Questionnaire analysisn

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Horror Film Questionnaire analysis By Abbie Wright

Q1: In a typical week, how often do you watch movies? For this question, I asked how often people watch movies. I decided to ask how often they watch movies in a week so that people would find it easier to be more accurate with their answers. I asked this question to determine how popular watching movies are in the current society. The choice with the biggest percentage of answers is 1-2 movies a week, with 44%. This shows that the majority of people do watch movies every, just not often which leads on to the penultimate answer, which is Never. 33% of the people I surveyed said they never watch movies showing that movies aren’t something people in society today are interested in. On the other hand, even though 3-4, and 5-6 times a week got no answers, Everyday was 22%, again showing that there is still people who regularly watch movies.

Q2: Do you like watching horror movies? For this question I wanted to know if people actually liked watching horror movies, as its often a genre that people are a bit undecided about. I wanted peoples answers to this to be very straight, in order to get easy accurate results, so I used a simple yes/no answer. The results for this question are fairly even, as 55% (5 people) voted Yes, and 44% (4 people) voted no. This shows that the audience of people for horror movies is pretty much separated down the middle, as there is nearly a 50/50 split between people who don’t, and do like horror movies.

Q3:What is your favorite genre of horror? I decided to ask this question as its important to find out what sub-genres of horror people prefer when we create our own horror movie trailer. The most popular option that I provided, was “Psychological Horror” which gained around 88% of the votes. “monster” and “paranormal” both got the same amount of votes, meaning they both got 11.11%. The difference between the votes between psychological, and the others, shows a clear favourite. This means for our horror movie trailer, we would have to try ad include some sort of psychological element.

Q4:Where do you prefer to watch horror films? I asked where people prefer to watch horror movies, so that I could get an idea of the most likely environment people would be if they were to watch our horror film. I decided to ask this question by giving the audience a decision out of the three main places I felt people would watch horror films the most. I chose to ask if they preferred to watch horrors at home, at the cinema or at a friends house. These were good options as they give a different insight into what people would have around them when watching a horror movie. The most commonly picked answer by far was the “At home” options, which got nearly 78% of the votes. The other 22% voted for “At a friends house”. This shows that most people like to watch horror movies whist at a house, rather than a cinema. Most likely by themselves as the most picked option was be at their own house

Q5:What entices you to pay to go to the cinema? I decided to ask why people would pay to go to the cinema to watch movies. I included four options in this question which where Sound Quality, Big Screen, The presence of other people and No interruptions. The most popular answer by far was Big screen, which received nearly 67% of the votes. The next popular vote was The presence of other people which got 22% of the votes, which is still a long way off what the Big Screen option received. This shows that people enjoy the image quality that having a big screen creates, which is why they go to the cinema.

Q6: What is your favorite horror film and why? I decided to ask an open question, which was “What is your favourite horror film and why”. I wanted to see if there was a specific horror genre, or feature, that people preferred overall. From the answers given, I can see that there is a paranormal theme within most of the film choices made. Films like Sinister, insidious and The Conjuring all heavily features the paranormal subgenre of horror. As for the reasons why, I can see from these results that one main reason people enjoyed these horror movies was because of the “Suspense” and “Jump Scares” with in them.

Q7:Are you influenced by directors, actors and production companies? Here, we can see that the majority of voters feel as if they are influenced by the directors, actors and companies involved in the making of a horror movie. Nearly 67% said yes, and this shows that when making a horror film, the director and writer has to take into consideration the status of the companies and people they include in the production of it.

Q8:Are you influenced by the way a film is marketed? Although for this question, the majority of votes went to Yes, this option only gained around 10% more of the votes than the No option. As these results are incredibly close, I think that the way a film is marketed perhaps does not effect peoples incentive to go watch the horror film, but rather, the social status that the actors/directors in the film have.

Q9:Would you watch this film after reading the synopsis? An abandoned church ridden from the mysterious death of a young girl, is bought back up when a group of teenagers decide to explore it. They come across a secretive hut of which the groundsman lives... they will have to fight for survival For this question, I wrote out the synopsis for my groups original horror film trailer idea, and asked if it would influence the people taking the survey to go and see the movie. This graph shows that almost 90% of voters would be influenced to go and see the movie from the synopsis, meaning that it was successful in grabbing peoples attention and making them want to find out what happens.

Q10: Give reasons for your answer to question 9 Here I wanted to see what features of the synopsis of the film idea made people want to go and see it. To do this I asked people to give reasons for their answer to the previous question, and created a box that they could write their answer in. The main reason I can see, is that a lot of people are intrigued by the “Interesting� plot and story line, and therefore want to find out what will happen next in the actual film. The only bad review of the synopsis is that it did not sound like the type of film they personally would enjoy, which just means that perhaps this person just does not like the type of subgenre that this horror film would fall in to.

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