Abertoir 2009 Brochure

Page 16

feature Featurefilms Films ffilmiau nodwedd


Andrew Miles

Australia 2009, HD, 90mins

Vampire Girl vs Frankenstein Girl Yoshihiro Nishimura, Naoyuki Tomomatsu

Japan 2009, 85mins

Saturday 7 November Dydd Sadwrn 7 Tachwedd


After sustaining brain injury in the middle east, photographer Lloyd develops a tumour that is slowly killing him. Subsequently a startling discovery convinces him that by photographing a dead subject, he can bring it back to life. After discovering a hidden snuff film under the floorboards of his apartment, Lloyd slowly becomes obsessed and decides to photograph the dead girl on the screen, failing to see the killer’s reflection in the picture as well… A truly original tale of obsession, madness and terror. Yn dilyn damwain yn y dwyrain canol, mae’r ffotograffydd Lloyd yn datblygu tiwmor sy’n ei ladd yn raddol. Ond mae digwyddiad erchyll yn ei argyhoeddi ei fod yn medru, trwy ffotograffu rhywbeth marw, dod â’r peth hwnnw’n ôl yn fyw. Ar ôl darganfod ffilm o dan y llawr yn ei fflat, mae Lloyd yn datblygu obsesiwn ac yn penderfynu ffotograffu’r ferch farw ar y sgrîn … Stori hynod wreiddiol am obsesiwn, gwallgofrwydd ac arswyd.

Saturday 7 November Dydd Sadwrn 7 Tachwedd


For those of you who remember last year’s fabulous excesses of Japanese splatter (Tokyo Gore Police and Machine Girl), you’ll be pleased to know that we’ve got some more! Fresh off the production line comes this heart-warming tale of love and jealousy between a high school boy and the two rival girls who want him to be their lover. Caught between the two, how will they fight for his affections? Did I say one was a vampire? And one stitched together from dead tissue? Maybe the sight of skin being ripped off screaming Japanese schoolgirls, arms stitched to heads being used as helicopter blades, and the nail biting tension of who will win the wrist-cutting competition will whet your appetite? A truly original, completely mad and absolutely over the top gorefest… not to be missed!

The Pit and the Pendulum Roger Corman

USA 1961, HD, 80mins Sunday 8 November Dydd Sul 8 Tachwedd


A brand new digital remaster of Edgar Allan Poe’s classic tale. Vincent Price returns for the second of his Abertoir appearances. Price leads as a 16th century Spanish nobleman who slowly goes insane believing his unfaithful wife has been buried alive. With fabulous sets (a giant swinging axe) and the always impressive cinematography we have come to expect from Corman, this rare viewing is a real treat. Addasiad digidol newydd sbon o stori glasurol Edgar Allan Poe. Mae Vincent Price yn dychwelyd am ei ail ymddangosiad yn Abertoir yn chwarae rhan uchelwr Sbaenaidd yn yr unfed ganrif ar bymtheg sy’n raddol mynd yn wallgof gan gredu bod ei wraig anffyddlon wedi’i chladdu’n fyw. Gyda setiau anhygoel a’r sinematograffi gwych a ddisgwylir oddi wrth Corman, mae’r ffilm brin hon yn addo gwledd yn sicr.

I’r rhai ohonoch sy’n cofio’r ffilm Siapaneaidd eithafol Tokyo Gore Police and Machine Girl y llynedd, byddwch yn falch o wybod bod gennym fwy o’r un math o beth eleni! Dyma stori galonogol am serch a chenfigen rhwng bachgen ysgol a’r ddwy ferch sy’n ceisio denu ei sylw. Sut y byddant yn brwydro i’w ennill? A ddywedais fod un yn fampir? A’r llall wedi cael ei phwytho allan o groen farw? Mae beth sy’n dilyn yn gwbl wyllt a gwirion! Ffilm wreiddiol, wallgof … na ddylid ei methu!


Free to Pass Holders Yn rhad ac am ddim i’r sawl sydd â Thocyn Gwyl



Free to Pass Holders Yn rhad ac am ddim i’r sawl sydd â Thocyn Gwyl


Free to Pass Holders Yn rhad ac am ddim i’r sawl sydd â Thocyn Gwyl

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