Beineinu - February/March/April 2018

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From the Co-chairs

by Debra Elovich & Judy Marx


inter always seems like a good time to hibernate, especially this year with so much snow! Rather than staying in and staying warm, the AA Sisterhood has been busy with programs and planning. In the past two months so much has happened.

As part of Sisterhood’s ongoing support of our Synagogue’s schools, both Kesher@AA and Ahava, Sara Hoffenberg and Rachel Avchen delivered Chanukah goodies, dreydels, and gelt to the students and teachers. The Z’havah wine and cheese event was fun and tasty! Thanks to Allison Feldman and Rachael Joseph for pulling it all together, even with an impending snow storm. This year’s Sisterhood Shabbat, “From Our Mothers to Us,” was a true celebration of the women of AA Synagogue. We recognized our accomplished “Sisters” and the work we do together to support our community. Special thanks to Fran Galishoff for coordinating all the pieces of the Shabbat service and kiddush. It was great to see women take on the D’var Torah, Torah reading and other parts of the service. Sisterhood invited the congregation to the 3rd Annual AJFF Preview Party on Sunday January 7, organized by Brenda Silverman and Delcy Harber. Our own Judy Marx, founding director of AJFF, showed trailers, talked about festival trends and gave us her picks for the festival. We are very grateful for AA staff, especially Miriam Habif, who worked out the set-up and the technology. We also enjoyed a tour of the inspirational exhibit at The Breman Museum that tells the story of Georgia’s oldest Jewish non-profit organization, the Jewish Education Loan Fund (JELF): a truly a powerful story of how philanthropy and a deep commitment to education can transform a community and leave a profound legacy. Marianne Garber, a longtime member of Ahavath Achim, led us through the exhibit with personal stories and experiences. There are still lots of ways to get involved in Sisterhood. Now is the time for you to find your place in with us. Be a part of what is happening. Volunteer to help for one event, or join us at our gatherings: Naomi’s Book Club, Latte & Learn, Rosh Chodesh or our any of our upcoming programs! Then after you’ve had a wonderful time, you’ll invite your friends to join you at the next event, and before you know it, Sisterhood will be your home too! As always, we look forward to connecting with you, hearing your ideas, and just saying "Hi!" Z’havah women enjoying delicious cheese and sipping wine at CalyRoad Creamery in Sandy Springs.

leadership opportunities & membership The AA Sisterhood Nominating Committee will begin the process of bringing in new leaders. If you are interested in a leadership role as we welcome in the next century of AA Sisterhood, please contact Debra or Judy. From Generation to Generation and From Strength to Strength: Join Sisterhood Today! Every woman counts for Sisterhood to grow and thrive. Basic membership dues are $45, but we encourage you to join at a Chai-er level. Your generous dues and donations are vital for Sisterhood to continue to offer programs and projects that strengthen and sustain our Jewish values.

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Did you know you can join Sisterhood online? Visit to join and find out more about our community. Questions? Contact Alyson Lapes at 404.630.9483 or Debra Siegel at 404.509.6115.

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