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Н. И. Быкова 3. My dog has got a long tail. 4. My brother is clever.

• 3. Прочитай и исправь текст. I’ve got a funny dog. Her name is Marta. She has got big ears and a long body. Marta is clever too! She can jump and climb! Reference words. (Слова-ссылки)

• 1. Объедини предложения. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Ida’s house is big. It’s has got seven bedrooms. Ida’s eyes are beautiful. They’re blue. I like burgers. It’s are yummy! My new house is funny! It’s pink! I like John’s room. It’s big.

Paragraphs. (Абзацы)

• 1. Подбери названия к абзацам. • 2.

1. a)

2. b)

3. c)

Раздели текст на абзацы. Подчеркни слова, которые начинают каждый абзац. Mark’s favourite day is Saturday. He gets up at nine o’clock. In the morning he has breakfast, then, he goes to the park. In the afternoon, Mark watches television. He also plays computer games. Then, at ten o’clock, Mark goes to bed. Saturdays are a lot of fun for Mark!

Test booklet (Тестовая брошюра) Модульный тест 1A Vocabulary. (Словарь)

• 1. Посмотри и напиши. (10 баллов) 1. ruler 2. pencil

3. pencil case 4. rubber

5. school 599

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