Easiest and efficient methods of spoken english by tanbircox

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Contents/ Index


Some Important Conjunction for English Sentence


Common Expressions for Social English:


Common Expressions for Self Practice


Some Exclusive Expressions for Social English:


Some Important Phrase for Spoken English:


Romantic sentence of English spoken


 Important English Conversation


Most Important English Proverbs


English Speaking Basic


Common Mistakes in Speaking


Common Mistakes in English Word


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Although / though


Inspite of / despite


Even though

এমনরও যরি঑


েরব / অবলয

In contrast to

রবপরীে ক্ররম

On the other hand


Instead of /In lieu of

পররবরে​ে , বির঱

Nevertheless / still /yet

েবু঑ (েথারপ)

Rather than

োর তঘরে বরং

Additionally / moreover

অর ওন্তু






অর ওন্তু


এওইভারব , এরূরপ

In addition to

োঙারা , অর ওন্তু

So long as

এই লরে​ে তয / যরি না

So far as

যেিূ র যাই / যেিা

Also / In addition

আর঑ , ঑


েিানু ঴ারর , ত঴ ওাররে

Because / since /as /for

তযর঵েু , ওারন

Hence / Explanation for


Consequently /As a result



অেএব ,঴ু েরাং

Thus /In this way


When …then


So …. That


In order to


For the purpose of


So that

তযন , যারে , এই উরেরলয তয

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 Excuse me … / Pardon me (েমা বা মাচেনা ওররবন) …  Hi, tanbir../ Hey, Razib …/ hey you  এই (মরনারযাক আওর঳ে​ে ঵঑ো)  Look…/ look There …/ Hellow… / Listen…….  Hello. /Hullo/Hallo  এই তয (িৃ রি আও঳ে​ে )  Glad to meet / see you.  ঴াোরে ঔুরল ঵঱াম  It’s a pleasure (঴ু ঔ বা আনন্দ) to see you.  It’s nice to see/meet you.  How do You do. (এর চবারব঑ এওই ওথা ব঱রে ঵রব)  Thanks../ Thank you / thank you very much / thanks a lot  অরনও নযবাি  Many many thanks Mr. Tanbir  অরনও অরনও নযবাি োনবীর ।  Welcome / you’re welcome / Most welcome  ঴ািরর কৃ ঵ীে বা অভযরথে​ে ।  That’s all right/ don’t mention it/ It’s a pleasure  রিও আরঙ / উরেঔ ওরার প্ররোচন তনই  I + Guess (অনু মান)/ Suspect / Imagine (মরন ঵রে) / Think that (ভাবরঙ তয ) / Would say (এরেরে আরম ব঱ব তয ) /Personally think (বযরিকে ভারব আমার মরন ঵ে ) / Believe / strongly believe (িৃ ঢ় রবশ্বা঴ ) / Can’t but believe that ( এওথা রবশ্বা঴ না ওরর পারর না )………………  I am + Pretty sure (that)/ Certain /Convinced that / Positive about  Not everyone will agree with me ( ঴বাই আমর ঴ারথ এওমে ঵রব না, েবু঑ )  You may agree with me, but....  It Seems to / Occurs to me that…….  To me / To my mind / To my opinion (মে )….  Undoubtedly (঴রন্দ঵ােীে ভারব )…..  How’s that  এর বযঔযা রও ? / আপনার রও আরভমে ?  How so  ো রও ওরর ঵ে?  So to say/speak  ব঱রে রও? / আনু মরে ওররন তো বর঱ ...

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Now I see, / Now I Understand / Now it’s clear to me (

I agree


আরম এওমে

I agree with that That’s correct

আরম এ বযাপারর এওমে

রিও বর঱রঙন

That’s precisely the point  Exactly / Right 

এরওবারর রিও ওথা


You’re right 

েুরম রিওই বর঱ঙ

That’s right 

ো রিও বর঱ঙ

You’d better believed it!  Beg

এবার বুরছরঙ

তোমারও এ ওথা রবশ্বা঴ ওররেই ঵রব ।

your Pardon আপনার ওথা বুছরে পার঱াম না / আপনার ওথা শুনরে পাই রন / আপনার ঴রে

এওমে ঵রে পার঱াম না  I appreciate   I + Like

প্রলং঴া ওরা , অরভনন্দন চানারনা

(পঙন্দ)/ Enjoy (উপরভাক ওরা )

 N/P + be verb + delighted by (আনরন্দে

঵঑ো )

/ love /




pleased by(েুি

বা ঔুরল ঵঑ো

) / tickled by


/ happy to ………………….

 What a / That’s + great / terrific (ভী঳ে

 I + dislike / hate / abhor (

বা ঘরম

ভী঳ে খৃ ো ওরা

) /Super……………………..!


 I don’t care for  I can’t tolerate / stand/bear (঴঵য  Irk 

জ্বা঱ােন ওরা /

Bug 

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রবরি ওরা /


পঘা , ওিযে


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এওিু রভন্ন প্র঴রে যা঑ো যাও

 If I may digress

 আমারও যরি এওিু রভন্নের এওরি প্র঴রে তযরে অনু মরে তিরে ঵ে ো঵র঱ ব঱ব তয

 If I may wander

 যরি প্র঴ো্তরররর অনু মরে পাই

 If I may wander from the subject  Let me mention in passing that

 এওিা ওথা বর঱ তন঑ো যাও

িীখেচীবী ঵঑

 May you live long 

 May you be happy (in life) 

চীবরন ঴ু ঔী ঵঑

 (May) Allah / God bless you   Have a Good time 

 মূ ঱ রব঳ে তথরও এওিু রবঘুযে ঵বার অনু মরে তপর঱

আো঵ তোমার মে঱ ওরুও

঴মে ভার঱া ওািুও

 Best of luck  May you have a Good time? 

঴মে ভার঱া ওািুও ।

 Very good / That sounds good. 

ঔুব ভা঱

 That will be fine.  That’s a good idea! 

এইিা ভার঱া রঘ্তরা ।

 What a good idea (রঘ্তরা

বা ারনা )!

 I appreciate (঴রিওভারব

মূ ঱যােন ওরা )

that very much.

 I highly appreciate that  It’s really a good idea.  Well done!

 Can /May I have …..Please?  Please can I have some ….?  Let me …..Please.  Would you allo me to…… ?  Would you mind …. + Verb(ing)…..?

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 No, you cannot /may not  I’m afraid not. 

আরম িু ুঃরঔে আমারও না ব঱রে ঵রে।

 I‘d rather that you didn’t   I wish I could, But …

ো বরং ওররবন না

যরি পারোম ... রওন্তু ......

 It’s all right. I can manage. 

আো রিও আরঙ । আরম রনরচই পারব।

 Yes, please …../ Please do.  Yes, certainly / of course /sure. 

঵যা​াঁ, অবলযই

 All right, you can……  You may / can / might, if you

 So kind of you. 

আপরন অরনও িো তিরঔরেরঙন।

 You’ve obliged me. 

আমারও বার ে ওরররঙন ।

 I’m much obliged to you. You’re so good /kind  It’s so great of you. 

এিা আপনার মা঵াত্ন্য

 I’m (very) grateful to you. 

আরম আপনার প্ররে ওৃেজ্ঞ ।

 I’m grateful / thankful (to you) for your help. 

 They /People say (that)….   Is’s said that ……

ত঱ারও বর঱


ব঱া ঵রে থারও তয…..

 There’s a rumour that …. 

গুচব আরঙ তয

 It’s usually believed that …..   There’s a story that…   I hear … 

আপনার ঴া঵ারযযর চনয আরম ওৃেজ্ঞ ।


এরূপ রবশ্বা঴ ওরা ঵রে থারও তয

প্রঘর঱ে আরঙ তয




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Want more Updates   What a mess (রবলৃ ঙ্খ঱া


, রবভ্রার্তর , ো঱রকা঱ পাওারনা)!

 Who the hell are you? 

তওান ঱াি ঴ার঵ব েুরম, শুরন?

 Who on earth did this? 

তওান বিমাল ওরররঙ এওাচ ?

 What in heaven’s name are, you doing?  What the hell are you talking about?   Disgusting! (অরেলে  Rubbish! (বারচ

রও ঙাই ব঱াবর঱ ওরঙ , শুরন ?


রচরন঴ / আবচেনা)

 What’s wrong? 

রও বযাপার ?

 Anything wrong? 

তওান ঴ম঴যা ?

 What’s the matter? 

বযাপার রও ?

 What’s going on here?   What happened? 

঵রেিা ওী ঑ঔারন ?

ওী বর঱া ?

 What’s up with you, Tanbir?

ওী বযাপার তোমার োনবীর ?

 What’s up, Tanbir?

Good bye / bye bye/ see you ,bye.../

 it’s nice to see you again.  Good night / day  I have got to go now.  I’ve to go now.  Got to go now.

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1. Simple greetings  Hi!  Hello!  Hey!

2. General greetings     

How are you? How’s everything? How’s tricks? (informal) What’s new? (informal) What’s up? (informal)

3. Greetings for various times of the day How are you this bright morning?

4. Greeting a person you haven’t seen in a long time  I haven’t seen you in years!  Long time no see! (Informal)  I haven’t seen you in a month of Sundays!

5. Expressing surprise at meeting someone       

What a surprise to meet you here! Never thought I’d see you here! What are you doing in this neck of the woods? What are you doing in this part of town? What are you doing out of the office? What have you been up to? You been keeping cool?

6. After you have greeted someone    

Haven’t we met before? Didn’t we meet at that party last week? I’m sorry; I’ve forgotten your name. I’ve been meaning to call you.

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7. Expressing your state of health and happiness     

Keeping cool. Dandy. (informal) Happy as a clam. (cliché) All right. I have nothing to complain about.

8. Telling how you have been doing - positive     

Keeping myself busy. Keeping out of trouble. Been keeping out of trouble. Been up to no good. (informal) Been keeping my nose clean. (informal)

9. Telling how you have been doing – neutral       

Getting by. Been getting by. Fair to middling. (folksy) Plugging along. (informal) (Just) muddling through. Same as always. Same as usual.

10. Telling how you have been doing – negative       

Not too good. Not very well. None too well. Crummy. (slang) Lousy. (slang) I’ve had better days. I’ve been under the weather.

11. Explaining that you have been busy     

I’m swamped. I’m snowed under. I don’t have time to breathe. I’ve been running around with my head cut off. (informal) I’ve been running around like a chicken with its head cut off. (informal)

12. Inviting a friend for a drink or coffee  Do you have time for coffee?  Let’s go get coffee. Do you have any time?  Let’ go for coffee.

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1. Signaling the end of a conversation     

Oh, look at the time. It’s getting later. It’s been fun talking to you. (It’s been) nice chatting with you. Let’s do lunch sometime.

2. Ending a telephone conversation    

I really have to go now. We’ll talk sometime. The doorbell is ringing. I’ll call you back. I won’t keep you any longer. I’ll let you go now.

3. Ending a conversation abruptly    

I’m all out of time. I’ll have to say good-bye now. Look at the time. I really must go. Sorry, but I have to leave now. Let’s continue this another time. I really must go.

Good-byes 4. Simple good-byes             

Good-bye. Ta-ta. (informal) Farewell. Good evening. (Formal) Good-bye for now. See you later. See you later, alligator. (Slang) I’ll try to catch you later. See ya. (Informal) See you real soon. See you around. See you in a little while. See you then.

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http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks 5. Taking leave of someone      

Good running into you Running into you = meeting up with you Nice talking to you. (It was) nice to see you. It was a pleasure meeting you. (Formal) It’s been a real pleasure. (Formal)

6. Leaving a place            

Ready to go? Ready to roll? (Slang) Let’s blow. (Slang) Blow = leave Let’s get out of this taco stand. (Slang) Taco stand = a cheap place; an undesirable place. Let’s blow this joint. (Slang) = let’s leave this place. Let’s beat a hasty retreat. (Cliché) Let’s make tracks. (Informal) Let’s motor. (Slang) To motor = to leave by automobile

7. Making plans to keep in touch with someone     

I’ll call you when I get home. Don’t forget to call. I’ll be in touch. Let’s keep in touch. Agreeing

8. Simple agreement       

Yes. Yeah. Yep. Right you are. Sure. Absolutely By all means

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 It can’t be done.  এিা ঵রেই পারর না ।  I have some work to do.  আমার এওিু ওাচ আরঙ ।  Can we be introduced to each other?  আমরা রও পরস্পররর ঴ারথ পরররঘে ঵রে পারর ?  Now you would give your identity.  এঔন আপনার পররঘে রিন ।  I am/ was somewhat busy.  আরম রওঙু িা বযস্ত রঙ঱াম ।  What about you?  তোমার রও ঔবর ?  What would you like to have?  আপরন রও ঔারবন ?  Speak to me more politely...  ভদ্র বা নম্র ভারব ওথা ব঱ ।  Please , Should not jest(মচা বা িাট্টা) about serious matter.  গুরুেপূ ে​ে বযপারর মচা ওররা না।  You obviously don’t want………….  আপরন অবলযই ঘান না ...।  I keep your request/promise  আরম তোমার অনু ররা রাঔ঱াম ।  Well , talk to you later  আো আপনার ঴ারথ পরর ওথা ঵রব ।  It pains me to say so  এওথা ব঱রে আমার঑ ওি ঱ারক ।  How are (you / they) going to take it?  োরা এিা রওভারব গ্র঵ে ওররব ?  At the Present context (0f)  বে​েমান তপ্রোপরি  Be warry about the future.  ভরব঳যরের রিরও তঔো঱ তরঔ।  How dare to say that…  েুরম এ ওথা ব঱ার ঴া঵঴ পা঑ রওভারব ।  How can I contribute  আরম রওভারব অবিান রাঔরে পারর ।  Those days has gone.  ত঴ইরিন ঘর঱ তকরঙ ।  Just surviving, still alive..  তওান রওম তবাঁরঘ থাওা ।  Tell me in word what you want/ say  এও ওথাে ব঱ রও ঘা঑/ ব঱রব ।  Tell me what should, I do?  আমারও ব঱ আমার রও ওরা উরঘে?  Don’t try to do it again  আর ওঔরনা এ রওম ওররব না ।  I don’t fair anybody in the Earth without Allah  আরম এই পৃ রথবীরে আোহরও ঙারা ওাউরও ভে ওরর না ।  To survive beautifully…  ঴ু ন্দরভারব তবাঁরঘ থাওার চনয ।  Society is over changing  ঴মাচ ঴ব঴মে পররবে​েনলী঱।  So, test of people is changing over time too  ঴ু েরাং ঴মরের ঴ারথ ঴ারথ আমারির রুরঘরবার র঑ পররবে​েন ঵রে ... facebook /gmail/skype: -


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 This is nothing unusual for a youth boy of this age  এই বে঴ী এওচন েরুে বা঱রওর চনয এিা অস্বাভারবও রওঙু নে।  Most of us have gone through this stage/ age  আমরা অরনরওই এই াপ অরেক্রম ওরর এর঴রঙ ।  I have to be cool headed to overcome any / this critical situation.  A recent phenomenon  ঴াম্প্ররেও আর঱াঘয রব঳ে ।  Mere saying won’t do…  শু ু বর঱র঱ই ঵ে না ।  So, it is clear to us, that (_____/ It) have an unavoidable important role in our total life.  অেএব এিা আমারির ওারঙ স্পি তয , (___) ই঵া আমারির ঴ামরগ্রও চীবরন অনস্বীওাযে ভূ রমওা পা঱ন ওরর।  Tanbir struggles to establish in this sophisticate society.  োনবীর ঴ভয ঴মারচ প্ররেরিে ঵বার চনয অরনও ঴ংগ্রাম ওররঙ।  As we want to accommodate with the contemporary world …. আমারা যরি ঴ম঴ামরেও পৃরথবীর ঴ারথ ো঱ রম঱ারে ঘাে.........।  I can’t make you understand about this in language….  আরম তোমারও ভা঳াে প্রওাল ওরর ো বুছারে পারব না ।  It seems that the law enforcing bodies are sleeping giving oil on their nose.  এইিা মরন ঵ে তয , আইন প্ররোকওারী ঴ংস্থা঴মূ ঵ তযন নারও তে঱ রিরে খুমারে।  I am not trying to implore myself for you.  আরম রনরচর ইো তচার ওরর তোমার উপর ঘাপারে না ।  Beware, don’t utter it again.  ঴াব ান এওথা মুঔ তথরও উচ্চারে ওর না ।  Don’t show me that bloody face again.  Who is for whom in this world?  There no need to worry.  রঘ্তরার তওান ওারন নাই ।  I am at your service.  অ ম ত঴বার চনয উপরস্থে ।  I would be highly obliged, it you would get this work done.  এই ওাচিা ওরর রির঱ , আরম অেয্তর ওৃেজ্ঞ থাওব ।

 I can’t find out the way, How I shall do it. রও উপারে আরম এিা ওরব ো আরম ঔরচ পাই না।  Let us face (terror and terrorist) in a body.  আ঴ু ন আমরা ঴ওর঱ (঴ন্ত্রা঴ ঑ ঴ন্ত্রা঴ীরির) তমাওারব঱া ওরর।  The beauty of (____) beggars description.  (___) ত঴ৌন্দযে ভা঳াে প্রওাল ওরা অ঴ম্ভব ।  It has a profound effect on my (our) mind.  ই঵া আমার মরন বযাপও প্রভাব তফর঱ ।  (___/It) has a magical power of transporting us/me to a land of beauty and imagination.  (__)এর তমা঵নীে েমো বা ঐন্দ্রচার঱ও লরি , যা আমারির ঴ু ন্দর এবং ওল্পনার চকরে রনরে তযরে পারর ।  It only requires a certain amount of self-will  শু ু প্ররোচন রওঙু ইো লরি । facebook /gmail/skype: -


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 Keep one’s memory green  ঴ৃ রেরে অম্লান রাঔা  People of all walks of life  ঴ও঱ স্তররর চন঴া ারে  Unavoidable constant companion  অরনবাযে অনু ঳ে  Miserable consequence  ওরুন পররেরে  Main motto  মূ ঱ উরেলয  fundamental base  মূ ঱রভরি  Salient feature  প্ররেপািয রব঳ে  A cold reception  আ্তরররওো ঵ীন ঴রম্ভা েনা  Knick-knack  ঔুরিনারি রচরন঴পে  Common affair  রনেয তনরমরেযও  Water closet (WC)  তলৌঘাকার  Water clogging  চ঱াবদ্ধো  Dull and gloomy  রবররিওর ঑ এওগুাঁরে  Merit and demerit  ভা঱ ঑ ঔারাপ রিও  Flimsy issues  েুে ওারন  Well wisher  শুভাওাঙ্ক্ষী  Spear time  অব঴র ঴মে  Taken steps / taking action  পিরেপ  Out look  িৃ রিভরে  Quick tempered  রকঘিা  Red with fire  রারক অরিলমো ঵রে তক঱  To educate  রলো তি঑ো  Untold miseries  অবনেীে িু ুঃঔ ওি  United effort  ঴ম্মর঱ে প্ররঘিা  Persistent effort  অ ময প্ররঘিা  Civic amenities  নাকররও ঴ু রব া  Worst sufferer  ঘরম ভুিরভাকী  Social prejudice  ঴ামারচও ওু঴ংস্কার  Under no circumstances  তওান অবস্থাে নে  Punishable offence  লারস্থরযাকয অপরা facebook /gmail/skype: -


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 Odd jobs  িুরওিারও ওাচ  All-out efforts  ঴বোত্ন্ও প্ররঘিা  Verge of extinction  রব঱ু রির প্রা্তর ঴ীমাে  Practical measures  বাস্তব পিরেপ  A human trait  মানব তবরলিয  To live in peace and amity  লারস্ত এবং ঴ম্প্ররেরে ব঴বা঴ ওররে  Wide spread  ঴ু িূর প্র঴ারী  Out spoken  তঔা঱াঔুর঱  Green eyed  ঈ঳োপরাে​ে / র঵ং঴ু রি  Moral values  তনরেও মূ ঱যরবা  Inferiority complex  ঵ীনমনযোরবা  So far , so good  এ পযে্তর ঴ওর঱ই ভা঱  So much for  এর এঔারনই তল঳ / আর নে  Fight with courage  ঴া঵র঴র ঴ারথ ঱রাই ওরা

 Radiant glamour set fire  মন মাোরনা ত঴ান্দযে আগুন রররে রি঱  Dazzling beauty  তঘাঔ ছ঱঴ারনা  Life giving force  চীবরনলরি  A tricky love game  ঘােুযেপূনে তপ্রমারভনে  Speak one’s mind  মরনর ওথা ঔুর঱ো ব঱া  Intimacy  খরনিো  Quixotic  ওল্পনার চকরে অবস্থানরে বযরি  Eagerly waiting  অর র আগ্রর঵ অরপো ওরা  Heart’s content  মরনর ঴ু রঔ  Keep company with  ঴ে তি঑ো  Take to heart  মরন ওি ঱঑ো  Dote on  অেযর ও ভার঱াবা঴া প্রওাল ওরা  Self denial  আত্ন্েযাক  Caught his eyes  িৃ রি আও঳ে​ে ওরা  Exquisite  অরেলে ঴ু ন্দর  Mind’s eye  ওল্পনা  Rich imagination  মরনারারচয  Suffer the torment  মানর঴ও যােনাই তভাকা facebook /gmail/skype: -


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বাং঱া/ইংররচী েমা ওরুন/ মাপ ওররবন, আপরন রও আরমররওান?

Excuse me, are you American? না।

No. আপরন রও ঈংরররচ বর঱ন ?

Do you speak English? এওিু এওিু, ঔুব ভা঱ নে।

A little, but not very well. আপরন এঔারন ওে রিন আরঙন ?

How long have you been here? িু মা঴।

2 months. রও ওাচ ওররন?

What do you do for work? আরম ঙাে। আপরন রও ওররন ?

I'm a student. How about you? আরম঑ ঙাে।

I'm a student too.

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Razib Ishika Razib Ishika Razib

বাং঱া/ইংররচী েমা ওরুন/ মাপ ওররবন /এই তয! আপনার নাম রও?

Excuse me, what's your nam ? আমার নাম ঈর঳ওা। আপনার নাম কি?

My name is Ishika. What's yours? রাচীব ।

Razib . আপরনে ঔুব ভা঱ ঈংরররচ বর঱ন!

You speak English very well. নযবাি।

Thank you.

Ishika আপরন রও চারনন এঔন ওিা বারচ? Do you know what Razib

ime it is?

঵া​াঁ । এঔন পা​াঁঘিা তবরচ িল।

Sure. It's 5:10PM.

Ishika রও ব঱র঱ন?  What did you say? Razib Ishika Razib

আরম ব঱঱াম এঔন পা​াঁঘিা িল।

I said it's 5:10PM. নযবাি।

Thanks. না, না, এিা রওঙু নে। You're welcome.

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নাম: Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi Tanbir


বাং঱া/ইংররচী এই তয (িৃ রি আও঳ে​ে ) Hello. /Hullo/Hallo এই (মরনারযাক আওর঳ে​ে ঵঑ো) Hi. /Hey. তওমন আরঙন? How are you? ভা঱ আরঙ। আপরন তওমন আরঙন? I'm good. How are you? ভা঱। আপরন ঈংরররচ বর঱ন ? Good. Do you speak English? এওিু। আপরন রও আরমররওান? A little. Are you American? ঵া​াঁ। Yes. আপনার বা঴া তওাথাে? Where are you from? বাং঱ারিল । I'm from Bangladesh. আপনার ঴রে আ঱াপ ওরর ভা঱ ঱াক঱। Nice to meet you. আমার঑ আপনার ঴রে আ঱াপ ওরর ভা঱ ঱াক঱। Nice to meet you too.

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নাম: Ishika Tanbir Ishika Tanbir Ishika Tanbir Ishika Tanbir Ishika Tanbir Ishika Tanbir Ishika Tanbir Ishika

বাং঱া/ইংররচী এই তয োনবীর ! Hi Tanbir. ঈর঳ওা ! রও ঔবর? Hi Ishika. What's up? আরম রবমানবন্দরিা ঔুচরঙ। রও ওরর ঑ঔারন যাব ব঱রে পার? I'm looking for the airport. Can you tell me how to get there? না, ঔুবই িু ুঃরঔে। আরম চারননা। No, sorry. I don't know. আমার মরন ঵ে পাো঱ তর঱ (঴াবরে) রনরে ঑ঔারন তযরে পারব। েুরম রও ঴াবরে তওাথাে ব঱রে পার? I think I can take the subway to the airport. Do you know where the subway is? ঵া​াঁ। ঑ইঔারন। Sure, it's over there. তওাথাে? আরম তো তিঔরে পাররঙনা। Where? I don't see it. রাস্তার ঑পারর। Across the street. ঑, ঵া​াঁ, এঔন তিঔরে পাররঙ। অরনও নযবাি। Oh, I am watching it now. Thanks. না, না, এিা রওঙু না। No problem. েুরম রও চারনা আরল-পারল তওান মর঵঱ারির বাথরুম আরঙ রও না? Do you know if there's a restroom around here? ঵া​াঁ, এঔারনই আওিা আরঙ। ঑িা তিাওারনর রভেরর । Yes, there's one here. It's in the store. নযবাি। Thank you. তিঔা ঵রব। Bye. আবার তিঔা ঵রব। Bye bye.

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Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi


বাং঱া/ইংররচী এই তয র঱রথ, তওমন আরঙা?

Hi Lithi, how are you? ভা঱. েুরম তওমন আরঙা?

Fine, how are you? ঘ঱রঙ।

OK. েুরম রও ঘা঑?

What do you want? আমার রেিা তপরেরঙ। রওঙু তঔরে ঘাই.

I'm hungry. I want to eat something. েুরম তওাথাে তযরে যা঑?

Where do you want to go? আরম ইিা঱ীোন তরাঁরস্তারারে তযরে ঘাই।

I want to go to an Italian restaurant. রও ররের ইিা঱ীোন ঔাবার ভা঱বা঴ ?

What kind of Italian food do you like? আমার তস্পরখরি ঔুব ভা঱঱ারক। েুরম রও তস্পরখরি ভা঱বা঴ ?

I like spaghetti. Do you like spaghetti? না, রওন্তু আমার রি্িচা ভা঱঱ারক।

No, I don't, but I like pizza.

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Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir

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রাচীব , রওঙু তঔরে ঘা঑?

Razib, Do you want to eat something? না, আমার তপি ভরা।

No, I'm full. রওঙু পারনে তিব?

Do you want something to drink? ঵া​াঁ, ওরফ ঵র঱ ভা঱ ঵ে।

Yes, I'd like some coffee. মুরস্কর঱ পর঱াম, আমার ওারঙ তো ওরফ তনই।

Sorry, I don't have any coffee. রিও আরঙ। এও তক঱া঴ ঔাবার চ঱ িা঑।

That's OK. Please give me a glass of water. তঙারিা তক঱া঴ না বর তক঱া঴?

A small glass or a big one? তঙারিা।

Small please. এই তয।

Here you go. নযবাি।

Thanks. রিও আরঙ!

You're welcome.

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নাম: Razib Tonny Razib Tonny Razib Tonny Razib Tonny Razib Tonny Razib Tonny

বাং঱া/ইংররচী েন্বী, আমার ঴রে ঔারব? Tonny, would you like to get something to eat with me? ঵া​াঁ, ওঔন? OK. When? ১০িার ঴মে। At 10 O'clock. ঴ওা঱ িলিাে? 10 in the morning? না, রারে। No, at night. আরম ঔুব িু ুঃরঔে, আমার পরে ঑িা ঔুব তিরর। আরম ঴া ারে​েুঃ শুরে যাই রাে ১০িাে। Sorry, that's too late. I usually go to bed around 10:00PM. আো, ো঵র঱ তব঱া তিরিাে? OK, how about 1:30 PM? না, ঑িা তবরল আরক। আরম েঔন ওারচ থাওব। No, that's too early. I'll still be at work then. রবরও঱ পা​াঁঘিা তওমন মরন ঵ে? How about 5:00PM? ঔুব ভা঱। That's fine. ো঵র঱ েঔন তিঔা ঵রব। OK, see you then. রিও আরঙ। তিঔা ঵রব। Alright. Bye.

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নাম: Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi

বাং঱া/ইংররচী র঱রথ, আমার ঴রে রডনার ঔারব? Lithi

, would you like to have dinner with me?

঵া​াঁ। ত঴িা ঔুব ভা঱ ঵রব। আপরন ওঔন তযরে ঘান? Yes. That would be nice. When do you want to go? আচ ঵র঱ রও রিও আরঙ? Is today OK? না, আচ তযরে পারব না। Sorry, I can't go today. আ঴রঙ ওা঱ রারে তওমন ঵ে? How about tomorrow night? রিও আরঙ। ওিার ঴মে? Ok. What time? রাে ৯িা ঵র঱ ঵রব? Is 9:00PM all right? আমার মরন ঵ে ঑িা তবরল তিরর ঵রে যারব। I think that's too late. ো঵র঱ ঴ন্ধ্যা ৬িা ঵র঱ ঵রব? Is 6:00PM OK? ঵া​াঁ, ঑িা ভা঱ ঴মে। তওাথাে তযরে ঘান? Yes, that's good. Where would you like to go? পঞ্চম রাস্তার ইিার঱োন তররস্তারা​াঁে। The Italian restaurant on 5th street. আমার ঑ই তররস্তারা​াঁিা ভা঱঱ারকনা। আরম ঑ঔারন তযরে ঘাইনা। Oh, I don't like that Restaurant. I don't want to go there. ো঵র঱ োর পারল তয তওাররোন তররস্তারা​াঁ আরঙ। ত঴িা তওমন ঵ে? How about the Korean restaurant next to it? রিও আরঙ, ঑িা আমার ভা঱঱ারক। OK, I like that place.

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Ishika এই তয রাচীব!  Hi Razib. Razib রও ঔবর?  Hi. Ishika Razib Ishika Razib Ishika Razib Ishika Razib Ishika Razib Ishika Razib Ishika Razib

আচরও রও ওররব? What are you planning to do today? আরম এঔন঑ রিও ওরররন। I'm not sure yet. আমার ঴রে িু পুরর ঔারব? Would you like to have lunch with me? ঵া​াঁ। ওঔন? Yes. When? ঴ারর একাররািা রিও আরঙ? Is 11:30AM OK? িু ুঃরঔে, শুনরে তপ঱াম না। আপরন আবার ব঱রবন? Sorry, I didn't hear. Can you say that again please? আরম ব঱঱াম, ঴ওা঱ ঴ারর একাররািা। I said, 11:30AM. ঑ুঃ, আরম েঔন ঔুব বযস্ত থাওব। আমরা রও আর এওিু পরর তযরে পারর ? Oh, I'm busy then. Can we go a little later? আো, ঴ারর বাররািা তওমন ঵ে? OK, how about 12:30PM? রিও আরঙ। তওাথাে? OK. Where? োনবীর র঴-ফুড তররস্তারা​াঁ তওমন ঵ে? How about tanbir’s Seafood Restaurant? রিও আরঙ। ঑িা তওাথাে? Oh, Where is that? ঑িা ঴িম রাস্তাে। It's on 7th Street. আো, ঑ঔারন আপনার ঴রে তিঔা ঵রব। OK, I'll meet you there.

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নাম: Host Tanbir Host Waitress Tanbir Waitress Tanbir Waitress Tanbir Waitress Tanbir

বাং঱া/ইংররচী ঴া঱াম , তেন্ঘ তররস্তারা​াঁরে আ঴ু ন। আপনারা ওচন? Hello sir, welcome to the French Restaurant. How many? এওচন। One. এই রিও রিরে। এঔারন ব঴ু ন। পররঘাররওা আপনার ওারঙ এেুরন আ঴রব। Right this way. Please have a seat. Your waitress will be with you in a moment. স্বাকেম , আপরন রও এঔন অডোর ওররবন? Hello sir, would you like to order now? ঵া​াঁ। Yes please. েুরম রও পারনে ঘা঑ ? What would you like to drink? রও আরঙ? What do you have? আমারির বি঱ ঑োিার আরঙ। আর ফর঱র র঴, তওাও। We have bottled water, juice, and Coke. আমারও এওিা বি঱ ঑োিার তিরবন। I'll have a bottle of water please. রও তঔরে ঘান? What would you like to eat? আরম এওিা িুনারফল ঴যান্ডউরেঘ আর এও বারি তবরচরিরব঱ ঴ু প ঔাব। I'll have a tuna fish sandwich and a bowl of vegetable soup.

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নাম: Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib

বাং঱া/ইংররচী রাচীব, তওাথাে যাে? Razib, where are you going? আরম তিাওারন যারে। রওঙু রওনরে ঵রব। I'm going to the store. I need to buy something. ঑, আমার঑ তিাওারন তযরে ঵রব। Really? I need to go to the store too. আমার ঴রে আ঴রব? Would you like to come with me? ঵া​াঁ, যা঑ো যাও। Yeah, let's go together. এঔন যারব না পরর? Would you like to go now or later? এঔন। Now. রও? What? এঔন ঵র঱ ভা঱ ঵ে। Now would be better. আো, ঘ঱। OK, let's go. ত঵রি যারব? Should we walk? না, ঔুব িূ র। কারররে। No, it's too far. Let's drive.

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নাম: Razib Lithi Razib Lithi Razib Lithi Razib Lithi Razib Lithi Razib Lithi Razib Lithi Razib

বাং঱া/ইংররচী র঱রথ , আচরও রও ওরঙ? Lithi

, what are you going to do today?

আরম বাচার যারে। I'm going to shopping. ওঔন যাে? What time are you leaving? ৪িা নাকাি যাব। I'm going to leave around 4 O'clock. আমার চনয এওিা ঵াম ঴যান্ডউরেঘ রওরন আনরে পাররব? Will you buy a ham sandwich for me at the store? রিও আরঙ। OK. পে঴া আরঙ তো? Do you have enough money? রিও চারননা। I'm not sure. ওে আরঙ তোমার ওারঙ? How much do you have? ২৫ ড঱ার। তোমার রও মরন ঵ে ঑রে ঵রব? 25 dollars. Do you think that's enough? ঑িা তো তবরল নে। That's not very much. আমার মরন ঵ে এরে ঵রব। এ ঙারা আমার ওারঙ িু রিা তক্ররডি ওাডে আরঙ। I think it's OK. I also have two credit cards. আো, আর঑ িল ড঱ার রি। Let me give you another ten dollars. রিও আরঙ. পরর তিঔা ঵রব। Thanks. See you later. আবার তিঔা ঵রব। Bye.

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Tanbir এই তয রাচীব!  Hello Razib. Razib Tanbir Razib

঵া​াঁ োনবীর । Hi Tanbir


তওমন আঙ ? How have you been? ভা঱ নে। Not too good.

Tanbir তওন?  Why? Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib

আরম অ঴ু স্থ। I'm sick. শুরন ঔারাপ ঱াকরঙ। Sorry to hear that. তবরল গুরুের নে। Its OK. It’s not serious. ো ভা঱. তোমার স্ত্রী তওমন আরঙন? That's good. How's your wife? ত঴ ভা঱ আরঙ। She's good. ত঴ রও এঔন যু িরারে? Is she in America now? না, ঑ঔারন তনই। No, she's not here yet. ো঵র঱ তওাথাে? Where is she? ত঴ বাচ্চারির রনো এঔন তওনাডাে। She's in Canada with our kids. আো। আমারও এঔন তযরে ঵রব। ঑াঁরও ব঱ আরম শুরভো

Tanbir চারনরেরঙ। I see. I have to go now. Please tell your wife I said hi. Razib Tanbir Razib

রঙও আরঙ। পরর আবার ওথা ঵রব। OK, I'll talk to you later. আলাওরর েুরম ভা঱ ঵রে যারব। I hope you feel better. নযবাি।  Thanks.

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নাম: Tanbir Razib Mrs. Smith Razib Mrs. Smith Razib Mrs. Smith Razib Mrs. Smith Razib Mrs. Smith Razib Mrs. Smith

বাং঱া/ইংররচী রাচীব, ইরন আমার বন্ধ্ু রমর঴঴ রিথ। Razib, this is my friend, Mrs. Smith. তিঔা ঵঑োে ঔুলী ঵঱াম. Hi, Nice to meet you. তিঔা ঵঑োে ঔুলী ঵঱াম. Nice to meet you too. রমর঴঴ রিথ, আপরন রও ওররন? Mrs. Smith, what do you do for work? আরম ডািার। I'm a doctor. ঑ুঃ, তওাথাে ওাচ ওররন? Oh. Where do you work? রনউ েরওের রনউেওে ইউরনবার঴েরির ঵া঴পাোর঱।আপরন রও ওররন? New York University hospital in New York City. What do you do? আরম রলেও। I'm a teacher. আপরন রও পরান? What do you teach? ইংরররচ। I teach English. তওাথাে? Where? রনউ চার঴ের এওিা রবিযা঱রে। At a high school in New Jersey. ঔুব ভা঱। আপনার বে঴ ওে? That's nice. How old are you? আরম ৩২।


I'm 32.

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Tanbir শুনু ন / েমা ওররবন । Excuse me. Ishika Tanbir

এই তয ঴ার঵ব, আরম রও ঴া঵াযয ওররে পারর? Hello sir, may I help you? ঵া​াঁ, উপররর োরওর ঴ািেিা তিঔরে পারর? Yes. Can I see that shirt on the top shelf please?

Ishika এই তয।  Sure. Here it is. Tanbir

ওে িাম? How much does it cost?

Ishika ৫০ ড঱ার। 50 dollars. Tanbir Ishika Tanbir Ishika Tanbir

৫০ ড঱ার। িামিা ঔুব তবরল। 50 dollars. That's too much. আো এিা তিঔুন। এিা ৩৫ ড঱ার এঔন ত঴র঱। How about this one? It's on sale for only 35 dollars. আমার ঑িা ভা঱ ঱াকরঙনা। I don't like that one. ওার঱া িস্তানার পারলরিা তওমন ঱ারক? তযিা আপরন পঙন্দ ওরররঙন, অরনওিা োরই মে। How about the one next to the black gloves? It's very similar to the one you like. ঵া​াঁ। ঑িা ওে? That's nice. How much is it?

Ishika ৩০ ড঱ার। 30 dollars. Tanbir রিও আরঙ।  That'll be fine. Ishika Tanbir Ishika

এই রংিা রও রিও না রভন্ন রং তিঔারবা? Is this color OK, or would you like a different color? ঑ই নী঱িা ভা঱। That blue one's fine. এই ররের আর঑ ঴ািে ঘাই? Do you need any more of these shirts?

Tanbir ঵া​াঁ।  Yes. Ishika Tanbir

ওিা ঘান? How many do you want? আর঑ িু িা, এওিা ঱া঱ আর এওিা ঴ািা। I'll take two more, a red one and a white one.

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নাম: Razib Lithi Razib Lithi Razib Lithi Razib Lithi Razib Lithi Razib

বাং঱া/ইংররচী িো ওরর ব঱রে পাররবন ঵র঱রড ইন তওাথাে? আরম ঑িারও ঔুচরঙ। Excuse me, I'm looking for the Holiday Inn. Do you know where it is? রনশ্চেই। এই রাস্তাে বা রিরও। Sure. It's down this street on the left. এঔান তথরও রও িূ রর? Is it far from here? না। তবরল িূ র নে। No, it's not far. ওে িূ র? How far is it? তির মাইর঱র মে। About a mile and a half. ওে​ে​ে ঱ারক ঑ঔারন তযরে? How long does it take to get there? ৫ রমরনরির মে। 5 minutes or so. ঑িা রও ঴াব঑রে তেলরনর ওারঙ? Is it close to the subway station? ঵া​াঁ, ঔুব ওারঙ। ত঵ারির঱র পারলই ঴াব঑রে তেলন। ঑ঔারন ত঵রি তযরে পাররবন। Yes, it's very close. The subway station is next to the hotel. You can walk there. অরনও নযবাি। Thanks a lot.

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নাম: Razib

বাং঱া/ইংররচী িো ওরর ব঱রে পাররবন রও ওরর মর঱ যা঑ো যাে? Excuse me. Do you know how to get to the mall? রনশ্চেই। আরম ঑ঔারন ওাচ ওরোম। এও মাইর঱র চনয ত঴াচা যান, োরপর আর঱ারে বা রিরও


খুররবন। ম঱ আপনার ডান রিরও আ঴রব। Sure, I used to work there. Go straight for about a mile, and then turn left at the light. The mall will be on the right.

Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib

রিওানািা চারনন? Do you know the address? ঵া​াঁ, ৫৪১ তমইন রি​ি। Yes, the address is 541 Main street. আমার চনয এওিু র঱রঔ তিরবন? Can you write it down for me please? রনশ্চে। No problem. ঵াই঱ান্ড এরভরনউ যরি রনই ো঵র঱ রও োরাোরর ঵রব? Is it faster if I take Highland avenue? না। আর঑ খুর ঵রব। ঑ই রাস্তাে অরনও তবরল ট্রারফও আর঱া আরঙ। No, that way is longer. There are more stop lights on that street. আমার মরন ঵ে আপরন রিও। অরনও নযবাি। I think you're right. Thank you.

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Razib Ishika Razib Ishika Razib Ishika Razib Ishika Razib Ishika Razib

আচরওর োররঔ রও? What's today's date? ৫ম চু঱াই। It's July 5th. আপরন ঙু রিরে ওরব যারেন? When are you going on vacation? ররববার। তওরনডা যারে। I'm leaving on Sunday. We're going to Canada. ঴রেয?পরশু? এরো োরাোরর। Really? The day after tomorrow? That's very soon. ঵া​াঁ। চারন। Yeah I know. ওে রিন থাওরবন ঑ঔারন? How long are you going to stay there? ২ ঴িা঵র মে। About 2 weeks. ওরব রফররবন? When are you coming back? ১৭ই রফরব। I'm coming back on the 17th. আো। শুভ ভ্রমন। Alright. Have a nice trip.

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নাম: Tanbir


বাং঱া/ইংররচী রাচীব , উরন তও? Razib, who is that woman?

Razib উরন ঈর঳ওা ।  That's Ishika . Tanbir

উরন রও ওররন? What does she do for work?

Razib উরন উরও঱। She's a lawyer. Tanbir উরন রও আরমররওান?  Is she American? Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir

না। রওন্তু ইংরররচ পররস্কার বর঱ন। No, but she speaks English fluently. উরন ঔুব ঱ম্বা। েুরম রও ঑নারও চারনা? She's really tall. Do you know her? ঵া​াঁ। আমরা বন্ধ্ু। Yes, I know her. We're friends. তয ভদ্রর঱াও ঑াঁর পারল িারররে, উরন তও? Who's that man standing next to her?

Razib তওান ত঱াও?  Which man? Tanbir

঑াঁর বা রিরও তবরি ত঱াওরি। উনার নাম রও? That short guy on her right. What's his name?

Razib ঑রো তমাোর঱ব। Oh, that's Muttalib. Tanbir

উরন ঔুব ঴ু পুরু঳। He's really good looking.

Razib রিও। Yeah. Tanbir Razib Tanbir

েুরম ো​াঁরও তঘন? Do you know him? না, রওন্তু আমার মরন ঵ে তয আমার তবান ো​াঁরও তঘরন। I don't know him, but I think my sister does. উরন রববার঵ে? Is he married?

Razib ঵া​াঁ।  Yes, he's married. Tanbir

আমার মরন পররঙ। আমারির আ঱াপ ঵রেরঙ.? I remember now. I met him before.

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নাম: Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir


বাং঱া/ইংররচী োনবীর , ইংরররচ ব঱রে পার? Tanbir, do you know how to speak English? ঵া​াঁ। Yes. তওাথাে রলঔর঱? Where did you learn? ওর঱রচ। I learned in college. েুরম ঔুব ভা঱ ব঱রে পার। You speak really well. নযবাি। Thank you. যু িরারে ওে রিন আঙ? How long have you been in the U.S.? ৩ ঴িা঵। 3 weeks. তোমার স্ত্রী তোমার ঴রে আরঙন? Is your wife with you? ঵া​াঁ। উরন কেওা঱ই এর঱ন। Yes, she just got here yesterday. এর আরক ওযার঱ফফরনে​ো তকঙ? Have you been to California before? না। ওঔনই না। No. I've never been there. ঱া঴ তবকা঴ ওঔন঑ তকঙ ? Have you ever been to Las Vegas? ঵া​াঁ। অরফর঴র ওারচ এওবার রকরেরঙ। Yes. I went there once on a business trip.

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নাম: Tanbir Ishika Tanbir Ishika

বাং঱া/ইংররচী ঈর঳ওা , আরম বাচারর যারে. েুরম আমার ঴রে আ঴রে ঘা঑? Ishika, I'm going to the supermarket. Do you want to come with me? আমার মরন ঵ে বাচার এঔন বন্ধ্। I think the supermarket is closed now. োই? ওঔন বন্ধ্ ঵ে? Oh, When does it close? ররববারর ৭িাে। It closes at 7:00 on Sundays.

Tanbir ঑!  That's too bad. Ishika Tanbir

রঘ্তরা ওর না। ওা঱ ঴ওার঱ তযরে পারর। ৮িাে তঔার঱। Don't worry, we can go tomorrow morning. It opens at 8:00. রিও আরঙ। এঔন রও ওররে ঘা঑? Alright. What do you want to do now? আ খন্টা ঵ারি। আমার তবান ৮.৩০ িাে আ঴রব আর েঔন আমরা ঴ওর঱ তঔরে তযরে পারর।

Ishika Let’s take a walk for a half an hour. My sister will get here at about 8:30PM Then we can all go out to dinner. Tanbir Ishika Tanbir Ishika Tanbir

উরন তওাথাে থারওন? Where does she live? ঴ান্ োনর঴রস্কারে। She lives in San Francisco. উরন ওে রিন আরঙন ঑ঔারন? How long has she lived there? ১০ বঙর আমার মরন ঵ে। I think she's lived there for about 10 years. ত঴ তো অরনও রিন। এর আরক তওাথাে থাওরেন? That's a long time. Where did she live before that?

Ishika ঴ান্ রডরেরকা।  San Diego. facebook /gmail/skype: -


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বাং঱া/ইংররচী োনবীর , তোমার তঙর঱রপর঱ আরঙ?

Tanbir, do you have any children?

Tanbir ঵া​াঁ।  Yes. Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir

ওিা তঙর঱রমরে ?

How many children do you have? িু রিা। এওিা তঙর঱ আর এওিা তমরে।

I have two kids. A boy and a girl. ঑রির নাম রও?

What are their names? তচও আর তেফারন।

Jack and Stefany . ঑রির বে঴ ওে?

How old are they? তেফারন ১৮ আর তচও ২৪।

Stefany is 18 and Jack is 24. ঑রা রও স্কুর঱?

Are they in school? তেফারন ঑োরলংিরন ওর঱রচ পরর আর তচও ফ্লররডারে ওাচ ওরর।

Stefany is. She goes to college in Washington and Jack works in Florida. তেফারন রও পরর?

What does Stefany study? ইংরররচ।

She studies English. ঑ রও এঔন এঔারন?

Is she here now? না, ঑ এঔন স্কুর঱।

No, she's at school.

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নাম: Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir

বাং঱া/ইংররচী োনবীর , েুরম ইংরররচ পররে ভা঱বা঴? Tanbir, do you like studying English? আমার ইংরররচ পররে ভা঱঱ারক, আর আরম পররে঑ ভা঱ পারর, রওন্তু ব঱রে মুরস্ক঱ ঵রে যাে। I like studying English, and I can read well, but speaking can be difficult. না, না, অে ঔারাপ নে। যরি প্ররেযও রিন তোমার আরমররওান বন্ধ্ুরির ঴রে ওথা ব঱ ো঵র঱ োরাোরর রলরঔ যারব। It's not that bad. If you talk to your American friends every day, you'll learn quickly. এওিা প্রশ্ন ওররে পারর? Can I ask you a question? ঵া​াঁ, রনশ্চেই, রও চানরে ঘা঑? Sure, what do you want to know? আমার স্কুর঱র বইিা এঔারন আরঙ। এই লব্দিা রও ওরর ব঱? I have my book from class here. How do you say this word?

Razib ঱াপিপ।  Laptop Tanbir Razib Tanbir

বুছরে পার঱াম না। ঑িার মারন রও? Sorry, I don't understand. What does that mean? ঱াপিপ এওরওম ওরিউিার তযিা ঴রে রনো তখারা যাে। এবার বুছর঱? A laptop is a type of computer that you can carry with you. Do you understand? ঵া​াঁ, মরন ঵ে। আর এওবার ব঱রব? Yes, I think so. Can you say it again?

Razib ঱াপিপ। Laptop. Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib

঱াপিপ। রিও উচ্চারে ওরররঙ? Laptop. Did I pronounce that correctly? ঵া​াঁ, রিও। ঔুব ভা঱। Yes, that's right. That's very good. নযবাি। আর এই লব্দ? এিা রও ভারব উচ্চারে ওর? Thanks. And this word? How do you pronounce this? ঑ই লব্দিার উচ্চারে ঵঱ রওরঘন। That word is pronounced kitchen. অরনও নযবাি। েুরম ঔুব ভা঱ মাোর। Thanks so much. You're a good teacher. নযবাি।  Thanks.

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নাম: Tanbir Ishika Tanbir Ishika Tanbir Ishika Tanbir Ishika Tanbir Ishika Tanbir Ishika Tanbir Ishika Tanbir

বাং঱া/ইংররচী এইরয, তওমন ঘ঱রঙ? Hey, How's it going? ভা঱ নে। আমার িাওা-পে঴ার থর঱িা ঵ারররেরঙ। Not good. I lost my wallet. ঑িা রও ঘুরর ঵রেরঙ? Oh, that's too bad. Was it stolen? না, তিরিরে যঔন রঙ঱াম, আমার মরন ঵ে েঔন পরওি তথরও পরর তকরঙ। No, I think it came out of my pocket when I was in the taxi. রওঙু ওররে পারর? Is there anything I can do? এওিু পে঴া ার রিরে পার? Can you borrow some money? রনস্ঘেই। ওে ঱াকরব? Sure, how much do you need? ৫০ ড঱াররর মে। About 50 dollars. এিা তওারনা ঴ম঴যাই নে। That's no problem. নযবাি। শুক্রবার তফরে তিব। Thanks. I'll pay you back on Friday. ত঴িা ঔুব ভা঱। এই তয। That'll be fine. Here you are. এবার রও ওররব? What are you going to do now? আমার রওঙু বই রওনরে ঵রব োরপর কা঴ তেলরন যাব। I'm going to buy some books and then I'm going to the gas station. আরম তোমার ঴রে তযরে পারর যরি েুরম এও রমরনি অরপো ওর। If you wait a minute I can go with you. রিও আরঙ। আরম অরপো ওরব। OK. I'll wait for you.

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Tanbir ত঵র঱া?  Hello? Ishika Tanbir

঑ঔারন রাচীব আরঙ রও? Hi, is Razib there please? ঵া​াঁ। তও ব঱রঙন? Yes. Who's calling?

Ishika ঈর঳ওা । Ishika Tanbir


এওিু অরপো ওরুন। One moment please.

Ishika আো। OK. Tanbir ত঵র঱া?  Hello? Ishika Tanbir Razib Tanbir

োনবীর , আরম রাচীব । Hi Tanbir , it's Razib


তওমন আঙ রাচীব ? Hi razib


এঔন রও ওরঙ? What are you doing now? আরম ওাচ ওররঙ। I'm working.

Razib েুরম বযাস্ত?  Are you busy? Tanbir Razib

঵া​াঁ। আচ ঴ারারিনই ঔুব বযাস্ত। Yes. It's been really busy here all day. ওিার ঴মে ওাচ তল঳ ঵রব? What time do you get off of work?

Tanbir ৮.৩০িাে।  8:30PM Razib Tanbir

ো঵র঱ আরম ৮.৩০িার পর তফান ওরব। I'll call you back after 8:30PM রিও আরঙ। পরর ওথা ঵রব। OK. Talk to you later.

Razib বাই, বাই।  Bye bye. facebook /gmail/skype: -


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নাম: Ishika Razib Ishika Razib Ishika Razib Ishika Razib

বাং঱া/ইংররচী কে ও রিন রও ওররঙর঱, রাচীব ? Razib, what have you been up to lately? কে ঴িার঵ আমার পররবাররর ঴রে ভ্রমরন রকরেরঙ঱াম। I went on a trip with my family last week. ঴রেয?তওাথাে? Really? Where did you go? ইউররারপ রকরেরঙ঱াম। I went to Europe. তওান তওান ল঵রর রকরেরঙর঱? What cities did you go to? ঱ন্ডন, পারর঴, আর ওরেওিা তঙাি তঙাি ল঵রর। London, Paris and a few other smaller cities. বারর঱রন রকরেরঙর঱? Did you go to Berlin? না। ঑ঔারন যাইরন। পরররবার যা঑োর ইো আরঙ। No, We didn't go there. I'd like to go there next time. গ্রীষ্মওার঱ বারর঱রন যা঑ো উরঘত্। ঑িা এওিা ঔুব ঴ু ন্দর চােকা আর ঑ঔানওার ত঱ারওরা ঔুব ভা঱।

Ishika I think the summer is a good time to visit Berlin. It's a beautiful place And the people there are very nice. Razib

আরম োই শুরনরঙ। That's what I've heard. আরম ঑ঔারন কে বঙর রকরেরঙ঱াম. েুরম যরি ঘা঑ ঑ই ল঵ররর রব঳ে ঔবর রিরে পারর।

Ishika I went there last year. If you want, I can give you some information About the city. Razib

নযবাি। Thanks.

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নাম: Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi Tanbir

বাং঱া/ইংররচী র঱রথ , আচ রও ওরর঱? Lithi, what did you do today? বাচারর তক঱াম। I went shopping. রওঙু রওনর঱? Did you buy anything? ঵া​াঁ। এওিু-আ িু। Yes, I bought a few things. রও রওনর঱? What did you buy? এই তওাি​িা।. ভা঱ ঱াকরঙ? I bought this coat. Do you like it? ঵া​াঁ। ঔুবই। ঔুব ঴ু ন্দর। তওাথাে রওনর঱? Yeah, I like it a lot. It's very pretty. Where did you buy it? ৫ম রাস্তার মর঱। At the mall on 5th street. ঑িা রও ঔুব িামী? Was it expensive? না। িামী রঙ঱না। ত঴র঱ ২০ ড঱াররর রঙ঱। No, it wasn't expensive. It was on sale for 20 dollars. ত঴ তো ঴স্তা। That's cheap. আরম চারন। ভা঱ তপ঱াম। I know. It was a really good deal. আমার মরন ঵েনা রওঙু রিন পররে পাররব। কে ও রিন তবল করম রঙ঱। I don't think you'll need to wear it for a while. It's been really hot lately.

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Tonny Razib Tonny Razib Tonny Razib Tonny Razib Tonny Razib Tonny Razib

বাং঱া/ইংররচী রাচীব , তোমার রও ররের ঴েীে শুনরে ভা঱ ঱ারক?

Razib, what kind of music do you like to listen to? ঴ব রওম, রওন্তু তবরলরভাক পি্, রক্, আর িার঴ওা঱। তওন?

All kinds, but mostly Pop, rock and classical. Why? আমার ওারঙ এওিা ফাংলরনর রিরওি আরঙ। আমার ঴রে তযরে ঘা঑ ?

I have tickets to a show. Do you want to go with me? ঑ঔারন রও ররের ঴েীে ঵রব।

What kind of music is it? পপ, মারাইো ওারর।

Pop. It's Mariah Carey. ওঔন?

When is it? ওা঱, রাে ৮িাে।

At 8PM tomorrow night. ঵া​াঁ। যাব। োর আরক রও তঔরে তন঑ো উরঘত্?

Yeah, I'd like to go. Do you think we should have dinner first? ঵া​াঁ। ঑িা ভা঱ ওথা।

Yes, that's a good idea. আমার বাররর উ঱িা রিরও, রাস্তার ঑পাররর তররস্তারারে ঘ঱ ঔাই।

Let's eat at the restaurant across the street from my apartment. ঑, আমার মরন ঵ে আরম চারন তওান চােকািার রব঳ে ব঱ঙ। কে মা঴ ঑ঔারন তঔরেরঙ঱াম , োই না?

Oh, I think I know the place you mean. We ate there last month, right? ঵া​াঁ, রিও। তোমার িৃ রেলরি ঔুব ভা঱।

Yes, that's right. You have a good memory.

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নাম: Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi

বাং঱া/ইংররচী র঱রথ , আমার ঴রে পািাকার - ঱াইরেরী - যারব? Lithi, would you like to go to the library with me? রিও আরঙ। এওিা ঔবররর ওাকচ রও আরক রওনরে পারর? OK. Do you think we can go buy a newspaper first? রনস্ঘেই। প্রথরম আমরা ঔবররর ওাকচ রওনব আর োরপরর ঱াইরেরী যাব। Sure. First we'll buy a newspaper and then we'll go to the library. আমরা ঵ািব না কারর ওরর যাব? Are we going to walk or drive? আচরওর আব঵া঑ো ঔুব ভা঱। ঵ািা যাও। The weather is really nice today. Let's walk. যরি঑ আব঵া঑ো এঔন ভা঱ আমার মরন ঵ে িু পুরর বৃ রি ঵রব। The weather is good now, but I think it's supposed to rain this afternoon. রিও আরঙ, ো঵র঱ এওিা ঙাো রনরে যা঑ো যাও। তোমার ভাই রও আমারির ঴রে আ঴রঙ? Alright, then let's take an umbrella. Is your brother coming with us? না, ঑ এঔন঑ খুমারে। No, he's still sleeping. ঑রর বাপরর! ১০িা তবরচ তকরঙ এঔন। অরনও রাে তচরকরঙ঱ রনশ্চে কেওা঱। Wow, it's already 10:00AM. He must have been up late last night. ঵া​াঁ, রাে ১২িার ঴মে বারর এর঴রঙ঱। Yeah, he didn't come home until 12:00AM. আলাওরর, ঑ পরর আ঴রে পাররব। I hope he can come later. আরম঑ োই আলাওরর। ঑ঔারন তপৌরঙো ঑রও তফান ওরব। I hope so too. I'll give him a call when we get there. এঔান তথরও ঱াইরেরী ওর ওরর যাব? How do we get to the library from here? এই রাস্তা রর ত঴াচা ঴ামরন, চািু খররর পারল। ১০ রমরনি ঱ারক। It's straight down this road on the left, next to the museum. It takes about 10 minutes.

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নাম: Razib Tonny Razib Tonny Razib Tonny Razib Tonny Razib Tonny Razib Tonny Razib Tonny

বাং঱া/ইংররচী এই তয েন্বী ! এই লরন-ররববার রও েুরম বারর যাে? Hi Tonny, are you going home this weekend? না, আ঴রঙ লরন-ররববার নে। আমার অরনও ওাচ তল঳ ওররে ঵রব। No, not this weekend. I have too much work to do. তোমার বাব-মা তওাথাে থারওন? Where do your parents live? বাবা ঑োর঴ংিন রড র঴ তে থারওন। My father lives in Washington DC. আর তোমার মা? How about your mother? মা িু বঙর আরক মারা তকরঙন। My mother died two years ago. ঑ুঃ, এ ঔবর শুরন আরম ঔুব িু ুঃরঔে। তোমার বাবা রও এঔন঑ ওাচ ওররঙন? Oh, I am sorry to hear that. Is your father still working? না, উরন ঘারক্র তথরও অব঴র গ্র঵ে ওরররঙন। No, he's retired. এঔারন তোমার তওউ আরঙ? Do you have any family here? ঵া​াঁ, আমার িু ই ঔুরেুরো ভাই এঔারন আরঙ আর এঔান তথরও ৩০ মাই঱ িূ রর আমার ওাওা-ওাওীমা থারওন। Yes, two of my cousins live here and my aunt and uncle live about 30 miles from here. তোমার রনরচর ভাই-তবান আরঙ? Do you have any brothers or sisters? ঵া​াঁ, আমার িু ই ভাই আরঙ, ঑রা রনউ ঑োরওে থারও আর এওরি তবান আরঙ, ঑ বেরন থারও। Yes, I have two brothers who live in New York and a sister who lives in Boston. তোমার রও ঑রির ঴রে মারছ-মারছ তিঔা ঵ে? Do you see them a lot? তযমন ঘাই তেমন নে। থযািরকরবং আর বররিরনর ঙু রিরে ঴া ারে​েুঃ তিঔা ঵ে। Not as much as I'd like to. Usually just on holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas.

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নাম: Razib Tonny

বাং঱া/ইংররচী আমার ঘলমা ঔুরচ পারেনা , োই রওঙু তিঔরে পারেনা । আমারও রওঙু ঔুরচ তিরব? I can't find my glasses and I can't see anything. Can you help me find A few things? রনশ্চেই। আপরন রও ঔুচরঙন? No problem. What are you looking for?

Razib আমার ত঱পিপিা। তিঔরে পাে?  My laptop, do you see it? Tonny

঵া​াঁ, আপনার ত঱পিপিা তঘোররর উপরর আরঙ। Yes, your laptop is on the chair.

Razib আমার বইিা তওাথাে?  Where's my book? Tonny তওানিা?  Which one? Razib আমার অরভ ানিা।  The dictionary. Tonny ঑িা তিরবর঱র রনরঘ ররেরঙ।  It's under the table. Razib আমার তপনর঴঱িা তওাথাে?  Where's my pencil? Tonny প্রিীপিার ঴ামরন এওিা তপনর঴঱ আরঙ। There's a pencil in front of the lamp. Razib Tonny Razib Tonny

঑িা তপনর঴঱ নে। ঑িা ও঱ম। That's not a pencil. That's a pen. আমার ভু঱ ঵রেরঙ। তপো঱ািার রপঙরন এওিা তপনর঴঱ ররেরঙ। Oh, sorry. There is a pencil behind the cup. আো। আমার থর঱িা তওাথাে? েুরম রও চারনা ঑িা তওাথাে? How about my backpack? Do you know where that is? ঑িা ঔাি আর তিোর঱র মর য আরঙ। It's in between the wall and the bed.

Razib আমার চুো তওাথাে?  Where are my shoes? Tonny Razib Tonny Razib Tonny

রি রভর বা​াঁ রিরও ঑গুর঱া আরঙ। They're on the Left side of the TV. আরম তো ঑গুর঱ারও তিঔরে পারেনা। I don't see them. িু ুঃরঔে, আমার ভু঱ ঵রেরঙ। ঑গুর঱া রি রভর ডান রিরও। Sorry, I made a mistake. They're on the right side of the TV. নযবাি। Thanks. আর এইরয আপনার ঘলমা। এগুর঱া আপনার ত঴঱ তফারনর পারল রঙ঱। Oh, and here are your glasses. They were next to your cell phone.

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নাম: Razib Waitress Razib Waitress Razib Waitress Razib Waitress Razib Waitress Razib Waitress Razib Waitress

http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks বাং঱া/ইংররচী

তঘওিা যরি িো ওরর রিন। Excuse me. Check Please. ঵া​াঁ, ঴ব তওমন রঙ঱? OK, how was everything? ঔুব ভা঱। নযবাি। Very nice. Thank you. এিা রও পযাও ওরর তিব? Would you like this to-go? ঵া​াঁ, এওিা প্লারেও তবরক রিরে পাররবন? Yes, can you put it in a Plastic bag? রনশ্চেই, তওারনা অ঴ু রব া ঵রবনা। আপনার ২৫ ড঱ার ঵঱। Sure, no problem. Here you are. That'll be 25 dollars. আপনারা রও তক্ররডি ওাডে তনন? Do you take credit cards? ঵া​াঁ, রব঴া আর মাোর ওাডে রন। Yes, we accept Visa and MasterCard. রিও আরঙ, এই তয। OK, here you are. নযবাি। এখনই কিরর আসব। Thanks. I'll be right back. রিও আরঙ। OK. এই তয আপনার রর঴ি। Here's your receipt. নযবাি। Thank you. স্বাকেম , আবার আ঴রবন। You're welcome. Please come again.

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T.C(Ticket অনু গ্র঵ ওরর পররর চন, স্বাকেম ! রওভারব আরম আপনারও ঴঵াে​ো ওররে পারর? clerk)

Lithi T.C Lithi T.C Lithi T.C Lithi

Next please. Hel o. How can I help you? আরম রনউইেরওের এওরি রিরওি রওনরে ঘাই। I'd like to buy a ticket to New York. আপরন রও এওমুঔী না রিমুঔী যাো ওররবন? Would you like one way or round trip? রিমুঔী  Round trip. আপরন ওঔন র঑না ঵রবন? When will you be leaving? পররর রবমান ওঔন ঙাররব? When does the next plane leave? িু খন্টার মর যই।  In about 2 hours. আমারও ঐ ফ্লাইরির এওরি রিরওি যরি তিন। I'd like a ticket for that flight please.


প্রররথম তে​েী না তওাঘ?  First class or coach?


তওাঘ।  Coach.

T.C Lithi T.C Lithi T.C Lithi T.C

রিও আরঙ, রিরওি আরঙ রওনা আরম তিঔরঙ। িু ুঃরঔে, ঐ ফ্লাইরির ঴ব রিরওি রবরক্র ঵রে তকরঙ। OK, let me check availability. I'm sorry. Tickets for that flight are sold out. পররর ফ্লাইরির ঔবর রও? How about the one after that? আরম তিঔরঙ। ঵যা​াঁ এওরিরে র঴ি পা঑ো যারব। আরম রও আপনার চনয এওিা র঴ি ররচাভে ওররবা ? Let me see. Yes, still one seat will available. Would you like me to reserve a seat for you? ঵যা, ওরুন।  Yes, please. োর িাম পররব ১২০ ড঱ার। That'll be 120 dollars. আো, রিও আরঙ।  OK. নযবাি, এই ঵রে আপনার বারও িাওা। Thank you, here's your

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নাম: Tanbir Razib

বাং঱া/ইংররচী রাচীব, আমারও ঴া঵াযয ওররে পার রচরন঴ গুঙারে, আমারির যা঑োর আরক? Razib , Can you help me clean things up before we go? অবলযই, এই ওাপরি তওাথাে রাঔব? Sure. Where should I put this cup?

Tanbir তওান ওাপরি?  Which cup? Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib

঱া঱রি  The red one. তিরবর঱র উপরর রাঔ। Put it on top of the table. এ ফ঱গুর঱া রও ঵রব? How about this fruit? ঑ুঃ, ঑গুর঱া রেরচ রাঔরে ঵রব। Oh, that goes in the refrigerator. আর ঑ই তপনর঴঱গুর঱া? ঑গুর঱া রও ওরব? And those pencils? What should I do with them? ঑গুর঱া উপরর রনরে রকরে তলাবারখরর রাঔ। Bring those upstairs and put them in the bedroom. এ ও঱মরি?  How about this pen? ঑রি আমারও িা঑। ঑রি আমার ওারচ ঱াকরব। Give it to me. I need to use it. ঑ঔানওার ওাকচগুর঱া রিরে আমারও রও ওররে ব঱ঙ? What do you want me to do with that paper over there? ঑গুর঱া তফর঱ রিরে পার। আমার আর ঑গুর঱ার প্ররোচন তনই। You can throw that away. I don't need it anymore. ট্রালিা ভরে​ে  The trash is full. রিও আরঙ।এওরি বযারক ভরে​ে ওরর বাইরর রনরে যরি যা঑ ভা঱ ঵ে। Alright, then please put it in a bag and take it Outside. আো, এঔন রও ওররে ঵রব?  OK. Now what? মরন ঵ে ঴ব তল঳ ওরর তফর঱রঙ। েুরম রও অনু গ্র঵ ওরর ঱াইি রনরভরে িরচািা বন্ধ্ ওরর রিরে পাররব? I think we're finished. Can you please turn off the lights and shut the door? অবলযই।  Sure.

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Ishika Tanbir Ishika


মরন ঵রে এরি এওরি ঘমত্ওার তরেুররন্ট। This looks like a nice restaurant. ঵যা​াঁ, োই। আরম ঴ব঴মে এঔারনই আর঴। Yeah, it is. I come her

All the time.

ঘ঱ু ন ঑ঔারন রকরে বর঴। Let's sit over there.

Tanbir ঵যা​াঁ, ঘ঱।  OK. Ishika Tanbir Ishika Tanbir Ishika Tanbir Ishika Tanbir Ishika Tanbir Ishika Tanbir

আমরও তমনু রি রিরে পাররন? Can you pass me a menu please? অবলযই। রও রিঙ্ক তনরব? Sure. What are you going to have to drink? আরম এও গ্লা঴ রবোর তনব। আপরন রও তনরবন? I'm going to have a glass of beer. How about you? এও তক঱া঴ ঑োইন তনব ভাবরঙ। I think I'll have a glass of wine. আপরন রও প্রথরম তওান এরপিাইচার অডোর তিরবন? Do you want to order an Appetizer first? না, না। েরব রুরির অডোর তি঑ো তযরে পারর। Not really, maybe we can just order some bread. রিও আরঙ। আপরন রও ঔারবন? OK. What are you going to have to eat? আরম রিও চারন না, এঔরনা রিও ওরররন। েুরম ব঱রে পার রও অরডার তিব? I'm not sure. I haven't decided yet. Can you recommend something? অবলযই। আরম এরির তেও ঑ রঘংরর আরক঑ তঔরেরঙ। িু রিাই তঔরে ঔুব ভা঱। Sure, I've had the steak and the lobster before. They're both very good. আমার মরন ঵ে আরম রঘংরর অরডার তিব। েুরম রও তনরব? I think I'll have the lobster. What are you going to have? আমার তেমন েু া পােরন। আরম শু ু এওিা ঴া঱াড ঔাব। I'm not that hungry. I think I'm just going to have a salad. আরম বাথরুরম যাব। । যঔন ঑রেরট্র঴ রফরর আ঴রবন, েুরম রও আমার অডোরিা঑ তিরব? I'm going to go to the bathroom. When the waitress comes back, will you order for me?

Ishika অবলযই, তওান ঴ম঴যা তনই।  Sure. No problem. facebook /gmail/skype: -


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নাম: Razib Tonny Razib Tonny Razib Tonny

বাং঱া/ইংররচী এই তয েন্বী , আর঴া। Hi Tonny , come in. আপনার এপািেরমরন্টর যা ঵া঱! Wow, your apartment is a mess. আরম চারন। তোমার আ঴ার আরক আরম রচরন঴ পে ঴রারে পারররন। I know, I didn't have time to put things away before you got here. তওারঘ ওাপর তঘাপর আরঙ, ত঴ ঴ব রও আপনার? Look! Are those all your clothes on the couch? ঵যা​াঁ Yes. ত঴গুর঱া রও ত াো? Are they clean? আ঴র঱ তবরলর ভাকই মে঱া। এর মর য ঱ন্ঢীরে ু রে উিরে পরররন। আরম যঔন বারর যাই েঔনই তবলীভোক


঴মে ু ই। Actually most of them are dirty. I haven't done laundry in a while. I usually wait until I can do it at my parent's house.

Tonny Razib Tonny

আমার তবান ঑ আরম রাস্তার ঱ন্ঢীরে যাই। আপরন তওন ঑ঔারন যাননা? My sister and I usually go to The Laundromat down the street. Why don't you go there? চারন আমার যা঑ো উরঘে, েরব ঐ চােকািা ঴ু রব াচনও নে। অরনওে​ে অরপো ওররে ঵ে। I know I should, but that place isn't very convenient. You have to wait for a long time. আরম চারন। আমারও প্ররে ঴িার঵ ওররে ঵ে। যা ত঵াও, আপরন রও যাবার চনয প্রস্তুে? Yes I know. I have to do it every week. Anyway, are you ready to go? না, আরম এঔন঑ প্রস্তুে নই, আমারও এঔন঑ িা​াঁে মাচরে ঵রব, মুঔ ু রে ঵রব। ওরেও রমরনি অরপো ওররে


পার? No I'm not ready yet. I still have to brush my teeth and wash my face. Can you wait for a few minutes?


আো, রিও আরঙ। েরব োরাোরর ওরুন। আমার মরন ঵ে তরিুররন্ট ঔুব োরাোরর বন্ধ্ ঵রে যারব। OK, but please hurry. I think the restaurant is closing soon.

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নাম: Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib

বাং঱া/ইংররচী রাচীব , ঴বরঘরে ওারঙর এ রি এম তওাথাে আরঙ চান রও? Razib, where's the closest ATM? ঔুব িূ রর নে। ঐ তয ঑ঔারন ঵঱ু ি িা঱ানরি তিঔরে পারেন? It's not so far. Do you see that Yellow building over there? বর না তঙাি​িা? The big one or the small one? বরিা  The big one.

Tanbir আো।  Yes. Razib Tanbir

঑াঁর রিও পারল, ডানরিরও। It's right next to it, on the right. এঔারন, ওাঙাওারঙ, তওান ওনরভরনরেন্ট তিার আরঙ রও? Do you know if there's a convenience store around here? আমার মরন ঵ে না। ঴বরঘরে ওারঙররি ৩ে রাস্তাে েরব ঴ম্ভবে: ত঴রি এঔন বন্ধ্।


I don't think there's one around here. The closest one is on 3rd street, but that probably closed now.


এঔান তথরও যাবার আরক আমার রওঙু রওনরে ঵রব। I really need to get some things before I leave. ো঵র঱ আপনারও ২২ নং ঴ররও তযরে ঵রব। ত঴ঔারন তবল রওঙু তিাওান পারবন যারা রাে -রিন তঔা঱া থারও।


Well, you could go down to

2nd street. There are a lot of stores down there that are open 24

hours a day. Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib

আরম রও ত঴ঔারন ঴াব঑রেরে তযরে পারব? Can I take the subway to get there? পাররবন, েরব ঴ম্ভবে: োরে আ খন্টা ঱াকরব। আপরন বরং এওরি তিরি রনরে পাররন। Yes, but

that’ll probably take about half an hour. You should just take a cab.

োরে রও অেযার ও ভারা ঵রব না? Won't that be expensive? না, এঔান তথরও আমার মরন ঵ে ৫ ড঱ার ঱াকরব। No, from here I think it's only about 5 dollars.

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নাম: Razib Professor Razib Professor Razib Professor Razib Professor Razib

বাং঱া/ইংররচী প্ররফ঴র, ব঱রে পাররন, ওানাডা তওাথাে? Professor, where's Canada? ওানাডা এঔারনর উিরর। Canada is north of here. আপরন রও আমারও মযারপ তিঔারে পাররন? Can you show me on the map? অবলযই, তিঔুন না। ওানাডা ঵রে যু িরারের উির রিরও। Sure. Look here. Canada is north of the United States. ঑঵, আো, আর তমরিরওা তওাথাে? Oh, I see. Where's Mexico? তমরিরওা ঵রে যু িরারের িরেরে। Mexico is south of the United States. ওারনওরিওাি ঴িরওে ব঱ু ন, ওারনওরিওাি তওাথাে? How about Connecticut? Where's that? ওারনওরিওাি ঵রে রনউইেরওের পূ রবে। Connecticut is east of New York. তপনর঴঱রভরনোর পশ্চীরম তওান তেি? What state is west of Pennsylvania?

Professor ঑঵াই঑  Ohio. Razib Professor Razib Professor Razib Professor

আর ঱঴ এরে঱঴? OK, Where's Los Angeles? ঱঴ এরে঱স্ ওযার঱রফারনে​োে, ঴ানোরি঴রওার অরিরওারে। Los Angeles is in California. It's southeast of San Francisco. তবােন তওাথাে?  Where's Boston. তবােন তিরলর ঈলাে তওারের প্রার্তর। Boston is in the northeast part of the country. ঱া঴ তভকা঴ তওাথাে?  Where is Las Vegas? ঱া঴ তভকা঴ তেঋে তওারে। Las Vegas is in the southwest.

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নাম: Razib Ishika Razib Ishika Razib

বাং঱া/ইংররচী এই তয ঈর঳ওা , আপরন রও এঔন ঴ওার঱র নাস্তা ওরররঙন? Hi Ishika, did you have breakfast yet? ঵যা​াঁ, ত঵ারির঱ আমার পুে ঑ স্বামীর ঴ারথ এওরে তঔরেরঙ। Yes, I ate at the hotel with my son and my husband. ঑ুঃ, ত঴ঔারন ভা঱ ঔাবার পা঑ো যাে। আপরন রও তথর঱ন? Oh, they have good food there. What did you have? রওঙু র঴ররো঱, রডরমর োই ঑ ওম঱ার র঴ তঔরেরঙ। I had some cereal, fried eggs and orange juice. তওমন ঱াক঱?  How was it? ঔাবাররি তেমন স্বাি ঱ারকরন, োঙারা আমার লরীর এঔন ঔুব ভা঱ যারে না।


The food didn't taste very good, and actually I don't feel very well now.


ো ঔুবই ভারাপ। আপরন রও ঴ামানয ঴মরের চনয রবোম রনরে ঘান? That's too bad. Do you want to take a break? না, োর তঘরে ম যাহ্ন রবররের ঴মে ত঵ারির঱ রফরর রকরে আরম শুরে পরব।


No, I'm going to go back to the hotel at lunch time to lie down. আো। োরনও বারি আরম ঑঳ু র র তিাওারন যাব। ত঴ঔারন রওঙু তপর঱ আরম


আপনার চনয রনরে আ঴ব রও? OK. I'm going to the drug store later. Is there anything I can get for you? না, না, রিও আরঙ। এওিু রবোম রনর঱ আমার মরন ঵ে আরম ভা঱ তবা


ওরব। No, that's OK. I Think if I rest for a little while I'll feel better.

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নাম: Razib Ishika Razib Ishika Razib Ishika

বাং঱া/ইংররচী ঈর঳ওা, আচ রারে আপরন রও ওররে ঘান? Ishika what do you want to do tonight? আরম র঴রনমা তিঔরে ঘাই। I'd Like to go see a movie. শুন঱াম মুরভ রথরেিারর িাইিারনও ঘ঱রঙ। I heard Titanic is playing at the movie theater. শুরনরঙ ঑িা নারও ঔুবই ভা঱ ঙরব। ঑িা ওঔন শুরু ঵ে? Oh, I've heard that's a good movie. What time does it start? ঴রন্ধ্য ঴ারর ঙ’িাে। ঑রি তবল িীখে ঙরব। আমার মরন ঵ে ঙরবরি প্রাে ৩ খন্টা রর ঘর঱। 6:30PM. It's a long movie. I think it lasts for about 3 hours. আপরন এর঴ আমারও রনরে যারবন? Will you come and pick me up?

Razib ওিার ঴মে?  What time? Ishika Razib Ishika

মরন ঵ে আমারির আরকভারকই তপৌঁঙারে ঵রব। ৫.০০ িার ঴মে রও আপনার পরে রিও আরঙ? I think we should get there early because they might be sold out. Is 5:00PM OK? োই ভা঱ ঵রব। আরম রবরও঱ ৫.০০ িাে আপনার বারররে যাব। Yes, that'll be fine. I'll meet you at your house at 5:00PM. ঙরব তিঔার আরক আপরন রও রওঙু তঔরে রনরে ঘান? Do you want to get something to eat before the movie? আরম রনরশ্চে নই তয, োর চনয যরথি ঴মে থাওরব। েরব আপরন ঘাইর঱ রথরেিারর আমরা পপ ওনে ঑ ঵িডক তঔরে রনরে


পারর। I'm not sure there will be enough time for that. We can have popcorn and hot dogs at the theater if you want.


ত঴ঔানওার পপ ওনে আরম পঙন্দ ওররনা। আমার মরন ঵ে োরা োরে ঔুব তবরল ঱বে তমলাে। I don't like the popcorn they have there. I think they put too much salt on it. রিও আরঙ, ো঵র঱ আরম আপনারও রওঙু আরক েুর঱ তনব এবং রথরেিাররর পারলই থাই তরিুরররন্ট ঔাব, আো?

Razib OK then, I'll pick you up a little earlier and we can go to the Thai restaurant next to the theater, is that OK? Ishika ঵যা​াঁ, ঑িা আমার ঔুব ভা঱঱ারক।  Yes, I like that place.

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নাম: Tanbir Ishika Tanbir Ishika Tanbir

বাং঱া/ইংররচী ঔাবারিা তওমন ঵রেরঙ? How do you like the food? ঔুব ঴ু স্বািু । আপরন রও তরর ঙন? It tastes really great

Did you cook it?

঵যা​াঁ, আচ রবরওর঱ তেরী ওর঱াম। আর঑ এওিু তনরবন রও? Yes. I made it this afternoon. Would you like some more? ঵া​াঁ, যরি঑ ঔুব ঴ামানয রনরে পারব। আমার তপি ভরর তকরঙ। OK, just a little though. I'm really full. ঑঵, ো঵র঱ আপরন োর পররবরে​ে ঴ু প ঔারবন? Oh. Would you like some soup instead?

Ishika রওর঴র ঴ু প?  What kind is it? Tanbir Ishika Tanbir Ishika

িরমরিা ঑ ভারের। এিা​াঁ রও আরক ওঔন তঔরেরঙন? Tomato and rice. Have you had that before? না, এবারই প্রথম। তঔরে তওমন ঱ারক? No. This is my first time. How does it taste? তবল ভা঱, তঔরে তিঔুন। আপনার রও মরন ঵ে? It's good, try it. What do you think? ঑! ঔুব ভা঱। এিা঑ রও আপরন তেরী ওরররঙন? Wow. It is good. Did you make that also?

Tanbir ঵যা​াঁ।  Yes. Ishika Tanbir Ishika Tanbir

আপরন ভা঱ রা ু নী তো। You're a really good cook. নযবাি, পরররবার আমারির ঴বার চনয রঘরওন ঴ু প বানাব। Thanks, next time I'll make chicken soup for us. শুরন ভা঱ই ঱াক঱। আপরন রও স্কুর঱ রান্না রলরঔরঙর঱ন? That sounds good. Did you study cooking in school? না, আরম রনরচ রনরচ রলরঔরঙ। আমার ওারঙ রান্নার এওরি বই আরঙ, ঴মে তপর঱ই পরর। No, I learned by myself. I have a good cook book that I read when I have time.

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নাম: Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir

বাং঱া/ইংররচী রারচব , কারররে এইগুর঱া রনরে ঴া঵াযয ওররবন? Razib, will you help me take these things to the car? রিও আরঙ । তওান কারররে ঘান এগুর঱া রাঔরে? OK, which car do you want me to put them i ? আমার স্ত্রীর কারররে ঑গুর঱া আনু ন। Bring them to my wife's car. আপনার স্ত্রীর কাররিা তওানিা? Which one is hers'? ত঵ান্ডার ঴ামরন নী঱ ররগর এ঴ইউরডিা। The blue SUV in front of the Honda. তওানরি আরক তনব? What should I take first? ঑রিরওর ঐ তঘোররি, েরব ঴াব ারন তনরবন। এরি রওন্তু আমার লাশুররর তি঑ো উপ঵ার। That chair over there, but please be careful with it. It was a gift from my mother-in-law. রঘ্তরা ওররবন না, আরম এিা তফ঱বনা। ঑র঵, এরি তো তবল ভারী। আমার মরন ঵ে না এিা আরম এওা রনরে পারব। Don't worry, I won't drop it. Wow, it's really heavy. I don't think I can move it by myself. আমারও ঴া঵াযয ওররে রিন। আপনার রপরি আখাে ঱ারকনা তযন। Let me help you with that. I don't want you to hurt your back. এ঴ব আপরন তওাথাে রনরে যারেন? Where are you taking all this stuff? বর঱রন আপনারও? আমরা তফ্লাররডাে ঘর঱ যারে। Didn't I tell you? We're moving to Florida? আপনারা রও এঔনই যারেন? চানোম ঘর঱ যারবন, রওন্তু আরম তভরবরঙ঱াম আপনারা আকামী মার঴ যারেন?


You're moving now? I knew you were moving, but I thought you said you were moving next month. ঵যা​াঁ, ো রিও। েরব আমার স্ত্রী ইন্টাররনরি এওরি নেুন এপািেরমরন্টর তঔা​াঁচ তপরেরঙ োই ত঴ এঔনই তযরে ঘারে।

Tanbir Yes, that's true, but my wife found a new apartment on the Internet the other day and she wants to move right away.

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নাম: Razib Ishika

বাং঱া/ইংররচী ঈর঳ওা , আপনার স্বামীর কাররিা ঔুবই ঴ু ন্দর। Ishika ,

Your husband has a really nice car.

নযবাি। আমারিার তঘরে অরনও ভা঱, আর ঑িা নূ েন঑। Thanks. It's a lot better than mine, and it's new.

Razib আপরন তওাথাে যারেন?  Where are you going? Ishika Razib Ishika Razib Ishika Razib Ishika Razib Ishika Razib Ishika Razib

ল঵রর যারে, আমর তবারনর ঴রে তিঔা ওররে । We'r Going to visit my sister in the city. আপনার তবান ল঵রর থারও চানোম না। ত঴ ওরব ঑ঔারন তক঱? I didn't know your sister lives in the city, when did she move there? প্রাে বঙর ঔারনও ঵঱। ত঴ ৩ে ঴ররও এওিা এপািেরমরন্ট থারও, পাবর঱ও ঱াইরেরীর উরটা রিরও। About a year ago. She lives in an apartment on 3rd street, across from the public library. ঑ োই। এঔন প্রাে রবরও঱ ৫ িা ঵঱, এঔন অরনও ভীর ঵রব বর঱ রও আপনার মরন ঵ে না? I see. It's almost 5:00 PM now; don't you think there will be a lot of traffic? ঑! আমরা কারররে যারেনা, ঴াব঑রেরে যারে, মাে ২০ রমরনি ঱াকরব। Oh, we're not driving. We're going to take the subway. The subway only takes about 20 minutes. ো বুছ঱াম রওন্তু এঔন ঔুবই ভীর ঵রব। আমার ঴ব঴মে অস্বরস্ত ঱ারক ঴ব঑রেরে। Yes, but it can be very crowded around this time. I always feel uncomfortable taking the subway. প্ররেরিন ওারচ যা঑োর চনয আমারও ঴াব঑রে রনরে ঵ে, োই আমার ঴঵য ঵রে তকরঙ। I take the subway to work everyday, so I'm used to it now. আপনার মা ল঵রর থারওন, োই না? Doesn't your mother live in the city? ঵যা​াঁ, ত঴ প্রাে ১০ বঙর রর ঑ঔারন আরঙ। Yes, she's lived there for about ten years. আমার মরন পরর যঔন রেরন ঑ঔারন তকর঱ন। েঔন এপািেরমন্টগুর঱া তবল ঴স্তা রঙ঱। I remember when she moved there. Apartments were a lot cheaper then. ঵া​াঁ, রিও োই। আচওা঱ যু রিযু রির মর য রওঙু পা঑ো ওরিন। I know what you mean. It's hard to find anything that's reasonable now. মচা ওরুন রকরে। যঔন আপনার ঴মে ঵রব, আমারও এওিা তফান ওররবন, আমরা ো঴ তঔ঱রে যাব। Have a good time. Next time you're free, give me a call and we'll go play poker.

Ishika পরর তিঔা ঵রব।  See you later.

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নাম: Ishika Razib Ishika

বাং঱া/ইংররচী রাচীব , আপরন শুন঱াম ঴ান রিোরকা রকরেরঙর঱ন, রিও? Razib, I heard you took a trip to San Diego. Is that right? ঵যা​াঁ, আচ ঴ওার঱ রফর঱াম। Yeah, I just got back this morning. শুরন ভা঱ ঱াক঱। ত঴ঔারন রও ওরর঱ন? That sounds really nice. What did you do there? আমরা মাে ৩ রিরনর চনয রঙ঱াম, োই তেমন রওঙু ওরররন। বাচার-঵াি ওরররঙ এবং বার ওরেও রারেরে তরেুরররন্ট


রকরেরঙ। রারে অবলয ওরেওচন বন্ধ্ুর ঴ারথ ঵ািোম। Well, we were only there for three days, so we didn't do too much. We went shopping and went out to dinner a few times. At night we walked around the city with some friends.

Ishika আপরন রও তওান ঙরব েুর঱রঙন?  Did you take any pictures? Razib

঵যা​াঁ, আমার ঴ারথই আরঙ। আপরন রও তিঔরে ঘান? Yes, I have them with me. Do you want to look at them?

Ishika অবলযই, ঙরব তিঔরে আমার ভা঱ ঱ারক।  Sure, I love looking at photos. এ ঙরবরে বীরঘ আমার স্ত্রী ঑ আরম, আর এই ঙরবরে আমারির তমরে এরমর঱ আমার স্ত্রীর পারল িারররে আরঙ। Razib here are my wife and me on the beach, and this one is our daughter Emily standing next to my wife. Ishika Razib

আপনার তমরে োর মারের মে তিঔরে। Your daughter looks like her mother. চারন, ঑রির মর য ঴ািৃ লয আরঙ। I know, they look very similar.

Ishika এই ঙরবিা তওাথাে েুর঱রঙর঱ন?  Where was this picture taken? Razib Ishika Razib Ishika

঑িা আমারির ঘর঱ আ঴ার আরক তট্রন তেলরন তো঱া। That was taken at the train station before we left. রঘররোঔানাে তযরে ঴মে তপরেরঙর঱ন? Did you have time to go to the zoo? না, এবার ঵েরন। কেবার ঑ঔারন রকরেরঙ঱াম। No, not this time. We went there last time. মরন ঵রে আপনারির ঔুব ভা঱ তওরিরঙ঱। It looks like you all had a nice time.

Razib ঵যা​াঁ, তবল মচাই ঵রেরঙ঱।  Yeah, it was a lot of fun.

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নাম: Receptionist Razib Receptionist Razib Receptionist Razib Receptionist Razib Receptionist Razib Receptionist

বাং঱া/ইংররচী শুভ রবরও঱, আরম রওভারব আপনারও ঴া঵াযয ওররে পারর? Good afternoon, how may I help you? আরম রওঙু ফুর঱র চনয অডোর রিরে ঘাই। Hi, I'd like to order some flowers. ত঴গুর঱া ওার চনয?  What are they for? আমার স্ত্রীর চনয । োর নাম ঴ামান্থা। Those are for my Wife. Her name is Samantha. রও ররের ফু঱ আপনার পঙন্দ? What kind of flowers would you like? চারননা। ফু঱ ঴িরওে তেমন এওিা চারননা। আপরন িু ’এওিা বর঱ রিন না। I don't know. I don't know too much about flowers. Can you recommend something? রিও আরঙ। রও উপ঱রে োরও ফু঱ রিরেন ব঱ু ন? OK. What's the reason you are sending her flowers? আচ োর চন্মরিন। ত঴ বর঱রঙ঱ আরম তযন োর চনয ফু঱ রওরন। Today's her birthday and she told me she wants me to buy her flowers. আপরন রও চারনন, তওান ফু঱ ত঴ পঙন্দ ওরর? Do you know what kind of flowers she likes? আরম রিও চারননা। চারন, আমার চানা উরঘত্ রঙ঱, েরব এই মূ হুরে​ে রিও মরন ওররে পাররঙ না। I'm not sure. I know I should know that, but I can't remember right now. তযর঵েু আপনার স্ত্রীর চনয, আমার মরন ঵ে আপনার তকা঱াপ তি঑ো উরঘ। Well, they're for your wife, so I think you should give her roses.


তকা঱াপ ঔুব ভা঱ ঵রব।  Roses will be fine.


রও ররগর?  What color?

Razib Receptionist

আমার মরে ঱া঱ ভা঱ ঵রব। I think red would be nice. আপরন রও ফু঱ রনরে যারবন, না আমরা বারররে রকরে তিব? Do you want to pick them up or should we deliver them?


আপনারা রও তিরবন?  Can you deliver them please?


রিওানা রও?  What's the address?


২৪১, তমইন েীি।  241 Main street.

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নাম: Lithi Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi

বাং঱া/ইংররচী ঵যার঱া?  Hello? এই তয, ঑ঔারন রও রাচীব আরঙন? Hi, is Razib there please? িু ুঃরঔে, আমার মরন ঵ে আপরন ভু঱ নম্বরর তযাকারযাক ওরররঙন। Sorry, I think you have the wrong number. এইিা রও ৬১৭-২২৮-২২৮৯? Is this 617-228-2289? ঵যা​াঁ, আপরন ওার তঔা​াঁচ ওররঙন ব঱ু ন তো আবার ? Yes. Who are you looking for again?

Tanbir রাচীব ওি  Razib Cox ঑঵, তভরবরঙ঱াম আপরন রাচ ব঱র঱ন। এ বযাপারর আরম িু ুঃরঔে। এাঁিাই ঴রিও নম্বর। েরব রাচীব এ মূ হুরে​ে এঔারন Lithi

তনই। Oh, I thought you said Raz. Sorry about that. This is the right number, but Razib's not here right now.

Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi

চারনন রও ত঴ তওাথাে রকরেরঙ? Do you know where she went? ত঴ রওঙু রচরন঴ রওনরে তিাওারন রকরেরঙ। আপরন রও তওান তমর঴চ রাঔরে ঘান? She went to the store to buy some groceries. Would you like to leave a message? ঵যা​াঁ, অনু গ্র঵ ওরর ব঱রবন তয োনবীর তফান ওরররঙ঱? Yes, would you please tell her Tanbir called? োনবীর , আরম োর রুমরমি ঈর঳ওা। িু রেও মা঴ আরক আপনার ঴ারথ খ্রীিমা঴ পারিেরে তিঔা ঵রেরঙ঱। Hi Tanbir , this is her roommate Ishika . I met you a couple months ago at the Christmas party. ঵যা​াঁ, রিও। আপরন তওমন আরঙন? Oh, yes. How are you? ভা঱। রাচীব ২০ রমরনরির মর য রফরর আ঴রব। আপরন তফান ওরররঙন ঑রও ব঱ব। Good. Razib will be back in about 20 minutes. I'll tell her you called. নযবাি।  OK. Thanks. বাই। রবিাে।  Bye bye.

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নাম: Tonny Razib Tonny Razib Tonny Razib Tonny Razib Tonny Razib Tonny

বাং঱া/ইংররচী ঵যার঱া? Hello? েন্বী, রাচীব ব঱রঙ। Hi Tonny , It's Razib . রও ঔবর রাচীব। Hi Razib . আচরওর আব঵া঑ো তওমন ঑ঔারন? How's the weather there today? ঔুব িান্ডা। ঴ারারিন বরফ পরররঙ, স্কু঱গুর঱া আরকভারকই বন্ধ্ ঵রে তকরঙ। It's really cold. It snowed all day and he schools closed early. োপমাো ওে? What's the temperature? এঔন ৩০ রডগ্রী। ঴ওার঱ আর঑ িান্ডা রঙ঱। It's 30 degrees now. It was even colder this morning. অকামীওা঱ আব঵া঑ো তওমন থাওরব শুরনঙ? Have you heard what the weather is going to be like tomorrow? ঔারনওে​ে আরকই আরম রিরভরে ঔবর শুনরঙ঱াম। ঴ম্ববে: আকামীওা঱঑ বরফ পররব ব঱঱। I was watching the news a little earlier. They said it's probably going to snow tomorrow. লীে আমার এওিম ভা঱ ঱ারক না। গ্রীষ্ম ঵র঱ ঔুব ভা঱ ঵ে। I really don't like the winter. I wish it were summer. আরম঑। তযঔারন আঙ, ঑ঔারনর আব঵া঑ো তওমন? Me too. How's the weather where you are? তেমন ঔারাপ না, রওন্তু এঔারন঑ ঔুব িান্ডা। আচ রঙ঱ প্রাে ৪৫, োঙারা রবরওর঱ বৃ রি঑ ঵রেরঙ঱। শুন঱াম


আকামীওা঱ লীে ঴ামানয ওমরব। It's not too bad, but it's pretty cold here too. It was about 45 today and it rained this afternoon. I heard it's going to be a little warmer tomorrow.

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নাম: Tanbir Ishika

বাং঱া/ইংররচী বররিন প্রাে এর঴ তক঱। ঴িা঵ার্তর (ঙু রির রিরন) রও ওররব? It's almost Christmas. What are you doing this weekend? তেমন রওঙু না, রুরিনমারফও ওাচ। তওন রচরে঴ ওরঙ? Nothing special, just working. Why do you ask? আমার এঔন঑ বররিরনর তওনাওািা তল঳ ঵েরন। েুরম রও ঴িা঵ার্তর আমার ঴ারথ লরপরগ যারব?

Tanbir Well, I still haven't finished my Christmas shopping. Do you want to go shopping with me this weekend? আরম রনরশ্চে নই পারব রও না যরি঑ যাবার ইো আরঙ। কে ওরেওরিন ওারচর ঘাপ তবরররঙ। োর বির঱ শুক্রবার যাই Ishika

না তওন? I'd like to, but I'm not sure if I can. Work has been really busy lately. Why don't we go on Friday instead?


শুক্রবারর ভা঱ ঵রব না। তিাওানগুর঱ারে িা঴া ভীর থাওরব এবং আমারও ওাচ ওররে ঵রব। Friday's not good. I thi k the stores will be very crowded and I have to work. রিও আরঙ, ো঵র঱ এ ঴িা঵ার্তর ঘ঱। শুক্রবাররর মর য চানরে পারব তযরে পারব রওনা। ঴ব রিও ঵র঱ আরম রও তোমাে


তফান ওরব? OK, and then let's try to go this weekend. I should know if I can go by Friday. Is it OK if I call you then?

Tanbir Ishika Tanbir Ishika Tanbir

঵যা​াঁ, োই ভা঱ ঵রব। Yeah, that's fine. তোমার নম্বরিা ব঱। What's your number? ২৩৩-৩৩১-৮৮২৮। আমার ই-তমই঱ রিওানািা঑ র঱রঔ না঑।এিা ঵঱ ঈর঳ওা@রচরম঱.ওম 233-331-8828. Let me give you my email address too. I 's Ishika @gmail.com রিও আরঙ, অরঘররই তোমার ঴ারথ ওথা ঵রব। OK, I'll talk to you soon. আো। OK.

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Tanbir ঵যার঱া?  Hello? Razib োনবীর।  Hi Tanbir. Tanbir ঑ঔারন তপৌরঙরঙা?  Are you there yet? Razib ঵যা​াঁ।  Yes. Tanbir Razib

আরম এইমাে ঴াব঑রে তথরও নাম঱াম। আরম প্রাে ঑ঔারন। িু ুঃরঔে আমার তিরর ঵রে তক঱। I just got off the subway. I'm almost there. Sorry I'm late. রিও আরঙ। ঴ম঴যা তনই। আরম তোমারও ব঱রে ঘাই তয আরম তভেরর। That's no problem. I just wanted to tell you I'm inside.

Tanbir তওাথাে?  Where are you? Razib তিাে঱াে।  On the second floor. আরম রও তিাে঱াে যাব না েুরম এওে঱াে আ঴রব? Tanbir Should I come to the second floor or do you want to come to the first floor? Razib উপরর এ঴।  Come upstairs. Tanbir ওী?  What? Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib

আমারও শুনরে পাে? আরম ব঱঱াম, তিাে঱াে আ঴রে। Oh, Can you hear me OK? I said, come to the second floor. আো, রিও আরঙ। ঑ঔারন রও ওরঙ? Oh, OK

What are you doing there?

ইংরররচ তলঔার রওঙু বই তিঔরঙ। Just looking at some books on how to learn English. এওিু পরর রও তঔরে যারব? Do you want to get something to eat later? না, রডনার তঔরে এঔন঑ আমার তপি ভরে​ে। No, I'm sti l full from dinner. এঔন রও ওররে ঘা঑? What do you want to do? রস্থর ওররে পাররঙ না। েুরম এর঱ ওথা ঵রব। I don't know for sure. When you get here we'll talk about it.

Tanbir রিও আরঙ, তিঔা ঵রব।  OK, see you soon. Razib বাই।  Bye

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নাম: Razib

বাং঱া/ইংররচী োনবীর, ওারচর চনয আপরন রও ওররন? Tanbir, what do you do for work?


আরম এঔরনা ঙাে।  I'm still a student.


তওান স্কুর঱ যান?  What school do you go to?


তবািন ইউরনভার঴েরি।  Boston University.

Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib

঑িা ঔুব ভা঱ স্কু঱। ত঴ঔারন রও পররন? That's a good school. What do you study? আরম ইংরররচ, অঙ্ক ঑ ইরে঵া঴ পররঙ। আমার তমচর ঵রে ইংরররচ। I'm studying English, math, and history. My major is English. আপরন ওেরিন রর ইংরররচ রলঔরঙন? How long have you been studying English? ঙ বঙররর তবরল ঵রব। More than six years. ত঴ তো অরনও রিন।  That's a long time. ঵া​াঁ, আরম যঔন ঵াই স্কুর঱ রঙ঱াম, েঔন তথরওই ইংরররচ পরা শুরু ওরররঙ঱াম। Yeah, I started to learn English when I was in high school. োই তো আপনার ইংরররচ এে ভা঱! No wonder you’re English is so good.

আ঴র঱ তেমন ভা঱ নে। আরম পররে পারর েরব ঔুব ভা঱ ইংরররচ ব঱রে পাররনা। অনু লী঱ন ওরার তেমন ঴ু রযাক আরম পাইরন। Tanbir

Actually, it's not that good. I can read but I can't speak very well. I haven't had a lot of chance to practice.

Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir

঑ আো, অনযরির ঴ারথ ওথা ব঱া ঔুবই িরওার। I see. Talking with other people is very important. ঵যা​াঁ, েরব এঔারন এঔরনা আমার তেমন এওিা বন্ধ্ু ঵েরন। Yes, but I still don't have many friends here yet. আমার এপািেরমরন্ট আচ আরম এওিা পারিে রিরে। আপনার আলা উরঘে। I'm having a party tonight at my apartment. You should come. আমারও রনমন্ত্ররের চনয নযবাি। আরম আ঴ব। Oh thanks for inviting me. I'd love to come.

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Tanbir এই তয রাচীব।  Hi Razib . Razib

ত঵ োনবীর, আবার তিঔা ঵রে তক঱, ভা঱ ঱াকরঙ। Hey Tanbir , good to see you again.

Tanbir তওমন ঘ঱রঙ?  How have you been? Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir

঑রও, কে রারে অবলয আমার তেমন খুম ঵েরন। পরীোর চনয রাে িু ’িা পযে্তর তচরক পরাশুনা ওররঙ঱াম। OK, I didn't sleep much last night though. I stayed up until 2AM studyi g for an exam. আরম঑ কে রারে তচরক রঙ঱াম। ত঴রমিার প্রাে তল঳। ঴ারা ঴িা঵ পরীো রঙ঱। I was up late last night too. The semester is almost over. I've had exams all week. গ্রাচুরেি ঵বার পরর রও েুরম ওযার঱রফারনে​োে রফরর যারব? Are you Going back to California after your graduate? তেমনিাই ভাবরঙ। গ্রাচুরেি ঵বার পরর ঴ম্ভবে: আরম বারর রফরর যাব এবং এওরি ঘাওুররর তঘিা ওরব। I think so. After I graduate I'll probably go back home and try to get a job. তওাথাে ওাচ ওররে ঘা঑ ো রও চান? Do you know where you'd like to work? এঔরনা চারননা েরব আরম এওচন ইংরররচ অনু বািও ঵রে ঘাই। Not yet, but I want to be an English translator. ো িারুে ঵রব। আমার঑ অনু বািও ঵বার ইো ঵ে, েরব আমার ইংরররচ এঔন঑ ঔুব এওিা ভা঱ নে।


That d be really cool. I'd like to be a translator too, but I don't think my English is good enough.

Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib

঑ রনরে তভরবা না। তোমার ইংরররচ আমার তবরলরভাক ঴঵পারির তঘরে ভা঱। Don't worry about that. Your English is better than most of my classmates. নযবাি। এঔন েুরম তওাথাে যাে? Thanks. Where are you going now? আরম ঱াইরেরররে পররে যারে। আকামীওা঱ আমারও এওিা পরীো রিরে ঵রব। I'm going to study at the library. I have to take an exam tomorrow. আমারও঑। ঱াইরেরর ওে​ে​ে পযে্তর তঔা঱া থারও। Me too. How late does the library stay open? আমার মরন ঵ে ো রাে ১১.৩০রমুঃ পযে্তর তঔা঱া থারও। I think it's open until 11:30PM. আো রিও আরঙ। গুড ঱াও।  OK, Good luck.

Tanbir তোমারও঑।  You too. facebook /gmail/skype: -


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Ishika ঵যার঱া?  Hello? Tanbir Ishika

এই তয ঈর঳ওা , আরম োনবীর। Hi Ishika , it's Tanbir . োনবীর , তওমন আঙ? Hi Tanbir. How are you?

Tanbir ভা঱।  Good. Ishika

কেওা঱ তোমারও তফান ওর রঙ঱াম। আমার তমর঴চ তপরেরঙর঱? I called you yesterday. Did you get my message? ঵যা​াঁ আরম স্নান ওররঙ঱াম যঔন তোমার তফান এর঴রঙ঱। তোমার ও঱ তিরঔ ও঱ বযাও ওরার তঘিা ওরররঙ঱াম। মরন ঵ে


তোমার তফান বন্ধ্ রঙ঱। Yes, I was taking a shower when you called. I saw that you called and I tried to call you back, but I think your phone was off. োই তবা ঵ে। তোমারও মরন ওরররে রিরে তঘরেরঙ঱াম আমার বন্ধ্ুর আকারম ঴িার঵ রবরে ঵রব। েুরম আমার ঴ারথ রবরেরে


যাে, োই না? No problem. I wanted to remind you that my friend is getting married next week. You' e still coming to the wedding with me, right?

Tanbir ঑, ঑িা আকারম ঴িার঵?  Oh, is that next week? Ishika ঵যা​াঁ, েুরম রও ভুর঱ তকঙ?  Yes. Did you forget? Tanbir Ishika Tanbir

না, অবলযই নে। আরম োরির চনয ইরোমর য উপ঵ার রওরনরঙ। No, of course not. I already bought them a present. ো ভা঱ই ওররঙ। আরম তমকানরও঑ রনমন্ত্রে ওররে ঘাই। তোমার ঴ারথ ঑র তিঔা ঵র঱ আমার ঵রে ঑রও ব঱। That's good. I want to invite Megan also. Next time you see her, can you tell her for


অবলযই, ত঴ রও তোমার বন্ধ্ুরও রঘরন? Sure. Does she know your friend? ঵যা​াঁ, আমার মরন ঵ে োরা এওই ওর঱রচ পরে বা এ রওম রওঙু ঵রব। আরম রিও চারননা রওভারব ঑রির আ঱াপ ঵রেরঙ।

Ishika Yes, I think they might have gone to the same college or somethi g like that. I'm not exactly sure how they know each other. Tanbir Ishika

আমরা রও ঴বাই এও঴ারথ কারররে যাব? Are we all going to drive together? ঵যা​াঁ, আরম তোমারও প্রথরম েুর঱ তনব, োরপর আমরা তমকানরও রনরে যাব। Yes. I'll pick you up first, and then we'll go get Megan.

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Tanbir Receptionist Tanbir Receptionist Tanbir Receptionist Tanbir Receptionist Tanbir


আরম ডািাররর ঴ারথ তিঔা ওররে ঘাই। Hi, I'd like to see the doctor, please. আপনার রও তওান এপরেন্টরমন্ট আরঙ? Do you have an appointment? না।  No. ওঔন এপরেন্টরমন্ট ঘান? When would you like an appointment? আচরও রও ঴ম্ভব ঵রব?  Is today possible? ঵যা​াঁ, আচই ভা঱ ঵রব। তওান ঴মে আপনার ঴ু রব া ঵রব? Yes. Today is fine. What time would you like? যে লীঘ্র ঴ম্ভব। আমার তপরি ঔুব বযাথা ঵রে। As soon as possible. My stomach really hurts. এওিু অরপো ওরুন। ডািার পা঑ো যারব রওনা তিঔরঙ। Please wait a moment. I'll see if the doctor is available. রিও আরঙ।  OK. িু ুঃরঔে, ত঴ এঔন এওচন তরারক রনরে আরঙন। ঴ম্ভবে: আর঑ ৩০ রমরনি ঱াকরব। আর঑ ঔারনওিা অরপো ওররে


পাররবন রও? Sorry, he's with a patient right now. It's probably going to be about another 30 minutes. Would you mind waiting a little longer?

Tanbir Receptionist Tanbir Receptionist Tanbir Receptionist Tanbir

঵যা​াঁ, ঴ম঴যা তনই।  No problem. অনু গ্র঵ ওরর আপনার বীমা ওাডেরি তিঔারবন? May I see your insurance card please? এই তয তিঔুন।  Here you are. নযবাি। আচরওর ঴াোরের চনয ২৫ ড঱ার ঱াকরব। Than s. That's going to be 25 dollars for today's visit. োই? এে তবরল ঵রব আরম আরক ভারবরন। Really? I didn't think it would be that much. বুছরে পাররঙ আপনার তওমন ঱াকরঙ। I know how you feel. আরম নকি তিব।  I'll pay with cash.

Receptionist নযবাি।  Thank you. Tanbir

এওিু রও োপিা বারররে তিরবন? এঔারন ঔুবই িান্ডা। Would you please turn on the heat? It's really cold in here.

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নাম: Tanbir

বাং঱া/ইংররচী এই তয ঈর঳ওা। েুরম রও তম঱ এরনঙ? Hey Ishika, did you get the mail yet? ঵যা​াঁ, আচ ঴ওার঱ এরনরঙ। োরে ওরেওরি রব঱ ঑ আমার মারের এওরি রঘরি রঙ঱। েরব োরে তবল চাঙ্ক তম঱঑


রঙ঱। Yes. I picked it up this morning. There were a few bill s and a letter from my mother. There was also a lot of junk mail.

Tanbir Ishika Tanbir Ishika Tanbir

আমার রওঙু রঙ঱ রও? Was there anything for me? আমার রিও মরন পররঙ না, তিঔরে ঵রব। ঵যা​াঁ, এই তয মরন ঵রে এিা তোমার। I don't remember, let me check. Yes, it looks like there's something here for you. তওারেরও এর঴রঙ? Who's it from? মারওেন িূ োবা঴। The American Embassy. আমার ঵াে তনাংরা। েুরম রও এওিু ঔুর঱ তিরব? My hands are dirty. Will you open it for me?

Ishika অবলযই।  Sure. Tanbir রও বর঱রঙ? What does it say? Ishika Tanbir

বর঱রঙ তোমার পা঴রপািে প্রস্তুে। তয তওান ঴মে আনরে পার। It says your passport is ready. You can pick it up anytime. েুরম রও আমারও তোমার কারররে রনরে তযরে পাররব? Do you think you can drive me there?

Ishika তওন ন , ব঱ু ন ওঔন?  Sure, when? আমার মরন ঵ে ো ঵র঱ আমারির এঔনই যা঑ো উরঘে। ঵াে ু রে আ঴রঙ এবং োর পরর আমরা যাব। রিও Tanbir

আরঙ? I think we should go get it now. I'm going to wash my hands and then we'll go. Is that OK?

Ishika ঵া​াঁ।  That's fine.

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নাম: Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib

বাং঱া/ইংররচী এঔন আপনার তওমন ঱াকরঙ? How are you feeling? আমার িান্ডা ঱াকািা এঔন঑ আরঙ। I still have a cold. এঔরনা? প্রাে এও ঴িা঵ ঵রে তক঱, োই না? Still? It's been over a week now, hasn't it? ঵যা​াঁ, ো ঵রব। কে ত঴ামবার তথরওই আমার তেমন তবা ঵রে। Yeah, its been a while. I started feeling this way last Monday. এঔন রও এওিু ভা঱ তবা ওরঙ? Are you feeling any better? এওিু। আচ ঴ওার঱ রওঙু ঒঳

তঔরেরঙ আর এঔন োই রওঙু িা ভা঱ ঱াকরঙ।

A little. I took some medicine this morning and I feel a little better now.

Tanbir রও ঵রেরঙ?  What's wrong? Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib

আমার ঔারাপ ওারল ঵রেরঙ । I have a bad cough. ডািাররর ওারঙ রকরেরঙর঱? Did you go see the doctor? এঔরনা যাইরন। আকারমওা঱ তযরে পারর। Not yet, I might go tomorrow. আরম এঔন ঑঳ু র র তিাওারন যারে, তোমার চনয রওঙু রনরে আ঴ব? I'm going to the drug store now, can I get you anything? ঵যা​াঁ, ঔুব ছারম঱া যরি না ঵ে

রওঙু রি঴ু আনরে পার?

Yes, if it's not too much trouble, would you get me some tissues?

Tanbir অবলযই, আর রওঙু ?  Sure. Anything else? Razib Tanbir Razib

না, শু ু এিা। No, that's it. আো, আরম এও খন্টার মর যই রফরর আ঴ব। তোমার যরি আর তওান রওঙু র প্ররোচন ঵ে আমারও ও঱ রি঑। OK, I'll

e back in about an hour. If you think of anything else you need, give me a call.

নযবাি।  Thanks.

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নাম: Razib

বাং঱া/ইংররচী ঑ই তয োনবীর। তিঔা ঵঱ ভা঱ই ঵র঱া। Hi Tanbir , it's good to see you again.

Tanbir এই তয রাচীব।  Hi Razib. Razib

এঔারন রও ওারচর চনয এর঴রঙ? Are you here for work?

Tanbir ঵যা​াঁ।  Yes. Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib

তোমার ঴ারথ রও অরমে আরঙ? Is Amit with you? না, আরম এঔারন এওাই। অরমে এবারর আ঴রে পারররন। No I'm here alone. Amit couldn't come this time. েুরম ওেরিন থাওরব? How long will you be staying? ৪ রিন। শুক্রবার রফরর যারে। 4 days. I'm going back on Friday. আমার ভাই঴঵ আরম এওরে রডনারর যারে। েুরম আমারির ঴ারথ আ঴রব? My brother and I are getting together for dinner. Do you want to come with us? ঵যা​াঁ, ো঵র঱ ভা঱ই ঵ে। এও খন্টার মর যই আমার এওরি রমরিং আরঙ। আরম োরপর তোমার ঴ারথ তিঔা ওররে পারর,


রিও আরঙ? রমরিং তবরলে​ে ঵রব না ঵েরো। Y ah, that would be nice. I have a meeting in an hour. I can meet you afterwards, if that's OK. The meeting shouldn't last long.

Razib Tanbir

ো ভা঱। ওার ঴ারথ রমরিং? That's fine. Who is your meeting with? তবােন ইনর঴঑ররি তওািারন। ো তল঳ ঵র঱ই আরম তোমারও ও঱ ওরব। The Boston Insurance Company. I'll call you when it's over.

Razib রিও আরঙ।  OK. আরম রও তোমার তফানরি বযব঵ার ওররে পারর? আমাররি কারররে তফর঱ এর঴রঙ, রনরিেলনা তপরে আরম োরির তফান Tanbir ওররে ঘাই। Can I use your phone? I left m ne in the car and I want to call them to get directions. Razib রনশ্চে, এই তয।  Sure, here you go.

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Tanbir ঵যার঱া?  Hello? Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib

এইরয োনবীর, আরম রাচীব। Hi Tanbir , it's Razib . রাচীব , রও ঔবর? Hey Razib, what's up? তেমন নে। েুরম তওাথাে? Not much. Where are you? আরম কারররে বারর রফররঙ। I'm in the car driving home. বারর তফরার পরর েুরম রও আচরওর পারিের অবস্থান চারনরে ই-তম঱ ওর রিরে পাররব? When you get home will you send me an email with directions to the party tonight?

Tanbir অবলযই, ঴ম঴যা তনই।  Sure, no problem. Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir

েুরম ওে​েরে বারর রফররব? When do you think you'll get home? আরম চারন না, ঵রে পারর ৩০ রমরনরির মে। রাস্তাে প্রঘুর ভীর। I don't know, maybe in about 30 minutes or so. There's a lot of traffic. আমারও লীঘ্রই তবর ঵রে ঵রব। রিওানািা তি​ি​ি তমর঴চ ওরর পারি঑। I have to go out soon. Can you just send me a text message with the address instead? রিও আরঙ, আরম বারর তপৌরঙরেই পারিরে তিব। OK, I'll do that as soon as I get home. অচস্র নযবাি। ঴াব ারন কারর ঘার঱঑। Thanks a lot. Drive carefully. রিও আরঙ, আচ রারে তিঔা ঵রব। OK, I'll see you tonight.

Razib বাই, আবার তিঔা ঵রব।  Bye.

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Tanbir ঵যার঱া?  Hello? Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir

োনবীর, আরম রাচীব আবার ব঱রঙ। পারিরে েুরম ওঔন তপৌঙারব মরন ওররঙা? Hi Tanbir it’s Razib again. What time do you think you'll get to the party tonight? িু ুঃরঔে, রও ব঱র঱? Sorry, what did you say? ঵যার঱া, েুরম রও শুনরে পারো? আরম ব঱঱াম েুরম ওঔন পারিেরে তপৌঙরব? Hello, can you hear me? I said what time do you think you'll be getting to the party? িু ুঃরঔে, আরম তোমার ওথা শুনরে পারে না। Sorry, I can't hear you. েুরম রও এবারর শুনরে পারো? Can you hear me now? না, তেমন স্পিভারব না। এঔারন তবল তঘঘারমরঘ/লব্দ ঵রে। No, not very clearly. It's really noisy here. এিা মরন ঵ে ত঴঱ তফারনর তিা঳। আমার মরন ঵ে ভা঱ ররর঴পলন পারে না। It might be my cell phone, I don't think I have very good reception. ঑঵, রিও আরঙ। Oh, that's OK. আরম রও তোমারও এঔনই ও঱ বযাও ওররবা? Can I call you right back? আো। OK.

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নাম: Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir


বাং঱া/ইংররচী োনবীর , আমারা আচ রও ওরব? Tanbir, what should we do today? পুররা ঴িার঵ই আরম পরাশুনা ওরররঙ। এঔন আরম লরীর ঘঘো ওররে ঘাই। I have been studying all week. I'd like to exercise. আরম঑। ঘ঱ রচরম যাই। Me too. Let's go to the gym. ভা঱ ওথা। আমরা ত঴ঔারন রও ওরব? Good idea. What are we going to do there? ভার েু঱ব বা বারস্কিব঱ তঔ঱ব। We can lift weights or play basketball. আরম বারস্কিব঱ তঔ঱রে ভা঱বার঴। েুরম রও ভা঱ তঔ঱রে পার? I like to play basketball. Are you good at it? না। েরব তঔ঱রে আমার ভা঱ই ঱ারঔ। যঔন স্কুর঱ রঙ঱াম, তবল তঔ঱োম, রওন্তু এঔন তঔ঱ার ঴মে পাই না।


Not really, but I like to play. I use to play a lot when I was in school, but now there's no time. বুরছরঙ। আরম প্রঘুর ফুিব঱ তঔ঱োম এও঴মে। তোমার রও মরন ঵ে আমরা রও ত঴ঔারন ফুিব঱ তঔ঱রে পারব?

Tanbir I know what you mean. I use to play soccer a lot. Do you think we can play soccer there? Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir

না, ত঴ঔারন তেমন চােকা তনই। আমার মরন ঵ে আমরা বাইরর তঔ঱র঱ ভা঱ ঵রব। No, there's not enough room. I think it's better if we play outside. রিও আরঙ, ো঵র঱ আচ রবরওর঱ আমরা ফুিব঱ তঔ঱রে তযরে পারর। OK, maybe we can go play soccer later this afternoon. আচ বাইরর ঔুব িান্ডা। আব঵া঑ো রওঙু িা উষ্ণ না ঵঑ো পযে্তর অরপো ওরর, ঘর঱া। It's too cold outside today. Let's wait until the weather gets a little warmer. রিও আরঙ। OK.

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নাম: Tanbir Razib

বাং঱া/ইংররচী রাচীব , েুরম রও রিও আঙ? Razib, are you OK? এঔন আরম ভা঱ই। েরব আচ ঴ওার঱ এওরি কারর িু খেিনাে পরররঙ঱াম। I'm OK now, but I got into an car accident this morning.

Tanbir আখাে তপরেরঙর঱?  Were you hurt? Razib

না, েরব আমার খারর এঔন঑ বযাথা আরঙ। No, but my neck is still a little sore.

Tanbir রও ঵রেরঙ঱?  What happened? Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib

আরম মরনারযাক রিরছে঱ামনা আর ঴ামরন িা​াঁরারনা এওরি কারররও াক্কা রি঱াম। I wasn't paying attention and I hit a car that stopped in front of me. ঐ কাররর আররা঵ীকে রিও আরঙ? Were the people in the other car all right? ঵যা​াঁ, োরারিও আরঙ। আরম তেমন দ্রুে যারে঱াম না। Yes, they're fine. I wasn't going very fast. েুরম রও ঴ীিরবট পরররঙর঱? Were you wearing a seatbelt? ঵যা​াঁ। Yes. পুর঱ল এর঴রঙ঱? Did the police come? ঵যা​াঁ, রিও পরপরই আরম ত঴঱ তফারন োরিররও তডরওরঙ঱াম। Yeah, I called them on my cell phone right after it happened. েুরম রও ঘা঑ তোমারও কারর ওরর বারররে রনরে যাই? Do you want me to drive you home? না, আচ রবরওর঱ আমার কাররিারও তমরামে ওররে ঵রব। No, I need to go get my car fixed this afternoon.

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Doctor ঵যার঱া, র঱রথ। Hello Lithi . Lithi Doctor Lithi Doctor Lithi Doctor Lithi Doctor Lithi Doctor Lithi Doctor Lithi

঵া​াঁ, ডািারবাবু।  Hi Doctor. আপরন তওমন তবা ওরঘরঙন? How are you feeling? তেমন ভা঱ ঱াকরঙ না। I don't feel good. রও ঔারাপ ঱াকরঙ? What's bothering you? তপরি ঑ মাথাে বযথা। I have a stomachache and a headache. তওাথাে বযথা ঵রে? Where does it hurt? এই তয এঔারন।  Here. জ্বর আরঙ? Do you have a fever? না, মরন ঵রে না। No, I don't think so. রিও আরঙ,আপনার ক঱ািা তিরঔ। মুঔ ঔু঱ুন। আপনার ওন্ঠনা঱ী ঱া঱।বযাথা ওররঙ? OK. Let me look at your throat. Open your mouth. Your throat's red. Does it hurt? ঵যা​াঁ, ঔুব।  Yes. It's sore. ওঔন তথরও এরূপ তবা ঵রে? When did it start to feel this way? কে ঴িা঵ তথরও।  Last week. মরন ঵ে আপনার ভাইরা঴ আরঙ। ঵রে পারর ফ্লু। আপনারও রওঙু ঒঳র র তপ্র঴রক্রপলন রিরে।

Doctor I think you have a virus. It might be the flu. I'm going to give you a prescription for some medicine. Lithi Doctor

নযবাি।  Thank you. রবোম রনরে তঘিা ওরুন। প্রঘুর চ঱ ঑ ওম঱ার র঴ তঔরে ঵রব। Try to get some rest, and be sure to drink lots of water and orange juice.

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নাম: Receptionist Lithi Receptionist Lithi Receptionist Lithi Receptionist Lithi


বাং঱া/ইংররচী ঵যার঱া, মযাররেি ত঵ারি঱। রওভারব আপনারির ঴঵াে​ো ওররে পারর? Hello, Marriott Hotel, how may I help you? আরম এওরি ররচারভেলন ওররে ঘাই। Hi. I'd like to make a reservation. এওিু অরপো ওরুন। রিও আরঙ, তওান োরররঔ? Just a moment. OK, for what date? ২৫তে চু঱াই।  July 25th. আপরন ও রাে থাওরবন? How many nights will you be staying? ২ রাে। রুরমর ভারা ওে? 2 nights. What's the room rate? প্ররে রারে িযাি বারিই ৭৫ ড঱ার। আরম রও আপনার চনয এওিা খর ররচাভে ওরব? 75 dollars a night plus tax. Would you like me to reserve a room for you? ঵যা​াঁ, ওরুন। Yes please.

Receptionist আপনার নাম?  Your name? Lithi Receptionist Lithi Receptionist Lithi Receptionist Lithi Receptionist

র঱রথ।  Lithi . র঱রথ, আপরন রওভারব পরররলা ওররবন? Lithi, how will you be paying? রভ঴া।  Visa. অনু গ্র঵ ওরর ওাডে নম্বর ব঱ু ন। Card number please. ৪১৯৮ ২২৮৯ ৩৩৮৮ ২২৮। 4198 2289 3388 228. তমোি তল঳ ঵বার োররঔ? Expiration date? 1/9/2012 রিও আরঙ, আপনার ঴ব রিও রই঱। ২৫ োরররঔ আবার তিঔা ঵রব। OK, You're all set. We'll see you on the 25th.

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নাম: Lithi Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi Tanbir


বাং঱া/ইংররচী োনবীর , েুরম রও ওররে ঘা঑? Tanbir, what would you like to do? আরম চারন না। রিরভ তিঔরে পারর। I don't know. Maybe watch TV. ভা঱ই ঵রব। লরপংরে আমরা পরর যারে োই এঔন রওঙু িা রবোম ওরর না঑। That's a good idea. We're going shopping later so I think you should rest for a while. মরন ঵ে না আরম আর যাব। I don't think I want to go anymore. রও ব঱রে ঘারো? তভরবরঙ঱াম েুরম লরপংরে যারব। What do you mean? I thought you said we were going shopping. আরম চারন, েরব আরম মন পারটরঙ। আরম বড্ড িা্তর। I know, but I changed my mind. I'm too tired. রিও আরঙ, রওন্তু আমার এঔন঑ অরনও রওঙু তওনা বারও আরঙ। ওঔন যারবা বর঱ ভাবরঙা? Well, I still have a lot of stuff to buy. When do you think we'll go? আচ রারে তবা ঵ে। Maybe tonight. রিও আরঙ, তোমার তফানিা এওিু বযব঵ার ওররে পারর রও? OK, would you mind if I use your phone? িু ুঃরঔে, আমার র঴কনা঱ তনই। Sorry I don't have signal. েুরম রও াপ্পাবারচ রিে? এঔারন ঴ব঴মে ভা঱ ররর঴পলন পাই। Are you kidding? I usually have really good reception here. আমার তফানরি তবল পুররনা, ভা঱ ওাচ ওররঙ না। My phone is very old and it doesn't work very well. যরি বাইরর রনরে যাই তওমন ঵ে? What if I take it outside? ঵যা​াঁ, ভা঱ই ঵রব। বাইরর এরি ভা঱ ওাচ ওরর। Yes, that's fine. It works well outside.

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নাম: Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib


বাং঱া/ইংররচী োনবীর , েুরম রও তঔ঱রব? Tanbir, would you like to play a game? তঔ঱ব, েরব রও তঔ঱া? OK, what kind of game? ঘ঱, ো঴ তঔর঱। েুরম ব্লাওচযাও তঔ঱রে পাররা? Let’s play cards? Do you know how to play Blackjack? ঵যা​াঁ, ঑িা ঴঵চ। এ মুহুরে​ে আরম ো তঔ঱রে ঘাই না। Yes, that's an easy game. I don't want to play that right now. রিও আরঙ, তোমার রও পওার তঔ঱া মরন আরঙ? OK, Do you remember how to play poker? মরন ঵ে, রওন্তু েুরম তঔ঱ার রনেম ওানু ন আবার আমারও বুরছরে িা঑। I think so, but you're going to have to explain the rules to me again. আো, এই ওাকরচর িুওরািা তিঔ। এঔারন ঴ব রনেম ত঱ঔা আরঙ। OK. Look at this piece of paper. It has all the rules on it. রিও আরঙ, আমার এঔন মরন পররঙ। মরন ঵রে কেবার যঔন আমরা এ তঔ঱া তঔর঱রঙ঱াম, েুরম রচরেরঙর঱,

Tanbir আর আরম ত঵রর রকরেরঙ঱াম। OK, yes. I remember now. I think the last time we played this game, you won and I lost. Razib Tanbir Razib

঵যা​াঁ, ঔুব মচা ঵রেরঙ঱। Yes, that was fun. রিও আরঙ, ঘ঱ তঔর঱। েরব এবার আরম িাওার বারচ ররে ঘাই না। OK, let's play, but this time I don't want to bet money. রিও, আমরা বারচ রব না। আমরা শু ু মচা পা঑োর চনয তঔ঱ব। OK, we won't bet. We'll just play for fun.

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Tanbir ঈর঳ওা , তভেরর এর঴া।  Ishika , come in. Ishika শুভ চন্মরিন!  Happy Birthday! Tanbir

নযবাি। তোমার মরন রঙ঱ আরম রবশ্বা঴ ওররে পাররঙ না। Thanks. I can't believe you remembered that. আমার ওরিউিারর এওরি ওযার঱ন্ডার আরঙ। ঑িা আমারও মরন ওরররে রিরে ঴঵াে​ো ওরর। েুরম রও ওরঙ?

Ishika Well, I have a calendar in my computer. It helps me remember things like that. What are you up to? Tanbir Ishika Tanbir Ishika Tanbir Ishika Tanbir Ishika

আমার চন্মরিরন ঘাঘাে ভাইরের তি঑ো এওরি বই পররঙ। I'm reading a book my cousin gave me for my birthday. ওই তিরঔ। ঑঵, বারররে এইিা আরঙ। আরম঑ তোমারও এওরি উপ঵ার রিরে ঘাই। Let me see. Oh, I have this book at home. I want to give you a present too. ঑র঵া, এওরি কীিার। আমার যরি঑ এওিা আরঙ, রওন্তু এরি আর঑ ভা঱। নযবাি। Wow, it's a guitar. I already have one, but I like this one better. Thank you. েুরম রও কীিার বাচারে পাররা? You're welcome. Do you know how to play the guitar? ঵যা​াঁ, আরম পারর। যঔন তঙাি রঙ঱াম, আমার বাবা আমারও রলরঔরেরঙর঱ন। Yeah, I know how to play. My father taught me when I was young. েুরম রও এঔন বাচারব? আরম রওঙু ঴েীে শুনরে ঘাই। Will you play it now? I want to listen to some music. রিও আরঙ। েুরম রও এরি চান? OK. Do you know this one? ঵যা​াঁ ঑িা আরম শুরনরঙ। আরম রমড঱ স্কুর঱ থাওরে ঐ কানিা কাইরে পারোম। Yeah, I've heard that one. I could sing that song when I was in middle school. এিা পুররনা কান। রনরচরও বুররা বুররা মরন ঵ে। আরম যঔন ওর঱রচ রঙ঱াম, ঴বে​ে​ে তররড঑রে এাঁরি বাচাে।

Tanbir It's an old one. It makes me feel old. When I was in college they use to play it on the radio all the time.

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Receptionist শুভ ঴ন্ধ্যা।  Good evening. Tanbir Receptionist Tanbir

এইরয, আচ রারে রও আপনার তওান ঔার঱ আরঙ? Hi. Do you have any vacancies tonight? আরঙ েরব তরি ঵রে ৫৫ ড঱ার। Yes. The rate is 55 dollars. খরর রও ইন্টাররনি ঴ু রব া আরঙ? Do the rooms have internet access? আমারির ঑োরর঱঴ আরঙ। আপনার ওরিউিার থাওর঱ অরেররি ৫ ড঱ার রিরে আপরন ঑োরর঱঴


বযব঵ার ওররে পাররন। We have wireless. If you have a computer you can use the wireless network for an additional 5 dollars.

Tanbir Receptionist Tanbir Receptionist Tanbir

রিও আরঙ, অনু গ্র঵ ওরর আমারও এওরি রুম রিন। OK, I'd like a room please. আপরন ূ মপানযু ি না ূ মপানমুি খর ঘান? Would you like a smoking or a non-smoking room? ূ মপানমুি।  Non-smoking. আপরন রওভারব তলা ওররবন? How will you be paying? রভ঴া, এই তয এঔারন।  Visa. Here you are.

Receptionist ওে চন ত঱াও?  How many people? Tanbir Receptionist Tanbir

আমরা িু ’চন।  Two. আপরন রও রওং঴াইচ না িু রি ডাব঱ তবড ঘান? Would you like a king size bed or two double beds? রওং঴াইচ।  King size please. আপনার চনয ২৩৭ নং খর। এরি রেন ে঱াে। এই ঵রে আপনার ঘারব, অনু গ্র঵ ওরর এঔারন স্বাের

Receptionist ওরুন। You're in room 237. It's on the second floor. Here's your key. Sign here please. Tanbir

তঘও-আউরির ঴মে ওঔন? What time is checkout?

Receptionist ঴ওা঱ ১১.৩০ রমুঃ  11:30AM facebook /gmail/skype: -


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নাম: Ishika Tanbir Ishika Tanbir


বাং঱া/ইংররচী ঵যার঱া, আরম আপনারও রও ওরর ঴঵াে​ো ওররে পারর? Hello, how may I help you? এ পযারওি​িা আরম ওযার঱রফারনে​োে পািারে ঘাই। I'd like to send this package to California. আপরন রও এওরারের মর য না রনেরমে ডারও পািারবন? Would you like to send it overnight or by regular mail? রারের মর য পািার঱ ওে িাওা ঱াকরব? How much is it to send it overnight?

Ishika ২০ ড঱ার। 20 dollars Tanbir

আর রনেরমে ডারও? And by regular mail?

Ishika ১২ ড঱ার।  12 dollars. Tanbir Ishika Tanbir

আরম ঘাই এিা আকারমওা঱ ঑ঔারন তপৌঙাে। I'd like it to get there tomorrow. িো ওরর এ ফরমরি ভরুন। ঱ঔার পর এ চানা঱াে রফরর আ঴রবন। Please fill out this form. When you're finished, come back to this window. আো, মরন ঵রে আরম ঴ব র঱রঔরঙ রিও? OK, I think I'm done, is this correct?

Ishika ঵যা​াঁ, রিও।  Yes, that's right. Tanbir Ishika

আরম এই রঘরি​িা঑ পািারে ঘাই। I'd also like to mail this letter. আপরন রও িযাি রওনরে ঘান? Do you need to buy stamps?

Tanbir ঵যা​াঁ। Yes. Ishika Tanbir

এওরি িযারির বইরের িাম ৩ ড঱ার, ো঵র঱ ঴ব রমর঱ ২৩ ড঱ার ঱াকরব। A book of stamps costs 3 dollars. So that'll be 23 dollars for everything. ঑র঵া, ভুর঱ রকরেরঙ঱াম আমার ঑োর঱ি কারররে ররেরঙ। আরম এেুরে আ঴রঙ। Oh, I forgot my wallet in the car. I'll be right back.

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নাম: Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib

বাং঱া/ইংররচী োনবীর , েুরম কে রারে আমারও ও঱ ওররন তওন? আরম তোমার রব঳ে রঘ্তরা ওররঙ঱াম। Tanbir , why didn't you call me last night? I was worried about you. িু ুঃরঔে, আরম অ঴ু স্থ রঙ঱াম। োরাোরর শুরে পরররঙ঱াম। Sorry, I was sick. I went to bed early. রও ঵রেরঙ঱?  What's wrong? আমার ওারল ঵রেরঙ঱, োঙারা তঘাঔগুর঱া শুরওরে রকরেরঙ঱। I had a cough and my eyes were really dry. এঔন রও রওঙু িা ভা঱ তবা ওরঙ? Are you better now? ঵যা​াঁ, এঔন অরনওিা ভা঱ তবা ওররঙ। কেওার঱র তঘরে অরনওিা ভা঱। Yes, I'm feeling a lot better. Much better than yesterday. তোমার রও এ঱ারচে আরঙ? Do you have allergies? ঵যা​াঁ, তল঳বার আরম ডািাররর ওারঙ রকরেরঙ঱াম, ত঴ রওঙু পরীো ওরররঙ঱ এবং বর঱রঙ঱ আমার এ঱ারচে আরঙ। ব঴্তরওার঱


ো বারর। Yes. Last time I went to the doctor, he did some tests and told me I have allergies. It gets worse in the spring.


আচ ঴ওার঱ েুরম ওঔন খুম তথরও ঑ির঱? What time did you wake up this morning?

Tanbir ঴ওা঱ ৯.৩০ রমরনরির মর য।  Around 9:30AM. Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir

আচ রও েুরম ওারচ যারব? Are you going to work today? না, ভাবরঙ খররই থাওব এবং রিরভ তিঔব। আচ আরম বারর তথরও ওাচ ওররে পারর। No. I think I'll just stay home and watch TV. I can work from home today. তবল। রওঙু িা রবোম না঑, পরর তোমার চনয রওঙু ঔাবার আনব। Good. Get some rest and I'll bring over some food later. নযবাি।  Thanks.

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Tanbir এই তয রাচীব।  Hi Razib ! Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib

এই তয চল। অরনওরিন পরর তিঔা ঵র঱া। েুরম এঔন তওাথাে ওাচ ওরঙ? Hi Josh! It's been a long time. Where are you working now? ল঵ররর তওন্দ্রস্থর঱ এওরি ঴ফি঑োর তওািারনরে আরম এঔন ওাচ ওররঙ। I work at a software company downtown. I'm an engineer. তবল ভা঱। েুরম রও ররনর ঴ফি঑োর তেরর ওরঙ? That's interesting. What kind of software do you write? এিা ঵রে েুদ্র বযব঴ার ডািা তবইচ তেরর ওরা। It's a database for small businesses. তোমার তওািারনর তওান ঑রেব঴াইি আরঙ? Does your company have a website?

Tanbir ঵যা​াঁ।  Yes. Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib

঑রেব঴াইরির রিওানা রও? What's the website address? ডারব্লউ ডারব্লউ ডারব্লউ োনবীরওি.ওম www.tanbircox.blogspot.com রওভারব আরম ঴ফি঑োর তপরে পারর? How can I get the software? েুরম ঑রেব঴াইি তথরও ডাউনর঱াড ওরর রনরে পার। এিা তবল চনরপ্রে ঑ রবনামূ ঱য। You can download it from the website. It's very popular and it's free. ঵যা​াঁ, োই ওরব। আমারও এঔন তযরে ঵রব। তোমার ঴রে আবার তিঔা ঵রে ভা঱ ঱াকরঙ। OK, I'll do that. I have to go now. It was really nice seeing you again. তোমারও তিরঔ঑ আমার ভা঱ ত঱রকরঙ। পররর ঴িার঵ আমারও ই-তম঱ ওর এবং আমরা এওে ঵রে তওাথা঑

Tanbir ওরফ তঔরে তযরে পারর। It was nice seeing you too. Email me next week and we'll get together for coffee. Razib Tanbir

আমার ওরিউিার ভাো, োই এঔন আরম ই-তম঱ পািারে পাররঙনা। আরম রও তোমারও ও঱ ওররে পারর? My computer is broken so I can't send email right now. Can I call you? রনশ্চেই, আমার নম্বর ঵রে ২৩৩-২৮৮-২৩২৮ Sure, my number is 233-288-2328.

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নাম: Razib Ishika Razib Ishika Razib Ishika Razib Ishika Razib Ishika Razib Ishika Razib Ishika Razib Ishika

বাং঱া/ইংররচী েুরম রও শুনঙ? What are you listening to? আরম তররড঑ শুনরঙ। I'm listening to the radio. আরম তো চারন। ওারা কাইরঙ? I know that. Who are they playing? অনু মান ওর তো।  Guess. আমার মরন ঵ে বীি঱ ি঱, রিও না? I think that's the Beatles, right? এরওবারর রিও। েুরম োরিররও রঘনর঱ রওভারব? That's right. How did you know that? োরা তও আমার তিরল ঴বাই চারন। োরা তবল ঔযারেবান। In my country everyone knows who they are. They're famous. োই?  Really? অবলযই। আমার বাবা-মা অরনও আরক োরিররও এওরি ওন঴ারিে তিরঔরঙর঱ন। Of course. My parents saw them at a concert a long time ago. েুরম রও চানরে তয োরা ইং঱যারন্ডর? Did you know that they're from England? ঵যা​াঁ, অবলযই।  Yes, of course. ঴ঘরাঘর েুরম ওী ররের কান শুনরে ভা঱বা঴? What kind of music do you usually listen to? আরম ঴বই শুরন। েরব আমার রপ্রে ঵রে পপ। I listen to everything, but my favorite is Pop. ঑঵ োই। তোমার রপ্রে কােও তও? I see. Who's your favorite singer? ত঴র঱ন রড঑ন।  Celine Dion. আরম঑ োরও পঙন্দ ওরর। োর িারুে ক঱া। I like her too. She's got a great voice.

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এই তয রম঴, আপনার রও িযারি িরওার?


Hello Miss, do you need a taxi?


঵যা​াঁ। Yes.


আপনার ঴ারথ মা঱পে আরঙ?


Do you have any luggage?


মাে এই ঴ু যিরও঴ িু 'তিা। Just these two suitcases.


রিও আরঙ, ত঴গুর঱া আপনার চনয আরম তপঙরন তররঔ তিব। তওাথাে যারবন?


OK, I'll put them in the back for you. Where are you going?


ওমরফািে ইরন। The Comfort Inn.


আমার মরন ঵ে তবািরন এ রওম িু 'তিা আরঙ। আপরন তওানরিরে যারেন?


I think there are two in Boston. Which one are you going to?


তযিা ডাউন িাউরন। The one downtown.


এিা রও আপনার প্রথমবার বেরন আ঴া?


Is this your first time in Boston? না, আরম এঔারন অরনওবার এর঴রঙ। এঔারন ওারচর চনয অরনওবার আ঴রে ঵ে। আপরন রও চারনন, ওে​ে​ে


঱াকরব? No. I've been here many times. I come here for work all the time. Do you know how long it'll take?


মরন ঵ে অরনওে​ে না। ঴ম্ভবে: ১৫ রমরনি।


It shouldn't take long. Probably about 15 minutes.


঑঵, মরন ঵ে ট্রারফরওর তবল ভীর। Wow, it looks like the traffic is really bad.


঵যা​াঁ, ঴ামরন তওাথা঑ িূ খেিনা ঵রে থাওরে পারর।


Yeah, there might be an accident up ahead.


রিও আরঙ, ো঵র঱ পরবে​েী তমারর থামুন। আরম ত঴ঔান তথরও ঴াব঑রে রব। OK, then stop at the next intersection. I'm gonna get out there and take the subway.

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নাম: Ishika


বাং঱া/ইংররচী তোমার রও েু া তপরেরঙ? Are you hungry?

Razib না, তওন?  No, why? Ishika Razib

আমরা অরনওে​ে কারর ঘা঱ারে। মরন ঵রে লীঘ্রই তওাথা঑ ঔাবাররর স্থান আ঴রব। We've been driving for a long time. I think we'd better find some place to eat soon. না, আরম রিও আরঙ। এমরনরেই আমারির তিরর ঵রেরঙ োই না থামাই ভা঱। No, I'm OK. We're late so we'd better not stop. আমরা রেনবার এওই তোর অরেক্রম ওরররঙ। মরন ঵ে আমরা ঵ারররে তকরঙ। ওাররা ওারঙ আমারির পথ


রচজ্ঞা঴া ওরা উঘে। We've passed that same store three times already. I think we're lost. We should ask someone for directions.

Razib Ishika Razib Ishika Razib Ishika Razib Ishika Razib

না, আমরা পথ ঵ারাইরন। We're not lost. এপরথ আরম পূ রবে ওঔন঑ যাইরন। েুরম রও চারনা তওাথাে যাে? I've never gone this way before. Do you know where you're going? ঵যা​াঁ, এ ঴রওরি ল঵ররর রভের রিরে যাে। ঵াই঑রের তঘরে দ্রুে যা঑ো যাে। Yes, this road goes through town. It's faster than the highway. রিও আরঙ। অনু গ্র঵ ওরর এওিু আরস্ত ঘা঱ারব? OK. Would you mind driving a little slower please? অবলযই, তওান ঴ম঴যা তনই। Sure, no problem. তপঙরনর ঐ রঘহ্নরি রও েুরম তিঔর঱? আমার মরন ঵রে এিা এওমুঔী রাস্তা। Did you see that sign back there? I think this is a one way street. না, আরম তিরঔরন। আমার খুররে ঵রব। No, I didn't see it. I'm going to have to turn around. এঔারন েুরম খুররে পার না। আমারও বরং ঘা঱ারে িা঑। You can't turn around here. I think you should let me drive. মরন ঵ে রিওই বর঱ঙ। আরম িা্তর ঵রে পরররঙ। I think you're right. I'm getting tired.

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নাম: Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib

বাং঱া/ইংররচী রাচীব , েুরম রও আমার ঵রে এওরি ওাচ ওররব? Razib, can you do me a favor? অবলযই।  Sure. আমার পা঴েরি ঔুরাঁ চ পারে না। েুরম রও ঔুচরে ঴া঵াযয ওররব? I can't find my purse. Can you help me? ঵া​াঁ। আরম তোমারও ঔুাঁচরে ঴া঵াযয ওরব। No problem, I'll help you look for it. নযবাি।  Thanks. রও ররগর রঙ঱?  What color is it?

Tanbir ওার঱া।  It's black. Razib Tanbir Razib

েুরম রও রান্নাখরর ঔুরচঙ? Did you look in the kitchen? ঵যা​াঁ, আরম ঑ঔারন ঔুরচরঙ। Yes, I already looked there. আরম তবিওঔানাে তিঔব। I'll look in the living room.

Tanbir েুরম রও তপর঱?  Did you find it? Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir

না, ত঴ঔারন ঑িা তনই। েুরম তল঳ ওঔন তিরঔরঙর঱? No. It's not in there. When was the last time you saw it? আচ ঴ওার঱ যঔন ঱াইরেরররে রকরেরঙ঱াম ঑িা আমার ঴ারথই রঙ঱। I had it when I went to the library this morning. তোমার রও মরন ঵ে ত঴ঔারন তফর঱ এর঴রঙা? Do you think you might have left it there? ঵রে পারর। আরম ঱াইরেরররে তফান ওরর তিঔরঙ তওউ তপরেরঙ রওনা। Maybe. I'll call the library and ask them if anyone found it. িা​াঁরা঑, এই রও ত঴িা।  Wait! Is this it? ঵যা​াঁ, ঑িাই ত঴িা। ঑িাই আমার পা঴ে। ঑িা ঔুচ াঁ রে আমারও ঴঵াে​োর চনয নযবাি। Yes, That's it. That's my purse. Thanks for helping me find it.

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নাম: Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir


বাং঱া/ইংররচী মাফ ওররবন, ঴যার, আপরন রও আমারির এওরি ঙরব েুর঱ তিরবন? Excuse me, sir; will you take a picture of us? অবলযই। এিা ঔুব ভা঱ ওযারমরা। Sure. This is a really nice camera. নযবাি। আমার বাবা-মা এিা আমারও রিরেরঙর঱ন। Thanks, my parents gave it to me. এিা আপরন রওভারব বযব঵ার ওররন? How do you use it? তবাোমরি এঔারন তঘরপ রুন। You press this button here. এওিু ওারঙ আ঴ু ন। িা​াঁরান এিা ঔুবই ওারঙ। এওিু বারিরও খুরুন। আর এওিু খুরর যান। রিও আরঙ, রিও


এভারব থাওুন। Come a little closer. Wait, that's too close. Move a little to the left. Move back a little farther. OK, stay right there.

Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib

আপরন রও এঔারন ব঱রঙন? Do you mean here? ঵যা​াঁ, ভা঱। ঑঵, আরম এিারও ঘা঱ারে পাররঙ না। Yes, that's good. Oh, I can't get it to work. আপরন, ৩ ত঴রওন্ড তবাোম তঘরপ রুন। You need to hold down the button for about 3 seconds. রিও আরঙ, আপরন রও প্রস্তুে? OK I got it, are you ready?

Tanbir ঵যা​াঁ।  Yes. Razib

঵া঴ু ন।  Smile.

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নাম: Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib

বাং঱া/ইংররচী এই তয রাচীব , রও ওরঙ? Hi Razib. What's going on? এই তয োনবীর। এওরি রডরভরড তপ্লোর তওনার চনয আরম ঱াইরন অরপো ওররঙ। Hi Tanbir . I'm waiting in line to buy a DVD player. ঱াইন ঔুব ঱ম্বা। েুরম আকামীওা঱ তওন আ঴ঙ না? The line is too long. Why don't you come back tomorrow? মরন ঵ে েুরম রিও বর঱ঙ। োরা রওঙু েরে বন্ধ্ ওররব। I think you're right. They're going to close soon. ঘ঱ রওঙু ওরফ ঔারব। Let's go get some coffee. রিও আরঙ, এও রমরনি িা​াঁরা঑, পা঴ে তথরও আমারও রওঙু রনরে ঵রব। েুরম রও আমার চনয এিা এওিু ররব? OK. Wait a minute; I have to get something out of my purse. Will you hold this for me?

Tanbir অবলযই, এই তয।  Sure. Oops. Razib Tanbir

রও ঵রেরঙ?  What happened? তোমার ওযা঱ওুর঱ির ঵াে তথরও পরর তক঱। তভরে তকরঙ রও? I dropped your calculator. Is it broken? আরম বুছরে পাররঙ না। আমারও তিঔরে িা঑। না, মরন ঵ে না তভরেরঙ। তবাোমরি তবর ঵রে এর঴রঙ, আরম


এঔনই ঱ারকরে রিরে। I'm not sure. Let me have a look. No, I don't think it's broken. The button came off though. I can fix it.

Tanbir এচনয িু ুঃরঔে।  Sorry about that. এচনয তভরবানা। আরম ঑রওম ঵ারমলাই ওরর থারও। এিা তভরে তকর঱ কারররে আমার আররওিা আরঙ। Razib

Don't worry about it. I do that all the time. If it is broken, I have another one in my car.

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নাম: Razib

বাং঱া/ইংররচী এই তয, েুরম এঔারন রওভারব এর঴রঙা? Hey, how did you get here?

Lithi আমার বাইরও তঘরপ।  I rode my bike. Razib Lithi Razib Lithi

঴রেয? অমনিা ওরর঱ তওন? আরম তোমারও েুর঱ রনরে পারোম। Are you serious? Why did you do that? I could have picked you up. আো রিও আরঙ। আরম তোমারও রবরি ওররে ঘাইরন। চারন, খুম তথরও আরক উিরে পঙন্দ ওররা না। That's OK, I didn't want to bother you. I know you don't like to wake up early. েুরম ঴েযই ভা঱। তোমার িান্ডা ঱ারকরন? That's so nice of you. Aren't you cold? না। আরম এওরি তওাি পরররঙ঱াম। No, not really. I wore a coat.

Razib বযারকর তভেরর রও?  What's in the bag? Lithi Razib Lithi Razib Lithi Razib Lithi

রবরল঳ এও ররনর আরপ঱। It's a special type of apple. ঑঵, আমারও এওরি রিরব? এরি ভারর রমরি। Oh. Can I try one? It's very sweet. আরম এরে রঘরন রিরেরঙ। এ আরপ঱গুর঱া ভা঱। মাে ৩০ ত঴ন্ট ওরর এও এওরি। I put sugar on it. These apples are really good. They were only 30 cents each. ঴ু পার মারওেি তযগুর঱া রঙ঱ োর তঘরে এগুর঱া রও বযেবহু঱ নে? Aren't those more expensive than the ones at the supermarket? ঵যা​াঁ, এগুর঱ার মূ ঱য অর ও েরব তঔরে স্বাি তবরল। Yeah, they're more expensive, but they taste better. েুরম অনয তওান ফ঱ রওরনরঙর঱? Did you buy any other fruit? আরপ঱ ঙারা঑ ওম঱া ঑ ও঱া রওরনরঙ঱াম। Well, besides the apples, I bought oranges and bananas.

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঵যার঱া?  Hello?


Tanbir েুরম এঔন঑ চাকা?  Hi. Are you still up? Lithi Tanbir Lithi

঵া​াঁ।  Yes. তোমার ক঱ার স্বর িূ বে঱ মরন ঵রে, ঴ব রিও আরঙ তো? You sound tired, is everything OK? ঵যা​াঁ, ঴ব রওঙু রিও আরঙ। আরম খুমারে যাবার প্রস্তুরে ওররঙ, রিনিা ঔুব ঱ম্বা রঙ঱ আচ। Yeah, everything's fine. I'm just getting ready to go to bed. It's been a really long day. আমার ঴ারথ ওরফ ঔা঑োর ঴মে ঵রব তোমার ?এওিী রব঳ে ওথা ব঱রে ঘাই তোমার ঴ারথ।

Tanbir Do you have time to get some coffee with me later? I have something I want to talk to you about. Lithi Tanbir Lithi

না, িু ুঃরঔে। আচ নে। আকামীওা঱ আমারও ঔুব ঴ওার঱ উিরে ঵রব। No, sorry. Not today. I have to get up early tomorrow. ঑, আকামীওা঱ েুরম রও ওররব? Oh, What are you going to do tomorrow? আমার লাশুরর আ঴রঙন, োই আমারও তবল ঴ওার঱ উরি, খরবারর পররষ্কার ওররে ঵রব। My mother-in-law is coming over so I have to get up early and clean the house.

Tanbir ঑, োই।  I see. Lithi

েুরম রও আকামীওা঱ ঘাপমুি থাওরব? Are you free tomorrow? ঵যা​াঁ, েরব রবরওর঱। আরম যা রনরে ওাচ ওররঙ, ো তল঳ ওররে ঵রব, েরব ঴ারর রেনিার পরর আরম রে


থাওরব। Yes, in the afternoon. I have to finish something I'm working on, but I'll be free after 3:30.

Lithi Tanbir Lithi

তোমার ওাচ তলর঳ রও আমরা রমর঱ে ঵রে? Do you want to get together after you finish work? তোমার রও মরন ঵ে তোমার ঴মে ঵রব? Do you think you'll have time? ঵যা​াঁ, আমার লাশুরর িু িার ঴মে। ঘর঱ যারবন। Yeah, my mother-in-law will be leaving here around 2PM.

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নাম: Ishika


বাং঱া/ইংররচী অরম এঔুরন োনবীর ঴ারথ ওথা ব঱঱াম। Hey, I just talked to Tanbir.

Razib ত঴ রও ব঱঱?  What did he say? Ishika

ত঴ ব঱঱ আচরওর রবরওর঱র রমরিং োরও বাি রিরে ঵রব। He said he had to cancel the meeting this afternoon.

Razib ঑, োই।  Oh, I see. Ishika তওান ছারম঱া?  Is there a problem? Razib

না, এিা তেমন বর রওঙু নে। োর ঑ আমার আচ নেুন রওঙু গ্রা঵রওর ঴ারথ আ঱াপ ওরার ওথা রঙ঱। No, It's not a big deal. He and I were supposed to talk to some new customers today.

Ishika শুরন িু ুঃরঔে ঵঱াম।  Sorry to hear that. Razib Ishika Razib Ishika

হু! ঴ম্প্ররে এরওম ওরেওবার খিরঙ। It's OK. This has been happening quite a bit recently. এিা আশ্চযেচনও। তওন? That's strange. I wonder why? োর স্ত্রী অ঴ু স্থ রঙ঱, ত঴ ওাররে স্ত্রীর ত঴বীা​া ওরারা চনয োরও মারছ মর য আরক বারর রফররে ঵রে। His wife has been sick, so sometimes he has to go home early to take care of her. ঑ োই। ওাচ তওমন ঘ঱রঙ? I see. How's work been going? এমূ হুরে​ে এওিু ীরকরেরে। তোমার তফানরি ার রনর঱ েুরম রও রওঙু মরন ওররব? আমাররির বযািারর তনই,


আমারও ব঴রও তফান ওরর এ রব঳রে ব঱রে ঵রব। Things are slow right now. Would you mind if I borrow your phone, mine's out of batteries and I have to call my boss to tell him about this?


রিও আরঙ, রনরে আর঴। ঑িা কারররে আরঙ। OK, let me go get it. It’s in the car.

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Tanbir ঵যার঱া?  Hello? Ishika Tanbir Ishika Tanbir Ishika Tanbir Ishika Tanbir Ishika

োনবীর , তোমারও তিরররে তফান ওরার চনয িু ুঃরঔে। আলা ওরর তোমারও খুম তথরও েু঱রঙ না। Hi Tanbir , sorry for calling so late, I hope I didn't wake you up. মূ ঱ে: আরম রওঙু ওাচ তল঳ ওররঙ঱াম। এঔন঑ শুরে যাইরন। Actually, I was just finishing some work. I haven't gone to bed yet. েুরম রও শুরনঙ, কেওা঱ রাচীরবর ঘাওুরর ঘর঱ তকরঙ? Did you hear Razib got fired yesterday? না, োরো শুরনরন। েুরম রও রনরশ্চে? No. I didn't hear that. Are you sure? ঵যা​াঁ, র঱রথ আমারও আচ রবরওর঱ ব঱রঙ঱। ত঴ এ বযাপারর তবল িু রশ্চ্তরাগ্রস্ত। Yeah, Lithi told me this afternoon. She was pretty upset about it. এিা অরেলে মন্দ। রাচীব ঔুব ভা঱ মানু ঳ রঙ঱। That's too bad. Razib’s a nice guy. ঵যা​াঁ, োরো চারন। Yeah, I know. তওন োরা োরও ঙািাই ওর঱? Why did they fire him? ত঴ ো বর঱রন। She didn't say. রিও আরঙ, তবল, েুরম যরি আবার ঴ারার ঴ারথ ওথা ব঱, ব঱রব তয আমার তওািারনরে এওরি ঘাওুরর আরঙ। রাচীব


ঘাইর঱ এ ঴িার঵ এওরি ঴াোত্ওার রিরে পারর। I see. Well, if you talk to Ishika again, tell her there's a job opening at my company. Razib can have an interview this week if he wants.


঑঵, তোমারও অচস্র নযবাি। আরম োরও তফান ওরর ব঱ব। Oh, thank you so much. I'll call her and tell her.

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Tanbir এই রাচীব।  Hi Razib . Razib Tanbir

োনবীর ! তোমারও উত্ভ্রা্তর ঱াকরঙ, বযাপার রও? Hi Tanbir. You look upset, what's wrong? রওঙু না। আরম এওিু ভরে আরঙ। It's nothing. I'm just a little nervous.

Razib ঴ব রিও তো?  Is everything all right? Tanbir Razib Tanbir

আকারমওা঱ আমার আেু র঱ অরস্ত্রাপঘার ঵রব। Well, I'm having surgery tomorrow on my finger. তোমার আেু র঱ রও ঵রেরঙ? What's wrong with your finger? ত঴রিন বারস্কিব঱ তঔ঱রে রকরে আরম এিা তভরে তফর঱রঙ। I broke it the other day playing basketball.

Razib ঑, ঔুব িু ুঃরঔে।  Oh, that's terrible. Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib

঵যা​াঁ, ত঴রিন তথরও এিা আমারও তভাকারে। Yeah, it's been bothering me since that day. েুরম রও অরস্ত্রাপঘাররও ভে পা঑? Are you afraid of having surgery? ঵যা​াঁ, আরক আমার ওঔন঑ ঵েরন। Yes. I've never had surgery before. রঘ্তরা ওরনা। কে বঙর আমার পারে অরস্ত্রাপঘার ওররে ঵রেরঙ঱। ঴বরওঙু রিওভারব ঵রেরঙ঱। I wouldn't worry. I had to have surgery on my leg last year. Everything went fine. অরস্ত্রাপঘাররর পূ রবে েুরম রও ভে পারের঱? Were you nervous before the surgery? রওঙু িা। তোমার ডািার তও? A little. Who's your doctor?

Tanbir ডাুঃ এর঱ন।  Dr. Allen. Razib Tanbir

঑঵, শুরনরঙ ত঴ ঔুব ভা঱। আমার মরন ঵ে না তোমার িু রশ্চ্তরা ওরার মে রওঙু আরঙ। Oh, I've heard he's really good. I don't think you have anything to worry about. তবল। এরে আমার তবল ভা঱ তবা ঵রে। Good. That makes me feel much better.

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নাম: Tanbir Lithi Tanbir


বাং঱া/ইংররচী র঱রথ, েুরম ঑ চন রও এঔরনা তডরিং ওরঙ? Lithi, are you and John still dating? ঵া​াঁ, ঴বরওঙু ভা঱ই ঘ঱রঙ। Yeah, things are going really good. োর ঴ারথ তোমার তওাথাে তিঔা ঵রেরঙ঱? Where did you meet him? িু ঴িা঵ আরক ঱াইরেরররে োর ঴ারথ আমার তিঔা ঵রেরঙ঱। আমরা এওই তিরবর঱ বর঴রঙ঱াম, ত঴ আমার


ও঱ম তঘরেরঙ঱। I met him at the library a couple of weeks ago. We were sitting at the same table and he asked to borrow my pen.

Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi Tanbir

঑঵, এরয তবল মচািার ওার঵নী। Wow, that's a nice story. রচমরও এ বযাপারর আরম ত঴রিন ব঱রঙ঱াম। ত঴ ব঱঱ এিা তবল ঴ু ন্দর তরামাি। I was telling Jim about it the other day. He thought it was pretty romantic. আচ রারের চনয তোমারির িু ’চনার রও পররওল্পনা আরঙ? Do you two have plans for tonight? ঵যা​াঁ, মরন ঵ে আমরা এওরি মুরভ ভারা ওরব। তওারনা ভা঱ র঴রনমা এর মর য ত রঔথ? Yes, I think we're going to rent a movie. Have you seen anything good lately? আরম ত঴রিন স্পাইডার মযান তিঔ঱াম। I saw Spider-Man the other day. শুরনরঙ ঔুব মচার ঙরব। I've heard that's a really funny movie. েুরম রও ফাচ঱ারম ওরঙ? ঐ ঙরবরি তওৌেুরওর নে। বরং িু ুঃরঔর। ঙরবর তল঳রিরও আরম ওািরঙ঱াম। Are you kidding? That movie's not funny. It's sad. I was crying at the end. েুরম ঴ংরবিনলী঱, োই না? You're really sensitive, aren't you? তবা ঵ে। মরন ঵ে ত঴ ওাররনই আমার বান্ধ্ুবী যু িরঙ না। I guess so. Maybe that's why I can't find a girlfriend.

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বাং঱া/ইংররচী এই তয োনবীর, তোমার ঴ারথ রও এও মু঵ূে​ে ওথা ব঱রে পারর। শুন঱াম ল঵র তওরন্দ্রর ওুরও ফযাক্টররিা বন্ধ্ ঵রে যারে।


Hi Tanbir , can I talk to you for a moment. I just heard the cookie factory downtown is going out of business.

Tanbir েুরম তওাথাে শুনর঱?  Where did you hear that? Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir

ঈর঳ওা আমারও ব঱঱।  Ishika told me. আরম রনরশ্চে নই তয ো ঴রেয। এ বযাপারর আরম আর রওঙু শুরনরন। I'm not sure that's true. I haven't heard anything about it. ত঴ ব঱঱ তয োরা ত঱াওচন তও ঙা​াঁিাই ওরা শুরু ওরররঙ। She said that they have already started to lay people off. তোমার বাবা ঑ঔারন ওাচ ওররন, না? Doesn't your father work there? ঵যা​াঁ, আরম ঔুবই রঘর্তরে তয উনার঑ ঙািাই ঵রে পারর, ত঴ তওব঱ রেনমা঴ আরক ত঴ঔারন ওাচ শুরু ওরররঙন। আমার রও


ওরা উরঘে মরন ঵ে? Yes, I'm really worried he might get laid off; he just started to work there about three months ago. What do you think I should do?

Tanbir আরম ঵র঱, তোমার বাবার ঴ারথ ওথা ব঱োম।  I'd talk to your father. ঵যা​াঁ, েরব তওান ঴ম঴যা যরি ঵ে ত঴ আমারও ব঱রব বর঱ মরন ঵ে না। ত঴ আমারও ঘঙ্ঘর঱ে ঵ই ঘাে না, রওন্তু আরম ঔুবই Razib

চানরে ঘাই রও ঵রে। Yeah, but if there was something wrong I don't think he'd tell me. He doesn't like to upset me, but I really would like to know what's going on.

Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib

ো঵র঱ এঔন েুরম রও ওররে ঘা঑? So what are you wanting to do? ঐ তওািারনর তপ্রর঴রডরন্টর ঴ারথ তোমার ভা঱ ঴িওে আরঙ োই না? Aren't you good friends with the president of that company? ঵যা​াঁ, বঙর পা​াঁরঘও আরক আমরা অনয এওরি তওািানীরে এওে ওাচ ওরোম। Yes, we use to work together at a different company about five years ago. তবা ঵ে েুরম োরও তফান ওরর রও ঵রে চানরে পার? Maybe you could call him and see what's going on. আরম চারননা। তবা ঵ে আরম ওররে পারর। এঔন তিরী ঵রে তকরঙ, েরব ঴ওার঱ আরম োরও তফান ওরব। Well, I don't know. I guess I could. It's pretty late now, but I'll call him in the morning. ঑রও! তোমারও অচস্র নযবাি।  OK, thanks so much.

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নাম: Tanbir


বাং঱া/ইংররচী ঑঵, আরম তবল তমািা ঵রে যারে। Wow, I'm really getting fat.

Tonny তোমারও তমািা তিঔারে না।  You don't look fat. Tanbir

঵যা​াঁ, েরব আরম ঵রেরঙ। কে িু ’মার঴ আমার ১০ পাউন্ড তবরররঙ, আমার ভুররিা তিঔ। Yes, but I am. I've gained 10 pounds in the last two months. Look at my stomach.

Tonny তোমার ঑চন ওে?  How much do you weigh? Tanbir মরন ঵রে ১৭০ পাউন্ড।  I think about 170 pounds. Tonny

েুরম রও চােীে ঔাবার ঔা঑? What kind of foods do you eat? ঴া ারে​ে: রডনারর আরম পা঴ো ঔাই, েরব মারছ মারছ রান্না ওরার ঴মে না তপর঱ ফােফুড ঔাই।

Tanbir I usually have pasta for dinner. Sometimes I get take-out or fast food if I don't have enough time to cook. ত঴রিন আরম এওরি ঔািয রব঳েও বই পররঙ঱াম। োরে র঱রঔরঙ যরি েুরম অনযরওঙু না তঔরে শু ু মাং঴ ঔা঑, তোমার Tonny

঑চন দ্রুে ওরম যারব। I was reading a diet book the other day. It said that if you eat meat and nothing else, you'll lose weight quickly.

Tanbir ঑঵, ঑িা রও ঴েযই ওাচ ওরর?  Wow, does that work? Tonny Tanbir Tonny Tanbir

আরম চারননা। েরব আমারও এওচন বর঱রঙ঱ তয ত঴ এরওম ওরররঙ঱ এবং প্রাে ২০ পাউন্ড ঑চন ওরমরে রঙ঱। I don't know, but someone told me they tried it and lost 20 pounds. শুরন ভা঱ মরন ঵রে। েরব চারননা ওেরিন ঘা঱ারে পারব। That sounds good, but I'm not sure how long I could do that. আরম চারন। এওবার রুরি ঑ লাও ঴বরচ ঔা঑ো শুরু ওরর঱ ঴ম্ভবে: তোমার ঑চন আবার বাররে থাওরব। I know, once you start eating vegetables and bread again you'll probably start gaining weight. আো, আরম তঘিা ওরর তিঔব। বইরির ত঱ঔও তও? Well, I think I'm going to try it anyway. Who's the author? রিও মরন ওররে পাররঙনা। তেমন চন঴া ারে প্রঘর঱ে আর ঑িা নে। যঔন আরম বারর যাব, তঘও ওরর তোমারও এওিা

Tonny তফান ওরব। I can't remember. It's not that popular anymore. When I get home I'll check and give you a call.

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Ishika ঵যার঱া?  Hello? Tanbir এই র঱রথ, আরম োনবীর ।  Hi Lithi, it's Tanbir . Ishika Tanbir

োনবীর, এঔন আরম ওথা ব঱রে পাররঙ না। পরর রও তোমারও তফান ওররে পারর? Hey Tanbir, I can't talk now. Can I call you back later? অবলযই। রওঙু ছারম঱া ঵রেরঙ? Sure. Is there a problem? আমার ওারচ তযরে তিরর ঵রে আর আমার কাররিা঑ ঔারাপ ঵রেরকরঙ। ত঴চনয ওাউরও ঔুচ াঁ রঙ তয আমারও ওারচ

Ishika তপৌরঙ রিরে পারর। I'm late for work and my car isn't working, so I need to find someone to take me to work. Tanbir Ishika Tanbir Ishika Tanbir Ishika Tanbir Ishika

আরম তোমারও তপৌরঙ রিরে পারর। I can take you. ঑঵, ঴রেয? নযবাি। আমার ঔুব ঴া঵াযয ঵রব। Oh, really? Thank you. That would help a lot. ওারচর তলর঳঑ রও তোমারও আরম রনরে আ঴ব? Do you need me to pick you up after work also? ঵যা​াঁ, যরি তেমন যরি ছারম঱া না ঵ে তোমার। Yes, if it's not too much trouble. তওারনা ছারম঱া ঵রব না। আরম এঔনই আমার বারর তথরও তবর ঵রে।োরাোরর তপৌরঙ যাব। It's no problem. I'm leaving my house now. I'll be right there. রিও আরঙ। আরম আমার বাররর ঴ামরন তোমার চনয অরপো ওরব। OK. I'll wait for you in front of my apartment building. তোমার কাররর রও ঵রেরঙ, েুরম রও চারনা? Do you know what's wrong with your car? আরম রিও চারননা। মরন ঵রে ইরেরন তওান ঴ম঴যা ঵রেরঙ। I'm not exactly sure. I think there's a problem with the engine. রিও আরঙ, তোমার ঑ঔারন রকরে আরম এওবার তিঔব। কারর ঴িরওে আমার তবল চানারলানা আরঙ। যঔন তঙাি


রঙ঱াম, বাবার ঴ারথ আরম পুররনা কারর ঴ারাোম। OK, I'll have a look when I get there. I know a lot about cars. When I was younger my father and I use to fix old cars.

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নাম: Tanbir Razib Tanbir


বাং঱া/ইংররচী এই তয, আচ েুরম রও ওররঙর঱? Hey, what have you been doing today? রওঙু না। শু ু রিরভ তিঔরঙ঱াম। আমার ঔুব এওরখাঁরে ঱াকরঙ। রওঙু ওরার তনই। Nothing, just watching TV. I'm really bored. I don't have anything to do. আমার঑ রওঙু ওরার তনই। খর পররষ্কার ঙারা আচ রওঙু ই ওরররন। I don't have anything to do either. I didn't do anything today except clean my house. চারন। আমার এও বন্ধ্ুরও রনরে আচ মর঱ যাব তভরবরঙ঱াম রওন্তু এে বরফ পররঙ তয তযরে পারররন।

Razib I know. I was planning to go to the mall today with one of my friends, but it snowed so much we couldn't go anywhere. Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir

আলা ওরর ঴ারারাে বরফ পররব ওারন আকামীওা঱ আরম স্কুর঱ তযরে ঘাই না। I hope it snows all night because I don't want to go to school tomorrow. েুরম রও চান ওার ওযারমরা আরঙ? এ ঴ব বররফর এওিা ঙরব েু঱রে ঘাই। Do you know anyone who has a camera? I want to take a picture of all this snow. না, এমন ওাউরও রঘরন না যার ওযারমরা আরঙ। No, I don't know anyone who has a camera. আচ ঈর঳ওা তও তিরঔঙ? মরন ঵ে োর এওরি আরঙ। Have you seen Ishika today? I think she might have one. না, ঴ারারিনই ত঴ এরিরও রঙ঱ না। ত঴ বর঱রঙ঱ োর আচ গুরুেপূ ে​ে তওান ওাচ রঙ঱ আচ। No, she hasn't been around all day. She said she had something important to do today? ঑঵, ত঴ তওাথাে তক঱? Oh, where did she go? তওউ চারন না। আরম োর রুমরমিরও তফান ওরররঙ঱াম, ত঴঑ চারন না। Nobody knows. I called her roommate and she doesn't know either.

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নাম: Razib


বাং঱া/ইংররচী োনবীর , ত঵িার তোমারও তফান ওরররঙ঱, েুরম রও চান? Tanbir, did you know Heather called you?

Tanbir না। ত঴ ওঔন তফান ওরররঙ঱?  No. When did she call? Razib Tanbir Razib

িু ’খন্টা আরক, মরন ঵রে।  Two hours ago, I think. িু ’খন্টা আরক? েুরম আমারও আরক ব঱রন তওন? Two hours ago? Why didn't you tell me earlier? িু ুঃরঔে, ভুর঱ রকরেরঙ঱াম।  Sorry, I forgot.

Tanbir ত঴ রও বর঱রঙ঱?  What did she say? Razib

ত঴ বর঱রঙ঱ ত঴ োর তবারনর বারররে তোমার চনয অরপো ওররঙ। She said she's waiting for you at her sister's place. রিও আরঙ। প্রথরম রডনার রান্না ওরব ভাবরঙ঱াম, েরব আমার এঔন যরথি ঴মে তনই মরন ঵রে। আরকর বারও


ঔাবার মাইরক্রা঑রেরব করম ওরর তনব। OK, I was going to cook dinner first, but I don't think I have enough time now. I'll just warm up some leftovers in the microwave.

Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib

রিও আরঙ।  OK. ত঴ আবার তফান ওরর঱ ব঱ আমার তিরর ঵রব। If she calls again tell her I'm going to to be late. রিও আরঙ।  OK, no problem. এিা ঔুব গুরুেপূ ে​ে। ভুর঱ তয঑ না। This is very important. Don't forget. রঘ্তরা ওররা না। আরম ভু঱ব না। Don't worry. I won't forget. আো, েুরম আমারও আমার তফানিা রিরে পার? আমার মরন ঵রে ঑রও আমার এঔনই তফান ওরা উরঘে। ত঴


ভাবরঙ আরম তওাথাে আরঙ। Actually, would you please hand me my phone? I think I should give her a call now. She's probably wondering where I am.


঵া​াঁ, আরম এরন রিরে।  Sure, I'll get it for you.

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নাম: Tanbir Razib


বাং঱া/ইংররচী আরম লরপংরে যারে। েুরম রও আ঴রে ঘা঑? I'm going shopping. Do you want to come? েুরম কেওা঱ লরপংরে তকর঱, না? I thought you went shopping yesterday. রকরেরঙ঱াম, রওন্তু আমার অরনও রিরনর এও বন্ধ্ু কে রারে তফান ওরররঙ঱ োর চন্মরিরনর পারিেরে রনমন্ত্রে


ওরর। োর চনয এওিা উপ঵ার তওনা িরওার। I did, but an old friend called me last night and invited me to his birthday party. I need to buy a gift for him.


঑ আো। েুরম োরও রও রিরে ঘা঑? I see. What are you going to get him? ত঴ রও পঙন্দ ওরর আরম রিও চারন না। অরনওরিন রর োরও আরম তিরঔরন। তোমার রও মরন ঵ে?

Tanbir I really have no idea what he likes. I haven't seen him in a long time. What do you think? Razib

এওিা তওও তিরব? May be a cake? েুরম যা ব঱র঱ ো মন্দনে, েরব মরন ঵ে আমার োরও অনয রওঙু তি঑ো উরঘে, এমন রওঙু যা ত঴ পররে


পারর। Well, that's a good idea, but I think I should probably get him something else, like something he can wear. ত঴ারেিার ঵র঱ তওমন ঵ে? ত঴রিন তিাওারন এওিা ঔুব ভা঱ ত঴ারেিার তিরঔরঙ঱াম। ত঴ঔারন রকরে আমরা


িু চরন এরবার তিঔরে পারর। How about a sweater? I saw a really nice one in the mall the other day. Maybe we can go there and take a look.

Tanbir Razib Tanbir

রিও আরঙ, তওান তিাওারন রঙ঱ ঑িা? OK, what store was it in? তমর঴রে। আমার মরন ঵ে এ ঴িা঵ার্তর োরা ত঴঱ রিরে। It was at Macy's. I think they're having a sale this weekend. ঑঵, ঑িা ঔুব ভা঱ তিাওান। ত঴ঔানওার ওাপর তঘাপর আমার ভা঱ ঱ারক। Oh, that's a really nice store. I like the clothes there.

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নাম: Tanbir Ishika Tanbir


বাং঱া/ইংররচী এই তয ঈর঳ওা , েুরম এঔারন রও ওরঙ? Hey Ishika, what are you doing here? এই তয োনবীর , তওমন আঙ? এও বন্ধ্ুর চনয অরপো ওররঙ। Hi, Tanbir , how are you? I'm waiting for a friend. আরম শুন঱াম এ গ্রীরষ্ম েুরম স্নােও ঵রে যাে? এিা রও ঴রেয? I heard you're going to graduate this summer. Is that true? ঵যা​াঁ, ঴বরওঙু রিওিাও তকর঱ আকরি আরম স্নােও ঵ব। োরপর ঘাওররর তঔারচ থাওব।

Ishika Yes. If everything goes alright, I'll be getting my bachelors degree in August. Then I need to start looking for a job. Tanbir

আমার কে বঙর ো ওররে ঵রোরঙ঱। ঴঵চ রঙ঱না। েুরম রও ঘাওররর তওারনা প্রস্তাব তপারোঙ? I had to do that last year. It wasn't easy. Do you have any job offers? না, এঔন঑ পাইরন। অরনওগুর঱া চীবন বৃ িা্তর পারিরেরঙ, রওন্তু তওান ঴ারা পাইরন। এই ঴মে ঘাওরর পা঑ো তবল ওরিন।

Ishika No, not yet. I sent out a lot of resumes, but I didn't receive many responses. It's pretty hard to find a job right now. Tanbir তোমার মুঔয রব঳ে রও?  What's your major? Ishika মনস্তত্ত্ব।  Psychology. Tanbir Ishika

ওর঱রচ পরাশুনা ওরার ঴মে আমার঑ মুঔয রঙ঱ মনস্তত্ত্ব, েরব প্রথম বঙররর পরর আরম প্ররওৌলর঱ বি঱ ওরররঙ঱াম। That was my major when I started college, but I switched to engineering after the first year. আমার মরন ঵ে প্ররওৌল঱ীরির চনয এওিা ঘাওরর পা঑ো এওিু ঴঵চ। I think it's easier for engineers to find a job. আরম রিও চারননা। আমার রেন মা঴ ত঱রকরঙ঱ এওিা ঘাওরর তপরে । আরম অবরলর঳ ঘাওরর তপ঱াম যঔন চব


঑রেব঴াইরি আমার চীবন বৃ িা্তর পািা঱াম। I'm not sure about that. It took me about 3 months to find a job. I finally was able to get a job after I put my resume on one of those job websites. যা ত঵াও, এিা তওান বযাপার নে। যরি ঘাওরর না পাই আরম ঴ম্ভবে: আবার স্কুর঱ রফরর যাব আর আমার মাো঴ে রডরগ্রর


চনয পরা শুরু ওরব। Anyway, it really doesn't matter. If I can't find a job I'll probably go back to school to get my Masters degree.

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Tanbir ঵যার঱া?  Hello? Lithi Tanbir Lithi

এই তয োনবীর , রও ঔবর? Hey Tanbir. What's up? তোমার ঴ারথ বহুরিন ওথা ঵েরন, তোমার রও ঔবর? I haven't talked to you in a long time, what's been happening? েুরম শুরনঙ রওনা চারননা, আরম এ঱ এরে এওিা নূ েন এযাপািেরমরন্ট উরিরঙ। Well, I don't know if you heard, I just moved into a new apartment in LA. না, শুরনরঙ঱াম েুরম যারব বর঱ ভাবরঙর঱, রওন্তু আরম চানোম না েুরম এরমর য এওিা চােকা ঔুাঁরচ তপরেঙ। ভা঱ ঵঱।

Tanbir No, I heard you were thinking about moving but I didn't know you'd already found a place. That's cool. Lithi

঵যা​াঁ, এ বযাপারর আরম ঔুবই ঔুরল।  Yeah, I'm really happy about it.

Tanbir তোমার তওান রুমরমি আরঙ?  Do you have any roommates? Lithi Tanbir

না, এবার তনই। এিা আমার পরে এওিা বর পররবে​েন, ওারন আরম ওঔন঑ এওা থারওরন। No, not this time. It's a big change for me 'cause I've never lived alone. তোমার রও মরন ঵ে তোমার এওা-এওা ঱াকরব? Don't you think you'll be lonely? না, ো নে। আমার িু ’বন্ধ্ু ঑ই এওই বারররে থারও। কেওা঱ আমরা এও ঴রে রারের ঔাবার তঔ঱াম।


Not really, I have two friends who live in the same building. We all had dinner together last night.

Tanbir োরা঑ রও ঙাে?  Are they students also? Lithi Tanbir Lithi Tanbir Lithi Tanbir

না, োরা ঙাে নে, েরব বাররিারে তবল রওঙু ঙাে থারও। No, they're not students, but there are a lot of students living in the building. শুরন মরন ঵রে তবল ভা঱ চােকা। Sounds like a nice place. ঵যা​াঁ, আমার মরন ঵ে, ইংরররচ তলঔার চনয এরি উিম পরররবল। Yeah, I think it's a good environment for learning English. যাই ত঵াও, ঴বরওঙু রিওভারব ঵রেরক঱ তচরন আরম ঔুব ঔুরল। Well, I'm glad to hear everything worked out. তোমার এঔারন তওারনা ঴মে আ঴া উরঘে আমার ঴রে তিঔা ওররে। এঔারন এমনরও এওরি ঴া​াঁোররর পুওুর আরঙ। You should come out here and visit me sometime. There's even a pool. ত঴িা ভা঱ ঵রব। এ রনরে আরম তভরব তিঔব। That would be nice. I'll think about it.

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নাম: Ishika


বাং঱া/ইংররচী োনবীর, তোমার রও তওান বান্ধ্বী ঵রেঙ? Tanbir, have you found a girlfriend yet?

Tanbir না, এঔন঑ ঵েরন।  No, not yet. Ishika তচরন রও বান্ধ্বী নে?  What about Jenny? Tanbir ঑র এওচন বেরেন্ড আরঙ।  She has a boyfriend. Ishika Tanbir Ishika Tanbir Ishika

঑, োরির ঴িওে তভরে তকরঙ তভরবরঙ঱াম। Oh, I thought they broke up. না, োরা এঔরনা এও঴ারথই আরঙ। No, they're still together. তয তমরেরির ওথা বর঱রঙর঱ কে বাঙর, তয তোমার ঴ারথ ওাচ ওরর? How about that girl from work you were telling me about last year? তও, এরমর঱? ত঴ এঔন রববার঵ো। কে মার঴ ত঴ রবরে ওরররঙ। Who, Emily? She's married now. She got married last month. আো। মরন ঵রে তযন আমারির বের঴রা ঴বাই রবরে ওরর তফ঱রঙ। I see. It seems like everyone our age is married.

Tanbir ঵যা, ো অে ঴঵চ নে।  Yeah, it's not easy. Ishika

এমন তওউ রও আরঙ যারও তোমার পঙন্দ ঵ে? Is there anyone you're interested in? আরম তয বারররে থারও ত঴ঔারন এওরি তমরে আরঙ যারও আমার ঔুব ভা঱঱ারক। আরম ঑র ঴ারথ অরনও ওথা বর঱ ওারে


ত঴঑ ইংরররচ পররঙ। There is one girl I like who lives in my building. I talk to her a lot because she's also studying English.

Ishika ত঴ তওমন?  What's she like? Tanbir

ত঴ ঔুব ভা঱। ৩ মা঴ আরক ত঴ তি​িা঴ তথরও এঔারন এর঴রঙ। She's really nice. She moved here from Texas about 3 months ago.

Ishika ত঴ রও ওরর?  What does she do? Tanbir ত঴ এযাওাউন্টযান্ট। She's an accountant. Ishika Tanbir

঑িা ভা঱ ঘাওরর। ত঴ রনশ্চেই ঔুবই বুরদ্ধমরে। েুরম রও ওঔন঑ োরও খুররে রনরেরকঙ? That's a good job. She must be really smart. Have you asked her out yet? আ঴র঱ এ শুক্রবারই আমরা রডনারর যাব। Actually we're going to dinner on Friday.

Ishika শুভ ওামনা ওররঙ।  Good luck. facebook /gmail/skype: -


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নাম: Tonny


বাং঱া/ইংররচী এই রাচীব , তোমারও রবরি ওরার চনয িু ুঃরঔে। তোমার ওারঙ আমার এওরি প্রশ্ন রঙ঱। Hi Razib , Sorry to bother you. I have a question for you.

Razib আো, ওী?  OK, what's up? আমর ওরিউিারর এওরি ঴ম঴যা ঵রে। আরম চারন েুরম এওচন প্ররওৌল঱ী, োই ভাব঱াম েুরম আমারও ঴া঵াযযা ওররে Tonny

পাররব। I've been having a problem with my computer. I know you're an engineer so I thought you might be able to help me.

Razib রিও আরঙ, ঴ম঴যািা ওী?  I see. What's the problem? Tonny

এওরি ফাই঱ আরঙ তযিা তওান ওাররন আরম ঔু঱রে পাররঙ না। I have a file that I can't open for some reason.

Razib তওান ররনর ফাই঱ এিা?  What type of file is it? Tonny Razib

঑িা এওিা ঑োডে ডওুরমন্ট যা রনরে বে​েমারন ওাচ ওররঙ। আকামীওার঱র মর য আমারও ো তল঳ ওররে ঵রব। It's a Word document I've been working on. I need to finish it by tomorrow. এঔন তয ওরিউিার বযব঵ার ওরঙ োরে রও আরক েুরম ঑িা ঔু঱রে তপরররঙর঱? Were you able to open it before, on the computer you're using now? ঵যা​াঁ, কে রারে আরম ঑িা রনরে ওাচ ওররঙ঱াম এবং ঴বরওঙু ভা঱ই রঙ঱। েরব আচ ঴ওার঱ ফাই঱রি ঔু঱রে পাররঙ না।

Tonny Yes, I was working on it last night and everything was fine, but this morning I couldn't open the file. Razib Tonny

তোমার রও মরন ঵ে তোমার ওরিউিারর তওান ভাইরা঴ থাওরে পারর? Do you think your computer might have a virus? না, আরম তঘও ওরররঙ, তওান ভাইরা঴ তনই। No, I checked and there weren't any. রিও আরঙ। আরম বুছরে পাররঙ না ঴ম঴যািা তওাথাে। ঴ম্ভব ঵র঱, ফাই঱রি আমারও ই-তমর঱ পারিরে রি঑ আর আরম তঘিা


ওরব ঔু঱রে পারর রও না। OK. I'm not sure what's wrong. If it's possible, email the file to me and I'll see if I can get it to open.


রিও আরঙ, আরম বারর রকরে ো ওরব। েুরম রও আচ রারের বারররে থাওরব? OK, I'll do that when I get home. Are you going to be around tonight? ঵যা​াঁ, রাে ৮ িার পরর আরম বারররে থাওব। েুরম যঔন ঴ু রযাক পারব আমারও ঑িা পারি঑, পরর আরম তোমারও তফান

Razib ওরব। Yeah, I'll be home after 8PM. Send it to me when you get a chance and I'll call you later.

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Tanbir Razib


এই রাচীব, েুরম রও চারনা রও ওরর রাউন িাউন তযরে ঵ে? Hi Razib, do you know how to get downtown? অবলযই। েুরম ত঴ঔারন যাে তওন ?  Sure. Why are you going there?

Tanbir আরম এওরি নূ েন ওরিউিার রওনরে ঘাই।  I want to buy a new computer. Razib

রিও আরঙ, েুরম রও কারর ঘা঱াে?  OK, are you driving?

Tanbir ঵যা​াঁ,  Yes. ত঴াচা এ রাস্তা রর যা঑। যঔন রিেীে বারেরে আ঴রব েঔন বারম তমার রনরব। এরপর ঵াই঑রে রর এরি​ি ৫২ রর Razib

যারব। Go straight down this road. When you get to the second light, take a left. Then get on the highway and take exit 52.

Tanbir Razib

শুরন তবল চরি঱ মরন ঵রে। েুরম রও আবার আমাে ব঱রে পাররব? প্রথরম আরম তওান রাস্তা তনব? That sounds really complicated. Can you tell me again? Which road do I take first? েুরম এ রাস্তা রর যা঑। তযঔারন রিেীে বারর তিঔরব ত঴ঔারন বাম রিরও খুররব। ঑ই রাস্তা ঵঱ প্র ান ঴রও। You go down this road, then at the second light turn left. That road is Main street.

Tanbir রিও আরঙ, মরন ঵রে এবার আরম পারব।  OK, I think I've got it now. Razib

েুরম রওর঴র চনয নূ েন ওরিউিার রওনরে যাে? ওরেও মা঴ আরকই এওরি রওরনরঙর঱, োই না? Why are you buying a new computer anyway? Didn't you just get one a few months ago?

Tanbir রিও, রওন্তু ত঴রি আর ওাচ ওররঙনা।  Yes, but it doesn't work anymore. Razib

তওারথরও রওরনরঙর঱?  Where did you buy it?

Tanbir ঑ো঱-মািে তথরও।  At Wal-Mart. আমার মরন ঵ে তোমার ওরিউিার এঔন঑ ঑োরররন্টর আ঑োে ররেরঙ। েুরম এরি োরির ওারঙ রনরে পাররা আর ঑রা Razib

রবনামূ র঱য রিও ওরর রিরব। I think you're computer should still be under warranty. You can bring it back to them and they'll fix it for free. েুরম রিওই বর঱ঙ। আরম ত঴ রব঳রে ভারবরন। আমার ঑রির ঴রে ওথা ব঱রে যা঑ো উরঘে । ঴ব তঘরে রনওি ো঱-মািেিা


তওাথাে? I think you're right. I didn't think about that. I should go talk to them about it. Where is the closest Wal-Mart? এঔান তথরও ২ ব্লও পররই। ত঴ঔান তথরও রওঙু রচরন঴ রওনরে আমারও তযরে ঵রব। েুরম রও আমার রপরঙ রপরঙ আ঴রব?


It's about 2 blocks from here. I have to go there to get some stuff now anyway. Do you want to follow me?

Tanbir ঵া​াঁ।  Sure. facebook /gmail/skype: -


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নাম: Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib


বাং঱া/ইংররচী রাচীব , েুরম রও আচরওর ঴ংবাি তিরঔঙ? Razib, did you see the news today? না, রও ঵রেরঙ? No, what happened? ঴ান রিরেরকারে এওিা বর ভূ রমওি ঵রেরঙ। There was a big earthquake in San Diego. আ঵া, োই নারও। Oh my goodness. ঴ংবারি রওঙু ে​ে আরক রােপরে এ বযাপারর ওথা ব঱রঙর঱ন। The president was on the news talking about it earlier. তওউ ে​ে​েরে ঵রেরঙ? Was anyone hurt? মরন ঵ে োরা ব঱঱ ি’চন মানু ঳ মারা তকরঙ। I think they said two people were killed. আ঵, রও ঴াংখারেও। Oh, that's terrible. ঵যা​াঁ, েুরম এ বযাপারর রওঙু তলানরন ো আমার রবশ্বা঴ ঵রে না। োরা ঴ারা রিন র঴ এন এরন এ বযাপারর ওথা


ও঱রঙ঱। Yeah, I can't believe you hadn't heard about it. They were talking about it on CNN all day.

Razib Tanbir

঑঵, আরম তবরলভোক ঴মে রিরভ তিরঔনা। Oh, I don't watch TV that often. েুরম ঔবর তিঔনা? Don't you watch the news? না, ঴া ারে​ে: আরম অন঱াইরন ঴ংবাি পরর। েরব আচ আমার ওরিউিার ঘা঱ু ওরার ঴মে পাইরন।


No, I usually read the news online, but I haven't had time to turn on my computer today.

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নাম: Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir


বাং঱া/ইংররচী তোমার রপ্রে তঔ঱া রও? What's your favorite sport? আরম বারস্কিব঱ পঙন্দ ওরর। এই তঔ঱া আরম রিরভরে ঴ব ঴মে তিরঔ। I like basketball. I watch the games on TV all the time. তোমার রপ্রে রিম রও? Who's your favorite team? তবািন তও঱রিও঴রা। The Boston Celtics. এ বঙর োরা ঔুব ভা঱ ওররঙ, োই না? They're really good this year, aren't they? ঵যা​াঁ, েুরম রও োরির পঙন্দ ওর? Yes. Do you like them? ঵যা​াঁ, এঔানওার ঴ওর঱ই ওরর। Yes. Everyone around here does. তোমার রও মরন ঵ে এবঙর োরা ঘযারিেনলীপ রচেরব? Do you think they'll win the championship this year? ঵রে পারর। ঑রির ওরেওচন ঔুব ভা঱ তঔর঱াোর আরঙ। It's possible. They have some really good players. কে রারের তঔ঱ািা রও েুরম তিরঔরঙর঱? Did you watch the game last night? এওিুে​ে, ঴বিা তিরঔরন। আরম রিেীে অর েওিা পুররাপুরর তিরঔরঙ আর রলররারঔ঱ার অংলগুর঱া অন঱াইরন তিরঔরঙ।

Razib A little, not the whole thing. I watched the second half though and I saw some of the highlights online. Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib

িারুন তঔ঱া ঵রেরঙ঱, োই না? It was a great game, wasn't it? ঵যা​াঁ। আকামী রারে ঑রা ওারির ঴ারথ তঔ঱রব েুরম রও চান? Yeah. Do you know who they're playing tomorrow night? মরন ঵ে োরা ঱঴ এরে঱র঴র ঴ারথ তঔ঱রব। I think their playing LA. ো঵র঱ তো এওিা মচার তঔ঱া ঵রব। ঱঴ এরে঱র঴র ভা঱ ি঱। That's going to be a tough game. LA has a good team.

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নাম: Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib

বাং঱া/ইংররচী এই তয রাচীব। েুরম রও এঔন তোমার ঑রেব তপইচ রনরে ওাচ ওরঙ? Hi Razib. Are you working on your webpage now? না, আরম তোমার চনয অরপো ওররঙ, েুরম আমারও ইরমচ ফাই঱ পািারব ঵ম তপরচর চনয। No, I'm still waiting for you to send me that image file for the homepage? ো঵র঱ েুরম ঑িা পা঑রন? আরম তো এও খন্টার ঑ আরক ো তোমারও পারিরেরঙ। You mean you didn't get it? I sent it to you over an hour ago. আমারও তিঔরে ঵রব। এওিু ঴মে ঱াকরব ওারে আমারও আমার ওরিউিার ঘা঱ু ওররে ঵রব। Let me check. It's going to take a second 'cause I have to start up my computer. আো। েুরম রও তপরেঙ? OK. Did you get it? এও ত঴রওন্ড। আমারও আমার ঑রেব োউচার ঔুর঱ ই-তমই঱ এযাওাউন্ট তিঔরে ঵রব। One second. I just have to open my web browser and check my hotmail account.

Tanbir রিও আরঙ।  OK. Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir

আো, এই তয এিা। আরম তপরেরঙ। OK, here it is. I got it. আরম রওভারব ঑রেব তপইচিা পাব? আরম ইোহুরে ঔুাঁচরে তঘিা ওরররঙ রওন্তু পাইরন। How do I find the webpage? I tried to search for it on Yahoo but I couldn't find it. ইোহু নে, গুক঱ বযব঵ার ওররা। Don't use Yahoo, use Google. আরম ত঴িা঑ তঘিা ওরররঙ, রওন্তু ওাচ ঵঱ না। I tried that also and it didn't work. গুকর঱ রকরে েুরম যরি আমার নাম তঔাচ ওর, ো঵র঱ তপরে পাররব। If you go to Google and search for my name, you should be able to find it. রিও আরঙ। আরম তঘিা ওররঙ। এঔন তিঔরে তপ঱াম। OK. Let me try that. I see it now.

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নাম: Razib Tanbir Razib


বাং঱া/ইংররচী োনবীর , আরম ঔুব িা্তর। েুরম রও এওিু কারর ঘা঱ারব? Hey Tanbir, I'm tired. Would you mind driving for a while? িু ুঃরঔে। আরম ঘা঱ারে ঘাই রওন্তু আরম ঘা঱ারে চারন না। Sorry. I would like to, but I don't know how to drive. ঴রেয? তোমার রও িাইরভং ঱াইর঴ি তনই? আরম তভরবরঙ প্ররেযরওরই ঱াইর঴ি আরঙ। Really? You don't have a license? I thought everyone had a license. না, আরম ঴ারাচীবন ল঵রর তথরওরঙ এবং বারররে থাওর঱ আরম বা঴ বা ঴াব঑রে রর।

Tanbir No, I've lived in cities all my life and when I'm at home I usually take the subway or bus. Razib Tanbir Razib

঑ আো। েুরম রও ভরব঳যরে িাইরভং রলঔরব বর঱ ভাবঙ? I see. Do you think you'll learn to drive in the future? ঵যা​াঁ, আকামী বঙর এওরি কারর তওনার ওথা ভাবরঙ। আমার মরন ঵ে ইউ. এ঴. এরে এিা িরওার। Yes. I plan to buy a car next year. I think you need one in the U.S. যে তভরব তিঔরঙ, মরন পররঙ, ল঵ররর অরনও মানু ঳ই এঔারন বার঴঑ ঘ঱ারফরা ওরর। Actually, now that I think about it, a lot of people in cities here take the bus also. ঵া​াঁ, আরম তবরারে আর঑ ঘাই। আরম ওরেও মা঴ ঵঱ এঔারন আরঙ আর মরন ঵রে এঔন঑ রওঙু তিরঔরন।

Tanbir Well, I'd like to travel more. I've been here for a few months already and I feel like I haven't seen anything yet. Razib

েুরম রও ওরর কারর ঘা঱ারে রলঔরব? েুরম রও ঘা঑ আরম তোমারও তলঔাই? How are you going to learn to drive? Do you want me to teach you? না, আরম তোমারও ছারম঱া ওররে ঘাই না। ইরোমর যই আরম আমার বা঴ার ওারঙ এওরি িার঴ নাম র঱রঔরেরঙ।


আকামী মার঴ ো শুরু ঵রে। No, I wouldn't want to trouble you. I've already signed up for a class near my house. It starts next month.

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নাম: Ishika


বাং঱া/ইংররচী োনবীর , তোমার ইংরররচ তো তবল ভা঱। েুরম রও ওরর রলরঔঙ? Tanbir

your English is so good. How did you learn it?

঑, আমার তিরল প্ররেযওরও প্রথরম তগ্রড তথরও ইংরররচ পররে ঵ে। আরম এ পযে্তর ১২ বঙর রর ইংরররচ পররঙ। Tanbir Well, in my country everyone has to take English starting in the first grade. I've been taking English courses for 12 years now. ঑঵, ো তো তবল মচার। আমার মরন পররঙ কে বঙর আমরা যঔন তবরারে রকরেরঙ঱াম আর তোমারির বারররে তক঱াম। মরন পরর Ishika

ঔুব তবারল ত঱াও রঙ঱না যারা আমার ঴ারথ ইংরররচরে ওথা বর঱রে পাররঙ঱। Wow, that's interesting. I remember when we took that trip last year and visited your family. It seemed like there weren't many people that could speak with me in English.

Tanbir Ishika

঑঵, োর ওারে ঑রা ইংরররচ তবরল বর঱ না। Oh, that's because they don't speak English that much. েরব োরা ো স্কুর঱ বর঱ থারও, োই না? ঵রে পারর োরা আমারও পঙন্দ ওরররন বর঱ই ওথা ব঱রে ঘােরন। But they speak it in school, right? Maybe they just didn't like me so they didn't want to talk to me. না, আ঴র঱ তোমারও োরির তবল পঙন্দ ঵রেরঙ঱। োরা আমারও বর঱রঙ঱ েুরম ঔুব ভা঱। োরা ঱াচুও। োরির রবরিরলরির ঴ারথ ওথা ব঱ার অভযা঴ তনই। মরন পরর আরম যঔন প্রথম আরমররওাে এর঴রঙ঱াম মানু র঳র ঴ারথ ওথা ব঱রে আমার ভে ঵ে।

Tanbir No, actually they liked you a lot. They told me they thought you were very nice. They are just shy. They're not use to talking with foreigners. I remember when I first came to the U.S. I was really nervous about speaking with people. Ishika

঑ োই। আরম তভরবরঙ঱াম, তোমার তিরল অরনও আরমররওান ইংরররচ তলঔারে। I see. I thought there were lots of Americans teaching English in your country. ঵যা​াঁ, ো রিও। ৫ বঙর আরক যে রঙ঱ ঴ম্ভবে: োর রিগুন আরঙ আচ। েরব অর ওাংলই ল঵রর আরঙন। আমরা গ্রারম থারও।

Tanbir Yes, that's true. There are probably twice as many now as there were five years ago, but they are mostly in the cities. My family lives in the country. তওন ব঱ তো? আরম রনরচ ল঵ররর তঘরে গ্রামই পঙন্দ ওরর। গ্রাম তবল লা্তর ঑ লার্তরপূ ে​ে। আরম যরি তলঔাোম, গ্রারম তলঔারে Ishika

ঘাইোম। I wonder why. Personally I prefer the country to the city. It's so quiet and peaceful. If I were to teach, I would want to teach in the country. তোমার রও মরন ঵ে েুরম তওারনারিন তলঔারব? আরম চারন আমার ল঵ররর স্কু঱গুর঱া রলেও ঔুাঁচরঙ, োই েুরম যরি ঘা঑ ো঵র঱ আরম


োরির তফান ওরর আর঑ রবস্তাররে চানরে পারর। Do you think you would want to teach someday? I know the schools around my town are looking for teachers, so if you want I can call them and get more information. না, আরম তেমন মরন ওররঙ না। আমারও ত঴ঔারন এও বঙর থাওরে ঵রব এবং ওারচর তথরও ঑ে ঴মে ঙু রি পাব বর঱ মরন ঵ে না।

Ishika No, I don't think so. I would need to stay there for a year, and I don't think I can take that much time off work. Tanbir

তবল, তোমার মন পররবে​েন ঵র঱ আমাে চারন঑। আমার মরন ঵ে েুরম এওিা িারুে রলেও ঵রব। Well, if you change your mind, let me know. I think you would be a really great teacher.

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নাম: Tanbir Ishika Tanbir Ishika Tanbir Ishika

বাং঱া/ইংররচী ঈর঳ওা , খ্রীিমা঴ ওািাবার চনয েুরম রও পররওল্পনা ওরঙ? Ishika what are your plans for Christmas? ঑ ঵যা​াঁ, প্রাে খ্রীিমা঴ এর঴ তক঱, োই না? রিও চারননা, েঔন আরম রও ওরব। Oh yes, it's almost Christmas, isn't it. I'm not sure what I'll be doing then. তবল, তোমার তওান পররওল্পনা না থাওর঱, আমার বারররে তোমার পররবার রনরে রডনারর এ঴। Well, if you don't have any plans, you family could have dinner at my house. তোমার বিানযোর চনয নযবাি। তোমার তওনাওািা রও তল঳ ঵রেরঙ? That's very nice of you, thanks. Have you finished your shopping yet? না, আমার এঔন঑ ঑িা ওররে ঵রব। ঴িা঵ার্তর মর঱ যাব বর঱ আরম ভাবরঙ। No, I still have to do that. I think I'll go to the mall this weekend. মর঱ ঔুব ভীর ঵রব। েুরম বরং অন঱াইরন বাচার ওর। It's going to be really crowded at the mall. You should shop online. েুরম রিওই বর঱ঙ। আমার পররবাররর ঴ওর঱ বই পররে ভা঱বার঴ োই োরির আমাচন.ওম তথরও আরম ঴ব


উপ঵ার রিরে পারর। You're right. My family loves to read, so I can probably get them all presents from Amazon.com.

Ishika Tanbir

তোমার স্ত্রীরও রও তিরব বর঱ ভাবঙ? What do you think you'll get for your wife? ঴ম্ভবে: এওরি তরামারির উপনযা঴। োরও ঴বে​ে​ে ঑গুর঱া পররে তিরঔ। Probably a romance novel. It seems like she's always reading one of those. েুরম রও আর এওিু িামী রওঙু তিবার ওথা ভাবঙ না? তযমন ক঵না বা নূ েন ওরিউিার।

Ishika Don't you think you should get her something a little more expensive, like jewelry or maybe a new computer? েুরম ঵ে​ে রিওই ব঱ঙ। উপ঵ার তওনা তবল ওরিন। আমার মরন ঵ে আমার স্ত্রীর যা ভা঱঱ারক ঴বই োর আরঙ। Tanbir

আমার োরও রচরে঴ ওরা উরঘে। Maybe you're right. It's hard buying gifts. I think my wife has everything she wants. Maybe I should just ask her.

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নাম: Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib


বাং঱া/ইংররচী রাচীব , েুরম ওারও তভাি তিরব? Razib, who are you going to vote for? েুরম রও তপ্রর঴রডরন্টর চনয ব঱ঙ? You mean for president? ঵যা​াঁ। Yes. আরম এঔন঑ রনরশ্চে নই। I'm not sure yet. তোমার োরাোরর মন রস্থর ওরা উরঘে। রনবোঘন আকামী মার঴ই। You should make up your mind soon. The election is next month. ঵যা​াঁ, আরম চারন। আরম প্ররেরিরনই ঔবরর ো শুরন। Yes, I know. I hear about it every day on the news. আরম ঑বামারও তভাি তিব। I'm going to vote for Obama. ত঴ ভা঱ই ঵রব বর঱ মরন ঵রে। েরব মযাওরওইন঑ ভা঱ তপ্রর঴রডন্ট ঵রব বর঱ মরন ঵ে। I think he is a good choice, but I think McCain would make a good president also. আরম চারন। ঑াঁরা উভরেই ভা঱। র঴দ্ধা্তর তন঑ো তবল ওরিন। মযাওরওইন এওিু বেস্ক েরব োর অরভজ্ঞো তবলী। আবার ঑বামার তবল রওঙু ভা঱ ারনা ররেরঙ, েরব তওউ তওউ ব঱রঙ ত঴ ওর বারারে ঘাে।

TanbirI know. TheyCre both good. ItCs hard to decide.

cCain is older but he has more

experience. sbama seems to have a lot of good ideas, but some people say he wants to raise taxes. আরম শুরনরঙ ত঴ ওর ওমারে ঘাে। তওানিা তয ঴রেয চানা মুলরও঱। এ ওাররনই আরম রাচনীরেরে মন রিইনা। Razib I heard he wants to lower taxes. It's hard to know what the truth is. That's the reason I really don't pay attention to politics. Tanbir

঵যা​াঁ, এিা ঵োলাবযেও, েরব গুরুেপূ ে​ে এবং তিঔারে তবল মচা ঱ারক঳। Yes, it can be frustrating, but it's important and it's interesting to watch.

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নাম: Razib

বাং঱া/ইংররচী এই তয োনবীর, তোমার ঴ারথ এও রমরনি ওথা ব঱রে পারর? Hey Tanbir, can I talk to you for a minute?

Tanbir অবলযই, রও ঵রেরঙ?  Sure, what's up? তোমারও চানারে ঘাই তয ওরেও মা঴ আরক আরম এওিা বইরের িারব তযাক রিরেরঙ। আরম চারন েুরম তবল পর োই Razib

ভাব঱াম েুরম আকামী মার঴ আমার ঴ারথ ত঴ঔারন তযরে পার। I wanted to let you know about a book club I joined a couple months ago. I know you do a lot of reading so I thought you might want to come with me next month.

Tanbir Razib Tanbir Razib

঑঵, শুরন মরন ঵রে তবল মচার। ি঱িা ওঔন এওরে​ে ঵ে? Oh, that sounds like fun. When does the group meet? ঴া ারে​ে: মার঴র তল঳ লরনবারর রাে ঴ারর ন’িাে। ত঴িা রও তোমার চনয ঔুব তিরর ঵রব? Usually the last Saturday of the month at 9:30 in the evening. Is that too late for you? না, মরন ঵রে তিরর না। তোমরা রও রনরে আর঱াঘনা ওর? No, I think that's ok. What do you talk about in the group? প্ররে মার঴ আমরা এওিা নূ েন বই পরার চনয বাঙাই ওরর আর পরবে​েী রমরিরগ ত঴ রব঳রে আর঱াঘনা ওরর। Well, every month we choose a new book and then during the next meeting we discuss it.

Tanbir েুরম এঔন রও বই পরঙ?  What book are you reading now? Razib Tanbir

িয ওাইি রানার।  The Kite Runner. শুরনরঙ বইিা ভা঱। কল্পিা রওর঴র রব঳ে? I've heard that's a good book. What's it about? বইিা ভা঱। আরম প্রাে তল঳ ওরররঙ। বইরির রব঳েবস্তু ঵রে আরলর িলরও আফকারনস্তারন এওরি তঙর঱র বর ঵঑ো রনরে। বইিার নামওরে িয ওাইি রানার ওারে এই করল্পর মূ ঔয ঘররে এওরি খুরর ঑রারনার প্ররেরযারকোে অংল তনে।


It is a good book. I'm almost finished. The book is about a boy who grows up in Afghanistan during the 1980s. It's called the Kite Runner because the main character takes part in a kite flying competition.

Tanbir Razib

শুরন ভা঱ ঱াক঱। আরম ঔুবই তযরে ঘাই। That sounds really interesting. I'd love to come. রিও আরঙ, ভা঱ ঵঱। আকামী িু ’঴িার঵র মর য পরবে​েী রমরিং ঵রে না, োই তোমার বই পরার ঴মে আরঙ। Ok, great. The next meeting isn't for another two weeks, so you still have time to read the book.

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At the beginning of the letter take my Salam and Cordial (আ্তরররও) love and affection/ felicitation (শুরভো ) /compliments. How are you? Hope that you are well by grace of Allah (God).I am also fine / well by his grace and your blessing (আলীবোি). For the past (রিরনর ঴ংঔযা) days, I have been thinking more and more about you . However  But since I was deep into my work, I could not make Time to write to you (earlier)  রওন্তু ওাচ রনরে মি থাওাে আরম আপনার ওারঙ র঱ঔার ঴মে ওরর উিরে পারররন ।  Your silence for a long time cuts me to the quick  তোমার িীখেরিরনর নীরবো আমারও ওি রিরে ।  I don’t hear from you for a long time.  অরনওরিন যাবে আপনার তওান ঔবর পাই না । After such a long time, I am very glad to receive your letter / sms / mail …  অরনও রিন পর , তোমার রঘরি তপরে ঔুব ঔুরল ঵রেরঙ ।  I thought you had forgotten me.  আরম তভরবরঙ঱াম েুরম আমারও ভুর঱ রকরেঙ ।  Here I am going to tell about this … ত঴ বযাপারর তোমারও ব঱রঙ ..........  I hope you taking proper care of your helth.  No more today, write to me as soon as possible. More when we meet ….  With convey my best regards to your parents and my love to all.  How are your parents? Don’t forget my Salam / compliment to your parents and love to your younger brother and sister.  Good wishes to you, with much love …  So much for the present.  Pray for me to Allah so that I can do well. Assalamualaikum with due respect I shower my love on you from the core of my heart  Hope that, this letter / sms will find you safe and round  Love to you, and compliment and respect to all /everybody of your family ….

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 অর ও ঴নেযার঴রে কাচন নি- Too many cooks spoil the broth.  অরে ত঱ারভ ো​াঁেী নি- Grasp all lose all.  ফর঱ পররঘে- A tree is known by its fruit.  তযমন ওমে তেমন ফ঱- As you sow, so you will reap.  ইরে থাওর঱ উপাে ঵ে- Where there is a will, there is a way  এও মারখ লীে যাে না- One swallow does not make a summer.  এও ঵ারে োর঱ বারচ না- It takes two to make a quarrel.  ওাররা তপৌ঳ মা঴ ওাররা ঴বেনাল-What is a sport to one is death to another  ওথাে রঘরর রভরচ না- Fine words butter no parsnips.  ওি রবনা তওি রমর঱ না- No pains, no gains.  ঴বুরর তম঑ো ফর঱- Patience is bitter, but it’s fruit is sweet.  ঘাঘা আপন প্রাে বা​াঁঘা- Everyone for himself.  তঘনা বামুরনর তপো ঱ারক না- Good wine needs no bush.  তল঳ ভা঱ যার ঴ব ভার঱া োর- All’s well that ends well.  তছা​াঁপ বুরছ তওাপ মার- Strike the iron while it is hot.  রি঱রি মারর঱ পািরও঱রি তঔরে ঵ে- Tit for tat.  িরলর ঱ারি এরওর তবাছা- Many a little makes a mickle.  নানা মুরনর নানা মে- Many men, many minds.  নাঘরে না চানর঱ উিান বা​াঁওা- A bad workman quarrels with tools.  পারপর ন প্রােরশ্চরি যাে-Ill got, ill spent.  তঘার পা঱ার঱ বুরদ্ধ বারর -After death comes the doctor.  অরে ত঱ারভ ো​াঁেী নি- Grasp all loose all.  ওে​োর ইোই ওমে -Master’s will is law. facebook /gmail/skype: -


Want more Updates  http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks  তযমন ওমে তেমন ফ঱- As you sow, so you reap  ঴বুরর ত঴঑ো ফর঱ -Patience has it’s rewards.  জ্ঞানই ব঱ -Knowledge is power.  ওারচর ঴মে ওাচী ওাচ ফুরার঱ই পাচী -When the danger is gone, God is forgotten.  ঴ব ভা঱,যার তল঳ ভা঱ -All’s well that ends well.  বজ্র আাঁিুরন ফ঴ওা তকররা -Penny wise, pound foolish.  তচার যার মু঱ুও োর -Might is right.  করু তমরর চুো িান- To rob peter, to pay Paul.  তিরঔ শুরন পা বারা঑ -Look before you leap.  যে করচে ে​ে বর঳ে না -Barking dog seldom bites.  উ঱ু বরন মুিা ঙরারনা -To cast pearl before swine.  অরে ভরি তঘাররর ঱ে​ে -Too mich courtesy, to much craft.  অরনও ঴নরবযা঴ীরে কাচন নে- Too many cooks spoil the broth.  নযারা এওবারই তব঱ে঱াে যাে। -A burnt child fears the fire.  ঴ব রচরনর঴রই ঴মে আরঙ। -There is a time for everything.  মুিা থারও অেু঱ চর঱ -Truth lies at the bottom of the well.  এও ঵ারে োর঱ বারচ না -It takes two to make a quarrel.  ওরিই তওি পা঑ো যাে No pain, no gain.  এও রমথযা িাওরে অনয রমথযার আে​ে রনরে ঵ে।- One lie leads to another.  ওা​াঁিা রিরে ওা​াঁিা তো঱া।- One nail drives another.  মুঔেই মুরঔের ওির ওরর। -Fools praise fools.  বনকা​াঁরে তলো঱ রাচা। -A dog is a lion in his lane.  তবাবার তওান লত্রু নাই। -A dumb man has no enemy.  তপ্রম অন্ধ্। -Love is blind.  তমরেরিরও ভূ রে তপরেরঙ।- The girl possessed by a spirit.  তমৌনো ঴ম্মরের ঱েন। -Silence shows consent.

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I’m ( It is used in combination with other words to tell someone about yourself or to describe something you are doing )

I’m ( descriptive words)

I’m ( entering a physical location )


I’ am (Good at informs someone what you excel at and are comfortable doing.


I’ am ( By adding a verb to 'I'm' this lets you express an action or occurrence about yourself)

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Example "I'm so tired." "I'm confused." "I'm happy." "I'm twenty three years old." "I'm hungry." "I'm nervous." "I'm excited." "I'm leaving work." "I'm thirsty." "I'm from Seattle." "I'm extremely tired." "I'm very happy." "I'm terribly hungry." "I am super excited." "I'm very nervous." "I'm in the shower." "I'm in the lobby." "I'm in a car." "I'm in a house." "I'm in a school." "I'm good at drawing." "I'm good at video games." "I'm good at swimming." "I'm good at driving." "I'm good at reading." "I'm good at sports." "I'm good at writing." "I'm good at math." "I'm good at dancing." "I'm good at chess." "I'm eating lunch." "I'm brushing my teeth." "I'm scared." "I'm driving to work." "I'm crying." "I'm typing an email." "I'm cooking dinner." "I'm combing my hair." "I'm hanging a picture." "I am texting." "I am dancing." "I am interested in the job." "I am exercising."


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I’ am and 'getting' you are telling someone 'you' are gaining possession, being affected by or have plans to seek out and obtain a particular thing.

'I am trying' informs someone that you are attempting to accomplish something using bodily, mental, or spiritual strength. By adding a verb to 'I'm trying' you are pointing out exactly what it is you are attempting to do. You may also hear the word 'trying' used to express a way someone is feeling. In this manner, it expresses strain or distress.


The word 'gonna' is incorrect grammatically. The equivalent in proper grammar would be '.' going to When using the word 'gonna' you are telling someone what you are planning to do at that moment or in the near future.


By using the words 'I have' you are informing someone of something you have possession of or have acquired.


You may hear the words 'cannot' and 'won't' used with 'I have.' By adding these you can express what you will not put up with or allow. 'I have' shows possession or something acquired. By adding a past participle you are informing someone of a past or completed action done by you.

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"I am sad." "I am learning." "I'm getting better." "I'm getting ready for bed." "I'm getting a tooth ache." "I'm getting a cold." "I'm getting married." "I'm getting tired." "I'm getting good at reading." "I'm getting a new car." "I'm getting a job." "I'm getting a puppy." "I'm trying to get a job." "I'm trying to call my family." "I'm trying to enjoy my dinner." "I'm trying to educate myself." "I'm trying to explain myself." "I'm trying new food." "I'm trying to eat healthy." "I'm trying to understand." "Learning new things can be trying on you." "That marathon was very trying on me." "I'm gonna have some coffee." "I'm gonna go to work." "I'm gonna eat some cake." "I'm gonna send out my resume." "I'm gonna run a marathon." "I'm gonna ask her out for dinner." "I'm gonna stop smoking." "I'm gonna help my friends." "I'm gonna take swim lessons." "I'm gonna read a book." "I have a cat." "I have a nice car." "I have a house." "I have a computer." "I have a headache." "I cannot have that behavior in my house." "I cannot have you over tonight." "I won't have anything to do with that." "I won't have it any other way." "I have done it." "I have heard that before." "I have driven a car." "I have forgotten the words." "I have read that book."


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‘Used to' expresses something that was done in the past, and is not usually done now.

The words 'have to' describe something that needs to take place soon. It expresses certainty, necessity, or obligation.

You can also add the word 'don't' to suggest that. someone is not required to do something



The word 'wanna' is incorrect grammatically. It is equivalent to 'want to.' When combined with the word 'I' it helps communicate something you want to do. By adding the word 'don't' you can change the meaning of what you are saying to something you 'want' to do to something you 'do not' want to do. 'I gotta' is grammatically incorrect. It is more of a spoken form. If you want to say this with proper grammar, the equivalent would be, 'I have got to' or 'I've got to'. In the spoken form, 'got to' is shortened to 'gotta' and the word 'have' is dropped. By adding the word 'have' you can change what you are saying to express something that needs to be done in the near future.

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"I have eaten at that restaurant before." "I have flown in an airplane." "I have forgiven you." "I have seen you before." "I have written a letter." "I used to develop websites." "I used to jog every day." "I used to paint." "I used to smoke." "I used to work from home." "I used to live in California." "I used to go to the beach every day." "I used to sing in a choir." "I used to like vegetables." "I used to start work at 6 o'clock." "I have to switch schools." "I have to use the telephone." "I have to go to the bathroom." "I have to leave." "I have to unpack my bags." "I don't have to switch schools." "I don't have to use the telephone." "I don't have to go to the bathroom." "I don't have to leave." “I don't have to unpack my bags." "I wanna talk." "I wanna search for a job." "I wanna order some food." "I wanna marry her." "I wanna listen to that song." "I don't wanna talk." "I don't wanna search for a job." "I don't wanna marry her." "I don't wanna listen to that song." "I don't wanna order some food." "I gotta manage my money." "I gotta obey the laws." "I gotta move to a bigger house." "I gotta impress my boss." "I gotta brush my teeth."

"I have got to be on time to work." "I've gotta try harder at school." "I've gotta tell my wife I'll be late." "I've gotta learn more about the laws." "I've gotta clean my house today."


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"I would like to answer that question." "I would like to compete in a cooking contest." "I would like to explain myself." This sentence lets someone know "I would like to invite you over." what you would be interested in "I would like to practice." doing. This can be a physical, "I would like to become a doctor." mental or verbal action. "I would like to see you more often." "I would like to thank you." "I would like to learn about animals." "I would like to meet the President." "I plan to find a new apartment." "I plan to relax on vacation." "I plan to surprise my parents." 'Plan to' describes something that "I plan to wash my car." you would like to do in the near "I plan to adopt a child." future. "I plan to impress my boss." "I plan to watch a movie." "I plan to save more money." "I plan to read a book." "I plan to learn new things." "I've decided to accept the job." "I've decided to complete my degree." "I've decided to change my bad habits." 'I've' is short for 'I have' and "I've decided to extend my membership at the gym." including the word 'decided' you "I've decided to form a chess club." are stating that you have made a "I've decided to hand over my responsibilities." decision or come to a conclusion. "I've decided to help you move." "I've decided to interview for the job." "I've decided to increase my work load." "I've decided to manage a store." "I was about to go out." "I was about to go to dinner." When stating 'I was about to' you "I was about to go to bed." are informing someone that you "I was about to go to work." are going to be doing something "I was about to say the same thing." at that moment or in the very "I was about to call you." near future. "I was about to send you an email." "I was about to mow my grass." "I was about to order us some drinks." "I was about to watch television." "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." The word 'didn't' is a contraction "I didn't mean to call you so late." of the words 'did not'. When "I didn't mean to lie about what happened." using it in a sentence with the "I didn't mean to embarrass you." words 'mean to' you are "I didn't mean to stay out so late." informing someone that you did "I did not mean to say those things." something you regret or are sorry "I did not mean to leave you out." for. This could have been a "I did not mean to make you confused." physical, mental or verbal action. "I did not mean to think you were involved." "I did not mean to cause trouble."

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The word 'don't' is a contraction of the words 'do not.' When adding 'have time to' you are simply stating that you have other obligations and all other things considered must wait. You can also use the phrase 'I don't' to express things you do not like, things you do not understand, or things you do not do. When using the word 'promise' you are giving your word that what you are saying is true. You might also be assuring someone a guarantee that you will follow thru on what you are saying to them. When using 'promise not to' you are stating you will not do a particular thing. You can also just use the word 'promise' to assure someone of your intentions.

'I'd' is a contraction of the words 'I had' or 'I would.' 21


When using it with the word 'rather' you are suggesting you would like to do or prefer one thing more than another.

Here you are expressing to someone something you would enjoy doing.

By adding 'don't' or 'do not' you can change what you are saying to express something you would not enjoy or express a concern about something. facebook /gmail/skype: -

"I don't have time to explain." "I don't have time to eat." "I don't have time to exercise." "I don't have time to watch my favorite TV show." "I don't have time to talk." "I don't eat meat." "I don't like the rain." "I don't understand Spanish." "I do not understand what you are saying." "I do not like scary movies." "I do not like sports."

"I promise not to tell." "I promise not to leave without you." "I promise not to be so late." "I promise not to hurt your feelings." "I promise not to wake you up."

"I promise I am telling the truth." "I promise to practice my math." "I promise to call you." "I promise I will tell you." "I promise I will come to your party." "I'd rather talk about this later." "I'd like to eat at home than go get fast food." "I'd rather ski than snowboard." "I'd rather stay late than come in early tomorrow." "I'd rather handle the problem myself." "I had rather go home than stay out too late." "I had rather listen to my parents or get in trouble." "I would rather exercise than sit on the couch all day." "I would rather complete my task early." "I would rather know the answer." "I feel like going for a bike ride." "I feel like going to the beach." "I feel like having a snack." "I feel like talking." "I feel like dancing." "I feel like having friends over to my house." "I feel like watching TV." "I don't feel like leaving yet." "I don't feel like explaining." "I don't feel like going to bed." "I do not feel comfortable talking about it." "I do not feel like we are going in the right direction."


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"I can't help thinking about it." The word 'can't' is contraction for "I can't help shopping so much." 'cannot.' Combined with 'help' "I can't help working all the time." you are communicating "I can't help smiling when I see her." something you are unable to "I can't help eating so much." control or having a hard time "I can't help loving you." gaining a grasp for. This can be a "I can not help biting my nails when I am nervous." physical or mental action. "I can not help smoking when I have been drinking." "I cannot help feeling so sad." "I cannot help remembering the things you did." "I was busy thinking." "I was busy working." When using the word 'was', you "I was busy cooking dinner." are referring to something in a "I was busy talking on the phone." past tense, or something that "I was busy cleaning the house." happened before. Combining it "I was busy studying for my test." with the word 'busy' you can "I was busy thinking of ideas for our website." express something that was "I was busy entertaining our neighbors." occupying you in a past time. "I was busy completing my housework." "I was busy learning new things." By changing 'was' to 'am' you change your message from past tense to present tense and refer to something you are doing 'now.'



Here you are using 'not used to' to inform someone that you are unfamiliar or uncomfortable with a topic at hand.

'I want you to' is telling someone that you have a desire or would like for them to do something. By using the word 'need' instead of 'want' you are expressing something that is required or wanted.


You are informing someone that you are at a particular place to accomplish something.

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"I am busy working." "I am busy cooking dinner." "I am busy studying for my test." "I am busy completing housework." "I am busy talking on the phone." "I'm not used to talking English." "I'm not used to studying so much." "I'm not used to being around new people." "I'm not used to talking in front of groups of people." "I'm not used to having so much stress." "I'm not used to traveling so much." "I'm not used to working so early." "I'm not used to having so much responsibility." "I'm not used to drinking so much." "I want you to clean the dishes." "I want you to come home right after school." "I want you to call once you get there." "I want you to explain yourself to me." "I want you to educate me." "I need you to study harder in school." "I need you to stop and listen to me." "I need you to greet our guests." "I need you to introduce me to your family." "I need to request a refund." "I'm here to apply for the job." "I'm here to take a test." "I'm here to receive my gift." "I'm here to support all your decisions." "I'm here to watch a movie."


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When using the expression 'I have something' you are communicating that you possess something or need to do something that is unspecified or undetermined.

When telling someone that you are 'looking forward to' you are saying that you are waiting or hoping for something, especially with pleasure.

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"I'm here to work on your computer." "I'm here to welcome you to the neighborhood." "I'm here to raise awareness for cancer." "I'm here to start the job." "I'm here to receive the award." "I have something to complete." "I have something to share with you." "I have something important to tell you." "I have something to encourage you." "I have something to explain to you." "I have something special planned for your birthday." "I have something else to consider." "I have something to apologize about." "I have something to attend tonight." "I have something to ask you." "I have something fun for us to do." "I'm looking forward to meeting you." "I'm looking forward to talking with you." "I'm looking forward to going on vacation." "I'm looking forward to spending time with my family." "I'm looking forward to learning the English language." "I am looking forward to visiting another country." "I am looking forward to having a family." "I am looking forward to graduating from college." "I am looking forward to watching the baseball game." "I am looking forward to running in a race."


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'I'm' is a contraction for the words 'I am.' The phrase 'working on' relays a physical or mental effort towards an accomplishment.

Saying you are 'sorry to' expresses a feeling of sympathy or regret.

'Thinking' refers to a process of thought, forming an opinion or judgment. When expressing 'I am thinking of' you are letting someone know what you are personally thinking.


This lets you inform someone that you are willing to provide assistance. This could refer to something physical or mental, like helping someone to 'think' or 'remember' something.


When using the word 'dying' in this manner you are referring to wanting or desiring something

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Example "I'm working on a big project." "I'm working on training my dog." "I'm working on making new friends." "I'm working on educating myself." "I'm working on my homework." "I am working on painting a house." "I am working on a new idea." "I am working on my computer." "I'm working on my website." "I'm sorry to be so late." "I'm sorry to hear about your sick mother." "I'm sorry to waste your time." "I'm sorry to make you feel so sad." "I'm sorry to frighten you." "I'm sorry to disagree with your decision." "I'm sorry to call so late." "I'm sorry to admit what I did." "I'm sorry to end this relationship." "I'm thinking of checking out the new movie." "I'm thinking of filming my vacation." "I'm thinking of following a healthy diet." "I'm thinking of handing out flyers describing our business." "I'm thinking of increasing my work load." "I am thinking of introducing myself to him." "I am thinking of launching a new website." "I am thinking of moving to a new city." "I am thinking of offering her the position." "I am thinking of opening up a store." "I'll help you cook dinner tonight." "I'll help you raise money for your charity." "I'll help you register for your class online." "I'll help you move to your new house." "I'll help you prevent that from happening again." "I will help you park your car." "I will help you provide all the information you need." "I will help you realize your potential." "I will help you stop smoking." "I will help you shop for groceries." "I'm dying to relax on the beach." "I'm dying to pick some fresh fruit." "I'm dying to order some desserts."


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"I'm dying to find out if I got the job." "I'm dying to move to a bigger house." "I'm dying to look at all the work you've done." "I'm dying to learn more about you." "I'm dying to introduce you to my parents." "I'm dying to expand my business." "I'm dying to check my score on the test." "It's my turn to walk you home." "It's my turn to do laundry." The word 'It's' is a contraction of "It's my turn to work late." the words 'it is.' When stating 'my "It's my turn to take out the trash." turn' you are telling someone that "It's my turn to choose where we eat." it is time to change position or "It is my turn to pay for dinner." position focuses on to you. "It is my turn to roll the dice." "It is my turn to provide an answer." "It is my turn to try and play the game." "It is my turn to attempt solving the problem." "It's hard for me to accept what you are telling me." "It's hard for me to argue your point." When saying that something is "It's hard for me to balance my check book." 'hard for me' you are informing "It's hard for me to concentrate on the task." someone that what you are "It's hard for me to consider your other options." talking about is difficult or "It's hard for me to depend on you." challenging for you. "It is hard for me to decide where to go tonight." "It is hard for me to explain my actions." "It is hard for me to guarantee your success." "It is hard for me to handle so much pressure." By stating you are having a hard "I'm having a hard time writing." time you are letting someone "I'm having a hard time understanding you." know you are having difficulty "I'm having a hard time answering your question." with something. This could be "I'm having a hard time downloading songs to my something physical or mental and iPod." something that could be "I'm having a hard time agreeing to the terms." overcome with effort. With the addition of a verb you "I'm having an extremely hard time trusting you." can express in more detail just "I'm having an extremely hard time with my wife." how difficult something is for "I'm having a very hard time finding a job." you. "I'm having a very hard time finding parts for my car." "I think I should practice my reading." "I think I should join a study group." Here you are telling someone that "I think I should handle this as soon as possible." you feel strongly about doing a "I think I should earn my degree." particular action. "I think I should explain myself." By adding the word 'don't' you have changed what you are conveying from something you are thinking of doing, to something you are against. You are letting someone know

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"I do not think I should complain so much." "I do not think I should attend that event." "I do not think I should borrow more money." "I do not think I should doubt you." "I do not think I should decide until later." "I've heard that you got a new job."


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that you are aware of something or that you have been informed of something that is taking place. This could be something that has already happened or something happening in the near future. 'I've' is a contraction of the words 'I have.'





"I've heard that you want to leave your job." "I've heard that you got a new car." "I've heard that you like to jog." "I've heard that you fix computers." "I've heard that you've never been to Canada." "I've heard that you like to shop." "I've heard that you and your boss don't get along." "I've heard that there is no school next week." "I've heard that your wife is a yoga instructor." "It occurred to me that I forgot your birthday." "It occurred to me that we both belong to the same The word 'occurred' informs gym." someone that something has "It occurred to me that we enjoy a lot of the same come to mind or has been found. things." You are letting someone know "It occurred to me the price for homes are more that you suddenly have thought expensive here." or remembered about something. "It occurred to me that eating healthy makes me feel better." "It had occurred to me that I forgot something at the Using the word 'had' or 'has' can grocery." change what you are saying to "It had occurred to me I might need to change my email represent something address." remembered in a past time. "It has occurred to me I forgot my mom's birthday." "It has occurred to me before." "Let me make my own decisions." "Let me offer to help you." "Let me open the door for you." 'Let me' is suggesting that you are "Let me pause and think about what we are doing." asking for permission or an "Let me welcome you to the neighborhood." opportunity to do something. "Let me save you the trouble." "Let me make a suggestion." "Let me try and fix your car." "Let me taste the soup before you add more spices." "Let me treat you to some ice cream." "Thank you for inviting me." "Thank you for helping me move." Saying 'thank you' is telling "Thank you for informing me about the job opening." someone you appreciate what "Thank you for mailing that package for me." they have done. This can either "Thank you for working so hard." be something they did for you or "Thank you for stopping by to visit." for someone else. "Thank you for replying to my email." "Thank you for providing me with the answers." "Thank you for heating up dinner." "Thank you for hurrying to get here." When ending a sentence with a "Can I answer your question?" question mark (?) you are asking "Can I attend the event?" the person or people you are "Can I move to another spot?" talking to a question for which "Can I call you tomorrow?" you would like an answer. Here "Can I complete this later?" you are asking permission to do a "Can I explain myself?"

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particular action.






"Can I help you with your homework?" "Can I include you in our plans?" "Can I introduce you to my co-workers?" "Can I inform you of some bad news?" "I am not sure if they will offer me the job." "I'm not sure if she'll return my call." "I'm not sure if my wife will understand." 'I'm not sure' expresses a feeling "I'm not sure if we will go out tonight." of uncertainty or lack of "I'm not sure if I understand your question." confidence on a particular matter. "I am not sure if I can handle it." "I am not sure if it will happen." "I am not sure if it will matter." "I am not sure if my mom will notice." "I am not sure if they will permit us to park there." "Can I get a cup of water?" The phrase 'Can I get' can be used "Can I get a dog?" in a couple different ways. You "Can I get lunch?" can use it to ask a question. "Can I get sugar in my coffee?" "Can I get popcorn at the movie?" "Can I get you another drink?" You can also use it when offering "Can I help you move that?" to help someone or do something "Can I recommend a good place to eat?" for them. "Can I take you home?" "Can I help you finish your project?" "Do you mind if I excuse myself?" "Do you mind if we left early?" You are asking someone in "Do you mind if I take a nap?" present tense if they object to "Do you mind if I ask your mom?" something you are asking. "Do you mind if it snows?" You could also use the word "Would you mind if we went out to eat?" 'would' "Would you mind if I opened the window?" "Would you mind telling me what you're doing?" "Would you mind being quiet for a minute?" "Would you mind if I changed the channel?" "I don't know what to eat for dinner." "I don't know what to buy you for your birthday." You are letting someone know "I don't know what to say." that you are not sure about what "I don't know what to do with my spare time." is being asked. You may also have "I don't know what to do for vacation." no knowledge or opinion on a "I do not know what to do to make you happy." topic. "I do not know what to do to help you understand." "I do not know what to think." "I do not know what to do to prevent this." "I do not know what to order." "I wish I could sing better." "I wish I could settle the argument." You are expressing a desire to do "I wish I could sail around the world." something. "I wish I could remain calm during all of this." "I wish I could remember his name." "I wish I could replace my old car with a new one."

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'You're' is a contraction of the words 'you are.' When using 'You're' with the words 'supposed to' you are making a suggestion that something you strongly believe ought to happen.

You seem + Adjective When stating 'you seem' you're referring to the person you are talking to and expressing that they are giving the impression of or appear to be.

'You'd' is a contraction of 'you had' or 'you would.' You are making a suggestion to someone for a particular action.


Here you are asking a question about an interest they might have or something they might enjoy doing.


You are asking someone if they are attempting to do something. This can be something mentally or physically.

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"I wish I could play outside." "I wish I could go to the game with you." "I wish I could write better." "I wish I could own my own business." "You're supposed to keep that secret." "You're supposed to let me know when you leave." "You're supposed to stop when at a red light." "You're supposed to unpack once you get there." "You're supposed to return the movies you rent on time." "You are supposed to remain calm." "You are supposed to fasten your seat belt." "You are supposed to invite all your friends." "You are supposed to encourage one another." "You are supposed to decide before next Thursday." "You seem bored." "You seem unhappy with the results." "You seem eager to begin." "You seem easy to get along with." "You seem elated to hear the good news." "You seem deeply in love." "You seem afraid of roller coasters." "You seem confused about the rules of the game." "You seem embarrassed about what happened." "You seem decisive about your choice." "You'd better exercise." "You'd better help out." "You'd better invite your brother." "You'd better impress the judges." "You'd better listen to your parents." "You had better not come home late." "You had better hope for the best." "You had better change your attitude." "You would be good at teaching." "You would do well at math." "Are you into soccer?" "Are you into trying new things?" "Are you into wine tasting?" "Are you into working out at home or at the gym?" "Are you into scary movies?" "Are you into playing games?" "Are you into jogging?" "Are you into painting?" "Are you into traveling?" "Are you into fixing cars?" "Are you trying to ignore me?" "Are you trying to manage your money?" "Are you trying to memorize that song?" "Are you trying to offer your help?" "Are you trying to program your new phone?"


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'Please' is generally used in a polite request when asking someone to do something.

The word 'please' can also mean to give enjoyment or satisfaction to.


The word 'don't' is a contraction of the words 'do not.' It is said to convey a message of what NOT should be done.


With this question you are asking someone what they prefer or enjoy.

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"Are you trying to pretend like it never happened?" "Are you trying to remain calm?" "Are you trying to remember her name?" "Are you trying to reflect on the past?" "Are you trying to switch flights?" "Please pass me the salt." "Please order me the steak and potatoes." "Please stop bothering me." "Please wash your hands before dinner." "Please wait outside until we are ready." "Please zip up your coat before you go outside." "Please stand back." "The smell of the flowers was very pleasing." "May it please the court to admit this into evidence?" "I was very pleased with how the children behaved in class." "You cannot please everyone all the time." "She was pleased with the dress." "Don't try and fool me." "Don't allow this to happen." "Don't watch scary movies before you go to bed." "Don't cause any more trouble." "Don't chew gum in class." "Do not concern yourself with other people's problems." "Do not behave that way." "Do not announce your decision until you're ready." "Do not argue with me." "Do not arrive late for your meeting." "Do you like traveling on a plane?" "Do you like watching baseball on TV?" "Do you like skiing or snowboarding?" "Do you like going to bed early?" "Do you like spending time with me?" "Do you like repeating the class?" "Do you like playing video games?" "Do you like listening to music?" "Do you like practicing playing the piano?" "Do you like jogging with me?"


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When asking this question you are inquiring how often or how frequent someone does a particular thing.

To 'want' is to feel or have a desire for. When saying 'Do you want me to' you're asking someone if there is anything you can do for them or assist them with. The word 'want' can also be used to express something YOU would like someone else to do or that something you personally would enjoy.


This question asks someone their opinion about a topic.


'Don't' is a contraction of 'do not.' When using 'why' you are asking a question that involves yourself and the person you are talking to.

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Example "How often do you exercise?" "How often do you change your password?" "How often do you help out at school?" "How often do you listen to your MP3 player?" "How often do you need to go to the dentist?" "How often do you receive your magazine in the mail?" "How often do you report to your supervisor?" "How often do you stretch before working out?" "How often do you talk to your parents?" "How often do you travel?" "Do you want me to pick up the kids?" "Do you want me to fix your flat tire?" "Do you want me to help you read that book?" "Do you want me to remind you?" "Do you want me to remove my shoes?" "I want you to come over." "I want you to make a decision." "I want you to water the flowers." "I want to understand what you are trying to say." "I want to be better at swimming." "I want to be more involved at church." What do you think about having a cup of tea with me?" "What do you think about working overtime next week?" "What do you think about waiting in line for tickets?" "What do you think about sailing?" "What do you think about staying here another night?" "What do you think about retiring from your job?" "What do you think about planting new trees in the backyard?" "What do you think about offering to babysit?" "What do you think about living in a new city?" "What do you think about filming our vacation?" Why don't we go bowling tonight?" "Why don't we pick some fresh flowers?" "Why don't we play a game of chess?" "Why don't we save more money?" "Why don't we remember this place?" "Why don't we test this before using it?" "Why don't we try and do it again?"


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'Too bad' means regrettable or unfortunate. When using it in a sentence you are expressing a concern or regret for what has taken place. The topic being discussed could have happened to you, the person you are talking to, or someone or something else.


Using 'could have' you are speaking about something that was, should be or would be. You are stating that they had other options that could have been chosen.




Here you are giving an example of what decision YOU would do given the circumstances. This can be in past tense or in a conditional present.

"Why don't we post our results online?" "Why don't we gather more firewood?" "Why don't we earn more money?" "It's too bad that she lost her job." "It's too bad that you have to go." "It's too bad that I found out about it." "It's too bad we will not be there on time." "It's too bad that tickets are all gone to that concert." "It's too bad that it is supposed to rain." "It's too bad that she got hurt." "It's too bad that my work has to lay off people." "It's too bad that you do not understand." "You could have completed it sooner." "You could have blown your chance." "You could have done better on your exam." "You could have given me more time to get ready." "You could have heard that from someone else." "You could have sent that package first class." "You could have slept in a little longer." "You could have written him a letter." "You could have thought of something to do." "You could have upset her by saying that." "If I were you, I would enjoy my vacation." "If I were you, I would explain what happened." "If I were you, I would continue working until it is done." "If I were you, I would book my reservations now." "If I were you, I would answer the question."

"If I were you, I would have enjoyed my vacation." By adding 'have' after the word "If I were you, I would have explained what happened." 'would' you are talking about "If I were you, I would have continued working until it something in the past tense. was done." "If I were you, I would have booked my reservations now." "If I were you, I would have answered the question." "It's going to be delicious." You're informing someone what something is going to be like. This "It's gonna be easy." could be something you are going "It's gonna be depressing." "It's going to be exciting." to do, see or feel. "It's going to be disgusting." "He is going to be tough to deal with." You can also add 'he or she' or a "He is going to be terrific at that." person's name to describe how "She is going to be relieved to hear that." they might react to something. "She is going to be scared after watching that movie." প্ররয়াজনীয়_বা​াংলা_বই _Useful "Sally is going to be successful." Bangla- e-books "Mike is going to be grumpy after I tell him." You could be describing how "It looks like a balloon." something is similar or appears "It looks like a jellyfish." to be by the way it looks. "It looks like a banana."

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You can also use 'it looks like' to describe something that might be in the future.

"It looks like a fish." "It looks like it's going to rain." "It looks like it's going to be fun." "It looks like it's going to be a long day."

You can also use it to describe something in the present tense.





"It looks like they are leaving." "It looks like he is waving to us." "It looks like she is lost." "It looks like they are racing." "That's why people admire you." "That's why she appears so happy." "That's why babies crawl before they can walk." "That's why Pam cries at sad movies." 'That's' is short for 'that is.' Here "That's why you fail to understand." you are telling someone 'because "That is why you help out people in need." of this' or 'therefore.' "That is why you try and include everyone." "That is why you lock your doors when you leave home." "That is why she smiles when you walk by." "That is why you use it for emergencies." "It's time to say goodbye." "It's time to ask for a raise." "It's time to collect our money." "It's time to cheer for our team." You are letting someone know "It's time to change the clocks." that something is required to be "It is time to decide what to do." done at the present time. "It is time to enjoy ourselves." "It is time to fill me in on what's going on." "It is time to help out." "It is time to join a gym." "The point is that if you study you will do well in school." "The point is that she does not understand." "The point is that we need this done today." By stating 'the point is' you are "The point is that the world would be a better place." stating in your opinion the "The point is that we should help." meaning about what is actually "The point is that snakes can be dangerous." happening. "The point is that leaving a baby alone is not a good idea." "The point is that if we do not leave now we will be late." "The point is that she needs to be more responsible." "The point is that we need to work together." "How was your meeting?" "How was your doctor's appointment?" By using the words 'how was' you "How was the birthday party?" are asking someone a question "How was lunch?" about something that happened "How was the airplane ride?" or something they did in the past. "How was vacation?" "How were your parents?"

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By asking 'what are the chances of' you are wondering how often or in what case would a particular thing happen.

"How were roads when you drove home?" "How were people acting after what happened?" "How were holidays with the family?" "How about singing?" "How about hanging out tonight?" "How about folding the laundry for me?" "How about helping us out?" "How about describing to me what happened?" "How about exploring new ideas?" "How about comparing prices before we buy it?" "How about considering it?" "How about following me to their house?" "How about feeding the dogs?" "What if I miss the bus?" "What if I were late to dinner?" "What if I called her tomorrow?" "What if I don't understand?" "What if someone sees me?" "What if no one is home?" "What if they decide to stay?" "What if it rains while we are camping?" "What if I do not finish on time?" "What if we introduce ourselves first?" "How much does it cost to fly to Europe?" "How much does it cost to own a house?" "How much does it cost to play a round of golf?" "How much does it cost to join a gym?" "How much does it cost to repair my car?" "How much would it cost to talk long distance?" "How much would it cost to run a website?" "How much would it cost to wash my car?" "How much would it cost to rent a car?" "How much would it cost to go to the movies?" "How come parents worry so much?" "How come people carpool to work?" "How come you are so upset?" "How come he will not call you?" "How come you stayed out so late?" "How come you cannot make a decision?" "How come you always question me?" "How come we never agree?" "How come your dog digs in the yard?" "How come she will not come over?" "What are the chances of getting tickets?" "What are the chances of that happening?" "What are the chances of it raining today?" "What are the chances of winning the lottery?"

When replacing the word 'the'

"What are the chances of you staying home today?" "What are your chances of getting the job?"

You're asking someone their opinion on something or if they would like to do something. প্ররয়াজনীয়_বা​াংলা_বই _Useful Bangla- e-books


Here you are asking a question about 'in the event of' or 'in the event that.' Usually you are looking for an answer at the time of the question that is being asked.


You are simply asking how much you would need to pay to do something.


When using 'how come' you are asking why a particular thing has or had to take place. প্ররয়াজনীয়_বা​াংলা_বই _Useful Bangla- e-books


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with 'your' or 'our' you can ask what the chances 'personally' that the topic will happen.


You are informing someone that there is something not right or out of the ordinary.


The word 'let's' is formed from the words 'let us.' Here you are requesting that something not take place at this moment or that what is happening needs to be contained or lessened.


'Let's' is a contraction for 'let us.' You are suggesting to someone that you should both agree on what you will communicate to someone else. প্ররয়াজনীয়_বা​াংলা_বই _Useful Bangla- e-books



The word 'there's' is a contraction of the words 'there is' or 'there has.' When expressing 'no need' you are stating that the action does not need to take place.

You are letting someone know how long it will take to do a particular thing.

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"What are your chances of improving?" "What are your chances of moving?" "What are our chances of staying together?" "What are our chances of working together?" "What are our chances of going together?" "There is something wrong with my laptop." "There is something wrong with my car." "There is something wrong with my cell phone." "There is something wrong with my head." "There is something wrong with your answering machine." "There is something wrong with your way of thinking." "There is something wrong with your attitude." "There is something wrong with your dog." "There is something wrong with our relationship." "There is something wrong with our alarm clock." "Let's not discuss this now." "Let's not stay here too long." "Let's not stop anywhere on the way." "Let's not remain mad at each other." "Let's not meddle in other people's business." "Let us not get too excited." "Let us not worry too much." "Let us not interrupt them when they are talking." "Let us help you." "Let us get that for you." "Let's say that you love to fish." "Let's say we found it." "Let's say that we enjoy being with them." "Let's say that we had a good time." "Let's say that it's hard to decide." "Let's say that we have to go." "Let's say that we can host." "Let's say that I have to work." "Let's say that the movie was really good." "There's no need to worry." "There's no need to be upset." "There's no need to act so strange." "There's no need to act so shy." "There's no need to rush off." "There's no need to talk now." "There is no need to call this late." "There is no need to bother him." "There is no need to run away." "There is no need to stop now." "It takes one hour to get there." "It takes forty-five minutes for me to get ready." "It takes four quarters to complete a football game." "It takes 7 seconds for my car to go 60 miles per hour." "It takes all day for us to finish golfing."


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"It takes years to learn to play guitar." "It takes 15 minutes to get to downtown." "It takes me one hour to cook." "Please make sure that she wakes up on time." You are asking someone to make "Please make sure that she gets to school." "Please make sure that dinner is ready when we get sure that a particular thing home." happens or takes place. "Please make sure that your assignment is done." "Please make sure that the water is not too hot." "Please make sure you cook the meat long enough." "Please make sure that she is getting along with her new friends." প্ররয়াজনীয়_বা​াংলা_বই _Useful "Please make sure that we leave on time." Bangla- e-books "Please make sure you record our favorite TV show." "Please make sure that you don't stay out too late." "Here's to the winner!" "Here's to your marriage!" 'Here's to' is used in a way of "Here's to the New Year!" celebrating or identifying a "Here's to great friends!" person, place, or thing of "Here's to starting a new job!" significance. It is usually said "Here is to the luckiest guy in the world!" while toasting someone at dinner, "Here is to you!" or signaling to someone or "Here is to happiness!" something after an event. "Here is to a wonderful day!" "Here is to great memories!" "It's no use crying." "It's no use separating them." "It's no use talking to her." 'It's' is a contraction for 'it is.' By "It's no use whining about it." stating 'it's no use' you are saying "It's no use apologizing." that what you or someone else is "It's no use attempting to please him." doing is not recommended or "It's no use arguing about it." uncalled for. "It's no use behaving that way." "It's no use cleaning up." "It's no use checking on it yet." "There's no way you finish on time." 'There's' is a contraction of the "There's no way we complete on time." words 'there is.' By stating "There's no way your mother approves." 'there's no way' you are relaying a thought of doubt about an event "There's no way no one claims it." taking place now or in the future. "There's no way they expect it." "There's no way he can fix it." "There's no way he can handle the news." "There's no way your brother injured his ankle." প্ররোচনীে_বাং঱া_বই _Useful -Bangla- e"There is no way that horse jumps it." books "There is no way he missed it." "It's very kind of you to offer me the job." When saying it is 'kind of you' "It's very kind of you to listen to me." you are saying that what "It's very kind of you to join me." someone has done or said was "It's very kind of you to invite us." very appreciated or welcomed. "It's very kind of you to inform us what happened."

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'There's' is a contraction of the words 'there is.' When using the word 'nothing' you are suggesting that something cannot happen or be done. By using the word 'can' or 'can't' you change the expression to mean that all is possible.


'Rumor has it' is an expression used when suggesting you might have heard something or read about something that is taking place now or in the future. A rumor is not a fact.

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"It is kind of you to help us." "It is kind of you to fill me in." "It is kind of you to entertain us." "It is kind of you to double my salary." "It is kind of you to decorate for the party." "There's nothing you can harm." "There's nothing the police can identify." "There's nothing we can agree on." "There's nothing we can join." "There's nothing she can cook." "There's nothing my dog can learn." "There is nothing I cannot ask for." "There's nothing we cannot accomplish." "There's nothing our dog cannot open." "There's nothing that truck cannot move." "Rumor has it that that player will get traded." "Rumor has it that she cheated on him." "Rumor has it that they are going to get married." "Rumor has it that you like to paint." "Rumor has it that show is going to end." "Rumor has it that he is going to get a raise." "Rumor has it that your sister got in trouble." "Rumor has it that she goes to our gym." "Rumor has it that he will not return." "Rumor has it that it happened while texting."


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Here are three errors that I regularly encounter inside and outside the classroom. Do you make these mistakes? Listen to yourself, and check your writing. These are some errors that are not deadly or fatal because native speakers usually understand what you mean. Because of that, they will rarely correct you. Nevertheless, these mistakes mark you as not quite as advanced or proficient in English as you may think you are.

Common Mistake 1 At lunchtime, I often hear students asking each other if they want to go outside and eat together. INCORRECT: A: "Do you like to eat lunch with us today?" B: "Yeah, sure. Where do you go?" What's wrong with this dialog? To ask someone to join you for lunch, we would say, CORRECT: A: " Would you like to eat lunch with us today?" OR "Do you want to eat lunch with us today?" (more informal) B: "Yeah, sure. Where are you going/are you going to go?" EXPLANATION: In English, the present simple using 'do you like to...' is not a request form. Also, B's response asking for more information using the simple present sounds odd because the speakers are talking about 'right now.' Thus, the appropriate question asking for more information about the plan for lunch would be "Where are you going/are you going to go?" (present continuous/future plan)

Common Mistake 2 Another common error especially in speaking for the Cambridge or for the iBT (TOEFL) test is INCORRECT: "I would prefer to study by my own rather than study with others." CORRECT: "I would prefer to study on my own/by myself rather than study with others." EXPLANATION: Prepositions are such a pain in the you-know-what, aren't they? I always tell advanced level students that prepositions are the last thing to master in English. These little words (in, on, at, by, for, to, and so on) quickly mark people - even those who have lived in the U.S. for decades - as foreign-born (including British English speakers, e.g., 'on the weekend' vs. 'at the weekend'). ;-)

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Common Mistake 3 Students need to be able to express their opinions. Of course, the easiest way to start off your sentence is to say, "In my opinion, ....." However, there are other ways to begin a discourse about your personal views. INCORRECT: "In my point of view, we should raise taxes on gasoline." CORRECT: "From my point of view, we should raise taxes on gasoline." "In my view, we should raise taxes on gasoline." To try to give a visual image of how to use these last two expressions correctly, I often draw a mountain peak with a little person standing on top. From that point, the person can see a lot, but (s)he is not in that point.

“Everybody are happy.” Words like everybody, somebody, anybody, nobody are actually singular, not plural. Even though “everybody” refers to a lot of people, it takes the singular verb – so the correct sentence is “Everybody is happy.”

“I’ll explain you the problem.” In this sentence, there are two objects – the direct object (the problem) and the indirect object (you). After explain, we need to use to before the indirect object – the person to whom we are doing the explaining. Also, it’s more common to put the direct object first, so the correct sentence is “I’ll explain the problem to you.”

“I have the possibility to study in Canada next year.” With “have,” we use opportunity, not possibility – so the correct sentence is “I have the opportunity to study in Canada next year.” The word possibility is more used with “There is…,” for example, “There’s a possibility I may study in Canada next year.”

“I think she doesn’t like tomatoes.” Although there’s no specific grammar rule here, it’s more common to say “I don’t think she likes tomatoes.”

“If I will see John later, I’ll give him the message.” Although both events are technically in the future, this sentence should be in the first conditional form – “If I see John later, I’ll give him the message.”

“Do you want that I make breakfast?” “That” is not normally used after “want.” The correct sentence is: “Do you want me to make breakfast?”

“I’m thinking to buy a new car.”

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“To + infinitive” is not used after “think,” so the correct sentence would be: “I’m thinking of buying a new car” or “I’m thinking about buying a new car.”

“They enjoyed the baseball game despite of the rain.” “Despite” and “in spite of” mean the same thing, and many English learners confuse them. After “despite,” we never use “of.” The correct sentence would be “They enjoyed the baseball game despite the rain” or “They enjoyed the baseball game in spite of the rain.”

“My ten-years-old daughter loves to dance.” When an age comes after “is,” then you say “years old”: “My daughter is ten years old.” But when an age comes before the person (or object) as an adjective, then you say year, not years – “My ten-year-old daughter loves to dance.”

“Our house is near to the beach.” “Near” and “close to” mean the same thing, but “to” is never used after “near.” The correct sentence is “Our house is near the beach” or “Our house is close to the beach.”

“I like very much soccer.” We don’t normally put “very much” between a verb (like) and its object (soccer). The correct sentence would be, “I like soccer very much.” However, in spoken English, it would probably be more common to say “I like soccer a lot” or “I really like soccer.”

“Gary gave to Joan the keys.” Like “explain” in the example above, “give” has two objects – the indirect object (Joan) and the direct object (the keys). We can say this sentence two ways: “Gary gave Joan the keys” or “Gary gave the keys to Joan.”

“She asked me where do I work.” This is one of the most difficult parts of English – reported speech. In reported questions, we do not use the auxiliary verb do/does/did – so the correct sentence is, “She asked me where I work.”

“They left without say goodbye.” When you use a verb after conjunctions and prepositions like after, before, since, when, while, without, instead of, and in spite of, it is generally in the -ing form. So the correct sentence is “They left without saying goodbye.”

“I need to finish this project until Friday.” Use until to talk about a situation that will continue up to a certain moment, for example: “I’m staying in the city until June.” Use by to talk about a single action or event that will happen before a future moment. By is often use with deadlines, so the correct sentence is, “I need to finish this project by Friday.”

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1. its vs. it’s its = a possessive pronoun. Examples would be: The puppy is going to find its toy. The computer and its power supply are for sale. Do you know whether my car needs its own inspection? it’s = contraction of it is. Examples would be: It’s much too hot in July. I think it’s going to rain. I doubt it’s ever going to be the same. Easy reminder: You can replace it’s with it is every time and re-read your sentence for meaning.

2. there vs. their vs. they’re there =an adverb, in or at that place. There is only one lemon left. There should be an easier way to do this. There is nothing quite like it. their=a possessive pronoun. Their mansion is beautiful. Their olive trees make me dream of Italy. Their baby cries a lot. they’re=contraction of they are. They’re simply stunning. They’re going to perform for us. They’re not here yet. Easy reminder: You can replace they’re with they are every time and re-read your sentence for meaning.

3. lose vs. loose lose = a verb, to come to be without something; to suffer the loss of something. I do not wish to lose more weight. I was about to lose my ear ring. She cannot stand the thought of losing him. loose=an adjective, free or released from attachment; not bound together; not strict. My belt is very loose around my waist. She likes to wear her hair loose and free. That is a loose interpretation of our document. Easy reminder= Lose has come to be without its extra “o”!!!

4. whose vs. who’s whose= possessive form of who. Whose plans are these? Whose money did he take? Do you know whose boat we saw the other day? who’s= a contraction for who is. Who’s going to clean all this mess? She was wondering who’s going to dance with her. Do we need to tell them who’s going to be there? Easy reminder: You can replace who’s with who is every time and see if it makes sense.

5. your vs. you’re your=possessive pronoun. Your job is very exciting. I wish I were in your shoes. Did you tell me your secret yet? you’re=contraction for you are. You’re going to amaze them with your performance.I want you to know how much you’re delivering for us. Perhaps you’re about to get started? facebook /gmail/skype: -


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Easy reminder: You can replace you’re with you are every time and see if it makes sense.

6. write and right. write=verb, to express in writing. I want to learn how to write well. Did you write this? Write a letter to Mom right=adjective, correct, justified, suitable, opposite of left. The little boy knew right versus wrong. It’s the right way to do things. I meant to write this for you right away.

7. me vs. I The best explanation for this rule is here; nonetheless here is a simple explanation: I=subject. Me=object. Which one to use when? Let’s learn by example: 1. This would be wrong: They are going to send my wife and I a package. Why? The rule is that the sentence should make sense if you remove the person and preceding the I. So in our case: They are going to send I a package. This is obviously wrong. It should be: They are going to send me a package. 2.This would be wrong: Jim and me are going to the beach. Why? Remove Jim and. In this case, also adjust the verb to match single form of first person. Then re-read the sentence: Me am going to the beach. This is also obviously wrong. It should be: Jim and I are going to the beach. 3. This would be wrong: The best one is sent to Ashly and I. Easy way to remember this is that I does not follow a verb. I should always make sense if it is followed by a verb. Correct form would be The best one is sent to Ashly and me. I am rather pleased to learn that my favorite phrase, “it is she“, upon answering the phone has formal correctness on its side but is rather antiquated

8. effect and affect effect=noun, produced by a cause; a result. The effect of your leadership is visible here. The rules are in effect as of today. What if the change has no effect? affect=verb, to act on; to produce a chance. She affected all of us with her speech.The cold weather affected my plants last night.I let the movie affect me deeply.

9. accept vs. except accept=verb, to take or receive. I accept the challenge. They accepted the generous gift. Why not accept our flaws and still love ourselves? except=preposition, excluding, save, but. Everyone except me decided to go. Do anything you can to please her except calling her. Except for her attitude, I think she is ideal.

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Both are past participles of the verb to go. Correct: I went to the store. I should have gone to the open market instead. Incorrect: I should’ve went somewhere!

11. the apostrophe disaster for plural form The most common error is to put apostrophe where apostrophe has no business. When you form a plural for nouns, there is no need whatsoever to add an apostrophe. These are all wrong forms of plural nouns = Cat’s, Dog’s, Lot’s (not even a word), ABC’s, Plural forms in most cases are made by simply adding an ‘s’ to the singular form = Cats, Dogs, lots, ABCs. Even though the use of apostrophe before an S in pluralizing an acronym is quite universal, it is still incorrect.

12. ending sentences with preposition It has also become common to use prepositions inappropriately or to end phrases and questions with prepositions. Examples of some prepositions: at, of, with, in. Wrong: Where are we at with our plans? Where is the movie theater at? Correct: Where are we with our plans? Where is the movie theater? When asking about the location of a place, “at” should not be used after “where.” Note: Don’t confuse phrasal verbs which make up a huge category in English language and are best described here. For instance, a preposition always is used in the phrase “to hang out” (where did you want to hang out?) and the verb wouldn’t make sense without this preposition.

13. the dangling participle The dangling participle can seriously change the flow and meaning of your writing. It is important to make sure we qualify the intended words. Examples: Misinterpreted: Cooking on the stove, she decided it was time to turn the vegetables. It sounds as though she was being cooked on the stove herself. Better: She decided it was time to turn the vegetables which were cooking on the stove. Misinterpreted: Sunburned and dehydrated, mom decided it was time for the children to go into the house. It sounds as though the Mom is sunburned and dehydrated. Better: Mom decided it was time for the children, who were sunburned and dehydrated, to go into the house.

14. could of vs. could have This is very simple. I’m afraid “could of” is not even a phrase. It is often misused perhaps because it is phonetically so close to “could have” I wonder if I could have majored in English.

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here=adverb, in this place; in this spot. I am here and planning to stay. I wish you were here. It is here in this place that we met. hear=verb, to be within earshot; to perceive by ear. I hear you. We do not want to hear the policies one more time. If only she heard what he had to say! Easy reminder: Here is There with a preceding T and the two are almost opposites so think of them in a pair.

16. irregardless vs. regardless This is very simple also. I’m afraid “irregardless” has never and will never be a valid word. It is completely made up. It’s not going to join the ranks of words regardless of what we do!

17. then vs. than then=adverb, at the time; immediately or soon afterward. I will eat; then I will go. He shall see you then. If you want to be there by then, you had better hurry. than=used after comparative adjectives. He is taller than she is. I wonder how much more than this I can pay. Will you please speak louder than them?

18. to vs. too vs. two to=preposition. If you want me to do this, I will. You should be prepared to go. too=adverb, also. They want to perform too. She too has one. So will they see you too? two=noun, one plus one. I want you two to decide amongst yourselves. If only the two of them could see you. How long before you two grow up?

19. were vs. where vs. we’re were=past tense of verb to be. If I were a rich girl, I would live in Italy. You were happier then. I think they were going to stay. where=adverb, in or at what place. Where were you last night? Where can we go from here? Where in this world did my dog disappear? we’re=contraction of we are. We’re going to be famous. We’re not there yet. We’re about to make a huge difference.

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accept vs. except One of the most common mistakes in English is to confuse accept and except. Accept is a verb, which means to agree to take something: "I accept that I should have applied for the job earlier.” Except is a preposition or conjunction, which means not including: "I get up at 08:00am every day except Sundays." For further information about this error, advice vs. advise It is a common mistake in English for writers to confuse the word Advice. Advice is a noun that refers to an opinion or recommendation that someone provides to you: "I need advice on which job to apply for." Advise is a verb. When you advise someone, you direct him or her to take a particular course of action: "I advise you to apply for the job as soon as possible." Notice in this example that the noun form (the naming word) ends in “ice” and the verb form (the doing word) ends in “ise.” This is very often the case in English language and can be used to assist you to ensure that you use the correct word in your writing. affect vs. effect Affect and effect are two words that are commonly confused. Affect is usually a verb (an action or a doing word), which means to influence or change something. You should use the word affect when you are referring to something that you intend to do in the future: “Insufficient sleep will affect my ability to compete in the race on Sunday”. Effect is usually a noun (a naming word or a thing) that is generally used to discuss something that you have already done: “The lack of sleep had an effect on my performance”. It can also mean the result of something: “I experienced side effects when I told the tablets the doctor gave me.” Avoid this common mistake in English. all right vs. alright: Is “alright” all right? All right has a number of different meanings that lead to its misuse being one of the most common mistakes in English. The meanings of the word "all right" include yes, satisfactory, suitable, and feeling okay: “Yes, it’s all right for you to borrow my basketball.” While many people use the word alright, this is actually not a real word and many educators or teachers may strike a big red mark through it if it is used for academic or professional writing. When in doubt use “all right.” a lot vs. alot vs. allot Many people use the words a lot as an informal way of identifying a “large quantity” of something: “I have a lot of shoes.” While this is permissible in everyday language, it is actually slang and isn’t accepted as Standard English. As such, it shouldn’t really be used in written form. The more suitable usage is when you’re trying to measure something that can’t be physically counted very easily, like water, heat or fog: “There was a lot of mist surrounding the castle.” As for "alot", this word does not exist… at all. You should never use it, ever. Allot is a verb, which means to give, assign or allocate: "We were allotted a job each." all ready vs. already One of the most common mistakes in English occurs when people confuse "all ready" with "already." All ready means entirely or in total: "Are you all ready for your group singing lesson?". Already is an adverb that means facebook /gmail/skype: -


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before the present time or earlier than the time expected: "I was upset when I arrived at dinner and realized that they had started eating already." altogether vs. all together All together (adj) means in unison, simultaneously or all at once: “The choir sang all together.” Altogether (adv) means in total, overall or in sum: “Eventually the car broke down altogether.” any one vs. anyone Any one means any single person or thing out of a group of people or things: “I can recommend any one of the students I have taught.” Anyone means anybody or any person and it's always written as one word: “Has anyone seen my car keys?” any vs. some Any and some are both determiners. A determiner indicates the type of reference that a noun has. Determiners are used to discuss indefinite quantities or numbers, when the exact quantity or number is not important. In some cases, any and some can have the same meaning. Examples: “Will you have any?” “Will you have some?” “Won’t you have any? ” “Won’t you have some?” As a general rule however, we use some for positive statements, and any for questions and negative statements. Examples: “You may have some cookies from the jar,” “I don’t want any cookies from the jar”. Apart vs. a part Apart (adv) means to be separated by distance or time: I always miss my boyfriend when we're apart”. A part (noun) a piece of something that forms the whole of something: “They make me feel like I am a part of the family”. been vs. gone Been refers to a place which someone has visited sometime in his or her life. In other words, "has been to" refers to an experience. Gone to refers to someone who has gone to a place but has not yet returned. borrow vs. lend Lend means to let somebody use something or to give something to someone with the expectation that it will be returned: “I will lend you my car but I want it back next week”. Borrow means to take something from somebody with the expectation that you will return it: “If you let me borrow your car I will ensure that I return it by Monday”. bought vs. brought Bought is the past tense of the verb to buy: "I bought a new car with my bonus". Brought is the past tense of the verb to bring: "I brought the dog to visit my aunt”.

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* Anxious = Troubled Inc : She is anxious for her health Cor : She is anxious about her health. Inc: Parents are anxious about their children’s success. Cor: Parents are anxious for their children’s success. * Believe = To have faith Inc : Muslims believe to /at Allah. Cor : Muslims believe in Allah. Inc : I don’t believe at astrology. Cor : I don’t believe in astrology. * Benefit The word can be used both as a noun and a verb. Inc : She got a lot of benefit with this change. Cor : She got a lot of benefit from this change. Inc :Who is lkely to benefit for his death? Cor : Who is lkely to benefit from/by his death? * Cover with Inc:We covered the body by a sheet. Cor : We covered the body with a sheet. Inc:The mountains were covered by snow. Cor : The mountains were covered with snow. *Deprive=take away Inc:He was deprived from his paternal property. Cor: He was deprived for his paternal property. Inc:This law will deprive us from our basic rights. Cor: This law will deprive us of our basic rights. * Exception: Inc:This is an exception of the rule. Cor:This is an exception to the rule. Note:there is an phrase namely ‘with the exception of ’ to mean ‘except’ Inc:I enjoy every subject with the exception to Chemistry. Cor: I enjoy every subject with the exception of or except Chemistry. *Get rid =free oneself Inc:I m trying to get rid from her. Cor: I m trying to get rid of her. facebook /gmail/skype: -


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Note:The word Rid can also be used as a verb and then also it takes the same Preposition after it.For example: One day we shall be able to rid the world of this terrible disease *Jealous = envious Inc:He is very jealous with me. Cor:He is very jealous of me. Inc:They are jealous for my success. Cor: They are jealous of my success. *Prefer Inc:I prefer coffee from/than tea. Cor:I prefer coffe to tea Note:Preferable also takes ‘to’ after it. Inc:Death is preferable than dishonour. Cor:Death is preferable to dishonour. *Proud Inc:He is very proud for his new car. Cor: He is very proud of his new car. Note:The noun from ‘pride’ is followed by ‘in’.For example: He takes great pride in his son. *popular: Inc:He is very popular among this people. Cor: He is very popular with this people. *Does +bare infinitive Inc:Does he takes a bath everyday? Cor: Does he take a bath everyday? Inc: It does not rains here regularly. Cor: It does not rain here regularly. *Did+bare infinitive Inc:Did u finished the work yesterday? Cor: Did u finish the work yesterday? Inc:He did not went there. Cor:He did not go there.

*Can,will etc has no s/es form Inc:He cans walk now. Cor:He can work now. *Modal+infinitive Inc:It may to rain tonight. facebook /gmail/skype: -


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Cor: It may rain tonight. Inc:You should to obey your parents. Cor: You should obey your parents. Inc:He used visit me regularly. Cor:He used to visit me regularly. * Modal+infinitive Inc:He can speaks English fluently. Cor: He can speak English fluently. Inc:They could not finished the work yesterday. Cor: They could not finish the work yesterday. *Modal+perfect infinitive Inc:You should do it yesterday. Cor: You should have done it yesterday. Inc:It might rain last night. Cor: It might have rained last night. *’Had to’ for past obligation Inc:I must go there yesterday. Cor: I must to go there yesterday. *Past tense for past action Inc:I have visited him yesterday. Cor: I visited him yesterday. *Present simple Inc:I am taking a walk every morning. Cor: I take a walk every morning. *Wish+Past simple Inc:I would wish to be a bird. Cor: I wish I were/was a bird a bird. *As if+Past simple Inc:She spends if she is very rich. Cor: She spends if she were very rich. *Taller/Harder Inc:Zinia is taller from her mother. Cor: Zinia is taller than her mother. Inc:He works harder from me. Cor: He works harder than me. *Superior+To Inc:This book is superior than that. facebook /gmail/skype: -


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Cor: This book is superior to that. *Double negatives Inc:He is not afraid of nobody. Cor: He is not afraid of anybody. Or He is afraid of nobody. *Glasses Inc:He wears glass for reading. Cor: He wears glasses for reading. Inc:Where is my glass? Cor: Where is my glasses? *Listened to something Inc:I was listening his song. Cor: I was listening to his song. Inc:She never listens my advice. Cor: She never listens to my advice. *Verb+s/es Inc: He speak English very fluently. Cor: He speaks English very fluently. Inc:Nilu go to school regularly. Cor: Nilu goes to school regularly. *Do +s/es Inc:Do Tipu plays cricket? Cor:Does Tipu play cricket? *Possessives for comparisoion Inc:A man’s dress is different from a women. Cor:A man’s dress is different from a women’s. Inc:My pen is better than your. Cor:My pen is better than yours. *The English Inc:English are fond of sports. Cor:The English are fond of sports. Inc:Japanese are very diligent. Cor:The Japanese are very diligent.\ *Be+Present participle Inc:Belal watching television now. Cor:Belal is watching television now. Inc:He sleeping then. Cor:He was sleeping then. *Do(Auxiliary)+do(main verb) Inc:Do they their work regularly? Cor: Do they do their work regularly? facebook /gmail/skype: -


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*Had better Inc:You better go home now. Cor: You had better go home now. *Enter+object Inc:We entered into the building. Cor: We entered the building. Note:But when “enter”means ‘take part in’,you need a preposition after it.For example: He entered into a debate with us. *Despite+noun Inc:He came to the meeting despite of his illness. Cor: He came to the meeting despite his illness. *Abstract noun Inc:The honesty is the best policy. Cor: The honesty is the best policy. *Material noun Inc:The gold is a precious metal. Cor:Gold is a precious metal. *Name of the language Inc:He speaks the English very fluently. Cor: He speaks English very fluently. *To school,to the school Inc:My son goes to the school. Cor:My son goes to school. Inc:He goes to the mosqe on Friday. Cor:He goes to mosque on Friday. *Can+bare infinitve Inc:He can to swim well. Cor: He can swim well. Inc:She can not to dance well. Cor:She cannot dance well. *Let+bare infinitive Inc:Please let me to go out. Cor: Please let me go out. *Sunject need not be repeated Inc:I went to market and I bought fruit. Cor: I went to market and bought fruit. *”Return”=”come back” Inc:She has returned back home. Cor: She has returned home.

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*Adverbial of time come Inc:We last night went to the cinema. Cor: We went to the cinema last night. Inc:I two months ago went home. Cor:We went home two months ago. *Always,never etc cbefore principle verb Inc:He speaks the truth always. Cor:He always speaks the truth. Inc:She tells a lie never. Cor:She never tells a lie. *In and into(place) Inc:We were sitting into his bedroom. Cor:We were sitting in his bedroom. Inc:We went in his bedroom. Cor: We went into his bedroom. *Beside and Besides Inc:The lady sat besides me. Cor:The lady sat beside me. Inc:We studied French beside English. Cor: We studied French besides English. *Between and Among Inc:There was a quarrel among the two girls. Cor: There was a quarrel between the two girls. Inc:She was lost between the crowd. Cor: She was lost among the crowd. *For and Since Inc:He has been ill since four days. Cor: He has been ill for four days. Inc:He has been ill for Sunday last. Cor: He has been ill since Sunday last. *From And Since Inc:It has been raining from morning. Cor:It has been raining since morning. Inc:They will work since Monday. Cor: They will work from Monday. *Say and tell Inc:He said me a story. Cor: He told me a story. Inc:She told that she would go home. Cor: :She said that she would go home. *Speak and Tell Inc:He spoke a lie. Cor: He told a lie. Inc:Do u tell English? facebook /gmail/skype: -


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Cor: Do u speak English? *Smoke and Drink Inc:He drinks 20 cigarettes a day. Cor:He smokes 20 cigerettes a day. Inc:She smokes a lot of tea. Cor: She drinks a lot of tea. *Lie and Lay Inc:I am going to lay down for an hour. Cor: I am going to lie down for an hour. Inc:Please lie the book on the table. Cor: Please lay the book on the table. *Sit and Seat Inc:Please take your sit. Cor: Please take your seat. Inc:We seat at a desk to write a letter. Cor: We sit at a desk to write a letter. *Hanged and Hung Inc:The criminal was hung last night. Cor: The criminal was hanged last night. Inc:We have hanged a picture on the wall. Cor: We have hung a picture on the wall. *See and look at Inc:I looked at him crossing the road. Cor:I saw him crossing the road. Inc:He was seeing me again and again. Cor: He was looking at me again and again. *Remember and remind Inc:I shall always remind that day. Cor:I shall always remember that day. Inc:I have forgotten his name.Will you remember me? Cor: I have forgotten his name.Will you remind me of it? *Study and read Inc:Read French before you go to French. Cor: Study French before you go to French. Inc:He is studying a newspaper. Cor: He is reading a newspaper. *Hard and hardly Inc:It is raining hardly. Cor: It is raining hard.

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*Many and much Inc:He does not have much work. Cor: He does not have many work. Inc:I don’t have many money. Cor: I don’t have much money. *Few and a few Inc:Though the test was easy,a few boys passed it. Cor: Though the test was easy, few boys passed it. Inc:Though the test was tough,few boys passed it. Cor: Though the test was tough,a few boys passed it. *A little and Little Inc:I ate a little food and felt very bad. Cor: I ate little food and felt very bad. Inc:I ate little food and felt better. Cor: I ate a little food and felt better. *Older and Elder Inc:The building is elder that that one. Cor: The building is older that that one. Inc:My older broher is a doctor. Cor: My elder broher is a doctor. *Interesting and interested Inc:This is a very interested book. Cor:This is a very interesting book. Inc:I am interesting in music. Cor: I am interested in music. *Ill and Sick Inc:He has been sick for about a month. Cor: He has been ill for about a month. Inc:The bad smell is made me ill. Cor: The bad smell is made me sick. *Hot and Warm Inc:The handle is too warm to touch. Cor: The handle is too hot to touch. Inc:It’s a lovely hot room. Cor: It’s a lovely warm room. *Play and Game Inc:Let’s have a play of cards. Cor: Let’s have a game of cards. Inc:Football is a popular play. Cor: Football is a popular game.

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*Men and People Inc:The streets were full of men. Cor: The streets were full of people. Inc:People are physically stronger than women. Cor: Men are physically stronger than women. *Advice Inc:He gave me some good advices. Cor: He gave me some good advice *News Inc:I have some newses for you. Cor:I have some news for you. Inc:All the newses are false. Cor: All the news are false. *Information Inc:Could you give me some informations about flights to Delhi? Cor: Could you give me some information about flights to Delhi? *Furniture Inc:There are many furnitures in his room. Cor: There are many furniture in his room. *Cattle Inc:The cattles are in the shed. Cor: The cattle are in the shed. Inc:He has twenty heads of cattle on his farm. Cor: He has twenty head of cattle on his farm. *Deer Inc:I saw ten deers in the zoo. Cor: I saw ten deer in the zoo. *Glasses/spectacles Inc:Where is my glass/spectacle? Cor: Where is my glasses/spectacles? *Riches Inc:Rich has wings. Cor: Riches have wings. Inc:Hard work brought him vast rich. Cor: Hard work brought him vast riches. *News Inc:The news are very sad. Cor: The news is very sad. *The rich Inc:The rich is helping the flood affected people. Cor: The rich are helping the flood affected people. facebook /gmail/skype: -


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*Miles Inc:Fifty miles are a long distance. Cor: Fifty miles is a long distance. *The English Inc:The English is famous for his liking tea. Cor: The English are famous for his likig tea. *Measles Inc:Measles are infectious. Cor: Measles is an infectious disease. *One of Inc:One of the girls were absent from the class. Cor: One of the girls was absent from the class. *Everybody Inc:Everybody were present there. Cor:Everybody was present there. *Fool and Foolosh Inc:I said that he was a foolish. Cor:I said that he was a fool. Inc;He was absolutely fool. Cor: He was absolutely foolish.

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আপনি যযহ঵তু এই য঱খা পড়হেি , তাই আনম ধহর নিনি যয আপনি কনিউটার ও ইন্টারহিট বযব঵াহর অনভজ্ঞ ,কাহেই কনিউটাহরর প্রহয়ােিীয় নব঳য় গুহ঱া ঴িহকে ভাহ঱া খারাপ নবহবচিা করারা ক্ষমতা অবশ্যই আহে … তাই আপিাহের কাহে একান্ত অনুহরাধ “ আপিারা ঴ামান্য একটু ঴ময় বযয় কহর ,শুধু এক বার নিহচর ন঱িংহক নিক কহর এই DVD গুহ঱ার মহধয অবনিত বই ও ঴ফটওয়যার এর িাম ঴মূহ঵র উপর যচাখ বুন঱হয় নি​ি।”তা঵হ঱ই বুহে যহবি যকি এই DVD গুহ঱া আপিার কাহ঱কলহি রাখা েরকার!আপিার আেহকর এই বযয়কৃত ঴ামান্য ঴ময় ভনবষ্যহত আপিার অহিক কষ্ট ঱াঘব করহব ও আপিার অহিহক ঴ময় বা​াঁনচহয় নেহব। নবশ্বা঴ করুি আর িাই করুিঃ- “নবনভন্ন কযাটাগনরর এই DVD গুহ঱ার মহধয যেওয়া বািং঱া ও ইিংন঱ল বই , ঴ফটওয়যার ও নটউহটানরয়া঱ এর কাহ঱কলি যেহখ আপনি ঵তবাক ঵হয় যাহবি !” আপনি যনে বতেমাহি কনিউটার বযব঵ার কহরি ও ভনবষ্যহতও কনিউটার ঴াহে যুক্ত োকহবি তা঵হ঱ এই নিনভনি গুহ঱া আপিার অবশ্যই আপিার কাহ঱কলহি রাখা েরকার........ কারিঃ  এই নিনভনি গুহ঱া যকাি যোকাহি পাহবি িা আর ইন্টারহিহটও এহতা ইিরটযান্ট কাহ঱কলি এক঴াহে পাহবি বহ঱ মহি ঵য় িা।তাোড়া এত বড় ঴াইহের ফাই঱ যিট যেহক িামাহিা খুবই কষ্ট঴াধয ও ঴ময়঴াহপক্ষ বযাপার।এোড়া আপনি যযই ফাই঱টা িামাহবি তা ফু঱ ভা঴েি িাও ঵হত পাহর ..  এই নিনভনি গুহ঱া আপিার কাহ঱কলহি োকহ঱ আপিাহক আর যকাি কনিউটার নবহল঳জ্ঞহের কাহে নগহয় টাকার নবনিমহয় বা বন্ধুহের খানতহর “ভাই একটু য঵ল্প করুি” বহ঱ অন্যহক নবরক্ত করা ঱াগহব িা ... ও নিহেহকও ঵য়রানি ঵হত ঵হব িা ।  এই নিনভনি গুহ঱ার মহধয অবনিত আমার করা ৩০০ টা বািং঱া ই-বুক (pdf ) ও যোট ঴াইহের প্রহয়ােিীয় ঴ফটওয়যার আপিাহের েন্য নবিামূহ঱য আমার ঴াইহট যলয়ার কহর নেহয়নে । নকন্তু প্রহয়ােিীয় বড় ঴াইহের বই, নটহটানরয়া঱ ও ফু঱ ভা঴েি ঴ফটওয়যার গুহ঱া যলয়ার ঴াইট গুহ঱ার ঴ীমাবদ্ধতা ও ইন্টারহিহটর যলা আপহ঱াি গনতর েন্য যলয়ার করহত পার঱াম িা । তাোড়া এই বড় ফাই঱ গুহ঱া িাউিহ঱াি করহত যগহ঱ আপিার ইন্টারহিট পযাহকহের ক নেনব খরচ করহত ঵হব ... যযখাহি ১ নেনব পযাহকে েন্য ঴বেনিম্ন ৩৫০ টাকা যতা খরচ ঵হব , এর ঴াহে ঴ময় ও ইন্টারহিট গনতরও একটা বযাপার আহে। এই ঴ব নব঳য় নচন্তা কহর আপিাহের েন্য এই নিনভনি পযাহকে চা঱ু কহরনে ... যমাট কো আপিাহের কনিউটাহরর নবনভন্ন ঴মস্যার নচরিায়ী ঴মাধাি ও কনিউটাহরর েন্য প্রহয়ােিীয় ঴ব বই, ঴ফটওয়যার ও নটউহটানরয়া঱ এর ঴ানবেক ঴াহপাটে নেহত আমার খুব কাযেকর একটা উহেযাগ ঵হি এই নিনভনি পযাহকে গুহ঱া ... এই ক ক  http://tanbircox.blogspot.com/2013/07/My-DVD-Collection-4-U.html

... শুধু একবার যচাখ বু঱াি

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