Dispensing Optics June 2022

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1. Working together to make an impact

2. Minimising impact of drops and solutions facilities

3. Supporting patient education on myopia

Contact lens focus 1

Plastic neutrality initiative expanded

Last year, CooperVision pioneered the world’s first plastic neutral contact lenses by funding Plastic Bank’s collection, processing and reuse of general oceanbound plastic waste equal to the weight of the plastic contained in designated CooperVision products in North America and Europe. Eyecare professionals and contact lens wearers can now view the programme’s collective impact using a new Plastic Neutrality Dashboard at plasticneutral.coopervision.com/eng “For CooperVision, plastic neutrality is about making a meaningful, measurable difference in partnership with eyecare professionals and wearers," said Simon Seshadri, CooperVision senior vice president of global marketing. "By simply prescribing and wearing our plastic neutral lenses, they’re making an impact. With our Dashboard, everyone can see for themselves how these contributions quickly add up. It displays the eye-opening amount of ocean-bound plastic we’ve recovered to date and the local communities we’ve empowered — working together." CooperVision expects to prevent the equivalent of nearly 90 million plastic bottles from reaching Earth’s oceans in 2022.




Landfill certification first achieved

Alcon has become the first healthcare company to achieve zero waste to landfill certification from GreenCircle environmental assessors. The rating applies to two ophthalmic drops and solutions facilities in Fort Worth, Texas, and one in Singapore. The three supply products to markets around the world. “Alcon teams continually focus on innovative ways to streamline our manufacturing processes to reduce operational waste, and I’m extremely proud to achieve GreenCircle certification as a testament to our commitment,” said Ed McGough, Alcon senior vice president, manufacturing and technical operations. The three facilities manufacture many of Alcon’s over-the-counter eyecare products, including Opti-free, AOSept Plus and Clear Care contact lens solutions. They also make Systane dry eyedrops and Pataday allergy eyedrops. Alcon’s Fort Worth Aspex site also manufactures surgical procedural and pharmaceutical eyedrops as well as BSS, a sterile intraocular irrigating solution commonly used during surgery. GreenCircle is recognised by the US federal government, the US Green Building Council, the International Living Future Institute and the Association of Plastic Recyclers.


Getting the conversation going

No7 Contact Lenses has launched a myopia management information pack to help its EyeDream orthokeratology contact lens customers disseminate facts about myopia through their own marketing channels. "Taking action at the early stages of a child’s myopia progression could have a critical effect on the future health of their vision, so I believe we are obligated to help our patients understand these facts,” said Katie Harrop, No7’s professional services director and key opinion leader on myopia management. The pack includes myopia management patient leaflets, an infographic practice poster, window sticker, a web pack and social media content. “We want this message to meet as many eyes and ears as possible, and we need our customers to help do that," said. "By posting to their social channels, building a web page, giving the poster pride of place and popping up the window sticker, they can get the message out. But, most of all, we want customers to use these materials to start a conversation, engage with their patients about myopia management, share the facts, and let them make informed decisions,” Katie concluded. No7 customers wanting to participate can register for the campaign at www.no7contactlenses.com/myopiamanagement-may

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