Tips On What To Pack First When Moving

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What Should I Pack First When Moving?

Packing up an entire household does an overwhelming task and timeconsuming when you need help knowing where to start. Packing for a move requires creating a moving checklist because leaving things to the last minute can waste your time. Proper planning helps in knowing what things to pack first and staying organized. Putting all your belongings into moving boxes and wrapping your furniture requires time and skills. Hiring the best movers in Sacramento can help you execute the process effectively. Professional packers and movers do not let you keep the packing at the last minute. That is a perfect way to damage or misplace your belongings. Start by packing the right rooms and the right items first to avoid the hassle of reopening boxes and unwrapping incorrect items.

Time For Preparation Allotting enough time for your move helps you stay organized and avoid confusion. Start at least three weeks before your anticipated move date. The intensive moving preparation process should start at least 6-8 weeks before

your move. The earlier you begin packing, the simpler it will be when the moving date gets closer.

What To Pack First? 1. Storage Items Storage items are easy to pack first during the moving process. You may find them packed in a container, stored in your garage, or hidden deep inside your walk-in closet. Typically, these items are stored in boxes, simplifying organizing and repacking them. 2. Books and Records Packing books, magazines, and records are the best task to complete first. You want to retain your treasured collection when you enter your new house. Collect your DVDs, CDs, or video games in sturdy boxes to avoid damage. On the other hand, books cannot be left at the last minute because they are valuable and easy to pack. You will see much progress and feel like you accomplished a lot once your books and media collection is packed. 3. Shoes and Jewellery The shoe collection needs immediate attention because it is your daily wear. You should pack all the pairs except the ones you do not need now. Moreover, packing your jewelry ensures you have your valuables safe and tucked in boxes, leaving any chance of a miss. There’s no need to wait until the last minute to pack shoes or jewelry. 4. Pictures and Art You would want to decorate your new home with beautiful art and décor. Most decorative items like art and collectibles are packed in advance to ensure they’re wrapped and protected. You can load your favorite vases, mirrors, and wall hangings and resale the ones you do not need. Remember to pack glass frames with the best cushioning materials to prevent damage in transit.

Conclusion Sorting through the items and deciding what to pack first can be timeconsuming and exhausting. But, with a little step in the right direction, you will find the process easy. Expert movers and packers suggest packing non-essential items initially that you won’t need until relocated.


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