15 Years of 7N Architects

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Making places that make a difference.

This year, 7N Architects celebrate the 15th anniversary of the prac�ce.

It’s a great opportunity to look back and celebrate the accomplishments of the team since the prac�ce was founded back in 2009, and to look forward to the bright future that has been created through everyone’s hard work and talents.

I’d like to give thanks to our many clients, collaborators, and past and present team members over the years, all of whom have made this possible and helped us in our endeavour to make be�er places.

Ewan Anderson

April 2024

Phoenix Flowers, Glasgow

An award winning public realm interven�on that reclaims a hos�le motorway environment for pedestrians and cyclists.

The project has transformed the inhospitable barrier of an elevated motorway into an appealing route that helps to regenerate the wider area in a radically new type of public realm.

Inverness Campus

A regional centre for innova�on, research, educa�on, and business, which is deeply embedded in the character of the neighbouring Sco�sh Highland landscape.

A linear park forms the heart of the campus that is focused on views of the mountains to the north. This layout draws the drama�c landscape deep into the site, whilst providing a cohesive character around which the diverse range of occupiers have established their own iden��es.

Wes�ield Avenue, Edinburgh

Transforming a forgo�en backland site into a vibrant mixed use neighbourhood through a holis�c approach to affordable sustainable housing.

Each building is oriented towards the greenery of the Water of Leith, ensuring all of the residents enjoy a river view, as well as opening up new pedestrian and cycle routes to the river. The green landscape permeates the site in a mixture of planted public realm and private gardens.

Glasgow City Centre Strategy

A strategy for Glasgow City Council to transform the experience of the city centre environment, for the benefit of both ci�zens and visitors. The ambi�on was to make the city a more peoplecentred place by shi�ing the balance from vehicles to pedestrians and cyclists.

The ‘Avenues’ concept was developed by 7N as a network of green routes within Glasgow’s street grid, allowing pedestrians and cyclists to easily and safely navigate through the city centre and connect to the surrounding neighbourhoods. Make the City Centre environment much more of a people place that transforms perceptions of Glasgow for visitors, citizens and investors.

Recalibrate the balance between vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists as a major step towards improving the quality of experience of the City’s streets and spaces.

As a key initiative to deliver this, introduce an integrated network of continuous pedestrian and cycle priority routes, Avenues, to connect key areas and transport nodes and link the City Centre with the surrounding neighbourhoods.

Use the Avenues as the binding mechanism to integrate regeneration and placemaking initiatives within each City Quarter and throughout the City Centre.


Create Portals around the perimeter of the City Centre to make it easier for pedestrians and cyclists to cross barriers, such as the M8, and to make positive links with the surrounding neighbourhoods.

Develop designated City Quarters within the City Centre to focus initiatives on specific neighbourhoods and character areas and inform planning policies for the next iteration of the City Plan.

Re-examine the designation of uses in specific areas where single uses may be inhibiting placemaking and perceptions.

Build on current initiatives, developments and funding streams (e.g. surface water management) to link the impact of initiatives together to form a greater whole whilst optimising the benefit of expenditure and investments.

Use the Avenues as a visible and tangible demonstration of the City’s intent to transform the quality of the environment for its future prosperity, the wellbeing of its citizens, and its readiness for climate change.

Fountainbridge, Edinburgh

An award winning masterplan for the transforma�on of a neglected canalside site into a vibrant, liveable neighbourhood.

The placemaking approach of the masterplan creates an environment where residents feel that they are occupants of not just their own homes, but of the buildings, shared spaces, and wider public realm.

The pedestrian friendly environment with an ac�ve frontage of cafés, restaurants, and shops, will reinvigorate the canalside, crea�ng a vibrant new place where there has been a void in the city for many years.

University of Glasgow

A major campus expansion for one of Scotland’s oldest universi�es, crea�ng a vibrant place to s�mulate ground-breaking learning and research.

Drawing on the University of Glasgow’s key strategic principles of People, Place, and Purpose, 7N’s placemaking approach focused on bringing people together in a dynamic urban environment to cul�vate progressive, collabora�ve research – a place that will enhance the student experience and encourage greater integra�on between academics, local communi�es, and entrepreneurial businesses.

Jordanhill Park, Glasgow

A new parkland neighbourhood in the extraordinary and historic se�ng of the former Jordanhill College campus, in the West End of Glasgow.

The 400 new homes, comprising a mix of townhouses, apartments, detached houses, and three refurbished historic buildings, have all been designed to engage with the landscape. 7N’s sensi�ve approach to the se�ng has retained the best of the historic parkland, complemented by new green landscape and public realm design that offers residents the chance to enjoy living in a mature parkland estate.

Fraser Avenue, Inverkeithing

7N worked with Fife Council, Kingdom Housing Associa�on, and the local community, to transform a 1960’s housing estate in Inverkeithing, Fife, which was one of the most disadvantaged areas in Scotland and no longer fit for purpose.

The project involved an extensive engagement process with residents, who felt alienated and lacked a sense of belonging.

7N’s masterplan addressed this through a placemaking framework where every space has a clear purpose and a defined sense of ownership, crea�ng a new neighbourhood that is woven into the social and physical fabric of the area.

Western Harbour, Edinburgh

A new neighbourhood on Edinburgh’s waterfront.

7N’s proposals for Western Harbour transform empty reclaimed land in the Port of Leith to create a new waterfront community comprising over 1,600 new homes within a mixed-use neighbourhood, which will include shops, commercial space, a health centre, and one of the largest new parks in the city for over a hundred years.

The new neighbourhood focuses on the public realm and the spaces between the buildings, to encourage people to inhabit and ac�vate their environment.

The Knab, Lerwick

7N’s masterplan for the site of the former Anderson High School in Lerwick re-purposes an important civic asset to meet the future needs of the Shetland community.

The masterplan creates a new neighbourhood, which interprets the historic forms and spaces that have evolved in Lerwick over �me, while revitalising historic buildings that are retained on the site.

The buildings are arranged to give protec�on from the worst of the harsh climate so that the spaces between buildings can become useful, sheltered, and characterful places.

Rowanbank Gardens, Edinburgh

A new community where it is easy to live sustainably.

7N’s approach for Rowanbank Gardens was driven by a desire to create a vibrant and dense development of mixed-tenure family homes. Designed to enable low carbon living, the development provides 126 apartments on a brownfield site that has great public transport access and ac�ve travel links to the city centre.

The design maximises its se�ng with green roofs, biodiverse landscaping, and produc�ve gardens. This green courtyard is the communal heart of the scheme, where residents can meet and socialise. Varied roofscapes serve to acknowledge and relate to the diverse mix of neighbouring buildings.

Re-Imagining Railway Sta�ons, UK

7N won an interna�onal RIBA compe��on for Network Rail to re-imagine what a ‘sta�on’ could become in the 21st century.

Our winning concept, selected from over 200 interna�onal entries, has been published as UK-wide design guidance. Designed to capture the iden�ty of the railways as a progressive and sustainable mode of transport, the new sta�ons will reinvigorate their pivotal civic role in serving communi�es throughout the country.

New Eidyn, Edinburgh

New Eidyn is a collec�on of 152 roo�op apartments sat within expansive residents’ gardens that provides unparalleled panoramic views over the skyline of Edinburgh and the Firth of Forth. The three dis�nct pavilion buildings sit alo� St James Quarter, one of the largest mixed-use regenera�on projects in UK.

Each of the apartments has been designed to feel authen�cally of Edinburgh. A considered pale�e of tac�le, natural materials – synonymous with the character of the city – have been carefully composed to create a sequence of spaces that enhance the experience of everyday life.

Haymarket Yards, Edinburgh

Haymarket Yards sets a new benchmark for the modern office to create a new kind of workspace that responds to evolving ESG policy requirements by priori�sing sustainability, wellbeing, and connec�vity to public and ac�ve transport.

The project will create over 225,000 NIA sq� of BREEAM ‘Outstanding’ workspace forming an urban campus at a key public transport hub.

Edinburgh Green

Edinburgh Green is an innova�ve reconfigura�on of the office park typology as an environment that will enhance the health and well-being of both, those who work there, as well as the surrounding community.

8.7 acres of richly landscaped parkland will be the focal centre of the campus, with a broad range of public ameni�es and mul�-use spaces interspersed in amongst the 716,800 NIA sq� of new sustainable office space.

West Town, Edinburgh

The West Town masterplan is an integrated placemaking and development framework to create a new 20 Minute Neighbourhood on the western edge of the City of Edinburgh, which will provide 7,000 new homes, associated mixed uses, and ameni�es, clustered around a tram stop.

The masterplan embodies the principles of a 20 Minute Neighbourhood, a fresh approach to urban planning and localism, which seeks to significantly increase the ability of people to meet their daily needs within a reasonable walking or cycling distance, therefore reducing dependence upon private vehicle use.

2009 Phoenix Flowers

Client: Glasgow Canal Regenera�on Partnership

Contractor: Land Engineering

Fabrica�on: Pudsey Diamond

Landscape: Rankinfraser Landscape Architecture

Photograph: Dave Morris Photography

2010 Inverness Campus

Client: Highlands and Islands Enterprise

Landscape: Lisa Mackenzie Consultancy

Photograph: Highlands and Islands Enterprise

2011 Wes�ield Avenue

Client: Hart Builders and Dunedin Canmore

Housing Associa�on

Project Management: Thomas & Adamson

Structures: Will Rudd

MEP: Keenan Consultancy

Photograph: Gordon Burniston

2012 Glasgow City Centre Strategy

Client: Glasgow City Council

2013 Fountainbridge

Client: City of Edinburgh Council, Cruden Homes, and Buccleuch Property

Project Management: Cruden Homes

Structures / Civil: E�ve Consul�ng

MEP / Sustainability: Atelier Ten

Landscape: Raeburn Farquhar Bowen

Fire: Jenson Hughes

Visualisa�on: Secchi Smith

2014 University of Glasgow

Client: University of Glasgow

Project Management: AECOM

Planning: Muir Smith Evans

Heritage / Conserva�on: Simpson & Brown

Visualisa�on: DAAKO

2015 Jordanhill

Client: Cala Homes (West)

Structures: Goodson Associates

MEP: Hulley & Kirkwood

Landscape: Horner + Maclennan

Heritage / Conserva�on: Simpson & Brown

Photograph: ZAC and ZAC

2016 Fraser Avenue

Client: Kingdom Housing Associa�on, Fife Council, and Campion Homes

Structures / Civil: Sco� Benne� Associates

Landscape: Rankinfraser Landscape Architecture

Community Engagement: Nick Wright Planning

Photograph: Gordon Burniston

2017 Western Harbour

Client: Forth Ports Ltd.

Development Management: Re�e & Co.

Project Management: Axiom

Planning: Holder Planning

Structures: Woolgar Hunter

MEP: Atelier Ten

Landscape: Rankinfraser Landscape Architecture

Visualisa�on: Darcstudio Masterplan

2018 The Knab

Client: Shetland Islands Council

Community Engagement: Nick Wright Planning

Landscape: Rankinfraser Landscape Architecture

Heritage / Conserva�on: GRAS

Civil: Narro Associates

Visualisa�on: Darcstudio

2019 Rowanbank Gardens

Client: Ar�san Real Estate

Project Management: Axiom Project Services

Planning: Porter Planning

Structures / Civil: Qua�ro Consult

MEP: Atelier Ten

Landscape: Rankinfraser Landscape Architecture

Visualisa�on: Virtual Planit

2020 Re-Imagining Railway Sta�ons

Client: Network Rail

Structures / MEP: ARUP

Landscape (concept): Lisa Mackenzie Consultancy

Landscape: LUC

Costs: Gardiner & Theobald

Visualisa�on: Pillar

2021 New Eidyn

Client: Na�ve Land, Nuveen Real Estate, and Queensberry Proper�es

Contractor: Beck Interiors

Project Management: Gardiner & Theobald

MEP: Wallace Whi�le

Landscape: OPEN

Fire: Jeremy Gardener Associates

Costs: Thomas & Adamson

Photograph: ZAC and ZAC

2022 Haymarket Yards

Client: Stamford Proper�es Ltd.

Project Management: Edmond Shipway

Planning: Sco� Hobbs Planning

Structures: Woolgar Hunter

MEP: Atelier Ten

Landscape: OPEN

Transport: Sweco

Agents: CBRE & Savills

Visualisa�on: DAAKO

2023 Edinburgh Green

Client: Shelborn Asset Management

Project Management: Edmond Shipway

Planning: Montagu Evans

Structures / Civil: Woolgar Hunter

MEP / Sustainability / Fire: Atelier Ten

Landscape: OPEN

Transport: Sweco

Agents: CBRE & Ryden

Visualisa�on: DAAKO

2024 West Town

Client: West Town Edinburgh Ltd.

Planning: Avison Young

MEP / Sustainability / Energy: Wallace Whi�le

Landscape: OPEN

Transport / Civil: WSP

Visualisa�on: DAAKO

Thank you

To everyone who has contributed to our team over the past 15 years.

Adam Neep

Alex Doyle

Alex Anderson

Alex Angus

Alex Reeves

Amy Drabble

Anna Moore

Andrew McBride

Andrew Piggo�

Astrid Bagireanu

Ben Watson

Ben Wylie

Carl Baker

Caroline MacFarlane

Chris Raeburn

Christopher Gray

Christopher McHale

Colin Foster

Colle�e Anderson

Craig Tait

Daniel Smith

Darren Bruce

Dennis Hardie

Dominic Wilson

Dylan Isaac

Emily Fraser

Evelina Vasileva

Ewan Anderson

Ffion Roberts

Frances Heslop

Frankie Murphy

Frankie Bunce

Gabriella Togni

Harry Kirkham

Helena Huws

Hugh Leahy

Isla Fraser

Jack Vickerman

Jayne Coverley

Jennifer Campbell

Jenny Humberstone

John McGonagle

Jonathan Pilosof

Jordan McCrae

Kara Pankiw

Ka�e Hay

Laura Adamson

Laura Hebdon

Liam Po�s

Lisa Blyth

Lisa Finlay

Lucie Tinsdale

Luke McClelland

Magda Włoczka

Malte Koeditz

Mar�n Fle�

Maya Potvar

Melissa Lawson

Nathan Guthrie

Neil Munro

Niamh O’Reilly

Nicholas Taggart

Nick Green

Nick Paterson

Patrick Mitchell

Peter McLaughlin

Rachael Neville

Rachel Leatherbarrow

Robin Livingstone

Rory Crawford

Rosa Solanellas

Sam Boyle

Sam Frankland

Sarah Lister

Shari Lewan

Tammy Chu

Tokini Kent

Vivi Dailly

What if…?/Scotland, exhibi�on at V&A Dundee 2021-22 designed and curated by 7N Architects to explore the wishes of ci�zens across Scotland for the future of the places where they lived. Photograph by Alan Richardson

7 Randolph Place, Edinburgh, EH3

info@7narchitects.com +44 (0) 131 220

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