Controled Substances Information

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OVERDOSES An overdose of depressants produces effects that are the same as alcohol overdoses. The person becomes extremely drowsy and passes out. Their heartbeat slows and respiration will become shallow. Their skin may feel cold and clammy and death may result from respiratory failure.

Note: All information on this sheet came from a web page produced by a Police officer in California that is a qualified instructor with the Drug Abuse Resistance Education Program (DARE) in the United States developed by the LAPD. Email:

Street Names: GHB, Georgia Home Boy, Grievous Bodily Harm, Liquid Ecstasy, Liquid X, Sodium Oxybate, Xyrem™

GHB Gamma Hydroxybutyric Acid (GHB): There are three kinds of GHB abusers: those who take the drug to get high, those who use it in bodybuilding, and those who commit sexual assault after drugging

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