to the United Kingdom in 1981 to study at Loughborough University but could not afford the fees. As I was a qualified mechanical engineer, I applied for lots of jobs. I think I must have made 100 applications but didn’t get any of them. My first job was picking strawberries at a farm. I continued with farming to grow Asian herbs which enabled me to start the residential and commercial property business. The commercial property business lead me to acquire and start the Reel Cinema Estate which we continue to passionately grow – and now we have started on Leisure Developments.


Which place, or city or country do you most feel at home in? Loughborough, Leicestershire – I live near Outwoods Forest and my house looks out onto a lovely lake, so when I

wake up in the morning it’s nice to go around to reflect and plan my day.


What are your proudest achievements?

a variety of backgrounds and hearing their very unusual stories of how they have created their businesses.

Obviously, successful people, but knowing that behind the success there have been many failures, but them never giving up as they have resilience, discipline and persistence.


What has been biggest obstacle in your career? Not able to avail all the opportunities that came my way.


Who has been the biggest influence on your career to date? My Mother, who was a very positive woman. She would sit outside the front door in the village where I lived. I would be inside studying. If my friends came to get me to play, she would not let them in because she wanted me to study, so I got the best grades to enable me to go to University.


What is the best aspect about your current role? Meeting successful inspiring people from

Being stuck in a traffic jam, but nowadays I tend to make my telephone calls (of course handsfree).


What are your long term goals?

I get bored easily, so I like to have new challenges. I want to keep working, as I love every moment of it.


If you were Prime Minister, what one aspect would you change? Home ownership for everyone. More money into early start-up businesses and more support for education and health for everyone. Making sure all children have a good start in life. If you were marooned on a desert island, which historical figure would you like to spend your time with and why. Former USA President Barack Obama. He’s charismatic, clever and smart. He’s articulate and all round a cool guy and he can dance and I love dancing!

Coventry woman appeals for kidney donor with car advert

Sunaina pictured with her husband Ram Kumar

A woman desperate for a kidney transplant is really going the extra mile to find a donor. Sunaina Singh, 37, was diagnosed with chronic kid-

ney disease in 2013 and her health has severely deteriorated since then. She has to attend University Hospital Coventry three times a week

for gruelling four-hour sessions of dialysis that leave her exhausted. After being on the organ donor waiting list for two years - and having two life-

changing operations heartbreakingly cancelled at the last moment - she has now taken the search into her own hands. Sunaina and her husband Ram Kumar, also 37, have both decorated the back windscreen of their cars with a desperate plea to find her a suitable donor. The message reads: "I need a kidney. Type 'O' blood" and urges anyone who can help to get in touch with them on 07789 761 236. Sunaina said she was inspired to try the unusual method after reading about someone in America who had successfully found a donor the same way. "We just want to get it out there to as many people as possible, you never know," she said. The couple, who live in Brindle Avenue, Copsewood, have currently got their lives on hold. They cannot travel to

'Come outside, I want to kill you', knifeman told neighbour A knife-wielding drunk told a motorist who refused to shut off his engine: “Come outside, I want to kill you." The incident happened in Radstone Walk, North Evington, where Syed Ali lives and had been binge drinking during a day off work. On the evening of Monday, August 27, he went outdoors and knocked on the window of a car parked outside his house. The driver, Ali’s neighbour, wound down the window and told Ali he was just waiting for five minutes and refused to turn his engine

Syed Ali

off. Ali (38), who was drunk on vodka, went back into his house, but returned moments later with a long kitchen knife.

Prosecutor Fiona Brooks told Leicester Magistrates’ Court: “The defendant reappeared at the car window, knocked again, and the complainant noticed his right hand was behind his back. “When he pulled his hand around, he was holding a knife with a 40cm blade, which was jagged. The complainant said it was a big knife. The defendant said, ‘Come outside, I want to kill you’. “He knocked a few times on the door.” Ms Brooks said the neighbour used his mobile

phone to take photos of Ali and called 999. She said: “He felt frightened [that] someone would make those threats. “The defendant kept coming in and out of the house for 10 minutes, and a woman turned up and tried to get him back in the house. “Another man came out of the house and apologised and asked the complainant not to call the police." The court heard that the defendant was later arrested and interviewed by officers, explaining he “very drunk and because of that his recollections were vague”.

India to see either of their families as the risk of infection is too high, and heartbreakingly cannot start a family until her health improves. "I only went to hospital with a tummy pain and they did the blood tests then," Sunaina said. "That was around six or seven years ago and then we found out that I have chronic kidney disease. At the time my kidney function was around 25 per cent. I still get people saying that I don't look like I have a kidney problem. "At first I was like this can't happen to me, everything will be fine. But in the last few years I have deteriorated very badly. I feel such tiredness all the time, I am suffering with pain and with my health overall. When I come back from dialysis all I do is sleep because I can't do anything else."

Ram Kumar has already tried to save his wife, offering up his own kidney. But despite him being the right blood type, the couple were given the devastating news that he is not a suitable donor. As well as trying to find a donor to improve her own life, Sunaina urged others to join the organ donor registry in a bid to help others. She said: "Most definitely I appeal for people to join the organ donor registry, especially Asian people as there is a really short supply of organs in the community." You can find out more about signing up to the registry here: www.organdonation.nhs.uk To read more about Sunaina's story, and contact the couple, search Facebook for 'An appeal for kidney donation for Sunaina'.

Calls for mayor to engage with residents A campaigner is calling on the Mayor of London to engage with people in Harrow to help reduce violent crime in the borough. On August 21 there was a double shooting in Rayner’s Lane and there have been a number of other violent incidents throughout the year. Now Kuha Kumaran, community activist and member of Harrow West Conservative Association, is calling on Sadiq Khan to meet people in the community to help find a solution. Mr Kumaran, who has lived in the borough for more than 25 years, said:

Kuha Kumaran

“Sadiq Khan has to come to Harrow and see what is going on, listen and talk to people from all walks of life who care about the issue. Londoners voted for Sadiq Khan. He is the mayor and he has to safeguard people. As the elected mayor he has a responsibility for everybody in London.””







29 Sept - 5 Oct 2018

Long-term impact of 2008 economic collapse September 2018 marks the tenth anniversary of the global economic collapse when the US bank Lehman Brother filed for bankruptcy. Banks across the United States, Britain and Europe were blown apart and had to be rescued by the British government and its peers with huge injections of financial support – described as ‘quantitative easing’ – without which a panic-stricken public would have closed their accounts. Nothing could conceal the public shock, as the scale of the scam came to light, with senior bank executives in flight from the law luxuriating with girl friends, bankers all, in the Bahamas and other exotic places where millionaires and billionaires revel in bacchanalian pursuits. A Halifax Bank executive recounted his firsthand experience on an international TV channel. Long retired, he recalled the mix of inadequate regulations, shoddy auditing, slack supervision that led to the denouement and its miseries. The impact is still visible, he said, and judging by present realities, another banking crisis was likely to reappear. Nothing fundamentally has changed, he averred. The historian Adam Tooze recently wrote: ‘The outcome through wilful policy choices, drove tens of millions of its citizens into the depths of a 1930-style depression. It is one of the worst self-inflicted economic disasters on record.’ Asia, including India and China, were shaken but not destroyed. The US and the European Union were trapped in the faults and fissures of the earthquake and its aftershocks. Southern Europe, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal and the Balkans bore, and still bear, the brunt of their force. Their German bankers, unforgiving and ruthless, refused to ease debt burdens, as the German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schauble insisted administering Athens with more shock therapies. As the European Union economic powerhouse, Berlin calls the political shots. Germany may have lost the Second World War, but its rulers seem stubbornly wedded to the idea that their country can ride roughshod over the political and social turbulence that presently affects the much of the EU. A united Germany, although in NATO’s vanguard, no longer excites a full throated Ode to Joy as it did in 1989 across the continent. Globalization, democracy and liberty have been the principal casualties of the economic collapse of September 2008. A species of authoritarian populism are on the march,

with the Trump administration in Washington very much the pied piper. President Donald Trump’s ‘America First’ message resonated in vast areas of the country’s once vibrant industrial hinterland, now a scene of dereliction, of massive unemployment and food kitchens – the global superpower with decaying Third World body parts. Campaigning in the industrial swing state of Ohio, Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump, referred to America’s huge and growing trade deficit of $817 billion a year, saying he didn’t blame China: ‘They can’t believe themselves they got away with it. We have really rebuilt China, and it’s time we rebuilt our own country…Ohio lost over 200,000 manufacturing jobs since China joined the WTO. The World Trade Organization is a total disaster. For decades our politicians allowed other countries to steal our jobs, plunder our wealth and loot our economy,’ thundered an aggrieved Trump. Ironically swathes of Latin America, Asia and Africa can denounce America’s hoary ‘Open Door’ policies imposed on vulnerable states unable to withstand such pressure. Regime Change has long been an axiom of US foreign policy. Self-righteousness is a telling handicap when dealing those perceived as the lesser breeds without the law. Poor judgment often leads the strong to bully and attack the weak, then reel back in horror and amazement when the weak turn out to be formidably strong and turn the tables on the aggressor. Vietnam’s victory over the United States in April 1975 was perhaps the most searing example in modern history. As of now, the Trump Administration has imposed tariffs on $250 billion worth of Chinese imports, and has threatened to impose duties on the full range of Chinese goods entering the country if it receives no satisfaction within a reasonable timeline. Bit between his teeth, President Trump has imposed economic sanctions against China for its acquisition of Russian arms. India may be next in line. Indian sovereignty is inviolate, or else India becomes a banana republic in hoc to Uncle Sam. International law and custom have been ridded roughshod by US domestic legislation. Lawlessness based on the principle of might is right was once the undoing of Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolf Hitler. Whither Planet Earth?

Theresa May’s Brixit woes British Prime Minister Theresa May has been in the wars over Britain’s exit from the European Union. The EU summit in Salzburg at which Prime Minister May presented her government’s case, turned out to be a dialogue of the deaf. Time is running out for Britain. By mid- March 2019 an acceptable deal with the EU on the British exit from the union must be signed or else the UK will be cast into limbo. For all the Prime Minister’s robust rhetoric in defence of British interests, the EU leaders hold the stronger cards. They rejected her Chequers Plan envisaging a close alignment to the EU’s single agricultural market and goods (but not services), and on conditions of trade across the Irish border. Furthermore, Britain is deeply divided on Brexit, none more so than the governing Conservative Party. Her former colleague in government Boris Johnson, described the Chequers Plan as ‘a suicide note.’ Theresa May is perceived by the militant wing of Brexit as too soft on the EU. Her critics say the EU rejection of the Chequers Plan was no surprise.

With the Conservative Party conference due this weekend there is much media talk of Prime Minister May’s enforced exit from 10 Downing Street. The Prime Minister made a fighting speech on her return to London, one full of patriotic ardour; she upheld the verdict of referendum that voted for Brexit, as an unprecedented democratic exercise quashing rumours of a second referendum which the whispering galleries of the Remain lobby are busy circulating. The Confederation of British Industry, however, has warned that Brexit would have a negative impact on the country’s economy. Jaguar Land Rover (JLR), described by Birmingham Erdington MP Jack Dromey as the ‘jewel in the crown of British manufacturing excellence,’ said it was committed to invest new technologies and products in Britain, having invested 4 billion pounds in the past eight years, but was looking to the government to negotiate the right deal for Breixt, otherwise, said Ralf Speth, JLR CEO, company profits would tumble with all the consequences, including the shifting of facilities to Europe.

Science start-transforming India Mutating science into technology requires a skilled workforce, capital and market access. The abundance of science talent in India was never in doubt. Capital, however, was in short supply and the market appeared static. The encouraging news is that these obstacles are now being actively surmounted – happily, with significant success. Thanks largely to the telecommunications revolution the route to the workplace, which is home, has become the hub to the marketplace. This, in part, explains the nation’s burgeoning Information Technology (IT) industry, and partly Business Process Management (BPM) outsourcing mainly to overseas clients over the past two decades has led to broader market access. IT and BPM services exports post 2000 have grown to a staggering $200 billion per year. In order to cope with ongoing challenges the industry is rising to the next technological level with Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Services, Data Mining, to stay relevant in the manner of, say, Apple, Google and Microsoft. The Indian government has set up several incubators

and accelerators across the country. A measure of private funding has been a welcome development, resulting in a stream of ventures in biotechnology, health care artificial intelligence and pure science. Funding remains an issue, as not enough money in research from the private sector has been noticeable to date. This is where Indian start-ups come in to bridge the gap. Pathshodh, Yyome Biosciences, Bellatrix Aerospace, Tonbo Imaging, are start-ups in a range of products, from biotechnology to aerospace. The BBC last weekend produced a TV riveting documentary – India: Fast Forward – on the technological revolution that is transforming the face of the country. This is, of course, not the full story. A German TV documentary exposed India’s debilitating rich-poor divide, the lack of affordable social, medical and educational services for the nation’s poor, also revealed India’s polluted rivers and degraded urban environment. Both films were top grade and complimentary, underscoring India’s pains of labour in the epic transition to modernity.

There is no great genius without some touch of madness. - Aristotle

CIIr Ketan Sheth Councillor for Tokyngton Wembley Brent Council’s Chair of Community and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee

The Tricycle transformed into Kiln Theatre Kiln Theatre is opening its doors and sharing its much anticipated reopening season with the public in its newly refurbished building this September, after having been closed for two years for major refurbishment. The transformed theatre will feature more seats, better accessibility, improved sightlines, a flexible stage and a welcoming new café on Kilburn High Road – while still offering accessible ticket prices. The opening season sees a whole range of exciting new work from across the world: with five world premieres, one UK premiere, a musical revival and a large-scale community project. The theatre opens with Holy Sh!t by Alexis Zegerman, a dark comedy revolving around couple Simone and Sam, who will go to any lengths to get their daughter into the local Church of England school and their friends Juliet and Nick, who reluctantly agree to help them out. The theatre then stages the adaptation of Zadie Smith’s breakout novel, White Teeth, written for the stage by Stephen Sharkey. There has been a lot of buzz around this play, which is supposed to be a theatrical rollercoaster retelling of the story, featuring original songs. It also sounds like the most ambitious project the theatre has produced, with the cast of 14 just announced. White Teeth is a sprawling, celebratory epic around British identity, history and migration, set in Brent – it feels like there couldn’t be a more appropriate story to tell as part of the theatre’s reopening season. January sees another world premiere of a coproduction with Tamasha and Live Theatre: Approaching Empty by former cab driver and extraordinary storyteller Ishy Din. Inspired by Ishy’s own experience as a taxi driver, the piece is set in the North of England in the aftermath of Margaret Thatcher’s death. This is followed by the much-anticipated sequel to French writer Florian Zeller’s The Father and The Mother, which both enjoyed highly acclaimed and sold-out runs at the theatre in the past. The final instalment in the trilogy, The Son, is a heart-breaking story of a family disintegrating as a son begins to come undone. The theatre will also be hosting the first revival in 30 years of Olivier and Tony Award nominated musical Blues in the Night, directed by Susie McKenna and starring the inimitable Sharon D. Clarke and Clive Rowe. The current season then concludes with Anupama Chandrasekhar’s When the Crows Visit is a tense psychological thriller set in India with mythical, magical overtones all around a mother and son who must confront the ghosts of their past as they become trapped in a scandal. The theatre celebrates its heritage first as the Foresters’ Hall, then as the Tricycle, and now as Kiln Theatre, and it continues to be proudly located in the community in Kilburn. In this spirit, the theatre will be making A Friendly Society, a community project which shares the untold stories of social care and migration in Brent. Editor: CB Patel Asian Voice is published by Asian Business Publications Ltd Karma Yoga House, 12 Hoxton Market, (Off Coronet Street) London N1 6HW. Tel: 020 7749 4080 • Fax: 020 7749 4081 Email: aveditorial@abplgroup.com Website: www.abplgroup.com © Asian Business Publications

4 UK




29 Sept - 5 Oct 2018

Birmingham councillor and wife 'shocked' after robbery A Birmingham city councillor said he is "shocked" after being robbed at knifepoint in his family's shop. Chaman Lal and his wife, Vidya Wati, were working at Upland Fruits in Sandwell Road on Sunday, when they were attacked. Both had to be taken to hospital for treatment for minor injuries, with Mr Lal suffering cuts to his hands. A 45-year-old man and woman, 33, were arrested on suspicion of robbery and remain in police custody. The attack happened at about 12:15 BST, with the arrests made later the same day. Labour councillor for Soho and Jewellery Quarter ward, Mr Lal said: "We are still shocked at the moment. It was a bad experience." Det Insp Gemma Currie,

Labour councillor Chaman Lal suffered cuts to his hands in the robbery at his family's shop

from Force CID, said: "We don't underestimate how distressing this would have The incident happened at Uplands Fruits, on Sandwell Road on Sunday been for the two victims." and the community. they reopened on Monday, with Following the incident, Mr "We are grateful for all the many people coming in to visit Lal's son, Bal had put out CCTV support we have been getting." them. Birmingham Labour Party images from the attack and The pair closed the shop on also wished the pair a "speedy offered reward for information. Sunday while the police investirecovery" in a post on social Mr Lal said: "We have had very media. gation was ongoing, but said good support from our family

Unlicensed Birmingham taxi driver raped student An unlicensed taxi driver has been jailed for raping a student he offered to drive home after a night out. Prosecutors called Attif Hamid, of Churchill Road, Bordesley Green in Birmingham, a "sexual predator". The 39-year-old picked up the woman outside a nightclub in Digbeth on 24 March and raped her in a "secluded spot" near her home in Selly Oak. Hamid was jailed for nine years after being found guilty of rape on Friday at Birmingham

Crown Court. The court heard Hamid, who was unemployed, had offered his 22-year-old victim a "low fee" of £10 to drive her home after a night out to celebrate handing in her dissertation. She asked twice to stop at a cash machine to pay Hamid, but was unable to withdraw any cash. "She was vulnerable as you learned she had no cash. It was then you took the opportunity to rape her," Judge Kevin Hegarty QC told Hamid. Prosecutor Rhydian James

said Hamid was a "dangerous sexual predator who prowled the streets of the city at night... looking for vulnerable women. "When he spotted his prey, he approached the victim, offered to take her home for a low fee and then drove her to a secluded spot where he raped her." Police were alerted when the victim managed to get out of Hamid's car and raised the alarm with a neighbour - she also managed to note down his registration number.

Attif Hamid raped a woman after he offered to drive her home from a night out in Birmingham

Man mistakenly listed as owner of extra council house A man incorrectly listed as the owner of a second house says the error has cost him "a fortune" in legal fees and missed business opportunities. A council house in Leicester was mistakenly registered to Abdul Kadva when he legitimately bought the council house next door in 2006. He was unaware of the error until 2013 when he tried to re-mortgage his home to expand his printing firm. Five years on, the city council said it was still trying to resolve the mix-up. Mr Kadva bought his council house in Leicester through a Right to Buy scheme, but unbeknown to him and the council an error meant he was also listed on the Land Registry as the owner of the house next door to him.

Leicester City Council said Mr Kadva had not paid for the house in question, which had been rented out as a council property and Mr Kadva was not entitled to sell it. Mr Kadva, 46, told the Local Democracy Reporting Service he had been engaged in a legal dispute with Leicester City Council ever since to get the

Abdul Kadva said it had not been easy trying to get the property correctly registered

He had planned to remortgage his home to buy a business unit priced at £150,000 in 2013, but because of the registration mix-up he was turned down and the business unit was now priced at £500,000, he said.

The two houses are listed on the Land Registry as being owned by Abdul Kadva

property correctly registered in the council's name. He said: "It has cost me a fortune in legal fees and I'm still the owner of both homes. None of it is my fault and I'm the one paying the price, financially and in other ways too. This has cost me investment opportunities and the chance to expand my business too."

Woman, 86, has heart attack after alleged purse theft Post Office Police have released CCTV footage which allegedly captures the moment an 86-yearold woman’s purse was stolen from her shopping bag. The woman suffered a heart attack a short time after her purse was taken from her in the post office in Castle Donington earlier this month. She has since been discharged from hospital and is “recovering well at home”. Leicestershire Police released the CCTV footage of the alleged theft, which happened as the woman was shopping in the Borough Street post office around 10am on Saturday, September 1. A 23-year-old man from

Police want to trace these people

Birmingham has been arrested in connection with the incident. He has since been released under investigation.


Care workers in Birmingham facing cuts to their hours and pay are lobbying Labour delegates at the party's Liverpool conference. The Unison trade union said the workers from Birmingham City Council say their hours could be reduced, cutting pay by up to £11,000 a year. The changes could take workers below the poverty line, or leave them with no choice but to look elsewhere for work - which could put "untold pressure" on the service, said the union. The council has previously said changes were "vital" to better meet patient needs.

LOUGHBOROUGH NAMED UNIVERSITY OF THE YEAR IN LIST Loughborough has been named UK university of the year alongside a set of new national rankings. The Times and Sunday Times list praised its progress in technology and science, to match its reputation for sport. The judges made the discretionary award, separate from the points-based rankings which place Loughborough fifth in the country. Nottingham was named sports university of the year and De Montfort got the first social inclusion award. Nottingham was also named international university of the year. It is the second time Loughborough has won the prestigious university of the year award, following earlier success in 2008.

PRISONER RAN EAST MIDLANDS TEEN DRUG RING FROM JAIL A prisoner who used teenagers to run drugs across county lines has been sentenced to 10and-a-half years. Shaun Lau, 30, admitted running the network in which young people were recruited by gangs in large cities to sell drugs in rural areas. Drug orders were taken by phone and teenagers from Nottingham would be sent to deliver, Nottingham Crown Court heard. Lau ran the operation from HMP Hewell in Worcestershire. He was one of 14 sentenced for conspiracy to supply Class A drugs.

NOTTINGHAM MAN JAILED FOR EX-WIFE KNIFE ATTACK A man who drove into his ex-wife and attacked her with a knife has been jailed, at Nottingham Crown Court. Zaher Bashir, 41, attacked his former partner on 1 April before passers by intervened to help her, police said. The victim suffered a large cut to her cheek, and her daughter, who was in a car with her, sustained hand cuts as she tried to protect her mother, officers said. Bashir was sentenced to 10 and a half years in jail. Bashir, from Nottingham, pleaded guilty to wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, actual bodily harm, dangerous driving and breaching a restraining order.




29 Sept - 5 Oct 2018


Commercial Auction 16th October 2018 To include 35 properties On the instructions of a Charitable Foundation Each of which is let to HSBC Bank PLC until 2023 (No Breaks) with annual rent reviews linked to RPI (Min 2.5%/Max 5.5% p.a.)

Guide Price £475,000+

Guide Price £375,000+

Guide Price £290,000+

Guide Price £525,000+





Let at £24,984.48 pa rising to £27,578.19 pa. in 2022.

Let at £37,147.97 pa rising to £41,004.41 pa. in 2022.

Let at £26,229.45 pa rising to £29,029.67 pa. in 2022.

Let at £52,598.90 pa rising to £58,059.34 pa. in 2022.

Guide Price £475,000+

Guide Price £375,000+

Guide Price £265,000+

Guide Price £425,000+


Market Bosworth



Let at £32,874.31 pa rising to £36,287.09 pa. in 2022.

Let at £29,586.88 pa rising to £32,658.38 pa. in 2022.

Let at £26,299.45 pa rising to £29,029.67 pa. in 2022.

Let at £46,024.04 pa rising to £50,801.93 pa. in 2022.

Guide Price £400,000+

Guide Price £485,000+

Guide Price £275,000+

Guide Price £500,000+




Hendon, London NW4

Let at £34,846.77 pa rising to £38,464.31 pa. in 2022.

Let at £49,968.96 pa rising to £55,156.38 pa. in 2022.

Let at £23,012.02 pa rising to £25,400.96 pa. in 2022.

Let at £32,899.31pa rising to £36,312.09pa in 2022.

Guide Price £460,000+

Guide Price £260,000+

Guide Price £400,000+

Guide Price £350,000+





Let at £43,394.09 pa rising to £47,898.85p.a. in 2022.

Let at £21,368.18 pa rising to £23,586.50 pa. in 2022.

Let at £39,449.18 pa rising to £43,544.51 pa. in 2022.

Let at £30,244.37 pa rising to £33,384.13 pa. in 2022.




St Austell

Let at £15,779.67 pa rising to £17,417.79 pa in 2022. Guide Price £175,000+

Let at £40,764.15 pa rising to £44,995.99 pa. in 2022. Guide Price £425,000+

Let at £26,299.45 pa rising to £29,029.67 pa. in 2022. Guide Price £250,000+

Let at £36,161.74 pa rising to £39,915.79 pa. in 2022. Guide Price £350,000+





Let at £59,173.76 pa rising to £65,316.76 pa in 2022. Guide Price £725,000+

Let at £24,326.99 pa rising to £26,852.45 pa. in 2022. Guide Price £260,000+

Let at £16,437.16 pa rising to £18,143.55 pa in 2022. Guide Price £175,000+



Let at £23,012.02 pa rising to £25,400.96 pa in 2022. Guide Price £270,000+

Let at £26,299.45 pa rising to £29,029.67 pa. in 2022. Guide Price £240,000+

Let at £39,449.18 pa rising to £43,544.41 pa. in 2022. Guide Price £425,000+


Let at £24,326.99 pa rising to £26,852.45 pa in 2022. Guide Price £250,000+



Let at £43,394.09 pa rising to £47,898.96 pa. in 2022. Guide Price £450,000+

Let at £36,161.74 pa rising to £39,915.79 pa. in 2022. Guide Price £375,000+



Let at £32,874.31 pa rising to £36,287.09 pa. in 2022. Guide Price £310,000+

Let at £36,161.74 pa rising to £39,915.79 pa. in 2022. Guide Price £325,000+

Auction sale:

Tuesday 16th October 2018 The Berkeley, Wilton Place, Knightsbridge, London SW1X 7RL Telephone: 020 7543 6803 For EPC ratings, refer to website

JULY SALE - £87.6M raised - 80% sold

Let at £39,499.18 pa rising to £43,544.51 pa in 2022. £380,000+

Wellington (Shropshire) Let at £59,173.76 pa rising to £65,316.76 pa in 2022. Guide Price £575,000+

Bid in person

Bid online


Eastwood Let at £19,724.59 pa rising to £21,772.26 pa. in 2022. Guide Price £220,000+

Chepstow Let at £26,299.45 pa rising to £29,029.67 pa. in 2022. Guide Price £340,000+

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6 UK




29 Sept - 5 Oct 2018

Theresa May’s cabinet backs post-Brexit visa system based on skills and wealth of migrants Skilled workers will be favoured over unskilled ones after UK leaves EU Theresa May's cabinet yesterday agreed a post-Brexit visa system based on the skills and wealth of migrants - but with no preferential access for EU nationals. Ministers backed a plan put forward by Sajid Javid, the home secretary, which is now expected to be among the key announcements at next week's Conservative Party conference. Skilled workers will be favoured over unskilled ones, as will those from countries that have struck a free trade deal with the UK. This will include EU nationals but could be extended to Americans, Canadians and others. In a boost for Mrs May, no major concerns were raised by ministers about how the divorce talks are progressing, despite hard-Brexiteers ramping up pressure on her to back a Canada-style free trade deal. The only person who referred to a Canada-style deal was Prime Minister herself, The Guardian reported. She also said some EU leaders were being more helpful than others behind the scenes, but did not say who. Cabinet sources said no min-

Theresa May

isters had spoken out against her Chequers plan for Brexit despite EU leaders humiliatingly rejecting the blueprint at a summit last week. The meeting will bring an element of relief for the underpressure leader, who goes to New York on Tuesday for a UN meeting before heading to the Conservative Party Conference, where the immigration plan is expected to be unveiled. Sources told MailOnline Chancellor Philip Hammond raised concerns about the speed with which the flow of migrants from the EU would be stemmed -

Sajid Javid

but the view of the Mr Javid and Mrs May carried the argument. A Downing Street spokeswoman said Cabinet had been briefed by Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) chairman Professor Alan Manning on its recent report on ties to the EU. 'Cabinet was told by Professor Manning that the MAC was recommending that, in the post-Brexit immigration system, EEA and non-EEA nationals should be part of one universal system,' the spokeswoman said. A key conclusion was that high skilled migration is of

greater economic benefit than lower skilled migration, and as such the MAC recommended that the new system should make it easier for higher skilled than lower skilled workers to come to the UK. Earlier this month the MAC concluded there should be 'no preference' for nationals from the bloc under a new immigration system. This will reassure those who want a level playing field for immigrants from the Commonwealth and elsewhere. But it insisted high skilled workers should still be welcomed to Britain - and it should be easier for them to get in than those with lower skills. Net inflows from the EU have been running at 86,000 a year - but that figure is down from close to 200,000 before the referendum in 2016. The premier told ministers that there was 'no future relationship that will prevent a hard border between Ireland and Northern Ireland, maintain the constitutional integrity of the UK and respect the referendum result that does not include frictionless trade', according to the spokeswoman.

Redbridge Council urges government to change immigration policy following death of rough sleeper The tragic death of a rough sleeper has prompted the council to write to the government and urge it reform its immigration policy. Labour Cllr Farah Hussain, cabinet member for housing and homelessness, shared the story of the tragic death of a rough sleeper, referred to only as Sanjeev to protect his privacy, during a full council meeting at Redbridge Town Hall, in High Road, last night (September 20). Her speech came as councillors debated a Labourbacked motion calling on chief executive Andy Donald to write to the prime minister and communities secretary to change its policy on those who cannot access benefits due to their immigration status - known as having “no recourse to public funds”. It also called for more funding to address homelessness.

“Sanjeev was from Punjab in India and paid traffickers to get into the UK. They destroyed his documents when he arrived,” Cllr Hussain said. She spoke of how he repeatedly attempted to return to India but was unable to prove his identity to the High Commission. Unable to claim government assistance, he relied on The Welcome Centre’s services for seven years and a Redbridge charity was helping him to submit an application to regularise his status. “Before it could be submitted Sanjeev died tragically on the street from a combination of alcohol abuse and poor health,” she said. For around 40 minutes councillors debated amendments the wording of the letter tabled by the opposition. The edits removed sentences

attributing the rise in rough sleeping Conservative policies. It also reduced the overall estimate of rough sleepers in Redbridge from 65, according to official figures released in January, to 55. Conservative group leader Cllr Linda Huggett said: “I’m taking it as fact that as councillors here we are all determined to help the most vulnerable in our society in break the cycle of homeless. We need to recognise that there are very complex issues – it is really about the

underlying problems, they also need to be dealt with to help turn their lives around.” She highlighted the governments’ recently announced £1 million Rough Sleepers Fund, their extension of the homelessness reduction act and overall investment of £1.2 billion in “tackling homelessness and rough sleeping”. Cllr Boateng highlighted some of the “complex” factors causing the rise in rough sleeping as “psychoactive substances,” and “housing management issues”. She added: “All we are hearing is ‘Conservative’, ‘Conservative’ when there is much more the Labour administration could be doing.” The motion was voted through with 44 in favour and 11 against, while the amendments were rejected.

PHONE SCAMMERS TARGETED ELDERLY BY PRETENDING TO BE POLICE OFFICERS IN FRAUD WORTH OVER £330,000 A gang of nine men targeted elderly victims by pretending to be police officers in a fraud worth nearly £330,000. The scam involved calling people, impersonating police, and telling them that they were investigating fraudulent activity on their bank accounts. They would then ask the victims to withdraw large sums of money, convincing them it was part of the investigation, before either sending a "courier" to collect the cash or transferring the money to the account of a "financial mule". Between March 1 2016 and November 29 2016, the gang

were able to run the scam 34 times, earning them £215,641 and a further £122,445 in unsuccessful attempts, totalling £328,086. The gang members would predominantly target areas in London and Hertfordshire, including Harrow and the majority of their victims were elderly. The phone scams were also carried out in Surrey, Kent, Bedfordshire, Nottinghamshire, Yorkshire and the Thames Valley area. Hertfordshire Constabulary investigated reports of the scams, processing a number of warrants which were executed in November 2016.

The raids led to charges being brought against nine members of the gang, six of whom were charged with conspiracy to commit fraud, with the three others charged with money laundering. The men were all found guilty following a five-week trial at St Alban's Crown Court on August 7. On Friday (September 21), six members of the gang were sentenced to a total of 27 and a half years in prison, while three were given suspended sentences. Sheikh Hussain, Nahid Uddin and Mohammed Abdul Khaled, all aged 24, were sentenced to four years in prison.

Masum Uddin, 23, was handed a seven-year prison sentence. Mohammed Abdulahi, 22 was sentenced to six years and six months imprisonment, for acting as a courier to collect the fraudulently obtained cash from elderly victims. Fellow courier Mushahid Miah, 24, was sentenced to two years in prison. Dedar Ali, aged 24, was handed a six-month suspended prison sentence for money laundering. Abdul Basit Khan, 26 and Abdalla Abdalla, 27, both received the same suspended sentence, but were also ordered to carry out 120 hours unpaid work.


The officer suffered non-life threatening head injuries. A police officer was taken to hospital with head injuries after he was pushed through a shop front in Ilford trying to arrest a wanted man. Police were on patrol in Cranbrook Road at around 2pm this afternoon (Monday, September 17) when they saw a man in his early 20s who was wanted for failing to appear at court. After being chased the man was caught and arrested, but during the arrest a police officer was pushed through the window of the Saravanaa Bhavan restaurant. The officer suffered non-life threatening head injuries and was treated at the scene before being taken to an east London hospital. The man was taken to an east London police station where he remains.

BRENT PAEDOPHILE RAPED SCHOOLGIRL AFTER LOCKING HER IN HIS FLAT A child rapist who locked a schoolgirl in his flat and forced her to perform a sex act has been told his 10-year jail term was not a day too long. Majd Al-Foqahaa, 21, groomed the girl on Snapchat, telling her she was "beautiful" and that it "didn't matter" she was aged just 12. After enticing her to his home, Al-Foqahaa became violent and locked the door of the flat from the inside so she could not escape. The girl, who was made to perform oral sex on him, was so traumatised that she took an overdose as soon as she got home after he released her. Al-Foqahaa, of Harrow Road, Brent , was locked up for 10 years, with a one-year extended licence period, at Harrow Crown Court in January. He pleaded guilty to raping a child under the age of 13. On Tuesday, September 25 at London's Criminal Appeal Court, he asked Mr Justice William Davis to cut that sentence, claiming he was treated too harshly. The court heard Al-Foqahaa was well aware of the victim's age from an early stage, but told her it didn't matter and "said that she was his girlfriend".

VICTIM'S WARNING AFTER THIEVES USE HI-TECH DEVICE TO STEAL HIS CAR FROM DRIVEWAY An anti-crime campaigner has revealed how thieves used a widely available electronic device to steal his car from his driveway in less than a minute. Zuffar Haq’s Range Rover was stolen from the driveway of his Oadby home in the early hours of Thursday. The thieves used an transmitter which sent a signal to the vehicle’s key fob inside the house and triggered it to open the vehicle. They were then able to start the keyless vehicle by pressing its ignition button. The use of electronic devices to steal cars was virtually unheard of until five years ago. Now, police fear more criminals are picking up on the technology – which can be bought relatively cheaply online.






29 Sept - 5 Oct 2018

Hindu Lord leads anti-Semitism debate in Parliament Lord Popat has urged the UK government to reassure the Jewish community over the threat of anti-Semitism, warning that prejudice and hatred left unchallenged will have grave consequences for all of society. Lord Popat initiated the urgent debate on antiSemitism, which was held in the House of Lords last week, in response to the Jewish community’s growing anxieties about rising antiSemitism in the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn. During his opening speech, Lord Popat emphasized that anti-Semitism was a threat that went beyond the Jewish community and party politics: “The notion that anti-Semitism is solely a Jewish problem is as dangerous as it is wrong. It’s Jews today; it could be us tomorrow. Hatred knows no bounds. We saw that in the horrors of the Holocaust, and we are seeing it now with extremist terrorism and the rise of both the far right and ultra-left. Anti-Semitism concerns us all.” Recalling that “the Jewish community was at the forefront in helping us (Ugandan Asians) to settle in” to life in the UK, Lord Popat highlighted the bonds that exist between the Jewish and Asian communities who share

Lord Dolar Popat

many cultural commonalities and shared values such as hard work, education, enterprise, family and faith, called on the British Asian community to speak out and stand in solidarity with the Jewish people in their hour of need. Lord Popat went on to articulate the issues that lie at the heart of the Jewish community’s anguish. He told the House that modern antiSemitism is expressed through the anti-Zionist movement which demonizes and delegitimizes on the world’s one and only Jewish State, Israel. He said: “One of the striking features of antiSemitism is its capacity to reinvent itself time and again. Unlike anti-Semitism of the past which was rooted in racial and religious hatred of Jews, today it is expressed

Former Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

through the anti-Israel movement.” “It is important to emphasizes that it is not antiSemitic to criticize the Israeli Government. But when a whole country becomes the subject of your obsessive hatred, ask yourself, honestly, what is your motivation? Is it purely a moral reaction to the unjust policies of a Government? Or are you driven by a deeper hostility?” Lord Popat ended the speech by calling on all communities and faith groups to speak out against prejudice in all its forms, because “if we do not look out for each other, no-one will look out for us”. Lord Parekh echoed Lord Popat’s praise of the Jewish community’s contribution to British life and to combating racism, saying: “I cannot

Lord Alan Sugar

think of any piece of race legislation passed during the past 40 years that has not been the creation of a member of the Jewish community”. Lord Parekh described the anti-Semitic abuse perpetrated against many Jewish MPs and Peers as “abominable and abhorrent”. The debate was one of the most oversubscribed debates in the Lords in recent years. The 20 speakers who were able to sign up were limited to speak for just 2 minutes. Many speakers were concerned that the limit for speeches would not allow them to do justice to the seriousness of the subject. A number of Jewish peers accused Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn outright of antisemitism. Lord Sugar accused Mr Corbyn of failing to deal with

anti-Semitism in his own ranks, because of political calculations: “I think Corbyn allowed matters to ramble on because he, frankly, does not give two hoots about what Jews in the UK think.” “What kind of leader is he not to take his party by the scruff of the neck and make them see sense and kill the matter off once and for all?” Ending his speech he said: “We’re all familiar with the term ‘there is no smoke without fire.’ My request to the UK government is to extinguish the flame and use all efforts to ensure that Jeremy Corbyn does not become the leader of our country; that will be the day Britain died." Lord Mendelsohn, the former Labour Business

Minister, said: "I too believe that the leader of my party, Jeremy Corbyn, has been a perpetrator of antisemitism." Lord Sterling, the Life President of P&O Cruises, gave a powerful statement to the House about ensuring that history does not repeat itself, “like the Popats of this world, we Jews would also fight just as strongly for other ethnic minorities who found themselves under attack. Never again will we be carried away in cattle trucks.” Baroness Altmann, a Conservative said that "one of our mainstream political parties is led by an antiSemite", and Lord Pannick, a crossbencher, said: "The leader of one of our main political parties is incubating antisemitism." Speaking in turn, former Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks, who is remains one of the Jewish community’s most prominent figures, reminded the House that “A thousand years of Jewish history in Europe added certain words to the human vocabulary. “Forced conversion. Inquisition. Expulsion. Ghetto. Pogrom. Holocaust. They happened because hate went unchecked. No-one said ‘stop’. Continued on page 9

8 UK




29 Sept - 5 Oct 2018

Bhaktivedanta Manor reopens after 'devastating' fire

The director of Bhaktivedanta Manor said the temple has reopened for worship after a devastating fire. Gauri Das announced Friday the Hare Krishna Temple site near Aldenham would be open for congregations following the blaze at Goshala barn yesterday - but that the farm would remain closed until Monday. The fire, believed to have begun at around 1pm, broke out when several bales of hay caught fire. At least four fire engines were on the scene within minutes to battle the spreading flames and everyone was evacuated from the area. No one was injured, though some were checked by paramedics for smoke inhalation, and all

the animals are safe. The fire was eventually contained later that afternoon. The cause of the fire is still being investigated. Speaking about the reopening of the temple, Gauri Das, said: “We are glad to announce that the temple is now open again for regular worship. “The Goshala (farm) will remain closed until Monday. The hay barn has been completely destroyed and fire fighters are onsite as the last remains of the fire burn out. "We are incredibly gratefully to the fire services for their speedy response and clear expertise and bravery in tackling the blaze. They have been both vigilant, courageous and extremely

well mannered. "We are also deeply grateful to an off-duty police officer and two other lads, one with an English three lions tattoo on his upper arm, for jumping into action with a ‘take charge’ attitude in clearing buildings and securing the site. They just happened to be visiting the farm and we do hope to track them down for an official community thank you. "We have lost a barn to a fire. It is devastating, and we remain somewhat still in shock. However, we are full of thanks to Lord Krishna in our prayers that all are safe, and we will rebuild our barn." In recent weeks, the manor hosted the annual Janmashtami festival.

Music row hammer murderer Danny Williams jailed A brain damaged man who beat a neighbour to death in a row over loud music has been jailed for life. The body of Farnaz Ali, 49, was found covered with a sheet in the bathroom of Danny Williams' flat in Godric Place, Norwich, after a tipoff. She had suffered 59 separate injuries in a hammer attack and was unrecognisable when she was identified. Williams, 27, who denied murder, was sentenced at Norwich Crown Court to life with a minimum of 24 years. Ms Ali had voiced concerns about Williams playing loud music but it was "unclear" why she had been killed, the court was told. Officers broke in to the flat after calls from Williams' father and a friend who were concerned he had hurt or killed a woman. Sentencing Williams, Judge Stephen Holt said it was "a brutal, savage and senseless attack" with a

hammer and included an attempt to strangle Ms Ali. He said Williams "attempted to burn the hammer, clothes and bloodstained carpet". "Your assertion you cannot remember what happened just does not ring true," the judge added. Jurors were told Ms Ali, who lived opposite Mr Williams but "barely knew" him, had been reported missing by her partner on 28 July last year. Ms Ali's sister Dr Mahnaz Ali said when she was asked to identify the body of her sister, her injuries were so severe "I didn't actually recognise her". In a victim impact statement she said: "Faraz was a quiet, gentle, thoughtful person who suffered a prolonged attack and was left to die alone in the bathroom of a stranger's house. "The trauma of learning about how she suffered alone before she died will be

Farnaz Ali

with me always." Dr Ali said she has had to take time off from her job as a GP to support her parents, who are now in their 70s. Judge Holt said Dr Ali, who attended the court for every day of the trial, had acted "with enormous courage and dignity throughout what must have been a terrible ordeal". Police said Williams had been drinking alcohol and was known to neglect his medication. A pathologist had earlier told the jury Ms Ali could have survived for up to an hour after the attack.

Families demand government action to halt the growing diabetes epidemic The growing diabetes epidemic will be an important topic when the United Nations General Assembly meets to discuss non-communicable diseases on September 27. Ahead of the meeting, new research from the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) reveals only 17% of people believe their government is doing enough to tackle diabetes. Diabetes caused more than four million deaths last year and is a leading global cause of heart disease, blindness, kidney failure, and lower-limb amputation. If current lifestyle trends continue, the numbers living with diabetes is expected to rise rapidly to more than 500 million people, or one in ten of the global population within a decade. Most people with diabetes have type 2 diabetes. In many cases, up to 80% in some studies, type 2 diabetes can be prevented. Despite the scale of the problem, there is a lack of urgency to reverse the trend. In 2014, governments committed to achieving a 0% increase in diabetes and obesity by 2025. Several years further on, and only five countries have said they are on track to achieve this goal[iii]. Families want to see governments do more. The UN’s third highlevel meeting on the preven-

tion and control of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), which include significant killer diseases like diabetes, heart disease and cancer, is a final chance to evaluate global and national progress towards achieving agreed targets. One important government commitment is to achieve a 30% reduction in early mortality from NCDs by 2030. NCDs are responsible for close to 40 million deaths each year, or 70% of all deaths. This is more than ten times the number killed by HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis combined. Many people do not believe enough is being done to implement costeffective programmes and policies to prevent type 2 diabetes. These include education campaigns to promote healthier lifestyle choices. IDF is urging governments to use existing financial resources to ensure essential diabetes medicines

and supplies such as insulin are accessible and affordable. Nearly 100 years after insulin was first used successfully to treat diabetes, many people with diabetes, particularly those in low and middle-income countries, struggle to access a reliable supply. People with type 1 diabetes need insulin to stay alive. The greatest demand for action is in developing countries. In Brazil, India and South Africa more than half of the population (58%, 56% and 51% respectively) don’t believe their governments are doing enough.[iv] IDF welcomes all the international commitments on diabetes that have been made over the last few years and acknowledges that some advances have taken place. However, it is clear that urgent action is still needed to achieve the 2025 and 2030 targets. The health and well-being of future generations is at stake.

Newbury taxi driver rapist jailed for 14 years A taxi driver who raped and sexually assaulted four young women has been jailed for 14 years. Ruhen Miah, 42, from Newbury, pleaded guilty at Reading Crown Court to a series of attacks between 1 January and 24 February in the Berkshire town. A psychiatric expert for the defence described him as a "highly dangerous man" at the time. Dr Michael Alcock said Miah had been suffering from "adjustment disorder" after losing his restaurant business. Calling the married father of three's actions "monstrous", he added: "This behaviour was completely out of character." Alan Blake, prosecuting, told the court Miah's victims were all vulnerable through drink when they got into his cab in the early

hours. Three of the women were attacked inside his vehicle and he carried a fourth into a block of flats over his shoulder "in a fireman's lift". She was raped inside an apartment that police later discovered belonged to a friend of Miah's who was out of the country at the time. Miah was tracked down by detectives after two of the women reported being attacked by a taxi driver in the town, police said. Examination of footage from the dashcam inside his car revealed further attacks on two other women. Sentencing him, Judge Angela Morris said: "You took vulnerable females into your clutches for your own sexual gratification. They were defenceless and all were extremely intoxicated."

Ruhen Miah

She added his offending was "concerning and inexplicable". West Berkshire Council said: "All required checks were completed including the disclosure and barring service check. None of those checks indicated any grounds for concern." Miah pleaded guilty to three counts of sexual assault, one count of rape and one count of attempted rape.

WOMAN CHARGED WITH HUSBAND'S MURDER AT NEWHAM HOME A woman has been charged with the murder of her 75year-old husband at their home in east London. Kanagusabi Ramathan

was found with serious head injuries after paramedics attended a property in Newham, on Friday.

Packiam Ramathan, 73, has been remanded in custody and is due to appear at Thames Magistrates' Court on Monday.






29 Sept - 5 Oct 2018

First Sikh turban-wearing guardsman fails drugs test A Coldstream Guardsman who was the first to wear a turban during Trooping the Colour is understood to have tested positive for cocaine. Charanpreet Singh Lall, 22, from Leicester, registered "high levels" of the Class A drug during a random test at Victoria Barracks, Windsor. He was one of three soldiers who failed the test, The Sun reported. The Ministry of Defence (MoD) said those caught taking drugs could be discharged from the army. Brigadier Christopher Coles, head of army personnel services group, said: "I can confirm a number of soldiers from the Coldstream Guards are under investigation for alleged drugs misuse.

"Those caught taking drugs can expect to be discharged." The identities of the other guardsmen have not been revealed. The MoD told the BBC it could be a "matter of weeks" before any potential action was taken. In June Gdsm Lall said it was an "honour" to be the first member of the Coldstream Guards to take part in Trooping the Colour parade while wearing a turban. He told how he hoped it would be looked upon as a "new change in history", adding: "I hope that more people like me, not just Sikhs but from other religions and different backgrounds, that they will be encouraged to join the Army."

Coldstream Guards soldier Charanpreet Singh Lall

Gdsm Lall wore a black turban featuring the ceremonial cap star to match the bearskin hats during the ceremony to mark the Queen's official birthday. He joined the British Army in January 2016, having moved to the UK from Punjab, India, as a baby.

Hindu Lord leads anti-Semitism debate in Parliament Continued from page 7

“Antisemitism is the hardest of all hatreds to defeat, because like a virus it mutates, but one thing stays the same. Jews, whether as a religion, or a race, or the State of Israel, are made the scapegoats for problems for which all sides are responsible. That is how the road to tragedy begins.”

That is why I cannot stay silent, for it is not only Jews who are at risk; so too, is our humanity." The debate was concluded by the Faith Minister, Lord Bourne who thanked Lord Popat who “his stirring, thoughtful and perfectly crafted speech, which set the tone for the whole debate.” The Faith Minister

added, “the message [from this debate] is that in this country we remain totally committed to tackling antiSemitism alongside other religious hatreds and doing whatever is needed to remain a united country of all faiths and no faith. That is the message that must go out powerfully to all politicians and to all people throughout this country.”

Contaminated blood scandal: Judge warns there could be more victims as inquiry gets underway The former judge leading an inquiry into the contaminated blood scandal has suggested tens of thousands of Brits could be infected. A public probe will consider the treatment of thousands of people in the 1970s and 1980s who were given blood products infected with hepatitis viruses and HIV, and the impact this has had. Chairman of the inquiry, retired judge Sir Brian Langstaff, addressed the hundreds of people who attended the start of the Infected Blood Inquiry in London on Monday. "It is a truly sobering thought that if some of the claims are well-founded and it is for this inquiry to find out if they are - there may yet be many thousands more who do not feel well, but have not yet been told that the reason for this is that they suffer from Hepatitis C," he said. Sir Brian said it is estimated that the number of infected could go far beyond 25,000 adding that there is a "real chance that these estimates may prove right". He added: "A sobering thought that the consequences of what was done

then may be continuing to cause death even now." The 53-year-old was infected following a blood transfusion after the birth of her child in 1987 and another transfusion in 1991 - she eventually found out in 2015 that she had Hepatitis C. Sir Brian told those gathered that people will be at the heart of the inquiry, as well as ensuring it is properly funded, and independent of the Government. He also revealed that the inquiry will be UK-wide and will not confine itself to London. And with allegations of a cover-up, which he said will be investigated, Sir Brian stressed that the probe will be as "open and transparent as it is legally possible to be". Counsel to the inquiry Jenni Richards QC said it will likely hear from govern-

ment ministers, with witness statements from senior politicians including successive secretaries of state for health, as well as senior civil servants and senior doctors involved in policy setting and decision making. "We anticipate that a number of such witnesses will be expected to give oral evidence, and thus be questioned publicly for the first time about their decisions and actions," she said. She added: "This inquiry cannot reverse or undo what has happened, but the inquiry team will do everything it reasonably can to provide the answers to the questions that have been sought for so long." Prime Minister Theresa May announced in July last year that an inquiry would be held into the events over the two decades, when thousands of haemophiliacs and other patients in the UK were given infected blood products. The inquiry continues on Tuesday.

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29 Sept - 5 Oct 2018

Labour’s Brexit policy I am writing to you to seek urgent clarification on Labour’s Brexit policy, following developments over the weekend which suggest your party is moving towards a position of suspending Article 50 and delaying Brexit to hold a second referendum. The Government has made clear that we will not hold a second referendum. It would be wrong on principle, and in practice. In remarks that will cause widespread concern in communities across the United Kingdom, however they voted in the EU referendum, Sadiq Khan suggested on Sunday that in order to hold a second referendum, “What needs to happen is, is this, we defer us leaving the European Union.” You have said yourself that, “There’s no dispute that Britain will leave the European Union in March 2019,” but now Labour’s most senior elected representative is calling for a delay to Brexit. This adds to the string of top Labour figures – including yourself, Jeremy Corbyn, John McDonnell, and Tom Watson – who have left the door open to a second referendum. More than two years on from the referendum, with the right deal within our reach, the vast majority of British people will see that instead of trying to make Brexit a success, Labour are only interested in trying to frustrate the process. It’s vital that the British people have clarity and honesty from their elected representatives and, as such, it’s incumbent on you to answer the following questions, to give people a clear sense of Labour’s position: 1. Will you respect the result of the referendum and rule out holding a second referendum? 2. Will you rule out delaying Brexit and extending Article 50? 3. If you propose to delay Brexit by extending Article 50, for how long? 4. What would the question be in your proposed second referendum? 5. All of this would require, as the original referendum did, legislation approved by both houses. When and how would you legislate for your proposed second referendum? While we work to deliver the instruction of the British people and get the right Brexit deal, people across the United Kingdom will be rightly concerned that Labour’s approach would invite the worst deal and take the country back to square one. You have repeatedly said that all options should be “on the table”, but it is now time for you to urgently clarify where Labour stands on these crucial issues. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Rt. Hon. Dominic Raab MP Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union

Indians should follow in Gandhiji’s footsteps October 2 is a national holiday in India. The day is called Gandhi Jayanti. This is the day when the great Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi was born. Gandhiji, as he was popularly known, is still remembered for the wonderful things he taught, not just to Indians, but to the entire world. Gandhiji was the architect of our freedom struggle. But while we may have got freedom from the British Raj, we are today not free of corruption, crimes, killings, man-made drought situations, malnutrition, etc. which are far more bigger evils than the English rule. Humanity itself was a religion for Gandhiji who used to worship honesty. But today we are divided on the basis of religion, caste, inequality, apart from dishonesty all around. Even the currency notes of higher value which has Gandhiji’s picture embossed on them has shrunk in value terms as you can hardly get anything from them. Gandhiji’s teachings have more significance in today’s world. Hence, let us follow on his path to get true ‘swaraj’ (freedom) for our nation in real terms. Work is worship which was Gandhiji’s motto in life. Let us therefore cancel the holiday of October 2nd and work more vigorously which would please the soul of Gandhiji. Also, let us not talk about Gandhiji but try to become one like him. That would be a real tribute to our dear Father of the nation. One more thing to mention is that Gandhiji always maintained his originality. As a barrister, he travelled to the United Kingdom and South Africa. He would always wear his traditional Indian dress and would respect the culture of his country and its customs. . He would do that even though foreign nationals did not understand, like or respect it. For many decades, a large number of Indian youngsters have been following the Western culture. Indians have lost respect for their culture, customs and their mother-tongue. What is the point of having a national holiday or celebrating a great soul’s birthday when Indians don’t want to follow what this great leader has taught us? Give it a thought! Jubel D’Cruz, Mumbai, India

Good and evil

Donald Trump’s mounting crisis

I call upon readers with a deep knowledge of Hinduism to answer my question on how karma is believed to work? For example, would a person who is kind, honest and charming (but does not donate to charity) have better karma than a sly, evil, dishonest person who is always making huge donations to every deserving cause? Rudy Otter By email

President Donald Trump is in hot water in facing the challenges of leadership in dealing with the environment, NAFTA, TPP, NATO, globalisation, imposition of unnecessary sanctions on Iran and on allies trading with Iran. He has also put sanctions on Russia (although he is a friend of President Putin). He has been shooting knee jerk twits from the hip to all and sundry for criticism levelled at him. He is living in a dream world of his own linking politics with real estate wheeling and dealing and a TV reality show which are incompatible. He seems to be power drunk, illtempered and autocratic. He wanted to drain the swamp but the swamp is trying to swallow him instead. He is not proactive but he is reactive. That will not take him far. He feels vulnerable with the Russia investigation steamrolling ahead, anonymous administration officials seeking to undermine him and the spectre of impeachment proceedings, should the Democrats retake the House on Nov. 6. He is confronting broadsides from every direction — legal, political and personal. A senior administration official penned an anonymous column in the New York Times describing a “resistance” within to guard against the president’s impulses, while Bob Woodward’s new book, “Fear,” and Bill Press’s book ‘Trump Must Go’ offers an alarming portrait of a president seemingly unfit for the office. Donald Trump’s marriage is facing a fresh crisis as a porn star sues him over their alleged sexual affair. Stormy Daniels has issued court proceedings against the US President, saying their non-disclosure agreement is null and void because he did not sign it. Trump has been similarly restrained this week as federal judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, his pick for the Supreme Court, fights to save his nomination amid an accusation of sexual assault, which Kavanaugh denies. Trump has publicly defended Kavanaugh, though he has refrained from attacking the judge’s accuser, Christine Blasey Ford. Although some have suggested Mr Trump will not serve his full four year term he is still unlikely to be impeached as both Houses of Congress, which have to vote to remove him, are controlled by Republicans. No US President has ever been formally impeached. In 1974 Richard Nixon resigned before he could be formally removed. Looks like he will escape the noose. Baldev Sharma Rayners Lane, Harrow

Cold feet As the deadline for Brexit is fast approaching, we need to iron out the few outstanding issues before it is too late. We will face a bill of £39 billion if we leave EU without a deal, if there is no deal, besides a shortage of food and medicines, our passports, driving licences and mobile phone roaming charges will be affected. Are we prepared to face the chaos which will ensue if our passports and driving licences will become invalid? Without the facility of hassle free entry into Europe, there will be long queues of transport vehicles at Dover and Calais. This will very badly affect our trade and could cause a shortage of commodities. As the scaremongers are canvassing for a second referendum, the powers that be need to pay heed to them before it is too late and there is no turning back. Even if that means cold feet, so be it. We need to be absolutely certain that Brexit will work out to our advantage. It is a question of be sure than sorry. The prime minister has said that her Chequers plan will work even though Donald Tusk feels that it will not work out. It is ridiculous that the so called “divorce bill” will cost us billions of pounds. On the contrary, I would have thought that the Brirtish negotiators should try and clawback the billions of pounds which we have contributed towards the running of the EU since 1974. Dinesh Sheth Newbury Park, Ilford

Worthy cause to seek apology May I congratulate the Editor C. B. Patel of AV/GS and dedicated popular journalist Rupanjana Dutta for her excellent piece on temple advertisement on public toilet that has hurt sentiments of devoted Hindus, has become a topic of conversation at family’s dining table! There was a time when docile Hindu community would shy away from such protests but time has changed, mainly due to the involvement of community leaders, some MPs, Lords and especially awareness brought up in our younger generation while studying at universities, thanks to Manoj Ladwa who was the founder member and first president of Hindu Student Union, the biggest such union outside India, that has progressed beyond expectation, enriching our students in the nobility of our religion, culture and rich tradition. Our fight and determination to save Watford’s Hare Krishna temple against all odds, resulting in glorious victory changed the mind-set of Hindu (Hindus, Sikhs and Jains) community, again the lead was taken by AV/GS. Many thought this would be one off fight; the community will go back in hibernation, concentrating solely on their family and business affairs as usual. But the fighting spirit has lingered on, gathering pace and determination, learning from other dedicated and well informed communities like Jewish and Muslims who would not take nonsense from any one. Jewish community even took on the mighty Labour party forcing them to accept international definition of what constitute anti-Semitism. I appreciate comment by Pramod Patel, Committee member of Hindu Council of Brent. I noted with apprehension that while politicians, prominent personalities and community leaders in Harrow, that include Lord Popat, Navin Shah AM, MPs Bob Blackman and Gareth Thomas, Councillor Ameet Jogia, Anjana Patel and many more actively participated, giving press and private comments, while politicians from Brent are somewhat less forthcoming. But Councillor Krupesh Hirani whose portfolio of “Culture and Leisure” may cover such activities and Brent Council leader Cllr. Mohamed Butt to their credit, responded positively, stressing Brent’s cultural and religious diversity where everyone lives in peace and harmony. Perhaps this may prove blessing in disguise if due to endeavour of these popular Brent Councillors; such incidents may not happen in future. Kumudini Valambia By email


Write to our ‘Reader’s Voice’ section about what you think regarding the various ongoing issues all around the world. Please send your letters to aveditorial@abplgroup.com Make sure they are NOT more than 450 words. Any letter longer than the limit may not be published. Note that all your letters are subject to being edited by our team for valid reasons.

- Asian Voice

Could EU snub strengthen PM’s hand on home front? Conservative party is hopelessly and utterly divided on Brexit, catastrophic split and in turmoil since Chequer’s plan was put in public domain, although the uncertainty, unrest and division emerged as soon as the referendum result was announced. No wonder then PM David Cameron who initiated the referendum, the result was not what he expected, not to his liking, walked away, abandoning the sinking ship, in favour of pasture green, leaving poison chalice for his successor that happens to be Theresa May. While PM’s opponents or rather opponent of her Chequer’s proposal, like Jacob Rees-Mogg, Boris Johnson, David Davis and many more wants to oppose her draft, calling it “As Dead as Dodo” or a suicide vest strapped around British constitution, they have failed to publish their own plan, an alternative document to justify their anti PM stance. While some of her opponents are genuine in their criticism, others may have their own personal agenda, ambition to move into No 10 Downing Street! Fishing in trouble waters has become a norm in British politics! EU’s orchestrated ambush, skulduggery on helpless PM May, led by France, the country we liberated from the clutches of “Third Reich” may turn out to be a blessing in disguise, as practically the entire Conservative party, including their MPs supported her firm and fair stand and condemned EU’s spoilt child behaviour, led by unelected Brussels bureaucrats, particularly smug, obnoxious Donald Tusk who is a pawn in the hands of German Chancellor Angelle Mercer and in particular French President Emmanuel Macron who was labelled a complete prat, behaving like Louis XIV in many national newspapers. PM May’s ultimatum, threat to walk away, may not perturb EU, as she has “Cried Wolf” from day one and no one in EU takes her seriously when so many British politicians, academics, economists and even Governor of Bank of England predicts doom and gloom outside EU, with mass unemployment, negative growth and economy in meltdown for at least a decade. This is in spite of our huge balance of trade deficit of some £86 billion in EU’s favour, with German cars chocking our roads. Some economists predict that if Britain leaves EU without agreement, it will have more adverse effect, more joblosses in EU rather than here. If our docile, unpatriotic, egoist politicians show fighting spirit of WW2, courage to call EU bluff, makes UK an off-shore tax heaven, give subsidy to our industries and agriculture by abolishing overseas aid budget, than we may triumph even in adversity. Bhupendra M. Gandhi By email






29 Sept - 5 Oct 2018

'Sexist, unsafe' world experienced by young girls An "alarmingly high" number of girls and young women feel unsafe outside their home, according to annual research for Girlguiding UK. The survey of 1,903 13 to 21-year-olds in the UK found nearly two-thirds either felt unsafe, or knew someone who was fearful walking home alone. More than half had suffered harassment, or knew someone who had, it said. But girls are responding more robustly than before and were also more likely to call themselves feminists, it said. The research, the tenth over as many years, found more girls claim to understand what feminism means, with almost half saying they are feminists - up from a third in 2013. One young woman, from the 11 to 16-year-old age group, told researchers a feminist was "a person who strongly believes in gender equality and that everyone no matter their background should be treated equally." Another, aged between 17 and 21, described feminism as "equal rights and opportunities between men and women in the work-

place, education and society". The researchers said they felt the increased understanding of gender equality and equal rights was down to recent intense media coverage of these areas. Perhaps linked to this greater awareness was the suggestion that fewer girls expected to encounter equality in all areas of life this year than in 2009. And more girls and young women say they are seeing or experiencing sexism across all areas of their lives. The researchers said: "It might mean they are more aware of it in the media, online and in public - the result of campaigns like #MeToo and #TimesUp. However, it is also possible it may reflect an increase in the scale of sexism for girls." Compared to three years ago, more girls aged seven to 10 think the way people treat girls and women is affected by "naked pictures of women in the media, jokes about girls and more attention given to women's clothes than actions". But there were also very real concerns about girls' safety.

'£1bn in unpalatable county council cuts' ahead in England Council bosses in England say the "worst is yet to come" in cuts to services, as the government further reduces local authority funding. The County Council Network predicts "unpalatable cutbacks" next year as the councils identify at least £1bn savings to plug a £1.5bn shortfall by 2020. It also warns the risk of some councils stripping their services back to a minimum 'core offer' is growing. The government said councils will get a real term funding increase in 2018-19. It insists its approach strikes the right balance between relieving pressure on local government and ensuring taxpayers do not face excessive bills. But town hall bosses say local government funding from central government, through the revenue support grant, will have been cut by around 60% by 2020. Some councils have reached a financial crunch point, such as Northampton - where £70m of savings are required by March. Somerset has had to rubberstamp in-year funding cuts to keep to their 2018-19 budgets, while East Sussex is drawing up a plan outlining




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what its core offer will be. The County Council Network, which represents 36 larger authorities, surveyed its members about their budgets and what they planned to cut next year. All 36 responded said they faced significant cost pressures, including a growth in demand in some areas - particularly children's and adult social care, inflation and rising costs outside of their control. The survey revealed council bosses had already ear-marked £1bn worth of services as potential sources of savings. Some £685m of those are to balance the books going forward. Twenty five councils who responded to a separate survey, set out what they were planning to cut, moderately or severely: - 58% said highways and transport (including road improvements, streetlights, pothole filling) - 47% said libraries - 45% said early years and youth clubs. - 44% ear-marked public health services like smoking cessation, sexual health, substance misuse - 36% said children's services.

Three in four London students 'from ethnic minorities by 2030' Almost three quarters of university students from London will be from ethnic minorities by the end of the next decade, say researchers. The analysis, based on demographic changes and university entry rates, shows 27% of students from London will be white down from 37% at present. White students will still be the biggest ethnic group followed by 21% from African backgrounds, up from 17%. Londoners have high rates of university entry with almost one in five of all students across the UK coming from the city. The report - from Access HE - reflects a growing ethnic minority population in the school system and says young people from black and Asian families are more likely to apply for university. "We are witnessing hyper-diversity among the student body in London, where diversity is the norm and not the exception," says the report. Based on existing evidence, we can expect a significant increase in the number of young students entering higher education by 2030, and an increase in the diversity of these stu-

dents... nearly 75% being non-white." There is a forecast of a particular growth in Londoners from African and mixed-race backgrounds going to university. The number of white students is expected to increase, but not as much as other groups - so that it will become a smaller proportion of the total. There will be an increase in the proportion of students from Bangladeshi backgrounds, who will become the biggest Asian group, with 8% of London students. While African students are expected to become the second largest ethnic group, the proportion of students from a Caribbean background will fall from 6% to 4%. The number of Indian students will fall from 7% to 4%, while Pakistani students will remain at 5%. The prediction is of a future with no ethnic group being a majority. This means about a quarter of students from London will be white, a quarter black, a quarter Asian and a quarter from other groups or from a mix of backgrounds.





29 Sept - 5 Oct 2018

SCRUTATOR’S Kolkata’s Time of Troubles, it would appear, has no detectable end, as one disaster follows another in a relentless karmic cycle, beginning with fires, moving to collapsed flyovers, bridges, climaxed by a calamitous inferno that raged for three days and more, reducing the once teeming Bagri bazaar to a charred debris of shops, buildings and masses of tangled electrical wires. Mercifully, no lives were lost.

Supreme Court was by Muslim wives left adrift to fend for themselves and their children. The new law has safeguards, including bail to the accused, before the commencement of the trial. Opposition to the ordinance, led by the Congress party, is cynical and opportunistic (Hindu, Times of India, Mint September 20).

human activity. India attaches the highest importance to its relations with Russia.’ Apart from defence and nuclear power technology, the two countries are promoting two-way tourism and exploring the possibilities of working together on projects in third countries (RT September 15).

New bank merger to create behemoth The government announced the merger of three public sector banks – the Bank of Baroda, Vijaya Bank, and Dena Bank. With a combined business of around Rs 15 lakh crore (£165 billion), the new institution will be India’s third-largest bank after the State Bank of India and ICICI Bank. ‘Nobody will have to worry,’ were the assuring words Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, directed to employees of the two smaller entities in the merger (Business Line September 18).

Karnataka coalition in crisis of confidence Afghan President Ashraf Ghani with PM Modi

and Prime Minister Narendra Modi discussed the present security situation in Afghanistan and the future of Indian development projects in the country. Meanwhile Afghan Ambassador to India, Shaida Abdali, resigned, citing the increasingly fraught state of Afghanistan. There is speculation that he might launch a career in politics on his return to Kabul.

IAF footprint in Space venture Jihadi deported Kolkata’s Bagri slum fire

Monumental chaos

Kerala police. The Supreme Court of India exonerated him from all charges and pinned the blame for his ordeal by those who had in the

What remains a wonder is that such a site had so long a life unscathed. Shops cheek by jowl, heaving masses of humanity buying, selling, bargaining, dealing, shouting functioned and survived the elements for decades, will confound the gurus of urban development till doomsday.. Courageous and intrepid fire brigades, drove embattled crews through every tangible hazard and obstacle known to man or beast, from lethal wires to empty water tanks and much else, until the blaze was eventually put out.The fire services function with 68 per cent posts vacant. The Great Fires of Kolkata, may in time come to be etched in the public mind to the once Great Fire of London in the late 17th century. Hopefully, they may mark the revival of Bengal’s metropolis (Telegraph, Times of India et al September 15,16,17,18, 19,20).

first instance charged him falsely. Dr Nambi Narayanan described the judgment a ‘watershed in the history of human rights litigation in the country….Justice has been delivered, though belatedly’, he said.

Chief Minister in Germany, Italy


Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, her alter ego Finance Minister Amit Mitra, together with CEOs were in Germany looking for investments in the State.An upbeat Ms Banerjee, in Frankfurt, announced two investment agreements with local Indian entrepreneurs Purnendu Chatterjee and Mayank Jalan. Messrs Chatterjee and Jalan have a presence in Bengal. The Chief Minister had previously visited Singapore, London and Mumbai and returned laden with investment promises. Next stop Italy. No investment bonanza has as yet been sighted, nor is it likely to be anytime soon (Times September 19).

The three-man Bench, led by Chief Justice Dipak Misra, ordered the Kerala state government to pay the litigant Rs 50 lakhs (5 million) in compensation even as it agreed that nothing could bring back his lost years when his contribution to Indian space science could have been intensely valuable, perhaps path breaking.. The guilty men must be brought to book and punished appropriately (Hindu September 15).

Supreme Court vindicates wronged scientist Distinguished space scientist Nambi Narayanan lost 24 of his best years fighting false accusations of espionage by the

Indian Air Force (IAF) chief Air Chief Marshal B .S. Dhanoa said the service was geared up to contribute to India’s manned space flight with a wealth of medical experience.’ We have inhouse capabilities at the Institute of Aerospace Medicine (IAM ); we have selected our cosmonauts in the past. IAM will play a key role in human engineering and support and the development of the space crew capsule. (Hindu September 15). UK satellites piggyback into space orbit

Dr Nambi Narayanan

Triple talaq outlawed Following the Supreme Court of India’s judgment condemning the Triple talaq [instant divorce pronounced arbitrarily by Muslim men against their wives, leaving them free to take another wife, the government has announced a law that would make the practice a criminal offence. In this context, readers may recall that the litigation brought before the

India’s space agency, thus far, has launched 239 foreign satellites from 28 countries into orbit. New advanced technologies look set to continue the trend, as evidenced by the UK’s NovaSAR and SI-4, which were put into orbit aboard India’s improved PSLV-C42 rocket. The lift-off took place from the Satish Dhawan spaceport at Sriharikota (Business Line September 1). India, Pakistan talks cancelled The planned India-Pakistan dialogue of foreign ministers Sushma Swaraj and Shah Mehmood Quereshi, on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly meeting in New York, has been cancelled following jihadi killings of three policemen in the Kashmir valley. A Ministry of External Affairs spokesman in New Delhi stated that such talks could only take place after Pakistan had ceased abetting terrorism in India. According to official Indian sources, Pakistan’s India policy was not under the emit of Prime Minister Imran Khan, but under exclusive authority of the Pakistan military and its intelligence nexus, who were calling the shots (Times of India, Hindu, business Line, Mint September 20, 21, 22). Modi, Ghani discuss security projects On a day visit to New Delhi, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani

Afghanistan deported a Keralan jihadi who had travelled to the country with the aim of joining ISIS. Nashidul Hamzafar was arrested by Indian intelligence officers on his arrival at New Delhi airport on board a flight from Kabul (Times of India September 20). India, Russia ties at new level India and Russia have commenced trading in their domestic currencies, the rupee and ruble, which could set the template for increasing the quantum of bilateral commerce. ‘I hope we will be able to reach the modestly

The Congress-Janata Dal (U) coalition government appears to be splitting at the seams over power sharing and individual rivalries, which hardly bodes well for the touted Opposition Front peddled by the Congress leadership (Mint September 19). IBM labs modernize Indian enterprises Indian designers realizing that keeping track of advanced global standards through invidual staff would be a herculean endeavour, struck a deal in 2017 with US giant International Business Machines Corp (IBM) to help in that task. IBM used its artificial intelligence system, Watson to analyze hundreds and thousands of images from the internal fashion scene as well as from the history of Bollywood for its client Falguni Shane Peacock brand, which is well satisfied with the outcome. Helping farmers

IBM unit Weather Company is also using Artificial Intelligence to help Pune-based agricultural start-up AgroStar provide critical insights on crop disease risks to more than a million farmers across Maharashtra, Gujarat and Rajasthan. ‘Everything in the world is data-driven. We have the kind of Watson capabilities that we apply India's External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj (left) with Russia’s to on this Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov in Moscow data. This translates into how I get better targeted $30 compared with $100 visibility, better insights and better billion in Sino-Indian trade,’ said predictions that power patterns Russian Deputy Prime Minister and management dashboards,’ Yuri Borisov at a meeting with explained Gopal Pingali, Vice Sushma Swaraj, India’s Minister of President and Distinguished External Affairs in Moscow. The Engineer, Global Technology Russian Minister noted that, Services Labs September 10). ‘Today the share of settlements in rubles for exports is 20 per cent, Toyota to make Suzuki cars and for imports 21 per cent.’ Trading in US dollars was being Japan’s Toyota Motor Corp is to reduced, a significant produce sister Japanese Suzuki development worthy of close Motor Corp cars at its Bangaluru attention by the Trump plant, thus widening the alliance administration. between the giants in India. The decision was taken following Privileged Strategic discussions between the two auto Partnership manufacturers. A second such Toyota plant in the city could be Minister Swaraj replied: ‘India and pressed into service for Suzuki. Russia enjoy a special and Should Toyota go ahead with this privileged strategic partnership. plan, the company will be able to This partnership has strengthened boost its capacity utilization at over time and covers a vast agenda this plant (Mint September 11). involving almost all spheres of



Alpesh Patel

The Problem with Women Entrepreneurs The UK Government’s Treasury Department has just launched a review into barriers for women in business. When I wrote my book about women entrepreneurs, ‘Our Turn’ sponsored by the then Bank of Scotland, little did I know just how many advantages men have thanks to women (and other men blocking women). Some of the key blockages included, according to research, relative to men, a more realistic sense of success. Men in their cliched bravado tended to be more self confident of their own abilities, (self-attribution bias), and so underestimated the chances of failure and went gung-ho into business. You’re already familiar with these issues affecting women in the workplace. You are willing to work longer for the same pay as a man, research proves it. Thank you. It makes it easier to pick a man to promote – heck I’m hardly about to move someone up who works the longest hours am I to do the same work? And it’s unfortunate because the world needs more women entrepreneurs than ever. It needs more women in business because statistically they are more likely to succeed. It needs more women running top companies FTSE companies, because statistically their share prices do better. It needs more women at heads of Government, because statistically it leads to less wars. It needs more women managing household finances, because statistically it leads to less personal insolvencies. Other obstacles, and research suggests clichés exist out of reality and experience: Women, underpaid for the same work as men, earning less by the same age, had fewer resources with which to take the leap, and so less likely to take the leap. Of course, there is the baby factor, lack of affordable nursery care is well documented, but there is also that fewer women want to go back to work full-time and there the part-time do it from home type of entrepreneurial ventures are less well taught, known about – compared to the office or WeWork based entrepreneurial start up – which again to women with small children may not be suitable. The role models, reported by some women in our book, were hardened, angry, that they could do it, so why all the whinging – in other words, the sisterhood is sorely lacking other than to self-promote not to hand up others. Consequently, by self-selecting gender specific role models, they may be accidentally restricting their chances of success. What of bias in capital availability? Bias in venture capital is well known, and don’t doubt that just as employers think ‘when will you get pregnant’ so do investors. What is to be done? One thing is greater education of entrepreneurial ventures which can be born from home to a significant size, without massive capital and fulltime away from home. But that is one of many options I will speak to the Treasury about. Incidentally, I wrote the book, ‘Our Turn’, because when I co-founded the entrepreneur mentoring organisation ‘TiE – The Indus Entrepreneurs’ UK there were hardly any women in the organisation – a fault which was ours, soon remedied, not theirs. Yes, it’s a team effort. If you want more women entrepreneurs, work with the men good at it too.


Men jailed after last year's death following attack in Windsor's Goswell Hill A man has been sentenced to five years prison following the death of 50-year-old Mohammed (Ishan) Rasheed from traumatic brain injuries in Windsor last year. A second man has been jailed for 12 months. Mr Rasheed, from Wembley, died after he was found lying unconscious in the road in the Goswell Hill area on September 10, 2017. It was found he had been the victim of an attack. He was taken to John Radcliffe Hospital but died two days later. An investigation was launched by Thames Valley Police’s major crime unit on the night of the assault. Kirk Bentley, 32, was arrested on September 13, 2017 and Ashley Ball, 28, the following day. Both men were charged on November 8 last year. On Friday Ball, of Holloway Hill, Chertsey, received a five year sentence. He had pleaded guilty to one count of manslaughter on January 10. Kirk Bentley, of Church Street, Staines, received a 12 months sentence. He had been found guilty of one count of affray by a unanimous jury at Reading Crown Court following a trial that lasted two weeks and ended on Friday, September 14. But he was acquitted of the more serious charge of manslaughter. Senior investigating

Mohammed Rashid

officer, detective chief inspector Ailsa Kent, said: “This was a tragic case where an innocent man, cherished by his family, lost his life. “I would like to thank the family of Mr Rasheed for their ongoing support of our investigation through what has been a very traumatic time for them. “Additionally, I would like to thank the public for their assistance in our investigation and the information they provided, without this we would not have been able to secure these convictions. “This case shows just how easily a violent act can lead to someone senselessly losing their life. “Although nothing can detract from the loss that they feel every day I hope that in some way the convictions of Bentley and Ball, will bring a small amount of solace to the family of Mr Rasheed and all of our thoughts remain with them.”

Father among seven in court charged with boy 'acid attack'


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The six men and one woman are charged with conspiring to commit grievous bodily harm over the incident in Home Bargains

Seven people have appeared in court after a three-yearold boy was seriously hurt in an alleged acid attack, including the boy's father. The boy's face and arm were burned at a Home Bargains store in the Tallow Hill area of Worcester on 21 July. The six men and one woman are charged with conspiring to commit grievous bodily harm. They were remanded

into custody at Worcester Crown Court to re-appear at a hearing on 12 December. The father, who must remain anonymous for legal reasons, is accused alongside Saied Hussini, 41, and Norbert Pulko, 22, both from London; Jan Dudi, 25, Adam Cech, 27, and Martina Badiova, 22, all from Birmingham; and Jabar Paktia, 41, from Wolverhampton.



Grenfell Tower Lessons Learned: Landlords urged to Remove Cladding or Face Legal Action 29 Sept - 5 Oct 2018

It’s more than a year on from the Grenfell Tower fire which saw 72 people killed, but the inquiry is still underway to decipher exactly what it is we have learned from the tragedy. Whilst the inquiry is continuing to present new issues which may have contributed to the fire and the subsequent death of so many of the residents, the concern which has proven to be contributory is the cladding used to insulate the building itself. This is an issue that many UK landlords will now have to be aware of, especially commercial property owners or HMO landlords who are responsible for one or more multi-storey property. The specific offending cladding is aluminium composite material (ACM), which has proven to be unsafe. Landlords and homeowners across the UK are warned that if they do not remove the dangerous cladding, they could face council enforcement action. The Government has committed to pay £400million towards removing any of this type of cladding used on social housing blocks, but otherwise it is up to property owners and developers to ensure that they comply with its removal. The Government’s Communities Secretary, James Brokenshire, has already contacted 60 landlords and developers to explain what action they must take to avoid being penalised for using this Grenfell-style wall cladding. In the meantime, fire safety specialists recommend taking certain precautions until the cladding can be replaced. There are still many more private sector landlords who own properties which are unlikely to comply with the current building regulations taking into account this dangerous cladding. As of August 2018 there were nearly 200 of the 293 recorded to be likely to fall below these standards who had failed to

send their action plan for improvements to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG). As a specialist in housing and property litigation law, Manjinder Kaur Atwal, is experienced in acting for private landlords in a range of housing disputes, including when council enforcement action is brought against them.

Manjinder Kaur Atwal

As a solicitor and Director, Manjinder has over 10 years’ experience dealing with a diverse caseload, from small claims cases to multitrack cases, and undertakes her own advocacy at Court and Tribunals on behalf of clients. If you would like to know your rights and responsibilities concerning the removal of ACM cladding or you have had a council enforcement notice served on you, contact Manjinder on 020 3114 1269, or email her on manjindera@duncanlewis.com. Duncan Lewis Housing Solicitors Duncan Lewis Housing Solicitors can assist in any issues arising with local housing authorities, housing applications, tenants, landlords, ownership and repairs. With a niche expertise in Possession and Unlawful Eviction cases the Department offers representation in all proceedings including reviews, appeals and judicial review proceedings relating to homelessness, disrepair, succession for tenants and neighbourhood disputes. If you have any housing queries contact our team on 0333 772 0409.





29 Sept - 5 Oct 2018

Punjabi Society hosts awards evening as part of its 90th anniversary On Wednesday 5th September 2018, The Punjabi Society of British Isles (Founded 1928) hosted an awards evening at The House of Commons as part of its 90th Year anniversary celebrations. The society normally recognises individuals at their annual Charity Dinner and Dance event, for ‘Excellence and Achievements’ in chosen vocations, but this year decided to hold the event at the prestigious and historical parliament buildings since it is a milestone celebratory year. Award recipients this year were: - Dr. Pooja Dassan – Consultant Neurologist - Mr. Randeep Singh Lall – Founder, Trustee and Global Operating Director for Nishkam SWAT - Mr. Sunil Lamba – Restaurateur (Laguna) - Mr. Rajinder Singh Makkar – UK Property Developer & Investor - Mr. Ravinder Singh Sidhu – CEO Khalsa Aid - Sir Professor Tejinder Singh Virdee – Experimental Particle Physicist and Professor of Physics - Des Pardes Newspaper – UK’s longest established Punjabi Weekly Newspaper. There were almost 100 attendees at the event, which was hosted by the society along with the Honourable Seema Malhotra (MP) who is also an Honorary Patron of

the society. Dr. Onkar Sahota, Member London Assembly and also an Honorary patron of the society was also present to hand out the awards along with Seema Malhotra. The society prides itself as being the longest established organisation in the UK of its kind and has been actively supporting several charities in UK and abroad. The 90th anniversary celebrations were continued at the Annual Dinner and Dance held on Saturday 15th September in West London, where £4000 was raised for ‘Noah’s Ark’ a North London Children’s Hospice.

Seema Malhotra MP (and Honorary Patron of Society) giving final speech, with from left to right: Parag Bhargava (General Secretary), Nirbhai Singh Rai (Treasurer), Subhash Chander (President), Dr. Onkar Sahota member London Assembly (and Honorary Patron of Society), Mr. T.S. Sahni (Patron/Special Advisor)

Award winners seated in second row and committee members standing behind

Head of Chinmaya Mission Worldwide visits London The current Head of Chinmaya Mission Worldwide, Swami Swaroopananda was in London between 13 September and 23 September 2018 to conduct a captivating series of talks in English that unfolded the beauty and depth of the much-loved Hanuman Chalisa, along with various other events. His visit began with an insightful weekend retreat near Milton Keynes for 18-35 year olds on the topic ‘Journey into Health’ that explored the deep relationship between the mind and how our thoughts influence our physical wellbeing. Between 17-22 September, nearly 1,000 attendees of all ages travelled daily to hear Swami Swaroopananda expound on the spiritual depth and power contained within the verses of the popular Hanuman Chalisa at the Dhamecha Lohana Centre in Harrow, Middlesex. Uncovering the relevance of the verses in modern times and the strength one gains through chanting the Chalisa, the venue was filled with enthusiastic listeners on every evening of the talks at which dinner prasaad was also served daily. Swami Swaroopananda also

conducted a series of early morning talks at the Chinmaya Mission UK London Centre, ‘Chinmaya Kirti’ in Hendon on the ‘Tapovan Shatakam’ a beautiful uplifting hymn on the much revered, austere Master and Guru of Swami Chinmayananda. Swami Swaroopananda’s 2018 London visit concluded with a fun-filled Festival of Hanuman that attracted hundreds of families throughout the day on Saturday 22 September. There were plenty of Hanuman-themed games, story-telling sessions, activities, arts and crafts and workshops for toddlers, children, teenagers, healthy food demonstrations and talks conducted on a variety of themes including, 'Graceful Ageing', 'Raising Little Hanumans' and 'Journey into Health’, all aimed at inspiring attendees to live their lives as Hanumanji did, devoted to a noble goal. The festival culminated in a beautiful two-hour musical recital of the Hanuman Chalisa in different melodies before Swami Swaroopananda delivered his final spell-bounding talk on the Hanuman Chalisa that left the crowd uplifted and revelling in the glory of Lord Hanuman.








29 Sept - 5 Oct 2018


Shivya Nath:


Shooting Star Travel Sunetra Senior

way of life we have been taught as superior. Living with indigenous people, you see how their lives are more grounded by being more connected to nature in a way. When I was staying with farmers during my trip to central America, for example, they had modern phones and chargers and were listening to reggae music, but were relying solely on their plants for food. I had to take a wooden raft on rapids, and trek through the rainforest as well as taking a few buses out from the city to reach them.” A poetic essence in her writing, and indeed her natural disposition, it is

hivya is a brilliant, pioneering product of our ever- shifting, professional times. She started her high-profile travel blog, The Shooting Star, back in 2011 when she decided to take “a two-month sabbatical” from her office job “to go travelling around western Europe.” It has since garnered accolades such as Best Indian Travel Blogger (2013) at the Indian Blogger Awards, Best Indian Travel Blogger as voted in Vogue India (2015), and the cover of National Geographic Traveller magazine, (2017). Of course, these only palely parallel the numerous countries the determined traveller has now visited, reaching over fifty different global locations. “I travel as a passion, and the acclaim received is secondary,” Shivya told us, “though much appreciated and welcome! When I began writing on my Hiking in the Caucasus mountains of Georgia adventures, there weren’t many travel bloggers around, much less those no wonder then that Shivya’s tech who ticked the boxes of young, advensavvy traversing has culminated in the turous and female. I really developed a publishing of her big print book: The love of exploration,” especially for preShooting Star with Penguin. “It’s differviously undiscovered, and rarely trodent to my online log, which is more den landscapes. Shivya quit her corpoinstantaneous and contains quicker rate trajectory working for the Singapore Tourism Board, this post itself having been a deviation in a post-recession world, to go on to travel through parts of Africa, Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe and the Middle East. A recent epic accomplishment has been her excursion through Central and North America in 2015, staying with locals and absorbing the culture in places such as Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, Costa Rica and Living with a Quichua family in Ecuador Panama over an immersive period of six months. “That really pushed travel tips. The book is more meditated me out of my comfort zone,” Shivya and personal and delves into my backsaid. “I took the time to learn the langround. I introspect on what I’ve learnt guage, and really interacted through my nomadic twenties and with the people who shared who I’ve become today. It’s the their ancient wisdom. It end of an era. I suppose it It's was completely off the does feel a little as if my tourist radar and so far writing career is happening liberating to from the universe I was in reverse: I jumped on the have no roots familiar with.” online bandwagon and am *** now being printed through anywhere As well as bringing entiretraditional media. A lot of ly new cultural perspectravel companies are also tives, which the blogger looking to work with indepenemphasised as “sometimes saner” dent bloggers in a more authentic way.” than the metropolitan lives we lead, Thus, not only does Shivya escape the another unique element to Shivya’s observations is her focus on “human stories and connections by way of bringing the world together. I enjoy being in others’ shoes for a while.” She has been featured on BBC Travel, voted India’s Best Young Social Media Professional at CMO Asia Awards (2014), been hailed for her work as a social influencer and featured on The Good Trade among visual storytellers using Instagram to inspire global community and kindness (2017). Hiking in Georgia Interestingly, Shivya’s unusual emotional journey first began in a small town at the foot of the isolated constraints of rotary, mainstream life Himalayas, where she was raised in “a but also a flat formula to actualising very protective household.” So, “she the self. Taking chances and embracing wanted to break free from those confuture uncertainty, she has paradoxiventions. Different parts of the world cally achieved a sounder present purinspired that journey. Documenting pose. Shivya gave up her home and my stories was purely out of my own belongings in 2013 and is currently livinterest and mostly for challenging the ing out of two backpacks and the expe-


Shivya Nath

riences of strangers. Allowing herself to freefall, she emerges a modern, luminescent success.

Where do you think you will travel to next? Central Asia. Places such as Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, and I’d also like to visit Iran. Incidentally, these places have just made the visa process much easier for Indians too! People always think where they are is boring. Can you recommend some good getaways in Britain? I’ve spent some time in North Wales which is culturally different from other parts of Britain – there’s a lot of adventure open to you and the beautiful wilderness. The Lake District where I am currently has been great as well, despite the weather. Do you think willingness and a sense of curiosity are absolutely vital for good travelling? It can be a chicken and the egg game long term because the more you travel, the more you want to do more. You travel alone mostly; do you feel once you’ve immersed yourself in a place that it can take on its own persona and keep you company that way? Yes, absolutely – I feel I carry so many bits of places within me. There’s no one place I call home. I don’t end up identifying with people I’ve known for a long time, and feel individual that way. It is liberating to have no roots anywhere and a place I have to keep returning to. The independence is great. How has it been travelling as a woman? Equal parts fear and liberation. It’s a great drive to seek to travel yourself. If you’re traveling to remoter places, there is a certain thrill to it which mitigates the fear. If you can travel like this on your own, the confidence built affects every part of your life – if you can stand on your own far away, you feel you can take on any challenge. Also, it puts the bigger picture into perspective, you can take a step back and identify what really matters. What are further other themes in The Shooting Star Book? Travelling alone as a woman, trusting and connecting with strangers. I also look at sustainability. For a while I ran a company in India centred around sustainable travel and entrepreneurship. Finally, can you give us your top three tips for good travel? Don’t be overwhelmed by social media. Travel to places that connect specifically with you. Think on what you want out of your travels? Secondly, stay with locals as opposed to guesthouse or a hostel – you learn so much more when you connect with people who live there. Finally, be mindful of the pressure you’re putting on the environment and local economy: take public transport, refuse plastic bottles, contribute financially to places which are fuelling local life. W: https://the-shooting-star.com/

A British man who says he is a pharmacist from Birmingham has been detained in Syria on suspicion of being a member of the Islamic State group. Kurdish forces captured Anwar Miah in the eastern province of Deir al-Zour a month ago. A video of his capture has surfaced on Twitter and shows Mr Miah saying he has lived in Syria for nearly four years. It is believed he is being held in a prison in northern Syria, guarded by US special forces. Western intelligence agencies are questioning him, the BBC's Middle East correspondent Quentin Sommerville said. In the video, Mr Miah, who is blindfolded in the back of a pick-up truck, says he has been working as a medic in IS territory for the last four years. A pharmacist of the same name from Birmingham was stuck off the UK's pharmacy register in 2014 for falsifying work records. At least three other British men who are accused of being members of IS are currently in Kurdish and US custody in Syria. They include two Londoners, Shafi El-Sheikh and Alexanda Kotey, who are alleged to be members of the notorious group dubbed the The Beatles. The pair were captured in January. US officials believe the cell they belonged to beheaded more than 27 Western hostages and tortured many more.

16 UK




29 Sept - 5 Oct 2018

As I See It

Gandhi Jayanti at Tavistock Square The 150th birthday of Mahatma Gandhi will be celebrated as is customary each year, at 11.00 am at Tavistock Square, Central London. The Mahatma Gandhi statue was installed, for the first time in history in the most prominent place of a major western country, 50 years ago at Tavistock by devoted efforts of the India League with support from the Camden Borough Council which provided land in perpetuity, and the Indian High Commission in London which provided valuable service in maintenance of the iconic statue and helping in organising Gandhi Jayanti (Gandhi's Birthday) which is observed as the International Day of Non-violence, and Martyr's Day. Mahatma Gandhi Foundation UK, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, and other

“A man is but the product of his thoughts; what he thinks, he becomes.” Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

organisations will participate along with the Indian High Commissioner, Mayor of Camden, Chairman of the India League, and other dignitaries and a large number of Gandhi devotees. A

Gandhi Peace March has been organised this year by Indian communities, after the function, from Tavistock Square to Gandhi's statue in Westminster Square.

Tolly Boy Rice celebrates the winning Bangladeshi and African community groups! A little over 3 months ago, on June 18th 2018, Tolly Boy launched their grassroots campaign “Spread the Joy with Toll Boy” to support African and Bangladeshi communities in the UK. A campaign which committed to offer prize donations to deserving community projects, helping them strive, thrive and flourish. From employability to healthy luncheons, from vocational training to caring for the elderly, twenty community groups came forward and registered their interest in this campaign, which promised to bring hope and joy to their local community. A campaign thoroughly supported by community groups, community businesses and media came to its culmination on the 18th of September when the top three winning groups were rewarded for their efforts. 84 days and 20,341 votes later, the winners of the Spread the Joy with Tolly Boy campaign were acknowledged during an awards ceremony at Wapping Youth Centre. The occasion was filled with heart-warming stories of the journey undertaken by community groups and appreciation for Tolly Boy who has partnered with their wider community & the projects that help to make their communities flourish. Present at the event were the three winning community groups - Wapping Bangladesh Association, Nigerian Community of Waltham Forest (NICOWF) and Bangladesh Women’s Association, who were commended by Nicolas Hanson, Managing Director Westmill Foods, Chris

When can we truly repay the Mahatma's debt? CB Patel

Craig, Commercial Director Westmill Foods, Ricky Oberoi, Account Director Westmill Foods, and Steven Perry, Senior Brand Manager Tolly Boy. NICOWF plans to use

only were people convinced to participate but were also happy with the quality of Tolly Boy, making it their household favourite”. The group helps empowering not only women from the

this funding to organise events in their community to highlight the essence of society and how everyone can contribute to shape the society one lives in. In a candid moment, Mr. Faniku, also shared how excited they were as a community to be in friendly rivalry with other charities to win the competition! The second runner up was Bangladeshi Women’s Association who were awarded £2,500. Ms Amina Chowdhary from the charity said: “It is really challenging to convince people to come out of their comfort zone and try something new. People around us were using different brands of rice, but we tried convincing them to try Tolly Boy by telling them how Tolly Boy would help the community in return. The good thing was that not

Bangladeshi community with education, training and employment, but also a variety of other communities. With the campaign money, they plan to provide additional classes for employment and training services. They will additionally provide practical office skills training to enable these women excel in their future jobs. Talking about the journey, Senior Brand Manager of Tolly Boy Steven Perry said: “It was fantastic to see votes increase week by week and how community groups really took the initiative to improve their standing in the competition. Community groups from all over the UK Manchester, Birmingham, Leicester and London, were devoted to spreading the joy and helping their community project win.”

In 1893, a 23 year old young barrister Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi left for South Africa, only to return a 'Mahatma' in 1915. Not only India and the Indian community, but the world will celebrate Gandhi Jayanti on October 2, next Tuesday. A frail man with a determination strong enough to affect a colonial power, Mahatma's ideologies are not only studied across countries, but also followed by many. An international figure, he was born on October 2, 1869, 149 years from now, in Porbandar. Gandhiji not only stood for Indians, but also for peace, brotherhood, and universal equality. I find it amusing that leader of the British colony, last Viceroy Lord Mountbatten too had eventually begun addressing Gandhiji as 'Bapu'. Such was his emminence and influence. While there is confusion and serious arguments on how and when he was given the title, there is definitely no disagreement on whether he deserves to be called so.

Hari Ka Jan (Man of God) Friends, hundreds of movements and ideologies Gandhi has vehemently supported and worked on. His devotion towards abolishing the practice of untouchability. Averse to the idea of suppression of a certain community owing to their caste, Gandhiji began his official movement against untouchability in 1933. He protest fasted in July and August that year, and in November 1933, he left on a tour of the entire country fighting against the casteist bias. Refusing to call the minority caste 'Dalits', which has for ages been referred as an abusive term, Gandhi gave a whole new name to the group, calling them “Harijans”- meaning Persons of God. Gandhi's Harijan Yatra brought him face to face with several opposing forces, but he continued for their rights of being treated as a human being. In 1915 wellknown Indian social worker, Amritlal Thakkar, popularly called Thakkar Bapa, wrote a letter to him citing, “A humble request, an untouchable family wishes to join your ashram. Would you permit their stay?” Perplexed by the request, Gandhi wrote in his autobiography 'The Story of My Experiments with Truth', that the letter placed him in a moral dilemma. He knew bringing the family into the ashram would affect those who already lived there. However, after giving it a long thought, he made a decision. If the ashram housed Brahmins, Kshatriyas, and Vaishnavs, why not Dalits? As was his wish, the Dalit family- a husband, wife, and their daughter arrived, and no one said a word. However, it was made apparent that there was bitterness

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

amongst others who did not like the judgment. Once, the Dalit woman went to pull water from the Ashram's well, she was stopped. Several ashram members said that if she drinks from the well, they will stop touching the water. When Gandhiji came to know about the incident, he became very upset. He announced that if the Dalit family is not stopped from using the well, he will stop drinking water altogether. He said that doors of the ashram were open for everyone, and there was no place for caste bias. While the other members bowed to his decision then, wind of a Dalit family soon blew across Ahmedabad, and within just three months of starting the ashram, money was pulled back out by sponsors, Gandhi's ashram had fallen in financial trouble. While he did find aid eventually, this incident can be counted as a pivotal incident that inspired his movement and fight against untouchability. Gandhiji adopted the community in a true sense. And in the remainder of his life, he continued to speak up on the topic and address it whenever he could. Dear readers, our beloved Gandhiji is no more, and despite his relentless fight against inequality, our country has failed him. Celebrations on a large scale are being conducted to observe his birthday, I can't help but wonder with what right are we celebrating a man, whose ideologies only appeal to us on paper? Why do we keep differentiating and creating barriers based on a system that was created generations ago? If we consider ourselves as a Sanatan Hindu, does the prevailing situation really appeal to us? I believe it is time we repay Gandhiji's prodigious debt on us, and put an end to this broken and bitter society that we have created after him. Like all of us, the Dalit community too is a product of India, born in the same soil as we all were. Only when we accept this truth will Gandhiji's sacrifice for independence will bears fruits.

VEGANS FURIOUSLY BLAST MIDLANDS BUTCHER OVER ADVERT POKING FUN AT THEIR LIFESTYLE A Midlands butchers has been blasted by furious vegans after an ill-advised advert. The “tongue-incheek” ad poked fun at the lifestyle followed by thousands of Midlands eco-friendly dieters. Anthony Andrew Traditional Butchers in King Street, Duffield, Derbyshire, has been blasted by vegans. Vegans queued up to slam the butchers after a post circulated on social media. The ad - which has provoked outrage - came to light after a post called out

the butcher for alienating potential customers, reports DerbyshireLive .






29 Sept - 5 Oct 2018


An estimated £1.2 billion will be spent under the scheme with 60% being borne by the Centre and 40% by states. Ayushman Bharat Pilot: T he Who and What of It Currently, 29 out of 36 states and union territories have agreed to join the scheme. While Odisha has opted out, another six are expected to sign up in the coming months. Indu Bhushan, Chief Executive Officer, National Health Agency, said, “Private hospitals may not be enrolled in some states as the purpose of launching the scheme on pilot basis is to test our systems in real time.” He stated that private hospitals will be included later. Currently, Telangana, Odisha, Kerala, Delhi and Punjab have refrained from signing the MoU on different grounds, including claims that their health care schemes are better than Ayushman Bharat and hence, the scheme won’t be implemented in these states. The scheme is a Rs 5,00,000 cashless family floater insurance covering all members of the household for one year. New members can be added following the government's approval. It covered 1,354 medical and surgical packages categorised under 25 specialties such as cardiology, neurosurgery, oncology (chemotherapy for 50 types of cancers), burns, and others. Patients however, can't avail surgical and medical packages at the same time. Benefits Hospitalisation expenses include such as registration, nursing and boarding charges in general ward. Consultation fees, surgical equipment and procedure charges and cost of implants, medicines, diagnostic tests and food for patients. Follow-up care along with pre and posthospitalisation expenses. In case of multiple surgeries, the highest package rate will be waived for the first treatment, and 50 per cent and 25 per cent of the costs will be provided for the second and third treatment, respectively. Rates for the scheme will be fixed by the state health agency in consultation with the selected insurer and empanelled hospitals for three years. The third year will be contingent to the performance of the insurer in the first two. The states and UTs have opted to set up trusts or subsidy pools with 60:40 contribution by central and state governments. Funds will be granted at a flat premium of Rs 500 a family for the first six months. The mixed model- which is opted by eight states, claims of up to Rs 1,50,000 will be covered by an insurer and anything exceeding that will be settled by the trust. How the scheme will be implemented It will be jointly run by the central and state governments. The National Health Agency (NHA), under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare will implement the scheme and run the web portal. State health agencies will sign contracts with insurers and empanelled hospitals. They will be responsible for auditing and monitoring the scheme through spot checks. They will also ensure that hospitals have the required IT and allied infrastructure to identify beneficiaries, print e-cards, and provide services. At the district level, the insurer will set up an office within 15 days of signing the insurance contract with the state, and hospitals will be selected after approval and audit through committees. A contract will then be signed between the insurer, the state and the hospital within seven days. Budget The overall budget for the scheme, which

Prime Minister Narendra Modi launches 'Ayushman Bharat' the world's largest healthcare scheme. Also present, Governor of Jharkhand, Droupadi Murmu, Union Health and Family Welfare Minister, JP Nadda, Chief Minister of Jharkhand, Raghubar Das, Minister of State for Civil Aviation, Jayant Sinha, Minister of State for Tribal Affairs, Sudarshan Bhagat.

is still provisional, for 2018-19, was £200 million, as per a written response by the Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare in Parliament. How hospitals will be selected While public hospitals will be empanelled from day one, private hospitals can register through the scheme portal. Approximately 7,826 hospitals have joined so far, of which, 47 per cent are private. The government has laid certain conditions for all network hospitals. They must have at least 10 inpatient beds with adequate spacing and supporting staff. Hospitals providing surgical packages must have a minimum of 15 beds. Quality certification from National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers will be mandatory for all the selected

EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW.... 1. Scheme to provide cashless and paperless access to healthcare services 2. Health insurance cover of Rs 5,00,000 to 500 million poor people 3. Scheme will cover 10.74 million rural and urban families as identified in SECC 2011 4. Will not cover primary care, only the cost of hospitalisation 5. Anti-fraud cells to be established at the national and state level, and strong IT tolls will deployed to prevent and detect fraud 6. Over 8,375 hospitals, both public and private, empanelled for the scheme, and as many as 31 states and union territories have signed MoUs with the Centre to implement the scheme 7. States settled to decide on mode of implementation with seven states planning to adopt the insurance mode, 18 stated to follow the trust route, while the remaining nine to follow the mixed model

hospitals within a year of approval. Eligibility Beneficiaries have been identified and chosen on the basis of the latest Socio-economic Caste Census (SECC) data. It is reported that they have been identified on the basis of deprivation categories like D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, and D7 respectively. For urban areas, entitlement criteria will be determined on the basis of 11 occupational categories. Beneficiaries of Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojna (RSBY) will also be included. A website has been launched by the NHA, along with a helpline number for prospective beneficiaries to check if their names are there in the final list. Mobile number or ration card number, SECC name, or RSBY URN can be used to find out if an individual is eligible to become a beneficiary. In case one's name does not appear in the list, they can contact a nearby Ayushman Mitra. Avail the scheme There is no limitation on the size of the family or age, and an Aadhaar Card is not compulsory to avail the scheme. Beneficiary patients will have to approach an empanelled hospital, where 'Arogya Mitras' will assist them in admission. Each hospital will have an 'Ayushman Mitra Help Desk' where the identity verification will be done using Aadhaar or any other ID like voter or ration card. A letter with QR codes will be given to the beneficiaries which will be scanned by the doctors and a demographic authentication will be conducted for identification which will help to verify the person's eligibility. After, the hospital will select a package and check balance as well as submit supporting evidence required for the treatment. Members of the beneficiary families will not have to pay anything in case of hospitalisation, provided they visit empanelled hospitals.





29 Sept - 5 Oct 2018

Consultant Editor Financial Voice

Beating the bank scammers

Alpesh Patel Dear Financial Voice Reader, How do you make money from Brexit? Remember how Soros made money - £1billion – from the collapse of Sterling? Again, that was because of Europe and Sterling being pegged to the German Mark. So can we make a Billion? Can we ‘do a Soros’. Actually, it’s a lot easier now than it was in the early 90s when Soros did it. Now you can open a Forex account and make a trade on the £. So how do you do it? 1. Open an account, for instance with a Forex broker. Only ever trade with risk capital. Remember around 80% lose money trading online because they’ve never spent time learning anything. 2. Next we have to pick the currencies to trade. I suggest £ against the US Dollar. Why not £ vs Euro? Because both will be affected by the vote in the same positive direction so it is too difficult to work out. The $ on the other hand will be relatively less affected than the £. 3. What’s your trade? Trading works like this. If the expectation of the market is of a hard Brexit and no deal, then the Pound will rise on any news which is opposite to that. If the news confirms that, then the Pounds will likely rise too, because the news is ‘out there’ confirming the bets already made and so the bets can be closed out. 4. Similarly if the expectation is for a soft Brexit, then if one is confirmed the £ will fall and if a hard Brexit happens instead, the Pound will fall. So the real question is what is the market expecting now? And it appears to be expecting in my estimate 60-40 a hard Brexit. 5. However it’s really the surprises that can knock us off our feet. You see the only actual facts that can come out before March are that there is a soft Brexit deal. You are not going to have before then confirmation of no deal. 6. So the risk is of a soft Brexit impacting our position. So the real risk is of the Pound rising. Any falls before actual announcements are just the market re-assessing its views on the odds of a hard or soft Brexit. 7. So one final complication – if the £ eases up as the market gets dribs and drabs of news that a deal will be done, then the £ will fall when it happens as people close their bets. 8. Hopefully that is not too complicated. For a free online trading course visit www.alpeshpatel.com

JTC to acquire Minerva Award-winning provider of global private client, corporate, fund, and treasury services, Minerva has signed a conditional agreement to combine with JTC Group, one of the leading providers of private client, fund, and corporate services. The deal however, excludes Minerva's affiliate businesses, MTC Kenya and Meghraj Capital, and both will continue as independent companies. Minerva states it has found a strong and highly regarded partner in JTC, that shares many similar values- allowing it to build on the success it has created while providing new and exciting opportunities and options for clients, staff, and its network of business partners. Minerva chairman and founder, Vipin Shah said, “I am delighted with this deal, which is an important step in the development of Minerva, and we look forward to working closely with the highly experienced teams at JTC to further enhance our offering. The founders and the senior management team remain shareholders, having taken much of our consideration in shares, and are committed to continuing the work we have been doing for the last 40 years.” CEO of JTC PLC, Nigel Le Quesne said, “We are delighted to announce this important deal. Minerva has a long track record with particular strength in the private client sector and the markets of Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. There is a clear fit with our existing operational footprint and client base and this will allow us to leverage our scalable global platform to enhance operating margins as well as to drive future growth.” The company has over 600 employees, and provides services to clients from a global network of more than 20 offices and has assets under administration of $85 billion.

Fraud is an issue that affects banks, businesses and individuals. According to UK Finance, last year individuals lost £2784 on average per case of Authorised Push Payment fraud, also known as APP fraud or simply push fraud. These scams frequently involve someone posing as a legitimate company who issues a payment demand via telephone, intercepted mail or hacked email. For example, an individual could be planning on some property renovation hires a building firm and agrees a fee and a start date. They receive an email from an address similar or even exactly the same as the one used by the building firm, requesting

payment to be made to the company’s account. The individual, familiar with the company and with an agreement in place, might never stop to consider the legitimacy of the contact and make the payment. A few days later, the individual might contact the company directly only to find that they have not requested a payment and do not own the account that the funds have been sent to. In many cases, the funds are emptied from the fraudulent account in a matter of hours, often becoming unrecoverable, although attempts to retrieve the funds will always be undertaken. Laurie Hood, Financial Crime Specialist at Starling

Bank, shared his advice to avoid APP Fraud. “For those tricked into making the payment the impact can be huge. Taking time to think and being vigilant are key; you should never automatically assume any emails, texts or calls are genuine,” he says. His first tip is to think about the nature of the request: Is the payment being requested earlier than expected? Is it a different amount? Was it unusually urgent? Was it made outside contact hours? Hood also recommends looking carefully at the email which may have subtle changes such as a zero instead of an ‘O.’ He also suggests considering the quality of a text or email such as the

spelling, sentence structure or logo which may be of a lower quality than expected. “These should all be red flags for you to take your time and contact the company directly to enquire – they won’t mind, you might just alert them to a fraudster purporting to represent them and it will give you peace of mind!” he says. Starling Bank is a UK mobile-only bank, committed to preventing and raising awareness about fraud. Visit www.starlingbank.com

High Commissioner in UK launches ‘TechXchange’ to promote Start Up India campaign Keeping in mind the Indian government's flagship initiative Startup India, the High Commissioner of India in the UK launched 'techXchange 2018' on June 20, this year. First edition of the event was held in London. Organised by High Commission, along with FICCI UK, it began on September 17 and continued till 21st this month. The event saw two days of discussions, pitching, insights, seminar & talks, and three days in depth Startup Study tour in London and other select relevant locations across government

Indian High Commissioner Y.K. Sinha at the launch of the programme

agencies, policy makers, Incubators, think tank and academic institutions and

Startups in UK. TechXchange 2018 aims to promote, encourage and

provide exposure to Startups from India and start the process of internalisation. It also intends to help incubators and Startup ecosystem stakeholders from India to interact and learn from their counterparts in UK. As part of the programme, FICCI UK also organised a one day event on September 20 at the High Commission office. The event hosted an Indian delegation, along with investors, Startups, incubators, policy makers, think tanks, ecosystem evangelists, media amongst others.

UK govt deficit widens unexpectedly in August In disappointing news for Chancellor Philip Hammond, the UK government deficit widened unexpectedly in August. According to the Office for National Statistics, public sector net borrowing last month, excluding nationalised banks, grew by £2.4 billion to £6.8 billion compared with August last year. The update comes against a backdrop of steady improvements in recent months helped by relative economic stability, which has driven down the deficit over the course of the 2018-19 financial year to the lowest level for 16 years. Economists expected the deficit, which is the gap between government spending and tax receipts, to improve about £1 billion. The figures showed slower-than-forecast growth in tax income of 1.6 per cent compared with a year ago, exacerbated by an increase in spending across government departments of 5.4 per cent. Borrowing in the current financial year-to-date now stands at £17.8 billion, almost a third lower than the same period a year ago, and on-track to undershoot the target of £37 billion for the fiscal year set by the Office for Budget Responsibility, the government tax, and spending watchdog. Despite improving picture over the course of the year, latest figures will upset Hammond, as he prepares for the autumn budget while considering ways to pay for the £20 billion annual increase in NHS spending due by 2023-24, which was promised by Theresa May earlier this year. Economists are slightly more optimistic as they believe the chancellor still has wiggle room because he also set a more short-term target of reducing the deficit to below 2 per cent of national income by 2021, a metric the OBR forecasts he will be able to achieve this financial year. EU rejects Hammond’s proposal meanwhile, the European Union has rejected the Chancellor’s bid to include an unprecedented section on financial services in the postBrexit trade deal, warning that “life will be different” for banks once Britain leaves. Hammond told an audience that “sceptics” of including financial services in a free trade deal were wrong and that such an approach was not only “possible” but “in our mutual interest.” But Donald Tusk, the president of the European Council, directly rebuffed Hammond’s call, hinting that the UK’s impending departure

from the single market, customs union, and jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice made such an approach difficult. “Yesterday the UK Chancellor made a speech in the City of London arguing for a bespoke deal or an ambitious FTA covering financial services – so I will refer to this issue of such great interest to London,” he said. “In the free trade agreement we can offer trade Philip Hammond in goods, with the aim of covering all sectors, subject to zero tariffs and no quantitative restrictions. But services are not about tariffs. Services are about common rules, common supervision and common enforcement. To ensure a level playing field, to ensure the integrity of the single market, and to ensure financial stability, this is why we cannot offer the same in services as we can in goods. It’s also why FTAs don’t have detailed rules for financial services. We should all be clear that also when it comes to financial services, life will be different after Brexit.” Tusk also rejected the Chancellor’s claim that it would be in the EU’s “mutual interest” with Britain to do a deal on such services. “I fully respect the Chancellor’s competence in defining what is in the UK’s interest but he must allow us to define what is in the EU’s interest,” he said. UK financial institutions can currently do business on the continent without setting up a subsidiary by way of EU “passporting rights” that give them access to EU markets. The EU has said those rights will end after Brexit.






Suresh Vagjiani

Sow & Reap London Property Investment

This illustrates that despite the uncertainty in the environment, people on the whole still have an appetite for a good deal. All it means is they are more fussy with the product and the price. The appetite has not gone, it has been channelled for more desirable stock at keener prices.

I was told the property could be acquired for £1.25M. Very good, considering next door is on the market for over £3M. The difference between the two is that one has been extended into the loft and has had a basement dug out.

This market means one can discriminate to a greater degree when buying. When the market bounces back these will be the properties which will jump the highest in price.

This is undoubtably a good deal, and the house is in a highly desirable location and street.

This is an end user property, therefore, although the price and location create the initial interest, emotion in the end takes over; and there is a strong chance, given the interest, this property will go for well over the asking price. It will be interesting to see how much it will go for.

The property is on the market for £1.65M, and given the market conditions, and the fact it is a probate, I was told initially we would be able to pick it up for £1.25M. This, however, was superseded by the sheer volume of interest the property has generated on the first day of

On the other end of the scale, we

FEED YOUR MIND The mind is our greatest friend or enemy. It can be the seat of a strong and sagacious will, or it can be flickering and unstable like the wind. The mind is very sensitive to what we eat, and controlling it is far easier when we control our food intake. I am on day 18 of fasting every other day, and when not fasting I eat only natural fats, protein and 90% less

carbohydrate. This is known as a ketogenic diet. The performance results are astonishing. My foot ulcer is cured. My diabetes 2 is reversing. I have lost 26 pounds and 6 inches off my girth. And my mind is so much faster and sharper. Furthermore, my energy levels are through the roof and, emotionally, I am happier and


29 Sept - 5 Oct 2018


viewings. They had over 30 applicants through the door. It’s easy to see why.

Recently, I went to view a property close to Hyde Park, in close proximity to Queensway. It is a freehold, and seemed like a probate deal, from the look and smell of the place. The road is a no through road, which means despite the location being close to all amenities, it is extremely quiet. It has the look and feel of a Mews street. The property comes with a garage, and an outside space; all of this consists of over 2,000 sq. ft.


Q: I have two unrelated tenants staying in my buy to let property. Do I need an HMO licence?

are also in the process of securing another deal which is in W2, near the desirable area of Little Venice. This is an ex council property, which will be a long term buy and hold. Ideal, due to the low service charges and long lease. It’s a two bedroom which requires complete refurbishment. It is expected to rent well, minutes from Warwick Avenue station. It is a rarity, from the point of view of central London yields, as it will give a return of circa 5%. This is driven by the price we will be securing the deal at. You do not get 5% in London any more. Or rather I should say, it’s rare. Once you have paid the mortgage off, you should actually be left with some surplus.

more grounded. Revolutionary! So, how does what we eat impact on the mechanics of our psyche as set out above? In modern urban societies we get too much of our energy from glucose. Glucose is like the coal or diesel for the human body. It delivers the fuel but it is unstable. Instead of dealing with this underlying problem, we try to cope with the results of too much glucose. We are

dealing with the problem superficially. Through a radical (but very tasty) change of diet, the energy that my body is running on means that my intelligence faculty, which advises the mind, is grounded and strong while my mind, which can waver like the wind, is calm and centred.

A: This would depend on the location of your property and which council controls the area. You may not currently need a mandatory licence, but some councils require an additional licence. I would recommend you contact your local council for further information. Change is fast approaching for HMOs! As of the 1st of October 2018, there are some important changes coming into effect. These changes could affect your current HMO or pull your current property into this bracket. Currently, pre October 2018, an HMO is defined as “a property occupied by 5 or more people, forming two or more separate households, and comprising three or more storeys”. Although, local councils may have their own criteria. One of the key changes that will come into effect, is the removal of the three or more storeys part. Please do make sure you have a licence, and have complied with the changes prior to 1st October 2018. It is really important to work with your local authority to get this right. If you need help, or if you would like us to do this for you, please get in touch. Richard Bond

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29 Sept - 5 Oct 2018

Govt appoints 10 chiefs of PSU banks The government has appointed 10 public sector bank chiefs, including five from State Bank of India, seeking to fill up key posts, some of which have been vacant for over eight months. The list includes SBI deputy managing director Karnam Sekar as the new chief of Dena Bank, part of a three-way merger involving Bank of Baroda and Vijaya Bank. The Centre also opted for a non-Sikh as the managing director and CEO of the Delhi-headquartered Punjab & Sind Bank, in a break from tradition. Appointing IIM Bangalore professor Charan Singh as chairman of the state-run lender, the government decided to appoint Allahabad Bank executive director S Harisankar as the Delhi-headquartered bank's managing director and chief executive. The two have been appointed for three years initially, with a possible two-year extension. Indian Bank executive director AS Rajeev, who moves to Bank of Maharashtra as its MD and CEO and Union Bank ED Atul Kumar Goel, who moves to UCO Bank MD and CEO, are two with long tenures. Moving with appointments of five SBI deputy MDs as the heads of nationalised

banks, the government has signaled that it will look for the best available talent in its bid to restructure nationalised banks. The appointments follow recommendations of the Banks Board Bureau and have been pending with the PMO for several months. Also part of the exercise, Mrutyunjay Mahapatra moves to Syndicate Bank,

Padmaja Chandru to Indian Bank, Pallav Mohapatra to Central Bank of India, and J Packirisamy to Andhra Bank. Additionally, Sundicate Bank ED SS Mallikarjun Rao has been appointed as MD and CEO of Allahabad Bank, while Ashok Kumar Pradhan, ED of United Bank of India, is being elevated in the same bank.

Choksi seeks cancellation of warrant as he sees 'threat to his life' A co-accused in the Punjab National Bank fraud case, fugitive jeweller Mehul Choksi moved the special CBI court for cancellation of a non-bailable warrant against him claiming he has reasons to believe that his return to India might endanger his life. In an application filed through his lawyer Sankay Abbott, Choksi told the court that he was “shocked” to watch a debate on a national televisions news channel where two callers phoned in to share their opinion on the fraud. He claimed in the plea that the callers “suggested that a special team be formed to track Mehul Choksi down and shoot him to death since he was brought back to India.” He claimed that the callers said that such treatment would send out a strong message to society and prevent further cases of frauds and fiscal scams. The fugitive jeweler has also claimed that neither the news anchor concerned nor the

footage from the news channel debate, and panelists objected to the comments made by urged the court to make his submission the caller. Instead, the anchor laughed at a part of the court records and in the comments and the panelists too light of the same, to cancel the “tacitly” agreed with what the callers NBW issued against him. After suggested. taking cognisance of the second In his application, Choksi said, charge sheet filed in the £1.26 “From the above two calls made by the billion fraud case by the CBI, the callers and the tacit approval given to special court had issued the NBW the same by the news anchor and the against Choksi on May 22, 2018. panelists, it is clear that the Now, the court has directed averments made by the the CBI to file its reply to the applicant (Choksi) in the application by October 3, application filed before this year. This is the this court regarding a second such application threat to his life and filed by Choksi before the fear of mob the special court, lynching is claiming a threat to vindicated.” He also his life and seeking sent some audio and Mehul Choksi that the NBW be video CDs claiming canceled. they contain the cited

Quid pro quo deals are also graft: RBI governor

Urjit Patel

Governor of the Reserve Bank of India, Urjit Patel, has said that vigilance departments have to examine not just financial propriety of transactions, but also non-financial aspects arising from conflicts of interest, nepotism, and considerations of post-retirement employment as a quid pro quo. The issue of non-financial aspects of graft was addressed in a speech at the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC), in Delhi. Patel, in his speech, highlighted how “preventive vigilance” was a key tool for good governance in the public sector. “Preventive vigilance reduces the likelihood of employee control over the action in the first place. It puts in place safeguards such that employee lapses are less likely to occur,” Patel said. He believes that employing punitive vigilance is difficult in public sector institutions because the rewards are low to start with, thereby

limiting the possibility of downward revisions. He said, “Given this constraint, disciplinary actions that limit the chances of career progression are often the preferred punishment.” Patel quoted American economist and Nobel Laureate Gary Becker, stating that the modern economic theory of corruption looks at the economic incentives rather than moral and ethical issues. “The insight (from Becker) was that criminals in society do the same calculation of the probability of getting caught times the potential punishment while determining whether to choose a criminal lifestyle and what crimes to engage in,” Patel said. He also pointed out that the incidence of vigilance cases in the RBI has been negligible. “The percentage of vigilance cases against RBI employees visa-vis the total staff strength of the bank stood on an average at 0.004 per cent. Further, in terms of complaints received against RBI employees, the percentage that required punitive actions stood on an average at 0.081 per cent,” the governor said.


Franklin Templeton Investments has named Sonal Desai as chief investment officer (CIO) of its $157 billion fixed income group. She will replace Chris Molumphy who is retiring after 30 years with the $722 billion Californian asset manager. Calvin Ho will assume Sonal's responsibilities as director of research for Templeton Global Macro strategies. Sonal will assume the new charge at the end of the year. Sonal joined the firm in 2009 as director of research for Templeton Global Macro.

BANK OF INDIA TO SHUT DOWN 2 UK UNITS Bank of India (BoI) has decided to shut down two branches in the UK and has put shares in three companies on the block as part of its efforts to free up capital and monetise assets. In a notice to the Mumbai bourses, the lender said that it has merged its branches at East Ham and Manchester with those at Wembley (London) and Birmingham, respectively. Public sector banks (PSU) are set to close or amalgamate 70 out of their 159 overseas outlets in FY19. This is on the back of the closure of 35 branches last year. As many as 41 units were in losses in FY17. Lenders have begun shrinking their overseas presence to conserve capital and avoid cost of compliance, which have become increasingly onerous in offshore markets, following the global financial crisis.

FITCH UPS INDIA’S GROWTH FORECAST TO 7.8% FOR FY19 Fitch Ratings upped India’s growth forecast for the current fiscal to 7.8 per cent, from 7.4 per cent projected earlier. In its Global Economic Outlook, Fitch, however, flagged tightening of financial conditions, rising oil bill and weak bank balance sheets as headwinds to growth. “We have revised up our forecast for FY2018-2019 growth to 7.8 per cent from 7.4 per cent on the back of the better-than-expected 2Q18 out turn. India’s growth likely peaked in 2Q18 (AprilJune) though,” Fitch said. Fitch also forecast inflation picking up to the upper part of the central bank’s target band (4 per cent, plus-minus 2 per cent) within the forecast horizon on relatively high demand-pull pressures and Indian rupee depreciation.

CCI APPROVES ARCELOR’S ACQUISITION OF ESSAR STEEL The Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved the acquisition of debtridden Essar Steel by a consortium of ArcelorMittal and Japan’s Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation. Earlier this month, ArcelorMittal had offered £4.2 billion to acquire Essar Steel, upstaging a £3.7 billion bid by Russia’s VTB Group-backed Numetal. ArcelorMittal and Numetal are in the race to acquire Essar Steel, currently undergoing insolvency proceedings as it owes more than £4.5 billion to over 30 banks. According to the notice submitted to CCI, the proposed combination is pursuant to a resolution plan filed by ArcelorMittal India before the resolution professional for the acquisition of Essar Steel in accordance with the provisions of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC).






29 Sept - 5 Oct 2018

in brief


INDIAN PLEADS GUILTY TO IMMIGRATION FRAUD SCHEME An Indian citizen has pleaded guilty to operating a fraud scheme by falsely representing as an employee of the US immigration service in which he used social media platforms like Facebook and WhatsApp to scam people seeking to obtain American visas. Kanwar Sarabjit Singh, 51, a lawful permanent resident, used Facebook and WhatsApp to falsely represent himself as an employee of the US department of homeland security who worked in US immigration and naturalisation service and who could obtain genuine US visas in exchange for a fee of USD 3,000 to USD 4,000, US attorney’s office for the Eastern District of Virginia said. Singh pleaded guilty to wire fraud and impersonation of a federal officer and faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison. He also admitted to engaging in an investment fraud scheme in Tennessee in 2012 in which he defrauded around 22 investors of approximately USD 3,40,000.

INDIAN SAILOR RESCUED IN MULTINATION OPERATION A French vessel finally located injured Indian Navy sailor Abhilash Tomy after a rescue effort involving four nations, over four gruelling and tense days in one of the remotest parts of the world, in the southern Indian Ocean. Tomy, 39, had been injured after his two-masted yacht, Thuriya, was caught in a storm over 5,000 km south of Kanyakumari and 3,000 km west of the Australian coast. A commander with the Navy, Tomy is the first Indian and the second Asian to complete a solo, unassisted circumnavigation of the world on a sailing ship. Winner of the Kirti Chakra and Tenzing Norgay National Adventure Award, he is a noted name in international sailing circles. On July 1, he embarked from France for the 2018 Golden Globe Race that is held in honour of the 1968 competition of the same name, which was the first circumnavigation of the world on a yacht.Tomy was on an ordinary yacht - the Thuriya is a replica of the Suhaili, the vessel on which Robin KnoxJohnston won the 1968 race. Suhaili was built in Mumbai, while Tomy’s replica was built in Goa.

225 drowned in Tanzania ferry mishap At least 225 people were drowned after an overloaded passenger ferry sank on Lake Victoria in Tanzania. Regional commissioner, John Mongella, said the seven bodies were discovered on the fourth day of search operations. The government says the passenger ferry MV Nyerere was traveling between Ukara and Bugolora when it capsized. Such ferries often carry hundreds of people and are overcrowded. Accidents are often reported on the large freshwater lake surrounded by Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda. Some of the deadliest have occurred in Tanzania, where passenger boats are often said to be old and in poor condition.

Lanka against giving control of Palaly airport to India NEW DELHI: Sri Lanka has decided against giving control of Palaly Airport to India just days after the state-run Airport Authority of India made a move to develop it. Sri Lankan civil aviation minister Nirmal Sripala De Silva told the parliament that the government had no intention of handing over the airport to Indian authorities. He further said that the airport would be developed in partnership with the Tourism Development Fund and the Civil Aviation Authority. His statement comes as the AAI, in a statement said that it has signed an agreement with External Affairs Ministry for "preparation of a Detailed Project Report for development of Palaly airport in Sri Lanka". This would have been the first project for the AAI in the island nation. Silva junked the statement in parliament and said that not just Palaly, but the government had no intention of handing over Higurakgoda, Baticaloa, Koggala, Digana and Trincomlee airports to other countries and that all the airports would be developed as domestic airports. AAI’s bid to develop the airport was being seen as a strategic move as Palaly is in Jaffna, a predominantly Tamil territory. It was also dubbed as a move to counter China’s growing presence in the region by

PHILIPPINE TYPHOON TOLL MOUNTS TO 95 The death toll in two major landslides that struck the Philippines after super typhoon Mangkhut barreled the island nation last week has climbed to 95, authorities said. As of Sunday night, officials said a total of 49 bodies have been pulled out the mining town of Itogon's rubble in the north. The rescue workers had also pulled out another 46 bodies from the landslide site at the foot of a quarrying site in Naga City. In Itogon, a disaster official said at least 19 others were still missing after mud and boulders crashed on a bunkhouse where miners and their families sought refuge as Mangkhut hit Luzon Island on September 15.



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developing critical infrastructure. The handover of the Palaly airport is the latest in the issues that Sri Lanka and India face. Last month, Silva had told Lankan parliament that the country’s government had asked the Airports Authority of India (AAI) to submit its business plan to operate the loss-making Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport. However, De Silva’s Indian counterpart Jayant Sinha earlier told Parliament that there was no proposal under consideration for the AAI to buy a controlling stake in the airport. Sinha also clarified that there were no plans for the AAI to build a flying school and a maintenance, repair and overhaul unit at the airport. However, the confusion refused to die down as just days later, the Ministry of External Affairs said New Delhi was considering Sri Lanka’s proposal.

Young pop star challenges Museveni KAMPALA: Bobi Wine, a rapper and pop star turned politician, has vowed to oust President Yoweri Museveni from power. Last month the 36-yearold singer, who was born Robert Bobi Wine Kyagulanyi Ssentamu, was beaten and tortured by police and flew to the United States for treatment of his injuries. Many people assumed he would be going into exile but he returned and gave a stirring speech, promising to oust Museveni and his ageing cronies. Bobi Wine was only four years old when Museveni came to power in 1986 when his rebel army, the National Resistance Movement, ousted a corrupt government a year after his arch-enemy Milton Obote had been toppled in a military coup. Nic Cheeseman, Professor of Democracy at the University of Birmingham and founder of Democracy In Africa, said power had changed him. "His early image as a reformer and new breed of leader has now well and truly been destroyed," Cheeseman said. "Museveni remains in power for a number of reasons - he believes he needs to do so in order to secure his legacy, he and his allies have too many vested interests in remaining in power, there is no obvious replacement, and the NRM regime is strong enough to divide and rule the opposition," Cheeseman said.





29 Sept - 5 Oct 2018

in brief


No communication with India on Kartarpur corridor: Pakistan ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has confirmed Indian foreign minister Sushma Swaraj's claim that there have been no official talks regarding Kartarpur corridor. Pakistan's clarification comes a day after Sushma wrote to Union Minister Harsimrat Kaur Badal saying that there has been no official word from Pakistan regarding willingness to allow Sikh pilgrims access to Darbar Sahib gurudwara through Kartarpur route. The entire controversy started after Navjot Singh Sidhu claimed that Pakistan is willing to give Indian pilgrims passage to the Gurudwara. Earlier, the cricketer-turned-politician Sidhu said that Sushma Swaraj had assured him that a draft was being prepared on Kartarpur passage and she would write a letter to the Pakistan government for opening of the passage. Sidhu claimed that he had written a letter to Sushma urging for a formal request to the Pakistan government for an early agreement and opening of the Kartarpur passage. Sushma's assurance was

Darbar Sahib gurudwara

in response to his letter, Sidhu further claimed. Sushma had earlier stated that the Pakistani government has so far neither

agreed to include visits to Kartarpur Sahib by Indian pilgrims under bilateral protocol nor has sent any official communication for establishing the corridor. Earlier, Harsimrat also said that there was no response from Pakistan on opening of the border near Kartarpur. In the letter, Sushma further informed that over past many years, Pakistani authorities have only allowed a limited number of visits of the Indian pilgrims to the Gurudwara along with the visit to other shrines in Pakistan. Harsimrat said that Sushma's statement has punctured Sidhu's claims, who on the occasion of the 550th birth anniversary of Guru Nanak said that Pakistan will open the corridor of Kartarpur Sahib. The Kartarpur route along the IndiaPakistan border is barely 3 km away from Gurdaspur, Punjab. If opened, it will allow Sikh pilgrims a direct access to the historic Gurdwara Darbar Sahib in Kartarpur, Pakistan, where Guru Nanak died in 1539.

Sharifs walk free after court suspends sentences ISLAMABAD: The Islamabad high court last week freed former prime minister Nawaz Sharif, his daughter Maryam Nawaz and son-in-law Muhammad Safdar after suspending their jail sentences given by an anti-corruption court last July. A two-judge bench comprising Justice Athar Minallah and Justice Miangul Hassan Aurangzeb gave the judgment on petitions filed by Sharif, his daughter and son-in-law challenging the verdict of the lower court in the Avenfield corruption reference, a case related to ownership of four apartments by the Sharif family in the Avenfield House, a housing block in London. Justice Minallah read the judgment and suspended the sentences handed to the three by the anti-corruption court on July 6. “We accept the petitioners’ pleas seeking a suspension in their sentences,” Justice Minallah said. “The instant writ petition is allowed and sentence awarded to the petitioners by the accountability court shall remain suspended till the final adjudication of the appeal filed by the petitioner,” the judgment read. Nawaz, Maryam and Safdar were sentenced to 11 years, eight years and

Modi, Hasina jointly open friendship pipeline DHAKA: Prime Minister Narendra Modi described the cooperation between India and Bangladesh as an example for the world as he and his Bangladeshi counterpart Sheikh Hasina jointly inaugurated the construction of a friendship pipeline project through video conferencing. The 130-km India-Bangladesh Friendship Pipeline Project will connect Siliguri in West Bengal in India and Parbatipur in Dinajpur district of Bangladesh. The £34.6 million project will be completed in 30 months and the capacity of the pipeline will be one million metric tons per annum. Both countries had entered into an agreement for the pipeline construction in April this year during Foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhale's visit to Dhaka. Speaking on the occasion, the Prime Minister Modi described the cooperation between the two countries as an example for the world, according to an official statement. Modi said the proposed pipeline would further energise not just Bangladesh's economy, but also the relationship between the two countries.

Nawaz Sharif and his daughter Maryam Nawaz

one year, respectively, in prison. Minallah ruled that the National Accountability Bureau (NAB), Pakistan’s anti-corruption watchdog, was unable to prove a financial link between the former PM and the London flats. Ordering their release, the HC bench directed the trio to submit bail bonds worth roughly around $5000 each. Sharif, Maryam and her husband had been serving their sentences in Rawalpindi’s Adiala jail since July 13. They were released after senator Chaudhary Tanvir submitted bail bonds for the trio at the deputy registrar’s office of the high court. The NAB is expected to challenge the

IHC’s verdict at the Supreme Court. Hearings in two other graft cases against Sharif and his family are still on at an anticorruption court. Court summons Sharif in another case Meanwhile, the Lahore High Court asked Sharif and a journalist to appear before it in connection with a treason case. The case, which was filed by civil society member Amina Malik, seeks action against Sharif on treason charges for allegedly trying to defame state institutions in an interview to Dawn news, as well as action against former prime minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi for allegedly not honouring his oath of office by disclosing the minutes of a National Security Council (NSC) meeting to Nawaz. Noting that Dawn news journalist Cyril Almeida had failed to appear in the last three hearings of the case, the three-judge bench told his lawyer that they would issue nonbailable arrest warrants so that he could be taken into custody and presented in court. The lawyer asked the judges to issue bailable arrest warrants, saying that he was sure Almeida would appear in court at the next hearing.

UN has no right: Myanmar Army chief NAYPYIDAW: Myanmar Army chief Senior General Min Aung Hlaing said the UN had no right to interfere in the country, after UN experts recently said that they found elements of deliberate genocide of the Rohingya Muslim minority. This is his first reaction after the experts recommended that the military chief and other senior officers of the Myanmar Army be investigated over the rapes and killings of Rohingyas in Rakhine state. In a speech in the northeastern city of Lashio, Min Aung Hlaing maintained that the military's first duty was to defend the independence and sovereignty of the country and added that no group had the right to interfere in Myanmar's internal matters, military-owned newspaper Myawady Daily reported. The UN report said that at least 10,000 people were killed and around 7,25,000 sought refuge in Bangladesh due to military operations in Rakhine, which began on August 25, 2017 in response to insurgent attacks on government security posts. The experts found "genocidal intent" in the campaign against the Rohingya people in Rakhine as well as evidence of crimes against


Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has won the leadership election of ruling Liberal Democratic Partys (LDP), securing a historic third term that will effectively extend his time in power by another three years. Abe comfortably beat his only contender, former Defence Minister Shigeru Ishiba, by securing 553 out of a total 807 votes. He won 329 out of the 402 valid ballots cast by LDP MPs and 224 out of the remaining 405 votes allocated to party branches in each prefecture based on the number of members age 18 or older who have paid party fees. His extended term in office signals the possibility that Abe, who has already been at the helm of the world's third-largest economy for nearly six years in his second stint as Prime Minister, may become the longest-serving premier in Japanese history. With his renewed leadership, Abe is likely to reshuffle his Cabinet in the coming weeks.

UN BODY FIRES INDIAN EMPLOYEE FOR ‘SEXUALLY HARASSING’ MEN An Indian national employed in the UN agency for gender equality and women empowerment has been dismissed from service after an investigation found that he indulged in sexual misconduct. UN Women said that the Office of Audit and Investigation of UNDP had completed its investigation into the sexual misconduct allegations. While the staff member has not been named, sexual misconduct allegations were levelled against Indian national Ravi Karkara, who had served as senior advisor on strategic partnerships and advocacy to the assistant secretary general and deputy executive director at UN Women. The executive director of the UN Women said that following the investigation, the staff member has been dismissed from service. At least eight men had accused Karkara of using his position to sexually harass them.


humanity and war crimes in the states of Rakhine, Kachin and Shan. The International Criminal Court has opened a preliminary probe into the matter. The Myanmar government, led by Nobel Peace laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, rejected the recommendations of the report and said it had formed an independent commission to investigate the incidents in Rakhine. Myanmar does not grant citizenship to the Rohingyas and consider them to be illegal Bengali immigrants. For years, the minority has been subjected to all kinds of discrimination, including restrictions on freedom of movement. Both the Army and the government have denied accusations of human rights violations of the Rohingya.

A former Indian-origin city councillor in South Africa has been arrested for allegedly making derogatory racist comments against President Cyril Ramaphosa in a video. In the viral video, former Durban councillor Kessie Nair, who was earlier sentenced to six years in prison for fraud in 2005, called Ramaphosa a “kaffir” - a derogatory term used against black people during the racist apartheid era. In the video, Nair said he is prepared to take a bullet or go to prison for the rest of his life. “I... do hereby call for that kaffir state president Mr Cyril Ramaphosa, yes I mean the kaffir state president Cyril Ramaphosa, to be charged for frauding [sic] this nation, for oppressing this nation, for high treason, for failing and he’s the source to all crime violence, poor healthcare, poverty that prevails in a so-called true democracy,” he said in the nearly five minute-long rant.






29 Sept - 5 Oct 2018


Malaysia's former prime minister Najib Razak has been charged in court on four counts of corruption. Najib pleaded not guilty to all counts, each of which carries a potential prison sentence of up to 20 years. Accused of abusing the position of prime minister for "self gratification", he could also be handed a fine of up to £40m. The charges come amid a lengthy probe, and relate to a suspicious transaction involving SRC International, a former unit of 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), and Najib's personal account. "As a public official, which is prime minister and minister of finance, used your position for self gratification (for a) total of 42 million ringgit," Attorney General Tommy Thomas said. The charges, three of criminal breach of trust and one count of abuse of power, relate only to a fraction of the total amount allegedly misappropriated from 1MDB. The US Department of Justice has said more than $4.5bn (£3.4bn) was siphoned from the fund.

PAK TEEN, BOYFRIEND BEHEADED BY FATHER FOR 'HONOUR' An 18-year-old girl was beheaded along with her 21-year-old boyfriend in Pakistan by her father and uncle in what the police are calling yet another incident of honour killing. The incident took place in a small village in Attock district when the man arrived at the girl's house to meet her, police was quoted as saying. Soon after, the girl's father and her uncle walked in and, after tying the victims with ropes, beheaded them with a sharp object. The police have arrested both suspects and recovered the murder weapon as well. Scores of people in Pakistan, an overwhelming majority of whom are women, are still being murdered by relatives for bringing "shame" on their family. At least 280 such murders were recorded by the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan from October 2016 to June 2017 - a figure believed to be much below than the actual number.

GUNMEN STORM IRAN MILITARY PARADE, KILL 25 Gunmen attacked an annual Iranian military parade in the country’s oil-rich southwest, killing at least 25 people, almost half of them members of the Revolutionary Guards, and wounding 53 others, local media reported. An Iranian ethnic Arab opposition movement called the Ahvaz National Resistance, which seeks a separate state in oil-rich Khuzestan province, claimed responsibility for the attack in Ahvaz. Islamic State terror group also claimed responsibility. Neither claim provided evidence. Brigadier General Abolfazl Shekarchi, a spokesman for Iran’s armed forces, said the attackers had hidden weapons in an area near the parade route several days in advance. “All four terrorists were quickly neutralised by security forces,” Shekarchi told state television. The gunmen were trained by two Gulf Arab states and had ties to the US and Israel, according to Shekarchi. “They are not from Daesh (Islamic State) or other groups fighting (Iran’s) Islamic system ... but they are linked to America and (Israel’s intelligence agency) Mossad,” he said.

Ibrahim Solih wins Maldives' presidential poll MALE: Maldivian President Abdulla Yameen suffered a comprehensive defeat in the presidential polls with the opposition’s Ibrahim Mohamed Solih winning by a margin of 16.6% votes. Despite Yameen’s efforts to muzzle democracy by imposing emergency and jailing opposition leaders and judges, the voters rejected his regime, ushering a change that promises to reconfigure geopolitics in the Indian Ocean. PM Narendra Modi congratulated Solih and conveyed his wishes for strengthening of democracy, peace and prosperity in the Maldives. The two agreed to work together to strengthen relations between the countries. Nasheed expected to play a guiding role Maldives ex-president Md Nasheed said that the new government would audit infrastructure projects in the light of alleged “land grab” by Chinese interests and also said two Indian military choppers, which Yameen had wanted to send back, would remain in the archipelago. According to the election commission, incumbent Abdulla Yameen got 41.7% of the vote to opposition candidate Ibrahim Solih’s 58.3% with over 89% voters turning out, indicating that opposition unity and the incumbent’s deeply unpopular

Ibrahim Mohamed Solih

regime had turned the tables on the ruling party and its backers. Yameen will remain in office till his tenure ends in November but declared that he had accepted the results. India has waged a battle of attrition with the Yameen regime ever since the leader declared emergency in February and refused to heed advice to restore democratic functioning, banking on support he received from China. China’s strategy of betting on autocratic leaders, seeing them as “single window” power

centres, came unstuck as it had in Sri Lanka where it backed Mahinda Rajapaksa or Malaysia’s Mohammed Najib. Apart from an audit, the new government is also expected to look into how much money came into Maldives in the recent past. “I am optimistic China will understand Maldives’s reasons for doing (audits) given what has happened recently in countries like Sri Lanka and Malaysia,’’ Nasheed said as he thanked India for its support to the joint opposition. While Yameen had ensured disqualification of Nasheed from the polls, the pro-India former president was the tallest leader of the opposition coalition and is expected to play a guiding role for the new government headed by Solih. “We will work with India for a meaningful safety and security umbrella in the Indian Ocean,’’ Nasheed said. He added that the voters had made it clear who they were aligned with. “We would like to plug into India’s development and its democratic institutions for capacity building. Connectivity is another important issue India can help us with.” Nasheed though ruled out becoming a part of the government.

Bali to bring in new rules for visiting temples DENPASAR (BALI): Authorities in Bali have decided to stop westerners from visiting the temples in bikinis as they lament a decline in the “quality of tourists” visiting the island. Bali deputy governor Tjokorda Oka Artha Sukawati, known as Cok Ace, said the authorities had been concerned by a recent rise in disrespectful behaviour by tourists visiting Bali’s hundreds of sacred Hindu sites. “This is the government’s attempt to maintain sanctity the Pura [temples],” said Cok Ace at a regional council meeting this week. “The temples need to be preserved since they are the spirits of Bali’s cultures and customs.” He said in the coming weeks they would be re-evaluating the system that allows tourists to visit temples unaccompanied. Bali has become an increasingly popular tourist destination over the past few years,

attracting over 5 million visitors in 2017, with many drawn to the island for its unique Hindu temples. The government crack down was prompted by a photo of a Danish tourist sitting on Linggih Padmasana shrine at Puhur Luhur Batukaru temple, which went viral. The shrine, which is shaped like a

throne on top of a pillar, is reserved for the most important deity in Balinese Hinduism, known as the supreme god and to sit on it is seen as highly offensive to the faith. Indonesia has strict blasphemy laws and the Indonesian Hindu Religious Council said they have instructed the police to investigate the Linggih Padmasana shrine incident and find the tourist responsible. The newly appointed local government of Bali said the recent influx of visitors was negatively impacting the island. “It is because we are too open with tourists, so too many come, and indeed the quality of tourists is now different from before,” said Cok Ace. Other tourists have come under fire over the past year for climbing on the sacred structures to take pictures, and another woman for posing in her bikini in front of a ancient temple whilst doing a yoga pose.

Indian-American diplomat quits citing bias WASHINGTON: A senior Indian-American diplomat has quit the US state department alleging racial and sexist bias in a Trump administration trend that she says involves “the exclusion of minorities from top leadership positions in the state department and embassies abroad.” Uzra Zeya, US-born daughter of Indian immigrants, resigned from state department after serving more than 25 years, but she has only now begun giving insights into the turmoil in Foggy Bottom, where she says there is purge of minorities, and suggests it is back to the time of a “pale male club” before America diversified rapidly. “In the first five months of the Trump administration, the department’s three most senior African-American career officials and the top-ranking Latino career officer were removed or resigned abruptly from their positions, with white successors named in their places. In the months that followed, I observed top-performing minority diplomats be disinvited from the secretary’s senior staff meeting, relegated to FOIA duty (well below their abilities), and passed over

Uzra Zeya

for bureau leadership roles and key ambassadorships,” Zeya wrote in Politico last week. It is not just a matter of turnover among a few top officials. Zeya says. According to her analysis of public data from the American Foreign Service Association, 64% of Trump’s ambassadorial nominees so far have been white non-Hispanic males, a 7 percentage point increase from the eight years of the Obama administration.

“President Trump stands out from his six predecessors in his failure so far to nominate a single African-American female ambassador; African-American women made up 6% of all ambassadors under President Obama and 5% under President George W Bush. Meanwhile, from September 2016 to June 2018, the share of African-Americans in the senior foreign service dropped from 4.6% to 3.2%,” she wrote. Zeya last served abroad as the charge d’affaires and deputy chief of mission at US Embassy in Paris from 2014 to 2017. “Upon returning to Washington, I was blocked from a series of senior-level jobs, with no explanation. ... Colleagues told me that a senior state official opposed candidates for leadership positions - myself and an AfricanAmerican female officer - on the basis that we would not pass the ‘Breitbart test’... One year into an administration that repudiated the very notion of America I had defended abroad for 27 years, I knew I could no longer be a part of it, and I left government earlier this year,” she wrote.





29 Sept - 5 Oct 2018

in brief


Political ‘war’ between JDS, BJP escalates in Karnataka BENGALURU: The political war in Karnataka escalated last week with JDS asking the Assembly Speaker to stop alleged horse trading by the BJP, which also moved the Governor seeking action against Chief Minister HD Kumaraswamy for asking people to wage a “war” against the BJP. The national party has also filed a complaint with the state DGP seeking action on the ground of sedition against Kumaraswamy, a day after he asked people to “rise in revolt” against the BJP and warned it to be restrained while talking about the Deve Gowda family, B. S. Yeddyurappa including the CM. and forcing them to resign their As both parties continued to position was a “highly trade charges, JDS petitioned deplorable act.” The letter said, speaker Ramesh Kumar, alleging “As the speaker of the House, that BJP had approached many you must stop the attempts to of its MLAs and of its ruling force the MLAs from resigning coalition ally Congress. Ruling owing to political influence, JDS spokesperson Ramesh Babu, threat, bullying or luring them in a letter to Speaker Ramesh with money.” Kumar, said attempts to “buy” Countering the JDS, the BJP democratically elected MLAs

HD Kumaraswamy

approached Governor Vajubhai Vala and DGP Neelamani N Raju with whom it filed a complaint of sedition against the CM, besides staging a protest against Kumaraswamy over his remarks. In their letter to the Governor, the BJP demanded that he take action to prosecute the chief minister for his statement to

“wage a war”. The letter said, “Chief Minister HD Kumaraswamy in connection with the current political scenario in the state has openly said that if any attempt is made to destabilise the government, he will ask people to 'wage a war'.” In its complaint to the DGP, BJP alleged that the chief minister had violated Section 124(A) (relating to sedition) and other sections of the IPC. BJP MP Shobja Karandlaje said, “Kumaraswamy, who holds a constitutional post, has given a call for people to rise in revolt.” Talking to reporters after submitting the complaint to the DGP, she said the person who was supposed to protect the Constitution and citizens of the country was “provoking” people. “Whatever was in Kumaraswamy's mind finally came out in the form of words,” the BJP MP charged.


Muslims in Haryana village told to keep Hindu names ROHTAK: Panchayat officials in a Haryana village has issued a diktat asking the Muslim population in the area to adopt Hindu names, not offer namaz in open spaces, and remove visible identity markers indicating their religion - which includes long beards and skull cap. The decision was made following an oral resolution at the panchayat

after a mob attacked house of a Muslim family on August 22, accusing them of killing a calf in Titoli village. A probe has been ordered into the diktat. “It is unconstitutional. I will speak to the village sarpanch in this connection,” Rakesh Kumar, Rohtak Sub-divisional Magistrate said. This is not the

Students, police clash in West Bengal; 2 killed KOLKATA: Massive clashes erupted between the students of Darivit High School in Islampur and police in which two exstudents have been killed. The two students have been identified as Rajesh Sarkar and Tapas Barman. While Sarkar died on the spot, Tapas was moved to North Bengal Medical College and Hospital with serious injuries. He later succumbed to his injuries. Parents of the two deceased have claimed that they died in police firing. However, the police and administration have ruled out such allegations. The students of the school situated in North Dinajpur district’s Islampur were agitating over the demand for recruitment of teachers for subjects like English, Bengali, History and Science after two teachers were appointed to teach Urdu. Interestingly, Darivit High School is a Bangali-medium school with a strength of 1,700 where none of the students had opted for Urdu as a subject. Last week, police escorted the two newly recruited Urdu teachers to the school while the protesting students prevented them from entering the campus. The confrontation led to a clash between the students and the police. The students allegedly pelted stones at the police during the clashes. In retaliation, police reportedly fired tear gas shells and resorted to a lathi-charge. Parents of these students and locals have claimed that police opened fire at the students. Four locals, three policemen and some students have suffered serious injuries.

first case on the issue of religious freedom in the state. In May this year, Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar said namaz should be offered in mosques and not public spaces, inviting ire from members of the community. He had said, “We are of the view that namaz should be offered at mosques or 'eidgahs'...

in case of shortage of space, it should be offered at a personal place. These are issues which should not be put for public display... It should be avoided at public places for the convenience of all.” The CM has also made statements in the past, indicating restriction on the religious freedom of Muslims in Haryana.


Union Minister Supriyo threatens to break man’s leg

Babul Supriyo

KOLKATA: A complaint has been lodged against Union Minister Babul Supriyo after he rebuked a man during a programme for differently-abled people in Asansol. The singer-turned-politician was addressing an event when he was caught on camera threatening a person. He was felicitating a man named Ghanshyam Ram when someone from the audience disrupted his speech. The BJP leader got agitated and asked the man if he had any problem. Supriyo said, “What happened brother? Do you have any problem? I can break one of your legs and hand you a crutch.” He then asked the person to move to one

side and remain there. Addressing the audience, he then said, “If he moves from his spot, break one of his legs, I will give him a stick.” A master of controversies, earlier this year, a case was registered against the BJP leader after he clashed with some police personnel. He was charged with disrupting public order. Two separate FIRs were filed against Supriyo after the BJP MLA got into a scuffle with cops as he attempted to enter troubled areas in Asansol. Supriyo, however, remained defiant and filed a counter FIR, saying he had all the rights to enter his constituency, which had at that times witnessed violence following a Ram Navami procession.

MAOISTS GUN DOWN TDP MLA, FORMER LEGISLATOR In the first major strike against elected representatives in the two Telugu states in 13 years, Maoists gunned down sitting Araku MLA Kidari Sarweswara Rao, and former legislator from the same constituency Siveri Soma in Andhra Pradesh’s Visakhapatnam district. Both of them belonged to TDP. The last such attack took place in Telangana’s Mahabubnagar district in August 2005 when Maoists killed Congress MLA C Narsi Reddy and eight others. The latest killings happened during the CPI-Maoists’ weeklong formation day (September 21) celebrations. The police said Rao had not informed them about his visit to the area. Following the murders, a high alert has been sounded in Maoist-infested areas of neighbouring Koraput in Odisha.

AP COP THREATENS LAWMAKERS A police inspector in Andhra Pradesh caused a scene, threatening to cut tongues of elected representatives if they spoke in a manner hurting the morale of the force, targeting a ruling TDP MP, who hit back daring him and lodging a complaint. Inspector Madhav of Kadiri in Anandtapuramu district issued the warning at a press conference. He said, “We have so far observed restraint. Henceforth, if anybody talks against the police beyond the limits we will not tolerate. We will cut their tongues. Be careful.” MP JC Diwakar Reddy retorted sharply, daring the inspector to tell where he should come to get his tongue cut. He later filed a complaint against the inspector but no FIR has been registered so far. "Its a noncognizable offence under Section 506 of IPC. We have referred the complaint to the district SP and also seeking legal opinion. We have so far not registered an FIR, Tadipatri SDPO said.

YET ANOTHER GANGRAPE IN HARYANA Barely a week after a gang-rape in Haryana's Rewari district, another gangrape has been reported from Ballabhgarh in Faridabad. A girl was allegedly gangraped by four youths on the outskirts of the city. The girl was taking a stroll with a male friend when they were countered by four young men. They beat up the two, later raping the girl behind the bushes. The four accused then fled the spot. Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP), Ballabgarh, Balbir Singh said, “We received a complaint from a girl and boy and a case has been registered against unknown persons at the women's police station.

UNDER-CONSTRUCTION BRIDGE COLLAPSES NEAR KOLKATA An under-construction bridge collapsed in Kakdwip area of South 24 Parganas district on Monday, a senior official said. There has been no report of any casualty, South 24 Parganas district magistrate Y. Ratnakara Rao said. The district magistrate said that further details were being awaited. A team has been rushed to the spot to look into the incident, he said. This is the third incident of bridge collapse in the state in September. Majerhat Bridge in south Kolkata had collapsed on September 4, killing three persons and injuring 24. On September 7, an old bridge had collapsed near Siliguri in north Bengal leaving a truck driver injured.






29 Sept - 5 Oct 2018

Vithalbhai Patel: The Forgotten Hero of India • •

Barrister used to call himself Ravana in Gandhiji’s Dharma Yuddha Both brothers as National Leaders, respected and admired by people


f one asks even in Charotar of Gujarat itself about Barrister Vithalbhai Patel (27 September 1873 Nadiad - 22 October 1933 Geneva), most of the persons would respond by saying “Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel’s brother”. In fact, Vithalbhai is one of the prominent heros of the freedom struggle whose contribution is rather forgotten and even historians have also done injustice to him. He entered the Middle Temple Inn and completed the 36-month course in 30, emerging at the top of his class. After he returned to India in 1908, his wife, Diwaliba, died and he preferred to remain a lifelong widower like his younger brother, Barrister Vallabhbhai. In a short span of 60 years of his life, Vithalbhai rose to become the first elected President of the Central Legislative Assembly in India apart from becoming the President (Mayor) of Bombay and the Member of the Bombay Council. A prominent Congress leader who became the Chairman of the Reception Committee of the Special Session of the Congress held in Bombay in August 1918, Vithalbhai contributed actively in the proceedings of the legislative affairs for the welfare of the people of India even during the British regime. A great social reformer Vithalbhai was influenced more by Lokmanya Tilak’s political philosophy than that of Gandhiji. When the Mahatma aborted the struggle following the violent Chauri Chaura incident in February 1922, he preferred to leave the Congress and establish the Swaraj Party along with other prominent leaders like Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das and Pandit Motilal Nehru. Barrister Patel used to call himself Ravana in the Dharma Yuddha which Gandhiji was waging and he always emphasized the fact that he was not a Mahatma but an ordinary mortal whose passion was the freedom of his country and who wanted to embarrass, harass and corner his British opponent. Late Chief Justice of India, Justice M.C. Chagla writes in 1950, in the foreword of the only authentic two-volume biography of Vithalbhai Patel by Gordhanbhai I.

Patel: “Throughout his life Vithalbhai remained an astute and practical politician. He had no objection to the use of any means provided the end was achieved. Only the objective and the goal remained constant and that was the freedom of his country. Whereas Gandhiji’s approach to politics was spiritual and moral, Vithalbhai never left the mundane plane. His attitude is illustrated by the fact that he was opposed to the unnecessary sacrifice which would be entailed by students being asked to leave schools and colleges… although he was opposed to the ideology of Gandhiji, with his shrewd commonsense, he realized that in order to stir the Indian masses an appeal like that of Gandhiji was necessary and therefore he supported and stood by Gandhiji whenever it was possible for him to do so.”

Barrister Vithalbhai Patel who rose to be the President of the Central Legislature in 1925

sity of capital and was prepared to build society upon it. Vithalbhai’s intellectual proclivities were all towards labour and in England he had wholly identified himself with

Two Barrister Brothers : Vithalbhai Patel and Vallabhbhai Patel

There was a striking contrast between the personalities of Vithalbhai and Vallabhbhai too. They are undoubtedly the two most illustrious sons Gujarat has produced in recent times. Vallabhbhai spent a great part of his political life as a trusted lieutenant of Gandhiji and he was quite content loyally to follow the Mahatma’s mandates without questioning the reason underlying them or their advisability. Vithalbhai could never surrender his judgement to anyone. He liked to arrive at his own conclusions by his own method of ratiocination. Vallabhbhai recognized the neces-

Birthday, Wedding, Anniversary

Sardar Patel and Vithalbhai Patel Memorial at Karamsad, their native in Charotar

the Labour Party. Vithalbhai was lonely and aloof, looking upon life with a cynical smile. To Vallabhbhai, life had its deep significance which he wanted to translate into action. Vithalbhai

Next Column: Vallabhbhai smells rat in Vithalbhai’s Will understood the value of European institutions and culture. Vallabhbhai did not want to look beyond the frontiers of India. Vithalbhai’s finest work was done within the Council Chambers. Vallabhbhai till last scrupulously

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Legislature, Vithalbhai was always vigilant about maintaining dignity and decorum of the House. He had studied the British traditions and followed them in India too. When the Viceroy visited the House, it was a practice that the President would vacate his chair for the Viceroy. He could bring change in the tradition too. Vithalbhai even snubbed the Commander-in-Chief when he walked away from the Chamber after making a long speech in the House. When the motion was being discussed, he was not present in the House. The President told the Government

India’s cause. He died in Switzerland in exile, but before his death, he and Subhash Chandra Bose came to the conclusion that Gandhian way of Ahimsa would not succeed in achieving India’s freedom and that more militant methods should be resorted to. Of course, his younger brother, Vallabhbhai, proved them wrong by being the follower of Gandhiji’s Ahimsa till his last breath. Dr. Hari Desai (The writer is a Socio-political Historian. E-mail: haridesai@gmail.com)

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kept out of the Councils. But while we note the dissimilarities, there are also marked similarities between their lives. Both were members of the Bar with acute and well equipped minds. Both did important and useful work in local bodies. Both were passionate lovers of freedom and both rose to the rank of National Leaders, respected and admired by the people. Vithalbhai was elected as the President (equivalent to the post of the Speaker of the Lok Sabha in August 1925 when he was the Deputy Leader of Swaraj Party. He had resolved to give a portion of his salary to some national cause, but in order that he should not be accused of any political bias, he gave every month a large sum to Gandhiji to be used for some national purpose. He refused to subscribe to the funds of the Swarajist. His heart was naturally with those who carrying on the struggle, and at the same time, he had to be absolutely impartial in the Chair and to be above all parties and sections. As the President of the Central

that unless the C-I-C apologized to the House, he would not permit him to make any speech thereafter. The C-I-C had to submit and express his regret. He could arrange to establish an independent Department for the Assembly. Vithalbhai was elected the President again in 1927 but in the changed political scenario he resigned and joined the Congress again. “In England, when a Speaker resigns, he gets a peerage and a handsome pension,” wrote Chagla adding, “Vithalbhai resigned as the President and all that he got for his great service was six months’ rigorous imprisonment!” Not many people would be aware that due to his personal rapport and interaction with the Viceroy, the idea of the Round Table Conference was conceived by Lord Irwin. Unfortunately, the Congress decided to depute Gandhiji as the sole representative of the Congress and Vithalbhai could not attend and contribute in the second RTC. After Gandhiji returned from London, Vithalbhai was again arrested with other leaders, but he was soon released since he was sick. Even in such conditions, he travelled to USA and toured the whole country in order to enlighten the people as to the justness of

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29 Sept - 5 Oct 2018

Hollande comments add fuel to India's Rafale deal scandal really not appropriate.” And the plot thickens! The scandal Promptly reacting to the surrounding the 2015 Rafale fighter jets deal development, the Ministry reached a peak over the weekend after former of Defence tweeted, “The French president François Hollande claimed report referring to former that France had no say in choosing its Indian French president Hollande's commercial partner in the deal. The comments statement that GOI insisted come in reference to an Indian government upon a particular firm as deal to buy 36 Rafale fighter jets three years offset partner for the back, and seem to flag significant concerns in Dassault Aviation in Rafale Paris about possible damage to bilateral ties. is being verified. It is The statements came in an interview reiterated that neither GoI published in French newspaper Le Monde. nor French Govt had any say Responding to a question on who selected Anil in the commercial decision.” Ambani's Reliance Defence Industries as a India’s opposition Congress partner and why, Hollande said, “We did not party has now accused have a say in that. It was the Indian Prime Minister Narendra government that proposed this service group Modi's government of giving (Reliance), and Dassault who negotiated with billionaire businessman Anil Ambani. We did not have a choice, we took the Ambani, preferential interlocutor who was given to us.” Junior treatment to the detriment foreign minister Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne said, “I François Hollande of state-run HAL find these remarks made overseas, which (Hindustan Aeronautics Limited) company. They have even concern important international relations between France called for a joint parliamentary committee to investigate and India, do not help anyone and above all do not help the deal as well as public demonstrations to protest the France. Because one is no longer in office, causing damage agreement. to a strategic partnership between India and France by The Rafale planes were picked in 2015 from a field that making remarks that clearly cause controversy in India is

included Lockheed Martin's F-16, Saab's Gripen, the Eurofighter Typhoon, Boeing's F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and the Russian MiG-35. Congress chief Rahul Gandhi said Finance Minister Arun Jaitley and Modi should stop misleading the nation on the Rafale deal and agree to a Joint Parliamentary Committee probe on the defence contract. CAG to examine pricing, but deal will stand: Jaitley Asserting that the Rafale deal would not be cancelled as the allegations of a scam were farcical, Jaitley questioned a tweet of Rahul Gandhi and linked it to the statement of Hollande. The minister said the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) would examine the pricing even if it did not reveal the details and would certainly take a view on whether the NDA government’s deal was better than the one UPA was negotiating. Jaitley said it was odd that having previously accused Hollande of being complicit with industrialist Anil Ambani, Rahul was parading the former French president as a star witness in the alleged wrongdoings in the Rafale deal. “It is no coincidence that on August 30, Rahul Gandhi had tweeted ‘Globalised corruption. This Rafale aircraft really does fly far and fast! It’s also going to drop some big bunker buster bombs in the next couple of weeks’. The former French president’s first statement rhymes with Rahul Gandhi’s prediction,” Jaitley wrote in a blog.

India scraps talks with Pak after 3 Kashmir cops killed

Cabinet clears ordinance to criminalise triple talaq

New Delhi has canceled talks with Pakistan after three special officers were abducted and killed in Jammu and Kashmir. The move came a day after India agreed to Pakistan's proposal to hold talks between foreign ministers of both countries on the sidelines of the ongoing UN General Assembly (UNGA) in New York. New Delhi stated that the decision was taken in the face of brutal killings of Narendra Modia and Imran Khan security personnel by picture.” Pakistani entities and the recent release of “Deeply disappointed”, Pakistan's 20 postal stamps by the neighbouring Foreign Ministry released statement saying country glorifying terrorists confirm that the government was “deeply disappointed” “Pakistan will not mend its ways”. at the decision and called the reasons cited Spokesperson of the Ministry of External by India “entirely unconvincing”. Rejecting Affairs, Raveesh Kumar said, “Any allegations of killing and mutilating the conversation with Pakistan in such an Indian border guard, Pakistan called it a environment would be meaningless. In view “motivated and malicious propaganda”. The of the changed situation, there will be no statement added, “By falsely raising the meeting between the Foreign Ministers of canard of 'terrorism', India can neither hide India and Pakistan in New York.” Three its unspeakable crimes against the Kashmiri policemen were abducted and killed by people nor can it delegitimise their suspected Hizbul Mujahideen militants in indigenous struggle for their inalienable Shopian district of South Kashmir, days after right to self-determination.” the outfit threatened officers to either quit Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah government jobs or face death. The incident Mehmood Qureshi also was “deeply has reportedly triggered so much fear among saddened” by India's reversal. He said, “It special police officers, that several have even was an opportunity, which I think India's resigned. domestic circumstances did not allow to Imran expresses disappointment materialise. After the talks were canceled, Pakistan There is no precedent of how diplomatic Prime Minister Imran Khan expressed norms were trampled.” In a letter dated disappointment at the “arrogant” and September 14 sent to Prime Minister “negative” response of the Indian Narendra Modi, cricketer-turned-politician government to his call for resumption of the Khan, who only became PM last month, “peace dialogue”. He tweeted, “Disappointed proposed a meeting between Qureshi and at the arrogant & negative response by India Indian External Affairs Minister Sushma to my call for resumption of the peace Swaraj. The Indian Ministry of External dialogue. However, all my life I have come Affairs had accepted the offer at a mutually across small men occupying big offices who convenient date in New York, meaning to do not have the vision to see the larger restart the dialogue process.

In an impressive snubbing of political opponents and the Muslim clergy, the Union Cabinet cleared the ordinance criminalising triple talaq on grounds that the controversial custom, which is declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, was still being used against women of the minority. The ordinance, that contains provisions of the bill which is stuck in Parliament because of opposition from non-NDA parties, treats triple talaq as a non-bailable offence punishable with a sentence of up to three years. President Ram Nath Kovind had signed the ordinance that was approved by the Union Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi It provides for a magistrate to grant bail to a husband in a related case, but only after the wife has been heard. The government said the decision was a “compelling necessity” given the widespread misuse of “talaqe-biddat” or instant triple talaq. The provision was introduced following criticism claiming the “criminalising” of the method

will break up marriages and deprive families of bread-winners. Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said, “Now, a magistrate can use his powers to settle the dispute between a husband and his wife. This creates scope for reconciliation.” The provisions were part of the amendments approved by the Cabinet on August 29, to the “Muslim Women Protection of Rights on Marriage Bill” that was approved by the Lok Sabha and remains pending in the Rajya Sabha. Ordinance challenged A non-governmental organisation (NGO) and two people have filed a petition in Bombay High Court, challenging provisions of the recently passed ordinance that makes triple talaq a punishable offence. The division bench of Bombay HC is likely to hear the petition filed by former municipal councillor and social worker Masood Ansari, Rising Voice Foundation NGO and Devendra Mishra. The petition claims that provisions of triple talaq ordinance are null, void, arbitrary, illegal, and unreasonable.






29 Sept - 5 Oct 2018

Women who eat a Mediterranean diet face a 22% lower risk of stroke n Protective effect of fish and olive oil is dampened in men

Women who eat a Mediterranean diet face much lower odds of suffering a stroke but not men. Researchers have found women who consume lots of fish, olive oil and vegetables have a 22 per cent reduced risk. In comparison, the odds were only six per cent lower in men following the diet, which scientists warned may be down to chance. The Mediterranean diet revolves mainly around eating lots of fish, fruits, nuts and vegetables, while cutting down on meat and dairy. The new trial, which assigned participants into four groups based on how closely they adhered to a Mediterranean diet, adds to the ever-growing list of benefits. Experts at the University of East Anglia, who led the study of 23,000 people, then compared their stroke risk over a 17-year period. Results showed the overall risk of suffering a stroke was slashed by around 17 per cent but there was a huge gender difference. Patients at high risk of heart disease, leaving them vulnerable

to a stroke, also had a lower risk of stroke if they followed a Mediterranean diet. But, once again, the benefit of the diet was mostly driven from the protection it offered women - who had a 20 per cent reduced risk. All of the participants were aged between 40 and 77. Lead author Professor Ailsa Welch said: 'It is unclear why we found differences between women and men. 'But it could be that components of the diet may influence men differently than women.' Professor Welch added the findings could be down to men and women suffering from different types of stroke. However, she warned the trial was too small to test for this and called for further experiments to shed light on the link. Scientists at the universities of Cambridge and Aberdeen were also involved in the study, one of the biggest ever conducted. The results of the research were today published in the American Heart Association's journal Stroke. Researchers used seven-day

diet diaries, which they said had not been done before in such a large study. Seven-day diaries - which ask volunteers to write down everything they eat and drink over a week - are more precise than questionnaires. Professor Phyo Myint, study co-author and former British Association of Stroke Physicians Executive Committee member, praised the results. He said: 'Our findings provide clinicians and the public with information regarding the potential benefit of eating a Mediterranean-style diet for stroke prevention.'

Switching to a Mediterranean diet could help you sleep for longer each night, research suggested last week. Greek scientists discovered people over the age of 65 slept sounder after eating olives, fish and seasonal fruits - major parts of the diet. Experts were mystified as to how the diet, already known to boost heart health, may encourage people to sleep for longer. However, they said it could boil down to some foods in the diet being 'good sources' of melatonin - a hormone that tells the brain it's time to switch off and sleep.

Neuroscientist reveals five ways to boost your brain power during the commute If you have a long commute to work in the mornings, mindlessly browsing social media amight be your preferred way to pass the time, but you could be missing out on vital time to boost your brain power. London-based neuroscientist Dr Liron Jacobson says that our commute is actually the perfect opportunity to give our brains some much-needed exercise. Dr Liron is Head of Neuroscience and Project Manager at brain-training app Peak, which has received the Alist seal of approval from Selena Gomez. To coincide with the launch of its latest brain training game she reveals how ditching your phone for knitting or writing in a journal on the bus or train to work can actually help to make you smarter and sharper. Try journaling: Try taking a journal on your commute home and writing about the day. A good place to start is by writing down anything negative that you want to get off your chest, three things you are thankful for and any 'micro-moments' where you felt you had a positive interaction with someone, no matter how small. As well as helping make sense of the day, journaling in this way forces you to pay attention, use your memory and use language creatively. For many of us, these are three skills that directly affect how well we do

our jobs every day, so challenging your brain regularly helps us to do these things better. Learn a new skill: Many of us say that we'd love to learn a new language, get a different qualification or develop a new skill, but never get around to it. So, why not use the hours you spend on your daily commute to actually start doing something about that dream? Developing new skills helps to strengthen the brain's neural pathways, and this can make learning future skills easier. So, while you're having fun learning Italian in preparation of your next holiday, you could actually be preparing your brain so you cope better the next time you have to learn something new in any other area of your life. Have a mindful commute: When we talk about meditation it conjures up images of lotus poses on tranquil beaches, but actually, meditation doesn't even have to be done in a quiet room. Try to practice mindfulness on your commute to work – it is all about taking the time to learn to be more focused on the present moment. You might always take the same route to work, but try to make your journey a bit different every day. Look out the window and notice details about your surrounding that you wouldn't have before. Mindfulness exercises have been proven to reduce stress and anxiety, and are a great way to relax on the way to

To Our Readers

We are publishing these items in good faith, kindly consult your Doctor before you try to implement any advice. We do not hold any responsibility for its efficacy...

and from work. Pick up a relaxing hobby: Practicing a relaxing hobby like knitting is something you now see many people enjoying on the way to and from work. The good news is that aside from having a nice warm pair of socks to show for your efforts when you're finished, the rhythmic, repetitive nature of knitting allows you to 'zone out' your mind and use muscle memory. Some people find this as relaxing as meditation, which can help relieve any stress or anxiety from the working day. Challenge your brain with brain training games: If you look around any bus or train carriage in a morning, you'll see lots of commuters mindlessly scrolling through social media feeds, but your smartphone can actually be used for something that you may find more productive.

Brain training apps allow users to do something with their brains that they might not typically do on a daily basis. Our brain is like a muscle, and it responds to what we do with it, so tasks like making numerical calculations in your head or navigating maps using your spatial memory will exercise your brain in a way that just browsing social media will not. Even Selena Gomez recently revealed that she no longer uses social media apps, and now the only app she has on her phone is the brain training app, Peak.


Obesity will overtake smoking as the leading preventable cause of cancer in women within 25 years, experts warn. A study predicts one in ten new female cancer cases – around 23,000 a year – will be caused by excess weight by 2035, only 2,000 fewer than by tobacco. Rising obesity levels combined with falling smoking rates will see the two switch places by 2043, when 26,000 cases will be blamed on bulging waistlines. The shocking rise is because women are prone to more obesity-related cancers than men – including breast and womb cancer. The figures led to calls for official health campaigns to focus as much on the dangers of excess weight as smoking.

ONE IN THREE KNEE OPERATIONS AND ONE IN FIVE HIP REPLACEMENTS ARE DONE PRIVATELY Almost one in three knee replacements and one in five hip replacements on the NHS are now carried out in private hospitals, official figures reveal. Long waiting lists are forcing hospitals to outsource tens of thousands of the routine operations every year. The Royal College of Surgeons warned the growing number of operations being carried out outside of NHS hospitals means young surgeons are not getting the experience they need. Figures show 28,700 NHS-funded knee replacements – or 29.4 per cent – were carried out by private hospitals in 2016/17, up from 20.1 per cent in 2012/13. Over the same period 22,872 hip replacements – or 19.7 per cent – were carried by the private sector in 2016/17, up from 13.7 per cent in 2012/13. Professor Derek Alderson, president of the RCS, said private hospitals provided 'much-needed extra capacity' but warned that the trend still risks drawing resources away from the NHS. He added: 'Ultimately, we would like to see the NHS grow to meet patient demand. 'The Government's long-term plan for the NHS must focus on creating the capacity that is needed, including beds, whether that be by building new wards, reopening wards that have been mothballed or ensuring there are enough staff to work on wards.'

More than 80% of people with cancer risk genes don't know it Eight out of every 10 people that have genes that raise their risks for breast, pancreatic, ovarian and prostate cancers do not know it, a new study reveals. Mutations of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes raise a woman's risk of developing breast cancer before the age of 80 by 72 percent and 69 percent. On the same genes, mutations also increase pancreatic cancer for people of any gender, of ovarian cancer for women and prostate cancer for men. Despite the fact that genetic

testing offer a likely opportunity to predict a BRCA-related cancer, most people rely on their relatives to tell them if they have a family history of risk. The authors of a new study from Yale University are urging people to get tested for the gene variations after discovering that only 18 percent of people they tested knew their DNA was dangerous. It was discovered in the mid-1990s that mutations on the BRCA1 and BRCA2 raised breast cancer risks for women. Since then, we have learned that

various mutations on those same genes can similarly affect the risks of ovarian, prostate and pancreatic cancers, as well as breast cancer for men. In part because it is so common, the US government and institutions the world over have thrown their weight into breast cancer research. One in every eight women in the US will develop breast cancer at some point in their lives. Collectively, nearly 406,000 Americans are diagnosed pancreatic, prostate or ovarian cancer.





29 Sept - 5 Oct 2018

How Ranbir handles success and failures Ranbir Kapoor is currently basking in the success of his last release 'Sanju', a biopic based on the controversial life of superstar Sanjay Dutt. 'Sanju' turned out to be the biggest hit this year so far. In an interview, Ranbir opened up on how success and failures affect him. When asked about handling both, he said, “Actually, handling success is easy. When you are successful, you don’t really feel it because people are only full of praise, but failure teaches you a lot. One may feel that like failure, success can also be handled, but failure is a way tougher opponent. It will slap you hard, and you won’t even realise it. It [the feeling of facing failures] doesn’t even happen

immediately. It will come after a year or two, because you start realising slowly that you have gone through failure.” When asked whether people's behaviour changed towards him, the 'Sanju' actor said, “See, if somebody is changing, it is fine with me, maybe because I don’t even give myself too m u c h importance. I feel I am just an average actor and a belowaverage person, who just got great opportunities. Yes, I have good belief and confidence in myself that I can do something. And that’s why I am successful because otherwise, I am not saving the world. I am just acting in movies so just can’t take it that seriously.” On the professional front, he will next be seen in 'Brahmastra', a film by Ayan Mukerji and backed by Dharma Productions. It stars Alia Bhatt, Amitabh Bachchan and Mouni Roy.

'Andhadhun' : a Cocktail of Music, Murder and Madness

A mystery thriller directed by Sriram Raghavan, 'Andhadhun' is a story about a blind pianist, a woman blinded by desire, and a crime they never expected. Akash (Ayushmann Khurrana), a blind pianist in Pune is struggling, trying to compose his own tunes when he meets Sophie (Radhika Apte), a free spirited girl whose father owns a piano bar. One thing leads to another and

Akash is performing at the bar, his tunes flowing fast and true, all because of his new muse Sophie. In no time, he impresses retired Bollywood star Pramod Sinha (Anil Dhawan), who invites him to a private concert at his condo. Akash's life seems to have finally climbed on track. However, things take an unexpected turn when he encounters Pramod's wife Simi, a beautiful woman with a dark secret. In the blink of an eye, Akash finds himself surrounded by deadly characters, each fighting their own battles, and blinded by love, greed, desire, and sheer survival. Presented by Viacom18 Motion Pictures and produced by A Matchbox Pictures, 'Andhadhun' will release worldwide on October 5, this year. Music for the movie is rendered by Amit Trivedi. The film posters stress particular importance on a cat, with reports suggesting the feline will hold major secrets of Ayushmann's character from the film. Previously released quirky posters and a very intriguing trailer has left the masses and BTown celebrities asking for more.

Parineeti Chopra serious about pursuing singing While their recent number 'Bhare Bazaar' from 'Namaste England' - that sees Badshah crooning while Parineeti Chopra grooves with gay abandon - climbs up the charts, the duo is already hard at work on a new single. The rapper reveals, "Pari has a great voice and is serious about pursuing singing. So, the idea of creating a song together came up in a casual conversation." Refusing to divulge any details about the single, he says, "We are attempting something that we haven't done before." The two previously teamed up for Heartless - the track had Parineeti do a voiceover. Badshah adds that her inclusion in the song was a matter of destiny, not design. "She saw the video of Heartless when we were working on Namaste England. Before I could ask her, she said she'd like to be part of it."

‘Village Rockstars’ is India’s official entry to Oscars

Rima Das’ National Award-winning Assamese film 'Village Rockstars' has been selected as India’s official entry to the 91 Academy Awards (Oscars), 2019. Addressing the issues of women empowerment and gender inequality, the film follows a rebellious and ambitious young girl, Dhunu (played by Bhanita Das), who dreams of rising above poverty, owning a guitar and forming her own rock band. What sets this film apart is the involvement of non-actors, including the protagonist and other children, who hail from Das’ native village in Assam. “It’s the first Assamese film to be sent as an official entry, in fact first from the northeast,” says Utpal Borpujari, film critic and filmmaker. The 12-member selection committee of

the Film Federation of India, headed by Kannada producer and director Rajendra Babu, picked the film from 29 entries including films like 'Manto,' 'Ajji,' 'Nude,' 'Gali Guleiyan,' 'Raazi,' 'Padmaavat' and 'October.' Village Rockstars is the second Assamese film to win the Swarna Kamal for Best Feature Film at the National Film Awards, after Jahnu Barua’s 1987 film 'Halodhia Choraye Baodhan Khai.' Das’ feature had its world premiere at Toronto International Film Festival last year. No Indian film has won in the foreign film category at the Oscars, with only three films making it to the final nominations Mehboob Khan’s 'Mother India' (1957), Mira Nair’s 'Salaam Bombay!' (1988), and Ashutosh Gowariker’s 'Lagaan' (2001).






29 Sept - 5 Oct 2018

A rare chance for select Vijay fans There is surprise awaiting for Vijay fans during the audio launch of the favourite star's next film, 'Sarkar.' Sun Pictures, the producers of the film, has released a poster that claims that, "There’s no hall big enough to seat all Thalapathy Vijay’s fans. So here is a chance for a select few to attend the 'Sarkar' Audio Launch in person! So, get ready Vijay fans, who want to catch the audio launch live to get a glimpse of Vijay. With the grand audio launch scheduled to happen on October 2, the fans have to wait for some time to know about the event's venue and other related details. Vijay plays a vigilante 'Sarkar' is currently in the post-production stage and is gearing up to hit the screens worldwide on Diwali this year. The film marks Vijay's third collaboration with director AR Murugadoss after blockbusters like 'Thuppakki' and 'Kaththi.' Actor Radha Ravi, who has played an important role in the film, revealed some details about Vijay’s character. “Vijay’s role in Sarkar is like the fictional character Zorro. Like Zorro, Vijay will be a representative of the people in Sarkar. Murugadoss has done a fantastic job with the script. The film is high on heroism,” the senior Tamil actor said.

* Schedule is subject to change


MONDAY 1st - FRIDAY 5th October

16:00:00 17:00:00 17:30:00 18:00:00 18:30:00 19:00:00 19:30:00 20:00:00 20:30:00 21:00:00 21:30:00 22:30:00


18:30:00 19:00:00 19:30:00 21:00:00 22:00:00


17:30:00 18:30:00 19:00:00 19:30:00 21:00:00 22:00:00



SATURDAY 6th October



SUNDAY 7th October



Vijay has played vigilante hero roles several times in the past. His last film 'Mersal' also saw him donning a character, which murders corrupt professionals in healthcare sector. He had also played a superhero-esque vigilante in 'Velayudham' (2011).

Rahman's 'One Heart' selected for prestigious film festival 'One Heart' is India's first concert film, that traces the life of celebrated Indian music director A.R. Rahman. It was directed by YM Movies Team, while Nazeef Mohammad was the director. Ranjit Barot was involved in the music direction and arrangement. The latest update on this film is that 'One Heart' has been selected for the Consonance Music and Dance Festival 2018. This will take place at Los Angeles, USA. It must be noted that this is the first International festival for films on music and dance. Twenty two films from all over the world are selected for screening and 'One Heart' is the only film from India. There are 3 separate award categories - Jury Award, Audience Award, Fans Award. The festival is on 28th and 29th September.

Tamil film industry blacklists comedian Vadivelu The Tamil film producers council has asked all its members to boycott comedian Vadivelu in their future films. The ban on Vadivelu is the result of his alleged noncooperation to sort out the differences with the makers of 'Imsai Arasan 24am Pulikesi.' Vadivelu walked out of the project earlier citing creative differences with the filmmakers. Director Shankar of S Pictures approached the producers’ council against the actor. The council was unsuccessful in settling the matter as Vadivelu was not ready to come to the negotiation table. The actor was asked to either resume shooting for the period drama or pay £900,000 to compensate the loss incurred by the producers. But, he refused to do either and the council blacklisted him, said reports.

Wednesday October 03, 2018 00:56 Film : Jaanam 05:00 Film : Good Buddy Gadbadi 07:22 Film : Taaqat 10:45 Film : Shiva Shakti 13:42 Film : Ghulam-E-Musthafa 16:52 Film : Aakrosh * Schedule is subject to change * Schedule is subject to change 19:45 Film : Sanam Teri Kasam Sunday September 30, 2018 SATURDAY 29th - SUNDAY 30th September 22:55 Film : Saaya 00:22 Film : Jeet - Born To Win Thursday October 04, 2018 TIME TV PROGRAM NAMES 05:00 Film : The Silent Heroes 01:12 Film : Dunno Y Na Jaane Kyun... 07:15 Film : Jaan Se Pyaara 16:30 CID 05:00 Film : Login 17:30 Comedy Circus 10:21 Film : Chaalbaaz 07:00 Film : Hafta Vasuli 18:30 Indian Idol 13:40 Film : Besharam 09:56 Film : Shikaar 20:00 Indian Idol 16:30 Film : Ghayal Once Again 12:40 Film : Woh 7 Din 21:30 Comedy Circus 19:17 Film : Banjo 22:30 Crime Patrol 15:40 Film : Lakshya 22:01 Film : Kasoor 19:24 Film : Dil Chahata Hai Monday October 01, 2018 MONDAY 1st - Thursday 4th October Friday October 05, 2018 01:06 Film : Nazar TIME TV PROGRAM NAMES 05:00 Film : Prithipal Singh... A Story 23:11 Film : Luv Shuv Pyaar Vyar 01:25 Film : Jahan Tum Le Chalo 07:00 Film : Rang 18:30 Vighnaharta Ganesh 05:00 Film : Future To Bright Hai Ji 09:43 Film : Aar Ya Paar 19:00 Mere Sai 07:10 Film : Jaane Jigar 12:50 Film : Daraar 19:30 Dil Hi Toh Hai 10:03 Film : Samay-when the time strikes 16:20 Film : Utt Pataang 20:00 Porus 12:53 Film : Naseeb 18:19 Film : Star Stop 20:30 Main Maayke Chali Jaaungi 16:44 Film : Sanam Teri Kasam 21:00 Kaun Banega Crorepati 19:00 Film : Aakrosh 19:53 Film : Omkara 22:30 Yeh Un Dinon Ki Baat Hai 21:55 Film : Tumsa Nahi Dekha 22:46 Film : Shaapit 23:00 Crime Patrol Tuesday October 02, 2018 Saturday October 06, 2018 00:36 Film : Dus Tola FRIDAY 5th October 01:25 Film : 1920 London 05:00 Film : Huff! It's Too Much TIME TV PROGRAM NAMES 05:00 Film : Bas Ek Tamanna 07:01 Film : Loha 07:02 Film : Anth 18:30 Vighnaharta Ganesh 09:31 Film : Nazar Ke Samne 09:52 Film : Woh 7 Din 19:00 Mere Sai 12:15 Film : 16 December 19:30 The Kapil Sharma Show 15:22 Film : Yeh Hai Judgement Hanged Till Death 12:52 Film : Bombay 20:00 Porus 15:41 Film : Dil Chahata Hai 18:10 Film : Star Stop 20:30 Main Maayke Chali Jaaungi 19:25 Film : Do Lafzon Ki Kahani 19:00 Film : Lakshya 21:00 Kaun Banega Crorepati 22:00 Film : The Killer 22:50 Film : Showbiz 23:00 Crime Patrol SUNDAY 7th October SATURDAY 6th October


* Schedule is subject to change

MONDAY 1st - FRIDAY 5th October

19:00:00 TU AASHIQUI 19:30:00 UDANN


The conflict between Vadivelu and the producers reportedly, broke out when the makers refused to pick the costume designer of the actor’s choice. 'Imsai Arasan 24am Pulikesi' is the sequel to 'Imsai Arasan 23am Pulikesi.' The first film marked the debut of director Chimbu Deven and it became a big hit in 2006. Although Pulikesi was a morally bankrupt character, he became the favorite of the audience, thanks to his clownish antics. The sequel went on floors last year, however, the production stopped after Vadivelu quit the project.


21:00:00 BIGG BOSS (SEASON 12) 22:00:00 SILSILA

22:30:00 BEPANNAAH 23:00:00 ROOP




18:00:00 BIGG BOSS (SEASON 12)

18:00:00 BIGG BOSS (SEASON 12)

20:00:00 NAAGIN - SEASON 3

20:00:00 NAAGIN - SEASON 3

19:30:00 DESI BEAT 3.0


22:30:00KAUN HAI?


22:30:00 KAUN HAI?

30 UK 29 Sept - 5 Oct 2018


Coming Events

Barnardo's warns of lost childhoods as frontline staff struggle to cope with demand

Bochasanwasi Shree Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha's head Param Pujya Mahant Swami is currently in Sarangpur. He had traveled to Sarangpur from Ahmedabad on September 23, and was received by a swarm of Haribhakts and Swaminarayan saints. On the same evening, he gave his devotees the opportunity to meet him at the Pramukh Vatika. In his aashirvachan, he talked about unity, empathy, and brotherhood. On September 18, observing Children's Day, 150 children presented a dance on 'Tasmasye Sri Guruve Namah'. On September 19's Samjan Din, Mahant Swami gave an interesting highlight, saying if one focuses on attainment instead of other things, all their tensions will go away. He will leave for Bhavnagar, from Sarangpur on September 29. l CELEBRATE GANDHI JAYANTI AT TAVISTOCK High Commission of India, with support of India League, Gita Foundation anD NAtional Association of Patidar Samaj, will celebrate the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, on October 2, 2018, 10.45 am,in front of the Mahatma statue at Tavistock Square Garden. A Gandhi Peace March has been organised by Indian communities to be held after the function. All welcome to join the celebration and march. l Nehru Centre UK holds 'Dharana Of Hindustani Music' exhibition from October 1 to 5, 6.15 pm onwards, at 8 South Audley Street, London, W1K 1HF.

SELF-DESCRIBED JIHADIST WHO 'SWUNG' KNIFE AT WEALDSTONE VICTIM JAILED pushed the victim A self-described before producing a jihadist has been large kitchen knife jailed for attacking which he swung someone in a café towards the man. with a knife. Farah Police were Adam, 23, of no called. They fixed address was chased Adam sentenced to two along Grant Road years and six before arresting months in prison Farah Adam him. The knife was at Harrow Crown found in a front garden on Court on Wednesday for Stirling Road. In addition to “swinging” a knife at a man his jail sentence, Adam was in a Wealdstone café he also ordered to pay a victim claimed was selling Haram. surcharge of £170. On April 15, Adam entered the café and Police said Adam had approached the victim previously been found guilty before asking if he was of racially and religiously Muslim. He then asked why aggravated assault; racially he was selling something and religiously aggravated fear of violence; threatening forbidden by Allah. a person with a weapon, and Adam claimed to be racially and religiously Mujahideen (engaged in aggravated common assault Jihad) and became aggresand beating. sive towards the man. He

Sneh Joshi

Seriously stretched frontline staff warn of ‘perfect storm’ brewing in children’s social care. Social workers, education and law enforcement workers in England are facing a ‘perfect storm’ of complex growing need. Causes include increased poverty and lack of mental health services, combined with a crisis in confidence in their ability to provide the support needed. The majority (60%) of those responding to a YouGov poll for Barnardo’s have seen an increase in overall numbers of particularly vulnerable children in the past 5 years. Strikingly, across-theboard, professionals say more early intervention services are needed. An overwhelming number (67%) of those reporting an increase

in the numbers of particularly vulnerable children attribute this to a shortfall in early intervention. The polling confirms anecdotal evidence from Barnardo’s services, which are increasingly reporting cases of children with complex and overlapping vulnerabilities (early trauma, neglect, grooming, sexual abuse, exploitation, gangs). This complexity of caseload is set against a backdrop of severe local authority cuts with more than three quarters (77%) now saying there is insufficient resource to meet demand across services. This is creating major barriers to children with complex needs getting access to the support before issues reach crisis point. A significant 72% of all

those polled think social workers are unable to give all children on their caseloads the support and time they need, as a result of increased pressure on the agencies that interact with particularly vulnerable children. (The figure among social workers themselves is a breath-taking 85%.) And the wait for help is too long: 68% say children and families are waiting too long for help and support- a figure that confirms anecdotal evidence on the ground from Barnardo's service users, staff and supporters. 44% have seen an increase in the number of children who have experienced multiple forms of abuse or trauma in the last 5 years. 40% say children experience increased incidents of

tionships. The opening up of a more diverse social life is a point in favour of romantic attachments, if this is what you want. You will achieve a lot more, especially when you're motivated by your own desires. The general pattern of things continues on a progressive and buoyant theme. You will feel energetic and con-

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21 fident as the week begins. Your

thinking is inspired, so listen to your thoughts. This may be a time of expansion and improved opportunity and it would be unwise to let yourself become complacent. A good time for restructuring and rethinking your aims and interests. Affairs of the heart are likely to flourish. The Sun is transiting your solar GEMINI May 22 - June 22 fifth house. This is the time of

year when you are ready to perform and express yourself creatively. It's a good time for recreation, romance, connecting with children, and enjoying "performing arts". Make sure you do not get over-sensitive if things do not go according to plan.

The Sun and Mercury continue to put a spotlight on your solar fourth house. This is a time to recharge yourself, get in touch with your innermost feelings, connect with your roots, and spend more time with your loved ones. Use this opportunity to find ways to improve your family relations and your home environment.

abuse and trauma whilst waiting to be offered a service as a result of the increased pressure on agencies. Barnardo’s Chief Executive Javed Khan said: “The results of this survey are a real wake up call. What we’re seeing is a ‘perfect storm’ of more children needing help, increasingly complex challenges, and a system struggling to cope. “With less and less resource for early intervention, and long waits for specialist mental health services, we are in danger of failing a generation of vulnerable children who face a future without hope. It’s also a false economy – young people who don’t get help now will develop far deeper and more costly problems in the future.”

Parents ready to weep at uni gates as thousands prepare for the ‘big drive’ Over half (57%) of parents in London expect to cry when they take their children to university for the first time this month, a poll has revealed. The findings from the Onepoll survey come as thousands of parents prepare to make the big drive to university with their children in the next two weeks. Student accommodation provider Unite Students has launched a campaign called The Leap to support students – and their parents – to prepare for their new life away from home and quickly settle into their new surroundings. In response to understanding that making the leap is a complex time for students and parents, the company has created ‘The Big Drive’ playlist -

designed to help students and parents mark this poignant moment as they pack up their lives and make the journey to their new accommodation at the start of Fresher’s Week. With 59% of students from the West Midlands travelling at least 60 miles to their new university home - and 75% making the emotional trip with one or both parents - the playlist is packed full of songs that are perfect for the occasion, including: - Someone Like You by Adele - Moving on Up by M People - Power by Little Mix The playlist is available on Spotify and parents and students are being encouraged to add their own songs. It’s not just parents

who are feeling emotional, with over half (54%) London students starting university this month expecting to be homesick. And a separate survey[3] shows most students feel excited (82%) about the move, closely followed by anxiety (67%). Unite Students City Manager for London, Harriet Nathaniel said: “The Big Drive playlist is all about helping students and parents through this emotional time. We’ve added a number of songs and asked the public to do the same. This is the perfect opportunity for students and parents to talk about how they’re feeling and how they can support each other through what can be a really exciting but also uncertain time for all involved.”

The UK’s leading Vedic writer and TV personality

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20 The accent’s very much on rela-

CANCER Jun 22 - Jul 22



You need to pay more attention than usual to your everyday work dairy. Meetings, work hours and organised breaks could play havoc, unless you're prepared to re-group on the spur of the moment. Try to be meticulous but flexible about your schedule. Play your cards right and you can pull strings in you favour.

LEO Jul 23 - Aug 23

The prevailing cosmic pattern packs a powerful punch early this week. Having such potent energies, make you feel positive and confident in whatever you do. This is not the time to hold back or underestimate your potential if you wish to further an important aim. Some of you will try to get away from the routine chores.

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23

An inspiring boost to matters of communication but make sure your curiosity on a range of topics does not lead to a scattering of mental energy. With a surge of energy and enthusiasm, this is a favourable time to make fresh starts. Personal relationships may be more intense.

LIBRA Sep 24 - Oct 23

The pattern of significant relationships in your life will continue to favour you. It seems that a great deal of mutual benefit will accrue because of various interactions. The underlying trend indicates that deep creative energies are stirring within you and that seemingly insignificant events will play a vital role in the future enrichment of life.

SCORPIO Oct 24- Nov 22

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SAGITTARIUS Nov 23 - Dec 21

Sun and Mercury transit through your solar eleventh house. This is a good time for networking with friends and work colleagues creating ripples for business or just having a great social life. If there are any issues with anyone, this is a great time to iron out the differences. Personal freedom is especially important to you right now.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20

Anything or anyone that drains your time and energy should be re-evaluated. It’s time to use that creative imagination of yours to create grandeur in your life. Don't get too carried away and lose sight of little things that mean a lot to you. There are a lot of opportunities around you. Relationships are complex in the best of times, but Saturn's motion can make things even more complicated now. Misunderstandings can plague partnerships or potential romances - be more careful and forgiving. A good time for completing unfinished business and reassessing your future projects.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19

The Sun and Mercury highlights your solar eighth house. Your attention turns inward on a deepPISCES Feb 20 - Mar 20 er level to personal transformations. There may be a strong focus on other's money, such as the resources of a partner, inheritance, banking and loans, or taxes. This transit should be positively dealt with to achieve any benefits.






29 Sept - 5 Oct 2018


A stellar show by Mithali Raj in the recently concluded One-Day International series against Sri Lanka has seen her move four spots to No. 3 on the ICC rankings table. The Indian captain was prolific in the three-match series scoring 177 runs including a 125 in the final outing as India won the series 2-1. Opener Smriti Mandhana with scores of 73 and 51 in the first and the third game retained her fourth spot while Harmanpreet Kaur, after a poor series with the bat where she aggregated just the 24 runs across three games slipped down four places to No.17. Chamari Atapattu, the Sri Lankan captain, also had an excellent series with scores of 33, 57 and 115 in the three outings. She rose 11 places to No.10 on the points table with a careerhigh 628 points. Ellyse Perry and Meg Lanning, the Australian duo, still head the list for batters.

INDIANS FINISH WITH SIX GOLD IN CYCLING EVENT Indian cyclists produced an impressive performance finishing on top with six gold, five silver and two bronze medals at the Track Asia Cup. India were followed by Indonesian team with 4 gold, 3 silver and 1 bronze while Hong Kong came third by winning 4 gold and 2 bronze. In the men’s junior 200 mts sprint, India’s Esow Alben won gold pipping Kazakhstan’s Dimitry Rezanov. India’s Jemsh Singh won bronze medal. “It was a tough fight with Kazakhstan’s rider but I was confident that I can win the gold medal,” Esow said after the race. The second gold for the hosts came in the women’s junior 200 mts sprint where Mayuri Lute from Maharashtra clocked 12.263s to grab the pole position. Thailand’s Kanyaral Hnokacw won silver by clocking 12.871s. Alyona Abramchok from the Kazakhstan team got bronze. In the women’s ‘Elite Keirin’ final, India’s Sonali Chanu missed the bronze medal by a whisker.


Angelo Mathews has been sacked as Sir Lanka captain with Dinesh Chandimal replacing him for the upcoming series with England. Lankan cricket board asked Mathews to step down following their humiliating exit from the Asia Cup. They finished bottom of their group after defeats to Afghanistan and Bangladesh. The national selectors, however, did not specify why Mathews was sacked but he has come in for severe criticism for his leadership at the Asia Cup. Chandimal is already captain of the Sri Lankan Test team and will now lead the country in all three formats of the game. England will play five one-day matches, a one-off T20 and three Tests against the visitors from October 10.

Kohli, Chanu get Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award India's cricket captain Virat Kohli and weightlifter Mirabai Chanu were conferred with the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award by President Ram Nath Kovind at the Rashtrapati Bhavan. The annual National Sports Awards were bestowed on the best athletes that the country has seen in the past one year. Kohli is the third cricketer to be awarded the Khel Ratna after Sachin Tendulkar (1997) and MS Dhoni (2007). BCCI had recommended Kohli for the past three years but in 2016 he missed out owing to the Olympics where the award went to wrestler Sakshi Malik, shuttler PV Sindhu and gymnast Deepa Karmakar. Last year it went to hockey player Sardar Singh and para-athlete Devendra Jhajharia. Earlier in the day, Chanu reflected on her excitement at the honour. “A really big day for me as I receive the prestigious “Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award at the Rashtrapati Bhawan today. A big thanks to everyone who have supported me all throughout this journey. Special thanks to my family, my coaches, Govt, Federation, and my fans. Indeed grateful!” she wrote in a tweet. Chanu is the third weightlifter to win the prize after Karnam Malleswari (1995) and Nameirakpam Kunjarani (1996). Khel Ratna, the highest sporting award, is usually awarded to two athletes with exceptional cases taking the count to three with shuttler Kidambi Srikanth also recom-

Virat Kohli (Left) and Mirabai Chanu receive Khel Ratna Awards from President Ramnath Kovind

mended subject to Sports Ministry’s approval. Twenty athletes were conferred with the Arjuna Award including javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra, sprinter Jinson Johnson and Hima Das, shuttler N Sikki Reddy, cricketer Smriti Mandhana and table tennis player Manika Batra to name a few. Batra tweeted, “As I go on to receive the prestigious “Arjuna Award today i really want to thank everyone who have supported me all these while. I would continue to strive for the best and bring more glory for the nation.” The President also presented awards for best coaches under the Dronacharya and Dhyan Chand Awards. Usually Sports Awards are held on

August 29, on Major Dhyan Chand’s birth anniversary, but this year it has been pushed forward due to the Asian Games in Jakarta and Palembang. List of Award winners: Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna: Virat Kohli, Mirabai Chanu Arjuna Awards: Neeraj Chopra (Athletics), Jinson Johnson (Athletics), Hima Das (Athletics), N Sikki Reddy (Badminton), Satish Kumar (Boxing), Smriti Mandhana (Cricket), Shubhankar Sharma (Golf), Manpreet Singh (Hockey), Savita (Hockey), Col. Ravi Rathore (Polo), Rahi Sarnobat (Shooting), Ankur Mittal (Shooting), Shreyasi Singh (Shooting), Manika Batra (Table Tennis), G Sathiyan (Table Tennis), Rohan Bopanna

(Tennis), Sumit (Wrestling), Pooja Kadian (Wushu), Ankur Dhama (Para-Athletics), Manoj Sarkar (Para-Badminton) Dronacharya Awards: Achaiah Kuttappa (Boxing), Vijay Sharma (Weightlifting), A. Srinivasa Rao (Table Tennis), Sukhdev Singh Pannu (Athletics), Clarence Lobo (Hockey Lifetime achievement), Tarak Sinha (Cricket Lifetime Achievement), Jiwan Kumar Sharma (Judo Lifetime Achievement), V.R. Beedu (Athletics Lifetime Achievement) Dhyan Chand Awards: Satyadev Prasad (Archery), Bharat Kumar Chetri (Hockey), Bobby Aloysius (Athletics), Chougale Dadu Dattatray (Wrestling)

India women beat Lanka, clinch T20I series 4-0 The Indian women’s cricket team won the final Twenty20 International against Sri Lanka on Tuesday by 52 runs to complete a 4-0 series win and end what was already a successful tour on a high. Chasing 157 to win, the hosts were bundled out for 105 in 17.4 overs in Katunayake. This defeat came just a day after they lost the fourth T20I by seven wickets. Poonam Yadav was the star bowler for India, ending the game with figures of 4-0-18-3. She was ably supported by Radha Yadav and Deepti Sharma, both of whom took two wickets each. It was Poonam who struck early for India, removing Chamari Athapaththu in the very first over of the game. Sharma then removed the other opener Yasoda Mendis in the third over. Anushka Sanjeewani and Shashikala Siriwardene stitched together a 34-run stand for the third wicket and were scoring at a brisk rate, but Radha removed the latter and that was the

jubilant indian women’s team

beginning of the end for the hosts. Tight overs from Anuja Patil and Radha saw the asking rate climb steeply and led to Oshadi Ranasinghe targeting skipper Harmanpreet in a bid to up their scoring rate. But Arundhati Reddy dismissed Ranasinghe and this led to a collapse. Wickets fell regularly and when the 17th over saw India claim three wickets, the writing was

on the wall for the home side. The last wicket fell in the next over and India were celebrating the end of a very successful tour of the island nation. In the first innings, Harmanpreet Kaur top-scored for India with 63 and young Jemimah Rodrigues chipped in with a valuable 46 after Mithali Raj and Smriti Mandhana again failed to get the team off to a good start, the latter falling for a

duck. However, a late innings collapse saw them lose 7 wickets in 4.3 overs at a time when they looked on course to score at least 180. Having scored 128 after 14 overs for the loss of three wickets, India were dismissed for 156 in 18.3 overs but it didn’t matter in the end. Before winning the T20I series, India had won the three-match ODI series 2-1.



29 Sept - 5 Oct 2018

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Sanllehi, Venkatesham to take over as new Arsenal chiefs Raul Sanllehi, formerly head of football relations, is taking on a new role as head of football and Vinai Venkatesham will move from his post as chief commercial officer to managing director of Arsenal following the departure of Ivan Gazidis for AC Milan at the end of next month. Raul Sanllehi joined Arsenal in February 2018 from Barcelona, taking on a role as head of transfer operations to work alongside Sven Mislintat, who was recruited from Borussia Dortmund to look at recruitment. He studied in the US and then join Nike in 1996, where he became managing director in Spain. He started work with Barcelona in 2002 and then moved into a role as director of relations with sports bodies in 2007. A year later he was appointed sporting director, a role he held for a decade, working under three presidents: Joan Laporta, Sandro Rosell and Josep Maria Bartomeu. Sanllehi played an invaluable role in persuading Neymar to join the club in 2013 and the club turned to him as a last resort to

Vinai Venkatesham

try and convince the Brazilian against joining Paris Saint-Germain in 2017. Though that failed, when Sanllehi left Barcelona he left behind a transfer legacy which included Luis Suarez, Ivan Rakitic

Nascar Euro: Deodhar misses top-10 finish Advait Deodhar came close to finishing inside the top 10 in the Hockenheim round of Nascar Euro series after securing a division win earlier in the weekend. Deodhar undertook a double outing in the penultimate round of the championship, competing in both the Elite Club and Elite 2 category. The weekend started off well with the Elite Club, where he beat defending champion Andreas Kuchelbacher to notch up his second win of the season and extend his lead in the title standings. Results were harder to come by in the higher-level Elite 2 division, given he had only prior round of racing experience and no testing to support his cause. In Race 1 he was beset by throttle

issues, which nearly put him in the wall in the opening laps. A drive through penalty for overtaking under double yellow flags put him a lap down, while more technical troubles added to his misery. Once the reliability problems were sorted by Race 2, Deodhar showed impressive pace, running as high as ninth before slipping down the order after outbraking himself at one of the corners. He managed to regain lost ground, but ran out of time to re-pass his rivals, ending up 13th in the final classifications. Deodhar will next be seen in action in the final round of the season in Belgium next month, where he'd be looking to clinch the Elite Club title and build up on the pace he showed in Elite 2.

When Bashir Chacha sponsors Sudhir Gautam The cricket match between India and Pakistan is a much awaited event. As the fans on both sides gear up for a cricket match, the arch-rivalry is expected to extend from cricket pitch to social media. After India and Pakistan last played at the ICC Champions trophy final exactly 14 months ago, they came face to face in the Asia Cup in Dubai on Wednesday. But amidst the online trolling and the cheeky jibes between players on the field, the cricket fans from Pakistan and India have united for the greater good to watch the India-Pak clash together. It was also an occasion for Bashir Chacha of Pakistan to extend a helping hand to his friend Sudhir Gautam. Considered the biggest fan of Sachin Tendulkar and a regular attendee of Indian cricket matches, Gautam, found himself in a fix when he couldn't manage to afford the tickets and his stay for the Asia Cup in UAE. Gautam, however, found a helping hand in

Sudhir Gautam and Bashir Chacha

his Pakistani counterpart Bashir Chacha also known as Chacha Chicago who offered to sponsor Gautam's flight tickets and stay in the United Arab Emirates when he found out that Gautam's plans were in jeopardy. Chacha said, “It’s pure love. You know money will come and go with Allah’s grace. I told Sudhir you just come here and I will take care of everything. I am not a rich person but my heart is as big as an ocean. If I help you, Allah will be happy.”

Raul Sanllehi

and Marc-Andre ter Stegen. At Arsenal he was one of a three-man panel who chose Emery as Wenger's successor, alongside Mislintat and Gazidis. And he played a key role in Arsenal's change

of approach in last summer's transfer window as they acted with new-found efficiency in the market, tying up much of their business early as they brought in Bernd Leno, Lucas Torreira, Stephan Lichtsteiner, Sokratis and Matteo Guendouzi. Venkatesham arrived at Arsenal in 2010 as head of global partnerships and received two further promotions until he was appointed as the club's chief commercial officer in 2014, replacing Tom Fox who moved to Aston Villa as CEO. He negotiated Arsenal's kit deal with Puma, and the renewed stadium sponsorship with Emirates while also presiding over partnerships, hospitality, business strategy, retail and media. Under his tenure, they were also the first Premier League side to enter into a cryptocurrency partnership. Before Arsenal, he was commercial manager for London 2012 - the team behind the 2012 Olympics - and has spent time as a non-exec director for both the British Olympic Association and the 2017 IAAF World Championships.

India seal place in Asia Cup final

Dinesh Karthik in action

India have sealed their place in the final of the Asia Cup with successive wins over Bangladesh and Pakistan. India - Afghanistan match tied India's final match of the Super Four against Afghanistan at the Dubai International Cricket Stadium on Tuesday ended in a tie. Afghanistan and India both scored 252 runs each. Mohammad Shahzad (124 off 116 balls) and Mohammad Nabi (64 off 56 balls) guided Afghanistan to 252/8. Afghan captain Asghar Afghan won the toss and opted to bat. In reply, India also scored 252/10 in 50 overs. Ambati Rauadu (57) and K L Rahul (60) added 110 runs for the opening wicket. Dhoni captains for 200th time MS Dhoni returned to lead India as Rohit Sharma was rested for the Super Four match against Afghanistan. Dhoni had stepped down as India's limited overs captain in January 2017 and handed over the reins to Virat Kohli. This is Dhoni's 200th ODI as India captain. He had last captained India in the ODI series against New Zealand. At the toss, Dhoni urged his men to keep their intensity up in the dead rubber and added it was destiny that he was leading India for the 200th time in ODIs. Opportunity to make changes India made several changes in final Super Four match. Rohit, Shikhar Dhawan, Bhuvneshwar Kumar and Jasprit Bumrah were rested as India have already qualified for the final. They will face off against the winner of the Bangladesh vs Pakistan

Super Four match. In such a scenario, Lokesh Rahul and Manish Pandey get a look-in in the middle order while medium pacers Siddharth Kaul and Deepak Chahar come in to give Bhuvneshwar Kumar and Jasprit Bumrah much-needed rest before the final. Ambati Rayudu, Dinesh Karthik, Kedar Jadhav and Mahendra Singh Dhoni seems to be in decent form. All-rounder Ravindra Jadeja will lead the spin department that includes the wrist spin duo of Yuzvendra Chahal and Kuldeep Yadav. On the other hand, having lost both their Super Four matches so far, Afghanistan are already out of contention for the final but their performances have surely won a million hearts. . Humiliate Pakistan On Sunday, India made a mockery of Pakistan's below-par target of 237 with the opening duo of skipper Rohit Sharma and Shikhar Dhawan stitching together a 210run stand to guide the Men-in-Blue to a 9wicket win en-route the September 28 final. India had earlier defeated Bangladesh in their first Super 4 match, to remain as the only unbeaten team in the tournament so far. India will aiming to continue their dominance over Afghanistan, who have managed to give a tough fight in their narrow defeats to the likes of Pakistan and Bangladesh in their Super Four clashes. While Pakistan managed to win a lastover thriller over the Afghans by 3 wickets, Bangladesh on Sunday pipped Afghanistan by 3 runs to set up a virtual semi-final with Pakistan on Wednesday.

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