Projective Cities 2011–2013

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configura on. Today, this idea of a capital city could be considered obsolete. Even though it is widely recognized that lobbyists are a part of the poli cal decision-making process, they have no spa al representa on in the city. Brasilia’s design was conceived through scales, with the manifesta ons of public space appearing in the endless plinth of the Superquadras to the monumentality of the Esplanade of Ministries. Visual manifesto

The public areas in the Pilot Plan have been significantly changed over me, which demonstrates their inefficiency throughout the scales defined by Costa. Even though Oscar Niemeyer’s architecture along with Costa’s masterplan was designed with every Brazilian in the mind, the idea of public space is very li le defined and in reality intended for people working for and servicing the government. Brasilia was not designed in a grid but

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