Aberdeen-Angus Review 2024

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ISSUE NO. 106 | JANUARY 2024

Official Journal of the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society
“The breed is known for its easy calving ability, and the majority of our cows and heifers calve unassisted. We don’t own a calving aid, and only intervene if we think a cow is in difficulty.”
Stephen and Kenneth Bready, Kiltariff herd, County Down

January 2024

Issue No. 106

The Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society Pedigree House

6 King’s Place Perth, Perthshire Scotland PH2 8AD

Tel: +44 (0) 1738 622 477

Fax: +44 (0) 1738 636 436

Email: info@aberdeen-angus.co.uk www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk

Edited, designed and artworked by Pinstone Communications

Email: info@pinstone.co.uk


Views and opinions expressed in articles where the name of the author is published are those of the author and not necessarily those of the AberdeenAngus Cattle Society.

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For more information visit www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk

Words of welcome from Pedigree House

As another year draws to a close, we look towards 2024. The Review provides the perfect opportunity to reflect on the year gone by and there is much to celebrate.

While we continue to deal with many challenges, such as fluctuating input prices, ongoing global crises and volatile weather patterns, the potential of the Aberdeen-Angus shines brighter than ever.

The breed’s efficiency, resilience and high-eating quality meets the evolving demands of farmers, the supply chain and consumers alike. The media coverage achieved over the last 12-months and the many testimonials you’ll find in this year’s publication is testimony to this and Aberdeen-Angus is strongly positioned as the beef breed fit for the future.

The popularity of the Aberdeen-Angus continues well beyond the UK and undoubtedly one of this year’s highlights was the World Angus Secretariat meeting in the Czech Republic. It was an event that showcased the international appeal and recognition of AberdeenAngus cattle. The event included herd visits and the Czech National Show, where the judging panel, comprising judges William McLaren, Erica Halliday, and PJ Budler, awarded the top spot to a

Czech-bred animal. This victory was not just a win for the Czech herd but a clear indicator of the global appreciation and quality of the Aberdeen-Angus breed.

The Review this year will once again bring you insightful technical articles, market updates, and reports on shows and sales from the last year. We are also pleased to present multiple new case studies from members as well as commercial beef farmers who are seeing the benefits of Aberdeen-Angus.

Our gratitude extends to the Committee Chairs for their invaluable contributions in compiling The Review of 2023. Their efforts, along with those at the Committee, Council, and farm levels, have been pivotal in the progression of our society this year. We also extend our sincere thanks to the team at Pedigree House, whose dedication and hard work have been instrumental in bringing this year’s Review to fruition.

We hope you will enjoy reading this year’s Review. A massive thank you to our advertisers, members, trade, and clubs for making the publication possible. We wish everyone health, prosperity and happiness in the year ahead.

The Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society

1 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk
2 Contents Words of welcome from Pedigree House 1 Contents 2 Advertiser index 3 A review of 2023 from Pedigree House 4 Presidents focus 6 Alistair Fraser receives president’s award 8 CLUB REPORTS The Aberdeen-Angus Clubs 10 Solway Aberdeen-Angus Club 11 Central Scotland Aberdeen-Angus Club 16 PENWAC and North West Aberdeen-Angus Club 17 Border Aberdeen-Angus Club 21 North East Scotland Aberdeen-Angus Club 24 Northern Ireland Aberdeen-Angus Club 28 Highland Aberdeen-Angus Club 30 South East England Aberdeen-Angus Club 34 North East England Aberdeen-Angus Club 38 South West England Aberdeen-Angus Club 41 SOCIETY UPDATES DNA & Genomics Committee Report 57 Three new tools come to fruition under Breed Development Committee stewardship 59 Marketing Committee Report 60 Registrations Committee report 61 Finance Committee Report 63 Shows, Sales, Health and Breed Character Annual Report 64 FEATURES Rulesmain Scotch Beef Farm of the Year 68 Ian Farrant, Farmers Weekly’s Beef Farmer of the Year 69 Longstanding service awarded to two Pedigree House stalwarts 71 What’s it like to be a member of council? Interview with past president, Angus Stovold 72 How cattle with non-imported bloodlines suit regenerative system 76 Overseas travel inspires introduction of Aberdeen-Angus genetics 78 ‘Breed the Best and Eat the Rest’ is Bready philosophy at Kiltariff 80 Red Angus delivers for low-input systems 84 Focus on native cross cattle ensures meat with good eating quality for South West Butcher 87 The Aberdeen-Angus Advantage from easy calving 100 How Aberdeen-Angus genetics play a key role in FAI Farms regenerative farming system 102 Beef market review for the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society 105 How two farms are making a success of out-wintering 108 Geese add to the challenge of efficient suckler production on Argyllshire Monitor Farm 109 Report suggests how the industry can improve red meat eating quality 111 Aberdeen-Angus 2023 new members 114 INTERNATIONAL UPDATES Round up of news from Ireland 116 Czech Republic hosts ‘unforgettable’ World Angus Technical Meeting 120 What’s on offer at the Australian World Angus Forum? 122 European Angus Forum Germany 124 YDP YDP 2023 roundup 126 Report from Youth Council 128 YDP workshop dates for 2024 130 YDP Senior Conference Kelso February 2023 131 YDP Final report 2023 132 Final winner 134 YDP photos 135 Photo gallery 138 Angus herds birth two sets of rare triplets 140 Nostalgia 141 Obituaries 142 Judges for 2023/24 148 Judges Panel 2023/24 150 Fees and charges UK 152 Society sale entry requirements 153 Health test requirements for Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society sales 154 Aberdeen-Angus breeders back Pick-ups for Peace 156 SHOWS AND SALES Royal Ulster Winter Beef Championships 159 Carcass competition 160 Bulls sell to 10,000gns at Carlisle May sale 162 Solid clearance rates and averages reached at Stirling Bulls Sales 164 Price peaks at £7,875 at the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society May Sale at Stirling 166 Stirling October sale tops at £13,650 168 Select entry meets solid demand at Worcester 169 Champion leads Dungannon Aberdeen-Angus trade at 5,400gns 171 Aberdeen-Angus bulls to 3,300gns at Dungannon 172 Full clearance was seen at Dungannon in April 173 Woodvale Miss Annie reigns supreme at Angus calf show 174 Junior bull lands top honours at Summer National Show 176 Woodvale hit the hat-trick at the 154th Balmoral Show 176 Winter National Calf Show Agri Expo 2023 180 Black Beauty Bonanza 182 Princess Carina repeats success at Great Yorkshire Show 184 Princess clinches crown at Royal Highland Show 186 Coolermoney cow wins NI AberdeenAngus championship 188 Clean sweep for Alfords at Royal Welsh 190 Summer Show Roundup 192 Gretnahouse dispersal peaks at 12,000gns 194 Penguin herd dispersal averages over £4,000 a piece 195 Rosemead heifer sale tops at 7,980gns 196 Blackbird heifer leads HW sale at 13,000gns 197 Aberdeen-Angus heifer raffle raises £46,000 for Marie Curie 198 Aberdeen-Angus heifer raffle raises £14,000 for local charities 199 Byelaws 201


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Advertiser index AB Europe 98 AB Europe advertorial 99 Balaldie 75 Ballindalloch Aberdeen-Angus 66 Barnsview Aberdeen-Angus 125 Border Aberdeen-Angus club 20 Cardona Aberdeen-Angus 65 Central Scotland Aberdeen-Angus club 14 Craigowmill 9 Deveron 90 Drumcorn 158 Drumhill 47 Drummer and Hillmount 113 Duncanziemere 82 East Anglian Aberdeen-Angus club 29 Easton Greys Angus 74 Harbro 92 Harbro advertorial 93 Highland Area Aberdeen-Angus club 32 How to optimise bull fertility through nutrition and transitional management: Ryan Law 95 Idvies Aberdeen-Angus IBC Melview Angus 70 Morrison Aberdeen-Angus 170 Mosshall Red Aberdeen-Angus 112 Neogen 96 North East of England Aberdeen-Angus club 39 North East Scotland Aberdeen-Angus club 22 Northern Ireland Aberdeen-Angus club 26 Oakchurch 207 Oakmoor Angus 48 Old Glenort Angus 54 Paragon Veterinary Group 52 PENWAC Aberdeen-Angus club 18 Raddery Aberdeen-Angus 67 Rantirov 58 Rodmead 53 Shearwell Data Livestock Systems 97 Solway and Tyne Aberdeen-Angus club 12 Sout East of England Aberdeen-Angus club 36 South West of England Aberdeen-Angus club 42 SRUC Premium Cattle Health Scheme 83 Strathglass Aberdeen-Angus 56 Summer National Show 200 Tynet Aberdeen-Angus 58 United Auctions 94 Watton herd 83 Wedderlie 62 West Mercia and Wales Aberdeen-Angus club 46 Wildfell 170 World Angus Forum Australia 2025 123 Untitled-2 1 01/09/2021 11:57

A review of 2023 from Pedigree House

It is with great pleasure and gratitude that I extend a warm welcome to the Annual Review of The Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society of 2023. The year has been a testament to the breed’s resilience, adaptability, and the commitment of you, the members, to furthering the Aberdeen-Angus breed.

BCMS beef registrations show for a second year that the Aberdeen-Angus breed is the foremost choice in the UK, with the majority of this drive coming from the dairy sector. However, amid this success, we must acknowledge and address the challenges that are faced by the suckler sector. A concerning decline in suckler cow numbers persists, which is leading to a shrinking marketplace. The Society remains steadfast in its dedication to bolstering sustainability across all sectors to ensure the breed’s continued legacy.

Last year’s Review saw us discuss technological advancements that were anticipated with the introduction of a new front-end to the registration website. Regrettably, due to unanticipated delays attributed to the imminent obsolescence of the existing back-end software, implementation was postponed. However, rest assured, that this delay has not deterred our commitment to ensuring a seamless and efficient registration process. The Council is actively exploring

all software options to ensure we have a new system that aligns with the evolving needs of both members and staff.

The key objective of the Society is to maintain the integrity of the herdbook and DNA plays a pivotal role in this. However, the cost to the Society is significant and Council is currently exploring means to reduce the costs whilst upholding the integrity of the herdbook. DNA also offers other opportunities, especially with our planned move to genomic evaluation. Council will continue to seek the best possible outcome to ensure that all the aims are met.

We would also like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to those individuals and organisations that played a part throughout this year. Firstly, thanks go to the North East of Scotland Aberdeen-Angus Club for hosting the Summer National at the Turriff Show and Marjory Davidson, of Direct Rosettes, for generously donating a Championship trophy in the shape of none other than a rosette.

The Aberdeen-Angus Youth Development Programme (YDP) remains a beacon of pride for the Society. Many thanks go to those members who have hosted workshops, supplied cattle, judged, or otherwise helped. Without these critical contributions, the programme


would not be the success it is. We also express heartfelt gratitude to Angus Stovold and his team at Rosemead for hosting the fantastic YDP finals this year. They not only put on a great day for the participants, but they also went to huge lengths in their preparations, including halter-breaking 40 heifers especially for the event. Warm thanks are also extended to the Brenninkmeijer family for graciously hosting the finals dinner on the Saturday evening, too. A massive well done to all who travelled and took part in both the finals and the workshops throughout the year, and congratulations to Graeme Rhind on his well-deserved victory. Internationally, our collaborations continue to enhance our global presence. We extend our sincerest appreciation to the Czech Aberdeen-Angus breeders for hosting the exceptional World Angus Technical Meeting

in September. With 28 nations represented, it was a great honour to take part in this celebration of all things Aberdeen-Angus on behalf of the Society. Many new friendships were formed and old ones solidified. None of these achievements would have been possible without the support and dedication of our Council, staff, and you, the members. Your commitment forms the cornerstone of our progress and success, demonstrating the passion that unites us in advancing our great AberdeenAngus breed.

5 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk A REVIEW OF 2023

President’s focus

Looking back on my year at the time of writing this and ahead to the rest of my term as President, the most encouraging thing has been the firm price for store and fat cattle, and in particular Aberdeen-Angus – this is what drives us as a breed. Across the UK this has led to a firm demand for Angus bulls throughout the year, though the October Stirling sale did meet with a sticky trade.

Although it looks as if the beef price will hold for now, there are a few clouds on the horizon. The fall in the size of the national suckler herd has to be a concern as indeed is the fact that the processing industry is falling into fewer hands. That said, our increasing market share is keeping pace with this declining market.

I have made a point this year of trying to get out to meet as many members as possible at various events and shows.

During Covid there was, I feel, a disconnect with members which was inevitable given lockdown. This Society is not alone. Across every spectrum of life, in the

UK, Covid’s effect will be felt for years to come. But with the UK almost back to normal I have been up and down the country as best I can.

I have attended meetings and events from Cornwall and Surrey to my local show in the Highlands.

It was good to get the various views and genuine concerns from membership over such a diverse area. One of several solutions that stood out to increase member engagement was a zoom meeting with representation from all the area clubs at least annually.

The recent Extraordinary General Meeting held at the October Stirling sale will help facilitate better communication with members. In addition, opinions will be sought on major decisions, proposed by the Aberdeen-Angus Society electronically. This is a big step towards better member/council engagement.

Northern Ireland and Wales are the only gaps left in the map on the office wall, and that will be rectified by Christmas. Thankfully, I know a lad who can fit new tyres on my pick-up on the cheap … if I pay cash!


So, what are my highlights for the year, beyond a firm price for cattle in the UK?

There are two in particular.

Firstly, I attended the World Technical Forum in the Czech Republic. It was great to see such enthusiasm for the Aberdeen-Angus breed. It was an event that was tremendously well organised and there were good cattle on display at both the main show, judged by PJ Budler, Erica Halliday, and our own William McLaren. And also, at the on-farm visits, the enthusiasm the Czechs showed was heartening to see. It was also good to see cattle shipped over from the UK, or available by AI, stand this young Society in good stead for the future.

Secondly, there were the Youth Development Programme finals. Having chosen to chair the YDP committee, a few eyebrows were raised. As a herd, we don’t show. But I was keen to see the YDP fully supported and forge closer links with the Society.

I was invited to be one of the judges on the panel and the standard of all participating was very high, in all disciplines. It goes without saying that the Rosemead team put on a great event. 40 cattle all quiet as mice on a halter, takes some amount of work.

A thanks has to go out to Angus, his family, and Tom and the team, as well as the Brenninkmeijer family for hosting the awards evening.

The day after the finals, the first in-person meeting of the YDP next generation committee took place. I feel this is an important milestone. These young folk are the future, and should have a significant input in writing this future, particularly with regards to the YDP. There can be no doubt the prospects remain bright for our great breed.

It has been a great honour to have served as President, and a year I will never forget. But I could never have done it without the support of my wife, AnnMarie, and son, James.

Also, I must thank the Council, for the huge amount of time they have freely given, my presidential team of Ian Watson and Alan Morrison for their support and input, and the wise council given by members, and particularly presidents past - you know who you all are - and the sage advice from the immediate past president, Angus Stovold.

A bit more about President Finlay Munro

Currently farming 750 acres in Easter Ross, 35 miles north of Inverness with his wife, AnnMarie, and son, James. The farm is half arable and half grass and they run 90 registered AberdeenAngus cows which make up the Balaldie herd alongside commercial Aberdeen-Angus-cross cows.

His family have been farming in Easter Ross since the 1600’s and they have been involved with the Angus breed for over a century. They are also past winners of the UK Aberdeen-Angus suckler herd of the year and were one of the founding members of the cattle health scheme, Hi Health.

This is Finlay’s second time on Council having served in the chair of the then technical committee. He also more recently served in junior and senior vice-presidential roles.

7 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk PRESIDENT’S FOCUS

Alistair Fraser receives President's Award

Finlay Munro presented this year’s respected President’s Award to the well-deserving Alistair Fraser, from the Idvies herd.

Established in 1958, the Idvies herd has garnered widespread acclaim for consistently producing topquality breeding stock, often commanding the highest prices within the sales ring.

Their unwavering commitment to maintaining standards is reflected in their selective approach to acquiring new stock bulls and females, introducing fresh bloodlines into their herd only on rare occasions.

Due to the reputation of their exceptional livestock, they have exported animals to numerous countries worldwide, and their influence can be witnessed in herds across the United Kingdom.

Finlay Munro, the current president, felt Alistair Fraser, deserved acknowledgement for his commitment to the breed.

"Having stayed with the breed through the hard times, Alastair has consistently bred cattle of the highest quality," said Mr Munro.

"Idvies breeding can be found in Herds throughout the UK, either as stock bulls or foundation females.

“For these remarkable contributions, I believe Alistair is a truly deserving recipient of this prestigious award.”


The Aberdeen-Angus Clubs

The Aberdeen-Angus Clubs play an essential part in representing the breed and the Society around the shows and sales within their regions, as well as organising meetings, herd walks and competitions throughout the year.

The Society intends to help the Clubs become essential in publicising the breed and brand going forward. We will be making investments throughout the year to provide the Clubs with tools to promote the benefits of the breed throughout the supply chain.

If you are reading this and are not a member of your local Club and have an interest in learning more about membership benefits, contact the Secretary in your local area.

The regional Clubs are not just for breeds but for anyone interested in Aberdeen-Angus cattle – be it breeding, beef, or wanting to be part of the number one breed in the UK.

Gill MacGregor, Secretary


1 Raddery, Fortrose, Ross-Shire IV10 8SN.

Tel: 01381 620570

Email: gillian.macgregor@btconnect.com

Bruce MacAngus, Secretary


South Ardoyne, Oyne, Insch, Aberdeenshire, AB52 6RN. Tel: 07917 758668.

Email: aa.in.nescotland@gmail.com

Elaine Smith, Secretary


New Craig Farm, Alyth, Blairgowrie, Perthshire

PH11 8HJ. Tel: 01828 633709 Mobile: 07719 440542

Email: csaaclub@gmail.com

Natalie Cormack, Secretary


Dairy Cottage, Tower Road, Ayton, Eyemouth, Berwickshire TD14 5QX. Tel: 01890 781006

Email: natalie.cormack@btconnect.com

Shona Andrew, Secretary


25 Burgoyne Drive, Coylton, Ayrshire KA26 6PB.

Tel: 07912 783719

Email: swsaberdeenangus@hotmail.co.uk

Mrs M. Hamnett, Secretary


Upper Waterside Farm, Disley, Nr Stockport, Cheshire SK12 2HJ. Tel: 01663 767877

Email: olivham@btinternet.com

Ashleigh Fenwick, Secretary


12 Roseberry Drive, Great Ayton, Middlesbrough, TS96 6EQ. Tel: 07969 012790

Email: a.e.fenwick@live.co.uk

Tom Peters, Esq, Chairman


Longbank, Kirkmahoe, Duncow, Dumfries DG1 1TE.

Tel: 07711 995420 Email: tomp1418@hotmail.com

Miss Katherine Hart, Secretary


St Dials Farm, Monmouth, Wales NP25 4HY.

Tel: 01600 713102 Email: issyhart@hotmail.co.uk

Graham Gower-Smith, Secretary

EAST ANGLIA A-A CLUB Woodlands, Felbrigg Road, Roughton, Norfolk, NR11 8PA. Tel: 07876 801515

Email: graham@theglavenherd.co.uk

Christopher Hood, Secretary


Plain Farm, Foxhill, Swindon, Wiltshire SN4 0DT.

Tel: 07770 363165

Email: info@seeaa.co.uk

Lisa Davey, Secretary


Tregadillet House, Tregadillet, Launceston, Cornwall, PL15 7EX. Tel: 07970 793838

Email: lisa.davey@daveylivestock.co.uk

Miss Catherine O’Hara, Secretary


Innisfayle, 130 Mullan Road, Granagh, Rasharkin, Ballymena, Co Antrim, N. Ireland BT44 8SH. Tel 028 29571092 Mobile: 07968 868001

www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk/ the-society/regional-clubs/

Email: granagh@btinternet.com


Solway Aberdeen-Angus Club

2023 began in the usual way with our AGM and prize giving held at the Auction in Carlisle. A change of secretary for the club saw Kit Acton step down and Jack Graham take over. Trophies were then presented to Comlongon who received the Barise Salver for Bestplaced Female at the Winter National and Carruthers received the Thornship Cup for Highest-placed Male at the 2022 Winter National held at Agri Expo. Newbank also received the Windyhill Cup for the Highest-placed Bull at the Carlisle May sale in 2022.

The meeting also saw a few new herds joining the club which is great to see. In early September, we held our second annual stock judging event with great success and we had a great turn out. This was kindly hosted by the Graham family of the Carruthers herd. Thank you very much to the Graham family for their hospitality and providing the excellent stock for the event; also a big thanks to Ian Watson of the Kersquater herd for coming along to judge.


February Stirling sale saw the club represented by just one herd, with Kingholm achieving a top price of 8,000gns. May Carlisle sale saw six members selling; Carruthers, Newbank, Abbey, Crook Hill, Gretnahouse and Border Lyne with top prices of 4,000gns for Carruthers, 3,500gns for Abbey, 5,500gns for Crook Hill and 7,250gns for Gretnahouse. Housesteads and Crook Hill also had females forward to reach 2,350gns and 2,000gns, respectively.

October bull sales saw Carruthers and Kingholm put bulls forward topping at 4,500gns and 2,800gns, respectively.

Some members travelled to the summer shows where Hardlawbank exhibited at the Highland Show, and Kingholm and Crook Hill exhibited at the Yorkshire Show coming away with a first with Kingholm Real Pro and a fifth, respectively. Dumfries Show was well represented and Hardlawbanks heifer with a calf took Reserve Champion.

The Winter National at Agri Expo saw Carruthers, Longbank, Crookhill and Abbey exhibiting. Carruthers had an outstanding day taking first place with their March bull calf Equador Z229 which then went on to be Junior Champion before being tapped out as Reserve Overall Champion behind the senior heifer.

Carruthers also received a second place for their March heifer and Champion pairs. Longbank received a first prize for Longbank Paramount Z892 and then picked up three more third prizes. Crook Hill received a third with Crook Hill Miss Bliss Z076 and fourth place.

Our annual herd competition took place in August this year. Many thanks to everyone who took part and a big thanks to our judge this year Martin McCornick of the McCornick Herd. A great entry and, as always, the quality on show was great. Well done to all participants.

2024 plans are already under way with herd visits planned as well as stock judging and the herd competition. We have over 15 herds now involved with the Solway club and we are always looking for more members to join, so please get in touch if you wish to participate.

Thomas Peters

Club Chaiman


Best stock bull

1st Longbank Blelack


2nd Chapleton deal


3rd Housesteads Fordel

Ma Puma

4th Lessonhall Schivas


Best 2 yr old bull

1st Newbank Duke

2nd Abbey

Duncanziemere Jack

3rd Longbank

Housesteads Lord


4th Housesteads Justin


Best Yearling Bull

1st Carruthers End Game

2nd Kingholm Barhand

3rd Abbey Eager Eric

4th Newbank Eagle

Jan-March bull calf

1st Longbank Paramount

2nd Carruthers Z229

3rd Housesteads Z964

4th Abbey Abbey King

April onwards bull calf

1st Chapleton


2nd Lessonhall Z069

3rd Carruthers Z245

4th Newbank Doug

Best cow

1st Longbank Juno Erica

2nd Comlongon Lola

3rd Kingholm Diana

4th Housesteads Energy

Calved / in-calf heifer

1st Comlongon Eodesta

2nd Newbank Fiona

3rd Carruthers Elspeth

4th Longbank Jewlianna


Yearling heifer

1st Comlongon Lola

2nd Carruthers Georgina

3rd Ricnick Gretnahouse


4th Crookhill Blackbird

Jan-March heifer calf

1st Longbank Olive Z984

2nd Housesteads Prima

3rd Comlongon Lola

4th Carruthers Elspeth

April onwards heifer calf

1st Crookhill Miss Bliss

2nd Lessonhall Z074

3rd Newbank Plover

4th Longbank Patricia

Best large herd

1st Longbank

2nd Housesteads

3rd Carruthers

4th Chapleton

Best medium herd

1st Newbank

2nd Kingholm

3rd Abbey

4th Rosslayne

5th Lessonhall

Best small herd

1st Comlongon

2nd Crookhill

3rd Glenvale

4th Ricnick

Overall herd winner


11 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk


14 1 4 5 6 8 9 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 22 2 3 Blair Atholl Pitlochry Aberfeldy Blairgowrie Kirriemuir Brechin Laurencekirk Arbroath Carnoustie Newport-on-Tay St Andrews Dundee PERTH Crieff Auchtermuchty Auchterarder Callander STIRLING Dunblane Alloa Kinross Kelty Leven Glenrothes Dunfermline Rosyth Falkirk Denny Kilsyth Bathgate Airdrie Kirkcaldy EDINBURGH UA Bull Sales Pittenweem Falkland Newburgh Cupar Anstruther Crail Coupar Angus Forfar Royal Highland Show AA Society Office


Elaine Smith

M: 07719 440542

E: csaaclub@gmail.com


J S Wilson

Balhelvie Farm


Fife KY14 6HN

T: 01337 870229

E: wilson@balhelvie.co.uk


C Davidson & G Thomson

Fintalich Farm Cottage

Crieff PH5 2AZ

M: 07704 878339

E: chrissie_d@btinternet.com

Brailes Livestock

Richard Hassell & Rachael Wyllie

Dyke Farm


Falkirk FK1 3DR

M: 07896 355707

M: 07966 164197

E: rachaeljwyllie@gmail.com


J Robert Galloway

Cardona Farm, Doune Perthshire FK16 6AX

T: 01786 832911

M: 07979 704330


James Arnott

Mains of Coul

Forfar, Angus, DD8 3TX

T: 01307 860223


Ken & Eva Brown

Ledlanet, Kinross, KY13 ORR

T: 07899 877001

E: keva@highlandcattle.co.uk


Johnathan & Osla Guest

Drumphin Farm

Fowlis Wester

Crieff PH7 3NJ

T: 01764 683470

M: 07506 665859


G & J Soutar

Kingston, Forfar Angus, DD8 2RU

T: 01307 462784

M: 07860 825324


All visitors very welcome


Fiddlehall Farm, Falkland Cupar, Fife, KY15 7DD

T: 01337 857308

M: 07828 432054

E: keith.rennie811@btinternet.com

Gannon & Lisbane

Robert Shaw & Son

Dunlappie Farm, Edzell, DD9 7UD

T: 01356 648827

E: robertshawson@xin.co.uk


Jamie Rettie

12 Glaive Ave. Stirling, FK7 7XF

T: 01356 648827


F J Fraser & Sons

Newton of Idvies, Forfar Angus, DD8 2QP

T: 01307 818313

M: 07764 532193

M: 07712 829840

E: enquiries@idviesaberdeenangus.co.uk


Clare mcGowan

Faulds of Derry, Kilry Blairgowrie, Perthshire, PH11 8HS

T: 01575 560236

E: inchaslaangus@gmail.com

W: incheochfarm.co.uk


Wester Balgair Farm

Balfron, Stirling, G63 0QF

T: 01360 860456

M: 07889 649405

E: balgairangus@gmail.com


Caroline Orr

Halbeath farm

Dunfermline, Fife, KY12 0TY

T: 01383 729329

M: 07966 590251

E: belhavenscot@icloud.com


Lindertis Farm

By Kirriemuir, Angus


M: 07793 011448

E: tom@anguslimestores.co.uk


Parkview, Mosshall Farm, Blackburn, W Lothian, EH47 7DB

T: 01501 760186

M: 07903 248040

E: mosshallredangus@yahoo.co.uk

W: mosshallredangus.co.uk

Mosston Muir

Allan S Rennie

New House, Mosston Muir Farm, Guthrie, By Forfar, Angus, DD8 2TX

T: 01307 466614

M: 07740 947785

HW Netherton

W & D McLaren

Netherton, Blackford Auchterarder

Perthshire, PH4 1QU

M: 07740 786112

E: mclaren672@aol.com


R & C Rettie

Dyke Farm, Slamannan

Falkirk FK1 3DR

M: 07714 759643

E: carolrettie@gmail.com

St Fort

A Mylius & Partners of St Fort St Fort Estate, Newport-On-Tay Fife, DD6 8RE

T: 01382 541587

E: stfort@btconnect.com

W: stfort.co.uk


Taylors of Tannadice

Inverquharity Farm


Angus DD8 4LW

T: 01307 850775

M: 07703 493989

E: jttoft@outlook.com


D & P Murray

Wolflaw, Forfar, Angus


T: 01307 860237

M: 07835 074917

E: pamelamurray1@btconnect.com

15 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk
1 4 5 6 8 9 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 22 2

Central Scotland Aberdeen-Angus Club

Our club has had a good year with meetings well attended and members having success at National shows and sales.

Our first meeting of the year was at James Arnott’s farm, Coul, where we got to see his herd of cattle and view all the Aberdeen-Angus memorabilia James has collected over the years from around the world.

Our members were in awe of the amount of AberdeenAngus history in one place and we would highly recommend other clubs visiting James.

Thanks again to James and our friends from the North East Scotland Club for helping with the BBQ.

We then went for a herd tour and stock judging session at Mosshall Angus, likely the top Red Angus herd in the country right now.

Members were very impressed at the quality of the herd in such a short time. Thanks to the Taylor family for allowing us to visit and for your hospitality on the day. Thanks also to Angus Bailey for being the official Judge for the day.

New this year, the Central Club has started a club challenge that will hopefully take place annually. The Central Club took on the Highland and North East Clubs at the Deeside activity park with the kind permission of the Howie family. Teams had to compete in clay pigeon shooting, archery, and go-karting.

Everyone had great fun, and we hope the event will continue to grow as we feel it is a great social event for breeders to get together and have fun. Congratulations to the NE Club on being the 2023 winners!

Thank you to all our club members who have supported the local shows over the year – it is much appreciated. Hopefully, going forward we can introduce more social events aimed at our younger members.


PENWAC and North West Aberdeen-Angus Club

The year started with the Club’s AGM where members enjoyed the meal and meeting. The highlight was that our newly appointed President Finlay Munro, and wife, AnnMarie, joined us to give an update on Society news and a talk regarding genomics, demonstrated with a slide show.


The first visit of the year was to the abattoir Dovecote Park, which I would recommend to anyone who has the opportunity. We saw the whole process at the plant in reverse order, starting with the robots sending and sourcing meats packed in primals to the product lines. Everything was sorted, weighed and packed with plenty of new product lines.

A whole new hall was dedicated to making Aberdeen-Angus burgers with identical consistency. These were cooked and tasted every 15 minutes, which we were given the opportunity to test.

We then moved to the halls where the carcasses were cut into primals, every area of the facility was fully utilised.

Our next destination was to the hall where the ribs were being dry aged. What a sight! Ribs all in individual cages from floor to ceiling a large cylindrical tower, again with robots sorting them in date order. The hall was lined with rock salt to help the process, and produce a superior product.

The start of the process from cattle arriving at the collection area to being slaughtered had been designed by Temple Grandin, who is a prominent expert for the humane treatment of livestock slaughter. It was very interesting to see just how much of the whole carcass was utilised. We received satisfactory answers to all our questions.

A bonus was that we were taken around the dedicated venison hall. Although it was not in use that day, it was a great visit and an eye opener for the members that had not been around a plant before. Many thanks for the hospitality to Dovecote and the team.


Owen Tunney hosted the Youth Development Programme workshop this year, as well as it being a YDP event, members could come along and observe the youngsters in action. There was a great turn out of participants. If anyone has not seen Owen clip and prepare a beast, it is well worth seeing. Members new and old wishing to pick up skills could do so that day.

This was justified by six young people from the workshop going through to the YDP final. Therefore, Owen Tunney kindly organised another club workshop in September with clipping in the morning and an excellent hog roast lunch.

This was followed by stock judging in the afternoon for all members and friends to enjoy. Nigel Hamill was the master judge of the day.

Many thanks to Owen for providing an excellent venue and hospitality and his time and skills. The PENWAC candidates all put a lot of effort into the finals, being in the prizes. The photo of them is on our club page. They should all be pleased with their excellent efforts.


The August bank holiday saw the club head to the Skipton area to visit two herds. We first visited the Hurries Herd where we were hosted by David Wellock and Wendy Hoare and welcomed with coffee and homemade cake. Walking around the yard we first looked at the in-calf heifers and then the two-year-old heifers, as well as progeny of the senior stock bull Airedale Euston. They were running with junior stock bull Airedale Mr Editor which was the sire of the calves in the bunch. The other side of the yard we viewed the five yearling future stock bulls.

After this we travelled a short distance on the trailer to see the senior cows. It’s only a small herd, but well worth visiting. All of the members enjoyed walking round and seeing Airedale Mr Euston and his much-admired calves.

After a short drive we then had a BBQ lunch of steak and onion baps at David, Judith, and Josh Isherwoods who have the Airedale Herd. For those who do not know, the family run a busy butcher’s shop, so we were guaranteed excellent beef.

We were in a very modern, well worked out yard, but at the time the only cattle that were housed for us to view were some pens of excellent young bulls. We were then taken round the cow groups by two tractors and trailers. The first group was running with the stockbull, Shadwell Finnigan, and there were some lengthy calves by him.

One of the stars of the group and one to be watched in the future, was a January-born bull calf Airedale Mission Bell which was sired by Weeton Black Brooke. He was one of their previous stock bulls.

Moving to the next field was a similar group of cows running with the bull Shadwell Rock n Roll. The young bulls were purchased from the Shadwell dispersal. Finally, we saw an excellent bunch of Weeton Black Brooke sired heifers running with homebred bull Mr Essen Y781. Then back to the farm for refreshments.

There was a turnout of 50 people which was just a warm up, as the following day they held an open day for the public when 300 people turned up. Thank you to both hosts of the day.


The club had the exhibition unit at the Royal Cheshire, Royal Lancashire and Westmorland Shows. We saw an increased number of entries, with the Webster family, Walsh team and Daniel Cooke entering all the major shows and Owen Tunney and the Ashworths attending the smaller one-day show in our area. Two new first-time entrants were Paul Dawes with the Champion at Cheshire and Norman Bellfield at Westmorland. We hope to see them again next year. All these people make a great effort and showcase the breed in a fantastic light.

All members and breeders are welcome to the Clubs AGM at Garstang Hotel on Sunday 25th February 2024.

17 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk



George & Toby Burrell

Broome Park Farms, Alnwick

Northumberland, NE66 2EQ


T: 01665 574344 M: 07511 726110


Andrew Elliot

Blackhaugh, Clovenfords

Galashiels, Selkirkshire, TDI ITW

T: 01896 850333 M: 07798 923663

E: elliotblackhaugh@btinternet.com


John & Daniel Whiteford

Borewell Farm, Scremerston Berwick-upon-Tweed

Northumberland, TD15 2RJ

T: 01289 307507 M: 07711 478885

E: info@borewellangus.co.uk


Messers P.A. Robson

Chathill Farm, Chathill Northumberland, NE67 5DE

T: 01665 589435 M: 07889 874454

E: pip@chathillfarm.co.uk


Ewan Brewis / Iain MacGiIIivray

Lempitlaw, Kelso

Roxburghshire, TD5 8BN

M: Ewan 07836 349190

M: lain 07768 022463

E: lempitlaw@btconnect.com


Sion Williams

Bowhill Farming Ltd

Bowhill, Selkirk, Selkirkshire, TD7 5ES

M: 07795 403291

E: swilliams@buccleuch.com


John R Elliot

Roxburgh Mains, Kelso Roxburghshire, TD5 8NJ

T: 01573 450223 M: 07795 165140

E: johnrelliot@aol.com


Gordon & David Gray

Sunnycroft, Lindean, Selkirk Selkirkshire, TD7 4QW

M: 07751 066053 M: 07841 865769

E: ggraysunnycroft@mail.com


Donald and Gill MacNeill

Old Orchard Cottage, Cavers

Hawick, TD9 9ST

T: 01450 376265 M: 07925 993070

E: Donald.macneill@btopenworld.com


J & E Logan

Romavale, Denholm, Hawick TD9 8SZ

T: 07771 526936

E: jim@romavale.com


(formerly Linton Gilbertines)

Trustees of the Late Gordon R. Brooke, Farm Office

Upper Huntlywood, Earlston Berwickshire, TD9 6RB

T: 01573 410226 M: 07795 165140


Alan & Steven Lawson

South Farm, Hallington, Newcastle Northumberland, NE19 2LW

T: 01434 672227 M: 07701 010294

E: lawsonpedigrees@aol.com


Alison and Robin Tuke

Hardiesmill, Hardiesmill Place

Gordon, Berwickshire, TD3 6LQ

T: 01573 410797 M: 07767 618123

E: info@hardiesmill.co.uk


Messrs Arnott

Haymount, Kelso Roxburghshire, TD5 7RR

T: 01573 460227 M: 07787 385542

E: arnott@haymount.uk.com


Ian Watson / Jim Ford

9 Abbey View, Kelso, Roxburghshire, TD5 8HX

T: 07789 128756 M: 07774 283382

E: performancefeeds17@outIook.com


Gavin Tait

Raethorn, Thorneydykes, Westruther Gordon, Berwickshire, TD3 6NG

T: 01578 740634 M: 07773 764794


John Elliot

Roxburgh Mains, Kelso Roxburghshire, TD5 8NJ

T: 01573 450223 M: 07795 165140

E: rawburn@aol.com



Grant & Minto

Riddell Farm, Melrose

Roxburghshire TD6 9JP

T: 07968721636 / 07813860172

E: bminto7583@gmail.com


Ross Farms Ltd, Wester Middleton Farm, Gorebridge, Midlothian

EH23 4RF T: 01875 820158

M: 07881 815037

E: markrosswesterm@gmail.com


Andrew Hodge, Rulesmains, Duns Berwickshire, TD11 3SY

T: 01361 883774 M: 07889 316106

E: rulesmains@outlook.com


W.D. Allen

Humbleheugh, Alnwick

Northumberland, NE66 2LF

T: 01665 579274 M: 07738 220558

E: dallasallen@hotmail.co.uk


Angus & Patricia Glennie, Threeburnford, Oxton, Lauder Berwickshire, TD2 6PU

M: 07702 063072

E: patriciaglennie@hotmail.com


J.H.C. Campbell & Sons

Thrunton Farmhouse, Whittingham

Alnwick, Northumberland, NE66 4RZ

T: 01665 574305 M: 07788 754717

E: thrunton.charolais@btinternet.com

Facebook: Thrunton Charolais & Aberdeen Angus


James and Debbie Playfair-Hannay

Morebattle Tofts, Kelso

Roxburghshire, TD5 8AD

T: 01573 440364 M: 07831 455994

E: james.playfair@btconnect.com


Gemma Wark

Southfield Farm, Hawick Roxburghshire, TD9 0PE

T: 01450 850311 M: 07518 296560

E: gemma.wark@gmail.com

Instagram: Tullyfergus_uk


John, Marion & Wanda Tilson

Wedderlie, Westruther, Gordon Berwickshire TD3 6NW

T: 01578 740246

M: 07795 493303 / 07796 402468

E: marion.tilson@btconnect.com

E: ewh1@hotmail.co.uk


John M Steel

Allanbank House, Allanton

Duns, Berwickshire, TD11 3JX

M: 07801 802260

E: westdrums@hotmail.com



Jill Noble, Windy Gowl Farm

Carlops, Penicuik

Midlothian, EH26 9NL

T: 01968 661095

07836 729988

E: jnoble@phicelandics.co.uk

THE GATEWAY TO HERDS IN THE SCOTTISH BORDERS CHAIRMAN: Daniel Whiteford T: 07711 248426 E: info@borewellangus.co.uk VICE CHAIRMAN: Emma Hodge T: 07861 223985 E: rulesmains@outlook.com SECRETARY: Natalie Cormack T: 07712 623669 E: natalie.cormack@btconnect.com

Border Aberdeen-Angus Club


John Steel and family hosted the Borders YDP training day, which was well attended by a group of enthusiastic youngsters from both Borders and outside. Stephanie Dick, Scottish regional coordinator, led the session and put the attendees through their paces in halter training, stock judging and reasons, and cattle dressing just for starters.


he Border Club continues to grow in members and it is always nice to welcome new and enthusiastic people to the club and our events. Such is the continued interest in Aberdeen-Angus within our region, that we are able to hold a very well-attended bull walk ahead of the February sale, incorporating six herds with bigger numbers forward. The travel distance has meant some amendments to the schedules, but a good number of commercial buyers took the opportunity to come out and see the bulls and dams in their own environment(s).

Daniel Whiteford, Borewell, Berwick-upon-Tweed, hosted a joint herd visit between the North East of England Club and ourselves. The weather was not as favourable as anyone would have liked, but the cattle and hospitality were above and beyond.

Border Club herd competition results 2023 (Judge: Robin Orr)

Jan-March Bull Calf: 1st Rulesmains 2nd Wedderlie 3rd Hallington

Our two core local shows had good attendance, with some new faces, which was very pleasing, and some travelled further afield and their commitment is to be congratulated. We hosted Robin Orr of the Keirsbeath herd to judge our Herd Competition recently in October, which was unfortunately a soggy day with entries not

April Onward Bull Calf: 1st Kersquarter 2nd Hallington 3rd Rulesmains

Jan-March Heifer Calf: 1st Wedderlie 2nd Rulesmains 3rd Hallington

Borders herds were well represented at Stirling in February, where Messrs Campbell, Thrunton, sold their Reserve Intermediate Champion, Thrunton Premier X475, for 14,000gns and Thrunton Prince X468 for 15,000gns. The herd averaged an impressive 10,240gns for five sold. Andrew and Emma Hodge, Rulesmains, sold Rulesmains Kasper X570 for 9,000gns, which sold to a buyer in Orkney.

The May sale in Stirling also saw Borders herds topping the charts. Roscoe Eruption X292 exhibited by Ross Farms, Gorebridge, was Overall Champion and achieved 7,500gns, while Messrs Campbell, Thrunton, sold to a top of 6,000gns for Thrunton Pegasus X479.

Last year’s Royal Highland Show was a year to remember for Stouphill having won both male and female Championships and this year it was Dallas Allen’s turn to adjudicate. Rulesmains Paycheck was a second prize winner. He has gone on to top many local shows since, along with achieving a worthy 9,000gns price tag at Stirling in October.

Most recently, Border bulls have been top of the classes at Stirling sales in October. Apart from Rulesmains Paycheck, mentioned earlier, Gordon Profit Y814, consigned by The Trustees of the Late Gordon Brooke, was Junior and Overall Champion, selling for £8,400. Additionally, Gordon Gray’s Ettrick Gallileo Y302 was a sale leader, selling for £12,600.

April Onward Heifer Calf: 1st Kersquarter 2nd Rulesmains 3rd Tullyfergus

Stock Bull: 1st Wedderlie 2nd Wedderlie 3rd Rulesmains

Group of three cows: 1st Rulesmains 2nd Wedderlie 3rd Hallington

Overall Herd Winner: Rulesmains

21 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk REGIONAL CLUBS
Bull walk attendees on a cold Sunday in January. Rulesmains bull displayed for the bull walk attendees in January 2023, ahead of the February Bull Sales in Stirling. Thrunton bull as displayed for the bull walk attendees in January 2022, ahead of the February Bull Sales in Stirling.

Visitors always welcome by prior appointment. For details of

available for sale please feel free to contact the herds direct

22 02 07 21 10 08 09 29 29 12 16 11
Aberdeen Stonehaven Montrose Edzell Alford Fraserburgh Ballindalloch Keith Kinloss Elgin Banchory 22 Orkney Islands 03 04 19 20 Inverurie Whiterashes Strichen Glenbervie Peterhead 17 Turriff A90 A90 A96 A93 A98 A98 06 Ellon Maud 04 Dufftown Buckie 18 05 Tankerness Aboyne 28 26 27 Lumphanan 13 30 31 32 31 33 Huntly 15 24 25 23 NORT H E A S T S C OT L A ND A B E R DE E N - A NGU S C L UB
Aberdeen-Angus breed Banff
The ancestral
of the


Alex and Wendy Sanger, Prettycur Farm, Hillside, Montrose, Angus DD10 9EG Mob: 07836 622993 email: alexsanger@rosemountfarms.co.uk


Glenbervie Aberdeen-Angus Ltd, Glenbervie Home Farm, Glenbervie, Stonehaven, Kincardineshire AB39 3YA

Tel: 01569 740280 Mob: 07802 327438


Messrs H & C Thomson, South Ardoyne, Oyne , Insch, Aberdeenshire AB52 6RN

Tel: 07764 860816 (Hugh Thomson)


AJR Farms,Milton of Collieston, Ellon, Aberdeenshire AB41 8RG

Tel: 01358 751752

Mob: 07771 348299 (Andrew Reid)


Ms P Hepburn, Burnside, Tankerness, Orkney KW17 2QS

Tel: 01856 861382 Mob:07771 675839


J and A Strathdee, North Retanach, Rothiemay, Huntly, Aberdeenshire AB54 7NU

Mob: 07765 800428


C and E McCombie, Auchincrieve, Knock, Huntly, Aberdeenshire AB54 7JR

Tel: 01466 711244


L & M Henderson, Yonderton Farm, Hatton, Peterhead AB42 0QS Mob: 07796 120255



Ballindalloch Home Farms Ltd, Estate Office, Ballindalloch, Banffshire AB37 9AX

Tel: 01807 500205

Herd Manager Tel: 01807 500329


Hamish W Sclater, Denhead Farms, Dunlugas, Turriff, Aberdeenshire AB53 4NR

Tel: 01261 821236 Mob: 07779 337621


Neil A Wattie,Mains of Tonley, Alford, Aberdeenshire AB33 8EL.

Tel: 019755 62533 Mob: 07803 186748


Ken and Nicola Howie, Cairnton,Lumphanan, Banchory, Kincardineshire AB31 4QP.

Ken: 07768 311913 Nicola: 07469 852664


Karl Scot, South Brownhill, Turriff, Aberdeenshire AB53 4GZ Tel: 07774 600254 email: karl@foggiefarm.com


Rod and Mary Sloan, Silvermoss, Barthol Chapel, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire AB51 8TL

Tel: 01651 806850 Fax: 01467 624418


George Corsar, Mains of Loanhead Bothy, Old Rayne, Insch, Aberdeenshire AB52 6SX Tel: 07967 683830


Alex and Philippa Davie, Bankhead, Perkhill, Lumphanan, Banchory, Aberdeenshire AB31 4RB

Tel: 01339 883636/07778 964438


Alexander J Norrie, Wrae Farm, Turriff, Aberdeenshire AB53 4RB Tel/Fax: 01888 563595 Mob: 07774 287332


Wendy Willox, Broadmyre, Clatt, Huntly, Aberdeenshire AB54 4PQ Tel: 07718 316470


Angela McGregor, Auchenhuive, Whiterashes, Aberdeen AB21 0QQ Tel: 01651 882381 Mob: 07515 638592


W A L Lawson, Scotsmill, Tullynessle, Alford AB33 8QF Tel: 019755 62014


Mr G Willox, Meikle Pitinnan Oldmeldrum, Aberdeenshire AB51 0EH Mob: 07585 601984


A Locke, Glenrinnes Farms Ltd, Glenrinnes Lodge, Dufftown, Keith, Banffshire AB55 4BSTel: 01340 820384 (Office)


H and H Rennie, Westfield of Ardoyne, Insch, Aberdeenshire AB52 6RN.

Tel: 01464 820325


Duncan J Morrison, Meikle Maldron, Torphins, Banchory AB31 4NR

Tel: 07919 083798


Newton Smiddy

Lyne of Skene, Aberdeen AB32 7DA

Tel: 07729 300062 (Ray Gardinder)


G&R Miller, Birkenbower, Lumsden, Huntly, Aberdeenshire AB54 4JW

Tel: 07792 190110


A&K Rhind & Son, Newton of Struthers Kinloss, Moray IV36 2UD

Tel: 07721 386802


D&R Durno & Sons, Auchorachan, Glenlivet, Ballindalloch AB37 9DN Tel: 07718 467868 (Michael Durno)


Bruce & Becky MacAngus, Little Glencoe, Milton of Atherb, Maud, Aberdeenshire AB42 4RD

Tel: 07917 758668


Tam a Chairr, Logie Coldstone Aboyne AB34 5PQ Tel: 07809224036 nfmassie@googlemail.com


James Arnott, Mains of Coul, Forfar, Angus, DD8 3TX Mob: 07710 140861 email: james@coulangus.com


David Alexander,Brotherton Estate, Brotherton House, By Johnshaven, DD10 OHW Tel: 07970 049965 email; david@brothertonestate.co.uk


Brae of Blackton, King Edward Banff, AB45 3NQ

Tel: 07989 332345 Rachel Sharp 07903 483690 James Nelson-Shaw

Bruce MacAngus, Secretary, North East

Aberdeen-Angus Club,Milton of Atherb, Maud, Peterhead, Aberdeenshire AB42 4RD

Tel: 07917 758668

e-mail: aa.in.nescotland@gmail.com

23 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk
01 02 19 01 20 18 15 01 16 04 13 05 01 06 08 09 14 23 24 25 27 01 28 29 31 32 01 30 26 07 10 03 17 12 01 21 22

North East Scotland Aberdeen-Angus Club

The year got off to a start with the club’s AGM, where Graeme Miller of the Birkenbower herd was elected Chairman, Mark Wattie of the Tonley herd was elected Vice-Chairman and Bruce MacAngus of the Little Glencoe herd took over as Secretary. A huge thanks to Hugh and Cara Thomson (previous Chairman and Secretary) who steered the club through its 50th anniversary celebrations in 2022 with great success!


Club members continued to dominate at society sales. This was especially the case for the Watties in February where they took the Overall and Reserve Overall Championships, topping the sale at 24,000gns with Tonley Endgame X809 and had an exceptional average for the eight bulls sold. At the October bull sales, six females from club members did exceptionally well. The Watties took the female Championship with Tonley Annie

X920 selling at £6,090. Ray Gardiner from the Newton Muchalls herd matched this price with Newton Muchalls Nutmeg Y112 and sold a further two to average £4,235 for his three. Ken, Margaret and Nicola Howie got £5,460 for Cairnton Black Nancy Y492 and sold two to average £5,355.


We had an inter-club competition at Deeside Activity Park on the 11th of June which was a great day out prior to the summer showing season. Plenty of fun on the day and we’re hoping for many more inter-club annual gatherings.

1st: NE Club

2nd: Central Scotland Aberdeen-Angus Club

3rd: Highland Club



The show season kicked off with the newly painted club caravan present at Echt show where A&K Rhind took the Championship with Struthers Expresso. She was first in a strong group of heifers and went on to dominate the summer shows, winning the Reserve Interbreed at New Deer and Banchory and Reserve Junior Female at the National Show at Turriff. Mark Wattie took the Junior Female Champion at the National Show with Tonley Fiona. The club had a busy summer with attendance at Echt, New Deer, Banchory and Turriff.

After almost 20 years and goodness knows how many thousands of steaks Ken Howie has decided to hang up his tongs and retire from BBQ’ing duties at the local shows. A big thanks to Ken for all the effort over the years – applications welcome for 2024!

The 2023 National Aberdeen-Angus Show was hosted at Turriff and turned out to be a brilliant event for the Society, Club and exhibitors on the day. A massive thanks to the committee who pulled out all the stops to ensure all exhibitors past and present were catered for and gave

a warm welcome for all on Sunday with a hearty BBQ, refreshments and drinks. After all the cattle were settled, a welcome from our Society President Finlay Munro kicked things off.


The first NE summer herd competition was held in September and was a great success. In total, 18 herds (approx. 1,300 cattle) were divided into small, medium and large. A huge thank you to the judge – Eustace Burke. The presentation was kindly hosted at Tonley Mains where the weather favoured us again and was a great afternoon. The Deveron herd came out on top with Champion Herd. It was a magical moment to witness Hamish Sclater receiving the ‘Bill Sclater Trophy – NEAAC Overall Champion Herd.’

We had a last minute guess of the combined weight of a bull / heifer and raised £220 for the RSABI charity.

Best Small Herd: Cardenwell

Best Medium Herd: Foggie

Best Large Herd and Overall Champion Herd: Deveron

25 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk


Chairperson: - George McWhirter - 07979806733

Secretary: - Cathy O’Hara - 07968868001

Members often have stock for sale. Please contact the herds directly.

Visitors always welcome by appointment

Birches Baronagh Carmean Clogher Valley Coolermoney Drummeer Ember Killaney Knockoneill Lana Dartrey Moneybroom Millbrae Gillyholme Sess Tamneymullan Woodvale Clementhill



V & S Wallace

98 Edenbane Road, Garvagh Co Londonderry



Clogher Valley

Ian & Gillian Browne

47 Screeby Road, Fivemiletown Co Tyrone




Mark Clements

7 Belagherty Road Ballyronan Co. Londonderry

07764225335 mwclemey@live.co.uk


Robert Sufferin

15 Tamneymullan Lane, Maghera, Co. Londonderry



Alan Cheney

14 Stralongford Road, Trillick Co Tyrone

07979245994 alancheney71@icloud.com


Phillip & James Bonner

25 Faugher Road, Springfield Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh



S & S Matchett

43 Cloncarrish Road, Birches Co Armagh




Adrian & Graeme Parke

23 Coolermoney Road, Strabane Co Tyrone




Alan & Naomi Morrison

116 Drummeer Road Maguiresbridge, Co Fermanagh




John & Sandra Blackburn

205 Aghafad Road, Clogher Co Tyrone




Rev Sean Moore

Cargalisgarron, Derrynoose Co Armagh



Margaret Buchanan 19 Sess Road, Augher Co Tyrone



John Lawrence

22 Carmean Road, Magherafelt Co Londonderry




Hylda Mills

Hylda Mills

15 Firtree Lane, Scarva, Co Down




Freddie Davidson

9 Barrack Hill, Banbridge Co Down




James Mallon

43 Drumblane Road, Swatragh BT46 5NR




DG & IL Mackey

26 Moneybroom Road, Lisburn Co Antrim

07703210545 moneybroom.farm@outlook.com


A & C Armour & Sons

75 Begny Hill Road, Dromara Co Down





Northern Ireland Aberdeen-Angus Club

Northern Ireland Aberdeen-Angus Club members have enjoyed a successful year in 2023.

The programme of events kicked off with the February show and sale in Dungannon Farmers’ Mart achieving an average of 3,600gns.

March brought our AGM and we were delighted to welcome Robert Gilchrist, CEO of the Society, to speak to club members. George McWhirter, an outgoing committee member, also took over as chairperson.


When the April show and sale came around it saw a 100gns increase in the average price for the same number of bulls sold.

Soon after the summer show season got underway the summer weather deserted us and most of the shows were challenged by rain.

Our summer National Show at Clogher Valley Show was no exception. However, thanks to the efforts of local club members it was a success.


The herd competition was surely the highlight of the season. Bernard Kerins, from the award-winning Kerins herd in Co. Sligo undertook the huge task of judging 32 herds in all corners of the province in just five days. Luckily he was ably assisted by his wife Jacinta.

Herd competition week ended with a wonderful open day organised by Ian Browne and his family. This event was open to the public for anyone interested in learning about Aberdeen-Angus cattle in a commercially run, extensive herd and was attended by more than 150 people. The Herd competition results were announced and awards were presented at the open day.

Over the course of the year we have been pleased to welcome new members and hope that more will join in 2024.


Highland Area Aberdeen-Angus Club

Our year began with a very lively 46th AGM. We welcomed the guest speaker for the evening, our new CEO Robert Gilchrist. His talk was fascinating and gave a very informative insight into the technical side of the breed.

We also welcomed back William and Karen Maclaren. William had very kindly volunteered to judge our pedigree herd of the year competition and following his suggestion to include new classes, we saw many of our members enjoy success.


In June, three clubs came together for a fabulous interclub challenge held at Deeside activity park in Aberdeenshire by kind permission of Ken, Margaret and Nicola Howie.

The inaugural event was hosted by the North East of Scotland club, with teams from the Highland club and the Central club competing in three disciplines - clay shooting, kart racing and archery. This very successful day was rounded off with a BBQ kindly provided by the North East Club. Everybody enjoyed the day and the Highland Club have been nominated to host the next event.


The club caravan fell victim to sitting unused during lockdown and suffered a lot of damage at the end of

last year’s show season. It looked doubtful if it could be repaired, but we are extremely grateful to our Chairman Mike Thomson, who carried out some amazing fabrication and has given us a caravan fully roadworthy again. The Black Isle Show Society has kindly found space in one of their sheds for us to store it under cover.


Our members enjoyed considerable success around the circuit, both locally and further afield at some of the major venues around the country.

Kilmallie Juggernaut Eric Y389, bred by club members Ewen and Elaine Campbell, and sold privately to Caroline Orr from the Keirsbeath herd, enjoyed a tremendous show season, as did the heifer Newton- Struthers Espresso Y649. Other club members including Balavilhouse and Ballindalloch also featured in the prizes and our commercial-based herds regularly featured in mart sale reports, too.


This year, we stayed in Scotland and visited Perth Show. Despite the rain, one of the highlights has to have been the tractor football with commentary from none other than Donald Trump (AKA comedian Jim Smith)!

Following an overnight stay in Carnoustie, the club visited the Idvies herd by kind permission of the Fraser


family. We were treated to a spectacular display of cattle, including meeting the triplets being reared unaided by mum. The morning was rounded off with a fabulous lunch.

The second part of the day was spent at Glenbervie with our host, herd manager John Lohoar. A completely different landscape and management system, which showed once again the versatility of the breed. We were treated to a wonderful cream tea, where we joined the public who were attending the annual open garden day, held on the estate to raise funds for local charity.


The year came to an end with the micro tour where we visited our own members’ herds.

This year we were treated to an amazing tour of the Strathglass herd by kind permission of Sheena Thomson, her business partner Murry Harper, and the Thomson family.

The attention to detail showed that this event had been a long time in the planning. Herd information, detailing the DLWG achieved without creep feeding and the very high standard of turn out, will long be a talking point of this visit, as will the hospitality. Photos of the mocktails were taken for prosperity.

Leaving the glen, the convoy headed down to Muir of Ord, where we were treated to a worthy but brief stop to the Orinside herd by kind permission of our chairman, Mike Thomson. The difficulties of having a small herd, and a limited amount of land, made it clear Mike has to make some difficult choices when it comes to choosing replacements. A decision he doesn’t get long to make.

The day finished at the Raddery herd on the Black Isle. A BBQ rounded off a very successful day and we could not have asked for better weather.

With another busy year over, the wheels are already in motion for 2024!

Results from herd of the year competition

HAAAC Show Herd of the Year 2022

1st Raddery

2nd Ballindalloch

3rd Galcantray

HAAAC Pedigree Herd of the Year 2022

1st Quanterness

2nd Balavilhouse

3rd Orbliston

Best cow: Raddery Elderflower S187

Best heifer: Raddery Elderflower X271

Best female calf 2022: Strathglass Erica Y071

Best yearling bull: Kilmallie Kryptonite X375

Best male calf 2022: Kilmallie Juggernaut Eric Y389

HAAAC Stock Bull of the Year 2022

Orbliston with Schivas Methlick Boy U638 Reserve

Varis and Lingieston with Deveron Evoque W726

31 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk

South East England Aberdeen-Angus Club

Asignificant change happened this year in the South East of England Aberdeen-Angus club with Mike Spooner retiring as Honorary Secretary after 30 years of running the club.

Mike took on the responsibility in 1992 and together with his wife Jennie he has worked relentlessly to make our club the great success it is today; organising a biennial club herd competition, that is enthusiastically supported by the whole membership, and arranging several herd walks each year. He has played an important part in keeping the breed in the spotlight in the South of England.

To celebrate his achievements the club organised a lunch at the Goat in Downton, Wiltshire, where John O’Hara, our Chairman, presented Mike with a suitably inscribed quiach and his equally hard working and supportive wife, Jennie, was given a bouquet of flowers.


After lunch the prizes for the biennial herd competition were also awarded. The Large Herd category was won by Angus Stovolds’ Rosemead herd, the Medium Herd category by Robert Whitcombes’ Hawkley herd and the Small Herd category by Paul Carters’ Shefford herd.

There were also prizes for John Coultrips’ Wingfield herd for Best Stock Bull, the Bishop families’ Warrenho herd for both Best 2022 Bull Calf & Best Cow with Calf; Angus Stovolds’ Rosemead herd for both Best Heifer & Best Bull Calf and Michael Polands’ Mottistone herd for Best New Entrant.

The herd competition was enthusiastically supported by 14 herds of different sizes and was judged by Bert Taylor from Kirriemuir in Scotland. Bert spent a whole week travelling the length and breadth of the South carefully inspecting the cattle and we are truly indebted to his endless enthusiasm and very hard work.



In May, at the kind invitation of Michael Poland, over 30 members assembled at Cross Farm, Wroxall, on the Isle of Wight. Blessed with perfect sunny weather, Michael’s very capable team, headed by his stockman, Ross Simpson, guided us around the farm. Having previously bred Highland cattle, Michael now has some 222 head of cattle, and this year is bulling 78 cows and heifers, of which 65 are pure-bred Aberdeen-Angus.

Michael bred Highlands for 15 years and his Mottistone herd became well known. The Highlands were sold in 2020 making record prices at the Stirling dispersal sale. He is now concentrating his efforts on repeating the success with Aberdeen-Angus, focussing on breeding to good EBV’s. In September we gathered again for a herd walk near Salisbury to view the Standlynch herd at the kind invitation of Andrew Carter. Andrew, supported by his wife Carolyn, put on a great afternoon showing us his very impressive and quite large herd of Aberdeen-Angus. Andrew specialises in producing quality bulls and works hard on his performance figures which showed in the quality of his cattle.

The club enjoyed an extensive tour of the farm taking in most age groups and the great view on the top of Standlynch Down.


Finally, at the beginning of October, Angus Stovold hosted the Aberdeen-Angus YDP finals with his Rosemead herd at Lydling Farm near Godalming. It was a great weekend with fantastic attendance and some amazing skills exhibited by some highly enthusiastic young Stockmen.

35 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk REGIONAL CLUBS



Mr & Mrs AJ Adams

Vines Farm Estate Office Cane End, Reading Berks, RG4 9HG 01189 723259


The Bissett Trust Court Farm, Rag Hill Aldermarston, Berks, RG7 4NT 0118 9712574


Paul Carter

Allendale Farm

Wantage Road

Great Shefford, Berks RG17 7DG 01488 648384


Messers. AE & CR Bishop Church Farm, Finchampstead Wokingham, Berks RG40 4LS 01189 732232



Mr & Mrs MC Spooner

Honeysuckle Cottage

Kingwood, Henley on Thames Oxon, RG9 5NT 01491 628637


Redkite Farms Ltd

Southend Farm

Henley On Thames Oxon, RG9 6JR 01491 638155






Rosan Porter

Gaston Wood Farm, Upper Wyke, St Mary Bourne Hants, SP11 6EA 01264 738541



Mr R Whitcombe

Berry Grove Farm Hawkley Road, Liss Hants, GU33 6JP 07968 182651


David Batch

Brick Kiln Farm, East Tytherley Road, Lockerly Romsey, Hants, SO51 0LW 07970 629080


Michael & John O’Hara

Pinner Park Farm, George V Av, Pinner, Middlesex HA5 4SU 07831 326453


Mr & Mrs J Heagerty Marchants Farm, Street Lane, Hassocks Sussex, BN6 8RY 01273 890616



Mrs. VM Jackson

Russett Mead, School Lane, Calbourne Isle of Wight PO30 4JD 01983 531347


Matt Legge

Duxmore Barns, Merslen Downs Road, Downend Newport, Isle of Wight PO30 2JQ 07710 493534


Michael Poland

Wroxall Cross Farm, Wroxall Isle of Wight, PO38 3DF 01489 891468


John Coultrip

Wingfield Farm, Eastling Faversham, Kent, ME13 0BS 01795 890278


Mr K Booker Sunoak Farm, Hamer Ponds Rd, Horsham W.Sussex, RH13 6PJ 07887 632456

Chairman:- John O’Hara

07831 326453

Vice Chairman:- Tom Beadle

07843 020809

Hon. Secretary:- Christopher Hood

07770 363165


Mr & Mrs H Smith

South Bank, Fovant Salisbury Wiltshire, SP3 5JL 01722 714641


Mr A Neish

Rodmead Farm

Maiden Bradley, Warminster Wiltshire. BA12 7HP 07793 810335


Mr & Mrs J Hadfield

Mellow Farm, Dockenfield

Farnham, Surrey GU10 4HH

01428 717815 / 07501 721724


C/O Angus Stovold Field Place, The Street

Compton, Guiildford Surrey, GU3 1EQ 07768 721204



For club event updates, membership directories, and newsletters, please refer to our website...




Matt Stoker

Easton Grey House

Easton Grey, Malmsbury Wiltshire, SN16 0PH 07932 914302


Mr & Mrs AG Carter

Standlynch Farm

Downton, Salisbury Wiltshire SP5 3QU 01722 710382



Angus Stovold

Lydling Farm

Shackleford, Godalming Surrey, GU8 6AP

07768 721204

07843 020809 Tom Beadle


Jan Boomaars

Heathdown, The Ridge Woldingham Surrey, CR3 7AL

01883 653064


John Edgeley & Sue Poulton

J&S Farming, Furzelease Farm

Tisbury Row,, Salisbury Wiltshire, SP3 6RZ

01747 870509


Mr & Mrs C Hood

Wanborough Plain Farm

Foxhill, Swindon

Wilshire, SN4 0DT 07770 363165


J & S Maiklem

Dean Farm

Honeycrock Lane, Salfords

Redhill, Surrey RH1 5JN

01737 761823


Thomas Beale

Lone Barn, Hook Lane

Puttenham, Guildford

Surrey, GU3 1AN

01483 813743



Miss A Randall

Pear Tree Farm, Adstock

Buckingham, MK18 2JL

01296 714377


TW Ives & Sons

Berry Leys Farm, East Claydon Rd, Winslow, Bucks MK18 3ND

01296 712633

UNorth East England Aberdeen-Angus Club

ndoubtedly the saddest news of the year was the passing of Annie Turnbull. She was one of the staunchest supporters of the various shows across the North. With her infectious smile, she was always on hand to help, offer encouragement, guidance and of course have a good laugh. Her favourite show in the calendar was Lincoln and she often bemoaned the fact that the Angus classes did not have a trophy for the breed champion.

As a way of rectifying this, and to commemorate Annie, the club commissioned and presented the Annie Turnbull perpetual trophy to the show to be awarded to the champion Angus. The inaugural winner this year was Rob Mawer and Emma Benge.

Annie will be sorely missed!

The Great Yorkshire Show, the most prestigious show in the club’s area, again attracted a huge entry with exhibitors from the club area as well as as far afield as Devon and Aberdeenshire.

The club went on the road at the end of July and we were joined by the Border club. We visited both the Whiteford family’s Borewell herd and the Campbells at Thrunton, where we saw both the Charolais and Angus herds. Many thanks to both families for hosting the visits, explaining their systems, and answering the myriad of questions from us all, and of course for the post-tour refreshments.

A further trip ensued at the end of August when the Isherwood family opened their doors to the club and Penwac members for another very well-organised and interesting tour of the cattle. This was followed by an excellent barbecue with quality beef from the family’s butcher shop.

The year’s activities culminated in the Club calf show, judged by John Swales and held at Thirsk as part of the Rising Stars Calf show, which continues to grow from strength to strength. Annie Turnbull was a driving force in the development of this show and it was fitting that Adrian and Penny Johnson presented a trophy for the young handlers section in memory of Annie.


Class 1 - Bull born in 2022

1st D & P A Evans, Tree Bridge Jeric Y950

2nd W Ashworth, Retties Lord Lucas Y277

Class 2- Heifer born in 2022

1st W Ashworth, Blackrodian Empress Y224

2nd R Gratton, Yearsley Miss Bishampton Y424

Senior champion

W Ashworth, Blackrodian Empress Y224

Reserve senior champion

D & P A Evans, Tree Bridge Jeric Y950

Class 3 - Bull born in 2023

1st Slater & Guttery, Oak Moor Kingston Z709

2nd R Gratton, Gratton Mr Barney Z001

3rd R Ashworth Stoneylane, E Cig Z252

4th D & P A Evans, Tree Bridge Pattinson Z049

Class 4 - Heifer born in 2023

1st T A & P Johnson, Yearsley Ellen Erica Z443

2nd W Taylor, Crook Hill Miss Bliss Z076

3rd D & P A Evans, Tree Bridge Polly Perkins Z042

4th W Ashworth, Blackrodian Kitty Z251

Junior champion

T A & P Johnson, Yearsley Ellem Erica Z443

Reserve junior champion

Slater & Guttery, Oak Moor Kingston Z709

Class 5 - Pairs

1st D & P A Evans

2nd W Ashworth

3rd R Gratton.



Aberdeen Angus Club


J P , J M & J M Hutchinson

Spikers Hill Farm, West Ayton, Scarborough, North Yorkshire

YO13 9LB

Tel: 01723 862537 jphutch88.ph@gmail.com

2 . ROCK

Gary Rock

58 Cedarwood Glade, Stainton

Middlesbrough TS8 9DJ

Mob: 07730 562760


3. ALN

Messrs Burrell

Broome Park, Alnwick


NE66 2EQ

Tel: 01665 574344 georgew.burrell@btinternet.com


Mr W & Mrs M E Taylor

Crook Hill Farm, Stockfield, Northumberland

NE43 7UX

Tel: 07903 218132


Mr & Mrs D Evans

Tree Bridge Farm, Nunthorpe, Middlesbrough, Cleveland TS7 0NS

Tel: 07860 641841 or 01642 723696 david@treebridgefarm.co.uk


Mr & Mrs P J & A Turnbull

Fox Foot Farm, Coxwold, York, North Yorkshire

YO61 4AT

Tel: 01347 868236


Michael J Todd

5 Harton, York

YO60 7NP

Tel: 01904 468712

Mob: 07779 324188

speak2todd@outlook.com www.hartonangus.com


Tom Slater

Oak Moor Farm, The Moor Haxby, York

YO32 2JY

Tel: 01904 764457

Mob: 07563 339979 info@oakmoorangus.co.uk


David Isherwood

Airedale Angus, Skipton

BD20 9AB

Tel: 07891 781542 airedaleangus@outlook.com


Mr T S & Mrs P A Knox

Mill Close Farm, Patrick Brompton, Bedale, North Yorkshire


Tel: 01677 450257

Mob: 07710 957466

Work Tel: 01748810042 info@yorkshiredalesmeat.com


Mr & Mrs TA & P Johnson

Clarence House Farm, Yearlsey, Brandsby, York, North Yorkshire

YO61 4SL

Tel: 01347 888665 adrian.901johnson@btinternet.com


Miss Juliet Swires

Cragg House Farm, Wilsill,Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG3 5EE

Tel: 01423 711745


G & M A Lawn

None- Go -Bye Farm, Grassington Road, Skipton, North Yorkshire

BD23 3LB

Tel: 01756 793165


Mr & Mrs S Medley

Scalefoot, Commondale, Whitby, North Yorkshire YO21 2HR

Tel: 01287 660995

Mob: 07764 503293 savilleangus@btinternet.com


Mr & Mrs R E & P M Dickson Lawns Farm, Houlsyke, Whitby, North Yorkshire YO21 2LH

Mob: 07810 890242 robinedickson@icloud.com


C D Timm

West End Farm, Appleton Roebuck, York Y023 7DD

Tel: 01904 744333

Mob: 07742553851 christimm1@hotmail.co.uk


Mr & Mrs W Chrystal

Wingate Grange Farm, Wingate, County Durham

TS28 5LX

Tel: 07503 982736 chrystalwill@hotmail.com


David B Wellock & Wendy P Hoare Hurries Farm, Otterburn, Skipton

BD23 4DY

Tel: 01729 830291 david@hurries.plus.com

Simon & Jane Foster

Newfield Grange, Calton, Skipton

BD23 4AB

Tel: 01729 830175

Mob: 07763 891 772 newfieldgrange2@gmail.com


Messers A & S Lawson

South Farm, Hallington

Newcastle, Northumberland

NE19 2LW

Tel: 01434 672227

Mob: 07701 010294 lawsonpedigrees@aol.com


Kit Acton

Bradley Farm, Bardon Mill, Hexham, Northumberland NE47 7AG

Tel: 01434 344261

Mob: 07792 211903 j.acton2@btinternet.com


B Hardcastle & Sons

Saltergate Hill Farm, Skipton Road, Killinghall, Harrogate


Richard: 07803 745962

Chris: 07817 097435 mgthardcastle@yahoo.co.uk currierclose17@gmail.com

23. GIA

Jack Bircham

Stainton Vale Farm, Stainton, Middlesbrough

TS17 9LG

Tel: 01642 577469

Mob: : 07545 805547 j_bircham@hotmail.co.uk


Mr & Mrs R March


East Yorkshire

YO25 9AH

Tel: 07809 897620


39 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk
M E M BER S . . . C H A I R M A N : W I L L C H R Y S T A L • VICE CHAIRMAN: GARY ROCK • SECRETARY: ASHLEIGH FENWICK T e l : 07969 012790 • E m a i l : a.e.fenwick@live.co.uk
“Our focus is on meat eating quality and using native genetics, such as Aberdeen-Angus, means the cattle get fat but they aren’t too big.”

Michael and Melanie Alford, Foxhill Farm and Stillmans Butchers, Somerset

TSouth West England Aberdeen-Angus Club

he club held its AGM in April at the Devon Hotel, Exeter. We were delighted to have Robert Gilchrist in attendance. He gave the members a very informative talk that went down very well.

Richard Ashenden, our Chair, gave a vote of thanks to our outgoing Secretary, Lucy Pulsford, and Treasurer, Sue Pulsford, for all of their hard work. We welcomed some new members onto the committee – Lisa Davey returned as Secretary and Alan Eustace kindly became Treasurer.

The evening concluded with another wonderful carvery at the hotel, and we are indebted to them and their staff as we hold all our committee meetings at the venue.

Bernard and Val Fry, of the Colhayne herd, hosted a herd walk for the club in September. Some 20 club members attended and enjoyed a wonderful afternoon seeing some great cattle in a lovely setting. The herd has been very successful over the years in our biannual herd competition and it was a wonderful opportunity to be able to see the herd. Mrs Fry put on a lovely spread, too, which is always a crowd-pleaser!

Whilst sadly numbers of Aberdeen-Angus entries have been lacking in numbers at our local shows, the quality has not. Our three county shows started at Devon County, where the Aberdeen-Angus classes were judged by Lisa Davey (formerly Frain). She found her champion in Woodington Pinky Glamour X615, owned and bred by Robert Venner.

The Royal Bath and West was won by Rodmead Prague, from Angus Neish, under judge Rob Bishop.

The Royal Cornwall was judged by our Vice-Chairman, Richard Tully. He found his champion in Netherton Blackbird, exhibited by Aranfoot and Newland Pedigree Livestock. The Cornwall Pedigree Calf Show took place in October. Judge Lisa Davey tapped out Mabec Pinky Glamour, from the Jenkin family, as breed champion.

Sadly, we lost two of our long-standing members this year in Joan Hutchings, of the Kingsbrompton herd, and Dudley Luxton, of the Luxtons herd. The club has been indebted to Dudley on many occasions, notably for the use of his premises and the wonderful 40th-anniversary club celebrations that were held there, which was something he was very passionate about. Joan was a loving wife of Colin, who of course everyone in the breed knows. We send our condolences to both families. They will be sorely missed. By the time you read this, we will have held our Christmas meal again at the Devon Hotel where some 30-plus members attended. The club would like to say thank you to Robyn Westcott, who will give a talk about her time at the Toronto Winter Fair. Robyn attended The Fair after being part of the winning team that represented the Society at Malvern some five years ago.

Looking ahead to 2024, we are excited for some more herd walks, which are currently being planned, and of course, it is the turn of our popular biannual herd competition. This will be no mean feat for our judge as the Club covers a huge geographical area!

Our new website is finally live and a huge thank you must go to Alan Eustace (and Tristan) for designing our new layout. We will continue to update this with news, members, and, of course, the most important part, cattle for sale. To check it out visit: www.aacsw.uk

We welcome members new and old. Please feel free to get in touch.

41 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk

South Wes t of England Aberdeen Angus Club


L R & K M Ashton

Aish Farm



Devon, EX21 5SB 07530 750092


Messrs Chapman

Hele Barton

Week St Mary


Devon, EX22 6VR 07785 937675


Mr & Mrs A Eustace

Buskin Farm

Exbourne Okehampton

Devon , EX20 3RL 07950 036404


Irwin & Dilys Rowe

Millvale Farm

Little Bosullow

Newbridge, Penzance

Cornwall, TR20 8NS zennorbells@yahoo.co.uk 01736 364070


H Morley

Blackland Farm


Wiltshire, SN11 8PS 01249 816131


Messrs Smith


High Street

Fovant, Salisbury

Wiltshire, SP3 5JL 07850 813060 / 07967 808043


N C & H E Pascoe

Hedge End 15 Trebarvah Close

Constantine Falmouth

Cornwall, TR11 5AQ 07814 487762 / 01326 340030


Mr & Mrs B S & V J Fry

Colhayne Farm



Devon, EX13 7QQ 07969 604287


Mr M G H Pilcher

Gear Farm


St Ives

Cornwall, TR26 3DD 01736 795471


Paul Jeenes

Grandon Manor Farm

Frome, Somerset BA11 5LH 07769 903113

C o r n wall – D e vo n – D o r s e t – S o me rset - W i l t shi re


N W & K E Forfitt




Devon, EX21 5ST 01409 281150 / 07837 084313


P & J House & Sons

Tetton Farm

Kingston St Mary

Somerset, TA2 8HY

www.Kingston -angus.co.uk 01823 451619 / 07877 243451


Luxton Partners

North Alfordon Farm


Devon, EX20 1RX 07875 246346 / 01837 52534


A K & G Quinn

Thong Farm



Somerset, TA3 6DT 01823 490718 / 07947 834686


Angus Neish

Rodmead Farm

Maiden Bradley


Wiltshire, BA12 7UP 07793 810335


R & J Sweet

Sweeters Pocket

Fitzroy Road

Norton Fitzwarren


Somerset, TA2 6PL 07803 321762


D W Andrews

Warson Farm



Devon, EX20 4PQ 01822 820699


Richard & Jean Tully

Waddeton Barton Farm

Waddeton Road


Devon, TQ5 0EL 01803 842174 / 07813 313411



Andrew Haste & Son

Stoneleigh Farm



Devon, EX21 5QT 07967 023683

M R & S K Westcott & Son

Wilmersham Farm



Somerset, TA24 8JT 01643 862524 / 07557 363210

Chairman: Richard Ashenden

T: 07740 870682

E: richardashenden@outlook.com

Secretary: Lisa Davey

T: 07970 793838

E: lisa.davey@daveyslivestock.co.uk

43 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk
C o r n wall – D e vo n – D o r s e t – S o me rset - W i l t shi re
Beef fit for the future BOOK YOUR SPACE NOW! Scan the QR code to book your advertising slot in the 2025 edition of The Review
“We look for breed average growth rates at 200 and 400 days and a moderate cow size, all with the aim of producing animals that grow and finish on a grassbased system”
Robert Whitcombe, Hawkley Herd, Hampshire

West Mercia & Wales Abe rdeen–A n gus Club In the heart of England and Wales

Secretary Kathryn Hart T: 07887 654 898 E: kathart.ball@gmail.com


A & C Sutherland, Manor Farm, Abberton, Pershore, Worcester, WR10 2NR

Tel: 01386 462534


(per Michael W Attwell)

Beoley, Redditch, Wores, B98 9DB

Tel: 01527 66191


A & A Mclaren, The Warren, Croughton, Brackley, Northants, NN13 5LW

Tel: 01869 810202


c/o Richard Smith, New Farm, Daylesford, Moreton in the Marsh, Glos, GL56 0YD

Tel: 01608 658445


N & B Pittams, Cwmbrook, Llanwern, nr Becon, Powys, LD3 7UP

Tel: 01874 658255


Puddleditch Farm, Berkeley Heath, Berkeley, Glos. GL13 9EU

Tel: 01600 713102

Simon: 07828301302

Email: elmviewherd@googlemail com


John & Harriet James

Pant Y Wheel farm, Llandovery, Carmarthenshire.

SA20 0HA

Mob: 07728 233159



Glympton Farms Ltd, Glympton, Woodstock, Oxfordshire, OX20 1AH

Tel: 01993 811443



Richard Thompson, Rallics Farm, Lockleywood, Hinstock, Market Drayton, Strops, TF9 2LY

Tel: 01630 661261


Michael Beames, Talyfan farm, Ystradowen, South Wales CF17 7SX

Mob: 07872 840018



Paul & Kirsty Westaway

Gamage Hall Farm, Dymock, Gloucester, GL18 2AE

Tel: 01531 890411

Mob: 07814 537462



Mr and Mrs J Price, Oakchurch Farm, StauntononWye, Hereford, HR4 7NE

Tel: 01981 500038



D Bowen & L Blackford, Pengelli farm, Eglwyswrw, Crymych, SA413PT

Tel: 01239 891217

Mob: 07923 543804



J Thomas & Son, Penrhiw Farm, Trelewis, Treharris, South Wales, CF46 6TA

Tel: 01443 412949

Email: penrhiworganic@gmail.com


Rob Matthews, Edgiock Farm, Edgiock, Astwoodbank, Redditch, Worcester, B96 6JZ

Tel: 01527 894889


Woodston Manor Partnership, Woodston Manor, Tenbury Wells, Worcester, WR15 8JG

Tel: 01584 881657

Email: emma@woodstonmanor co uk

New members always welcome Find us on facebook
Oakmoor Farm, The Moor, Haxby, York, North Yorkshire, YO32 2LH
“We wanted to breed low-maintenance, easy-care cattle.”
Mary Hamnet, Upper Waterside Farm, The Goyt Valley
“Don’t hide your knowledge and expertise, it’s important that others recognise how you could help support The Society.”
Angus Stovold, immediate past president for The Society

Our teams average 6 embryos per collection


T&C'S apply

IVF centres in Cumbria, Yorkshire, Northern Ireland and Devon

IVF Fresh Transfers, Cowstoppers, Semen Collections

Conventional Flushing, Embryo Transfer, IVF, Planned Genetic Recoveries, Embryo Exports


James Porter

028 9260 7333

In September 2023 Gill Hall Estate hosted the prestigious World Sheepdog Trials, held in Northern Ireland for the first time.

Over 240 competitors from all over the world competed over 4 days and the event was attended by Her Royal Highness Princess Anne, pictured here with James, Bill and Emily Porter.



UK 541889 201124

Carlhurlie Gentilex S124

Sire: Skaill Dido K309

Dam: Carlhurlie Gentille J762

UK 521115 703898

Blelack Dakota U898

Sire: Netherallan Peter Pershore E052

Dam: Oakchurch Darlene E020


UK9041700 1043-6

Old Glenort Kathleen U436

Sire: Carlhurlie Epic P021

Dam: Old Glenort Kathleen N172

UK9041700 1300-4

Old Glenort Ermiss Z004

(picture taken at seven months)

Sire: Blelack Dakota U898

Dam: Schivas Ermiss T520

UK9041700 1318-1

Old Glenort Ella Z181

(picture taken at six months)

Sire: Carlhurlie Gentilex S124

Dam: Old Glenort Ella S471

UK9041700 1033-3

Old Glenort Evita U333

Sire: Haughton Levi P105

Dam: Old Glenort Evita M811

UK9041700 1295-6

Old Glenort Eline Z956

(picture taken at seven months )

Sire: Blelack Dakota U898

Dam: Old Glenort Eline U274

UK9041700 1330-6

Old Glenort Poppy Z306

(picture taken at five months)

Sire: Carlhurlie Gentilex S124

Dam: Old Glenort Poppy T891

55 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk James Porter 028 9260 7333 farm@gillhallestate.com www.gillhallestate.com

DNA & Genomics Report

In the 2023 Review, I described how the Genomics Committee had almost concluded its appraisal of the various genomics providers and would make a decision ready for 2023. There can be no doubt that we were indeed close, but then we hit a major roadblock.

ABRI, the providers of our ILR2 registry database and facilitators of the Breedplan evaluations, held a meeting at Stoneleigh between the current UK users of the systems.

At the meeting, Hugh Nivison, managing Director of ABRI, and Mark Christian, announced that ILR2 and ILR online are end-of-life products. Developed 30 years ago, in what is now an obsolete computer language, ILR2 has been showing a few cracks at the seams of late. Its replacement ILR online, would appear to hold the same issues, causing delays and additional work for the office, which is no fault of theirs.

So where does the DNA/Genomics committee go from here?

Well, it has to follow the development of ILR “new” but at the same time be mindful of the various alternatives that are out there. And they are out there.

In the meantime, the single-step genomics model within Breedplan will be switched on shortly. Breeders will see small changes to their Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) but nothing earth-shattering. However, what they will notice will be a significant rise in the trait accuracies –always a bone of contention when figures are discussed. And helping to end the collapse of an animal’s figures after a few seasons of use.

It is a step in the right direction but is no substitute for weighing and scanning. Phenotypical measurement remains the backbone of any breeding program, though as I wrote last year, they will never replace the stock person’s eye, but they are a tool to help.

57 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk REPORTS
58 Advert - half page Rantirov Vladimír Šašek, Rantířov 4, 588 41, Czech Republic, Tel: +420 732 628 651, Mail: vsasek@volny.cz RANTIROV aberdeen angus Est. 1993 ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ www.statekrantirov.cz

Three new tools come to fruition under Breed Development Committee stewardship

It has been a privilege to chair the AberdeenAngus Cattle Society (AACS) Breed Development Committee through 2023. I would like to begin by thanking the Committee members and Society staff for the work they have put in this year to help keep the breed moving forward.

The role of the AACS Breed Development Committee is to keep abreast of current breeding and recording technology and deliver the best of these tools to the AACS membership.

We have been fortunate in 2023 to inherit several exciting projects that have been under development for some years and can now be rolled out to members. Hopefully, these additional management tools will be of some use to breeders as we continue to develop the world’s numberone beef breed.


This within-herd analysis aims to identify dams that are consistently performing to a high maternal standard. Females within a herd will qualify if they produced their first calf aged under 2.5 years old and have at least three registered progeny as well as a regular calving interval. Additionally, their calves must have a weaning weight 5% higher than the average for their contemporary group.

The report does not rely on Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) or compare between herds. Instead, this analysis uses the raw data submitted by breeders to identify outstanding maternal performance.


Linear Assessment or Type Classification is an independent assessment of locomotion, structure, udders, and beef characteristics carried out by the National Bovine Data Centre. Independent classifiers score 24 individual traits which are then combined to produce an overall score. This system is currently used to evaluate over 130,000 dairy and beef cattle annually. The results can be used within herds to assist breeding decisions. Evidence from other breeds suggests that animals with the highest scores can attract significant premiums at the point of sale.

A detailed explanation of the Linear Assessment methodology is available on the AACS website, along with the fee structure. If you would like to have your herd assessed, please fill in the linear assessment contact form on the society website.


Docility is an incredibly important trait for the safety and well-being of cattle and farmers alike. It also has financial implications as docile cattle have been found to grow faster, convert feed more efficiently, and have improved reproductive performance when compared to their flightier herd-mates.

Fortunately, docility is a highly heritable trait that can be improved through genetic selection. Breedplan offers a standardised procedure to score docility, using either a yard or crush test where youngstock (aged between 60400 days) are scored on a 1-5-point scale from docile to aggressive.

The on-farm results can be a useful way to identify individuals and family lines that are less docile than desired. However, AACS will require roughly 5,000 individual records before Breedplan can begin producing a docility EBV, as used overseas.

If you want to record docility, or already have records for your herd, full details of the assessment procedure and how to submit data can be found on the society website.

59 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk REPORTS

Marketing Committee Report

Another year has passed since my last report. It has certainly been a year to forget for all parts of the United Kingdom regarding the weather. However, from heat waves to persistent rain, our breed continues to flourish in such diverse climates and environments.

At the start of his Presidential year, Finlay Munro, along with our CEO, Robert Gilchrist, set each committee different priorities for the year. The Marketing Committee agreed to these and feels we have delivered as best we can on most of them.

The five priorities for the Marketing Committee are listed below:

1. Ensure the Membership is fully informed and educated about Society activities.

2. Demonstrate value for money to the Membership from all PR activities.

3. Create industry-facing advertising to maximise member opportunities for selling breeding animals.

4. Engage with the consumer to ensure AberdeenAngus-derived beef products are their number one meat choice.

5. Develop Pedigree House as the Aberdeen-Angus brand home and keeper of the breed heritage.

As the calendar year draws to a close, we are excited to welcome our new Communication and Event Manager, Felicity Hunter, to our Society. Felicity has spent the past 20 years living in Botswana, working within the animal nutrition industry as a marketing consultant. She has now returned home to her native Scotland. There are exciting times ahead as we now have a replacement Communications person in place to help us achieve all our goals and the priorities above within the marketing committee.

Some of you will have met Felicity in person by the time you read this report, but if you have not, please introduce yourself to her and make her feel welcome.

I would like to conclude this short report by thanking Robert and the staff at Pedigree House – Chris Wilkinson as Vice Chair of the Marketing Committee, the rest of the Marketing Committee members, and our media partners, Pinstone, for their time and assistance in attending meetings and events throughout the year.

Let’s hope for better weather in 2024!


Registrations Committee Report

Council has the unenviable task of ensuring that the Society’s books balance and it has long been identified that a significant cost has been the Society covering the cost of all DNA testing for member’s animals. To help with this, the start of 2023 saw female DNA testing become chargeable to the member.

To help members understand the processes, flowcharts have been uploaded to the Society’s website showing the timings of each stage of male and female registration.

DNA testing of males has continued to be paid for by the Society and large sums have been drawn down from reserves to cover this cost. The Council has identified several strategies to reduce this cost whilst protecting the integrity of the herdbook and securing the presence of the brand in the marketplace. A Council meeting will be held in December to finalise the future proposals for DNA and this will be communicated to the membership as soon as possible after the meeting.

Historically, DNA sample failures have given members and the office significant headaches. Due to several initiatives over the last 18 months, average monthly test failure rates are down by 30% to around 8%. We cannot say that all the problems are behind us, as there will always be some failures caused by, for example, missing or contaminated samples. However, we are encouraged by the progress and will continue to improve.

2023 has also seen ABRI, the holders of our sizeable registry database, announce that the current software is at the end of its life and they have begun a process of redevelopment. The Council has taken this opportunity to review alternatives. Whatever the decision of the Council, there is likely to be a change in software in 2025 which will mean we will move to a new system. In the meantime, as a means of securing the data, the Society has spread the storage of this elsewhere, giving peace of mind while this process runs its course.

The staff at Pedigree House are fully on top of data submitted by the membership, and it is the intention to be able to provide better, regular updates of current animal status following initial intimation. We do, however, have a very large number of animals that have been excluded following DNA testing due to incorrect sires. Can I ask those members with such animals to please contact the office and help the staff clear the backlog, even if it is just to say registration is no longer needed.

For the breed to prosper going forward, data will become ever more important. So can I ask members to please keep their weight recording, including mature cow weights, and back scanning, as up-to-date as possible.

61 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk REPORTS
Left - Blelack Dean Martin Right - 15 year old Wedderlie Nearbossa with her 20th natural calf Wedderlie Near Amore by Dean Martin
John, Marion and Wanda Tilson Ph: 07796402468, 07795 493303 or 01578 740246 Wedderlie, Gordon, Berwickshire TD3 6NW marion.tilson@btconnect.com www.wedderliefarm.co.uk
Stock Bulls: Blelack Dean Martin, Wedderlie Policeman, Wedderlie Kargil, Wedderlie Blackgate, Wedderlie Tidy Boss, Wedderlie Blackness, Threeburnford Jeff Eric. Wedderlie Princeman Y823 Wedderlie El Dorado Y830 Wedderlie Nomadic Y865 Wedderlie Lord Harrington Y842

Finance Committee Report

Last year we forewarned that there would be no early turnaround on the cash demands placed on the Society’s unreserved funds. Put another way, there would likely be an overall operating loss in 2022/ 2023, not helped by the extraordinary inflationary times predicted (and which came to pass) in 2023.

One year on, and as a result of some really tough decisions having been made, the medium-term outlook gives some cause for optimism. These tough decisions included:

Membership and Registration Fees - Increasing registration costs from £25 to £30 per animal and passing on the cost of DNA-testing females. These were difficult decisions in what were already inflationary times for cattle breeders. But, ten months on, registrations suggest that members recognise that after 25 years of no registration increases, an increase was overdue, while not welcome. As a result, members registered a similar number of cattle to last year. This increased registration revenue for the 10 months to 31st Oct 2023. While membership remained stable at 2,041.

DNA/ Genotyping Costs – Going forward genotyping costs for the Society will substantially reduce, albeit after overcoming a backlog of committed spend. While enabling individual members to actively decide how many purebred animals need to be tested at their own cost, over and above those done to protect the Breed’s integrity. Please see the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society website for current DNA testing requirements.

Deferring new appointments - Following the departure of the Events, Social Media, and Registrations Administrator, it is a credit to our CEO and his senior team, who have shared the workload amongst themselves. This has resulted in savings on staff costs.

As important as these three points are, the work of the Finance Committee this past year need not just be

defined by recommending or delivering tough medicine prescribed by the Council!

With around £2.8M of assets, sound governance and stewardship of the Charity’s assets/funds can and will continue to make a substantial difference to the outcomes and financial health of the Society, and enable more and varied benefits to flow through to the membership.

Recognising that a one percent improvement in returns means £28,000 in additional revenue, I’m pleased to report the establishment of an Investment Oversight Committee. This counts within its membership two co-opted Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Breeders who have extensive financial sector experience. Both AACS brokers who manage the portfolio day-to-day noted that charities with higher value portfolios often have a dedicated oversight mechanism and were comfortable adopting this committee oversight.

Like the agricultural industry, I suspect the next few years are going to be tough on the Society, as it will need to adapt and ensure it stays relevant at a realistic and sustainable cost to its members. The work of late, along with the many other initiatives, sets us all on a clear path to continued improvement in servicing members costeffectively, while ensuring the breed continues to be recognised as our premier beef breed in the UK.

Finally, as Chair of the Finance Committee, I wish to thank and recognise the constant work and effort made by staff at Pedigree House, committee members, and members throughout the AACS, who make my job as Finance Chair, and that of the Finance Committee, that bit better with their constructive comments and desire to make this Society as good as it can be.

63 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk

Shows, Sales, Health and Breed Character Annual Report

It has been a pleasure to chair the Shows, Sales, Health and Breed Character Working Group over the past year. Initial priority has been placed on addressing judging both at Shows and Sales for 2024 and 2025. Previously there had been some sales with judges assigned at short notice. It was the intention of the working group to move away from that and furthermore promote the forthcoming judges in advance with a nod to their own achievements.

Following a judging panel amnesty, current members have been contacted to confirm if they still wish to be considered to judge. Furthermore, we have proposed changes to how judges are nominated to the panel. The intention is that this new process will allow both the Aberdeen-Angus committee and clubs to nominate individuals to ensure the most appropriate people are available for judging responsibilities. More recent additions to the judges' panel will be promoted to encourage local shows to invite newer members to judge. The Group appreciates the importance of an able judge for larger shows and sales, but there is no substitute for getting the opportunity in the first instance.

The success of the Youth Development Programme (YDP) has also brought a proposal to put the Senior winner of the YDP forward as a proposed new member of the judging panel. This has been welcomed as we identify the breed’s future. It also presents a way of supporting their achievement and enables further development and opportunities for youngsters in the breed. As has always been the case, new judge panel members that have been proposed will be put forward to Council for approval. In terms of shows, we have confirmed the venue and judge for the Summer National Show 2024 at Border Union. We are looking at a protocol for what is required when hosting an Angus National Show after some feedback from exhibitors at the 2023 Summer National at Turriff. It has become evident that there are a limited number of shows capable of hosting a Summer National. We are equally mindful of location because we want to allow as many breeders to exhibit as possible. Potential TB restrictions in certain areas could challenge entry and specific show facilities to accommodate cattle travelling a distance. We would provide guidelines for our requirements as a National Show and ways that any additional, associated costs could be covered as a result.

With regards to sales, we have reviewed the timings for some of the sales in terms of time spent at markets for vendors. The May 2023 Carlisle sale in particular had come to light as a sale that could be streamlined into a shorter window following discussion with the auctioneers Harrison & Hetherington. They have since offered a revised timetable. This would offer an inspection on one day, followed by the show and sale on the second day. The Committee felt that offering buyers the opportunity to see the bulls prior to the sale was advantageous, particularly if they were travelling for one day, and it may support positive traits in the sale bulls such as good locomotion.

With sales in mind, the committee feels it would be prudent to monitor upset price for forthcoming sales. There is a desire in the committee to attempt to keep price standards that are conducive to current market conditions with rising beef values. We will also endeavour to maintain the standard of cattle forward for sales. Lastly, there is continued dialogue with other breed societies regarding Herd Inspections. At this stage, the committee wishes to advise members that a new inspection regime is imminent and we will be extending it from its current form in the future to maintain our standards and breed integrity.

The Committee is happy to report that new Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR) rules at May and October 2023 sales appeared to be largely adhered to. There was some discussion with individual members regarding individual circumstances, but we are pleased that these changes have been endorsed. Ultimately, these new guidelines are there to offer some protection to both the vendor and the buyer. We also recognise this will take work and ideally would like support from other breeds which are often sharing the same airspace at these sales.

A special mention must go to Daniel Whiteford, previous Chair of this working group, who was responsible for an Online Multibreed sale of embryos and semen donated by some of our members, which raised more than £20,000 for support for Ukraine. This was a fantastic achievement!

As ever, it is the intention of the Committee to maintain the standards, character and integrity of the AberdeenAngus Breed and we hope our work will continue to drive this. I would like to thank the Committee for their continued time and effort in pushing these matters forward.

Chair of the Aberdeen-Angus Shows, Sales, Health and Breed Character Committee.


· 8 Bulls forwarded S�rling February 2024 (First bulls by Rulesmains Kai)

· Semen available from Rulesmains Kai

· Embryos

· BVD & Johnes accredited, vaccinated for IBR & Lepto Always available

· 2 Year old and yearling bulls Spring 2024

· Heifers

Herd Sires

J Robert Galloway Robbie.Galloway@Scotbeef.com +44 (0) 7785 371 129 �ardona Farm, Doune, S�rlingshire, Scotland FK16 6A� Ewen McRobert Ewen.mcrobert@scotbeef.com : +44 (0) 7834 030 264 �ardona �o�age, Doune, S�rlingshire, Scotland FK16 6A�
CARDONA JEWELIOT ERICA S002 Cow Champion, Royal Highland Show June 23
RADDERY ABERDEEN-ANGUS Gill & Ewen MacGregor, 1 Raddery, Fortrose, Ross-Shire, Scotland, IV10 8SN EMAIL: gillian.macgregor@btconnect.com TEL: 07843248084 Accredited free of BVD, IBR and Lepto; Johne’s Level 1 and TB exempt

Rulesmain Scotch Beef Farm of the Year

Andrew and Jill Hodge and their daughter Emma, from Rulesmain Farm won Beef Farm of the Year award at the inaugural Scottish Agriculture Awards.

The family runs a mixed arable and beef enterprise at Duns in the Scottish Borders.

Their herd of 110 pedigree Aberdeen-Angus was established in 2008 after they decided to exit the dairy industry.

The Hodges also run 30 commercial Aberdeen-Angus and a handful of pedigree Herefords. They breed for length, natural fleshing, breed character, and most critically, profitability. High-health status is also critical.

They have recently started putting their Hereford bull over the commercial cows to produce Black Baldies for their easy-fleshing ability from grass and quiet nature.

The Hodges farm 300 acres of grass and 1,100 acres of arable, yielding 3,000t of cereal – 125t of barley is retained for feed stock with the arable providing straw for cattle bedding. This is then spread back on the land to reduce fertiliser and improve soil health.

They have also reduced energy bills by investing in a wind turbine and biomass boiler.

At the heart of the business is a drive for profit which means heifers calve at two and cattle are finished 13 to 14 months. Andrew’s business-first attitude stems from his dairy days and having to know his margins down to the last pence.

“It’s a habit, but it’s a very useful one and makes much more sense than throwing food at cattle and not having a clue how much they are really costing you. I monitor the inputs week-in and week-out and know what each cow is costing me to keep per day; currently with minerals it’s £1 per head,” Andrew told the Scottish Farmer, a Scottish Agriculture Award partner.

It is this, alongside Emma’s natural gift as a stockperson, that set the Hodges apart from the other finalists.

“We never thought that we would win,” says Andrew. “It was a wonderful surprise and means a great deal to us to have been nominated alongside such well-respected farms.”

Although the Hodges are not resting on their laurels and still believe they have improvements to make.

While Emma was away in Canada looking at new genetics to improve their herd and could not collect the award in person with her parents, Andrew believes data is the next linchpin to help catapult their business and improve efficiency.

Credit: Scottish Farmer


Ian Farrant, Farmers Weekly's 2023 Beef Farmer of the Year

Introducing Aberdeen-Angus genetics has helped maximise calves born alive and improve finishing times for one dairy beef farming partnership.

Andrew Farrant runs a 600-cow dairy unit in Oxfordshire and his cousin, Ian Farrant, heads up a finishing unit in Herefordshire where all calves get sent.

They had used British Blue genetics for many years, but they were struggling to finish the cattle without the need for a lot of concentrates.

Ian says: “When they got to 16-months-old we could finish them on a ration, but we ended up having to throw vast amounts of concentrates at them which just wasn’t sustainable.”


Switching to Aberdeen-Angus has reaped rewards across the whole dairy-beef business.

All breeding is done using Artificial Insemination (AI) with Andrew selecting easy-calving bulls that are polled.

“The calves just seem to pop out. Looking at the 2023 spring-calving block figures, we had 196 calving’s from Aberdeen-Angus bulls and achieved 198 live calves, due to some sets of twins being born.”

As well as calving ease benefits, Andrew says he has been impressed with the vigour of the Aberdeen-Angus cross calves and their ease of management.


Anguses are on the finishing ration for 45 days, on average, compared with 75 days for the British-Blue crosses.

“The Aberdeen-Angus is achieving an average daily liveweight gain (DLWG) of 1.5-1.8kg based on a grass and maize silage-based finishing diet, with about 4kg of cereals a day”, says Ian.

In comparison, the British Blue crosses grew at 1.4kg daily, he adds.

The faster finishing times means Ian is using one-third of the cereals required previously and is better able to maximise grass.

The Aberdeen-Angus crosses are finishing at carcass weights of 315-320kg at grades ranging from a mid R to an O+. Although this is slightly lighter than the Blues, which had average carcass weights of 330-335kg and made half a grade more, Ian says it is helping him become more self-sufficient in feed.

“It seems like a much more sustainable farming model, and by reducing our reliance on inputs, we’re not as vulnerable to market price fluctuations.”

He adds: “I’d rather have a higher throughput and sell them slightly lighter, because there’s huge potential to lose money in the finishing shed, especially with heavy cattle.”

Farm facts

• Milking 600 cross-bred, spring and autumn calving cows at Manor Farm, Oxfordshire.

• Yielding 7,000 litres a cow a year

• Supplying Waitrose

• Finishing 650-700 Aberdeen-Angus cross dairy calves at the Underley Farm in Herefordshire.

• Supplying Dovecote Park and GrassRoots Farming.

69 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk
ELVIE W ANGU CONTACT PAUL Tel: 07814 537462  | Email: melviewfarming@aol.com

Longstanding service awarded to two Pedigree House stalwarts

At the heart of Pedigree House and the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society, two individuals have quietly etched their legacies, with a combined service of over 50 years.

It is with immense gratitude that we recognise the extraordinary 28-year service of registrations and DNA manager, Caroline Ford, and the 25-year service of our finance manager, Angela Cumming.

Caroline and Angela have become anchors within the Society and their commitment and expertise have been fundamental in keeping the wheels turning in the office. Their work behind the scenes means the running of Pedigree House has been well-maintained for the last three decades.

Caroline’s time within The Society began in 1996. She arrived at Pedigree House to manage registrations and DNA. Her work encompasses a range of responsibilities aimed at maintaining the breed’s integrity, pedigree accuracy and genetic quality of the cattle breed.

Many of our members will have dealt with Caroline over the years – a key part of her role is assisting breeders and members with the registration process, as well as

providing guidance on documentation and DNA testing requirements.

Angela began working for the Society in 1998. Having originally joined the team under the supervision of Bob Anderson, who was the secretary at the time, Angela eventually took over the position of Finance Manager and shaped it into her own.

Having joined the team in her early twenties, Angela was eager to work within the agricultural industry having grown up with her father who was a sheep farmer.

During her time at Pedigree House, Angela has spearheaded pivotal initiatives including implementing a digitalised system for account management. This contribution has allowed the Society to move to a streamlined and efficient format of finance management.

We want to say a big thank you to both Caroline and Angela for their longstanding service and commitment. They have invested a lot into The Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society over the years and have played a pivotal role in its development.

We look forward to the continued impact they will make on The Society over years to come.

71 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk REPORTS
Finley Munro presenting flowers to Caroline and Angela for their long service to the society
What’s it like to be a member of council? Interview with past president, Angus Stovold

Q: Angus, can you tell us a little bit about your farm

A: I’m the third generation Aberdeen-Angus breeder to farm at Lydling farm in Surrey, which I took over from my father in the early 1990’s. The Rosemead herd was established in 1936 by my grandfather and the farm has been in the family since 1870.

I’ve been a member of the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society (AACS) since the 1990’s and we currently have 140 Aberdeen-Angus cows of our own which makes up the Rosemead herd and then we manage The McClemens’ Herd taking us to 160 cows in total.

The majority of calves go on for breeding, with between 60-70 bulls sold a year and heifers are either retained as replacements or sold to other herds. A small number of cattle are finished, with two per month going to the abattoir to supply local butchers.

We breed for character, temperament, easy fleshing and prioritise high herd health, holding elite status, which means our herd is free of all diseases including TB.

When choosing bulls and breeding replacements, we’re selecting for lower birth weights, high milk and high Intramuscular fat.

Q: When did you actively become involved with the AACS society and what positions have you held?

A: I joined the society in the early 1990’s and became a member of council in 1998. Over those 25 years I’ve spent 15-16 years in various active roles.

Cattle health is an area I’m particularly passionate about and I’ve sat on the Health Committee for several years, holding the position of Chair for three years.

I’ve also been on the presidential team for eight years and president twice and I’m also director of the Pedigree Cattle Service.

Q: What is your current position on council?

A: My current role is immediate past president, which is a handover role really, where I continue to offer advice to the presidential team as and when required. I am open to being involved in other roles in the future as I’ve really


enjoyed my time on council and recognise the benefits for myself as well as the breed, but feel the Society is in very safe hands with the current council.

Q: If you become a council or committee member, how often do you meet and what is the format of the meetings?

A: When taking on a committee or council role, the individual level of commitment depends on how much or how little you want to put into it. Typically, when you’re nominated, the council will then steer you onto a committee where they feel you can add the most value, knowledge and experience.

The council is typically made up of a variety of people from farmers through to people working in the wider industry, bringing a range of experience.

Committee meetings tend to be virtual now with maybe one face-to-face meeting a year. For council, there are three meetings a year and two out of three of those are in person.

A council role involves a three-year term, but it normally takes the first year to get up to speed on the position of the Society, work in progress and potential opportunities and challenges.

Q: What Society activity have you been involved with?

A: I have been an active committee member, getting involved with many initiatives, but there have been some definite highlights and I’m proud to be part of a team that has achieved some of these things.

One of the areas I’ve been heavily involved in is driving the health agenda and being a member of the Society has allowed us to push that at a national level. The AACS was fundamental in improving Johne’s testing and moving to the risk-based system rather than just positive or negative. The next step is to push to improve Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis testing at a national level.

Another exciting journey has been with DNA and genomics. Every year we discover more, and while we’re constantly on the backfoot due to technology moving quickly, progress in genomic evaluations is really exciting and the payoff is going to be fantastic for members.

We’ve also made big strides when it comes to governance to ensure the society is able to represent members now and in the future. I’ve sat on several national committees which have included cross-breed discussions around national policy as well as the progressive farming DEFRA board, which provides a lot of exposure to policy and government discussions.

The growth of the YDP over recent years has also been fantastic. These people are the future for the society and the industry and it’s key that we can continue to support this.

Finally, I must mention the Pedigree Cattle Service committee. This committee ensures Aberdeen-Angus is on consumers’ minds and on the shelf; this has been key in driving and growing the breed over the last 25 years.

Q: Why do you think it is important for members to step forward for a council role?

A: Taking on a council role provides you with a lot more insights on what’s going on within the Society, the breed and the wider industry. This can support progression within your own herd, as well as helping the Society move forward in the future.

It also provides a social element; it allows you to step away from the farm and catch up with others in the industry.

The Society is key to driving the Aberdeen-Angus breed and by getting involved, you can represent members in your area and together help make proactive change for the breed and the industry which will help now and in the future. It allows you to give something back.

Q: What is the pathway for members potentially interested in being involved in council?

A: To be involved in council you have to get nominated within your region by two members. To help do this, it’s important to get your name out there by attending events and making yourself known to other members in your club. Don’t hide your knowledge and expertise, it’s important that others recognise how you could support the Society.

Finally, if you’re thinking about it, then mention this within your club. You will really enjoy it and get so much from it – it’s a bit like a bug, once you start to get involved, you want to do more and more.

73 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk REPORTS


Purchased from Oakchurch having been impressed with his ease of fleshing, breed character and progeny.


Purchased from the Rosemead on farm sale.

She has great width behind and a beautiful Angus head.


Based in Malmesbury, Wiltshire

Herd manager: Mat Stoker 07932 914302

Email: mathew.eastongrey@outlook.com VISITORS ALWAYS

We would like to thank all 2023 purchaser’s old and new, including:


Purchased by the Nuthatch herd

Follow on Facebook

How cattle with non-imported bloodlines suit regenerative system

Mary Hamnett and Gordon Oliver have a simple, shared vision – to help farmers reduce feed and labour costs and produce quality beef from grass.

The couple have been breeding Aberdeen-Angus cattle for some four decades at Upper Waterside Farm nestled in the Goyt Valley of the Pennines and many of the breed’s descendants can be traced back to their herd.

They believe the original native type of Aberdeen-Angus are ideally suited to regenerative, organic farms like their own. Mary and Gordon run 40 breeding cattle on 212 acres of hill ground with cattle finished on a forage-only diet.

Original population native Aberdeen-Angus were declassified to critically endangered to endangered by the Rare Breeds Survival Trust. They have a smaller bone to meat ratio and have great depth of body which make them ideal foragers.

“We want functional cattle,” says Gordon. He explains: “The reason the native type of Aberdeen-Angus went out of fashion in the eighties and nineties was because there was a government subsidy to encourage farmers to produce bigger cattle for export to Europe and native cattle did not easily reach the minimum weight required.”

But the recent change in government direction towards “public goods”, as well as changing consumer buying habits favouring smaller cuts of beef, firmly places native Aberdeen-Angus cattle as front runners amongst UK beef breeds, they believe.


They have not faltered in their quest to breed lowmaintenance, easy-care cattle and believe this is testament to the fact they are both running the farm alone when many people their age would have already retired. After joining the society in 1986 under their respective Champagne and Blackwatch prefixes, they admit they were unaware of the fact that there were very few original population left.

That was until Bob Anderson, long-time Secretary of the Aberdeen-Angus Society, recognised the low numbers of native Aberdeen-Angus.

“He sent out a letter in the nineties, enlisting the help of breeders to locate animals and increase the number. It alerted us to the fact we had native bulls and native cows,” admits Mary.

As a result, the Rare Breeds Survival Trust (RBST) placed native Aberdeen-Angus on its critical watchlist, and a separate section herd book was started in 2002.

“At that point, 51 females had been found in previous volumes dating from 1981-2001. Many of these were inactive or had been put to a non original population bull. We were lucky to own 12 on that list. There were only seven breeding females and three bulls registered in the 2002 herd book,” explains Mary.


Mary and Gordon have worked tirelessly to preserve the breed. In fact, half of their herd of 40 breeding cows currently comprises native Aberdeen-Angus with nonnatives being phased out as they retire from production.


The native Aberdeen-Angus cattle at Upper Waterside were founded with genetics from the Boghall herd dispersal. Today, the herd is predominately descended from Rashiehall Cherry Bee E19, which was purchased at the sale alongside Evorela of Haymont. Evorela bred the bull, Evan of Champagne, which has been used extensively as a herd sire.

In the 2000s, the bull Kingswood Eureka was purchased from Mike Spooner in Oxfordshire and later, four of his halfsisters were bought with their Eulima genetics still present today.

Mary and Gordon admit breeding has been more challenging because of the breed’s small numbers but are lucky to have a good bank of semen in their AI flask alongside semen sourced through the RBST to draw from.

All the natives now in existence from the Cherry Bee families in the UK are decedents of their foundation cow, Cherry Bee E19, and in the last three years Mary and Gordon have sold 40 breeding females into Scotland and England to help establish original population herds.


One of the attractions of the breed is undoubtedly its ability to thrive off grassland without concentrates, they believe. At Upper Waterside, cows and calves are turned out into three groups onto hill ground in April. Steers remain outdoors until finishing.

The remaining stock will be housed in November or December and calves weaned the following February to give the cows one month to recover before they calve again.

Steers are finished off grass on higher ground by 30 months and typically grade R4L with cattle sold for a premium to Dovecote Park.

Grassland is permanent pasture with no ploughing carried out since the Second World War and comprises of indigenous species of grass, plantain and clovers.

“Some fields contain over 100 different species,” says Gordon.

Meadows are cut for hay during the summer to provide forage for the winter.


Mary and Gordon’s aspirations are beginning to be realised with demand for their genetics continuing to grow.

Mary adds: “They make very good commercial cows. They are easy calving, low-input, good-natured and they are well-suited to farms in stewardship.”

Upper Waterside Farm, Disley:

Farm facts:

• Farming 212 acres.

• Hill ground, rising from 460ft to 1,100ft.

• Certified organic since 1998.

• Land is classified severely disadvantaged and disadvantaged and is within High and Mid-Tier Countryside Stewardship.

• Receive 53inches of rain annually.

• High health herd since 1999 – tested annually for Johne’s, Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR), Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD), Leptospirosis and Neospora.

• Heifers and a select number of bulls sold for breeding; remaining males finished and sold as steers in one batch.

• Calving indoors over two months from March.

77 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk

Overseas travel inspires introduction of Aberdeen-Angus genetics

Stephanie Dick pursued her passion for cattle overseas as a teenager before returning to Scotland to establish her own herd of pedigree Aberdeen-Angus under the Stephick prefix.

Stephanie’s passion for pedigree cattle and the showring was ignited at an early age, having grown up on the 3,000-acre family mixed beef and arable farm in Stirling, home to the Ronick herd of pedigree Limousins.

Founded in 1979, the herd now comprises 250-head of pedigree Limousins plus 50 crossbred cows, with Stephanie heavily involved in the day-to-day management of the cattle.

While Stephanie is committed to continuing the family’s long established Ronick herd, she is also keen to build her own pedigree cattle legacy and has introduced a completely new breed to the farm at Throsk.

Miss Dick says: “There have been Limousins on the farm since my dad was 18, but when I returned to the business, after a period of working on an Aberdeen-Angus ranch in Oklahoma, I was inspired to start my own small Aberdeen-Angus herd to run alongside the Limousins.

“I wanted to make my own mark in the cattle industry and have something on the farm that from a young age I

could class as mine, being able to make all the decisions even if they sometimes were mistakes.

“I was able to grow and learn through this process. My greatest achievements have been winning the Highland Show with a foundation female and then a few years later becoming Junior Champion with a homebred heifer.” Miss Dick says she could see the growing world-wide demand for Aberdeen-Angus cattle.

“They are a very popular breed globally, but also throughout Europe which means there are good export opportunities, as well as the possibility to import new exciting lines.

“I currently have a cow at Express Ranches in Oklahoma that I collect embryos from.

“I also travelled to Czech Republic last year to train at workshops to help them learn how to clip and prepare cattle, all in preparation for the World Angus Technical Meeting. I love doing trips like this and networking in different countries. Export opportunities are definitely something I would be keen to explore if I was to expand my herd.”

Miss Dick founded the Stephick herd in 2012, slowly building up with foundation females from Windyedge, Crew, StrathUrr and Weeton. Today there are 10 breeding females.


“I’ve slowly bought in more heifers over the years when I find something that excites me, but now I hope to focus on breeding my own to shape the genetics of the herd to where I want them to be.”

Miss Dick says she is looking to produce top-quality Aberdeen-Angus cattle and has made some key investments to bolster the herds genetics.

“The best investment so far has been Weeton Evora who has really proven herself and has set up the foundation for me to perfect my own line of breeding. I liked her progeny so much within my herd I bought an Evora female at the Blelack dispersal sale that is looking really promising to be my next top cow,” she explains. “When I buy cows, I make sure they come from consistent and proven lines.

“I’m specifically looking for a flashy, stylish cow, so if I do want to show them, they’ll have a good presence in the ring.”

Miss Dick says good confirmation and legs are other must-have traits.

“I like to see a wide top full of meat with the Angus being an easy-fleshing breed, as well as a bit of shape down the hind quarters.”

She sold her first Stephick female last year and in order to build her reputation within the Aberdeen-Angus breed, she hopes to be able to continue to offer heifers for sale to other pedigree breeders, while trying to also breed top pedigree bulls but mainly focusing on selling good bulls for a strong average, be it commercial or pedigree.


To immerse herself in the breed after her time in America, Stephanie joined the Aberdeen-Angus Youth Development Programme (YDP).

She qualified for the finals in her first and second year, taking home overall winner in the senior group in 2015. “The programme was the best way for me expand my network of like-minded people in the industry,” Miss Dick says.

“The people are great; everyone was very welcoming to me when I wanted to get into a new breed. They are friendly, accepting, and helpful.

“You get the opportunity to learn good stockmanship from experienced people and in the final we were judged on stock judging, clipping, dressing, showmanship and undertook a panel interview.

“These are all great skills, but ultimately you gain friends for life, which I think is so important for young people entering the pedigree beef industry.”

With the prize for winning the finals being a travel bursary, Miss Dick used the opportunity to return to

Express ranches in Oklahoma, which she credits for being one of the biggest influences on her new-found passion for Aberdeen-Angus cattle.

“Express is the biggest purebred operation in North America running over 11,000 Angus, owned by Bob Funk who has been a real inspiration for not only my Angus herd but also in life.

“Having the opportunity to see how they work on such a large scale and learn from him is something I’ll always value.”

Miss Dick was keen to stay involved in the YDP beyond her senior win and is now a regional co-ordinator for Scotland.

“It’s an exciting time to be part of the programme as we’ll be organising teams over the next year to take to the Angus World Forum in Australia in 2025. I would encourage anyone looking to join to get involved and come to some workshops or conferences. YDP has taught me a vast amount and really helped me gain contacts within the breed as well as making some great friends,” she concludes.

79 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk

‘Breed the Best and Eat the Rest’ is Bready philosophy at Kiltariff

Established over forty years ago, the Kiltariff prefix is one of Northern Ireland’s most highly regarded and prolific Aberdeen-Angus herds.

Founded by Kenneth Bready in 1980, the County Down herd is renowned for producing top-quality bulls for the commercial dairy and suckler markets, and has sold a number of bulls to pedigree herds and AI, as well as exporting females as far afield as Portugal.

The picturesque Mourne Mountains and Slieve Croob form a backdrop for the Rathfriland-based farm. Thirdgeneration farmer Kenneth manages the 28.5-acre holding with help from son, Steven. Both have full-time jobs, but are very passionate about good grassland management and the native Aberdeen-Angus breed.

Located in the townland of Kiltariff, meaning ‘Wood of Bulls’, the herd comprises 11 cows plus followers.

Foundation females included Edna E3 of Barnmeen, purchased from neighbouring breeder Charlie Gracey; Lady Topsy 14th of Priestland, and Dahlia of Priestland, which originated from Sam McCollum’s at Bushmills in North Antrim. Additional females were sourced from John Gabbie’s Ballymaglave herd and Jim Scott’s Ardigon prefix.

The two main cow families, Lady T and Dahlia, hail from the females purchased from Priestland, and trace back through the breed society’s herd book to Lady Tause 18265 and Duchess of Westertown 927.

Kenneth and Steven put strong emphasis on breeding good square cows with a leg in every corner. “We like good-sized black cows weighing in excess of 800kgs. They must have a broad top, a good rear end, sound feet and legs and breed character,” explains Kenneth.

The herd’s breeding females are daughters of the AI sires Netherton Americano M703, Shadwell Earl P773, Rawburn Fast Ball P844, Bosullow Elmark G209, Rawburn Boss Hogg N630 and O’Neill’s Black Bardolier.

AI sires are selected using proven bloodlines and conformation. “I never look at calving-ease figures when selecting a bull,” adds Kenneth, who has used many of the ‘breed greats’ in his breeding programme over the years.

“Sires which have made a positive impact on our herd include Ankonian Elixir 100, Black Banner X1 of Idvies, Nightingale Regent R27, Ardrossan Admiral A2 and Belvin Patriarch 5’04.”


Kenneth attributes the consistency and success of the herd to high standards of stockmanship, coupled with a critical eye. “My philosophy over the years has been to ‘Breed the Best and Eat the Rest’,” he explains.

“I am very particular when it comes to selecting young females and bulls for rearing as herd replacements and prospective stock bulls.”

Animals that do not please Kenneth and Steven are sold for beef before they reach 16-months-of-age. “The beef bulls and heifers are easily fleshed without the need for excessive feeding, and are slaughtered at the local meat plant, ABP in Newry.”

The Kiltariff herd is spring calving and commercially managed on a grass-based system. Heifers calve into the herd around 23 to 24 months-old.

“Weather permitting, everything is calved outside. The cows are docile, and we keep a close eye on them coming up to calving. The breed is known for its easy calving ability, and the majority of our cows and heifers calve unassisted. We don’t own a calving aid and only intervene if we think a cow is in difficulty,” adds Kenneth.

All newborn calves are weighed at birth, with accurate weights submitted at regular intervals to the Breedplan Scheme. The Bready family operate a closed-herd policy, and are accredited for Johne’s and BVD under the Cattle Health Certification Standards-approved health scheme operated by the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute at Hillsborough.

Calves are introduced to creep feed at four-months-old. “We use a 17% crude protein coarse ration which is fed twice per day. We feed a maximum of two kilos per head per day, rather than offering ad-lib concentrates,” adds Steven.

Weaning takes place when the calves reach nine to tenmonths-of-age. Bulls and heifers are kept in separate groups. The cows are overwintered in a slatted cubicle shed and receive ad-lib round bale silage.

Young bulls are managed at grass during the grazing period which runs from April to October or November depending on the weather condition. Steven continues: “The bulls aren’t pushed and are coming through the Breedplan system with above average figures for growth, eye muscle and milk.”

Over the years, Kiltariff bulls have been sold privately, and at society sales in Dungannon, to a number of pedigree herds, including Baronagh and Coltrim. Two stock bulls have also been sold to the Greenmount Hill Farm operated by the College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE). More recently, young bulls have been sold privately to the Dartrey, Lisnavaragh, Ember, Magherally and Clogher Valley pedigree herds.

“We sell the majority of our bulls off-farm, mostly to repeat customers and on the recommendation of

satisfied buyers,” adds Steven, who has also topped the Dungannon bull sale three times, achieving a herd best of 5,100gns for Kiltariff Dynamite N547 in February 2015. The Kiltariff prefix has featured strongly over the years in the NI Aberdeen Angus Club’s annual herds inspection competition. In 2022, Kenneth and Steven won the award for the best medium herd.

Last year they also won a number of rosettes at the regional calf show, including first and second prizes in the intermediate bull calf class and third prize in the intermediate heifer calf class. Their prize-winning trio were all sired by Tonley Jester Eric S318.

Kenneth has no plans to increase herd size. He is happy with his ‘select’ pedigree herd and away from the farm is an active member of his local church and pipe band.

81 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk

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Red Angus delivers for low-input systems

Breeding low-input cattle that thrive on forage has become vogue in recent years as farmers face the demise of the Basic Payment Scheme.

But for Hampshire Aberdeen-Angus breeder Robert Whitcombe, this philosophy has underpinned his and his wife Sophie’s breeding goals for more than three decades of cattle breeding.

It was a visit from Leachman Cattle Company (LCC), a leading US seedstock breeder, back in the nineties that set the wheels in motion. LLC came to find South Devon genetics from Robert and Sophie’s herd.

“Working with them led to an invitation to become multipliers for Red Angus in the UK and supply genetics to Europe which was not easily supplied by the US,” explains Robert.

Although they no longer have ties with Leachman, which are now world-famous for producing composite genetics, it was the catalyst that set the Whitcombes on a new trajectory.

Red Angus remains an uncommon beef breed in the UK, Robert explains: “Red Angus are bred in about 28 different countries and in those countries up to 30% of the Angus cattle population is Red whereas in the UK it is still unusual. We have a lot of native red cattle breeds but there have never been many Red Angus.”


This made establishing the herd more challenging, he reflects.

The herd’s founding genetics were imported in the form of embryos from the Leechman Cattle Company in Montana and Hidden Creek Farms in Wisconsin.

Since then, the gene pool in the UK has widened slightly. A son of the famous Red Fine Line Mulberry from Oaklea has had a lot of influence in the herd. Most recently, sires have been sourced from Mosshall Red Aberdeen-Angus in West Lothian. Two of the herd’s current stock bulls,


circumference, because it is a direct measure that impacts fertility,” says Robert.

“If a black Aberdeen-Angus dam and sire both carrying recessive red genes are mated, one in four calves will be red,” explains Robert, who has keenly sought out these phenomena as outcrosses. Red bulls from Bramshaws Hill, Netherton, Retties and Shadwell have been used over the years.

“The Red and Black Aberdeen-Angus is recorded and registered under one umbrella in the UK which makes it easy to compare animals,” says Robert.

Berry Grove near Petersfield is now home to the 45-cow Hawkley herd and their most prolific cow families are Zinfandel, Firefly, Pride and Jiba.

Cows and heifers calve indoors for nine weeks starting in February, with most animals calved within two cycles.

Cows are mated to stock bulls while heifers are served exclusively to artificial insemination (AI), with semen from the Danish bull, Bakkens Red Advantage, and Australian sire, Paringa Iron Ore, used last season.

Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) are closely scrutinised with priority given to calving ease and low birthweights.

“In selecting stock bulls, it is so important also to have good temperament, good feet and a large scrotal

He adds: “We look for breed average growth rates at 200 and 400 days and a moderate cow size, all with the aim of producing animals that grow and finish on a grass-based system.”

Most of their bull buyers are suckler farmers with farm shops so eating quality is a prerequisite.

“We believe that scanning is essential, and we look for marbling scores that are above average although the American genetics, on which the herd is based, tend to have higher marbling,” explains Robert.


Cows are expected to rear calves outside on permanent pasture during the spring and summer and get back incalf with no hard feed.

To deliver this, the Whitcombes have culled heavily for misdemeanours such as poor fertility, conformation, feet and legs and udders in the past.

In turn, they have been rewarded with a very uniform herd, recently winning the South East of England Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Club middle-sized herd accolade.

85 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk
Hawkley Red Saturn 020, and Hawkley Red Tiger 872, are sons of Mosshall bulls.

Temperament is also imperative with more beef farmers lone working.

“More people are working cattle by themselves and the last thing you want is to be injured by a cow so they must be really quiet to handle,” adds Robert.

Red clover is grown for youngstock alongside herbal leys comprising chicory, plantain, yarrow, birdsfoot trefoil and clovers.

About half of the crop of bull calves is kept entire and will be sold privately mainly as yearlings. The rest are sold to ABP as steers at 20 months.

Focus is placed on producing ‘fit bulls’ that will work hard in tough terrain, with many customers hailing from the Salisbury Plains and National Trust common grazing lands.


There is a high demand in Europe for Red AberdeenAngus genetics, but since Brexit it has become difficult to export animals to Europe. Robert has been chairing an Aberdeen-Angus sub-committee on export in the hope to change this.

“The next step is to get a custom post on the other side of the channel, in France or the Netherlands, so animals can transit to those countries to access other markets,” he explains.

Farm facts:

• Farming 280 acres of all grassland, mostly permanent pasture.

• 45-cow pedigree herd, spring-calving, and sheep

• High-health status, accredited BVD and Johne’s-free.

• Selling about 15 yearling bulls annually and a select number of quality females.

• Remainder of steers and heifers finished by 1820 months and sold to ABP.

• Previously sold bulls to Cogent UK and Doeva (Ireland) AI studs.

• Offers semen direct from homebred bulls.

• Calving heifers at three-years-old.

• Heavy clay land.

• Adhere to organic principles, although they are no longer certified.


Focus on native cross cattle ensures meat with good eating quality for South West butcher

Michael Alford has been involved in the meat industry his whole life. Together with his wife, Melanie, and their daughter, Charlotte, Michael runs the successful Stillmans Butchers business alongside the award-winning Foxhill Farm pedigree livestock breeding enterprise in the South West. He speaks to Meat Management about the use of native breed genetics to produce meat with a high eating quality.

Q: What is the family’s background in farming? And what does each family member do in the business?

Staplegrove Mills was my grandfather, Harry Cook’s, farm. He used to keep an Aberdeen-Angus herd at the 100acre farm, which is where the abattoir was built in 1993. It now has a cattle fattening unit on it.

Myself and Melanie married in 1993 and in 2004 we bought Foxhill – a 130-acre farm at Cullompton, Devon, – to keep pedigree cattle and sheep for breeding and showing. This allows us to keep them separate for highhealth status.

Melanie was brought up on her father’s dairy farm where she milked the cows. I worked on the family farms growing up, but when I left school I worked in Stillmans Butchers Shop and abattoir.

I run the meat side of the business and Melanie runs the offices and finances. Charlotte has joined the family business and helps Melanie in the office at Stillmans. Charlotte’s husband, Neville, is a self-employed plumber and helps on the farm at Foxhill.

Q: How has the business evolved over the years?

A: We opened the wholesale business in 1993. We supply 130 butchers across the south of England from London to Land’s End. We added the wholesale business as we had spare capacity and it was the right thing to do to grow the business for the future.

We rear our own cattle so we have cattle when we need them.

Our fattening unit, which houses up to 300 cattle at any one time, is located around the abattoir. I source all native breed cross cattle – around two-thirds are Aberdeen-

87 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk

Angus crosses and the remainder are Hereford and Devon crosses – from local farmers and local auction markets.

The cattle fattening enterprise and abattoir were built to ensure consistency in the quality of the meat we are producing – it’s often hard for butchers to get that consistency. Our cattle are in-spec for weight, achieve 4L fat cover, have a big eye muscle and are good eating quality.

We also have two retail butcher shops – one in Taunton, Somerset, and one in Tiverton, Devon – where our focus is on selling meat with high eating quality.

Q: Why is it important to have your own abattoir? And how does this help the local farming sector?

A: The abattoir was initially built to kill meat for our retail shops, but when the new EU regulations came in 1993, we had butchers approach us asking us to kill animals for them and this is how the wholesale business started.

Having our own abattoir means the meat is killed in a stress-free way and we have total control over the whole process. Our temperature control is state-of-the-art; we hang the meat for three weeks and still have it in nice condition so there is not too much waste and everything still looks bright.

The abattoir is a good servant for the local farming community because it cuts down the food miles and cost of transport for the farmers.

Q: What type of butchers does the wholesale business supply?

A: We supply a lot of high-class butchers in the South West. To name a few, we supply Darts Farm, Topsham, Ian Warren of Launceston and Pynes Butchers of North Petherton. We supply whole carcases, quarters, and all types of cuts because we bone 100 sides a week.

Q: What livestock does the family produce for the butchery business?

A: We fatten between 1,500 and 1,600 store cattle every year and aim to slaughter 30 of these every week in our abattoir. All the cattle we buy – whether they’re for fattening or they go direct to slaughter – are sourced from beef suckler herds.

In total, the abattoir processes around 15,000 cattle a year, which equates to a throughput of 300 a week. We also slaughter 500 pigs and 500 lambs every week, which amounts to 25,000 pigs and 25,000 lambs a year.

The pigs are sourced from local farms; they are all gilts as we believe they are of better eating quality and slightly fatter.

Our lambs are sourced from local farms and markets. We buy all of the best lambs weighing 21-30kg deadweight because I think the heavier carcases produce bettereating lamb with more flavour.

Q: What type of animals do you breed through the pedigree livestock business? And what success have you had in the past?

A: We have had great success with our pedigree enterprise. Initially, we started showing fat cattle at the winter fatstock shows. However, our focus is now placed on producing high-quality pedigree breeding stock, which we enjoy showing across the UK.

Our pedigree stock, which is all run under the Foxhill prefix, includes a 10-cow pedigree Aberdeen-Angus herd, a 10-cow pedigree Limousin herd, and a 25-ewe pedigree Charollais flock. We also have a six-ewe pedigree Suffolk flock which is under the prefix Foxhill View – these are Charlotte and Neville’s sheep.

We started the Limousin herd in 2011 and two of our foundation females have produced progeny worth more than 950,000gns (£987,500). We also had a half share in the record price maiden heifer, Glenrock Illusion, which sold for 125,000gns (£131,250).

Meanwhile, Aberdeen-Angus were reintroduced to the farming business in 2015 and herd success has included taking the supreme overall championship title at last year’s Borderway Agri Expo with a heifer called Foxhill Princess Caroline Y167.

Q: When did you open the two retail shops? And what kind of businesses are they?

A: The Taunton shop was opened before any abattoir. It has a retail front on Station Road and the back entrance has a FSA-approved cutting plant. The Tiverton shop was opened in 2003 and just does retail sales.

Q: Why do you focus on native-cross cattle, such as Aberdeen-Angus crosses?

A: I believe using native cross cattle is key to ensuring a consistent, quality product.

Using native genetics, such as Aberdeen-Angus, means the cattle get fat but they aren’t too big. We want them to finish at a lighter weight – 240-380kg deadweight


between 15 and 26 months old. By crossing continental cattle with a native bull, you get a good balance of marbling and conformation.

When I am buying cattle, I look for native crosses with good eye muscle in the ribeye and cattle that have enough conformation. The continental side of the breeding puts a bit more muscle in the native breeds.

We don’t charge a premium for our meat. We focus on selling a quality product at average market prices so customers return for more. Our business is unique because we are farming cattle, killing cattle and either retailing or wholesaling meat.

Q: What recent investments have been made in the business and why?

A: We recently built a new fridge and cutting area at the abattoir, because we have needed more space since the business has grown over the years.

Q: How did the business cope during the Covid-19 pandemic?

A: The business coped very well during covid; in fact, the business had never been busier. All the butchers' shops saw a 40% increase in trade, and we struggled to cope with demand. We also did home deliveries during the pandemic and saw more people coming to our shops. But the people working in our business, including ourselves, were lucky to be working instead of being stuck at home.

Q: What are your plans for the future?

A: Our future plans are to keep doing what we do –producing a consistent product in the right condition.

89 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk CASE STUDY

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AUnlock the potential of your herd with epigenetics

t the end of World War 2, Germany sought revenge on the Dutch who had not helped their war effort, by blockading Holland. This meant food and fuel supplies were limited, resulting in restricted food intake, with calorie intakes dropping as low as 500 per day and poor living conditions across the country. By the following spring, allied forces regained control and with it, diets and living conditions were very quickly back to ‘normal’. However, the consequences of the famine would live on.

The consequences were longest-lived for babies that were conceived during the famine. The Dutch kept meticulous records, meaning babies were followed for the rest of their lives. In a family where the first sibling was conceived before the war and the second was conceived during the famine, but were raised the same, the second sibling was generally more susceptible to ill health: obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, and schizophrenia. Whereas parents and other siblings went on to have reasonably ‘normal’ lives.

This shows nutrition and stress at the point of conception have an influence throughout the offspring’s entire life. This is the concept of ‘Epigenetics’ in practice.

The same is true when we consider bulling and by getting our management and nutrition right just before and throughout bulling, we can influence which performance genes are switched on and how this goes on to enhance the overall lifetime performance of the subsequent calves.

According to the most up-to-date AHDB figures, 18% of suckler cows in the UK do not produce a calf each year. Sometimes reality is difficult to face, however, if we want to improve as an industry, we need to know the starting point. We’re being constantly reminded to ‘increase efficiency’ and ‘reduce carbon footprint’ to ‘be more sustainable’. There can be confusion and jargon around sustainability, but surely the best thing we can do to improve the sustainability AND ultimately the profitability of our herds is to carry fewer passengers. More in-calf cows that produce a calf every year and rear their progeny with as little input as possible, is surely the ambition of most breeders. More live calves means more to sell, after all.

To supplement suckler cows with the vitamin and mineral package to allow them to benefit from this positive epigenetic effect in their calves, along with getting more cows in calf and more calves on the ground, it would be fair to budget £30-35 per cow for the year.

Super Suckler SEC mineral pack has been used for more than 10 years across Scotland and is available as a lick bucket, as a powdered mineral, or as cow rolls.

The key focus is on:

• Supporting immunity by supplying selenium in an organic form like Sel-plex, which is absorbed into the body as though it’s a protein, meaning it gets into colostrum and milk to help newborns keep warm, boost the immune system and get calves off to a good start.

• Looking after the long-term health of the cow, her pregnancy, and the calf on the ground by having the right level of vitamin E and antioxidants, along with all the essential macro minerals such as magnesium and calcium to avoid grass staggers, slow calvings and retained cleansings.

• Boosting fertility in a range of ways, by including the right level of copper and from a source that has a positive impact on rumen health and is not affected by molybdenum (which can lock up copper on some farms).

Of course, mineral supply and requirements differ between geographic areas and even farm-to-farm. As part of the nutrition service at Harbro, a forage mineral analysis can be carried out to determine what is being provided by your forage and the recommended feed rate of Super Suckler SEC mineral can be tailored to your herd. This is supplied alongside a nutrition and management plan to help maximise fertility. Occasionally, a bespoke mineral is required to bridge the gap between supply and requirement.

So, here’s my challenge to you: could a Harbro fertility master plan help you unlock the potential of your herd this year?

93 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk ADVERTORIAL

How to optimise bull fertility through nutrition and transitional management

The supply of high-performing purebred bulls is an important part of efficient cattle production systems. Bull fertility is often taken for granted, however, a significant proportion of bulls can be persistently sub-fertile.

There are many factors that influence bull fertility, and indeed the ability of the bull to serve a cow, including libido, structural soundness and reproductive organ functionality/abnormality.

A well-developed nutritional plan must focus on meeting the nutritional requirements for maintenance and growth in a balanced way, placing particular focus on nutritional transition periods with the aim of reducing the risk of underperformance and disease.


In general, it is accepted that the bull calf must develop well in early life and reach puberty at the correct age and weight. Nutrition plays a key role in achieving this. The balance between dietary energy and protein plays an important role in optimising liver function and metabolic programming, both of which significantly influence growth, immune function and reproductive performance.

During the suckling period, if milk production is limited, additional management steps should be taken to ensure nutrient requirements are met. The most successful is the introduction of concentrates through a creep feeder. The earlier in life concentrates are offered, the more successful bull development and weaning will be. Maintaining ad-lib access to concentrates post-weaning, for a period of at least two months, will further reduce stress during the establishment of social hierarchy in new post-weaned groups.

From weaning to sale, or during the first breeding season, offering a balanced ration that is designed to meet the specific muscle, skeletal and reproductive development needs will result in improved readiness for sale or breeding. Diets should promote good rumen function and gut health without placing the bull at risk of a “post-purchase melt”. For early maturing breeds, it is important not to feed rations that are imbalanced in terms of energy. Rapidly-fermentable substrates such as molasses should be avoided as these create rapid volatile fatty acid production in the rumen and increase the risk of sub-acute ruminal acidosis, excessive fat and poor reproductive performance.


Most bulls presented for sale have been on a high plane of nutrition for a long period of time. This often results in bulls that have excessive amounts of subcutaneous and scrotal fat, with the latter leading to poor temperature control and reduced sperm production and quality. When purchasing a bull in spring, it is advantageous to identify a physically fit bull, rather than one that is over-conditioned. Over-conditioned bulls tend to

have excessive body reserve mobilisation during the breeding season and fatigue rapidly, contributing to poor reproductive capacity and fewer cows serviced. After purchasing a bull, nutritional management is also important. A dramatic change or drop in nutrient intake can cause rapid body reserve mobilisation, resulting in poor liver function, and increasing the risk of disease. Purchased bulls are often young with much growing left to do and careful transition management is required. Bulls should be placed on a high plane of nutrition postpurchase and gradually transitioned over two months to a lower plane of nutrition – one that is predominantly forage-based.


Pre-breeding, if the animal is not already on a forage diet, the transition to grass is key as there will be limited opportunity to manage bull nutrition during the breeding season. Bulls should be put in a grass paddock four weeks before breeding and be given access to their indoor diet during the first two weeks of this period. This will ensure the rumen has ample time to adjust the bacteria population best suited to the fermentation of fresh grass.

Once breeding commences, body condition should be closely monitored. If you observe rapid weight less, it is critical to replace the bull or supplement with concentrates once or twice a day.

Post-breeding, there are two important considerations: the stage of development of the bull and the amount of weight loss during the breeding season. Young bulls often have significant growth potential and require a suitable plane of nutrition to allow mature body weight to be achieved post-breeding. This should involve the gradual build-up of concentrate intake after appropriate health checks have been completed. In terms of weight loss during the breeding season, it is important to identify the target weight gain during the recovery period and implement a suitable nutritional programme to achieve this.


The management of bulls can have a profound effect on the success of a given breeding season and it is vital that the bull is transitioned through all risk periods slowly and that these are well planned. Ensuring bulls have access to a well-balanced, high-quality ration will support efficient body function and reduce overall concentrate intake. It has often been observed that bulls perform better and consume approximately 30% less concentrate when offered a well-balanced ration.

Anupro places emphasis on creating nutrient balance to facilitate high levels of growth and reproductive performance. For more information, contact Ryan on 07738283199.

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97 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk Prices correct October 2023. All prices exclude VAT and delivery charges. Call 01643 841611 Full range online www.shearwell.co.uk
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CScience into practice: IVP

attle breeders seeking to improve their herd’s genetic potential are introducing In-Vitro embryo Production (IVP), a cost-effective service from specialist artificial breeding technology company, AB Europe.

AB Europe’s vet, Gavin Tait, comments: “IVP is a widelyused method globally for producing embryos where it outcompetes MOET for its flexibility and multiple benefits to breeders and their donor animals.”

Amongst those breeders using IVP is Aberdeenshirebased Rob Calcott who has introduced the technique to help fast-track the genetics of his family’s newly established Blelack Hill herd.

His aim is to grow breeding females to 100 and breed animals that are fit for the future sale ring as well as the show ring.

“So far, we’ve used IVP to collect [embryos] from 10 cows including, Blelack Beautiful Lady T883, Blelack Blaeberry R604, Blelack Evora S827, and the maiden heifer, Blelack Lady Heather W085. We have successfully achieved more than 30 embryos,” explains Rob, who farms in partnership with his parents, Peter and Susan with help from Rob’s partner, Natalie Baston.

In the first year, the Calcotts achieved a 50% plus pregnancy rate with 15 IVP calves already on the ground, while in 2023, six out of the eight implanted embryos held.

“I had no previous experience of breeding pedigree cattle, however, I’m fortunate to have the chance to do something different. Buying Blelack Farm, Aboyne, from the Massie family and having the opportunity to invest at the Blelack herd dispersal gave us a head start into the pedigree Aberdeen-Angus world. Prior to the sale, Graeme Massie provided some invaluable advice, and we went on to invest in 12 foundation cows and heifers with calves at foot.”


The Calcott’s Aberdeen-Angus journey officially began after agreeing to relocate from their Leicestershirebased mixed farming operation for Blelack, which offered more opportunities. “We were farming arable and had an approved beef finishing unit with up to 1,000 head annual turnover, however, the time came when we felt it was right to move to a bigger unit that was within our budget and change direction. Blelack Farm was a massive leap in terms of scale and leaving behind friends.

“We agreed to develop a brand-new herd breeding desirable females – those with good milk, maternal traits, length, and plenty of rumen scope for forage, that will go on to breed bulls for the commercial sector, and the best for pedigree breeders. However, we wanted to keep the herd’s genetic base built up by the Massies over five decades. In addition to investing in Blelack, we’ve also introduced selected females from various herds including Buckhurst, Penguin, Rulesmains and Tonle.”

Within two short years, Rob is happy to admit he’s caught the Aberdeen-Angus bug after selling his first bull calf, Blelack Hill Bullseye Y001, a seven-month-old out of

Blaeberry R604 for 10,000gns to AJR Farms’ Logie herd. One of the IVP bulls, Blelack Hill Buster Z033, has already headed his class in the North East of Scotland Aberdeen Angus Club’s annual competition and secured the Stars of the Future 2023 junior male championship.

Robs adds: “We’ve also met a lot of helpful Society members and made some really good friends.”


Whilst he is new to IVP, Rob says the technology has proved to be relatively straightforward. He carefully followed Gavin’s donor preparation programme before he arrived on the farm. Gavin then collected the oocytes and shipped them back to AB Europe’s lab for fertilisation by selected semen within a petri dish. They were subsequently cultured for seven days at which point, fully developed embryos were either transferred or frozen.

“IVP requires less semen for fertilisation, so the process presents the opportunity to either fertilise multiple donors with a single straw or split the straw and use over several oocytes from just one donor as we’ve done. We’ve used Kilmaluag Eriskay T203 quite heavily simply because he’s breeding well,” says Rob.

He adds: “We’ve taken advantage of AB Europe’s purpose-built livery and its recipient service based on Gavin’s Westruther, Berwickshire farm. It seemed more cost-effective to ship down two cows, eight weeks prior to collection to ensure they would be managed in optimum condition. Up to six collections were made from each [animal] at two-week intervals and they returned six weeks after the final collection.”

AB Europe’s recipient service also proved attractive and the Calcotts purchased 15 Fleckvieh recipients. Noted for their ease of calving, milk and docility, the Fleckviehs undergo strict health tests prior to importation from Germany where they are managed especially for use as embryo recipients. Sixty days after implantation and successful PD, the Fleckviehs were shipped to Blelack Farm.

Rob adds: “With more than 20 embryos still in the tank and plans to make more collections in 2024, including from a promising show ring heifer calf when she reaches 12 months old, we’re optimistic IVP is helping us to achieve our new goals and put Blelack Hill on the map.”

99 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk ADVERTORIAL

The Aberdeen-Angus Advantage from Easy Calving

The Aberdeen-Angus breed is distinguished for its reputation in facilitating easy calving, a trait of some significance in the industry.

While the debate surrounding calving ease remains contentious, its pivotal role cannot be overstated. Difficult calvings lead to several outcomes for the cow:

• Reduced milk yield.

• Reduced calf weaning weight and poor calf health, due to the reduced milk yield.

• A delay in the return to normal cycling due to infection and stress.

• Severe delay resulting in the cow dropping out of the herd.

Not only that, it also has effects on the breeder in time spent dealing with the resulting cow and calf problems in terms of cost and time, not to mention higher vet costs.

Calves born from a cow that has required intervention during calving are also affected by a reduction in passive transfer of immunity from their dam, leading to longerterm health implications. Indeed, veterinary lab data from post-mortems on 9- to 10-month-old cattle that have died from pneumonia show that they did not receive sufficient colostrum early in life. This demonstrates that calf losses from calving difficulty do not just occur in the first few days of life but also much later.

Each increase in the level of intervention leads to greater problems leading to greater levels of financial loss (see Table 1).

The greater effect for the cow is seen in her fertility. An average cow in a spring calving system with a 40-day delay in her rebreeding will not only eat an extra 40 days of feed in her lifetime, but her subsequent calf will be 40 days younger than the average calf in the group, leading to performance loss over more than one year.

Coupled with an increased risk of being barren, the overall effect on herd calving interval (CI) (the number of days the average cow has between calves) can be significantly increased. Cl is going to play a role in suckler cow support payments in both Northern Ireland and Scotland therefore will have a greater role to play in suckler farmers’ minds.

With a short gestation and reputation for easy calving, Aberdeen-Angus dams are well-placed to help suckler farmers achieve this.

The table below demonstrates the proportion of dams that achieved either a 370-day CI, a 400-day CI, or a 430day CI.

*Note: AHDB Calving scale

Score 3: Mechanical assistance with a calving aid by the farmer

Score 4: Veterinary assistance

Score 5: Veterinary assistance for severe dystocia including surgical intervention.

Source: SRUC Veterinary Services

Calving difficulty (1-5 scale)* 3 4 5 % drop in lactation yield 10 10 15 Equivalent reduction in calf weaning weight (kg) 15 15 25 Delays in re-breeding (days) 5 20 40 Increased risk of being barren (%) 20 50 75 Total cost (£/affected cow) 81 189 298


In total, 5% more Aberdeen-Angus dams are achieving a 370-day CI compared to continental dams. This is a significant improvement and demonstrates why there has been such a shift away from continental genetics back to the Aberdeen-Angus.

The inherent characteristics of easy calving and a proven track record in minimising calving difficulties stand as a testament to the value of the Aberdeen-Angus. The

data presented above reflects our breed ’s ability to contribute significantly to improving CI, enhancing both cow and calf welfare while positively impacting overall herd productivity. As Aberdeen-Angus seeks to elevate standards and foster sustainable practices within the industry, it is evident that leveraging the breed ’s advantages can yield substantial benefits. Are you making the most of the Aberdeen-Angus Advantage?

101 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk
370 day CI 400 day CI 430 day CI CONTINENTAL 57% 80% 88% ABERDEEN-ANGUS 62% 84% 91% Difference 5% 4% 3%

How Aberdeen-Angus genetics play a key role in FAI Farms’ regenerative farming system

Aberdeen-Angus cows were introduced to FAI Farms over eight years ago. Director Karl Williams says the breed’s temperament, cost efficiency, and good forage conversion are aiding the sustainability and profitability of their regenerative system.

When it comes to sustainable beef production, Oxfordbased FAI Farms is leading the charge, pioneering new techniques and practices that blend age-old principles with cutting-edge new ideas.

While the farm is run as a commercial entity, it serves as a research hub for FAI, which partners with businesses operating within the food supply chain to find practical solutions that will help support productive and sustainable agriculture.

McDonald’s and Dunbia are among their current partners, with ongoing research projects focusing on regenerative grazing techniques and low-carbon dairy-beef.

Guided by their research, the 1200-acre farm, most of which is tenanted from Oxford University, has undergone a transition in the last few years and is now heavily focused on regenerative farming principles.

Mr Williams says the farm has been organic since 2003 and because of the type of land, which includes 300 acres of flood meadows, it is generally suited to a lowinput system.

“Around 950 acres of the farm is used for production and we’re currently running a herd of 90 suckler cows alongside a dairy-beef finishing enterprise,” he explains.


With TB breakdowns being a perpetual problem, eight years ago they decided to stop producing pedigree Saler cattle and began cross-breeding the Salers with native Aberdeen-Angus bulls.

“We’re gradually phasing out the Salers. Around 50% of the suckler cows are now Aberdeen-Angus, with some three-way cross cows having been put to a Stabiliser,” explains Mr Williams.

Cows are put to a Stabiliser bull with heifer calves out of the Aberdeen-Angus cows retained for breeding. The remaining heifers and steers are taken through to finishing at around 20 to 22 months of age at an average deadweight of 300kg.



For FAI Farms, the ability to keep the cost of production low is key and as such, all cattle on the farm are grassfed and the suckler herd outwintered.

With heavy clay ground, outwintering cows has been no mean feat. Alongside changes to grazing management, Mr Williams says getting the right type of cow for the system has been vital.

Based on regenerative farming principles, the farm operates an Adaptive Multi Paddock (AMP) grazing system which sees short, intensive grazing periods in varying-sized cells. This is followed by long rest periods.

“We plan the grazing system based on a daily dry matter (DM) intake of 16.25kg per cow, equivalent to around 2.5% of bodyweight.

“During the winter, grazing is divided into 150 one-acre cells, with cattle usually moved to a new cell every 24 to 48 hours. The length of time cattle spend in each cell depends on the amount of grass available and the weather conditions,” he says.

"Typically, a one-acre cell during winter will provide just over 800kg DM, with the shortfall in requirements being made up with hay," says Mr Williams.

He explains an important part of the grazing system at FAI Farms is leaving high residual grass covers to support optimum plant regeneration.

“When the grass is growing in the spring and summer, it’s important that animals don’ t consume more than 50% of the grass content in each cell.

“In spring, we aim to leave 75% of the grass, as overgrazing affects root growth and development for a period of up to 19 days, reducing plant health and growth.”

Mr Williams says ensuring optimum plant regeneration demands greater attention and management during the summer when grazing or cutting for hay or silage, compared to the winter when the grass is dormant.

“There ’s greater flexibility over winter as this is when the grass is more mature, brown, and decaying (carbon-rich), so we want the cattle to trample more grass back into the ground to help build the organic matter levels and lock down carbon.

“However, if the ground is particularly wet, they won’t stay in the cell for long.”

Mr Williams explains the idea behind AMP grazing is to improve pasture utilisation while building pasture resilience. He says the benefits of cell grazing became especially evident in 2022 during the drought.

“Leaving 18-inch grass residuals proved highly beneficial in 2022 as it trapped in vital moisture – when others around had fields burning up, we still had grass,” he says.


The core traits of the Aberdeen-Angus breed are a good match for the system at FAI Farms, with Mr Williams highlighting the smaller size and docility of the cows as being particularly important.

“Unlike some other breeds, the Aberdeen-Angus’ friendly and placid temperament helps with cow management, particularly at calving time.

“With a lot of lone management, knowing the cows are easy to work with is important, especially from a health and safety perspective,” he says.

He adds: “Handling the cows and calves has become easier and tagging calves in the field is no longer such a challenge.”

Mr Williams adds that from an ethical perspective, having naturally polled calves is also a must.

“We don’t want to be de-budding calves, not only is it additional labour, but ultimately it’s a painful experience for them and something we want to avoid.”

The Saler cows weighed over 700kg, on average. In contrast, the Aberdeen-Angus crosses weigh 600kg and the aim is to reduce this to 550kg.

As well as reducing feed requirements, the reduction in cow size has supported outwintering, with the lighter animals causing less damage to pasture.

It has also enabled FAI Farms to feed forage only, eliminating bought-in concentrates and enabling them to adhere to Pasture for Life requirements.

Since a high proportion of the farm’s pasture is low quality, Mr Williams says introducing a breed with exceptional forage conversion has been a great improvement.

“Margins within beef production are tight and we want to make the most of our natural resources on the farm.

“The easy-fleshing ability of native cattle like the Aberdeen-Angus is vital for us; it means cows hold their condition well and we can achieve competitive finishing times on naturally grown, home-produced forage,” he says.

103 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk


Alongside the suckler herd, the farm is currently finishing dairy-beef cattle as part of an Innovate UK-funded project exploring low-carbon beef production.

The project, which is being run in conjunction with Dunbia, Breedr, and Promar, aims to demonstrate how the UK beef sector can produce beef animals of dairy origin on a regenerative grazing system, while having a positive environmental impact and delivering good animal welfare outcomes.

Mr Williams says with an increasing proportion of beef coming through from the dairy sector, it is important to understand how to transition dairybeef calves into regenerative grass-based systems.

“Suckler herds will continue to be an important source of beef; 50% of UK farmland is permanent or semi-permanent pasture and ruminants are the only species that can manage the landscape while producing food.

“That said, we are likely to see a lot more beef coming through from the dairy sector going forward,” he says.

“Unlike calves from beef suckler units, dairy-beef calves carry fewer carbon emissions to start with as a significant proportion of their emissions are allocated to their mother for lactation and dairy production.

“The project aims to assess if calves from the dairy herd can thrive on an extensive regenerative grazing system like ours and understand better the factors which affect cattle performance and carbon footprint,” Mr Williams explains.

To date, FAI Farms has had two cohorts of dairycross calves, each cohort typically consisting of 100150 Aberdeen-Angus cross-dairy which are sourced from three or four dairy units.

Mr Williams explains it has been interesting to see the stark variation in calf performance between the different units.

“While factors like colostrum management undeniably play a role, we’ve noticed a difference in calf performance depending on whether a named sire was used,” he reveals.

“There are still quite a lot of unregistered beef bulls used in the dairy industry that have unknown genetic merit and through our trial, we are noticing a real trend with calves from unknown sires underperforming,” he adds.

Achieving good daily liveweight gains off a grassbased diet is important from both a carbon perspective and in terms of margin, stresses Mr Williams.

He says it is therefore important that the dairy and beef sectors work closely together to ensure the beef genetics used within dairy herds deliver for both the dairy farmer and the beef finisher.


His emphasis on the value of named bulls in dairybeef cross calves highlights a broader message within agriculture and regenerative farming: that every decision in farming has ripple effects, and choosing wisely can lead to both economic and environmental benefits.

Mr Williams believes that beef finishing units, such as FAI Farms, could even be willing to pay a premium for dairy-beef calves from named sires if this means they are going to go on and perform better.

“Our early trial findings show one bull is not equal to another, so dairy farmers should consider the choice of bulls they use.

“Using a stock bull such as a named AberdeenAngus on dairy cows can help dairy farmers add value to their calves by producing a calf that is more desirable for finishing units,” he says.


Beef market review for the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society

It has been a tumultuous year for beef farmers with inflation hitting consumer spend hard, but there are grounds for optimism. Representatives from UK farm levy bodies reflect on 2023 and predict what is in store as we head into 2024.

Beef prices bucked trends this year and lifted after Christmas until late-May thanks to lower slaughter and imports.

The market softened over the summer with weaker consumer demand contributing to steady price slumps. As the summer progressed, prices rallied as numbers available fell and the competition for domestic supplies became more pronounced.

“The continued pressure on consumer demand for red meat creates additional volatility and paints a quickly moving and often pressured global picture,” explains AHDB analyst, Hannah Clarke.

Despite this price volatility, cattle prices overall held above the high levels of 2022:

• In Scotland, R4L steers peaked at a new record high of 511.8p/kg and spring prices were up some 15% on the year.

• It was a similar picture in England and Wales with the average deadweight R4L steer price peaking at 500.1p/kg in mid-May, 57p higher than a year earlier.

• The deadweight cattle trade in Northern Ireland peaked during May, with R3 steer and heifer prices reaching 495.6p/kg and 496.8p/kg respectively, with the O3 cow price peaking at 400.3p/kg.

• The average GB cull cow price for the week ending 7 October was 328.7p/kg, down 16p on the year but higher than the five-year average.

“The way the market has been, cattle finishers are likely to have seen a tight squeeze on margins during the summer on any short-keep cattle they had bought at strong price levels in spring 2023,” says Quality Meat Scotland’s (QMS) market intelligence manager, Iain Macdonald.

105 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk FEATURE
Hannah Clarke

However, margins on longer-keep stores bought in autumn 2022 at lower price levels may have held up,” adds Mr Macdonald.


Contributing to the cattle slaughter pool has been dairy and suckler cows which have continued to decline over the past few years with the cattle herd 0.9% smaller compared to 2022.

This has in large been driven by farm input costs, which remain historically high despite the fact feed and fertiliser prices have eased on the year, says Hybu Cig Cymru’s intelligence analysis and business insight executive, Glesni Phillips.

Lower breeding cattle numbers have unsurprisingly impacted calf registrations with data from the British Cattle Movement Services (BCMS) showing registrations are down 2% to 1.5 million head across GB.

Furthermore, the number of youngstock aged under 12 months was in decline for the first time since 2019.

Miss Clarke says: “While this is a small change at this stage (-0.3%), it perhaps begs the question as to whether the decline in cow numbers is starting to outweigh the uptake of beef semen in the dairy industry. And/or whether the dairy sector has reached maximum output of beef calves.”

BCMS cattle population data for GB indicates there were 2% fewer cattle aged 0-12 months on the ground as of 1 July 2023, which suggests a tighter supply in the long term across GB.

"In Wales, calf registrations for the first eight months of 2023 fell 2% compared to the same period in 2022. This is largely driven by fewer dairy registrations (21% fewer males and 6% fewer dairy females), with beef registrations remaining relatively stable on the year overall," says Ms Phillips.

In Northern Ireland, calf registrations for the first six months of 2023 were back 1.4% on the year. During this period, calf registrations from the dairy herd recorded a 13% decline but beef registrations rose 2%.

There was also a 2% reduction in calf registrations in Scotland, according to BCMS and ScotEID.

Looking closer at breeds, the Aberdeen-Angus continues to grow in popularity with 380,491 registrations in GB up to August 2023, an increase of 2% on the year.


Kantar data reveals that the average price of beef for the 12 weeks to 6 August increased 12% to £9.76/kg on the year.

"This high grocery inflation has hit domestic retail hard with consumers trading down for cheaper cuts of meat such as mince and stewing beef rather than steaks and roasts," says Ms Phillips.

The cost-of-living crisis has also seen more shoppers switch to frozen red meat due to its lower price point, says Ms Phillips.


Exports of fresh and frozen beef decreased on the year. The volume of fresh beef exported was back from 50,596t to 41,192t up to July. Frozen exports, albeit making up a much smaller proportion of exports, were also down from 23,654t to 17,094t.

“On the international trade side, a relatively tight domestic beef market for much of the year has limited UK export volumes,” explains Mr Macdonald.

The better news is that while domestic retail market is subdued, the outlook for export trade remains firm, adds Mr Macdonald.

Mr Macdonald says: “The global market is well supplied with cheaper beef from Australia and Brazil this year and Chinese import demand proved softer than expected in the spring.

“But a herd contraction in the US, following droughts in 2021 and 2022, has ensured that its beef market has tightened this year, underpinning US prices, which have been trading higher than those in Scotland,” adds Mr Macdonald.

Glesni Phillips Iain Macdonald


Looking ahead to next year, beef prices are set to remain firm with fewer younger cattle on the ground and another predicted retraction in the breeding herd in 2023, say analysts.

Hannah Clarke says “We anticipate that the breeding herd will continue to contract in 2023, which influences the longer-term supply of cattle available for beef production. This, by itself, would point to supported cattle prices.”

Iain Macdonald says herd contraction is likely to have more of a significant impact on the finished cattle market in autumn 2024 as the reduced spring 2023 calf

crop begins to reach the market in greater numbers at around 18 months of age.

He predicts strong wage growth should support beef spending too, provided retail price inflation does not weigh too heavily on sale volumes.

“While British consumers have so far remained loyal to buying beef, further price increases in the supply chain could begin to test this loyalty, especially if the economy goes into recession. Therefore, it ’s important for producers to focus on maximising efficiency and productivity within their herd.”

107 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk

How two farms are making a success of out-wintering

Minimising overwintering costs is a key focus for two of Monitor Farm Scotland participants – one on Deeside, the other in Argyllshire, which both run Aberdeen-Angus cows.

For Deeside Monitor farmers Duncan and Claire Morrison, outwintering their commercial and pedigree AberdeenAngus cows was never an option – it was a necessity.

The couple, who farm a total of 247ha (610 acres) and 220 cows, moved to their home base, the 108ha (266acre) Meikle Maldron, near Torphins, when they took on the tenancy in 2016.

“The farm buildings weren’ t capable of housing youngstock or cows, so the cows have been outwintered since day one,” explains Duncan.

He adds: “In my opinion, keeping cows inside isn’t viable for our business, so it was about working out a plan to keep them outside all year round.”


The first few years saw cows outwintered on strip-grazed kale, supplemented with silage. “This is still part of our approach, but as cow numbers grew we were struggling to grow enough kale without ploughing up grass,” admits Duncan.

While kale is still important, the wintering system is now based around strip grazing deferred grass. These are fields that are shut up in June or July, after grazing or fields that are cut for silage and then left to grow for winter grazing.

“Deferred grazing needs planning. The system needs to be set up knowing that you need to build tall grass covers to graze in winter,” advises Duncan.

Cows also have access to silage or haylage bales in winter. These are put out during the summer when it is dry with bales strategically placed so cows have access to new bales as the feed fence is moved.

Once a grass field has been grazed, discs are pulled through and a kale crop is broadcast. Again, bales are laid out strategically, and once the kale has grown, cattle are turned back in to strip graze the crop.

Following kale, Duncan reseeds with an arable silage mix, which is undersown with grass.

Duncan says: “Kale is cheap to grow, yields well and it’s easy to manage – there ’s little time or cost involved in moving the electric fence every day.”


"However, picking the right fields for overwintering cows is important. Wet, boggy fields should be avoided and the field should have some shelter," he advises.

The system has worked well at Meikle Maldron. Regularly weighing and body condition scoring stock has helped identify those that perform well, and heifer and cow selection is being finessed.

“We're working on reducing cow size, and are now framescoring the whole breeding herd. Our breeding decisions are focussed on producing cows that do well on forage. They need good gut capacity, and to be fleshy, sound, and hardy as the farm goes up to 1,000ft and winters can be cold and snowy.

“Weaned heifers run on the same system, so we ’ re building resilience and identifying [replacements] that thrive on the system.

“From the start, everything we ’ ve done has been around outwintering, and we ’ re tweaking the system and improving all the time.”

With more farms looking at this approach, the Morrisons are seeing a market for their hardy heifers, and have started to sell bulls privately, too.

Duncan adds: “We're breeding and selecting for robust, cheap-to-keep, productive cattle.”


Geese add to the

challenge of

efficient suckler production on Argyllshire Monitor Farm

Farming on an island can be a challenge, but with 50,000 geese visiting over winter and ‘decimating’ grazing land, the Archibald family, who farm on Islay in Argyllshire, have had to think hard about their suckler cow enterprise.

Craig and Petra Archibald and family farm at Craigens Farm, a 2,000ha (4,950 acre) tenanted farm. They have 220 Aberdeen-Angus cross and purebred suckler cows plus followers, as well as 1,000 ewes plus lambs. The farm focuses on producing Aberdeen-Angus and Charolais cross yearling calves for the store market and fat lambs, as well as breeding replacement heifers.

In addition to the livestock, the farm grows 20ha (50 acres) of barley for a local distillery and 10ha (25 acres) of forage rape.

Geese graze places of the farm under heavy pressure during winter, and Craigens Farm is in Goose Management Schemes.


Craig has worked on breeding a robust cow, well-suited to the farm, since changing from being a dairy farm to running sucklers around 20 years ago.

The farm is focused on maternal traits as it has many repeat customers locally who buy its yearling heifers.

Most bull calves are castrated and sold as stores, but two or three of the best each year from the purebred cows are kept entire and sold to other Islay beef breeders. The herd has a high health status and is in SRUC’s Premium Cattle Health Scheme.

The best cows run with an Aberdeen-Angus bull, while cows from the lower end of the herd are put to a Charolais, meaning replacements are only coming from the best genetics in the herd.

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While the farm has housing and all cows were kept inside in the past, 160 or so of the fleshiest cows are now outwintered, mainly on deferred grazing, to help reduce costs. With calving starting in late March, outwintered cows are closely monitored for body condition, and anything that is too lean will be housed.

Stocking rates are low across most of the winter areas, with a group of 40 on a 60ha (150 acre) block, 100 on a 101ha (250 acre) block, and about 24 on a further 8ha (20 acres), with some grazing the foreshore, while geese take most of the inbye land.

In addition to grazing, cows are fed silage and draff from the local distillery, the same ration is given to the remaining cows and about 40 heifers that are kept inside during winter.

Cows closest to calving, which runs from mid-March to the end of June, are brought inside and given reduced feed with added pre-calving minerals. Calvers are fed late in the day to discourage them from calving overnight, with lights and scrapers also turned off overnight.


After calving, as long as the calf has sucked and has a dry navel, the cow and calf are turned out as soon as possible.

Cows and calves will be fed in fields for up to 10 weeks. This is because grass is usually slow to grow in spring after being ‘decimated’ by up to 50,000 geese over winter.

First cut silage is taken in late June as a result, with a second cut made about six weeks later. While there is compensation for the damage caused by the influx of geese, Craig says this only covers 50-60% of the farm’s losses.

With the four-year Monitor Farm programme in place, the Archibalds have an ideal opportunity to tackle the challenges they face, and meet their aims of farming for “profitability and enjoyment”.

Aberdeen-Angus chief executive, Robert Gilchrist, spoke at the Argyllshire Monitor Farm summer meeting at Craigens Farm about selecting the ideal sucker cow and gave three take-home messages.

“It’s quite simple. There ’s a core piece that runs over it all – it’s profit and having a profitable cow. You’re looking for a productive cow that drops her first calf on her second birthday and a calf every birthday after that, all the way up to 10-12 years old, though after that you do see production dropping.

“You’re looking for [a cow that has] no intervention at calving and rears that calf through to 50% of her body weight.

“Second is cow type; you’re looking for something that’s feminine, fleshy with a moderate frame and structurally sound.

“Finally for my ideal suckler cow, you’re looking for something that is docile and does well on forage. The whole thing that overarches is that it fits the farm - make the animal fit the farm, rather than the farm fit the animal. You can find a lot of information [about your cows] in the data you have, so go have a dig around and see what you can find.”


The Morrisons and Archibalds are two of nine farms throughout Scotland taking part in the latest Monitor Farm Scotland programme, managed by Quality Meat Scotland with support from AHDB.

Fully funded by the Scottish Government Knowledge Transfer Innovation Fund, the aim is to help farms reach full economic, social, and environmental sustainability by optimising production. Over the four programmes, other farmers and experts will be brought together to help the families assess their farm’s performance, explore opportunities, and develop solutions to the challenges they face.

Each Monitor Farm is steered by a management group of 10-12 farming and agricultural businesses, with support from the local community group. The learnings aim to benefit farmers across the whole of Scotland.

For more information visit: https://www.monitorfarms.co.uk/


AReport suggests how the industry can improve red meat eating quality

n in-depth study into red meat eating quality aims to encourage Scotland’s beef and lamb producers and the red meat supply chain to discuss managing and measuring meat eating quality.

The report’s authors suggest this approach could grow the sector’s domestic and global credentials at a time when consumers are actively seeking meat with more consistent premium eating quality.

While the recommendations address every part of the supply chain, at farm level, it suggests some key changes.

The report points people in the direction of breeds and systems that will produce consistently high-quality red meat. Further along the supply chain, it suggests a new classification system should be developed [to replace the current EUROP grid] which will reward that effort.

The proposals are the result of an 18-month study into red meat eating quality in the Scottish meat sector undertaken by Birnie Consultancy for Quality Meat Scotland (QMS). The resulting 80-page report, released this summer, includes research on international benchmarking and recommendations about how the Scottish red meat industry can deliver quality outcomes.

Research suggests Scotch Beef PGI status has helped deliver an additional £30-40 per animal over the last 10


years, and evidence from other countries suggests that a well-implemented eating quality management system could further boost returns, says report author, Dr Jonathan Birnie.

He says: “With repeated consumer studies revealing a willingness to pay more for eating quality which is guaranteed, there ’s clearly an opportunity.”

The overall aim of the study has been to identify practical methods that can be employed within the Scottish red meat sector to improve and guarantee eating quality, delivering a competitive advantage both in the UK and export markets.

Industry has driven the report, says QMS head of industry development, Bruce McConachie. “By far the most common question we’re asked at QMS by producers is ‘why isn’t something being done about eating quality’.

“Scottish livestock consistently demonstrate that they can produce some of the best eating quality in the world, what we are aiming to do is create greater consistency and raise the overall standard.”

• Read the QMS Meat Eating Quality report in full, and as a summary, here: https://qmscotland.co.uk/ industry-development/cattle-and-sheep/meateating-quality

The study found that 30% of beef eating quality was affected by what happens at a farm level, with intramuscular fat being one of the key influencing factors, writes breed CEO, Robert Gilchrist. Intramuscular fat affects the flavour, juiciness, tenderness, and visual characteristics of the meat. Interestingly, more intramuscular fat isn’t always better.

Meat with a fat content between 3 and 7.3% is optimum for consumers – anything above this is too much, whereas fat levels below 3% compromise eating quality.

Native breeds have characteristics that provide so much of what consumers desire.

The Aberdeen-Angus for example, is renowned for its intramuscular fat and marbling. The breed offers easy fleshing traits and can be finished on grass or forage-based diets – factors that also enhance meat quality. With meat-eating quality such an important part of the consumer experience, incorporating this parameter into the payment grid could help encourage a more consistent end product that leaves consumers coming back for more.

111 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk
Hillmount Alan & Naomi Morrison James Morrison Email: theacre@hotmail.com Alan: 07811447812 Follow us on Facebook Visitors welcome Stock usua y for sale James: 07511053991 & Drummeer Herds Hillmount Drummeer Special thanks to all our customers throughout the year. The Acre, 116 Drummeer Rd, Maguiresbridge , Co Fermanagh, BT94 4PD
Lady Tara Y852 1st Prize winner for Heather King at NIAAC Summer Championship 2023 Drummeer Black Balmoral Z143 Res Male Calf Champion NIAAC Calf Show 2023

Aberdeen-Angus 2023 new members


Yarpha Mr Ian Slater


Kilravock J R L Craigie & Sons

New Cottage Neil Mackay & Son

Houstry David William Wilson

Berneray Mr Norman John Macaskill


Dochas Ythan Organics

Scottside Scottside Livestock


Gelvan Dr Julie Savin

Balbirnie Balbirnie Home Farms

Neils Neil Caul

Lucyburn Mr & Mrs Colin Stark


Greendale Mr William Heads

Kelton W R Wilson & Sons

Tacherburn H & N Armstrong

Headsmuir Mr James Hamilton

Callumkill Callumkill Estate

Avancii Amy Vance

Drumclog A R Templeton

Birkentop Messrs John Smith

Dunskey Harry Morgan


Eye Valley Ruaridh MacFarlane

Riverview Mr William Angus Oliver Wilson

Wormiston Robbie Brockie

Falnash Mrs Lisa Flemimg

Whitton T W & T B Edgar Ltd

Rlaw Miss Erin Davidson & Mr Jordie Orr


South Willow Mrs Rosalyn Kathleen Smith

McInnes McInnes Brothers

Tong Ms Dawn & Mr David Hare

Moralee T & D Harrison

Syke House Richard Joseph Holden


Arradfoot Mr Thor Atkinson

Pendle Forest Edwards Farm Butchers

Cubbyhill Messrs Byers

Altar Wood Matthew McLaughlin

Mckitterick Mr Arnold Robley

Quernmore David Ainsworth

Presmont A J Preston

Stainton Andrew & Carly Thornton

Fauber Laithe Julie Coupland

Meals Samuel Robert Pitts


Astonpool M Weaver Ltd

Amo Mr G Tomlinson & Miss S Hayward

Sprinkswood R Hollingsworth

Craneshill Charlie Crane

Walcot Anna Moody


Aldwinkle Miss Karen Philippson Ian Hudson

High London Archibald Coomber

Mineshop C N Seeds Ltd



Hartpury Hartpury University & College

Nobury W B Jordan & Son

Planton Clare Hill

Marlbrook Mr Robert Harrison

Swyre Barton J W Emmerson & Sons

Dalyn CD & MA Vernon & Son


Tyrellcote C G Bonner & Son

Whyte Gate Whyte Gate Ltd

Herridge Quinn W G MacCabe

Woolford Woolford Farms

Chrisolly Helen & Mike Saunders

Creed Chris Reed


Batch Angus & Abbey Maclean

Donhead Hall Mr Paul Brewer

Tregays J A & J C Stephens

Rosella Miss A L Westcott & Mr E Down

Trendeal Messrs S & L Awdry

Chescombe Oliver & Edward Matthews

Langford Messrs W P Dawe & Son


Brynhesglyn Aneurin Jones

Brondrefawr C J Jones

Llwyngog D T Owen & Sons

Gogledd R A Davies

Dyffryn Duad Mr Gareth Lewis Howell


Devenish Mr Richard Moore

Burns Mr Gavan Burns

Blackslee Mr Christopher Corrigan

Rathmoss Mr Andrew Fletcher

Gleno Valley Ryan & Ruth McDowell

Ardpatrick A J, D H & David Adams



Mr George Philip Troughton

Alan, Emma And Hannah Topley

Thomas & David Cruikshank

Mr Stephen Donaghey

Ballycrum J R Oliver & Co

Beagh Rachel Armour

Close Farm


Brendan & Mary Quinn

Neil D Reid

Rooghan Christine Taylor

Silvercon Mr Howard Connor


Andrew Thompson

McAllister Mr Stephen McAllister

Fymore Mr Bernard McKenna



Gordon Johnston

Stuart Hawthorne

Garrick Alfie Pollock

Drumask Mr Alexander, AJ, & Tori Mills

Machaire Bui Brian Cowan



Estancia Curamalan

115 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk

Round up of news from Ireland


The Munster Aberdeen Angus Club hosted its annual bull sale in Bandon on Wednesday 5th April with an incredible demand for good bulls. While last year’s sale broke the highest price paid at the sales, this year’s saw a record average sale price of €4,164 which complemented the 100% clearance rate. This average is up a massive €1,344 on the previous year.

Leading the way for the second-year running was Denis and Donal O’Riordan of the Inchisine herd. Their September 2021 born bull, Inchisine Up for Sale, hit the market at €4,500.

It was also a memorable day for Albert and Jennifer DeCogan of the Mogeely herd who exhibited both the champion and reserve on the day. Champion bull went to Mogeely Fred Y826 which met his reserve at €4,150. Just behind Fred in the show ring was Mogeely Lord Hazel X797 which claimed the reserve championship and one bid more in the sales ring, selling for €4,200.

The second top-priced bull, Kilsarlaught Lord Hector X569, sold for €4,250. This September 2021 born bull was exhibited by Pat Joe Houlihan from Skibbereen in County Cork.


The Irish Aberdeen Angus Association hosted its first National Bull Sale of 2023 in Tullow on 19 April. A total of 28 bulls were presented for sale. Out of the 28 bulls offered 21 bulls found new homes representing a 75% clearance. An average price of €3,374 was achieved with four more bulls selling on the year. A solid 82% of bulls sold for €3,000 or more.

Topping the day’s trading was Lisnafanna Desmond X058 from County Cavan-based breeder John Brady. The October 2021 son of Keirsbeath Karma changed hands at €4,600. Next on the money was Leo McEnroe, County Cavan, with Lisduff Dan OG X970 selling for €4,500. Dan OG was sired by the popular A.I. sire Kealkil Prime Lad. The success for the Cavan-based breeders continued but it was now the turn of Michael and Barry Smith with Lawsonsford Lord Harvey X497 which sold for €4,400.


The Irish Aberdeen Angus Association held its second spring sale on Wednesday 26 April in Mid-Tipp Mart, Thurles. This was the first year the Association hosted a spring bull sale in Thurles, but both timing and bull quality proved just right.

Such was the demand, a total of 24 bulls sold to represent a massive 89% clearance rate. This was accompanied by a super average of €3,591. The solid trade meant that 70% of bulls sold for €3,000 or more.

Topping the day’s trading was Goulding Philip Y280 from County Kerry-based breeder Matthew Goulding. The February 2022 son of Clara Swanky ET changed hands at €5,000. In the money again for Matthew Goulding was Goulding Prince Y300, another Clara Swanky ET son, which sold for €4,900.

Next was Leo McEnroe, County Cavan, with Lisduff Dream X96. She sold for €4,600. Dream was sired by AI bull Rawburn Bannockburn T628.


The final spring bull sale of the Irish Aberdeen-Angus Association finished on a high with the highest price, average, and clearance rate. The sale took place in Nenagh at Central Auctions mart on Thursday 4 May. Overall, the sale witnessed a 100% clearance with the average price resting at over €3,660.

Topping trade on the day and continuing his run of form was Matt Goulding with Goulding Paddy Y312. This March 2022 born bull was sired by Clara Swanky and met his reserve at €5,100.

The next best was the previous lot into the ring, Drumcrow Volvo, which sold for €4,700. Bred by Cavanbased Margaret McKiernan, this bull is sired by the highperformance Rawburn Boss Hogg N630.

One of the first lots into the ring and getting the sale going well was Kerins Viva which hit the market at €4,200. This bull was bred and exhibited by Bernard Kerins, Ballymote, County Sligo, and was sired by Keirsbeath Karma.

Next in the money was Liss Maxol Y150, which went under the hammer at €4,000. A further 64% of bulls sold hit the €3,000 or more mark on the day.

Goulding Philip Y280 which sold for €5,000 at the Thurles spring sale


The Mogeely Aberdeen-Angus Herd of Albert and Jennifer De Cogan hosted their reduction sale on Saturday the 1 July in Mid-Tipp Mart Thurles.

Over the years the Mogeely herd has taken the title of supreme All-Ireland champion on seven separate occasions. As the years have moved on, it was now time for a major reduction to bring cow numbers back to closer to 30 breeding females.

The sale itself was a record breaker for the Thurles venue with the average resting at a massive €4,600. This was coupled with a top price of €9,000 and an overall clearance of 100%.

Topping the day’s trading was Mogeely Diana X808. This superb daughter of Wedderlie Blackbox stood at the foot of her dam in 2022 when she took the title of All Ireland senior cow champion. Diana X808 also carried the highest carcass figure in the catalogue at 24.7kg. The hammer fell at €9,000 to a notable Simmental breeder from County Galway as one of four foundation females purchased on the day.

Two heifers exited the ring at €8,000. First at this money was Mogeely Flora X787, from the renowned Flora line. She is sired by HW Farghal and stood as Aberdeen-Angus Champion at Midleton Show earlier this year.

The second heifer to leave the ring at €8,000 was Mogeely Flora Y860. This young heifer was described as “Alberts Pick” – a show heifer in the making. Sired by the three-time All-Ireland champion Rosemead Karona, and from the Flora cow family, this heifer has both pedigree and presence.

This was the first-ever sale run through the Irish Aberdeen-Angus Association’s sales management package for one of its breeders.


The Irish Aberdeen Angus Association headed to Carrickon-Shannon on 7 August for the prestigious all-Ireland finals. Originally scheduled for Cloone Show on the same day, however, due to unfavourable weather conditions in the lead-up to the show and a bumper 116 entries, the tough decision was made to move to the indoor facility.

The change of venue certainly did not hamper spirits and it proved to be a day of dreams for the Connell family of Oldcastle, County Meath. On their first time exhibiting at the finals, they took home the title of intermediate and supreme champion with their sole exhibit. Taking the accolade was their January 2022 born heifer Bellingham V Trish 3. The super stylish Trish is a daughter of popular AI sire Intelagri Matteo and her dam is a daughter of the renowned Bohey Jasper.

Speaking about his champion, the judge on the day, Matt Stoker of the Easton Greys herd in England said: “The supreme championship has three outstanding animals but for me, it had to be the heifer, she walks well, has got width, style and pop.”

Standing senior and reserve supreme champion was Lisduff Beuty Babe U640 from Leo McEnroe, Virginia, County Cavan. This five-year-old cow was shown alongside her May born bull calf. Sired by former stock bull Mogeely Josh, she is out of the homebred Lisduff Beauty Babe R317.

Taking the junior championship was another Cavan breeder, Shane McKiernan, with Drumcarbin Lord Zidane Z414. Born in January 2023, this young bull was tapped out ahead of five other first prize winners in the junior section. Sired by Loughlynn Hum Dinger, he is out of the homebred Drumcarbin Laura V316.

117 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk
Mogeely Diana X808 which made the top price of €9,000
Supreme All-Ireland champion Bellingham V Trish 3


Only in its second year, the IAAA Extravaganza returned to Thurles on 7 October and gained even more traction. In a year where many Angus sales took place, the Premier sale proved exceptionally strong with the average rising by €60 on the previous year’s record-breaking sale. In total, over 83% of the animals forward found new homes, with the average settling at an impressive €4,271.

Even more satisfactory was the level of interest in the sale from outside of Ireland. A massive 18 of the 45 lots sold (40%) found homes outside of the Republic. This is up 15 head from the previous year and has opened new markets for the sale to destinations such as mainland UK and Portugal.

Leading proceedings on the day was the June 2022 born bull Drumbeera Jay Z Y296 which met his reserve at €9,200. Bred and exhibited by Leitrim-based Thomas and Patrick Beirne, this super bull clocked up several championships throughout the summer and is sired by the herd ’s successful stock bull Caulry Nationwide. Securing the high seller for her Roydmoor herd in England was Gina Barraclough.

Taking the top female price of the day at €8,800 was Luddenmore Ellen Erica Y551 from Dr Michael Sheahan. This May 2022 born heifer is sired by the herd’s 8,500gns stock bull Drumhill Exeter V105, with the dam a direct daughter of the herd’s foundation female Elliot Erica E019. Ranking five stars on most traits she was secured by Johnny and Lisa Doyle of the Drumhill herd in Northern Ireland.

Auctioneer Denis Barrett secured a bid of €8,100 for the next highest priced lot, Goulding Missie Y307. Bred and exhibited by Matthew and Rita Goulding based in County Kerry, this was the best of their 12 heifers offered in the sales draft. Missie Y307 is a daughter of former stock bull Cheeklaw Edgar R515 and was secured by the Shankhill herd in Co Cavan.

Just behind this was the stylish January heifer calf Lisduff Philly Z121 which hit the market at €8,100. Brought out by Cavan-based Leo McEnroe, this young heifer by Liss Buster S621 secured numerous championships throughout the summer. She was secured by a Northern Irish buyer.

Drumbeera Jay Z Y296 which sold for the top price of €9,200 Luddenmore Ellen Erica Y551 which sold for the top female price of €8,800


It proved a weekend of dreams for Dr Michael Sheahan, who after securing the top female price at the Extravaganza premier sale on Saturday, went on to take the supreme National calf show championship on Sunday 8 October with his Luddenmore herd.

Taking the title of senior male champion and supreme Angus Beef Ireland National Calf Show champion was the aptly named Luddenmore Victorious. This September 2022 born bull is one of the first sons to be shown out of the herd’s stock bull Drumhill Lord Hampstead V127.

Tasked with judging this year’s event was Alwyn Armour of the Woodvale herd in Northern Ireland. He praised the overall quality of the cattle on show at the event and described his supreme champion as “correct, powerful, soft fleshed and with a great head.”

Armour found his reserve supreme champion in the form of Kerins Warrior. This March 2023 born bull was brought out by Bernard and Jacinta Kerins, who travelled from County Sligo to exhibit. This young bull is one of only a very few Penguin Henry M503 sons registered in the country and came out on top of stiff competition to also take the junior male championship.

Taking the title of senior female champion on the day was Bellingham V Trish3 from the Connell Brothers. No stranger to success, Trish took the title of supreme title at the Associations All-Ireland finals back in August.

Sired by Intelagri Matteo, she is out of a Bohey Jasperbred dam.

In the junior female championship, the top spot went to Mogeely Elana Z895 from Albert and Jennifer DeCogan. This February 2023 born heifer is sired by their former stock bull Drumbeera Everest U241.

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Supreme National Calf Show champion Luddenmore Victorious Reserve champion National Calf Show Kerins Warrior

Czech Republic hosts ‘unforgettable’ World Angus Technical Meeting

The picturesque landscapes of Czechia played host to the landmark World Angus Technical Meeting (WATM) in the autumn (8-19 September).

The decision to hold the WATM in Czechia marked a historic moment with it marking the first time the event ventured into a European country, where the Aberdeen-Angus breed has only gained prominence in recent decades.

Fondly referred to as the “Cattle Olympics” by organizers, the 2023 WATM spotlighted the Czechia’s well-earned status among the most successful Aberdeen-Angus breeding nations.

Organizers aimed not only to showcase the breed’s history and current state in the heart of Europe but also to foster a welcoming atmosphere for both old and new friends.

The overwhelmingly positive response from participants affirmed the event’s world-class success attracting nearly 200 participants from 32 countries, including Aberdeen-Angus breeding leaders from Europe, North and South America, New Zealand, and Australia. For many, the inaugural visit to Czechia, was driven by a curiosity about the local breeding practices, market potential, agricultural landscapes, and way of life.

The extensive itinerary ranged from farm visits and historical landmarks to technical lectures and debates. The main four-day program, hosted at the Exhibition Grounds in České Budějovice, commenced with a Saturday tour of diverse Angus breeding in southern Bohemia — the region boasting the densest network of Angus farms in the country.

As the first farm tour concluded, guests departed with satisfied bellies, high spirits, fuelled by traditional beverages, and an eagerness for the festivities to continue. Celebrations continued with a trip to the remarkable Chateau of Hluboká, where a historic tram led the way to a dinner venue. Minister of labour and social affairs, Marian Jurečka, added a touch of prestige with personal anecdotes from his experiences as both a farmer and former minister of agriculture.

Initial impressions were of high-quality cattle, charming historic farm buildings, and seemingly greener pastures than even Ireland. A lively debate among international breeders arose about weather challenges, contrasting the Czechs’ fortunate rain period with the international struggle against drought. Leo McEnroe from Ireland, who judged in Czechia over five years ago, noted


the impressive improvement in local breeding. He commended the shift from size and vigour towards smaller-sized cattle, and more type, roundness, and shape — traits better suited for the commercial world.

Guests, some learning about the history of communism for the first time, were shocked by the four-decade confiscation of private agricultural land. The property was later returned through restitutions, a process that required farmers to rebuild everything — an achievement the international community admired for its speed and success.

The culmination arrived with the Sunday National Angus Exhibition — an electrifying competition celebrating Czechia’s Angus breeding accomplishments over three decades. Judges PJ Budler from all over the world, Erica Halliday from Australia, and William McLaren from Scotland used an innovative independent category evaluation and averaging approach. Robert Gilchrist from the Aberdeen Angus Society appreciated that the three judges were unconventional, adding: “You’ve got a broad perspective, what’s a champion in one country is not necessarily a champion in another country, and everybody’s looking for something different.” The overall winners were Harper from Rantířov as Reserve Champion, and Hubert MS from the farm of Miroslav Sklář earned the coveted Grand Champion accolade. William McLaren noted: "The standard of the cattle was very high here today and these cattle could compete anywhere in the world.”

The post-show celebration took place in an impressive historic building of a former nunnery, with a surprise outdoor gathering. After the minister of agriculture, Marek Vyborný, delivered an inspiring speech, the audience was left in astonishment as a nearly eight-meter-tall steel puppet made a grand entrance. This knightly figure, after gently lifting up Matěj Šašek, the head of the organizing committee, in its arm, transformed into an angel — a poignant and symbolic tribute to the late Willie McLaren. The magical ambiance continued as Karen McLaren graced the event by singing the Aberdeen Angus anthem “An Angus For Me,” written for the Angus community by Willie, and James Arnott delivered a heartfelt speech, sharing insights into Willie’s life.

After an exhilarating night, it was time to ease into the Monday morning congress. The early session featured dynamic presentations on cattle breeding in Czechia and Australia, genomic selection in the United States, insights into nutrition, and the latest technology by Vytelle and Wasserbauer companies.

The subsequent thought-provoking debate was skilfully moderated by PJ Budler and featured our other judges, Kirk Wildman from Canada, Marc McCully from the USA, and Billy Estrada from Mexico. The lively discussion addressed societal and environmental challenges that the breed faces. The congress continued with the assembly of the World Angus Secretariat, where invited delegates from all member countries shared comprehensive presentations on the current situations in their respective nations. This gathering served as a platform for making crucial decisions that will shape the future of Angus breeding on a global scale.

As some participants concluded the short program, the remainder embarked on a five-day tour, immersing themselves in the rich cultural tapestry, architectural wonders, and diverse landscapes of Czechia. This journey provided an intimate encounter with farms operating in varied terrains, specialising in diverse genetics and business models, such as farm-toconsumer or farm-to-restaurant direct sales of beef.

The grand finale unfolded at the distinguished National Museum of Agriculture in Prague. For the more adventurous, an extended three-day tour explored farms in northern Czechia, alongside visits to UNESCO Heritage sites like the hidden gem of Moravia, the city of Olomouc, and the Chateau of Litomyšl in East Bohemia.

The success of the World Angus Technical Meeting 2023 in Czechia is a significant milestone in the country’s Angus breeding journey. Beyond showcasing Czechia’s contribution to the global Angus breeding community, the event served as a platform for cultural exchange, friendship, and knowledge sharing.

Echoing the sentiments of Darrell Stevenson, a multigenerational US Angus breeder, who aptly captures the collective sentiment: “This has just been a fantastic time. To me, this is one big family, and I think it’s sacred. The passion presented at events like this energises you and makes you want to go home and do better.”

As we bid farewell to this remarkable gathering, our anticipation is directed toward the forthcoming international rendezvous of the Angus community, set to unfold in Australia in 2025.

Recordings from the congress are available on our website: www.worldangus2023.com/en

121 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk INTERNATIONAL

What’s on offer at the Australian World Angus Forum?

Iwould like to extend an invitation from Angus Australia to each member of the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society in the UK to visit Australia in May 2025 for the World Angus Forum. The Angus Society of Australia has always had a very special relationship and close association with our fellow breeders in the United Kingdom and I have been delighted to form a very strong working relationship with your Chief Executive Officer, Robert Gilchrist.

This summer in Australia marks 200 years since Aberdeen-Angus cattle first walked off the ship in Australia. Angus cattle have thrived in Australia and, in our latest survey of the Australian beef industry, 49% of the Australian cow herd is Angus influenced and it is much higher in our southern states. Since that time, we have grown the herd of registered Angus cattle to 145,000 active females in inventory across our four breeding registers. Our society has now 3,986 members from both the seed-stock and commercial sectors.

Our members are so enthusiastic to welcome our Scottish, Irish, Welsh, and English friends and fellow breeders. We have planned a dynamic two weeks “downunder”. The World Angus Forum experience will begin with a harbour cruise on what is (arguably) the finest harbour in the world. You will see the Opera House, the Harbour Bridge and sample some of Australia’s finest wines. The next day you will travel to Orange and Bathurst, where you will visit Millah Murrah (Australia’s highest averaging Angus breeder), and visit a fully integrated paddock-toplate operation where cattle are bred, processed, and sold through a family-owned supermarket chain.

In Tamworth, we are planning the largest exhibition of Angus cattle in the southern hemisphere in our quintessential “country” cattle. We will have breeders from across Australia and New Zealand assembled to showcase their genetics. This will include a live cattle auction and we hope to show you some of the finest Angus cattle anywhere. This will be an excellent opportunity for UK breeders to interact with our breeders and perhaps find your next outcross. You will also have a chance to meet more than a few of our local characters.

From Tamworth, we then head to Brisbane to visit Australia’s oldest Angus stud, Bald Blair, Rangers Valley feedlot, an ET-collection center, Australia’s finest Agricultural College, and a regenerative agriculture paddock-to-plate beef experience.

On the Brisbane River at Southbank in Brisbane, we have assembled some of the world’s top speakers for a World Angus Forum, which should be extraordinary! We will discuss how the beef industry is part of the solution to the world’s environmental challenges and hear from some of the best industry minds.

Finally, if you’ve got some energy left, we have a sevenday western QLD outback experience to showcase how Angus Genetics thrives in a fragile, yet very productive, environment. We’ll finish at the Roma sale yards - the southern hemisphere’s largest cattle selling center. We look forward to showcasing our industry, our cattle, and our hospitality to our UK friends!

Yours sincerely,




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Join us for the
COMPETITION With Angus Youth teams from around the world competing throughout the forum to be crowned the champions of the Angus world www.worldangusforum2025.com
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YDP 2023 roundup


We started our new season on Saturday 29 April with a new venue, the Standlynch Herd, Salisbury, hosted by Andrew Carter. The 13 attendees, many of which were all new to Youth Development Programme (YDP), had a great handson day, learning all about ring craft and cattle grooming. Two of which, Lottie Hill and a new junior Harry Howard, did so brilliantly that they went on to become 2023 finalists. The day was pleasantly warm, and our trainers gladly shared their experience and expertise with the group.

Stock judging and reason giving

Clipping and dressing

Ring craft

Paul Westaway

Angus Mclean

Keith Jempson, aided by Lottie Hill

On 4 June a workshop at Yearsley herd, near York, hosted by Penny and Adrian Johnson, saw a small but eager, again with some new faces. Penny supplied a wonderful picnic for all to enjoy. Our more experienced attendees, Mason Moore and Cara Doggett, gained the relevant scores to qualify for the National Final.

Clipping, dressing and ring craft

Stock judging

Andrew Hughes and Robert Clark

Tom Slater

Later, on June 10 we revisited the Morpheus herd, where our host Owen Tunney and family, looked after us superbly with smaller cattle for the participants to work on. PENWAC member Mary Hamnett, kindly supplied wonderful refreshments for our trainers and visitors. All the candidates were so enthusiastic around the clipping and dressing crushes and everyone enjoyed trying out different products to see how it changed the finished look of the calves.

Tremendously accomplished young people attended this day, with six individuals qualifying for the final. Congratulations to Veronic Webster, Sophie Tunney, Joseph Mycock, Lizzie Harding, Vinnie Lane and Jack Heath.



Stock judging and ring craft

Owen Tunney

Matthew Jones

David Heath

The last workshop in the England and Wales area was held at Melview Herd, Gloucestershire, kindly hosted by Paul and Kirsty Westaway on 25 June. A good balance of ages made for a terrific day, with yet again great weather. Kirsty treated us all at lunchtime to sausage rolls, which everyone loved and the young folk present had loads of hands-on experience, no matter whether they were new to YDP or seasoned participants.

Those successful in being selected for the final were Will Edwards and Ellie Westaway, who were new to YDP and in his final year competing, Donald Mclean.

Clipping and dressing

Stock judging

Ring craft

Joey Clark and Andrew Robinson

Clive Davies

Andrew Robinson

We would like to thank the hosts and trainers who put so much of their time, expertise and patience into working with all the young people who attend these workshops. Designed to not only educate young people, but offer them an opportunity to make new friends and have fun doing something they love.


The Scottish workshops kicked off at the end of May with our first workshop being held at Cardona Aberdeen-Angus by kind permission of the Galloway family.

As ever all the participants seemed really excited to be getting stuck back into YDP. Ewan Macrobert and his team had prepared the cattle well for us, and also provided some great beef rolls for lunch.

Our trainers on the day Stewart Bett, William McLaren and stockman Ewan did a great job of giving everyone an insight into their knowledge of cattle preparation and stock judging and it was great to see so many new faces.

This trend followed onto the next Scottish workshop, held at Ballindalloch by kind permission of Guy McPherson Grant. Stockman David and wife Suzie Johnston welcomed us to the farm of the longest established continuous run herd of Aberdeen-Angus, it was lovely to have a workshop with all that history.

Alongside David and Suzie on the ring craft we roped in some old YDP finalists, Eoin Cumming and Andrew Adam to help train on the day, it was great to see people who have come through the programme coming back to help out. The turnout was great and again we were spoiled with a BBQ and ice cream to conclude the day!

From the north, we then travelled to the south the next day for the final Scottish workshop to be held at West Drums Angus by kind permission of John Steel. John had put a super effort into hosting for us and had even managed to get sponsorship and prizes for the day, a little treat for the attendees. Again,it was great to see so many new faces and so much talent.

Our trainers Kim Brown, Walter Wylie and Ali Jackson, were amazing and everyone went away having learnt a lot with a few goodies from Galedin vets, Carrs Billington, Tweddell Agricultural Services, Harbro and John himself.

I would like to say a massive thank you to everyone mentioned above that hosted or trained this year in Scotland. We are truly grateful and couldn’t do these days without your help and kindness, we know how much work it is to be a host farm, so we truly appreciate it.


Thank you to all the participants who came along and the parents that gave up their time to come and help out on the days also. The standard this year was really high and very impressive, I hope you all enjoyed the workshops and we will see you back again next year. Also, a huge congratulations to Cameron, Finlay and Graeme; I am very proud of what you have achieved.


Scotland YDP coordinator


The YDP in Ireland had its most successful year ever in term of workshop attendance. A total of 106 kids took part in our four workshops throughout the year. Our four workshops took place between April and July, one in each of the four provinces of Ireland.

Our first workshop on the Lana Herd of Alan Cheney, Trillick, County Tyrone. This was a great day where all enjoyed the great hospitality of our hosts along with some super training on the day from David Connoly, Alan Morrison and David Hamill.

We then moved into the summer months, with our next workshop taking place at the Liss Herd of John and Sean McEnroe. On what is traditionally our largest workshop. It didn’t disappoint with 26 attendees, coming along with some great training from renowned stockman Karol Connell, who gave a fantastic demonstration on clipping and grooming. Also, on the day we had Basil Bothwell and Sean McEnroe and a big thank you has to go to Patricia McGrath for her herd breeding demonstration.

Our third workshop of the year then moved west to the Gortnalon Herd of Patricia and Dr. Felicity McGrath in County Galway. Once again, there was another fantastic

turnout of enthusiastic attendees who were shown the skills of clipping, grooming and ring craft from two men who know their way around a beast and the show ring, Bernard Keirns and Shane Murphy.

After three workshops and unbelievable turnouts nothing was going to shock me more than the attendance of our fourth and final workshop of 2023 at the Mercury Herd of Shane Murphy County Cork. In total, 48 kids turned up on the day which was unbelievable. The large number really made for a challenging day but thank you once again to our host Shane Murphy and our trainers Cathal O’Meara, Eoin Lynch and Matt and Rita Goulding, who kept all the attendees working hard. Also on hand was Patricia and Dr Felicity McGrath with their amazing fertility and breeding demo. A big thank you also to Paul Boles of the Irish Holstein Friesian Association who gave a demo on classification of a beef animal.

This final workshop moved on nicely to our summer shows where it was great to see so many attendees showing and grooming animals across so many breeds. It was also great to see our YDP shirts and hoodies on display.

I would like to thank everyone who took part and helped with our workshops this summer and also a big congratulations to our Irish team who competed at the YDP finals in England.

Last of all, I’d like to say thanks to all the hosts and trainers who made my life easier this year, but a massive thank you to all the parents for bringing your kids to the workshops. We look forward to 2024 and the YDP finals in Ireland. Let’s make it the best one yet.

127 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk YOUTH DEVELOPMENT

Report from the Youth Council

Following a facebook advert for Youth Development Programme (YDP) participants (old and new) a group of us joined a Teams call where we started to pull together our thoughts on if we were to have a youth council, what sort of things we would do. The main areas discussed were around the opportunities to continue growing the YDP, for youth council members to attend workshops, whether competing or not to capture feedback from the broader YDP membership and to learn more about youth teams for the World Angus Forum.

From this, we decided to give it a go and start a Youth Council, with support from the National Co-ordinator and the Aberdeen-Angus Council we placed a vote for a chair, vice chair and secretary. These roles were given to Gemma Wark, Ellie Westaway and Nicola Howie in respective order.

We have members of the council from Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland, which should mean with the help of the YDP local coordinators (Niall Lynch and Stephanie Dick) we have the majority of the UK and Ireland covered in terms of representation. Initial meetings began where we were introduced to local coordinators and we started pulling an agenda together for our first AGM which we agreed needs to take place annually at the YDP Finals.

In the run up to the finals we were pulled in to help brainstorm for extra activities and we were happy to help with stewarding jobs and other logistics, as requested for members who were not competing. The YDP Finals was hosted by the Stovold family at Rosemead AberdeenAngus and it was clear a lot of work had gone into setting up for the event and the cattle were complimented by many on how quiet they were. The Rosemead team ensured the day worked like clockwork in terms of where cattle were for each workshop – we would like to say again a big thank you to the Rosemead team as a Youth Council for hosting and all the work they did.

Rebecca John

After a busy day for the YDP participants a presentation evening was held at Field Place Farm, home of the McClemens Herd of Aberdeen-Angus, where Dennis and Simone Brenninkmeijer provided both the food and drinks. A big well done must go to everyone who was awarded a place in each age category. This was another competitive year for YDP participants and everyone who took part should be proud.

Graeme Rhind, Finlay Hunter and Cameron Barclay won overall in their age categories meaning a clean sweep for Scottish participants! Graeme Rhind has recently accepted an invitation to join the YDP Council. This will be an ongoing practice going forward for YDP senior winners as they will bring fresh insights into the running of YDP, helping to drive the programme forward.

We have learnt a lot with this first AGM and we are still working our way through the feedback we have received. Some of the initial key actions are: gathering up participant numbers across the UK and Ireland to identify key areas for growth, holding an event in the summer tailored for juniors and identifying key themes and locations for senior conferences.

There is a lot of great work happening from the coordinators, the hosts of finals/workshops and the participants themselves, and as a council we want to ensure this continues. We hope our position allows opportunities and feedback to be actioned by Youth Council members who will be holding regular meetings and reporting to the Aberdeen-Angus Council YDP chairman who is Finlay Munro, currently.

We appreciate the support we have been given so far in these initial stages of a Youth Council as we find our feet about how we position this to be most useful for YDP participants, coordinators and Aberdeen-Angus Council members. Stay tuned!

Gemma Wark, Chairman

My name is Rebecca John. I’m 23 years old and live in Pembrokeshire. I work full time alongside my dad managing our herd of pedigree Holsteins. I also have my own herd of Holsteins under the prefix ‘Plan B’. I thoroughly enjoy showing both Holsteins and Aberdeen-Angus. In 2021, myself and my partner Ben Reynolds, established our own herd of Aberdeen-Angus under the prefix ‘Whitcastle’. The YDP has given me the opportunity to network with other young breeders, gain new knowledge and develop my skills. I am eager to encourage more young people to take full advantage of the YDP and help increase awareness of the YDP in Wales.

Cara Doggett

Hi, I am Cara Doggett. I’m 24 and based in North Yorkshire, but have moved over from New Zealand. I have always grown up with cattle, both dairy and beef. I have been showing cattle from a very young age and it’s something I am very passionate about. I have my own Beef-Shorthorn in New Zealand and a polled Hereford herd in the UK. I am really excited to join the Youth Council and be more involved in the Aberdeen-Angus breed. This year was my first time involved in the YDP and I absolutely loved it!


Lizzie Harding

I’m Lizzie Harding, I am 21 and a third year veterinary student at the University of Nottingham. I have competed in various YDP finals and participated in the workshops since I was 11 years old. It has allowed me to make many new friends and given me loads of opportunities to show cattle but also to attend different events, such as the British Cattle Breeders’ Conference. I’m really excited to be involved with the Youth Council and to be a part of discussions to further develop YDP.

Nicola Howie

My name is Nicola Howie and I’m from Aberdeenshire in Scotland. My parents, boyfriend and I run a small Aberdeen-Angus herd and have newly established a Texel sheep flock. We try to keep numbers low and quality high.

I won the YDP in 2021 and that has given me an immense sense of achievement that I want to spread to more YDP, new and existing YDP members, which is why, with the help of the society, we have formed the YDP Youth Council of which I am the current secretary. YDP has given me the confidence to put myself forward for many different roles involving cattle. One of which I am most proud of is clipping all the cattle for the Blelack dispersal sale back in 2021. This confidence is what I want YDP to create for as many members as possible, so we can create a competent next generation of cattle breeders.

Gemma Wark

I am really excited to be the first Chairperson of the YDP Youth Council and work with a great team to join the YDP and the Aberdeen-Angus council together to ensure the YDP continues to grow and be successful. I first joined YDP in 2010 and competed as a junior – this was the first time I led a beast on a halter and I still really value this opportunity.

From there, my enthusiasm for the Angus breed started – I have since competed in a team at National Young Stars Show where we came second. I was selected to compete in one of the UK teams for the World Angus Forum youth competition in 2017 and I have competed in showmanship in the United States, where I won supreme champion showperson at New York State Fair in 2015.

Now that I have aged out of YDP, I really appreciate the opportunity to attend YDP conferences to learn about breeding cattle more broadly. I live in the Scottish Borders where my fiancé and I have started our own herd of Aberdeen-Angus cattle, which we are expanding. We have set ourselves breeding objectives to produce maternal Aberdeen-Angus cattle which thrive from a forage-based system. I want to be able to give back to YDP as I think it is a great way of encouraging support of the industry, be it becoming a new Aberdeen-Angus breeder or to understand the merits of using the breed in a commercial setting.

Ellie Westaway

I have been involved in the Angus breed since my parents took over a Gloucestershire County Council farm when I was six years old and they purchased their first pedigree Aberdeen-Angus from the Tegsnose dispersal sale. My first experience of the YDP was at a workshop at the Nightingale herd when I was eight years old and I haven’t missed a year since! The YDP and its great trainers have taught me all I know about cattle showing which I have utilised within the herd at home and while working for other herds. The programme, and specifically the incredible trainer Clive Davies, has also taught me everything I know about stock judging which has led me to success at national level within YFC.

I have been lucky enough to attend three finals across my time in YDP, placing first intermediate in 2018, second intermediate in 2019 and most recently finishing second place senior at the final at Rosemead in 2023. In my role as vice-chair of the Youth Council I am aiming to give back to the programme for the youth of tomorrow, so they are able to gain as much, and hopefully even more, than myself to become the great cattle people of the future that our industry needs.

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YDP workshop dates for 2024


Saturday 4 May 2024 - Briston Herd

Hosted by Duncan and Sandra Jeary

Hawthorn Farm, High Road, Briston, Norfolk NR24 2JQ

Sunday 26 May 2024 – Rodmead Herd

Hosted by Angus Neish

Maiden Bradley, Warminster, Wilts BA12 7UP

Saturday 13 July 2024 – Glasnant Angus

Hosted by John James and family

Panty Wheel Farm, Llandovery, Carmarthenshire, SA20 0HA


Saturday 25th May 2024 - Killaney Aberdeen Angus

Northern Ireland

Hosted by Mr and Mrs John Blackburn

205 Augafad road, Clogher, Co. Tyrone BT76 0XB

Saturday 15 June 2024 - Liss Aberdeen Angus

Leinster Republic of Ireland

Hosted by John and Sean McEnroe Liss House, Oldcastle Co. Meath



Any young person aged 8 –24 yrs can attend and compete at the workshops. You can be from any breed of cattle, Young Farmers Club, School, University or College, or from any walk of life.


A 'hands on' opportunity for all young folk to meet and learn from experienced cattle stockman on how to prepare cattle for shows and sales, and learn cattle handling techniques. Annually we invite along an industry specialist to attend the day to enhance the experience for the attendees in animal husbandry, health and welfare.


During the day you will be observed by our trainers and assessed, so that you can establish where improvements can be made. These assessments will be considered from all workshops nationwide, and 12 candidates will be selected from each area and invited to attend the YDP Final held in the autumn. Any young person that attends a workshop can attend the final to take part in workshops and observe, alongside the selected finalists.


You will learn new skills, meet new friends, have fun and build confidence in your ability to handle cattle. It is an excellent opportunity for young folk considering making agriculture their chosen profession or if you are looking to establish your own herd of cattle.


Register online by completing the booking form via: www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk/youth-development/ You can attend as many workshops as you wish.

Saturday 13 July2024 - Gortnalon Aberdeen Angus

Connaught Republic of Ireland

Hosted by Patricia and Dr. Felicity McGrath

Gortnalon, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway

Saturday 27 July 2024 - Munster Aberdeen Angus club

Hosted by Munster Republic of Ireland Venue TBC


Sunday 9 June 2024 - The Ballindalloch herd

Hosted by Guy MacPherson-Grant Esq

Ballindalloch Home Farms, Ballindalloch, Banffshire, AB3 9AX.

Sunday 7 July 2024 - The Mosston Muir herd

Hosted by the Rennie family

Mosston Muir Farm Ltd, Mosston Muir, Guthrie, By Forfar, Angus

A third Scottish workshop will be confirmed later in the year.

YDP National Final will be held in Ireland

Friday 27 –

Sunday 29 September 2024

Location for final TBC

Can I still be involved with YDP once I reach 25 years?

Yes you can; our Senior Conferences are held twice a year and are for our members aged 18 -28 yrs. These are designed to introduce you to industry partners and help you develop your knowledge in agriculture, personal development and continue your networking and friendships. Ideas from members are invited for programme content.


New in 2022 was the establishment of the Youth Council, made up of individuals around the UK and Ireland who are passionate about taking the Youth Development Programme forward into the next decade. The Youth Council will also be involved with international exchanges, become trainers at the YDP Workshops and attend the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society Youth Development Programme Committee meetings, plus invitations to attend main council. The Youth Council will lead the direction of young people activities within the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society.

Your YDP Regional Co-ordinators for 2024

Regional and co-ordinator for England and Wales

Email: ydp@aberdeen-angus.co.uk

Stephanie Dick – regional co-ordinator for Scotland

Email: ypdsteph@gmail.com

Niall Lynch – regional co-ordinator for All Ireland

Email: ydpniall@gmail.com


YDP Senior Conference –Kelso February 2023

Following a suggestion from Seonaid Mclaren that suggested our next Senior Conference should be farm based, our February 2023 Senior Conference was based in the Scottish Borders around Kelso, where we visited three different farming practices. We had 21 people attend, which is one of the highest attendances we have seen. This made for a great group of young folk with enquiring minds to develop their knowledge even further.

Friday afternoon saw us arrive at Cowbog Farm, Morebattle, at the home of Robert and Lucy Wilson. Robert shared their brave experience of agri-tourism, diversification and setting out their Monitor Farm Programme.

Constant changes at Cowbog include: end of term leases, Covid and Brexit meaning that seeking new opportunities within their farming practice needed to be pursued, this resulted in the development of “Fluffy Moos”. Robert runs an on-farm experience on how to prepare and turn out cattle for shows and sales. This also offered something very different for corporate team building and leadership platforms for businesses. Initially, a great success, it became apparent that one of the favourite parts of the experience was the dining. This was expanded by Lucy into 'Wilson’s Farm and Kitchen' with bothy curry evenings and group bookings in the renovated stables block.

Becoming part of a monitor farm group Robert was able to focus more on the strengths and weaknesses of the farming enterprises, including grassland management. He has found being part of a benchmarking group has focused his attention on efficiency and finance. Keeping an open mind and seeking new ideas that can attract grant funding are helping to make their family farm successful.

That evening we dined in the stables. The food was amazing and our private venue had a great atmosphere. It was also lovely to welcome our vice president, Ian Watson, who was able to join us.

Saturday morning was spent at Rawburn Angus, Roxburgh Mains, hosted by John Elliot and family. The focus of the visit was to gain information and knowledge on their feed efficiency trials carried out on-farm. Rawburn run 200 pedigree Angus cattle, selling 95 bulls a year, alongside a 150

pedigree Texel flock, selling 80 rams a year and 120 Suffolks producing 50 rams a year. An arable rotation of barley, oats are grown for on-farm consumption. John explained the management involved with the feed trials and shared the Growsafe reports at the end of the trial summary, which made for a very interesting reading. The difference in profit from one beast to another was quite significant - £123 extra cost in feed to slaughter for a similar weight. This certainly showed that the correct breeding and genetics can make the difference between profit or loss.

Participants were challenged with selecting by phenotype, what they thought would be efficient bulls, and this was very enlightening, as not always the best looking bulls were the most efficient. Also, invited along was Boomer Birch, beef programme manager from Cogent, to discuss their selection process of stud bulls. Those present discussed many aspects of bull production and management, breed types, environmental factors and feed quality. A farm visit would not be the same without the trailer ride out around the out-wintered breeding females and the inspection of the herds stock bulls. John was also kind enough to bring together a selection of young cows for us to discuss their data and reflect on the subject of optimum cow size. It was a really interesting morning with lots for our candidates to take away and reflect on.


The Neill family took on the tenancy of Upper Nisbet, which is part of Lothian Estates in the Scottish borders, in May 2000. They run a herd of Limousin-cross cows. They farm 533 ha of cereals, and all progeny from the suckler herd are finished on home-grown fodder and sold live throughout the year, mostly to local butchers.

The farm currently has 320 suckler cows. This number has been increased gradually year-on-year since arriving at Upper Nisbet with 200 cows in May 2000. The majority of the cows are Limousin cross British Friesian, but some British Blue breeding has been introduced into the herd and the recent purchase of an Aberdeen-Angus bull will be used to breed replacement heifers. The main supply of replacement heifers are sourced from the family dairy farm. The replacement Friesian heifers are put to the Limousin bull to produce the first crosses for the suckler herd. There is a small herd of pedigree Limousin cows which are used to breed bulls to be used on the suckler herd.

Robert was awarded a Nuffield Farming Scholarship in 2013. His study topic is Electronic Identification (EID) in the cattle industry and this work is still very much part of the farming enterprise at Upper Nisbet.

Robert won the Mixed Farmer of the Year award but then went on to win the Farmers Weekly Overall in Farmer of the Year in 2017. Our visit here was very impressive and many of the attendees were impressed by the precision farm practice.

Our weekend came to a finish and participants headed back home full of new ideas and information from the conference visits. Our thanks to all our hosts, supporters and venues for making this 2023 Spring Conference such a great success.

131 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk

YDP Final report 2023

The full complement of 36 young people from England, Ireland and Scotland arrived at the Hogs Back Hotel on the Friday evening, where YDP shirts, ties and fleeces were awarded to all for reaching the 2023 Final. They wore this kit while competing in their three age groups of juniors, intermediates and seniors, at the home of the Rosemead Herd.

Our hosts, Angus Stovold and family, along with his herd manager, Tom Beadle and his team, pulled out all the stops and made us feel very welcome and catered for. Facilities were perfect and all 38 heifers were so quiet and well behaved. Even the weather was on our side, with sunshine all day. With the help of our stewards, Owen Tunney, Gemma Wark, Steph Dick, Nicola Howie and Niall Lynch, the competitors got stuck into the disciplines of the Saturday with great enthusiasm. The enormity of the planning and preparation that goes into holding an event such as this could not be accomplished without the support of fellow breeders, families and stockman from all around. For this we are most appreciative. The reward: being able to observe the finalists on the day give their everything to compete at an extremely high level with absolute professionalism, decorum and sportsmanship. Some of the many skills learnt at the workshops held around the UK and Ireland through the spring and summer of 2023.

Competition venue hosts:

Messrs P C Stovold & Son, Rosemead Herd, Lydling Farm, Shackleford, Nr Godalming, Surrey

Presentation reception evening hosts:

Mr & Mrs D Brenninkmeijer, McClemens Herd, Field Place, Compton, Guildford, Surrey


Ring craft

David and Penny Evans

Dressing & grooming Drew Hyslop

Stock judging

Panel judges

Ruth Perry

Finlay Munro, Rob Bishop and Felicity McGrath

In between the competitive elements were workshops including:

Care of your cow through pregnancy

Maarten Boer


Catherine MacGregor

Discussions on calf care and weaning

Owen Tunney

Farm walk of Lydling Farm

Finn Stovold


Our evening hosts Dennis and Simone Brenninkmeijer, could not have done more to make the young folk and guests feel at ease and comfortable, with amazing retro food vans including excellent pizza or burgers and chips, accompanied with amazing side salads. The alfresco dining under the warm October sky made the whole evening magical.

We owe them a huge gratitude for welcoming our final competitors to their home and giving us a warm reception. With the presentation of awards being spread among those gathered, the prizes of clippers, blowers, and £1,500 travel bursary went to Graeme Rhind, Finlay Hunter and Cameron Barclay. Naturally the Scottish

representatives were very buoyant with their success. Very well done to them and all the prize winners for all their hard work and victories. Baseball caps, trophies, glass awards, certificates for winners and for all who participated, meant that everyone went home with something to be proud of. We must thank Owen Tunney for generously sponsoring additional prizes in the form of showtime beef kits for the runners up in the intermediate and junior sections. It was the perfect ending to an amazing day.

YDP Final 2023 results

Juniors Intermediates Seniors

Dressing and grooming:

1st Cameron Barclay

2nd Fletcher Russell

3rd Aine Heffernan


1st Sam Ferguson

2nd Cameron Barclay

3rd Vinnie Lane

3rd Megan Reynolds

Ring craft:

1st Aine Heffernan

2nd Adam Kearney

3rd Veronica Webster

Stock judging:

1st Adam Kearney

2nd Fletcher Russell

3rd Sam Ferguson


1st Finlay Hunter

2nd Cliodhna Smith

3rd Kirsty Clark

1st Finlay Hunter

2nd Eion Robinson

3rd Ruby Simpson

1st Greame Rhind

2nd Sam Matchett

3rd Ellie Westaway

1st Greame Rhind

2nd Donald Mclean

3rd Sam Matchett

Overall junior:

1st Cameron Barclay

2nd Adam Kearney

3rd Sam Ferguson

1st Jack Heath

2nd James Morrison

3rd Cliodhna Smith

1st Ruby Simpson

2nd Kirsty Clark

3rd James Morrison

1st James Morrison

2nd Ruby Simpson

3rd Isobel Walsh


1st Finlay Hunter

2nd James Morrison

3rd Ruby Simpson

1st Donald Mclean

2nd Cara Doggett

3rd Lizzie Harding

1st Ellie Westaway

2nd Lottie Hill

3rd Sam Matchett

1st John Smyth

2nd Greame Rhind

3rd Catherine Smyth


1st Greame Rhind

2nd Ellie Westaway

3rd Donald Mclean

133 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk

Final winner

I’m Graeme and I’m 22 years old and I am really delighted to be the winner of the 2023 YDP final. The final was made up of ring craft, dressing, clipping, stock judging and a panel interview. I managed to come first in the clipping and dressing and was second in the panel interview.

Winning has given me the fantastic opportunity to travel to see how Aberdeen-Angus perform in other parts of the world. I’m very excited as I’m interested in different blood lines and ways to improve my herd. I have yet to decide where I will go, but I’m drawn to Canada or America to see larger scale, ranch-type systems.

I work at home on the family farm at Newton of Struthers in the north east of Scotland. We run a herd of AberdeenAngus cattle, a small herd of Limousin cattle, and a flock of Blue Texels along with a flock of commercial sheep. In addition to the livestock, we also grow malting barley for our local distilleries and run an agricultural contracting business.

Having grown up on the family farm I have always had a passion to work with and turnout animals, with my grandad showing me the ropes from an early age. This summer has been one to remember as my home-bred heifer NewtonStruthers Espresso lifted numerous breed championships, as well as a few interbreeds. Achieving so much with a heifer that I have seen grow since day one was very special to me. She is sired by Ed, our stock bull, which is doing a great job for us, leaving us tremendous females .

This year was my second time competing in YPD. I qualified at the Ballindaloch workshop. This event saw a great turn out, it was excellently run, with great cattle to work with. A few weeks later, I took the long trip south to the Rosemead Aberdeen-Angus herd in Surrey for the final, where an excellent weekend was held and I was able to put my knowledge to the test.

The YDP workshops are an amazing opportunity to learn and meet new people, you don’t have to have AberdeenAngus cattle to get involved! I would encourage anyone who has the chance to give it a go.


YDP photos

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“YDP was the best way for me to expand my network of like-minded people in the industry.”
Stephanie Dick, Stephick herd, Stirling

Photo gallery

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Angus herds birth two sets of rare triplets

Two Aberdeen-Angus breeders had rare triplets born on their farms this breeding season.

It is estimated that the chance of a cow having triplets is one in 100,000.

However, both the Idvies herd and the Hallingston herd produced a set of triplets each earlier this year.

Graeme Fraser returned to his farm in Forfar on 6 March after carrying out spring fieldwork to find a cow calving.

He explains: “Having put her in the calving pen and felt inside I initially thought it was twisted twins.”The vet was called and arrived quickly, separating twisted legs with a second calf following the first in breach position. Soon after, a third set of legs arrived much to the surprise of Graeme, who says the herd has never had triplets in its 63 years of breeding."

The three healthy calves – one bull and two heifers –suckled mum without little intervention, says Graeme.

The three calves are sired by Thrunton Panther S922, whose sons have sold to 16,000gns and daughters to 9,000gns. Panther was purchased at the February Stirling Bull Sales 2018 for 15,000gns and has bred 116 calves at Idvies.

Their dam is the four-year-old Idvies Babes, by Idvies Pink Peugeot. She has had six calves to date and her first calf, which was in fact a twin, sold for 9,000gns.

Graeme says Babes has done exceptionally well rearing the three calves off grass with no special feeding and has maintained a good body condition.

“It could possibly be the first time we have weaned over a ton from a single cow which goes to show the maternal quality of the Angus female.”

He adds: “Her third calf in our opinion has great potential for Stirling Feb Bull Sales 2024. I’m not sure if we will see the triplet bull at the bull sales but you never know!”

Further south in Northumberland on 1 July, Hallington Ebolass T590 also calved with all-female triplets weighing 30kg, 29kg and 28kg, respectively.

Breeder Steven Lawson says: “She had two calves at which point we thought ‘that’s it’, as she had only been scanned for one and we left her the calves to suck. I went back after about 30 minutes to check on her and to my surprise there were three calves suckling happily away.”

Ebolass is prolific having already birthed twins as a first calver followed by two single calves over the next two years making it seven calves in four years.

Steven adds: “She a great milker and has reared the calves no problem with the calves having access to creep from about two months of age.”


Nostalgia – A look back in time

141 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk
Lavia of Glamis. Supreme Champion at Birmingham and Smithfield Shows. December 1902 Evergreen 161st of Maisemore. Supreme Champion at Smithfield Show. December 1934 Clasp 2nd of Maisemore. Supreme Champion at Smithfield Show. December 1910 President of the Royal Smithfield Club, H.R.H. Prince Philip inspects the 1957 Supreme Champion, Mr T Mann’s Aberdeen-Angus Prospect of Charterhouse Matha and chatting with Miss Kathleen Mann, the 17 year old daughter of the owner who has looked after the animal since July. Diana. Messrs J Sainsbury Ltd.’s Aberdeen-Angus cross Shorthorn Heifer. Supreme Champion at Smithfield Show. December 1958 1966 Smithfield Show. Alan H B Grant with his Supreme Champion Aberdeen-Angus Heifer Pride Moreta of Thorn (111) and his Reserve Supreme Champion the cross-bred steer Bonzo (335) 1980 Smithfield Show. Duke of Norfolk Trophy winning Team. Black Prince. The steer from WM McCombie, Tillyfour. This was the first Aberdeen-Angus to win the Smithfield Club championship in 1867. Society President, Mrs Margaret Walker with the Duke of Norfolk Trophy won by the Aberdeen-Angus Team at the Royal Smithfield Show, December 1984.

In remembrance

With a profound sense of loss and deepest respect, we bid farewell to a number of esteemed members of our community in 2023, including:

Elizabeth Bayne-Jardine

Julie M Bird

John Byers

Graham Clarke

George Elder

Neville Forsythe

Philip Hill

Melita Lee

Patrick Playfair-Hannay

Thomas Robertson

Robert John Smyth

Sandy Stronach

Robert C. Stovold

James Stobo

Valerie Toyne

K.P. Whyte


Elizabeth Bayne-Jardine was born in Edinburgh in 1933 and moved to Humbie in 1946. In 1959, on her Father’s death, she assumed the management of the Humbie Estate and the in-hand farms, while at the same time working as personal assistant to James Gammell of the investment company Ivory and Syme. In 1960 she employed George Elder as farm manager. Guided by George she started the Humbie Aberdeen-Angus herd.

In 1972 she purchased the Junior Champion at Perth Bull Sales, Erspart of Gloagburn, which had previously recorded the very high (for the time) 400-day weight of 518kg, for 1,000gns. Erspart’s impact on the herd was immediate. In 1974, on the herd’s debut at Perth, Proud James of Humbie, made the sale’s top price of 4,000gns, when sold to Westdrums.

As well as winning Interbreed Champion at the Highland Show, the herd had successes at The Royal Show, Smithfield, The Scottish Winter Fair, and Perth Bull Sales. Farming and conservation were Elizabeth’s abiding interests. She was passionate about maintaining the ancient woodlands on the estate and won awards, in particular, for the beautiful beech hedges. She was an Elder of Humbie Kirk and a General Trustee of The Church of Scotland. She was a pillar of the community and, together with friends, she saved the village shop that has developed into the very popular Humbie Hub.

After retirement, Elizabeth travelled widely. She walked in Nepal and the Camino de Santiago in Northern Spain, skied in Europe, and toured various countries with fellow Aberdeen-Angus breeders. She was a good shot and an enthusiastic angler and retained an interest in the farm until her death at home on 28th December 2022.


Former secretary of the Irish Aberdeen-Angus Association, Mrs Julie Bird, died on 1st June 2023, just a month short of her 91st birthday.

She was secretary of the association for 18 years from 1980, when she succeeded Peter O’Neill on a “temporary” basis, until 1998. During her tenure membership increased from 60 to over 600 and annual registrations from around 300 to 2000.

In appreciation of her services, Mrs Bird was presented with a crystal bowl and made an honorary member of the Society in a ceremony at the Perth Bull sales in February 1999.

The presentation was made by the society’s thenpresident, Neil Massie, who said: “Julie can look back over the last 18 years with considerable satisfaction on the part she has played in one of the most interesting periods in the history of the Irish Association.”

Association PRO, Michael Flanagan, recalled overhearing a conversation around that time: “If we had a few more Julie Birds, there would be only one breed of cattle in Ireland – Aberdeen-Angus.”

Little wonder that Mrs Bird was later inducted into Ireland’s agricultural “Hall of Fame” and was closely

involved in the centenary celebrations of the Association in 1994.

Her early farming interest was in poultry but she quickly became enthusiastic about Aberdeen-Angus when her late husband, Jack, bought his first cow at the dispersal of the Mount Prospect herd in February 1957. Together they built up their Dunlever herd at Trim, Co Meath, to become one of the most prominent and successful in Ireland. They were later joined by their daughter, Mary, and son, Michael, who continues to run the family’s farming enterprise, which includes Hereford cattle and Texel sheep, as well as Aberdeen-Angus.

Mrs Bird was predeceased by her husband and is survived by her son and daughter.


Just after the Review went to press for the 2023 edition, the Society was notified of the passing of John Byers who had farmed with his brother at Cubbyhill, Longtown, Carlisle.

The Cubbyhill herd was founded in 1966 and run on a commercial basis selling bulls privately to commercial producers. John had no time for performance recording and, as far he was concerned, his eye was his merchant.

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Calves were reared naturally with no creep feed while still at grass with their dams and the best heifers were retained. The original herd was lost to foot-and-mouth disease in 2001 but was rebuilt with judicious purchases from the same families from the original breeders.

Working closely with John Stephenson, owner of the Ushaw herd, he introduced Canadian bloodlines to the herd with the sires, Coralta Challenger 39’72 and Skillymarno Revlon, and the female, Barbara of Pegleebob 79E.

Bulls from the herd were seldom sold publicly but Cubbyhill Justin Eric won the championship at a Carlisle show and sale and later sold for 6,000gns at the Ushaw herd dispersal.

Stock bulls used in the herd over the years include: Blelack Prestige, Blackman of The Moss, Retties Lord Rufus, Galawater Battle Kry E980, Unigarth Pedro and the home-bred Cubbyhill Eledro D123.

Mr Byers was unmarried and the Aberdeen-Angus herd was his life.


George Elder was born at Mill of Montague near Balbeggie on 30 March 1931. He developed a love of Clydesdale horses at an early age and, aged twelve, worked a pair on a local farm. He was so small he had to walk up a pole between the horses to harness them. He left school aged fourteen and learned to plough. He excelled at this, winning various competitions.

In 1953 George married Isabel Pitkeathley in Perth and began married life at Balgersho Farm near Couper Angus. In 1960 the family – George, Isabel with children Robert, Morag, and Catriona – moved to Humbie Mains where Hamish was born later. Working as farm manager for the Bayne Jardine family at Humbie Mains, George managed the cropping and looked after the sheep. He particularly enjoyed training his sheepdogs and running them in local trials. In the late 1960s, he went to market to buy crossbred cattle and returned with some pedigree Aberdeen-Angus females which were to be the foundation of the Humbie herd. The progression of the herd and details of its successes are included in the obituary of Elizabeth Bayne Jardine.

George followed football and rugby. He enjoyed music, particularly Scottish music, and his gardening expertise ensured a ready supply of delicious vegetables in the family’s kitchen. Through his involvement with AberdeenAngus, he travelled twice to Australia as well as New Zealand, Canada and the USA. He regarded these trips and visits to cattle herds over there as among the highlights and happiest times in his life. Above all, George took pride in the achievements of his ever-expanding family and was an immensely popular member of the local community until his death at age 87 in 2018.

Neville Ivan Harkness Forsythe, formerly of Woodview Farm, Moneymore, passed away peacefully in hospital on 23 February 2023. He was the youngest child of the late William and Sarah Forsythe. Loving husband of Marian, whom he married in 1963, a dedicated father of Wendy, Ivan, Gary and the late Keith, and a much-loved grandfather and great-grandfather.

Neville was just 20 years old when he inherited the family farm. His main farming enterprise was a herd of dairy cows. Over the years he bred pedigree Aberdeen-Angus and Charolais cattle and owned a flock of pedigree Dorset sheep.

Neville was a highly respected Aberdeen-Angus breeder. The family’s Coltrim prefix dates back to 1928. He was a long-serving committee member and former chairman of the Northern Ireland Aberdeen-Angus Club. Neville was a past council member and president of the Irish Aberdeen-Angus Association. During his presidency Neville was invited to a lunch attended by the AberdeenAngus Cattle Society Patron, HRH Prince Charles, now King Charles III.

The Coltrim Herd, which currently comprises 30 pedigree cows, has featured regularly in the Northern Ireland Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Club’s annual herd competition, winning numerous prizes in both the large and medium herd sections. An array of silverware and rosettes has also been won at breed shows and sales, and provincial agricultural shows, including Balmoral.

Neville was a faithful member of the 1st Moneymore Presbyterian Church and had a strong faith in God. He was also a member of Moneymore True Blues for over 60 years and a member of Moneymore Royal Black Preceptory for more than 50 years.

Neville enjoyed spending time with family and friends. Many memorable holidays were spent with grandchildren in a touring caravan. In recent years, despite ailing health, Neville took a keen interest in the herd.



The death of a much-loved figure in the AberdeenAngus world occurred as the Review went to press last year. Miss Melita Lee was well known in the North East of Scotland as former treasurer of the North East Aberdeen-Angus Club.

Miss Lee died at St Modans Care Home in Fraserburgh several months after celebrating her 100th birthday. She was thrilled to receive a birthday card from the then Queen, which was personally delivered by Aberdeenshire Lord Lieutenant, Sandy Manson.

Brought up on the farm of Whitestripe, Strichen, where she stayed all her life, Miss Lee was a stalwart of the local community and served as a teacher at Strichen Primary School for 40 years.

She played an active part with her late sister, Gertrude, in the management of the farm where their father, John Lee, had founded a prominent Aberdeen-Angus herd and a Border Leicester sheep flock in 1918.

Aberdeen-Angus from the herd were exported to Argentina and the USA in the heyday of the breed and Whitestripe Border Leicesters won the ram lamb class at the annual show and sale in Aberdeen for five consecutive years, with one selling for the then-record price of 80gns (at a time when the going rate was 8-12gns).

Gertude and Melita were founder members of the North East Aberdeen-Angus Club in 1972 and took part in many of the club’s annual summer herd tours, with the Borders and Orkney being favourite destinations.

Melita also visited Denmark with the club in 1983 and enjoyed a visit to the then Prince of Wales’s Highgrove herd in Gloucestershire where they were greeted by his Royal Highness who asked Melita what she thought of his cattle. “Better than expected,” was Melita’s curt but honest observation!

Following a long period as treasurer, she was elected an honorary vice-president in recognition of her services to the club.


Border farmer, Patrick Playfair-Hannay, of Clifton on Bowmont and Morebattle Tofts, Kelso, died on 31 January 2023. He was a successful breeder of both AberdeenAngus and Beef Shorthorn cattle as well as North Country Cheviot and Scotch Half-bred sheep.

Born in Surrey and educated at Oundle in Northamptonshire, he served with the British Army in Port Said in Egypt on national service from 1947 to 1949 before embarking on a career in estate management with tea and rubber plantations in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka).

In 1953 he met and married his late wife, Frances, daughter of Hamish Roberton and they later returned to Clifton on Bowmon. He was soon managing several farms as well as the 1,200 acres at Clifton which was home to 800 ewes and 35 cows.

He expanded the herd with the purchase of AberdeenAngus heifers from Tofts with bulls from both herds being sold under the Tofts prefix. The current recordpriced Aberdeen-Angus female can be traced back to the Polly Pride family, developed at Clifton which has also proved influential in the Belhaven, Linton Gilbertines (now Gordon) and Treebridge herds.

Following the death of Mr Roberton in 1972, Patrick took over the running of both farms, enjoying particular success with the North Country Cheviot, Clifton The Maestro, which sold for £8,000 at Hawick in 1979, a record price that stood for 30 years.

Patrick was the first chairman of the Scotch Half Bred Sheep Society and was later chairman of the Scottish region of the National Sheep Association, president of the North Country Cheviot Sheep Society and was instrumental in the setting up of the Scottish Veterinary Health scheme.

He also enjoyed success with his small Beef Shorthorn herd in the form of the bull, Tofts Romany, which won breed championship at both the Royal Highland and Royal Shows for the Biggar family.

Until his death Patrick continued to be involved in the family farming business, now run by his son, James, and his wife, Debbie.

Mr Playfair-Hannay was predeceased by his wife and is survived by James and his daughter, Freda, and their families.


A past- chairman of the North East Aberdeen-Angus Club, and a former Aberdeenshire councillor and Parliamentary candidate, Sandy Stronach, died in June 2023 at the age of 86.

Mr Stronach was a lecturer at Aberdeenshire College for many years but maintained his small yet select Benachie herd of Aberdeen-Angus on his farm of North Skelmanae, Strichen.

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A staunch Scottish nationalist, he was a member of the old Aberdeenshire County Council and served on Aberdeenshire Council for one five-year term from 2007 to 2012. He also stood unsuccessfully three times for election to Parliament for the Aberdeen South constituency and once for the Scottish Parliament in the Gordon constituency in 1999.

He was a passionate advocate for the North-East of Scotland’s local Doric dialect, was one of the organisers of the annual Doric Festival and the organiser of the Festival’s writing competition. He felt strongly that young folk were the key to the maintenance of the dialect and encouraged the next generation through popular NorthEast Scots poetry and essay writing competitions across the region.

“He was passionate about Scotland’s potential and made a huge contribution to the cultural life of the NorthEast,” said former Banff and Buchan, MP, Eilidh Whiteford.

Mr Stronach was predeceased by his wife, Madge, and survived by three sons and a daughter, Alex, Iain, Callum and Seonaid.

Veteran Aberdeen-Angus breeder, Robert (Bob) Stovold, passed away in January 2023 at the age of 91.

He was the only child of Percy Stovold, who was a wellknown Aberdeen-Angus breeder and fatstock show exhibitor, and took over the family farm of Lydling at Shackleford, near Godalming in Surrey in 1969.

Lydling had been in the family for generations and was renowned for market gardening with one of the main customers being the army. It was also home to the Rosemead herd of Aberdeen-Angus which Bob continued to develop throughout his farming life. He also established a successful pig breeding and finishing unit, supplying many butchers in the South-East of England.

He continued breeding Aberdeen-Angus through the difficult times for the breed in the 1970’s and 1980’s and left an excellent basis of a herd when his son, Angus, the immediate past-president of the Society, took over in the early 1990’s.

Bob judged all over the country and was chief beef steward at the Royal Show for many years. He was also an active council member of the Royal Smithfield Club and a successful fatstock exhibitor. He chaired the club’s demonstration committee and was awarded the rare honours of being made a vice-president and later president of the club.

Away from farming, he was a highly capable amateur golfer and played tennis at Queens and rugby to a very good level. He chaired the parish council for 25 years, served as a school governor and as president of several charities.

He enjoyed 60 years of marriage to his late wife, Pat, and is survived by three of their four children and seven grand-children. The attendance of over 300 people at his funeral is a measure of the high esteem in which he was held.


James (Jim) Stobo was born to Mary and Alexander Stobo in 1934 and farmed 1,000 acres at Fishwick and Fishwick Mains in the lower Tweed valley.

He attended Edinburgh Academy and established a herd of pedigree Aberdeen-Angus following success at local and fatstock shows with the family’s commercial Angus cattle. He was an accomplished stock judge and won various competitions in Young Farmers, later judging Smithfield at 34.

During his presidency of the NFU he was presented with an OBE. He was also the founding chairman of SQBLA which eventually led to QMS and was a key figure of Moredun Research Institute for 32 years.

He served as a trustee of the Queen Mother Castle of Mey Trust for more than 20 years. After serving as a nonexecutive director of John Hogarth Ltd, Kelso Mills, for 23 years, he chaired the board right up until his death, two months shy of 40 years in office.

Jim was instrumental in setting up Longridge Towers School near Berwick in 1984 after the nuns of St Mary’s Convent ceased to teach and was chairman of the governors until he retired in 2000.

Jim was invested with a CBE in 1995 for services to agriculture. He was a fellow of the Royal Agricultural Society and a life member of the RHASS.

He was married to his late wife Pam for 40 years and they had three children – Laurna, Carolyn and Herriot. He was Grandpa to Henry, Angus and Charlie.

Jim’s contribution to all he became involved with was to make things better. All of this he did with grace, kindness, modesty and honesty. As an old quote on one of the rafters at Fishwick goes – “An honest man is the noblest work of God” – perhaps he read this as a young boy!

147 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk

Judges for 2023/24

2024 Shows

Stirling February

Worcester April

Carlisle May

Summer National Show

Stirling October

Winter National


Originally from Logie Coldstone, near Aboyne, I first went to Argentina in 1962 as assistant cattleman to the late Alex Ogg, of Buchaam, Strathdon.

I started my working life as a shepherd on the Ballogie Estate, Aboyne, and then gained early experience with Aberdeen-Angus by working with two of the leading North-East herds of the time, Douneside and Buchaam. I eventually took permanent residence in Argentina working for Moromar, Las Lilas, and Don Benjamin, among others.

Over the years I’ve been fortunate enough to become successful in the show ring, presenting more than 40 grand champions at the Palermo Show, all British breeds. A highlight for the herd was an exceptional year where the Hereford champion and all five Polled Hereford bull show champions were won by the same herd.

I judged in some of the most notable shows in South America including Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay, and Chile, as well as in Perth and the Black Bonanza in Scotland.

I’m still working as a freelance consultant into my 80s but slowing down.


My early livestock experience was with both pigs and commercial suckler cows producing pork-weight pigs for processing and calves for sale in the autumn sales.


Norman Catto

Ian Watson

John Blackburn

Wanda Tilson

Hugh Thomson

Tom Beadle

Within the pig herd, we had an elite herd used purely for breeding replacements, using performance and scanning information to aid selection.

Fast forward 45 years and we find ourselves using similar technology to aid bull and heifer selection.

I then built an agricultural merchant business a period of over thirty years, which was subsequently sold in 2012 to a national company. However, the desire to breed cattle, Aberdeen-Angus in particular, during this time remained.

In 2006 we purchased our first cows from Cheeklaw, followed by a larger purchase from The Moss herd.

Kersquarter Aberdeen-Angus, a partnership between myself and Jim Ford was created and continues to this day.

The herd now consists of fifty cows and followers with up to twenty bulls being sold as yearlings annually.

While we continue to work within our businesses, a new feed supply business for myself, cattle procurement, and a very busy hay and straw business for Kersquarter Aberdeen-Angus brings a welcome relief from the daily grind.

Running a fifty-cow herd on a part-time basis is considerably easier when the breed of choice is Aberdeen-Angus.


I run the Killaney herd in County Tyrone with my wife, Sandra. Before retiring to full-time farming, I was a beef and sheep carcase grader in Northern Ireland meat plants. Alongside the cattle, we also rear free-range broilers and crossbred sheep.


The Killaney herd was established by my father in 1950. It is run on a low-input system promoting naturally fed stock and is a mixed herd of Black and Reds. I have had many judging appointments over the past 25 years across Ireland and currently serve on the Society council. I’m also a past chairman of the Northern Ireland Aberdeen-Angus Club.

We will be hosting the Northern Ireland Youth Development workshop in 2024.


I own the Wedderlie Aberdeen-Angus herd with my parents, John and Marion Tilson, which was established in 1914. We now run 220 breeding cows and 1,800 Cheviot ewes.

All breeding bulls are sold privately off the farm with the remainder being finished, while surplus heifers are sold privately or as store cattle.

We occasionally buy in a new bull, but most of our stock bulls are homebred, with our most recent purchase being Blelack Dean Martin. He is breeding very well and we will have semen available for sale.

My judging appointments have been varied including Stirling and Carlisle bull sales, various summer shows, and most recently this year, in Switzerland and Portugal.


I started the Tynet Angus herd in 2014, buying the small Fearn Abbey Herd. It was my early veterinary career that brought the breed into sharp focus; it seemed to offer more than any other breed when it comes to fertility and calving ease, both of vital importance.

We have grown the herd to 30 females adding a few more female lines and have moved to a new holding in Aberdeenshire to develop the herd. We continue to use AI and embryo transfer annually as well as natural service.

a year privately which means not so many make it to the sales. With the family farm to support and a role as farm vet advisor, we try and get our cattle out to shows when time allows. I am very fortunate to have my wife, Cara, who shares my passion for the breed, and our wee lad, Ruairidh. It won’t be too long before he is on the end of a halter showing his dad how to do it.


Having studied countryside management at university, I went on to graduate and start my career at a commercial beef unit. This was where I developed my interest in pedigree cattle and began helping Rosemead Angus with showing.

We have been fairly regular sellers at Stirling bull sales over the last few years. Of late, local demand has increased for our Angus bulls. We sell around eight bulls

After a year, Angus Stovold offered me a job as stockman. I’ve had some great successes including winning the Royal Show in 2008, the Cridlan Cup twice, and two summer national shows – the first with Rosemead Karona J597, which was bought privately by Albert and Jennifer DeCogan and went on to have a great show career in Ireland and bred well throughout the UK and Ireland.

I’ve won several Aberdeen-Angus champions at shows across the south of England as well as broken cattle for two Youth Development finals, most recently the 2023 finals.

I’ve taken bulls and females to many sales, most notably the Stirling October 2021 sales where we won reserve senior champion with Rosemead January W189, which later sold to the famous Ballindalloch herd.

149 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk

Judges Panel 2023/24

If you ’ re organizing a show and need someone to judge, this a list of experienced people to contact. They're ready to help out and know what to look for in good Aberdeen-Angus cattle. Feel free to get in touch with them for your next event.



Somerset England TA22 9NT kingsbromptonfarm@hotmail.co.uk

D Evans Tree Bridge Farm Nunthorpe Middlesbrough Cleveland England TS7 0NS david@treebridgefarm.co.uk

Dallas Allen Humbleheugh Alnwick Northumberland England NE66 2LF dallasallen@hotmail.co.uk

Donald MacPherson Castlehills Farm Castle Terrace Berwick-upon-Tweed Northumberland England TD15 1PB info@wellhungandtender.com

Duncan K Jeary Hawthorn Farm High Road Briston Norfolk England NR24 2JQ duncanjeary246@btinternet.com

J Price Oakchurch Farm Staunton-on-Wye Hereford England HR4 7NE jeremy@oakchurchfarm.co.uk

Jessica CM Musk 35 High Street Tuddenham St Mary Bury St Edmonds Suffolk England IP28 6SQ jessied321@hotmail.com

John C Moss Glebe Lodge Gotham Notts England NG11 0HF pennie.moss@btinternet.com

John Coultrip Wingfield Farm Stalisfield Faversham Kent England ME13 0BS johncoultrip@btinternet.com

Karl Hancock Toad Hall Etherow Park Compstall Stockport England SK6 5JQ blackthornangus@gmail.com

Mathew Stoker Easton Grey House Easton Grey Malmesbury Wiltshire England SN16 0PH mathew.eastongrey@outlook.com

Michael Story Hobbiesburn Longtown Carlisle Cumbria England CA6 5RJ

Miss Ashleigh Fenwick 12 Roseberry Drive Great Ayton Middlesborough Cleveland England TS96 6EQ a.e.fenwick@live.co.uk

Miss Gayle Bersey Perdredda 47 Morview Road Widegates Cornwall England PL13 1QE gaylebersey@outlook.com

Miss Juliet H Swires Cragg House Farm Wilsill Harrogate North Yorkshire England HG3 5EE janeswires123@btinternet.com

Mrs C Sutherland Manor Farm Abberton Pershore Worcs England WR10 2NR abbertonangus@outlook.com

Mrs Carolyn S Fletcher Barwise Hall Hoff Appleby-inWestmorland Cumbria England CA16 6TD info@barwisepedigreecattle.com

Mrs Lisa Frain Tregadillett House Tregadillett Launceston Cornwall England PL15 7EX allaburyangus@aol.com

Mrs Penny Evans Tree Bridge Farm Nunthorpe Middlesbrough Cleveland England TS7 0NS david@treebridgefarm.co.uk

Mrs Victoria McLaren Willow Grange Little Smeaton Northallerton Yorks England DL6 2HE victoria.mclaren@gbsolo.co.uk

Nigel Hammill Pyegreave Farm Coalpit Lane Langley Cheshire England SK11 0DQ nigel@tegsnose.co.uk

Owen Tunney Manor Farm Cuddington Lane Cuddington Cheshire England CW8 2TE owen.tunney@btinternet.com

Paul Westaway Gamage Hall Farm Dymock Glos England GL18 2AE melviewfarming@aol.com

R Angus Stovold Lydling Farm Shackleford Nr Godalming Surrey England GU8 6AP info@aberdeenangus.co.uk

Richard Ashenden 11 Old Chapel Drive Lytchett Matravers Poole Dorset England BH16 6HA rashenden@outlook.com

Richard Tully Waddeton Barton Brixham South Devon England TQ5 0EL info@waddeton.co.uk

Rob Bishop Church Farm Finchampstead Wokingham Berks England RG40 4LS churchfarm1@outlook.com

Robert Clarke Coley Hall Cottage Norwood Green Halifax England HX3 8RD izzymad70@gmail.com

Robert Edward Bell 10 Park Avenue Huntleby Spilsby Lincolnshire England PE23 5LY robert.bell26@btinternet.com

Ruth Perry 33 Hartley Court Gardens Cranbrook Kent England TN17 3QY

Terry W Ives Berrys Leys Farm East Claydon Road Winslow Buckingham England MK18 3ND terryives@outlook.com

Thomas Beadle 4 Cross Farm Cottages Chalk Lane Shackleford Surrey England GU8 6AJ

Lindsay Dodwell Pond Farm Green End Road Radnage Buckinghamshire England HP14 4BZ lindsaydodwell32@gmail.com

Andrew Hughes Coley Walks Farm Coley Hall Lane Norwood Green Halifax England HX3 8RD 07861 899646

Alan Morrison The Acre 86 Drummeer Road Drummeer Co Fermanagh Northern Ireland BT94 4PD theacre@hotmail.com

Brian R Anderson Drumgar Lodge 110 Killylea Road Armagh Co Armagh Northern Ireland BT60 4LL brian.r.anderson@btinternet.com

John Blackburn Killaney 205 Aughafad Road Clogher Co Tyrone Northern Ireland BT76 0XB s_mb57@hotmail.com

Robert J Sufferin 15 Tamneymullan Lane Maghera Co Londonderry Northern Ireland BT46 5HS elaine.mcquillan@hotmail.co.uk

Stephen Wallace 100 Cullyrammer Road Garvagh Coleraine Co Londonderry Northern Ireland BT51 5YF baronaghangus@hotmail.co.uk

T Noble Drummee House Lisbellaw Enniskillen Co Fermanagh

Thomas A Rea 200 Dunminning Road Glarryford Ballymena Co Antrim

Northern Ireland BT94 5NG

Northern Ireland BT44 9PP tommyrea980@gmail.com

V J Wallace Trinaltinagh House 98 Edenbane Road Garvagh Co Londonderry Northern Ireland BT51 5XE baronaghangus@hotmail.co.uk

Peter Lamb Lime Tree Farm Richhill Co. Armagh

Ivan Forsythe Woodview 51 Cookstown Road Moneymore Magherafelt

John Henning 1 Bramblewood Maghaberry Moira Co. Armagh

Northern Ireland BT61 9QJ 07732 178669

Northern Ireland BT45 7QF ivan@edgelineroofing.com

Northern Ireland BT67 0BF j.henning@btinternet.com

A Fraser Newton of Idvies Forfar Angus Angus Scotland DD8 2QP enquiries@idvies-aberdeenangus.co.uk

Albert J Taylor 69 Woodend Drive Northmuir Kirriemuir Angus Scotland DD8 4TG easterknox@btinternet.com

Alec Sanger Prettycur Farm Hillside Montrose Angus Scotland DD10 9EG alexsanger@rosemountfarms.co.uk

Name Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 County Country Postcode Email address A Johnson Clarence House Farm Yearsley Brandsby Yorkshire England YO61 4SL adrian.901johnson@btinternet.com A K Quinn Thong Farm Wrantage Taunton Somerset England TA3 6DT akgquinn@btconnect.com A P McLaren The Warren Croughton Brackley Northants England NN13 5LW ihmclaren@theaynhoherd.co.uk
Bishop Church Farm Finchampstead Wokingham Berks England RG40 4LS churchfarm1@outlook.com
R Lawson South Farm Hallington Newcastle-on-Tyne Tyne and Wear England NE19 2LW lawsonpedigrees@aol.com
R Butler Broomhill Farm Pancrasweek Holsworthy Devon England EX22 7JZ barrybutler@orange.net
S Addison 20-24 Castlegate Berwick-on-Tweed Northumberland England TD15 1JT castlegatecafe@xln.co.uk Christopher S Page Oak Tree Farm Carr Lane Newport Yorkshire England HU15 2QH
J Hutchings Kingsbrompton Farm Brompton Regis Dulverton


Alexander J Norrie Wrae Farm Turriff Aberdeenshire Scotland AB53 4RB wilmanorrie@aol.com

Alistair Clark Avisyard Farm Glenmuir Water Road Cumnock Ayrshire Scotland KA18 3HY duncanziemereangus@hotmail.com

Alistair K Cormack Stuartslaw Farm Allanton Duns Berwickshire Scotland TD11 3PY doreen159@btinternet.com

Andrew Elliot Blackhaugh Clovenfords Galashiels Scottish Borders Scotland TD1 1TW elliotblackhaugh@btinternet.com

Andrew S Hodge Rulesmains Farm Duns Berwickshire Scotland TD11 3SY rulesmains@outlook.com

Brian Clark Avisyard Farm Glenmuir Water Road Cumnock Ayrshire Scotland KA18 3HY duncanziemereangus@hotmail.com

Charles M McCombie Auchincrieve Rothiemay by Huntly Aberdeenshire Scotland AB54 7JR charles.mccombie1@btopenworld.com

Colin J Davidson Skaill Farm Sandwick Orkney Scotland KW16 3LR skaill2@aol.com

David G Lucas Cheeklaw Farm Duns Berwickshire Scotland TD11 3HS cheeklaw@cheeklaw.co.uk

David J Murray Wolflaw by Forfar Angus Scotland DD8 3TQ pamelamurray1@btconnect.com

David Johnstone Ballindalloch Home Farm Ballindalloch Banffshire Scotland AB37 9AT davidjohnstone64@hotmail.co.uk

Emma Hodge Rulesmains Farm Duns Berwickshire Scotland TD11 3SY rulesmains@outlook.com

Ewan M Brewis Lempitlaw Farm Kelso Roxburghshire Scotland TD5 8BN lempitlaw@btconnect.com

George Soutar Kingston Forfar Angus Scotland DD8 2RU dunlouiseangus@gmail.com

Graeme Fraser Idvies Forfar Angus Scotland DD8 2QP enquiries@idvies-aberdeenangus.co.uk

Graeme N Massie Rose Cottage Blelack Dinnet Aberdeenshire Scotland AB34 5NH gnmmassie@outlook.com

Hamish W Sclater Denhead Farms Dunlugas Turriff Aberdeenshire Scotland AB53 4NR deveronaa@btinternet.com

Hugh Thomson South Ardoyne Oyne Insch Aberdeenshire Scotland AB52 6RN hughthomson@hotmail.com

Iain D McGillivray 2 Eastfield of Lempitlaw Lempitlaw Kelso Roxburghshire Scotland TD5 8BN iainmcgillivray3386@gmail.com

Ian Anderson Dalcrest, 13 Penders Wynd Glaisnock Road Cumnock Ayrshire Scotland KA18 3BS

Ian Davidson Kildonan Peat Road Muthill Perthshire Scotland PH5 2DA m.davidson125@btinternet.com

Ian Watson 9 Abbey View Kelso Roxburghshire Scotland TD5 8HX performancefeeds17@outlook.com

J P L Playfair-Hannay

Esq Morebattle Tofts Morebattle Kelso Roxburghshire Scotland TD5 8AD james.playfair@btconnect.com

J Woodward Steading House Wester Fordel Glenfarg Perthshire Scotland PH2 9QQ

Jack Arnott Haymount Kelso Roxburghshire Scotland TD5 7RR arnott.haymount@gmail.com

James Baillie Sebay Tankerness Orkney Scotland KW17 2QU inga.kemp@hotmail.co.uk

James Borland 5 Pirnie Hall Cottage Kelso Roxburghshire Scotland TD5 8NS

Jim Ford 8 Broomlands Kelso Scottish Borders Scotland TD5 7PR

John G Lohoar Mains of Mondynes Fordoun Laurencekirk Kincardineshire Scotland AB30 1LB

John R Elliot Roxburgh Mains Cottages Kelso Roxburghshire Scotland TD5 8NJ rawburn@aol.com

Ken Howie Cairnton Lumphanan Banchory Kincardineshire Scotland AB31 4QP cairnton1@btconnect.com

Maddie Clarke Gardeners Cottage Newhouse Of Glamis Glamis Angus Scotland DD8 1SA

Mark Wattie Mains of Tonley Alford Aberdeenshire Scotland AB33 8EL markwattie@hotmail.co.uk

Miss Jacqueline Strathdee Retanach Rothiemay Huntly Aberdeenshire Scotland AB54 7NU strathdeeretanach@gmail.com

Miss P M Hepburn Burnside Tankerness Orkney Scotland KW15 2QT messigate@hotmail.co.uk

Mrs E Wanda Tilson Wedderlie Gordon Berwickshire Scotland TD3 6NW ewh1@hotmail.co.uk

Ms Wendy Hunter Newbigging Culsalmond Insch Aberdeenshire Scotland AB52 6UF

Neil A Wattie Mains of Tonley Alford Aberdeenshire Scotland AB33 8EL markwattie@hotmail.co.uk

Philip J Strathdee Retanach Rothiemay Huntly Aberdeenshire Scotland AB54 7NU strathdeeretanach@gmail.com

Richard Rettie Craigend Farm Methven Perth Perthshire Scotland PH1 3QY carolrettie@gmail.com

Richard Thomson Speyview Lagganbridge by Newtonmore Inverness-shire Scotland PH20 1AN

Robert D Aitken 6 College Terrace Methven Perth Perthshire Scotland PH1 3UH

Robert Marshall Potts of Rayne Drum of Wartle Inverurie Aberdeenshire Scotland AB51 5DE robert.marshall@hrntractors.com

Stewart C Wood Garson Sandwick Stromness Orkney Scotland KW16 3JD

W T Arnott Haymount Kelso Roxburghshire Scotland TD5 7RR arnott.haymount@gmail.com

William A Brown Laigh Drumdow Turnberry Ayrshire Scotland KA26 9LR isobel929@outlook.com

William McLaren Netherton Farm Blackford Auchterarder Perthshire Scotland PH4 1QU mclaren672@aol.com

Seonaid McLaren McLaren Cottage, Netherton Farm Blackford Auchterarder Perthshire Scotland PH4 1QU seonaidmoo@gmail.com

Ewan MacGregor 1 Raddery Fortrose Ross-Shire Scotland IV10 8SN gillian.macgregor@btconnect.com

Ewen Campbell Steall Camaghael Fort William Inverness-Shire Scotland PH33 7NF ewen.campbell72@hotmail.co.uk

Gemma Wark Southfield Farm Hawick Roxburghshire Scottish Borders Scotland TD9 0PE gemma.wark@gmail.com

Aileen McFadzean Woodhead of Mailer Farm Perth Perthshire Scotland PH2 0QA 07768 820405

Paul Jones Penclippin Farm Henllan Amgoed Whitland Carmarthenshire Wales SA34 0TD pjones142@btinternet.com

Nicola Howie Cairnton Farm Lumphanan Banchory Aberdeenshire Scotland AB31 4QP nicolamhowie@outlook.com

Sandy Watt Swordale Farm Bonar Bridge Sutherland Scotland IV24 3AP messrs.watt@hotmail.co.uk

Meg Atkins

Bryan O'Halloran Briarhill Templemartin Brandon Co Cork Rep of Ireland bryanhal5@gmail.com

Graeme Rhind Newton of Struthers Kinloss Morayshire Forres Scotland IV36 2UD grhind516@outlook.com

151 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk
Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 County Country Postcode Email address

Fees and Charges (UK)from January 1st 2024

Membership subscription (life): £750

Membership subscription (annual): £30

Junior membership (annual): £15

Herd name copyright fee: £10

Herd book registration – late entries (see Byelaw 6 (b))

Herd book registration – males: Up to 6 months of age and intimated within 60 days £30 if submitted on-line. £35 if submitted on a paper form.

From 6 months to 12 months of age £50 fixed fee.

Any registrations of male calves being processed for animals over 12 months of age will be subject to the charges in table 1.

Herd book registration – females: Up to 6 months of age and registered within 60 days £30 if submitted online and £35 if submitted on a paper form.

From 6 months to 12 months of age £50 fixed fee.

Any registrations of female calves being processed for animals over 12 months of age will be subject to the charges in table 1.

Animals registered after 12 months of age will be subject to the late fee penalties in table 1.


No animal over 5 years of age will be registered or accepted into the herdbook.

Junior members, until the year in which they are 18 years of age, are entitled to one free registration each year.

Change of ownership fee for members: £25

Change of ownership fee for nonmembers: £35

Overseas purchases – registration

Males: £50

Females: £30

Notification of E. T. Flush – (home): Nil

Notification of E. T. Flush – (imports): Nil

bulls (born before 2020). All stock bulls must be DNA/myostatin tested


Additional fee for calves got by A.I: Nil

Additional fee for calves got by E. T. –(home):


Additional fee for calves got by E. T. –(imports):


Overseas sales – export certificate / zootechnical certificate:

• Males: £25.00*

• Females: £25.00*

• Semen: £25.00*

• Embryos: £25.00

• Duplicate/amended certificate of pedigree: £5*

• Extended pedigree certificate: £30*

• Retrieval and distribution of a DNA profile £8.00* per profile retrieved

• Copies of herd book: As advised at time of ordering

• Semen royalty brokerage scheme - commission collected on royalties: 20%

*Denotes non-members fees are doubled

All of the above fees and charges are subject to VAT which is not included in the figures quoted.

• Tissue samples are preferred – any hair sample submitted cannot be stored and testing will be charged at full rate.

• Stock bulls – where the sire does not have an SNP profile, male calves will only be tested for myostatin and profiled only. Where the sire does not have a SNP profile, male calves will be myostatin tested and run as profile only.

• Breeders should check that any stock bulls they are using have been tested on 50K SNPs.

• Lab requests for testing will be sent when the breeder nominates the animal for testing.

• Male animals will be tested for free. Females tested prior to first calving will be charged at cost. Those females that do not have a profile on file by first calving will be charged full rate for the DNA test.

• Members will get an email with a list of tests requested. Please check junk folders for these emails.

• Members will get another email when the results are uploaded to the database.

Age Registration fee Late fee Total 1-2 years £30 £175 £205 2-3 years £30 £275 £305 3-4 years £30 £375 £405 4-5 years £30 £475 £505
ANIMAL SAMPLE TYPE TEST CHARGE Registered male calf up to 14 months old TISSUE 50k SNP+Myostatin Free Registered female up to first calving TISSUE 50k SNP+Myostatin £19.34 Registered female post first calving TISSUE 50k SNP+Myostatin £30 Intimated calf TISSUE 50k SNP+Myostatin £30 Untested
TISSUE 50k SNP+Myostatin £30
older stock

Society sale entry requirements

Herd Health Declaration forms are required at the time of entry and are due by the entry deadline. This document captures relevant details of the herd’s health policy, vaccinations and testing commitments. Summary details are displayed in the front of each sale catalogue to enable buyers to make informed purchasing decisions. Herd Health Declaration forms are mandatory and are available to complete at www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk/resources/ show-and-sales-resources and on the relevant auctioneer’s website.

Herd Health Declaration Form

Health Pen Cards are available from your CHeCS health scheme provider of which every vendor is required to be a member. Please apply to your health scheme provider for individual cards for each animal, in good time. These cards should be displayed in the pen at the sale.

Health Pen Cards


As a minimum, herds/animals must participate in a CHeCS approved health scheme and be the following:

BVD-accredited and vaccinated with an approved vaccine within 12 months prior to the sale. Vaccination dates must be provided on the Herd Health Declaration form to inform the purchaser. Animals from non-BVD-accredited herds must be individually tested BVD virus negative, and vaccinated as above.

Declare their Johnes status on the Herd Health Declaration form. Animals must only be from Johne’s 1-4 risk levels to be eligible for a Society Sale.

[See Risk Level Table]

Tested for IBR and vaccinated (if positive). All test results and vaccination dates should be declared on the Herd Health Declaration Form, and on the pen card.

Minimum Health Testing

All males and led females must have met minimum submission of performance recording data which is as follows: Birth Weight, 200-day weight, 400-day weight, check weight (done at scanning), scanning data.

Minimum Performance Recording Criteria


All males and led females must be sire verified and myostatin tested in line with Society requirements AHEAD OF ENTRY. It is the vendors responsibility to see that this has been successfully completed ahead of entry.


Crush Inspection

All males and led females must come forward for inspection at the appointed time identified by the auctioneers. Animals which fail to appear for inspection will not be allowed to compete in the show or presented for sale. Lot numbers will be applied at the time of inspection. Inspection consists of the following measurements or assessments:

Testicles (size, shape and consistency) –minimum size –30 cm at 12 months, 32cm at 18 months, 34cm at 24 months


Teeth assessment –must meet the pad of the upper jaw in professional view of the vet. Animals found to have undershot or overshot jaws will be rejected


Eyes –all animals will have eyes examined by a vet


Identification –must meet prevailing identification regulations, and concur with the entry details as catalogued


Scurs –all animals will be checked to ensure they are free from scurs


White markings –it is a requirement of the herdbook that animals should be free from white markings in front of the navel


If the vet considers any animal to be carrying a heritable genetic or phenotypic condition which in their opinion is detrimental to the integrity of the breed then the animal will not be allowed to be put forward for sale and no progeny from that animal will be registered.



Contagious Diseases

Check that animals are free from warts (particular attention should be paid to the sheath and scrotal area of bulls), ringworm, mange and lice or other contagious diseases. Any animals showing signs of untreated conditions will not be allowed for sale. A vet’s letter declaring treatment should accompany the animal at inspection. Weight for Age Males forward for sale are expected to meet a minimum weight for age. Please see the table as follows:

This is directly equivalent to the previous CHeCS-Accredited status. Level 1 status is associated with the lowest risk when buying in stock. Health plan required.

Level 1

Level 2 status herds have had one or two clear consecutive herd tests. Health plan required.

Level 2

Level 3 status herds have reactors identified at the annual herd test, but these are no more than 3% of the animals tested. Health plan required.

Level 3

Herds with Level 4 status have reactors identified at the annual herd test, and these amount to more than 3% of the animals tested. Health plan required.

Level 4

Any herd that is not carrying out the required testing or does not have a suitable health plan in place automatically falls into this category.

Level 5 status is considered to be the greatest risk with respect to Johne’s when buying in stock. Note: Level 5 animals are not eligible for official sales.

Level 5

153 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk
PRE ENTRY (MANDATORY) Age (days) Min Wt (kg) 425 645 450 670 475 695 500 720 525 743 550 765 575 788 Age (days) Min Wt (kg) 600 810 625 833 660 864 700 900 725 923 750 943

Health test requirements for Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society sales

The herd accredited box must be completed and if vaccinated the details must be completed

of the health

Johne’s - must be a part of the CHeCS health scheme and a minimum Level 4, and be testing for a minimum of 12 months

The individual test result must be shown and if vaccinated the details must be completed

The herd accredited box must be completed and if vaccinated the details must be completed

The individual test result must be shown and if vaccinated the details must be completed

The herd accredited box must be completed and if vaccinated the details must be completed

If tested the animal’s individual test result must be shown and if vaccinated the details must be completed

The date of the last test and the TB testing interval must be completed. If a herd is TB exempt this must be shown. The TB information must be completed

Every animal must have the risk level of the herd shown in the box. Non home-bred animals have no details in the Johne’s box

Male animals Test required Vaccination Health card boxes to be completed BVD-accredited
herds - must
a minimum of 12 months No - Individual test optional Yes - Antigen Optional - but recommended Optional - but recommended
herds Non-BVD-accredited
be part
and be
IBR-accredited herds IBR-non-accredited herds Yes - Antibody Yes - Antibody Optional - but marker vaccine recommended Optional - but marker vaccine recommended
Lepto-accredited herds Lepto-non-accredited herds No - Individual test optional No - Individual test optional Optional Optional
Date of last test


BVD-accredited herds

No - Individual test optional

Non-BVD-accredited herds - must be part of the health scheme and be testing for a minimum of 12 months

IBR-accredited herds

IBR-non-accredited herds

Lepto-accredited herds

Lepto-non-accredited herds

Yes - Antigen


Yes - Antibody

Yes - Antibody

No - Individual test optional

No - Individual test optional

Must be vaccinated to cover period of sale. The Society strongly recommends that in-calf females are vaccinated prior to service

Must be vaccinated to cover period of sale. The Society strongly recommends that in-calf females are vaccinated prior to service

Optional - but marker vaccine recommended

Optional - but marker vaccine recommended

Optional Optional

Johne’s - must be a part of the CHeCS health scheme and a minimum Level 4 and be testing for a minimum of 12 months

Date of last test

BVD-accredited herds

Non-BVD-accredited herds - must be part of the health scheme and be testing for a minimum of 12 months

IBR-accredited herds

IBR-non-accredited herds

Lepto-accredited herds


No - Individual test optional

Optional - but recommended

Yes - Antigen

Optional - but recommended

- but marker vaccine recommended

The herd accredited box and vaccination details box must be completed

The individual test result must be shown and vaccination details must be completed

The herd accredited box must be completed and if vaccinated the details must be completed

The individual test result must be shown and if vaccinated the details must be completed

The herd accredited box must be completed and if vaccinated the details must be completed

If tested the animal’s individual test result must be shown and if vaccinated the details must be completed

The date of the last test and the TB testing interval must be completed. If a herd is TB exempt this must be shown. The TB information must be completed

Every animal must have the risk level of the herd shown in the box. Non home-bred animals have no details in the Johne’s box

The herd accredited box must be completed and if vaccinated the details must be completed

The individual test result must be shown and if vaccinated the details must be completed

The herd accredited box must be completed and if vaccinated the details must be completed

If tested the animal’s individual test result must be shown and if vaccinated the details must be completed

The herd accredited box must be completed and if vaccinated the details must be completed

If tested the animal’s individual test result must be shown and if vaccinated the details must be completed

TB Date of last test

Johne’s - must be a part of the CHeCS health scheme and a minimum Level 4 and be testing for a minimum of 12 months

The date of the last test and the TB testing interval must be completed. If a herd is TB exempt this must be shown. The TB information must be completed

Every animal must have the risk level of the herd shown in the box. Non home-bred animals have no details in the Johne’s box

155 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk
animals Test required Vaccination Health card boxes to be completed
Test required Vaccination Health card boxes to be completed
Calves at foot (the minimum age at date of sale is one month)
Yes - Antibody Yes - Antibody
Optional - but marker vaccine recommended
herds No - Individual test optional No - Individual test optional

Aberdeen-Angus breeders back Pick-ups for Peace

Two Aberdeen-Angus breeders have been providing tremendous support to Pick-ups for Peace – a farmer-led initiative providing and supplying second-hand pick-up trucks and supplies to war-torn Eastern Ukraine.

James Arnott, who farms at Mains of Coul Farm in Forfar, Angus, delivered a vehicle and vital supplies back in March. Meanwhile, Dan Whiteford, of the Borewell herd, helped raise £27,000 for the cause through a special sale.


The initiative was founded by Mark Laird, who farms both in Scotland and the Ukraine, and his contacts from the 24th League Brigade.

The roads in Ukraine have been ravaged by bombs and Ukrainians are in desperate need of four-wheel drives. This spawned the idea for Pick-ups for Peace, which started in January this year with the aim of delivering 100 vehicles. This initial target has been surpassed with 235 vehicles being sent so far.

The vehicles have been sourced through farmers and farm contacts and have been either donated, gifted, or bought and then donated. They are then driven by the intrepid farmers and other volunteers to the Ukraine from Hull via the Channel Tunnel and onto Poland before crossing the border into the Ukraine. The vehicles and supplies are then handed over and travel another 1,000 miles to the frontline where they are desperately needed.


James has provided unwavering support to the cause and is humble in his reasons why: “I’m fortunate, I’m on the edge of it. I help where I can.”

He completed the journey in March earlier this year. Recalling the trip, he said once they entered the Polish border the Vehicle Identification Numbers were checked and the contents of the trucks were scruntinsed. The same thing was repeated once they reach the Ukranian border.

“We then carry on and wait to park up on the other side until all the vehicles are through. At that point, we get a

Dan Whiteford, of the Borewell herd, organised an online sale of British beef genetics through Harrison and Hetherington in May. This was supported by Josh Dowbiggin of Dowbiggin Marketing and raised £27,000 for the charity.

Following his journey across Europe to deliver a fullyloaded pick-up earlier this year, Dan decided to create the ‘Pedigrees for Peace’ online sale and included genetics from his own Aberdeen-Angus herd.

military and police escort to wherever we are going that night. Virtually no one knows we are there other than the military,” said James.

Every inch of every vehicle is filled to the brim with spare tyres, generators, ratchet straps, oil, jerry cans, first-aid kits, sleeping bags, blankets, and clothes. The pick-ups are used for carrying goods, people, and food to the front line and they bring back repairs, casualties, and unfortunately dead bodies, he added.

Dan secured donations from across the UK in the form of Aberdeen-Angus, Hereford, Limousin, and Charolais genetics. Altogether 51 lots made almost twice the expected target of £15,000.

The money raised paid for three used pick-up trucks, and a full complement of supplies, to be delivered to the 24th Lviv Danylo Separate Mechanized Brigade.

Dan says he was inspired to raise the money after seeing first-hand what Ukrainians were facing: “When I went out to Ukraine to donate my truck, I saw for myself what the Ukrainian people were facing, and what a difference these pick-ups are making to the 24th Brigade.

“Working with Josh we started asking other beef farmers if they would donate lots for an online sale, and the response and generosity were incredible. So was the response from Harrison and Hetherington and Mart Eye, who organised and carried out the sale at no charge, and from the buyers who raised this amazing total of more than £27,000. I can’t thank everybody enough. It is a brilliant result.”

157 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk

Royal Ulster Winter Beef Championships

The Royal Ulster Show held in November was a great success with the Callaghan family from Kilkeel securing the titles of both Champion Aberdeen-Angus and Native Champion.

This remarkable achievement is a testament to their dedication and the exceptional quality of their livestock.

The winning animal sold for an impressive sum of £3,500 to BT Kitson Butchers.

The Reserve Aberdeen-Angus Champion was presented to Jake Robson from Augher. He also presented a superb animal, and it was no surprise when it found a new home with Foyle Food Group for a commendable price of £2,500.

In summary, the 2023 Royal Ulster Show provided a stage for the very best Aberdeen-Angus cattle, showcasing high-quality animals that tick the box from a meat-eating quality point of view, hence the strong demand for these animals.

159 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk
Aberdeen-Angus & Native champion exhibited by Callaghan Family.
Reserve Aberdeen-Angus Champion exhibited by Jake Robson

Carcass competitions


The Scottish National Fatstock Club runs the Scottish Premier Meat Competition in conjunction with Marks and Spencer and ABP Bridge of Allan. The live/dead competition enjoys large entries from farmers from all over Scotland who bring stock and follow the live judging and carcase classification each year.

Aberdeen-Angus results from the 2023 show were:

Class - 100 A – Aberdeen-Angus steer lightweight

1st: Messers Adam

2nd: R and R Braes

3rd: M and HD Currie

Class 100 B – Aberdeen-Angus steer heavyweight

1st: J and R Stanger (Champion AAX Carcass)

2nd: Eric Buchan

3rd: Eric Buchan

Class 101 A – Aberdeen-Angus heifer lightweight

1st: Andrew Young

2nd: J and R Stanger

3rd: M and HD Currie

Class 101 B – Aberdeen-Angus steer heavyweight

1st: Thomas M Taylor

2nd: Messrs W A Fettes

3rd: G and J Davies

Champion Purebred AA Carcass

M and HD Currie with an R-4 340kg carcass killing out at 54%, their sixth championship in this class in the last 10 years.


The Scottish National Fatstock Club also runs the LiveScot event, a separate celebration of Scottish agriculture.

Aberdeen-Angus Calf Classes:

Class 1004 –Bull born between 1st July 2022 and 31st December 2022

1st: Caroline Orr, Halbeath, with Keirsbeath Powerhouse Y586 (16)

2nd: R & C Rettie, Dyke, with Retties Island Boy Y272 (15)

Class 1005 Bull born after 1st of January 2023

1st: Henry & Emily Duncan, Whitehall, with Longbank Paramount Z892 (17)

2nd: W & R Dunlop, Hillhead, with Auchengray Tornado Z8894 (19)

3rd: Brailes Livestock with Brailes Urban Bentley Z294 (18)

Class 1007 Heifer born after 1st of January 2023

1st: Jamie Rettie with Hillfoots Evie Z019 (22)

2nd: Caroline Orr, Halbeath, with Keirsbeath Pam Z590 (23)

3rd: Henry and Emily Duncan, Whitehall, with Longbank Patricia Z903 (24)


Henry and Emily Duncan, Whitehall, with Longbank Paramount Z892 (17)


Jamie Rettie with Hillfoots Evie Z019 (22)

Beef rib

Champion: M and HD Currie

Reserve: Tom King

Both rib champions were from Aberdeen-Angus-sired cattle, with the champion coming from a heifer grading at R+4 and killing at 56% to give a 391kg carcass. This represented the third win in the last five years of the competition for the Kingholm herd.

161 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk SHOW

Bulls sell to 10,000gns at Carlisle May sale

The Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society held its annual spring sale at Borderway Mart, Carlisle, part of the native multi-breed sale, on 20th May. A much-reduced entry on the day than catalogued saw a selective trade with 36 bulls of the 54 forward changing hands, resulting in a 67% clearance.

The females were much the same with 18 out of 28 sold, resulting in a clearance rate of 64%. The bulk of the trade was underpinned by a solid commercial demand for both bulls and females.

The pre-sale show was ably judged by young breeder Nicola Howie, from Cairnton, Aberdeenshire. She found her Champion in the Junior Champion Gretnahouse Blacksabbath X383 which went on to sell for 7,250gns outside the ring. Gretnahouse Blacksabbath is a November 2021-born ET son of Rawburn Fastball, and is out of a Blelack dam.

The Reserve Junior Champion was Brailes Black Bruce Y233, a February 2022-born Brailes Fabulous son out of a Weeton Blackbird female. He sold for 7,000gns to Messrs V & S Wallace, Co. Londonderry.

The Senior and Reserve Overall Champion, Newbank Fergus X379, was unsold through the ring. The Reserve Senior Champion was awarded to Ettrick Gregor X290, consigned by Gordon Gray, Selkirk. He went on to sell for 6,200gns and went home with commercial breeders Messrs Gray of Unthank.

Alistair Clark & Sons, Duncanziemere, Ayrshire, sold two bulls to average 8,000gns. The best from their consignment was Duncanziemere Jupiter Y470, a youngster out of the last three in the catalogue, and only 13 months old on sale day. This home-bred bull calf realised the top price of the day for the breed, selling to 10,000gns. The was shared between pedigree breeders Messrs Graham, Carruthers and Messrs McCornick at Newton Stewart.

Next best was Messrs McSporran, Eilean, Innerleithen, who sold Eilean Errol X196, a two-year-old Schivas Jason Eric son, for 7,000gns to Ardyne Organic Farms Ltd, Dunoon.

Gordon Gray, Ettrick, sold first prize winner in class 2, Ettrick Banker X286, for 6,000gns to Messrs Pate, Toxside, Gorebridge for commercial work. Neil Wattie of Tonley, Alford, sold four bulls to average 5,125gns, the best of which was Tonley Elpaso X906, a September 2021 homebred senior which realised 6,500gns. He headed home with PC Charleton, Kirkwhelpington, Northumberland.

Dr William and Mrs Margaret Taylor of Crookhill, Stocksfield, Northumberland, sold two of their entry to


average 4,250gns with their best realising 5,500gns for Crookhill Ecosse X055, which sold to Messrs Wilson, Moniave, Thornhill, again for commercial work.

Two further bulls reached 5,000gns. The first was Harry Hodgson’s Harold Billy Bob X226, and the second was Christopher Timm’s Wensleydale Euphemara Xrated X066.

Females met selective demand with the top price of 2500gns being paid for McCornick Ellen Erica Y238. This yearling heifer joined her stable mate at Mark Halstead’s Norfolk farm. Martin McCornick averaged just shy of 2,000gns for four sold on the day. The second highest price came from a consignment of eight yearling heifers from RJ & LA Acton, Bardon Mill, Hexham. Their pen leader at 2,350gns was Housesteads Enya Y877. She was purchased by Cannon Farm Partnership, Welshpool. Messrs WD Allen, Humbleheugh, Alnwick, sold their pair of heifers for 2,000gns each. Both sold to different homes in Dumfriesshire.

Alistair Clark, Duncanziemere, also sold a pair of heifers for 2,000gns each. Matching that trade were Andrew Hodge and his daughter Emma who sold their first-prize heifer in the pre-sale show, Rulesmains Kitty Y641. The purchasers were Messrs Holden who bought a pair of heifers on the day. The last call at 2,000gns went to the two-year-old heifer, Crookhill Miss Bishampton X052, who sold with a calf at foot. She was consigned by Dr William and Mrs Margaret Taylor.

163 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk SALES
Sale Statistics Average gns Average £ Top gns Top £ Number FEMALE 1867 1960 2500 2625 18 MESSRS WILLIAM D ALLEN 2000 2100 2000 2100 2 A CLARK & SONS 2000 2100 2000 2100 2 ANDREW S HODGE ESQ 2000 2100 2000 2100 1 DR WILLIAM & MRS MARGARET TAYLOR 2000 2100 2000 2100 1 MARTIN R McCORNICK ESQ 1975 2074 2500 2625 4 MESSRS R J & L A ACTON 1713 1798 2350 2468 8 MALE 4424 4645 10000 10500 36 A CLARK & SONS 8000 8400 10000 10500 2 GRETNA HOUSE FARMS 7250 7613 7250 7613 1 M A G McSPORRAN ESQ 7000 7350 7000 7350 1 BRAILES LIVESTOCK 7000 7350 7000 7350 1 FIRM OF G GRAY 6100 6405 6200 6510 2 NEIL A WATTIE ESQ 5125 5381 6500 6825 4 MR & MRS H HODGSON 4300 4515 5000 5250 2 DR WILLIAM & MRS MARGARET TAYLOR 4250 4463 5500 5775 2 MESSRS D & K GRAHAM 4000 4200 4000 4200 1 CHRISTOPHER D TIMM ESQ 3667 3850 5000 5250 6 MESSRS R & C RETTIE 3600 3780 3600 3780 1 MR & MRS E MACGREGOR 3550 3728 3600 3780 2 ANDREW S HODGE ESQ 3500 3675 3500 3675 1 HENRY ROSS-TAYLOR ESQ 3500 3675 3500 3675 2 MESSRS I & A BURGESS 3500 3675 3500 3675 1 MOSSTON MUIR FARM LTD 3333 3500 4200 4410 3 MESSRS JM & LM FORBES 3000 3150 3000 3150 1 JOHN M STEEL ESQ 3000 3150 3000 3150 1 A W NEISH ESQ 2750 2888 3000 3150 2 10000 10500 54

Solid clearance rates and averages reached at Stirling Bull Sales

Aberdeen-Angus met a buoyant trade at the February 2023 Stirling Bull Sales held at United Auctions’ Stirling Mart. Of the 111 bulls forward, 77% found new homes, compared with 74% at the same sale last year. Altogether 86 bulls averaged £6,727 (6,406gns) and two females forward averaged £4,148 (3,950gns).

Neil and Mark Wattie had a tremendous sale, averaging 11,286gns for eight sold. They also won pre-sale show Champion with one of their senior bulls, Tonley Endgame X809. This bull went on to top the sale at 24,000gns and was purchased by Andrew and James Adam, Newhouse of Glamis. Reserve Senior and Reserve Overall Champion also came from the Tonley herd in the form of another senior bull, Tonley King Paco X812, which sold for 16,000gns. This much-admired bull went home with Ian and Bruce Campbell to Alnwick, Northumberland.

The Watties also sold Tonley Eyecandy X823 to Auchengray Farms for 14,000gns, three of five senior

bulls which together averaged 13,260gns. Tonley also cleaned up the group competitions in the show ring, winning the best pair, best group of three (bred by exhibitor), best group of three bulls by one sire, best group of four bulls by one sire, and the best group of five bulls bred by exhibitor.

Messrs JHC Campbell and Sons, Thrunton, also had a good day having been drawn reserve intermediate champion with their May-born Tonley Kasper son, Thrunton Premier X475. He went on to sell for 14,000gns to Alistair and Graeme Fraser of Idvies, Forfar. In total, Thrunton sold five bulls to average an impressive 10,240gns and topped at 15,000gns for Thrunton Prince X468, which went home with Messrs Spours, Henlaw, Wooler.

Alistair Clark and Sons, Duncanziemere, Cumnock, took a hattrick of champion rosettes winning the Intermediate Champion as well as the Junior and Reserve Junior Champion tickets. The Clarks sold six bulls for an average of 8,583gns. The best of these was their


Junior Champion, Duncanziemere Edward X452, by Auchencrieve Exodus, which sold for 14,000gns to AM Shepherd, Orbliston, Fochabers. Next best at 10,000gns was their Intermediate Champion, which went to Mike and Melanie Alford for their Foxhill herd in Devon.

Blelack Jumping Jackflash X160 lived up to his name for his exhibitor Gabriella Massie, who sold the unshown Jackflash for 14,000gns to Brotherton Estates, Montrose.

Messrs Arnott of Haymount sold two bulls to average 8,250gns. The best of the pair was their junior Haymount Exhibit X164, which went home with Dallas Allen, Stouphill, Alnwick for 12,000gns.

At 11,000gns was Tonley Egor X842 from K and M Howie. He was the pick of Messrs Mitchell, Ferniehill, Cupar. Altogether eight bulls made more than 10,000gns. The last two to sell above this ceiling was Idvies Baracus X032 from Messrs FJ Fraser and Son who sold to the Castle of Mey herd, and The Trustees of the late Gordon Brooke sold Gordon E-Type X640 for the same money to D Whiteford and Co, Borewell, Berwick-upon-Tweed.

165 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk
Duncanziemere Edward X452 14,000gns Tonley Endgame X809 senior and overall champion 24,000 gns Tonley King Paco X812 16,000gns Tonley Eyecandy X823 14,000gns

Prices peak at £7,875 at the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society May Sale at Stirling

The Aberdeen Angus Cattle Society held its annual spring breeding sale at United Auctions Stirling on 1 May, where 20 bulls met a solid trade, averaging £4,589 and achieving a clearance rate of 77%.

The pre-sale champion, ably judged by Andrew Adam of Newhouse of Glamis, was Ross Farms’ Roscoe Eruption X292, which went on to top the sale at £7,875.

This September 2021-born youngster, sired by Logie Politician, sported a Terminal Sire Index of +31 and Self Replacing Index of +40.

The next best price on the day also followed the judging, with the Reserve Champion, Retties Riverdance X215, making £6,825 for vendors Richard and Carol Rettie. Riverdance is home-bred on both dam and sire sides. The Retties sold 4 bulls to average £4,988.

Another sought-after bull was the next best priced at £6,090 came in the shape of the third-prize Thrunton Pegasus X479, consigned by JHC Campbell & Sons, Thrunton, Alnwick. With the help of their second bull, which made £4,200, they averaged £5,250 for the pair.

Matching that average were messrs D and P Murray, Wolflaw, who also sold a pair to average £5,250. Their top-price bull was the second prize Wolflaw Edward X826 which made £5,500.

Neil Wattie, from Tonley, Aberdeenshire, had a solid day’s trade selling three bulls to average £3,850. His top price of £5,250 was paid for Tonley Ronnie X883.

Andrew Mylius and Partners sold a pair of bulls to a top of £5,250 and an averaged £4,725 for the pair.

167 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk SALES Sale Statistics Average Price (£) Top Price £ Number Sold ROSS FARM CO LTD 7875 7875 1 MESSRS R & C RETTIE 4988 6825 4 MESSRS J H C CAMPBELL & SONS 5250 6090 2 MESSRS D & P MURRAY 5250 5775 2 NEIL A WATTIE ESQ 3850 5250 3 A MYLIUS & PARTNERS OF ST FORT 4725 5250 2 BRAILES LIVESTOCK 4410 4410 1 MR JONATHAN & MRS LISA DOYLE 4200 4200 1 D MURRAY LYLE 4200 4200 1 ALEXANDER J NORRIE ESQ 3675 3675 1 MISS LOIS SCOTT 3150 3150 1 MOSSTON MUIR FARM LTD 2310 2310 1 Grand Total 4589 7875 20 Number Forward 26 Clearance 77%
Retties Riverdance X215 £6,285 Thrunton Pegasus £4,200 Roscoe Eruption X292 £7,875

Stirling October sale tops at £13,650

The 2023 Stirling October Aberdeen-Angus Bull Sale saw a selective trade for the better bulls held at United Auctions’ Monday 23 October. A reduced number were forward (46) compared with catalogued, and the clearance rate settled at 63%, selling 29 to average a healthy £6,300, an increase of £1,026 on the year.

Bulls topped £13,650 for Alistair Clark and family’s Duncanziemere Scorpion Y471, which was Reserve Junior and Overall Reserve Champion in the pre-sale show. Scorpion is an April 2022 born Auchincrieve Exodus son, out of a Rawburn Jester Eric daughter, and scored +48 SRI and +38 TI.

Following closely behind for £12,600 a piece were two bulls from different vendors. First through the ring to make this money was Alistair Fraser’s Idvies Prescott Y061, which was unplaced in the pre-sale show. Prescott is a Rawburn Lang Syne son out of a homebred dam, sporting impressive figures; +68 SRI and +58 TI. Second to make £12,600 was Gordon Gray’s Ettrick Gallileo Y302, an April born Rawburn Boss Hogg son, out of a Linton Gilbertines President sired dam, with an SRI of +72.

Next up at £10,500 were the Clarks for a second time with Duncanziemere Jukebox Y486, another son of Auchincrieve Exodus. Jukebox was May 2022 born and sports a +51 SRI and +42 TI.

Following an illustrious show career this past summer, Andrew and Emma Hodge sold their Senior Champion, Rulesmains Paycheck Y680 to top their pen at £9,450. Rulesmains averaged £7,088 for two bulls sold, the other being Rulesmains Ennis Y650, which realised £4,725.

Buyers valued a squad of bulls at £8,400, the first of which was Irish consignor Caolan McBrien who sold Old Barr Pitter Patter Y493, an Idvies Eric son, which was 2nd prize in the pre-sale show. The next was Raddery Edin Y285, also a March born, Gretnahouse Blacksmith grandson, consigned by Mr & Mrs E MacGregor, Fortrose. Equally valued was Martin McCornick’s McCornick Night Rider Y910, a 3rd prize Junior by Skaill Dino. Lastly, but right behind the previous at the same price was Gordon Profit Y814, an ET calf by Cheerbrook Profit out of a Belhaven dam.

Gordon Profit was much admired by the judge of the presale show, who tapped him out as Junior Champion and then Overall Champion. Norman Bellfield of Macclesfield sold the stable mate to his Reserve Senior Champion, Daneside Boris X005 at £6,300, while Messrs WD Allen, Stouphill, sold Stouphill Patrick Y402 at £5,775, sporting a TI of +40.

Females enjoyed excellent demand for the 23 forward, 22 changed hands to average £3,665, and sold to a top of £6,825. The best of these was Duncanziemere Edwina Y503, a paternal sister to the Duncanziemere bulls which

was a 1st prize heifer in the pre-sale show. Messrs Clark sold two heifers to average £5,408 for the pair.

Neil Wattie and son Mark, consigned just one heifer, Tonley Annie X920, December 2021 born, which was Overall Female Champion and realised £6,090, and sold four months in calf to Shadwell Black Magic. At the same money, Ray Gardiner sold Newton Muchalls Nutmeg Y112, an 18 month old Gretnahouse Florian daughter. Mr Gardiner sold three heifers to average £4,235 for the trio. Ken and Margaret Howie, along with daughter Nicola, sold a pair of paternal sisters to average £5,355 and to a top of £5,460 for Cairnton Black Nancy Y492, who was a class winner on the day, which followed a successful show career this past summer.

Duncanziemere Scorpion Y471 13,000gns

Select entry meets solid demand at Worcester

Prices topped at £5,250 at the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society’s annual spring sale at Worcester market, part of the multi-breed sale, on 15 April.

A select entry of seven females and seven bulls changed hands on the day. The show was ably judged by Miss Maddie Clark, who selected Morpheus Rolling Stone as her champion. Rolling Stone is a January 2022-born Cheerbrook Profit son out of a homebred dam. He went on to make £4,200 in the sale for exhibitor Owen Tunney.

The sale leader in the male section was Rosemead Kansas at £5,250, consigned by PC Stovold and Son. The next highest price on the day was £4,725 for Oakchurch Duggie X442, an ET-son of the prolific Netherallen Peter Pershore, consigned by Mr J and Mrs A Price.

Females were in strong demand with the small number forward selling well. Trade peaked at £5,040 for Messrs PC Stovold and Son’s Rosemead Bright Maid X300, an Aynho Eldorado son out of a homebred dam.

Next best were a pair of heifers consigned by Messrs AE and CR Bishop. Both were born in the spring of 2021 and entirely homebred. They changed hands at £1,995 apiece.

Following closely behind was Westwilmer Grace X889, consigned by Messrs MR and SK Wescott and Son. She sold for £1,890.

Other leading prices:


Lot 3 £4200 Westwilmer Earthquake

Lot 9 £4200 Morpheus Balckwatch X099

Lot 7 £3990 Oakchurch Dicaprio X436

Lot 1 £3360 Westwilmer Easter X828


Lot 20 £1575 Warrenho Emma Y944

Lot 21 £1575 Warrenho Rachel Y961

Lot 22 £1575 Warrenho Miss Belle Y962

Worcester Spring Sale summary

169 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk
Average(£) Number Sold FEMALE 2235 7 MESSRS P C STOVOLD & SON 5040 1 MESSRS M R & S K WESTCOTT & SON 1890 1 MESSRS A E & C R BISHOP 1743 5 MALE 4275 7 MESSRS P C STOVOLD & SON 5250 1 MR J & MRS A PRICE 4357.5 2 OWEN TUNNEY ESQ 4200 2 MESSRS M R & S K WESTCOTT & SON 3780 2 14

Worldwide genetics selected to breed an improved generation

Our home bred cattle are born and raised outdoors. They are forage fed at home and on neighbouring conservation land. Our aim is to breed moderate framed cattle with high genetic merit in the top 10% of EBVs for the breed.

Our stock bulls are:

Wildfell Perseus T099

Wildfell Prince W326

Our other AI sires are:

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Quaker Hill Westcoast QHF (AI) (IMP)

We have a great selection of young bulls for sale

Te Mania Legend L646 (AI)(IMP)

Te Mania

Visitors always welcome, please contact: Chris Wilkinson - Wildfell Farm, Chapel Road, Ramsey Heights, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire PE26 2RS | T: 01487 814496 / 07795 098797 | E: chris@wildfellfarm.co.uk

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T099 Perseus - senior stock bull Te Mania Berkley B1 (AI)(IMP) Nebo N424 (AI)(IMP)

Champion leads Dungannon Aberdeen-Angus trade at 5,400gns

here was a strong demand for pedigree AberdeenAngus bulls at the native breeds spring show and sale, held at Dungannon Farmers’ Mart.

Prices peaked at 5,400gns and 5,200gns, and following a complete clearance auctioneer Trevor Wylie confirmed that seven lots were traded to average £3,795 per head, an increase of £310 on the same sale 12 months ago.

Sale leader at 5,400gns was the reserve champion Drumhill Quidsinn X612 TSI+39 SRI+48 bred by Jonathan and Lisa Doyle, Cookstown. Sired by home-bred stock bull Drumhill Lord Hatfield R532 ET, his dam is Nightingale Queen Lois U946 – a privately purchased daughter of the 2016 Stirling senior champion Drumhill Lord Hampton R414 ET. Born in July 2021, he boasts a milk value of +19 in the breed’s top 10% and was snapped up by Leo Devine from Strabane.

The 50-cow Drumhill herd has enjoyed considerable success in recent years, and also topped the breed society’s April 2022 sale in Dungannon at 5,100gns and 5,000gns with Drumhill Lord Hatfield R532 ET sons. In fact, four Lord Hatfield sons averaged £4,804 at last year’s sale.

Jonathan Doyle said: “Drumhill Lord Hatfield was intermediate and supreme overall champion at Stirling in 2016, and was purchased by Kevin McOscar, owner of the Island Farm Herd for 11,000gns. Lord Hatfield has been a proven and consistent breeder, and I ended up buying him back two years ago.

“He was the winner of the trophy for the best stock bull in the NI Aberdeen-Angus Club’s annual herds competition in 2022.”

Next best at 5,200gns was the supreme champion Home Farm Lord Harry X647 bred by Fintan Keown who runs a herd of ten pedigree and 25 commercial cows at Belleek, County Fermanagh.

Sired by Haymount War Smith R578, this May 2021-born bull is bred from the Spangager Tommy Boy daughter, Home Farm Lady Honey T161. He was placed second in his class at the NI club’s Summer Championship Show at Clogher last July. Highest bidder was W Bond, Eglinton, County Londonderry.

Judge Maddie Clarke described the champion as a very correct bull: “It’s been a great show, with quality to the fore, rather than quantity. Today’s champion really stood out. He’s a very correct bull with tremendous power, good conformation and breed character.

“The reserve champion is another excellent bull. Slightly younger than the champion, but well put together, with good conformation and breed characteristics.”

The second placed Glen Cowie Royal Duke X951 bred by Iain Colville, Newtownards, came under the hammer at 3,600gns, selling to dairy farmers Andrew and Mark Wilson, Templepatrick.

Born in March 2021, he was sired by the 22-cow herd’s 7,500gns stock bull Stouphill Eligh U217 – male champion at Balmoral Show in 2021, and is out of the 3,300gns Stirling female champion (2015) Ardoyne Royal Lavender N231.

Neville and Ivan Forsythe, Moneymore, sold their best at 3,200gns. The first placed Coltrim Empire X736 TSI+34 SRI+40 was born in November 2021, and is by the herd’s former stock bull and popular AI sire Kiltariff Dynamic D711. His dam Coltrim Evana R336 is one of 30 cows in the longestablished herd. Buyer was Cathal McGinnity from Keady, County Armagh.

Nightingale Quantas V002 was behind the breeding of the Doyle duo’s second placed Drumhill Edinson X597 TSI+34 SRI+40. This July 2021 entry sold at 3,100gns to Messrs WJ and J Hanna, Rathfriland.

Results from the judging ring

Bull, born between 17/03/21 and 06/05/21

1 and supreme champion. Fintan Keown, Home Farm Lord Harry X647 by Haymount War Smith R578

2. Iain Colville, Glen Cowie Royal Duke X951 by Stouphill Eligh U217.

Bull, born between 11/07/21 and 26/07/21

1 and reserve champion. Jonathan and Lisa Doyle, Drumhill Quidsinn X612 by Drumhill Lord Hatfield R532 ET

2. Jonathan and Lisa Doyle, Drumhill Edinson X597 by Nightingale Quantas V002.

Bull, born between 06/11/21 and 26/11/21

1. Neville and Ivan Forsythe, Coltrim Empire X736 by Kiltariff Dynamic D711

2. Neville and Ivan Forsythe, Coltrim Panda X773, by Tofts Evergarth R409

3. Neville and Ivan Forsythe, Coltrim Peter X751 by Tofts Evergarth R409.

171 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk
Fintan Keown, Belleek, exhibited the supreme champion Home Farm Lord Harry X647 which sold for 5,200gns at the Aberdeen Angus Cattle Society’s spring show and sale, held in Dungannon.

Aberdeen-Angus bulls to 3,300gns at Dungannon

Aberdeen-Angus bulls sold to a top price of 3,300gns and 3,200gns at the annual native breeds show and sale, held at Dungannon Farmers’ Mart.

Sale leader at 3,300gns was Drummeer Elliott X255 TSI+44 SRI+51 bred by Alan and Naomi Morrison, Maguiresbridge. Born in May 2021, he is sired by Gretnahouse Blacksmith L500, and is out of the Nightingale Playfair K527 daughter, Lana Elass N465. This second prize winner was snapped up by Sammy Caldwell, and daughter Leah, from Beragh near Omagh.

Mr Caldwell, who runs a herd of 200 commercial dairy cows, also paid 3,200gns to secure the third placed Coltrim Ellio X681 TSI+32 SRI+40 consigned by Neville and Ivan Forsythe, Moneymore.

Sired by the home-bred Cheeklaw Punch R529 son, Coltrim Javier Eric U911, this June 2021-born entry is out of Coltrim Evana U977.

The pre-sale show was judged by Ian Rea from Nutt’s Corner near Crumlin. He awarded the supreme championship ribbons to the July 2021-born Tynan Count Dynamite X281 bred by Andrew Clarke from Tynan, County Armagh. This bull sold to John Hanna from Downpatrick for 2,800gns.

Mr Clarke founded his Aberdeen Angus prefix in 2019 with the private purchase of Drumgar Lodge Corona U203 from neighbouring pedigree breeder Brian Anderson. The champion is sired by Elliott Bravo T452 and is the second son bred from Drumgar Lodge Corona U203. His full brother, Tynan Charles W071, was champion at last year’s Dungannon sale, and sold for a joint top bid of 4,400gns.

The Scottish-bred Elliot Bravo T452 is ranked in Breedplan’s top 1% of the breed for milk at +29 and boasts a terminal sire index of 55 and a self-replacing index of 80. He is also within the top 5% for eye muscle area at +6.5. He was purchased by the Foyle Food Group for its High Genetic Sire Scheme, an initiative aimed at encouraging AberdeenAngus Quality Beef Ltd producers to use superior genetics.

The reserve championship went to Dartrey Red Version X904 (TSI+28 SRI+35) bred by Northern Ireland AberdeenAngus Club chairperson Hylda Mills. Born in March 2021, this first prize winner is sired by Mosshall Red Junior Eric U911, and is out of Dartrey Red Vears U832 – one of 11 cows in the herd. He sold for 2,250gns to Martin Bloomer from Cookstown.

Judge Ian Rea thanked the club for inviting him to judge and praised the quality of entries on parade. “There was a small show of Aberdeen-Angus bulls. The overall champion was an outstanding bull with tremendous style and he will be an asset to pedigree or commercial any herd.

“The reserve champion is another very correct bull, displaying great style and ring presence.”

Four bulls changed hands to level at £3,032 a head (80% clearance).

Results from the showring

Bull, born between 15/03/21 and 30/03/21

1. Reserve champion, Hylda Mills’ Dartrey Red Version X904 by Mosshall Red Junior Eric U911.

Bull, born between 20/05/21 and 22/07/21

1. Supreme champion, Andrew Clarke’s Tynan Count Dynamite X281 by Elliot Bravo T452.

2. Drummeer Elliott X255 by Gretnahouse Blacksmith L500 from Alan and Naomi Morrison.

3. Coltrim Ellio X681 by Coltrim Javier Eric U911 from Neville and Ivan Forsythe.

4. Coolermoney Robbie X134 by Rawburn Black Bush S420 from Adrian and Graeme Parke.


Full clearance was seen at Dungannon in April

There was a strong demand for Aberdeen-Angus bulls at the Native Breed’s Show and Sale, held at Dungannon Farmers’ Mart on 19 April.

A small, but quality entry of Aberdeen-Angus bulls achieved a complete clearance with seven lots going under the gavel of auctioneer Trevor Wylie to average £3,885 – an increase of almost £40 on the year.

Securing the day’s top price of 5,400gns was the presale show champion Bessiebell Lord Tyrone X245 bred by Jack Smyth, Newtownstewart. This 16-month-old entry was sired by the 2019 Yorkshire Show and Royal Welsh Show breed champion Shadwell Evolution T003 ET. He sold to Colin Maxwell from Downpatrick.

His dam is the Bova Lord Blackwood H175 ET daughter, and 2017 Irish National Aberdeen-Angus Calf Show champion, Drumbeera Lady Thatcher T226. She was purchased by the Smyth family from Carrick-on-Shannon for 4,500 Euro (approx 1,500gns) and also bred the 5,200gns Dungannon Sale leader (April 2021) Bessiebell Lord Thatcher V072.

Judge Ivan Forsythe, from the 30-cow Coltrim Herd at Moneymore, described the male and supreme overall champion as a stylish, well-muscled young bull. “He has everything – breed character, length, conformation and good locomotion.”

Second highest price of the day of 3,900gns was paid to Freddie Davidson, Banbridge, for his first-placed Ember Pete Y962 (TSI+29 SRI+38). Sired by Drumcarbin Richie, this 15-month-old bull is out of the home-bred Birches Lord John M052 daughter, Ember Princess Lil T251. He is in the breed’s top 20% for calving ease at +2.2 and sold to S Caldwell from Beragh, County Tyrone.

The reserve male and reserve supreme champion Ballyvaston Emlyn X192, from Christopher Strain Downpatrick, made 3,700gns. This November 2021-born bull is sired by Linton Gilbertines Dubliner R970 and is out of the Rawburn Black Hawk L261 daughter, Ballyvaston Erin V107 – one of four breeding females in the herd.

“The reserve champion is another tremendous young bull with great shape and breed character,” said judge Ivan Forsythe.

Christopher Strain also realised 3,100gns for his secondplaced Rawburn Jagger Eric R094 son, Ballyvaston Elliott Y203. He sold to Robert Jardine, Banbridge.

Fintan Keown from Belleek, County Fermanagh, averaged £3,570 for first-and-second-placed bulls and also won the female championship with his maiden heifer Home Farm Lady Heather Y743.

Leading his entry at 3,500gns was the second prizewinning Home Farm Lord Hector Y732, which was snapped up by Brendan Starkey from Downpatrick. This fifteenmonth-old bull is sired by Blackhaugh Time F610 ET and is out of the Mogeely Joe H979 daughter, Home Farm Lady Hallow V415 – one of 10 pedigree and 25 commercial cows in the herd.

Next best at 3,300gns was the yearling bull Home Farm Lord Harry Y765, purchased by Neil NcMullan, Downpatrick. He is sired by the home-bred Westellen Diego M734 son, Home Farm Edge W507, the 3,500gns male champion which sold at Dungannon in February 2022.

The third-placed Tullybryan Lord Jono Y455 bred by Fiona Troughton, Ballygawley, attracted a bid of 3,000gns from Alan Graham, Ballinamallard. Born in January 2022, he is sired by Stouphill Bomber T182 and is out of a home-bred dam by Bunlahy John G. This bull was calf champion at the NI Aberdeen Angus Club’s annual Calf Show last year.

Results from the showring

Bull, born between 01/11/21 and 03/12/21

1. Supreme champion from Jack Smyth, Bessiebell Lord Tyrone X245 by Shadwell Evolution T003 ET.

2. Reserve champion from Christopher Strain, Ballyvaston Emlyn X192 by Linton Gilbertines Dubliner R970.

Bull, born between 03/01/22 and 16/01/22

1. Freddie Davidson’s Ember Pete Y962 by Drumcarbin Richie.

2. Fintan Keown’s Home Farm Lord Hector Y732 by Blackhaugh Time F610 ET.

3. Mrs Fiona Troughton’s Tullybryan Lord Jono Y455 by Stouphill Bomber T182.

Bull, born between 25/01/22 and 31/03/22

1. Fintan Keown’s Home Farm Lord Harry Y765 by Home Farm Edge W507.

2. Christopher Strain’s Ballyvaston Elliott Y203 by Rawburn Jagger Eric R094.

Female, born in January 2022

1. Female Champion Fintan Keown’s Home Farm Lady Heather Y743 by Netherton Americano M703 ET.

173 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk

Woodvale Miss Annie reigns supreme at Angus calf show

The 10-month-old home-bred heifer Woodvale Miss Annie Z151 claimed the silverware at the Northern Ireland Aberdeen-Angus Club’s annual Calf Show, held at Dungannon.

This much-admired heifer was sired by the home-bred Woodvale Powerplay X893, a second-prize winner at Balmoral Show in 2022. Her dam Woodvale Miss Annie W856 is one of 15 cows in the herd, and is a daughter of the 2021 Balmoral Aberdeen Angus and interbreed beef champion Woodvale Miss Annie U436.

Commenting on the placing, Judge Brian Clarke, from the 60-cow Duncanziemere Herd based at Cumnock in Ayrshire, said: “The champion is a very correct heifer with a beautiful head and great legs. She is oozing style and ring presence and will mature into a super brood cow.”

Claiming the reserve supreme championship title was the bull calf champion, Drumhill Exchange Rate Z194, from Jonathan and Lisa Doyle’s 60-cow herd at Cookstown. The Doyles were making a return to the showring after a sevenyear hiatus.

This seven-month-old bull was bred from Drumhill Evora V64, and sired by the herd’s stock bull, Galcantray Jedi Eric V287, which was purchased at Stirling for a top price of 15,000gns in February 2021.

James Mallon from Swatragh had a memorable day, winning the reserve heifer calf championship and the prize for the best pair of exhibitor-bred calves.

His award-winning calf was the May-born Knockoneill Prelude Z334. She is one of the first calves sired by the herd’s stock bull, Clooncarne Thompson, purchased privately from Thomas Mulligan, County Leitrim. Her dam, Clontead Prelude U283, was bought as a calf from Irish breeder Eustace Burke.

Winning the reserve bull calf plaudits was the six-monthold Drummeer Black Balmoral Z143 ET from Alan and Naomi Morrison’s herd at Maguiresbridge. Described by the judge as a smart calf, he was sired by Lockerley Black Boromir K173, and is out of the home-bred Drummeer Blackbird R853.

174 SHOW

Leading the yearling championship line-up was the February 2022 Glenbrae Red Miss Kayo Y477 ET brought out by the Dodd family, William, Jane, Jamie, and Lewis, who own a 20-cow herd based at Saintfield. Sired by Mosshall Red Evolution P353, she is bred from Gannon Red Miss Kayo S697.

This heifer is no stranger to show success having won the reserve supreme championship at the calf show in 2022. She also secured multiple rosettes this year, including reserve junior female champion at the Northern Ireland National Show at Clogher, and the reserve breed championship at Antrim Show.

The reserve yearling championship went to Drumhill Bandit Y866, an eighteen-month-old bull from Jonathan and Lisa Doyle’s herd. Sired by the 14,000gns Kilmaluag Eriskay T203, his dam, Blelack Blaeberry U918, was purchased at the Blelack dispersal.

The Northern Ireland Aberdeen-Angus Club is indebted to the Wylie family for the use of its facilities at Dungannon Farmers’ Mart. Thanks also to the sponsors without whom this event would not be possible: WD Meats, Energia Renewables, Alexander Mills, John McElderry, Certified Irish Angus Beef, Boyd Haulage, and McGuckian Brothers.

175 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk SHOW

Junior bull lands top honours at Summer National Show

Ajunior bull exhibited by Dunfermline breeder Caroline Orr was crowned cream of the crop at this year’s Aberdeen-Angus Summer National Show.

The contest, staged at the Turriff Show, was judged by Surrey breeder and former Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society president Angus Stovold.

He awarded the male champion prize to Kilmallie Juggernaut Eric Y389. He previously stood junior champion and reserve male at the Royal Highland Show, and junior and reserve overall champion at the Great Yorkshire Show.

Bred by Fort William breeder Ewen Campbell, he is an April 2022-born son of HF Rebel 53Y, out of Kilmallie Jury Erica S036.

Reserve overall and female champion went to a heifer from Brailes Livestock, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire.

This was January 2021-born Carbery Urban Boss, bred by Irish breeders Keith and Caroline Vickery.

By Rawburn Boss Hogg N630, and out of Rosscarbery Lady Hawaii U169, she was shown with her February-born bull calf Brailes Urban Bentley Z294, by HW Farghal T516.

Other leading prizes included the reserve male champion and best Aberdeen-Angus animal bred by exhibitor awards, which went to Daneside Bombadier X008 from

Norman B Belfield Esq, Lower Barn Farm, Macclesfield. Bombadier is a December 2021-born ET son of Gretnahouse Blacksmith L500, out of Tonley Belle K749.

The reserve female championship went to the junior heifer Tonley Fiona from Mark Wattie, Mains of Tonley, Alford, Aberdeenshire.

Other leading prizes:

Best group of three:

Brailes Livestock with Carbery Urban Boss, Brailes Black Bee Y245, and Retties Elixir U032.

Best pair of females bred by exhibitor: Ray Gardiner, Newton Smiddy, Lyne of Skene, Aberdeenshire, with Newton Muchalls Nutmeg Y112 and Newton Muchalls Nutmeg Y115.

Best Aberdeen-Angus calf:

AJR Farms, Milton of Collieston, Ellon, with Logie Eyebright Y417.

Exhibitor gaining most points with home-bred Aberdeen-Angus: Ballindalloch Home Farm, Banffshire, with Ballindalloch Gunshot Z686; and G & F Willox, Meikle Pitinnan, Oldmeldrum, with Cardenwell Miss Blossom.




Junior Male

- UK523412 301649

- UK501144 500389


Reserve Junior Male - UK530691 500116 NEWTON JESTER ERIC Y116 RAY GARDINER ESQ

Senior Female Champion - 20211701(IR)47 CARBERY URBAN BOSS (IMP) BRAILES LIVESTOCK

Reserve Senior Female - UK529132 700087 CARDENWELL MISS BLOSSOM S087 G & F WILLOX

Senior Male Champion - UK177643 100008 DANESIDE BOMBADIER X008 (ET) NORMAN B BELFIELD ESQ

Reserve Senior Male



Heifer Calf Champion - UK521334 602417 LOGIE EYEBRIGHT Y417 AJR FARMS

Reserve Heifer Calf - UK540221 100454 MOSSTON MUIR EVA Z454 ALAN RENNIE

Calf Champion - UK521334 602417 LOGIE EYEBRIGHT Y417 AJR FARMS


Overall Male Champion - UK501144 500389 KILMALLIE JUGGERNAUT ERIC Y389 MISS CAROLINE ORR

Reserve Overall Male - UK177643 100008 DANESIDE BOMBADIER X008 (ET) NORMAN B BELFIELD ESQ

Overall Female Champion - 20211701(IR)47 CARBERY URBAN BOSS (IMP) BRAILES LIVESTOCK

Reserve Overall Female - UK520423 401937 TONLEY FIONA Y937 MARK WATTIE



177 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk SHOWS Class Placing Animal no. Exhibitor Animal Date of Birth Sire Dam 2 1st UK177643 100008 NORMAN B BELFIELD ESQ DANESIDE BOMBADIER X008 (ET) 04/12/2021 UK581747 100500 UK520423 600749 2 2nd UK177643 500005 NORMAN B BELFIELD ESQ DANESIDE BORIS X005 (ET) 09/10/2021 UK581747 100500 UK520423 600749 2 3rd UK522324 500280 KARL SCOTT ESQ FOGGIE EMPEROR X280 04/10/2021 UK548244 500026 UK522324 200242 3 1st UK522860 502815 MESSRS C & E MCCOMBIE AUCHINCRIEVE ERIC Y815 12/02/2022 UK520423 101318 UK522860 501730 3 2nd UK560137 602680 ANDREW S HODGE ESQ RULESMAINS PAYCHECK Y680 25/03/2022 UK521115 704017 UK560137 102171 3 3rd UK522860 602830 ANDREW S HODGE ESQ AUCHINCRIEVE EDWARD Y830 01/03/2022 UK521115 503938 UK522860 702180 4 1st UK501144 500389 MISS CAROLINE ORR KILMALLIE JUGGERNAUT ERIC Y389 03/04/2022 1627442(CA)40 UK509199 600036 4 2nd UK530691 500116 RAY GARDINER ESQ NEWTON JESTER ERIC Y116 01/05/2022 UK581747 401070 UK542600 700325 4 3rd UK520452 102776 W A L LAWSON SCOTSMILL ERIC Y776 08/04/2022 UK560236 401448 UK520452 201594 4 4th UK523342 301271 FIRM OF A M SHEPHERD ORBLISTON BLACK BONANZA Y271 06/04/2022 UK521420 701638 UK523342 301145 4 5th UK521159 600485 K & M HOWIE CAIRNTON KINGDOM Y485 14/05/2022 UK521159 100452 UK521159 100459 4 6th UK540221 700439 MOSSTON MUIR FARM LTD MOSSTON MUIR PRINCE CHIEFTAIN Y439 02/04/2022 UK540148 700223 UK540221 300386 5 1st UK541635 700586 MISS CAROLINE ORR KEIRSBEATH POWERHOUSE Y586 27/10/2022 UK560236 401021 UK541635 200532 6 1st UK522593 600686 BALLINDALLOCH HOME FARM BALLINDALLOCH GUNSHOT Z686 05/01/2023 UK261902 502189 UK522593 700435 6 2nd UK522404 500902 HAMISH W SCLATER ESQ DEVERON BLACK BOSS Z902 16/01/2023 UK562106 103120 UK522404 300648 6 3rd UK548244 700294 BRAILES LIVESTOCK BRAILES URBAN BENTLEY Z294 12/02/2023 UK546977 401516 20211701(IR)47 6 4th UK529132 600205 G & F WILLOX CARDENWELL ICEMAN Z205 01/01/2023 UK523776 300970 UK529132 200166 8 1st UK529132 700087 G & F WILLOX CARDENWELL MISS BLOSSOM S087 02/01/2016 UK523776 300396 UK529132 200005 8 2nd UK522404 300648 HAMISH W SCLATER ESQ DEVERON BLACK BEAUTY V648 05/03/2019 UK583295 302240 UK523169 401031 8 3rd UK521334 501926 AJR FARMS LOGIE EYEBRIGHT V926 30/03/2019 UK521115 103661 UK521334 200481 8 4th UK548244 400032 BRAILES LIVESTOCK RETTIES ELIXIR U032 (ET) 06/08/2018 UK545022 300195 UK541889 500889 9 1st UK529132 200166 G & F WILLOX CARDENWELL IONA W166 07/05/2020 UK542600 600226 UK540221 400289 10 1st UK522593 200619 BALLINDALLOCH HOME FARM BALLINDALLOCH PAM X619 09/02/2021 UK522593 400397 UK522593 600539 10 2nd UK548244 600195 DONALD RANKIN ESQ RETTIES RUISSEAU X195 02/06/2021 UK545022 500176 UK545022 300391 10 3rd UK522404 600791 HAMISH W SCLATER DEVERON ELIZE X791 14/04/2021 UK522404 400593 UK522404 300606 10 4th UK540221 700425 ALAN RENNIE MOSSTON MUIR ISLA X425 15/05/2021 UK540148 700223 UK540221 600340 11 1st 20211701(IR)47 BRAILES LIVESTOCK CARBERY URBAN BOSS (IMP) 03/01/2021 UK562106 201630 3722229473 81169 11 2nd UK502195 200262 GILL & EWEN MACGREGOR RADDERY LADY X262 22/01/2021 UK522404 400593 UK522404 400530 12 1st UK542892 304258 DANIEL COOKE STEPHICK EMILIE Y258 02/01/2022 UK545022 300195 UK542892 103563 12 2nd UK520452 502710 W A L LAWSON SCOTSMILL JUNE ERICA Y710 27/02/2022 UK560236 401448 UK520452 301231 12 3rd UK523342 101262 SAM MILNE ORBLISTON LADY HARMONY Y262 25/03/2022 UK521420 701638 UK523342 201109 12 4th UK540221 300435 ALAN RENNIE MOSSTON MUIR EDWINA Y435 27/01/2022 20183195(IR)45 UK540221 600396 12 5th UK523342 601260 SAM MILNE ORBLISTON JUNE Y260 21/03/2022 UK521420 701638 UK523342 301180 13 1st UK520423 401937 MARK WATTIE TONLEY FIONA Y937 02/04/2022 UK520423 101318 UK520423 401594 13 2nd UK523412 301649 GRAEME A RHIND NEWTON-STRUTHERS ESPRESSO Y649 08/04/2022 UK540244 500875 UK523412 301558 13 3rd UK548244 700245 BRAILES LIVESTOCK BRAILES BLACK BEE Y245 21/04/2022 UK548244 200023 UK560129 400597 13 4th UK522593 600665 BALLINDALLOCH HOME FARM BALLINDALLOCH ERIN Y665 05/04/2022 UK561995 601580 UK522593 300501 13 5th UK521159 500484 K & M HOWIE CAIRNTON PANTENE Y484 13/05/2022 UK521159 100452 UK521159 700458 13 6th UK560137 202711 ANDREW S HODGE ESQ RULESMAINS ROYAL LYNN Y711 03/04/2022 UK521115 203879 UK560137 302005 14 1st UK521334 602417 AJR FARMS LOGIE EYEBRIGHT Y417 17/12/2022 UK521115 404042 UK521334 501926 15 1st UK540221 100454 ALAN RENNIE MOSSTON MUIR EVA Z454 01/01/2023 UK540221 300288 UK540221 400366 15 2nd UK502195 200297 GILL & EWEN MACGREGOR RADDERY LADY Z297 21/02/2023 UK502195 400250 UK502195 200262
Female Champion - UK520423
Junior Female

Woodvale hit the hat-trick at the 154th Balmoral Show

THE Armour family from County Down scooped the Aberdeen-Angus championship and the second reserve interbreed beef champion of champions award at the Royal Ulster Agricultural Society’s 154th Balmoral Show.

This latest feat marks the 15-cow herd’s third successive breed championship at Balmoral. They won in 2021 with junior cow Woodvale Miss Annie U436, and in 2022 and 2023 with Woodvale Delia X867.

Shown last year as an in-calf heifer, Woodvale Delia X867 returned to the Balmoral Show ring with her Januaryborn bull calf at foot. The four-month-old Woodvale Dynamo Z162 is sired by the home-bred Woodvale Powerplay X893, which stood second in the junior bull class at last year’s show.

The much-admired Woodvale Delia X867 was born in March 2021 and is sired by the herd’s former stock bull Oak Moor Lord Ivanho U419. Her dam, Woodvale Delia T101, is a daughter of the 24,000gns February 2016 Stirling champion Tonley Evor P044.

A delighted Alwyn Armour, who founded the herd in 1995, said: “I bought the maternal granddam, Carlhurlie Delight

N959, for 3,500gns at Carlhurlie dispersal sale at Stirling in 2016. She was in-calf to Evor, and the result was the heifer’s dam, Woodvale Delia T101.”

Judge Eustace Burke, president of the Irish AberdeenAngus Association, thanked the RUAS for inviting him to judge. “It has been an outstanding show of AberdeenAngus cattle, and I’d like to congratulate all exhibitors on a good turnout of quality stock. The youngstock were exceptional.”

Mr Burke, who runs the 30-cow Clontead Herd in County Cork, described the supreme and exhibitor-bred champion as an exceptional and powerful young cow. “She calved at 22-months-of-age and is a fine example of the breed. Very correct throughout, feminine, with good legs and feet, and a good milky udder. This young cow is working and doing a good job rearing her calf.”

Winning the junior and reserve overall championship plaudits was the yearling bull, Home Farm Erne Y802, bred by Fintan Keown, who runs a herd of 10 pedigree and 25 commercial cows at Belleek, County Fermanagh. Erne is sired by Haymount War Smith R578, and bred from Home Farm Ebony Stunner S087. This young bull was reserve male champion at the NI Aberdeen-Angus Club’s

Woodvale Delia X867

Calf Show in November. His dam was champion at the Pedigree Calf Fair a number of years ago. He also claimed the second reserve interbreed junior beef championship at Balmoral Show.

Eustace Burke added: “This is an exceptional young bull with a bright future. He epitomises all the characteristics of the breed, and has power and bone structure to carry his performance.”

The reserve junior championship went to Ember Paxton Y973, a February 2022-born bull bred by Freddie Davidson from Banbridge. He is sired by Drumcarbin Richie and is out of Ember Pearl U494. This young bull was also tapped out as the reserve champion in the interbreed performance bull competition.

The award for the best pair of Aberdeen-Angus cattle went to Caolan McBrien from Enniskillen, who exhibited full ET brothers Old Barr Pink Paddy Y504 and Old Bar Pitter Patter Y493.

Results from the showring…Specials Aberdeen-Angus Perpetual Challenge Cup for the champion: Alwyn and Carol Armour and Sons. Reserve: Fintan Keown. WJ Carson Memorial Perpetual Challenge Cup for the exhibitor-bred champion: Alwyn and Carol Armour and Sons. Reserve: Fintan Keown. JD Templeton Memorial Perpetual Challenge Trophy for the best yearling bull: Fintan Keown. Reserve: Freddie Davidson. Drumlister Trophy for the best of opposite sex to the champion: Fintan Keown. Reserve: Freddie Davidson. John Thompson and Sons Ltd Crystal Awards for the best pair of females, property of exhibitor: NIH and IH Forsythe. Reserve: Iain Colville.


Cow, born on or before 31/12/19

1. Adrian and Graeme Parke, Coolermoney Frances T703 by Hallington Edition M362.

2. Kevin McOscar, Blelack Princess Chartreuse T848 by Warrenho Emperor M425.

3. John and Ann Henning, Drumcorn Lady Ida U536 by Blelack Prince J165.

Heifer, born between 1/1/21 and 31/12/21

1. Alwyn and Carol Armour and Sons, Woodvale Delia X867 by Oak Moor Lord Ivanho U419.

2. Adrian and Graeme Parke, Coolermoney Ruth X086 by Rawburn Jagger Eric E094.

3. NIH and IH Forsythe, Coltrim Lady Jane X585 by Coltrim Javier Eric U911.

4. Iain Colville, Glen Cowie Belle by Stouphill Eligh U217.

Heifer, born on or after 1/1/22

1. Kevin McOscar, Island Farm Toplass Y156 by Stouphill Marcus Prince U 251.

2. NIH and IH Forsythe, Coltrim Princess X806 by Coltrim Ellipse W272.

3. William Dodd, Glenbrae Red Miss Kayo Y477 by Mosshall Red Evolution P353.

4. Adrian and Graeme Parke, Coolermoney Roxi Y204 by Rawburn Jumbo Eric T627.

Bull, born prior to 1/1/22

1. John and Ann Henning, Solitude Elite V777 by Netherallen Peter Pershore E052.

2. NIH and IH Forsythe, Island Farm Master Missie X854 by Stouphill Marcus Prince U251.

Bull, born on or after 1/1/22

1. Fintan Keown, Home Farm Erne Y802 by Haymount War Smith R578.

2. Freddie Davidson, Ember Paxton Y973 by Drumcarbin Richie.

3. Caolan McBrien, Old Bar Pitter Patter Y493 by Idvies Eric S735.

4. Caolan McBrien, Old Barr Pink Paddy Y504 by Idvies Eric S735.

Pair, property of exhibitor

1. Caolan McBrien, Old Barr Pitter Patter Y494 and Old Barr Pink Paddy Y504.

2. William Dodd, Glenbrae Red Miss Kayo Y477 and Glenbrae Red Mr Kayo Y536.

3. NIH and IH Forsythe, Coltrim Evanna X747 and Coltrim Princess X806.

179 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk
Island Farm Toplass Y156 Home Farm Erne Y802 Coolermoney Frances T703

Winter National Calf ShowAgri Expo 2023

The 2023 Winter National Calf Show was held within the event known as Agri Expo at Borderway Mart, Carlisle on Friday 27th October 2023. The standard of entry was tremendous, for judge Andrew Hodge, who presided over the 85 catalogued entries.

With no senior males forward, the eldest male category were yearling males, born between January 2022 and December 2022. The best of these were A & J Adam, Newhouse of Glamis on their first outing with Newhouse Playboy Y014, an August 2022-born son of Brailes Fabulous out of a Tonley Princess daughter. Reserve yearling champion came from the same class exhibited by Miss Caroline Orr, Keirsbeath Powerhouse Y586, an October 2022-born calf sired by Linton Gilbertines President.

Three junior male classes for bull calves born from January 2023 onwards were won by D & K Graham with Carruthers Equador Z229, a March born Auchincreive Exodus son out of a homebred dam.

Reserve junior male was Mr & Mrs M Alford’s Foxhill Diamond Mist Z254, a January-born Linton Gilbertines President son out of a Weeton Diamond Mist dam. The

junior males triumphed in the overall male championship, where Carruthers Equador Z229 was judged best male and Foxhill Diamond Mist Z254 picked up the reserve spot.

The only senior female forward took the senior female champion, which was Brailes Livestock’s Carberry Urban Boss with first calf at foot. Yearling females, born between January 2022 and December 2022, were won by Neil Wattie’s Tonley Fiona Y837, an April-born Tonley Jester Eric son out of a homebred dam.

Reserve place came from the second class, exhibited by Alistair Clark and Sons, Duncanziemere Edwina Y508, sired by Duncanziemere Sportsman. A big entry of heifer calves was topped by Mr & Mrs M Alford’s Foxhill Diamond Mist Z253, another January-born flush sister to their reserve male champion.

Reserve junior female champion was Duncanziemere Ellen Erica Z536, sired by Duncanziemere Sportsman, and second youngest catalogued, having been born in May 2023. Neil Wattie’s Tonley Fiona Y837 was tapped out female champion ahead of Carberry’s Boss as reserve.


Section champions were as follows:

Senior champion:

Carberry Urban Boss; Brailes Livestock

Yearling champion:

Tonley Fiona Y837; Neil A Wattie

Reserve Yearling Champion: Duncanziemere Edwina Y508; A Clark & Sons

Junior champion: Carruthers Equador Z229; D & K Graham

Reserve Junior Champion: Foxhill Diamond Mist Z253; Mr & Mrs M Alford

Overall champion:

Tonley Fiona Y837; Neil A Wattie

Reserve Overall Champion: Carruthers Equador Z229; D & K Graham

181 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk SHOWS
Newhouse Playboy Y014 Carruthers Equador Z229 Keirsbeath Powerhouse Y586 Carberry Urban Boss Duncanziemere Edwina Y508 Tonley Fiona Y937 Foxhill Diamond Mist Z253

Black Beauty Bonanza

More than 100 cattle from across Scotland entered the 2023 Black Beauty Bonanza organised by the North East of Scotland Aberdeen-Angus Club at Thainstone, Aberdeenshire. 96 forward from 28 herds on the day made it a good show for judge, David Murray of Wolflaw across the 12 classes of calves and yearlings.

Heifer calf championship went to the January-born Foxhill Diamond Mist Z253, from Mike and Melanie Alford’s Foxhill herd from Devon. By Linton Gilbertines President S021 and out of Weeton Diamond Mist M351, she has already stood junior female champion at Agri Expo in Carlisle and native junior champion at the Stars of the Future Calf Show.

Reserve heifer calf champion from Hannah Heerema, of Balavil Home Farm, Kingussie, was Balavilhouse Daisy Duchess Z995. An AI calf from of Kilmaluag Eriskay T203, out of Ardoyne Daisy Duchess P256, she had also won her class at Agri Expo.

The Watties, Mains of Tonley, Alford, took champion yearling heifer with Tonley Fiona Y937, who also had a good showing at the Society’s Winter National at Agri Expo standing champion and reserve female champion at the national show at Turriff in the summer. She is a 19-month-old daughter of Tonley Jester Eric S318, who has bred sons to 24,000gns and daughters to 20,000gns.

Reserve in this section, was Newton-Struthers Espresso Y649, a female of similar age the Rhinds at Newton of Struthers, Kinloss. Espresso had already had a busy summer, taking seven breed championships, two reserve inter-breed wins and champion of champions at Grantown Show.

Ballindalloch Home Farms took the bull calf champion with Ballindalloch Flame Z696. He is an April-born son of Rosemead January W189, and Ballindalloch Flora.

Ray Gardiner, Newton, Skene, stood reserve bull calf with May-born Newton Nelson Z139, by Idvies Ferrari and out of Newton Muchalls Nutmeg.

The class of yearling bulls, saw both champion and reserve tickets going to Tonley. Tonley Edward Y938 took champion, by Tonley Jester Eric, whilst reserve went to Tonley Picasso Y953. The pairing went on to win yearling pair championship.

Champion heifer pairs went to Balavilhouse, while Newton Muchalls herd took reserve with their heifer duo. Reserve pair of yearlings also went to Tonley.

Andrew Reid Jnr from Ellon won the chairman’s special prize for Endeavour.


Leading Awards

Class 1

1. Mr and Mrs M Alford’s Foxhill Diamond Mist, by Linton Gilbertines President S021

2. Mrs H Heerema’s Balavilhouse Daisy Duchess Z995, by Kilmaluag Eriskay T203

3. H Heerema’s Balavilhouse Blaeberry Z990, by Balavilhouse Loyal Era X915.

Class 2

1. C and E McCombie’s Auchincrieve Blackbelle Z967, by Auchincrieve Eminem W557

2. Mrs H Heerema’s Balavilhouse Empress Z000, by Kilmaluag Eriskay

3. C and E McCombie’s Auchincrieve Edwinasa Z963, by Shawtonhill Ninja W751.

Class 3

1. A and P Davie’s Perkhill Cherry Blossom Z385, by Perkhill Black Evor V307

2. G and R Miller’s Birkenbower Ginnie Z626, by Casino Buffon S008

3. C and E McCombie’s Auchincrieve Edwinasa Z971, by Shawtonhill Ninja.

Class 4

1. NA Wattie’s Tonley Princess Z044, by Kilmaluag Eriskay T203

2. Ballindalloch Home Farms’ Ballindalloch Miss Pristine Z693, by Rosemead January W189

3. AJR Farms’ Logie Eyebright Z453, by Blelack Ever Creole W042.

Class 5

1. R Gardiner’s Newton Jill Erica, by Idvies Ferrari S752

2. AN Calcott and Son’s Blelack Hill Bluebird Z028, by Blelack Dual Mine U913

3. B MacAngus’ Little Glencoe Perdita Z023, by Rawburn Ernan W110.

Class 6 – Mar 25-Dec 17 2022

1. NA Wattie’s Tonley Fiona, by Tonley Jester Eric S318

2. A and K Rhind and Son’s Newton-Struthers Espresso Y649, by Idvies Ed W875

3. AJR Farms’ Logie Eyebright Y417, by Blelack Ever Creole W042.

Class 7

1. Mrs H Heerema’s Balavilhouse Galahad Z991. by Balavilhouse Loyal Era X915

2. K Rennie’s Fiddlehall Epic Z051, by Tonley Jester Eric S318

3. Mrs H Heerema’s Balavilhouse Pilbeam Z996, by Kilmaluag Eriskay T203.

Class 8

1. C and E McCombie’s Auchincrieve Lucifer Z983, by Auchincrieve Eminem W557

2. C and E McCombie’s Auchincrieve Eusane Z964, by Auchincrieve Eminem W557

3. Mrs H Heerema’s Balavilhouse Black Bingham Z001, by Kilmaluag Eriskay T203.

Class 9

1. C and E McCombie’s Auchincrieve Jerry Eric Z990, by Shawtonhill Ninja W751

2. Mosston Muir Farm’s Mosston Muir Invictus Z459, by Balmachie Ranald T223

3. NA Wattie’s Tonley Eagle Z041, by Kilmaluag Eriskay T203.

Class 10

1. Ballindalloch Home Farms’ Ballindalloch Flame Z696, by Rosemead January W189

2. Mosston Muir Farm’s Mosston Muir Eroco Z464, by Balmachie Ranald T223

3. PM Hepburn’s Burnside Bandit Man Z066, by Burnside Eyeful W967.

Class 11

1. R Gardiner’s Newton Nelson Z139, by Idvies Ferrari S752

2. AN Calcott and Son’s Blelack Hill Prospero Z032, by Kimaluag Eriskay T203

3. AN Calcott and Son’s Blelack Hill Buster Z033, by Kilmaluag Eriskay T203.

Class 12

1. NA Wattie’s Tonley Edward Y938, by Tonley Jester Eric S318

2. NA Wattie’s Tonley Picasso Y953, by Duncanziemere Jesterstream V322

3. A and P Davie’s Perkhill Black Magic Y373, by Perkhill Charlie Brown U302.


Senior (18-26 years)

1. Andrew Reid

2. Hannah Lorimer

3. James MacIver.

Intermediate (16-17 years)

1. Grant Rhind

2. Jasmin Strachan

3. Rachel Forbes.

Intermediate (14-15 years)

1. Finlay Hunter

2. Anna Fettes

3. Jack Stuart.

Junior (13 years and under)

1. Jess Williams

2. Abbie Brown

3. Cameron Elliot.

183 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk SHOWS

Princess Carina repeats success at Great Yorkshire Show

Blelack Princess Carina X125 made a triumphant return to the showring at the Great Yorkshire Show repeating her success at the Royal Highland the previous month.

Once again, she was crowned Aberdeen-Angus champion under judge Alan Lawson from the Hallington Aberdeen-Angus herd in Northumberland. She also won reserve beef interbreed.

This heifer was purchased as a five-month-old calf by Melanie and Michael Alford for 30,000gns at the Blelack dispersal in 2021.

Sired by the 14,000gns Kilmal Eriskay, she is out of Blelack Princess Carina U902.

Winning reserve in the Aberdeen-Angus breed championship was the junior and male champion, Kilmallie Juggernaut Eric Y389 from Miss Caroline Orr. Bred by Ewen Campbell, Fort William, he is by the Canadian AI sire HF REBEL 53Y, and is out of the Kilmallie Finlay daughter, Kilmallie Jury Erica.

The other main prize-winners were:

Junior champion:

Kilmallie Juggernaut Eric Y389 from Miss Caroline Orr.

Junior reserve:

Rulesmains Paycheck Y680 from Andrew S Hodge.

Male champion:

Kilmallie Juggernaut Eric Y389 from Miss Caroline Orr.

Male reserve:

Rulesmains Paycheck Y680 from Andrew S Hodge.

Female champion:

Blelack Princess Carina X125 from Mr & Mrs Alford.

Reserve female champion:

Logie Eyebright V926 from AJR Farms.

Breed champion:

Blelack Princess Carina X125 from Mr & Mrs Alford.

Breed reserve:

Kilmallie Juggernaut Eric Y389 from Miss Caroline Orr.

185 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk SHOWS

Princess clinches crown at Royal Highland Show

Claiming the breed championship ticket and the reserve silverware in the interbreed was Blelack Princess Carina X125.

It made the seven-hour trip from Cullompton in Devon worthwhile for owners Melanie and Michael Alford, who purchased Carina for 30,000gns as a five-month-old calf at the Blelack dispersal in 2021.

Sired by the 14,000gns Kilmaluag Eriskay, she is out of Blelack Princess Carina U902 and was shown in-calf to Weeton Evolution.

The Aberdeen-Angus judge, Dallas Allen of the Stouphill herd at Humbleheugh, Alnwick, tapped out the March 2020-born Rodmead Prague W014 (ET) from AW Neish Esq as his reserve winner. Sired by Skaill Eric S498, his dam is Brynawelon Prim J530.


The other main prize-winners were:

Junior female champion: Duncanziemere Edwina Y460 from A Clark & Sons.

Reserve junior female champion: Rodmead Diana Y100 from AW Neish Esq.

Overall female champion: Blelack Princess Carina X125 from Mr & Mrs Alford.

Reserve female champion: Cardona Jeweliot Erica S002 from J Robert Galloway Esq.

Junior male champion: Kilmallie Juggernaut Eric Y389 from Miss Caroline Orr.

Reserve junior male champion: Oak Moor Boss Y637 from Miss MV Guttery and Mr Tom Slater.

Overall junior champion: Kilmallie Juggernaut Eric Y389 from Miss Caroline Orr.

Reserve overall junior champion: Duncanziemere Edwina Y460 from A Clark & Sons.

Overall male champion: Rodmead Prague W014 (ET) from AW Neish Esq.

Reserve overall male champion: Kilmallie Juggernaut Eric Y389 from Miss Caroline Orr.

Overall champion: Blelack Princess Carina X125 from Mr & Mrs Alford.

Reserve overall champion: Rodmead Prague W014 (ET) from AW Neish Esq.

187 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk
Rodmead Diana Y100 Rodmead Prague W014 Kilmallie Juggernaut Eric Y389

Coolermoney cow wins NI Aberdeen-Angus championship

THE Northern Ireland Aberdeen-Angus Club held its annual Summer Championship at the 103rd Clogher Valley Show.

This year’s show was judged by Scotsman Ian Watson, owner of the 50-cow Kersquarter Herd based at Kelso in Roxburghshire; and current junior vice-president of the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society.

The show was dominated by younger animals, and the heifer classes were exceptionally strong, with up to nine individual entries in one class.

It was a red-letter day for the Parke family from Strabane, who notched up the senior female, exhibitor-bred and overall supreme championships with Coolermoney Frances T703, and the junior male championship.

Six-year-old Frances was the winner of the cow class and kept impressing the judge throughout the day to claim a number of top awards. Sired by Hallington Edition M362, her dam was the privately-purchased Lough Erne Frances J014.

She won first prize at Balmoral Show and breed champion at Omagh Show. This much-admired young cow was accompanied in the showring by her February-born bull calf Coolermoney Frankie Z311.

Speaking of his champion Ian commented: “The champion is a terrific young cow, and is working hard rearing her bull calf. She was a very worthy winner, and later in the day I was pleased to see her winning the reserve interbreed beef championship.”

Adrian and Graeme Parke founded the Coolermoney prefix in 1996, and run a herd of eight pedigree cows. Their junior male champion was the five-month-old bull calf Coolermoney Ragnor Z322. He is by Rawburn Boss Hogg N630 and bred from Coolermoney Rosita J003.

Claiming the reserve overall championship was the senior male award winner, and reserve exhibitor-bred champion, Glenbrae Red Mr Kayo Y536, exhibited by William and Jane Dodd, and sons Jamie and Lewis, from Saintfield.

The sixteen-month-old ET bull was sired by Mosshall Red Evolution P353 and is out of the Scottish-bred Gannon Red Miss Kayo S697 – one of 15 cows in the herd. He has won an array of awards during the show season.

The Dodd family also scooped the reserve senior female championship with the September 2021 Glenbrae Red Mouse X236. A Mosshall Red Forrest V018 daughter, she is bred from Gannon Red Mouse U173.

Rounding off a successful day for the Dodd family was the reserve junior female champion, Glenbrae Red Miss Kayo Y477, a full ET sister to the reserve supreme champion.

Home Farm Erne Y802 bred by Fintan Keown, Belleek, was the winner of the reserve senior male championship. Sired by Haymount War Smith R578, his dam was the

former Pedigree Calf Fair breed champion Home Farm Ebony Stunner S087 – one of 10 cows in the herd. He was junior champion, male, and reserve supreme champion at Balmoral Show this year.

The reserve junior male champion was Ard Dubh Premier Y617, a Dillon New Holland son, bred by Mena McCloskey from Dungiven. Born in November 2022, he is an ET son of Mogeely Paula V630.

Securing the junior female championship was Island Farm Pretty Y145, a seventeen-month-old Stouphill Marcus Prince U251 son, bred by Kevin McOscar, Cookstown.


Results from the showring…..

Supreme champion: Adrian and Graeme Parke, Coolermoney Frances T703.

Reserve supreme champion: William Dodd, Glenbrae Red Mr Kayo Y536.

Senior female champion: Adrian and Graeme Parke, Coolermoney Frances T703.

Reserve senior female champion: William Dodd, Glenbrae Red Mouse X234.

Senior male champion : William Dodd, Glenbrae Mr Kayo Y536.

Reserve senior male champion: Fintan Keown, Home Farm Erne Y802.

Junior female champion: Kevin McOscar, Island Farm Pretty Y145.

Reserve junior female champion: William Dodd, Glenbrae Red Miss Kayo Y477.

Junior male champion: Adrian and Graeme Parke, Coolermoney Ragnor Z322

Reserve junior male champion: Mena McCloskey, Ard Dubh Premier Y617.


Bull, born before 01/01/22:

1. Ivan Forsythe, Island Farms Master Missie U854 by Stouphill Marcus Prince U251.

Bull, born between 01/01/22 and 30/06/22:

1. William Dodd, Glenbrae Red Mr Kayo Y536 by Mosshall Red Evolution P353

2. Fintan Keown, Home Farm Erne Y802 by Haymount Warsmith R578.

Bull, born between 01/07/22 and 31/12/22:

1. Mena McCloskey, Ard Dubh Premier Y617 by Dillon New Holland

2. Fintan Keown, Home Farm Lord Hugo Y835 by HF Rebel 53Y

3. Mena McCloskey, Ard Dubh Precision Y621 by Dillon New Holland.

Bull calf, born on or after 01/01/23:

1. Adrian and Graeme Parke, Coolermoney Ragnor Z322 by Rawburn Boss Hogg N630

2. Adrian and Graeme Parke, Coolermoney Romeo Z333 by Rawburn Ernan W110

3. Adrian and Graeme Parke, Coolermoney Frankie Z311 by Rawburn E Type W176

4. Alan Morrison, Drummeer Black Balmoral Z143 by Lockerley Black Boromir K173

5. Alan Morrison, Drummeer Evander Z187 by Liss Masterstroke W013.

Cow, born before 01/01/21:

1. Adrian and Graeme Parke, Coolermoney Frances T703 by Hallington Edition M362

2. Ivan Forsythe, Coltrim Evana U977 by Haymount War Smith R578

3. Alan Morrison, Drummeer Beauty U877 by Irelands Fletcher F1.

Junior cow, born on or after 01/01/21, shown with calf at foot:

1. Jimmy Ferguson, Granabeg Keziz X741 by Rawburn Black Bush S420.

Heifer, born between 01/05/21 and 31/12/21 (not calved):

1. William Dodd, Glenbrae Red Mouse X236 by Mosshall Red Forrest V081

2. Ivan Forsythe, Coltrim Evana X747 by Tofts Everygarth R409.

Heifer born between 01/01/22 and 30/06/22:

1. Kevin McOscar, Island Farm Pretty Y145 by Stouphill Marcus Prince U251

2. William Dodd, Glenbrae Red Miss Kayo Y477 by Mosshall Red Evolution P353

3. Jimmy Ferguson, Granabeg Eleora Y844 by Blackhaugh Titus P466

4. Graeme Donaghy, Dartrey Blackbeauty Y066 by Dartrey Elliott S467

5. Fintan Keown, Home Farm Lady Heather Y743 by Netherton Americano M703.

Heifer, born between 01/07/22 and 31/12/22:

1. Mark Davidson, Drummeer Lady Tara Y852 by Drummeer Bateman W647.

Heifer, born on or after 01/01/23:

1. Fiona Troughton, Tullybryan Lady Jessie Z621 by Drumcrow Tribesman

2. Mr and Mrs John Blackburn, Killaney Red Duchess Z567 by Windy Gowl Red Laddie W292

3. Alan Morrison, Drummeer Mayflower Z014 by Liss Masterstroke W013

4. Fiona Troughton, Tullybryan Lady Jewel Z584 by Drumcrow Tribesman

5. Mr and Mrs John Blackburn, Killaney Red Pride Z615 by Windy Gowl Red Laddie W292.

Best Aberdeen-Angus bred by exhibitor:

1. Adrian and Graeme Parke, Coolermoney Frances T703

2. William Dodd, Glenbrae Red Mr Kayo Y536

3. Fintan Keown, Home Farm Erne Y802

4. William Dodd, Glenbrae Red Mouse X234

5. Ivan Forsythe, Coltrim Evana T747.

Best pair:

1. Fintan Keown, Home Farm Erne Y802 and Home Farm Lady Heather Y743

2. William Dodd, Glenbrae Red Miss Kayo Y477 and Glenbrae Red Mr Kayo Y536.

189 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk SHOWS

Clean sweep for Alfords at Royal Welsh

Melanie and Michael Alford won supreme and reserve breed champion at Builth.

It rounded off a highly successful showing season for the pair from Cullompton in Devon, taking their championship tally to three at national shows.

Reigning supreme under judge Paul Jones from Penclippin Farm, Carmarthenshire, was their female breed champion, Shadwell Lady Heather X250. This January 2021-born heifer was purchased as a maiden heifer for 22,000gns at the Shadwell dispersal sale. She is by Shadwell Evolution T003 and is out of the Te Mania Berkley daughter, Shadwell Lady Heather P738.

Standing in reserve was their homebred Foxhill Princess Caroline Y167. She is by Kilmaluag Eriskay T203 and is out of Princess Caroline T867, who was purchased at the Blelack dispersal sale for 28,000gns.

She is no stranger to the show ring, having won supreme championship at the Aberdeen-Angus Winter National Show as a heifer last year.

The other main prize-winners were:

Male champion:

Oak Moor Boss Y637 from M Guttery & T Slater.

Male reserve:

Balavilhouse Mr Ben Y952 from Balavil Estate Services.

Female champion:

Shadwell Lady Heather X250 from M Alford.

Reserve female champion:

Foxhill Princess Caroline Y167 from M Alford.

Breed champion:

Shadwell Lady Heather X250 from M Alford.

Breed reserve:

Oak Moor Boss Y637 from M Guttery & T Slater.

191 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk SHOWS

Summer Show Roundup



Royal Norfolk Show

Moreton in Marsh Show

Fife Show

Suffolk Show

Berwickshire (Duns) Show

Royal Cornwall Show

Echt Show

West Fife Show

Black Isle Show

Bucks County Show

Garstang Show

Braco Show























Show Name Champion Exhibitor Reserve Champion Exhibitor
Northumberland Show
Hadleigh Show
Orkney County Show
Nidderdale Show YEARSLEY EYRIE X398
193 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk SHOWS

Gretnahouse dispersal peaks at 12,000gns

The ring was four-deep at the dispersal sale of the renowned Gretnahouse herd at H&H Carlisle on Saturday 18th November, where the trade peaked at 12,000gns.

The herd has become famed for its data-driven approach to breeding alongside Alasdair Houston’s exceptional stockman eye.

Since he established his Aberdeen-Angus herd in 2011, the herd has twice set the centre breed record at Carlisle.

Alasdair’s widow, Lucy, made the difficult decision to disperse the herd following Alasdair’s passing in 2021. She said: “His passion and drive in all he did shone through and were reflected in the achievements that he and the herds had. He talked about cattle breeding being a drug for him – and having seen firsthand that love affair he had for his animals for the 30 years that we were together – I can vouch for that.

“However, Tara, Rafe, and I take comfort knowing that the genetics he so carefully selected will move into herds right across the country.”

The sale leader was the first entry into the ring, the homebred heifer Gretnahouse Karma Lady S885 (ET), March 2023-born and sired by the Blelack Duke son Gretnahouse Blacksmith L500. She is out of the homebred Karama Lady H908 by Blelack Prince Consort A286. She sold in-calf to Rodmead Primero and caught the eye of Moses Irwin, Co Tyrone.

Next best at 10,000gns was the March 2023-born bull calf Gretnahouse Egbert Z489, also by Primero, but out of the Stouphill Lord Ramon-sired Gretnahouse Eliza W178. He caught the eye of Messrs Flemming, Hawick. Michael and Melanie Alford, Devon, purchased a cow and calf pair for 8,000gns a piece. Greatnahouse Evas Honey U052, by Deveron Leggat p469, sold with her April-born heifer calf by Primero. The dam of Greatnahouse Evas Honey U052 is Gretnahouse Blacksmith L500, which is out of the foundation female Kitewood Evas Honey K116 by Rawburn Rommel E423.

Averages: 15 spring-calving cows with calves at foot; £9,317; five autumn-calving cows with calves at foot, £5,250; three in-calf cows, £2,660; eight bulling heifers, £4,305.


Penguin herd dispersal averages over £4,000 a piece

Atop price of 6,600gns was achieved at the complete dispersal sale of Shropshire breeder Robert Lane’s Penguin herd.

The sale of the Newport-based herd, conducted by Harrison and Hetherington at its Borderway Mart in Carlisle, attracted interest from all over the UK and Ireland.

The sale leader at 6,600gns was the two-year-old heifer, Blelack Blackbird W034, originally purchased by the Lanes from the Blelack dispersal sale last year.

By Tonley Jester Eric S318 and served to Penguin Roland U719, she sold with her May-born heifer calf, Penguin Blackbird Y896, which is by Galcantray Jedi Eric V287, to Chris Kennedy, Carlow, Ireland.

Next best at 5,400gns was the first lot in the ring – the sixyear-old cow Penguin Tidy Bee S614, by Penguin Superior N535. She sold having been served to Penguin Roland alongside her May-born heifer calf – Penguin Tidy Bee Y893, also by Roland – to Barbara Temperton, Ashbourne, Derbyshire.

Just shy of this at 5,300gns was the six-month-old heifer calf Penguin Whitney Y863. She is by Penguin Roland and

out of Penguin Whitney U710, which made 2,500gns at the sale. The pair sold to Carmarthenshire breeder Ben Reynolds for his Whitcastle herd.

Other leading prices included 5,000gns twice.

The first lot at this money was the four-year-old cow Penguin Tidy Bee U703 and her May-born, Roland-sired heifer calf, Penguin Tidy Bee Y895. Bee is by Penguin Superior N535 and sold, having run with Penguin Roland, to Marsdens Farms Ltd, Penistone, Sheffield.

The second to be sold at 5,000gns was the January 2021born bull Penguin Lord X810. An ET son of the $200,000 HF Alcatraz 60F, and out of the £10,000 Schivas Lady N133, he sold to IW Slater, Orphir, Orkney.

Not far behind at 4,700gns was the in-calf heifer Penguin Miss Annie X817. By Blelack Estimator S745, and served to Penguin Lord, she sold to the Websters for their Lancashire-based Woodmoss herd.

Averages: 45 cows served and/or suckling, £4,151.16; 15 in-calf heifers, £3,318; one maiden heifer, £4,410; four stock bulls, £4,016.25; and 16 embryos, £355.68.

(Harrison and Hetherington)

195 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk

Rosemead heifer sale tops at 7,980gns

The Rosemead sale, kindly hosted by the Stovold family on the 1 October, following on from the Youth Development Program (YDP) finals, was a great success with over 100 attendees and a fantastic show of heifers.

Managed by United Auctions, 42 heifers were forward for sale, including all the animals showed at the YDP finals, with a 50% clearance rate.

The average price for all heifers sold on the day was 3,500gns, with the highest bid for Rosemead Evelyn at 7,980gns, sold to Messrs M and J O’ Hara, of the Glenade herd.

The next highest was 5,520gns for Rosemead Kalota Y487 which went to Michael Goddard and Arthur Grey of the Guston herd, followed by Rosemead Kim Y430 at 4,200gns, sold to S Marsh.

The majority of heifers were sold to members of the South East England and East Anglia clubs, with the furthest northern sale going to a buyer in Cheshire.

Angus Stovold, immediate past-president of the AberdeenAngus Cattle Society, highlighted the high-health status and temperament of the herd, noting that all heifers were exceptionally quiet and haltered trained.

He explained they had originally planned to retain the heifers for breeding within their own herd, so the sale provided a rare opportunity for buyers to acquire some high calibre Rosemead females.

“Due to our herd having a high health status, all the heifers shown at the YDP finals were from the Rosemead herd, so we felt it was the perfect opportunity to put some of these heifers up for sale the following day, and it was a success.

“It was a pleasure to host the YDP finals and it was great to see so many young individuals involved in the competition; the standards were really high signalling a positive future for the industry.

“The sale was a fitting culmination to a great weekend and we were really pleased with how it turned out, we felt it was a success,” he explained.


Blackbird heifer leads HW sale at 13,000gns

A16-month-old Blackbird heifer topped the HW Aberdeen-Angus production sale at Netherton Farm, Blackford, when making 13,000gns.

The HW Equator daughter from the $900,000 SAV President line which is out of a Rawburn Bannockburn daughter sold free of the bull. She was knocked down to Messrs Lowes, Richmond, North Yorkshire.

Next best at 7,200gns was HW Madame Pride which went over the water to Northern Ireland with Messrs Parke, Strabane, Co Tyrone. This May 2019-born in-calf cow is by HF El Tigre, which was senior yearling champion at a World Forum show. She is the daughter of a Miss Europe winner from the Angus Breed World Show, being bred from the SAV Harvestor-sired HW Madame Pride S632.

Another selling across the water at 7,000 gns, this time to Messrs Troughton Dungannon, Co Tyrone, was the similarly aged HW Fleur V969. A daughter of Netherton Kracker, she is bred from the Ardrossan Admiral daughter, HW Fleur P826, and sold in-calf.

HW Ebony V756, another four-year-old, sold for 6,800gns to Firth Farming Limited, Dumfries. Sired by Millah Murrah Kingdom, a previous record-priced bull in Australia and one of only 29 daughters registered in the UK, she is out of Rawburn Ebony, which goes back to Rawburn Lord Ross. She sold with her June-born heifer calf at foot, HW Ebony Z898, by Rawburn Bannnockburn.

A similar outfit realised 6,500gns when the hammer fell to Messrs Sproule, Castlederg, Co Tyrone. This four-yearold is a daughter of Netherton Kracker and is bred from Jerusalem Lady Heather M221. She also sold with her Juneborn heifer calf at foot, HW Lady Heather, which is also by Rawburn Bannockburn.

At 6,000gns, the yearling heifer HW Prospect Pride Y723 was knocked down to Messrs Byrne, Naas, Kildare, Ireland. She is sired by Rawburn Banock Burn and bred from HW Prospect Pride VG688.

197 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk

Aberdeen-Angus heifer raffle raises £46,000 for Marie Curie

THE Rose Moore Memorial raffle, which featured a pedigree Aberdeen-Angus heifer from the awardwinning Millbrae Herd, has raised a staggering £46,000 for Marie Curie.

The June 2021-born Millbrae Black Caoimhe X891 was generously donated by Father Sean Moore from County Armagh, in memory of his sister, Rose, who lost her brave battle with ovarian cancer two years ago.

Father Moore has been breeding Aberdeen-Angus cattle for almost 25 years and has been overwhelmed by the support received from family, friends, and the local and wider community.

Caoimhe is a well-bred heifer by Oakchurch de Admiral, and out of a home-bred dam by the 19,000gns Blelack Evermore.

“The support for the raffle has been phenomenal and has far exceeded my initial expectations. I wanted to do something in memory of my late sister Rose, and I am delighted to be presenting a cheque for £46,000 to Marie Curie.

“I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who sold or bought tickets, donated money and prizes, and contributed to the success of the raffle. Tickets were sold across the north and south of Ireland, England, and Scotland, and as far afield as the USA.

“Special thanks to my trusty team of volunteers, Bernie McBride, Lisa Moynagh and Martin McArdle.”

The winning tickets were drawn at a community event held in Middletown at the end of January. The evening was well-supported and featured face painting for children, live music from the Colorado Cowboy (Stephen Lappin), and supper. Compere for the evening was Paschal Hughes, and several local businesses donated items for a free raffle on the night.

The star prize was won by Danny McCague, Derrynoose, Keady, County Armagh.

Accepting the cheque on behalf of Armagh Marie Curie Fundraising Group, chairperson Renate Kyle, said: ”What an achievement! Well done, and thank you to Father Sean Moore and his team for raising such a fantastic amount of money.”

The Rose Moore Memorial Raffle has raised a tremendous £46,000 for Marie Curie. Renate Kyle, left, chairperson, Armagh Marie Curie Fundraising Group, received the cheque from organiser Father Sean Moore; Hylda Mills, chairperson, NI Aberdeen-Angus Club; and Bernie McBride. Selling tickets for the Rose Moore Memorial Raffle in aid of Marie Curie are, from left: Ciara McBride, Robert Moore and Cathal McBride. Father Sean Moore, and niece Lisa Moynah, present a token of appreciation to the NI Aberdeen-Angus Club’s Julie Wallace and Hylda Mills, chairperson, during the Rose Moore Memorial Raffle in Middletown. Sean McBride and Seamus Moore, enjoying the charity raffle event.

Aberdeen-Angus heifer raffle raises £14,000 for local charities

THE Keith Forsythe Memorial Raffle has raised a total of £14,000 which has been divided equally between two local charities – Air Ambulance Northern Ireland, and the Laurel House chemotherapy unit at Antrim Area Hospital.

Organised by the Forsythe family from Moneymore, the raffle’s top prize was a pedigree Aberdeen-Angus heifer from their long-established and highly regarded Coltrim Herd.

The November 2021-born in-calf heifer, Coltrim Evana X747, was sired by Tofts Evergarth R409, and was bred from Coltrim Evana V213. She made her showring debut at the NI Aberdeen-Angus Club’s calf show in Dungannon last year, and also chalked up several prizes on the summer show circuit, including the reserve championship at Ballymena Show in June.

The winning tickets were drawn at the 103rd Clogher Valley Show. The winner of the star prize was Stuart Hawthorne from Kinallen, County Down.

Stuart has recently established the Tullyara Aberdeen-Angus herd, and Evana joins two foundation females that Stuart purchased privately from the Dartrey herd, owned by Hylda Mills at Scarva. One of the heifers is a descendant of the Diana cow family which originated from the Forsythe’s Coltrim prefix.

The second prize of £100 was won by James Mallon from Swatragh; while the £50 third prize was won by Paul Millar from Stewartstown. Both winners donated their prizes back to the charity fund.

Keith Forsythe was a much-loved son, brother, father, grandfather, and uncle. He lost his long and courageous battle with cancer 13 months ago.

Ivan Forsythe explained: “We decided to organise the charity raffle in memory of my brother Keith. He passed away three months short of his 50th birthday.

“Keith was very proud of our Aberdeen-Angus heritage and we wanted to do something in his honour, as well as raise much-needed funds for two very worthy charities.”

The Forsythe family has been overwhelmed by support for the charity raffle. “We would like to thank everyone who supported the raffle,” added Ivan.

“Special thanks to close family friend Alex Robinson from Dunadry near Templepatrick, who gave his time to sell tickets at numerous agricultural shows and other local events.”

Cheques for £7,000 each have been presented to Air Ambulance Northern Ireland and Laurel House based at Antrim Area Hospital.

Breige Mulholland, head of operations and finance at Air Ambulance NI said: “We need £2.5m annually to keep the service operational. It’s not only the medical crew who save lives but the generosity of the people who support our service. Sincere thanks to the Forsythe family and everyone who supported the charity raffle.”

Moyra Mills, Cancer Services Manager at Laurel House said: “This very generous donation will be used to continue to support a range of different initiatives that we have ongoing within Laurel House, as well as purchase specialist equipment or furniture to improve patient comfort.”

199 www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk
The Laurel House chemotherapy unit at Antrim Area Hospital has received a cheque for £7,000. Staff nurse Akhila Abraham, and Moyra Mills, Laurel House Cancer Services, received the cheque from Alex Robinson, Ivan Forsythe and Marian Forsythe.

Summer National Show 2024

Venue: Border Union Show, Springwood Park, Kelso TD5 8LS

Date: Saturday 27th July 2024

Entry deadline: Monday 24th June 2024

Entry schedule available at: www.borderunion.co.uk (Spring 2024)

Entry fee: £15 per head + VAT

Prize money pot: £3,285

Aberdeen-Angus: Beef fit for the future


Bye - Laws (1st November 2023)

1. Entries for the Herd Book will only be accepted from members of the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society.

2. Entries of stock which belonged to a deceased member will only be accepted from his representatives provided such entries are made prior to 1st January following the date of death.

3. A calf shall only be accepted for entry in the Herd Book if its sire and dam have been entered in the Herd Book, it has been ear-tagged according to current EU identification regulations and a Deoxy Ribonucleic Acid (DNA) profile of the service sire has been lodged with the Society. Furthermore, from 1st January 2019, all pedigree bull calves eligible for entry into the Herd Book must have a DNA sample taken, sent to and received by the Society for sire verification where a valid SNPS profile is available for its sire, and Myostatin tested before such calves can be registered. From the 1st of July 2020 all first calving heifers entering the herd will be tested from a sample held by the Society, 50 k SNPs profiled, Myostatin tested, and sire verified where a valid SNP profile is available for its sire. The method of collection of the said DNA sample will be prescribed by the Council of the Society from time to time. The Society will occasionally request to carry out tests on samples out with the normal protocols of registration and pre-official Society sales. For the avoidance of doubt, upon sale, the title to the DNA sample transfers with the ownership of the animal and permission to test will be sought from the owner. The cost of such tests will be borne by the owner. In the event that permission is not granted, the Society reserves the right to take action to limit any potential negative impact (such as identifying carriers of any genetic defects as defined on the Society’s website at www.aberdeen-angus.co.uk) on the Herd Book.

4. Notwithstanding byelaw 3, imported animals may be entered in the Herd Book provided they are entered in the Herd Book of the country of origin and that there are supplied such certificates and other documents as the Council of the Society may from time to time prescribe (see Guidance Note at end of Bye-law 22). Imported animals entered in the Herd Book will carry the identifying letters IMP and the pedigrees and all relative details, including information on sires of calves imported in utero, will appear at the end of the Herd Book.

5. The breeder of an animal is the owner of the dam at the date of calving or in the case of a calf got by Embryo Transplant, the owner of the recipient cow.

6. All calves must be ear-tagged according to current EU identification regulations by time of intimation and intimated to the Secretary according to the following rules: -

a. To enter calves in the Herd Book, breeders must intimate them within 60 days either on-line or on the appropriate form which should be obtained in advance from the Society (see also para. 6(b)). All relevant certificates (see para. 13) and fees (inc. VAT) MUST accompany registration forms.

Bull calves intimated within 60 days of birth can be registered up to 6 months of age from the date of birth of the calf for the standard fee.

Heifer calves intimated within 60 days of birth can be registered up to 6 months age from of the date of birth of the calf and will be subject to the standard fee. A full list of fees and charges is available on the website at www. aberdeen-angus.co.uk.

b. All cases of dead-born calves or of calves which for any reason are not to be entered in the Herd Book must be intimated to the Secretary on the appropriate form. Such intimations must be made within 60 days of the date of birth. Late registration of calves, for which full details, including ID Number, have been so intimated, may be accepted on payment of the appropriate late entry fee and subject to a DNA profile of the animal along with its sire and dam being lodged with the Society. Later registration of heifer calves which were twinned with a bull and for which full details, including ID number, have been so intimated, will be accepted when she is proven to be in calf on payment of the appropriate late entry fee.

c. Registrations, Intimations or Fees which are incomplete or incorrect when received, will result in all documents being returned to the breeder with an explanation. They must be completed/corrected and resubmitted within a further fourteen days. Failure to respond will result in the registration/s not being accepted

d. While the foregoing rules are designed to apply primarily to home-bred animals, they will also apply where appropriate to imported animals.

7. An animal shall only be entered in the Herd Book by its breeder, or in the case of an imported animal, by its owner

8. Animals entered in the Herd Book under separate ownership by husbands and wives or other family partnerships may be made under the same Herd Name but for all other purposes, such as group prizes at Shows and Sales, they will be considered as being in separate ownerships. Animals entered in the Herd Book by the same owner from different holdings can carry the same Herd Name.

9. Animals showing excessive white markings should not be entered in the Herd Book, and if entered, may be removed from the Herd Book on the instructions of the Council of the Society: (for guidance - normally, white

markings are acceptable on females only on the underline behind the navel and on males only on underline behind the preputial orifice and up to and including the scrotum).


a. Animals showing scurs, whether fixed or moveable, or traces of scurs, will not be accepted for entry in the Herd Book, and if entered unknowingly, may be removed from the Herd Book on the instructions of the Council of the Society.

b. Animals exhibiting double muscling characteristics (muscular hypertrophy) will not be accepted for entry in the Herd Book, and if entered unknowingly, may be removed from the Herd Book on the instructions of the Council of the Society. (See guidance note at end of Bye Laws) If required, the proof of double muscling shall be a combination of visual appearance (phenotype) and scientific gene testing. Such proof shall be instituted by the Council, who shall appoint a veterinary surgeon and a Council member, who is also a member of the Society’s panel of judges, to inspect the animal. If both agree that the animal phenotypically shows double muscling characteristics, the Council shall arrange with the owner of the animal to test for the deleted version of the myostatin gene. If the result of such test is that the animal is homozygous for the gene, the animal shall be considered to be double muscled. Costs of such proof shall be borne by the Society.

Guidance Note re Bye Law 10(b) Double Muscling Characteristics:

i. Increased development of the hindquarter, accentuated in appearance by a groove between the major muscles and a rounded ham appearance.

ii. Thick, open shoulders.

iii. An unusually wide, stretched stance with the front and hind legs extended, generally creating a swayback appearance.

iv. Lean, trim appearance often with a cylindrical middle and tucked up flank.

v. Fine bone.

vi. Short tail.

vii. Small testes.

viii. Tail set forward on top of rump.

11. Recessive Genetic Defects. Animals identified as being carriers of Class 1 genetic defects as listed on the Society’s website at www.aberdeen-angus. co.uk will be ineligible for registration. Any registered animals which are subsequently identified as carriers of such genes will have their carrier status clearly identified on their pedigree certificate. Progeny of such animals will require to have their carrier status determined and identified accordingly. Class 1 genetic defects: Arthrogryposis Multiplex (AM) or Curly Calf Syndrome; Dwarfism; Fawn Calf Syndrome; Mannosidosis; Neuropathic Hydrocephalus (NH); Osteopetrosis (marble bone disease); Syndactyl (mule foot). Any member who knowingly enters false information in relation to an animal’s identity, age or other performance related data will be subject to actions as determined in Article 15 and 15(a) of the Articles of Association of The Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society.

Status of Currently Registered Females and Bulls

a. As used herein, the word “currently” in the phrase “currently registered” shall mean that date on which laboratories approved by the Society began to provide a commercial DNA test for the mutation to the membership. With respect to Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy, that date was 1st January 2012.

b. All currently registered females and bulls with the impacted genetics in their pedigrees shall remain registered. In other words, their registrations will not be revoked, cancelled, or suspended.

c. All currently registered females and bulls with the impacted genetics in their pedigrees that are tested and determined to be carriers of the mutation

i. shall remain registered.

ii. Resulting Progeny of Carrier Females and Bulls.

All resulting progeny of currently registered carrier females or carrier bulls may be registered without submitting to testing. Notwithstanding such registration, the Society shall place or electronically display a notation on each Aberdeen-Angus Pedigree, or any other pedigree displayed electronically.

iii. Currently Registered Animals Determined to be Affected by the Mutation Any animals identified as being homozygous for the mutation, shall therefore be considered to be affected by the defect, and are not eligible for registration under Byelaw 10(c).

If a registered animal is discovered to be affected by the defect, its

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registration shall be considered null and void, and the Certificate of Registration must be returned to the Society for cancellation.

12. A.I. REGULATIONS General (applicable to all regulations)

a. A Herd Prefix will constitute one ownership.

b. Any bull from which semen is drawn for A.I. usage must have a Sire verified DNA profile lodged with the Society.

c. From the first of January 2022 any bull from which semen is drawn will be subject to parentage verification confirmed by a DNA profile lodged with the Society.

d. All calves got by A.I. and registered with the Society will be designated “got by A.I.” in the Herd Book.

e. An insemination certificate signed by a qualified inseminator or Veterinary Surgeon must be retained by the breeder and be available for inspection by the Society for a period of two years following the insemination.

f. Sales of Semen - If an owner of a bull or of semen (where ownership of semen is separate from that of the bull) notifies the Society that the bull is a royalty bull, or the semen is from a royalty bull, as the case may be, then in order to register a calf got by semen from that bull the appropriate royalty fee must accompany the registration form. If an owner (of bull or semen) does not notify the Society that the bull is a royalty bull it will be assumed that the requirements of this paragraph are dispensed with.

The Society is not accepting any further Royalty sires from the 1st of April 2020 and will cease the semen Royalty collection service for existing Royalty sires on the 1st of November 2025.

g. Import of Semen Subject to the provisions of the relative preceding paragraphs, progeny got by imported semen may be entered in the Herd Book if the donor bull is or could have been entered in the Herd Book in terms of Bye-Law 4. Providing sole ownership of the semen rights in this country can be verified to the satisfaction of the Society, this will be considered one ownership for the purposes of these A.I. regulations. All imports of semen must be accompanied by a Zootechnical Certificate issued from the keeper of the herd book as approved in the list of accepted associations held by the EU, in the country of origin. A list of these authorities can be found here: -

https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/ PDF/?uri=CELEX:02006D0139-20080601&from=EN

h. Strict legislation is in place surrounding collection of AI and the subsequent sale and use of the collections. For avoidance of doubt the following three categories are recognised by the society.

i. Unlicensed Premises approval: (On farm collected non export approved) An unlicensed premises approval is valid for three months only. The animal must undergo a single series of tests in an unlicensed premise. The animal must be licensed within 28 days of sampling. Semen collected from an animal at an unlicensed premise is eligible for GB, excluding Northern Ireland, trade and may be eligible for export to certain countries outside the EU.

ii. Domestic Centre approval: (Non-Export Approved) In order to collect at a domestic centre, the animal will undergo a single series of tests in an unlicensed premise before being authorised to move to a domestic centre. The animal must be licensed within 28 days of sampling. Semen collected from an animal in a Domestic Centre is eligible for GB excluding Northern Ireland trade and may be eligible for export to certain countries outside the EU.

iii. EU Centre approval: (Export Approved including Northern Ireland) The animal will undergo a first series of tests in an unlicensed premise before being moved to centre quarantine. The second series of tests will be carried out in centre quarantine before being authorised to move to the Collection Centre. The animal must have moved to the Centre Quarantine within 28 days of undergoing the first series of tests. Semen collected at an EU Centre is eligible for intra-Union trade, Domestic trade and may be eligible for export to countries outside the EU.

Contravention of the legislation is considered a serious risk to animal health and as such any animal submitted for registration from semen collected from category (a) and (b) above outside the territory of Scotland, England and Wales will not be registered by the Society.

13. Embryo Transplant Regulations Registrations of calves got by Embryo Transplants will be accepted subject to the following conditions:

a. All other byelaws regarding Herd Book Registrations must be complied with.

b. The breeder must inform the Society in writing beforehand of the intention to carry out each specific embryo transplant and return to the Society along with the relevant fees and within the times fixed by the Society duly completed certificates (on forms to be approved by the Society) as to the identity of all animals concerned, the pregnancy testing of the recipient cow and the sire verified DNA profiling of the bull, donor cow and, when requested, a parentage verified DNA profile of the resultant calf/calves within three months of such request. If the Council

of the Society is not satisfied with any such certificates, the resultant calf will not be eligible for entry in the Herd Book.

c. Calves got by embryo transplant and registered with the Society will be designated “got by ET” in the Herd Book.

14. In cases where the breeder of an animal is not the owner of its sire, it is necessary for the breeder to either:

a. Comply with para. 11(c) and, where appropriate, 11(d) or

b. Obtain a completed Hire or Loan Certificate and forward with registration form.

15. Cloning Any animal which is born as a direct result of cloning technology will not be eligible for entry into the Herd Book. Whilst it is acknowledged that cloned animals are entered into Herd Books of overseas societies, such animals will not be eligible for transfer into the Society’s Herd Book. Progeny from such animals whether resulting from natural service, A.I. or E.T. will be eligible for entry into the Herd Book and their pedigree certificate marked accordingly.

16. All animals entered in the Herd Book must be named in accordance with the following rules:

a. No names likely to prove misleading to the public shall be admitted into the Herd Book.

b. Breeders, prior to making their first entries in the Herd Book, must apply to Council for the copyright of a Herd Name. A Herd Name copyright is the property of the member only during the period of his membership. The name of each registered animal must be prefixed by the Herd Name of its breeder unless otherwise authorised by Council.

c. Each animal belongs to the family of its dam and must be given an individual name in accordance with the practice of naming for that family. The initial letter of such individual name must be one of the approved initial letters of its family as listed in the Herd Book and must not exceed two words. Where an animal is red in colour, the additional word “Red” must be included at the beginning of the individual name.

d. All names will include as a suffix a year letter followed by the last three NUMERICS of the animal’s official ear tag number. No other lineage numbers will be permitted. Year letters indicate the calving seasons which date from January 1st to December 31st. Year 1st January 2014, to 31st December 2015 Year Letter P. Year 1st January 2015, to 31st December 2015 Year Letter R and so on. (I, O and Q will not be used).

e. The total number of characters (including spaces) in an animal’s name must not exceed forty.

f. Once an animal has been entered in the Herd Book under a certain name, no change shall be made in that name thereafter. The AberdeenAngus Cattle Society is committed to equal and fair treatment of breeders and will enter into the breeding book animals of the same breed line or cross that are eligible for entry under the Society’s breed criteria without discrimination on account of their country of origin.

17. All Changes of Ownership of Aberdeen-Angus cattle must be intimated by the purchaser if such cattle are to be subsequently used for pedigree breeding, in accordance with the following rules:

a. The seller shall comply with the procedures detailed in (c) below if he is selling Aberdeen-Angus cattle for pedigree breeding purposes at a public or private sale. Where it is not indicated at the time of sale that such cattle are being sold for pedigree breeding purposes, it shall be at the discretion of the seller whether or not he subsequently authorises their use for pedigree breeding by complying with the Change of Ownership procedures detailed in (c) below.

b. Non-Members may register Changes of Ownership.

c. To register Changes of Ownership of Aberdeen-Angus cattle, the purchaser shall complete the Certificate of Transfer portion on the reverse side of the Certificate of Pedigree, which he shall obtain from the seller as detailed hereinafter, Such Changes in Ownership shall be countersigned by the immediate preceding owner except where the animal is sold by public auction at a sale for which a catalogue has been published and submitted to the Secretary in which it is clearly indicated that such animal is being sold for pedigree breeding purposes, in which case the catalogue lot number and the name and date of the sale shall be inserted in the place provided for the signature of the seller.

The following procedure shall be adopted:-

i. A Private Sale. The seller shall hand the Certificate of Pedigree to the purchaser at the time of sale. The purchaser shall complete the Certificate of Transfer portion and send it to the Secretary with the appropriate fee.

ii. A Public Sale. The seller shall lodge the Certificate of Pedigree with the Auctioneers as a condition of entry for the sale. The Auctioneers will deliver the Certificate to the Society who shall record the Change of Ownership and forward the Certificate to the purchaser, on receipt of the appropriate fee.

The term “Public Sale” in (ii) above refers to a sale at a public auction for which a catalogue has been published and submitted to the Secretary.

18. Herd Records shall be kept, containing the following minimum details


relating to each animal in the herd:- Name, Herd Book Number, Date of Birth, Name and Herd Book Number of Sire, Name and Herd Book Number of Dam. Details, if applicable, of when and where purchased, of when and to whom sold, or date of death. These records shall be available for inspection at all times by officials of the Society.

19. Council shall have power to instruct a DNA profiling test to be made at any time of any animal entered in the Herd Book and to have the entry in the Herd Book cancelled (it being a condition of acceptance of an entry that the information supplied is accurate) if said test reveals the entry to be inaccurate, in which event the cost of the said test shall be paid by the Member who instructed the Herd Book entry but if the said test confirms the Herd Book entry to be correct, the cost of the said test shall be met by the Society.

20. All fees must be paid with the forms to which they refer. No registrations will be accepted unless all other fees and current membership subscriptions have been paid.

21. The Council shall be at liberty to include reports made to them by any official of the Society or officer of the Department of Agriculture (or appropriate body) in Scotland, England & Wales, Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland among the sources of information as to any suspected failure by a breeder in the observance of any of the Byelaws heretofore.

22. Animals showing excessive white markings or scurs (or traces of scurs) should not be exhibited in the pure-bred section of any Show.

23. If a herd is advertised and sold as a dispersal, the Herd name may not be used thereafter for entries into the Herd Book without permission of the Council.

(Guidance Note re Byelaw 4) The following are the documents currently required to register transfers in the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society Herd Book from an overseas Society.

Breeders are strongly advised to obtain and lodge with the Society all documents before shipment, as the UK Customs authorities require that imported pedigree cattle be registered with this Society, or the animals will be classified for duty purposes on arrival.

a. A Five Generation Certificate of Pedigree certified as correct by the Society which registered the bull.

b. A Certificate of Approval for Export from the overseas Society stating that so far as is known the pedigree of the animal is free from, and the animal itself is not a possible carrier of, any genetic defects.

c. A DNA profile Certificate

d. A satisfactory DNA profiled parentage verification. If, for a bona fide reason, this is not possible, the Society with which the animal is registered must supply a certificate of explanation.

Cows and Heifers

As above and, if in calf, service details from the overseas Society, a Certified Four Generation Pedigree Certificate and a sire verified DNA profile certificate for the service sire.


a. A four Generation Certificate of Pedigree of both sire and dam with a Certificate from the overseas Society that it approves of both sire and dam and that their pedigrees are free from any known genetic defects.

b. A sire verified DNA profile certificate for both sire and dam.

c. Certificates from owner of cow if natural service used, or by A.I. technician if A.I. used, certifying dates of service, tattoo ID number of cow, name and number of bull.

d. Certificates from ET unit making collection, certifying date of collection, tattoo ID number of cow, number of viable embryos recovered, number of embryos frozen for export and their reference number.

The relevant Society forms and requirements relating to implantation, pregnancy testing and registration will apply.

Where relevant, Byelaw 12 (a) to (d) will apply.


The owner of a female (“the base female”) which is not registered in the Herd Book may have the female progeny of such female upgraded to a standard acceptable for registration in the Herd Book subject to the following rules:-

i. The base female and her daughters and grand-daughters shall be entered in a Supplementary Register and only the great grand-daughters of the base female shall be eligible for registration in the Herd Book.

ii. The base female may be of no known origin, but if so, must be polled, of an obvious beef type, physically correct in all respects, mainly black - defined as allowing some white, but not excessive white, below the underline and only a small amount of white elsewhere. Alternatively, if certified by its breeder as being by or out of a named registered Aberdeen-Angus, must be polled, of obvious beef type and physically correct in all respects.

iii. The base female and her daughters and grand-daughters must be approved by a Society-appointed inspector before acceptance into the Supplementary Register and the daughters and grand-daughters must be sired by a bull which is registered in the Herd Book. The great-grand daughters of the base female will likewise require to be approved before registration in the Herd Book and must also be sired by a bull which is registered in the Herd Book. A member aggrieved by the decision of the Society-appointed inspector may appeal against the decision to a Committee of not less than three members of the Society appointed by the Council of the Society. The decision of such committee shall be final and whether or not the appeal is successful, all costs of the appeal shall be paid by the appellant.

iv. Registration will only be accepted from fully paid-up members of the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society.

v. Members intending to register females in the Supplementary Register must intimate their intention to the Secretary at least six months before their initial base female is due to calf. Participants will be responsible for all inspectors’ fees at cost and an entrance fee will be payable for each female registered. The entrance fee will not be less than that payable to register females in the Herd Book.

Base Female (X)

vi. Must be 15 months or over at time of inspection and double-tagged with an EU style ID number or tattooed with a number allocated by the Secretary.

1st Generation Female (Y)

vii. To be ear-tagged according to current EU identification regulations and registered with the appropriate fee within two months of the date of birth. Colour to be breed standard, polled and physically correct. To be inspected between 12 and 18 months of age and prior to mating. Failure to pass inspection will result in de-registration or reverting to stage X.

2nd Generation Female (Z)

viii. As para. (vii). 3rd Generation Female (Herd Book)

ix. As para. (viii). To be identified in Herd Book with (S) after the individual name.

x. All male calves from females in the supplementary register must be steered and births intimated within two months of the date of birth.


All Aberdeen-Angus animals exposed for sale held under the auspices of the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society, hereinafter called “the Society”, shall be sold subject to and in accordance with the following rules:

1. The consignor must be a member of the Society. All animals must be eartagged according to current EU identification regulations. In the case of imported animals, they must have been registered in the Herd Book of the country of origin and entered in the Society’s Herd Book.

2. Should any dispute arise as to the identification in the Society’s Herd Book of any animal exposed for sale or as to the pedigree of any such animal, such dispute should be referred to the Council of the Society or such subcommittee as the Council may appoint as arbiters and their decision shall be final.

3. The Council of the Society may, prior to any sale, nominate and appoint a Panel to inspect the animals forward at the sale, in order to ascertain that such animals are fit for inclusion in the sale. The members so appointed shall, in consultation with the Auctioneers, be the sole judges as to whether or not the animals may be included in the sale and shall have the power to debar from the sale any animal which they consider is not of a fit standard. No consignor will have any claim for damages in respect of any animal which is rejected under this rule.

N.B. All animals (except in the case of bona fide dispersals) may be subject to pre-sale inspections by the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society in order to establish identity and to provide a minimum standard. Such inspections, however, do not imply any liability or warranty by The Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society for animals sold, such liability remains the responsibility of the vendor. Animals are sold with all patent defects and any subsequent claim is against the vendor and not The Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society.


1. All entries are subject to the Society’s male and female warranties.

2. From Stirling October sale 2020 all cattle entered must be performance recorded through Breedplan.

3. From January 2022 it will be a requirement that all entries will be performance recorded bulls through Breedplan for all sales under the auspices of the society.

4. Members who enter cattle for Sale in the Catalogue and who do not present their animals will be subject to such fines as determined by the Society’s official auctioneers from time to time. Reasonable grounds for withdrawal will, if accepted, eliminate the member from such a fine.

5. Animals entered in the Catalogue must be offered for sale through the ring unless rejected by the Stewards or the Society-appointed Panel of Inspectors.

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6. Prize money will be forfeit on any prize-winning animal which is not sold in the official Pedigree Sale.

7. Any Female which has been used as a donor for Ovum Transplant purposes must be declared.

8. Any Female which has had a Caesarean operation must be declared.

9. Retention of ova must be declared.

10. Bull semen retention must be declared.

11. The appointed Stewards have been instructed to reject any animal which is not controllable by normal means at any time whilst in the Show and Sale premises. Exhibitors are responsible for their cattle throughout the Show and Sale period of the breed.

12. All cattle presented may be subject to inspection for identity, veterinary approval suitable standard, and weighing and measuring by officers appointed by the Society prior to the event at a time to be advertised.

13. Any doubt on identity will automatically debar an animal from the show and sale. If the vet considers the animal to be carrying a heritable genetic or phenotypic condition which in his opinion is detrimental to the integrity of the breed, then that animal will automatically be debarred from the Show and Sale and the Society will not register any progeny from that animal.

14. All animals entered for Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society Sales must come from herds which are members of a registered CHeCS health scheme and must have been testing for BVD and Johnes Disease for a minimum of 12 months. Sale animals must have an individual pen card that displays all relevant test results and current vaccination status supplied by the CHeCS accredited health scheme provider.

a. All animals must be individually blood tested no more than 3 months prior to the sale for BVD antigen unless coming from a herd which has accredited status. Accredited herds do not need individual animal tests.

b. All females whether from an accredited herd or not must be vaccinated against BVD to provide cover for the relevant period (ie, the sale date) relating to the type of vaccine. The vaccination date must be submitted to the relevant health scheme provider when the pen card is requested. It is recommended that the herd’s vet be consulted on the vaccination of male sale animals.

c. Animals testing antigen positive (PI) for BVD will not be accepted for sale.

d. All animals must have a risk level for Johnes displayed on the pen card and this must be a minimum level 4.

e. The pen card must display the date of the last TB test and the testing interval (or completed as ‘TB exempt’ where applicable). The box must not be left blank

15. The use of drugs is totally banned, as undernoted:-

a. Preparation for Sale.

Any drug which would affect weight for age, conformation, or growth of hair.

b. Presentation for Sale.

Any drug which would affect soundness or temperament at inspection, judging or Auction Sale. The Society reserves the absolute right to take blood samples from any animal presented at Shows and Sales, and to have the sample independently analysed at a certified laboratory. If any unauthorised drugs have been used, or treatment given without Veterinary certification having been provided, or without a declaration having been made to the Auctioneers, the exhibitor will be reported to the Council of the Breed Society. In any event, the offending entry will be banned from the Show/Sale.

16. Access to parents for DNA profiling (affecting animals not DNA profiled in proof of parentage). The Vendor must provide access to the purchaser to prove the parentage of any sale animal by DNA profiling provided:-

a. that the request is made in writing to the Society Office within one calendar month of the date of the Sale.

b. that the tests are carried out at the Purchaser’s expense.

c. that the sire and dam are alive, and the vendor has access to the parents if they are not in his ownership.

17. Animals affected by contagious diseases i.e. warts, mange, ringworm, etc, will not be accepted for sale unless accompanied by a Veterinary Certificate indicating that treatment has been given and the condition is no longer contagious.

a. All bulls must have a nose-ring.

b. Certificates of Pedigree must accompany each entry.

18. White markings must not be disguised.



1. All animals exposed for sale must be bona fide property of the vendors at the time of the sale and free of all liens, charges and encumbrances.

2. The highest bidder shall be declared the purchaser (subject to Rule A.

3. The auctioneers reserve the right to refuse any bid without giving a reason for doing so. All cattle will be sold in guineas.

4. The vendor has the right to fix a reserve price and to announce such price before, during or at the conclusion of the bidding. The right to bid by or on behalf of the vendor in terms of the current Sale of Goods Act is expressly reserved. The vendor, or his duly authorised representative, must be with the auctioneer at the sale of the catalogued animal to accept or reject the final bid.

5. Each animal forward at the sale must be exposed for sale by auction before any private sale shall be permitted or recognised by the Auctioneers.

6. Immediately after the sale of an animal the price thereof shall be paid by the purchaser in cash to the Auctioneers. On the price being paid the purchaser shall receive from the Auctioneers a written removal order and shall at his own expense remove the animal within one day of the sale or within such period as may be laid down by the Auctioneers at the commencement of the Sale. No animal shall be removed without the Auctioneers’ written removal order and any animal so removed shall be recovered by the Auctioneers summarily without any further warrant.

7. In the event of any purchaser not paying for and not removing the animal purchased in compliance with Rule A. (5) hereof the Auctioneers in their sole discretion may, without the consent of the vendor, either

a. sue the purchaser either in their own name or in the name of the vendor for the price and interest there-on at the rate of 2% per annum above current Bank of Scotland Base Rate, and for the keep of, and other expense incurred by them in connection with such animal or

b. re-sell the animal either publicly or privately and on behalf of the vendor recover from the defaulting purchaser the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale and interest thereon as aforesaid together with the keep and all other expenses. The defaulting purchaser shall have no right to object to the action taken by the auctioneers. In the event of there being any surplus after paying interest, keep and other expenses as aforesaid, such surplus shall be paid to the defaulting purchaser.

8. Immediately after the purchase of each animal is declared, the risk of the animal shall pass to the purchaser, but until the price is paid the right of property shall not pass and delivery of the animal may be suspended.

9. In the case of animals sold privately within the premises of the auctioneers the risk and the passing of the property thereof shall be governed by the bargain made between the parties and Rule A(7) shall not apply thereto. Animals withdrawn from the auction may be sold by private treaty on the auction premises. Private sales will be held to the vendors’ guarantees of fertility and must be put through the Official Auction record by the appointed Auctioneers.

10. No undertaking by the Auctioneers or their servants to take charge of any animal after the sale or to forward it to its destination shall be held to impose upon the Auctioneers any legal obligation or invalidate any of these rules.

11. No liability whatsoever is undertaken by the Auctioneers for the accuracy or otherwise of the statements appearing in the catalogue or made at the sale. The vendor is responsible for such statements and for any error, omission or misstatement.


a. If a bull from which semen has been stored is offered for sale, it must be stated in the catalogue (and if different circumstances have arisen since the catalogue was printed, the correct and up-to-date circumstances must be announced from the Auctioneer’s rostrum at time of sale) whether the semen so stored is to pass with the ownership of the bull or whether it is to be retained by the vendor. If it is retained by the vendor, then he must declare if he is reserving the right to sell or gift such semen for pedigree and/or commercial use. If such declaration fails to be made it will be assumed that any semen retained is for the vendor’s own use only and cannot be sold or gifted for pedigree or commercial use.

b. If a female in calf to a royalty bull is offered for sale, it must be stated in the catalogue (and if different circumstances have arisen since the catalogue was printed, the correct and up-to-date circumstances must be announced from the Auctioneer’s rostrum at time of sale) whether the payment of the royalty for the subsequent registration of the unborn calf will be the responsibility of the vendor or the vendee. If such declaration fails to be made it will be assumed that payment of the royalty will be the responsibility of the vendor.

13. If a female is offered for sale as being in-calf and/or with calf at foot, it is the responsibility of the vendor to ensure that a sire verified DNA profile of the service sire/s is lodged with the Society before the date of sale. If a calf at foot is not registered at time of sale, subject to current herd book registration bye laws, the vendor must state if registration is permissible at the expense of the purchaser.


14. If a female offered for sale through a Society auction has been used as an embryo donor the fact that she has been flushed must be stated in the catalogue along with the number of embryos collected, complete with their sire/sires up to the time of the donor being offered for sale. Within the contract for sale of the female, the Seller must expressly state the number of embryos which they intend to retain for use within their own herd (if any) and the number of embryos which they intend to retain for resale purposes (if any).

15. In the event of a female carrying a transferred embryo being offered for sale, the number of embryos collected at the same time as that carried by the female entered for sale must be stated in the catalogue.

16. Apart from the Bull and Female breeding warranties printed in the catalogue or others specifically given by the vendor in the catalogue or made at the sale, animals are sold subject to their condition and to all faults, excepting the case of animals suffering from total or partial blindness.

17. Should any animal be sold subject to passing tests or re-tests, full details of those must be declared by the vendor to the Auctioneers prior to sale. The bargain shall not be deemed to be concluded until the result of such tests/ re-tests are notified to the Auctioneers.

18. No Rosettes or Sashes won at other Shows or Tests to be affixed to Show animals.


1. The Auctioneers shall charge and deduct commission of 6.5p per £1.05 (1.5p of which shall be paid by them to the Society) from the price of all animals sold, including those which may be sold privately in their premises at the time of the sale.

2. The Auctioneers shall be entitled to charge against the vendor one percent on the price bid or £25 per animal whichever is the greater on all animals put through the sale ring and withdrawn.

3. The Auctioneers shall not be entitled to charge commission on animals sold which fail a re-test (Sale Rule A 15), but shall be entitled to make a charge against the owner of £25 per animal in respect of cataloguing, etc.


1. Without prejudice to the foregoing rules, it is hereby expressly declared that the vendor by selling and the purchaser by purchasing any animal shall be bound by the above rules notwithstanding the terms of any statutory enactment or custom of trade to the contrary.

2. The Auctioneer is Judge of the Sale, to whom all disputes and differences of any kind which may arise at and in relation to the Auction, either between vendors and bidders or among the bidders themselves, shall be referred and his decision shall be final and binding on all parties.

3. Any dispute as to any matter for the settlement of which no provision is made in these rules shall be referred to an Arbiter or Arbiters to be appointed, failing agreement between or amongst the parties, by the Auctioneers. The decision of the Arbiters so appointed shall be final and binding on all parties to the dispute. Any Arbitration under this Clause shall be subject to the provision of the Arbitration Act for the time being in force in Scotland if the sale was in Scotland or in England if the sale was in England and shall be deemed to be a reference to Arbitration thereunder.

4. In the foregoing rules, the word “animal” shall be held to include dam and a calf when sold together.

BREEDING WARRANTIES At auction sales, other than dispersals, held under the auspices of the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society, the Bull Breeding Warranty of The Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society will apply. Full information is available from the Society on 01738 622477.

FEES & CHARGES current information available online at www.aberdeenangus.co.uk

Dispute resolution/rules of procedure

The Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society is committed to equal and fair treatment of breeders and non-discrimination between breeders based on their country of origin.

Council reserves the right to check selected herds. The owner will be given 48 hours oral notice of the visit by the Inspector. An owner with a genuine reason is allowed an extra 24 hours for the inspection, otherwise an owner cannot refuse admission to the Inspector unless in the most exceptional circumstances. The society also has a system in place for random inspecting of herds and data where every 100th calf registered triggers an inspection requirement

If a Breeder refuses to co-operate in allowing an inspection for up to 3 weeks, all calves in the herd under 3 months of age (at the time of the first notification) could be banned from all Society run events for life and the herd banned from all Society events for two years and no herd book certificates will be printed for that herd until an inspection takes place at the breeder’s expense.

When an Inspector on inspection finds that any of the rules of the society have been compromised a letter will be sent to the breeder within 20 working days of the inspection. Upon receipt of such written notification, which shall act as initial evidence of breach of the rules, the breeder shall have an agreed period of time including the date of the receipt of the written notification to make written submissions to the Society’s representative and/or to produce any evidence in writing in support of any explanation that the breeder might wish to submit in defence of the initial findings purporting to a breach of any rule.

Should no such written submissions or evidence in writing aforesaid be made by the breeder within a period of five working days, then the initial finding of the Inspector shall be final and the Society’s Council Representative shall submit the Inspector’s findings to the Council of the Society at their next meeting and they shall proceed to impose the sanctions as set out hereunder.

(i) Should the breeder make a written submission and/or produce any evidence in writing in support of any explanation that he/she might wish to submit in defence of the breach of any rule, within the agreed period, to the Society’s representative / CEO appealing the Inspector’s report, then such written submissions and/or written evidence together with the Inspector’s report will be submitted to Council.

(ii) The matter shall be initially considered by Council to determine as to whether the initial findings of the Inspectors report have been fully and satisfactorily rebutted and/or answered and/or explained by the Breeders written submissions and/or written evidence. Should they find that they have then the breeder shall be informed in writing and the matter ends.

(iii) Should the Council not so find then the breeder shall be given an agreed period of time, minimum of fifteen working days’ notice of time, place and date for the hearing of an Appeal before the Council or a subcommittee of at least 3 members of council (appointed by council) which shall be an Oral Hearing.

(iv) The breeder has the opportunity prior of the assigned hearing date the breeder shall outline in writing the basis of his appeal, a list of witnesses intended to give evidence and a summary of their oral evidence and a copy of any Veterinary or other expert report upon which the breeder intends to rely. Failure to comply with this aspect of the Rule, in whole or in part shall leave the Council or their representatives with the discretion to allow or not to allow such undisclosed evidence to be allowed or not allowed at the hearing.

(v) In the hearing of the appeal, which shall be in private, the rules of natural justice shall apply. There shall be no right to be legally represented by solicitor or barrister. The breeder may however nominate at least seven working days prior to the assigned date of the hearing another member of the society, a family member, a representative of a farm representative organisation, Agricultural Consultant or veterinary surgeon to represent him/her. The case against the breeder shall be made by the Inspector. Evidence shall not be taken under Oath or affirmation. The appeal hearing shall be chaired by the president or Chair of Technical Committee and otherwise if either of the above are unable to attend by a member of council (or sub-committee thereof) nominated by the chairman. The council (or sub-committee) hearing the appeal shall operate by simple majority and the chairman of the hearing shall have a casting vote. The decision of the council (or sub-committee) which shall be in writing may be reserved or given on the day of the hearing and shall be final.

In the operation of this procedure, there should be a rebuttable presumption that the findings of the Inspector on his inspection, regarding the age, weight, sex, tag number and all other such findings in the Inspector’s initial report shall be correct and accurate.

For the purposes of this procedure all written notifications from the society to the member/breeder shall be by ordinary pre-paid certified post which shall be deemed to be received by the member/breeder in the ordinary course of post and all written notifications from the member/breeder to the society shall be by prepaid registered post addressed to the Society’s registered office.

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T: 01738 622477

Robert Gilchrist, CEO

Direct Dial: 01738 448345

E: robert@aberdeen-angus.co.uk

Natalie Cormack, Breed Development Manager

E: natalie.cormack@btconnect.com

Laura Stewart, Office Manager

Direct Dial: 01738 448343

E: laura@aberdeen-angus.co.uk

Felicity Hunter, Marketing and Communication Manager

Direct dial: 01738 622477

E: felicity@aberdeen-angus.co.uk


Caroline Ford

Direct Dial: 01738 448341

E: caroline@aberdeen-angus.co.uk

Fiona Flood

Direct Dial: 01738 448342

E: fiona@aberdeen-angus.co.uk

Sarah Wood

Direct Dial: 01738 448348

E: sarah@aberdeen-angus.co.uk


Angela Cumming, Finance department

Direct Dial: 01738 448344

E: angela@aberdeen-angus.co.uk


Helena Stewart

Direct Dial: 01738 448347

E: helena@breedplan.co.uk



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