AV 21st April 2018

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First & Foremost Asian Weekly in Europe

Vol 46 Issue 49


21st April to 27th April 2018

India to grow at 7.4 per cent in 2018: IMF nThe International Monetary Fund (IMF) has predicted that India will grow at 7.4 per cent in 2018, and 7.8 per cent in 2019, leaving rival China behind at 6.6 and 6.4 per cent respectively in the two years. It said that with growth picking up after falling sharply in the second quarter of 2017 due to “one-off factors”, the country will re-emerge as one of the fastest growing major economies in 2018 and 2019. In the latest World Economic Outlook (WEO), IMF has projected the same growth rate it did last October. India's growth rate was 7.1 per cent in 2016, as against China's 6.7 per cent. The latest forecast is unchanged “with the short-term firming of growth driven by a recovery from the transitory effects of the currency exchange initiative and implementation of the national goods and services tax, and supported by strong private consumption growth,” the WEO said. According to the IMF, India has made progress on structural reforms in the recent past, including

through the implementation of the GST, which will help reduce internal barriers to trade, increase efficiency, and improve tax compliance. “While the medium-term growth outlook for India is strong, an important challenge is to enhance inclusiveness,” the report said. The IMF said main priorities for lifting constraints on job creation and ensuring that the demographic dividend is not wasted are to ease labour market rigidities, reduce infrastructure bottlenecks, and improve educational outcomes. The WEO said growth in China and India last year was supported by resurgent net exports and strong private consumption, respectively, while investment growth slowed. Continued on page 31

Let noble thoughts come to us from every side 80p

UK WELCOMES MODI Rupanjana Dutta

There is a lot of excitement surrounding Narendra Modi’s visit to London from 17-20 April. Reaching the UK at night on 17th April from Sweden for Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), his visit will focus on the Indians in Britain, who the Prime Minister calls as the ‘living bridge’. We still remember the uproar in Wembley stadium, when he slowly walked in with the then UK Prime Minister David Cameron. 40,000 people went absolutely hysteric to see and hear the Indian Prime Minister addressing his ‘mitron’ (friends) on the UK soil. Fast forward to 2018, the diaspora is equally excited to welcome NaMo and there are five vans going around London, celebrating the honourable Prime Minister of India's visit, connecting the two nations.

Modi's visit to Sweden for Nordic Summit Ditching his usual kurta, Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave his fans a surprise when he chose to wear a grey blazer paired with black trousers and a crew-neck t-shirt on his historic visit to Sweden. The Indian leader reached the Scandinavian nation on Monday and became the first Indian Prime Minister to arrive for a bilateral visit in the last 30 years. He met the Indian diaspora within minutes of arriving in the country. Modi called upon Swedish King Carl XVI Gustaf on Tuesday, and later held talks with

counterpart Stefan Löfven and Sweden's Enterprise Minister Mikael Damberg. Both the leaders later announced a joint press conference stating that Sweden would allocate 50 million kronor to an “innovation partnership” with India. Löfven listed a number of sustainable “modern solutions” his country had to offer, including smart cities, green tech and innovation. After, Modi was welcomed by children in traditional Indian costume on his arrival at the Stockholm City Hall, where he held a roundtable meeting with Swedish CEOs. He exhorted the top businessmen

to invest in India and participate in flagship initiatives. Around 30 CEOs or company representatives participated in the meeting. Swedish Trade Commissioner to India, Carsten Gronblad said, “One of the main message from the speakers was that they consid-

er India as a very strategic market and that they would like to partner India meeting certain challenges. If we look at Swedish investments, they are increasing over the last few years. Continued on page 23

See our special section ‘NAMO: THE MAKING OF A MODERN INDIA’ to celebrate Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the UK, from P13-20



Asian Voice | 21st April 2018




Keith Vaz, MP

Rita Chandarana is regarded as one of the rising stars of the Events Industry. She is an experienced Commercial Director in the Industry with particular interest in Operations, Strategic planning and Logistics. Having successfully developed strategies and plans for 4 Start-up Events Companies with year on year growth in sales and profit. She has strong experience in Project Management, Event Management and Conference Planning. Rita is currently the Operations Director at Eventologists in Leicester since the past 8 years. As well as the Managing Director for Maz of Leicester for the past 14 years. She spent a while completely transforming and rebranding the Company, making the business one of the most respected and sought after brands in the luxury wedding industry. Rita started her career as a Strategic Planning Manager for Merry Hill and Chelsfield PLC, where she was responsible for the planning, research and development of business and marketing strategies for various projects. She also held the position of Director at Pharmatologists Ltd. Rita has a degree in Business Information Systems from Nottingham Trent University. 1) Which place, or city or country do you most feel at home in? Home for me is where I was born which is the City of Leicester. It’s a lovely city full of vibrancy and fraternity. Whilst it is a city, it’s not too big, over-crowded and soulless like many cities have become and the countryside is beautiful too. That said I love spending holidays and time away in Italy. I feel very comfortable almost anywhere in Italy.


2) What are your proudest achievements? My proudest achievement has been the work I have done in transforming and re-energising the companies I have worked at during my career to make them great brands that customers and suppliers want to work with as well having a great reputation within the industries that they operate in. 3) What inspires you? Honour and integrity is probably the single quali-

Rita Chandarana ty I look for in friends, colleagues and people I do business with – Working cleanly and honestly is very important to me. I also admire people who have tenacity and who don’t fold or moan when adversity strikes. People who think out of the box inspire me a lot but being true to your word and fair in both business and their personal life is most important to me. 4) What has been biggest obstacle in your career? I am incredibly driven and want to achieve a lot but I am calculated and strategic with it. I do everything even if I don’t like it or enjoy it with passion, determination, attention to detail and pride. I have learnt that not everyone has the same enthusiasm as me, which always slows progress. I also learnt that people don’t always see what I see of a situation/ circumstance, whilst opinions count, this can be a huge obstacle as a leader. 5) Who has been the biggest influence on your career to date?

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There’s actually not one single person who I can say has been my influence because I admire different people for different qualities. Certainly my old Managers have moulded me to be able to manage anything that gets thrown at me – multi-tasking and working at the speed of light whilst digesting all key salient points is key to my job - I am eternally grateful to anyone who has helped me to develop over the years. 6) What is the best aspect about your current role? My job is so varied and fun. No one day is the same – it’s fast paced, exciting and exhilarating and certainly challenges the grey matter! It doesn’t even feel like a job – it’s what I love to do. I work with some incredible people who are my friends and family at work and they make me smile every day. I am very lucky to have such a great role. 7) And the worst? There’s not a worst – I wouldn’t be doing this if there was a worst. Every

job has elements that they do not enjoy but that’s life. You shouldn’t be doing anything that you consistently hate. 8) What are your long term goals? To continue to work on businesses and with people that inspire and challenge me every day and deliver work that I can be totally proud of having given 100% of my best at it. 9) If you were Prime Minister, what one aspect would you change? I’d run the country like a business, stop the procrastination and get on with the work at hand. There’s too much resource wasted on analysing things that are obviously wrong in the first place and just need some clear decision making with actions implemented a lot quicker. Being productive makes people proud of their achievements and pride is what we lack. Let’s

give pride back to the country having achieved more – it will be a happier place to live and work! 10) If you were marooned on a desert island, which historical figure would you like to spend your time with and why. My days would be spent with Albert Einstein – we’d keep busy learning new things and exploring new theories that could change the world. However my evenings, I’d spend my down time with Buddha who can ensure that I stay calm and happy on the desert Island.

Shopkeeper repeatedly stabbed and had turban ripped off in horrific attack "Heinous" robbers who repeatedly stabbed a shopkeeper and pulled off his turban have yet to be identified several months on from the horrific attack. The pair of hooded thugs approached the victim, who was working alone in an off licence, before shouting at him to "open the till". Terrifying CCTV footage shows the pair entering the shop in High Street, Whitton , just after 10pm on Saturday December 23 last year. One suspect walked straight behind the

counter and shouted "open the till" before repeatedly stabbing the victim as he tried to fight him off. The second suspect remained in front of the counter and pulled off the victim’s turban during the struggle, before the injured shopkeeper fell to the floor. Both suspects ran off empty-handed in the direction of Percy Road. The first suspect was described as a black male, about 5ft 11in tall, wearing a dark hooded coat, jeans, black trainers and blue and grey gloves.

His accomplice was described as a white male, about 5ft 11in tall, wearing a dark blue all-weather jacket, a grey tracksuit, black trainers and orange gloves.

TV star Ant given driving ban and £86k fine 42-year-old TV presenter, Ant Mc Partlin, who was involved in a drink-driving car crash in March, pleaded guilty at Wimbledon Magistrates' Court. He was given a 20-month driving ban, and a fine of £86,000. On Sunday 18thMarch, the television star crashed his vehicle into two other cars – he crashed head on with restaurant owner Faheem Vanoo's car who was travelling with hiswife Shilpa Dandekar, andtheir four-year-old daughter, Amaira. At the scene of the accident, Ant McPartlin was breathalysed and he was found to have 75 microgrammes of alcohol

Ant McPartlin pleaded guilty to drink-driving

in 100 millilitres of breath, whereas the legal limit is 35 microgrammes. Outside the sentencing, the TV star spoke briefly outside the court. He said, “I just want to say I'm truly sorry for what happened. High standards are expected of me, I expect them of myself. I've let myself down, I let a lot

Shilpa Dandekar and Faheem Vanoo were travelling with their daughter, Amaira, 4, when the crash occurred

of people down. And for that I am truly sorry. I'd like to apologise to everybody involved in the crash and I'm just thankful no one was seriously hurt.”

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Facing the menace of global disorder The greater the American attempts to impose a unilateral global order the more disorderly are the prospects of peace and stability in our time. Optimism of the will is giving way to overblown expectations of limited intellects and a moral void. . The bombing of Syria on the dubious pretext that the Assad regime had use chemical weapons against its own citizens appears to be close accord with Saddam Hussain’s alleged ‘weapons of mass destruction and the Gulf of Tonking ‘incident,’ manufactured by the Lyndon Johnson administration in the summer of 1964 as an excuse to expand its war against Vietnam, which ended in a resounding American defeat. That France and Britain have joined the United States in yet another adventure reminiscent of Libya in 2011 is testimony to the immunity that the US and its western allies have packaged with their spurious boasts of promoting freedom and democracy across the globe.. What has happened to Syria, with possibly Iran to follow, is a warning to the international community as a whole that the cloven of military might concealed in the velvet glove of pious intent may be used with cavalier unconcern against fancied opponents. No United Nations approval was sought; there was no patience to permit the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to reach Syria and investigate western accusations of the Assad regime’s alleged use of chemical agents against his own population. ‘Mission accomplished,’ Trump, just as George W, Bush did after the US invasion of Irraq.’ The picture of Assad at his desk the morning after the bombardmen t is an indecent exposure of US helplessness in toppling the Assad regime. The barrage of missiles rained upon the country avoided Russian bases and troops, and also Iranian facilities. Russian restraint is likely to bring a haul of diplomatic and strategic dividends. It will surely dawn on the American public that President Trump has no Syrian policy; that his foreign policy lunacies may end in catastrophe. Daniel Ellsburg, Vietnam war whistleblower with the ‘Pentagon Papers,’ has appealed to the US Defence Secretary to

disobey his President’s damaging military adventures that could end in nuclear apocalypse. Trump’s antics may hopefully seed a massive US peace movement to undermine his administration as it once helped destroy Richard Nixon’s. The lessons of Syria have wider implications. It would be naïve in the extreme to suppose otherwise. The pages of the Indian print media bulge with pieces on US, French and Swedish military hardware available to India’s armed forces. These are little more than paid advertisements masquerading as independent reporting. What hidden tricks will be applied to persuade India to conform to prescribed codes of conduct drawn by the self-appointed guardians of our un iverse. The country is not as well prepared to meet a credible contingency as is usually cracked out to be. The Air Force is critical under-strength and has been for the past decade and more. As the tender to purchase high performance aircraft from France has fizzled out, another tender is to be floated. By the time any deal with a foreign partner fructifies, we may be moving to 2030, 40, or even 50. No parallel theatre can match the absurdity. In face of such damning evidence, Prime Minister Modi censured past governments of ineptitude and inertia in meeting the country’s defence requirements. Alas, his own government has thus far proved no better. Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman went to Moscow to engage in closer defence cooperation with Russia. Not a word has emerged on the outcomes. A recent Times of India editorial put the boot in, writing: ‘ Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s statement that that the Indian armed forces cannot be compelled to buy indigenous weapons reveals gross shortfalls in achieving global standards.’ The paper advocates greater private sector involvement in the defence industry. That alone will not suffice. Bureaucratic rust, political inertia and the smug assumption that all is well can be likened to ostriches with heads firmly in the sand. The bombing of Syria is a wake-up call. The barbarians are the gates.

Home from Home: Armenians in India Recent events in India have shamed India – and rightly so. But the flourishing Armenian diaspora in Kolkata and its achievements are a cause of justifiable,, if silent, pride. Little Armenia, with its church and educational institution and charities surely epitomize all that is noble and wise in the human spirit. Armenian College and Philanthropic Academy represent a beacon of hope for dispossessed Armenian communities in Iraq, Iran and eastern Anatolia of the former Ottoman empire, where they were subjected to the 20 th century’s first genocide in 2015. Earlier this month the community celebrated 197 years of the Academy’s presence in this bustling metropolis, once the capital of the British raj. A plaque on the entrance of imposing Armenian College informs the new visitor and novice student that ‘the novelist William Makepeace Thackeray was born on the 18 th July, 1811’ on the site. From 1821 the building housed the Armenian College and Philanthropic Academy. The younger Armenian generation are is exercised by events in the Middle East, one with first-hand experience said , that while Saddam Hussain was a dictator, he wasn’t an oppressor of Armenia and the broader community of Iraqi Christians. The US invasion and its aftermath had ruined the country. It was during this desolation that Razmik Hakobyan, now 24, was sent in 2004 to the Armenian College [a school] and Philanthropic Academy [ACPA] for ‘safety and education,’ following a bomb attack close to his house in Baghdad. He was just 13, when a

family friend told him of Kolkata’s Armenian institutions. India’s Armenian story began in 1645 with the first Armenian arrivals in Bengal, where they traded and engaged in philanthropic activity in Dhaka and Calcutta and prospered. Armen Makarian, a former student and school coordinator, says the educational institution is the only one of its kind in the world. The Very Reverend Father Moyses Sargesyan says while the majority of his students are from Armenia, significant groups from a wide range of countries; he hoped Armenians in western Europe would come as well, with internet website easily accessible. The principal problem in education is the widely differing English language skills of pupils from scattered backgrounds. To surmount the hurdle an intensive sixmonth course has been included in the curricula. Skills have vastly improved, said Soumitra Mallik the Academy Principal. While Armenians teach the Armenian language, culture and history in the 25-member teaching staff, most of their colleagues are Indian. Students have taken quickly to English and Mathematics, leapfrogged to Shakespeare’s ‘Merchant of Venice.’ Arindrajit Saha explained: ‘Studying Shakespeare within a brief period of time can be considered an important marker. Students are grateful for the high quality and the low fees of their education. Many visit their original homelands as tourists, but return to India.. Armenian roots are one, the branches many, and for those from India, India is home where they long to be.

Indian athletes trail clouds of glory Indian athletics was once the poor Cinderella of the country’s sports, but no longer. It is now radiant in its finery and turning heads back home and in Australia [one of the world’s truly great sorting nations] the site of the Commonwealth Games, with strong and challenging contingents from across continents are competing for gold, silver and bronze medals, and for the honour and pleasure of being participants is such a magnificent event in the most salubrious and hospitable environment. Indian sportsmen and women, have excelled in the badminton, squash, shooting, boxing, paddling events. Many thousands of their compatriots have watched TV screens enthralled by their performances and bearing. The

successes of Indian women have been particularly heartening in the light of the horrific sexual attacks they have had to endure recently in dark corners of the country. Lip service to gender equality is no barrier to criminal male behavior. Social awareness, selfassurance and pride in what they do are better able to take an unshackled society forward. Women cricketers have matched the accomplishments of their male peers, as have chess players, pilots, scientists and engineers. Amid the darkness there are gleams of light. In yeasrs to come, they must shine brightly until the scourge is banished from every corner of the country.

Asian Voice | 21st April 2018


He who has a why to live can bear almost any how. -Friedrich Nietzsche

Virendra Sharma MP Labour MP for Ealing & Southall

Government needs to recognise that their cuts are damaging our children Last week I attended the Mayor of London’s summit on serious violent crime. As Mayor of London Sadiq Khan is responsible for the Metropolitan Police, but there is only so much he can do without more support from national government and the Home Secretary. Rt Hon Amber Rudd MP, the Home Secretary, was also at the summit along with Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick and London’s Deputy Mayor for Policing Sophie Linden. The meeting of London MPs, Council Leaders and Borough Commanders was called following the recent surge in knife crime which has contributed to nearly 50 people already having been murdered on the streets of London this year. Everyone at the summit was concerned by this, and felt that every life lost was a waste and that action had to be taken. I have been shocked by the rise in knife crime I have seen over the last year in Ealing Southall and concerned that families now feel unsafe leaving their houses. Some parents say goodbye to young children unsure if they will come back, and that is not an acceptable situation. The Conservative Government has cut and cut from the Metropolitan Police budget, and since 2010 they have lost £700 Million. That has meant fewer police officers investigating crime, staffing stations and on the streets. Obviously this has meant finding more and more cuts to make and sadly not all of them have been well targeted. Locally we have seen police counters closed and sold off, this means that people in Southall can no longer go to a counter and report a crime. The police have retained only one counter for each borough of London. That isn’t community policing. Residents across Ealing Southall complain that they don’t see enough police on the streets anymore. While ten years ago one could see police officers engaging on the street, talking to groups and reinforcing their presence, now we hardly see one officer. This hasn’t helped with making the police a better organisation either. They no longer know their local communities, and officers based at the far end of Ealing have no hope of knowing the people they exist to protect at the other end. I am very disappointed that we have lost the bond that needs to exist between the police and the people they protect. Many MPs and Council Leaders at the summit spoke about cuts to local community centres driving young and vulnerable children on to the streets, taking away somewhere safe to play and spend time with their friends. When the small number of youth centres that remain report the threat of violence or report older youths loitering outside waiting for someone the police don’t have the resources to respond. Continued on page 8 Editor: CB Patel

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Asian Voice | 21st April 2018

Corbyn calls for War Powers Act following Syria airstrikes The leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn has called for a legislation which would make it necessary for MPs to approve future British military action following the airstrikes in Syria in the early hours of Saturday. Along with the USA and France, Britain attacked chemical weapons facilities in a series of raids on three sites. Prime Minister Theresa May said the airstrikes were “legally and morally right” to prevent “further human suffering”. She also told MPs there was “clear evidence” the Assad government was behind the Douma chemical weapons attack. She said that the UK had “explored every diplomatic channel” butregret-

tablydecided that there was no alternative to “limited, carefully targeted action”. However, Corbyn said that the action was “legally questionable” and has called on the Prime Minister to publish legal advice in full, while also stating that the government must be “accountable to this Parliament and not to the whims of this US President.” Briefing Parliament, Theresa May reiterated that the airstrike was in the UK's interest to act, insisting that “we have not done this because President Trump asked us to but because it was the right thing to do”. She further said, “We have always been clear that the government has the right to act quickly in

Jeremy Corbyn PM Theresa May

the national interest. I am absolutely clear that it is Parliament's responsibility to hold me to account for such decisions but it is my responsibility as prime minister to make these decisions.” On the other hand, Corbyn has called for a new War Powers Act, saying the convention that Parliament should be con-

sulted prior military action was “broken” and had to be replaced by a “legal obligation” to get the backing of MPs. Corbyn said, “There is no more serious issue then the life and death matters of military action. It is right that Parliament has the power to support or stop the government from taking planned military action.”

Mayor of London celebrates Vaisakhi in Trafalgar Square Sadiq Khan has announced plans for this year’s Vaisakhi festival on Saturday 28thApril. The celebration of Sikh culture and heritage will take place in Trafalgar Square following the successful return to the central London location last year. Vaisakhi is a celebration of Sikh and Punjabi tradition, heritage and culture, commemorating the birth of the Khalsa (the inner core of the Sikh faith) over 300 years ago as well as marking the Punjabi New Year. Together with representatives from across the Sikh community, the Mayor of London has created a family-friendly programme filled with the best of Sikh culture and heritage. Highlights include live stage performances of kirtan and dharmic music and volunteers from the Sikh community will treat the audience to langar (free food). The food will be made fresh on the day and will be free to every-

one joining the celebrations in the Square, and there will also be a range of street food stalls, such as sugar cane, ice golas and coconut milk. Visitors to the Square will also have the opportunity to learn about the Sikh community through a range of stalls on the day and art exhibitions by Sikh artists from around the world. With turban tying demonstrations, sports activities and children’s arts and crafts, there is something for everyone.

The performances on the main stage in Trafalgar Square will be hosted by Harjap Bhangal, a lawyer who hosts TV show Legal

Solutions and Harpz Kaur from BBC Asian Network. The event will also pay tribute to the Sikh soldiers who exhibited extraordinary bravery and sacrifices in the service of Great Britain during both World Wars, through Sadiq Khan will be celebrating a WWI Sikh soldier Vaisakhi in Trafalgar Square, London re-enactment. by Princess Sophia To mark the centenary Alexandra Duleep Singh in year since the first women the Suffrage Movement secured the right to vote, 100 years ago. and as part of the The Mayor of London, #BehindEveryGreatCity Sadiq Khan said,“I am delighted to be hosting London’s Vaisakhi celebrations in Trafalgar Square again this year, and to join the Sikh community at this fantastic event. When I think of the Sikh community in London and the contribution they have made to the capital – socially, culturally and economically - I feel proud. I'd like to wish the campaign, the Vaisakhi Sikh community of celebrations will shine a London and beyond a very light on the great female happy Vaisakhi. Vaisakhi di figures of Sikh history and lakh lakh vidaiya.” reflect on the role played

Aao Twist Kare- brilliantly conceptualised Reshma Trilochun On Saturday 14th April, the musical show, Aao Twist Kare, presented by Kaushik Punjani was staged at the Cadogan Hall, London. The musical show comprised of a number of chartbusters, mostly from the golden era of Hindi cinema, performed by Kaushik Punjani, Paresh Virji, Priti Kaur, Pooja Kale, and Preet Kale, compered by Gauri Saha, and accompanied by talented musicians who breathed life into the show. The crowd were sway-


The enigma of Gauhar Jaan Reshma Trilochun The enigmatic production of Gauhar Jaan- The Datia Incident is currently being shown at the cosy 90-seat Omnibus Theatre, in Clapham Common, South West London. This play transports you back in time in an era that was illusive to our modern day technology and high-tech music equipments. Set in British India, Fred Gaisberg travels from the west, making his way to the shores of India, to capture exotic sounds of the East to be played on the new machine, the gramophone. He also sets out to record the melodious voice of the young, beautiful courtesan, Gauhar Jaan, who is not only known for her exquisite voice and beauty, but also for her unbearable arrogance. Along the way, Fred encounters several strangers who recite their own version of the Datia incident, in which Gauhar Jaan indulges in anintense battle of egos with Maharaja Bhawani Singh Bahadur. The play was full of captivating performances from talented actors who were more than believable as the characters they portrayed on stage.Sheetal Kapoor, who essayed the role of Gauhar Jaan, oozed confidence and zest on stage, who portrayed both

Gauhar Jaan (Sheetal Kapoor), Maharaja Bhawani Singh Bahadur (Harmage Singh Kalirai)

grace and arroganceat ease. Be it Harmage Singh Kalirai as Maharaja Bhawani Singh Bahadur; Jordon Kemp as Fred Gaisberg; Jas Steven Singh who portrayed several parts; Devesh Kishore as Bakshi Saheb; or the three beautiful Kathak dancers, each and everyone essayed their role to the T. The first-half of the play engrosses you completed. However, the latter part of the play was rather fast and leaves several questions unanswered. A slightly longer second-half showing Gauhar Jaan's musical journey with Fred Gaisberg would have made this beautiful play perfect. But nevertheless, I was left extremely mesmerised by the overall package and would highly recommend this play as one to definitely watch.

22-year-old woman jailed for stabbing, starving and scalding partner A 22-year-old controlling girlfriend has been jailed for seven-and-a-half years after admitting that she poured boiling water over her boyfriend, stabbed him, and had also banned him from their bed. Jordan Worth, a fine art graduate, controlled every aspect of her boyfriend's life from the time they were 16 when they met at the age of 16. Luton Crown Court also heard how she had taken over his Facebook account and further isolated him from his friends. Dholi Taaro Dhol was electrifying and many people started doing the garba. Kaushik Punjani has always been passionate about Bollywood films and music since his childhood. However, he realised his singing potentials at a

In June 2017, neighbours had called the police to the couple's residence in the early hours as they heard shouting. She pleaded guilty to controlling or coercive behaviour in an intimate relationship, wounding with intent and causing grievous bodily harm with intent between April 2016 and June 2017. She was jailed and was also made the subject of a restraining orderthat stops her from contacting the victim for an indefinite period. later age and started taking vocal lessons. His first stage appearance was in 2007 and since then, he has continued to organise and promote memorable shows featuring all genres of Bollywood music, while raising money for charities across the UK and abroad.

Kaushik Punjani and group, and the team at Euro Exim Bank presenting a cheque to the team at Great Ormand Street Hospital

ing to the foot-tapping numbers being churned out throughout the night and danced unabashed. Euro Exim Bank, the sponsors of the concert,

supported Great Ormond Street Hospital(GOSH) as part of their continued charity contributions and corporate responsibility – a cheque of £5001 was

presented to GOSH amid the concert. Some of the highlight performances were of Eena Meena Deeka and Badan pe Sitare.

Kaushik Punjani, Parish Virji, and Pooja Kale


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Asian Voice | 21st April 2018

25-year-old mother crushed to death by own car An inquest heard how young mother, Sameha Mahmood, 25, was killed under the wheels of her own car while her baby daughter sat in the backseat. The young mother had failed to apply the handbrake on her vehicle and was run over on the steep driveway ofher parents' home in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, two days prior to Christmas. She died at the scene while 15 neighbours used bricks and car jacks to try and lift the car off her. In a statement by her brother, Asad Mahmood, the hearing heard, “She was lying on one side with her head towards the passenger side and her feet on the driver's side, right in

the centre of the car between the wheels. I tried to speak to her but she wasn't talking to me. I touched her feet to try to get some response but I didn't get any. The next part was a blur as I was in shock. I called everyone. Even with the car jacks and the bricks, we couldn't seem to lift the car up.” An examination found that there were no defects with Sameha Mahmood's BMW car. Assistant coroner, Alison McCormick, concluded that the death was a road traffic accident. “The driveway in front of the house sloped down to meet the road at between seven to 17 degrees. The road itself is on a hill. In Mr Evans' opinion, on the basis of

Zameer Ghumra

Judge Gregory Dickson QC had said that the pharmacist had created Twitter accounts for the boy and his seven-year-old brother to follow “hate preachers”, such as Anjem Choudary. The judge stated, “The evidence is [Ghumra] taught the boys how to punch and kick and to throw a knife” and “spoke of taking the boys to Syria”. The regulator heard how Judge Dickson had acknowledged that Ghumra had no previous convictions. In reaching its verdict, the GPhC pointed out that Ghumra’s offence was “not directly

the evidence the handbrake was not on and was not in gear. The only conclusion that can be drawn is that Sahema failed to apply the handbrake or didn't apply it sufficiently. She left the vehicle and was subsequently run over by the car as it rolled backwards down the drive while she was at the rear of the vehicle.”

concerned with his profession as a pharmacist”, however, “Mr Ghumra has shown no remorse or insight whatsoever” and “has not engaged” in the fitness-to-practise process “in any way”. Ghumra’s actions presented “a risk of actual harm to members of the public and he was “capable of bringing the profession into disrepute by undermining public confidence in pharmacy professionals. The ideology of Isis is one which is incompatible with the fundamental principles of the pharmacy profession, which requires one to treat people of all faiths and lifestyles with respect. The registrant has by his actions breached one of the fundamental tenets of the profession,” the GPhC said. The fitness-to-practise committee came to the conclusion that Ghumra’s conduct was “fundamentally incompatible with continued registration as a pharmacist”, and ruled to strike him from the register.

Shadow foreign secretary calls on PM to apologise to ex-colonies The shadow foreign secretary, Emily Thornberry, has said that Prime Minister Theresa May must apologise to the rest of the Commonwealth for Britains wrongdoing throughout history. Prior to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in London, the shadow foreign secretary called on Theresa May to utilise this opportunity to rectify past mistakes made by Britain overseas.

She said, “I believe Theresa May and the C o n s e r v a t i v e Government in Britain also owes an apology to the Commonwealth as a whole – and indeed Her Majesty the Queen – for ignoring the efforts of every other member thirty years ago to bring apartheid to an end. This week would be an appropriate moment to correct that historic mistake, and would send a wider signal to our Commonwealth cousins that we in the UK

As I See It

CB Patel

Enoch Powell effect continues to linger

Sameha Mahmood

Pharmacist struck off after showing Isis propaganda video to child

A pharmacist who was jailed in October 2017 has been struck off the register after attempting to “indoctrinate” a child with Isis propaganda. Last year, Zameer Abdul Majid Ghumra, was given a sixyear jail sentenced at Nottingham Crown Court for “dissemination of a terrorist publication”, the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC)'s fitnessto-practice committee heard at a hearing on 2ndMarch 2018. The GPhC pointed out that Ghumra, who had no communication with the regulator in regards to the hearing, had “always denied the offence”. There were no disciplinary matters that were brought against him since he registered in 2003. However, the GPhC stressed that he had committed a “most shocking crime” that had inflicted “serious damage” to the reputation of pharmacy professionals. It is said that Ghumra had shown Isis propaganda video of a beheading to an eight-year-old boy.


Emily Thornberry

truly recognise that the days are gone when our union was described – in colonial terms – as the ‘British Commonwealth'.”

At 2.30 pm on April 20, 1968, exactly 50 years ago this week, Enoch Powell, member of Parliament for Wolverhampton, shadow cabinet member, spoke to an audience of few hundreds at a hotel in Birmingham. A Cambridge scholar of classics, he used his vocabulary skills to predict that unless the black (non white) immigration is stopped immediately, and those already arrived not repatriated, he saw the “the River Tiber foaming with much blood”. In his dramatic imagery of racial conflict and predictions of rivers of blood, he also added that the “black man will have the whip hand over the white man.” This 30 minute speech predictably made waves in the following hours and days. Conservative party leader Edward Heath immediately sacked Powell from the shadow cabinet, stating, “It had to be repudiated.” Margaret Thatcher was one of the very few defending voices. The Times newspaper described its shock by saying, “This is the first time that a senior British politician has appealed to racist hatred in this direct way in our post-war history.” 50 years back, nobody at Radio Four had said “This is a really bad idea”. Then again last week, it rebroadcast the 30 minute speech using an actor to read it. Originally, only a small part of the speech was recorded. In the immediate days after the speech, opinion polls gave Enoch Powell a backing of 70 per cent or more people. Two days after his highly provocative speech, hundreds of London dockland workers marched in his support. Over 10,000 letters were delivered at his doorstep in the following two weeks. For the uninitiated, Enoch Powell had served in the British Indian army in India, between 1943 and 1946. He had learnt Urdu and Hindi languages. He was of the belief that India was unfit for independence. I was in our shop at the time of the speech. Media in those days, was not as now. However, by evening I could feel that something strange has happened. Evidently, my usual warm-hearted customers (predominately white working class) grew to become reserved. There were few taunts, but I did not understand much back then. Over the weekend, I heard several shopkeepers cry in agony and pain, as perhaps dozens if not more, shops were smashed into putty. I can go into lengthy details about the violence, verbal abuse, as well as some physical attacks endured by the immigrants in that period. Most of the hue and cry from the press were about the 'immigrants'. Back then, only 2 per cent of national population was non-white, today the statistics have grown to about 13 per cent. This is a credit of both, British people and their values, as well as the immigrants themselves who carried on with their lives, worked hard, and progressed not only themselves but their offsprings as well.

In Great Britain today, there are some 50 if not more members from ethnic minorities in the House of Lords and House of Commons. There are some very well known Indian journalists like Sadnam Sanghera, whose parents had migrated to UK from Punjab around that time. Today, he is a leading journalist with The Times. The Member of Parliament from Wolverhampton is also a Sikh. The Superintendent of Police in Wolverhampton is also a Sikh, Harvi Khatkar. The so called 'immigrants' are now deeply rooted in every nook and cranny of the society. We can talk about Health service, transport, financial services, many other professions; both, blue and white collar works, these people are actively present in all. There have been no racial stripes even remotely comparable to the Rivers of Blood. Yes, there were some ugly incidents costing several dozen lives, mainly of blacks and browns, but overall, Britain today, is a shining example of a peaceful co-existence perhaps much better than many countries as a multiracial and multi-cultural society. Sadly, even after 50 years, there are times when the after effects of the tremor can be felt. Following World War II, Caribbean immigrants were invited to UK. Enoch Powell was a member of the government then. Opportunistic advert was placed in the Caribbean press offering “cheap transport” for those who wished to work in the UK. 'The Country Needs You', banners read. The HMT Empire Windrush, was the ship used to bring in a large number of migrants from these countries. Theresay May, current Prime Minister, who was home secretary six years ago, recently made some jiggery pokery in the press about the Windrush Generation, as the 50,000 something immigrants are called, being “illegal” even today. Home Secretary Amber Rudd apologised on Monday for the abhorrent treatment. Well, Better late than ever. However, I can't get over the pain these immigrants have been going through for ages. One black MP told me on Monday night, that they were invited to come and work in the factories and transport and health services. This was a stark contrast between them and the “colonial masters” who went to other countries, conquered them, ruled, and exploited over a very long time. Today, the average Briton is much more enlightened and alert. It is the politicians who are exploiting the colour complexions for their own selfish needs. With much more settled communities, there is also increasing number of new Britons of what we call, mixed race. May be in the next 50 years, not only Enoch Powell but any similar ilk will be completely repudiated and denounced. Now, looking at British media now, on one hand Enoch has been completely proven wrong , while in the other, migrant communities have been proved to be a boon to Britain in all aspects of life.


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21st April 2018

CIIr Ketan Sheth Councillor for Tokyngton Wembley Brent Council’s Chair of Community and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee

Integrating health and care in NW London

A new project to increase collaborative working between hospital and primary care teams in NW London is improving care for many patients with long term conditions according to the new findings from a project run by a team of expert clinicians at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. The project, Connecting Care for Adults, was launched in September 2017. The team has reviewed the medical notes of more than 500 patients under the care of their GPs for some long term conditions and the project has begun to show the benefits to patients. The team has found that in more than half of the cases of patients with lung problems, strong steroid medication could be reduced or stopped altogether. For patients with chronic kidney disease, it was possible to reduce the amount of different medication each patient was taking. It is hoped that a reduction in patients’ medication will help prevent unnecessary side effects of strong medication, allowing better management of their condition in the community which could mean hospital visits are avoided. The project is also improving information of specialist conditions among GPs with 87% of those involved in the project saying that it had enhanced their overall knowledge. There is also much for the team to learn from their GP and pharmacy colleagues too. The project aims to encourage sharing of each other’s knowledge and experience to provide care tailored to the needs of each patient. Professor Jeremy Levy, consultant nephrologist at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, said: "Taking part in this programme has been an amazing experience; as hospital consultants we are definitely not fully aware of the challenges facing GPs, and I have learned huge amounts which will improve my interactions both with GPs and patients. It has become one of the highlights of my week." Dr Yasmin Razak, a local GP said: “By putting our heads together for a population health approach to managing our patients, the reviews promoted better partnership between generalists and specialists. It optimised and actually reduced extraneous activity cutting our workload. “The practical learning gems gleaned from discussions are being used time and time again in consults, increasing my confidence and capability in managing complexity.” The project aims to help further facilitate more commonly supportive relationships between the GPs and specialist hospital clinicians. This is part of the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust’s wider strategy to move towards more integrated care which is person-centred, coordinated, and tailored to the needs and preferences of the individual, their carer and family. It means moving away from episodic care to a more holistic approach to health, care and support needs, that puts the needs and experience of patients at the centre of how services are organised and delivered. GP practices in the Brent will be the next to benefit from this initiative. [Cllr Ketan Sheth is Brent Council’s Chair of the Community and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee]

CII and Portugal organise the first of its kind Portugal-India Business Roundtable with Indian companies based in the UK In a first of its kind interaction, a PortugalIndia Business roundtable was held on 11thApril 2018 in London with nearly 40 top Indian companies based in the UK with interests across Europe. A large Portuguese government and business delegation comprising of over 40 members, participated in the roundtable, which was addressed by His Excellency António Costa, Prime Minister of Portugal. A diverse range of major Indian-headquartered companies and Indian-owned entities were present at the interaction including the Hinduja Group, Tata Consultancy Services, Tech Mahindra, Wipro, ICICI Bank, L&T Infotech, Cox & Kings, Grange Hotels, Golden Tours, Taj Hotels, East End Foods, Dabur, Ty-Phoo, Piramal Pharma Solutions, Global Gene Corp, Usha Martin, Zee TV and others. “India is a world leader in many areas but the strongest shining star is undoubtedly new technologies. Portugal too is leading Europe in new

From left: Mr Bernardo Trindade, Mr Manuel Caldeira Cabral, Ms Chitra Stern, Ms Shuchita Sonalika, Dr David Landsman, Prime Minister of Portugal HE António Costa; and HE Shri YK Sinha, High Commissioner of India to the UK

between Indian and Portuguese companies. High Commissioner of India (UK), Mr Y. K. Sinha, spoke about the warm and friendly relations between India and Portugal. He highlighted the existing opportunities in India, the world’s fastest growing large economy, and the various initiatives taken by Prime Minister Modi’s government to boost India’s economic growth. He emphasised that it was the right time for not only for Indian companies to enhance partnerships across Europe, but also for Portuguese companies to explore doing business in India. Shuchita Sonalika,

Director, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) said, “We are deeply honored to organize this interaction for Indian industry in London with the Portuguese business and government delegation led by Prime Minister Costa, and appreciate his commitment to strengthening ties with India. The wideranging of interest in enhancing business between Portugal and India was evident in sector representation at the roundtable, including Information and communication technology, pharmaceuticals, financial services, and indeed, hospitality and tourism, food and beverage and fashion.”

dren, whom he married in 2013, five years after the demise of her mother. The court also heard how Paul David accepted that he “doesn't like” his son-in-law, however, he denied accusations of ever threatening him with an axe. Ms Wamsteker's Paul David married Jobeth Daguio in 2013 barrister, Desmond Kilcoyne told her Mr money... you felt entitled David, “There's an aspect to ask her for money. You of the relationship where demanded money, you she has felt unable to say badgered her for money.” no to you... she says you However, Paul David used to badger her for denied the allegations saying, “She makes me look like some sort of gangster... I look like a horrible man standing here. I still love both my children. The family had built up

a portfolio of properties across London, Malaysia and the US. The English propertied at stake in the case are a flat in West Ham, East London, estimated to be worth about £275,000, and a four-bedroom detached bungalow in Worcester Park, Surrey, which was previously marketed for £740,000. The hearing continues.

technologies, with many multinational corporations choosing our country as their digital, tech and innovation hubs in Europe. This sets the stage for deeper economic engagement between the two countries and to make Portugal even more attractive for Indian companies” said Prime Minister Costa. He added, “We are strongly committed to strengthening the partnership between the EU and India, based on a spirit of cooperation, reciprocity and mutual benefit, and I am delighted that PortugalIn and the Confederation of Indian Industry come together to facilitate collaboration

Family at war after father marries daughter's nanny

Millionaire lawyer, Audra Wamsteker, 49, who once shared a “close bond” with father Paul David, 75, is battling with him in court over property ownership after he married her 28year-old nanny Jobeth Daguio. Audra Wamsteker told Central London County Court how she “promised to look after him [her father] until his dying day, and “thought of him like a god”. However, she then got to know about the “unthinkably repugnant” relationship between her father and the “live-in nanny” to her two chil-

Indian billionaire bids for “peace theme park” in London Indian billionaire and media tycoon, Dr Subhash Chandra has launched an incredible bid to take control of a site in the Royal Docks in London to build a £1 billion “peace theme park”. He is already in talks about buying the 62-acre Silvertown site centred on the derelict Millennium Mills building. India's 19th richest man, Dr Chandra said his company, the Essel Group, would invest over £1 billion in a cultural centre that highlights the


Audra Wamsteker

TFL plans 750 new homes for Harrow

Dr Subhash Chandra

achievements of Indian, as well as other ancient civilisations over 6,000 years. He said, “There will be a recreation of how the world looked 6,000 years ago and how it has

CGI of major investment in Silvertown and a new cultural landmark

evolved. It would be depicted through mannequins and all kind of technology, 3D, 4D and animatronics.” He further added, “We expect 10 million people a year to come to this site. It

has been a passion of mine for a long time to build something like this so the coming generation can know how pastcivilisationscould live in harmony with nature and respect each other.”

Transport for London (TFL) have announced plans to build more than 750 homes by Harrow-onthe-Hill and Northwood tube stations. On 26th March, TFL revealed that it would develop land around Harrow-on-the-Hill tube station with 600 new properties, 35% of which would be more “affordable”. TFL are also planning to build 150 new homes around Northwood tube

station with the same number of affordable homes available. Cllr Sachin Shah, leader of Harrow Council expressed to the media, “I'm delighted TFL are joining us in building a better Harrow. Step-free access at Harrow-on-theHill will be life-changing for so many of our residents and help open up our town centre too. Affordable homes for Harrow people on the site are the icing on the cake.”


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Asian Voice | 21st April 2018

Sugar tax on soft drinks to incentivise sugar reductions in drinks Reshma Trilochun Sugar tax has been introduced in the UK with the objective to incentivise sugar reductions in drinks. Henceforth, drinks with a sugar content of over 5g per 100ml will be taxed 18p per litre, and 24p for drinks containing 8g or more of sugar. Furthermore, manufacturers have to pay a levy on the high-sugar drinks they sell. The sugar tax, however, only applies to sugar drinks. Food items such as cakes and biscuits are not covered by the tax. Scientific researchers have shown that sugar leads to obesity and diabetes, an epidemic that is prevalent within those who belong to the South Asian ethnic group. South Asian communities are 6 times more likely to have

that Asian groups tend to drink more carbonated soft drinks that are high in sugars for a variety of reasons – it is hoped that the sugar tax will lead to people consuming less or changing to a product that has less sugar. Given that the Asian community are at a higher risk and develop this condition much earlier this tax is to be welcomed as part of the measures to try and reduce obesity. We need to take responsibility for our own health.”

Stanmore family seeks justice as driver avoids jail

The Khetani family from Stanmore are seeking legal justice after the driver who left two-yearold Kai Khetani permanently brain damaged avoided jail. On 5th October 2017, Ben Etheridge, 23, from Hillingdon pleaded to causing serious injury by dangerous driving at Harrow Crown Court, and was sentenced on 23rdMarch 2018. He was given a three-month curfew, a three-year driving ban, 240 hours community service and a two-year suspended sentence. On 26th August 2016, grandfather Shivji Patel, and Kai Khetani, who was only two at the time, were hit by a vehicle on a pedestrian crossing in Kenton Road. Kai's father, Rakesh Khetani recalls, “When I arrived [at the scene of the accident], I could see police and the air ambulance service. Then I saw Kai on the floor and I was all over the place. I went straight to tears. I just hoped he would survive.”

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The grandfather suffered head injuries, as well as a broken shoulder and ankle; however, Kai's injuries were more grave. He suffered head trauma and fractures to his legs and hips. The family has launched a civil case against the driver and have written to Harrow East MP, Bob Blackman to appeal to the Attorney General on

their behalf. MP Bob Blackman wrote to the Attorney General, Jeremy Wright, appealing the sentence, and also raised the issue in the House of Commons. MP Bob Blackman said, “I want the family to feel justice has been served given the circumstances and life-changing injuries inflicted upon the young boy.”

Passionate about dance: Akram Khan

Renown choreographer and dancer, Akram Khan, 43, was appointed MBE for services to dance in 2005. He has received more Critics' Circle National Dance Awards compared to any other choreographer, and has many other laurels to his name, including the prestigious International Society for the Performing Arts Distinguished Artist Award. As a child, his ambition was to be a superhero like Superman, Batman or

Asian Voice is your Voice Help us to make it even better My name is Dipali Limbachia and I am a final year journalism student at the University of Westminster.

type 2 diabetes than the rest of the population.And South Asians who do not have diabetes are said to be 3 times more likely to develop cardiovascular disease, however, combined with type 2 diabetes, the risk increases even further, especially among adults aged between 20 and 60 with type 2 diabetes. Krishna Sarda, Engaging Communities Manager, Diabetes UK, shared with Asian Voice, “There is some evidence

Akram Khan

Spider-Man, but they were soon replaced by Michael Jackson, Fred Astaire, and Charlie Chaplin. Akram felt more comfortable in a studio or on stage compared to being in


a classroom. After studying at De Montford University for two years, he transferred to the Northern School of Contemporary Dance. He has the ambition to create a feature film – something that he is working on right now. There are many things that drives him and keeps him going. He said, “I love dancing for myself. I love the ritual of training. That's what gets me up in the morning.”

❒Asian Voice ❒Gujarat Samachar



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21st April 2018

Stephen Lawrence's father forgives son's killers 22nd April 2018 will mark 25 years since the death of Stephen Lawrence, who was killed in a racist attack at a bus stop by a gang in Eltham, South East London. Stephen's father, Neville Lawrence, 76, stated how how difficult it has been losing his first child in a threepart BBC documentary. And for the first time, he expressed that he has forgiven his son's murderers, saying the decision to show clemency has been “one of the hardest things”. Neville Lawrence said, “The fact that I had to lose my first child has been devastating. I can't begin to explain the pain and the anguish me and my family have suffered over the past 25 years.”

Neville Lawrence

Following a four-year investigation by the National Crime Agency, four detectives who were involved in the original investigation, now retired, were found to have acted so negligently that they could face charges for “misconduct in public office”, an offence that carries a maximum sentence of life in prison. Neville Lawrence also speaks to young people about the consequences of carrying weapons. He said,

Stephen Lawrence was killed in a racist attack in 1993

“Right now with the violence, and the knife crime violence, it is urgent that I talk to these youngsters and explain to them the pain and suffering they inflict on families. It is a life sentence and something that will never be served. I've been serving a life sentence for the last 25 years and I will go on serving that until the day I die.”

Bhaktivedanta's Sruti Dharma Das bravely battles cancer

Sruti Dharma Das with the Queen at Buckingham Palace in 2015

Sruti Dharma Das with Shailesh Vara MP

In 31st March edition of Asian Voice, we had reported about the honourable Temple President at Bhaktivendanta Manor, Sruti Dharma Das being diagnosed with a form of brain Cancer. Sruti Dharma Das moved into Bhaktivedanta Manor in 1978, and has overseen the development of the Manor's large congregation over the last 40 years. He has also been a key member and prominent figure in the campaign to save the Temple

from closure during 19861996. In 2015, Sruti Dharma Das joined 1,000 dignitaries from across the British Commonwealth at Buckingham Palace, and was invited to have a private audience with the Queen and other members of the Royal family. Minister for Northern Ireland, Shailesh Vara MP recently visited him. Speaking about the noble human being, Vara said, “Sruti Dharma Das is a giant amongst Hindu spir-

itual leaders. His service to the Hindu community, as well as to the wider community, has been outstanding and he stands out as a shining light for his tireless service to so many people. At this difficult time for him and his family, we all send them our heartfelt best wishes.” His selfless dedication and devotion to the Bhaktivedanta Manor has touched many hearts and many people pray for his speedy recovery during such testing times.

British Airways have announced that passengers travelling on the cheapest long-haul tickets will have to pay extra to select their own seats, as well as to check-in lug-

gage. The airline is introducing “basic” fares that start from £143 on ten long-haul rotes between London and the USA, Far East and Caribbean. The new basic fares

have been put on sale for flights from London to Delhi, Austin, Dubai, Boston, Oakland, Denver, Hong Kong, Philadelphia, the Dominican Republic and Singapore.

BA to charge extra on cheap long-haul flights

Government needs to recognise that their cuts are damaging our children Continued from page 3 This is driving young people, girls and boys into gangs, driving more of them to carry knives and even some to come into contact with guns. This isn’t the future any of us want for our children and grandchildren. The Local authorities

need to step up and keep youth centres open and affordable for the most in need. Parents need to spend more time with their children, talk to them about who they are seeing and explain that a gang is never the answer. The police need to change their behaviour, come closer to their com-

munities, know the community and work with them, not just be seen from afar. Most importantly the Conservative Government needs to recognise that their cuts are damaging our children and driving the next generation into a cycle of violence. That is killing people.


Dr Gupta stands for Crystal Palace Ward in local election Dr Sunil Gupta, who works in the NHS as a Consultant haematologist in Lewisham and Greenwich NHS trust in London, will be standing for the upcoming Council election from Crystal Palace Ward, South East London, in May. He hails from Delhi, India, and graduated from Delhi University in Medicine. He trained in haematology in one of the best institutions in the World- All India Institute of Medical Sciences, National University Hospital Singapore, Royal North Shore Hospital SydneyAustralia, and Kings College Hospital London. Dr Gupta has been living in the UK for the past 13 years and his main areas of interest are the cost-efficient NHS and safer neighbourhood. He strives hard in streamlining proper and prompt referral system from the GPs to the hospital to avoid wastage and delays. He also stresses upon the best take-home experience by the patient while staying in the hospital. Safe and cost effective adult social

Dr Sunil Gupta

care is very close to his heart. He has been instrumental in enhancing the general well-being in the community by creating awareness of preventable diseases like diabetes, obesity and mental illness. He devotes 90 minutes every week to teach yoga in the community to prevent such disorders. Dr Gupta has remained very active socially in bringing the Asian community together in Bromley and adjoining areas, and initiated a movement to have their own place of worship and a cultural community centre in the borough of Bromley. He has been trying very hard to make the

borough safe by constantly keeping an eye on the crime graph in the borough, especially the Asian gold burglaries. He has been raising such topics in the party meetings time to time and emphasise it to the met police for extra vigilance against the targeted burglaries. He joined politics solely to take his passion of serving community to next level at a larger proportion. Sunil joined the Conservatives as he believes in the ideologies of the party of developing an efficient and costeffective workforce in all walks of life across the country. Dr Gupta’s main attributes are hard work, honesty and open-armed approach to everyone in need. He said, “Serving the community should be everyone's prerogative. Change is the only constant thing in life and only safe, healthy and hard working communities can build up a prosperous nation”. Let us all wish Dr Sunil Gupta for his success in the upcoming council elections on 3rd May.

Shadow minister receives flack for remarks on Labour's Brexit policy

Labour shadow international trade secretary, Barry Gardiner has been receiving flack for allegedly describing the party's Brexit policy as “bollocks”. It is said that the remark was reportedlymake during a Q&A session at an event organised by a think tank in March. The MP apologised for describing the Good Friday Agreement as a “shibbo-

leth” - a Hebrew word which means outdated or no longer important. Mr Gardiner said that he was “deeply sorry” that his remarks had led to a “misunderstanding”. He further said, “The Good Friday Agreement is a vital and essential part of the relationship between the UK and the Republic of Ireland, and has been central to the two decades of

Barry Gardiner

peace it about.”


Employee was unaware of right to national minimum wage

The Court of Appeal came to the conclusion that an employer did not have the authority to rely on an employee's lack of knowledge of her rights under United Kingdom law for an affirmation that the employee could not have resigned from work because of what was, otherwise, a cardinal and repudiatory breach of contract by the employer. The Court of Appeal, amongst other things, when allowing the appeal, held the claimant, Mwanahamisi Mruke, against the decision of the Employment Appeal Tribunal on 25thJuly 2014, which dismissed her appeal against the dismissal by an employment

tribunal at Watford of her claim against Saeeda Kamal Khan, the defendant, for formative unfair dismissal from domestic service employment under section 95(1)(c) of the Employment Rights Act 1996, in faith on the defendant's failure to pay the claimant a national minimum wage. Lord Justice Singh stated that the employment tribunal had found that there was a breach of contract, in reference to the failure to pay the claimant the national minimum wage. Even though that was a breach that was enough to renounce the contract, the tribunal was not convinced that the claimant resigned because


of this breach, especially when she was not aware that she was entitled to the national minimum wage. The conclusion of the employment tribunal was perverse on the evidence that they had before them. In actuality, the claimant, Mwanahamisi Mruke, was given a wage equivalent of 33 pence an hour. This was not only below the national minimum wage, but was extremely shocking and exploitative. The tribunal distinguished that the case would not be referred for re-hearing by the employment tribunal, and concluded that the claimant had been unfairly dismissed by the defendant.


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Little Darling Childcare handed RoSPA Silver Award for health and safety practices

Little Darling Childcare, based in Harrow, has been handed a prestigious award in recognition of its practices and achievements in helping its nursery children and staff get home safely at the end of the nursery day. Little Darling Childcare has achieved a Silver in the internationally-renowned RoSPA Health and Safety Awards, the longest-running industry awards scheme in the UK. They will be presented with the award during a ceremony at ExCeL, London on Tuesday, June 19, 2018. The RoSPA Awards scheme, which receives entries from organisations around the world, recognises achievement in health and safety management systems, including practices such as safeguarding and welfare of children & staff, leader-

From left: Sejel Parmar, Darshna Morzaria, Sanjay Morzaria, and Nandita Soni ship and workforce involvement. Sanjay Morzaria, manager of Little Darling Childcare said: “We are very proud to have been recognised by RoSPA for our unconditional commitment towards the safety and welfare of our chil-

dren and staff.” Julia Small, RoSPA’s head of qualifications, awards and events, said: “The RoSPA Awards are the most highly-respected in the health and safety arena, with almost 2,000 entrants every year, and allow organisations to

Couple upset after receiving letter from PM addressed to “Mr Youmustbe F******joking” The Conservative Party has apologised to a couple from South London after they received a letter from Theresa May addressed to “Mr Yo u m u s t b e F******joking”. The couple received a letter, dated 12th February 2018, asking for a donation for the Tories' Campaign Manager Fund. The recipient of the letter, Raja Habib, 67, from Brixton told the

signature, and the donation card. I couldn't believe my eyes.” A spokesperson for the Conservative Party said, “It is unacceptRaja Habib was "upset" to able that this have received this letter letter was sent media that he was out and we apologise for “embarrassed” and any offence caused. We “insulted”. He said, “At are currently investigatfirst I thought it was a ing this matter to ensure scam but then I looked at it does not happen the picture of the PM, the again.”

Pensioner punched in the face over parking row Ifitkhar Ahmed, 56, a former shopkeeper is said to have punched an 89-year-old pensioner in the face in a row. The unnamed victim had parked outside his house for three minutes to go and collect his jacket outside a tailor's shop in Cambridge. Ahmed claimed that the pensioner had told him to “f*** off”. He is said to have waited outside the tailor's shop. When the pensioner got into his car, Ahmed allegedly pulled open the car door and punched him in the face with great force. The victim said he was left a “less” by the attack. He said, 'It was terrifying. He looked young and I am 89. I think that made it worse. I could clearly see he wasn't happy about me parking there and so I just thought to get into my car and get out. There was no altercation between us at

all, I just thought I just needed to drive off. It wasn't as though I was obstructing his car or anything, it is just a space which was reasonable to assume belonged to the tailor. When I headed out of the shop the man was shouting at me. I just said, “It's okay, I'm heading off now.” But he started waving his hands in front of the car so I couldn't drive. He came to my car door and said, “You just swore at me” and I said “no I didn't swear at you” and then he just gave me one punch and I fell on the passenger seat.' At Cambridge Magistrates' Court, Ifitkhar Ahmed pleaded guilty to assault by beating. He was given a 50hour community service sentence, as well as ordered to pay a total of £920 in costs and compensation, including £750 to the victim.


Ifitkhar Ahmed

prove excellence in the workplace, demonstrating a commitment to the wellbeing of not only employees but all those who interact with it.”

21st April 2018

Man jailed for 23 years for raping minor Bradford Crown Court heard how a 12-year-old girl was repeatedly raped by a gang of men described as being “a pack of ravenous wolves”. The girl is said to have been forced by Ibrahim Hussain, 35, to go to his house where he repeatedly raped her three times over three days. It is said that he then took her to another house in Bradford, Yorkshire, where five unknown men raped her. Ibrahim Hussain was found guilty of abducting and raping the 12-year-old girl. The court has jailed him for 23 years. While sentencing Hussain, Judge Hatton QC said, “You may have destroyed her. One hopes not, but only time will tell. You groomed her into having some affection

Ibrahim Hussain

for you. She was a very vulnerable girl with an unstable home life and you preyed upon her vulnerability which you used for your own gratification.” The court also heard how Hussain was already on bail for allegedly sexually assaulting a 16-yearold girl he contacted via Facebook in 2017.

Celebrities and MPs call for “people's vote” on Brexit

On Sunday, celebrities, MPs and business leaders launched a campaign to call for a vote in any final Brexit deal, speeding up a campaign to attempt to stop what they describe as Britain's damaging departure from the European Union. The launch in North London saw MPs from the Conservative Party and

Labour, along with hundreds of others to press for what they described as a “people's vote” on Brexit. Both parties have ruled out a second referendum. However, actor Patrick Steward, who is a strong supporter of the People's Vote campaign, said that they are not demanding a second referendum, but rather wanted “another

chance to consider what the terms of this divorce are going to be”. Steward told the BBC, “As time has gone by... the information that we are receiving about the terms and conditions of that separation are quite unlike the terms and conditions that were spoken of so loosely during the 2016 campaign.”


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21st April 2018

Going round the bend

In these days of longevity where people live beyond the ages of 80 or 90 years, where centenarians are becoming a norm, where modern science and medicines are keeping people alive for longer span of life, people’s brains are no longer able to keep pace with the ever increasing technology and other information they are constantly bombarded with. With the excellent health care available in advanced countries like the UK, more and more of us live much longer. As we get older, dementia and Alzhaimer diseases, the scourge of modern living, get a grip on us and even though our limbs are in working order through hip and knee replacement operations, our brains are unable to keep pace with today’s fast moving life and modern technology like computers and mobile phones to name but the most in daily use. We are unable to make use of these modern devices and have to seek help of others in order to fill on line forms or respond to e-mail enquiries. We need to keep our brains ticking through mental exercises like the solving of puzzles such as sudoku or doing the weekly crosswords in Gujarat Samachar, by taking part in various activities or by mixing with a lot of people in our peer groups. Almonds are considered brain food and we may make good use of them as they are available in plentiful supply. Going for long walks release good hormones and lubricate the brain. Dinesh Sheth Newbury Park, Ilford

I am Hindustan and Ashamed Following the rape and murder of a girl named Asifa there have been protests and marches in India. The Indian media has focused much attention to this. There has been a candle lit vigil attended by Rahul Gandhi. This was a terrible and tragic incident which, unfortunately, occurs almost daily in India. One wonders therefore, why this incident has elicited such a strong reaction? Is it not the case that every case of rape and/or murder, irrespective of the victim’s religion, is as terrible and heinous as any other? Any case where a woman has been violated in a violent and despicable manner is as bad as any other. So why then is it that talentless, self-serving D list celebrities are posting pictures of themselves on social media holding placards saying “I am Hindustan. I am ashamed”? Why is it that Rahul Gandhi has found the time to attend a candle lit vigil for this case only? Why has he not held candle lit vigils for Hindu victims? Is it because in this case the victim was a Muslim and the alleged culprit a Hindu? The very language being utilised is misleading and inflammatory. “I am Hindustan. I am ashamed”. But by using the word “Hindu” this is a deliberate strategy to malign an entire religion. This is typical of those who are trying to project Hindus in a negative light. Do Christians ever say “I am Christian, I am ashamed” for the children who have been abused by their clergy? Do Muslims say “I am Muslim, I am ashamed” when a boko haram or ISIS use rape as a weapon of war? Unfortunately, this tragic incident has been used to start a politically motivated campaign by a desperate opposition to malign the government and Hindus. This is aided by a biased Indian media whose correspondents, perhaps, owe much to certain political parties. Those who display such placards should indeed be ashamed. Ashamed that instead of being proud Hindus they are maligning their own religion. Those politicians who are seeking to make political capital out of a tragic case should be ashamed that they are stooping to such low levels for a few votes. We are told that terrorism has no religion, that those who commit acts of terror do not represent any religion. If that is the case, then surely this argument also applies to those who commit rape and murder. All Indians, whatever their religion should unite to condemn those evil people who violate and murder innocents. Piyush J. Fatania Northampton

What do you think? Have anything to say about the stories/columns featured in Asian Voice? Write to: Asian Voice 12 Hoxton Market London N1 6HW or e-mail: aveditorial@abplgroup.com

With ever increasing awareness, most of us, especially OAPs with their own homes and indeed some savings, independent income, are well versed in preparing their Wills and many have also registered their Power of Attorney (POA) with “Office of the Public Guardian.” There are many types of POA but two most important are “Property and Finance” and “Health and Welfare. It is an important document that gives the partner and nominated person the legal authority to manage your finances if you fell ill, incapable of making decisions or handling your finances, as well as medical decisions if you have registered both. The fee most of us have paid is £115 per POA, supposedly to cover the cost. But now the government has realized that some 1:8 million of us have been charged too much, well above the cost of providing such a service who paid the fees between April 2014 and March 2017. We are now entitled to claim refunds, from £54 to £34, depending when you registered your POA. You will also get 0:5% interest on the sum refunded. This is your entitlement, so claim it. You have until 31st January 2021 to claim before the scheme is closed. You can claim it either online or ring 0800 456 0300. Good luck! Bhupendra M. Gandhi By email

Rapists should be hanged to death We feel ashamed to hear the word rape and gang rape every day in newspapers but our politicians and MLAs do not feel a pinch. There is no safety for our girls/women under the democratic government in our country. So many cases of rapes and gang rapes are reported in the media every day and the rapists are freed after their arrests because our politicians have failed to introduce stringiest laws to handle and punish the rapists. If the rapists were hanged to death or their private parts amputated, there would be safety for our women in India. Nobody would commit rape again for fear of death. The rapists not only commit rapes but they also kill them or throw the victims out of moving cars and even trains. Our politicians are afraid of introducing stringiest law "death to the rapist" because most of the rapes are committed by their sons, or dear ones taking the advantage of their position/power. Even juveniles should not be spared. If anyone is old enough to commit adult crimes, then certainly he or she should certainly be old enough to receive adult punishment too. Jubel D'Cruz, Mumbai, India

Prince Harry: thoughtful young prince It seems that charming, talented and ambitious Meghan Markle is having a calming effect on once mischievous and fun loving Prince. Since his engagement to Markle, he has not set a foot wrong, is an example of restrain, projecting his kind, caring and friendly disposition on the world stage, in line with his late mother Princess Diana whom he adored. The most important day in their life is 19th May, when they get married. They would like to share this special day, not only with invited guests from high society but ordinary people as well, as 2640 people, that include charity workers, disable people and victims of terrorist atrocities will be allowed inside Windsor castle so that they could have a close view of the couple and feel part of this most exacting and important occasion. Their recent announcement, requesting invitees to donate money in place of gifts, to their seven chosen charities, is the latest example how different their values and priorities are. After all any gifts would have remain unused except a tiny number of special gifts, as they lack nothing. But the cash to charity will help many needy people, in their hour of need, shelter over their heads in bitterly cold weather. When his elder brother Prince William got married in 2011, the event raised £1 million in donations. I am sure this occasion will raise even more cash than 2011 event, as Meghan has indeed charmed British public with her grace and friendliness. No one should be surprised, given time and opportunity, Meghan will follow into the foot-steps of his mother, Princess Diana and become as popular as her. Let us wish them a long and happy married life. Kumudini Valambia By email



Claim your refunds

Commonwealth Big Lunch

photo credit: Marc Morris Photography


Mike Wine addressing the gathering

A Commonwealth Big Lunch took place for the Indian and Jewish communities, in the week before the CHOGM. It was organised by the charities, the Indian Jewish Association and the Commonwealth Jewish Council to celebrate common values and our "common wealth." Thirty leading figures from the Indian and Jewish communities attended, from the worlds of business, politics, education and the charity sector. Luminaries included Lord Jitesh Gadhia, CB Patel, Vinu Bhattessa, as well as Lord Mendelson, Lord Palmer, Lord Polak and Lloyd Dorfman. Guests enjoyed meeting each other and charring, and sampling the Kosher Indian food. Brief speeches were given by CJC Chair Lord Mendelson, who spoke of the commonalities between the two communities and the Co-Chair of the IJA, Mike Whine, who spoke about the history of the charity and its important role in strengthening IndianJewish relations. Organizer and IJA trustee Zaki Cooper said: "It was wonderful to hold a Commonwealth Big Lunch, just days before the Queen hosts the Commonwealth Summit in the UK. Our two communities have so much in common, not least enjoying a good chat over food. We realise that our common wealth lies in our values, and pride in our heritage alongside commitment to Britain. Old friends met again and new relationships were forged."

Political situation in Syria More than 11 million Syrians are on the run, including 5.3 million who have been forced to seek safety in the neighbouring countries of Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan. Inside Syria, more than 6.1 million people are internally displaced and 13.1 million are still in need of humanitarian assistance More than half a million people have been killed since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war in 2011. The Syrian civil and proxy war has been going on since the last 7 years and no end is in sight.. When all this has been happening the International community miserably failed to stop these atrocities but added fuel to the fire by engaging in a proxy war and demanding removal of Bashar al-Assad from power. Now President Donald Trump on the pretext of chemical attack in Douma has launched his missiles in Syria on 3 targeted and specific chemical weapons facilities in Syria supported by Britain and France. Although the United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guteres urged all parties to show restraint to avoid escalation. The situation could have gone out of control had he targeted Russian military facilities in Syria as he had announced earlier telling the Russian his smooth missiles were coming. Military action is not the solution, it will aggravate the situation and will be counter-productive. There is urgency of finding a political solution to the conflict. There is no military solution. What is needed is a ceasefire and sustained pressure on the parties to the conflict to reach a peaceful resolution to the conflict. There should be an end to the violence and for safe routes to be re-opened for critical humanitarian supplies to get through to the suffering civilians. United Nations should take a lead role in bringing about a political solution by inviting all the parties concerned with no pre-conditions by anyone. An immediate ceasefire should be declared for the peace talks to commence and a deadline given to reach an agreement. Failing that United Nations be given the mandate to impose one based on democratic principles and rule of law. There is no time to dilly dally now. Baldev Sharma Rayners Lane, Harrow


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21st April 2018

Launch of Harrow Labour Party Manifesto: Building a Better Harrow and Uniting Communities

A packed hall at Club KTM saw the formal launch of Harrow Labour Party’s manifesto for the Council Elections by Stephen Pound MP. The launch was also attended by Labour Party members - candidates, community representatives, Gareth Thomas MP, Cllr Sachin Shah – Leader of Labour Group, Cllr Muhammed Butt Leader of Brent Labour Group and Navin Shah London Assembly Member. Stephen Pound MP commended Harrow Labour’s manifesto ‘Building a Better Harrow for the Many and not a Few’ and highlighted its key pledges of building homes in Harrow for Harrow’s residents; keeping Harrow clean; revitalising Harrow’s economy

and protecting vital public services from Tory cuts. Cllr Sachin Shah, Leader of Harrow Labour Group said, “On the 3rd of May you have a chance to vote for a party that puts public service first, or Conservative Party that inflicts savage cuts and doesn’t believe in delivering services that people

Shortlist announced for Asian Voice Charity Awards 2018

need and deserve. The Harrow Labour party has put at the centre of its manifesto delivery of public services, such as schools and the NHS that we deserve. In spite of savage Tory

cuts in police service of £1 billion in London our priority is to safeguard our people from crime and keep them safe. The Indian community has always believed in good schools, effective health services and more police. It is only the Labour party that is campaigning for more money

for these areas. The Harrow Labour party is going to take tough action on those that make Harrow dirty. We have already issued over 8000 fines and if re-elected we will get even tougher. Housing is a problem that affects everyone in Harrow. The Harrow Labour party will make sure that Harrow residents get priority to buy new homes, making it easier for family to stay together in the borough. The Labour party has been on the side of all our diverse communities, including our large Indian community in Harrow, right from the very start. We will NOT indulge in sectarian and divisive actions or appear on platforms with extremists. A true friend to Harrow’s diverse communities is the one that keeps it united no matter what. That is what the Labour party stands for and that’s way you should vote for your three Labour candidates on 3rd May.”

Labour’s candidate Ajay Maru for Kenton West – Harrow Ajay has been a councillor since 2010, possessing skills of leadership, responsibility, communication and outstanding interpersonal skills. He was also the Mayor of Harrow 2014/2015. As a local businessman and resident in Kenton West, Ajay understands the support small businesses need. He strives to see Harrow’s economic growth through active work with traders and businesses. Offering a clear vision for Harrow and is fighting to protect front-line services and for all people of Harrow devastated by brutal cuts by Conservative government. Ajay has already delivered clear improvement in Kenton through

various programmes such as road and pavement improvements, dealing with fly-tipping and issues of congestion, crime and road safety. Through Ajay’s passion to help people he has aided the council to make schools in Harrow the best in the country

and campaigned against reckless Conservative cuts to local NHS services, the police and services for young people. Over the years Ajay has worked with the Harrow Community through Council and personally. His understanding as a local businessman and knowledge of the community and businesses has allowed him to network greatly on a daily basis. Ajay is a family orientated individual who appreciates and understands the values of our community and its needs. Ajay is dedicated to Labour’s vision of social justice, fairness and is entirely committed to working with the diverse community of Harrow.

The Asian Voice Charity Awards, powered by Charity Clarity,will be taking place on Friday 18th May this year at the Hilton on Park Lane, London. We are proud to announce the names of those who have been shortlisted for this year's awards, chosen by a panel of esteemed judges; Lord Jitesh Gadhia, Investment banker; David Stead, Director of Philanthropy and Development at the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF); Alderman Alison Gowman, Chair, City Bridge Trust; and Subhash Thakrar, Founder Chair, Charity Clarity. The awards are not only about charities which seek to solve the most pressing social issues of our time both in Britain and internationally, but also for those that seek to innovate and strive for excellence and whose success is judged by their end results. We want to showcase excellence in organisations which operate in Great Britain and globally, and give a much-needed boost to organisations struggling to get the profile and funding they need to move forward. These Awards offer a valuable leverage to organisations that are delivering practical solutions to present-day problems.

Charity of the year

Most Inspiring Individual

Shortlisted: ● Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation ● Children and Families Across Borders (CFAB) ● Cleft Lip and Palate Association ● Christina Noble Foundation

Shortlisted: ● Emma Slade ● Hendrix Lancaster ● Mandy Sanghera ● Steve Whitmore

Start-up of the Year

Most Inspiring Young Person

Shortlisted: ● Domestic Violence Assist ● Road to Freedom ● Tennis2Be

Shortlisted: ● Lydia Unsudimi ● Alisha Malhotra ● Rabia Nasimi ● Alexander Morgan

Social Impact Award Shortlisted: ● Books In The Nick ● Child to Child ● Penny Appeal

Baroness Scotland accused of forcing staff to leave job A tribunal heard that Commonwealth secretary general Baroness Scotland,62,allegedly grouped foreign dignitaries “like cattle” and made them watch a visit of the Queen from a “minstrels' gallery”. It is claimed that the Labour peer introduced one of her friends to the Queen and arranged for another to brief the monarch. Baroness Scotland has also been accused of telling staff they must each be a “mini-me”, and seeking to terminate the 15-year career of an employee she believed had crossed her. The Baroness was also publicly rebuked by the tribunal for not turning up to give evidence. The tribunal heard Baroness Scotland allegedly abused her position by forcing out “head of office” Ram Venuprasad, 45, without evidence, believing that he had leaked stories about her to thepress. Ram Venuprasad

Baroness Scotland

Ram Venuprasad

claimed that he was treated as a sole suspect for the leaks but it could not be proved, hence, he was given a final written warning, and pushed out for a bogus offence of forwarding work emails to his private email. It is further alleged that the Baroness forced Venuprasad out of his job, smeared him behind his back, and threatened to report him to the police for fraud in India and “make him unemployable”.

He said, “A Secretariat spokesperson described me to the media, on the record, as 'a profoundly disaffected individual'. This description had therefore been sanctioned, probably at the highest levels. I had been told that the Secretary General was threatening to report me to police regarding my previous employment. My career was in tatters.” The tribunal findings will be announced at a later date.



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21st April 2018

The silly season in India is an all-year phenomenon, an occasion for political pantomime when participants display their skills in the black arts. Congress leaders, led by the preposterous Rahul Gandhi were on hunger strike following a sumptuous meal, with the BJP, not to be outdone, putting on a rival show. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his alter ego Amit Shah told reporters that their party was highlighting the chaos in Parliament, where little or no business was done because of the unruly conduct of certain MPs. True enough, but those mainly at fault were from the Andhra Pradesh Telugu Desam, which, until recently, was an ally of the BJP, which in opposition played a disruptive role against the Congress government.

with cavalier politicians determined to erode its foundations with populist rabble rousing, its justices made it plain in a lengthy pronouncement that any couple had the right to marry across the divide of religion, caste or ethnicity without the consent of a third party in reference to the recent Hadiya case in Kerala Her right to marry whom she chose was guaranteed by the Constitution which existed for ‘believers and agnostics.’ (Times of India, Hindu April 10).

Model judge

The appeasement lobby headed by Yashwant Sinha must be gathering their wits for the next step in their PR dialogues with the Hurriyat leadership.

Saving Pakistani lives A Hyderabad-made vaccine for typhoid is playing a critical role in saving children’s lives in Pakistan’s Sindh province. Bharat Biotech International Ltd, the maker of the vaccine will supply 200,000 doses of its conjugate typhoid vaccine to Pakistan through the World Health Organization (W HO),


face of the existential threat of terrorism that seeks Afghanistan’ existence. Minister Akbar highlighted the threat to Afghanistan’s security emanating from outside sources (March 29).

IRNSS-II empowers India’s fleet Navigation satellite IRNSS-II was injected into space orbit last week [April 12] from the Sriharikota space pad off the Bay of Bengal. The 1,425kg will be the eighth satellite to join the NAVIC constellation of

The best judge, like Caesar’s wife, must at all times be above suspicion. Judges have been known, fairly or unfairly, to pronounce rulings favourable to governments in the hope of securing sinecures after retirement. Supreme Court Justice Kurien Joseph has announced that he would refuse assignment – apart from arbitration and mediation BJP, Congress hunger strikes

Tweedledum and Tweedledee are locked in an unseemly scrum which has brought politics to a new low and descending fast into the proverbial gutter (Print media, Television April 11,12).

Supreme Court rebukes Centre over Cauvery The Supreme Court pulled up the Central government for its failure to draw up an effective scheme for sharing the waters of the Cauvery river by Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. It has instructed the Centre to do so by May 3. The longstanding dispute between the States has given rise to mass agitation in Tamil Nadu disrupting life in Chennai and its surrounds. Thereis growing sdissatisfaction in the Southern States with the Centre, lwading to a South-North dide in the country. ‘Is the Centre trying to turn state governments into glorified municipalities,’ says Kerala Finance Minister, Thomas Isaac (Mint, Hindu April 10).

Branch will now also be charged with murder, said DIG of Police Praveen Kumar. Law and order in this notorious badland has been attracting growing media attention of late. Chief Minister Yogi Adtiyanath’s gung-ho policies on crime and violence beyond the parameters of the rule of law has come in for censure (Hindu April 12).

UP law and order under multiple threats The brother of a BJP member of the Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly (MLA) has been arrested in connection with the death during judicial custody of the father of a girl who had accused the man of partipating in the gang rape of his daughter. Atul Singh Sengar, arrested by a team of the Lucknow Crime

said Krishna Elia, Managing Director of Bharat Biotech. (Business Line April 10).

ExxonMobil deal for L&T

Outrage at Jammu gang rape of tribal minor Outrage and horror went viral at reports of a particularly gruesome gang rape and murder of an 8 year-old tribal girl in Kathua, Jammu, and the attempted cover-up by Hindu confessional groups and their legal teams. BJP ministers and

Damp squib anti-quota strike in Hindi heartland An anti-quota strike in the Hindi heartland turned out to be a damp squib with little impact on the ground. Shops were closed in some parts of Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan for a few hours, but normal life proceeded apace. Scattered reports of attempts to disrupt train services emanated from Bihar but none were of serious nature (Business Line April 11).

Navigation satellite IRNSS-II launch

8-year-old Asifa was brutally gangraped

party representatives were joined by Congress leaders in expressions of utter disbelief that such a horrendous crime could have been committed by human beings. The punishment demanded by one and all was that the punishment had to fit the crime. Prime Minister Modi said: ‘I want to assure the country that justice will be done and fully. …it is not at all fitting for a society that claims to be civilized and we are ashamed of it. We must address this together as a society.’ (Hindu, Times of India April 13, 14).

Judicial integrity cause for hope The Supreme Court has once again upheld the rule of law,

Supreme Court Justice Kurien Joseph

following his retirement from the bench in November. Justice Joseph was part of a multi-faith bench which quashed triple talaq as unconstitutional. ‘The beauty of democracy is its ability to differentiate a watchdog from a barking dog’, he said, addressing the Kerala Media Academy. However, divisions in the court are now open, while the gulf between judges insisting that the court collegiums must have the right to appoint new judges and not the government. The court’s recommendation of respected senior advocate, Indu Malhotra, and the elevation of HHigh Court Judge K.M. Joseph, has. been held up for the past three months by the Law Ministry. (Times of India April 10).

Jihadis behead Kashmiri Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorists beheaded a civilian victim, Manzoor Ahmed Bhat (25), in Hajim, his headless corpse discovered in an orchard. Bhat was abducted by armed LeT jihadis in an operation that injured his father. This was the second such murder in a week following the death of Muntazir Ahmed, whose body also was dumped in an orchard. Former Kashmir chief minister Omar Abdullah condemned the silence of separatist leaders. No strike calls, no demonstrations: Abdullah wasn’t surprised. (Hindu April 7).

Mumbai-based engineering giant, Larsen & Toubro Technology Services has been awarded a digitization contract by oil and gas giant ExxonMobil Exploration valued at $20 million in its first year of a three-year deal. The project would ramp up in the following two years. L&T said its work would convert historical geoscience content into a digitized format, which would provide geo-scientists with improved data availability and improve the speed and efficiency of analysis and evaluation. (Economic Times April 10).

Indo-Uzbekistan ties ramped up Projecting its reach into Central Asia, India has drawn closer to Uzbekistan in a farreaching deal that would entail an Indian defence manufacturing facility on Uzbek territory. The project was one of many issues discussed by M.J Akbar, India’s Minister of State in the Ministry of External Affairs and the Uzbek Defence Minister at Tashkent. Officials travelling with the Indian Minister told the Mumbai-based Economic Times that India had plans to to export defence equipment to Uzbekistan and was looking to establish a partnership for training military personnel.

Afghan accord In the Tashkent Declaration both parties pledged support for an enduring peace in Afghanistan based on respect for the country’s sovereignty in

India’s regional navigation satellites. The launch on a PSLV rocket completed the first phase of the constellation, said K. Sivan, Chairman, Indian Space Research and Organization [ISRO].

Timeline Built for a 10-year stint, the atomic clock- civilian and military/security satellite will be fully operational by around mid-May. ISRO has planned a gruelling nine missions in the next eight months. Whilst the Chandrayan-II landing and rover is scheduled for late 2018, an important, path-breaking project is the second launch of the heavy lift GSLV III rocket designed to carry a threetonne-plus GSLV-29 communications satellite into deep space geosynchronous orbit (Hindu, Times of India April 13).

Fake news the norm Around a fortnight or so ago, a short Press Trust of India report in the Times of India, told of the Pakistani Defence Ministerial visit to Moscow to clinch an ambitious arms deal. The story was debunked by Russia as ‘wishful thinking.’ Russian diplomats in New Delhi were dismissive of thisa and earlier report by the Pakistan Foreign Minister of a new Pakistan-Russian alignment, a curious canard repeated from time to time in certain Indian newspapers in the hope, presumably, that something may stick and a dollar bonus or green card would attend their efforts for the promotion of freedom and democracy. Indeed the US and Russia were cosponsors of Pakistan watch list for terrorist abetment (Economic Times April 10).

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Asian Voice | 21st April 2018




MODI GIVES INDIA A GLOBAL MAKEOVER Mitul Paniker As the western state stood proof of his vision, India made a decision to end the Gandhi-led UPA's corrupt rule. The former Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) member's rise to power will forever remain etched in the history of Indian politics. When Modi's government was sworn in, there wasn't a lot of expectation with their foreign policy featuring on the agenda. If his campaign was to be believed, all priorities were expected to be domestic. However, Modi's foreign dealings came as a surprise to the nation, as he began to rekindle some forgotten fires. A person fond of “bold moves”, Modi gave the first shocker, when he called his counterparts from all SAARC countries, to participate in his oath-taking ceremony at the Rashtrapati Bhawan in New Delhi. The move was seen as the PM's way of starting off the 'Neighbourhod First' policy. In the last four years, Modi government has performed extremely well in the area of foreign policy. While critics see his travels and bilateral meets only as a vacation, the truth of the matter is, the leader has expressed Indian interests in a way that was not anticipated by any one. Despite his lack of experience on the matter, he has definitely raised India to an upper level in the global platform. His frequent travels became fodder to internet trolls. The Opposition said the subsequent changes were merely of style, and not substance. However, as the renewed foreign policies begin to show its effect, one can see just how well other governments are responding to Indian diplomacy. Even his critics will begrudgingly admit that the Modi government has unashamedly changed India's foreign policy trajectory. The earlier shyness of expressing the country's needs for stronger Indo-US ties are gone. India's relation with Israel has clearly resurfaced from the ground, and the biggest change is that India now stands tall in confronting China, instead of the dragon challenging New Delhi. Economist Rajiv Kumar, also author of 'Modi and his Challenges', had last year said, “He began his foreign policy stint, as it were, in good faith and then suddenly

“Ab Ki Baar Modi Sarkar”, “Chai Pe Charcha” and numerous other catchy slogans took Narendra Modi to a striking victory in the general elections of 2014. The Bharatiya Janata Party pitched Modi as a driver of change, mobilising voters to support their 'chosen one' in a strategy that was previously only used by the Congress during the reign of Indira Gandhi. The idea was pure genius. After back to back tenures of a UPA representative who could not take a stance for the life in him, the people for India needed a leader with voice. They saw appeal in NaMo, then chief minister of Gujarat. realised that the world is not such a good place out there. Where I think Prime Minister Modi has made a very big difference is that he has linked foreign policy directly to India's economic interests.”

Modi and the West Modi started off his tenure remarkably with a memorable event focused on the Indian diaspora at the Madison Square Garden, New York, in September 2014. From a chief minister whose visa was blocked by the US, Modi went on to become one of former US president Barack Obama's closest allies. Describing his relation with the US, an analyst said, “India has come a long way from its wariness of the US. Earlier governments get some credit, but Modi has re-pivoted India's foreign policy in just a few years.” It is true that current President Donald Trump hasn't really started off on a great footing. And even though Modi and Trump are yet to meet, a push from New Delhi is expected as India's relationship with the US will be a more transactional relationship than a kind of personal bond. There is a definite shift in the approach towards India's diplomatic outreach to the States. Former India economist at the US Department of Treasury, Shailesh Kumar said, “There is an important foreign policy shift taking place under Prime Minister Modi. One based on realpolitik where his administration is taking a realist approach towards relations, and working with those who can benefit India.”

Modi has been selling India like nobody's business, and no, it is NOT a bad thing. When German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited in 2015, both the countries signed a $2.25 billion deal for solar and clean energy. The sector has found a strong backing from the Modi government. India has a multi-billion-dollar deal to buy 36 Rafale fighter jets with France. The purchase was left in the loop since 2012, and is the biggest order of fighter jets for the Indian Air Force in over two decades. British Prime Minister Theresa May landed in New Delhi in the November of 2016, her first bilateral trip after assuming office, and she did her best to bolster trade ties. Modi's approach has gotten other countries to consider India in a different light.

Asia First

Asia-Pacific chief economist at IHS Markit, Rajiv Biswas says, “Prime Minister Modi has significantly lifted India's foreign policy strategy towards engaging with Asian economies, and has achieved notable success in strengthening bilateral economic and strategic relations with Japan, a key long-term partner for India.” The PM has traveled to Australia, China, Japan, Laos, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, and Fiji since he assumed office. India has two major weights on its head too. China and Pakistan, both prove to be timeless causes of stress for the Indian nation and despite Xi Jinping's visit to India, Modi's visit to

Beijing, Nawaz Sharif's fond words for Modi, and Modi's surprise visit to meet Sharif, Modi is unable to turn the relation around. “On China, it's a bit complicated. Engagement does not seem to be doing well, but that is not because of poor policy management, but rather (due to) India's very public concerns with China's investments in the region. Those issues appear to take priority over all other forms of engagement,” an analyst said. Case in point, Beijing's One Belt, One Road (OBOR) initiative, hasn't gone down well New Delhi's throat. India decided to not be a part of the project as the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor passes through PoK (Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. The ChinaPakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is definitely a headache to Indian policymakers as it gives both, Pakistan and China a strategic advantage over the sensitive region of Kashmir. NaMo's international “marketing” goes way beyond Asia and the US. He has substantially improved relations with the Middle East. Quick to realise that the region plays an important role in the Indian economy, given it supplies over two third of India's total oil import, Modi took to the Gulf, or the West Asia as the Indian External Affairs Ministry calls it, to boost ties with the royals. A paakko businessman, Modi, in his one entire term of office, has created waves in the otherwise stagnant life of the country.


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CHOGM Welcomes PM Modi The Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting is being hosted by UK Government when UK is working hard to to rebuild trade relations with members of the Commonwealth. In recent years the UK has concentrated in doing business within the EU and in many ways ignored the Commonwealth. The leader who will be most awaited and watched will be PM Modi. He has become a powerful world leader and well respected too. Once again the Indian diaspora is preparing to give him a really warm welcome. India is now the fastest growing economy of the World. The ease of doing business in India has also improved by a big margin from 136 position to 103 making it amongst the top 100 countries to do business with.This is a remarkable jump and reflects the major reforms that PM Modi and his government have implemented. This indicates that these reforms are being looked at as positive changes by the World.

The Indian economy has further jumped in the World rankings and is now the 5th biggest in the World , surpassing France and UK. PM Modi’s economic reforms and policies have aimed to improve the life of the average person by putting more money in his or her pocket. This makes sense as if the average person is happy and satisfied, the society will live in peace and work towards economic progress. In this context it is notable that the Government recently introduced free medical care for the poor. This is unprecedented and never happened in the past. There is increasing attention and support provided to the farmers, whose plights were being ignored leading to many suicides. There are certain quarters who have been critical about Modi in quoting examples of excessive Hindutva, corruption etc. One can debate about these but no one can dispute the argument that the Indian economy has now been brought to a strong footing by the current Government. Moreover, it takes a lot of effort to implement major changes. Yet this government has demonstrated capability to bring in bold reforms such as demonetisation and GST. Would you rather have a Government that does nothing or one that keeps on trying with new and bold reforms, even if some of

Long standing relationship between the two nations The visit of the Indian Prime Minster Narendra Modi to the UK this month underlines the importance of the long standing relationship between Britain and India. There are hundreds of thousands of Indian immigrants living in the UK, and Indian owned businesses are a vital part of the British economy. We need to invest particularly in relationships between our businesses and the next generation. I am incredibly proud of the contribution and success of the Indian Diaspora to the British economy and public life, and our contribution to one nation where all communities are valued and have a stake in Britain. - Seema Malhotra MP

Member of Select Committee for Exiting the European Union and former Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury

A huge welcome to PM Narendra Modi. We wish all his ventures a huge success.

these might not be as effective or perhaps slower in achieving the desired objective? All this begs the question on whether take risk with an alternative Government or allow this Prime Minister to continue in 2019. In my past dealings with Mr Modi I have always seen him as a promoter for business and investment. I am now seeing a different dimension in him. He has clearly embarked on improving the worth of the average person of India. 22% of India's population still lives below the poverty line. This is an improvement from the past but remains a challenge. The economic reforms will work to improve this position and also help grow the economy further. The more people come out of poverty the more the economy benefits as more consumers are added. For the UK, India represents a huge market to target. Whilst India and UK are both 3rd biggest investors in their respective countries, the trade statistics are rather disappointing. UK exports to India have remained static since 2000 whilst the rest of EU exports to India have tripled in the same period. UK has a lot of work to do but there also lies a great opportunity. The reforms and changes in India over the years makes it a near developed economy vastly different from 50 years ago when

many UK Companies started to reduce their focus on India as they found it difficult to business there. Time has come again to mark the needs of over 300 m middle class of India. It is this group who are earning good income, creating wealth and aspiring to become international citizens with similar spending power. There are also opportunities for UK companies to develop corporate transactions with Indian companies who are looking for collaboration on technology, skills transfer, joint ventures for mutual benefit etc. India has now risen to a position where Britain can no longer look down as an economy that does not matter but a country that has great potential and must be addressed as an equal partner. Already, the rest of Europe has seen tremendous increase in their exports to India. UK has always had a strategic advantage with India given the common language and the 1.3 m Indian diaspora connection. Time has come for UK to view India afresh as India is no more a country it was 30 years ago. -Subhash V Thakrar BCom, FCA, FRSA Vice President & Past Chairman, London Chamber of Commerce

Making of a modern India I am hugely passionate to see our India shining on the world stage and at home, because I love my birth place. No matter who is at the helm in Delhi, as long as their sole aim/objective is towards the wellbeing and progress of India. I will whole heartedly praise and appreciate any political party and its leader whose first priority is to see India flourishing at home and at world stage. As I see it, Modi Ji is the one who without a doubt should take the credit who took India at the world stage along with one or two other leaders from other political parties in the past and I appreciate their input immensely and sincerely. I had the chance to meet briefly this charismatic Modi ji in 2005 when he was the Chief Minister of Gujarat. I found him slightly quiet and perhaps little shy as well. But his Gujarat was progressing by leaps and I wish our Punjab was progressing parallel to Gujarat or like some other states. Two years ago, I again had the chance to see India from South to Delhi on foot. The progress being taking place in the South was unbelievable. The whole of South (Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and other states are a pride to us. Their modern roadways with beautiful colourful shrubs covered with flowers, modern irrigation system in farming, producing loads of electricity with wind turbines and the vibrating economy must be appreciated. I believe, we must appreciate the achievements along with our criticism where there the government is lagging behind. We see the metros are coming in every major city linking far outside the cities, new malls are in every city and car industry is in full bloom. I can go on and on. Our NaMo has done wonders by bringing in trade by visiting numerous countries where in the past India hardly made any effort. I also must confess, India is a huge country and its problems are huge too. It needs time because of its complexity but we as its citizens should appreciate where there it deserves. I wish our Prime Minister a very pleasant trip in the UK while making every commonwealth country a true friend of India. - Bobby Grewal

Social Worker and Activist Chairman of India Association

‘What makes NaMo a great leader?’An exclusive article by Surendra Patel will be published in the next issue of Asian Voice.

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Asian Voice | 21st April 2018


Future of UK-India relationship where “Global Britain” meets “Global India”

Indo-European Business forum, we constantly dedicate ourselves to build bridges of understanding between E u r o p e a n Countries and India. The way forward for economic progress, is boosting business ties and relations between India and Europe, with the UK being at the heart of the relation. With the advent of Brexit, it becomes more imperative to understand the contribution, growth and success of Indian businesses in the UK and how strategic business partnerships between the two countries can help strengthen economic ties and prove valuable for the growth of both India and the UK. We have aimed to highlight the contribution of these businesses and how the strength of the Indian population in the UK has great potential for businesses based in the sub-continent to spread their businesses in the UK.

Our prime mission is to promote and encourage Asian businesses in the UK to invest in India and vice versa, to contribute to the development of India and Britain and show that UK, especially London is open to business. This report raises awareness among Indian and British Institutions including various trade bodies providing them information about the scope of investments and business relations among India and the UK. As chairman of the India European Business Forum, I encourage businesses on both sides to look at the bright possibilities that are there to offer and how together we can make an impact on economic progress. Both countries current relationship is strong but more importantly there is so much future potential. India is moving ahead as the world’s fastest growing economy, UK must recognise the shift & forge a more strategic relationship with Modi Ji’s new “Global India” UK and India need to inspire the view that “Global Britain” and “Global India” means “Open Britain” and “Open India” not just in the way we engage with each other but the way we approach and embrace new ideas

and thoughts. It is vital for sharing the ideas and innovations that will open up new trade prospects. As Britain faces its brave new post Brexit world, the opportunity to enhance the UK’s relationship with India cannot be overlooked. It’s the right time to revisit the economic relationship between the two partners. No region on earth is growing faster or expanding its role in international affairs other than the European Indian Community and the Indian sub-continent, with its glorious age old valley civilisation. Through the Future economic growth for both the countries will be dominant by secure digital networks and sustainable innovation, this provides a great opportunity for SMEs in UK and India to work in partnership on research and development of next solution. India-UK post-Brexit ties will depend on the kind of deal and terms of exit Britain negotiates with the EU and UK’s willingness to accept labour movement. However, post Brexit it is expected that the UK will be in a better position to forge closer trading ties with India. UK Prime Minister Theresa May’s first bilateral visit to India during November

Mike Patel and Overseas Friends of India welcome Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the U.K.

2016 which was accompanied by over 30 British businesses, including small- and medium-sized enterprises from every region of the country further strengthens the vision of Britain post-Brexit. Bilateral partnership no longer limits only to strike trade deals and encourage investment it also means Since year 2000 EU-India trade has more than tripled but UK-India trade is largely static. It is the best time for SMEs to look for the business opportunities and work closely with the Government policy makers. India is a strong player in commonwealth countries, Britain can play a bigger role in advances of concern wealth viz-a- viz on its economic prospect. With nothing certain except for the prospect of future change being open to this is the only sure route to success. Future for UK-India relationship certainly looks positive. -Vijay Goel Vijay is the founder of Indo-EU Business Forum, Chairman of the London Chamber of Commerce Asian Business Association, and Chairman of ASSOCHAM UK.



Asian Voice | 21st April 2018

Varanasi Educational Trust UK Reg. Charity No 802554


Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting UK


18-20th April

A warm welcome to The Honourable Prime Minister Narendra Damodardas Modi to Great Britain A warm and hearty welcome to our noble son of great Bharat. We Bharatiyas of the United Kingdom are grateful to you for transcending the greatness of our Parampara with your vision. Please accept our deepest congratulations and appreciation for your vision and foresight in foreign affairs, investment policy and infrastructural improvements. Our charitable registered trust runs an education programme in VARANASI. We accept children from nursery level through to class twelve. We are registered with the C.B.S.E. We place a particular emphasis on teaching Sanskrit. We have four thousand co-education students. We are very active in expanding our education base into the heart of rural area where our young generation is hungry for education and to progress and thrive, thus fulfilling their talents and enriching Young Bharat. Our Siddhigiri Education Trust and Mukularanyam English School is from the constituency of Varanasi. We are establishing a college for over 2000 students in Affiliation with the Kashi Mahavidyalay and under the guidance of Shri Shivsanbhu Upadhyay (Vice Kulpati) Of Kashi. We will offer degrees in, Law, Mass Positive Media and Insurance. We are planning to offer Scholarships to 50 students especially from Mauritius, the Caribbean, Surinam and Fiji. The prophecy of Swami Vivekananda, son of Bharat, philosopher and Yogi, from the 19th century stated that 21st century will belong to India and you are working extremely hard to fulfil his vision. Saprema Namaskar Saraswati Dave

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We, the members of SPMSUK, are delighted to welcome Prime Minister Narendra Modi whose inspirational leadership is ensuring that India becomes the Global Economic Power House. With Compliments of Pravin G Patel and members of Sardar Patel memorial Society UK

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17 Asian Voice | 21st April 2018


www.asian-voice.com Asian Voice | 21st April 2018




An Insider’s Take on the Future of the UK-India Trade Why do Indians outside India do so well as Heads of Google, Mastercard, Pepsi? Well, they also do incredibly well inside India increasingly too. India‘s GDP grew at 7.1% in 20162017, and is expected to grow at 7.4% in 2018-19, when it will overtake the GDP’s of the UK and France. Initiatives to boost Indian GDP by PM Modi also boost UK exports such as Access India Program, a market entry support program aimed at facilitating investments by UK SMEs in India.

The Numbers

● Since 2000, the UK has been the largest G20 investor in India, investing £17.5 billion and creating 371,000 new jobs which represent 10% of all FDI-related jobs in that period. British companies in India now employ almost 800,000 people, representing 1 in 20 jobs in India’s organised private sector. ● Over the last two decades, 8% of all foreign direct investment (FDI) into India was from the UK. ● Of the 600 UK businesses present in India, almost 60% operate in two sectors: advanced engineering & manufacturing; and financial & professional services. ● Around 60% of UK companies in India have a turnover of less than £5 million per year – so it is not just a few big companies representing growth. Two things PM Modi is doing will ensure these numbers only improve, despite the ‘B&V’ crowd (Brexit and visas) complaints. Almost 20 years ago, the then UK Prime Minister appointed me to the UK India Roundtable to suggest policies to the Prime Ministers of both countries to increase ties. Both country’s Governments have sought closer ties for decades. But what of the future? What more can be done? How has the platform established by Narendra Modi accelerated that?


PM Modi knows it is initiatives like his ‘Digital India’ program and focus on AI, Fintech, IoT, big data, robotics, which will tie India to countries such as the UK – also a global leader in every sector the Indian PM has identified for a strong vibrant India. But there is untapped potential. First, consider, that the during the past 5 years, according to the Financial Times last year, trade between the two countries has fallen from $15.7bn a year to $14bn. Just 1.7% of

British exports go to India, less than go to Sweden and a fraction of 44% that goes to EU. Second, having heard this PM speak in London well before he was a PM, one knows he does feel intellectual property protection does not necessarily benefit Indian growth. The patent revocation for GSK’s Tykerb would not have troubled the PM. But it may trouble investment from the UK into India.

Ease of Business

As the UKIBC’s 2017 “Ease of Doing Business in India Report” indicated, there is still much work to do to get into the top 50 of the World Bank’s rankings. But it is also clear PM Modi has his targets on that ambition. Free trade agreements will mean nothing if India does not achieve that target –businesses will simply tap into other easier markets and prioritise them. This Indian PM is well aware the world does not owe his country a living, just as the British PM is aware, Commonwealth ties do not mean open migration borders. The budgets of this Modi led Government with the emphasis on infrastructure and healthcare projects (Modicare), all attract trade and investment to India and benefit the country. Add to this ‘Swachh Bharat ‘ too. As of March 2015, some 550 UK-based portfolio investors were active in India, with investments worth £11.8 billion. This sum equates to nearly 10% of total cumulative investment by FIIs in India. We set up our Private Equity fund to invest in Indian companies a decade ago. But the PM has more work to do. In a UKIBC poll of British business ‘Quality of bureaucracy’ is rated as the weakest component of India’s business environment (33% rating it ‘very poor’).

What will boost trade?

According to UKIBC ‘Request for product or service from customers in India’ emerged as a key factor, with 62% of respondents rating it ‘Very important’, followed by ‘Visiting the markets (personally)’ with 53% respondents highlighting it as ‘Very important’ for why UK companies were active in India. The same poll, and I credit PM Modi for this, showed a drop in corruption as a barrier to British companies doing business in India. But equally, getting payments from Government contracts is a problem still – so the biggest battle for PM Modi in boosting India’s trade is with his own bureaucracy – but he well knows that. His ‘e-biz’ initiative will (slowly) make matters better – but again the State Governments needed to be battled with by PM Modi. His policy of ‘competitive federalism’ will help. The mandatory ‘Tender Transparency’ in healthcare fails to encourage new and innovative ideas; the require-

ment to demonstrate past performance and a track-record in India is an unfair barrier for new entrants, who want to bring new ideas, technology, and finance into India. Problems such as these remain and so much more needs to be done to improve trade and investment by India, but under this PM there is the will and push from above. According to the UKIBC, ‘the positive movement … indicates that the Government’s measures to put in place better taxation structures and simplify regulations are finally starting to show results. This is also reflected by the gradual rise in the ‘Quality of bureaucracy’ over the last three years.’ Bravo Modi.


The PM’s vision has undoubtedly led to investment and capital from UK to India: ● Make in India – “India is forecast to post GDP growth of 6.7% in 2017-18, rising to 7.4% for 2018- 19.3 The public ‘repositioning’ of India, coupled with targeted structural reforms and policies such as ‘Make in India’, have made India a beneficiary of a deluge of FDI flows” according to UKIBC ● Smart City initiatives , the partnership struck in 2017 between Rolls Royce and TCS in order to exploit future data innovation opportunities in IoT – is one example. India's young population (one in every 3 people below the age of 14) shows why the UK’s tech advantage and India’s know-how needs are inextricably linked. ● Electric Cars - India’s policy to have all electric vehicles by 2030. ● Healthcare - The Indian healthcare industry is growing at a rapid pace and is expected to be at £197 billion by 2020. ● Blockchain – the Indian FM specifically mentioned in his budget speech the importance of this technology and the UK is the global leader in the space. ● MeghRaj, the official Government of India cloud, the use of AI in national security, and big data for Aadhaar – all areas of strength also for the UK to collaborate. ● Raising Capital in UK: Currently there are 23 Masala bonds listed which have raised $4.91 billion. Indian Railway Finance Corporation (IRFC), listed its first green bond in 2017, at London Stock Exchange raising $500 million. Indian Power Finance Corporation raising $400 million. Rural Electrification Corporation of India raising $450 million on the London Stock Exchange. National Highways Authority of India raised INR 3000 crore on the exchange. It is not about Brexit or visas or who is ‘top dog’ and ‘begging bowls’– it is about mutual benefits. ● Using the UK’s know-how. The Indian PM through bilateral channels such as JETCO,

India UK Financial Partnership and UK India CEOs forum has welcomed MoUs to share UK best practice with India on boosting trade, improving IP, developing the corporate bond market, enhancing financial training, technology collaboration in advanced manufacturing, aerospace, reducing business barriers. This vision to learn from the best is a hallmark of this PM. Indeed, Shri Nitin Gadkari came to the UK to call upon Indian business leaders in UK to come forward and cooperate with the Indian Government in its Namami Ganga project to clean the river Ganga. In the gathering the Minister highlighted that projects worth over Rs 2500 crore. UK businesses make a huge contribution to the Indian growth story, not least through the employment of over 780,000 Indians, or 5.5% of the country’s organised private sector workforce.

Movement of People – Developing Skills

It is vital India develops skills from the free movement of UK businesses. And this PM’s focus on skills development is critical to building modern India. ● UK businesses in India invest significantly in skills development and corporate social responsibility (CSR). UK businesses in India invest 7% of total revenue on skills development and on average 4.4% of their profits in CSR. ● Ten leading UK based companies with significant presence in India, have signed the UK-India Skills Pledge, committing to invest £29.29 million to train about 2 million people in India by 2020. Nonsense headlines such as ‘UK government told to accept high immigration or forget trade deal with India after Brexit’ cloud the truth of what insiders see. Governments seek reciprocity in their relations and UKIndia will be no different. So it is with his focus on ease of doing business in India and on tech and entrepreneurship, bilateral trade will naturally increase; whilst journalists and politicians will natter over visas. This Prime Minister moves over and beyond minor issues. -Alpesh Patel Alpesh is a Dealmaker (India), Department for International Trade. He is the Former UK India Business Council Board Member, UK India Roundtable Member appointed by the then Prime Minister. CEO asset manager, Praefinium, investing in India. (These are author’s personal opinions. Data source: UKIBC Department for International Trade and the Indian High Commission in London)

Reviving the Commonwealth together When Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrives for the Commonwealth Heads of Government (CHOGM) meeting in London, he will be more than aware of his very presence at the summit. It will mark the first visit by an Indian Prime Minister to CHOGM since Trinidad and Tobago back in 2010. Previous summits in Perth, Colombo and Malta were not attended by previous Indian leaders. Prime Minister Modi understands that this is the time to revive the Commonwealth with the scope of collaborations between 53 countries the opportunities are limitless. India as one of the fastest growing economies, with a population of over 1.3 billion people, a youth dividend where over half of whom are under 25 India is viewed as the natural new leader within a more outward facing Commonwealth. Four years since the Modi landslide election victory, India under his remarkable leadership has embarked upon an

ambitious and unprecedented programme of modernisation. From rural investment to Make In India, to technology, finance, the social sector, health, education and skills, the rate of expansion and investment has moved India into a new era. With a population of over 1.3 billion people, over half of whom are under 25 and under India is a country that cannot afford to stand still. Internationally, Global India

wherever she is represented is making a contribution to public life and influencing decision making in a way in which many Government’s in the West simply cannot. At the World Economic Forum a forum where few Western leaders made a lasting impact, all eyes were on the East with China but also India setting an international agenda. PM Modi as, leader of the fastest growing major economy in the world and largest democracy delivered a special address during which he also spoke about the opportunities and dangers of technology, India’s plan to fight income inequality, job creation, and how the country is “cutting the red tape and rolling out the red carpet” to international trade and investment.

The significance of his visit and the welcome he will receive by the British Government cannot be under estimated. His speech at Davos is just as relevant to the future of the Commonwealth and how growing links in business and skills to boost our economic prosperity and nations applies not just to the UK and India but across the Commonwealth. The UK and India are anchored by our shared history, democratic values and common interests – as the world’s oldest democracy and the world’s largest democracy – which should mark a new era in the UK-India relationship, based on the choices and challenges we are faced with today. This no longer applies to our bi-lateral ties but also to our global ties and Global India and Global Britain seek to revive the Commonwealth together. -Rt Hon Priti Patel MP Priti was the UK Government’s first ever UK Indian Diaspora Champion and is a friend of PM Modi.

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Asian Voice | 21st April 2018


How Modi’s India is a force for positive change in the Commonwealth

In an era of global uncertainty, it has been fashionable to talk about new beginnings. More often than not, the key to unlocking a brighter future can be found in our past. T h e Co m m o n we a l t h Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) represents a natural fusion between history and the path ahead, where old partnerships come together to address new challenges. The arrival of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the UK-hosted summit is symbolic in more ways than one. His presence reminds us of the deep and abiding friendship between the UK and India but also the strategic importance of our relations within the Commonwealth family, which has overcome the test of time, the memory of Empire and the toils of partition. Leading a prestigious delegation of Ministers and business leaders during his 4-day visit, Modi will preside over meetings with Her Majesty the Queen, His Royal Highness Prince Charles, and of course Prime Minister Theresa May. Together with other Commonwealth Heads of State, he will help chart a course

of action for the future. As Modi prepares to take up the mantle for India’s next chapter in the Commonwealth, it is fitting to reflect on the role of former Prime Minister Nehru in paving the way. A fervent opponent of imperialism, Nehru’s decision that the newly-independent India should join the Commonwealth was as controversial as it was surprising. After all, it was assumed that nationhood for India would entail an automatic severing of political ties under the aegis of the British Empire. Nehru, however, was more than a nationalist: he was an outwardlooking humanist who understood the importance of international solutions to increasingly intertwined world problems. Of course, that was a different time, a different India and Prime Minister Modi is a very different leader. But he shares Nehru’s fundamental understanding that India’s success will depend upon its ability to build international relationships. Since assuming office, Modi has proved that he is not only a Prime Minister but a serious statesman whose country’s global role is acquiring ever more heft. In a short space of time, he has undertaken several state visits, participated in the World Economic Forum and articulated a new vision for security and defence. All of which send a powerful signal of India’s growing global ambitions. The world is watching. Looking to the future of the Commonwealth, Britain and India can be powerful partners for positive change. The

Commonwealth then as now, was regarded as a force for good: A family of fiftythree nations, its diverse membership is committed to a set of values founded on democracy and rule of law which is embodied in the Commonwealth charter. Today it is home to one-third of the world’s people, contains some of the world’s fastest growing economies and accounts for one fifth of the world’s trade. There is vast untapped potential. As head of the Commonwealth and the oldest Parliamentary democracy, Britain remains an active world player, with our impressive soft power, historic relations and commitment to trade. As the Commonwealth’s largest democracy of 1.3 billion people with an economy that is forecast to outperform China, India has both an opportunity and responsibility to play a serious role in shaping the Commonwealth’s future for the benefit of all members. Britain and India’s individually strong relations give us an added advantage: We are defenders of democracy, champions of commerce and evangelists for the power of entrepreneurship. Trade between our two countries hovers around the $14bn mark and is set to rise. As the world’s seventh largest economy, it is not inconceivable that India could supersede the United States as the UK’s principal trading partner. Britain is home to some of the largest Indian companies and a large Diaspora which has been galvanised by Modi’s

brand of aspirational politics. I know I speak for many British Indians who, like myself, are excited by what Modi’s India has in store. To celebrate this new beginning, I will be hosting an event in Parliament with a gathering of British and Indian industry leaders and Members of Parliament. I hope it will be the first of many. Going forward, India and the UK’s combined talents and resources could help the Commonwealth unlock its powerful trading potential, and this should be our priority. The US will always be a stalwart ally; but the Commonwealth is our family. Like all good families, the Commonwealth is not without its complications and challenges. And like all good families, we should work together when the going gets tough. At this time of great global unease, these familial ties can bring fresh comfort: the Commonwealth has the historical blueprint to make it a serious player on the world stage. The partnership between the UK and India can and should be a bedrock in the effort to reinvent the Commonwealth as a model of stability and hope for the 21 st Century. The Commonwealth is our past; it is also our future. -Lord Dolar Popat Lord Popat is Vice Chairman of the APPG on the Commonwealth, and the Prime Minister’s Trade Envoy to Uganda and Rwanda.

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www.asian-voice.com Asian Voice | 21st April 2018




Global Britain meets Global India

The next twelve months will be a nation-defining period for both UK and India. The Brexit negotiations will come to a head, with Parliament voting on the final withdrawal arrangements and framework for the future relationship with the European Union. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Modi is entering a more intense phase of his premiership ahead of the 2019 polls, which will deliver a verdict on his first term in Government. Both countries are at a historic inflection point. Prime Minister Theresa May has spoken about her vision for Global Britain – a country that is outward looking, a magnet for international talent, an open trading nation that goes out into the world to build new relationships. Whereas Brexit still divides people, this more expansive agenda is capable of unifying both sides. It also plays naturally to the strengths of British Indians. As a globally connected community – many of whom also have deep experience of Africa - the diaspora will be of ever greater value as the UK pursues new trading opportunities with the rest of the world. Under Prime Minister Modi’s leadership, India has intensified its domestic economic reforms and re-established its status on the world stage welcoming inward foreign investment and improving

the ease of doing business. So, whilst there is rising trade protectionism elsewhere, both the UK and India remain committed to an open, liberal, rules-based international order. This win-win formula has a proven track record of lifting millions out poverty and should not be jettisoned lightly - not least for a country like India with a young and aspirant population. The UK and India should focus, above all, on providing a consistent and predictable business environment. All the empirical evidence shows that investment is highly correlated with these features. So, as like-minded countries - connected by a large and dynamic diaspora – how else can the two nations advance their shared interests? Whilst there are multiple avenues, the following three areas would provide a timely boost to the UKIndia partnership. The first is to reinvigorate the Commonwealth and sharpen its focus on trade and investment. The theme of prosperity will be high-up on the agenda for the 25th Heads of Government Meeting in London this week. The combined GDP of the Commonwealth is over USD 10 trillion and includes some of the fastest growing countries and regions in the world. IntraCommonwealth trade and investment is projected to surpass USD 1.5 trillion by 2020. It is also a conduit for the fast-growing corridor of south-south activity between developing economies which now represents over a quarter of world trade. India, as the largest member of the Commonwealth - and with a strong interest in Africa – is ideally placed to take a

leadership role. Second, India needs to boost its physical infrastructure including investment in power, roads, railways, ports and airports to support its inexorable urbanisation. The capacity to deliver this scale of investment depends crucially on forging publicprivate partnerships and accessing innovative financing – a mission which India’s National Investment and Infrastructure Fund was established to achieve but has not made sufficient progress. British architects, transport consultants, civil engineers, contractors, equipment manufacturers and project financiers should be deployed to help build large swathes of 21st century India – the so called “Smart Cities” – just as an earlier generation did in the 19th century. And third, India’s development needs large scale financing, which the Indian banking system is struggling to provide until it clears up its legacy non-performing loans. The City of London with its common language and legal structures, and favourable timezone, remains the obvious gateway for Indian companies wanting to access global financial markets. London remains officially ranked as the world’s number one financial centre. We are home to over 250 foreign banks – more than any other centre. Almost 500 foreign companies are listed on the London Stock Exchange and approaching 40% of the world’s foreign exchange transactions take place in the City. Infact, twice as many dollars are traded in UK than US. This ecosystem is robust enough to survive the inevitable changes from Brexit.

UK-based fund managers invest over £8 trillion in assets – almost 5 times the size of the Indian economy which has supported the development of the nascent “Masala Bond” market investing in Indian infrastructure. Since Prime Minister Modi spoke about “James Bond, Brooke Bond and Rupee Bond” at Wembley Stadium in November 2015, their issuance has accelerated and the London Stock Exchange currently has 24 bonds listed valued at over USD 5 billion, making Britain the leading centre. However, this is only the start and London has the ability to mobilise further capital and financial expertise; to issue bonds or equity for India’s companies; to insure their risks; to hedge currency or commodity exposures and provide the world’s best professional services network ranging from accounting to legal services. There is clearly no better partner than the UK for financing India’s economic development. So the decisions taken by the UK and India in the coming months will have a lasting impact for generations to come. By focusing on the big areas of common interest, and championing a system of predictable and transparent international rule-making, UK and India can build a truly shared and enduring prosperity - Lord Jitesh Gadhia Lord Gadhia is the youngest Indian peer in the House of Lords. An investment banker of repute, Gadhia has been part of some of the largest investment flows between the UK and India and also helped craft Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s speech in 2015 November to a full house at Wembley Stadium.

A Wish List to the Prime Minister of India from British Millennials Dear Prime Minister Mr Modi ji, Welcome to the United Kingdom. The day you were elected with a landslide victory as Prime Minister of the world’s largest democracy and Commonwealth powerhouse showed the world that the notion of “The Indian Dream” is not simply singing songs through fields of colourful tulips as Bollywood cinematography so often depicts. The Indian Dream is in fact rather quite different. The Indian Dream as demonstrated by you from chai-walla (tea seller) to Prime Minister is an example of how in India, one could progress to the greatest heights, goals and aspirations through hard work. With the United Kingdom’s departure from the European Union less than a year away, India has been described as one of the UK’s most vital partners. Mr Modi, it will be you, in conjunction with our Government in the UK who will play a crucial part in setting the agenda for a brighter and more prosperous relationship between the two countries. Your visit in April 2018 will be another step in the synthesis of the “UK-India Dream”. Just like the process of making the perfect cup of chai (tea), the relationship between the UK and India requires a variety of well-balanced ingredients to play their role to create a warm, uplifting and smooth relationship. Among one of the most important ingredients to create the perfect blend would be the interaction between the millennial generations of both countries. The millennial generation has been described as the “hybrid of golden worlds so splendidly conceived” and I believe will play an instrumental role in the future trajectory of the two nations. At present, the relationship is far from balanced due to what I call “the interest gap challenge”. In an Ipos Mori Poll, 74% of young, educated Indians said that they knew a “great deal” or “fair amount” about the UK, only 21% of their UK counterparts could say the same. The

poll also showed that less than 15% of young people in the UK have participated in specific Indian programmes, cultural events or exhibitions compared to a third of their Indian counterparts. I believe that it will be the millennials who will be tasked with driving the relationship between the two countries. In order to keep the millennial generation engaged and enthused, sustained action is needed to ensure the two countries remain practically relevant and important in the lives of both British and Indian millennials. It is on this basis, I set out my wish list inspired by the British Millennials (many of whom form part of the Indian Diaspora). 1. The development of a UK-India Millennial Leaders Programme in conjunction with the Indian High Commission and UK Foreign Office which could provide a platform to mentor, train and establish leaders across a variety of professions from both countries. The programme could meet annually to discuss the themes of cooperation and collaboration. 2. Establish a closer working relationship between the UK Youth Parliament and Indian Youth Parliament which will provide a means for young future leaders of both countries to build early rapports with each other. 3. With more British Millennials setting up businesses, the next logical step would be to liberalise the Indian Legal Industry. If India is going to be the destination of big business and start-ups alike, their international legal teams will need to follow and set up in areas beyond the special economic zone in India. It is believed that liberalising the Indian legal market is key to establishing a connection with the British millennials. 4. Enhancing Indian and British Arts initiatives in both countries. Just as New York’s Broadway and London’s West End enjoy a strong working relationship could the next ten to fifteen years witness a Mumbai and London stage production and theatrical association? Further, just as the Chinese and Moscow State Circuses have had a profound impact on communities throughout the UK, perhaps the All India State Circus or derivation of it portraying the rich and diverse heritage of India could be welcomed to the shores of the United Kingdom. 5. The Indian High Commission to be more millennial focussed. Whilst, the Indian High Commission under

the leadership of His Excellency Y.K Sinha, has perhaps been more engaged and active than ever before, there is scope for more activities hosted by the Indian High Commission which is focused on the millennials. For example, perhaps an initiative such as “The High Commissioner’s Speakers Programme”, where representatives of the High Commission can attend university campuses in the UK to promote the work, successes and solutions to challenges which exist in India. Further the Indian High Commission could organise sector specific groups and workshops from millennials across the United Kingdom to gain a broad range of ideas on how to create deeper and more lasting relations between the two countries. I appreciate the above suggestions require the cooperation of both the UK and Indian Governments. I very much your trip in the United Kingdom is a success and that the two countries as well on their way to create the “UK-India Dream”. Yours sincerely, Pranav Bhanot Pranav Bhanot is the editor of “The Living Bridge – The UK-India Diaspora and the Rise of the Millennials”, co-chairman of the India-UK Legal Exchange Programme and former London coordinator of the Conservative Friends of India. Pranav is a London based commercial litigation solicitor and mediator.


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Asian Voice |

21st April 2018


Suresh Vagjiani Sow & Reap London Property Investment

I was recently referred to a contact who is looking to deploy a large sum to invest in the UK, he is based in India. He needs a place to stay for a couple of years and in parallel wishes to invest. His requirement is two fold, an immediate place to reside and also a good investment to develop out. It was only after the meeting when I Googled his name, I found out he is a big shaker in the movie industry, and surprisingly also a big player in the Mumbai real estate industry. The exodus of funds from India are still flowing strongly. In fact he has been in the real estate business in India for over three decades. It is unusual to have a strong foot in both industries. But actually, when you think about it, it is a very sensible move to make, as the movie industry is one of the most unpredictable industries to be in. Real estate would be a way to

neutralise the fluctuations. It is a good safety net for any business. There have been many case studies of entrepreneurs drawing upon their real estate portfolios during times when their main business was not performing so well, and even on the brink of collapse. Even self-invested pension funds allow investment into residential property, via some controls being in place. The point being, as far as business goes, property is probably the safest business to be in. After all, the bank is still prepared to lend up to 75% of the value of a property investment, and though mortgage requirements have increased, there are still a few lenders out there who will pass the application with relatively little paper work, when it comes to Buy to Let cases. There is good reason why

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the minimum requirements for light, ventilation, and electrical wiring.

Basically, you offer and maintain the property to basic requirements, such as weather proofing, heat, water, electricity, sanitary, and a structurally safe home.

As of October 2016, all properties require smoke alarms and CO alarms where solid fuel may be used; furthermore in April this year, you also need to make sure that the your property meets the minimum energy efficiency rating E. As always, there are severe penalties for non-compliance. These are just a couple of examples of the legal requirements of a landlord.

Local councils typically set specific standards, such as

On the other hand, tenants have a responsibility to

A: This is a question that comes up every now and then, even with the most experienced of landlords.

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keep their own property clean and sanitary. If they do not, the tenants can't come to you and request repairs that are due to their negligence, for example, infestations of pests such as ants and rats. In that case you as the landlord could have the work done and send the bill to the tenants (not all the time, but in some scenarios). You may at some point, depending on who your tenant is, be able to request the repair to be arranged or carried out by the tenant, in exchange for a reduction in rent (if the tenant agrees). If the

the term ‘safe as houses’ exists. On the plain vanilla Buy to Let side, this statement is true; especially at the bottom end of the market. As you go higher, the risks increase, as on a down turn these will be the properties which get hit the most. This is something we have become painfully aware of on one of our deals. Last week, I viewed a couple of freehold houses which were just stunning. One of them has an outside area and even a separate dwelling for staff. It even has planning potential. The property consists of over 6300 sq. ft., and the asking price is £8m, which equates to only £1,200 a sq. ft. This is only the asking price, I was told they would take an offer and the vendors need to sell. Unfortunately, the seller fits into one of the three D’s, in this case Divorce. tenant fails to do the job well, you as the landlord are not excused from your responsibility to keep the property in a habitable condition. If you try and avoid your responsibility to make required repairs, a tenant usually has several options, depending on the problem. These options include but are not limited to: ● making the necessary repairs and deducting the costs from the next month's rent ● withholding the entire rent until the problem is fixed ● paying less rent while the property remains

They are in the midst of divorce proceedings and need to sell the family silver and the matrimonial house to be able to move on with their lives. This is what a buyer seeks - a motivated seller. To put this deal in perspective, council flats in nearby locations are selling for circa £1,000 per sq. ft. Here you have a property which is like a rare diamond. There are only two like this in the street, and it is difficult to purchase freeholds in this location. This end of the market has been hit hard. Previously, this type of substandard ● calling the local Council, who can usually order you to make repairs ● moving out without paying for future rent, even in the middle of an agreement You may also find yourself being sued by the tenant for a partial refund of past rent, and in some circumstances, can sue for the discomfort, annoyance, and emotional distress caused by the poor conditions. Your best bet is to handle repairs as soon as possible. Take care of major problems, such as

property would have reached as high as £2,000 per sq. ft, achieving a price of £12.6m. This kind of deal suits an investor with deep pockets, someone who can ride through the sluggish market over the next two to three years. If they can hang on, this property refurbished with some light development should be well able to achieve this kind of figure, giving a very handsome return to the right type of investor. Please get in touch if this type of deal interests you. plumbing or heating problems, within 24 hours. For minor problems, respond in 48 hours. Always keep tenants informed as to when and how the repairs will be made, and the reasons for any delays. The chances are, you thought your property investment would look after itself, but it actually involves hard work if you manage it all yourself. At Sow & Reap we can handle all this for you, leaving you with more time and less hassle. Get in touch to discuss your needs. Richard Bond Lettings Manager Sow & Reap

● A stunning purpose-built flat ● Comprising of a large reception room, four bedrooms, one bathroom, and fitted kitchen ● Measuring approximately 1,000 sq. ft. ● Considered one of the most desirable buildings in the area due to its design and architecture ● Communal garden ● Minutes away from Paddington Recreation Ground ● Expected resale value is £1m Call us now for more information!

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21st April 2018


May officially opens the Commonwealth Business Forum marking the start of CHOGM in London CII leads momentous CEO delegation to Commonwealth Summit 2018

The UK Prime Minister Theresa May opened the Co m m o n we a l t h Business Forum (CBF) on Monday in London, marking the start of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) with a message of using organisations to promote greater trade and challenge the forces of protectionism. May in her opening speech at the Guildhall reportedly said, “The 2018 Commonwealth Trade Review predicted that trade between member states will be worth USD 700 billion by 2020 . Yet risks remain. Global growth is fragile. The challenges posed by protectionism are all too clear. "If Commonwealth businesses are to flourish in such times, if we are to deliver and secure the prosperous future our young people want and deserve, then the Commonwealth and

national governments must not be afraid to act.” India is among 53 member-countries participating in the summit hosted by the UK in London with the theme of "Towards a Common Future". A high-profile delegation of nearly 40 business leaders across sectors from India is participating in the Commonwealth Business Forum in London being held as part of the Commonwealth Summit 2018. Led by the recently elected CII President, Mr Rakesh Bharti Mittal, Vice Chairman, Bharti Enterprises, the delegation is in London from 16–18 April. Re-engaging with the Commonwealth at the highest level with Prime Minister Modi’s participation at CHOGM is a marked strategic shift for India. Possibly the largest Indian delegation of CEOs and young Indian business leaders to any Commonwealth Summit

in recent times, the visit aims to reinforce Indian industry’s commitment to strengthening business ties across Commonwealth nations. “The key question now is- what will be the newage “common” factor in the Commonwealth? India’s trade with Commonwealth nations is 20% of its global trade basket. We at CII believe that this opportunity and this network must be used to enhance the intraCommonwealth trade and investment agenda,” said Mr Chandrajit Banerjee, Director General, CII. “Indian companies have huge investments across the Commonwealth – in fact Africa, Malaysia, Singapore, UK and Australia which are Commonwealth counties, are among our top trading partners as well. Therefore, business must redefine and lay the foundation for the new evolving architecture of the Commonwealth – this

presents a great opportunity for Indian business to lead the narrative, whether it is in trade facilitation, seamless movement of professionals and visitors, skills to support new-age employability, sustainability or small business,” he added. During the course of the two and a half days, several engagements have been lined up to deliberate key themes on boosting trade and enhancing sector cooperation where Indian industry’s key interests lie, including in digital technologies, agriculture and food security, education and skills, infrastructure, healthcare and energy security and renewable technologies. Tripartite collaboration or bilateral cooperation for collaboration in third countries has also been of significant interest, with new models of collaboration between India and the UK, focusing on joint projects and investments in Africa. A

committee of hosts from the CII, along with Lord Popat from Harrow, UK Prime Minister’s Trade Envoy to Uganda and Rwanda, co-hosted an India-UK-Africa Commonwealth Reception in Westminster, which will bring together government dignitaries and business leaders attending CHOGM and the Commonwealth Business Forum to exchange views and ideas for greater business engagement. Prominent members of the delegation includeMr Rakesh Bharti Mittal (Leader of the Delegation), President, CII and Vice Chairman, Bharti Enterprises, Mr Chandrajit Banerjee, Director General, CII; Mr Rajive Kaul, Past President, CII and Chairman, Nicco Engineering Services Ltd; Mr Sumit Mazumder, Past President, CII and Chairman & Managing Director, TIL Ltd; Dr Rajiv I Modi, Chairman &

Managing Director, Cadila Pharmaceuticals Limited; Mr Rahul Munjal, Chairman & Managing Director, Hero Future Energies Pvt Ltd; Mr Ravi Parthasarathy, Chairman, Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services Ltd,Dr Raghupati Singhania, Chairman & Managing Director, JK Tyre & Industries Limited;Mr Yusuff Ali M.A., Chairman and Managing Director, Lulu Group International; Mr Ajay Piramal, Chairman, Piramal Enterprises Limited; Mr Salil Singhal, Chairman, Secure Meters Ltd; Mr R Dinesh, Managing Director, TVS Logistics Services Limited. Prince William welcomed Commonwealth delegates to a global summit by telling them they were part of the "mother of all networks". He spoke at the opening of the event, the "Welcome to the UK" reception, in London on Monday.

UK joins India-led International Solar Alliance to help provide over 1 billion of the world’s poorest people with clean, affordable energy

The UK is joining the Indian-led International Solar Alliance (ISA) to give over 1 billion of the world’s poorest people access to cheap, clean, renewable energy, the International Development Secretary Penny Mordaunt announced on Monday 16 April ahead of the Indian Prime Minister’s state visit. Narendra Modi’s flagship climate treaty has already brought together more than 60 countries who have pledged to increase solar power that will ensure homes remain lit, children can be educated in schools, health facilities can provide life-saving treatment, and businesses have access to vital mobile and internet services. At an event held at the London Stock Exchange as part of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meetings (CHOGM), the UK cemented its membership to the ISA, which is aiming to raise $1 trillion of private and public finance to provide affordable and sustainable energy for all by 2030. The International Development Secretary has championed the UK’s world-leading innovation and expertise – including from the City of London, the leading global centre for green investment finance - that will enable the ISA to deliver more effective programmes and help more of the world’s most vulnerable people. International Development Secretary, Penny Mordaunt said: “The signing of this treaty

is a momentous occasion for the UK, and demonstrates our continued commitment to providing the very best of British expertise to the renewable energy sector. With the UK joining the International Solar Alliance, the lives of almost a billion of the world’s poorest people, across the Commonwealth and beyond, will be Ok changed for the better. “Partnering with likeminded countries and businesses who share the UK’s commitment to delivering clean, affordable energy will help end poverty while also delivering benefits for the UK by opening up business opportunities for UK renewable energy and green finance companies. “Without India’s leadership, the Alliance would not have come so far and

High Commissioner of India to UK HE Y K Sinha at the India-UK collaboration of International Solar Alliance

so fast. By increasing access to solar energy, millions more babies will now be delivered safely, millions of farmers will be able to grow more crops and better support their families, and millions more children can be better educated.” The UK will support the ISA to develop solar water pumping projects, where farmers can use cheaper solar power – rather than diesel pumps to water their crops. This will build on the success of similar initiatives in Uganda and Bangladesh where farmers are already growing higher value vegetable crops and increasing their incomes. UK expertise will also help increase the number

of ‘mini grids’ supplying power to remote areas that cannot be reached by the main electricity grid. These energy sources are a life-line for rural communities, helping to power business and homes, making sure the poorest people no matter where they live can access clean, reliable and affordable energy quickly to lift themselves out of poverty. This new collaboration means the ISA will be able to make solar power cheaper by helping countries join forces to procure solar energy systems. Currently twelve ISA countries, including Commonwealth countries Bangladesh and Malawi want to purchase over 720,000 solar pumps

through ISA. The joint purchase will see a significant reduction in solar pump costs for each of the participating countries and up to five million people in developing countries will benefit from this collective purchase. Dignitaries who spoke at the event included Mr. Upendra Tripathy, Interim-Director General of the International Solar Alliance, High Commissioner of India Mr. Y. K. Sinha, the UK High Commissioner to India Sir Dominic Asquith, Sam Parker – Director of Shell Foundation, Maheep Jain of Commonwealth Development Corporation, Joost Zuidberg – Chairman of GuarantCo, Jon Lane of Carbon Trust, Chris

Hewett, Chief Executive, UK Solar Trade Association and Mahmood Malik, Executive Director & CEO of IDCOL. The event saw the launch of a Paper titled, “Financing the Green Revolution”, commissioned by KPMG. The paper focused on financing requirements of ISA countries for harnessing solar, innovations required in financing and road map for assistance to ISA, including UK’s role. This was followed by a discussion with UK financial institutions and facilities on investments and opportunities for mobilizing finance in the solar sector in ISA countries. The participants at the event included High Commissioners of Commonwealth countries and Ambassadors, institutional investors in UK such as pension funds, insurance companies, solar researchers, the C o m m o n w e a l t h Development Corporation (CDC), UKs DFID, I n f r a s t r u c t u r e Development Company Limited (IDCOL) of Bangladesh, Carbon Trust, Sell Foundation, UK Climate Investments, UK Solar Trade Association, UK Research and Innovation etc.

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Asian Voice | 21st April 2018

India ranks 10th among commonwealth nations on the global innovation index India has been ranked 10th among all the commonwealth countries and 60th among the global states on the global innovation index (GII 2017), an index that measures innovation based on institutions, human capital, infrastructure and market and business environment fostering innovation, innovation outputs covering knowledge and technology outputs and creative outputs. The first ever launch of commonwealth innovation hub took place on Monday morning, to unleash the innovation potential of the commonwealth. The Commonwealth which is also developing the innovation index, is aiming to provide a tool that allows member states, organisations and citizens to benchmark themselves against countries of the commonwealth. Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland launched the C o m m o n w e a l t h

Innovation Hub on the opening day of the 2018 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in London. “On my appointment as Commonwealth Secretary-General, I had promised to put both ‘common’ and ‘wealth’ back into the Commonwealth. This included the wealth of our common ideas and innovations – from 53 member states, 87 organisations of the family and 2.4 billion people of the Commonwealth,” said the Secretary-General. “I have fulfilled my promise by creating a digital platform to tap and unleash the innovation wealth of the Commonwealth. The establishment of this hub is a quantum leap in our reform and renewal process.” The Innovation Hub has five facets. The ‘display’ space showcases ideas and innovation stories from all across the Commonwealth. The ‘data’ portal is a repository of Commonwealth information and knowl-

edge resources and includes thousands of publications. The ‘delivery’ space is the Commonwealth’s digital showroom from where anyone can download, read and use the knowledge products and toolkits created by the Secretariat. And the ‘discovery’ space is an innovation lab for incubating new ideas and accelerating innovations with maximum social impact. The fifth facet is partnerships. The Secretariat has initiated a number of collaborations with international, civil society and knowledge partners, said the Assistant SecretaryGeneral, Nabeel Goheer. It includes an agreement to establish a C o m m o n w e a l t h Innovation Fund in partnership with the Global Innovation Fund, a social venture fund capitalised by the governments of Australia, UK and South Africa, among others. The goal of the C o m m o n w e a l t h Innovation Fund will be to enable innovators in

Commonwealth countries access early-stage to funding not available through traditional channels. “In a world that is shaped by innovation, the Commonwealth is a global family and a unique group of nations with a shared commitment to prosperity. With the support of Commonwealth governments, and working with the Secretariat, the C o m m o n w e a l t h Innovation Fund can help make the vision of a common future for the 53 Commonwealth countries a reality,” said Dr Alix Zwane, Chief Executive Officer of the Global Innovation Fund. Prior to his visit, PM Narendra Modi emphasising on innovation as a key aspect of his CHOGM agenda tweeted saying, “Looking forward to strengthening India-UK relations during my visit to UK, which begins on 18th April. Sectors such as healthcare, innovation, digital technology and cyber security will be among the core focus areas during the visit.”

UK WELCOMES MODI Swedish companies have committed to invest USD 1.1 billion in India over the next two years.”

Bilateral with UK This time, PM Modi is believed to be the only Prime Minister who will be having a bilateral with Theresa May. The Prime Minister will start his day with a meeting with the UK counterpart Theresa May on Wednesday 18th at 10 Downing Street, and believed to be signing an already existing, but modified MoU with the UK regarding the return of the illegal Indian immigrants to India. This will be followed by a meeting with Prince Charles, followed by another meeting with Mrs May where NaMo will be attending a showcase of British and Indian tech talents at the CEO’s Forum. It is believed Prince Charles will also attend that event in the first ever battery operated Jaguar car. Modi will then have a personal and exclusive meeting with the Queen, who is perhaps personally attending the CHOGM for the last time, followed by a dinner with all Heads of State, hosted by Theresa May. India is looking to increase its involvement in Commonwealth, and it is believed with China's

growing importance in bilaterals with UK, India is looking to talk about visa and easing of the system. However the UK and India will be signing a number of MoUs including one between the College of medicine, university of Westminster in the UK with the international centre of Ayurvedic Studies for an ‘Ayurveda Centre of Excellence’ in the UK. The plaque for this centre of excellence will be inaugurated during Modi’s meeting with Prince Charles on 18th. An initiative of Prince Charles himself, the centre is being launched in London with hopes of future inclusion of Ayurvedic medicines in NHS and GP prescriptions. Mainly a research centre, it now will work towards building this trust in Ayurveda as real medicine and establish branches among several hospitals in the UK. On 18th, Modi will also address around 1500 people from the diaspora at the Central Hall, Westminster. Questions are already pouring in from all across the world, and not only the audience present there will get a chance to ask a question to Modi but people across the world would also get a chance to do so through live video conferencing.


PM Narendra Modi with Asian Voice Publisher/Editor CB Patel in Wembley, November 2015

He is also meant to visit the Basaveshwara statue in Lambeth and may make a brief trip to the Silicon roundabout near Old Street. On 19th, Modi will be taking part in CHOGM and will be attending the Queen’s dinner at Buckingham palace with other head of states. On 20th there will be a retreat in Windsor, where the head of states will meet each other without presence of any officials and discuss one to one any matter of concern. Modi will be leaving the UK at night on 20th via Heathrow. Minister M J Akbar and other indian Secretaries and ministers will also be travelling to the UK too and participating in CHOGM. But none of them would accompany the Prime Minister himself. It is also rumoured

that Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and NaMo may have a bilateral in the UK.

Several protests & cultural activities There are several protests planned including one against Modi on 18th at Parliament square by pro Kashmir and Khalistani separatist groups. Women of the UK are doing a silent protest, to publicly express their pain, sorrow and shock and most of condemn rape of small girls in India. This will be held between 1:30 and 3:30pm on 18th. It is rumoured that Indian Tamils demanding Cauvery river water disputes to be resolved with implementation of the Supreme Court judgement will also be joining the mix. More than 30 NRI organisations will be

Prince Harry to Commonwealth youth: “It’s you who are going to change the world”

Having been appointed as the Commonwealth Youth Ambassador by his grandmother, Her Majesty the Queen, Prince Harry on Monday morning at CHOGM told young delegates that "it is you who are going to change the world". He even drew cheers as he described how his fiancee Meghan Markle is "hugely excited" to join his work in a new role handed to him by the Queen. He reportedly said, "In my new role, I will work to support the Queen, my father the Prince of Wales, and my brother William, all of whom know that young people are the answer to the challenges of today. "I am also incredibly grateful that the woman I am about to marry, Meghan, will be joining me in this work, of which she too is hugely excited to take part in." PM Theresa May also showcasing their cultural talents at the Parliament square including music, dance and speeches from 12pm onwards. Friends of India Society International in a statement said, “The organisations will be represented by their members celebrating and supporting for India's growing importance both with the Commonwealth movement as well globally.”

Petition to stop Lord Ahmed William Smith, a UK resident has started a petition to Theresa May asking to ban the protest on Wednesday 18th organised Lord Nazir in parliament square. William in a petition on change.org said that has gained around 90 signatures, as we went to Press said, “A former Labour MP, Lord Nazir Ahmed of Pakistani origin, is said to be organising a protest on 18th April 2018. As informed by my friends working in High places , these protests may turn violent, as happened in 2016. Lord Nazir who is financing these protests, recently visited Pakistan to

spoke of how "the young people of today are the Commonwealth of tomorrow, its business leaders, its innovators, its heads of government". "They have incredible potential, and we as a Commonwealth have a duty to help them reach it," the Prime Minister added. That is why I have put youth at the heart of this week's agenda." Announcing the new SheTrades Commonwealth programme, she added: "It has been estimated that if women played the same role as men in labour markets, as much as $28 trillion could be added to global GDP by 2025. "If Commonwealth members are not giving women an equal opportunity to succeed in business and in trade, they are trying to take on some of the biggest economies in the world with one hand tied behind their backs." mobilise funds and also to coordinate with agencies. “Some British politicians of Pakistani origin have been entrusted with the task to mobilize people from Sikh and Muslim communities to stage protest. In the past, when such protests were held, British citizens were made to suffer, throwing our lives out of gear and common citizens were panic stricken. Even caused damage to the public property. “I fail to understand why people like Lord Nazir, a British national, are pursuing Pakistani agenda and are hellbent upon escalating tension in UK. “Let us ask authorities, Why are we made to suffer? Why do we allow our country to be a battle ground? Why has our Government permitted such protests to take place? “As a citizen of the UK and a worried father, husband and a son, I request our Government to ban this engineered protest right away. Let our symbol of democracy be not used to spread fear among our people and our soil be not used to bolster a foreign agenda.”




Asian Voice | 21st April 2018


Modi urged to set up Cauvery Board CHENNAI: Actor-politician Kamal Haasan has appealed to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, to quickly set up the Cauvery Water Management Board, telling him the Centre needed to dispel the impression that his government was dragging its feet due to elections in Karnataka and “your interest in it.” In a video message to Modi, he said, “I want this belief to be dispelled because people are more important than elections as you well know.” The actor tweeted the video message minutes after Modi reached Chennai on a chopper to attend the DefExpo, 70 km from the state capital and later, IIT Madras campus.

Kamal Haasan

Drawing attention to the “crisis” in Tamil Nadu due to a delay on part of the Centre, Kamal said, “My name is Kamal Haasan. This is an open video to my honourable Prime Minister. You can easily deliver the justice that Tamil Nadu is seeking.” Public anger over

Cauvery waters peaked in the state after the Centre kept sitting on a verdict by the Supreme Court earlier this year, requiring the Central government to set up an authority that would ensure sharing of Cauvery waters between Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, and Puducherry. Haasan had earlier blamed politics for the delay as Karnataka is set to vote its next government in May. The Supre Court, which is hearing petitions to seek implementation of its verdict, has also reprimanded the Central government for coming up with excuses to put off setting up the authority. “The Supreme Court

has already performed its constitutional role by delivering the judgment. It is now the turn of your government to perform its constitutional duty and implement the order,” Haasan said. As protests rage across Tamil Nadu over the formation of the Board, Marumalarchi Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (MDMK) founder Vaiko's close relative R Saravana Suresh set himself on fire. The man who was admitted to a hospital later succumbed to injuries. A 25 year old set him ablaze, allegedly over the Centre and state government's “inaction” on the Cauvery issue.

Telugu actress who spoke of casting couch gets help HYDERABAD: The Telugu actress who stripped outside a film chamber office, last week, to make her complaint heard, has finally received support from the country's top human rights body that asked the Telangana government to probe allegations of sexual exploitation and casting couch in the Telugu film industry. The National Human Rights Commission also appeared to have taken a dim view of how the government charged Sri Reddy with obscenity but hadn't acted on her complaints. Last Saturday, Sri had

stripped in front of the Movie Artistes' Association building to protest women from other parts of the country being given preference. She had later alleged that outsiders were more willing to trade sex for movie roles. The association had responded by declaring that she would not be given the membership that would have helped her get roles. The commission said in a statement, “But it is nowhere mentioned, if action on the serious allegations of casting couch and sexual harassment, leveled by her, has been taken by the authorities.”

Sri Reddy

The human rights body said it appeared that the action taken against her was “an attempt to muzzle the voice of whistle blower”, both, by the movie association and the state government. It also

observed that the reported ban on the actress from working in the film industry was “violation of her right to livelihood and live a life with dignity.” The commission in its notice to the central and state government, said the film industry should have a committee to probe sexual harassment at work places. “The issues raised by the actress demand action on part of the state government,” the rights body said. It called for a committee to address and redress the grievances of female actors and employees in case of any sexual harassment at the work place.


Sidhu to submit to law after govt supports conviction CHANDIGARH: Punjab Minister Navjot Singh Sidhu said he would submit to the law on his 1988 road rage case. The comment came after the Punjab government told the Supreme Court that it supported his conviction in the case. Sidhu said, “I don't have any reactions. You submit to the majesty of the law.” Punjab government counsel Sanram Singh Saron told the SC that it supported the Punjab and Haryana High Court's conviction and the three-year sentence it had handed to the cricketer-turned-politician. Saron also said that there was no evidence to support the judgment of the trial court to conclude that the victim had died of cardiac arrest. The Punjab government lawyer had also categorically stated that Sidhu's statement to the court denying his involvement was false. Sidhu's lawyer RS Cheema is all set to offer rebuttal to the Punjab government's contentions on April 17.


Navjot Singh Sidhu

No question of asking Sidhu to quit: Capt Punjab CM Amarinder Singh said there was no question of asking Sidhu to quit because of the Supreme Court proceedings against him. Amarinder said the SC had stayed Sidhu’s conviction in the 2007 road rage case and was yet to pronounce its verdict on his petition challenging the HC order. The question of the local bodies’ minister resigning, only because the state government had repeated its stand of 30 years in the case before the SC, didn’t arise, he said.

Haryana govt's school admission form kicks up row GURGAON: Haryana government has kicked off a row by introducing an admission form in government and private schools across the state seeking information about students that suffer from genetic disorders or whether parents are engaged in any “unclean occupation”. The 100-page form also includes questions inquiring Aadhaar and PAN numbers, religion, caste, income, and bank account details of parents, prompting accusations of “racial and religious profiling” from the opposition Congress. Congress spokesperson Randeep Singh Surjewala said, “The kind of private info of parents being sought is the height of insanity. Calling vocation of parents unclean is absurd.” The state government said the form was intended to make sure each student in the state received the full benefit of central and state schemes. Government sources said the state education depart-

ment had been using the form in government schools for years and it was being sent to students of private schools for the past two years “without anyone ever reading the fine print.” The Haryana state government issued a statement saying, “It's surprising that parents who admittedly pay tax on time and are not being asked to share their PAN number (not mandatory) could object to disclosing their annual income when practically all scholarship schemes have an income ceiling.” Following controversy over the mention of “unclean occupation” in the form has now been referred to as 'Pre-Matric Scholarship to the Children of Those Engaged in Occupations Involving Cleaning and Prone to Health Hazards'. The circulation about continuation of the scheme is dated April 2, 2018. With the ministry’s latest circular having the changed nomenclature, it was unclear when this had been effected.



HC stays West Bengal panchayat polls

Violance before the run- up to the panchayat election

KOLKATA: Calcutta High Court has stayed till further orders, the ongoing panchayat election process in West Bengal. Justice Subrata Talukdar, while staying the election process, also sought from the State Election Commission, a comprehensive status report on the poll process, detailing the number of nominations filed and the percentage of nominations rejected, among other information. The court said it would hear pleas challenging the SEC's decision to withdraw its April 9 notification, on April 16. Justice Talukdar had stayed the withdrawal on SEC's April 9 notification directing the Commission to treat its order of cancellation as kept in abeyance, on April 10. He held that the BJP had moved both the high court and the Supreme court on similar pleas, likening its conduct to “forum

hopping”. The SC had directed the BJP to approach the Calcutta High Court with its grievances over the deadline for filing of nominations for the panchayat polls. Calcutta High Court rejected Trinamool Congress' appeal to fast track the hearing of a plea challenging the court's order to stall the Panchayat election process in the state till April 16. A division bench of Calcutta High Court said it would hear the case next week, and asked the State Election Commission (SEC) to first file a petition on the matter and serve notice to all parties involved. The Bench comprising of Justice Talukdar also imposed a fine of Rs 5,00,000 on the BJP for misrepresenting facts by moving both the Supreme Court and the high court on the same plea.

Royal Bengal Tiger killed; probe ordered KOLKATA: A Royal Bengal Tiger, known to be habitat of Sunderbans, was killed by villagers in Midnapore. The villagers killed the big cat with sharp implements. They hurled stones and stabbed the tiger to death. As the incident came ahead of the Panchayat elections, political blame game has already started. Opposition parties criticised Trinamool Congress pointing to the failure of the forest department. Biman Bose, the left front chairman, said that it was a failure on the part of the forest department. “They should have prevented the tiger from being killed. I also fail to understand why they blame adivasis,” Bose told a TV channel. Binay Krishna Barman, West Bengal’s forest minister, said that it was a shock to see the tiger being killed by villagers. “From the very beginning we had been telling adivasis to stop their traditional hunting for the time being, but they did not listen to us. An inquiry has been ordered and guilty will be punished under the Wildlife Act. We cannot tolerate this because Royal Bengal Tiger is an endan-

Royal Bengal Tiger

gered species,” said Barman. The total number of Royal Bengal Tiger has gone down to around 1,900 five years back before increasing to around 2,200 last year. However, there are significant number of population of such tigers in Bangladesh’s part of Sunderbans and a few in Myanmar jungle. The murdered tiger was later cremated by the villagers. A procession was taken out by the villagers and the big cat was consigned to flames. A postmortem was done before that. The tiger, apparently fleeing from Simlipal forest, was found loitering in Junglemahal, once a Maoists citadel in Bengal. It travels from Lalgarh to Jharkgram and then to Bankura and Purulia at different times. The forest department has been trying to net the tiger for last two months by laying traps.


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Asian Voice | 21st April 2018

Dr. Hari Desai

Tragic love story of Sultan and Rani Rupmati

• Baz Bahadur was mesmerized by her melodious singing in the forest • The queen died a martyr to faithfulness consuming diamond powder


ndian history is full of immortal love stories. The religions or castes differences hardly came in the way. Such love stories of Heer and Ranjha (Punjab), Dhola and Maru (Rajasthan) as well as Baz Bahdur and Rani Rupmati (Malwa) are sung even today in local folk songs. In the mid-16th century, Baz Bahadur, the Prince of Mandu, the capital of Malwa now in Madhya Pradesh, was mesmerized by the melodious singing of Rupmati, when he went in the forest for hunting. She was exceedingly beautiful. Baz instantly fell in love and wanted to marry her. He proposed her to accompany him to Mandu

issues, states: “Initial Mughal rule in the Indian Subcontinent was embittered by Afghan-Turkic rivalries. Babur had defeated and ousted the Lodhis, an Afghan Dynasty. His son, Emperor Humayun was evicted from the throne by the Afghans led by Sher Shah Suri. When Akbar was consolidating his rule, he sent expedition against Afghan rulers in the Subcontinent who had been sympathetic to the Suri Dynasty.” Sultan Baz Bahadur was the last independent ruler of Mandu. His father, Shujat Khan, had served as Governor of Malwa under Sher Shah Suri and died in 1555 AD, the same year

Jahaz Mahal at Mandu attracts 10 lakh tourists every year

Palace but Rupmati laid down a condition. She replied: “When Rewa (Narmada river) shall flow through Mandu, I will be your bride.” Unlike other rulers, the Mandu Sultan never wanted to forcefully enroll her in his harem. According to a folktale, Baz Bahadur was impressed by the poetic reply of the 14-year girl and went down to the river to request it to climb the mountain and flow through Mandu, 20 KMs and 1,000 feet higher. The Sultan, who was madly in love with her, filled a lake (Rewa Kund) with Rewa waters and fulfilled the condition of the girl. Parvez Mahmood, the Islamabad-based writer on social and historical

that saw Humayun return from his exile and win back his empire from the Suri descendents. Baz Bahadur inherited his state and opted to defy Mughal sovereignty, declaring independence. “Rupmati is called the Lady of the Lotus….The love story was first recorded in poetry by Ahmad-ulUmari in 1559 AD during last years of Emperor Akbar’s reign. It is translated from the original Persian to English by L.C. Crump under the title ‘The Lady of the Lotus : Rupmati, Queen of Mandu: A strange Tale of Faithfulness’. The book also contains 26 poems reportedly written by Rupmati herself,” according to Parvez Mahmood.

Brahmin, who was quite friendly with Baz Bahadur. Suleiman Khan, one of the followers of Shujat Khan, who told the story of Baz Bahadur and Rupmati to

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Rupmati at the hands of Adham Khan. The Mughal army chief Adham Khan asked Rupmati herself to transfer her love to the conqueror

The Rani Rupmati Pavillion provided the queen with a view of the Narmada

replies: “Though the four her brothers to rescue her quarters of the world unite from oppression. Her to rob me of union with brothers came and fought thee, yet will I make sacrionly to be killed by the fice of all my earthly bliss, Mughals and Rupmati was of all my hope of Paradise captured. She was taken to and of all that therein is, Mandu under strict watch. for one minute of thy It was impossible for her love.” This effectively puts to escape. an end to any hope for “When she found Rupmati and she asked for escape was beyond hope, three days to let her sorshe promised to receive row diminish. On the him (Adham Khan) after appointed day when three days and entered the Adham Khan entered the harem. Khan on his part, bed chambers, he found held to the belief that the Rupmati dead, having constream of time would wash sumed the poisonous diaaway her sorrow and grief mond powder! Rupmati and that he would bring died, but she died a martyr his intent to the goal of to faithfulness and an achievement of union.” example to the sect And then the of lovers. She was manuscript Next Column: buried in goes on to Paika Mutiny of Sarangpur. At a narrate the later stage capvarious ways Odisha against the tured Baz in which British Bahadur served R u p m a t i Emperor Akbar – but pleads, tries to only after the insolent explain but the man gone Adham Khan had been mad with lust does not executed by Akbar himself. give up. “O Adham Khan, Baz Bahdur, too, now lies beauty and grace thou buried besides his beloved. sayest are mine, yet of what avail will these be to (The writer is a Sociothee? For with me they political Historian. E-mail: will turn to dust. My haridesai@gmail.com )

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Umari did mention that Sultan Khan “summoned his son to his capital city and desired him to abandon his madness”. Six months after his father died, Baz Bahadur managed to marry Rani Rupmati or got her in his harem without marriage. Sultan Baz Bahadur remained madly in love with Rupmati for six years till Malwa was attacked by the Mughal army headed by Akbar’s General and foster-brother Adham Khan on 29 March 1561.The battle was fought at Sarangpur between a small army of Baz Bahadur and the large Mughal army of Adham Khan. Baz sensed defeat and the killing. He ran away for his life, leaving his kingdom, his people and his love

The posters of the Hindi film “Rani Rupmati” released in 1957 starring Nirupama and Bharat Bhushan

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brothers are dead, nor is it for me to crave for this life of a day. The imperial throne whence sprang our content has fallen in the dust, and my brothers have perished to preserve my wretched life. I pray that there from thy noble heart may learn a lesson and that thou wilt leave us miserable creatures in peace.” To which Adham Khan

Sultan Baz Bahdur and Rani Rupmati of Malwa on hunting

The other version mentions that Umari’s story of Rupmati was written in 1599, twenty-eight years later of the fatal day when Baz Bahadur left Rupmati unprotected. The manuscript changed many hands and finally reached to C.E. Luard. It was finally translated in English in 1926 by L. M. Crump. The translator and writer Crump considers Rupmati a Brahmin or a courtesan where as the legends say that she was a shepherdess. Some historians consider Rupmati a daughter of Thakur Than Singh who did not agree to her marriage with Baz and the Sultan had to obtain her in a fierce battle. Others considered her to be the daughter of Jadu Rai, a

Birthday, Wedding, Anniversary


of her country and when he was planning to forcefully get her possession, she disguised herself as a flower-seller and disappeared, according to the manuscript of Umari. Adham gave orders to fifteen of his best cavalry to capture her and bring back. She had managed to cross twenty miles from Sarangpur and taken refuse in a village from where Rupmati had called

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Asian Voice | 21st April 2018


South African authorities seize $21 mn in Gupta assets JOHANNESBURG: South Africa’s Asset Forfeiture Unit seized properties worth more than 250 million rand ($21 million) from Gupta family, according to the National Prosecuting Authority. The assets included luxury cars, farms, residences, a helicopter and two other aircraft, the NPA said. The raids came after the High Court in Bloemfontein in the Free State province granted an order against people and companies associated with suspected theft, fraud and money laundering related to Gupta-linked company Estina (Pty) Ltd. The case is about a state-owned farm that was leased to Estina under a

Gupta brothers - Ajay, Rajesh and Atul

free 99-year contract in 2012. The regional government agreed to help develop it, but earlier this year prosecutors said most of the 220 million rand in public funds transferred to the company ended up in the hands of the Gupta family. In February, former Oakbay Resources and Energy Ltd. Chief

Executive Officer Varun Gupta, former Oakbay Investments Pty Ltd. CEO Nazeem Howa, acting Oakbay Investments CEO Ronica Ragavan, and Ashu Chawla, the CEO of the Gupta family’s Sahara Computers, were among eight who were arrested on graft charges related to the

farm and later granted bail. Howa’s house in Johannesburg’s Greenside suburb and five of his cars were among the assets identified for seizure, according to court documents provided by the NPA. Eleven properties linked to Ragavan were also on the list along with company-registered cars that included brands such as Mercedes, Audi, Porsche, Land Rover, Lexus and Lamborghini. The Gupta family, who have fled South Africa, have been accused of using a friendship with former President Jacob Zuma to win state contracts and influence government appointments. Zuma and the Guptas deny wrongdoing.


Sharif banned from politics for life I S L A M A B A D: Former Pakistan prime minister Nawaz Sharif has been banned from politics or holding public office for life. The Supreme Court of Pakistan ruled that any person declared dishonest and not righteous by it should not hold any public office. The ruling ended doubts about the duration of last year’s disqualification of Sharif from office for failing to disclose his assets and wealth before contesting the 2013 general elections. The decision of a fivemember bench, stated that the disqualification of any member of Parliament or a public servant under

Nawaz Sharif

Article 62 (1) (f) of the Constitution in the future will be permanent. “Such a person cannot contest elections or become a member of Parliament,” the verdict read. The ruling also ended the political career of Jehangir Khan Tareen, a

senior leader of Imran Khan-led Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) party. Tareen was disqualified last year for not declaring his UK assets to tax authorities. In 2009 and 2010, when the then ruling Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) proposed removal of Article 62, Nawaz Sharif had opposed it, believing the move would upset the powerful military establishment. “Nawaz Sharif has been caught in his own trap as he himself had supported Article 62,” Khurshed Shah, leader of the opposition in National Assembly, said. Last year on July 28, the Supreme Court had dis-

Pakistan looks to expats, Chinese to avoid forex crisis

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan is looking at expatriates and wealthy Chinese investors to avoid a foreign exchange crisis. Islamabad has been battling to restore its dwindling stocks of foreign currency and hopes to avoid asking for help from the International Monetary Fund through measures including raising US denominated debt from Pakistanis living abroad and a Renminbi-denominated “Panda Bond”. The plans come after a fall in Pakistan’s foreign reserves this month to about $11.4bn - equivalent to about 10 weeks of imports down from around $14.1bn in December. Reserves have


been squeezed by a combination of falling remittances from Pakistani migrant workers abroad and rising imports and payments to Chinese companies for infrastructure as part of an ambitious, $60bn ChinaPakistan Economic Corridor. The World Bank warned in October that Pakistan would need to raise $17bn to cover its debt repayments and the current account deficit this year. We have never issued a Panda Bond before, but I am interested in doing so. We are just looking

at the rules and requirements. Islamabad argues that affluent Pakistanis abroad can be enticed to support their country, especially if it offers remunerative rates. “Our expatriates will be offered attractive rates, better than what they will receive elsewhere,” a central bank official said. He said the country would seek to raise up to $1bn from expatriates worldwide, although he declined to reveal the terms of the offer. Mushtaq Khan, a former chief economic adviser of the central bank, said tapping overseas Pakistanis was a promising idea that could help the country ride out its current woes.

qualified Sharif for being dishonest for concealing in his nomination papers the receivable income from his son’s UAE company. Interestingly, his disqualification in the Panama papers leak case was not made on the basis of the corruption charges related to the scam. In February this year, the SC had disqualified the ex-PM from holding the party’s top slot. Sharif is at present also facing dozens of corruption cases in the accountability court. Decisions in these cases are expected ahead of the general elections. The charges against him, if proven, could land him in jail for 21years.

Bangladesh scraps quota system DHAKA: Bangladesh has decided to scrap quota system in government services after thousands of students marched across the country in protest against the controversial policy of setting aside jobs for special groups. In Dhaka, mobs of students blockaded major roads, bringing traffic to a standstill. Police were deployed to the Dhaka University where clashes in recent days left more than 100 students injured by tear gas and rubber bullets. "The quota system will be abolished as the students do not want it," PM Sheikh Hasina said in a statement in parliament. An apparently annoyed premier added that, "they have demonstrated enough protests, now let them return home".


Indian-origin family killed in S Africa 'arson attack' J O H A N N E S B U RG: An Indian-origin family of five, including three children, has been killed in South Africa after their house was allegedly petrol-bombed by an unknown arsonist, police said. Aziz Manjra, 45, who had been living in South Africa for the past 25 years, his South African wife Gori Bibi and their three children Muhammad Rizwan, 10, Mairoonisa, 14, and Zubina, 18 - were found dead in their Pietermaritzburg home last week, the South African media reported. A source close to the investigation said that police had found a bottle containing petrol in the house. The family had moved into the house on Larch Road, Willowton, less than two weeks ago. The older victims suffered severe burn wounds while the children, who were sleeping upstairs, died of smoke inhalation, police said. A neighbour said that Manjra and his wife were working at a local wholesaler. The woman said that her sleep was broken when she heard what sounded

Aziz Manjra

like footsteps on her roof. "I heard a man shouting 'Allah'. This was followed by screaming. I was terrified to even go and check what was happening." She said she realised that the screams were coming from the top floor of her neighbour's house. "I alerted another neighbour and asked her to phone the police." Although firemen arrived and put out the blaze quickly, it is believed that the family succumbed to smoke inhalation as all windows and doors were covered with iron bars. The original homeowners said that they had been in the final stages of selling the house to the Manjras. The deal had been signed and sealed. The family had just been waiting for the transfer of the property to be finalised.


Lanka parliament suspended until May 8

Ranil Wickremesinghe

COLOMBO: In a surprise move, the Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena has suspended parliament until May 8, days after fractures appeared in the island nation’s ruling coalition government. “The president has prorogued parliament until May 8,” his secretary Austin Fernando said. He declined to give any reasons for the decision. The move came after the government promised a cabinet reshuffle after a no-confidence motion against PM Ranil Wickremesinghe was defeated last week. Six ministers of Sirisena-led unity government also resigned, days after they voted against Wickremesinghe. The ministers, who

were from the Sirisena-led ruling Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) which is a coalition partner in the unity government with the Wickremesinghe-led United National Party (UNP), sent their resignation to the president last week. The no trust motion was brought by former President Mahinda Rajapaska-led Joint Opposition, following which the UNP members had been demanding their ouster. The country had plunged into a political crisis after the victory of Rajapaksa’s newly formed party in elections to 10 local councils in February. It won two thirds of the 340 council seats, trouncing the parties headed by Sirisena and Wickremesinghe.

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About 10.7 million people submitted their annual tax returns by midnight on 31 January 2018 but HMRC estimate that 745,588 people missed the deadline. Robin Williamson, LITRG Technical Director said, “If a tax return for 2016/17 has still not been filed by 31 July 2018, the initial penalty of £100 and the daily penalties chargeable will amount to a total

of £1,000, in addition to which a further penalty of at least £300 becomes chargeable. These automatic penalties take no account of the amount of tax an individual owes – even if you owe nothing or are owed tax back. If you have registered for SelfAssessment you must submit a tax return or inform HMRC that you no longer fall under the SelfAssessment criteria and

ask them to agree to cancel the requirement for the tax return. If they do this, then any late filing penalties will also be abated. If someone believes they do not need to be in Self-Assessment, for example because their taxes are fully dealt with under the Pay As You Earn system or simple assessment, or because they have left the UK, they should be able to ask HMRC to withdraw the notice to file a tax return. Such an application must be made within two years of the end of the tax year to which the return relates. Even if they cannot get HMRC to cancel the requirement for the tax return to be filed, late filing penalties can be appealed if there is a reasonable excuse for filing late such as prolonged ill-heath, bereavement or family breakdown.”

Bestway Group announces financial results of 2017

The Bestway Group has announced its financial results for the year ended 30 June 2017. The Group’s turnover increased by 0.3% to £3.29 billion from £3.28 billion in 2016 with all businesses profitable for the year under review. Group profit before tax increased by 8.5% to £448.4 million as compared to £413.3 million in 2016. This was due to an improvement in the underlying performance of the Wholesale and Cement businesses as well as the benefit of devaluation in the British Pound follow-

ing the Brexit announcement. Business conditions in Pakistan have remained stable during the year and the group has capitalised on opportunities to enhance our market share in the cement and banking sectors through Bestway Cement Limited and United Bank Limited. Mr Zameer Choudrey CBE, the Group Chief Executive said, “2017 has been a year of profit growth and rapid debt repayment for the Group. Despite difficult business conditions and uncertainty in the UK, we have maintained our

market share across the Wholesale and Pharmacy businesses while delivering significant profit growth in our Cement and Banking interests in Pakistan.” In the UK, both the food and drink, and pharmacy sectors have been under significant pressure with the continuing encroachment of the multiple retailers into the convenience space and the reduction in NHS funding and drug reimbursement prices respectively. There has been a strong emphasis on cash generation across all business units. During the year, the

Group made repayments of £177.3 million as part of its ongoing de-leveraging strategy. This included £132.9 million of repayments of debt in the UK, which had been taken as part of the acquisition of Well Pharmacy, as well as repayments of £44.4 million of debt by Bestway Cement Limited as part of Pakcem’s acquisition. The Group refinanced the £290 million outstanding debt in September 2017 and this new facility provides the Group with the funding security to develop its businesses and execute its growth strategy.

JLR to cut 1,000 UK jobs Jaguar Land Rover, owned by India's Tata Motors, said it would cut 1,000 jobs and reduce production at two units as the UK's biggest carmaker blamed Brexit, slumping sales of diesel vehicles and regulatory issues for its woes. Jaguar sales have fallen 26 per cent and Land Rover dropped 20 per cent this year and the company said it would not be renewing the contracts of 1,000 temporary workers at two factories. Jaguar Land Rover employs about 40,000 workers in the UK and produce over 500,000 vehicles a year. A company spokesman confirmed that 1,000 agency staff at Solihull were not having their contracts renewed. Meanwhile, 362 permanent staff will be transferred from another West Midlands site, at Castle Bromwich, to Solihull. Demand for JLR cars has also fallen in Europe due to fallout from the diesel emissions scandal. JLR pointed out that "the huge drop in demand in diesels" led to its decision not to renew the contracts of 1,000 workers. The JLR blamed "continuing


Asian Voice | 21st April 2018

Daily charges to hit late tax form returners from May Daily penalties of £10 will soon hit those yet to submit their 2016/17 SelfAssessment tax return form. It has led the Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG) to warn people in this position to file their return before the end of April in order to avoid the daily penalties accruing. While anyone who did not file their tax return by the 31 January 2018 deadline will already have been charged a penalty of £100, they will also have to pay a daily penalty on top of that if it is more than three months late: for online returns with a 31 January 2018 filing date that would be from 1 May 2018. The £10 daily penalties continue to be chargeable for up to 90 days unless the taxpayer submits their return within that time.


there are critical industry voices that say they have been slower than their rivals to embrace hybrids and electric. JLR said that it was making adjustments to production schedules and the levels of agency staff "in light of the continuing headwinds impacting the car industry". Industry figures show continuing declines in UK car production mainly thanks to steep falls in domestic demand, while there are also concerns about how exports may be affected by any trade barriers which could be thrown up by Brexit.

headwinds" affecting the car industry for its decision. Earlier this year, it said it would cut production amid uncertainty over Brexit and changes to taxes on diesel cars. JLR was very exposed to the demise of diesel. Recent figures from the trade body showed sales of diesels INTERNATIONAL fell a whopping 37 per cent in 83 South Road, Southall, Personal office March comMiddlesex, UB1 1SQ. based marriage pared with the Tel: 020 8571 5145 introduction service, for previous year. all ages, backgrounds, Email: info@s-m-b.com Unhappily marital status, Web: www.s-m-b.com for JLR, 90 per professionals and UK DIY online Service: cent of its vehinon-professionals. www.sumanonline.co.uk cles are powered by diesel Follow us on: www.facebook.com/SumanMarriageBureau engines and Established Since 1972 - Now in 45th Successful Year


Venkat appointed CEO of Vedanta Resources Johannesburg-based AngloGold Ashanti Ltd CEO Srinivasan Venkatakrishnan has been appointed as the new chief executive of Anil Agarwalled Vedanta Resources replacing interim CEO Kuldip Kaura. Venkat, as he is known, will assume charge on August 31, the company said in statement. Since 2013, Venkat has been CEO of AngloGold Ashanti Ltd. Between 2005 and 2013, he was AngloGold Ashanti’s Chief Financial Officer and prior to this, he was CFO of London-listed Ashanti Goldfields Ltd. Agarwal, Chairman of Vedanta, said: “We have gone through a very thorough search process and are delighted to invite Venkat to join Vedanta in the position of CEO. Venkat is a widely respected business leader in the global resources space, who brings to Vedanta an impressive set of values and a wealth of experience in corporate and other

Srinivasan Venkatakrishnan

roles in the UK, Africa, Australia, South America and India.” “My initial focus will be to ensure continued operational excellence, efficient cost management and capital discipline across the portfolio, while continuing to drive improvements to the overall sustainability performance of the business, thereby creating long-term value for all stakeholders,” Venkat said. Venkat is a qualified Chartered Accountant who holds a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Madras.

India's exports expand 9.8% in FY18 India's exports rose 9.8 per cent during 2017-18, the highest growth rate in six years, while imports went up nearly 20 per cent as commodity prices pushed up the value of shipments in and out of the country along with a pick-up in global trade. Exports, however, dipped 0.7 per cent in March to $29.1 billion, led by a decline in shipments of gems and jewellery and petroleum products from the country. Latest data released by the commerce department showed the first decline in four months, as oil exports dropped 13 per cent, while gems and jewellery exports decline nearly 17 per cent.

During March, import growth too slowed down, rising 7 per cent to $42.8 billion, leaving a trade deficit of $13.7 billion. Trade deficit in 201718 was estimated to have widened to $157 billion, compared to $109 billion in 201617. Aditi Nayar, principal economist at the ratings agency, said, “With the expansion in imports nearly twice as high in export growth in FY2018, the merchandise trade deficit widened by 44 per cent in the just-concluded fiscal. ICRA expects the current account deficit to more than triple to $47-50 billion in FY2018 from $15 billion in FY2017.”



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Asian Voice | 21st April 2018


Arvind Swami done with Kollywood strike


A biographical crime drama film on Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, a British terrorist of Pakistani descent.

Tamannaah gets Dadasaheb Phalke award


ctress Tamannaah Bhatia is all set to receive the coveted Dadasaheb Phalke Excellence Award for her Outstanding Performance in the blockbuster 'Baahubali: The Beginning'. The award will also be conferred upon Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma, for her work as a producer, and Ranveer Singh for his brilliant acting in 'Padmaavat'. “I have grown up knowing what immense involvement Dadasaheb Phalke had enjoyed in Indian cinema. It's such a honour to be conferred an award from the foundation,” Tamannaah said in a statement. The actress is currently working on Telugu film 'Naa Nuvve', and the Telugu remake of Bollywood film 'Queen'. She has also been roped in to play a pivotal role in the ambitious Telugu project 'Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy'. Biopic on one of the first freedom fighters in India, Uyyalawada Narasimha Reddy, the film will show his rebellion against the British authorities in 1846. The movie sees Chiranjeevu in the lead, along with Bollywood legend Amitabh Bachchan. “It's a great honour to be sharing the screen space with two of my favourite actors- Chiranjeevi and Amitabh Bachchan. Biopics have always been a priority for me and since the film revolves around a freedom fighter, it's a matter of national pride to contribute to this project. I will be undertaking a lot of research for my role as there is very less material available online and I want to keep this as real as possible.”

'Sinam' script gave Sai sleepless nights


peaking about his short film that is creating quite the stir on the festival circuit, director Anandmurthy said 'Sinam' starring Sai Dhansika and Bidita Bag is inherently about the respect our women deserve. The movie has already bagged many awards at the Calcutta Cult Film Festival, including a Best Actress Award for Dhansika, and continues its streak at California’s Best Shorts Competition. The movie is about a prostitute who meets a short film director to tell her story, and is based on real life. “You might have seen several similar incidents but the perspective here is what makes 'Sinam' different. I think that's the reason behind the festival circuit accolades,” Anandmurthy said. Speaking about the lead, the filmmaker said he met Sai on the sets of 'Paradesi'. “When I approached her with the idea, she liked it and asked me for the script. And when she read it, she called me up and said that it is painful. She said she couldn't sleep reading it at night,” he said. “I had asked her if she could learn the lines. She said that she doesn't have the habit of mugging her lines but that she will read it repeatedly and get the hang of it.’


ne of the most versatile actors in the industry, Arvind Swami has never shied away from voicing his opinion in matters concerning politics or cinema. The actor had his own thoughts over the ongoing strike in the Tamil industry spearheaded by Tamil Film Producers' Council. The strike has been going on for over a month since the TFPC announced a complete shutdown against the Digital Service Providers for charging an exorbitant price. Swamy tweeted, “To be honest, I am kind of getting tired of this strike. Want to get back to work. Have no progress made in the terms put forward or the negotiations. I just hope everyone can get back to working soon and making movies. Thousands affected, need quick resolutions.” Not only actors, the strike has notably affected many daily-wage labourers. He also requested filmmakers and producers to stall the post and pre-production work of their respective films to show solidarity. It isn't clear if the strike would end anytime soon. On the work front, Swamy awaits the release of two projects, 'Naragasooran', and 'Bhaskar Oru Rascal'. He will also reunite with Mani Ratnam for 'Chekka Chivantha Vaanam'.

Dhanush looks nothing like a fakir in his upcoming


ew stills from Dhanush's Hollywood debut, 'The Extraordinary Journey of the Fakir' are out, and we must say, it is getting really hot in here! The actor who plays the character of Ajatashatru Lavash Pate, looks incredibly dapper and classy in the stills and we are intrigued. Dhanush's character sets out on a journey to go to Paris looking for his missing father, however, ends up in London instead. The film takes us along the adventures of the “Fakir”. Also in the film are Berenice Bejo and Barkhad Abdi. Trailer of the movie was release last week and it was soon trending on the internet. Dhanush has definitely flexed his acting prowess. Directed by Ken Scott, the film is inspired by the novel 'The Extraordinary Journey of the Fakir Who Got Trapped in an Ikea Wardrobe' that came out in 2014. There are speculations that the film will show Uma Thurman in an important role. Meanwhile, Dhanush has projects like 'Vada Chennai', 'Maari 2', and 'Enai Noki Paayum Thotta' in the pipeline.

Suriya not part of Mammootty starrer YSR biopic


he film industry is thrilled with veteran Mammootty, who is all set to essay the late Andhra Pradesh chief minister YS Rajashekhara Reddy in his biopic titled 'Yatra'. Shared on Facebook, the first look poster received a very good response from fans. While the hype around the movie wasn't enough, it was soon reported that megastar Suriya will play YSR's son Jagan in the film. Unconfirmed, the thought of the two stars in one movie was more than the fans could take. However, filmmakers have shut down the rumours saying the news is completely false. Director Mahi V Raghav is yet to approach Suriya for the project. To be bankrolled by 70MM Entertainments, the filmmakers are only just finalising the cast and crew of the project. Mammootty will make a comeback in

Telugu industry after 25 years, with 'Yatra'. The movie will chronicle the life journey of YS Rajasekhara Reddy, who died in 2009 due to a helicopter crash.

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Asian Voice | 21st April 2018

Sridevi honoured with Best Actress award T

Katrina's memoir to be called 'Barbie Dreams'

he 65th National Film Awards have been announced with late actress Sridevi was conferred with the Best Actress Award posthumously for her last film 'Mom'. 'Newton' emerged as the Best Film and music maestro AR Rahman emerged as the biggest winner. National Award for Best Music Direction for 'Kaatru Veliyidai', and for the Background Music for 'Mom', Rahman's work found the honour it deserved. He is the only composer to win six National Awards. Late actor Vinod Khanna was given the Dadasaheb Phalke Award for his immense contribution to Indian cinema, and actor Pankaj Tripathi received a special mention. 'Baahubali 2: The Conclusion' won Best Special Effects and Best Direction, along with Best Popular Film Providing Wholesome Entertainment. In a career that lasted four decades, Sridevi had featured in several hit films like 'Sadma', 'Gumrah', and 'English Vinglish', among many other films. While she had won several hearts for her performances in Hindi and south movies, she was not conferred a National Award when she was alive. This year however, the jury decided to honor her with a national award after her demise.


atrina Kaif has come a far way ever since she made a debut in Amitabh Bachchan-starrer 'Boom'. In the last 15 years, the model-turnedactress has given a large number of hit films at the box office. Kat is now ready to write a book about her journey. Tentatively titled 'Barbie Dreams', the actress is said to have given a nod to a publication house for her memoir. The 'Tiger Zinda Hai' actress is the only Indian personality to have a barbie doll modeled after her. A source close to her said, “When Katrina was approached initially, she felt it was too soon to write a memoir. After much convincing, she has agreed to come on board. The book will focus on her childhood and growing up years. Since she lived in several countries, including Japan, Belgium, and London, she will talk about the influence of myriad cultures on her personality.” Katrina has remained a private person, and despite being in the industry for a long time, fans do not know much about her life beyond films. The book will likely garner interest from the fans. The book is also reported to be motivational.

PeeCee passed over for a role because of her skin colour


aywatch' actress Priyanka Chopra reflected on bias in Hollywood by sharing an incident when she didn't get a part in a movie because of the colour of her skin. Speaking to a magazine for Equal Pay Day, to discuss gender wage gap, Priyanka said, “No one will say that a woman is getting paid less because she's a woman of colour, but the numbers mostly end up reflecting that.” She then said she thinks she was passed over for a role because of the colour of her skin. “It happened last year. I was out for a movie, and somebody called one of my agents and said, 'She's the wrong'... what word did they use?... 'physicality'.” Priyanka added, “So in my defense as an actor, I am like 'Do I need to be skinner? Do I need to get in shape? Do I need to have abs? Like, what does 'wrong physicality' mean? And then my agent broke it down for me. Like, 'I think, Priy, they meant that they wanted someone who's not brown.'” The actress said, “It affected me.” PeeCee had, last year, spoken about her experiences growing up. “(My skin) is as complicated as I am. When I was growing up, I didn't see anyone on TV who looked like,” she said. “Everyone in America wants to get a tan, and everyone in Asia wants to get their skin lightened. I straddle both countries. Girls there are told that they're too dark or dusky and that lighter skin is better. Because I'm a darker tone, I had issues growing up as a teenager.”


Bachchan Jr in Priyadarshan's next

urrently shooting for Anurag Kashyap's 'Manmarziyaan', Abhishek Bachchan is all set to hit the silver screen with more than a bang. The actor has reportedly been roped in Priyadarshan's next, 'Rang Birangi'. It was earlier known that Abhishek was to be part of the filmmaker's 'Bachchan Singh', but the plan was later dropped when Priyadarshan took a hiatus from the industry. Recent reports now suggest that the two have collaborated for a masala flick, in which Abhishek will play a corrupt cop who turns into a saviour. Last seen in 2016 film 'Housefull 3', Abhishek was the first choice for the film, given his on-point comic timing. The actor had taken off to focus on his sports ventures.

Kareena wants son to be a cricketer


ourth generation Kapoor, Kareena is no stranger to media. Married to fellow actor and nawab, Saif Ali Khan, it was only fate that their only child Taimur now remains the focus of paparazzi attention. One of the topmost actors of the Hindi film industry, Kareena received the Lokmat Maharashtrian Power Celebrity of the Year award in Mumbai. Speaking at the event, when asked whether she ever considered experimenting with any other field outside acting, she said, “After 18 years of working in this profession, I don't think I can think about anything else because I always wanted to be an actor so, I can't imagine life without acting.”

When asked what profession would Taimur go when he grows up, Kareena chose cricket over Bollywood. “Well, I would want Taimur to be a cricketer.” The little one has both, acting and cricket in his genes. His grandfather, Saif's father, Tiger Pataudi was captain of the Indian cricket team, while his other grandparents are from the movie industry. On the work front, Kareena will soon be seen in Shashanka Ghosh's 'Veere Di Wedding', her first movie since Taimur's birth. She will share screen space with Sonam Kapoor, Swara Bhasker, and Shikha Talsania. The film is slated to release on June 1.

Sara matches Ranveer Singh's level of craziness


immba'. All praises for his lead female actor Sara Ali Khan, the director said, “When I met Sara for the first time, I realised she is a hardcore commercial heroine. She is made for masala films.” The 24 year old will make her big Bollywood debut opposite Ranveer Singh. While she was initially supposed to debut with Abhishek Kapoor's 'Kedarnath' opposite Sushant Singh Rajput, the film ran into trouble when Kapoor and co-producers KriArj Entertainment disagreed over payment issues. Ronnie Screwvala has now taken over the project as producer, however, release date for the film is yet to be finalised. “Sara approached me saying she wanted to

work with me. I thought she'd be perfect for 'Simmba'. She'll match Ranveer's craziness because her character in the film is such,” Shetty said. The film is an action drama in which, Ranveer plays quirky police officer Sangram Bhalerao. The movie is produced by Karan Johar. “This is the first time we will see Ranveer playing a policeman in an action film. There are certain colourful elements in the character of 'Simmba' that Ranveer also has. So I really had to change my writing if Ranveer would have said 'no to my film. There is a lot of energy in the character, so as in him,” Shetty said.


30 Asian Voice |

21st April 2018

Muslims seeking exorcism from priests

A conference at a Vaticanlinked university was told Muslims are queueing up to have demons cast out by Catholic priests, sometimes with the aid of a mobile phone, amidst increasing global demand for exorcism. Giuseppe Ferrari, an expert on exorcisms said, “I don't see why we cannot do it for Muslims if they ask.” Cardinal Simoni said that priests were now going high-tech to meet

demands. He said, “There are priests who carry out exorcisms on their mobile phones – that's possible thanks to Jesus.” Professor Ferrari said that he suspects priests are using their phones only to intone prayers. He said, “Priests pray with people on the phone to calm them down but if you are not there you cannot control the physical aspects of an exorcism.”

TV LISTINGS 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:30 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:30 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:30 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:30

● Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies announces its Trinity Term 2018, from April 22 to June 16, at 13-15 Magdalen Street, Oxford, OXF OX1 3AE. ● Brent Indian Association and Sathya Sai International Organisation UK invites you to the Free Health Awareness Day on April 22, 10.00 am to 3.00 pm at Brent Indian Association, 116 Ealing Road, Wembley, Middlesex HA0 4TH. ● Tarapur UK presents the Five Bridges London Charity Walk in May 13, 1.30 pm onwards, from Tower Hill Welcome Centre to Jubilee Gardens. ● Jain Samaj Manchester announces its annual general meeting, to be held on May 19, at 4.00 pm at the Jain Community Centre, 667/669 Stockport Road, Longsight, Manchester M12 4QE. ● Sree Sree Thakur Anukulchandra's Satsang to be held on April 21, 6.30 pm onwards, at the VHP Hindu Temple, 43, Cleveland Rd, Ilford, Essex, IG1 1EE.



Bochasanwasi Shree Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha's head Param Pujya Mahant Swami was in Hong Kong last week. During his vicharan there, he held conventions and satsangs for Haribhakts. He also held congregation for children, youths, and promoted the message of peace, empathy, and unity. Devotional programmes were also presented by the young devotees. Mahant Swami returned to India on April 16. He will stay in New Delhi till April 19. He will leave for Shimla on April 20, where he will continue his vicharan till April 22.

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ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20 Saturn turns retrograde in your

solar 10th house, and this is likely to cause some disruptions and frustrations in your professional life. Work on coming to compromises and agreements. All Saturn retrograde cycles also affect you in the areas of home, family, security, and domestic activities because Saturn is opposite your Solar 4th house.

The next few months bring confusion and misunderstandings at work and troubles with your health as retrograde Saturn transits your sixth house. You'll need to pay more attention to detail and double check everything before finalising important matters. Close relationships will prove to be challenging.

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Retrograde Saturn transit occurs in your solar second house, extra care should be exercised when it comes to new financial initiatives. There may be the need to resolve old, nagging issues regarding personal finances. Take this time to re-budget and re-think how you want to spend your cash during this period.

SAGITTARIUS Nov 23 - Dec 21

Saturn retrograde cycle occurs in your fifth house of romance, pleasure, speculation, and children. Because the cycle directly affects your sector of romance and speculation, you should be careful. An old lover may come back in your life, complicating matters. As Saturn rules your health sector too, this may also come up for review now.

Your ruling planet Saturn, has turned retrograde in your solar first house. This is a planet of caution and discipline so extra care should be exercised when it comes to your body language. You will be re-assessing your work place as well as people around you. Good time to review your partnerships and relationships.

18th April. This cycle occurs in your eighth house of intimacy, shared resources, and personal transformation. Hold onto your money, work on a budget, and avoid arguments with loved ones that revolve around intimacy and sexuality. Reassess your relationships as Jupiter is also retrograde.

LIBRA Sep 24 - Oct 23 Saturn retrograde cycle occurs in your fourth house of home and family. Relations with your family may be a little strained. You might want to wait until Saturn is direct before you express your frustrations with family members! Saturn also rules your 5th house of romance, creativity and speculative ventures. Try to organise yourself as things can go out of hand.

Retrograde transit of Saturn occurs in your solar twelfth house this time, extra care should be exercised when it comes to private and personal matters. Be as non-judgemental as you can, but do keep an eye out for deceptiveness and falseness in others. Keep and eye on your body language as you can give out negative signals. Good time for yoga and meditation.

CANCER Jun 22 - Jul 22 Although all kinds of opportunities are coming your way, there are many obstacles between you and the fulfilment of any of these. As you clear your path you will get closer to achieving your dreams. Relationships and romance are both under scrutiny by the presence of retrograde Saturn in your 7th house. Tread carefully as Mars is also there.

SCORPIO Oct 24- Nov 22 Saturn retrograde cycle occurs in your third house of communication. People around you may seem insincere. In fact, you may have a hard time getting your ideas across in a warm, genuine manner. This retrograde cycle also affects your home, love and children. Try to deal with these issues by being patient and do not step on anyone's toes.

Bear in mind that Saturn, the planet of caution and discipline goes retrograde in your eleventh house of friends and associates as well. Good time to re-assess friendships and it would serve you well if you spend more time listening than speaking. Keep an eye on your investments.

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21 Saturn, the planet of restrictions,

has turned retrograde in the area of your life that require a “back to basics” approach. This is the 9th house of your solar chart that rules higher learning, belief systems, travel, and adventurous experiences. There may be tests of sorts in these areas of life as if the universe is checking that the foundations are strong. Learn from this transit to persevere, otherwise life will be stressful and frustrating.

GEMINI May 22 - June 22 Saturn turned retrograde on the

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20

AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19

PISCES Feb 20 - Mar 20


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Asian Voice | 21st April 2018

India and its sordid rape culture

Prime accused Sanji Ram (R) and other accused of Kathua rape and murder case

The Supreme Court has sought the Jammu and Kashmir government's reply on a plea, filed by the father of the eight year old girl who was brutally raped and murdered in Kathua, seeking transfer of the trial to Chandigarh. A bench consisting of Chief Justice of India Dipak Misra and Justices AM Khanwilkar and D Y Chandrachud, asked the state to provide security to two lawyers who are assisting the victim's family. It also said that it was not concerned at the current stage about demands for transferring the investigation from the state police to CBI. “Ordinarily, police is the authority for investigation. A case has to be made out that it is not going in the right manner. In the absence of that, as presently advised, we are not entering into that,” the bench told Senior Advocate and National Panthers Party chief patron Bhim Singh. Considering notes of submission regarding Talib Hussain and Deepika S Rajawat, two lawyers who apprehended threats to their lives, the court asked the state government to provide security to them. It also directed that protection to victim Asifa Bano's family also be continued. “As an interim measure, it is directed that the respondent state shall keep the security, as provided to the family members of the victim, in continuity; provide security to Ms Deepika Singh Rajawat and her family members; and that protection shall

be provided to Talib Hussain, who is assisting the victim's family in prosecution of the grievance by remaining present in the Court or engaging counsel to assist the public prosecutor,” the court ordered. Appearing on behalf of Amjad Ali, Asifa's father, advocate Indira Jaising has said the trial in the case should be transferred to Chandigarh as “the atmosphere” in Kathua is “highly polarised”. She said there was interference from the lawyers. A female police officer who was part of the investigation, said the Hindu lawyers had obstructed filing of chargesheet and that she was asked to give up the case she submitted. Jaising said there was “direct attack on the counsel of the father.” On demands that the case be transferred to the CBI, the SC said, “We will not go by this... We will go by basic rules of fair trial and victim protection.” Jaising said the Jammu & Kashmir police had done an “excellent job” in the investigation. “Every accused had been identified visually and scientifically.” Asifa's case is one of hundreds; Her story however, is worse. The eight year old went missing from near her home in the forests in Kathua region of Jammu & Kashmir, on January 10. Her body was found in the area a week later, her sight that would melt the strongest of hearts. The young one was found to be gang-raped by a group of seven local

Hindu men, who believed raping a Muslim eight year old was the right way to take revenge. The J&K police crime branch which probed the case, filed a charge-sheet against seven people, and a separate charge-sheet against a juvenile in a court in the district. Religion blindsides humanity The charge-sheet describes how Asifa, of the nomadic Muslim Bakarwal community, was abducted on January 10, when she was grazing her horses near her one-room home. She was held in a temple run by local villain Sanji Ram. His son Vishal Jangotra, friend of juvenile Parvesh Kumar, subinspector Anand Dutta, head constable Tilak Raj, and two special police officers Deepak Khajuria and Surinder Kumar are the ones charged. Jangotra, who was in Meerut for studies, travelled to Jammu on a single phone call, to satisfy his lust by defiling an eight year old child. Both, the juvenile and Khajuria strangled the girl on January 14, and to ensure she is dead, Kumar bashed her head in twice with a stone. Both the men delayed the murder to rape her one last time. The body was found in the forests on January 17. Dutta and Raj helped the case by destroying evidence over bribes. Nation's another daughter raped by BJP MLA Ironically, a BJP MLA was arrested around the same time the Kathua matter came to light, for raping a minor whose father died after being thrashed by his men. Lucknow BJP MLA Kuldeep Singh Sengar has been sent to sevenday police custody, after he was produced before a Lucknow Court. He was arrested after the Allahabad High Court ordered the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to “arrest, not detain” the MLA. The court said it would monitor the probe and ask authorities to submit a progress report in the matter by May 2.

India to grow at 7.4 per cent in 2018: IMF Continued from page 1 MF referred to the projected growth rate for India in 2018 and 2019, which is higher than that of the previous year of 2017, explaining it is due to the strong private consumption as well as fading transitory effects of the currency exchange initiative and implementation of the national goods and services tax. “Over the medium term, growth is expected to gradually rise with continued implementation of

structural reforms that raise productivity and incentivise private investment,” WEO said. It added that over the medium term, its economy is projected to continue rebalancing away from investment toward private consumption and from industry to services, but non-financial debt is expected to continue rising as a share of GDP, and the accumulation of vulnerabilities clouds the medium-term outlook.

MLA Kuldeep Singh Sengar

The HC took a strong objection to the Uttar Pradesh government's submission that Sengar would not be arrested on mere registration of the FIR, saying the approach is “not only appalling, but shocks the conscience of the court in the backdrop of the instant case.” The CBI has also made a second arrest in the case, taking Shashi Singh into custody. The woman allegedly took the victim to Sengar's residence where he raped her. In her complaint to the UP Police, the victim's mother has also alleged that Shashi stood outside

the room as a guard while the man raped her daughter. Following a massive public outrage over inaction of the UP police, the case was handed over to the CBI on April 12. The agency took over investigation in three cases related to the alleged rape of the 17 year old girl. It took immediate action by reregistering FIRs filed by the police. The first FIR pertains to the alleged rape of the girl in which Sengar and Shashi are named as accused, and the second speaks of rioting, in which four locals have been booked and the alleged killing of the victim's father in judicial custody. The unnamed victim alleges that she was raped by Sengar on June 4, 2017, at his residence when she had gone to meet him along with a relative seeking a job. The girl's family had moved the court in February, seeking to include the MLA's name in the case. Following that, the victim's father was booked by the police under the Arms Act on April 3 and put in jail on April 5. Frustrated with the alleged

police inaction and coercion from influential people, the minor attempted self-immolation in front of Chief Minister Adityanath's residence on April 8. Her father died in jail the next day, with the post-mortem report citing serious injuries to his body. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said the country was ashamed by both the cases, promising that no culprit will be spared. Virendra Sharma MP speaks on Asifa case “The appalling and shocking rape and murder of Asifa was a barbaric act, and those guilty of this crime deserve to face the harshest punishments they can receive under law. The crime these people are accused of is inhuman and has no legitimacy in any religion and those defending it under the guise of religion are perverting religion and represent no one. I call upon the state of Jammu and Kashmir to use this trial as opportunity to demonstrate that all citizens can rely on the Indian judicial system to deliver fair and appropriate justice, free from political interference,” he said.

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Asian Voice | 21st April 2018





Parag Patel, one of England's most successful shooters, says that this Commonwealth Games will be his last - as he fears his wife could divorce him if he doesn’t retire. This 42-yearold Commonwealth medalist is an ENT consultant at Kingston Hospital. Patel, who has three children under 10 with his orthodontist wife Urvi, said, “this will be my last games and shooting wouldn’t be there in Birmingham (the host city of the 2022 Commonwealth Games). But mainly I have got to a point in my life where I have to focus on my children. This is my fourth games. I think if I had any more, my wife might divorce me ... and my kids might not know me. I think my wife suffers silently. She is wonderful. But this will be my last games.” Patel has won three

Parag Patel

Commonwealth golds, one silver and two bronzes earlier. In Gold Coast he along with David Luckman won gold in Queen's prize pair shooting. He also won bronze in individual shooting. He said balancing his work in the NHS with having a young family and training was difficult. He added: “I am a surgeon so I

have no time. I have three boys at home as well who want me. It is busy. They go to sleep at 8, so I get a couple of hours to myself at night.” He is passing on his passion for shooting to his son Aaron. “My nine-yearold has started shooting now so I plan to focus on him,” he said. “He is really

good, really good for a nine-year-old. When he sees me celebrate a win, he is like ‘I want to do that.’ He is pretty competitive already. It is infectious, isn’t it.” Patel started shooting while studying at Epsom College in Surrey and continued at Kings College London. He said: “We had to do it during cadet training and I found I was really good at it.” At first his father, who was anti-guns, did not approve. He said: “My dad wouldn’t let me have a water pistol at home. So then I got into this, and he was a bit like… ‘OK’.” He added: It was nice to have it when I was going through medical school. My yearbook basically said I was always absent from various medical lessons due to shooting. But I still passed my exams.”

India finish Commonwealth Games with 66 medals The 2018 Commonwealth Games has become India’s third most successful CWG of all time, with a 200-plus contingent delivering 66 medals (26 golds, 20 silver and 20 bronze) to outdo the 64 from Glasgow four years ago and finish behind the 101 from Delhi in 2010 and 69 from the 2002 Melbourne Games. India’s shooters were the most successful, with a combined 16 medals (seven gold, four silver and five bronze). Also dominating were India’s table tennis and badminton players. In all, India won eight medals in TT . Mary Kom, Saina Nehwal, Sushil Kumar, Heena Sidhu were the big winners from India’s campaign in Gold Coast, Australia. But there are also some first-timers who were competing at this level for the first time and delivered. Like 22-year-old Manika Batra, a table tennis player who entered four events in Gold Coast and bagged a medal in each of them. She won a gold in the women’s team event where India beat four-time defending cham-

pions Singapore with Manika winning both her singles matches, including one

Manika Batra

against the current world number 4. At times playing as many as 5 matches a day, Manika managed to finish the games with another gold in the women’s singles event, again beating higher ranked Singapore players and also a silver in women’s doubles and a bronze in mixed doubles. Neeraj Chopra became the first Indian to win a CWG gold in Javelin after he threw a distance of 86.47. In fact, even his worst throw was almost an entire metre better than the athlete who won the silver. The games also saw India


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Australia England India Canada New Zealand South Africa Wales Scotland Nigeria Cyprus Jamaica Malaysia Singapore Kenya Uganda Northern Ireland


80 45 26 15 15 13 10 9 9 8 7 7 5 4 3 1

find its youngest-ever gold medalist - twice! First it was Manu Bhaker, who at 16, won the gold in the 10 meter air pistol event. From the qualifying event to each shot in the final, Manu stayed in the lead and bagged the gold with a CWG record score. But just a few days later, India got a new youngest CWG gold medallist when 15-yearold Anish Bhanwala topped the field in the 25m rapid fire pistol final with a new games record score. Can’t miss 17-year-old

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Mehuli Ghosh then, who also broke the CWG record in the 10 meter air rifle final but had to settle for silver after losing the shoot-off for the gold to Singapore's Martina Lindsay. Wrestler Vinesh also grabbed the spotlight in Gold Coast with a dominating performance in the final to win the gold in the 50 kg category. The win awarded by technical superiority also helping us forget the heartbreaking pictures of an injured Vinesh being ruled out of the Rio Olympics.

Knight Riders return to winning ways

Nitish Rana played a useful knock to help Kolkata Knight Riders return to winning ways by beating Delhi Daredevils by 71 runs at the Eden Gardens on Monday. The hosts, who were asked to bat first by DD captain Gautam Gambhir, managed to put up 200/9 on the board. Although the visitors maintained a good run rate initially, they fizzled out after losing wickets at regular intervals and were bowled out for 129 runs in 14.2 overs. Samson special sinks RCB Wicketkeeper-batsman Sanju Samson pulled Rajasthan Royals out of trouble with an unbeaten 45ball-92 that left Royal Challengers Bangalore reeling at the M Chinnaswamy Stadium. Samson, skipper Ajinkya Rahane and leg-spinner Shreyas Gopal orchestrated a 19-run win for the away team on a pitch that yielded in excess of 400 runs. Chasing an imposing 218 for a win RCB ended their innings at 198/6. Dhoni’s late flourish falls short Chris Gayle showcased vintage form, smacking the ball all over the park, as Kings XI Punjab defeated Chennai Super Kings by 4 runs at the IS Bindra PCA Stadium at Mohali on Sunday. CSK captain MS Dhoni (79 off 44b), though, nearly pulled off the chase for his team but was not sufficient at the end. Openers bring joy for DD The nerves seems to be getting the better of Mumbai Indians as they have ended up losing all the three matches in almost similar fashion. The script was similar for the Rohit Sharma-led team, when it managed to put together a competitive 194 at the Wankhede Stadium after being sent in. But Delhi Daredevils' batsmen - opener Jason Roy (91*), Rishabh Pant (47) and Shreyas Iyer (27*) - responded to the call of duty with aplomb and ensured the Daredevils walked away with a much-needed seven-wicket win. Sunrisers beat KKR Sunrisers Hyderabad continued their winning run with a five-wicket victory over Kolkata Knight Riders on Saturday. Chasing 139, skipper Kane Williamson anchored the innings with his half-century as Hyderabad sealed their first ever win at the Eden Gardens in 19 overs and third on the trot this season.

IPL, 2018 - Points Table

Teams Mat Won Lost Tied 0 0 Sunrisers Hyderabad 3 3 Kolkata Knight Riders 4 2 2 0 Kings XI Punjab 3 2 1 0 Chennai Super Kings 3 2 1 0 Rajasthan Royals 3 2 1 0 Royal Challengers Bangalore 3 1 2 0 Delhi Daredevils 4 1 3 0 Mumbai Indians 3 0 3 0

Pts 6 4 4 4 4 2 2 0

NRR +0.772 +0.863 +0.116 +0.103 -0.247 -0.373 -1.399 -0.174

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