FMP Process Book

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Final Major pROJECT Aaron Adamowicz

Visual Communication


Process Book A aron AdamowICZ

Major Project VCO664 BA (Hons) Visual Communication Level 6 2020/21 Arts University Bournemouth Unit Leaders: Hannah Byles & Rich Hurst Tutor(s): Sally Hope

Contents Establishing the Project Initial research and cultural debates


Theoretical Concepts


Existing Projects


Initial Experiments Initial experiments


Primary research survey


Research conclusions


Postal Experiment Postal Experiment


TO WHOM WILL YOU WRITE? Development Resolving challenges Print & binding Editorial Photos


(Editorial )

96-129 131-145 146-149 150-153

(Letters to change)

Initial experiments


Second developments


Final solutions


Final solution photos


Displ ay Pages Display pages


Learning Agreement

Name: Aaron Adamowicz Course: BA(Hons) Visual Communication Level: 6 Unit: Major Project Unit Code: VCO664 Credit points: 60 Study hours: 600 hours Tutor(s): Hannah Byles & Rich Hurst

Synopsis of study Communication is an essential part of our everyday lives; it allows us to interact with each other, build relationships and maintain a functioning society. An important part of communication is the idea of sending messages creating the opportunity for long distance communication between two or more individuals. This type of activity has existed for many years dating back to a time before 500BC. Nowadays messages are often sent within seconds using mobile and internet technology, using a variety of methods such GIFs, images, emojis etc. The craft and time previously spent on communication has been developed to become an almost instantaneous process. This immediacy is very common within the western culture; however, many adults are wanting to increase the amount of time they spend on the activities they are partaking in. I am intrigued to create a designed piece that would encourage young adults to reconnect with the skill/activity of sending messages, ultimately putting more thought and time into their communication, reinstating the importance and change that considered communication can have. The benefits of considered communication leads to improved relationships, creates surprise, and can often increase opportunity for an individual, essentially having the ability to provide positive effects. This process may require the action of myself as the ‘director’ of the project to actively involve myself with notion of message sending to have an impact on others. In contrast, I may also aim to acquire an audience/user in which I can involve within the project. In terms of area of study, I would like to explore typographic design in an expressive format. In the past I have conducted some typographic work, however I feel this was not truly explored to a depth I am happy with in the past. As a multi-disciplined designer, I would like to significantly improve my process when handling type and content related matter. I would like to investigate the relationship between type and handwritten letters as a starting point for this project. I will prioritise physical design rather than digital, however I will not limit myself to purely physical outcomes if I feel the project requires digital experiments to move forward. Editorial may also be a likely outcome as often typography can be presented within an editorial format. Again, this is an area of my practice I would like to improve.

Ethical issues Ethics concerning privacy and data protection will be kept strict. The interaction with names and addresses will be kept anonymous to prevent identity leak, also removing participants from any possible offense that may be caused.

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T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?

Aims A1 To provide opportunities for myself to source information and knowledge from the diverse forms of rigorous research that are required to undertake and manage a comprehensive Major Project. A2 To provide myself with the opportunities to exercise and enhance my knowledge and abilities in the development of a body of creative and technically competent work appropriate to my chosen subject field of study. A3 To encourage myself to apply the advanced level of discipline and time- management which are required to develop a cohesive and sustained body of work. A4 To encourage myself to work independently, albeit with supervision, in the development and documentation of my practice in how I understand contemporary professional practice and audience.

Learning outcomes: LO1 Demonstrate my ability to develop a clear understanding of the relationship of research to my practice in forming a personal and critical viewpoint in the realisation, refinement and production of my Major Project. LO2 Demonstrate sustained and effective development of a practical working methodology to a topic that I have defined and which includes speculation on new and effective approaches that are at the forefront of Visual Communication practice. LO3 Demonstrate an ability to authoritatively and independently project manage ideas, practice, time and work strategies in the production of a well realized body of work, reflecting the complexity of the major project and engaging effectively with academic support and resources. LO4 Demonstrate an ability to critically reflect on the process of my major project.

Assessment Components A professional, focused body of work including initial ideas to final outcomes. You will also submit a professionally considered portfolio that evidences how you have selected and displayed your work and how these decisions shape your portfolio. All final outcomes must be presented to a professional standard. 80% A designed and illustrated display book, that details your research methods and strategies deployed for each individual project brief contained in this unit (word count between 2000 to 2500 words). 20%

Reference Atkins, A (2020) Fake Love Letters, Forged Telegrams, and Prison Escape Maps: Designing Graphic Props for Filmmaking. London, UK. Phaidon Press Sharp, C (2018) Why writing letters is still important [online] Available from:,and%20respectful%20to%20the%20read er. [Accessed 07 March 2021] Monash University (2020) Emails vs Letters. What works, when and why [online] Available from:,that%20don't%20have%20email.&text=P eople%20often%20keep%20letters%20for,more%20effort%20in%20contacting%20them. [Accessed 07 March 2021] Popova, M (2012) How to Write Letters: A 19th-Century Guide to the Lost Art of Epistolary Etiquette [online] Available from: [Accessed 07 March 2021]

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T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?



Why Sending? Sending has become a major part of our daily lives, with approximately 6 billion texts sent every day. Communication is a vital human necessity.

Why Do I WANT TO WRITE LETTERS? I wanted to be able to get back into contact with family, I felt letters were a good way to do this. I’ve always had an interest in hand lettering, designers such as Stefan Kunz and Thom Niessink have always inspired me. Another reason why I wanted to carry out this project was that I found myself bored of social media and internet messaging. I found it was the same stuff everyday with no real change.


Establishing The Project

Establishing The Project


What does sending mean?


Establishing The Project

Urban Dictionary

Establishing The Project


whERE DO LETTERS SIT IN SOCIETY? Nowadays written forms of communication are most commonly used to communicate special occasions. Birthday, Christmas, Easter and weddings etc. However these cards are often printed materials bought from a shop rather than being a purely a letter.

(Real Life Options. 2020)

Bills and government letters are a very common letter in today’s society. These plain letters are often as mundane on the inside as they are on the outside.


Establishing The Project

Letters used to be the most common way of communicating.

Establishing The Project



With the shift of communication from written to digital, the way society operates has changed forever. The faster pace of communication means that productivity is increased due to the efficiency of digital communication. However, it has changed personal communication forever.


Establishing The Project

(Meisenzahl, M. 2020)

(Rad Merch.. 2021)

Have filters, gifs and emojis obstructed our ability to communicate how we really feel? Cyber bullying is a problem in today’s society, did this ever occur with written communication?

Establishing The Project



(Hosie, E. 2017) The decline of handwriting is something that is happening and as time progresses it is becoming more obvious as physical and digital keyboards replace the pen and paper.


Establishing The Project

or maybe it shifted? Cur sive, Penmanshi p vs Moder n Calligra phy

Through brief internet research it is clear that handwriting styles has shifted over time. Possibly not too dissimilar to the shift that can be seen in type. I believe that eventually handwriting will become an art form rather than a required day to day skill. This is already evident through modern calligraphy and hand lettered art pieces that scatter Pinterest and Instagram.

Establishing The Project


Benefits of letters What does media and the news say ?

(Brooker, D. 2019)

(Tejada, C. 2019)

News articles obviously need to be taken with a pinch of salt due to radical headlines to capture attention, often accompanied by weak supporting evidence.


Establishing The Project

Possible Cultural REASONS FOR THE FALL OF LETTER WRITING S ocial Media Usage

Average Daily Social Media Usage by Internet Users (Statista. 2021)

Out of 3.96 billion social media users, 99% access websites or apps through a mobile device, with only 1.32% accessing platforms exclusively via desktop Globally, the average time a person spends on social media a day is 2 hours 24 minutes; if someone signed up at 16 and lived to 70, they would spend 5.7 years of their life on it. (Dean, B. 2021)

Establishing The Project


Possible Cultural REASONS FOR THE FALL OF LETTER WRITING H u s t l e / Wo r k C u l t u r e

(Lufkin, B. 2021)

(Da Costa, C. 2021)


Establishing The Project

Possible Cultural REASONS FOR THE FALL OF LETTER WRITING Lack of Hobbies

(Solis, M. 2020)

(Prager, D. 2018)

Establishing The Project


Jon Mcgregor - The Letters Page

(McGregor, J. 2016)


Establishing The Project

Establishing The Project


The revival of retro (Economic times, 2020)

The revival of retro concerns itself with nostalgia and authentic experience. This is something I wanted to look into in the future of the project.


Establishing The Project

(Armstrong, M. 2018)

reasons for return - Nostalgia

Establishing The Project


Between 2017-2018 the Royal Mail delivered around14.4 billion letters. (C, Dawson. 2019)


Establishing The Project

Cultural debates conclusion S ocial Media Usage With the increase of social media, the population is more efficiently communicating with rapid messaging methods. It makes sense to send people quick messages to invite them to places and check up on them. However social media isn’t always as social as we think and with half the population on earth having a social media account this should be a cause for concern. With 90% of people in America aged between 18-29 having social media, it is clear to see why written communication would appear to be a lost form.

H u s t l e / Wo r k C u l t u r e Young adults are facing difficult times with many financial pressures which can be burdening to individuals. Higher house prices, lower wages and student debt increase this factor dramatically. This has led to higher statistics of stress, anxiety and anger amongst adults establishing careers and working lives.

Lack of Hobbies, Increase of Pastimes Due to increased time working, individuals seek activities to pass the time such as watching Netflix playing video games etc. Hobbies have become redundant due to the time and money required to effectively commit to the activity.

Establishing The Project


Theoretical Concepts B e r l o’ s S M C R M o d e l o f C o m m u n i c a t i o n

(Communication Theory. n.d.)

Berlo’s SMCR Model of Communication outlines detailed factors of communication that must be considered. All factors are variable and produce different outcomes. When conducting this project, I will analyse my strategies using this model.


Establishing The Project

Lasswell’s Communication Model

(Communication Theory. n.d.)

Lasswell’s communication model is simpler compared to Berlo’s model but outlines the key stages of communication.

Establishing The Project


existing PROJECTS

Dear Data

This project is an example of the ability to collect data through handwritten letters and how post can be a method of sending physical artefacts and designs. I like the possibility of being able to send people tasks, resulting in the collection of recorded data, opinion or activity.

(Lupi, G. 2021)


Establishing The Project

Hate Mail - Mr Bingo

Mr Bingo’s hate mail plays on the idea of digital hate mail, translating this into the real world. Creating a lighthearted project that involves Mr Bingo sending postcards to his twitter followers, illustrating and communicating insults.

(Mr Bingo. 2021)

Establishing The Project


existing PROJECTS Harriet Russell Envelopes

Harriet Russell’s envelope challenged the Royal Mail, testing their ability to solve challenges to deliver the mail.

( Just One More Page...2012)


Establishing The Project

Me and EU - Nathan Smith

Me and EU features a collection of postcards designed by UK-based creatives expressing their thoughts of Brexit and the situation with the EU. Aiming to change outside perspectives and reconnect both sides during Brexit.

(Smith,N. 2021)

Establishing The Project


existing PROJECTS The Handwritten Letter Project -Craig Oldham

From the summary of Craig’s project he touches on the personal aspect I outlined in my own project, however I wanted to delve deeper as I believe there is more to the handwritten letter than just being personal.

(Oldham,C. 2021)


Establishing The Project

(Oldham, C. 2011) Establishing The Project



A Letter from Birmingham Jail Martin Luther King’s letter that changed the world

(Martin Luther King J, Fair Use Image, 1967) .

(A handwritten copy of ‘Letter From a Birmingham Jail.’ AP Photo/ Drew, R)


Initial Experiments

Initial Experiments


Sending to Space Pioneer 10 + 11

Pioneer 10 + 11 have communication plaques making humans ‘immortal’ as they will be a permanent product of our existence forever floating in space.

(Nasa, 2007)

(Rosenthal, J. 2016)


Initial Experiments

Initial Experiments


Initial Experiments


Initial Experiments

Follow link to watch video experiment

Initial Experiments



Initial Experiments

Initial Experiments



Initial Experiments

Initial Experiments


primary research Survey What do people actually think?

I targeted a survey towards young adults to find out what they thought about letters, being from the ‘digital generation’. Their answer provided me with reinforcement from my initial research.


Initial Experiments

Themes extracted: Physical item, treasuring of artefact Care & thought Personal

Initial Experiments


Themes extracted: Family & Friends Pen pals Love letters


Initial Experiments

Themes extracted: Physical item, treasuring of artefact Care & thought Personal Remembering Reflect

Initial Experiments


Themes extracted: Life Update Poetry & Art Positive & Negative Private Jokes


Initial Experiments

Survey Made Into Physical Piece

Initial Experiments


5 W ’s Who


The digital generation that has high working mentalities and productivity. That rely on immediate communication lacking intimacy.

A lost art form, letters have transitioned from an everyday concept to a niche. Similar to vinyl records, letters have benefits that can be taken advantage of in the modern digital age.



Encourage the use of handwritten letters, postal communication, tangible experiences grounded in the physical rather than digital.

I want to express each benefit individually experimenting with people’s reaction, hopefully resulting in a more positive view on letter writing.

Where A tangible letter through the letterbox.

When During this time where much of our day is spent using computers or fixed to a type of screen.


Initial Experiments

Research Conclusions LETTERS ARE BENEFICIAL: TO CHANGE Letters have changed the world multiple times in the past. It could be questioned that their effectiveness to cause change could be increased by their rarity. Often when things are rare, more notice is taken.

T O PA U S E A N D R E F L E C T Letter writing can offer the opportunity to slow down the fast pace of life. Allowing mindfulness type strategies.

TO SURPRISE Letters often present the element of surprise as each letter appears different in terms of material, handwriting, content etc.

TO BE PERSONAL A letter feels more personal due to it’s tangible properties and effort the effort required by the sender to post the letter.

TO REMEMBER Letters can be kept forever, they can be used to treasure the thoughts of loved ones that may have passed away. Signatures and handwriting in a sense makes a person immortal if the letters are kept in remembrance of them.

I concluded these points from the range of articles and projects I had researched alongside my primary research surveys which reinforced the ideas introduced by the secondary research pieces.

Initial Experiments


Postal Experiment



Postal Experiment

Postal Experiment



Postal Experiment

Postal Experiment


Responses from change letter

I received letters replying to the letters of change I sent. To my surprise the letters followed ideas of communication that expressed similar perspectives to this project. The idea that technology has lost that key conversation in society.


This was evidence to me that there is a problem in society and that this project has a true purpose.

Postal Experiment

Postal Experiment


Jillian Kaye Schoettle ( Jillian Kaye Schoettle,2021)


Postal Experiment

Naomi Loves (Naomi Loves,2021)

Postal Experiment


A tiME to Pause & Reflect


Postal Experiment

Postal Experiment



Postal Experiment

Postal Experiment


A tiME to surprise


Postal Experiment

Postal Experiment



Postal Experiment

Postal Experiment



Postal Experiment

Postal Experiment


Further Development


Postal Experiment

Postal Experiment



Postal Experiment

Postal Experiment


A tiME to Remember


Postal Experiment

Postal Experiment



Postal Experiment

Postal Experiment


A tiME to be personal


Postal Experiment

Postal Experiment



Postal Experiment

Postal Experiment



Postal Experiment

Postal Experiment



Postal Experiment

reflection of sending experiment The Good The letters I sent were successful in creating an experience with letters. They provided the sense of the unexpected, they gave the receivers some key insights about letter writing. Challenging their thoughts and reasons for letter writing.

The Bad Most of the letters except from the change letters didn’t require a follow up letter from the receiver. People didn’t experience sending. Address placement.

The next steps I could continue with letters for change. I may look to create a series of letters that challenge the idea of change. I could also refer back to the topic of surprise where previously I used the idea of 80s films to provide an entertainment value to the letters. An editorial piece, often people don’t want to read letters unless they are personally addressed to them. This could encourage all conclusions found also reaching a wider audience.

Postal Experiment



Inspiration for the title

(TEDx Talks, 2017) Ashley Davis’ thought provoking talk left the audience with one question to leave with. The question being, “To whom will you write?”


T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?

the creation of the editorial

The first size for the editorial was 250x175mm I used this size as it represented the approximate size of a large letter.

T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?


Initial type Experiments


T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?

Eye Catching Design I wanted the editorial piece to be bold and stand out. I aimed to produce a modern feel that would contrast the perception that letter writing can be boring. I used Bebas as my bold font to catch attention whilst using Viktor Script to symbolise the handwriting style of letters. I chose the colour red to follow the recognised postage colour that is found on 1st class stamps, including post-boxes and the royal mail branding.

T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?




T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?

T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?


Expressive hand drawn type Humanising Type I wanted to express the personal side to handwriting using expressive shapes to symbolise individuality. I liked this expressive calligraphy styled type for the editorial, I felt it was appropriate especially as calligraphy and hand lettering is currently a form of art that is trending in modern art culture.


T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?

T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?



T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?

T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?



T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?

T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?


Art Styles of Postage stamps

(Williams, L and Williams, M. 2011)


T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?

ARNOLD mACHIN Por trait of queen used for stamps

(Arnold Machin, by Ryall,C)

T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?


(Kiss me and don’t let go, istock)

(Shepherd 24 Hour Wall Clock, Royal Museums Greenwich)


T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?

(Martin Luther King Jr 1965, Getty Images)

( Janet Leigh Shower Scene, Shamley Productions,1960)

T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?


Combining the past and present Monotone and line etching I used monotone effects to make the imagery appear similar to the current stamp design. I then created a line effect on top of the images to represent the original design style of the British stamp. Together these created a hybrid between early and modern British stamps.


T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?

imagery for editorial


T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?



T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?



T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?

T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?


COmbining image and text


T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?

T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?


Typeface and font selection


T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?

(Muller-Brockmann, J. 2012) T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?


Final choice typefaces


Bebas Neue Regular 88pt


Neue Haas GroteskText Pro 75 Bold 10pt

Tiorest odit odi

Cambria Bold 10pt

Pitium am, ius aceaquatis eatempe rferrum quia vellant.Ga. Tiorest odit odi odias consenda comnienis soluptas eos aspel ipsunt as rest oditenihil elendae. Et poriti as alis dolut rem volupiet re si odit, tenihictetur si omnis expla pelecte el in estotatum nus sime paribus, ullaccus Ihitist unt quas et litiber itatemquunt odiate ma dundic temqui idicto. Sitin eostiam quiberruntio totaquam eaquam, odiciist, et aditatet doluptatur, volut aut imusamusdam id unt quam, nestio tenim unti solo dolum volut pre provita ecabo neque.

Lora Regular 9pt

Delendelendus ne apero ipsaes re modita acerferiorro volorum enducid ma vollectium hillabo. Tem quundel illita volut aut que dolupiet et as illut fuga. Tem fuga. Torporum, ipsum reptati isquos et fugita volorerum et pa verspietur reicide lendita ped quosaniet ent. Pid mint odionsendae comnis volest, ommodit atquide ssimi, inti ut ut parciatius quossitat quate evelend ebitas natempernati ut excere consers percius. Riscid que et fuga. Et quisimusam, sed qui. Nisquiatur? nonsecusci officim porrovi tiunda sinimin. I wanted to use typefaces that were bold and expressive, through the editorial I wanted to break the idea that letter writing is boring. I felt loud aesthetics may help to catch the attention of the reader.


T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?

Creating Inspiration Quotes from contemporar y figures

T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?


Typewolf cheatsheet for a pos trophes and speech mar ks


T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?

Setting Speech Marks Ke r n i n g a n d O p t i c a l A l l i g n m e n t

Kerning Increased to prevent speech marks from touching first letter.

Optical margin allignment used to

T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?


Digital Elements

T h e d i g i t a l t a ke ove r Another aspect I that I felt was important to include in the editorial was the takeover of digital technology.


T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?


D a r ke n


T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?


Resolving editorial challenges C a t e g o r y Te x t O r i g i n a l


T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?

C a t e g o r y Te x t C h a n g e

T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?


Resolving editorial challenges Revisiting grid layout and column layouts

I wanted to improve my understanding of the components that will build my editorial design. These manuals helped me to reconsider my grid systems to work more efficiently with the size of my spreads. I started with a five column layout.

Getting it right with type (Squire, V. 2006)


T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?

Editorial Design (Caldwell, C and Zappaterra, Y. 2014)

Grid Systems In Graphic Design (Muller-Brockmann, J. 2012) In Muller-Brockmans, Grid systems manual he mentions that six grid systems are recommended for editorials with small amounts of text. My editorial is mostly imagery so this felt appropriate, also being more flexible.

T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?


Resolving editorial challenges Fixing problems with layout and columns - 5 column

I originally chose the 5 column grid to implement quotations and side notes to the pages, I faced problems due to scale of pages.


T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?

Fixing problems with layout and columns - New 6 column

The balance of the text felt much more even with the text being in equal sized columns.

T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?


Resolving editorial challenges Components falling into gutter

I ran the risk of the components falling into the gutter. In order to fix this problem, I had to increase the size of the editorial meaning that the components could be scaled slightly larger making the gutter effect lower.


T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?

T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?


Resolving editorial challenges Fixing Problems With Layout Balance

Guides on balance led me to review and adjust some of the original layouts I had created.

Editorial Design (Caldwell, C and Zappaterra, Y. 2014)


T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?

T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?


Resolving editorial challenges Fixing Problems With Layout Balance

The direction of Luther King Jr’s eyes help to direct the reader’s attention to the quote at the top of the right hand page.


T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?

T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?


Letters in Editorials Comparing Layouts

(Royal Academy of Arts. 2010)


T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?

I wanted the letters in the editorial to appear close to life size.

T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?


Resolving editorial challenges Colour balancing


T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?

T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?


Paperstock g.f smithchallenges


T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?

Changes for print only

I removed the red colour to prevent ink red ink being printed on the already red card, I also changed the white to black as white cannot be printed due to the CYMK printer set up.

T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?


Printing and Binding challenges Colour balancing


T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?

T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?


Editorial Photos


T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?

T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?



T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?

T o W h o m W i l l Yo u W r i t e ?


Letters To Change

Letters to change Why am I doing this? I wanted to test one of conclusions found earlier in the project. I have established that letters have a power to change. They hold more communicative weight compared to email and text as they are personally directed and require the attention of the receiver, being difficult to ignore. Asking people to change is often a difficult thing for humans to do. We have anxieties and fear the things we find difficult. I want to encourage change to be a thing people can embrace through letters.

W h a t d e c i s i o n s d o I h a ve t o m a ke ? Do I communicate anonymously or do I keep it personal?

I would like to keep it personal as this is a major fundamental of handwritten letters that I need to retain. Do I keep illustrations consistent? Do I change styles/ experiment?

I will experiment with different styles to establish the most appropriate for the project I will then continue to keep a consistent style once this decision has been made. Postcards or Letters?

I will have to stay consistent with the letter theme as postcards feel distant from the aims of the overall project. What do I want to change?


Letters to Change

Letters to Change


Change the world Change a persons life Social Change Societal Change Change the way a company works


Letters to Change

Pet Peeve survey

I chose pet peeves is a topic which the majority want to change. I could have pushed the project towards changing big world problems but I felt more would relate closely to them.

Letters to Change


Collecting Primary research S ocial Media Posts


Letters to Change

Letters to Change


Gie it l aldy Language Cards

(Gie it Laldy, 2021)

Gie It Laldy is a Scottish design and gift shop.


Letters to Change

Out of their work I liked their poem-based cards, I felt they had a nice rhythm and felt light hearted. I felt this technique of writing could be applied nicely to my letters that I was planning to create.

Letters to Change


Pet Peeve Reaction


Letters to Change

Letters to Change


Pet Peeve Postcards


Letters to Change

Letters to Change



Letters to Change

Letters to Change



Letters to Change

Pet Peeve postcard reflection Although I liked the postcards, they were different to the focus of letters. They were good for presenting the short snappy pet peeve poems, the combination with illustration also proved to be quite effective. However, the postcards targeted general groups rather than individuals.

Letters to Change


Pet Peeve first Letters


Letters to Change

Letters to Change



Letters to Change

Letters to Change



Letters to Change

Letters to Change



Letters to Change

Letters to Change



Letters to Change

Letters to Change


Pet Peeve First letter reflection The Good These designs are closer to the final piece I am looking to create. The sign off: Love, The Pet Peeve Project xxx seemed effective at communicating the projects aims. Light-hearted, with purpose. I was very happy the content of the letters inspired from conversations I had with people and from surveys/social media posts. Handwriting style works well with the brush pen used.

The Bad The inconsistency of the letter style could be improved to make the aesthetics recognisable across all letters. The cropping of the letters makes them appear less like postal letters.

Moving For ward and Creating a Methodology Keep style of illustration and letter writing consistent throughout. Use research collected from social media and surveys to inspire the pet peeve letters. Keep letters personal, directed to a person, rather than a big group. Ethics must be observed, I will prevent identity and people’s privacy from being leaked through this project.


Letters to Change

Pet Peeve Further Development For the sake of the ethics of this project I kept the addresses and names of each of the people featured story inspired rather than literal. The stories used to create the pet peeve letters were inspired by real life situations.

Letters to Change


Final Solutions - Pet Peeve Letters


Letters to Change

Letters to Change



Letters to Change

Letters to Change



Letters to Change

Letters to Change



Letters to Change

Letters to Change


using theoretical concepts to analyse the pet peeve project B e r l o’ s S M C R M o d e l o f C o m m u n i c a t i o n


Letters to Change

Letters to Change



Letters to Change

Letters to Change



Letters to Change

Letters to Change


letters in situ


Letters to Change

Letters to Change




Letters to Change

Letters to Change


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To Whom Will You Write? - Encouraging letter writing in modern society

To Whom Will You Write? is an editorial piece that aims to encourage it’s audience to write letters in the current digitial society. Promoting personal benefits and positive effects to wider populations.


Letters to Change

The Pet Peeve Project - Using the power of letters to create change in modern society

Letters to Change


The Pet Peeve Project attempts to change the everyday annoyances that we all face through the power of letters. People are often nervous to ask others to change, especially with face to face communication diminishing with the rise of technology. In terms of pet peeves this leads to people suffering on a daily basis, thinking it’s only a small annoyance until it’s too late. These letters are examples of written communication that target real pet peeve scenarios.


Letters to Change

Letters to Change


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