Our Duty, Our Obligation, Our Chicken Nuggets: Essays Written by 826NYC Students at PS 316

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826NYC BOOKS 372 Fifth Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11215 Our Duty, Our Obligation, Our Chicken Nuggets Š 2020 by 826NYC and the authors. All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. First 826NYC edition 2020 Manufactured in the United States of Brooklyn 978-1-948644-50-1 The writing in this book was produced in the 2019-20 school year at 826NYC’s In-schools Publishing Project at PS 316. The classes were run by Willie Filkowski with the support of Principal Maluf, Ms. Radix, Ms. Do, Mr. Williams, Ms. Gilbert, Mr. Young, Ms. Melo, Mr. Nickelson & Ms. Welsh, as well as 826NYC writing mentors: Leigh Harlow and Julie Zeitz. Designed by Harriet Provine. Edited and proofread by Alana Pockros, Kiran Josen, Lala Jackson, Lauren Stefaniak, and Summer Medina. Printed by Bookmobile This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, The Jane Friedman Anspach Family Foundation, The Hawkins Project, The Minerva Foundation, The Resnick Family Foundation, The Rona Jaffe Foundation, and The Susan Stein Shiva Foundation. The following individuals have provided donations to support our programs: Aziz Ansari, Ray and Ami Carpenter, Sarah Connolly, Amir Mokari, Tammy Oler and Ehren Gresehover, David and Lori Schnadig, Jason Sinay, Alyson Stone, Maura Tierney, and Ted Wolff and Anne Clarke-Wolff. Additional support comes from the National Endowment for the Arts. To find out more about how National Endowment for the Arts grants impact individuals and communities, visit www.arts.gov.

826NYC is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting students ages six to eighteen with their creative and expository writing skills and to helping teachers inspire their students to write. Our services are structured around our belief that great leaps in learning can happen with one-on-one attention and that strong writing skills are fundamental to future success. iii

OUR DUTY OUR OBLIGATION OUR CHICKEN NUGGETS Essays Written by 826NYC Students at P.S. 316 Elijah G. Stroud Elementary


Table Of Contents



SOCIETY The Case for Chicken Nuggets By Leonne Velasquez All You Need is a Hamburger By Gavin Holly-Hill Boys and Girls are the Same, in Different Ways By Angel Barnett Two Good Reasons Why Kids Should Not Be Paid for Chores By Whitney Merlena Jean Jacques People Should be Allowed to Own and Carry Guns By Alana Shepherd Why People Shouldn’t Own Guns By Anaya Campbell-Branch Income Inequality By Arielle Edmonds LBGTQ+ By Amirah Ferdinand Income Inequality Should Stay By Finelly Cameron Kids Shouldn’t Be Able to Vote By Janiyah Jackson Homelessness By Jordan Clark Allow Kids to Vote By Myla Moore Saving is Better than Spending By Aaliyah Robinson vi

3 4 6 7 8 9 11 12 14 15 17 18 20

Paying for Medication By Darnalee Gayle Popeye’s Chicken Sandwich: A Masterpiece By Jarrod Brannon Chik-Fil-A vs. Popeyes Chicken Sandwich By Justice Harrell Medicine Should be Free By Mikayla Louree About Gun Violence By Madison Rook The United States is Headed in the Right Direction By Peyton Spaights Should Sports Be Segregated by Gender? By Sade Bryant Don’t Pay Student Athletes By Siah Watkins

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SCHOOL The Amazing Educational Divide!! By Adriel Mattis In Support of a Four Day School Week By Christian Leon In Defense of Recess By Damar Bryan Homework Does Help You Learn!! By Jaime Green Freedom From Uniforms By Jayling Mora School Uniforms are Good By Matthew Fernandez Why Kids Shouldn’t Have Recess By Melanie Rodriguez Should Kids Get Rewarded for Really Good Grades? By Tiajade Campbell School Uniforms Should Be Required by Diangely Llano Uniforms are So Last Season! By Kennedy Robert-Scott vii

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School Uniforms Allow Self Expression By Musette Mielke School Uniforms Should be Banned By Sara Walcott Sitting Down on a Couch By Daniel Luke No More Recess By Adonis Morgan Recess Forever By Assiatou Bah

51 53 55 57 58

THE ENVIRONMENT Electric Cars Pros By Arielle Jean-Baptiste My Argument Essay on Recreational Hunting by Bessilee James Oppose Nuclear Energy By David O’Brien When Trees Burn Down By Erik Bagnall The Amazon Rainforest Can be Burnt Down By Jeffrey Mcleod On Trophy Hunting By Luna Lewis The Cons of Fossil Fuel By Milon DaSilva The Flaws of Electric Cars By Sanii Jobe Stop Trophy Hunting By Sarah Jonas Recreational Hunting—Are You For or Against? By Sherese Ventour The Impact of Fossil Fuels and How to Keep our Environment Safe By Vance McClendon, Jr. Consider Buying an Electric Car By Aron Blake The Dangers of Electric Cars By J’Serie Sheppard viii

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Robots are Good By Abdul Kareem Doucoure Robots are Not Good for the Environment By Andrew Kuffuor Genetic Engineering is Dangerous By Christian Julien Stop Polluting and Littering By Kadie Colon

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TECHNOLOGY & VIDEO GAMES The Benefits of Fortnite By Andre Fields TV is Good for Your Health By Cori Kaiten Instagram: Get Rid of Likes By Derek Montilla Cellphones in School: Bad Idea!?!? By Josiah Jordan Likes are Not Necessary By Madison James There are Better Things to Do Than Play Video Games By Allen Brown Are Video Games a Sport? By David Miguel Brewington Video Games Don’t Cause Violence By Hamed Traore Children & Social Media: Disagree By Jordan A. Mark Are Video Games Bad? Yes or No By Qasim Abdul-Hakim Life is Better with Cell Phones By Amirah Ferdinand Is Playing Video Games Good or Healthy? By Camila Matos Turn Technology Back On By Janoi Anderson Stop Staying Glued to the Screen! By Josiah Morris ix

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We Need Robots By Nakye Benjamin Is it Possible to Live Without Cell Phones? By Sariah Duncan


Author Biographies




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If you’re struggling with moral ambiguity, ask a fifth grader. A fifth grader will tell you, in no uncertain terms, why something is wrong or right, and how they arrived at that conclusion. They’re slick with evidence and their arguments waste no time. As soon as you figure out where they are, they demand that you agree. What a beautiful way to move through the world. The essays in this anthology reflect six weekly writing workshops with four different fifth grade classes at PS 316, the Elijah G. Stroud School in Crown Heights. We asked the students to survey the world around them, to think about how they might change it, and then to formulate an argument convincing others to do the same. Follow along as they wrestle with evidence, stack up their reasons, and jump to conclusions.





The Case for Chicken Nuggets By Leonne Velasquez

Did you know that I like chicken nuggets because they’re not that expensive, you can get them at a lot of fast food restaurants, and you can get your money’s worth? Chicken nuggets taste so good because when you bite into them you can feel the juice coming out. They look like potato chips but they’re not, and you can serve them with a meal or eat them by themselves. Chicken nuggets are more fun to eat than hamburgers because you can dip them in different sauces, and you can share them with your friends and family. Even though they’re called chicken nuggets, chicken only makes up about half of a nugget, no matter which fast food chain they come from, according to a study in the American Journal of Medicine. In fact, the abstract of the report says their name is a misnomer “as they are usually composed of mostly fat from a list of about 40 other ingredients.” Chicken nuggets are healthier than hamburgers because they have fewer calories than hamburgers, they have B vitamins, and they’re normally served with a side salad or veggies and a whole grain. According to McDonalds.com, “ten juicy chicken McNuggets® are made with 100% white meat chicken and no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives.” Also McDonald’s four-piece chicken nuggets are 19% protein. This shows that chicken nuggets are healthier than hamburgers. In conclusion, chicken nuggets are better than hamburgers because they’re healthier and have less calories, and they taste so good. And I say chicken nuggets are healthy because when I went online, I saw this big hamburger and it had 1,260 calories, and that’s not good because that makes your veins stop. 3

All You Need is a Hamburgesr By Gavin Holly-Hill

Do you think hamburgers are better than chicken nuggets? I do. One reason why hamburgers are better than chicken nuggets is because hamburgers can be healthy. Another reason why hamburgers are better than chicken nuggets is because they have a lot of toppings. My last reason why hamburgers are better than chicken nuggets is because you can get a good hamburger anywhere. My first reason why hamburgers are better than chicken nuggets is because it can be healthy. One piece of evidence from the website VerywellFit.com to support my reason says, “266 calories, 10.1g of fat, 13.3g of protein.” Another piece of evidence to support my reason says, “When you cook at home, you can control the portion size.” My last piece of evidence to support my reason says, “Whether you eat, buy, or cook at home, a grilled burger will be better than a burger that is fried. Why? because when you grill meat, the fat drains away from the meat.” This shows that hamburgers are healthy. My second reason why hamburgers are better than chicken nuggets is because they have a lot of toppings. One piece of evidence from the website Wendys.com to support my reason says, “The bacon jalapeño cheeseburger has a quarter pound of fresh, never-frozen beef topped with pickled jalapeños, applewood smoked bacon, American cheese, crispy fried onions, a savory cheese sauce, and a smoky jalapeño sauce.” My second piece of evidence to support my reason says, “The barbecue cheeseburger has a quarter pound of fresh, never-frozen beef, crispy fried onions, and American cheese, covered in sweet and smoky barbeque sauce all on a toasted bun.” My last piece of evidence to support my second reason says, “The Dave’s Single® from Wendy’s has a quarter-pound of fresh, never-frozen beef, American cheese, crisp lettuce, tomato, pickle, ketchup, mayo, and onion on a toasted 4

bun. Just the way Dave invented.” This shows that you can add anything to your hamburger. My third reason why I think hamburgers are better than chicken nuggets is because you can get good hamburgers from anywhere. According to Wendys.com, the restaurant has the Baconator®, Son of Baconator®, and Dave’s Single®. Also on BurgerKing.com, the restaurant has the Cheddar BACON KING™ and the Impossible™ Whopper® for vegetarians. According to McDonalds.com, the restaurant has the Big Mac®, McDouble®, and Double Quarter Pounder® with Cheese. This shows where you can get a good hamburger from. I just showed you some reasons I believe hamburgers are better than chicken nuggets. Not only can you get a hamburger almost anywhere, hamburgers come in all varieties such as beef burgers, veggie burgers, elk burgers, turkey burgers, and plant-based burgers for vegetarians. I hope I shed some light on the likes of hamburgers. So enjoy your hamburgers.


Boys and Girls are the Same, in Different Ways By Angel Barnett

Adults have different standards for boys and girls. One reason adults have different standards for boys and girls is because parents have the belief that sons should pursue top-level careers and daughters should have mid-level careers. Another reason adults have different standards for boys and girls is because parents are also more likely to control the type of food their daughters consume. On the other hand, parents are less worried about their sons’ diets. The last reason adults have different standards for boys and girls is because parents also have the perception that daughters should be more protected than sons. One reason adults have different standards for boys and girls is because parents have the belief sons should pursue top-level careers and daughters should have mid-level careers. For example, boys should get degrees and girls shouldn’t. Another reason adults have different standards for boys and girls is because parents are more likely to control the type of food their daughters’ consume. For example, if their son eats chips and candy, the daughter will have to eat vegetables. The last reason adults have different standards for boys and girls is because parents also have the perception that daughters should be more protected than sons. For instance, if a girl goes out she needs to be with someone, but with sons they can be by themselves because they can defend themselves. In conclusion, others may say that adults have the same standards for boys and girls. However, it is true that they have different expectations for boys and girls in reality. For boys and girls, we are the same in different ways. 6

Two Good Reasons Why Kids Should Not Be Paid for Chores By Whitney Merlena Jean Jacques

Chores! Everyone has to do them, but why? Some of us believe they build character and teach responsibility. Others think that chores are work and we should be paid for them just like our parents who are paid for doing their jobs. I think that you should not pay your kids for chores. Here is why. When kids are paid for chores as they get older, they may not learn responsibility. For example, if they are supposed to shovel snow outside their own homes, they won’t do it because they’re not getting paid to do it. This is a problem because they won’t want to do anything unless they are being paid for it. Research shows that there are other ways kids can earn money, such as helping at a program, having a summer job, carrying their neighbor’s groceries, and washing someone’s car. Wow! All these amazing reasons why our parents should not pay us for chores. Now, with all these amazing reasons I just told you, next time your parents pay you for doing chores, will you take it? Yes, or no? Why would you take it?


People Should be Allowed to Own and Carry Guns By Alana Shepherd

Has anyone ever died in your family because of a tragic accident involving a gun? In some cases, people should be allowed to own and carry guns. Some people may say that we should not be able to own and carry guns because they are harmful. One person says “yes they should; I think people should be allowed to own and carry guns for their own safety.” I agree with this because who wouldn’t want to feel comfortable and safe, because if somebody attacks you, you can use your weapon as a way to defend yourself and protect yourself and many others. I do think that if you own a gun you should at least have a license for it and know how to use it. Another person says, “Someone else probably wouldn’t want to target the person carrying a weapon.” Some people would argue that guns will cause violence, but I believe that the person is more to blame than the gun. According to History.com, nearly 97% of the time, people who don’t have a license for a gun and own a gun tend to commit crimes involving a gun. Also, almost anyone could go to the store and buy a kitchen knife, which is just as hurtful as a gun. So people should be allowed to own and carry guns.


Why People Shouldn’t Own Guns By Anaya Campbell-Branch

When you realize that the people around you, that you care about, can get hurt, it’s hard to accept. The deaths of Xxxtentation, Nipsey Hussle, and many more really hurt me. When I heard that these people died, it was hard because I wanted them to move on with their lives but knowing that their lives were cut short because of gun violence really hurt me. This is why people should not be allowed to own guns. This topic is important because when someone you love dies you would feel the same way I did when Xxxtntation, Nipsey Hussle, and many more died. One reason why people should not be allowed to own their own gun is because people will take advantage of it and use the gun to hurt others. This can be because they are mad at each other for some reason. According to nytimes.com, in 2017, 39,773 people died from gun deaths alone. Mind you this was the amount of deaths in 2017 alone; imagine the amount now. So if people own their own gun, the number of gun deaths will increase. An additional reason why people should not own their own guns is because accidents and mistakes can happen. For example, you can accidentally hurt somebody with a gun. According to cheatsheet.com, an average person makes 118 mistakes per year. This may seem like a little but that’s just one person out of billions of people. Therefore if everyone owns their own guns and makes an accident or mistake, many injuries can happen. Right now in the US, it is easy to purchase firearms. Anyone age 18 or older can purchase firearms without a quantity limit. Therefore, if someone wanted to get their hands on a firearm, they could do that in seconds if they owned their own guns.


Lastly, people should not be allowed to own their own guns because people can hurt themselves. Many people die from committing suicides. This is because of bullying, abuse and more. When people own their own guns, they can hurt themselves. In conclusion, people should not be allowed to own their own guns. This is because people can hurt themselves and others.


Income Inequality By Arielle Edmonds

Do you have mixed parents? Do you feel like one parent is getting paid a little bit more than the other? Well, you’re not the only one. Studies show that some kids recognize a certain parent getting paid more depending on their race. I think that income inequality is unfair because race shouldn’t matter. Just because one race is being paid more doesn’t mean they work harder. Also, if a woman and a man go to work, the man should never get paid more unless he works harder. The race who gets paid the most may not work the hardest. For example, if a Black lady and a white lady work in a store together, and the black lady works harder and is more respectful and the white lady gets paid more, that is officially called income inequality. This is how some kids feel about their parents. If their parents are mixed, according to research, Caucasians and Asians would get paid more than Blacks and Hispanics on payday. That was an example of income inequality. Men and women should not be treated wrongly or unfairly either. Back in the day, women would be treated unfairly by men. Women would not get paid to work but men would. This caused many protests and activists to show up. Just like race, gender shouldn’t matter. For example, on the news one day, a woman said that she was in line at a store and when it was her turn, the male cashier pointed to the next man in the line who was behind the lady. Then, the man in line skipped the woman and came to the front of the line. The woman felt like that was unfair so she reported it. In conclusion, I think that race and gender shouldn’t be judged. Even though you may not see income inequality that much, it is still there. And at the end of the day, we are all humans. 11

LBGTQ+ By Amirah Ferdinand

In the LGBTQ+ community, there are many sexualities, gender expressions, and other manifestations of sexuality. Here are some of the basic ones: • • • • •

Lesbian - a female who loves/feels sexual attraction to females Gay - a male who loves/feels sexual attraction to males Bisexual - a person who loves/feels sexual attraction to all genders Transgender - a person who changes their gender Questioning - somebody who is questioning their sexuality/ gender expression

If you wish to know more, go research some other sexualities. Here are some LGBTQ+ facts: • 42% of people who are LGBTQ+ report living in an unwelcome environment • 80% of gay and lesbian youth report severe social isolation • Six in ten students report feeling unsafe because of their sexual orientation In over 76 countries, including Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola and Antigua, being LGBTQ+ is illegal. In Russia, being LGBTQ+ has been legal since 1993 but before that, LGBTQ+ people had to live in secret because otherwise they would be arrested. In most African countries, it is punishable by prison to be homosexual. In the US, the laws are very limited, giving LGBTQ+ people much more freedom than in other countries.


In my opinion, the LGBTQ+ movement is really helpful in modern day society because it allows many people to be free with their sexuality and gender expression and lets them live without oppression and disrespect. In conclusion, I believe that the LGBTQ+ movement is very important to the youth of the modern day and age, allowing youth to have freedom with their gender fluidity and sexual orientation.


Income Inequality Should Stay By Finelly Cameron

On this earth, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. You might not believe me but it benefits our country a lot! I think this because income inequality isn’t the problem and it isn’t as bad as you think. I think income inequality should stay! Honestly, if I were in your shoes, I wouldn’t want to work longer and get the same amount of money as someone else who doesn’t work. This is where income inequality comes in. According to DW.com, “Most have no problem with wealth or income inequality.” Also according to DW.com, “People work harder if they want to move up.” And I agree, just like a reading test you work harder to move up. If you watch the news, income inequality isn’t a problem! According to Hooverinstitution.org, “We should be cheering for policies that lead to higher economic growth.” Also according to hooverinstitution. org, “One other important measure is increased immigration.” I agree we should stop worrying about income inequality and worry about important stuff. Lastly, income inequality isn’t as bad as you think! According to Harvard Business Review, “It seems like people in the most unequal societies, irrespective of whether they are from the working class, the lower middle class, or upper middle class are more likely to believe the rich are rich because they worked hard for their income, while the poor are poor because of lack of trying.” And I agree, if you don’t work hard you won’t be able to do it! Overall, I want to say that income inequality may seem bad but it’s really fair. I hope you understand that people all over the world are trying to convince people like you that income inequality is bad! I think it’s not bad and benefits us a lot! 14

Kids Shouldn’t Be Able to Vote By Janiyah Jackson

Do you think kids should be able to vote? People around me always say that kids should be able to vote, but I personally think kids shouldn’t be able to vote. They’re not mature enough, they would vote for someone for their own reason, and kids do not know what’s good or bad because they’re too young. I think kids shouldn’t be able to vote because kids do not have enough maturity and experiences to make their own life experiences. Kids haven’t been alive long enough to know who they want to vote for. Kids are too young to have been involved in election fights, or an argument of who voted for who. Kids are not mature enough to vote for who they want to vote for—they would just pick a random person and that person would become president and mess up our world with their horrible actions. Another reason why I think kids shouldn’t be able to vote is because they would vote for someone for their own reasons, without paying attention to the actual reason. Kids would only vote for someone because they either sound cool or look cool. They wouldn’t know the actual reasons why they should or shouldn’t vote for them. Also, kids would vote for someone if they heard something about that person, but they wouldn’t know if that thing they heard is true or false. The last reason I think kids shouldn’t be able to vote is because kids don’t understand what’s good or bad, because they are too young. Kids might know what they did, but they wouldn’t know if it was good or not—they would just be clueless—and still vote for that person. For example, if somebody told kids that Donald Trump is racist, those kids wouldn’t understand and might still vote for him.


In conclusion, I think kids shouldn’t be able to vote. At first I wanted kids to vote because kids are just as important as adults, kids have a voice, and might have a chance to present their point of view about people. But doing research has changed my thinking, and now I personally don’t think kids should be able to vote, after reading all the websites I looked up.


Homelessness By Jordan Clark

Homelessness is a very big deal in the world. Over half a million people go homeless on a single night in the U.S. Alot of LGBTQ youth experience homelessness. Almost every day, over 30 people in the U.S. become homeless. There are a lot of single parents that are homeless and are sleeping on the streets. All across America, there are children and teenagers that are homeless because of their LGBTQ identities. Homelessness in New York is a big deal. Almost one quarter of New Yorkers are homeless. Approximately 65 percent are found homeless in homeless shelters, while 35 percent of people are found homeless on the street. Just under 200,000 people go homeless in a year. The amount of people that go homeless in a year is ridiculous. In New York, there are a lot of youth that have experienced homelessness. Up to 40 percent of youth are homeless all across the U.S. Up to 7 percent of youth in New York are homeless. There are not enough homeless shelters in the world for the homeless people on the street to sleep in. To this day, there are over 60,000 people who’ve experienced homelessness. More than 500 people go homeless every six months. Did you know that 55 percent of the people who experience homelessness are veterans? Every year, about 10,000 people go homeless and 5,000 of those people are veterans. Hundreds of people—to this day—sleep outside on the ground. Way too many people go homeless each year, month, week, and day.


Allow Kids to Vote By Myla Moore

Kids should have the opportunity to vote because it’s their world too. Presidents like Donald Trump may not have been elected. Many people think that if kids vote they won’t take it seriously but I believe we will, specifically ages 10 and older. I care about this topic because I’m a kid and we are not treated fairly as people. Others should care about this topic because we are also the future of our world. In a few years we will be working, bosses of companies, lawyers, police officers, teachers, and much more. Many people have made the point that most/some kids are more mature and responsible than some adults. Also most kids 10 and older know how important the president is to the USA. Justiceeverywhere.org states, “Recent research on adolescent brain developments has shown that a 16 year-old has the same abilities for cold cognition as any adult, which shows younger kids are capable.” People who believe different things might say that adult things should be for adults and only adults. Doing adult/bigger things will help us mature as kids. Another reason why the voting process is unfair to kids is because it’s a limit for how old you have to be but no limit on what age you have to stop because you are too old. Reason.com states, “you could be frankly demented and still get to vote, which as it should be. So young people are the losers here.” Young kids can also help with the percent of people who can vote and will vote. In the year 2018 “53% of the citizen voting population voted,” stated census.com. Kids voting will actually benefit us. Also the main people who say that the president we


have is not a good representative won’t vote in the election because they believe their voice doesn’t matter. In conclusion, kids 10 and up should have the opportunity to vote because it is their world too.


Saving is Better than Spending By Aaliyah Robinson

Have you ever wondered if you should save or spend money? I have, and I think you should save for three reasons: you’ll have money for emergencies, you’ll have money for a better education, and you can be free. If you save money you’ll have money for emergencies. In the article by Pocket Smart titled “The Importance of Saving Money,” it says “...a new roof for your house, out-of-pocket medical expenses, or sudden loss of income. You will need money set aside for these emergencies to avoid going into debt to pay your necessities.” Also, in an article by Home Business called “10 Important Benefits of Saving Money,” it says that if an emergency were to happen you’ll have money to get treatment right away or. In another article by the Extra Income Project called “7 Best Reasons You Should Save Money,” it says, “Dave Ramsey [who is the country’s most trusted person for financial advice] recommends saving around $1,000 dollars to be used purely for emergencies.” This all shows that if you save money you’ll be prepared for almost every emergency. If you save money you’ll have money for a better education. In the article “Top 7 Reasons to Save Your Money,” it says, “As of 2017, public colleges had an average cost of about $9,410 for in-state tuition and $23,893 for out-of-state tuition. Private colleges cost $32,405.” Also from the same article, it says, “... the cost of both public and private education continues to rise about six percent each year.” In another article by Let’s Reach Success called “The Importance of Saving Money for Your Future: 7 Reasons to Start Saving Today,” it says, “Each year more people end up at various schools to earn their masters or doctorate degrees.” Also it says, ‘’If you have goals of reaching some college or university, you will also need huge funds.” 20

In another article by Wealth Words called “13 Good Reasons Why You Should Make Saving a Habit,” it says that if you want a better education you have to be able to pay it off. All of this shows that if you want a higher or better education, save money. The third and final reason to save money is to be more free! In an article called “3 Reasons Why You Should Save,” it says that the more money you have the more freedom you have..Also it says, “If you’re wondering why you should save money, imagine giving yourself freedom to choose what you want to do.” All of this shows that just saving a couple dollars can give you so much freedom! Saving for three important reasons: emergencies, higher education, and more freedom. What do you think about saving now? Or are you still on the spending side? Sure, you can buy all you want but when you’re out of money what are you going to do? That’s why I’ll say that saving your money is wiser than spending your money.


Paying for Medication By Darnalee Gayle

Did you know that many people abuse the fact that some medications are free and use them as illegal drugs? You know that’s bad. You know what else I think is bad? Medication being free. Yes, I think that people should be able to get medication when they need it but I have my reasons as to why I think medication should not be free. One reason I think medication should not be free is if you pay more money you get better medicine. Another reason I think it should not be free is because if it was free people would abuse the drugs. Finally, your health insurance pays for your medication. My first reason I think medication should not be fully free is if you pay more money you get better medicine. According to Elderplan. org, “People pay hundreds of dollars and get the most average types of medicines.” Finally, Elderplan.org says, “By raising the price of medication, many lives have been saved in many years.” This shows that by paying more money people get better medication. My second reason why I think medication should not be free is because if it were free people would abuse the drugs. According to Elderplan. org, “People spend 1,000 dollars each year on prescription drugs.” Elderplan.org also states, “In 2016, the U.S. spent $3,337 billion on prescription drugs.” Finally, the last reason I think medication should not be free is because of your health insurance. Elderplan states, “Health insurance pays half of what you pay on Medicare.”


Popeye’s Chicken Sandwich: A Masterpiece By Jarrod Brannon

I have eaten the tasty Popeyes Chicken Sandwich, it tastes great, and it is a true masterpiece, unlike the nasty Chick-fil-A sandwich. The Popeyes chicken is crunchy, the pickles have a nice tangy taste to them, and the mayonnaise multiplies the flavor. With the Chickfil-A sandwich, the chicken dries out my tongue and the pickles taste horrible! I believe the Popeyes Chicken Sandwich is better than the Chick-fil-A sandwich. Why, you ask? Well, I will explain why this masterpiece Popeyes sandwich outdoes the intolerable Chick-fil-A sandwich. The Chick-fil-A sandwich is too salty. According to CalorieKing. com, the Chick-fil-A sandwich contains 1,350 milligrams of sodium. That is a very unhealthy amount of sodium, more than half of the recommended amount of daily sodium intake for Americans. That is about half a teaspoon of salt. Imagine eating one of those sandwiches each day for a year. That is 492,750 milligrams of salt, that is a lot of salt! EXTREMELY unhealthy for you, that is enough to give you several heart attacks and kidney failures over and over. This also goes for all of Chick-fil-A’s other food. Imagine eating their WHOLE menu several times over! This is due to the overuse of pickle brine (which is extremely salty) in dipping chicken. Though this makes the Chick-fil-A chicken more tender and juicy, it comes at a serious price. You could also argue that the more salty it is, the better the taste, but not really when you get a heart attack or stroke from the salt intake of this sandwich. Though the Popeyes Chicken Sandwich is fattier, it doesn’t contain an insane amount of salt like the Chick-fil-A sandwich; that doesn’t make my mouth dry out!


The Chick-fil-A sandwich has too much fat. According to CalorieKing. com, the Chick-fil-A sandwich contains a lot of fat and one-third of the calories in it are fat. Though the Popeyes Chicken Sandwich has more calories (700 calories), if paired with a medium order of waffle fries, that is 800 calories. That is quite a lot of calories. The sandwich has 19 grams of fat, which doesn’t sound like much, but that is 29% of the daily recommended fat intake. Add the waffle fries again and that’s 37 grams of fat. That is more than 50% of the daily recommended amount of fat for Americans. That is a lot, a lot of fat, which makes the sandwich even more unhealthy due to its already large amounts of salt. Though the Chick-fil-A sandwich is cheaper than the Popeyes sandwich, (Chick-fil-A is $3.29 and Popeyes is $4.99), the Chick-fil-A sandwich is bad quality-wise. It’s like spraying two buns with artificial butter spray, adding a salty tasteless desert in between, and slapping two pickles under, while the Popeyes Chicken Sandwich has a nice mayo/spicy mayo sauce on the top of the chicken, two glossy, shiny buns, crunchy, tasty chicken in between, and beautiful pickles under. Also, the Chick-fil-A Spicy Chicken Sandwich costs more than the Popeyes sandwich which is not an individual sandwich, rather just the sandwich with spicy mayo, and that is bad quality for a price of $3.29, isn’t welcomed for that homemade, trashy sandwich of Chickfil-A, when you add the fact that the only thing that the Chick-fil-A sandwich has on it is insanely dry chicken and pickles. After eating the Chick-fil-A sandwich your mouth will feel like a desert, while after eating the Popeyes sandwich, you’ll feel happy! And will want another Popeyes sandwich, maybe even get a side of mashed potatoes or fries while at it, and enjoy your option and yourself! The Popeyes Chicken Sandwich is made with the finest ingredients: natural chicken, with no probiotics or anything else unhealthy added, some nice mayo sauce (everybody loves mayo), and to top it off, some pickles, because who doesn’t like pickles? Though the Chickfil-A sandwich is made in a similar fashion and includes peanut oil, it isn’t as good as the Popeyes Chicken Sandwich taste-wise, due to its lack of similar ingredients that make the Popeyes Chicken Sandwich good, like the mayo sauce. Also, I’m going to state this again, the spicy Popeyes sandwich isn’t a separate sandwich unlike the Chick-fil-A 24

Spicy Chicken Sandwich, which is a separate sandwich. The Chickfil-A sandwich isn’t just the same as the Popeyes Chicken Sandwich: it just doesn’t hit the spot like the Popeyes Chicken Sandwich does. Both are similar and good sandwiches, it’s just that one of the sandwiches doesn’t taste as good and isn’t the best quality and design. According to most sources — both customer, article, and popularitywise — the belief is that the Popeyes sandwich succeeds in quality, taste, and health over the Chick-fil-A sandwich. Honestly, the Chickfil-A sandwich doesn’t stand much of a chance when, at this time, the Popeyes Chicken Sandwich is extremely popular in fast food choices. Demand for it was SO high that Popeyes ran out of resources to make chicken sandwiches for a temporary period of time. I, the writer of this essay about which sandwich is better, believe that, and with good reason. Most of my writing is evidence for my claim, and as I stated in the 3rd and 4th paragraphs, and I’m going to state again: the Popeyes Chicken Sandwich and Popeyes itself as a fast food company succeeds over the quality, taste, and food of the Chick-fil-A fast food company. I hope you enjoyed my talk and explanation of why the Popeyes Chicken Sandwich is better than the Chick-fil-A Chicken Sandwich. I recommend you take some kind of advice on which fast food company to go to and eat from. I also have reasons why you should not eat the McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish. Anyway, this is all for now. I hope you have a good day, maybe find something to eat like the Popeyes Chicken Sandwich, and remember, the Popeyes Chicken Sandwich is better than the Chick-fil-A Chicken Sandwich.


Chik-Fil-A vs. Popeyes Chicken Sandwich By Justice Harrell

Have you ever eaten a Chick-Fil-A spicy chicken sandwich? Personally, I think Chick-Fil-A’s sandwich is better than Popeyes’ chicken sandwich. One reason I would say that is because the ingredients that the people who work at Chick-Fil-A use are better than those used at Popeyes. Another reason is that more people prefer Chick-Fil-A. The last reason is that the location of Chick-Fil-A makes it easier to get to than Popeyes. Personally, I think the Chick-Fil-A chicken sandwich is better than the Popeyes chicken sandwich. One reason for this is that the ingredients are better than those in the Popeyes. One piece of evidence is on Chick-Fil-A’s website: “The Chick-Fil-A chicken sandwich is a boneless breast of chicken seasoned to perfection, handmade, pressure-cooked in 100% refined peanut oil, and served on a toasted, buttered bun with dill pickles chips.” Another piece of evidence is, as Chick-Fil-A is the nation’s largest chicken chain, it takes its chicken seriously. One last piece of evidence is that Chick-Fil-A chicken sources are 100% real. The chain uses whole boneless breasts of chicken that have never been ground. All of my evidence supports the idea that Chick-Fil-A ingredients are better than those of Popeyes. I think the Chick-Fil-A chicken sandwich is better than the Popeyes chicken sandwich because more people prefer Chick-Fil-A. One piece of evidence that can back that up is that—as the company tweeted in 2012—the Chick-Fil-A sauce is just a mixture of honey mustard, barbecue sauce, and ranch dressing. Another piece of evidence is that Chick-Fil-A overwhelmingly won the title of “best friend sandwich” and 94% of people who visited the restaurant said, “It had the best one.” Popeyes came in second with 38% of the recent visitors saying its sandwich was superior. The last piece of evidence I have is that, 26

a week passed, and mostly the world went on, but then on Monday, Chick-Fil-A was rated as America’s favorite restaurant for the fourth year in a row, according to the American Consumer Satisfaction Index. All of this shows the more people prefer Chick-Fil-A over Popeyes. Personally, I think Chick-Fil-A’s chicken sandwich is better than Popeyes’ chicken sandwich. One reason I say that is because its location makes it better. Did you know that the world’s largest Chick-Fil-A is in New York? Did you know that there are three levels of dining with seating for 140 guests and two kitchens in the world’s biggest ChickFil-A? My last piece of evidence is that the mobile Chick-Fil-A and in-store technology at the restaurant helps serve customers quickly and efficiently. In conclusion, I think Chick-Fil-A’s chicken sandwich is better than Popeyes’ chicken sandwich. One reason I would say that is because the ingredients make it better, more people prefer Chick-Fil-A, and the last reason is that its location makes it better. Popeyes chicken sandwich is ok, but Chick-Fil-A’s is better. I learned that if you really take your time and look up reasons, you will find some. Which one is better?


Medicine Should be Free By Mikayla Louree

Imagine a homeless man who has disabilities and only earns $20 a month. You would think he spends his money on food, right? Well unfortunately all of his money is invested into his medication, leaving him with nothing. This is a world-wide issue that is going on for people in poverty, and not much is changing. If we need it so badly, why pay? Also, most people can’t afford expensive medicine! Medication saves lives on a daily basis and everyone deserves a chance to live. Therefore, medicine should be free. According to Medicine.com, “Over 25 people die each month because they were unable to afford their medicine.” Some people have an ongoing condition and the medication they need is out of their price range. “When you don’t have the correct medicine it can cost you your life,” because the condition you may have is progressively increasing by day and no treatment is there to help it. For my last detail, “Everyone will need medication at some point in time, it’s a must!”


About Gun Violence By Madison Rook

People should not have guns because it leads to gun violence. The reasons why I’m against having guns are because people use guns to rob, steal, kill, and threaten people and puppies. Some people say that “they use it for their safety,” but most of the time they are lying. People should not have guns because they use it to rob, steal, and threaten. For example, a local shop cashier was confronted by two young suspects that threatened they would kill him if they did not give them what they wanted. The two robbers ended up stealing $3,500 and more items. Guns are dangerous because it can lead to killing. For example, a cop killed his wife and two sons in their house. Then, he killed himself. That shows that people can hurt people they love. And use it for terrible things. These reasons state why we shouldn’t use guns. Sometimes, you use it for your safety. And other times it’s for unsafe behavior like robbing, killing, and threatening people.


The United States is Headed in the Right Direction By Peyton Spaights

I think the United States is headed in the right direction, because Democrats are stepping up to help the world be a better place. Also, America has more machinery than any other state/country. Last but not least, even though President Trump is damaging our country, we still have evidence that can take him out of the house and more people are starting to realize what he has done in the past four or five years. One piece of evidence that shows the United States is headed in the right direction is that Democrats are stepping up to help the world become a better place. One detail is that the Democratic primary has some really good people talking about their changes to the world and the United States. Another detail is Democratic women are stepping up, like Elizabeth Warren, who talked about healthcare and other important financial things she will do, to make sure Trump doesn’t cut them off. My last detail is the Democratic population is getting near the Republican population size and we just need the right amount of people to step up — people who are brave, confident, and know our target’s weaknesses in order to save this generation. The U.S. is headed in the right direction because we have more machinery. Even though Trump is starting with other areas, we still have more nuclear power and we know how to back up our talking. Also we have a greater human population in the country and we have multiple people in the military. My last piece of evidence is even though Trump has damaged our country, we still have enough evidence and information to take him out. One detail is we can talk about many illegal things Trump did. The Supreme Court will probably want to know.


Should Sports Be Segregated by Gender? By Sade Bryant

Sports should not be segregated by gender. They should not be segregated by gender because it does not matter who plays what, it is not fair how boys and girls can’t play together, and sports are made for both boys and girls. Sports should not be segregated by gender because it does not matter who plays what. I think this because I like playing sports and one time in my life just because of my gender they did not let me play. I felt hurt and I felt disrespected and when people don’t allow people to play sports because of their gender do they think about their feelings? Because it can lead to depression and more. Another reason why sports should not be segregated by gender is because it is not fair how boys and girls can’t play together, and everyone should be allowed to play together. Everyone should be able to have equal rights with any sport and any game because this is selfish to all the females. 99% of women got rejected by a male because they did not let a female play a sport they care about a lot. Sometimes I think if sports were not segregated so much then we would be able to work as a community more. The last reason I think it is not fair how sports are segregated is because sports are made for both boys and girls and everyone should have a chance to try something new and special to them. Girls should have a chance to prove themselves and they should get a chance to play whenever they want. I think they should make a bet that if the girls win then they get to play with the boys whenever they want but if the boys win then we will leave them alone.


In conclusion, people should just be equal with sports and not make people feel ashamed about them. At the end of the day we are all still the same people and we should care for each other.


Don’t Pay Student Athletes By Siah Watkins

Student athletes should not be paid because they could be going to college to get paid, the schools’ resources could go down, and we could lose the meaning of the sport. They could be going to college to get paid because the colleges already have to pay for games and, “Collegiate-level teams receive scholarships that cover the entirety of their tuition. The rest of the players are held to the same expectations of work ethic of balancing classes and practices and showing up for games yet they are not rewarded for their efforts equally in any regard.” Also, “they managed to spend $1,141,328 in the 2018 fiscal year on recruiting alone instead of applying these funds to the mere recruitment of star players.” The money could have been used to give scholarships to more players on the team who have not yet received them. The schools’ resources could go down. For example, only two or three sports typically make money: football, men’s basketball, and women’s basketball. The remaining sports bring in little to no revenue while still costing the colleges money. Because of this, most athletic departments lose money. This is why you should not pay student athletes, because the school won’t have enough money for more important stuff like math books and other stuff.





The Amazing Educational Divide!! By Adriel Mattis

Do you have a teacher who will take away your phone even though you are using it for education? You need to tell them, “I am using it for education.� I believe that phones can be educational for school. Phones can be educational because they have fun learning games. For example, if you have trouble with math, you can use Reflex and Prodigy. They talk to you and take you on adventures. Another reason they are fun is because they have fun reading apps like Epic! Epic! has fun comic books and chapter books about sports, drama, superheroes, nonfiction, fairy tales, fables, and much more. There are other apps that you can learn from like ABCmouse, ABCya!, Adventure Academy, and much, much more. Phones also can give you information for essays. Students work better on electronics than regular books. If you had to write an essay on a civil rights activist, you can look on your phone for information. According to OxfordLearning.com, phones are better to work on when it comes to informational videos. Projects are important to your grade. If you have a science project for the science fair, you can go on YouTube and find videos. For example, you can go on YouTube and find videos like how to measure your lung capacity or how to make a lava lamp. If you have a project, you can go online and find exercises for that project, so you can ace the test. In conclusion, you should use your phone in school for educational reasons. If you agree with me, let teachers know. ARE YOU WITH ME?


In Support of a Four Day School Week By Christian Leon

School is hard, right? It lasts long, as well. Read this text to find the pros of a four day school week! Before we get started, here are some things you should know about a four day school week. A four day school week would be a good thing, but most people think of cons instead of pros. Well, let’s get started. First, let’s talk about the pros for the teachers. Some teachers take a long time to plan lessons. Well, the extended weekend can help them make a lesson plan. Another pro is that teachers won’t have to worry about kids falling asleep in class because a longer weekend gives them time to rest. This is the last pro for teachers, but before we get into that, if we have a four day school week, class will last longer. Alright, let’s go into the last pro for teachers! The final pro for teachers, since class will be longer, is that you will have more time to teach your students math, ELA, etc, etc. Hello there, fellow students. These are a few pros for you. Alright, so, sometimes students are late because they sleep in. Well, if you have a four day school week, you can set your alarms and get some rest, and it can improve your attendance. Also, the extended weekend will let you have more time to do your homework and you won’t be stressed. Well, now that you’ve heard all my pros about a four day week, do you think we should have a four day school week? If you do, but still want more evidence, search it on Google.


In Defense of Recess By Damar Bryan

Imagine getting recess taken away from you for the rest of the school year. Here is one of the reasons that recess is good for you: kids get to release their energy. That is only one of the reasons it is good for you. One more reason that recess is good for you is teachers get to take a break, especially from the bad kids. Another reason not having recess would cause kids to fall asleep is that a study shows kids with no recess fall asleep during class. Not having recess could cause kids to fall asleep. This means kids will not keep track of the lesson and will not learn, unlike the other kids. Also, kids will have headaches and become worse. Recess is also good because it improves scores. A website states, “Kids with longer recess boost up by ten precent.� With recess, kids become less fidgety and become more attentive to the lesson. I think recess has health benefits because, ever since I had recess, I have been able to run faster, as well as better. Also, recess is good because kids with ADHD would have overall health benefits. Finally, do you like recess? Do you want it to stay? All these pieces of evidence show recess is good for the average school kid. How would you act? Would you tell the principal to keep recess?


Homework Does Help You Learn!! By Jaime Green

Today, I’ll be discussing how homework does help you learn. Homework is a set of work that a teacher assigns their students to complete outside the classroom. Homework originated in 1905! Roberto Nevilis, a strict teacher from Italy, was not pleased with his students’ behavior, so he gave them all work to complete after school as punishment. Most people dislike homework and would say, “Homework is so annoying,” or “Homework should have never been invented!” Well, if you look at the bigger picture, homework is not a waste of time. “Homework teaches students to work independently and to develop a good growth for a good mindset,” sources say. Two more reasons why homework is not a bad thing: 1. Studies show that homework improves grades and test results. 2. Homework helps students by helping their thinking and logic as a person. In conclusion, these details show how homework does help you learn. You should care about this topic because homework helps you gain and retain knowledge that is not only possible with classroom work.


Freedom From Uniforms By Jayling Mora

School uniforms: the debate continues. Should we wear them, or shouldn’t we wear them? It was first started by private schools. We thought that because they wore uniforms there was something special about them. New York school students wear uniforms, and I can tell you they does not make me feel special. Uniforms are expensive, and it infringes on our constitutional rights! Uniforms can be expensive. Some schools use specific stores to purchase their uniforms. This makes it more difficult to find competitive prices. The website education.costhelper.com says that a full uniform can cost from twenty five dollars to two hundred dollars, depending on the retailer with a wardrobe of uniforms. Mix-and-match uniforms range from one hundred dollars to six hundred dollars. At the same time, uniforms may be cheaper than designer brand-name clothes. Uniforms also do not take care of all the clothes a child might need. They still need clothes for after school and weekends. Uniforms become an additional expense for parents. Furthermore, parents with more than one child will have a significant expense to buy uniforms as well as regular clothes. I also believe that uniforms shouldn’t be allowed in school because the First Amendment gives the right to express ourselves freely. The First Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees that all individuals have the right to express themselves freely. The United States Supreme Court in Des Moines, Iowa stated that, “it can hardly be argued that either students or teachers shed their...freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.” The United States First Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that, “compelled conformity to conventional standards of appearance” does not “seem a justifiable part of the educational process.” 41

School uniforms are thought to make the schools safer. It is also believed that wearing uniforms can help others see trespassers clearly. However, this is a myth. Anyone can buy a school uniform and wear it to enter a school building. Yes, maybe it does reduce incidents of gang violence because colors aren’t seen as easily. You can still rep your set with another symbol. In conclusion, students should wear what they want. And, let’s be honest—most uniforms are ugly.


School Uniforms are Good By Matthew Fernandez

Do you think school uniforms should be allowed in schools? Well, I think kids should be in uniforms for many reasons. Here is some information on why school uniforms are the best. So, did you know that school uniforms can save parents money? The reason why school uniforms can save money is because a national survey of 517 U.S. school leaders found that 94% of those surveyed believe one of the main benefits to parents is, “School uniforms are more cost-effective than regular apparel.” Also, 77% estimated the average annual cost of school uniforms per child is $150 or less. Furthermore, school uniforms create a level playing field among students, reducing peer pressure and bullying. This is true because when all students are dressed the same, “competition between students over clothing choices and teasing of those who are dressed in less expensive [clothing]...can be eliminated.” Research by the Schoolwear Association found that 83% of teachers thought that a good school uniform could prevent bullying based on appearance. Some people may say that school uniforms promote conformity over individuality, but that’s not true. Everybody is different, like how their shoes look, their hair, glasses, earrings, etc. Finally, school uniforms may deter crime and increase student safety. For example, Sparks Middle School in Nevada instituted a uniform policy. After one year, school police data showed a 63% drop in police reports and decreases in gang activity, fights, graffiti, and property damage. Also, there had been 12% fewer firearm incidents than schools without uniforms. In addition, when there is a firearm incident, people can easily find the suspect. 43

In conclusion, now you know that school uniforms can save money, reduce bullying, make schools safer, and promote individuality. This shows you (and me) that school uniforms are the best.


Why Kids Shouldn’t Have Recess By Melanie Rodriguez

Do you think kids shouldn’t have recess? No? Oh well, I guess I’m the only one. Or, how about you give me a moment of your time, so I can get you to understand why kids shouldn’t have recess. Kids shouldn’t have recess. A study shows why kids should not have recess. He states that kids can get taken away while the teacher or staff aren’t looking. Also, in my opinion, the teachers and staff might never know the child went missing until another student realizes. Also, you end up taking thirty minutes of your instructional time. How? Well, because recess is fifteen minutes. You’ll end up taking five minutes to get the kids to recess, and another five getting them back to class, and another five getting them calmed down. That’s how you’ll end up blowing thirty minutes of your instructional time. Some schools are actually banning recess. Just like how parents in Kenosha, Wisconsin were shocked to hear the principal of Bain School for Arts and Language said they’ll be eliminating recess because school test scores aren’t meeting NCLB test standards. In conclusion, this is why kids should not have recess.


Should Kids Get Rewarded for Really Good Grades? By Tiajade Campbell

Did you know paying kids for good grades is something good to do? When students are paid for good grades, they learn that working hard and making good choices does have its rewards. Students who care about their teachers and peers, you should know, have a successful future. Rewarding good grades can serve as a way to get them to try harder. Giving a kid money for good grades can make a kid go to school every day on time. In fact, some high schools even give kids one hundred dollars for a level three or higher. The National Association of School Psychologists suggests that reward systems help motivate students to complete their homework. It makes sense to me. Paying a kid for good grades can also help them save to go to college if they want to. After reading this, do you think kids should get paid or not?


School Uniforms Should Be Required by Diangely Llano

Do you like school uniforms? Turns out, not a lot of us do. But school uniforms play a very important role in a child’s educational life. I believe school uniforms should be required for every school in the USA. One of the most important reasons that I believe school uniforms are very important is because of bullying. Bullying is a worldwide problem, and a lot of people are fighting to end it. If the government takes away school uniforms, more bullying will occur. If kids don’t want to wear school uniforms, other kids tend to tease kids for what they’re wearing. Some kids are less fortunate than others and might not have a lot of clothes or shoes, and might wear the same things every day. Which will cause them to get bullied. According to the guardian.com, “roughly 160,000 children miss school everyday due to fear of attack or intimidation.” This shows the most major impact/ problem that will occur if we ban school uniforms. Another very important reason why I believe school uniforms are important is because it can help your grade go up. If a class has a very important test one day, and they don’t wear their school uniform, kids could get very distracted by what their classmates are wearing. Therefore, they are not giving their full attention to the test. They might fail the test and get a low grade, which, if it happens frequently, could prevent them from going to the next grade. Keeping school uniforms also saves time in the morning for many people. Research shows that around 42.67% of kids and teenagers spend eight minutes or more planning their outfit for the day without school uniforms. But with school uniforms, we can reduce the time to three to five minutes of getting your clothes for the day. 47

One last reason why I believe that school uniforms are important is because of safety. If a class has a field trip, and they don’t have uniforms, they could get lost. And if someone with good intentions finds him or her, they won’t be able to locate their school. The child/ children could also get kidnapped. But if they do wear uniforms, it will reduce the chances of the kid getting kidnapped, and people who find the child/children will be able to locate the child/children’s school.


Uniforms are So Last Season! By Kennedy Robert-Scott

Are you always on top of the latest fashion trends and can change someone’s look from shabby to savvy in 5 minutes? Well, you don’t have to in order to know that uniforms are so 20th century! Uniforms take away your freedom of expression, waste money, and may not look cute over all and you’re embarrassed by your “new and improved” look. Kids should be able to choose their own clothes. School uniforms should be banned! Uniforms can make someone feel like they are like everyone else even though you know you’re not. Parents, kids, and even the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) have noted that growing children need to learn to express themselves. Schools that strictly enforce uniforms make expressing yourself through fashion close to impossible! “Wearing uniforms takes away your freedom of expression,” says teenink.com. Uniforms need to go! School uniforms can cause children to feel as if it’s a rule that they need to rebel against. According to medium.com, “Many, if not all, children don’t like rules or being told what to do... Students might feel stifled at having to wear school uniforms and they might try to rebel against this in any way that they can.” This can also distress students that are trying to be their own individual and would do things like wear excessive jewelry and hair pins that can affect the child’s academic performance. People may say that school uniforms lower bullying rates in a school. But according to medium.com, “Children aren’t stupid, they know who’s rich and who’s not.” Bullies can easily know who to target and who would fall fast. Bullies don’t bully people because of their clothing; most bullies bully people because of the way people look in their clothing and how popular someone is at school. 49

School uniforms can also be a waste of money to families who can’t afford the good ones. If the school didn’t have uniforms, the families who don’t have as much money as others, can go to school with perfectly fine clothing that they already had. Parents want the best for their children and the children can’t learn if they were distracted because of their itchy uniform. Uniforms can force people to try and spend money they don’t have that can lead to depression in the home. School uniforms may create a feeling of equality, but can also lower a child’s self-esteem. “Students can feel really embarrassed every time they look in the mirror as their uniform emphasises everything they don’t like about their body,” states medium.com. And even though uniforms unify, a school just needs a strong anti-bullying committee. In conclusion, I think that school uniforms should be banned from schools. They take away my freedom of expression. Even though my school has some leeway, other schools strictly enforce uniforms and other students suffer because of this issue. So we should ban school uniforms for good!


School Uniforms Allow Self Expression By Musette Mielke

Many people argue that they can’t express themselves openly if they have to wear a uniform. I argue that they can still express themselves through accessories, hairstyles, and the variety allowed within the uniform restrictions. As it states on livejapan.com, although uniforms were initially created to “help everyone learn equally, no matter what social status they had [in Japan] uniforms [have] always been a symbol of freedom, reflecting the wearer’s will and wishes.” Japanese students have found a variety of ways to express themselves and even transform their uniforms into fashion trends. In Japan, uniforms are required in middle school and high school. But the students have always found a way to express themselves. Students can express themselves through accessories like bracelets, necklaces, rings, etc. In Japan, although they are not allowed to wear jewelry, they have found ways to express themselves within the constraints of their uniforms. In the 90s, it was trendy for Japanese high school girls to wear big, baggy socks called “loose socks.” On Nippon.com it states, “the fashion for high school girls was loose socks.” Another piece of text evidence from SoraNews24-Japan News is, “Socks for school uniforms have changed a lot over the years. They aren’t just socks, they change the whole image of your outfit.” They also style their uniforms to match the latest fashion trends. For example, also in the 90s, the boys copied the American hip-hop fashion of wearing oversized clothing and wore their uniforms baggy and a few sizes larger to school. “Loose clothes were also popular with boys... wearing oversized shirts and pants.” (nippon.com) In Japan, “uniforms evolved from ugly to stylish and is now an irreplaceable part of student fashion.” It’s such a big part of the student’s life that, “schools used stylish uniforms to attract students 51

more aggressively and the clothes became a symbol of a school’s charm.” Even going to the extent of hiring “various designers to create brand uniforms.” The current trend is to create “eco uniforms... made from recycled polyester.” This might seem extreme but goes to show how important clothes can be to students at this age, and rather than restricting their ability to be unique, students are choosing uniforms to help them show off their school pride. The third reason why I believe people can still express themselves through uniforms is that uniforms don’t have to be restrictive to one style. For example, in Japan, students have a spring/summer and an autumn/winter uniform. You can see in the photo that the summer uniform is lighter in color and short sleeves. And, for the winter uniform it has more dark, navy blue, and black, colors and long sleeves sweaters. I know this because in SoraNews24-Japan News, it states in “the warmer seasons, girls usually wear sweaters or vests” the text also states “unless they have a school sweater or vest that they have to wear, they usually choose one of their own.” Shoes, school bags, ribbons and ties are other ways that Japanese school girls stylize their everyday look. In conclusion, students can still express themselves while wearing a uniform. Even when restricted, Japanese students found a way to express themselves and have even made it a cultural phenomenon. Even when given a choice between uniforms and regular clothes, many Japanese school girls choose to wear their uniform. As a possible reason, students claimed that it’s easier than coming up with new outfits to wear every day and “it’s easier to stick with a school uniform that decides one’s look to a certain extent. That gets rid of the worry of doing something wrong.” (livejapan.com)


School Uniforms Should be Banned By Sara Walcott

Does imposing school uniforms prevent students from creatively expressing themselves? Personally I think uniforms limit students’ self-identity. When you wear school uniforms, they don’t give you the chance to express yourself through fashion. I also think that school uniforms are bad for kids because they are expensive. Parents don’t need to spend more money on their children just for them to go to school. My last reason is that the material in the uniforms is uncomfortable. Being forced to wear uniforms limits self-expression. For example you are not able to wear your favorite color (unless your favorite color was the color of the uniforms). If I did not have to wear a school uniform I would wear clothes that express me. Such as skinny jeans, sweat pants, oversized sweaters, and scrunchies (in my hair or on my wrist.) Schools always stress the fact that we should all be individual, so why can’t we wear our own clothes to show our individuality and creativity? Every year our parents have to buy new school supplies and new uniforms because we (probably) grew out of the old ones in the previous year. On top of that our parents (guardians) have to buy 4 to 5 school uniforms. This includes shirts, bottoms, and sometimes a specific type of shoes. The money used to buy uniforms could go to a good cause, such as a bill or family savings. But since all that money goes to buying the uniforms you won’t have the chance to do so, unless uniforms are banned. Regular clothes are more comfortable than uniform shirts and pants because most uniforms come with tags on them, therefore I usually have to cut the tag off. Sometimes it gets annoying when there is 53

still some piece of the tag left on the shirt and you can’t do anything about it. The uniform’s pants are also uncomfortable because in some schools they have starched pants so they start to feel awkward when you begin to move around. In other schools, you have to wear similar shoes to match the dress code. These types of shoes are stiff and sometimes provide no arch support. In conclusion, this shows why I feel school uniforms should be banned. School uniforms don’t allow for individuality, they decrease household funds, and they are uncomfortable. It is for that I believe school uniforms should be banned.


Sitting Down on a Couch By Daniel Luke

You could sit down on a couch or a bed, click buttons to move a character on a screen, or you could go outside, maybe go to the playground, grow a social life and have fun. What’s the point of lying around your house playing the same old games when you could go outside? I think that we should play outside more than play video games. I think it will help us develop, bond and keep us healthy. I think it will help out a bunch of kids, including me, because I like playing video games too! One reason why I think we should play outside more than play video games is because it can help us bond. For example, the site named Schooltastic says, “Kids feel less inhibited outside and outdoor play can boost self-esteem and overall confidence.” Another piece of evidence from Schoolastic is, “Outdoor play promotes cognitive development, improves decision making, problem solving, and organizing skills.” And one last piece of evidence from the site is, “Outdoor activities can be a real stress buster for your kids and allow them to reduce their stress.” All of these examples show that playing outside will give you great bonding skills that will help your social life. Another reason why I think that we should play outdoors more than we play video games is because it can help us develop. The site Schooltastic says, “There are a number of outdoor games available to play that can encourage their skills to develop and gives them a chance to connect with nature.” Another piece of evidence is, “Ross believes that getting kids to play outside promotes a wide range of skills.” And one last piece of evidence from a site called care.com is, “For starters, logging outdoor hours may increase concentration skills.” This all shows, according to the sites, that playing outside can help develop certain skills. 55

One last reason why I think we should play outdoors more than play video games is because it will keep us all healthy. Schooltastic says, “A study published by the American Academy of Ophthalmology finds that kids who spend time playing outside are at a reduced risk of developing Myopia or nearsightedness.” Another example is, “There are vitamin D supplements that you can take, but you can also get it through a free and easy natural version: sunlight.” And one last example is, “In fact, University of Missouri-Kansas School of Education found that outdoor play has many brain-boosting benefits for kids.” This all shows how playing outdoors can boost our brains and keep us healthy. Did I persuade you to start playing outside? It can help you bond, develop, and stay healthy. I remember when I went to the park, I was able to bond with people I never knew before and had a fun experience, all without a controller in my hand. Although there might be an occasion where you can’t play outside, at least try to do something productive at home. Maybe you can learn something from playing outdoors.


No More Recess By Adonis Morgan

Kids do not need recess at schools. I will give you a few reasons why schools should stop recess. One reason why recess should stop is because bullying happens on the playground. Children will bully other kids just to make fun of them. At recess there are not enough teachers to watch the children. Some of the children that are getting bullied will want to stay in the classroom and do their work and read books. The second reason recess should be cancelled is that teachers can use that hour to teach the children that are failing in certain subjects to use their extra time to practice. Some students need to use recess time to study for a test. Children would get left behind in their school work. The third reason why schools should stop recess is because there are strangers and predators that can hide in the playground to hurt kids. There are not enough teachers to watch the kids during recess. Kids can be vulnerable to being attacked or kidnapped from the playground because there are less adults at the time. The final reason that I can give is children get hurt by falling or playing at recess. Children can go to the hospital if they are hurt. If the children stayed in the classroom they would not get hurt. I have seen kids fall off the monkey bars and get hurt. In conclusion, all of the reasons I have given in my essay support why kids should not have recess.


Recess Forever By Assiatou Bah

Kids need recess at school. One reason why is kids work hard and need breaks. Another reason why is recess gives kids a safe place to run and play. The last reason why is exercise is healthy, which makes kids’ bodies stay healthy. Kids should have recess. One reason is kids work hard and need breaks. One detail is about 30 children get mad without recess. This shows how the kids get mad because all the work they’re doing without recess is just a waste of time coming to school. Another detail is kids get irritated without having recess, especially when they have done a lot of work. This shows how the kids get really irritated especially when they have anger issues. It’s another story without recess. The last detail is the major part of the day to look forward to is recess, when kids are free to play around with friends from other classes. This shows that kids want to come to school to learn and play and have fun. Kids should have recess.




Electric Cars Pros By Arielle Jean-Baptiste

In my opinion, having an electric car is better than having a car that runs on gas. I feel that electric cars are better than gas-using cars because electric motors act quickly and they offer advantages. Electric motors act quickly because they produce zero emissions. Fuel ends up running out in gas-using cars, which makes you stop for gas and spend your money often. With electric car motors, your car goes faster and its charge lasts longer. With cars that last long, you can get or go somewhere faster than you would in a gas-using car. This is because of the motor. So, better earth, faster cars, more money saved, less gas used. Another reason why electric cars are better—leaving your car to charge overnight can make your car have enough charge to last you over five to twenty four hours! It charges just like how you charge your phone or tablet etc. To add on, EV’s help climate change. And lastly, they can reduce emissions and save you lots of money. As you can see, buying an electric car can change your—and someone else’s—life, along with lots of other people.


My Argument Essay on Recreational Hunting by Bessilee James

Do you think recreational hunting is good? So do I! Recreational hunting is good for the environment, and it is good for humans too. It prevents specific species from overflowing in population, and it helps endangered species from dying out by getting rid of their predators so the population can rise. I think that recreational hunting is good because it is safe, healthy, and good for the species. “If they’re not hunted, they’ll die of starvation or disease,” says Americanhunter.org. Also, “hunting with a gun is the third-safest sport when compared to 28 other popular sports, and has a lower injury rate than volleyball, and tackle football.” Finally, “hunting can be good exercise for the body and mind, being afield helps us get reacquainted with the sights and sounds of the outdoors.” Another reason why recreational hunting is good is because it controls wildlife populations. “Deer can cause a lot of damage in a short period. The amount of damage they can cause in one day could total several thousand dollars. Hunting is a way to maintain control of the local wildlife population,” vittana.org says. I’ve heard that people don’t like recreational hunting because it is unnecessary and unreasonable. I understand how you feel, but without recreational hunting, “the deer population will grow and it will cause a significant impact to people,” minnesota.cbslocal.com says. Also, “as more deer fight over the same food, farmland, gardens, and forests would all see serious damage.” Finally, “No hunting could cost more than $458 million a year to Minnesota businesses.” I have also heard that people don’t like recereational hunting because it is a form of animal cruelty. People hunt so that they can get food, 62

so they can remove predators that can be dangerous to humans or domestic animals or so that they can trade with one another. Without hunting, we also would not have foods like roti (curry chicken and potatoes wrapped in a special bread), or chicken soup (soup that contains carrots, dumplings, pumpkin and chicken), because all of these dishes have animal meat included inside them. In conclusion, I think that recreational hunting is good, because it prevents animal populations from overflowing, it is a strong source of food, and it protects domestic animals and people from getting hurt by wild animals.


Oppose Nuclear Energy By David O’Brien

Around the 1950’s, scientists started snapping uranium atoms to make nuclear energy. However it is dangerous! The use of this is just an intolerable idea. You’re probably using nuclear energy to power your house but I’m going to show you why the government should oppose nuclear energy. I’m hoping all countries could listen to this and take it into account. The use of nuclear energy is dangerous. First of all, it is extremely radioactive. The waste generated by nuclear reactors stays radioactive for tens to hundreds of thousands of years. It is also dangerous because it is a threat for terrorist operations. There are also some terrible accidents involving nuclear energy. In 1986 the Chernobyl in Ukraine led to the losses of 30 employees in its initial explosion. It also had many negative health effects on the thousands of people in Russia and Eastern Europe. Also in 2011 a massive tsunami bypassed the safety mechanisms of several power plants. This caused a nuclear meltdown in Fukushima, Japan, and released many toxins into the air. Both of these accidents caused thousands of people to relocate. Not only are nuclear power plants dangerous but they’re also costly. Currently their cost is on the rise. Many power plants are at risk of being shut down for economical reasons. Initial capital costs are much higher for nuclear power plants than wind energy. Nuclear power plants tend to suffer cost overruns and construction delays. The cost of renewable energy is however going down. This just goes to show how much more expensive nuclear energy is. Also we won’t have enough nuclear power plants for our needs. Right now there are 45 nuclear reactors. However, to sustain our needs for the future, we will need about 14,500 plants. These nuclear power 64

plants need to be in specific locations, not to mention it is already expensive. If we try to use nuclear energy to sustain our future needs, we wouldn’t be able to do it. In conclusion, we should oppose nuclear energy because it is a terrible idea and my reasons above prove so. The statistics are clear and definitive. I hope you will take my essay into account and ask yourself, “Should nuclear power be opposed?”


When Trees Burn Down By Erik Bagnall

When you look at news reports, there is always something about climate change. The Arctic melting, polar vortexes and tons more. You may think that the situation is hopeless, but there is something we can do. Though the Amazon has lost many miles of land (+7,200 square miles, to be exact), we can redeem ourselves. With the help of new inventions with astonishing powers, and better laws to help prevent further fires and protect forests, we may be able to keep this planet a green one, and not a greenhouse one. Inventions from around the world have been making their way to the Amazon, California, and Australia. One of the most popular inventions is a robot firefighter named Thermite 3.0. The thermite is a small yellow tank, long and maneuverable, with cannons that shoot out high-velocity jets of water in any given direction. Since the first one was created, thousands were made to help the firefighters in the Amazon. Some might say that this act is not good for the environment and that it will cost too much. But I say that Thermite 3.0 robots do not cost very much and shipping them is better for the environment than letting the Amazon burn down. Other inventions have been helping, too, like small capsules that explode water at a target. A great invention for use in the Amazon—and in a water balloon fight. According to www.roboticfirefighters.com, people are using Thermite 3.0 robots to fight large fires across the nation and are now using them to shoot tons of water at the Amazon from amazing distances. Though some people say that it doesn’t matter if the Amazon burns down, I say differently. I agree that it is okay for old trees in the forest to be removed so that newer trees can grow, and that old branches falling won’t create hazardous situations for animals. But this giant fire is not only burning dead trees, but also the adult and young trees too. 66

Not to mention, many animals have also been harmed by the forest fire too. To stop this, we need to see how this happened in the first place, but it doesn’t take a detective to find out. Forest fires can happen for numerous reasons and I think such acts should be banned for the creatures’ safety. For instance, people out camping may not be watching their campfire, and then leave it smoking and burning unsupervised. The fire could spread if a burning log falls and hits the grass, and you know what happens from there. The fire could spread after the logs give out all their fuel. In most campfires, there is a grate so that these accidents won’t happen. But embers can escape from the grate and catch fire to a blade of grass, and you know what happens from there. Most fires start with a more commonly used artifact: cigars. People, after using a cigarette, throw it out or in most cases, drop it and leave it. There are usually embers inside the ash. If that ember escapes, it could catch on to something, starting a large fire. An easy solution ist not to use cigars and if you do, remember to stomp it out! People love fireworks, but they can be dangerous. The fire in California started when someone set off a firework near a forest, and then there was a fire. I believe that the government can rid all of the cities of cigarettes and make sure that all fireworks are supervised.


The Amazon Rainforest Can be Burnt Down By Jeffrey Mcleod

On the news, you will hear daily news talking about how the Amazon rainforest is being burnt down, and, in my opinion, that is fine. This is because space is needed for new plants, and there are a lot of old trees in the Amazon that are old, and eventually when they get older, they will fall and damage other trees that have animals in them. The space that is gotten when we burn trees down can be used to create animal land, and a plant area for new plants and trees. My first reason for the Amazon rainforest being burnt down being a good thing is because, like I stated before, the Amazon rainforest is very old. That means many trees are hundreds of years old, so their roots will weaken and eventually fall down and, instead of the trees falling by themselves, they can be burned, especially since there are over two million square miles of land, and all that space can be used to build homes and buildings, and still have enough space to have plants and trees. Also the Amazon is being burnt down because land is needed for farmland according to theconversation.com, “The growing number of fires are the result of illegal forest clearing to create land for farming.” My second reason that the Amazon should be burnt down is because we are starting to run out of resources that are needed for educators to teach. Items like pencils and paper, we use them every single day for something. If we run out of wood, we won’t have a lot of these items and that will mean educators can’t educate any more, and jobs in general won’t be possible, because every job you need to fill. According to www.businessinsider.com, “Studies reveal the earth is on track to run out of trees in three hundred years.”


My final reason for the Amazon burning being a good thing is because many water streams in the Amazon are road-choked, because there is land surrounding water streams. “Roads, most of them dirt, already criss-cross the Amazon,� according to eathsky.org. Which means a lot of the streams are dirt. So in conclusion, I think the Amazon should be burnt down because many things, like farming, are able to happen if the Amazon burns down.


On Trophy Hunting By Luna Lewis

Do you know what trophy hunting is? Trophy hunting is a sport where people hunt down animals and turn them into rugs or hang their heads. I think that trophy hunting should be banned, and I will tell you why. Over one million animals have been killed by people who trophy hunt. That means seventy thousand animals die each year. Trophy hunting is illegal in the United States, but in South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Zambia, and other African countries, trophy hunting is legal. Trophy hunting is a big problem even though it is illegal in some places. Trophy hunting causes a big problem in the food chain. Some predators are going extinct and prey are overpopulating. Also, in some places, prey are being hunted and predators are starving. Trophy hunting is legal in Europe, North America, South America, Asia, and Australia. The most common trophy hunting countries are Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Zambia, and Tanzania. Trophy hunters sometimes sell their animals to other trophy hunters for different prices. Elephant: $10,000 and up Giraffe: $2,550 Hippo: $9,500 Hyena: $4,700 Lion: $14,750-$29,750 Lioness: $7,750 Zebra: $1,650


The Cons of Fossil Fuel By Milon DaSilva

“Fossil fuel” is the term used to describe substances such as coal or gas, which were formed in the past by the remains of living organisms. We usually use these gases for gasoline, to power vehicles, heating oil, and to charge devices (such as phones and computers). Even though these fuels may seem like a big part of our daily lives, like for you to drive a car to work or to keep warm at night, you might not know how these fossil fuels are currently impacting our earth, our environment, and us. How are these fossil fuels dangerous? The main reason these fuels are dangerous is because burning them can release lots of air pollutants that are harmful to the planet. When these fuels are burned, they release carbon dioxide and other pollutants, which then heat up the atmosphere in mixture with the sun’s heat. The chemicals from the pollutants cause the atmosphere to keep the heat within it, instead of sending that heat up into space. This causes the earth to warm up rapidly and can lead to changes in the environment such as climate change, global warming, and other heat-related disasters. These adaptations can be hard for living substances because the heating of the earth can lead to reduced water storage we have for us to live. It can melt glaciers (which are habitats to some animals), rise oceans, kill, cause forest fires, and other events that can affect us living things in a negative way. Releasing these fossil fuels can damage not only us, but also our environment too! If we keep overusing these fossil fuels, our world will become very warm, hard to live in, and dry, due to the hot and arid atmosphere. Even though we surely wouldn’t want this as our future, we are the reason this could possibly happen.


If you care about our earth and you want to prevent these fossil fuels from taking over our planet, here are some tips you can follow that will help: • • • • • • • •

Drive less Recycle more Plant more trees Use less hot water Use fluorescent lights more often Turn off electronics when not in use Plug out devices when not in use Avoid using products that have a lot of packaging

In conclusion, as you might know by now, these fossil fuels we have been using are deadly for our environment, our future, and us. But maybe, if we use less of this energy or take a break from using it, we could take our planet and change it into the healthy earth it was millions of years ago.


The Flaws of Electric Cars By Sanii Jobe

You may think electric cars are a great thing to have, but there are some flaws to them. For instance, it’s hard to find a charging station because everyone with electric cars will have to either look for a charging station, or charge the car at home. Another reason why electric cars are not really a good thing to have is because the cars take a while to charge. Also driving range is limited. If driving range was not limited in regular cars, then it should be better not to have an electric car. The last reason why having an electric car won’t be a good idea is because the initial cost is expensive. I think the initial cost is the biggest problem, because some people might not have enough money for the initial cost. These are all of my reasons why electric cars should not be used. Now that you read this, will you rethink getting an electric car?


Stop Trophy Hunting By Sarah Jonas

Do you know what trophy hunting is? When you trophy hunt, you kill an animal, and then take a part of their body as a trophy, which is illegal. Hunters crossed the line, because they are now destroying the food chain. I care a lot about animals and this should not be happening to them. Not impressed yet? Imagine if you were an animal, how would you feel if you were being mistreated? It wouldn’t feel good, would it? I think that trophy hunting is bad because it is hurting the food chain. When hunters kill animals (for example, bear cubs), their predators can’t eat them, meaning they will starve to death. I also think that trophy hunting is bad because it can be linked to poaching. If trophy hunting were to ever be known as “conservation,” there would be close monitoring by scientific and state bodies regarding the health and legality of the hunt. According to www.onegreenplanet. org, “Trophy hunting can be used as cover for poaching.” According to a report, “The Myth of Trophy Hunting,” by Save African Animals, “Opening up even a limited legal trade creates a smokescreen for poachers which is almost impossible to police.” Prior to 1986, when the whaling moratorium was introduced, legal quotas were widely used as cover for poaching, driving some species near to extinction. The same is happening with trophy hunting of endangered species. There are different ways you can help stop trophy hunting. You can take action by signing up to different sites such as www.hsi.org to receive action alerts and other vital information on wildlife and animal protection. You can also donate money and learn more about trophy hunting by supporting efforts to protect endangered wildlife 74

throughout the world, and also by reading the latest about this issue. Last, but not least, spread the word by educating your family and friends, and let them know about the inherent cruelty of trophy hunts. In conclusion, I hope you learned what trophy hunting is, why it is bad, and how you can stop it.


Recreational Hunting— Are You For or Against? By Sherese Ventour

Are you for or against hunting? Well I’m definitely against. Hunting is unsafe, ineffective, unnecessary, and unfair to many animals big or small. Mighty or not, they still don’t deserve to be hunted down. We should treat animals how we treat ourselves, with respect and dignity. Animals matter as much as humans do and we need to show our love towards them by not killing them for food and for enjoyment, and even though some of them may seem wild, we must still appreciate their existence in the world, for what would we do without them? Recreational hunting should not be a daily activity because it’s not necessary, it’s unfair to taxpayers, and about one hundred people die in hunting accidents each year. According to thoughtco.com, animal and vehicle collisions increase because hunters frighten animals such as the white-tailed deer, hares, and rabbits out of woods and onto the roads. This causes more animals to die each year. Even though recreational hunting can’t be stopped, the two sides will continue to debate safety, effectiveness, and cost. Although it may seem like it can’t be resolved by working together and spending time doing different hobbies and engaging in social activities, we can stop recreational hunting and save the lives of many animals around the world. I chose this topic because hunters are killing animals with a large population which causes animals to die from the lack of food. It also affects the natural environment where it causes animals to prey on each other and the population growth is declining. Recreational hunting is also affecting the migration of animals such as birds. This seemed unfair to me so we need to make a major change when it comes to recreational hunting. 76

In conclusion, animals were put on this earth for a reason and that reason was not for us to hunt them down. It’s for them to live their lives with their families just as we humans do, so we should show them how much we care by ending recreational hunting, not just for ourselves but for the lives of others as well.


The Impact of Fossil Fuels and How to Keep our Environment Safe By Vance McClendon, Jr.

There are pros and cons about fossil fuels. Fossil fuels create lots of energy. On the other hand, fossil fuels use up many gases, and create air pollution that forms acid rain. This is important because we need to stop fossil fuels. Fossil fuels have a big impact on our environment. This essay will explain the pros and cons of fossil fuels, as well as how we can stop the negative effects of fossil fuels. First, I will discuss the pros of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are a big help to the environment. Fossil fuels are good because they provide the ability to produce large amounts of energy. It leads to a great atmosphere, because it gives the environment all the energy it needs. Fossil fuels are also good because they are cheaper. They are also easy to find. Fossil fuels are good due to their convenience. While fossil fuels have some good qualities, they also have some bad ones. Fossil fuels cause air pollution. They also cause health problems, and create crude oil. Crude oil is produced by fossil fuels. Crude oil contains the chemicals that form acid rain. The types of health problems acid rain creates are heart disease and asthma. In the world, there are many ways we can prevent fossil fuels from impacting our environment. One way is to stop using gas cars a lot. The gas that goes in cars is from fossil fuels. Only four out of ten people prefer electric cars (out of forty million people.) Another way to stop the negative impact of fossil fuels is for people to stop purchasing them. The more fuels people buy, the larger the amount of crude oil is produced, which then worsens the environment. In conclusion, we can stop the issue caused by fossil fuels. It may not be an easy thing for us to do, but it is better for us to keep the 78

environment safe. If we care about our environment, we should take serious action. Instead of depending on fossil fuels because they are so convenient, which is the good thing about them, we should use other resources in place of them, so that our environment and health won’t be so negatively impacted.


Consider Buying an Electric Car By Aron Blake

If you drive a gas car, you might want to consider buying an electric car. You should buy an electric car because they don’t have gasoline to add extra weight. They are also safer for the environment. One reason electric cars are bad is because they have a 40% chance of crashing. This information comes from the internet. One reason electric cars are safer than gas cars is because they don’t have any liquid to add extra weight. In the event of a crash, “Your gas will be likely to move around in the tank a lot.” This causes the car to flip around a lot. This information comes from a website. Another reason electric cars are safer than gas cars is because they are safer for the environment. For example, on the website it says “Electric cars don’t drop a smell of gas. But when gas cars do it, it can cause global warming.” Another piece of evidence is “Electric cars don’t make any noise so neighbors can’t hear you passing by.” This shows that electric cars are safer for the environment. One reason electric cars are bad is because they have a forty percentage of crashes in one year. “There are over 7,000 electric car crashes in one year. This could be a major downfall for electric car sellers.” The Tesla Model X “self-driving mode” has many issues. Some people go to sleep, read a book, and even stick their feet out the window. This shows that this feature is not safe. In conclusion, electric cars might not be the best choice for people on budgets. According to Tesla.com, Teslas range from $84,000 and up. When I grow up, I hope I will be able to afford this car or any electric car.


The Dangers of Electric Cars By J’Serie Sheppard

Hey, have you ever asked yourself, “Are electric cars safer than normal cars?” Well, you’re wrong: normal cars are safer. Well, one fact is if an electric car catches on fire it will straight explode. Data shows that high-performance electric cars are 40% more likely to crash than a conventional car. If an electric car catches fire, its lithium-ion batteries are extremely difficult to extinguish, as some police officers in Florida discovered when a Tesla crashed and burst into flames earlier this year. Each year, 50% of electric cars explode and Tesla by itself is 42% of crashes. The time it takes to charge an electric car can be as little as 30 minutes or more than 12 hours. This depends on the size of the battery and the speed of the charging point. This is how conventional cars are better because you just go get gas and go back home in only 3 minutes. Well, not the drive but when you get the gas. This is how conventional cars are safer than electric cars.


Robots are Good By Abdul Kareem Doucoure

Do we need robots? Are robots good for the environment? Robots are good for the environment because they can build cars and grow food. In result, that helps humans. Secondly, they are good for the environment because they can help people who are old and can’t care for themselves. Thirdly, they are good for the environment because they can speed things up. For example, if someone is getting their license there’s usually a long line and if there are robots more people can get served. Some may say that robots are replacing humans and making them lose money, but robots could just work for you and they don’t have to get paid. Robots can grow food. That’s good for the environment because it gives farmers a break and the food can get to the factories faster. That’s also good because people can get their food that has been out of stock. Secondly, robots can build cars and that helps the environment because the more cars made, the less people have to make them. Although, people think that robots may take advantage of their powers and turn on humans. Thirdly, robots can help people with disabilities. That’s good because it can reduce elders having to go to a nursing home. For example, people don’t want their family in nursing homes. In result, robots can help them instead. In conclusion, robots are good for the environment because they can do things such as grow food, build cars, and help people with disabilities. To wrap it up, most research was taken from passages and others were just details that were already known. 82

Robots are Not Good for the Environment By Andrew Kuffuor

Are robots good for the environment? Robots are not good for the environment because if robots replace humans they won’t be able to get money because they don’t have jobs and they won’t be able to pay rent. Another reason why robots are not good for the environment is robots can cause cars to malfunction. The last reason why robots are not good for the environment is because the rise of robots is a problem not just because of the immediate human cost but because robots are fantastically energyhungry and are doing damage to the earth.


Genetic Engineering is Dangerous By Christian Julien

It is not ethical to genetically engineer animals. You should not genetically engineer animals. They are put in the lab to be engineered with radiation and chemicals and scientists want to use that to bring back extinct animals but we don’t know how they will react to us. “Up to 90% of soybeans in the market have been genetically modified to be naturally resistant to an herbicide called Roundup. This increased resistance to the herbicide allows farmers to use more Roundup.” Also when you genetically engineer it is dangerous to us when they use it on animals and then send them to the slaughter house. Some of us are exposed to lots of radiation and chemicals in our intestines. So that’s why we should not genetically engineer animals.


Stop Polluting and Littering By Kadie Colon

Some people think that our environment is nice and healthy but our environment is getting worse day after day after day. Animals in the ocean like turtles, whales, and seals are dying. The reason animals are dying is because of us littering all the plastic we use, which goes into the oceans and the animals eat our garbage thinking it’s food. One reason the environment is getting worse day by day is plastic. There are 500 times more pieces of micro-plastic in the ocean. By 2050 it is estimated that there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean. A website says, “Some plastic is toxic and it can disrupt hormones of the animals in the ocean.” Another reason our environment is getting worse day by day is because we are polluting. One detail is it is bad for humans to consume so much plastic themselves. Another detail is that plastic is likely to find its way into tissue in other animals’ bodies. This means that the animal gets stuck in trash. In conclusion, this shows that our environment is getting worse day by day and if we don’t stop polluting and littering our environment it would be horrible.





The Benefits of Fortnite By Andre Fields

Why do parents think Fortnite is a bad game? It is because there are guns, it’s violent, and kids should not be exposed to violence at an early age. However, I believe Fortnite is a game everyone should play. It’s fun, it’s educational, and it teaches life skills like teamwork. Studies have found that video games can improve learning. When videogames are being used in the classroom, teachers see improved test scores. You can also meet new people and new friends if you don’t have friends. It’s great to meet friends outside of your school on Fortnite. “Battle Royale mode, the most popular part of Fortnite, pits teams of players against each other. Fortnite is actively being praised for its emphasis on teamwork, strategy and creativity.” One benefit of playing Fortnite is it can help develop valuable skills. Several studies show playing video games can improve concentration. You should let your kids play because it prepares them for the future by teaching them how to work on skills they are struggling with in life.


TV is Good for Your Health By Cori Kaiten

Should you have a TV in your room? YES! Do you have a TV in your room? If not, you should really consider it. It doesn’t increase obesity in children or lower test scores, and if you and your significant other are arguing a lot, it helps with that, as well. It can even improve your health in ways you wouldn’t imagine. Television doesn’t increase obesity in children if you limit the time they watch TV to two hours per day. Or, when your children are watching TV, let them sit on a stability ball. According to realbuzz.com, “Sitting on a stability ball will cause...you to readjust your position more often, which will keep your body moving.” This is one way you can keep your body moving to fight the obesity that TV gives you. Television also doesn’t lower test scores. Two economists studied this topic and found out this is false. The New York Times reports, “A new study by two economists from the University of Chicago taps into a trove of data from the 1960’s to argue that when it comes to academic test scores, parents can let children watch TV without fear of future harm.” This shows that TV doesn’t lower test scores. If you and your significant other are arguing a lot, studies have shown watching TV together helps you bond with one another. A new study from Aberdeen University found that couples who watched TV together were more likely to stay together. This shows how TV helps you and your significant other with arguing. TV watching can also help with your health in extraordinary ways. EverydayHealth.com states that “Research shows TV can rejuvenate your brain, improve immune function, [and] increase social support.” This shows how TV can improve your health. 90

Instagram: Get Rid of Likes By Derek Montilla

Do you think Instagram should get rid of likes? If you say yes, you have come to the right place. Instagram should get rid of likes because people will become eager to do dangerous stuff on Instagram, such as trying to make an Instagram photo only because you want fans. Instagram is not about that, you can learn from it. One reason Instagram should get rid of likes is because many people die from taking a selfie for likes in dangerous areas. One example of this is a woman who was on a second floor window, took a photo, fell out of the window, and died. Likes don’t matter. People get hurt every day because of likes. The whole point of Instagram is for followers to focus on videos and photos. Instagram is not just about likes, you can learn from it. You can learn how to cook or how to do crazy tricks. The article by Elite Daily called “A World Without Likes: Why Instagram Should Remove This Feature,” states, “Without ‘likes,’ maybe people would feel more free without worrying if it’s ‘prime liking hour,’ if your caption is witty enough or if it makes you look like you are having the time of your life.” Some scientists state that Instagram taking away likes can affect our mental health. That’s like saying video games can hurt us. If Instagram taking away likes affects our mental health, shouldn’t we delete them from Instagram? Therefore, this is why Instagram should get rid of likes.


Cellphones in School: Bad Idea!?!? By Josiah Jordan

Do you have a phone? Can you live without one? Think about this — should they be allowed in school? While cellphones can be used as calculators, educational websites, etc., they can be used for other things, too, such as games, apps, and social media. This can cause a class disruption. One reason we should not allow students to have their phones in class is because of cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is bullying on social media. It is even worse than regular bullying because it is in front of the whole world. Another reason we shouldn’t allow students to have their phones in class is because of recording. Students can record other students and put it on social media, even when some students are not allowed on social media, or don’t want to be. Another reason that we should not allow students to have their cellphones in class is because students are not going to learn how to do the work by just getting the answers from their phone. When a test comes, they won’t know what to do. This explains why we shouldn’t allow students to have their phones in class. Let students keep them in their book bags, or hand them over to their teachers.


Likes are Not Necessary By Madison James

Should we get rid of likes? Do you think it is necessary to risk your life for an Instagram picture? Well, I think it is not necessary. Instagram likes are unacceptable because people have lost their lives for a picture. For example, a woman decided to take a picture from a tall building and fell, and all for a like on Instagram. Also, a teen was holding a poisonous animal and was bitten and died. Did you know people lose focus on Instagram? Well, this article by Andrew Hutchinson says, “following has been removed,” due to the fact that people are losing focus. We should also get rid of Instagram likes for jealousy. For example, a girl on YouTube was jealous of someone else’s likes and bought likes. Also, someone I know was so jealous they started cyberbullying. Therefore, I say, Instagram likes are unacceptable and the Instagram company should get rid of likes.


There are Better Things to Do Than Play Video Games By Allen Brown

Do you like video games? Can you imagine getting paid to play video games? Neither can I. Playing video games is cool, but for kids it can be a waste of valuable study time. We know to be good at anything you have to spend time on it, and spending time on video games is not good. I think you shouldn’t get paid to play video games. Companies are spending $135 billion to sponsor games. And that’s for nothing important in the world. That money should be used to help feed hungry children or homeless people. You should think that, too. Kids might think that because adults can get paid, they should get paid, too. This is bad because it cuts into their learning and studying. My theory is video games should not be a profession because when kids grow up they might spend all their time playing video games. If you play video games and you have kids, go into the gaming industry and make a better use of your time.


Are Video Games a Sport? By David Miguel Brewington

Are video games a sport? Well, that depends. If people turn it into one, it can be. am a gamer myself and I know for a FACT this is true. There have been large gaming events where professional gamers compete in teams for free in front of fans. There were large competitions in games like Overwatch or Fart-nut, oh I mean Fortnite (Blegh! so disgusting!). You should care because who likes to be told false information? Somebody could lie to you! If you don’t, believe me, you should see for yourself. I’m no liar! I’m a gamer! Finally, my thesis statement is that gaming is a sport and I have seen competitions on TV before. There are FPS games, third-person shooters, sandbox games, sports games, racing games, fishing games, puzzle games, ballet games and more! There is something for everyone and everyone needs a little competition. In conclusion, gaming can be a sport to some and not to others. But either way, it does not matter because it has already been made a sport and that can’t be changed!


Video Games Don’t Cause Violence By Hamed Traore

Video games don’t cause violence because violence comes from problems with the mind. Some people are naturally violent because they have problems going on at home or they were abused while they were young and they want to take out their anger on other people. Video games don’t cause violence because violent video games usually have a disclaimer that tells the gamer not to try the actions in the video game at home because the actions can hurt the person or possibly kill the person. I think video games don’t cause violence because when I go on my laptop and play video games, it’s like a calm place for me where I can do whatever I want because I can create anything. In conclusion, I don’t think video games cause violence because everybody who did research on the topic says that video games don’t cause violence.


Children & Social Media: Disagree By Jordan A. Mark

I strongly believe that social media sites such as Snapchat, Facebook, and Instagram should not be accessible to children under the age of eighteen. This is a topic that is very debatable, especially among kids who like posting pictures and comments. The problem is that the world is very dangerous, and kids are not ready for hatred that can come from other people, even adults have problems with it! In school, when people say and do mean things every day, it is considered bullying. Kids cry every day, because they are made fun of or teased, sometimes for the simplest reasons! Imagine going on the internet and seeing the negative, spiteful, disruptive comments from hundreds of people, and having to see them whenever you go online! Even if you are a more mature kid, you can still be hurt, no matter how you hide it. Another reason these social media sites should be prevented is because they are dangerously creative with ways to get into your personal info. They search up pictures and create fake conversations that can trick unsuspecting victims. Now, you may say, “At ten years old, this is true, but not for teenagers.” But I disagree. At age ten, we are still thinking about stranger danger. It is worse when you are a teenager because you are older, and are constantly overlooking the fact that it’s possible for people to target you. Looking at strangers’ profiles and talking to them for no moral reason can get you in danger. Do you know how many teenagers are missing because of social media? Even parents don’t think that their child can be targeted, just because they’re older than a middle schooler! When they are online, things can be missed because they hide things, and parents can sometimes have a hard time keeping up. Therefore, I think it should extend to age eighteen. In conclusion, there are many sites on the Internet that children can potentially have access to, but shouldn’t, until further notice. 97

Are Video Games Bad? Yes or No By Qasim Abdul-Hakim

Most people love video games. Others don’t like them. I agree with them because video games can be distracting. They can also cause brain damage. This is the reason why video games are bad. Most of the bad effects of video games are blamed on the violence video games often contain. This is important because they can cause people to do violent things. They can also cause people to have aggressive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and can decrease prosocial behavior. If you’re going to play video games, I suggest you play no more than one hour. Video games can be bad for your health when played excessively. They are also blamed for causing obesity, repetitive motion injuries, etc. However, all problems can be prevented by moderating the time spent playing games. Also, video games may make kids fight if the person is sensitive, or make kids cry and get mad. This is why some video games are bad. Video game addiction is described as an impulse control disorder. Video game addiction has also been referred to as video game overuse. Don’t get me wrong, not every video game is bad. The violent and addictive video games are bad and can cause very negative actions. If kids or adults are going to play video games, they should have selfcontrol and not overuse them. It is different for adults because they have self-control. And they have business to do. That’s why violent and addictive video games are bad.


Life is Better with Cell Phones By Amirah Ferdinand

I think life is better with cell phones. Did you know that without a cell phone we would not be able to communicate with people who are far away? Life is better with cell phones because you can communicate with people who are far away, you are able to store data and you have a cell phone for entertainment. One reason why life is better with a cell phone is because you cannot communicate without them. The article “Importance of Mobile Phone” by Techwalla.com states that, “If there was an emergency you wouldn’t be able to call your family members [if you don’t have a cell phone].” Techwalla.com also states, “You can receive and send texts and calls with a cell phone.” Finally, Techwalla.com states that, “You are able to connect with people that are far away with a cell phone.” According to T-Mobile you can pay $15/month for international calls. This shows that cell phones are important for communication. My second reason why life is better with a cell phone is that you are able to store data on your cell phone. The article “Importance of Mobile Phone” by Techwalla.com states that you can store pictures, texts, audio, contacts and important documents on your phone. I like cell phone storage because you have everything with you. Also, according to apple.com, the iPhone X can hold up to 128 GB. Although a MacBook Pro has 8 TB, a phone is on the go and you don’t need wifi. Finally, life is better with cell phones because they can be used for entertainment. Techwalla.com states, “You are able to play music on your cell phone.” You can also play movies on the go. Finally, you can record audio. According to NewYorkTimes.com, the Apple App Store has more than two million apps. It generated more than 50 billion dollars last year. This tells me that life is better with cell phones because you can be entertained on the go. 99

In conclusion, life is much better with cell phones; you can easily communicate, store data, and you will always be entertained. I hope you learned through my research that everyone should have a cell phone at all times. I leave with this final thought—imagine getting into a car accident with no phone. Now that would be boring! You wouldn’t be able to go on Snapchat, tiktok, or even Facetime your friends.


Is Playing Video Games Good or Healthy? By Camila Matos

Is playing video games good or healthy? Well, this is where the good news comes in. Playing video games is good and healthy. The reason video games are healthy is because they improve your vision, they help you study, and they challenge you. Playing video games is healthy because it improves your vision. According to a study by the University of Glasgow, “That vision change is called the contrast sensitivity function, it is the same ability that can help you drive better at night.” This shows that it can make your vision even better, but most of all helps you see in the night. Another example is, “Another common eye-sight-improving benefit video games offer is an enhanced ability to see direction of motion.” This shows that some video games can be good for you. Another reason playing video games can be good for you is because it can help you study. According to the American Psychological Association, “Playing video games may also help children develop problem-solving skills.” This shows how there are games that can help kids study for school, and grown-ups don’t need to worry. Another example is, “[The more students spent time] playing strategic video games, such as role playing games, the more they improved in problem solving and school grades the following year.” This also shows how some games can be helpful for school and can make a big improvement in learning. Video games can also challenge you. For example, Allison Wignall says, “Gaming can increase brain function, problem solving skills, spatial reasoning, memory, attention span, strategic planning, and even social skills among others.” This shows how playing video games has good sides. Another reason why playing video games can challenge you is 101

“The University of Glasgow in Scotland found out that playing video games improves your communication and problem solving skills.� This shows that people in the University studied this and showed that video games can challenge you. Finally, playing video games can be helpful because you can improve your vision, improve your studying, and challenge yourself. Playing video games may seem bad and have negative side effects such as becoming overweight from sitting too much, but they can help you in many ways.


Turn Technology Back On By Janoi Anderson

Don’t you think school can be a drag? Well, school can be a drag sometimes. In fact, technology is pretty much one of the things you may look forward to. I think technology should be used more in schools. Technology should be used more in schools because it can help children learn more easily, makes learning more fun, and most importantly, it makes teaching easier for the teachers. One reason why technology should be used more in schools is because technology helps children learn more easily. I say this because education doesn’t stop at the end of the school. Through technology, students can access teachers, resources, and assignments at any time. This shows that students can still learn even though they aren’t at school. Integrating technology into classrooms is an effective way to connect with students of all learning styles. This shows that teachers can connect with students using different methods. Lastly, technology transforms the learning experiences and opportunities students have access to. I got this from degrees.strayer.edu. Another reason why technology should be used more in schools because it makes learning more fun. I know this because I’m also a student and learning became more fun because of games such as Prodigy math and Mathletics. They may seem like video games but they deal with math. This shows that children could have fun while learning. My last reason why technology should be used more in schools is because it makes teaching easier. In fact, it is like a co-teacher. For example, if a student needs help, a computer could clarify for them. Also, it can help students work at their own pace. This is a benefit if you are a teacher. 103

In conclusion, technology should be used more in schools because it helps students learn more easily, makes learning more fun, and most importantly, it makes teaching easier for teachers. Although it can be bad for your eyes, I learned that you can monitor that impact. So when there is an easier choice in life, you should take it.


Stop Staying Glued to the Screen! By Josiah Morris

Technology is not allowed in my life. Where there’s only one device, I’ll take it! This is because there’s no reason to be on those things. Once you start with even on tap on a device— POOF—bye-bye to a normal life, and hello to a technology-based world. You’ll stay hooked to the device and you’ll never get off of it! Do you want to know why technology should be used minimally in our lives? I really think that this foul technology should be gone into a portal of nothingness because it’s really such a pain for your eyes, it’s just a big distraction, and most importantly, because it will make you lose contact with reality. One reason why technology should be used minimally in life is because it’s bad for your eyes. According to www.goodeyes.com, you can get eye strain, itchy, burning, watery, or dry eyes from being on a device too long. Because of being on technology for too long, about 70% of people get eye strain. The brightness of the screen makes your eyes feel an irritating feeling. This supports my claim that being glued to the screen is harmful, because your eye health is really important. Although being on a device could be for a good cause, your eyes might get irritated. Another reason why technology should be used minimally in life is because you and other people will be distracted. In a survey gathered by www.insidehighered.com, about half (49%) of students got distracted by the use of technology. Additionally, the survey found that more than 30 schools in the U.S. have a phone restriction policy because they can cause distraction. About 80% of the students surveyed by www.insidehighered.com agreed that technology is a big distraction. This evidence suggests that technology is nothing but a big distraction. This supports my claim because education is really essential in life. 105

Although some kids can ignore distracting devices, others can’t, and that will ruin all of their education. Everyone matters! The most important reason why technology should be used minimally in life is because it might make you lose contact with reality. Adults and children spend over 3 hours per day—at the very least—on any type of electronic device. According to the website www.theodysseyonline. com, technology can corrupt friendship and social skills. People even have less time to sleep because of being in the technology void. This shows that real life is not here, but in technology. This supports my claim because sleep is also really crucial for your eyes. Although you love technology, you might want to change your mind and go hang out with a friend. Or, your friend might not hang out with you anymore. In conclusion, technology should be used minimally in life because it’s bad for your eyes, you and other people will be distracted, and most importantly, because you’ll lose contact with reality. Although technology could be used for research, reading, or something that helps you in life, most people (especially teens) use it for other reasons like texting and calling instead of making direct contact with people. I’ve learned that technological life can ruin many things for you. In fact, look at people’s technological lives and see how badly it affects their lives. This will help you with your final decision on “Technology: Friend or Foe?” I also recommend the 48-hour no technology challenge. What I would do in my life is try to reduce my time on technology. Adults: I want you to try to reduce technology time for yourselves and your kids (if you have any). There’s no clear reason to be on these pieces of metal.


We Need Robots By Nakye Benjamin

We need robots because they are great helpers, some of them listen to your commands, and their work can save you time. One reason why we need robots is because they’re great helpers. Robots are great helpers, for example, the Roomba. The Roomba is a special type of cleaning robot that could clean rugs, floors, and chairs. Another fact about it is it can spin 360°. So, the Roomba can only move straight because of its rotation. A second reason why we need robots is that some of them can listen to your commands. One type of robot that could is the Amazon Echo. Amazon Echo is a special type of connection robot that could speak to you. Speaking of commands, in 1999, Abio, a type of robot, was released for commands in Japan. But both of them are very limited in their deeds. A final reason is their work can save you time. If some people didn’t know, robots work 24/7 while you’re at work or anywhere else. Some are different; for the different ones, tell them a list of what to do. That’s one thing to do before you leave. In conclusion, I think we need robots because they are excellent helpers, they listen to your commands, and they can save you time. My opinion is if you had one, it can help with everything.


Is it Possible to Live Without Cell Phones? By Sariah Duncan

Is it possible to live without cell phones? Because of the convenience of mobile phones, there is no doubt that they have become a popular tool for everyone. Modern life requires everything to happen fast and immediately. As a result, people can’t live without a cell phone. Hence, people use mobile phones for many purposes now, instead of just for getting calls like in the past. What if there were no smartphones? If we had no smartphones, we would have more physical interpersonal interactions and less faces glued to screens going through virtual interactions. We would not waste this much time on Facebook and similar websites, since they can be accessed only through desktops and laptops. Do you know that this year the number of people using social media is 2.77 billion, but by 2021 more than 3 billion people are expected to be on social media? That’s nearly 40 percent of the entire world’s population that year. Do you know people spend three hours and 15 minutes on their phones every day, on average? According to research from Rescuetime—one of several apps for IOS and Android created to monitor phone use— people generally spend an average of three hours and 15 minutes on their phones every day, with 20% of smartphone users spending upwards of four and a half hours. In a study by Kent State University, students who tended to use their cell phones compulsively and at inappropriate times felt less socially connected to parents and peers than other students. This means that people are less active with each other. Why do people have cell phones? Cell phones have become a necessity for many people throughout the world. Cell phones are the perfect way to stay connected with others and provide the user with a sense of 108

security. In the event of an emergency, having a cell phone can allow help to reach you quickly, and could even save lives. But ultimately, I think life is better without cell phones, because we can survive without them, people spend too much time on cell phones, and people should spend more time with each other.




Author Biographies Aaliyah Robinson is a student at PS 316.

Abdul Kareem-Doucoure is a student, a writer/reader, and an artist/ rapper from Brooklyn, NY. He believes that in the most perfect world, everybody would stay frosty and not do anything else beside staying frosty and having fun.

Adonis Morgan is a student, a gamer, and a swimmer. Adonis believes that in the most perfect world, everybody is nice.


Adriel Mattis is a dramatic student and fun person from the Carribean. Adriel believes that in the most perfect world, everyone will adore them and Adriel will be rich and nobody dies and Adriel is fashion.

Alana Shepherd is a student, a dancer, and a TikToker from her mom’s stomach. She believes that in the most perfect world, everybody should be respectful and consider other people’s ideas.

Allen Brown is a very funny student, and a good gamer from Long Island. Allen believes that in the most perfect world, everybody is friendly and no crimes are committed.


Amirah Ferdinand is a student, a judge, and a hard worker from Jamaica. She believes that in the most perfect world, everybody would stop the violence. For example, the violence that is happening in this world is making people not be able to see another day.

Anaya Campbell-Branch is a student. She is determined, loving, and from Brooklyn, NY. She believes that in the most perfect world, everybody should love each other.

Andre Ronsamel Fields is a student, a drawer, and an athlete from York, Pennsylvania. Andre believes that in the most perfect world, everybody can achieve some sort of good that they want to overcome.


Andrew Kuffuor is a student at PS 316.

Angel Barnett is a student, a chill person, and a bossy person from Trinidad, America and Jamaica. Angel believes that in the most perfect world, everybody should have equal rights and should be treated like a normal person.

Arielle Edmonds is a student, a dancer/gymnast, and a violinist/singer from Brownsville. She believes that in the most perfect world, everybody is nice and is respectful and careful, and the street is peaceful.


Arielle Jean-Baptiste is a student and the youngest sister of three, from New York. She believes that in the most perfect world, everybody should not be mean and believe they can do anything they want to.

Aron Blake is a student, an athlete, and a gamer from Brooklyn, New York. Aron believes that in the most perfect world, everybody has jobs.

Assiatou Bah is a student at PS 316.


Bessilee James is a student, an artist, and a fairy type PokĂŠmon trainer from the USA. She believes that in the most perfect world, everybody loves and knows each other and each person in the world has their own dream pet.

Brooklyn Bykov is a student, an artist, and a weeb from Brooklyn, NY. They believe that in the most perfect world, everybody would be nice to each other.

Camila Matos is a student, an artistic drawer, and a hardworking person from DR. Camila believes that in the most perfect world, everybody can be dangerous, but there are people that can be nice. Also, you can’t trust many people but family.


Christian Julien is a student at PS 316.

Christian Leon is a student, a fun person, and a gamer from Jamaica and Haiti. Christian believes that in the most perfect world, everybody believes that Christian is the most perfect human in the world.

Cori Kaiten is a student, a very sassy student, and a very creative leader from Trinidad and America. Cori believes that in the most perfect world, everybody believes in themselves and everyone is creative and believes in God.


Damar Bryan is a student at PS 316.

Danielle Luke is a student, a creative student, and a good drawer from Guyana. Danielle believes that in the most perfect world, everybody could treat everyone how they should be treated, and still have fun!

Darnalee Gayle is a student, a singer, and a praise dancer from an amazing family. Darnalee believes that in the most perfect world, everybody would be nice to each other.


David Brewington is a student, a gamer, and (sometimes) a soccer player from North Carolina. He believes that in the most perfect world, everybody will be kind, truthful, fun, and peaceful.

David O’Brien is a student at PS 316.

Derek Montilla is a very creative student, and a good basketball player from the LA Lakers. Derek believes that in the most perfect world, everybody can do anything, be anything and make anything.


Diangely Llano is a student, a gymnast and a basketball player from Brooklyn. She believes that in the most perfect world, everybody would live peacefully and there would be no hate and no crime.

Erik Bagnall is a student, a basketball legend, and a Pokémon card collector from Brooklyn, USA. He believes that in the most perfect world, everybody has equal rights, is happy, and no one is left out in the cold. In that world, everyone gets warm food. In the future, you’ll see Erik changing the world by dunking on Tacko Fall or Shaq.

Finelly Cameron is a student, a Pokemon player, and a dancer, from her mom. She believes that in the most perfect world, everybody will be unique, everybody gets to sleep, and there’s no school, and we’re all rich.


Gavin Holly-Hill is a student at PS 316.

Hamed Traore is a student at PS 316.



Jaime Green is a student, a really funny person, and a great artist from America. Jaime believes that in the most perfect world, everybody should get along with each other.


Janiyah Brook’Lynn Jackson is a student, a basketball player, TikTok lover, and a gymnast from Brooklyn. She believes that in the most perfect world, everybody should be confident about themselves and show happiness to other people.

Janoi Anderson is a student who tries hard in video games, and plays soccer from Brooklyn, NYC. Janoi believes that in the most perfect world, everybody would work hard in whatever they do.

Jarrod Brannon is a student, a gamer, and a pirate master from the Pirates of the Caribbean. Jarrod believes that in the most perfect world everybody believes life is epic.


Jayling Mora is a funny, goofy student from New York, Brooklyn. Jayling believes that in the most perfect world, everybody should help pick up trash from the floor.

Jeffrey S. McLeod, Jr. is a student, a basketball player, and a musician from PS 316. He believes that in the most perfect world, everybody would not commit anything bad and nobody would be poor and everybody shares.

Jordan Clark is a smart, polite, intelligent student, brother and son from Brooklyn—Bed-Stuy to Prospect Heights. He believes that in the most perfect world, everybody should be their own business owner.


Jordan A. Mark is an energetic student who likes to draw, from New York. Jordan believes that in the most perfect world, everybody is themself.

Josiah Jordan is a student, a basketball player and a chef from Trinidad and Tobago. Josiah believes that in the most perfect world, everybody has freedom and is a basketball player/ NASCAR driver.

Josiah Morris is a student and a creative and smart kid from the United States of America. Josiah believes that in the most perfect world, everybody would be less loud and more quiet and behaved.


J’Serie Sheppard is a student at PS 316.

Justice Harrell is a student, a gamer, a ball player (sometimes football), and just the GOAT from Brooklyn. Justice believes that in the most perfect world, everybody has a lot of money, has a J.O.B., and, most importantly, just be a GOAT.

Kadie ColĂłn is a student, dancer, and a reader from Brooklyn/New York. She believes that in the most perfect world, everybody is not polluting.


Kennedy Robert-Scott is a one-ina-trillion, artistic, dancing gymnast from Brooklyn, New York, who believes that in the most perfect world, everybody will be rich and only do good things with their money, and have the best wardrobe.

Leonne Velasquez is a student, a gamer and a dog lover from the Dominican Republic. Leonne believes that in the most perfect world, everybody would be free and nice.

Luna Lewis is a student, a person who lives, and a person who likes chicken wings from KFC. Luna believes that in the most perfect world, everybody eats chicken wings.


Madison James is a student at PS 316.

Madison Renee Rook is a student, a gamer, slime maker, and TikToker from New York/Brooklyn. Madison believes that in the most perfect world, everybody would be able to teleport to one another. Also, everybody would express their zodiac signs.

Matthew Fernandez is a student, a soccer player, and a baseball player from New York City. Matthew believes that in the most perfect world, everybody is amazing and kind.


Melanie Rodriguez is a student, a music listener, and a singer from America. Melanie believes that in the most perfect world, everybody would finally stop killing animals, and everyone would be kind.

Mikayla Louree is a student, a loving child, and a goal-getter from the heart of Brooklyn. Mikayla believes that in the most perfect world, everybody will be able to express themselves.

Milon DaSilva is enthusiastic. Milon is also a student and a soccer player from Crown Heights. He believes that in the most perfect world, everybody would treat each other they way they want to be treated.


Musette Mielke is a student, a bookworm, and a fashionista from Japan, and then NYC. She believes that in the most perfect world, everybody is earth conscious and is kind to all animals.

Myla Moore is a student, a track runner and a dancer from Crown Heights. She believes that in the most perfect world, everybody has empathy and there are no violent actions.

Nakye Benjamin is a student who likes to draw and a person who plays FNAF from America. Nakye believes that in the most perfect world, everybody isn’t perfect.


Peyton Spaights is a student, a bookworm, fashion enthusiast, dancer, and TikToker from the United States, Panama, Native American. Peyton believes that in the most perfect world, everybody would stop starting war, there would be no more crimes and everyone would be nice and civilized.

Qasim Abdul Hakim is a student, a soccer player, a basketball player, and a gamer from home. Qasim believes that in the most perfect world, everybody should be friendly and kind.

Sade Bryant is a student at PS 316.


Sanii Jobe is a student, a friend, and a fellow peer to everyone from PS 316. They believe that in the most perfect world, everybody should be able to join hand-in-hand with each other.

Sara Walcott is a student, a singer and an actor from the USA. She believes that in the most perfect world, everybody is a cute puppy fighting in the war.

Sarah Ann Jonas is a student, a kind person, and a sassy person (sometimes), from Guyana. She believes that in the most perfect world, everybody should be confident and feel good about themself.


Sariah Duncan is a student, a drawer, and a basketball player from Jamaica. Sariah believes that in the most perfect world, everybody is nice to each other and people stop gun violence.

Sherese Ventour is a student, an extraordinary person, and an artist from Brooklyn, New York. She believes that in the most perfect world, everybody would respect each other.

Siah Watkins is a student at PS 316.


Tiajade Campbell is a student, a really wired person who runs and plays at home and at school. Tiajade believes that in the most perfect world, everybody should have a phone, just kids from 10 and higher.

Vance McClendon, Jr. is a student, an intelligent kid, and a sports player from New York. Vance believes that in the most perfect world, everybody is good and should be themselves.

Whitney Merlena Jean-Jacques is a student. Whitney is funny, troublesome, loving, and from St. Lucia and America. Whitney believes that in the most perfect world, everybody would follow the laws and help the poor.



The essays in this book would not exist if it weren’t for the hard work, dedication, and enthusiasm of many people. First, an enormous thanks to the Elijah G. Stroud Elementary School for supporting this project, particularly Principal Olga Maluf—your commitment to offering students opportunities in the Arts allows students to exhibit their creativity. A thank you also for Aarti Monteiro, Director of Education at 826NYC—the coordination of and planning for this project is made possible by you. A huge thanks is due to Willie Filkowlski, our 826NYC writing expert and teaching artist, who brought a new point of view and fresh voice to writing workshops each week. Also, a big thanks to the 826NYC volunteers who came each week to help workshop and conference with the students. Your attention and dedication to improving the students’ writing were an immense help. Thank you for supporting young writers in this endeavor. The P.S. 316 staff that assisted the students in this writing project also deserves recognition. Thanks to Ms. Gilbert and Mr. Young, Class 502’s teachers, for their valuable collaboration and consistent cooperation with 826NYC in their classroom. Thanks to Mr. Williams, Class 503’s teacher, for enthusiastically embracing and welcoming 826NYC Writing Project into his class. Thanks to Ms. Radix and Ms. Do, Class 504’s teachers, for always having their students ready to work. Thanks to Ms. Melo and Ms. Kofman, Class 505’s teachers for their tremendous effort in helping to launch the 826NYC program in their classroom. 135

Finally, congratulations are in order to the authors of these essays— the fifth grade students of P.S. 316 Elementary School. Not only did you research by reading informational texts on your topic of interest to become experts, you argued that all people should care about your topic. — Emily Welsh, the Elijah G. Stroud Elementary School Big thanks to Ms. Radix, Ms. Do, Mr. Williams, Ms. Gilbert, Mr. Young, Ms. Melo, Mr. Nickelson & Ms. Welsh for having us in your classrooms and letting your students share their gifts with us. Two Superstar Volunteers brought this project to life at PS 316. Leigh Harlow was there every day, with ingenious ways to make each lesson better. Julie Zeitz brought an outstanding level of attention to each student, and was clutch in keeping us organized on author photo day. The very best argumentative team. Special thanks to Mariann Aita, who offered to pinch-hit on revision day. Our ace editorial volunteers forged this unruly pile of essays into the beautiful book you’re holding in your hands. Thanks to Alana Pockros, Kiran Josen, Lala Jackson, Lauren Stefaniak, and Summer Medina. — Willie Filkowski, 826NYC


About 826NYC 826NYC Location And Leadership

826NYC and The Brooklyn Superhero Supply Co. 372 Fifth Ave Brooklyn, NY 11215 718.499.9884 www.826nyc.org


Joshua Mandelbaum, Executive Director Aarti Monteiro, Director of Education Nico Garbaccio, Volunteer and Programs Manager Thais Vitorelli, Programs Coordinator Corey Ruzicano, Programs Coordinator Summer Medina, Community Engagement Strategist Jesusdaniel Barba, Programs Coordinator Lauren Everett, Communication & Fundraising Coordinator Chris Eckert, Store Manager Sonya Moore, Retail Associate

Board Of Directors

Tammy Oler, President Ted Wolff, Vice President Ray Carpenter, Treasurer Michelle McGovern, Secretary Michael Colagiovanni Laurie Malkin Amir Mokari Arjun Nagappan Katie Schwab Danielle Sinay Andrew Sparkler Liza Steinberg Alyson Stone Maura Tierney Thom Unterburger Kathryn Yontef 137

826NYC Programs After-School Tutoring We offer free tutoring five days per week for students ages six to eighteen. Students work with volunteer tutors in small groups to finish homework assignments, complete independent writing projects, and to read independently, in pairs or in groups. We serve students of all skill levels and interests and work with parents and teachers to create independent learning objectives and support plans for struggling students.

Evening and Weekend Workshops

We offer free, writing-based workshops that provide in-depth instruction in a variety of subjects that schools often cannot include in their curricula. These workshops cover topics such as college entrance essays, comic book–making, creative writing, journalism, poetry, and filmmaking. All workshops are taught by working professionals from our volunteer base and are limited in size to ensure that students receive plenty of individual attention.

In-School Support for Teachers

The strength of our volunteer base allows us to provide in-school support to work with students in New York City classrooms. We recognize that large class sizes make it increasingly difficult for teachers to provide individualized feedback and guidance on research and writing. We send volunteers to the classroom to assist teachers with providing this essential one-on-one support.

Hosted Field Trips

826NYC welcomes classes from public schools for mornings of high-energy storytelling activities. Our most popular field trip is our Storytelling and Bookmaking project, in which elementary school students write, illustrate, publish, and bind their own books in a twohour session. At the conclusion of this trip, each student leaves with his or her own copy of the book and a newfound excitement for writing. Our other field trips cover topics such as memoir writing, screenwriting, and more.


Student Publications

Through our writing workshops and after-school tutoring program, our volunteers work with students to help them create stories, poems, and ’zines. Because we believe that the quality of students’ work is greatly enhanced when they are given the chance to share it with an authentic audience, we are committed to publishing student works. By encouraging their work and by guiding them through the process of publication, we make abundantly clear that their ideas are valued.



Proceeds from the sale of this book benefit 826NYC, a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting students, ages six to eighteen, with their creative and expository writing skills, and to helping teachers inspire their students to write.


Contemplate the morality of trophy hunting. Consider the ethics of paying your children to do chores. Evaluate the deliciousness of chicken nuggets. The 5th grade students of PS 316 in Brooklyn have surveyed some of the most pressing issues in the world, and assembled this argumentative anthology to help you think them through. Do you agree?

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