AV 10th September 2016

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Modi takes jibe at Pak on terror

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Mother Teresa named a saint

Keith Vaz Quits As Home Affairs Committee Chairman

10th September to 16th September 2016 Let noble thoughts come to us from every side

PRIDE: Mother Teresa

Agnes Gonjxa Bojaxhiu of Skopje, Macedonia, became Saint Teresa of Calcutta on September 4, after Pope Francis proclaimed her a saint in front of a massive crowd in the Vatican City. "For the honour of the Blessed Trinity, the exaltation of the Catholic faith... we declare and define Blessed Teresa of Calcutta to be a saint and we enrol her among the Saints, decreeing that she is to be venerated as much by the whole Church." Several Catholics, including hundreds of blue and white-robed nuns from the Missionaries of Charity, the sisterhood founded by Mother Teresa, came from across the world to attend the canonization of the church's newest saint, 19 years after her death.

Continued on page 26

JOINING HANDS: Prime Minister Narendra Modi with the BRICS leaders during G20 Summit

The G20 meet held in China this week saw a lot of fireworks, and contributing to the news, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi minced no words as he called for collective action against rising terrorism, making a not-so-subtle jibe at neighbour Pakistan along the way. Speaking to the present international community, Modi said, "Growing forces of violence and terror pose a fundamental challenge.

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There are some nations that use it as an instrument of state policy. One single nation in South Asia is spreading these agents of terror in the countries of our region. India has a policy of zero tolerance to terrorism. Because anything less than that is not enough. For us, a terrorist is a terrorist." Crisp and curt in his tone, the PM made sure he was heard. This isn't the first time India indicated Pak as

being the sponsorer of extremism. However, this is the very first time an Indian leader vocally endorsed the country's stance and called a spade a spade. New Delhi has always blamed the country for using terrorism against it. But it took Modi to call Pak out. Modi's statements are of vital significance, considering the two countries’ history. He did not spare Pak's ally China Continued on page 26

The veteran Labour MP Keith Vaz has stepped down from the chair of the Home Affairs Select Committee after being embroiled in a scandal following allegations that he paid for sex with male prostitutes. He said: “It is in the best interest of the Home Affairs Select Committee that its important work can be conducted without any distractions whatsoever. I am genuinely sorry that recent

events make it impossible for this to happen if I remain chair.” Britain's longest serving Indian-origin MP was caught meeting allegedly two Eastern European male escorts for sex over a week ago, according to the Sunday Mirror, which first exposed the scandal. Drugs were also allegedly mentioned during the secretly recorded conversation. Continued on page 2



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Asian Voice |10th September 2016


Keith Vaz Steps Down As Home Affairs Committee Chairman Continued from page 1 The Conservative MP Andrew Bridgen said he would refer the matter to the Commons Standards commissioner and may also report Vaz to police. As Chair of the Home Affairs Select Committee, he was overseeing the biggest shake-up of Britain's prostitution laws in a generation as well as probing drugs policy. Sunday Mirror reported that Vaz had at least two meetings with the alleged escorts. In a 90-minute rendezvous on August 27, the Labour MP for Leicester East since 1987 allegedly offered to cover the cost of cocaine if it was brought to the flat – but said he did not want any himself. He also allegedly told the pair to bring along poppers – the sex-enhancing drug. Vaz paid the alleged escorts in cash. Money was also paid into a bank account used by one of them by a man allegedly linked to a charity set up by the MP. He paid the money to the alleged escorts in a flat he owns near his family home in Edgware, North West London. After the allegations made in the Sunday Mirror, Vaz said in a statement that he has referred the matter to his solicitor. “It is deeply disturbing that a national newspaper should have paid individuals to have acted in this way. I am genuinely sorry for the hurt and distress that has been caused by my actions, in particular to my wife and children.” On Tuesday in a statement, Vaz said: “The integrity of the Select Committee system matters to me. Those who hold others to account, must themselves be accountable. “I am immeasurably proud of the work the Committee has undertaken over the last nine years, and I am privileged to have been the longest serving Chair of this Committee. “This work has includ-

ed the publication of 120 reports, hearing evidence from Ministers 113 times, and hearing from a total of 1,379 witnesses. I am very pleased that so many Members of the Committee have gone onto high office and Ministerial positions.” Vaz said he had recommended that the former Conservative minister Tim Loughton takes over as chairman of the committee pending the full process of MPs electing his successor in the role. He added: “I would like to thank my fellow members of the Committee, past and present, for their tremendous support. I would also like to thank the Clerks of the House for the amazing work they have done to strengthen the

It is among several papers to chart difficulties he has survived over the years, describing him as Teflon Vaz. But its editorial says it is now impossible to see how he can stay on as an MP at all. “Sex shame MP told quit now” declares the front of the Daily Mirror. The paper says the man it calls the “Teflon MP” has “come badly unstuck”. But The Times describes Vaz as “the great survivor of Labour politics” and “a veteran of parliamentary scandals” and says he started his fightback by appointing a celebrity lawyer, showing he is “determined to tough it out”. However, its editorial

l Born in 1956 to Goan parents in Aden in what is now Yemen, he went to Cambridge University where he studied law and then became a solicitor. l He has been an MP for Leicester East since 1987. l He is Parliament's longest-serving British Asian MP. l His sister Valerie is Labour MP for Walsall South. l He was Britain's Minister for Europe under Tony Blair and said the vote to leave the EU was a “catastrophe”. l He has chaired the influential Home Affairs Select Committee since 2007.

show of defiance he asked two questions during Parliament's first day back from its summer recess. Vaz has hired Mark Stephens, a celebrity lawyer who represented Wikileaks founder Julian Assange to defend his rep-

Labour MP Keith Vaz speaks in Parliament on Monday

Select Committee system, we are not quite on par with the United States, but we are getting there.” There were threats of a “no-confidence” vote if Vaz does not resign. On Twitter, Labour MP Chuka Umunna, who sits on the Home Affairs committee, said Vaz had done a “fine job” as chairman, but said he had made the right decision in stepping down. The 59-year-old Goanorigin lawmaker has headed the influential House of Commons Home Affairs Committee for the past 10 years.

What Papers Said:

“Shameless”, declares the front of the Daily Mail, above a photo of Keith Vaz with his wife.

says the behaviour of Keith Vaz is unsavoury and unworthy of an MP. The Sun says Vaz is understood to have told friends he believes he can keep his role by handing over control temporarily and returning when the scandal washes over. The paper also examines what it describes as “the rise and fall of a political Houdini” over 30 years, but, in its editorial, says this “ought to be fatal for his future as an MP”.

Back to Business:

The news of Vaz's sex scandal has been much publicised the world over, but to everyone's surprise, the MP on Monday made an unexpected appearance in the Commons chamber. In a

Samia Shahid was raped before murder A British woman who died in Pakistan in a so-called honour killing was raped before her death, the officer in charge of the investigation has said. Samia Shahid, 28, from Bradford, died in July in northern Punjab. The Pakistani chief investigator also told the BBC Ms Shahid's father and former husband carried out her murder. He added he was seeking to have her mother and sister returned to Pakistan to be questioned about their role in the murder. Two men have already appeared in court in

Keith Vaz's Profile

Pakistan in connection with Ms Shahid's death. Her former husband, Chaudhry Muhammad Shakeel, is accused of murder and is reported to have confessed to strangling her with her scarf, according to

local police. Chaudhry Muhammad Shahid, her father, is being held as an accessory to her murder. Both have been remanded until 5 September. Ms Shahid had been visiting family in the village of Pandori when she died and her relatives initially claimed she had suffered a heart attack. Her second husband, Syed Mukhtar Kazim, believes she was the victim of a so-called honour killing as her family did not approve of their marriage. A post-mortem examination confirmed she died as a result of being strangled.

utation. Earlier he was seen leaving his north London family home with Maria Fernandes, his wife of 23 years and mother of his two children.

Charity Commission Investigation:

The Charity Commission has said it was looking into allegations of payments to the escorts from a man allegedly linked to the Silver Star appeal. Dr Malde Modhwadia, a trustee of Silver Star, told the Mail: “Everything is done in accordance with Charity Commission rules. I can guarantee that nothing illicit or illegal happened, as far as I am aware. If he allegedly paid money from Silver Star to the prostitute, that cannot be

correct. Silver Star only pays money with an invoice.” Referring to the sex allegations surrounding Vaz, Dr Modhwadia said: “There is nothing wrong with being gay but (constituents may feel) he has been leading a double life. But he is a good guy, he helps constituents. We don't want the charity to be associated with this.” Asked about a member of Silver Star staff allegedly paying money into an account, he said: “No, that can't be true. The clear instruction is, you can't pay cash to anybody. Petty cash is also accounted for.” Following are the trustees of Silver Star Appeal: Dr Malde Modhwadia Ms Roz Carter Dr Dominie McConnell Dr Indravandan Purshottamdas Patel

Leaders' Comment:

Prime Minister Theresa May has said the public must have confidence in its politicians. Asked if he is happy for Vaz to remain in the Labour party, leader Jeremy Corbyn said: “Well, he hasn't committed any crime that I know of. As far as I am aware it is a private matter, and I will obviously be talking to Keith.”

Property Empire:

The two-bedroom flat in Edgware in which Vaz allegedly met the escorts was bought outright for £387,500 in June, according to Land Registry documents. Vaz earns £74,926 as

an MP and an additional £15,025 as chairman of the home affairs select committee. In the past 16 years Vaz has declared outside earnings of only £1,950 in addition to rent worth more than £10,000 a year from one of the London flats he owns. Maria heads a small immigration law firm in London. It has been previously reported that she makes about £60,000 a year. Vaz has faced scrutiny and investigations over his finances for several years, although he has always denied any wrongdoing.

Friends Support:

One friend of the MP suggested that Vaz may have been drugged by the men who the Sunday Mirror said were prostitutes, adding that he had thought they were decorators. The friend said: “They were not paid to be prostitutes they were paid to paint the flat.”

Won't Quit NEC:

Vaz says he will not be resigning from Labour’s NEC. Keith Vaz tells ITV’s Carl Dinnen that “he will stay on in his role on Labour's NEC. Says he 'feels fine'.” Tim Loughton will serve as interim chair of the House of Commons Home Affairs Select Committee, until a permanent successor is chosen. Speaking after Vaz had informed committee colleagues of his intention to resign, Loughton said a new chairman should be in place in October. He said Vaz had given a “very frank account of what had happened” and that the committee had accepted his resignation “with sadness”. Ken Livingstone, former London Mayor and MP, defended Labour MP Keith Vaz over claims he paid for sex with prostitutes. He said: "Don't judge somebody on one mistake they make in their lives or even a couple of mistakes."

Police investigate Labour MP over anti-Israel rant A Labour MP has been suspended after posting online offensive comments about the Jewish community. Comments by the Naz Shah, the MP for Bradford West is now subject to a highly sensitive inquiry. Police launched the investigation after getting several complaints. Officers have already sought the advice of prosecutors and are in the process of preparing a file ready to be handed to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) in the coming days. West Yorkshire Police said an ‘investigation is ongoing’ and confirmed the MP is under suspicion.

Mrs Shah could be charged for inciting religious hatred, an offence punishable by up to seven years in prison. The investigation is being overseen by the West Yorkshire Protective Service team, responsible for many sensitive inquiries. The Member of Parliament, 42, was suspended by Labour in April

following widespread condemnation, for calling for the mass transportation of Israeli Jews to the US. The controversy was sparked after the discovery of Facebook posts she wrote in 2014. In a second post, she compared Israel’s policies to those of Nazi Germany. And in a third post, she called on her friends to back a poll criticising Israel. This new revelation is most likely set to reignite the anti-Semitic row within the Labour. It comes as the party readmitted Mrs Shah ten weeks after suspending her for alleged anti-semitic comments.


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Asian Voice |10th September 2016

Indo-US relations move forward US Secretary of State John Kerry went to New Delhi for talks with India’s External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj to review the state of Indo-US relations and discuss ways and means to take them forward. Much progress has been made in this regard in recent years, most notably the accord on the export of US nuclear power technology to India and a waiver for India not being a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), which had been a sticking point for many decades. The second factor that released the relationship from its previous constraints has been the ongoing liberalization of the Indian economy, making the Indian market an attractive proposition for US exports and investments. Bilateral trade and investment have risen exponentially, with the goal of $500 billion an eminently reachable proposition sooner rather than later. Mr Kerry issued a robust call to Pakistan to curb its jihadi terrorists and bring those responsible for the Mumbai attacks in November 2008 and more recently on the Indian Air Force base at Pathancot, to justice. However, he tempered the call shortly afterwards by pointing to the depredations of jihadi groups in Pakistan itself, a point which the Pakistan establishment puts forward tirelessly in its own defence. Mr Kerry advised Pakistan not to make any distinction between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ terrorists, but since this has long been a US practice in Syria and elsewhere, Islamabad is likely to take his words with nothing more than the proverbial pinch of salt. However more teeth was put into the Indo-US relationship with the concurrent visit to Washington by Defence Secretary Manohar Parrikar, who signed up to the Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement (LEMOA) following talks with US Defence Secretary Ashton Carter. Congress party spokesman Randeep Surjewala asked for its contents to be placed in the public domain, with a discussion to follow with the Opposition, to see that

the architecture of India’s foreign policy remained in place. Relations with Russia should not be compromised, he said. The Communist Party of India (Marxist) criticized the document for having ‘compromised Indian sovereignty and surrendered India’s strategic autonomy.’ This might have been true if the partner had been China, but as this is not the case, such concern can be dismissed as customary communist ritual. Mr Parrikar took pains to explain that the agreement was confined to logistics cooperation between the two sides. ‘It doesn’t have anything to do with setting up of a base. It’s basically logistics support to each other’s fleet like supply of fuel, of many other things which are required for joint operations, humanitarian assistance and other relief operations.’ A joint statement by Mr Parrikar and his US counterpart Ashton Carter said they ‘discussed India’s defence requirements for advanced technologirs and trade cooperation.’ To this end, the ‘United States has agreed to elevate defence and technology sharing with India to a level commensurate with its closest allies and partners.’ Prime Minister Narendra Modi has repeated many times over that India’s ‘time-tested’ relationship with Russia is independent of its ties with third countries, and is based on trust and consultation at every level. Russia, with its long experience of diplomatic complexities in a changing and fluid international scenario well understands this. Relations with India are as important to Moscow as they are to New Delhi. Their fundamental national interests converged in the past and do so now, hence each side can be expected to take developments concerning third party relationships in its stride, as mature partners are accustomed to do through long experience. Rest assured that confidential assurances and explanation are part of the traffic of diplomatic discourse, they do not have to be made public at every twist and turn.

China issues veiled threats on Balochistan Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent statement on Balochistan, which was strongly endorsed by Bangladesh and by former Afghan president Hamid Karzai, and exiled Baloch leaders in Germany and elsewhere, has run afoul of Chinese members of Beijing’s South Asian thinktanks who can be trusted to parrot their government’s line, as and when required. These ‘scholars’ say they are deeply worried by the Indian Premier’s words and have issued a veiled threat that, ‘if India creates tension in Balochistan trouble can be expected.’. One expert told the Press Trust of India Correspondent in Beijing that ‘if China or Pakistan found an Indian factor disrupting the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor in which the Chinese government has invested some $48 billion, the ‘expert,’ Hu Shisheng, warned ‘China and Pakistan would have no other way but take united steps. I want to say that it will become a disturbance in India-China relations and India-Pakistan relations, that the Pakistan factor could surge again to become a factor in China-India relations, even more important than Tibet, border and trade.’ Despite the somewhat convoluted language the sense of what the ‘expert’ said was clear enough. For a start, the China-Pakistan cooperation in the export of jihadi terrorism across the Indian border is well

understood by everybody in India except the community of the desperately naïve and foolish. That, indeed, is the cornerstone of their ‘all-weather friendship’. China has been supplying Pakistan nuclear weapon technology from the 1960s and 70s and handed over a readymade bomb to Islamabad in May 1990. The web of rogue scientist A.Q.Khan’s nuclear and missile proliferation activities had at its heart a conniving Chinese spider, so what’s new in Hu Shisheng’s words? Nothing that was not known already.Two books, one by Adrian Levy and Catherine Scott-Clark, entitled ‘Deception’ has supplied chapter and verse on Sino-Pakistan transactions, their findings confirmed by a subsequent work by Andrew Small called ‘The China-Pakistan Axis: Asia’s New Geopolitics’. Following Hu Shisheng’s words of warning came a report in a Pakistani newspaper that Chinese engineers working on a project in the Pakistan city of Multan had clashed with the local police, with several engineers injured. It would strain credulity to ascribe this episode to an Indian hidden hand. Truth is that in attempting to be too clever by half, the Chinese authorities are discovering, somewhat painfully, that their country has walked into a snake pit in Pakistan, the vipers and their deadly poison all homegrown. Period.

Supreme Court returns Singur land to farmers The Supreme Court of India judgment returning land in Singur to the farmers who owned it, has put the cat among the pigeons. Before the land transfer to Tata Motors for its intended site for the manufacture of the Nano car, by then Communist-led Left Front government of West Bengal aroused much controversy at the time. Mamata Banerjee, the Opposition leader in the State led a movement against the project on the ground that farmers had been wrongly deprived of their land. In the face of this agitation, Tata Motors withdrew and took the project to business-friendly Gujarat, where the car is now manufactured. The Supreme Court judged that the acquisition of the 1000 acres land in 2006 had been a ‘farce.’ The issue at stake was procedura : Was the land acquired legally under due process. It was not, pronounced the Supreme Court, reversing the ruling of the Calcutta High Court. Its resolution in favour of the farmers and of the Mamata Banerjee dispensation was a signal triumph for the present Chief Minister of West Bengal. While the Communist Party leadership sees this as a disaster for investment in the State, industrialists, who had

packed their bags and left in the face of constant Left Front strikes and disruption, have welcomed the Supreme Court ruling because it wipes the slate clean, permitting the Mamata Banerjee government to establish its credentials as investor-friendly and able and willing to aid the industrialization which West Bengal badly needs. The lesson for India is that industrial enterprise must abide by the rule of law. The Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industry in a statement said: ‘Any industrial activity must be in sync with the laws of the land The judgment shows a direction.’ The Merchant Chamber of Commerce President Manish Goenka said he was pleased by the turn of events, and that he ‘saluted Mamata Banerjee for her defence of the rights of farmers. At the same time the State is in need of investments and we hope that that the government of West Bengal will devise a way to attract investments in Singur.’ Chief Minister Banerjee’s visits to Germany and Italy will be a challenge to convince investors there that West Bengal is welcoming and open for business. All power to the Banerjee elbow.


The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand. - Vince Lombardi

Cllr Sachin Shah Leader of the Harrow Council

Crime and safety should be priority of local leader In an emergency always dial 999. In Harrow we enjoy strong, integrated communities of people from many different backgrounds, and we also have fantastic neighbourhood police teams. I was keen to show off both when London’s Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime, Sophie Lindon, visited our area recently. It was a timely visit in that it came shortly after the commitment made by Mayor Sadiq Khan to put another dedicated police officer into every ward in the city - that’s an extra 629 officers overall. Their introduction will double the number of local police looking after our neighbourhoods, and more than a third will be out on the beat before Christmas. Another initiative that I know has been equally welcomed across our city is the Mayor’s review of fire service provision. I remain concerned about the impact of the swingeing cuts made to this most essential of services by the previous Mayor. In more than half of London’s neighbourhood wards, fire response times have increased since the closure of 10 stations in 2014 and I welcome the opportunity to review and hopefully repair some of the mistakes of the past.

Crime and safety are always top priorities for local leaders like me. We all want to live safe and prosperous lives and, thankfully, for the most part that’s possible. I always reassure people in Harrow that ours is the safest borough in London and that London crime rates in general compare favourably with other cities. Of course there’s no room for complacency, and if you’re the victim of anti-social behaviour or crime, then these facts will be of little comfort. In common with many London politicians, I’m very concerned by the recent rise in hate crime in our communities. I was shocked by news of the murder of a Polish man in Essex recently. It is telling that for many of us, our first reaction was to think this crime was racially motivated. Whatever form hate crime takes, be it verbal abuse, graffiti, whatever, I think we all have an obligation to show that hate crime is not tolerated. There can be no place for hate in our communities. Everyone has a right to assert who they are, and should be free to do so without apology or fear of persecution. My advice is always report and never tolerate – the 24 hour helpline number is 0800 1381625.

GCSE Hinduism Hindu Academy, a charity based in London, has been teaching GCSE and Advanced level Hinduism in the Uk for nearly 20 years. The GCSE Hinduism results that came out on 25th August 2016 show extra ordinary achievement of our young candi-

dates. Most of them are 14 year old and yet over 90 percent of them achieved A* grade. Vast number got 100 percent marks in either one or both modules at GCSE. Courses are taught in London. For further information contact hindu@hinduacademy.org

Asian Voice is published by ASIAN BUSINESS PUBLICATIONS LTD Karma Yoga House, 12 Hoxton Market, (Off Coronet Street) London N1 6HW. Tel: 020 7749 4080 • Fax: 020 7749 4081 Email: aveditorial@abplgroup.com Website: www.abplgroup.com © Asian Business Publications



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Asian Voice |10th September 2016


Shraddhanjali Sabha in Leicester for HH Pramukh Swami Maharaj His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj, the spiritual head of BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha, departed his mortal body on Saturday 13 August 2016, at the age of 95. Over 2.1 million devotees and several dignitaries from around the world rushed to the village of Sarangpur in Gujarat, India to pay their last respects before his final rites were performed on Wednesday 17 August. On Sunday 28 August, a special prayer assembly was held in Leicester at BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir in memory of Pramukh Swami Maharaj. The assembly, attended by over 1,500 people, began with prayers and devotional singing. The atmosphere was infused with sombre respect at the loss of a spiritual stalwart yet with a sense of celebration for the lofty values he had instilled within people

Keith Vaz addressing the devotees

and his lifetime of selfless service to humanity. Delegates from across Leicester paid tribute to the life and work of Pramukh Swami Maharaj. Rt. Hon. Keith Vaz MP recalled fond memories of his meetings with His Holiness and remembered the sense of peace he emanated. Cllr Piara Singh Clair MBE praised the visionary youth activities that Pramukh Swami

Maharaj had inspired and its positive impact on the wider community, whilst Cllr Manjula Sood MBE thanked His Holiness for his legacy to the City of Leicester in the form of the award-winning Mandir. Attendees shared memories of their uplifting interactions with Pramukh Swami Maharaj, reminiscing upon the heartfelt connection that cemented his influence and wisdom in

Crash pair jailed for causing death of father-of-three Jonilal Manjhu Two men have been sentenced for their part in a fatal city centre collision which killed father of three Jonilal Manjhu. Kulwant Singh Rai, 48, and Gurdip Rai, 35, of Brinsmead Road, Knighton, both appeared at Leicester Crown Court last Friday and were sentenced to four years and six months in prison each. The pair were also banned from driving for 10 years. The collision happened in Welford Road in the early hours of Sunday, June 15, 2014. Kulwant Rai was driving his BMW 1 Series and Gurdip Rai was driving a

Ford Focus, in which 39year-old Jonilal Manjhu was a passenger. Jonilal died in hospital after the vehicle he was travelling in left the road and hit a tree. Both defendants were driving at excessive speed in a 30mph zone, with one eyewitness reporting that the cars had been racing. Gurdip Rai was oneand-a-half times over the drink drive limit and suffered serious leg injuries which resulted in one of his lower legs being amputated. During a trial in June, Kulwant Rai was found guilty of death by dangerous driving.

Gurdip Rai pleaded guilty to death by dangerous driving at a hearing in 2015. Detective Sergeant Mark Partridge, of the regional serious collision investigation unit, said: "This incident has devastated many lives. "Jonilal was a father of three young children when he lost his life in these very tragic circumstances. "We hope that if anything is to come from this case it'll be that others will think before they decide to drive at excessive speeds. "You are not only putting your life at risk but also the lives of other road users."

Muslim woman was made to ‘kiss her mother-in-law’s feet’ A Muslim woman was made to undergo “a degrading experience, including bending down in front of her mother-in-law and even kissing her feet”, a judge at the Family Court has heard. The woman and her husband had been married for nine years and lived in Lancashire. The couple are described as being of Pakistani origin and in their late 30s. They had an arranged marriage. Mr Justice Newton said the woman was an “entirely

traditional Islamic wife (who) served her husband and his family in their home in the north west with as much obedience and loyalty as she could muster”. The judge said the woman’s husband was an “essentially weak and shallow” man who “does as he is told by his mother”, a woman the judge called “selfish” and “manipulative” – according to a report in the Daily Telegraph. The woman had called police after her mother-in-

law told her to go to Pakistan. Subsequently, she was forced into “degrading” behaviour like kissing her mother-in-law’s feet. In late 2011, the woman and her husband’s relations travelled to Pakistan where she was left for three years. Justice Newton ruled that the children should live with their mother in the UK. Except the woman’s husband, no other member of the paternal family could see the children.

their personal and family lives. It was clear from these snippets that His Holiness had built a personal connection with thousands, holding a very special place in their hearts. Pujya Yogvivek Swami, head sadhu for BAPS in the UK and Europe, addressed the assembly, sharing a personal account of Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s final days that reiterated his unflinching bond with God and ceaseless care for devotees. Also present in the

assembly was senior sadhu from India, Sadguru Pujya Bhaktipriya Swami (Kothari Swami). Based on personal interactions stretching over more than 45 years, he provided a deeper understanding of Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s exemplary spiritual life and his revelation that he is to be succeeded by His Holiness Mahant Swami Maharaj. The assembly concluded by offering pushpanjali and arti as a mark of respect.

Devotees at the prayer assembly

Imam murder suspect denies IS link A man accused of murdering an imam has told a jury he is not a supporter of the so-called Islamic State (IS). Mohammad Hussain Syeedy, who denies murdering Jalal Uddin in Rochdale in February, told Manchester Crown Court he does not sympathise with IS. Mr Syeedy, 21, from Rochdale, denied supporting the group's "ideologies", "ways" or "actions". The Crown claims he played a key role in helping Mohammed Abdul Kadir, 24, bludgeon to death 71-year-old Mr Uddin. The prosecution alleges the pair developed a hatred of the victim,

believing him to be performing "black magic" because of his practising of Ruqya healing, which involves the use of amulets known as taweez. It is claimed they supported IS and sought to punish Mr Uddin with death for this practice, in line with the group's beliefs. The Crown claims Mr Syeedy intentionally assisted and encouraged Mr Kadir, driving him to and from the park on the day of the killing. Mr Syeedy, a former Manchester United steward, said: "I certainly do not sympathise with Isis. "I do not support any of their ideologies or their ways and their actions. "I think what they are

Victim: Jalal Uddin

doing is absolutely wrong, I don't agree with innocent people dying," he added. The engineering student admitted he disagreed with Mr Uddin's beliefs but when it came to punishment, he told the jury he "had no authority" and it was "up to God". The trial continues.

Akhtar Javeed trial update The ‘getaway driver’ standing trial for the murder of Digbeth businessman Akhtar Javeed told a jury he ‘wasn’t brave enough’ to drive away as the father-offour was being shot. Lemar Wali is one of two men charged with murder and conspiracy to commit robbery after Mr Javeed was shot and killed at his business premises on February 3. Wali, from Derby denies the charges. Prosecutors claim Wali

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drove the ‘getaway car’ involved in the robbery. Suraj Mistry, from Leicester, is also standing trial for the same charges and has pleaded not guilty. Another man, Tahir Zarif believed to have fired the fatal shot, is thought to have fled to Pakistan. Giving evidence at Birmingham Crown Court, Wali said he was paid by Zarif to drive him to Birmingham on February 3 but he was only told it was PBV

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The “Dishonour List” protest A senior Tory hands back his CBE in protest over David Cameron’s “Dishonour List” of rewards for cronies and donors. Major Narindar Saroop, 87, pictured, told the Evening Standard, Mr Cameron’s controversial resignation list brought the entire system into “disrepute” by handing off peerages, knighthoods, and other awards to close chums and party backers. The former cavalry officer, who made history in 1979, as the first Asian to stand for Parliament as a Tory from Greenwich. Major Saroop said, “Everyone I have spoken to who also has a decoration feels much the same way. They may not take the same action I am taking but there is a great deal of disenchantment about the way that the former Prime Minister has behaved.” Major Saroop was appointed Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire in Margaret 1982 on Thatcher’s recommendation. However on the day Mr Cameron’s awards list was revealed, he wrote to the Cabinet Office asking for the correct procedure to return the cherished award in protest. In a letter to the hon-

ours section at St James’s Palace, Major Saroop wrote, “There is little wrong with our honours system. It is the demeaning contempt for it as pracBlair tised by and Cameron which has led to such disenchantment about an otherwise honourable institution. Mr Cameron, often with some pride, indicated that he was the heir to Blair. This is now fully vindicated by his recent ‘Dishonour List’, which runs close, possibly even overtaking, the lists of Lloyd George and of Harold Wilson’s Lavender List.” Retiring from the Army in 1952, Major Saroop is a member of the Beefsteak Club, the Cavalry and Guards Club and the Royal Bombay Yacht Club. After an illustrious career in the military and in international business, Major Saroop became a Kensington & Chelsea

councillor and served as an adviser to charities including Oxfam and Cancer Relief Macmillan Fund. He was the first chairman of the UK Anglo Asian Conservative Society and vice-chair of the party’s International Office. He admitted, “It is a futile cavalry charge but I felt I had to make a point. It’s obviously a wrench to return my CBE. I was extremely proud to be awarded it.” Mr Cameron’s resignation list caused an uproar by giving awards to 46 people including at least three Tory donors along with former Downing Street aides and pro-EU campaigners. It gave 13 new peerages, including donors Jitesh Gadhia, an investment banker, and Andrew Fraser, a party treasurer. Tom Watson, Labour’s deputy leader said, “The fact that the first member of the Asian community to stand for Parliament as a Conservative has decided to return his honour to the Palace tells you everything you need to know about David Cameron’s shameful resignation honours list.” A spokesman for the former Prime Minister declined to respond to the criticism.

British Public back a Burkha Ban, an opinion poll shows A poll by YouGov has found more than half of the British public would support banning people from wearing a burka. 57% of those surveyed said they would support a ban on wearing the burka in the UK. Just 25% are against outlawing it. The debate around the Islamic dress has been ignited after a photo emerged of a woman on a Nice beach was forced to remove her burkini, surrounded by armed French police. This led the French government to issue a ban

on burkinis in over 30 coastal towns, sparking international outrage. The YouGov survey found that older people are more likely to support a ban, with 78% aged 65 years or older backing the ban, compared to 34% of

18 to 24-year-olds. Working class people are also more likely to support the ban than middle-class people, with 61% compared to 54%. Women surveyed were almost equal in supporting a ban as men are, with 56% of females backing it compared to 58% of males. The YouGov survey tracked the opinion along party lines. The survey found that a burka ban is supported by 84% of Ukip voters and 66% of Conservatives. A total of 48% of Labour voters said they would support a ban, with 42% of Liberal Democrats backing the proposal. Yet just 37% of Labour voters and 30% of Lib Dem supporters said they would oppose the ban. The results reveal there are only two demographics more likely to oppose a ban than support it. These are 18 to 24-yearolds and Remain voters. The survey also found that British people are also in favour of banning burkinis, although the sentiment is less strong than for burkas. YouGov found 46% of people would support a burkini ban and 30% would oppose one. For the survey, YouGov asked 1,668 British adults.




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Asian Voice |10th September 2016


Former Page-3 girl feared to have Sikh Bake-off star receives racist slur become Jihadi Bride Anti-Terror police fear a former glamour model from West Yorkshire may have been groomed online by Isis to become a jihadi bride. Kimberley Miners, 27, pictured, who posed topless for The Sun is said to be in communication with a British fighter in Syria using Facebook. Counter-Terror officers are said to have been monitoring the social media activities of the Bradford resident. Appearing under the alias Aisha Lauren alBritainiya she has posted images of Muslim women brandishing rifles and other lethal weapons. In a recently posted

image, Ms Miners appears to be fully veiled with only her eyes showing. The former model insists she is concerned about the Syrian children and denies marrying a jihadist. It is

thought over 100 women and children have travelled to the Isis-controlled territory. Ms Miners first came to national attention in 2009, when she was jug-

gling her job as a street cleaner with a career as a topless model. It is said her interest in Islam was sparked by the sudden death of her father, who drowned in 2010. She was deeply affected by his passing and found comfort within the religion and the company of Muslim friends, including another white convert. The former model who deleted two of her Facebook accounts said she had received abuse when wearing the Islamic dress. The West Yorkshire Anti-Terrorist Squad have refused to comment on Ms Miners' case.

Funeral held for the youngsters who drowned at Camber Sands Hundreds of people gathered in Plumstead Common in south-east London for the funerals of five young friends who died during a day trip to Camber Sands. K e n u g e n Saththiyanathan, 18, and his brother Kobikanthan Saththiyanathan, 22, both from south-east London, drowned at the popular East Sussex beach on 24th August. Their friends Nitharsan Ravi, 22, Inthushan Sriskantharasa, Gurushanth 23, and Srithavarajah, 27, also died. The five youngsters were remembered at a Hindu ceremony on Sunday which began at dawn. There was an emotional outpour among the relatives and friends who had gathered, as the coffins were carried into marquee tents. A crowdfunding page to help pay for the

After appearing in two episodes of The Great British Bake Off, Sikh contestant Rav Bansal , pictured, has revealed he was subjected to raise abuse. The 28-year-old revealed he was asked by a stranger if he was a “P***”. The stranger referred to the show as the “not-so-British bake-off.” Mr Bansal, who lives along with his parents in Kent and works at City University received support from his fellow contestants who condemned his abuse. After getting past the second round Mr Bansal went on Twitter, wiring “So today I was asked ‘are you the P*** on the not-so-British bake off?’ Really, in 2016”. Though this is not the first time a star from the show has been subjected to racist abuse. 2015 Bake Off winner, Nadiya Hussain spoke out the aggression and racist abuse she

received from strangers after winning the show. Reacting to the racial slur, Mr Bansal received messages of support, he tweeted, ”Thank you for all the kind messages, I am fine, honestly. It's Friday and the weekend is in touching distance, all good!! #PositiveVibes.” This year the show has received record ratings, with the series opener totalling 13.6 million.

Property investor and chef jailed for tax credit fraud

funerals raised more than £9,000. The former mayor of Harrow, Councillor Krishna Suresh said the incident was “a big tragedy for the Tamil community”. He said that in times like this the community came together, and praised the group of friends, saying they had done a lot of vol-

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unteer work. Sai Yoghananthan, from the Camber Sands Boys’ Funeral Committee and a family friend, said : “The message we want to get out today is about beach safety. There was no lifeguard there. Our families can’t bear the thought of anyone else suffering like they have. We are a tight-knit community and our boys were at the heart of it. We will never forget them.” The issue of the lack of lifeguards at Camber

Sands was highlighted during the funerals. Family members say they might have survived if the beach had been manned. MP for Eltham, Clive Efford said: “Questions need to be asked about how we arrange safety on our beaches.” A petition for the posting of lifeguards at Camber Sands during the summer has been signed by more than 8,000 people. RNLI lifeguards have been deployed at the beach since the tragedy.

A self-employed property investor and caterer from Bermondsey, who stole over £70,000 in a tax credit fraud, has been jailed. Khalid Farid, 59, pictured, admitted fraudulently claiming tax credits, despite pocketing more than £509,000 from property sales, when he was investigated by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). Farid’s crime was uncovered by an HMRC property taskforce, set up to identify those who seek to avoid paying tax from property transactions. Taskforces bring together various HMRC compliance and enforcement teams for intensive bursts of activity targeting specific sectors and locations where strong evidence is held to indicate a high risk of tax evasion and fraud.

Investigators found Farid had eight London properties, purchased in his wife’s name, which he’d sold over the previous nine years. Although making substantial profits, at the same time Farid was claiming tax credits for himself and his family. He lied and claimed the only home he had was his rented flat, which, until recently, he used as a base to cook and deliver Indian takeaways.

Burglars stole safe full of jewellery from Leeds home A safe containing a large amount of Asian gold jewellery was stolen during a burglary in a Leeds suburb. Burglars stole the small safe when they broke into a house in North Lane, Roundhay. PC Anita Hazell, of Leeds District Crime Team, said: “The jewellery that was stolen is worth a significant amount of money but is also of great sentimental value to the victims, who are understandably upset.” Police released details of the burglary, which happened at about 9.40am on August 10, as

Some of the items stolen from the home in North Lane, Roundhay.

they appealed for information. PC Hazell said: “Some of the items are quite distinctive, as seen in the photograph. “We would like to hear

from anyone who has been offered any Asian jewellery like this for sale since August 10 or who has any information that could assist the investigation.” It follows an appeal

earlier this week about a masked trio who escaped with a large amount of Asian gold jewellery after threatening at woman at knifepoint in her Pudsey home on August 19.

www.asian-voice.com Asian Voice | 10th September 2016

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Asian Voice | 10th September 2016

Jagmohan – Sursagar: A music genius who stayed away from crowd Ballubhai Patel and Jhumur Basu On the first Independence Day in 1947 Jagmohan – Sursagar was called to sing “Vandematram”. And is it not a great honour for him (Jagmohan) that our former prime minister Atal Behari Vajpayee was also his great fan and on some occasion Jagmohan gave tunes to Atalji’s poetry. Jagmohan – Sursagar was a genius of Indian classical music, who preferred to keep out of crowd. He had immense dedication for classical music, which he demonstrated through his immortal songs “GEET”. His was tragic beginning with a happy end! He was born on 3rd September, 1908, as a posthumous child. His father died two months before his birth in Chetla Kolkatta in a reported zamindar family. He was named Jaganmoy Mitra. He was brought up by his mother and grandfather, who told child Jaganmoy to call him (grandfather) “Borda”, means “elder brother”. Although he was not very serious about school education, he passed matriculation exam in 1930 – which was then regarded as higher education and honoured by society in British Raj, good enough to get a job. But Jaganmoy was more inclined towards music, which was never taught to him in the past. His interest in music was nurtured and nourished by his cousins at Allahabad – where Jaganmoy used to stay with his aunt (father’s sister). There he started learning music systematically. He learnt to play “Tabla” as well. He then entered Bengal music competition, where

Jagmohan – Sursagar

he performed well and stood first in singing Dhrupad, Tappa, Thumri, Kirtan and religious music. In 1931 he joined All India Radio in Kolkota. He then participated in all India classical music competition and stood first. News papers covered this event and printed his name as “Jagmohan” instead of original name Jaganmoy Mitra. He was very fortunate to learn classical music under Ustad Zamiruddin Khansaheb, Master Gama, Sambhu Maharaj, Dilipkumar Roy and Vishvanath Chetterjee. When Jagmohan was learning ‘Thumri’ from Sambhu Maharaj, he met K L Saigal who also came to learn “Babul Mora” for recording the song in film “Street Singer.” Thereafter he was called by HMV to meet a great poet Kazi Nuru Islam. He was asked to sing a song, and Jagmohan sang a song which was written and tuned by himself. There, he also sung a song in Bengali, “Sawon O Rate Judi, Swarn Yeaashemori” means “If on a sawan night you happen to remember me.” This was Jagmohanji’s first song recorded under his original name “Jaganmoy Mitra”. This song made him instantly popular and thousands of records were sold. He was in his early 20s then, when he lost his grandfather. This was a

NHS Hospitals to refuse operations to obese patients It has emerged that a third of health trusts are denying surgery to patients because they were too fat. Figures obtained by the Royal College of Surgeons show 31% of England’s 209 Clinical Commissioning Groups, the local groups of GPs surgeries which replaced health trusts to organise treatment in the local area, make patients lose weight before referring them for certain types of procedures. In an announcement last week, The Vale of York CCG decided to make obese patients wait at least a year to help cut the costs of operations. However, they said they would

review their policy following the Royal College of Surgeons saying it was the most severe ‘the modern NHS has seen’. Former health minister Norman Lamb said: “This is just the latest in a growing list of local decisions to ration care - any rationing not based on clinical need is outrageous.” BMI is used to measure if the person is overweight by dividing their weight by their height squared. The obesity cutoff is a BMI of 30. The Royal College of Surgeons got responses from 200 CCGs. In addition to the mandatory policies, a further 20% asked patients to lose weight voluntarily.

tragic blow, which took his interest out of life and music. At this time Kazi Nurul Islam consoled him and told him “Topreserve the griefin his heart, which will one day find expression – through his voice in his songs.” He had a great gift of voice and voice control. Most of Jagmohanji’s songs evoke sentimental emotions and pathos! Soon HMV seized the opportunity and started recording his songs in Hindi and Urdu – which brought instant popularity all over India, specially in Gujarat, MP, UP and

Punjab. As a result in 1945 an established group of classical pundits of Kokata bestowed upon him the rare title of “Sur Sagar” – ocean of music. Jagmohanji also participated in the struggle for freedom, when he was fortunate enough to come in close contact with Mahatma Gandhi. With Gandhiji’s inspiration and advice Jagmohanji made out a record for young people on “Sapta Kand Ramayan”. He was also one of the singers who recorded “Vandematarm” on Independence Day in 1947. Jagmohanji sang a few songs for New Theatre's films like “Jawab.” His song in film “Meghdoot” was a great hit! “O Barsake Pahele Badal”. In this song clouds were addressed as messengers to carry a

lover’s message to his beloved. A great poetic concept of poet Kalidas. In mid 50s he was invited to Bombay by a film producer “V Shantaram”. Hence Jagmohanji shifted to Bombay – where he came in contact with famous producers like Gyan Mukherjee who asked him to give music in his film “Sardar.” To prepare one song Lata Mangeshkar used to visit Jagmohanji at his home. The song “Pyarki Ye Talkiyan” became very popular and remained on top for many weeks in “Binaca Geetmala” produced by Amin Sayani. Besides music, he was interested in social work and started youth club to promote Cricket and Badminton. He started Juhu Cultural Association at the age of 79 years. As a human being he was very disciplined and friendly. He loved nature and also loved gardening. His wife was also a singer – after her death (in 80s) Jagmohan was very upset and wanted to stop singing. But his wife used to tell him not to quit music – it would be highly rewarded one day. And it came true, when the nation honoured him with “Padmshree”. Leaving all the memory and immortal songs, Jagmohanji left this world on 3rd September 2003 after a brief illness. Even though he died on 3rd September, he was cremated on 6th September, 2003, as his daughter arrived from London only on 5th September. This year was Jagmohanji’s 98th birth anniversary. May God bestow peace to Jagmohanji's soul.

App your next hairdo It's a bold new world, where anything can be ordered by an app thanks to our on-demand lifestyle. From Uber supplying cars to Deliveroo giving food, what is the need physically go and shop? Now joining the lineup of app delivery is wait for it, a new hairdo. Fiona McIntosh, former editor of Elle magazine, along with co-founder investor Dharmesh Mistry launched the Blow app which provides on-demand hair and beauty services to her customers who want to be pampered in their choice of place. 50-year-old McIntosh got the idea of the app after she opened the first Blow salon three years ago in Covent Garden with anoth-

er branch in Canary Wharf. Her clients began requesting a stylist or therapist to be sent to their homes, hotel and workplaces. “With the arrival of Uber, we wondered what it was worth looking at entering the on-demand culture,” Macintosh says. In six months the app did more business than the flagship branch. The pace of growth for the app has caught the eye of high-profile investors. In June 2016, Blow got £500,000 from Unilever Ventures and raised another £500,000 from private investors and a separate crowdfunding campaign. Today Blow has signed up over 3000 beauty professionals with 200 of them active.


‘No points system for EU migrants’: Theresa May

Aaditya Kaza Prime Minister Theresa May has ruled out a pointsbased system for EU migrants entering the UK. Members from the Vote Leave campaign have urged the Brexit minister David Davis not to compromise on the issue when negotiating a deal with the EU. Speaking from Hangzhou, China where she was attending the G20 Summit, the Prime Minister said “What the British people voted for was to bring some control into the movement of people from the European Union to the UK. A pointsbased system does not give you that control.” Outgoing Ukip leader and prominent Vote Leave campaigner, Nigel Farage said “Theresa May’s track record on immigration as home secretary was appalling and her comments rejecting the Australian-style points system really worry me. There is already huge anxiety out there in the country regarding Theresa May’s reluctance to trigger Article 50. Her rejection of the type of migration system so many went out there and voted Leave to see implemented indicates serious backsliding.” A number of ideas have been put forward regarding immigration policy with the most attention given to a work permit scheme. Another idea suggested is that people coming from the EU must have a definite job offer. Indian PM Narendra Modi, who was also at the G20 summit, urged the government to allow swifter access to the UK for Indian businessmen. From next April, Indians coming to Britain on intracompany transfer visas will be hit as the minimum salary threshold is set to rise. The threshold will increase from £24,000 to £30,000 for those arriving for a year or less. They would also have to pay a £200 annual health surcharge. In other news, the Brexit minister David Davis has seized upon a set of upbeat surveys, including data which shows a strong recovery in the service sector, proof of a strong

UK economy. Updating the House of Commons following its summer recess, Mr Davis said “Our economy is robust… the latest data suggest our manufacturing and service industries and consumer confidence are strong”. He added companies were putting their “faith and money” in the UK, citing investment announcements during the summer by SoftBank, Siemens and Glaxo-SmithKline. “Brexit isn't about making the best of a bad job.” A Markit/CIPS survey of purchasing managers rose from 47.4 to 52.9 in August, passing the 50 mark that separates expansion from contraction of the economy. The highest since July. Following this, the Sterling rose 0.6%. Despite this long-term concerns remain. At the G20 summit, Japan gave a surprise by publishing a memo warning that its banks and their companies could leave the UK if the country’s access to the single market was compromised. Finally, in her first appearance on the international stage as PM, Theresa May was in for a challenge as things didn't go swimmingly. During the official photo call of world leaders, the PM was tucked away on the second row, a symbol of the Britain might be treated by the post-Brexit world. It became clear in her first outing that making friends on the international stage might be harder than before. For instance, the once boasted “special relationship” with the US is over. President Obama told the PM, America would now focus on trade negotiations with the EU and other Pacific nations. In a glaring example of the new atmosphere, the US president along with John Kerry met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and the French president, Françios Hollande without Mrs May. Along with the ‘special relationship’, the “golden era” of Anglo-Chinese relations came to abrupt halt over the Hinkley Point nuclear plant. Furthermore, India showed its fury about UK plans to tighten immigration rules, especially on student visas.

UK Asian Voice | 10th September 2016

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Rani Singh, Special Assignments Editor

Raj Nayak, CEO – COLORS & Rishtey at Viacom18 Media Pvt. Ltd. India talks about turning the Channel into a growth and entertainment machine A look at Raj Nayak’s Twitter bio and you know that you are about to meet one of the most unassuming personalities who believes in being cheerful and maintaining a positive and upbeat environment for his team. Always on the look out to set newer benchmarks and take competition by surprise; yet remain unwavering on the revenue trajectory, this CEO of COLORS TV, one of the leading brands of Viacom18 India believes in distributing power amongst his army of generals working under him rather than weilding it himself. Two of its prominent properties, Bigg Boss and 24 have been loved by viewers in India and UK alike. We caught up with this suauve, wise and easy going CEO whilst he was in the UK to promote 24. Early days Raj’s father was an enterpreneur, running a business of submersible pump sets

for import and distribution. “I’m not a Gujarati by birth but you could say Gujjuness runs in my veins in many ways. I was born in Ahmedabad and my father used to live there. And now I get to know that Asian Voice was started by a Gujarati. You see, we have already forged a connection!” Walking down the memory lane he further reminisces, ““My father was a freedom fighter, he went to jail for six months fighting for the freedom of our country. I come from a traditional freedom fighter family.” Career origins “I started my career in the newspaper industry, when the private television revolution was at its nascent stage in India. I was one of the six

people who launched STAR TV in India.” Raj has watched the industry evolve over 24 years. “I started as an Area S a l e s Manager for STAR

Raj Nayak

TV in 1993, and from then on I mounted on to a slow and gradual growth chart. I spent ten years with STAR TV and seven years with NDTV thereafter. I was one of the founding members who were the harbingers of change and evolution of the media industry in India. One morning Viacom18 knocked on my door and made me an offer. It was such a strong and vibrant brand, with such a strong mission and vision, that I could not say no.” Turning point Raj feels the biggest turning point in his career was moving to television. At the newspaper business he led a team of 23 people. “It was a typical Indian company, where you have a cabin with a brass name plate with your name written on it. But then when I was joining STAR, they told me, you won't have anybody reporting into you, you won't even have a secretary.” “Some of my friends were flummoxed. They said, why are you taking that job?” At that time Raj was just married and had a baby, so the money was important. “I don't think I took up the job for the money but I knew that that’s where the future lies. My friends would want to come and visit me in my new office and I was ashamed to call them, because I didn't want to show them that I didn't

even have a proper table to sit on. This was in Delhi, in a small room. I would go and meet them below the building in a coffee shop.” “But the real peak of my career actually came in 1999. I was seconded to ESPN Star Sports. I used to head the Star Sports Sales and Marketing at that time and the 1999 Cricket World Cup came as one defining moment. There were certain expectations on the company. We took certain risks, we made some bold decisions which paid off rich dividends.” Recent Challenge? Raj says his biggest challenge is keeping pace with this industry. “There are three parametres on which you’re judged; one is the top line, one is the bottom line. They want to see the profits as well as want to see the top line grow because that shows the growth of the company and the third point to be considered is the public perception - what people perceive your channel to be.” He further elaborates, “The viewer actually doesn't care whether we're number one, two or three, it's only the media that likes to put out flash news saying that this one has beaten that one. Our end goal is to focus on the customer and keep them engaged throughout the day with variety content.” Maintaining the position is a challenge. “I don't look at ratings every week.


You will have a heart attack if you start doing that. We are here for the long term. Some weeks we'll go up, some weeks we'll go down. That’s the nature of the business.” 24 India is the first country to get its own version of 24 outside the United States. “Anil Kapoor holds the rights for India. We commissioned it, so it's a COLORS’ property in partnership with Anil Kapoor Productions. 24 was probably one of the biggest leap of faith that we took as an organisation. It's cutting edge to get an international format fiction show in India spending so much money, where an episode takes eight days or nine days to shoot! A regular fiction show takes one day to shoot and the cost of this is 20 times more than a regular fiction show.” “If you want to be seen as a leader, you have to behave like a leader. If you do a mapping of all the channels in India, I don't think any of the other channels gives the kind of variety entertainment that COLORS does. 24 has worked very well for us. There is a discerning audience for 24. We are catering to different segments. The success of Season One is what made us come back with Season Two.” Signs off the risk taker.



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Asian Voice | 10th September 2016

Improving literacy amongst local children As we approach the 50th celebration of International Literacy Day on Thursday 8 September, we are reminded of the importance of reading when it comes to ensuring children have the skills to reach their full potential. Yet last year alone over 63,000 children left primary school unable to read to the expected level. Low literacy skills can have a devastating impact on the lives of individuals and our communities, and are estimated to cost the UK economy £81 billion every year. At Beanstalk, we believe that life is better when everyone can read well and express themselves with confidence. That’s why we recruit and train volunteer reading helpers to go into a local primary school and provide one-to-one support to a child struggling with their reading. Our volunteers change lives – without them, thousands of children would still be struggling to read, and facing all the problems associated with low literacy levels. But we need more reading helpers if we’re to be able to offer this support to all those who need it. So, as the new school year starts, we’re recruiting a new class of Beanstalk reading helpers. Visit www.beanstalkcharity.org.uk or call 020 7729 4087 to find out more about our work, sign up as a reading helper if we work in your area or find out about the other ways in which you can support us. Ginny Lunn Chief Executive of Beanstalk, The literacy charity

Cancer treatment revolution

Cancer is the most dreaded illness that affects one in three of us. It sends shivers and until recently it was unavoidable death sentence. But recent advancement in personalized treatment which is six times more effective will give hope and comfort to cancer patients and their families. It will spare many patients from receiving unnecessary treatment with one size fits all treatment that include dreaded chemotherapy with loss of hair and terrible side-effects. The full detail will be published at next week’s conference, whether chemotherapy is necessary and the best drugs needed according to the type of cancer one may have, a specialized treatment depending upon one’s need and type of cancer one may have. This will also stop cancer returning that is so common at present. In women it is Brest cancer and in men Prostate cancer that affects us most, being fatal with highest cancer deaths accredited. While we invent medication for well-known medical conditions, the new illnesses emerge with equally dreadful effect on our health and wellbeing. Widespread use of antibiotics make certain illnesses untreatable, as our bodies become immune to these over prescribed drugs, needing better, more powerful antibiotics with terrible side-effects. With rising population and life longevity, it is indeed time to put our priorities in order before it is too late! Kumudini Valambia By email

What do you think? We want to know your views on this subject Write to Asian Voice 12 Hoxton Market London N1 6HW or e-mail: aveditorial@abplgroup.com

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The Doomsday scenario

According to NASA, asteroid named Bennu could hit earth in year 2035, causing immense destruction, equivalent to destruction caused by several most powerful nuclear weapons. This asteroid which travels at speed of 63,000 mph, will pass between Earth and Moon, will come under the gravity of both planets that may affect its path, more powerful gravity of Earth may drag it towards Earth. Although Bennu is only 500 meter in diameter, it is still big enough not to burn entirely in the Earth’s atmosphere, crashing on Earth with devastating effect. According to Sunday Times’s Space expert, such a close orbit will be potentially dangerous for mankind. No wonder NASA is sending space probe to investigate and learn more about this tiny asteroid and if it possess any danger to Earth, how to stop such a scenario from happening. It will take at least three years to reach the asteroid. The probe could land on the surface, take rock samples, analyse and send back the information to Earth for scientists to study. As Scientists have more than 100 years to plan, it could be blasted into millions of tiny pieces which will burn harmlessly in the Earth’s atmosphere, as it is happening to millions of shooting stars entering Earth’s atmosphere every year. It could also be possible with advance technology to change orbit of such asteroids, diverting it away from Earth and Moon, passing harmlessly without causing any undue anxiety. Bhupendra M. Gandhi By email

Mother Teresa the Truth

Mother Teresa may have been an icon of the West but from a pure Indian perspective she did very little for the country indeed the opposite. The Nobel committee awarded the Peace Prize to her, not to the Father of the Nation Gandhiji who did much more to inspire peaceful struggle. Gandhji was against conversions by Christians whereas MT lead on this front, backed by the Vatican. In 1999 Pope John Paul II in his "Ecclesia in Asia" declared "in the 1st millennium the cross was planted in Europe in the 2nd, Americas and Africa, in the 3rd we will plant it in Asia (read India as China curtails conversions)", and it is he who fast tracked her to Sainthood. MT is known in the West for her work amongst the poor of Kolkata portraying the former British Capital of India in poor light worldwide. Her mission collected £75m in her lifetime but very little was spent on the poor, allowing those under her care to suffer, (in the name of Jesus) by giving love, instead of proper medical care. When a Kolkata born and bred Bengali Dr Aroup Chatterjee came to the UK it was the first time he heard of Mother Teresa of Kolkota, and was so shocked at the portrayal of Kolkota in the west it lead him to write a book "MT The Untold story" on the truth behind the myth. Being a Bengali Indian his views are largely ignored in the West even though he tells the truth that she did not cure cancer. Jayesh A Patel Wimbledon, London SW20

Enforced detoxification

By the time this edition of AV and GS lands on your doormats, Jains all over the world would have celebrated Paryushan - the eight days of fasting and religious activities. We would eat very simple foods of pulses and legumes and avoid root vegetables. During Paryushan, we would consume the last meal of the day before sunset. Some would only drink boiled and cooled water. These rules about observing fast and eating simple meals before the day is out were, although set many years ago, are so very appropriate in these days and age when we feed our faces at any time of day and night with all those ready available fatty and sugary foods. Jains observing the rules about fasting and the consumption of healthy simple foods will lose weight and become healthier, thereby becoming lessr burden on the health services. This is natural detoxification of not only the body but of the mind too! But then as soon as Paryushan are over, we revert back to our old unhealthy lifestyle and lose the spiritual and bodily benefits we acquired during this period. Think of it. If only eight days of following strict rules of diet can produce such health benefits, why can’t we live such a life throughout the year? Dinesh Sheth Newbury Park, Ilford


On Monday Aug. 29 Pradeep Guruge arrived at work at a bank where he got the tragic news that his wife and 4 year old daughter were struck and killed mere blocks away from their home. A black Infinity G35 driven by 28- years unnamed crossed centre line colliding head-on. As a Buddhist Pradeep said he's been relying on religion to get him through the day, that and ensuring he remains as close as possible to his eldest daughter who was at home when the accident happened. He also said people don't do these things intentionally so there is no reason for us to be aggressive, or hate the driver and repeatedly reminded himself that everything is uncertain. That's why you have to a good life free of anger, revenge or hatred. I bow my head to him and offer our prayer to the departed soul of his wife and daughter to Almighty Lord to give eternal peace in heaven and we should learn from him and try to put in to practice in our lives too. Suresh and Bhavna Patel Markham, Canada

Health and wellbeing

People are familiar with major organs, brain, heart, lungs, stomach, kidneys; are unaware about pancreas that effects most of them. This organ lies behind stomach on left hand side. It houses endocrine gland Isle of Langerhans which secretes insulin directly into blood flow. Illness, injury or poisons can create lack of insulin causing diabetes type 1 and inefficiency/ insufficiency of insulin causing diabetes type 2. Both are insidious and diagnosed during routine health checkups. Although doctor can prescribe various tests, every three months, both diabetes type one or type two must not be taken lightly, as these can cause erectile dysfunction, blindness or amputation of leg. Key factor is early detection and rapid treatment by doctor and drastic change of diets and lifestyle by patient on personal and family levels. Constant monitoring of levels of sugars, cholesterol, weight, BP, retinopathy are essential. Patient must comply by reducing sugars, fatty foods in favor of carbohydrates, green leafy vegetables and exercise to replace sedentary habits. In both types anti diabetic drugs may be prescribed. Ramesh Jhalla By email


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Asian Voice | 10th September 2016

Higher fees allowed for current students The watchdog for university access has given the green light to universities to increase tuition fees in England to £9,250. Almost all universities have been approved to charge the higher fees from 2017-18 as the new upper limit. But more than 30 have set this as a minimum raising the prospect that the increase will also be applied to current students. The admissions process for university entry for autumn 2017 has opened to applicants on Tuesday. The Office for Fair Access (Offa) has published the agreements that show how much universities will be able charge these students in 2017-18

and how much universities will contribute to support disadvantaged students. Universities will spend £834m on schemes to widen access to higher education, an increase of 10% on 2016-17. This will include £171m on outreach projects such as summer schools and events to encourage applications and £408m on

bursaries and fee waivers. Oxford University, which last week reported the highest level of state school students for decades, will spend more than £13m on outreach and scholarships. But the Offa agreements also show that the extra spending will come alongside higher tuition fees.

'Phantom' students skew migration data The government might be targeting "phantom students" in its efforts to control migration, a study suggests. The number of non-EU migrants who come to the UK to study but remain five years later could be about half that ministers claim, say researchers. The "current selfdestructive policy is deterring genuine international students", says the Institute for Public Policy Research.

Ministers say it is crucial to crack down on immigration abuse. Ministers say official statistics suggest that each year about 91,000 non-EU students do not leave the UK at the end of their studies. This figure is an extrapolation of data from the International Passenger Survey (IPS) carried out annually by the Home Office on a sample of travellers at UK ports, says the IPPR. Arrivals who plan to

stay more than a year are asked their main reason for coming to the UK - and people who leave after more than a year are asked what they were doing while they were in the UK. For students, the difference between the two figures is about 90,000 so reducing this figure would help the government in its objective of cutting overall net migration. But this approach is based on "dubious evidence", says the report.


Help IODR to rebuild Nepal Following the Nepalese earthquake in April 2015, IODR has been concentrating its efforts on supporting the victims of the disaster through fundraising; to build a school and a refuge centre for trafficked young Nepali girls in some of the most severely affected areas of Nepal. Unlike our traditional fundraising efforts, IODR has set its sights on giving supporters, donors and friends the unique opportunity of contributing to our activities on an individual basis whilst working towards a collective goal of promoting positive social change in times of adversity. We are delighted to announce that in March 2017, IODR supporters will be able to visit Nepal with an organised trek of the Himalayas and volunteering opportunity at an IODR project. The trek journeys up to Poon Hill (3120m) and will allow participants to take in the breathtaking Nepalese countryside and experience traditional culture, with opportunities to trek through local villages and communities. IODR have endeavoured to make this a trip of a lifetime by offering a truly

unique experience; encouraging teamwork and physical resilience at the same time as building lifelong memories through helping those less fortunate. Trekkers will be accompanied by experienced mountaineer and long-term supporter of IODR, Bob Bhania; who in May 2016 became the first British man to reach the Summit of Everest since before the devastating earthquake in Nepal. Bob will be on hand with his team of Sherpas to ensure this is a truly rewarding and fulfilling experience for all who embark on the journey. The trip will culminate

with trekkers experiencing first-hand the positive impact their fundraising efforts have on a local community by participating in an IODR building project, supporting learning and organising a community sports day at an IODR school. The IODR trek is ideally designed to bring together like-minded individuals - either as a personal challenge or through a business's own corporate and social responsibility, all wanting to give back, at the same time as forging new friendships, mentoring, increasing personal development and experiencing new cultures that all have a lasting impact. If you are inspired to join our journey or would like to learn more, please v i s i t www.iodr.co.uk/news/eve nts/nepal-trek-march2017/. Places are limited to ensure a successful and satisfying experience for all.

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Asian Voice | 10th September 2016

In his valedictory statement, the departing Governor of the Reserve Bank of India, Dr Raghuram Rajan, said the country’s current financial prospects were brighter than the year before, but that India’s economic growth was still below its achievable potential. In the foreword to the RBI’s report on the present fiscal, Dr Rajan listed three priorities facing the nation: these were faster economic growth, curbing inflation and ensuring that banks concentrate on rate cut transmission and clean balance sheets as work in progress. On economic growth, Dr Rajan averred, that a ‘virtuous cycle of growth was possible, reinforced by anticipation of the coming benefits of economic reforms, such as the passage of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) legislation in Parliament.’ A good monsoon, he anticipated, would lift farm output, while the Pay Commission award for government employees should increase consumption levels and lead to increased demand. The RBI has increased its growth projection to 7.6 per cent for the current fiscal.

Departing Reserve Bank of India Governor Dr Raghuram Rajan

‘We have been saying that if the agricultural sector shows growth due to a better monsoon, it should improve the GDP numbers by about 50 basic points, so we would concur with the RBI Governor’s views,’ commented Soumya Kanti Ghosh, Chief Economic Adviser to the State Bank of India (Business Line Mint, Hindu August 30). The proof of the pudding will be in the eating, as the saying goes.

Kashmir’s glimmer of light fades

After 51 days of jihadi-inspired violence, the Kashmir valley registered its first day of general peace and a lifting of the curfew, but a day later the violence returned. Home Minister Rajnath Singh is leading an allparty delegation to the troubled valley for frank and open discussions with local stakeholders in including, if possible, the recalcitrant secessionist pro-Pakistan Hurriyat. The violence was sparked off by the shooting dead of jihadi commander Burhan Vani, who was given to strutting around in military fatigues and had grown into a cult figure among certain sections of the youth population. (Hindu, Business Line August 30)

tether, has cobbled together twenty-two members of his country’s legislature for a foreign jaunt to explain the reasons behind the unrest in Kashmir and muster international support to wrest the State from India. As representatives of a country tested in statesponsored jihadi terrorism in India and elsewhere, the Pakistani delegates have little chance of getting any sort of hearing, sympathetic or otherwise, from the civilized world (Hindu, Times of India August 30)

Maharashtra signs up to GST

Maharashtra, India’s most industrialized State, with its metropolis Mumbai, India’s financial capital, has signed up to the General Services and Tax (GST) when its Legislative Assembly ratified it in keeping with the requirement that 16 State assemblies must do likewise for the measure to become the law. Maharashtra’s decision has been followed by Odisha, hence the required assent of 16 State legislatures has been reached and the bill can now be sent to the President for his signature. The 281-seat Maharashtra Assembly passed the ratification with an overwhelming majority across all parties (Hindu August 30)

ISRO’s scramjet puts India in top league

The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) launched a rocket at the weekend using a scramjet engine developed locally. This is a major step forward in producing an air breathing propulsion system that places India in the top four league. The scramjet engine uses oxygen in the atmosphere which reduces the quantum of fuel required to drive the machine.

Goof on the loose

Six times the speed of sound

The Telegraph columnist Ramchandra Guha (September 2) advised Prime Minister Modi to go with folded hands and beg forgiveness of the mobs for the alleged delinquencies of the Indian state. With such goofs around who needs enemies? That said, it would be good to be warned that those who take up the sword risk perishing by the sword.

In general, the propellant is required to power the first stage of the rocket to reach its desired velocity. The experiment achieved six times the speed of sound. It will take years to put the complete system into space. Prime Minister Modi and President Mukherjee congratulated ISRO scientists and engineers (Hindu, Times of India Business Line August 29)

Sharif sends delegation on Kashmir odyssey

India-Myanmar ties strengthened

Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, clearly at the end of his

Prime Minister Narendra Modi accorded a warm welcome to the

visting Myanmar President U Htin Kyaw on his arrival in Delhi. He assured his guest that India would support Myanmar in ‘all its endeavours.’ In a wide-ranging discussion with the President, who had made India his first foreign port of call, Mr Modi told him that India would stand with Myanmar ‘every step’ in its new chapter of democracy and representative government. (Hindu August 30)

Second nuclear reactor in operation

The second reactor at the Kudankulam nuclear power plant, near Chennai, has started generating electricity to the southern power grid. ‘We’re now transmitting 245 MW power… from the second unit, which will be gradually increased in phases to its full capacity of 1,000MW, after conducting mandatory tests stipulated by the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board,’ said elated site Director R.S.Sundar, who monitored the synchronization from the control room along with senior colleagues.

Russian design

The Russian technology is the most advanced in the world. Units 3 and 4 are presently under construction, while units 5 and 6 will follow in the wake of the recent framework agreement signed with Russia. ‘This is a great moment for Team KKNPP, which showed exemplary resolve in taking the reactors to this stage despite many hurdles. We’re immensely satisfied by the performance of the reactors, turbines and other allied units as every section is functioning exceptionally well along expected lines,’ explained Dr Sundar (Hindu August 30)

Malvika Joshi

Technology (IIT), has made it to the world beating Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the USA, on the strength of her computer programming talent.

Olympiad of Information

Malvika Joshi won a three-year MIT scholarship for a Bachelor of Science degree, She clinched her place on the basis of the three medals (two silvers, one bronze) she won at the Olympiad of Information. MIT accepts medalwinning students at Olympiads in Physics, Mathematics and Computing. Madhavan Mukund of the Chennai Mathematical Institute praised her achievement, also paying tribute to the ‘flexibility’ of MIT that ‘they can offer admission to a student who demonstrates excellent intellectual potential despite having no formal high school credentials.’ Malavia’s mother stood by her and gave the conviction to break the mould (Hindu August 31)

India tops list for US student visas

The steep hike in US visa fees has


been no impediment for Indian students heading to the US for higher education. Indian applicants cornered 72 per cent of the H-IB visas and 30 per cent of 1-1 visas issued worldwide. The number of has been steadily rising, with US visas issued to Indians for business and tourism increasing by 81 per cent over the past five years, said Theresa Bond, Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs (Business Line August 27)

Tata Group funds top-level research

The Tata Group has entered into collaborative ventures to fund research and development in the world’s leading institutions such as Harvard University, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, and the Royal Society, UK. The amount exceeding $25 million will be spread over a timeline. The collaboration is critical for the $103 billion Tata Group as it will help Tata companies to stay ahead of the game with new products and commercial opportunities (Mint August 30)

BRICS arbitration a must: Jaitley

India’s Finance Minister, Arun Jaitley, addressing a BRICS conference in Delhi, said it was ‘extremely important’ that a BRIC arbitration panel of eminent lawyers be set to adjudicate on disputes between member states Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. He suggested that a taskforce be set up to that end. (Hindu August 28)

Sabotage attempt

The Kundakulam project ran into heavy weather initially, with a local protest movement funded from Europe. Funds channelled via London arrived in Tamil Nadu for disruption activities. A German member of a NGO was expelled from India by the government in this regard

Major rail projects approved

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs approved Rs24,374 crore of rail projects that will give a major boost to transport infrastructure by decongesting key national routes. The investments will concentrate on nine projects will entail construction of 1,937.38km of track across nine states. The Committee also increased investment on National Highways to Rs6.461 crore from the present Rs5.193 crore (Business Line August 25)

US Secretary of State John Kerry and External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj. see comment page 3

John Kerry with PM Modi. see comment page 3

Mumbai whizz-kid makes it to MIT

Never say die. A 17year-old Mumbai girl, Malvika Joshi, without a Class X or Class XII certificate, thus ineligible for a place in an Indian Institute of

Indian Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar with US Defence Secretary Ashton Carter in Washington. see comment page 3

UK Asian Voice | 10th September 2016

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Why two marriage ceremonies are better than one (or Register now to avoid disappointment later)

It is not the critic that counts As a politician said, indeed a President of the United States, “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.” This is what I am reminded of as the sanctimonious arrogant critics pounce on one of the most industrious British Indian MPs. I don’t know why but the Bible quotes came to mind too when a woman was caught in adultery, “whoever is without sin

among you, let him be the first to cast a stone at her.” By the way, this is when adultery led to stoning, as it does in some parts of the world today. So don’t join the Iranians and Taliban you critics. “You therefore have no excuse, you who pass judgment on another. For on whatever grounds you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.” And speaking of quoting, the definition of sanctimonious, ‘holier-than-thou, selfrighteous’. What this past week has told me is nothing about politicians, but a lot about journalists, yet again, and those people who apparently are all without any wrongdoing or error. So much for the compassionate society. I don’t want perfect politicians. And as for the community – do not put yourself on a pedestal. Your arrogance at your own achievements as the most educated, the wealthiest, the most home-owning – all these things taught you something when it happened in Uganda – you better be close to the politicians!

Imam sacked from mosque after being found guilty of groping woman An imam has been sacked after he was found guilty of molesting a woman twice. Hafiz Abbasi, 32, was given a 12-month community order after he was found guilty of sexual assault during a trial at Manchester and Salford Magistrates’ Court. Abbasi, who was suspended from his post as an imam at the Minhaj-ulQur’an Central Mosque in Whalley Range, has now been sacked. Speaking on behalf of the mosque’s trustees, Moazzam Raza said: “Minhaj-ul-Quran has very

stringent policies relating to such cases and we take each case seriously. As soon as we received a complaint relating to Mr Abbasi and came to know of pending court proceedings we immediately set-up an internal investigation team. “Understanding the nature of complaint and

case, the investigation team decided to immediately suspend Mr Abbasi pending the court case. "Now that Mr Abbasi has been found guilty and sentence has been issued, we have immediately dismissed him from any employment with Minhajul-Quran.” He added that the mosque had rigorous safeguarding procedures. The court heard that the offences related to incidents in October 21 and 29 last year when Abbasi touched the woman’s buttocks on each occasion.

Churches told to hire bouncers to prevent terror attacks The threat of terrorist attacks has come to a head that even the abode of God needs protection. In order to avert potential terrorist attacks, a new counter terrorism advice has sug-

gested that churches in England should hire bouncers to guard their doorsteps while church services are taking place. The advice from Home Office warned that small parish churches are more

at risk of attack than larger places of worship. The advice to churches to buy CCTV and personal attack alarms follows after the recent murder of a French priest in Normandy.

The Bhavan’s Open Day New Academic Year 2016/17 Sat 10 September 10.30am - 4.30pm 2 2 Co u r s e s i n I n d i a n M u s i c , Da n ce , Yoga, Languages Taster Cou rses| Street Food Meet the Teachers | Cou rse Registration 020 7 3 81 3 0 8 6/46 0 8 w w w.bhavan.net T h e B h a v a n , 4 a C a s t l e t o w n Ro a d , Wes t Kensington, London, W1 4 9 HE

Step inside and disc cover tth he beauty of IIn ndian arts

Meena Kumari

As wedding season is in full flow many bride and grooms round the country are making preparation for their big day preparing their lenghas / sherwanis and ensuring every function is perfected down to the minutest

detail. One vital arrangement that some couples fail to consider is registering their marriage with their local registrar’s office. Many couples believe that their Nikkah before a mullah, Anand Karaj at the Gurudwara before Guru Ji or their Saat phere before Agni dev ji is the only blessing and recognition they need for their marriage. This is true; however, if things turn sour - family law can only provide couples with, the greatest legal protection and provisions if their marriage is legally recognised. Statistics show that there is an increase in separation and divorce amongst the Asian community. Whilst no couple enters a marriage contemplating divorce this reality is rife therefore serious precautions must be taken to ensure that couples do not fall foul of the law. Some couples frequently want to establish what theirs rights are regarding property, assets, pension, cars, jewellery and other valuable items owned by the other. Many are shocked and saddened to learn that because the law does not recognise their religious marriage they do not have an automatic right to their husband or wife’s assets. Registering a marriage is as important as the religious wedding to ensure

that family lawyers can assist in securing what the Husband or Wife are rightfully entitled to. The law sadly has not caught up with the multicultural society we live in today whilst campaigns to legalise religious marriages have been made tirelessly, unfortunately, no change is in sight. For those of you that do find yourself in this predicament, if no agreement can be reached for example on who keeps the house, what happens to the pension, how much monthly allowance will you paid for yourself and the children etc then sadly a civil application to the Court, as a cohabiting couple, may be the only legal remedy for some. For those of you who act on this sound family law advice - if divorce and a financial settlement be required the starting point for any negotiations regarding matrimonial properties, assets, pensions, valuable items etc would be 50:50 an equal division. Duncan Lewis Solicitors urge any couple entering a marriage to give serious consideration to registering their marriage at a nominal cost to maximise yours and your children’s benefits should the worse happen. Should you need further advice on family law and how the finances of the marriage can be settled please contact Meena Kumari at Duncan Lewis Solicitors on meenaku@duncanlewis.com About the author – Meena Kumari Meena is a Family & Childcare Director and Solicitor based in the Bradford branch. Meena has a wealth of experience in complex children cases with an international element or where the children have special needs. Meena actively encourages parents to resolve disputes regarding their children in a non-confrontational manner.

Leading academic scoops national award Pharmacist Dr Mahendra Patel, a Fellow of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) and member of the RPS English Pharmacy Board, has been given the Charter Award by the Society in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the profession. The Charter Award is made annually by the Society on the recommendation of its President. Dr Patel became a pharmacist in 1981. He is Principal Enterprise Fellow in Pharmacy at the University of Huddersfield, and Visiting Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Sheffield. He was also one of the first Fellows to be appointed to NICE, (the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) and pioneered the development of the NICE Student Champions Scheme which develops the health professionals of the future to be ambassadors for NICE, a project which has spread to nearly 40 universities. His voluntary and fundraising work spans almost most two decades locally, regionally, nationally, and includes being a governor at Wakefield Grammar School Foundation and helping to establish the fundraising branch of the British Heart Foundation in Wakefield and district. Only recently he was awarded the British Heart Foundation’s Regional Community Volunteer of the Year Award.

Dr Patel has established an annual student exchange programme with the University of Huddersfield and Wilkes University, Pennsylvania USA in his role as Visiting Professor at the Wilkes College of Pharmacy. This provides opportunities for Huddersfield students to widen their horizons and develop experience of different types of pharmacy practice. Dr Patel is also a founding member of the Mouth Cancer Foundation, a charity providing information, advice and support to those with mouth, throat and other head and neck cancers to cope with their illness and to encourage early detection of these diseases. Professor David Haslam, Chair, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, said: “It has been an honour to have worked with Mahendra Patel for the past eight years. Over this time I have been hugely impressed with his work on NICE’s Accreditation Committee, and as the first NICE Fellow to come from a Pharmacy Background. He has led the way in inspiring many through NICE’s Student Champions Programme, and helping to develop the NICE Medicines Adherence Clinical Guideline. I am delighted his skill, energy, and passion for quality is being recognised by this Charter Award.”


www.asian-voice.com AsianVoiceNews

Asian Voice | 10th September 2016

LONDON LOHANAS By Subhash V Thakrar B Com, FCA, FRSA Many of you may have read my article in Asian Voice on UK Lohanas where I covered the fascinating history and background of Lohanas leading to their presence in London. Today, London represents the highest number of Lohanas outside India. Our London Lohanas come from different parts of the world ranging from India (mainly Gujarat), Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi, South Africa, Zambia and other African countries. It's really a beautiful fate that we are all together here. We have to thank our adopted mother country for this. It has enabled us to make new friends and relations that might have never happened if we had lived in the countries we came from. Today's London Lohanas have really prospered in every way. We are living longer – you see many of our friends and family in their 70s and 80s and still in the pink of health. I remember as a kid in Uganda, the normal old age was around 55 years. We are living 20 years more! Our Lohanas have also made significant progress in business and in various professions. We have a natural flair for business. Our interests are spread in real estate, hotels, nursing homes, pharmaceuticals, trade, wholesale, retail and others. Our professionals are leading in accounting, legal arena, medicine, architecture and banking. We can only be proud of our achievements. Two years ago in both Houses of Parliament there was a debate on immigrant groups in the UK. The Uganda Asians, largely Lohanas, were marked as the best immigrant group in British history. This reflected the value system of Lohanas who are very

Subhash V Thakrar

proud of looking after themselves. We have relied less on the state handouts, contributed to the nation in our taxes and hardly depended on dole. Self employment and looking after our families is in our blood. These values come from our warrior background. The most notable achievement of Lohanas is (yet another warrior quality) being generous to the needy. Philanthropy has taken a stronghold amongst Lohanas in various ways. Today our Lohanas are leading various organisations like, Sanatan mandirs, Swaminaryan temples, Shirdi Sai organisations, Anoopam mission and Jalaram Mandir. Narendrabhai Thakrar heads the Sanatan Mandir, Satish Chatwani heads Anoopam Mission, Rashmi Chatwani, Prakash Gandecha and Pramod Thakkar head Jalaram Mandirs and Vinubhai Bhatessa is Trustee at Swaminarayan Mandir. Dinesh Thakerar and Ashok Bhagani head the Saibaba organisation. We are at the forefront when it comes to charitable giving. One such generosity

is the support for projects like Samuh Lagna where Lohanas like Manubhai and Amratlal Radia have regularly helped in getting 100 couples get married in India at one go. Most such people would have had no means to get married otherwise. Many of us support projects of food camps, medical camps and education. We are always willing to give our time and money for social and charitable purposes. We are proud of our community achievements. Today we have two centres for Lohanas in London. These are RCT centre and the Lohana Dhamecha Centre. Yes, we can always dream for more grandiose community centres, at least we have something that the community uses. In business, we have leading names like Dhamechas, Madhvanis, Mehtas, Sachdevs, Thakrars, Nagrechas, Chatwanis, Chotais and others. In commerce, I have been fortunate enough to be elected as Chairman of the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry for 3 years running. I also served on the board of Commonwealth Education

Fund and OFWAT Thames region water regulator. I am on the international board of the World Hindu Economic Forum. We have also made inroads into politics led by our own Lord Popat in the Upper house of Parliament and holding ministerial position. We have Lohana councillors like Bharat Thakkar and other budding politicians like Kishan Devani Resham and Kotecha. Yes, we need more Lohanas in British politics. We have top lawyers like Sunil Gadhia and medical specialists like Bhikhu Kotecha. In the accounting profession, we have seniors like Anuj Chande. Among bankers, we have Tushar Morjaria Jitesh and Gadhia. In sports, we still need to make good progress. I believe our next generation will positively change that. One of our proudest moments is that we have devoted a lot of our resources over last 30-40 years to give the best education to our children. These children are now rising in the higher echelons of their respective business or professional sectors. In time to come, we shall see these young Lohanas taking up notable positions. Further, we can witness these young people embracing spirituality and yoga. I am confident that we shall see better quality of Lohanas in time to come. Hasu Manek and I have engaged Professor Oonk, a history scholar from Netherlands University, to do more detailed research on Lohanas. We hope to find more historical background in due course. I am damn proud of what we have achieved and more importantly very excited about our progress for the time to come. [Subhash Thakrar can be contacted by email at s u b h a s h @ s u b hashvthakrar.com]

Ministers say ‘British Trade Must be a Success’ In the first formal meeting since the Brexit vote, the cabinet sat down to discuss the way forward. They argued that Britain would have to rediscover the buccaneering spirit and recapture the energy from the Victorian Era to trade successfully outside the European Union. The International Trade Secretary Liam Fox optimistically suggested the government to rethink the way it targets new markets. However, a sceptical Philip Hammond warned Britain to “live within its means”. The Chancellor said the country would have to address the productivity gap which has not helped with economic growth for

Liam Fox

the country. Held in the Prime Minister’s country residence, Chequers, the cabinet meeting was the first full briefing the PM requested for before the summer recess. The various departments of government were asked to conduct an internal review to see what

Priti Patel

could be done post the Brexit vote. Whitehall sources said departments who are less impacted by the vote had done little over the recess to prepare the official position papers as many departments assumed the ‘heavy lifting’ would be done by the Brexit department. Another department reported they

had not started any formal work on Brexit. However, other departments like the Home Office have developed a formal position. They are eager to push part of the security measures which benefit Britain and the EU. During her tenure as Home Secretary, Theresa May supported the European Arrest Warrant. She has also backed the Passenger Name Record which gives police information about criminals travelling between European nations. Priti Patel, the international development secretary got a 5 of 5 in Brexit rank of cabinet members, meaning she was “hard as nails” Brexit.


Who is Gijsbert Oonk? Gijsbert Oonk (1966) is a global historian whose research and teaching activities are in the field of Global History, especially related to the Indian Diaspora. He teaches at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam, Netherlands. Oonk is especially interested in the role of South Asian (Indian) migrants and settlers in East Africa. He finalized his research project with a monograph: Settled Strangers: Asian Business Elites in East Africa 1800-2000 (Sage Publication 2013). He also published a widely acclaimed biography of the South Asian business family Karimjee Jivanjee. The Karimjee Jivanjee Family: Merchant Princes of East Africa, 1800-2000, Amsterdam: Pallas publications

Gijsbert Oonk

2009). In addition he edited the book Global Indian Diasporas: Exploring Trajectories of Migration and Theory (Amsterdam University Press, 2007). In this volume the contributors critically review the concept of diaspora. This volume is available as an open access publication. His motto is: If you don’t know the past, you get lost in the future.

The “No Brown in Town” rule It is a sin as old as the City of London, drilled into every prospective gentleman banker from a young age. Brown shoes might be acceptable in a country estate, but not if you go to town and wear them to work. Therefore, at job interviews in the City hiring potential financiers, the “no brown in town” is still applied to root out the wrong type of person. The government’s social mobility watchdog

How to Dress professionally Men

- Don't wear a white shirt - It shows you are too safe and lack confidence. - Colour match your belt and shoe. - Don't wear a shirt with a pocket - you might be mistaken for a janitor.


- Watch you heels - some height is good, too much gives a wrong impression - No short skirt - Here school rules apply. Nothing above the knees. - Earrings are fine but tattoos, piercing, and anklets are not professional

warned in a report unspoken dress codes like this hamper efforts to break down class barriers. The Social Mobility Commission’s report states “Opaque codes of conduct extend to dress. For men, the wearing of brown shoes with a business suit is generally considered unacceptable by and for British bankers.” City institutions were still recruiting from a small number of elite universities, the report found. Furthermore, findings show, the industry also discriminates on schooling, university education, accent and “polish”. The chairman of the commission, Alan Milburn said, “bright working-class kids are being systematically locked out of top jobs because they didn't attend a small handful of elite universities understand arcane cultures.”

Radical preacher Anjem Choudary jailed The radical preacher Anjem Choudary, 47, has been jailed for five-and-a-half years for supporting the socalled Islamic State group. He was convicted along with his c o n f i d a n t Anjem Choudary and Mohammed Mizanur Rahman Mohammed Mizanur legitimate expression of your Rahman, 33. The two men own views and a criminal were also sentenced to a notiact". Kalsoom Bashir from fication order lasting 15 years, counter-extremism organisawhich requires them to tell tion Inspire, said she was police if details such as their relieved the law had caught address change. Passing senup with Choudary describing tence, the judge, Mr Justice him as "the gateway to terHolroyde, said the pair had ror". "crossed the line between the

UK Asian Voice | 10th September 2016


Remember, Recollect, Recharge AsianVoiceNews


British Asians have come a very long way since their arrival in the UK. They worked hard and achieved so much to reciprocate the warmth and hospitality of the British people renowned for their open, fair and law-abiding way of life. Paid subscribers of Asian Voice are invited to send in their journey report (up to 600 words narration) with at least 2 photographs (one when they arrived in the UK and another with

By Bhupendra M Gandhi

I was born in 1938 in the most beautiful city, Dar es Salaam, Arabic word which means “Gateway to Heaven”. Like most East African Asians, I came here in 1968 before the Labour Government of Jim Callahan introduced restrictions on East African Asians who were legally British citizens holding valid British passports. I was educated at Indian Primary and Secondary School in Dar up to “Higher School Certificate” standard, equivalent to our present day “A” level, the highest education standard available at the time, as there were no colleges, universities. Most students with aspiration of University degrees were going to India, mainly to Mumbai (Bombay) where many of my friends acquired medical qualifications and later on became GPs here in Britain as well as migrated to US, Canada and Australia. Our generation was unique, influenced by Gandhi, Sardar and Nehru and the struggle for independence by British colonies. We were extremely ambitious, our parents who were mostly educated to “Metric” standard in India were most supportive, although very few could afford to send their children to UK where some qualified as Charted Accountants and Pharmacists. My father retired from Government Service in 1947 and opened his business, the famous “Sunrise Store”, a mini supermar-

their family members at the moment). These life stories will be published without any charge in Asian Voice as a service to celebrate ABPL's 44 years as well as to put on record our sojourn for the knowledge of our younger generation as well as neighbours. Here is another story this time by Bhupendra M Gandhi about his early life in East Africa before moving to the UK.

enabled me to obtain high post in Tanganyika Civil Service, UN Trust Territory governed by Britain under UN mandate after the WW1. Our lives were tranquil, peaceful beyond imagination. It was golden era. Dar was indeed heaven on earth with warm waters of Upendrabhai and Ilaben Kapadia Indian Ocean washing the shoreline. There was ket selling everything, no TV, even radio was a mainly food delicacies, luxury and it only became from bread to butter, household item when cheese and tinned food India became independbut no alcohol or meat. ent. “All India Radio” was Even eggs were considpopular beyond belief. ered non veggie food! We Couple of my short stowere famous for introducries, plays were broading “Bread and Butter” in casted that gave me an Indian homes, especially aura of self-confidence, on Sunday evenings when an added prestige to my ladies were given night off writings! from cooking! If for some So when we were reasons bread were forced to leave Tanzania, unavailable, due to bakery it was with heavy heart, machinery breaking down knowing well that our or lack of electricity, it lives would be completely used to cause a mini riot! different. Most of us were in well paid jobs, someone of importance. I have even met President Nyerere several times in my capacity as “Senior Accountant” in Civil Service with Ministry of Health, as well as Audit and Exchequer. We were VIPs in Tanzania and overnight My interest from we became ordinary peochildhood was in accountple when we came to ancy and journalism. I Britain, some were even used to write profoundly forced to work in factoin Africa Samachar and ries, as there was plenty of Nutan Africa in Gujarati overtime. We were in a published from Nairobi hurry to buy home and and in “Standard” local settle down, put our roots. English paper published As we say, the rest is hislocally. tory. We are sentimental I studied accountancy dying breed, as so many of at evening classes at Dar our generation have University and qualified already departed! as an accountant that

If you have a similar story you would like to share please send it and any pictures to CB Patel, Publisher/Editor, Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar at Karma Yoga House, 12 Hoxton Market, (Off Coronet Street) London N1 6HW, or you may write to CB Patel at cb.patel@abplgroup.com

Police release e-fit in connection with sexual assault Police have released an efit of a man officers would like to speak to in connection with a sexual assault in Reading . The attack happened at around 2.40am on Saturday, August 13. The victim, a 26-year-old woman, was walking along Silver Street towards Basingstoke Road when she was approached from behind by a man who then inappropriately touched the woman over her cloth-

ing. The man then ran off along Silver Street towards the town centre . The offender is described as an Asian man, in his late 30s to early 40s, around 6ft tall, of a large build, with black hair. He was wearing a short sleeved

t-shirt and dark grey or black jogging bottoms at the time of the incident. Investigating officer police constable Daniel Conboy, based at Reading police station, said: "If you recognise the man in the Efit or have any information about the assault please contact me via the Thames Valley Police enquiry centre on 101. If you don’t want to speak to police you can contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111."


A’level and GCSE results Asian Voice was delighted to hear from some of our readers who received outstanding results either in their GCSEs or A’levels. We are sure that all our readers join us in wishing all the students who passed all the best for their future endevours.

Sophia Patel attended North London Collegiate School for girls. At A level

exams this year she achieved A stars in Maths, further Maths, Distinction in Spanish, A in Physics and A in Economics. She had nine A stars and A at GCSE exams. She is daughter of Dr. Alpesh and Dr. Nina Patel.

Ravi Shah son of Mr Pankaj Shah and Mrs Dipika Shah in GCSE

examination. Ravi has obtained 14 A* and 1A. He will be studying A Levels in Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

Vishal Chahwala has achieved 12 A Star in his GCSEs. Vishal would like to study biology, chemistry, French, maths and further maths at A level and want to do medicine at Uni.

Kidnappers who snatched mum and kids jailed Three kidnappers who snatched a terrified mum and her three children from a taxi in broad daylight have been jailed for a total of 17 years. The trio – all from the Black Country – smashed the cab’s window and forced the woman and her children into a car before speeding away in March 2016. But they failed to notice that the victim still had her mobile phone and she managed to alert police. They were recovered unharmed by police officers a short time later. Mohammed Ansar

Muserat Khan

Mohammed Ansar Khan

Khan, 31, from Tipton, was sentenced to six years in prison at Shrewsbury Crown Court. He admitted kidnap at an earlier hearing. Accomplice Muserat Khan, 36, from West Bromwich, also pleaded

Ateek Khan

guilty to kidnap and was sentenced to five years and nine months in prison. Ateek Khan, 28, also from West Bromwich, admitted kidnap and was jailed for five years and five months.

South Africa keeps a hawk’s eye on FM Pravin Gordhan




Asian Voice | 10th September 2016



Indian-Origin Finance Minister Dragged Into Corruption Probe Anand Pillai South Africa’s Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan is in the eye of the storm after he and several other former revenue service officials have been implicated in an investigation into the establishment and conduct of a now disbanded unit that operated within South African Revenue Services. The FM is now seen as a suspect after initial public statements by the Hawks that he was not. The Helen Suzman Foundation and Freedom Under Law have asked Hawks and the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) to give an undertaking not to arrest Gordhan without prior warning. The organisations believe the case against the minister is without any foundation and any threat or attempt to arrest him would amount to an abuse of process, intended to harass, humiliate and intimidate him. The lobby groups say they are prepared to go to court if the Hawks and the NPA do not commit to an undertaking. The organisations want Gordhan to be given at least 20 days’ notice if he is to be criminally charged in order for him to approach the courts for an interdict.

Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader Julius Malema says the real story behind Gordhan is his business interests, which are in conflict with his job, not the allegations against him. At a briefing in Johannesburg, Malema said: “Pravin has shares in all the companies you can think of, and then we are talking about state capture because the Guptas have captured Zwane. We don’t speak about how the Ruperts and them have captured Pravin and white monopoly capital has captured Treasury.” The Hawks are South Africa’s Directorate for Crime Priority Investigation which targets organised crime, economic crime, corruption, and other serious crimes referred to it by the President or the South African Police Service. Central to this is a struggle between President Jacob Zuma, accused of 783 counts of corruption, fraud, money-laundering and tax evasion, and Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan over control of the Treasury. The Hawks h a v e called in

Gordhan for questioning over charges that look fabricated. Meanwhile, the Treasury have moved to defend Gordhan from allegations that he owned shares in numerous companies and had been captured by white monopoly capital. Gordhan was still in China for the Group of 20 Summit and could not comment on the allegations made by Malema. A ministerial aide said Gordhan had retirement savings, like any other responsible citizen. Gordhan is said to have declared his assets and donations o t

Julius Malema

Parliament’s committee on interests and ethics‚ like any other member. In last year’s declarations‚ Gordhan disclosed shares‚ gifts, property and retirement funds. He had no contracts‚ trusts or encumbrances to declare. Pravin Gordhan is an Indian-origin former pharmacist with an antiapartheid struggle record dating back to the 1960s.

Pravin Gordhan




The people’s choice awards


He was Minister of Finance of the Republic of South Africa from 11 May 2009 to 23 May 2014 and was reappointed again as FM in December 2015. Pravin was born on 12th April 1949 to Rumbaben and Jamnadasbhai Gordhan and is married to Vanitha Raj and has two children. He graduated as a pharmacist from the University of Durban Westville in 1973 and became involved in politics as a student, helping organize opposition to all-white rule for the African National Congress (ANC) and the South African Communist Party. P r a v i n played a key role in negotiations between the ANC and the National Party government ( t h e

white supremacist government) leading to South Africa’s first all-race elections in 1994. He was instrumental in negotiations with the Western governments as well. During the period of apartheid era of the white ruling government, Pravin was detained several times by the then South African police for his revolutionary activities incorporating the African National Congress. He was Deputy Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service from March 1998 and was Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service from November 1999. He was Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs from 23 May 2014 to 13 December 2015. He has a doctorate in both law and commerce. Pravin’s reappointment as FM again happened under dramatic circumstances amidst economic turmoil. He was the third FM appointed by President Jacob Zuma in a week’s time in December 2015. Pravin took up the gauntlet to stabilise South Africa’s economy after the Nene debacle. At that time he had the absolute backing of the leadership.

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The Rise, Fall and the Rise of John Profumo UK Asian Voice | 10th September 2016




It might have been the swinging sixties but Britain was not quite ready for this. Disclosures concerning a high society vice ring and a Cabinet minister (John Profumo) sharing a good time girl with a Soviet agent shook British politics just as the Beatles changed the pop music for ever.

In the years following his resignation, Profumo still supported by his wife, the actress Valerie Hobson, devoted his time to charity work in the East End of London. He was awarded the CBE in naked, he was bewitched. At the heart of the scandal 1975 for his work. Two years later and was a 19-year-old woman However, Christine Keeler, a model engulfed by rumours, Profumo never pubProfumo told MPs on 21st and bar waitress. John licly spoke about Profumo, also known as May, 1963, that there’s this bad chapter in been no impropriety whatJack, was an upcoming his life, maintaining soever in his relationship Conservative politician. He a dignified silence. with Christine Keeler – as was secretary of state for But it seriously so often happens, it was war which made his posiweakened the the cover-up that did for tion particularly sensitive Conservative govhim. Three months after and was tipped as a future ernment of Harold lying to MPs, Profumo was foreign secretary or even REDEMPTION: John Profumo Macmillan. The forced to quit when prime minister. The two Tories lost power the Stephen Ward, ring master met in 1961 at Cliveden, tary of state for war must year after. Profumo’s fall the home of Lord Astor, of the vice ring was arrestbe sleeping with someone from grace over this and embarked on an affair. ed and charged with living who was also sleeping with shameful episode was described by Macmillan as “a great tragedy”. This scandal was the turning point of his life. They say success is how high you reach when you touch the bottom. With the scandal Profumo hit rock bottom, falling from grace, but unlike lessor mortals, he redeemed himself with extraordinary charity work for more than 40 years till he was gone. He died at the age of 91. Call no man happy till he dies. Profumo was a happy man despite the scandal. The remorse turned him to charity work which was his atonement, giving meaning and purpose to his life. He dedicated his energies to helping the poor and disadvantaged in London’s East End. Within days of his HAPPY: Former secretary of state for war John Profumo with actress wife Valerie Hobson political decline, he turned up at the refuge centre Another girl who off immoral earnings. He a Soviet spy grabbed headToynbee Hall (where turned up with Keeler to later committed suicide. It lines. It was believed that Mahatma Gandhi stayed in attend upon the rich and turned out Keeler also had Profumo must have had in 1931 during the powerful was her friend a relationship with a senior his head top sensitive Roundtable Conference) Mandy Rice-Davies. naval attaché at the Soviet defence secrets and they and asked to help with the embassy in London, When Profumo first set may have been passed on toilets. Eugene Ivanov. his eyes on Keeler, climbto Ivanov during pillow He was a dedicated The idea that the secreing out of a swimming pool talk. charity worker for whom

his friend Lord Longford “felt more admiration than all the men I’ve known in my lifetime”. And 20 years later, Margaret Thatcher, who called him “one of our national heroes”, invited him to her 70th birthday dinner, and seated him next to the Queen.


Following the AngloFrench withdrawal from Narvik, Profumo – an Army officer – was among a number of Conservative MPs to vote against Prime Neville Minister Chamberlain, in a move which paved the way for Winston Churchill to enter No. 10.

MODEL: Christine Keeler was involved with John Profumo

His rehabilitation was complete. Margaret Thatcher said then: “It’s time to forget the Keeler business. His has been a very good life.” An investigation later established that Profumo had never surrendered national secrets in his conversations with Keeler. Blessed with an Italian ancestry and a family fortune, Profumo was educated at Harrow and Oxford. In 1940. aged 25, he entered the House of Commons after winning a by-election at Kettering and becoming the youngest member of the House.

Profumo rose to the rank of brigadier, but lost Kettering in the Labour election landslide of 1945. He re-entered the Commons in 1950 as member for Stratford-on-Avon, holding a series of ministerial posts, including Minister for Foreign Affairs. Then, in July 1960, he was made Secretary of State for War. Unlike recent political departures that have often seemed to be a mere interlude before a new Cabinet job comes along, Profumo went, never to return. The scandal was unprecendented, his resignation one of the last of its kind.

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India looks to lure entrepreneurs with investor visa Asian Voice | 10th September 2016

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government announced the brand new Investor Visa, a move aimed at creating a warmer environment for foreigners trying to push job-generating investments in the country. With the provision, people from other countries who invest $1.5 million in India over a span of 18 months, or $3.7 million over three years, will be given the "permanent residency status" that will last for 10 years, and can be renewed for another decade. The investments should, however, "result in generating employment for at least 20 resident Indians every financial year" the cabinet said. The investors will be permitted to stay in India as "permanent residents" without having to register with the police, or periodically go abroad. Even their spouses or other dependants will be allowed to

work in the country legally. Mark Runacres, a former British diplomat who runs a firm in New Delhi, said, "It's very important psychologically and I think that the announcement would attract a lot of interest and be very welcome. Conceptually what it is signalling is that India doesn't just want people's money, which was the signal before. It understands that people want to come and build their own companies and be part of the

scene rather than have that niggly feeling that there always was before of 'leave your money at the door, and don't tell us what to do here'." Several details of the scheme are yet to be clarified, and questions like whether the 10 year visas can be renewed more than once, and how soon prospective investors can apply, are yet to be answered. It also remains to be seen what type of investors may find the

scheme appealing. The investment threshold is low enough that it would not require establishing a large manufacturing plant, but appears sufficiently high to exclude the many young foreign professionals, including designers, that come to India to set up small businesses. Runacres said he believed the designated investment levels appeared aimed at investors that might create new service industry businesses, perhaps in areas such as health and education. But it could also pave the way for India to accept more foreign participation in the economy, even among industries that do not require them to stump up large sums of cash. “Will we have thousands of applicants appear on the first day? I doubt it,” he said. “But if it works well, it will be a precedent. It’s a first step.”

ED attaches £663 mn worth properties of Mallya The Enforcement Directorate attached £663 million worth properties owned by defaulter Vijay Mallya. The attached properties are located across India, including in Mumbai and Bengaluru. The things attached by the ED include Mallya's farmhouse in Maharashtra worth £20 million, an apartment and a mall in Bangalore worth £80 mil-

Vijay Mallya

lion, and shares of UBL and USL worth £300 million.. Just last week, the consortium of banks including SBI, who lent money to Mallya, told the Supreme Court that the businessman deliberately did not make a full disclosure of his assets. The apex court, after noting the submissions by the attorney general Mukul Rohatgi issued

a notice to Mallya and asked him to respond. On July 14, Rohatgi claimed that Mallya had provided incorrect details of his assets in a sealed cover to the apex court. He further said a whole host of information had been concealed by Mallya, including a cash transaction to the tune of £250 million. That, Rohatgi said, amounts to contempt of court.

UK economy is coping with Brexit vote A recent study suggests that the United Kingdom is beginning to cope from the punch laid out by the Brexit referendum. A recent check read that the record plunge was a reflex to the result of the vote. However, the Markit/Cips report registered the biggest monthly increase in industry's performance in the 25-years history of the purchasing managers' index- its highest since last October. "Firms linked positive output expectations over the next 12 months to export opportunities, reduced uncertainty, stable markets, product launches, expansion plans, and a recovery in the energy sec-

Theresa May

tor," the survey said. It also added that companies were more optimistic about their future growth prospects now. Markit /CIPS PMI rose to 52.9 in August from 47.4 in July, not only is it above the 50 level that divides growth from contraction, it

also puts the UK on course to grow by 0.1 pc in the third quarter. Chris Williamson, chief economist at Markit said, "The UK saw business activity rebound from July's post-referendum decline in August, enjoying the strongest expansion for five months." He added, "The revival marks a substantial improvement on the 0.4 pc quarterly rate of GDP decline indicated by the July survey data. Over the first two months of the third quarter, the survey's

output measure has averaged 50.3, signalling a near-stagnation of the economy. Assuming further growth is signalled by the September PMI surveys, we expect the economy to have eked out a modest GDP expansion of 0.1 pc in the third quarter." Prime Minister Theresa May recently stated that the economy performed better than expected. "We have had some good figures and better figures than some had predicted would be the case. I'm not going to pretend that it's all going to be plain sailing. I think we must be prepared for the fact that there may be some difficult times ahead and I am optimistic."

David and Simon Reuben top Sunday Times rich list Brothers David and Simon Reuben ranked 1 on The Sunday Times Rich List with an estimated fortune of over £13.1 billion. Born in Mumbai, the brothers came from a rather basic background and moved to Britain in the 1950s. While elder David found job at a scrap metals business at the age of 17, and worked nights, Simon

David and Simon Reuben

bought a carpets firm out of receivership, selling it later to use the gained proceeds to begin a property empire. Together, the brothers set up Trans-World Metals and traded aluminium and tin from London and copper from New York. Moving to Russia in the 1990s, they made a £1.3 billion in a decade and soon bought a bunch of London

property. It included Carlton House and Millbank Tower in Westminster, John Lewis Partnership's headquarters in Victoria, Connaught House in Mayfair and several shops in Sloane Street. The brothers expanded their reach in the coming years and owned courses such as Royal Windsor and Uttoxeter.



Urjit Patel takes over as RBI governor The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Monday said Urjit Patel has assumed charge as the Governor of the central bank on Monday. Patel succeeds Raghuram Rajan, who after serving a threeyear term, is going back to academia. On August 20, the appointment committee of cabinet approved the appointment of Patel for three years, with effect from September 4. The handover ceremony took place on Tuesday, since September 4 was a Sunday and Monday was a holiday due to Ganesh Chaturti. Patel’s tenure as deputy governor was extended earlier this year. “Dr Patel has also served at the International Monetary Fund (IMF). He was on deputation from the IMF to the Reserve Bank during 1996-1997, and in that capacity he provided advice on development of the debt market, banking sector reforms, pension fund reforms, and evolution of the foreign exchange market,” RBI said. He was also a consultant to the Ministry of Finance (Department of Economic Affairs), from 1998 to 2001. Rajan warns against low rates: Rajan, meanwhile, warned that law interest rates globally could distort markets and would be difficult to abandon. Countries around the world, including the United States and Europe, have kept interest rates low as a way to encourage growth. But countries could become "trapped" by fear that when they eventually raised rates, they "would see growth slow down," he said. Low interest rates should not be a substitute for "other instruments of policy" and "various kinds of reforms" that are needed to encourage growth, Rajan said in a recent interview with The New York Times. "Often when monetary policy is really easy, it becomes the residual policy of

Urjit Patel

choice," he said, when deeper reforms are needed. Protect central bank's right to say `no': Rajan made a strong case for central bank's independence and said the governor's rank should be commensurate with his position. In his last public speech as RBI governor, Rajan argued for operational freedom of the central bank. “Multiple layers of scrutiny, especially by entities that do not have the technical understanding, will only hamper decision making,” he said, suggesting that, instead, the government-appointed RBI board - which includes exofficio government officials as well as government appointees - should continue to play its key oversight role. “In this environment, where the central bank has to occasionally stand firm against the highest echelons of central and state government, recall the words of my predecessor, Dr Subbarao, when he said “I do hope the finance minister will one day say, 'I am often frustrated by the Reserve Bank, so frustrated that I want to go for a walk, even if I have to walk alone. But thank God, the Reserve Bank exists.' I would go a little further. The Reserve Bank cannot just exist, its ability to say `No' has to be protected. At the same time, the central bank cannot become free of all constraints, it has to work under a framework set by the government,” Rajan said during a talk.

Tatas move London court against DoCoMo The Tata-DoCoMo spat over $1.17 billion payment dispute took a new turn with Tata Group urging a London court to set aside an ex-parte order obtained by the Japanese firm for enforcement of an arbitral award against the Indian company. On the other hand, DoCoMo - citing the Indian company's filing in Delhi court on September 2 to block enforcement of the arbitral award - charged the Tatas of attempting to “re-litigate arguments” that were already fully considered and rejected by the panel of London arbitrators appointed by the two companies.

DoCoMo had approached London's Commercial Court in July seeking enforcement of London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA) ruling against Tatas for breach of contractual obligations pertaining to a shareholders' dispute in Tata Teleservices. “Tata Sons has filed an application to set aside an ex-parte order obtained by NTT DoCoMo from London's Commercial Court on July 25, 2016,” Tata Sons said in a statement. Tata Sons were granted time to file their application to set aside the order.




Last week I was asked to see a number of new build properties in a prime location, they were discounted by 30%, which I found hard to believe.

Suresh Vagjiani

Sow & Reap London Property Investment

It transpired the original buyers who were a middle eastern fund had made instalment payments of 30% whilst the properties were being developed. The recent oil crisis meant they would have to liquidate other assets which would lead to a bigger loss than not completing the property deal. They took the decision to drop the deal and forfeit the amount they put into it. The developers took the decision to pass this discount on to the incoming buyer, wisely given the soft market

conditions. The comparables in this block confirms this is a bona fide discount. With the discount the prices are just below £1,000 per sq. ft. These are great buy and hold deals, perhaps with the view of reselling in two to three years. Another deal we have closed is a one bedroom flat in W1, cheap at £1,140 per sq. ft. What made this deal even more lucrative is the potential to short let the property. After visiting the block it became obvious the whole block was a short let haven, The freeholder himself owns a number of properties in the block and is doing the same. A short let means you are renting the property from a few

withheld at the end of a tenancy. Introducing Tenancy Deposit Protection was identified as a way to raise standards in the lettings industry and ensure tenants are treated fairly at the end of the tenancy. I remember a landlord being taught a painful lesson regarding this. He had a property which had been rented to a family that had lived there from 2006, with which he had never experienced any problems. However after a change in the tenants’


Clapham Road, Stockwell, SW9 Purchase Price: £299,000

situation after a few years suddenly the rent was only being paid in drips and got later and later each month. After three months the landlord decided that this was not acceptable so he decided to give the tenants notice to leave the property. Notice was served and the end of the tenancy came, however the tenants decided that they were not going to move out. So the inevitable next step of court action commenced, and the relevant details were passed on to the landlord’s solicitor. After four

Asian Voice |10th September 2016


days to several months, as opposed to a standard AST which requires a minimum term of six months. With the rise of short lets and the dampening of yields in central London many landlords have pursued this method of renting with great enthusiasm, some purchase properties only with the aim of short letting in mind. Most leases forbid short letting in their blocks, and some even ask for all tenants and ASTs to be vetted prior to them moving into a block. Clearly this block is not as strict, and this one point really opens the deal up.

be on the capital growth of the deal.

This investment can generate over 8% gross as

opposed to 3% gross, this means there’s cash left after the mortgage is paid about £20k per annum depending on the mortgage details. And this is not where you make the bulk of your money, the bulk will

which was three times the deposit amount!

months everything was all set and ready until the solicitor noticed that back in 2006, when the tenants moved in, that the deposit

had been paid to the landlord as at this point in time it could be held by him, however when he had renewed the tenancy (after the new law had been introduced) he had not protected the deposit, so by law he would need to refund the deposit and then start the proceedings all over again! During this time the tenants did not pay any rent, totaling six months of rent arrears, and to top it all off the tenants then took the landlord to court for not protecting the deposit and the landlord was ordered to pay a fine to the tenants

THE IMPORTANCE OF PROTECTING YOUR TENANT’S DEPOSIT The requirement to protect a tenancy deposit taken for an assured short hold tenancy in England and Wales was introduced on 6 April 2007, following its inclusion in the Housing Act 2004. Initially, deposits needed protecting within 14 calendar days of receipt by the landlord. This was subsequently changed to 30 days on 6 April 2012 as a result of the Localism Bill 2011. The legislation was introduced because the Government recognised many deposits were being unfairly



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Asian Voice | 10th September 2016

Consultant Editor Financial Voice Alpesh Patel

Dear Financial Voice Reader, How exactly does finance build special relationships between two countries – and India and the UK specifically? Enriching the UK, enriching India, building a special relationship between the UK and the world's largest democracy and one of the most important countries in the region: The Indian and UK PMs charged us with this, and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge launched it, to find the best Indian entrepreneurs to go global from the UK. I'll be judging these with Anand Mahindra in November - our bilateral relations between India and UK have never been stronger and closer. We created in Government the Techrocketships competition and it shows you both where India is excelling, how UK and India can work closely and how PM visits are not just ‘talking shops’ but lead to actual results. SMART MANUFACTURING Smart manufacturing is bringing IT to the factory floor, improving efficiency by introducing cyberphysical systems. This award will be presented to a globally ambitious Indian start-up making a significant impact with its digital transformation solution to a manufacturing set-up. MEDTECH The Medtech industry is at a crossroads, with the challenge of developing new models of better care solutions across the widest possible patient spectrum at lower costs. This award will be presented to a globally ambitious Indian start-up demonstrating true innovation while making an impactful change in the health ecosystem. FINTECH Fintech companies have gained prominence in recent years providing the technology backbone to the financial sector. Fintech is an umbrella term covering several verticals like including payment solutions, gateways, remittances etc. The UK is the Fintech capital of the world, and this award will be presented to a globally ambitious Indian start-up disrupting the financial sector with solutions that make it more efficient and effective. EDTECH A global transformation is underway in education, with fundamental changes in the conventional bricks-and-mortar models and increasing use of technology in the form of products/apps/tools to enhance learning and instruction. This award will be presented to a globally ambitious Indian start-up demonstrating ground-breaking innovation and enhancing the teaching and learning process. CLEANTECH Cleantech is the technology or business model innovation that impacts energy security, climate change and the environment. This award will be presented to a globally ambitious Indian start-up that is enabling a transformation to a more resource-efficient and low carbon model of business.


Reliance Jio sends other telecom operators into frenzy AsianVoiceNews

Reliance Industries announced their brand new 4G data plans so cheap, it sent other telecom companies into a frenzy. Launching Reliance Jio, at the company's 42nd annual general meet, owner Mukesh Ambani said, "I believe that these are the absolute lowest data rates anywhere in the world. Jio's mission is to meet the exploding need of data for India, and to take our nation from data shortage to data abundance." "World over, operators charge only for data, voice and messaging are essentially free. All voice calls for Jio customers will be absolutely free." He added, "Jio will fulfil the Digital India dream of Prime Minister Narendra Modi." Reliance said their 4G network covers 18,000 cities and towns, and over 200,000 villages. By March next year, it will cover 90 per cent of India's population. To uplift customer enthusiasm, Ambani said consumers would be able to book Jio services for free till the end of this year. The connectivity comes with a load of freebies, including apps in the Jio ecosystem worth £1.50 billion, students to get 25 per

Mukesh Ambani

cent more data for the same plan as other users and enterprise customers would be provided with customised solutions. The company will soon launch smartphones starting at Rs 2,999 and wifi routers at Rs 1,999. Mukesh Ambani said the firm was planning to roll out a fibre to home network of 1 GBPS and also a multi-gigabit network for enterprise customers. He asked rival companies "to do their part to create a fair framework of co-operation that is good for India and Indian customers." The "onus is rightly on the incumbent operators not to

Abhishek Sachdev

Recently, we talked about the fallout from Brexit and how some FX Brokers / Banks are selling unsuitable products to some of their customers. However, we mustn't forget there are real benefits for businesses

worth of 4G data. At Rs 3,999 per month, customers will get 60 GB worth of 4G data. The most expensive plan is priced at Rs 4,999/month. This plan will offer 75 GB worth of 4G usage, along with unlimited 4G usage at night, and 150 GB of WiFi data respectively. The almost aggressive plans left a massive $2 billion hole in the pockets of Bharti Airtel, Idea Cellular and Reliance Communications shareholders. The biggest loser, Airtel saw its market capitalisation dipping over £850 million to £13 billion, followed by Idea's more than £350 million loss to an m-cap of about £337 million. Ratings major Crisil said, Jio's plans will expectedly put pressure on both, revenue growth and profitability of existing telcos. "Operators will not only be forced to take a relook at their tariff structures and customer retention strategy, but may also be forced to bid more aggressively in the forthcoming spectrum auctions, especially in high revenue-generating circles where they have limited 'capacity and spectrum' to offer 4G services."

Record fine imposed on PwC for audit failures Pricewaterhousecoopers has been slapped with a 1.4 million pound fine for wrongly informing local regulators JPMorgan Securities was keeping client money safe, for seven years. The Accountancy and Actuarial Discipline Board said the top auditor which checks books of almost all blue-chip companies, said it failed to collect "sufficient appropriate evidence" to report JPMorgan Securities. It said most of the money from futures and options trading was being "swept" daily into interestbearing, unsegregated accounts overnight at JPMorgan Chase bank. The

Financial Services Authority had set a record 33.3 million pound fine on JPMorgan Securities in June 2010 for not keeping client money separate at all times from its own money. The amount of client money ranged from $1.9 to $2.3 billion and were held in unsegregated accounts, at risk of loss if the lender became insolvent. The AADB said an independent tribunal found

PwC's misconduct "very serious" and while it would have issued a fine of 2 million pounds, the penalty was reduced because the auditor cooperated, but was made to pay AADB's expenses. The tribunal even called for further action. "We wish to comment that we have been surprised and concerned that no partner at PwC has been named in relation to this matter or proceeded against by the

Rate hedging mis-selling cases over the last 5 years highlighted serious flaws in the bank's sales process, including whether advice was explicitly given or not. As a result, most banks will now show you a range of products, each with relative advantages and disadvantages, including different costs, risks and flexibilities and constraints. These will be offered on a non advisory basis, leaving you to seek independent advice. Given the tailored nature of hedging products, getting FCA regulated

advice is essential, as the implications of not understanding the full risks can potentially be disastrous for a businesses. The term, amount, amortisation profile and covenants etc, all add complexities. The simple ability to fix a rate may not always be the best route, as you may wish to participate in a move that will benefit you, as well have protection from a move that goes against you. Sometimes hedging is required as a condition to a business loan; but we are also seeing an increase in the number of clients requesting hedges on their own initiative to reduce

Hedging isn’t all bad news!

if a sensible hedging policy is applied. For example, the ability to fix an FX rate for a period of time allows you to calculate your profit margin with a high degree of certainty for that duration. It lets you focus on other aspects of your business by not having to worry about the impact from Sterling rising or falling or whether Interest Rates are going up at the next BOE meeting. Below are some of the considerations you need to account for when exploring a hedging strategy. The key principle of a

misuse their market power by creating unfair hurdles." Charging a mere 1/10th of what other companies are charging for 4G data services, the Jio 4G tariffs begin at Rs 149 for 300 MB for 28 days. At Rs 499 per month, customers will get up to 4 GB data along with unlimited 4G at night, for 28 days. For Rs 999 per month, customers will get up to 10 GB of 4G data along with 20 GB of WiFi. They will also get unlimited usage at night. For Rs 1,499 per month, customers will get 20 GB worth of 4G data while for Rs 2,499 per month, customers will get 35 GB


good hedging strategy is it should reduce risk and not introduce other risks, especially ones that are not understood or easily calculated, for example, Volatility. The sales process is important, as a face-to-face meeting allows questions to be asked with regards to risks, costs, advantages and d i s a d v a n t a g e s . Importantly, it gives a bank / broker an opportunity to ask questions to assess suitability and the client's level of understanding. The number of Interest

(AADB's) Executive Counsel." PwC said it regretted one aspect of its work on the private client money report to the FSA fell below "our usual high standards". It added, "When this issue was identified, and before any complaint had arisen, we took action to ensure that staff received training in the client monies area." The complaint against the company was based on its reports to the FSA for the seven years to December 31, 2008. Tom Martin, AADB executive counsel, said, "It is an appropriate penalty, given the framework the tribunal had to deal with." risk. We work with clients to understand their overall business plans and objectives. We present a solution that not only reduces risk but also assesses the implications of the new hedge accounting rules and fits the long term objectives of the business without generating restrictions. If you wish to add a degree of certainty for your business in a volatile world, please contact us for a free initial discussion.

Tel: 020 7183 2277 www.vedantahedging.com

INDIA Asian Voice | 10th September 2016



Hindus welcome Bappa home


The ten-day festival of Vinayaka Chaturthi commenced from Monday, September 5. The younger son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, Ganesha is the Lord of arts and sciences, and is also known as the God of wisdom. He is known by 108 different names. Hindu mythology pins two different versions of Lord Ganesha's birth. The more popular version is of how Parvati created Ganesha out of her body: Goddess Parvati was preparing for a bath one day, and asked Nandi to guard the door and let no one pass as she did not wish to be disturbed. Faithfully taking his post, Nandi however had to let Shiva in, as her loyalty lied with Shiva first. While this irked Parvati, she was more piqued with the fact that she had no one as loyal to herself. This was when Parvati took turmeric paste from her body and breathed life into it. The next time Parvati wished to bathe, she posted Ganesha on guard at the door. In due time, Lord Shiva came, only to be stopped by a stranger boy from entering his own house. Furious, Shiva commanded his army to take the boy down. However, all of them failed,


as Ganesha possessed Parvati's shakti. A surprised Shiva saw that the boy was not ordinary, and decided to fight him himself. In his divine fury, Shiva ended up severing Ganesha's head. Furious on hearing the news, a temperamental Parvati decided to destroy the entire universe, when Lord Brahma- the Creator, approached her and coaxed her to change her mind. She put down two conditions: one, that Ganesha be brought back to life, and the second, that he be worshipped forvever before all

gods. Lord Shiva had cooled down by then, and on realising his mistake, complied to his wife's demands. He sent Brahma with orders to bring back the head of the first creature he crosses that is laying with its head facing North. He soon returned with the head of an elephant. Shiva placed the head on Ganesha's body, breathed new life into him, and declared him to be his own son as well. Lord Shiva gave him the status of being foremost among all gods, and leader of the ganas.

Kashmir separatists snub visiting MPs, refuse to meet them The All-party delegation that visited Kashmir in the aftermath of the twomonth long unrest in the Valley met with shut doors by Kashmiri separatists. The group of leaders walked into a damp welcome as the separatist leaders adopted a rather tough stance against them. Hardline Hurriyat chief Syed Ali Shah Geelani, who has been under house arrest since July, flatly refused to meet with Sitaram Yechury, D Raja, Sharad Yadav, and Jay Prakash Narayan. The leaders were instead, put face to face with an angry slogan-shouting group of Geelani's supporters outside his house. Jammu & Kashmir Liberation Front chief Yasin Malik rebuffed the parliamentarians when they went to meet him at a police station where he is kept under detention. Malik told them that he would talk to them when he visits Delhi, saying "You see the situation outside. What can we talk about in such a situation?" Former moderate Hurriyat Conference chief Abdul Ghani Bhat received the parliamentarians, but informed them about the boycott decided to take against them. He termed the visit a "futile exercise",

Lord Ganesha is brought home, Shhodashopachara, when there are 16 forms of paying tribute to Ganesha, Uttarpuja, the last puja after which the idol will be shifted, and the Ganesh Visarjan, when the idol is immersed in the river. While the festival is celebrated across India, it holds special importance in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, and Telangana. Other than India, Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated in Nepal, and the Hindus living in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Mauritius. Preparations for the festivities begin months in advance. Pandals are created which, over the years, have gained a competitive spirit. Ganesha idols are brought to them, installed, and decorated with lights, flowers, food offerings. The priest performs the pranapratishtha, which is followed by the shhodashopachara ritual when coconut, jaggery, modaks, durva grass and red hibiscus flowers are offered to the God. A long ceremony is conducted where hymns are recited, aartis are performed, and crowds of people gather to take Ganesha's blessings. The festivities end with the visarjan, where the idol is immersed in a river.

condition that it would need to be understood and not merely written down. The dictation soon began and as Ganesha began to write down a difficult verse which he could not follow, his pen broke. In the rush to not miss the words, he broke off one of his tusks and used it as a pen. Widely accepted is the story of Parashurama breaking the tusk off. Recounted in an excerpt from the Upodghata Pada of Brahmanda Purana, it is said that one of Lord Vishnu's reincarnations, Parashurama wanted to meet with Shiva after defeating his enemy Kartavirya Arjuna. He was however, stopped by Ganesha who said his father and mother were sleeping and he could not disturb them. Adamant on not letting him in, Ganesha faced the wrath of the brahmin who pursued a fight with him. While he could not be defeated, Parashurama threw his axe at Ganesha who knew it was a gift from Shiva and let it cut his tusk. Ganesh Chaturthi is traditionally celebrated on Shukla Chaturthi in the month of Bhadrapada. The celebrations of the festival are defined by four major rituals: the Pranapratishtha, when

The other legend says that Ganesha was created by both, Shiva and Parvati at the request of the Devas, to create obstavles in the path of the rakshasas (vighnakartaa), and to help the Devas, (vighnahartaa). Hindu myth also has several anecdotes on how he broke off one of his tusks. One of them, taken from the Mahabharata, talks of how sage Vyasa asked Ganesha to transcribe a poem as he dictated. Ganesh agreed on the condition that the poem be recited uninterrupted, and the sage put forth his own

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All party delegation holding a meeting on Kashmir issue

adding that nothing concrete would happen unless India talked to Pakistan. The separatists had earlier rejected chief minister Mehbooba Mufti's invitation to meet with the delegation. Releasing a statement, Geelani, Malik, and Mirwaiz Umer Farooq said, "These deceitful methods of crisis management through parliamentary delegations and tracktwo only prolong the sufferings of the people and cannot take the place of a genuine transparent agenda-based dialogue to address the core issue of the people's right to selfdetermination." The statement added that nobody was more aware than Mehbooba that the "Indian war machine is on a spree to kill, maim and disfigure an entire population into complete submission for demanding freedom." The delegation comprising of 30 people from

20 parties, arrived in Srinagar to hold talks with representatives of mainstream parties and was led by Home Minister Rajnath Singh. Ex-chief minister Omar Abdullah did meet the leaders and said such efforts have lost their credibility as there has been hardly any follow after similar previous visits. Reacting to the rebuff, Singh said the reaction showed they did not believe in democracy. "Some members of the delegation wanted to visit the Hurriyat leaders. We neither said yes nor did we say no. But if some wanted to talk to them and they refused, this implies that they did not believe in insaniyat, Kashmiriyat, and jamhooriyat." He said that while they were willing to have talks, the offer was available to only those who believed the Valley was an integral part of India.

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Sharif again writes to UN for intervention in Kashmir

Asian Voice | 10th September 2016

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif yet again wrote to the UN seeking an intervention in the Kashmir issue. In a bid to internationalise the ongoing Valley-fight between India and Pak, Sharif asked for a fact finding mission to probe alleged human rights violations in the Valley. Foreign Office spokesperson Nafees Zakariya said the PM sent the letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. He said, "The Prime Minister mentioned that while 'Azad Jammu and Kashmir' cannot be compared in terms of the grim and tragic situation of human rights in Kashmir, it remains

Nawaz Sharif

open to any UN mission for a visit as it has always facilitated the UNMOGIP, foreign diplomats and tourists." The letter called out Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's recent remarks on

Balochistan and PoK, calling it unwarranted and in complete contravention of the UN charter. It added that the remarks were aimed at diverting the world attention from the ongoing atrocities in the Kashmir valley. The spokesperson said that Pak would continue its efforts to raise the Kashmir dispute at all international levels. "The Kashmir issue will figure prominently at the upcoming annual meeting of the United Nations General Assembly and the OIC (Organisation of Islamic Cooperation) meetings on the sidelines of the UN session," Zakaria said. He said Pakistan wants peaceful reso-

lution of the lingering Kashmir dispute through the dialogue process but rejected any preconditions for the talks. Talking about US Secretary of State John Kerry's statement on Pakistan's anti-terror efforts, the spokesperson said Pakistan draws no distinction in the terrorist groups. Earlier in August, Sharif had sent letters to UN secretary general and UN high commissioner for human rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein, urging efforts to end "persistent and egregious violation of basic human rights" of the Kashmiri people and also to implement UN Security Council resolutions.

Protesters urge Zuma, ANC leaders to quit JOHANNESBURG: Members of the African National Congress raised slogans outside the party headquarters, asking President Jacob Zuma step down. Demonstrators argued that Zuma is the reason the ANC lost control of three major urban centres in local elections last month, and the economy hangs on the edge of recession. Even with the crowd numbered less than 100, the political tension was at its peak in the country. Some of the protesters carried placards reading, 'Resign with immediate effect: ANC NEC

and Jacob Zuma', and 'Don't try this at Luthuli House'. Secretary General Gwede Mantashe said, "There was a big hullabaloo in the media that there was going to be a

big movement to occupy Luthuli House. There is not such a movement. It's a grouping-small." He was given a list of grievances by the protesters.

Although the ANC won the most votes overall in the Aug 3 local polls, its reputation was badly bruised by its loss of support mainly in major cities. Analysts said more internal squabbles were likely following the election losses, but would only bring change if they were led by senior party figures. "An effective way would be to have big heavyweights in the ANC who say that we want the leadership to step down and we are organising a march," said Prince Mashele, head of the Centre for Politics and Research, a Pretoria-based think-tank.

Pak to buy 8 attack submarines from China ISLAMABAD: In a nearly $5 billion agreement signed between Pakistan and China, former will acquire at least eight modified diesel-electric attack submarines from the Communist country, by 2028. Head of Pakistan's next-generation submarine programme along with senior naval officers, briefed members of the National Assembly's standing committee on defence regarding the deal. Earlier this year, a senior Pakistan Navy official had announced that Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works had secured a contract to produce four of the eight submarines. China is expected to extend a long

term loan to Pakistan at a low interest rate to cover the cost of the project. While it is not yet confirmed what type of submarines will be supplied to the Pakistan Navy by the China Shipbuilding Trading Company, analysts expect the new submarines

will be lighter export versions of the People Liberation Army Navy's Type 039 and Type 041 Yuan-class conventional attack submarines. The first four submarines are expected to be delivered by the end of 2023 while the remaining four will be

assembled in Karachi by 2028. These are expected to form the sea-based arm of Pakistan's burgeoning nuclear second-strike triad. China is Pakistan's biggest supplier of military hardware which included battle tanks, naval ships as well as fighter jets. The two jointly manufacture J-17 Thunder warplane. Pakistan's submarine fleet comprises five Agostas two Agosta70 and three Agosta90B - and three MG110 miniature submarines (SSI). One of Agosta90B - Hamza (Khalid Class) - was indigenously constructed and commissioned in 2008 and another was partially completed here. The third was built in France.

US Airline files boys to the wrong cities A mother in New York says the airline JetBlue mistook her five-year-old for another boy and flew him to the wrong city. Maribel Martinez said she was shocked when staff members of JetBlue gave her another five-yearold at Kennedy Airport, New York. Her lawyer, Sanford Rubenstein said the child presented to Ms Martinez was supposed to be in Boston. Instead, her son, Andy was sent there.

Both children, who were travelling unaccompanied took off from the Dominican Republic. Ms Martinez said her son was wearing a wristband with his name on it. But the other child was carrying Andy’s passport. The child mistakenly flown to New York was returned safely to Boston after its took over 3 hours to for the airline to sort out the mix-up. JetBlue said they are reviewing how the mixup occurred.

In Brief



Primary boys fail in three Rs

LONDON: Data released by the Department of Education showed that 50.46 per cent of boys who sat for the SATs, failed to meet the target. It also showed a rough eight per cent point difference between genders. Experts felt that girls outperform boys as they are more eager to please, and the boys have fewer male role models to look up to. Chairman of the Campaign for Real Education, Chris McGovern said the gap was a "major cause of concern". "A lot of primary schools are dominated by Hermione Grangertype girls, a delight to teach and eager to please. But this is happening at the expense of boys."

Third of children 'not ready for school' aged five

LONDON: It has been claimed that over a third of infants struggle to count to 10 and even write simple words. Chief Inspector Sir Michael Wilshaw said many nurseries and child minders were "not improving fast enough to give children the best start in life", warning that four in 10 early education providers were not good enough. The comments followed a new research published by Ofsted where it outlined nurseries, preschools, and childminders had to take to bring themselves up to scratch. It also talked on how the best schools used imaginative methods to give children a grounding in basic literacy and numeracy and make sure they interact properly with their peers. The report showed figures showing 36 per cent of children start school reception classes without a "good level of development".

Bells stolen from Cotswold church

GLOUCESTERSHIRE: Thieves broke into the St Peters church in Daylesford, and took off with three 4 ft and 5t long tubular brass bells, and another massive sized one. The theft came to notice once when Reverend David Salter pulled the ropes to ring the bells. "They are beautiful sounding bells and it is a beautiful church. It is just very sad that people seem to target the church. Although the bells are worth very little as scrap, it's very difficult to replace them, if indeed anybody still makes them," the Reverend said. What is surprising, is the fact that the people who took the bells, managed to climb down a wooden ladder and spiral staircase with the loot. "They are a considerable weight to get down ladders, down a spiral staircase and out to whatever van or vehicle they used," he said.

14 clergy defy ban on gay marriage

LONDON: Directly breaching the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, over 14 clergy of the Church of England, went ahead and married their gay partners. While there is no official liturgy of blessings for same sex marriages, the church forbids clergy from marrying their partners of the same gender, and from officiating gay weddings.

Public offered 1.5 million pound to tackle radicalism

LONDON: The Home Office has begun a £ 1.5 million fund to combat terrorism at a local level. The scheme offers up to £100,000 to groups or individuals to pitch in projects to prevent radicalisation in their communities and "prevent vulnerable people from being drawn into terrorism". The best entries will be judged by the Office for Security and Counter Terrorism.

Bishop tells of his homosexual relationship

LONDON: Rt Rev Nicholas Chamberlain, the Bishop of Grantham, has become the first bishop in the Church of England, to openly announce his homosexual relationship. In a relationship for a long time, Chamberlain decided to come out after a Sunday newspaper threatened to expose him. "People know I'm gay, but it's not the first thing I'd say to anyone. Sexuality is part of who I am, but it's my ministry that I want to focus on." He said he did not want to be known as the "gay bishop", adding that his relationship is "faithful" and "loving". "We are like-minded, enjoy each other's company and share each other's life."


Pak cabinet gives nod for security pact with China AsianVoiceNews

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan cabinet has given a thumbs-up to the negotiation of a long-term defence agreement with China. Officials said the approval was given in a meeting chaired by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif at the Governor House in Lahore. The summary to initiate negotiations on a draft agreement between Pakistan and China on a long-term strategic framework agreement for enhancing defence and security cooperation in diversified fields, were the points considered. The cabinet was informed that the draft agreement was based on principles


of mutual respect for each other's territorial integrity, sovereignty, non-integration and non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality, and cooperation for mutual benefits, and peaceful co-existence for strategic gains in defence and security, including arms and technology transfers. The announcement came a few days after the United States signed an agreement with India, governing the use of each other's land, air and naval bases for repair and resupply. The Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement between the US and India was called an agree-

ment between two sovereign states, by Pakistan. It hoped it would contribute to peace and stability. “Pakistan would like to see that such arrangements do not contribute to polarising the region by disturbing the strategic balance in South Asia and escalating the arms buildup,” Foreign Office spokesperson Nafees Zakaria told a news briefing. In 2011, the then prime minister, Yousaf Raza Gilani, expressed a desire to sign a defence deal with China during a trip to Beijing. At the time, the Chinese leadership advised Pakistan against such an agreement fearing that it

WORLD Asian Voice | 10th September 2016

might create a strain in Islamabad’s and Beijing’s relations with both Washington and New Delhi. However, Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry recently informed the Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence that Pakistan’s growing strategic partnership with China was one of the main reasons behind the current strain in its ties with the United States. The United States was probably upset with the multi billion-dollar ChinaPakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project, according to him.

Arrest warrant issued against Mohamed Nasheed COLOMBO: The Maldives announced that it will seek the arrest of former president Mohamed Nasheed, for failing to return to the troubled region to complete a prison sentence after receiving medical treatment in Britain. The country's first democratically elected president, Nasheed had recently won political asylum in Britain after being granted permission to travel for treatment while on a sentence for a terror-related offence. A Government statement issued after the president flew to Sri Lanka, said, "A court

order issued for arrest of former president Mohamed Nasheed. The Maldives correctional service is seeking to have him brought back to serve the remainder of his 13year sentence." Sources from the opposition said he has been meeting Maldives opposition groups in Sri Lanka recently, to plan and topple president Abdulla Yameen. The Maldives found itself stuck in major political turmoil after the president was forced to resign in 2012. A climate change activist who was also imprisoned during the three-decade rule of former

strongman Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, Nasheed became president in 2008, and rose to international fame for hosting a cabinet meeting underwater to bring attention to the rising global warming. He was, however, forced to resign after a mutiny by police and troops. US Secretary of State John Kerry had warned last year that the democracy in the Maldives seemed under threat, adding the president was "imprisoned without due process". Yameen, a half-brother of former strongman Gayoom, won a presidential election

Trump visits Black church, vows jobs DETROIT: Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump gave an uncharacteristically gentle speech to a black congregation on Sunday, promising African Americans jobs, and prosperity. Speaking to his audience at the Good Faith Ministries International Church, Trump said that he came to listen. "Nothing is more sad than when we sideline young Black men with unfulfilled potential, tremendous potential. Our whole country loses out without the energy of these folks. We're one nation, and when anyone hurts, we all hurt together," he said. The speech was received with timely specks of applause. The New York billionaire was invited by the Church pastor Bishop Wayne Jackson. The vote bank is of vital importance to Trump, as African Americans account for 12 per cent of the total US electorate, and the presidential nominee hasn't done enough to woo them, as much as he has done to send them away. Leaving nothing to chance, Trump headed on to a spontaneous singleday trip to neighbouring country Mexico. The visit did not disappoint as it unravelled as dramatically as expected. The Republican made a cryptic

run-off against Nasheed in late 2013. Nasheed was sentenced to prison in March 2015 after being convicted on a charge of terrorism for having the judge arrested. Sources close to Nasheed said he was "keen" to discuss the Maldives turmoil with UN Secretary-General Ban Kimoon, who is due to arrive in Colombo late Wednesday on a two-day visit for talks with Sri Lankan leaders. "He would be keen to meet with Ban Kimoon," a person close to Nasheed said, adding that no formal request for a meeting has been made.

In Brief

Jupiter close-ups beamed back to Earth

LOS ANGELES: A spacecraft from NASA caught Jupiter at its best yet. Showing the planet's temperamental northern polar region, mission chief scientist Scott Bolton of the Southwest Research Institute, said, "This image is hardly recognisable as Jupiter." The pictures taken by Juno, look "like nothing we have seen or imagined before" he said. The solar-powered spacecraft took several photos, showing unique sights of Jupiter's bright southern lights- considered the most powerful in the solar system.

Jackie Chan to get lifetime achievement Oscar

LOS ANGELES: Jackie Chan, actor, and martial arts expert, will receive a lifetime achievement Oscar, as announced by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Joining the ranks of documentary maker Frederick Wiseman, Anne V Coates, and Lynn Stalmaster, the 62 year old has never won an Oscar. Chan has appeared in several Hollywood movies like 'The Karate Kid' and the 'Rush Hour' franchise. Academy President Cheryl Boone Isaacs released a statement saying all of them were "true pioneers and legends in their crafts".

Uzbekistan buries late strongman Karimov

SAMARKAND: President Islam Karimov was laid to rest in Uzbekistan last week, amid tight security. The iron-fisted leader, who ruled the ex-Soviet country for around 27 years, was pronounced dead after he went into a coma from a stroke. Memorial service for the leader was held at the UNESCO World Heritage Registan square, and was attended by many including Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and presidents of Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.

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Media Advertising Sales Representative positions are available with Asian Business Publications Ltd - publishers of Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar, the leaders in ethnic media.

Using a mixture of face to face, telephone and electronic contact, the position will entail selling advertising space for both Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar, theme based specials, sponsorships for various events we conduct through out the year. announcement on social media, saying, "I have accepted the invitation of President Enrique Pena Nieto of Mexico and look very much forward to meeting him tomorrow." The announcement soon attracted jokes, jibes, and several slurs. Trump's relationship with the community is marked by his constant insults and threatening targeting them. One can only dare to forget Trump's idea of building a wall on the AmericanMexican border to stop the flow of illegal immigrants, besides deporting millions of them who are already in the US. He even went ahead and threatened to make Mexico pay for the wall, and has often referred to those people as "rapists, criminals, and rug-dealers". His visit was protested

against, with former president Vicente Fox stating he is not welcome. "We don't like him. We don't want him. We reject his visit," Fox said. Trump instantly retorted and reminded Fox that he had also visited him after apologising for using the "f-word" several weeks ago. The answer comes in reference to Fox saying, "I am not going to pay for the fucking wall! He should pay for it. He's got the money," earlier this year. H a s h t a g #TrumpsMexicoTripSayin gs was soon trending on the internet, with rival Democrat Hillary Clinton taking a few shots. Analysts believe that Trump risks angering and alienating his white nativist constituency. Polls suggest nearly 80 per cent of Hispanic voters are currently against him.


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9- month maternity leave for TN govt employees Asian Voice | 10th September 2016

CHENNAI: Ticking one item off the list of promises they made during the elections, Amma-led AIADMK government has increased the maternity leave of government employees from six months to nine. Addressing the state assembly, Chief Minister Jayalalithaa said, "In 2011, my government increased the maternity leave from 90 days to six months. Now, the government is increasing the maternity leave from six months to nine months." Recently, the Rajya Sabha passed an amendment bill proposing six months' maternity leave for all working


women, last month. The Maternity Benefit Bill, which is yet to be passed by the Lok Sabha, will also provide 12 weeks of maternity leave for women, who adopt children, and those opting for surrogacy.

Now, 'Mann Ki Baat' from Kerala CM THIRU VANANTHAPURAM: Inspired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan spoke to his people across the state through the radio the day his office completed 100 days of governance. The address that went on for over 10 minutes, was aired by all private FM channels and the All India Radio. "The unity of people is essential for the overall development of the state. Certain forces are trying to destroy this unity. But this government is committed to safeguarding the human values and people's goodness, irrespective of religious and communal divide." In the speech Vijayan claimed that the people of the state gave their utmost support in the first 100 days of his governance. He said the prime focus of the CPM-led LDF government would be comprehensive development. "A concrete step for waste management is the need of the

Pinarayi Vijayan

hour and the government is committed to bring out a successful model in Kerala," Vijayan said. The CM also warned severe action against the illegal practices like use of drugs and narcotics, making it clear that there won't be any compromise while dealing with such cases. "We need to be always cautious about our children. We must keep our eyes open to the small changes in their behaviour. In case of need, the services of teachers and counsellors should be taken. If we strive together, we can root out the huge danger of drug menace completely from the society."

Sidhu floats party with Olympian Pargat, 2 MLAs NEW DELHI: Former Cricketer Navjot Singh Sidhu, who was dwindling between the Congress, and the Aam Aadmi Party, after his withdrawal from the Bharatiya Janta Party, announced a brand new political front- the Awaaz-e-Punjab. The 53 year old put an end to all speculations of him joining Arvind Kejriwal's AAP, by releasing a poster of him, along with sitting Shiromani Akali Dal MLA, Olympian and former hockey captain Pargat Singh, and two Ludhiana-based independent MLAs Simarjit Bains and Balwinder Bains. The poster read, "Our fight is against those who have ruined Punjab. We would work to serve the interests of Punjab." Speaking to the media, Simarjit said, "We have decided to launch the political party named Awaaze-Punjab and it would contest the 2017 assembly polls on all 117 seats." He added, "The new front would work towards the interests of Punjab and its people. We have come together to fight

Navjot Singh Sidhu

traditional politics of dishonesty and corruption. Anyone who is willing to work for the interests of Punjab are welcome to join us." Pargat said, "Diler sher ikatthe hue hain... Brave Punjabi men who have opposed the patronage of drugs, mining and transport mafia and poor agriculture policies of the ruling SADBJP government have got together." Sidhu himself, chose to remain silent over the news. Sources close to Sidhu and his BJP MLA wife Navjot Kaur Sidhu said that the removal of AAP's Punjab unit convenor Sucha Singh Chhotepur from his post had nothing to do with the cricketer's move not to align with AAP.

The CM also announced mega plans involving government hospitals across the region, with her government aiming to construct more buildings at Madurai Rajaji Government Hospital, Kilpauk Government Hospital in Chennai and Coimbatore Government Medical College Hospital. "Hybrid OT, IVR rooms, post-operative care rooms, imaging and conference halls will be constructed in the above mentioned hospitals at a cost of £35.65 million. Similarly, in these hospitals equipment like c-arms, x-ray machines, and MRI and CT scans will be provided.

Training centres with simulators will also be set up in these hospitals. The total cost will be £49.74 million," Jaya said. Amma Gyms, Parks: In another initiative, the government will set up 500 ‘Amma Gyms’ for youth and develop as many ‘Amma Parks’ for the public in rural areas. In a statement Jaya said the gyms in rural areas would promote the physical and mental health of youth. She said the 'Amma parks' in village panchayats would have all amenities, including play equipment for children, toilets, cement benches for seating and paved pathways for walking.

TN shows the way in employing transgender CHENNAI: Tamil Nadu Police have issued orders to include transgenders in its latest recruitment of over 13,000 police constables in the state. In an admirable move, the force have also been allowed to apply as male, female, or the third gender. India's first transgender sub-inspector to join the police force as a sub-inspector, was Prithika Yasini, in February. With the move, TN would be the first state to allow the community to join the force. "This is the first time that we will be formally inducting them in the police department. The notification is expected in a month and the recruitment completed by December," a senior police officer said. Many from the community have tried to join the police over the years but couldn't due to a lack of provision for the third gender. One candidate who did manage to join, was later found to be a

member of the trans community during a routine medical examination, and was dismissed in 2013. The appointment came after Madras high court ordered the Tamil Nadu Uniformed Services Recruitment Board to include transgenders under a 'third category'. In 2014, the Supreme Court had ruled that the transgender community must be recognised as the third sex in all government documents, and even get reservation under Other Backward Caste. Encouraging things are happening elsewhere in India as well. A couple of months ago, Kochi Metro announced that it would employ, although not directly, transgender people in housekeeping, crowd management and customer care. Reportedly, the suggestion came from the local police, which not long ago clashed with some transgender activists on the streets.

Hefty salary, allowance hike for Haryana MLAs CHANDIGARH: Legislators in Haryana saw a major raise in their salaries and allowances as the state Assembly unanimously passed the Haryana Legislative Assembly Amendment Bill. Pay and allowances of a single lawmaker will jump to over Rs 150,000. The Bill suggested that the salaries of MLAs be increased, keeping in view the rising cost of living, and be promoted from Rs 30,000 per month to Rs 40,000 per month. The constituency allowance will be doubled from Rs 30,000 to Rs 60,000 per month, office allowance from Rs 10,000 per month will now be Rs 25,000, sumptuary allowance will double from Rs 5,000 to Rs 10,000. Their daily allowance will also go up from Rs 1,500 to Rs 2,000 for over 15 days a month. Also changed is the free travelling facility which will go up 100,000, making it to Rs 300,000 per year. The State exchequer, and Assembly were told that the implementation of the Bill will result in an overall expendi-

In Brief



Kerala actor detained for alleged misbehaviour

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Malayalam actor Sreejith Ravi is surrounded by fresh controversy after a group of schoolgirls accused him of indecently exposing himself to them. Fourteen girls from Palakkad alleged that a man came by in a car, stopped and exposed himself while they were on their way to school. The police have recorded their statement, and a case has been filed. The 40 year old has been detained and is currently under interrogation. "The police have asked two girls to report to the police station on September 30 and identify the car and the person. The girls have identified the person as Sreejith Ravi. But it still needs to be verified if this is correct, or a case of mistaken identity," a source said.

TN told to compensate woman for negligence

MADURAI: Madurai bench of Madras high court ordered the Tamil Nadu government to pay Rs 2837,000 compensation to the family of a 34 year old woman who died in 2012 due medical negligence at the Government Nagercoil Medical College and Hospital, in Kanyakumari. Justice KK Sasidharan said, "The factual matrix clearly shows that the hospital authorities administered nitrous oxide to the deceased instead of oxygen. The doctors and paramedical staff of the Nagercoil Medical College were involved in acts of medical negligence. Because of their negligence, the petitioner's wife went into a vegetative state. Thus, the state is bound to pay compensation." State health secretary was ordered to pay the petitioner the amount with 9 per cent interest per annum within eight weeks.

Foreign bulls are characterless, says Haryana minister

CHANDIGARH: Haryana’s animal husbandry minister Om Prakash Dhankar has put his foot in his mouth when he made a ludicrous statement in the state assembly calling the foreign bulls “characterless” and claiming they are prone to “indiscriminate wantonness.” In a debate on stray animals, the minister said: “Foreign bulls are more aggressive, they violate more animals (buffaloes as well) because they don't have the character similar to local bulls.” Dhankar added, “Jaisa wahan ke kai mulko mein character hai, waisa he inka character hai (The bulls have the same character of the countries they come from).” The BJP leader said the bulls must be castrated before being taken to cow shelters to prevent them from being “a sexual menace to thousands of female bovine inmates.”

Haryana CM and MLAs adopt novel way to reach assembly

Manohar Lal Khattar

ture of £900,000 per year. Introduced by Parliamentary Affairs minister Ram Bilas Sharma, the Bill was passed on the last day of the State Assembly's monsoon session. However, the daily allowance cannot be ascertained at this stage as this will depend upon the tours of the MLAs, it was further informed. Notably, after the Bill was tabled in the Assembly, BSP's Tek Chand Sharma had said that though in protocol the MLAs were above the state chief secretary, yet the salary hike proposed in the Bill had "disappointed" the elected representatives. After this Ram Bilas Sharma assured the House a "consensus" would be evolved on the issue in consultation with the Speaker.

CHANDIGARH: BJP MLAs along with Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar, arrived at the Haryana State Assembly on their bicycles and battery operated rickshaws, a week after Jain Muni Tarun Sagar Maharaj's Kadwe Pravachan. Two women MLAs from Congress came on Royal Enfield motorbikes. Sources said the inspiration came from Dr Pawan Saini, BJP MLA from Ladwa. He had peddled over 140 km last week to the Assembly. Khattar, in a bid to send out a positive message, asked his colleagues to join the move. He said, "We have set good traditions. We plan to come out with more of such environment friendly and fitness related initiatives."

SAD camp for workers fails to attract crowd

MUKTSAR: The ruling Shiromani Akali Dal organised an IT training camp for the party cadre in Kotbhai, Gidderbaha Assembly, Punjab. The event, however, did not see the expected outcme. When asked, in-charge Hardeep Singh Dhillon said, "The programme is divided area wise so that there is not much crowd and people can watch it easily." Several SAD activists later showed messages released from his office appealing them to bring more people to the event.

INDIA Asian Voice | 10th September 2016



Aam Aadmi Party embroiled in scandals AsianVoiceNews

Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party convener, Arvind Kejriwal sacked party member Sandeep Kumar last week after a CD containing objectionable content was sent to his office. The disk showed 34 year old Kumar in a compromising position with two women, along with 11 odd photographs. Minister of Child Welfare and Social Justice Sandeep Kumar was the youngest minister in Kejriwal's cabinet. The decision to oust him came after a meeting was held at the CM's bungalow. Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia said, "The Delhi CM found an objectionable CD involving Sandeep Kumar. Within half an hour, action was taken. The minister was removed. AAP is a party of ideals. It has a zero tolerance policy towards corruption, scandals. Ministers found taking bribes were removed immediately as soon as it was found. Action will be taken swiftly against any member irrespective of status or position." This is not the first time a scandal surrounding the AAP fed the media, and it most certainly won't be the last. Kumar remains the third AAP member to be sacked, following Asim Ahmed Khan who was removed on corruption allegations, and Jitender


Arvind Kejriwal addresses a press conference in New Delhi

Modi has time and again attracted flak against him. Since the AAP's emergence in 2012, several party MLAs have been arrested for cases of forgery, extortion, rioting, criminal intimidation, assault on public servants, attempted murder, corruption,etc. Fake Degree Row One of the first controversies associated with Kejri's party came to light in 2015, when then law minister Jitender Singh Tomar was arrested following complaints by the Bar Council of Delhi alleging his degree certificates were forged. While the party and the CM himself defended him, the minister soon resigned his position. A petition was filed in the Delhi High Court, right before the announcement of the election results in

Sandeep Kumar in the video

Singh Tomar, for allegedly submitting fake degree certificates. The Aam Aadmi Party was convened in 2012, during the ongoing India Against Corruption movement launched by Gandhian Anna Hazare, along with Arvind Kejriwal and other social activists. With the growing difference in Hazare and Kejriwal's ideologies, Kejri soon moved on to create a political party. Initially launched with an aim to prevent corruption and limit nepotism, Kejri and his group soon visibly lost focus, only to be further agonised by BJP leader Narendra Modi winning the Prime Minister's chair. Kejriwal has often been cited as an attention seeker. His open statements against the BJP, especially

February last year, challenging Tomar's university degrees. The allegation was based on a RTI enquiry to which the Avadh University had replied saying it had not awarded him a Bachelor of Science. The court soon asked for more information. Problems piled up for Tomar and the AAP as in March, as the petitioner argued that the BCD could deal with the matter without recourse to the court system. Kejriwal meanwhile defended Tomar and called for a "public trial" of the media and alleging bias against his party. During the ongoing investigations, three different universities refused affiliating his degree, the minister was remanded in police custody for four days, and his license to practise at the

Bar was suspended during which he resigned as Law Minister. Tomar soon reportedly told the police that his brother helped him obtain the fake degree. Land Grab Case AAP MLA Manoj Kumar was arrested in connection with a case of alleged cheating and land grabbing, following which, he was arrested and interrogated for several days. The case was registered following allegations that he duped his business partner of Rs 600,000. Filed by Vinod Kumar, the complaint alleged that Manoj worked as a property dealer before venturing into politics. A case against the MLA was filed under Sections 420 (cheating), 468 (forgery for purpose of cheating) and 471 (using as genuine a forged document) of the Indian Penal Code. The Congress party soon jumped at the opportunity, asking the case be given to the Lokayukta in Delhi. Delhi BJP also demanded immediate action against two other AAP MLAs - Akhilesh Tripathi and Sanjeev Jha, for allegedly leading an "attack" on a police station. Manoj was further dragged through dirt as an additional case of domestic violence mounted on his growing troubles. Alleged Assault AAP MLA from Delhi cantonment, Surinder Singh was arrested in 2015, for reportedly assaulting a

New Delhi Municipal Council worker. The case came to light within two

511, 506, and 34 of the IPC, along with a section 3(10) of the SC/ST Act was filed. The police further served Singh a notice for not turning up for questioning, following which, he was declared underground. Domestic Abuse Former law minister and AAP MLA Somnath Bharti was next to bring face to his party for alleged offences of attempt to murder and cruelty to his wife Lipika, in a case of domestic violence. A charge sheet was filed before a magistrate and proceedings were booked for April 23. It was said that Bharti, tried to endanger the life of their unborn child by

ger) the life of the complainant but also seriously endangered the life of the unborn child which the complainant was carrying." Bharti was given bail subject to his furnishing a personal bond for Rs 1000,000, and the a surity that he does not leave the state without prior permission from the trial court. The MLA was also asked to report in the office of the deputy commissioner of police once a week till the charge sheet was filed. Violent Protests and Rioting The sixth AAP MLA to be arrested, Mahinder Yadav of Vikaspuri constituency was arrested in

Activists of BJP Mahila Morcha burn an effigy of Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Kumar Vishwas

months of Tomar and Kumar's pending controversies. Singh was booked on August 4, for allegedly beating and manhandling a worker in the Tughlaq road area when a team of NDMC officials were conducting a routine check and apprehended an erickshaw driver to check his documents. An NDMC member himself, he was denied bail. He maintained that he neither abused the worker, nor did his driver and employee, claiming that the workers were thrashing a local vendor. A case under the sections of 332, 353, 367, 186,

HUMOUR CORNER A man was at the customer-service desk, returning a pair of jeans that was too tight. "Was anything wrong with them?" the clerk asked. "Yes," he said. "They hurt my feelings." *** A woman called an airline asking if she could take her dog on board. "Sure," she was told, "as long as you provide your own kennel." She was further explained that the kennel needed to be large enough for the dog to stand up, sit down, turn around, and roll over. The flustered customer replied, "I’ll never be able to teach him all of that by tomorrow!" *** The computer in a high school classroom was acting up. After watching the student struggle with it, another explained that her hard drive had crashed. She called IT. "Can someone look at my computer? The hard drive crashed." The specialist said, "We can’t just send people down on your say-so. How do you know that’s the problem?" "A student told me." "We’ll send someone right over."

releasing his dog at his wife. The chargesheet read, "The accused unleashed his dog on the complainant (Lipika) which bit her badly, it is pertinent to mention that the complainant was in an advance stage of pregnancy and she being further diabetic, the act by the accused not only was an attempt (to endan-

January this year, under different charges including rioting and assault of a public servant during a protest seeking action against an alleged sexual offender. The police claimed Yadav led a violent protest in Nihal Vihar area, West Delhi, after a three year old girl was sexually assaulted.

"He is going for a visit to the Valley"




Politicians and sex scandals go hand in hand Asian Voice | 10th September 2016

With a new sex scandal involving AAP leader Sandeep Kumar makes for material to hold debates, one can't help but look back at the never ending romance between controversies and politics. One of the prominent sex-related scandals of the country involved former Defence Minister Jagjivan Ram's son Suresh. A prominent Dalit leader who was also being seen as a prospective prime ministerial candidate in the 1970s, his son's erratic ways cost him his career. Another popular scandal that came to light was of Congress leader Mahipal Maderna, who fancied a midwife Bhanwari Devi who appeared in a promotional video made for the government. After allegations made by her husband, investigations revealed Devi was blackmailing Maderna and party member Malkhan Singh for millions of rupees against two compromising videos she had made of them. The scandal was made into a movie called 'Dirty Politics'. Amarmani Tripathi was

ND Tiwari and Abhishek Manu Singhvi

an influential leader of the Samajwadi Party in Uttar Pradesh, and even a member of one of the Cabinets of Mulayam Singh Yadav. He was arrested in September 2003 after poet Madhumita his paramour who was seven months pregnant at the time of her death - was gunned down at a close range in May that year. He and his wife were accused of conspiring to murdering her, and found guilty of the charge. Amarmani and his wife are currently serving the life sentence. Another well known scandal took place in an ice-cream

parlour in Kozhikode which was used as a brothel. Nearly two decades later the case is still in the court, but the details are still sketchy. Was the brothel owned by influential political leaders, or were these leaders among the highprofile "customers" there? Whatever be the case, IUML leader P K Kunhalikutty would want it gone, because his is one of the few names figured in the scandal. The most prominent scandal, however, remains the one involving ND Tiwari, then Andhra Pradesh governor, whose physical drive was revealed in a sting operation

conducted by a Telugu news channel. A video of the politician with three women in his official residence was brought to light. Geetika Sharma was once an air hostess with the now-defunct MDLR Airlines, launched by Haryana-based politician Gopal Goyal Kanda. When she committed suicide in 2012, she left behind two suicide notes detailing harassment by Kanda. She also said he had sexual relationships with another woman, with whom the already-married Kanda also had a son. The case is still going on. Another scandal involves the then Congress spokesman Abhishek Manu Singhvi. The Congress was left red faced when the video purportedly showing Singhvi in a compromising position with a woman advocate within the lawyers' chambers of the Supreme Court. The video, recorded by his driver in an apparent bid to blackmail him, had come out in the form of a CD, and has since been banned from publication in any form by the Delhi High Court.

Mother Teresa named a saint Continued from page 1 A Nobel Peace laureate, Mother Teresa worked with the neediest in slums of Kolkata, and helped shed light in the darkest of places. The Pope called her a "dispenser of divine mercy" and held world powers to account "for the crimes of poverty they created." He said, "For Mother Teresa, mercy was the salt which gave flavour to her

work, it was the light which shone in the darkness of the many who no longer had tears to shed for their poverty and suffering." In his speech the Pope called her an "emblematic figure of womanhood and of consecrated life." "Mother Teresa, in all aspects of her life, was a generous dispenser of divine mercy, making herself available for everyone through her welcome

and defense of human life, those unborn and those abandoned and discarded. She bowed down before those who were spent, left to die on the side of the road, seeing in them their God-given dignity. She made her voice heard before the powers of this world, so that they might recognise their guilt for the crime of poverty they created." He concluded by saying, that people may "strug-

gle" to refer to her as "Saint Teresa". "With great spontaneity, I think we will continue to call her Mother Teresa." Prayers were later delivered in a number of languages, including Mother Teresa's native tongue Albanian, and Bengali. Over 1,500 homeless people all across Italy were given seats of honour at the Mass, and served lunch by nuns.

Modi takes jibe at Pak on terror

Continued from page 1 either, saying, "Those who sponsor and support terrorism must be isolated and sanctioned, not rewarded." The communist country has a technical hold on the sanctions against Maulana Masood Azhar, head of Jaishe-Mohammed, the mastermind of the January attack on Pathankot base. It remains quietly supportive of Pak and has often used its antagonism towards India to its benefit. On the sidelines of the summit, Modi held several bilateral meetings with leaders of member nations. Modi met with Chinese leader Xi Jinping and asked Beijing to respect and be sensitive to India's concerns regarding issues, specifically the ChinaPakistan Economic Corridor that passes through Pakistanoccupied Kashmir. He asserted that the fight against terror should not be motivated by "political considerations" and that it is of "paramount importance that we respect each other's aspirations, concerns and strategic interests" to ensure durable bilateral ties. Indian Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson, Vikas Swarup informed that a lot of issues were discussed during the 35-minute bilateral with Xi. "As a matter of princi-

Modi with other world leaders in a family photograph, at G20 Summit 2016, in Hangzhou, China

ple, both countries would have to be sensitive to each other's strategic interests." He said that Modi highlighted that "we have succeeded in maintaining peace and tranquillity on the border," and added that "in order to promote positive convergence, we would also need to prevent growth of negative perception. For this, the specific actions by both countries would play the major role." When asked whether Modi raised the issue of China blocking India's bid for the NSG membership, Swarup declined to answer. Instead, he said, "I am not going into the nitty gritty of each and everything that was discussed. Everything is not meant for public consumption. There are certain things (which) need to remain between the two governments."

PM Modi also met with UK Prime Minister Theresa May who was recently sworn in, on July 13, after the Brexit vote. He raised the issue of UK's new visa policy and talked about its negative impact on Indian working professionals who wish to visit the country for short-term business. Swarup informed, "PM touched on UK's visa policy. In particular, he said the new UK regulations could have negative impact on Indian working professionals wishing to visit UK for short term business." Modi also mentioned the GST and how it will further boost trade and investment ties with the UK. He particularly stressed that even with the country voting to leave the European Union, it remained an important partner. On her part, May

expressed her support to PM Modi's reform agenda and said that the UK was keen on participating in 'Make in India', 'Smart Cities' and 'Skill India' programmes among others. The G20 meet that ended on Monday saw China initially cornered by the West, over its South China sea policies. The union represents 85 per cent of the world's GDP, with members including Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, the UK, US, and the European Union. The Indian Prime Minister also met with Turkey President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and, Argentina President Mauricio Macri.

In Brief



17 dead in suicide bombing, blasts in Pakistan

PESHAWAR: Two consecutive bomb blasts killed 12 people and injured 52, outside a district court in northwestern Pakistan last Friday. Chief rescue officer Haris Habib said, "So far we recovered 12 bodies of the lawyers, police personnel and civilians. Besides this, we rescued 52 injured, including lawyers, police personnel and civilians from the spot." It was a bad day for Pakistan, as earlier in the day, at least four suicide bombers attacked a Christian neighbourhood in northwestern Pakistan, killing one security guard. Lt General Asim Bajwa said authorities "promptly responded" and killed all four attackers. The military issued a statement saying the attackers, who were dressed in suicide vests and carried firearms, exchanged fire with security guards.

Bangladesh executes Jamaat leader Mir Quasem Ali

DHAKA: Jamaat-e-Islami leader Mir Quasem Ali was executed at the high security Kashimpur Jail in Gazipur, Dhaka. Quasem was instrumental in leading the ruthless Al-Badr militia that helped the Pakistani Army during the Liberation War in 1971. The sixth person to be given the gallows for "crimes against humanity", Quasem had decided to not seek presidential clemency as the last resort. Senior Police official, Russel Sheikh said officers had taken the "highest security measures" ahead of the execution, in anticipation for fear of violence. More than 1,000 police personnel were deployed in Gazipur and hundreds of paramilitary border guards were outside the prison.

In Iraq & Syria, IS buried thousands in 72 mass graves

HARDAN: The ISIS revealed scenes of horror on the Sinjar mountain as local villages watched handcuffed men gunned down one by one and then buried, for six consecutive days. The extremists killed over 100 people, however, just about 71 graves have been documented so far. There are several mass graves located all across Syria, with estimates suggesting a staggering number of 5,000 to 15,000 victims. One of the locals, Qassim said, "We want to take them out of here. There are only bones left. But they said no, they have to stay there, a committee will come and exhume them later."

Pak crackdown on Indian DTH

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority has launched a crackdown on the airing of excessive foreign content by TV channels and cable operators. PEMRA chairman Absar Alam said, "Adequate time is being given to the cable operators and satellite channels to adjust their timings as per the legal requirements. Otherwise, punitive action will be taken against the two important segments from October 15." The move comes after the decision to introduce Pakistani DTH service in the country was taken. Alam added that a board meeting also decided to completely stop airing any Indian channel in the country since none of them have landing rights in Pakistan. Under PEMRA rules, only 10 per cent of airtime (two hours and 40 minutes in a 24-hour transmission) is allowed for foreign shows.

Twin suicide blasts in Kabul kill at least 24

KABUL: Two Taliban suicide bombers struck close to the defence ministry in Kabul, killing at least 24 people in the bid. The two men blew themselves up in an attack that was aimed at causing mass casualties. Defence Ministry spokesman Mohammad Radmanish said, "The first explosion occurred on a bridge near the defence ministry. When soldiers, policemen and civilians rushed to the scene, there was the second explosion. The enemies of Afghanistan are losing the fight in the ground battle with security forces." His statement added, "This is why they are attacking, highways, cities, mosques, schools, and ordinary people." Following the death of their former leader Mullah Akhtar Mansour, the Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack.



C a l i f o r n i a University study has found that going for a holiday gives you physical and psychological benefits and it can last for a month. The researchers found that just six days away is enough to cause genetic changes that dampen stress, boost the immune system and lower levels of proteins linked to dementia and depression. Holidays included meditation, yoga and sessions of self-reflection provided even greater benefits. “It’s intuitive that taking a vacation reduces biological processes related to stress, but it was still impressive to see the large changes in gene expression from being away from the busy pace of life, in a relaxing environment, in such a short period of time,” said Dr Elissa Epel, professor of psychiatry at University of California. The team found that holidays which included meditation session pro-


vided even greater benefit. Although previous studies have shown that getting away has a positive impact on mental health, the new research is the first to prove that a break can actually change how a person’s genes function. The study involved 94 healthy women aged between 30 and 60 who were recruited to stay at a meditation retreat in California for six days. Half were simply told to relax on holiday while the others joined a programme which included meditation, yoga and selfreflection exercises. The team were hoping to discover the long-term impact of the “vacation effect” and the “meditation effect”, and to see if one was better than the other. Researchers collected blood samples from all participants immediately before and after their stay, one month and 10 months later. They were asked to complete well-being sur-

notable changes in gene activity were related to stress response and immune function. While all groups showed psychological improvements up to one month later, the novice meditators also had fewer symptoms of depression and less stress much longer than the non-meditating vacationers.

Lazy people are more intelligent, says new study


new study has found that lazy people are more intelligent than active people. So researchers at Florida Gulf Coast University conducted a classic test on a few students. The test, called the 'need for cognition' questionnaire, required the participants to rate how strongly they agree with statements such as "I really enjoy a task that involves coming up with new solutions to problems", and "I only think as hard as I have to". The researchers, led by Todd McElroy, then selected 30 'thinkers' and 30 'non-thinkers' from these candidates. Over the next one week, participants from both the

groups wore a device on their wrist to track their movements and activity. Results showed that the thinking group was far less active during the week than the non-thinking group. On the weekends, however, both the groups were as active or inactive,

something that the researchers have not been able to explain. The research also suggested that non-thinkers get bored more easily, so need to fill their time with physical activity. The downside to being brainier (and lazier) is the side

effects that come automatically with a sedentary lifestyle. Todd McElroy suggested that less active people, no matter how clever they are, should aim to raise their overall activity levels to improve their health. The British Psychological Society quoted the study, saying, "Ultimately, an important factor that may help more thoughtful individuals combat their lower average activity levels is awareness. Awareness of their tendency to be less active, coupled with an awareness of the cost associated with inactivity, more thoughtful people may then choose to become more active throughout the day."

were interviewed about the role sleep problems have on suicidal tendencies. Three inter-related pathways to suicidal thoughts were identified arising from sleep problems. The first was that being awake at night heightened the risks of

suicidal thoughts and attempts, which in part was seen as a consequence of the lack of help or resources available at night. Secondly, the research found that a prolonged failure to achieve a good sleep at night made life harder for respondents, adding to depression, as well as increasing negative thinking, attention difficulties and inactivity. Finally, respondents said sleep acted as an alternative to suicide, providing an escape from their problems. However, the desire to use sleep as an avoidance tactic led to increased day time sleep-

ing which in turn caused disturbed sleeping patterns - reinforcing the first two pathways, said the paper. “Our research underscores the importance of restoring healthy sleep in relation to coping with mental health problems, suicidal thoughts and behaviours. Additionally, night time service provision should be a key consideration within suicide prevention strategies, given that this study shows that those who are awake in the night are at an increased risk of suicide,” said Donna Littlewood, researcher at the University of Manchester.

Sleep problems may increase suicidal thoughts


new study has found that lack of good sleep or staying awake at night may increase the risk of suicidal thoughts and attempts. According to the study, the researchers highlighted the link between sleep problems, suicidal thoughts and changes in behaviours. In this study, 18 participants

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We are publishing these items in good faith, kindly consult your Doctor before you try to implement it. We do not hold any responsibility for its efficacy...



veys at the same times. The scientists then compared the activity of 20,000 genes to determine whether any altered during and after the resort experience. All groups had significant changes in molecular network patterns after the week at the resort, compared with their pre-vacation biology. The most


AsianVoiceNewsweekly| Asian Voice | 10th September 2016

Holiday is the best medicine to boost your mood FOOD


Steep rise in number of cancer cases among children


odern life is taking its toll on the life of children. According to scientists, there is a 40 per cent rise in the number of youngsters diagnosed with cancer in the past 16 years because of air pollution, pesticides, poor diets and radiation. Analysis of government statistics by researchers at the charity Children with Cancer UK found that there are now 1,300 more cancer cases a year compared with 1998. T he rise is most apparent in teenagers aged between 15 and 24, where the incident rate has risen from around 10 cases in 100,000 to nearly 16. Researchers say that although some of the rise can be explained by improvements in cancer diagnoses and more screening, the majority is probably caused by environmental factors. Dr Denis Henshaw, Professor of Human Radiation Effects at Bristol University, said air pollution was by far the biggest culprit, accounting for around 40 per cent of the rise, but other elements of modern lifestyles are also to blame. Among these are obesity, pesticides and solvents inhaled during pregnancy, circadian rhythm disruption through too much bright light at night, radiation from x-rays and CT scans, smoking during and after pregnancy, magnetic fields from power lines, gadgets in homes, and potentially, radiation from mobile phones. “When you look at cancers such as childhood leukaemia there is no doubt that environmental factors are playing a big role,” said Dr Henshaw. “Many items on the list of environmental causes are now known to be carcinogenic, such as air pollution and pesticides and solvents. There has been research to suggest a mother's diet can damage

DNA in cord blood. Light at night is very disruptive for the body, which is why shift workers have such bad health. Burnt barbecues, the electric fields of power lines, the electricity supply in your home. It’s all of these things coming together, and it seems to be teenagers and young people are most affected. What’s worrying is it is very hard to avoid a lot of these things.” More than 4,000 children and young people are diagnosed with canc er every year in Britain, and cancer is the leading cause of death in children aged one to 14. Diagnoses of colon cancer among children and young people has risen 200 per cent since 1998, while thyroid cancer has doubled. Ovarian and cervical cancers have also risen by 70 per cent and 50 per cent respectively. The charity estimates that the rise in cases now costs the NHS an extra hefty some compared with 16 years ago. Experts believe many cancers could be prevented with lifestyle changes such as allowing children to attend nursery to boost their immune system, not painting children’s rooms with oil-based paints, avoiding night shift work and processed meats in pregnancy. Other cancer experts said they had also noticed a rise in cancer diagnoses but warned it was too early to draw firm conclusions on the causes. Ni cola Smith, Cancer Research UK’s senior health information officer, said: “Any rise in childhood cancers is worrying but it’s important to remember that less than one per cent of cancer cases in the UK occur in children. “Evidence has shown that there are lots of things adults can do to reduce cancer risk and it’s always a good idea to set up healthy habits as a family, like eating healthily, being active and enjoying the sun safely.”




Sneha signs a Tamil biggie

Asian Voice


10th September 2016


month after a report suggested that actress Sneha will make a comeback with a Malayalam movie opposite megastar Mammootty, the news has been confirmed. It is official that the beauty has signed up for an important role in director Mohan Raja's next with Sivakarthikeyan and Nayanthara in the lead. The film also includes Fahad Fasil, Sathis and RJ Balaji in other important roles. The film, produced by RD Raja, will go on floors in September. Sneha took a year long sabbatical after the birth of her son.

Jayalalithaa's film to hit the screens


amil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa, was one of the top heroines in the 60s and the 70s. One of her yesteryear super hits 'Suryagandhi' is soon to be re-released in a digitised format. Amma, as she is fondly called, played lead actress in the film directed by Muktha Srinivasan. The cast included Muthuraman, Manorama, Major Sundararajan and other leading actors of the day. Scheduled for rerelease on September 16, music for the movie was scored by MS Viswanathan and has classics like 'Paramasivan kazhuthil irundhu' and 'Naan endral adhu avalum naanum'.

Arya rescues Anushka from a delicate situation


est friends Arya and Anushka found their ways into our hearts with their performances in 'Inji Iduppazhagi'. The character of a fat girl

demanded Anushka to gain 20 kgs. However, her next 'Baahubali 2' where she plays Maharani Devasena, needs her in a slimmer frame. As the

actress struggled with losing the extra 15 kg, her friend Arya swiftly stepped in and is currently helping her prepare for the role. A friend in need, right?

Jackie Chan’s special Nayan teams up with another leading young hero message for Rajinikanth A


hinese actor Jackie Chan is currently raving on the success of his 'Skiptrace' as the movie broke all box office records in the country. The 'Rush Hour' actor expressed a special interest in showing the movie's Tamil version to Thalaivar Rajinikanth. He also said that he watched 'Kabali' as soon as it hit the screens worldwide, and loved it. We are not surprised. Rajini mania runs global and Chan is right to fall for it. Meanwhile, Rajinikanth is currently busy with '2.O' and his next film with Pa Ranjith was also announced. The search is on for the female lead and many prominent names are coming up.

tharvaa of 'Eetti' fame, has been busy lately with his debut production venture 'Semma Botha Aagatha'. Next on his agenda is Odam Ilavarasu's 'Gemini Ganesanum Suruli Rajanum'. Other than the two projects, the actor has also committed himself to play a lead role in director Ajay Gnanamuthu's second film 'Imaikka Nodigal'. The movie, produced by C

'Baar Baar Dekho' A romantic movie featuring Katrina Kaif and Sidharth Malhotra.

Jeyakumar of Cameo Films, confirmed the news and said actress Nayanthara will play the female lead opposite Atharvaa. It is expected to go on floors soon. The film touted to be a emotional thriller has got the title as 'Imaikka Nodigal'. The film is expected to go on floors very soon and the other important cast and crew members of this exciting project will be announced before that.

'Freaky Ali'

Fate of a extortion debt collector changes when he is introduced to Golf, and realises he is a natural at it. The movie features Nawazuddin Siddique and Amy Jackson in the lead.


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Kajol reveals why 'BBD' tests Katrina's she married Ajay acting skills

Asian Voice | 10th September 2016

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ajol broke hundreds of hearts when she married actor Ajay Devgn in 1999, a decision which was considered foolish at the time. With a career at its climax, many wondered why the 'Baazigar' actress chose a settled, domestic life. Her pace slowed down, and after two wonderful children, Kajol has done just a handful of movies including 'My Name Is Khan' and the recent 'Dilwale'. "It was the right thing for me to do at that point of time. I had been already working for around eight and a half to nine years. So, I was ready to kind of calm down on my work front, and kind of take it easier," Kajol said in a fresh interview. She said, "I was doing four to five films a year. I didn't want to do only that

and to only live like that. That wasn't what I had set out for. So I assumed that I would get married and do one film a year. I'll be happier and be more settled." Kajol took the journey down memory lane, highlighting personal and professional incidents during an episode of Vogue BFFs. She became a part of the show with her mentor and close friend Mickey Contractor. Talking about her signature unibrow look, Kajol said: "Actually Mickey was the one who convinced everybody that I should go with this unibrow." Apart from Kajol, many other Bollywood actors are expected to appear on the show with their mentors and best friends including Sonam Kapoor and Atul Kasbekar.


aar Baar Dekho' came at a very important time for Katrina Kaif as she struggled with her break up with actor Ranbir Kapoor. Kat plays Diya, Sidharth Malhotra's love interest in the movie that shows their relationship up and close in a period of three decades. A lot rides on 'BBD' with her past two 'Phantom' and 'Fitoor' not faring well. "I wasn't sure I gave my 100 per cent to those two movies, therefore I came into 'Baar Baar Dekho' with complete focus and the belief of my director Nithya Mehra." Talking about Mehra, she said, "She knows how to handle people and I grew to like her. I also think that women directors write the best woman characters as there is the familiarity of what is going on in a girl's head." The movie is produced by powerhouses; Karan Johar's Dharma Productions, Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani's Excel Entertainment and Eros Entertainment.

opular Gujarati play 'The Waiting Rooms' is coming to the UK on September 16, after making a tremendous impact in Mumbai. Produced by Dharmendra Gohil and Trupti Thakkar, the story revolves around four delightful female characters, played by Bhamini Gandhi, Shilpa Pandia, Puja Damania, Hetal Dedhia. Speaking to Asian Voice, Trupti said, "Four women meet in a waiting room at a hill station, where their trains are late. Waiting for their trains, they strike a conversation and what unravels is a series of surprises and suspense, all wrapped in humour." She added, "The

play was well received in Mumbai, so much so, it is still running for the audience. We have already completed 270 shows here, and before coming to the UK, we will be completing 275." "Our play also collected three awards, Best Supporting Actress, Best Writer, and Best Play." The team already has another play in the pipeline which is expected to open in Diwali. While she could not give much details, she said it will open at the National Centre for the Performing Arts festival. 'The Waiting Rooms', promoted by Pankkaj Sodha in the UK, will play from September 16 to 25.

Ranbir willing to play homosexual

Shilpa Shetty rubbishes divorce rumours

Sonam Kapoor too is joining Hollywood


ext to join the bandwagon of actresses raising a storm in the west, is none other than our favourite Sonam Kapoor! The 'Aisha' actress has been signed on by United Talent Agent, one of the most popular Hollywood agencies, known for managing Mariah Carey, Chris Brown, Kanye West, Martin Freeman, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kirsten Dunst, and others. With an impressive client list like that, we can't wait to see what they bring Sonam's way.


ummy mommy Shilpa Shetty makes the most wonderful pair with husband Raj Kundra. The couple have been married for over seven years and are parents to adorable Viaan. However, rumours of their divorce have been hitting the headlines lately and Shilpa opened up about the controversy. "Why would there be a problem? I love my husband. He is my soulmate, touchwood! I think because I kept quiet, it was blown out of proportion. I am not one of those who really believes that I need to clarify anything to any-

one. Unless it is something that I just feel is uncalled for. I always believe that if I have it importance, it will grow. That's the reason I kept quiet and I suddenly saw it snowballing. I even called my PR, who is a very old friend of mine, and I said what the hell is happening, you have to stop this now, it's really irritating me." She added, "They write anything! Even Raj and I were embarrassed. I think it's part and parcel of being a celebrity. People sometimes are bound to write rubbish. I have learnt to take it in my stride but that was very distasteful."


pening up about his life, career, and peers in the industry, Ranbir Kapoor said he was willing to play a second lead in a movie, in an interview conducted by Raja Sen for Vogue India. Talking about Fawad Khan, and his role in ''Kapoor & Sons', where he plays a homosexual, Ranbir said had Khan not "opened the door", he would have not thought of it. "Sure, but now it's already been done. Now he's (Fawad) has opened the door and it's easy for us to walk through it. But earlier, I must honestly say I might have turned it down." Speaking

on playing a second lead, Ranbir said, "Suppose tomorrow Rajkumar Hirani offers me the part of Circuit to the new Munnabhai, I would play it and try my best to do it justice." On the professional front, teaser for Kapoor's 'Ae Dil Hai Mushkil' is out, and he also has Anurag Kashyap's 'Jagga Jasoos' lined up. Ranbir even addressed his issues with alcohol. "I think I could have an alcohol problem. It is a visual medium and I have to look after myself. When I shoot, when I work, when I don't drink. But when I'm not shooting..."



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Asian Voice | 10th September 2016

Coming Events

l Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandras Satsang on 10th September 2016 at Brent Indian Association Building, 116 Ealing Road, Wembley, London HA0 4TH from 6pm-8.30pm. For further details, contact: Rajarshi Roy: 07868 098775 ; Sanjay Ojha: 07897 511502 l London Sevashram Sangha is holding a series of free monthly lectures on Hinduism continuing with Professionalism, Personal Development and Mindfulness: The truth of Patajali Yoga by Dr Nandish V Patel on Saturday 10th September Time: 4pm till 5.30pm with Q & A time, Venue: 99a Devonport Road, London, W12 8PB Tel: 020 8743 9048 l Kensal Community Association are holding a lunch on Friday, 16th September, 2016 at 11.30 A.M. following the 44th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Kensal Community Association at Kensal Club, 177 Kensal Road, North Kensington, London W10 5BJ (Nearest Undergrounds: Ladbroke Grove, Westbourne Park). Bus 23 stops outside our Building. The AGM will be chaired by Cllr. Matthew Palmer Dear Readers, Diwali is now two months away. Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar as every year will be publishing the ‘Diwali Special’ Magazine for our fabulous and supportive readers like yourself. This year in the English section, like every year, we are doing something special for our young readers. 1. If you are between 5-25 years of age, write an article in English on either of the following topics in no more than 350 words, along with a suitable photo: l how do you celebrate your Diwali every year OR l Your most memorable Diwali with friends and family OR l how do you celebrate Diwali in your school. 2. If you are 2-25 years of age, you can also draw/paint a picture of what Diwali means to you or your memorable Diwali, with a suitable photo caption, your full name, age; scan and send the picture to the the below address, by the mentioned deadline. 3. If you are within 9-25 years of age, you can also write a short story within 350 words or a poem within 150 words for our Diwali special. 4. If you are a part of an organisation, which has a youth wing or support youth activities, please tell us how your young members or youth wing celebrates Diwali in 300 words with 2 pictures (in no less than 300dpi). Send your articles/stories/poem with your photo and/or painting/picture to veditorial@abplgroup.com. Last date of entry: 02 October 2015.

Poll: 20% of parents regret name they gave their child William Shakespeare said “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” But many of today’s parents think otherwise. For them everything is in the name. According to a survey, almost a fifth of parents in the UK regret the name they chose for their child. An online poll of over 1,000 parents conducted by parenting website Mumsnet dis-

covered that 18% of parents regretted the name they chose for their child, but only 2% actually changed their child’s name. The data suggested choosing a popular name (25%) is the most common cause of regret for parents, while over a fifth (21%) said the name they chose did not “feel right” for their child. Other sources of regret included spelling or pronunciation issues (11%).

Late dinner could prove deadly When you eat could be as important as what you eat. Well, you could be risking your life or increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes by eating late at night. A study found that late dinners can triple the risk of high blood pressure. Scientists advise that dinner should be eaten no later than two hours before bedtime. The correlation between the types of foods eaten and the timing of evening meals shows eating dinner late has the biggest single impact on overnight blood pressure. The research is the world’s first into the links between late night eating and “nondipper hypertension”.

A healthy diet meant eating a good breakfast and lunch, but limiting the last meal of the day to a light meal, ideally no later than 8pm, researchers said. Hypertension is one of the key risks for heart disease. Experts say normally at night, your body is getting ready for sleep but not if you are eating late. “If we eat late at night, the body essentially remains on high alert as during the day, rather than relaxing for sleep and stress hormones are secreted causing blood pressure not to decrease during sleep which should normally happen.” The study was presented at the European Society of Cardiology in Rome.

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sion and good luck has just moved into you solar 7th house. The accent’s very much on relationships. The opening up of a more diverse social life is a point in favour of romantic attachments. This transit makes you feel invincible, but the way forward is to create a balance between expansion and conservation. Jupiter has begun its year TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21 long transit in your solar 6th house. During this cycle, you take more pride in the work you do and in your health routines. This is a good time to build your skills, to get organized. If your ambitions have been undefined, don't worry as from now on, you understand exactly what kind of impact you need to make on the world.

GEMINI May 22 - June 22 Jupiter, planet of growth and expansion begins a year-long transit in your solar 5th house that points to an especially opportunistic period for romance and recreational pursuits. You are likely to see benefits, and experience growth, in these areas. For single Geminians, meeting a special person is highly likely.

CANCER Jun 22 - Jul 22 Very important time ahead. Jupiter, the planet of plenty graces, enters your solar house of home and family on the 9th September beginning a year-long transit. This transit will bring noticeable improvements to your environment. This is a time when you put down roots and focus on cultivating and nourishing your inner foundations that support you and your growth. LEO Jul 23 - Aug 23

Very important time ahead. Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion enters your solar 3rd house of communications on the 9th of September. This year-long transit opens doors for you through new contacts and friendships, opportunities to learn and improve skills. During this period, communicating your ideas successfully is extremely important to you.

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23

Jupiter, the planet of plenty, begins a year-long cycle in your solar 2nd house of abundance. During this cycle, you are likely to see and enjoy benefits to your earning power and this will boost your own sense of security and wealth. Money matters can improve greatly, but you have to avoid over-indulgence in order for Jupiter's promise to materialize.

LIBRA Sep 24 - Oct 23

Jupiter's entry into your sign on the 9th of September is a time of expansion and new beginnings. The urge to improve and grow is strong. You project confidence, optimism, and enthusiasm, and others receive you especially well. This cycle should be a relaxed, fortunate, and hopeful time in your life. Furthering your personal ambitions come more easily.

SCORPIO Oct 24- Nov 22

- Asian Voice Editor: CB Patel Associate Editor: Rupanjana Dutta Tel: 020 7749 4098 - Email: rupanjana.dutta@abplgroup.com Deputy Editor: Anand Pillai Tel: 020 7749 4002 - Email: anand.pillai@abplgroup.com Senior News Editor: Dhiren Katwa Chief Operating Officer: Liji George Tel: 020 7749 4013 Email: george@abplgroup.com Advertising Managers: Kishor Parmar Tel: 020 7749 4095 - Mobile: 07875 229 088 Email: kishor.parmar@abplgroup.com Senior Business Development Manager: Rovin J George - Email: rovin.george@abplgroup.com Tel: 020 7749 4097 - Mobile: 07875 229 219 Head - New Projects & Business Development: Cecil Soans - Email: cecil.soans@abplgroup.com Tel: 020 7749 4097 - Mobile: 07875 229 111 Advertising Sales Executive: Rintu Alex - Email: Rintu.alex@abplgroup.com Tel: 020 7749 4003 - Mobile: 07816 213 610 Business Development Manager: Urja Patel - Email: urja.patel@abplgroup.com Journalist & Marketing Coordinator: Aaditya Kaza - Email: aaditya.kaza@abplgroup.com Tel: 020 7749 4009 - Mobile: 07702 669 453 Graphic Designers: Harish Dahya & Ajay Kumar Tel: 020 7749 4086 Email: graphics@abplgroup.com Customer Service: Ragini Nayak Tel: 020 7749 4080 - Email: support@abplgroup.com

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20 Jupiter, the planet of expan-

Nr. Nehru Nagar Circle, Ambawadi, Ahmedabad. Tel. +91 79 2646 5960 Bureau Chief: Nilesh Parmar (M) +91 94266 36912 Email: nilesh.parmar@abplgroup.com Consulting Editor: Bhupatbhai Parekh, Ahmedabad, Gujarat Tel: +91 79 2630 4142 Urvashi Jagadeesan (India) Mumbai: Kanti Bhatt, Hemraj Shah (Jumbo Advertiser) Horizon Advertising & Marketing: 2012, Shalibhadra Complex, Opp. Jain Derasar, Nr. Nehru Nagar Circle, Ambawadi, Ahmedabad. Tel +91 79 2646 5960 Email: horizon.marketing@abplgroup.com Business Manager: Hardik Shah (M) +91 99250 42936 Email: hardik.shah@abplgroup.com Advertising Manager: Neeta Patel (Vadodara) M: +91 98255 11702 Email: neeta_abplgroup@yahoo.co.in Business Co-ordinator: Shrijit Rajan M: +91 98798 82312 Email: shrijit.rajan@abplgroup.com International Advertisement Representative: Jain International Tel: +91 44 42041122/3/4 Fax: +91 44 25362973 Mumbai: +91 022 2471 4122 Email: jain@jaingroup.net Delhi Office: Tel: +91 9311581597

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Jupiter transits your solar 12th house for a whole year. For you, it's a cycle of regeneration and spirituality. You are building a very solid support system and focusing on emotional security and stability. Periods when you completely relax and retreat. Meditation and retreats may be particularly helpful to you now, as they regenerate and invigorate your spirit.

SAGITTARIUS Nov 23 - Dec 21

Jupiter's movement into your solar eleventh house on the 9th of September, begins a year long transit for you. With Jupiter, riding high in your 11th house, you should enjoy a very popular phase in your life where everyone wants to invite you to parties. This will give you a chance to meet people of your own calibre and pursue any romantic liaisons that might present themselves.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20 Jupiter, the planet of expansion, begins a new one-year cycle that brings opportunity and expansion into your professional life. Expanding professionally and developing your skills, will be a strong theme in the coming year. Some of you will be taking stock of your lives and working out the best direction to take. A good time to re-assess your home and work balance. AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19

Jupiter moves into your solar ninth house, where it will transit for just over a year. You will have energy for adventure, learning, and travel. Your desire to expand your horizons and to reach out beyond your usual circles brings opportunity and reward. Business dealings, particularly long-distance ones, are likely to be profitable now. Jupiter's transit of your solar 8th house energizes your sector of transformation, sexuality, personal growth, joint resources and taxes. Intimate matters are especially important to you during this cycle. This is a time of increased accumulation of wealth and in some cases, a significant tax refund or inheritance, or other such benefits.

PISCES Feb 20 - Mar 20


Sarfraz, Shoaib Malik deny England series sweep


Sarfraz Ahmed and Shoaib Malik sparkled with a delightful half-centuries as Pakistan ended their barren run of form in One-Day Internationals with a consolation victory over England in the fifth and final ODI at the Sophia Gardens in Cardiff on Sunday (September 4). The duo added 163 for the fourth wicket to put Pakistan firmly in control of their chase of 303. There was the customary Pakistan wobble early and late in the innings but Mohammad Rizwan held his nerves to take the visitors to a four-wicket win, one that was achieved with 10 balls to spare. It took a while to come but Pakistan's solitary win of the series put paid to England's hopes of completing a series sweep in a five-match series for the first time since 2001. England had their chances despite posting what looked like a slightly subpar total on another batting beauty. Despite a much-improved bowling performance from the visitors, they were able to push past the 300-run mark and then transfer the pressure back on the opponents through Mark Wood's double strike early. They were only thwarted by a stand, which as cricketing cliches go, was a beautiful concoction of the steady and the


Shoaib Malik

flamboyant. The flamboyance came from the in-form Sarfraz, who walked in at a rather precarious 77 for 3 in the 14th over with soon after Babar Azam and Azhar Ali had fallen in quick succession after a 54-run stand. The twinkle-toed wicketkeeper was at it straight away, turning the strike around and generally staying busy - a quality that allowed his partner Malik to feel his way into the side. The hosts, who handed left-arm spinner Liam Dawson a debut as one of three changes to the side for the dead rubber, were unable to sustain rein the runs with spin like their opponents had done earlier in the day. Dawson faced a tough initiation with Sarfraz looking to dominate him from the outset. The two Pakistan batsmen, both exceptional players of

Sarfraz Ahmed

spin, routinely stepped out to the spinner to hit him against the spin through mid-wicket. As the partnership swelled past 50, the medium pacers' effect on proceedings were further nullified. After a 163run stand, one after which both batsmen looked set for centuries off their own, Pakistan endured an obligatory slump to give their opponents a sniff back into the contest. Both Sarfraz and Malik fell to Dawson in the spinner's second spell after the equation had reduced to a rather comfortable 63 off 75. Mohammad Nawaz's runout turned a few smiles upside down on the Pakistan balcony but Rizwan's unbeaten 34, in the company of an equally assured Imad Wasim, took Pakistan home without further jitters. In more ways than one, the victory was set up largely by the seven wickets that Hasan

Ali and Mohammad Amir took between themselves after Azhar Ali opted to field. Pakistan's attack certainly had a more rounded feel to it due to the return of Amir and off-spinner Malik. That they still ended up conceding over 302 spoke volumes of the surface on offer and England's batting limited-overs batting might. At two different stages in the first innings, the hosts looked primed for a total in excess of 350. First, when Stokes and Roy added 72 for the third wicket and then again when Bairstow and Stokes put on a quick-fire 55 for the fourth. Brief Scores: England 302/9 in 50 overs (Jason Roy 87, Ben Stokes 75; Hasan Ali 4-60, Mohammad Amir 3-50) lost to Pakistan 304/6 in 48.2 overs (Sarfraz Ahmed 90, Shoaib Malik 77; Mark Wood 2-56) by four wickets.

Guinness record holders Nungshi and Tashi Malik on UK visit Nungshi and Tashi Malik are twin sisters from Northern India who at the age of 23 became Guinness World Record holders for the youngest people (and first twins) to complete the Explorers Grand Slam (climbing the world’s seven highest peaks, including Everest and skiing to the North and South Poles) in April 2015. As part of Armadillo Merino’s Champion Programme, which recognises explorers and adventurers operating in some of the world’s most extreme conditions, Tashi and Nungshi are visiting

Tashi and Nungshi Malik

the UK as brand champions until 15th September. Tashi and Nungshi have been awarded India’s highest adventure award (Tenzig Norgay National

Adventure Award) by the Indian President on 29th August. Nungshi and Tashi use their climbing as metaphor for the ‘invisible’ mountains of gender dis-

crimination, exclusion and denial of basic rights that millions of girls in India have to climb daily. In April 2015, Nungshi and Tashi founded the NungshiTashi Foundation www.nungshitashi.org. The Foundation is a pioneering initiative for girl empowerment in India and is dedicated to advancing the lives of Indian girls and women through outdoors, adventure sports and mountaineering. The twins are also brand ambassadors of their state for its ‘beti-bachao’ (Save Girl Child) campaign.

SPORT Asian Voice | 10th September 2016

Rooney to retire after 2018 World Cup

England captain Wayne Rooney said that the 2018 World Cup in Russia would be his final tournament as an international footballer. Realistically, I know myself that Russia will be my last opportunity to do anything with England,” Rooney said at a press conference. “My mind is made up. Russia will be my last tournament.” Rooney will remain England captain but his midfield experiment with the national team is over, with the Manchester United veteran set to revert to playing as a forward under new coach Sam Allardyce. “Wayne has been an excellent captain for England and the manner in which he has fulfilled the role made it an easy decision for me to ask him to continue,” Allardyce said. Rooney finished last season playing as a central midfielder for United under Louis van Gaal, and played there for England during its European Championship campaign. New United manager Jose Mourinho has returned Rooney to the no. 10 role, and Allardyce also thinks that's his best position. The player most affected by that positional tweak is Ross Barkley, who was dropped on Sunday by Allardyce. Barkley plays in the same position as United captain Rooney at Everton, and has started the season in good form for his club with two goals in four games.

Australia beat Lanka to clinch ODI series

Australia rode on Finch's 19-ball 55 and an unbeaten 90 from Bailey to chase down 213 in 31 overs and take an unassailable 3-1 lead in the fivematch series. Earlier Hastings' career-best bowling figures of 6 for 45 helped bowl out Sri Lanka for 212 after electing to bat first despite Dhananjaya de Silva's fighting 76. It was Finch's 19-ball 55 that gave Australia a steady start against a Lankan attack that missed skipper Angelo Mathews' medium pace after the all-rounder hurt his calf while batting. Finch, who equalled the record for the fastest 50 by an Australian, struck eight fours and three sixes as he carted the Lankan spinners to all parts of the ground. Left-arm spinner Sachith Pathirana's triple strike in the space of five deliveries checked the visitors' surge but only for a brief while. Pathirana got the wickets of danger man Finch and Usman Khawaja for nought in his opening over of the innings. He then bowled skipper David Warner for 19 on the first ball of his next over.

Walsh joins Bangladesh coaching team

Former West Indies bowler Courtney Walsh has been named the new specialist bowling coach for Bangladesh. The 53-year-old, who is the most successful Caribbean wickettaker of all time with 519 Test wickets to his name, has signed a three-year deal to work alongside coach Chandika Hathurusingha. The former Gloucestershire player believes there is a wealth a talent within Bangladeshi cricket and he is full of praise for the work being carried out by Hathurusingha. "I'm thrilled to be joining the Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) as their specialist bowling coach," Walsh said. "Having watched Bangladesh cricket from afar over the years, they are a seriously talented bunch of players."

Changing colour of London medal baffles Yogeshwar

India's London Olympics bronze medallist Yogeshwar Dutt returned home from Rio Olympics without making much of an impact, bowing out at the first hurdle. However, even as he tried to shake off the disappointment, came the news that his London Games bronze medal, won in the 60kg freestyle category, could be upgraded to silver. The urine sample of the silver medallist, Russia's Besik

Kudokhov, had returned positive for a banned substance. Then came another media report - his silver could be upgraded to a gold medal because now the sample of Azerbaijan's Toghrul Asgarov, who won the gold in London, had tested positive. As Agarov also won the silver medal in Rio in the 65kg category. Dutt was taken aback by the latest report. “Even I have heard through

Yogeshwar Dutt

reports in the media and have been receiving constant messages. I had lost to the Russian so my

bronze should be upgraded to silver. But there is another bronze medallist USA's Coleman Scott who lost to Asgarov. I am not exactly aware of the rules. I am yet to receive any official communication (on medal being upgraded),” Yogeshwar said. On news of his London sample being tested, he said, “It may have been tested or will get tested soon. Any confirmation


will come only after that.” It could not be independently confirmed if Asgaro has indeed tested positive. The Wrestling Federation of India and the world body United World Wrestling (UWW) officials were not available for comments. However, according to the UWW rules, Dutt may get the silver and Scott the gold. National Anti Doping Agency (NADA) director Navin Agarwal said it was

for the world wrestling body and WADA to decide who deserves to be upgraded. “If the gold or silver medallist is disqualified for dope violation then they (WADAUWW) will have to see who deserves to be upgraded. In Yogeshwar's case, I am not aware who deserves but generally when a person dies then all cases, including criminal ones, are dropped,” Agarwal said.





Asian Voice | 10th September 2016

India to focus on shooting, badminton in future Olympics

India may now concentrate on only three or four sports that can guarantee the country medals at the quadrennial games like Olympics. Shooting, despite the misses in Rio, and badminton figure in the medal sports listed by the Sports Authority of India (SAI). Wrestling and boxing may be included, but only after they show effort good enough to match world standards. "If Japan, Cuba, Uzbekistan and Korea can win medals by concentrating on two or three sports, we too can," a source said. The line of thought differs drastically from the eight or nine sports identified for special attention after the London Olympics. With many athletes from this list - which included archery, athletics and weightlifting - failing to make a mark in Rio, SAI officials feel it is best sports and games are graded and treated accordingly. Besides medal-winning disciplines, SAI has divided sport into two other categories: one to be pursued

Abhinav Bindra

PV Sindhu

for excellence, the other for participation. Two factors have gone into creating the list: One is how India measures up against global competition; and two, the talent base, grassroots and junior programme in the sport. Athletes in medal sports will get the best of facilities and competitive exposure, besides, of course, the funds from the Target Olympic Podium scheme as a top-up. Those in the second and third categories will also be part of the camp and exposure routines, but to an appre-

Bopara linked to unapproved Indian T20 league Former England allrounder Ravi Bopara has reportedly been agreed to play for an unsanctioned Twenty20 league called the Indian Champions League (ICL), which may take place in December in Dubai. The Magpie Group - a company based in India – said that it would be played in Dubai between eight teams but that they had not yet met with the International Cricket Council (ICC) to discuss the tournament or seek approval. They have also not yet approached the Emirates Cricket Board about holding the tournament at their grounds. No formal details of the tournament have been issued but an ICL Facebook page lists eight teams and a number of players who it claims have signed to be part of the tournament, including Bopara and Ryan Ten Doeschate, the Essex players. The list also includes Danish Kaneria, the former Pakistan and Essex leg spinner, who is serving a life ban from cricket for match-fixing. Manish Kumar Choudhary of The Magpie Group said that Salman Butt, the former Pakistan captain who had finished serving the ban from the ICC, also agreed to play in the tournament. The Federation of International Cricketers’

Ravi Bopara

Associations (Fica) has warned its members including the Professional Cricketers’ Association in the UK - not to allow players to sign up for the tournament as it has not been sanctioned by the ICC. “Fica has been advised that the proposed ‘Indian Champions League’ event scheduled to take place in December 2016 is not yet sanctioned. Accordingly, players are advised that playing in this event could have negative implications on their careers. The event is currently deemed to be disapproved cricket under ICC Regulations,” a Fica spokesperson said. Bopara and Ten Doeschate refused to comment when asked by The Times about the link to the ICL. Meanwhile, Moeen

Ali and a number of other England players have been approached to take part in the fully sanctioned Pakistan Super League (PSL), which will take place in Dubai in midFebruary 2017. Although the exact dates are yet to be finalised, it is expected to take place during a window in England’s schedule before they go to the West Indies for three one-day internationals at the end of February and beginning of March. It is believed that Andrew Strauss is keen for England players to play in Twenty20 tournaments around the world, where the schedule allows, and that the ECB would allow their players to play in the tournament if the timing fits with their England commitments.

ciably lesser extent. They will not get any TOP funding, the source said. "Athletes in the second category will be expected to pursue excellence, reaching the semi-finals, quarterfinals or the final rounds of their events. We have pushed archery to the second rung as we feel that, despite many opportunities, they have not been able to perform at the highest level," the source said. "In the third category, we only expect athletes to participate in large numbers. Gymnastics figures in this

group despite Dipa Karmakar's heroics at Rio as we know that unearthing good talent in this sport is not going to be easy." All three categories will be backed by comprehensive sport science experts with focus on physical fitness and mental strength. Hiring of coaches, too, will undergo a big change. "We will avoid Russians as the country has been hit by allegations of doping. We will also avoid those from the former Soviet Bloc. Exceptions can be made for coaches with an unblemished record. Coaches will be hired after thorough background checks and a strict performance appraisal system. Currently, federations have a huge say in the hiring of a coach. Henceforth, SAI will go beyond recommendations from sports federations which will serve as just one of the inputs. These coaches will also have to take active part in the indigenous coaches development programme," the source says.

India A clinch Quadrangular series in Australia India A rode on a solid allround performance to clinch the Quadrangular one-day series, thrashing Australia by 57 runs in the final on Sunday. Electing to bat after winning the toss, India A put up 266/4 in their 50 overs before bowling out the hosts for 209 in 44.5 overs. Mandeep Singh was the star of India’s batting performance with a 108-ball 95, which was laced with 11 hits to the fence. Mandeep, who was named Player of the Match, combined with captain Manish Pandey (61) to steer India to what turned out to be a winning total. Shreyas Iyer was also vital with his 41 runs. Australia had four wickettakers with one scalp each. In reply, Cameron Bancroft (34) and Nic Maddinson

started well, but it was Yuzvendra Chahal (4-34) who was the ultimate winner from the innings, taking key scalps and bringing the game India A’s way. Australia A skipper Pete Handscomb (43) combined with Alex Ross (34) to edge closer to the total, but the back end of the game went completely in the tourists favour as they claimed the last five wickets for just 26 runs. India A have now claimed the last three ‘A’

series, defeating Australia A on each occasion in the final. The other two teams in the series were South Africa A and the Australian National Performance Squad. Brief Scores:India A: 266/4 in 50 overs (Mandeep Singh 95, Manish Pandey 61, Chris Tremain 1/42). Australia A: 209 in 44.5 overs (Peter Handscomb 43, Yuzvendra Chahal 4/34).

'Mini IPL' plans in USA on hold BCCI president Anurag Thakur said the Cricket Board has put on hold plans of hosting a 'mini IPL' in the USA, with T20 Internationals being seen as the preferred platform to reach out to the American market. The main hurdle, according to Thakur, was the time zone difference. "I think we must understand the time difference. IPL is seen in India from 7 to 11 or 11.30 at night. So you have to play somewhere in the east coast in (USA) so (that)

the timing matches. If we have to play in the day there, the matches should be seen in India at night because broadcasting is a big thing. So you can't make your home fan lose (by) playing outside India. So which are the provinces you can play in United States? That's a big task," Thakur was quoted as saying. He added, "IPL, we are not even thinking of hosting it outside India. It has to be hosted in India, but there are many other options

what you can do which we'll let you know over a period of time when we come out with a long-term plan for this market." The BCCI had announced the idea of a 'mini IPL' or 'IPL overseas' in June when Thakur had said the board would host the tournament in September. A final approval was awaited though. The USA and UAE were options being discussed at the IPL governing council and working committee meetings earlier this year.

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