All about Home ( July)

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The sense of smell is one of the most mysterious of our five senses because it is so fuzzy in the matters of perception. This sense closely connected to our memory and emotions sends us to our other senses, visual images, emotional associations, and reminiscence.

GET SOME SCENTS INTO YOUR HOME Even the most hardcore skeptics can’t help but agree that smells influence our condition – even scientific studies show that a pleasant scent improves our mood and helps us relax. Besides, 79% of women abd 86% of men consider nice smells conductive of romantic atmosphere and intimacy. A human being learns most aromas during their childhood together with the perception of their surroundings. This may be the reason for a familiar smell to evoke our childhood memories depicting vivid associative images in our mind. Smells that have left an imprint in our memory become our olfactory heritage that shapes our value and preference system. Even each season is automatically connected with certain scents that we miss in other seasons. For example, most consumers choose fresh and clean scents for warm



months of the year and sweet oriental aromas during cold seasons. Imitating the rites of pagan priests, people have used aromatic oils for centuries to enhance their health, mood, and attractiveness. Today, attention to details forming our public image spreads on our surroundings, including our homes, offices, and civic places. People strive to demonstrate aromas that reflect their individuality and preferences stating their attention even to intangible decor elements. Decor comprises every aspect, including lighting, colour, furniture style, and accessories. All this is important for creating a framework but unless this framework is filled with atmosphere, it is devoid of life. One of the simplest and most effective ways to create a cosy feeling in the space is olfactory because of the smell’s influence upon our emotions.


Pleasant aromas give the space warmth and coziness creating a feeling of harmony and joy. Even though most people realize it, not many use special aromatizers in their homes. The reason for such omission is an established stereotype that air aromatizers should only be used as air fresheners to eliminate unpleasant odours in washrooms stems from many people’s ignorance regarding the effect smells have upon human moods. Another stereotype is that air fresheners only cover unpleasant odours without eliminating them thus aggravating the distasteful mix. Nevertheless, many manufacturers have lately offered products that can effectively neutralize insulting smells by absorbing smelly fumes and replacing them with something nice or neutral, filling the air with lightness and pleasant aromas.

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