Andrea's Graphic Design Portfolio

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Portfolio Andrea Chapman 2024 arts 1500
Graphic Design


For my still life photo shop project I chose the photo of the plates and lemons. I used command + to zoom all the way to each individual piece. I then used the lasso tool and mouse to click and draw around each object, using shift and option to add or take away from my selection. I then clicked layers and under

the adjustment layer tab so I was able to adjust the hue, saturation, and brightness. I was able to turn the white plates to bright pink and bright blue. As well as change the yellow lemons to a bright green. My favorite change was the blue bottle to a purple chrome.

Vector Masking

For this image, I copied and pasted the files from the assignment. I then

used the pen tool to create multiple sharp corner

anchor points as well as smooth anchor points to outline the car. I then went in and outlined the windows. After, I went to the paths window and double clicked the layer mask to get a transparent background. I then uploaded a different background and added it as a layer. I chose this background to look more realistic. I used the eraser tool to clean up some edges. This was my final product.

WORKING IN PHOTOSHOP Andrea Chapman Graphic Design Profolio 2024
This was my finished product compared to the original!
before after

Before & After

For this edit I opened up my file and started by editing the lighting and color. Then I started with the lasso selection tool to select an outline of the hair. After this I clicked select & mask to get the red contrast. During this step I took the refine tool to touch up what I had selected. I then clicked okay and then adjusted the hue and saturation.

Hair selection

I then meshed the two layers together to start editing the background. I then selected select & mask and then erased my subject. I then had a transparent background that I was able to take a background photo and paste it into my background. I used the select tool to move it and adjust the positioning. Then I had my final product!

Before & After

WORKING IN PHOTOSHOP Andrea Chapman Graphic Design Profolio 2024

For this project, I dowloaded this photo and then had to trace it with the lasso tool to get a cut out of the donut. I traced the circular figure as well as each sprinkle hanging off the edge and the middle cut out. I then made it a layer mask. I changed the backround to a solid purple and then used the white color tool with soft settings to erase part of the donut.

For this project I searched up different textures on google and the right clicked to copy image. Then I switched to photoshop and command + V to paste. I then covered the part of my sculpture that I wanted to cover and clicked Free transform in the Edit Window. I then right clicked to click warp and morphed the image to fit the part I wanted it to. At this point I hide the image using the eye icon. I then used the pen tool to select the part I wanted as a vector mask and created a vector mask. After I pressed the see image again to see the image back. I then used the select and mask tools to edit the color, saturation, opacity, and more. I repeated this step multiple times with many different layers to create the final product. I then added a background as a stage to complete the dancer look.

WORKING IN PHOTOSHOP Andrea Chapman Graphic Design Profolio 2024
Sculpture DONUT

Brick Wall

For this image I used the clone stamp tool. I pressed the option key to select an area and then paint with the selected area. I did this carefully aligning the bricks to each other and constantly picking random areas to diversify my brick pattern. I made there were no uneven lines and kept going back to retouch. Once I felt finished I added the graffiti from the video. For the graffiti I downloaded the specific font and wrote my name with it, curved it, added shadow, added a gradient, and then dragged it over to my brick wall. I then blended it with adjusting the amount of light to make it blend better.

WORKING IN PHOTOSHOP Andrea Chapman Graphic Design Profolio 2024


I used the eclipse tool to create cirlce and layer them on top of eachother to match the example given to me. I then used the shape builder tool to combine them. I was able to combine and delete the center. I then went it and played with adding ombre color. I also played with two different backgrounds, grey and white.

IN ILLUSTRATOR Andrea Chapman Graphic Design Profolio 2024

For this project I started off by drawing a sketch of a character I wanted to create. After I finalized my sketch I took a photo and uploaded it to illustrator. I then took the pen tool and traced each shape individually. I then after went in to change each color of each shape to match the character. For this one I used a lot of yellow, blue, and orange. It was pretty easy to match the colors. I then typed Tweetie and chose a font. I then used the color changer to make a collage of all different colored tweeties.


WORKING IN ILLUSTRATOR Andrea Chapman Graphic Design Profolio 2024

Building a Logo

For this project, I started off by sketching my design. I then uploaded my sketch and started tracing with the pen tools. I made many various shapes and changed each color to create shadowing and other effects. I traced both coffee cups in very close detail. I then tilted them to cheers.

I then uploaded fonts and played around with placing my text. I then selected my logos and changed the color scheme to have three different versions. Overall, I had lot of fun with this project and enjoyed it.

My logo in anchor points


Cbest way over
WORKING IN ILLUSTRATOR Andrea Chapman Graphic Design Profolio 2024

Cafe AU

L a i t

way to catch up, a cup a coffee

cafe au LAIT

best way to catch u p, over a cu p a coffee

WORKING IN ILLUSTRATOR Andrea Chapman Graphic Design Profolio 2024
Au La i t
WORKING IN ILLUSTRATOR Andrea Chapman Graphic Design Profolio 2024 IL Bar IL Bar Located at: 1412 Oak st, SaltWater, FL Contact us: Restaurant Logo and Advertisment

For this assignment, I drew out an outline of a sketch. Then I started with the logo and used vector graphics to trace the fork with spaghetti. I then chose the font I wanted from and created my business title. I then created multiple circle shapes with the eclipse tool and then I copied and pasted images of different toppings, and used the properties window to create a clipping mask. I then arranged everything with how I wanted it formatted. I then moved everything for all of the other mutations. I am happy with the final products!

WORKING IN ILLUSTRATOR Andrea Chapman Graphic Design Profolio 2024 Bar Bar us: (942) 281-4675 IL Bar Located at: 1412 Oak st, SaltWater, FL Contact us: (942) 281-4675 IL Bar Located at: 1412 Oak st, SaltWater, FL Contact us: (942) 281-4675

For this project, I started off with a sketch, taking ideas from my favorite posters. I wanted to do something abstract so I chose to use silhouettes and draw my main building which I used Illustrator for. I Then turned my image of the building into a Vector trace. I put everything how I wanted it to be formatted and added my Title and special mentions. Overall I am happy with how it turned out.

IN INDESIGN Andrea Chapman Graphic Design Profolio 2024


For this project, I chose to represent one of my favorite brands, Brand Pierre. I started by created the front page and tracing his logo in Illustrator. Then I added all my text and information about his brand. I then added product pictures. I added colored text background to add some contrast. I also made sure to put his website and socials on the trifold. I then created a mockup to display the final product.

T r i f o l d

Andrea Chapman Graphic Design Profolio 2024

For this project I started by designing the dummy and planning my layout. I chose to do kind of like a scrapbook type of theme for my sorority. I started by designing the parent pages. I added our hand symbol as a logo to the corner of the header and the page number as a footer. I also added the name of my sorority and a cute rush phrase.

IN INDESIGN Andrea Chapman Graphic Design Profolio 2024

Next, I finished outlining every page. I first placed the text boxes and photo boxes to have an idea of what each page would look like. I then added each image and all the text filler. I then made paragraph and object styles. Then I went to make changes to adjust it to my liking. I then added two advertisements, my movie poster and one new one for a pearl jewelry brand. For my cover photo I used photoshop to outline the people and I used Indesign to make my title sticker. I then added each element to my cover page to create a collage. Overall I am happy with my final product.

Andrea Chapman Graphic Design Profolio 2024
My Socials:
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