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I Time as seen by an American Indian
PART II The Eagle and a God
.f r o m b y
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1 9 8 3
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9 8 9 M.
B0 0 K
May be reproduced by any Mechanical,
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nor may it be stored in a Retrieval System, Transmitted, or otherwise Copied for Public or Private Use, without written permission from the Author.
Copyright{£) by MEREDITH M. QUINN P.O.BOX 51 · IRVING, NEW YORK 14081
Grandmother and First Science Teacher, who spoke no English, but Dakota only I 1 11o v e and p a t i e n c e f r om P A T T Y
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PART ONE TIME AS SEEN BY AN AMERICAN INDIAN INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TO DEFEND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
USING YOUR RECORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ISHTAR APHRODITE VENUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wounded Knee Document-1973 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SPEED OF LIGHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SPEED OF TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Drawing of TIME and the OPPOSING FORCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Drawing of the Three Rules of human prophecy . . . . . . . . . . . . Drawing of the 12 powers of TIME that created Sunlight ..
14 20 20-A 20-B
THE BEG INNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
THE SIGN OF THE BEAST AND SERPENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mathematical arrangement of the Winter Tables . . . . . . . . . . . Drawing-Unseen Creative Force of CREATOR, GREAT SPIRIT ..
31 38-A 38-B
SYNCHRONIZING TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A, B, C 1 s and 1 , 2, 3 1 s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
THE GREAT INDIAN MIGRATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
PART TWO THE EAGLE AND A GOD THE EAGLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pfi'YSIC II MANIFESTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Indian . . . . . . . . . . . pages 78KEPT-CHI A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
THE INQUISITION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
MODERN HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN INDIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
THIS IS THE WAY I SEE IT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
THAT WAS TO EASY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 PLAN OF ATTACK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 REAL I TY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 8 BEATITUDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 2
0 F
C 0 N T E N T S
T W0 Continued
ILLUMINATE TRIBAL CODE ••.••••••••••..•..••••••••.•.•.••.•.
THE RIGHT ..•••••••••.••.••••••••••••••.••••.•••.•••••.••.•.•.• 127 TO UNDERSTAND •••••.••.....••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••• 135 USE WHAT YOU GOT. • • . . . . . . • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 13 8 CHILDREN OF TIME. • • . • . • • . • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • . • • • • 13 9 CHECK YOUR NEW YEAR TIME .•••••••••.••••••••.•••••••••..••••••• 142 THE PRAYER OF ATLANTIS .•••••..••••.•.••••••..••••••••••.•••.•• 143 THE SONG OF ST.
JOHN, THE DIVINE ••••.•..•....•••.•.••••••••.•• 149
IMPRESS I 0 N • • . • • • . • . . . • • . . . • . . • . • • • • • • • • • • • . . . • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • 1 5 2 THE BASICS. • • • • • • • . . . . . . . . • • • . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • . • • • . • • . • . . • • . • • 156 ONE DAY IN TIME •.••.•••...•••..••••••••••.•...••.•.•••••••••••
THE END • . • • • • • • • • • • • . . . . . . . • • . . . . • • • . . . • • . • . . • . • . • • • • • • . . . . • • .
16 5
I N T R 0 D UC T I 0 N I am, by birth, An Indian of the America's which is an identity translated from the Medieval
and languages- LOS .SIN DIOS,
meaning nTHOSE WITHOUT GOD." ·Born on the Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux Reservation on December 19, 1926(Gregorian), or December
have been unable to find
the references to the true 11th. and 12th. months of the original Julian Calendar) . I spoke and wrote my First Language but could not speak or write no English or any other civilized language till I was sent away to Government Indian Schools. I was given 30 days to leern and speak the English language-which was the top··pri:ority ·in
··or·--face possible death. I've seen
much death in these schools and could stand at attention for hours with the best of them, and watch without moving a muscle, fellow students beaten to death for not being able to meet this
Know the exact
moment human life leaves a body, even when the body will continue to move in spasms for several moments. I've been educated and know the penalty for not being able to speak the english language in 30 days, or,speak or write in my first language, which leaves little room to tolerate ignorance, even knowing the civilized have specialized educational logics that creates a language of ignorance for those that are to be oppressed. I've been in my professional life, prior to being a so-called, An Indian Activist for twenty years, a professional accountant in the capf'.eity of a Corprate Fxecutive and Corporation Officerst Adm-i.ri'istrator for a major Los Angles Hospi'bal; production Accountant in manufa.cte.ring, without any type of educational credmntials. I have always presented myself, as no more then a dumb Sioux Boy from the plains of South Dakota.
T 0
As we all know, the American Indian and his culture, is the one most written about subject in the civilized world. Within these concepts or ideas written about the American Indian I find many Antiquity, Anthropology, Archeaology, and Geology references, evidences, and finds are omitted from the subject. FOR EXAMPLE!
Many individugls with educational credentials, maintain and believe that Christopher Columbus{a Title and not a name) discovered the America's. This cannot be sopported by documents filed with the International Court in Hague. These documents, such as- THE TE DEUM, gave Columbus the right to start a trade route with Indians because of existings treaties with Indians, signed between Indian tribes and CHALIF es-ZAGHAL with the Vatican as the third-party or witness. These treaties were prior to Queen Isaballa !,purchasing her Kingdom from es-ZAGHAL for $17,000,000 dollars in the year of 6204(Julian) or 149l(Gregorian). The Treaties with the Pueblo Indians sitting in the Archives at Santa Fe, New Mexico that presented a Unique educational situation. There are no Scholars or scientist that can correctly translate Medieval English, French, German, Spanish¡, . Irish:, , Le. tin, Greek, Arabic, or Hebrew languages; which weee still usedless then 500 years ago. Then there is THE VERO AND MELBOURNE MAN that is omitted, but I can . live with all of this except for childhood1beatings I recmeved for daring to write in my first language. Present-day specialized educational logics teach the Indian, they had no written languages or sciences in their cultures. I received beatings for personally knowing how to write my tribal one, and, research shows the civilized scientific community knows of two and has spent billions trying to break the literary trail. As for sciences being in the culture of the Indian of the America's, let me show what I learned before I could speak the language.
3. US I N G
As a member of a tribe of the Indian of the America's or a member of the Dakota Empire and nation, I find Ethnic -:Researchers after having collected stories, tales, and legends from a traditional member of an aboriginal tribe, present their data as some type of mythology that had its
the tribe went from grunts and groins, to a spoken
language. Yet, the scientific evidence and Archeaology finds of THE VERO AND MELBOURNE
proves the Indian of the America's had a written and spoken
language since the beginning of so-called time. No other race or. ethnic group can make such a claim. The present-day civilized societies cannot correctly go back to their Medieval period which is less then 566 ago. Such records are not in the possession of the American Indian, but in the world's scientific community. If we take American Indian Secular Treaties, they cannot be desputea. On the other side, we take the Codexs which have been presented as some type oÂŁ religious mythology, are actually the articles and condition of these treaties. But let's go back to the days of Julius Caesar which was a time in cultures and languages before the Medieval period and even he had trouble trying to translate aboriginal written and spoken languages. When I compare Antiquity and Anthropology Scientist from the past to the present time, he was the father or Grand Daddy of them all. WHY?
Because he tryed to apply what he learned from this Ancient knowledge into his personal life that made him a leader among ¡men. The same is true for George Washington who formed the Free Masons and Indian tribes whose members today, do not know what true tribe they belong to. References and evidences that will used have been in your possession
4. I S HT AR
0 R
To the Ancient American Indian Traditionalist, civilized Ethnic Researchers in presenting Stories, Tales, and Legends- translated one subject that caU.sed the full spectrum of human emotions. From Ironic Laughter to Frustrated Mistranslated and Misunderstood. The subject when discussed, many times ends with a certain phrase- "Did we appear to be that stupid?", or "No one is that stupid to believe that!" I'm making reference to the subject7 VENUS, a Planet in our Solar System. Books, Lectures, Subjects in Institutions of Higher Learning presents the Indian of the America's believing the Planet VENUS as some type of'Deity ·or.. God that had to be Worshipped in a season.
Why is the subject of the Planet VENUS presented in this manner? To be £air with everyone and giving the benefit of doubt, I would say for two(2) reasons. (1) To make the world believe the American Indian had no sciences in their cultures, or, (2) the presentation was an exactin! science that did not exist in the civilized world and the Ethnic Researchel couldn't cope with it, and didn't went to appear to be riot to great sciences which the Indian Whatever is your preference, ISHTAR or APHRODITE or VENUS- to the American Indian, this Planet has a Clan name, omitted· •through tribal courtesy·;_ because of nrHE OLD ONES" who do not want to be misunderstood, so VENUS will be used.
Through White oppression and Governmental policies
in some places the Clan name arrangements for the Planets is alittle out of order. Let me clariffy"'.:,he tribal meaning of "THE OlD ONES." In civilized society, a learned individual referred to as- A Man of Letters,who is the epitome in knowledges, the counterpart in an Indian society is called- THE OLD ONE. The best that can be translated because
5. of limited expressions to civilized languages. This individual is schooled and possesses knowledges from the 28 books of learning and Creation through the modern-day lifestyle. When it speaks or asked a question, the answer is so profound, unless schooled, one does not hang around to figure out what was said only that it came from Wisdom beyond Wisdom. I was invited to the Indian confrontation by the Chiefs at Wounded Knee in 1973. In my first Council meeting with the Chiefs, sitting without any credentials or words spoken, certain Chiefs recognized that I had been schooled and knew the Ancient Knowledges. Before any business on the present confrontation could take place, I had to smoke from the . 50 pipes of Wisdom. There are no words or expressions or phrases that can describe the :feelings one goes through. This was the epitome o£ recognization in the Indian tribal educational system. There was nothing higher. But I was startled because I was not Commissioned .nTHE OLD ONE", but "THE
.·The Commission is not judged from age but by your
personal spirit. Even though the knowledges and Wisdoms are the same and the Commission are not higher or lower, there is a great difference between the two. "THE OLD ONES" always present themselves in a Calm state. They speak and counsel in Gentle ease. The standard cannot be violated. THE YOUNG ONES" find each day new and beautiful like a small boy or girl. They are plagued with new visions, dreams, and prophesys. There is never enough time to make an absolute of each. The seek by traveling and there is no such thing as an unknown. So, the Indian of the America's does have a system and with a system any presentation of a science would have to be exacting because of
S P E E D Now!
0 F
. L I GH T
could the subject of VENUS be so important in the
of the American Indian? So Ethnic Researchers were unfair in their presentation on the culturual beliefs of the American Indian to the Planet VEtJUS
BECAUSE you cannot correctly calculate the speed of LIGHT without the Dimensional Factor found in the Planet VENUS.
It tekes no great effort to prove that the civilized scientific
corr:munity of the world has not and cannot C8librate or calculate the speed of LIGHT. If the civilized world were to invent a component that functioned ?t the speed of LIGHT, remember the efficiency rating of such components
70. 7'1
being perfect. To remove the margin of error the component
would hRve to function
times the speed of LIGHT.
For the benefit of doubt, let us say such a component came into existence. The impulse or ray sent to the Sun would have to return in 16 rr.inutes Bnd 40 seconds with the Sun at 93,000,000 miles a-v1ay traveling
186,000 miles per second. It would return closer to 18 minute's and '
the calculations would be way below 176,741.53 miles per second. Computers function way below the speed of LIGHT and still have a
70.71 efficiency reting so its working date can never exceed
its cspacity to cope with the margin of error which is plagued with a term called ;bleeding! that is unpardicta ble that now
presents a ne¡vv
efficiency rating from Zero(O) to 70.7% So the sciences of the civilized world function at 70. 7-l¡ as perfect
provided nothing exceeds 5ryf of capacity. Let us lengthen the benefit of doubt and say theyinvented a camera that can do it.
3. At present, the civilized
operates for any type of·
InstrQment or component: the Geneva and Ventura movements. The
is widely used and can be counted on to function correctly
but for speed, you m8.Y get Zero( 0) to Sixty with a Porsch.e in. 4 seconds,
but thats it. The movement when it goes beyond its
decreasing velocity ratios for energy used to power created to where it becomes its
destruct mechanism.
As for the Ventura movement, the civilized scientific knows little about it and is used on a very primative basis. The've yet to find away to make it do two functions. It is used onlyiin; Rockets or the burning of huge quanities of fuel to overcome a weight
probl'"em and is very unpredictable.
They are nowhere ·n:ear unlocking
reflected TIME as a fuel or what they callBut getting b8ck to this new Camera, this new movement would produce that would wrap around the Earth 7.4773539 times. How would it be stored? How long
take to develop it? How much would it cost?
WHEREFORE, or THEREFORE- the mathematica.l figure used by the world's civilized community on the speed of LIGHT was taken from a translation
on Ancient writtings because the civilized world had neither the capacity or capabilitfes to do it themselves, which I will show and prove. The figure of 186,000 miles per second by itself, is a conclusion from three different Ancient Sciences that anyone would have come across in calculating the speed of LIGHT.
To dogmatically state
LIGHT travels 186,000 miles
per second and leave out that different colors travel faster
then this figure. That Gra.vity travels 1.7371817 times fa.ster then the· ., speed of EArth in Orbit yet they come from the same source that created them.
0 .'
From the
of Julius Caesar to the present time, Antiquity and
Anthropology Ancient Written Records(which includes those tRken froc the Indian of the Arnerica's)all agree in scientific conclusions on the subject to the speed of LIGHT. The difference between the Ancient's and civilized conclusions is in the name of the subject. The Ancient's call the conclusion- ·
The Civilized simply called it-
Because scientific;,lly, MANIFESTATION requires the scholar or scientist to pFesent detail on how the conclusion was arrived at. In the field of civilized Electronics, it is considered correct and proper to write theory as follows: IT IS
lA.y---men 's language, one is to suppose t}le fact· ·to be true. It
is elittle above a At present, Institutions of Higher Learning teach that all LIGHT travels at 186,000 miles per second. It is dogmatic and not to be questione The Ancient American Indian cannot make such a broad and simple sta.tement on the subject of LIGHT. They will be specific. SUNLIGHT or
MOONLIGHT or SPACELIGHT. Each is different in mathematical formulas. E2ch require a different approach. This is where Ethnic Researchers got and built their religious concepts, that different Indians pray to the Sun, the Moon, and The stars.
So, the subject is, the speed of SUNLIGHT. Before one can begin, one must know a bout the cycle of TI:viE. The Ancient Equation has been in the possession of civilized man for well over 2,034 years that research can certift • It can even be
10. proven thqt the TI!¡P. cycle e,nd the TIME equation has been used by past and present Netion Leaders, in a combined manner. History records these equations as being called: THE GREAT NERO'S, so among the civilized learned, they are not new or a
and had
they been used properly, there would be no need for this paper. It can be proven that well over 100,000,000 Indians were killed or murdered because it
alleged they prayed and believed in THE GREAT
I personally believe in the Great Serpent but I don't pray to it. Whoever heard of a people that prayed to a mathematical formula? I believe it was Julius Caesar that translated this. He figured out
181 parts to be around
a calendar year.
181 divided by 12=151/12 atoms so, J,OOO(TIME cycle) divided by 15.08333= 198.89503 divided by 2= 99 years 163 days, 8 hours, 13 min . , 52 s e was the cycle of TIME.
No wonder scientist have been unable to present a formula on how to
the speed of LIGHT. He threw away the working tools. Common sense would tell you, to calculate TIME for 99 years, proves working scientific formule.s were in a prirnitive state so they wou]dntt.
be working on TIJ\1E.
The AmericA.n Indian TIME WALKER doesn't years but minutes to walk from Sunrise to Sunset having ttr.aveled from the \Vest to the East p_nd back age in. So were dealing in minutes. The TI"f/rE WALKER doesn't walk
on LIGHT but TIME- So he must know when they are separated, and to knov-1 this, he must know the speed of LIGHT. The true speed of LIGHT and not the assumption. Let's call the 181 parts, the EQUATION. 181- 1 /
or 15 1 ; 12 atoms
This is just like Julius Caesar had it so nobody can get confused.
11. 181 one twelfth atoms is the formula of the Ancient's equivalent¡ to a civilized 24 hour Eorth dey.
If we take 24 hrs. X 60= 1440 minutes ; 181= 7.9558011 minutes it takes the LIGHT of the Sun to reach Earth with the Sun at 93 away.
For this reA.son you will always find Indian buildings to calculate
the shortest and longest days of the year. The Longest to synchronize time from the Sun to the Universe, and the shortest to synchronize the Moon with our
Soler System.
Let's see if this 3,000
7.9558011 minutes is right or within the Ball Park.
= 198.89503 200 = .99447515% 24 hours X .99447515 = 23.867404 hours
24hrs - 23.A67404
.132596 X 60 = 7.95576 minutes .
3.000 . 15.083333 = 198.89503 days 200- 198.89503= 1.10497 days 1.10497 X 24 X 60 = 1591.1568 min. " 200 = 7. 955784 minutes. He're in the Bell Park. Let's use the 7.955SOll minutes
(7.9558011 X 60)
194,826.39 miles per second. (speed of LIGHTl =
BOY! Have we got us a difference here. The Ancient's c&,lculation
conclusions that the speed of LIGHT travels 194,826.39 miles per second while the civilzed concludes it to be 186,000 miles per second.
Someone has to be in error. which one? Could-"it be th8.t they are right? YES!
Only the Ancient's formula has not been completed. It still requires 3 additional steps of mathematics and it is these three steps that
proves the civilized figure 186,000 miles per second was taken from some Ancient records and calculations. Just where is the difference hidden? or;-- 1/fua.t still has to be
12. considered in the problem? Keep in mind thAt
tribal society has a lifestyle that interlinks
Religions, Sciences, and Rituals
one continues logic
or they cannot be separated.
The 7.9558011 minutes as a science¡goes directly into the social order with a formula that gives the rule for social graces, which then can go into Religion with a formula that tells how many Creator make a Ritual which a.lso tells how many Earth days make up one Creator Day, from which they can give you the exact time in days, minutes, and
seconds it took the Creator, Great Spirit, and World :Maker to make the world as we know it or what Ethnic Researchers tell of Mythology to the story of Creation.
A fsith in a Supreme Being is an exact science
to the Indian of the America's and not some religious Hocus-Pocus Ritual. IV::y Ancient Indi8.n Grandmother stated, when it went by the Planet VFNUS, i.t cho..nged over and started to age LIGHT.
So the difference is when
st&rted to age. Remember! American
Indi?.ns teach thet LIGHT is ,;_ by-product of
so it would have to
age. No-v1 , whoever heerd of LIGHT aging? O:Key! Find me r:n existence that
doesn't age, O:Key? What would cause LIGHT to age?
My best guess would be the movement of the Earth. Anything and everyth that comes in contact with the Earth because of its movement, ages in TII1E. cp.n
Ancestors said in in a mathematical formula and until sorr!eone k e the
formula and find the error, I have to stay with it.
While your doing th 8_t, 8.dd this to the problem.
the B.?ing. process. It is en energy that can be changed but until one t e us from being a Supreme being w to the energy, it separa ho ec._rns 1 even a spiritual person. p_ God, p Lord, or wh8tever, or
13. Your records! THE VERO AND 1'-:lELBOl.JRNE I•·lAN. Let's bring up the subject
of petrifice.tion.It is known by the civilized scientific comrr1unity thst there is no known energy in existeace thet could cause petrification. F
rche0. ology find of THE VER.O AND IvtELBOURNE I-JIAN prove the Indian
of the Arr.ericR's has not changed in body structure, living habits, cookinp of foods, lifestyle since the beginning of alleged TINE, so they C8nnot be included in DARWIN'S theory of Evolution. The American IndiBn tells of legends to THE GREAT MIGRATION and its prophecys. This stete is Actually an Ice Age. According to prophecys, it will be an
group that will trigger the coming Migration or
for one reason. Civilized man will by his lifestyle,·
the Earth as a Planet in our solar system if the Indian does not trigger it. WHo can deny this? According to legends and traditional teachings, it will be done by a. Song and Dance which is to change the energy of THE TI?JfF: But getting back to the a.ging of LIGHT.
Let's find out the distance the Earth travels in Orbit around the Sun. Its simple math. 93 million miles X 2 X Pi= 584,335,740 miles. Takes
the Earth 365.2408333 days to make this trip which comes to
1,599,S64.2 miles per day, or 66,66l.OOS miles per hour, or 1,111.0168 miles per ftinute, or 18.516947 miles per second. This 18.516947 m.p.s. will continue for 7.9558011 or 477.34807 seconds 8,839.0289 miles per second lost through aging.
True speed of LIGHT minus aging, equals 185,987.36 miles per second after LIGHT
s e.ged, or
THE PLANET VENUS. So, the 1S6,000
per second is a rounded off figure, taken from
the records of pn Ancient tribe.
14. S P E E D
0 F
Sa. turn
There it is! Concept of it, but you have collected them from all
over the world since the days of Julius Caesar to the You cAll it THE SERPENT. I call it THE TIME EQUATION. There is no excuse for you not to know the speen of time. This drawing or whatever
you call it, cost the lives of thousands of Indian tribes and over
15. It is this dr8.Wing that represented a concept found in all Ancient writtings thAt presents the conflict to the source or possibility of the civiJ_ized tre.nslated Ancient records and then claimed their sciences
1cvlated the speed of LIGHT. with the so-called drawing of the Serpent, were the writtings
thpt identified it as TEF IT'IME". CYI!iLE. It gave the computations on how
to calculate this cycle.
All Ancient cultures are the same and the only difference that can be found, is in a change to the method of writting, the spoken language, and how to calculate the orbits of the Moon according to location on the Earth. All legends state that this E2rth was handed-down from the CREATOR, GREAT SPIRIT. If you want to expand this socially, Song and Dances are also different but the reason for the ritual is the same. The sciences are the same with the differences being in the civilized translators.
Now the
CYCLE or THE GREAT SERPENT, however you best identify it,
and it computations have been in existence by the civilized f.or well over 2,034 years. The best and most used is the one by JULIUS CAESAR {see Pege 10) who considered it part of everyday life to destroy any and all Aborigienl tribes and nations, but keep the records to their
sciences. History records that he was well known for firir..g or killing Scholars who could not translate passages he wanted. The most famous of these wps on the Planet JUPITER. The thorn in his side, was an Ancient Head Clan Mother who forced
the Roman Empire to honor a treaty that was over 1,000 years old. {a copy
of this treaty sits in Central Park, New York City, called-Cleopatra's Needle) The Roman Empire upset over having to honor this treaty from the Cleopatra Tribe, Mow¡ p!_aced this Clan Mother's twin brother in power.
because! She would not give Caesar the knowledges to these sciences for power. She used them against the Roman Empire's Armies and Implements of War for
years till Caesar's agent, :M.AR.K ANTHONY was able to find
the one day sho could not use this Ancient knowledges because she had to rededicated herself to the CREATOR, GREAT SPIRIT by ritual. ANTHONY did report to CAESAR v.rhat day this would be and after
the death of this Head Clan Mother of the Cleopatra Tribe, her twill children fathered by
ANTHONY, were also killed because civilized
law states, that any Ancient who can use these powers, must be destroyed along with any descendants. So this Clan Mother of the Cleopatra tribe knew if she gave this knowledge to Caesar, she would still die. '"(t) sho\"
theories on
on THE G?.EAT SERPENT have been
1 ong- tirr,e, w-e have NERO of the R.oman Empire who called a certain
ca.Jculetion, THE
WALKER ClP.n Equations.
So, the Serpent also gives the equations for: THE FIRST-BORN, CLAN
WALKER, ELDEhS, 8nd PROPHETS. Ancient which
The age of an
is shown in hundreds of, is not to be construed
as living that long in calendar years, but gives rank and one's true age, which was known by NERO of the Roman Empire. To bring the argument up to date, an Ancient having a conversation
with c. 3 2sec. Degree and up . M8.son, which I have had several, can give (2)debates to whAt you have read so far. (1) American Indian traditional teachings state that the 7.9558011 minutes that it takes LIGHT to reach Earth must be multiplied by the number of days since the beginning of or the ending of the last Ice Age, deducted from in years and you have true TIYJ:E to ce.lcula.te from. The gree c:tnd state only one such day can be deductec (2) AmericP-n IndiBn sta.te that the 12 powers of TINIE are seen in LIGHT but thev come from (b) The TVTA.sons disagree and state that TiiVIE is one continues flow :::-nd there 18 powers to LIGHT that do not come from TI1:1E. Remember! The Masons pray to THE GREAT SPIRIT like the Indians, that any Bible ScholAr knows.Isiris ane.Isis it to LORD God Bnd EZRA of the Sanhedr1n changed aga.J.n to JEHOVAH.
.. l7. In it, you can find the answers to the day length of a CREATOR day, the length of time right down to the second of how long it took the Creator to make the existences of Earth, found in your Creation stories. Its a clock. A calendar. It can calculated by Planet arrangements, the age of
solar syatem and the Universe and still have time left to
give you the 8 days in an Ancient Calenda.r year that you can prophesy and the CREATOR will listen to your wishes.
It CAn give you the equation of colors to Creation. But its nPih function is to give the multiple and divisory primaries to the speed of time.
The speed of time- 35,263,577 miles per second
The speed of the Opposing Force-
But keep in mind, it is only
33J477,7Z5 miles per second
drawing or picture of a Serpent or or something.
ec Speed of Light
DAY de
a.round Sun
Speed of Time Light X tr = Time Dimensional Velocity Change ty = Of Earth X te = Speed of
Time Dimensional Change = Visable Speed of Light
18. An American Indian forced to attend civilized schools and was able to
or remember some of the many subjects taught, there is alvTays
a conflict between the many systems of logic, that these schools, use to either progrem or chailnal to the mind in a direction ar..'lay where
different sciences do not agree in subject matter. They are to be kept separate. From this, Individuals determine the science or profession they wish to pursue, which in their mind, has the least conflicts. The more conflict means these Individuals are a lower class of thinkers who also are to be kept separate.
In the Ancient culture of the Indian of the America's all sciences interlink and cannot be separated because there are expressions, words, phrases that provide the bridge to each individual science, which does not exist in the civilized languages. This becomes a problem for an Ancient to a.n Ancient Science because there ere no words or expressions or phrases in the counter-cultur so P.ll that is left, is to hope the counter-culture is not senile in its logic thinking. Such is the problem in trying to find a way to best explain how Time meets Fn opposing force and creates the 12 powers of
OPPOSING FORCE is borderline and in a primitive context but it is the best from limitied english of this Dumb Sioux Boy. What was needed was
a Logic Association Bridge that could be related from an exact state of mind, which I believe came about in the middle 1980 7 s after a long conversation with a scientist and engineer at Los Almos, New Mexico, I do believe you will find enlightening to the subject.
SCIENTIST: Quinch! Why do your people have Song arid. Danceq and the Snn?
We do not pray to the Sun. We only give long established recognition---to the entities on the Sun.
SCIENTIST: I 'rn. gled you said that because we've discovered life on the Sun. Not life as we know and understand it but a
form of life. Let me explain. We believe and have watched entities that travel around the Sun at great speeds. These speedsare so great that they either catch themselves or run into another that causes an Echo and it is these Echos that are the
NoifT! I
could s.s.y that these echos are TII·:1E ECHOS that travel to Earth
.s.nd create the OPPOSING FORCE by rouncing off the Earth and retur•.n to the
Sun but I've yet to find a. traditional teacher that makes that statement so I can't . I am not the 1-1aster but the Student and the Student never overcomes the Master.
from the SUN to EARTH is moving at the rate of:
(speed of LIGHT)l94,826.39 Miles per second,
181 Equals 35,263,577 miles per second, and it would take 2.6372821 to re8.Ch EARTH, with the SUN
93 million miles way.
Trsditione.l tea.chings does not state the form that TI?vlli travels as so we will have to assume from the teachings on one of the 12 powers of TIME lled LI r;HT which is rr:ade up of billions (countless number) of strands or Currents(no word)when we open our eyes and translB.te RS vision. Each of these strands or currents has 12 ;i:ndividu;; powers. So by assumption we will call them currents. There has to be a duratim for each of these currents because 181 X 2.6372821= 477.34807 seconds is the amount of
1·1AGNETISivi, GRAVITY, ect. to come into existence, or if the number of TINE
currents create a
like the Pl;:!!net VENUS does.
Time traveling towards Earth at 35,263,577 miles per second. Time is still traveling at 35,263,577 miles per second but is in direct conflict with the GREEN. Time has reflected off the Earth and is direct conflict with true Time and is traveling at 33,477,725 miles per second It is called by the Ancients; PREFERRED DIRECTION of the manifestation of TIME. It is the OPPOSING FORCE that creates the 12 powers of time such as Light, Darkness, Heat, Cold, Electricity, Magnetism, Gravity, ect. Within the SPECULUM SPECTRUM OF TIME the color RED appears to travel slower than BLUE. The SPECUL1 - is in reverse to human understanding so the fastest is the slowest.
For this reason, Ancient American Indians guage Velocity from a point of understanding and reference back to the beginning.
Where you are to where you started from.
20-A When the Ancient American Indian got to the TIME from the MOON, they made the discoveries to the equations for human understanding which are sought by every Prophet of every religion throughout the world, and every scholar and scientist of Astrology. Like the TIME from the MOON when compared to TIME from the SUN, they also had a PREFERRED DIRECTION and an OPPOSING FORCE per current or strand. It takes no great effort to understand why CALENDARS with days, dates and years; the Zodiac; and Astrology charts are MOON influenced because within the TIME from the MOON and its OPPOSING FORCE which automatically calculates the THREE RULES OF HUMAN PROPHECY for whomever is interested.
. ''
v,: .
., ............. ,
ist. Rule of generation
. ·:;;:-..........,;;,....... ""-:
33 x 10 equals 2nd. Rule of human prophecy. Equation for the Sun 330 330 x 10 equals
..l. "'-··..._-,
., \
-· ---.
\ "t'· ... -....
)rd. Rule of human prophecy. Equation for the Earth 3300.
..0 .:--.
· · 1
! 路
.------ 路路
21 But the TII-ffi currents strike EARTH and bounce off and deaccelerats to
miles persecond in .1406S44 seconds, The bouncing of:
TI!··1E currents are now traveling in direct paths with the incoming TII-'IE · currents t,vhich becomes THE OPPOSING FORCE OF CREATION. Because of this theory or formula on the OPPOSING FORCE, if one was to tell an Ancient traditionB.list that the Sl.JN is one continues Atomic explosion, there is a harsh disagreement because tradition teaches that the SUN is a VOID ENERGY SOURCE and cannot be seen till
FORCE takes place. One of the r;,ost comson phY'sses that an Ancient ·hears that sho-vvs he s not been understood nr one doesn't CE!.re to understand .... f'------------1'
3oy o' Boy! No1.-v you
really getting it now. l.ike being in those
Indian schools, standing et attention. Like you've hit a sore spot.
It starts with Universal time UT 0 mean solar time .
sidereal time corrected to
Tropical year in ephemeris seconds. Atomic seconds in caesium cycles.
Anomalistic, Eclipse, Julian, Gregorian, and Besselian years. On to the Moon.
The Sidereal and Synodical months.
And, last but not! reelly·a trip all by itself.
Now that subject is
If one coula quote the Processional constant
Geodetic, Centennial, and the Planetary precessions by heart, you could
fool anyone into believing you were a scholar. It will be several hours before you permitted to speak again
because everyone we.nts e. piece of the Ancient and,it ·does come because any scholar runs out of phrases and words sooner or later. Any closing. a.rgument for Bn Ancient always goes back to tradition
and Tribal Custom and Usage.
-: r.
HYou 're presenting figures on Visional Dimensional Light has nothing to do with
The epitome of an Ancient¡ tribe's lifestyle is Ancient sciences
to retain
they can successfully escape a global catastrophe
while on a Great
Translated to civilized
means tc
successfully travel through a global catastrophe that ends as an Ice Age without fear. The privilege of being privileged
member to make this Migration, belongs to
who retain these knowledges, yet if one was to take a
survey on Indians in the United States, 99% believe they will be among those mqking the journey, showing that it is in the teacHings and lifestyle To know the difference between TIME and LIGHT is to critical if tribal rights are to be fulfilled. Any difference in these teachings on the subjects, violates tribel rights.
An example could be used to show wrong teachings on these concepts ended in like the VFRO end l\WLBOURNE MAN because one did not survive the
In Northern
near Peking, in the villege of Choukoutien, two
Ice A[;es or t1.vo l'v1ifrB.tions back, found in caverns and fissures of rocks bones of extinct
and body remains of a European,
an Eskimo type in one close-knit group in a cave all in a chinese hileside. It can be assumed they tryed to combine their knowledges to safely escspe the catestrophe but failed.(The Geology of China-lee.l939) It i.s known e.nd is e, well accepted fact the.t elite groups investing large sums of money, have studied, treveled, and built small villeges on exAct spots of the last 5 American Indian Migration trails.
23. There is enough references and evidence around that can be put together, showing and concluding that Capital cities of Indian Empires h2ve been destroyed and are below me.ny large cities of the United Stetes because still ariother elite group, which I personally called:
THE CIBOLA GROUP, who are searching for the openings to the Seven Golden Bities, or the Seven Underground Cities, which are known by
to be plc:·ces that the American Indian stops and rests while on a journey
of the Great Indian Migration. Take every Bowl, Pipe, and Wumpt® Belt collected from Indian tribes, even the rrodern ones made today, they are made by Genetic Inspiration on how to synchronize time, even if the maker or Indian no longer knows the science, th(=)t is how deep And how long trib.s.l tee.chings have been around. Take
Blond man and woman. With enough sex acts, Genetic Inspiration
will produce a Blond headed child. Take a American m2.n or
who are
th2t meet an American Indian from any of the tribes that have
enough sex acts, genetic inspiration will produce an Indian child with genetic memory to these sciences. Find me
to the D N A gene:; ·anci can·
scientist v1ith full
prove it works for·_.f3ve.rybod:y··tex:c-e:pt..
·.Indrif'J1 of t:l:s .. America 's . Ti1en
there would be no Tintil then, there is a Conflict to the civilized Oracles of Sciences
snd what I've been taught traditionally.
24. H E
All civilized sciences owe their primitive
theories or theorums to
of Ancient writtings on the Universe.
The Science is celled or COSMOGONY, which has a direct line of communication to Pll other sciences. I know by personal contact with scientist
Jet'Propulsion Lsb., Pasedena to Los Alomas through the
years, th0-t whenever there is
working problem, the scientist makes out
a work order and receives through a Computer, every known piece of recordec
imformation from the first day of contact through the present-day on 'v'V'h:?t the Indian w;s known to say on the subject., Afew yeArs back, I request
on Indian Education. I received
it the following day in a quantity that·r was almost·ready to hire a large
truck to
it horre.
told that it
only a. minor run by the
Computer for one year which conteined- cnrtly theorurr.s along with the facts that
to be used by the Educational systems 6n Indian studentse
It took two years to figure out what I had been given. If the United StAtes has a Drug problem, get one of these Computer runs on Indian and you
find out how it got organized· and is maint.?c ined
by Federal Executive Order supposely for Indian students only,which
does not reach them and you know it cannot be defeated because it is part of Treaty stipulations, on Indian education. Another of these theorums, was a new professional classificatioL given to teachers in Public Schools teachings Indian students. This profession is called or named: A N E C D 0 T I S T. One who is a specialist in characterizing to desribe or portray
by que.lities or peculiarities, distinguishing or distincwc behaviors
on Indian students.
From personal knowledge, teachers are picking out Indian students who are the rrost quiet and do not care to lead the rest of the class ±n
25. play or projects. This concept was concluded from the Occupation.of It is believed that this is the area, where Information needed,
is. Boy! Are they in for a surprise!
It is assumed tha.t in this area, that knowledge to the Universe as understood by the Ancients is, by genetics. If one is st8rting Alex Von Humbolt's Cosmos, by E.C.Ottie and B.H. PPul, Ph.D.,F.C.S.or·MeKico Mystique,by Waeers- each can have the±r very own
rgurro.ent, but the decision is still made by le2ders of ci vi1ized
n::!tions. HPve these nPtions
the Ancient scientific methemetical
formulP.s to their n!:;tions?
I 'rr. referrinv. to the separPtion of Tir.trE from LIGHT.
The Pnswer is YES! To prove this, let's begin. . A TRIBAL RITUAL LIGHT is from TI:',ffi which to the Universe. At !=.D ex:= ct TirvTE, there is P Sonr 8hB. DA.ilce Bnd PrB.yers using, the Medicine Wheel, Preyer Wheel, The Gau, The Sacret Rings of the
Prophet{whFt you
Then everyone pudding.
the Olympic Gpme Rings), And the Se8t of the
the rule to TIME which is .done 2S a chant. e. round the Fire, to est .e.ncient r.,nd
thct 8 given time, the Sun will come up .but will be seen And the stars can be seen all day long. Tne f1ner synchronzs.tion of Til\'IE, the longer the duration which P cepicity of 397.79003 dsys or Two Great Time Serpents, all the w-;;y to iust hours. These d!>.ys CP:nnot be used in CB.lender time becAuse there was no OPPOSII FORCE thBt would mAke e CRlendAr day. Tr!)ditions
By civilized
Pny primitive ·the
which is judged by absolutes that omits being scientific
this concept is to
e,!: st. ridiculous! No intelligent person would conclude this
in any possible world events. No or scientist or ethnic cQn deny they've he:;.rd time and time egain.
26. If one part of the scientific community rejects it believe in it, while the other part of this
does riot uses it and
understPnds itrs m0ke¡pp, which in pert can be considered the Intellectual side? or. Are there Are two different distinctive scientific groups-
fuake the whole organization? (1) The one group who do not believe but collect the dAta for, ( 2) The other
You kno1,'1 whpt
who he ve
:exclusive right to the sciences.
You only,will have to judge
you only,will
c.otegory you've belonged to,all these
Any Antiquity schol.qr, 32sec .. Degree MB.son, or Physic scientist
knows th?tJulius Cpesgr
Calendar days by 90 days and applied
to the Julian CelendRr.
On Septmeber 2, 6465(julian), it became September 14, 1752(gregorian)
This PnpePrs like onlv e 12 74 ¡
edjustment, but it's
The JuliP.n did not have the months of July and August, which the did. So, September 2nd. was actually July 2nd. Gregorian.
From July 2nd to September 14th is 74 days from the original time adjustment by Julius Ce.ese.r. What happened to the other 16 days?
Virg.Georg.i.,466.-(45B.C.) At the death of Julius Caesar---------------------------
1 day
Ammian Marcell ,xvii. , 7 (Aug. 22,3 58a. d.)------------------
1 day
1 day
Ammian Marcell, xx.,3 (
Schurrer,Chronik der Seuchen,Th.ip.ll3
Gregorius Abu'l Faragius Suppementum HistoriAe Dyna.stiP.rurn, ed .Edw. Pocock,
1 day
1 day
Gregorius Abu'l FRra.l 1 c.p.95{567a.d.)------------------
l day
Abu'l Farag. pp.94,99 (
Schurrer, Chron. theili.p.l64 ) (Aug.19,733a.d. ------------
1 da.y
Historia de Portufe1, Faria y Souza, 1730,p.l47 {
1 day
MP.rtin Cru.sius,Annales Suevici, Schurrer th.i.,p:279 ( 109la.d.)------------
1 day
Joh.Staindeliii,Presbyteri PatBviensis, Chronicon generale, in Oefelii Rerum Boic:;ru11 Script ores, tom., 1763, p. 485 E pidemi ologis es -
{ Mar.3,1096a.d.)-----------
l day
. Illia dr. 1803 , tom. i. , P . 3 0 (Feb.2S,1206a.d.)-----------
1 day
Chronicon Cl?ustro-NeoburgenseNeuberg at ViennB; Pez, Scriptores rerum Austriacarum Lips.l72l,tom.i.,p.45S (first christmg.s dsy) Michealmas day Dec.25,5954(julian) Oct.24,1241{gregorian)--------- l day Refert Gemma 8nd Kepler in 3tellR Nova in Serpentaria p.ll3 (April 23,24,25, 1547a.d.--------------- 3 days Sun had no light and the stars could be seen.
16 days
Julius Ceesar's 6alendar days ?djustment for 90 days which was deleted by International Nations in 15S2A.D. Ana for the
of net ions in 1752A .D., Iv""inus the 16 days accumula.ted from the overstating of Leap Year days, comes to
74 days. So, now became the new
Gregorian cPlendar, which was alleged to be gueged in calendar yeprs from the time a Christ on
B. little
born in Zero(O)A.D. which I will comment
lA.ter because as of now, the nev-1 calendar is out of time
adjustment for 16 days. Deys that the Sun gave no LIGHT and the stars
could seen durin{:r the dRy hours. For the nev; civilized calendar which had its synchronized time from an Ancient one called: THE CALI YUG, which requires further tirr.e adjustments which did happen 3 years after
of the Declaration of Independance, thpt makes the celebration of July 4th. out of time synchronization by 16 days. George Washington, 10 years before he became the first President, by Executive Order, B.t the end of the calendar day of June 18th.l779,
me de it Offic ie.lly June 2nd. , 1779, which now adjusted calendars ace or ding to Ancient ritual times. This e.djustment was an .Ancient system and not a civilized one, that deelt directly with
and LIGHT, as separated.
The Gregorian C.:1lend8 r
lleging to be nurnbering years from the birth
christ, does not match or synchronize with the events that created
it, or deleted it.
The birth of n Christ, 2-.ssumed to be from the christio.n Bible, or Christmas Day, mAde e
originP,lly called: MICHAEU,'LAS DAY.
Now this guy was
who Proclaimed that Halley's Comet which passed the Earth
between 6B.C. And Zero{O)B.C. and Zero(O)A.D. was 365 days l2ter.
The dpy
December 25,
or October 24, 1241 that St. Michae
_ stated that it was a sign, a spiritual sign for the birth of the Christ
a.nd he named it: THE STAR OF NATIVITY. Later, the Pope declared the Star of Nativity was a work of the Devil in the year 6169Julian and 1456 Gregorian. Today, Michaelmas Day is
on September 29th.which can be
traced back to the original December 25th. Julian or October 24,Gregorian. Put back the 16 days which the Sun gave no LIGHT brings to October 15th. with 9 days difference. It is this 9 day difference that has been a long standing argQment I've had with 32nd. Degree and Up Mason's. According to Ancient teachings, calendar day adjustments are known mathematical equations, that are made to create a more perfect world or
29. lifestyle . Julius
was a MBn of War, so his adjustment had to be for
e world that would always be at War. His adjustment had to be for 99 days. Now, when the calendar was moved back 90 days, the difference is ?n Ancient mathematical equation which was done with purpose in
Since 1582A .D. \vhen the adjustment
truely made back to the Gregor:
there \"'as a difference of 9 dA.ys, which TJiichaeLrnas day keeps. The Gregorian, h2s point Zero to synchronize from while the followers of
the old
ere in difference of 14 days. are three different days for Christm&s, each from the other.
None of these are synchronized to the old Ancient system. 3ecBuse of the purpose in mind, the reasons for these different dates is to create e world of sncient
Plagues, Epidemics, and Anarchy which
show from exact points on The Great Serpent.
The conflict on or in TIME, is the presentation that the events of the world are of CHANCE or a GtWSS when Ancient sho;;¡.r
that there is a direct purpose for those that played with the
Calendar of Seasons and the Calendar to synchronize with the Universe. The Brguments that will start can be heard even before there is a reBson for an argument. Astrology Scientist and Antiquity Scholars will all debate that the figures given do not conclude to any of these mentioned, but only good for the civilized world.
TRUE! The TIME: differences do calculate to the good for the civilize( world and hell for the remaining Ancient Indians.
But traditional teachings are very precise to an exact ritual. When an Ancient system is started, it must be followed through to the end,
30. which was not done in the matter of Calendar day adjustments. This adjustment to finalize or complete the adjustment made which we can identify as June 2, 1779 is complete if no other event happens
6 CREATOR DAYS or 3 years, 97 days, 13 hours, and 53 minutes, directly related to the purpose of the adjustment.
Such P..n event did happen 3 52 days or 1. 77 TIME Serpents later on M:;_ y 19 , 17S 0 â&#x20AC;˘ The reference can be found in THE PEOPLE ALT\fANAC #3, by vl.Morrow, p ..
46. This dey has never been adjusted for. This now makes the Ancient Equations and their conclusions
which also
the American Indian prophecys room for the Great
IndiRn Migration.
But the subject was the speed of
and hed it extended into
the sciences of MOONLitlliT, which had a different mP._themctical approach,
three rules of
the three equations that
prophecy. A Science every Prophet or religious
person is required to know when praying or meditating to a Supreme Being. But tAkes LI
there is
figure or system in which to see if the time it
to repch EAP.TH from the SUN is correct.
'I'\t-JO TI!<'[E SERPENTS (+end-) divide by 100 X 2=
Now what could be that is calculated to be 314.87488 Light Years away:
But this the Speed of Spaoelight, a totally difference system of A
science from a people alleged to h2ve no written languages and how
how does one write a science without a written language?
Every civilized religion Sect, teaches ¡the Evil identity of those that believe in the sign of the Beast, 666. The above is stated RELIGION SECT! Not a Religious Occult.They are two different entities but are related. One holds an International Status that detrimines ¡if or' any new religious rituals, writtings, or spiritual Laws should be passed on to Religion Organizations to be practiced. It holds absolute power to keep secret spiritual writtings from review from the rest of the world. The Sign of the Beast, are Ancient Tables. They begin at 2160, 4320, 6480,8640 and continue for 200 that total- 432,000. They have other names. Winter Tables, Sataan's Tables, Signs of the Beast. The Dakota Indians call them- THE WINTER COUNT. Such names are only
used by Religion Sects and not the Occults, which are called by their true function. The number 666 is an Ancient Mathematical Equation that is to be used by every person born on Earth.
The Serpent you have already learned is The Cycle of Time. The early christian church was very successful in converting the India to the new White Man's religion, not because the Homolitics were that great but because the Ancient Indian knew what The Times of the Beast were, the 666, and the Serpent could do if they were not used correctly. These Ancient Indians believed, it would Indians, that would do these evils things mentioned by the Preacher, because there was no indicatation that the White Man had any of this knowledge. They knew which tribal member had the knowledge to the number of 666 so they overlooked the word meaning to DRAGON. They didn't know that DRAGON was a White Chief and I believe it was Judge Urbom of court history; UNITED STATES -vs-
CONSQLIDATED WOUNDED KNEE CASES, 389 F.Supp.235(Jan.l7,1975) that let the Cat of the bag by telling everyone that the United States had White
Clan Mothers. Only Clan Mothers can elect a Chief which is not only Tribal but International Law. So, not only did the Indian not know who the DRADON would be, also the Preacher-and the members of the church.
If we take Revelation, Chapter 12, verse 3- Any Ancient tribal member who knows tribal social orders, the figure of 1230 is not correct for Prophet equations. If Antiquity Scholars who also translated the civilized Bible, gave the correct equation of the Time Cycle and the Time Equation to the civilized scientific communities, then turned around and gave religion sects the wrong euqation for a prophet, the conclusion is that there is to be no religious Prophet in the civilized religions. Now! Wouldn't it be surprising to find out that every civilized person and individual, nation and country, rich and poor are a product of the number 666, the Serpent, and the Sign of the Beast? Let's begin when Julius Caesar cancelled the Ancient calendar of his day, called: CALI YUG, and started his Julian. He started in the year 4666 Julian. This was an Ancient mathematical equation. 3,000{Time Cycle or Serpent complete) + l,OOO(One CREATOR day complete) 666(Time Equation complete) The first Julian year was for 365 days but in accumulation systems, it begins with Zero which the present-day Arab barter-system cannot
handle, so to convert it to the Julian and Gregorian, the end of the first year, it became 4665Julian and the next, it became 4666 or 45B.C.
47 years later, it completed Zero(O)A.D. because there had to be a ZeroB.C. and Zero A.D. and then on to March 15th., One(l)A.D. To March 15th or Ides, 1 A.D. there had been 17g97 days to 4713 Julian.
Now, you play with that for awhile till you •nderstand it. Even thou·g!!_,_ there were 12 leap year days and the civilizee method is to
add one day a year and then deduct it the next. which causes dates to remain the same, it is still March 15th and not<March 27th. It is this method that caused the loss of spiritual power for many
their ritual times from this method.
aboriginal tribes, who
In this period of time, ritual times change every year so if it
was held on March 15th. it should now be held on March 26, at 8:49A.M.
£'or the year of 1 A.D. So, the starting time of Julius Caesar's Julian gives us by Ancient Mathematical Equations Ancient,Clan ·Serpent 1 666 ,. -First-born, Medicine, Clan Woman, and Prophet's cycles.
The alleged date of Christ's birth in the year of OA.D. left-
8.568696 lS .657203
days- First-born days- ca:an\",Woman days- l-iedicine
39-34316 days- Time 21.843718 days- Prophet 79.25371 days- Serpent
There is no great date for the Alleged birth of Christ, but without looking at any records, one can tell when King Isabella I purchased Spain from Chalif Abdalla es-Zaghal. Just on the Great Serpent, it was Mench 2nd., 1491A .n·..=,-at 8:25A.M.
which was 66.29g344 days into the Serpent Columbus' trip to the America's started on Apri14, 1492 at 3:23A.M.
which was 66.29S344 days into the Serpent. Columbus arrived in the
on October 20,1492 at 5:52A.M.
which was 66.29g344 days into the Serpent Changing from the Julian to the Gregorian in 1752 on September 14th.
which was 66.298344 days into the Serpent and to pass away the old into the new.
i of the number 666 which
In the year of 1936A.D. and I was present, South Dakota State and Federal Governmental Agencies etopped the Sisseton-Wahpeton indian Ancient traditional Sioux from doing their yearly New Year Dances because had it been done
the burning of Tobacco,
eating of Bread and Pudding, they would have synchronized with the
SERPENT, TIME EQUATION, PROPHET CYCLE at ZERO(O), 1 / 10th. of a CREATOR'S DAY, } of THE MEDICINE CYCLE, ! OF THE ClAN WOMAN CYCLE, and ONE COMPLETE FIRST-BORN CYCLE. Even though the Indians have forgotton these ancient sciences, civilized Occult Scientist have a general idea when the SERPENT and
TIME EQUATION synchronize. On these figures of 66.29S344 days of the Serpent, which is TIME and if you put in the speed of LIGHT that makes these visible days
that everyone lives, you have a figure of 66.666666 days times 10= the TIME EQUATION times 1,000= the speed of velocity of the Earth
around the Sun. This same figure can be expanded to give you the weight of the Earth in tons and on to how many Atoms there are in a drop of water. With or without the speed of LIGHT, it is a mathematical equation of the Ancient's, that the civilized world lives by, that they call
THE SIGN OF THE BEAST. Perhaps the greatest mistake by Antiquity translators on the Bible, was on the dey of the Lord. At present, this is held; every seven days which cannot be supported by the contents of the Bible. This time is allegely taken from CREATION, where GOD rested the seventh day after.Creat.imn.
II PETER 3:a-we find such a day is 1,000 Traditions teach that
the relationship between humans and
the God. A CREATOR'S day would become 6.6298344 days of TIME, put in LIGHT(Bible), would become 6.6666 days. So, after,every 6 days and 16 hours, is, the CREATOR'S time. Ancient teachings legend, the first such religious service was held at HIGHNOON.
The next one held 6 da:'Js later at DAWN. The Next at DUSK.
This sequence is perpetual and to properly give worship to a CREATOR or a SUPREME worship. In my
there has to be three different places of on the white man, I've £ound many strange
religions started from Ancient translations. Many are only forms on how to torture the body which is not a religion but a ritual to witchcraft to the members of these Sects, who, by ·excuses cannot be awaken or are 1
dead-spiritualiy. Every country in the world has collected this formula.
/12 atoms or 24 hours
The civilized world likes everything that it does not to be put down in detail. On the other hand, I'm writting about subjects in which thousands of Educational credentians have been issued,not to individuals that have been taught the subjects but to individuals that haYe.not been taught it. The fact still remains that credentials were issued and for this to take place, references or evidence had to have been in the possession of the individual that received the credential. The forum or platform takes on the concept of a debate. The IGNORANT challenging the SCHOLAR. The credential identifiesthe SCHOLAR so everyone can identify the
IGNORANT. Few people realize that before this could take place, the and documentation of the IGNORANT had to be confiscated. The intention of this act was to do two(2)objectives. To make the IGNORANT, and, to free the SCHOLAR from any challenges. It also frees the SCHOLAR from any type of conclusions, which could nullify his credential if the true science would ever be presented. But the control of issuing credentials and the receiving of subject
matter by Educational Institutions would never permit this to happen, which helps to fulfill Ancient American Indian pr9phecys. THE GREAT
will become THE LOWLrJ THE RICH will become
This is an interesting .forecest to.arr Ancient because the would-be SCHOLAR, at sometime in the future, will be forced to make a conclusion that will be in error which will have a davastating end to those that
followed the SCHOLAR'S conclusions. So, without any further ado, this Ignorant one, continues to tell about the sciences in his Ancient lifestyle and culture.
Let's touch on the subject of associations and this can be a broad term. The civilized man or woman sees these signs and knows without detail' what they can be connected to:
(.,-), A,
They are scientific formulas with great detail and can be connected
to many problems. The Ancient American Indian also has associations to certain signs which also have connections. Now the circle showing the different times ÂŁor prayer has many connections. Civilized
180 x.l32596= 23.867403 hrs X
12 11.933702 da:y X
2 X
100 =
7.9558011 minutes X
432,000 Winter Count
60 . minutes
24 gours
2,386.?403 days
Antiquity Scholars knows this means 100 X 2. So they know that the American Indian had a written language.
There are many other associations. It gives the days that
Clan Mother is to Instruct Chiefs on nation or tribal business; the days for the First-born Woman of the Clan on the mathematical equations
to the forces of nature that must be instructed to the Elders; the days of the Medicine Clan; the days of the Prophets; the days of the Time Equation; the days of the Time Serpent; and the days of the much-feared Time Walker.
Please note: That the complete Winter Count of 2,386.7404 days is 100 times larger then the time for one day which is 23.86703 hours.
All ancient calculations are on TIME only, omitting TIME of LIGHT
because pure TIME is held to be one of the building blocks of CREATION. To the civilized mind and the duration of one day is 24 hours or 2,400 days for a complete Winter Count, but to the Ancient, it is
THE PAST. To the Ancient, a complete Winter Count is 2,386.7404 days, which is THE PRESENT. But both give the beginning to an Ancient Mathematical
THE PRESENT minus THE PAST equals THE FUTURE. The answer is always in negative TIME, because it has not happened.
6480 8640
49680 51840
56160 58320
21600 23760
19440 25920
30240 32400 34560 36720 38880 41040 43200
2160 23760 45360
... , ...
D 0 il N
, .. _._ .....
88560 110160
153360 174960 196560 218160 239760
261360 282960
369!l60 390960
69120 71280 73440 75600
93180 95040
99360 101520
108000 110160 112320 114480
118800 120960
131760 133920
220320 241920
263520 285120 306720 328320 349920
371520 393120
179280 200880 222480
244080 265680
28?280 308880 330480
373680 395280
200880 203040
244080 246240
151200 153360
155520 157680 159840
162000 164160 166320
192240 194400
196560 198720 205200
235440 237600
168480 170640
73440 95040
324.00 54000
159840 203040
267840 2894.40
311040 332640 354240 375g40
397l!'40 419t';40
205200 226800
313200 334800 356400
291600 293760 295920
300240 302400
15120 36720 58320 79920 101520
56160 77760
252720 254880 257040 259200
6480 28080 •'49680 71280
270000 272160
4320 25920 47520 69120 90720 112320 133920
224640 226800
304560 306720 308880 311040
261360 263520
218160 220320
183600 185760
114480 136080
136080 138240
142560 164160 185760
144720 166320 18'7920
207360 228960
209520 231120
252720 274320
250560 272160
295920 317520 339120
336960 358560
313200 315360
345600 349920 352080 354240 356400 358560 360720
321$40 32i000 32 160 328320 330480 332640 334800 336960
365040 367200 369360
384480 386640
343440 345600
373680 375840 378000
380160 382320
62640 84240 105840 127440 149040
82080 103680 125280
168480 190080 211680 233280 254880
170640 192240 213840 235440
29sogo 319680
365040 386640
3S4J.S:80 406080
321840 343440
408240 4!984.0
3952 3974 3996
4060 4082 4104 4125 4147 4168
4190 4212
4233 4255 4276
216 432
1080 1296 1512
1728 1944 2160
2376 2592
3240 3456 3672
''I corrmanded the Woman to name my existence so every living life could know and respect me; she named me not for anything in the Universe or on EA.rth, but for the sounds of the Vlinds, of \J\Tinds through the trees, and the sounds of the iti8.ves of the Oceans.n :It is to be -:rlritteD s.s follows.
It is
times referenced by Ancients in RituRls as:
Synchronizing Time from known
resources of the civilized
because all Ancient locations are not open or are closed to the Ancient, not
includes the United States, but Mexico, South America, England,
Egypt, and Australia.
The question that comes up, is when did Julius Caesar start his
Julian Calendar. Keep in mind that the Gregorian is only a continued type to the Julian.
From a present state of time, we know that on January 14, 19Sg-
January 1, 6700 Julian. The G.regorian alleges that
years have passed in A.D. and under
the Gregorian theory, going from B.C. to A.D., calendars would have to go rrom O(zero)B.C. to O(zero)A.D. giving us another 2 years bringing the total to 1990 years
We take 6700 years Julian and deduct 1990 years which totals to 4710 years Julian. It is rumored that the Julian started with a 90 day calendar adjustmen1 and it became March 15th or Ides,
But no Scholar will claim it
to be a fact in history when an Ancient can show where Julius Caesar got his beginning years of
andean proTe this figure of
is in error. To use the argument that the Old Scholars did not know of the¡¡ conversion problem, going from B.C. to A.D. can't stand up because it was the same Scholars that made the decision that MedieTal Greek, Latin, Arabic, Hebrew, all other languages in the area; Middle High and Low
French, German, English; Old Danish, Norse, and Spanish-
use and
the books on how to speak them to be destroyed off the face of the Earth and presented with the ones presently being used. The question of' point is that the Indian
the America's has a treaty in each of the old
languages mentioned that today cannot be properly translated and whieh
makes these treaties in Julian years that are not shown to Indians only the alleged articles in the Treaties.
Even the alleged
of the America's by Columbus cannot be verified because the language has been destroyed. If this language could be reconstructed again, it would show that CHALIF ABDULLA es-ZEGHAL, discovered the Ameriea's and
many treaties with tribes of the Indian of the America's Having a copy of Columbus' signature, no Hebrew scholar or Medieval
Linquist could or can tie it
present language used.
So if one Dumb Sioux boy from the Plains of South Dakota can find this and he is one of those Ignorant ones, the Scholars knew of the
B.C. to A.D. conversion years. Next argument that will be be 44 B.C. Julius Caesar was
on the date the Julian started will killed in 45B.C. and ke was alive when
it was being used.
Why all the confusion on such a simple math problem? Beeause the years Julius Caesar
with1 was or were Ancient
equations. 4666 broken down, comes to One Time Serpent plus One Creator's day, plus one time equation equals 4666 year!. If you add
yrs+19a6a6702Julian for
whieh is in
error. We could say that when Julian came to Gregorian B.C. anf A.D. two years were deducted which was maybe what happened, then one can say I was playing with numbers. Whatever can be said for the problem, or whatever method was used, it cannot be omitted because it involves a total of 721 days that took place that would be omitted if the Zero numbering system is left out. Where did I get the additional From a Leap Year day! So from March 15th. 46B.C. through or at March 15, OA.D. there was a total of 17,532 calendar days. You might come to March 27th.
OA.D. but remember you add a day on a leap year and then deduct it the following year so the calendar the same,
This method of adding one day and then deducting it, serTes a good purpose for the civilized concepts. If any Aboriginal tribes are appointing their ritual times from a Gregorian or Julian calendars, it puts these ritual times out of synchronization which causes the tribe or members to lose their spiritual power. Ritual times
every year by 5 hours and
minutes, and 46 seconds,
We know that the Roman Empire held Ancient New Year Dances on March 15,
after a time adjustment. The power that the descendants
had is pretty much known till
it around·700 A.D.
The reason is easy to explain. An Ancient sunchronized time and
did the Rew Tear Dances at the correct time. !nound 700 A.D. an Aneient held the Kew Year Dances on
12, 700A.D. at 3:56P.M.
So TIME is critical to an Ancient if the lifestyle and culture is to function properly. It is even more critical if the Indian
to escape the coming global catastrophe that ends as an·· Ice Age that is called: THE GREAT MIGRATION. I f members of an
complain that their young are full
of strong drink and dupe, it is not the influenees of the White Man because he has the same problem. The truthfully
has always been; a strong nation because the lands to the Indians who always blessed it and protected
it no matter how l:>a.d the Governmental Officials were to him.
Teday, that is not so because the Indian is out of time synchronizati<
and is unable to bless it or protect it. It will not change because certain Of£icials now give gifts to members of other Nations to help oppress the Indian, whieh is a coTert aet, to destroy the lands of the Indian and his culture, aDd the United States. At present, only some Indians see the Conflict to Oracles of Sciences but it should be everyone.
I a md t h e 3 ' s . s ' 2 ' If anyone-Scholar, Scientist, or Ethnic Researcher- ever plans
A '
B '
c '
to understand the culture or lifestyle of the Indian of the America's, the first approach would be- What are the A,B,C's, and the I,2,3's
to this lifestyle? To the old Ancient American Indian Traditionalist, the civilized or White Culture is·asAlien to him, as the Indian·culture is to the Ethnic Researcher. This alienship between the two has been separated by time in which the civilized world underwent several culturual and
language changes. If the civilized world could go back about or alittle over 1,200 years, there would be no alienship between the two. Each would understand the other with little or no trouble. This was presented so the civilized eould or would piece back together, what has been changed and forgotten and the Indian of the America's holds the Key to that puzzle. So, what one is about to learn is old and
It is by no means
new or a mystery, but a eimple test to see if the civilized or other white culture members ean or eould awake genetically to their own special
handed-down from the CREATOR, GREAT SPIRIT. is a sliget problem. The civilized world is on a mad dash to
get the American Indian to forget his culture and all the Ancient and tribal
While the Ethnic Researcher studys ·the Indian of the America's, the civilized world's Elite study the Ethaic ReseareAer- to make doublely sure no white person or individual awakens genetically to the promises
of the New World or the New !eginning or the Passing through Eternity into Reality, whateTer your present-day religions call it.
In the past, we were called with contempt, SERPENT PEOPLE and the SERPENT is a concept for TIME for all Ancients, then in context, we should have been called: TIME PEOPLE. A race of people whose entire
lifestyle functioned from TIME. But TIME as a word, understood and comprehended today, is not a physic law or a scientific conclusion, but a general idea to record a duration or occasion that can only be referenced to an existence from the past, to the present, and on to the future.
The Ancients taught that TIME in a pure state, is one of the first building blocks to Creation because it had no beginning or ending,L It will always be the first! For the Intellect of the world, when it becomes the first, because it has no substitute or an alike existence, it becomes the last at the same time.
TIME as it is used and understood today, is not in its original Cipher(arabic-sifr} but a substitute for a changed Symbol or Letter or
Number, and had this changed not taken plaee, it would be science today. {TIMA) Any and all existences known or yet to be discovered, owe their classification to a reference which is understood by its relationship in time. All present sciences including sounds, languages, reasoning, sights, and touch owe their existences to their relationship to TIME. In the civilized manner, TIME is viewed only as a duration that makes one miss its scientific function. To the Ancient, TIME is a working scientific function with the conlnsion
of a by-produc
It is hard to change this teaching even when there
on the
wrist that gives seconds to minutes to hours then stops. This cycle can only continue if one looks at a calendar that gives--- days to weeks to months to years to centuries to millenniums, which requires the cycle to continue by again looking at the watch on the wrist.
The most mind boggling experience comes when the human mind makes or separates day from night. It seeks the only Feference for existence
which is a calendar that will provide the continuum for life. T 0 M 0 R R 0 W ! It has been known to use W 0 R K , or P L A Y , or S A T U R D A Y , or C H U R C H , or others; but its main function is
to stop all logic or intellectual thinking and continue at a prescribe time again.
It is these prescribe times that leads one away from religious
rituals that would
.ONE TO':..ThiBn6â&#x201A;ŹIF;NCES._OF TIME.
If anyone as a tribal member, has some knowledges to the Clan Equations of the First-born, Woman of the Clan, Medicine people, Elders, and the much feared TIME WALKER- and remember! All Ancients no matter where on Earth they live, are the same on mathematical formulas. When one studies the Quadrants of NOSTRADAMUS, it has missing ancient which would be the chants between the Prophet and the Woman of the Clan that you know as the Quadrants. It is obvious that
NOSTRODAMUS had excess to confiscated tribal records of Ancient nations that had been murdered or killed. Research on his life bears this The most obvious quote of non-tribal
having excess to
ancient tribal records, is documented by the most quoted theory by the world's scientific community. It was taken from Ancient records on the t.eachings of the FIRST-BORN WOMAN instructing TIME WALKERS on the forces of nature and how they are to be used. Such instructions can be found in the old books, THE WARS OF THE LORD. and Numbers 21:14 You know as Mass times Velocity of Light Squared, equals ENERGY! Theory of RELATIVITY OF LIGHT, by Albert Einstein
Einstein stated;
that the speed of LIGHT is the same in all frames of reference and that the same laws of physics hold in all frames of reference that are not accelerated.
Einstein's theory shows a descendant of the Ancients, two facts that cannot be overlooked, in which Antiquist and Anthropologist must agre¡e because they have collected all such ancient records
containing these formulas in which individuals were permitted to look and translate their opinions as a science.
I can safely make
one prediction; Whoever they are, I personally will never be permitted
to look at the records. The Theory of Relativity of LIGHT has not been completed as a Theory because: 1) Mass X Velocity of Light Squared as in part only 6n how Ancients used an energy in everyday life that did not encompass the Earth's resources or materials that today be changed or destroyed, to create energy. Because the Theory is not complete: a)It will never be used by the world unless an Ancient breaks it down in an understandable language b)The civilized world will never attain this method because: aa)They have spent to much money and time destroying these records, bb)They have made it almost a on Ancients if they were to show how it is done. 2) In the Theory where it states that the speed of LIGHT is the same in all frames of references, it shows any Ancient that the Physic Laws on the speed of LIGHT has not been fully touched and there are no theories presented on the speed of TIME. So the confiscated Ancient records on the Sun have not been broken or translated. As stated, Einstein's theory is just that and nothing more, because it cannot be applied to the present systems of science. Let us assume
I had the same opportunity to view the same ancient records that Einstein
looked at. What scientific conclusion would have been presented to the world?
BUT WHY? But why did the Indian of the America's have such an advance culture and lifestyle?
What purpose could it have because even if it was ¡:permitted to be practiced freely today on reservations, it would not up grade their poor living conditions. The nature of this lifestyle is suca and the basie teachings so advanced that it could not join the present civilized
sciences, so the Indian would still be in a destitute state and suffer worse oppression because much of the
would create a brand
new world of inventions for the White Man who would haTe to keep the
Indian poor so he could
to it all
for the betterment of the tribe, he is better off without this knowledge.
Be that this may be, it still does not and cannot answer the original question! Then! Why pursue it? Beeause the Indian of the America's collectiYily, is the one most written about one subject in the world.
If this dumb Sioux !oy from the plains of South Dakota can reason out that the
intellectual system of the civilised world
cannot create or substitute words, expressions, or phrases wnich would place this system on the saae level of a system of the Indian of the Ameriea's; and, all the
intellectual from this
research will not and cannot produce these anciemt scienees; This Dumb Sioux
whu is the last on the Totum Pele to find
eonelusion common knowledge;
the original question well rounded
and to be answered Decause it involTes every person on the face ef the Earth. There's not one White Man in the whole wide world to buy that it trip, because to buy/would mean the intellect are stupid and the stupid are the world's intellect.
The legend has been heard by more Ethnic ResEarchers through the years, then children have heard ALICE IN WONDERLAND. There is more private money and¡ resources spent on the legend, then all governmental Anti.quity and Anthropology Departments
the civilized world.
combined. WHY?
Private Special Interest Groups are known to wait for the results from a Government Educational Department on the study of certain American Indian studies, before one red cent will be spent. The exception to this, is the legend of THE GREAT MIGRATION.
Many large Cities found in North and South America owe their existence to these Private Special Interest Groups, who tore apart many major Indian
Capital Cities looking for the continuum to this legend, but failed.
These groups are over 100 years ahead in evidence and references then all the Antiquity, Anthropology, Archeaology, Geology, and Lingualogy Departments of the world. I haYe found these groups know my Ancient Institutions of Higher
better then
who have American Indians teaching the
Selective Segments of this Group have built and maiatain at personal expense, Villeges along the last five(5)Indian Migration Trails and they know them backwards and forwards. They know the exact spots on the trails
the Indian group of the past, TIME WALKED to escape some of the Global Catastrophe. Some of their priTate publisations are masterpieces and cost in the thousands of dollars, which is not for profit, but to cover the cost of publication. To have seen one, staggers human imagination on the detail known on Ancient American Indian sciences. WHY?
In their search, Anthropologist and Antiquist have gone to lengths to find the links to the Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal Man.
they have failed to introduce Scientific Conclusions nf THE VERO and to Institutions of Higher Learning, which could provide
a possible link to one of the parents of the Homo Sapiens.
WHY? All the questions asked, to say the least, are at the epitome of sophistication that the civilized world can take their sciences and
because the questions have no answers,rthey become a restricted area open to
afew select scholars and scientist which is about as
high anyone ean reach in a lifestyle.
How high is High? This is where
contact must be made with
the Indian of the America's. It also give the two categories that the civilized scientific communities have. The low stupid scientist and the
scientist that doesn't want
the questions answered.
WHY? Let's stop there because it could eontinue.
* Picture in your mind huge and fearsome looking Dinosaurs and roaming the Earth. Man walking like an Age making undistinguished grunts as a language. Having wild
like a beast without reason •••••••••
Something everyone has learned to accept as Man's beginning history. Yet, there is not one piece of scientific finds or evidence that can support a theol'Jr ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Let me present still another idea. Picture these same Dinosaurs and Mammoths roaming the Earth, with the Indians of the Ameriea's living in peace with them. They are the same in body structure, lifestyle as the Indians found today. Having the same songs and dances, same knowledge of
medicines, same knowledge of fruits and vegetables, knowledges- on how to cure eatables and cooking with fire. I'm talking about the Ice Age. The scientific finds and evidence on this theory is in a quantity that staggers human imagination •••••••••••
* manucript
DAWN, by Meredith Quinn(l9S3)copyright. Just what are these scientific finds and evidence. THE VERO AND MELBOURNE MAN from 1917 through 1950, conclusions from U.S.Naturual Museum, U.S.Anthroplogy Department-Journal of Geology,XXV (191?); Bulletin of Geological Society of America.Vol.XL; American
Journal of Science,5th.Ser.Vol.l2;Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences,Ser.II,Vol.l2(1950); and by a closed debate, THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTE and
buried and closed the findings from public review. Just what could these findings prove about these sciences taught in Institutions of Higher Learning?
l)The Indian of the America's cannot be included in THEORY OF EVOLUTION. 2)The higher scientist knows the time of the last Ice Age within 2, 000 years". 3)The higher scientist knows what Indian tribes and their members are descendants of the old Indian Empires, of either or MU.
4)The Indian of the America's has remained unchanged since the beginning of so-called TIME. 5) The Indian of the America's for some unknown science escapes the global catastrophe of an Ice Age, intact as a and lifestyle. Mow, let's compare this to what the Luw Stupid Scientist teaches: 1) There has never been a .survivor of an Ice Age. 2)Man the Monkey or Ape and got pregnant from an unknown species. 3)There is no science that can describe or formulate the energy that causes petrifactiou of an Ice Age. 4)If such an energy existed on Earth, humans would petrify and not deteriorate with age. (please note that the Indian has been completely left out) But of all the research that has been done, much of which was money spent poorly, there was one civilized scientist that one couldn't help
but like. I could almost swear he was part American Indian because
many of his scientific conclusions pretty well matched the song and dances some Indian tribes have on the description of a global catastrophe of an Ice Age. He 'writes in a language I do not know so it takes alittle longer to get through it. The reference is- SYNTHETISISCHE ARTBIDUNG, by Nilsson.
You know this guy went against everytheory there is and taught on fossilization. I personally who view it from the eyes of an Ignorant savage, must give him due because it can be matched and fits the more detailed descriptions of American Indian legends. To me, its scientific conclusions and Ancient American legends that meet at a fine point. It also answers the question on why the Indian of the America's had to have such an advance culture and lifestyle. 'I'il;
escape fossilization which is an energy so advance and unknown
that it takes a science to escape it without turning to stone.
Many could give the argument- What right does the Indian have that gives him this exclusive right? for the answer!
Again we turn to the scientist Nilsson
••••• it is knowledges that have long been forgotten."
If one was able to clarify the differences in a lifestyle and culture teachings that do exist and where each separate because of terminelogy, then there would exist
bridge that would
be a language of synonyms, or anachronisms, er anagrams. Let us try an example to see i£ someone in the future could come up with the concept.
The civilized would say- LEGEND. Translated to mean a science in the Ancient American Indian culture. The civilized would say- PROPHESY. Translated to mean the formula to the science in the Ancient American Indian culture. That is how far apart terminology has made eommunieation between the civilized and Ancient American Indian concepts. Almost to where Black is White and skinny is fat. I'm working from the position, where anything I say- the listener is preprogramed by psyehological profiles because of my ethnic background, that it is to be collected into a category called:LEGENDS, which is a story told by an individual that is unlearned and the mind of a child.
SO BE IT! A legend it will be. Eut before the legend can begin, I must tell of my people that I
of another science
by so you can better understand the legend.
Over 30,000 years ago my Ancestors with a science and components isolated the minute strand or currents of M0on
and discovered
the three rules of human prophecy,so religion is a science. Unlike in the civilized world, religion is some type of religious hocus pocus ritual, like
water in a court yard or putting
your finger in a water eontainer where someone before could haTe· had Syphilis, or
finger or have someone stick their finger up the Asshole of animal to bless it so it can be eaten or take a toke of Black Permo Hashish i1mt to £et into the sDirit. to the Indian.
is an
I can't help but conclude after going through the basic White Man's Educational system, that everyone who has done the same, omitting no ethnic or different colored race from white and including white, has,' at one time in their life ran across an event or occasion or reference or evidence that proved beyond a question of doubt, that it was a lie!
untruth! It could not be supported by Moral or righteous
or legal or scientific references or evidences. Next after teaching Instructors placed it
ogtog-orf of past
obsolescence and you are told to continue on in the studies. It immediatea starts to compound itself because it references itself back to the past obsolescence which gave it's existence. Teaching Instructors hoping not to be put out of work 9ecause their science has been blown to¡ Hell
Instruct the rest that they have encountered a rare moment in time where the subject has become a phenomenon. I don't care who you are. You weee there! You had reached the fabled crossroads oÂŁ life that required a decision which would make you a Man or Woman Q! and in the world or a nothing of and in the world that would take someone else's Money,or relationship, or ideas to make you a Man or Woman. You either had to ;ursue the subject to find the truth or go along with Teaching Instructors having the Gospel and to Hell with the Truth. From what little this poor dumb Indian can get out of this mess 1 the White Man's world which has had four modifications, separates the Master from the Slave. The Master collects Slaves by telling stories that have no truth which the Slaves have learned to accept as being one that belongs to the world.
What oe·gan . as a quest into the White Man's world, turned into a position of a Scholar correeting misprints on History and Law of the whole
the civilized world is not permitted to make Scholars out of a member of an Ancient American Indian Tribe. a Tribunal, the
If this was to come before
would be verified because 100% of all the
Indians found in the America's have no knowledge to these misprints and these misprints deal directly with them. Because I know of them would not change the percentage rate unless the White Man decided to BhOW
the percentage rate to the minus gth. power, then it would be of the Indians found in the America's do not know of these
misprints. -·
This quest was requested by my Ancient Indian Grandmother who-demanded that I find out why the United States Government did not look at certain treaty stipulations. She could not write or read the English Language but could write and read her tribal one which she taught me.
ask the question within that no Scholar can answer: WHAT DID SHE KNOW THAT TOOK ME OVER 40 YEARS TO FIND THE ANSWER?
She could recite every article on a treaty the Dakota had with the Old Norway Nation. Try and find that in any old civilized records. If you didn't know her, you wanted some of ·that high, that was some sl I
What also
as a
experience, ended up as one of the
dirtiest, filthiest, worst hitting below the aelt, cheating by a
the United States Government ever did to
they took me from
my parents, placed me in an Indian school with a promise that they were
to educate
me to beeome civilized, so I wauld have a better life.
They forgot to mention that everyone hates Indians. This Government
education system was Arbitrary, Prejudice, and Absolute at the time. You either-:did- or you were deleted of human life by a beating. No in between!. As an Indian and if one had a little teaching and training in your Old Ancient culture, one could conclude, that this new foreign culture with its sciences, were plain and simple and stupid. But you can live with it, no big deal! Whatever will be, will be! When one compares this, to my greatest ambition and success goal which was to learn the rest of my
Ancient culture, settle down, get afew girls pregnant, and become THEE reservation drunk, which would be the better of two evils?; the answer will always encompass Morality. Victorian Morality! From a Lay-man's- viewpoint, which has provided a code to good and bad, you can live with it! No big deal!
Victorian Morality is the way
to go. Being Indian is in direct conflict with the codes to Victorian Morality so this individual identity has to go.
Being personally involved in the WOUNDED KNEE Indian confrontation (1973)and was really GONG-HO into it; beginning at the United Nations meeting, through a re-trial of a prison sentence of 20 years in 1977 and on January 26, 1979 being released from Federal prison, I knew I had been a Political prisoner of the United States for 31 months, and, the evidences and references collected from the re-trial were to overwhelming to be put aside or away.
GOVERNMENTAL POLICIES had hired, what is called: SELL-OUTS, RED APPLES, HANG-AROUND-THE-FORT INDIANS(International Law-The Pirate Clause of Dragoon to create The Wounded Knee Indian Confrontation that had three objectives: (l)To strengthen the codes of Victorian Morality, (2)To continue by new GOVERNMENTAL POLICIES, the oppression of the Indi (3)To evalute by scientific conclusions the problem areas that the American Indian descent would give internationally when the socalled, or alleged AQUARIUS AGE did happen. (a) THE AQUARIUS AGE created in the 1960 and 1970's did prove
70 (3)-continued: (a)--that the Indian descent did come to the aid of the tribal Indian. But GOVERNMENTAL POLICIES did not have jurisdiction over the Indian descent which was needed. (aa) THE AMERICAN INDIAN RELIGIOUS FREEDOM ACT for direct jurisdiction in the future, {bb) The AMERICAN INDIAN WELFARE ACT for direct jurisdiction on descent who may end up from broken or deceased families. -
By Federal Law, jurisdiction is now as binding on Indian descent, as GOVERNMENTAL POLICIES are on tribal Indians with no recourse or redress to any Constitutional rights. But the main problem area will always be GOVERNMENTAL POLICIES which exist on a thin fragile line
because of treaties that the Indian
is not aware of. Today, even with government programs, half-way houses, ethnic programs for jobs, recognization for not lifting tha(Beer Bottle- the prime directive is to get Indians off the reservations into the civilized world to fulfill an International Executive Order by making Indians believe in MISPRINTS that are the dirtiest and filthiest yet to any known form intellectually. So one could say the Reservation Drunk has it made in the shade because He or She will not have to learn about these misprints and become part of
the unclean society. WH 0 ME V E R !
or W H 0 E V E R
have found out what I did. If christian religions teach: YOU SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE KNCMLEDGl OF IT SHALL SET YOU FREE.
will never be set free.
YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN! Born to what? Truth? Reality? Wisdom? Knowledge? Righteousness? Forever searching and never coming to the reality?
Let me give you the reality and watch you still throw the first stone.
MA N I F E S T 0
For years, Indians had been asking me to certain treaties that could not be found in any Government Archives. Yet theyhad prominent jurisdiction in all North and South American countries without any type
of paperwork. Even Felix Cohen's book, FEDERAL INDIAN LAW which was written to terminate by providing legal loop holes for the government to assume by ambiguous concepts, jurisdiction for Indians and their lands without recourse, wa£ked so.rfly over the Peublos and Even today, after the Department of the Interior did an extensive
and expensive study, the Treaty of
Hidelgo cannot be enforced
because of prior treaties that identified the territories, yet the
reading or showing of these treaties have yet to be seen or verified that they exist. They are called without any reference given for the names: LAND; SECULAR . TREATIES; and VATICAN TREATIES. I'
and the Indians because no Treaty copy could
be found. The Indians I had spoke with know of the treaties that did
identify their territories which turned out by heresay only. They had never seen any paperwork. No Legal Advisor likes to be caught in this situation because as a Legal Advisor, you are challenging land title of a Nation and any mistakes means death without any recourse to a Dom!stic Court who have no jurisdiction. In my earlier days, I received to•many beatings and left for dead £or a slight mistake, so you can't make error in that business. But one day this Indian group backed me into a couner by a statement. "They were going to occupy some known Bishop's Land even without my paperwork. Their deaths would mean, Elood on my hands and not theirs."
All I had was the extensive and expensive paperwork of the .Dept. o£ the Interior to work with which gave in detail, over 100 articles of these Treaties. I was
still researching when the Indian group
arrived who loaded me into an Old V.W.Van with my research, paper, and typewriter and started on the journey to the Mission to be occupied.
Because my research was not typed and
and what was done had to be
it could used, it was one lour passed the
time £or occupation, but it was presented. To me, the research showed and presented questions, that asked questions that demanded answers because the jurisdiction was to exacting and to many countries were fulilling the jurisdiction without any type _
____:;._ _ ..
The American Indian had a friend. A true ·.r-r'i'end.that· they had. ·
never heard of or even knevl he existed. Why? Because the existence
of this friend had been completely erased from world history. Not by accident but by a planned covert action, which makes all world
history for a period of a. round 1, 000 years in error and not correct. This unknown friend set the legal patterns for all world nations that deal with Indian tribes and nations of America, by establishing set rules to treaties, which could only be overcome·
by making the
Indian believe he was something he was not. I'm speaking about making the Indian believe he is a citizen of a country other then his own, and this country had no provisions for him to become a citizen of this country.
I ·believed such a friend existed even when references or
the lack of them, gave no possibility of such an existence, only that a possible individual might show up at a later date because on March
11, 1972 at 4:10P.M., I presented to the church of Rome through the Missions in the state of California, AN INDIAN MANISFESTO and occupied one mission which by proxy, occupied not only the missions in Mexico, but· wherever Secular trea ti
..--....... -
-··-··- ..... _____
.. -.......--... __ ,_, _________
over 100 articles of these treaties.· Having-., __
--_.:C.Qnt.aip.€ }4 only 8 -· .. ·.:· .,.;{1·F -· .· · .: :_ -<·. -:
personally studied and read over 300 Indian treaties, I kDew_that the U.S. , Canada, Mexico. North & South American Countries, France, England, Spain, Danmark, Norway-never came close to the stipulations found in
the Secular
so simple logical deduction concluded that the
authority and nation that discovered_ tJhe.-America' s and signed treaties did not belong to the family of civilized nations.
with its
I knew the period of time that this nation had to exist only there were no references that such a nation ever visited Indians but it ruled
the rest of the world for a period of 700 years and this was THE MOORISH EMPIRE.
Almost 12 years ···-
date of THE INDIAN MANI¢FESTO ·'" -•- •
• • ··•• •
in 1984 I found the name of the individual that signed these treaties . with Indians.
To prove that no Indian has ever heard of and no Historian has yet to place his existence in its proper place and time, I'll give you his name.
CHALIF ABDALLAH es-ZAGHAL last King of the Moorish empire of Spain and ruled through 1491 A.D. who sold his Kingdom to Queen Isabella I in 1491 for 17 million dollars. This reference can be found in RIPLEY'S BELIEVE IT OR NOT, 9th. Series, Pocket Book, a division of Simon and Schuster. ----'-'
_i .
Why is this name
: -: --_ --
; ; .
brougnt to-· Light?
-- .·
Find me a Treaty that covers the Peublos and Rancheros with Spain
or the Vatican and we can put this name back to sleep. Why did the United States in its study, state that Spain was subject
to these Indian treaties? Columbus was not a Treaty!
The alleged discovery of the America's by Cortes signed no treaties. Outside of the
Treaty of Spain which a land purchase took place with the United States for the state of Florida, Spain has signed no tPeaties with Indians since Sc what treaties is Spain subject to?
1'1 - ·- '
. ;, ·. : : ·>
civilized recorded history
<·o:-'' .-,
- · ' ..
itself -·on,.
;__ - ·
rGoersed on the subject of Columbus. In order to delete the name of CPALIF ABDALLAH es-ZAGHAL as the discoverer of the America's and could prove it by the treaties signed with the Indians of the America's , Spain after the purchase of the nation from es-Zaghal and after the return
Columbus from the Caribbian, Queen Isaballa I filed:
THE TE DEUM with the International Court in Hague on February 18,1493
THF REVERSING AND RIDDING THE EARTH OF A UNION MERDIAN. If it was recorded that Spain, or the territor.iess ·that make up what is now called Spain, had to delete the original discovery of the Spain and a new discovery entered, who was the original
individual that discoveryd the America's prior to Queen Isa.balla the Ist.? Keep in mind recorded facts cannot be disputed. Spain or Spanish people did not drive the Moors out o£ their alleged
country as stated by Anwar G. Chejne in his book, THE ARABIC LANGUAGE, its role in history,p.81; as_he put it-•After the fall of Granada in 1492" It was a territory purchase
two Royal Families; Chalif
Abdallah es-Zaghal and Queen Isabella the 1st. for $17,000,000 dollars in the year 1491. A legal procedure no different then the Treaty of Louisana and Florida, which were land purchases only. If !eublos and Rancheros have territories by treaties and no Linquist
· can translate them, what language weee they written in?
If the so-called Royality language of Spain is Castilian which is made up with over 6,000 the rest from Latin, who are ' the and where did they descend from? Why? When Peublos of New Mexico having treaties in an unknown languag@
that they cannot translate, when my name was thrown in as one could help in the translations, evernight it was made a closed issue or reference no longer open for review?
Hey!!! I'm no language expert! This dumb Sioux Bey from the.plains of South Dakota almost speaks the English language. I hate languages! I avoid them like the
Just because I was able to prove that there is no language expert THI
that.can preperly
THE PRAYER OF ATLANTIS doesn't make me an expert. If I don't know a subject, all one does1 is sit down and learn it. Just because I'm not a Historian,
mean I can't sit down,
learn it and rewrite it! Especially when one can find
that have
no truth but are made to look like the truth. Look at a fact. Queen
the Ist. purchased Spain from
which included about 3,000 warships for $17 million dollars, but we know it didn't include the advance weapons of the Moors, because England
deÂŁeated Spain with ogly 35 ships. Come on now, Spain had 86 ships that could ram each English ship and sink it without firing a shot, how did Spain lose?
Each English ship would have te carry enough
warfare to sink 86 ships apiece, net even the ships today can carry that mueh Buck Shot! Thats right! There had to be a prior agreement that made it look like Spain lost the confrontation.
WHY? If you study THE INDIAN MANI!ESTO which has only 8 articles and there are over 100 articles, Spain could not meet the financial burden
of these treaties with Indians and neither could all the rest of the new civilized nations.
The Moors did!
I can lecate to this day, over
200 Peublos that use to exist in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona that Spain had to maintain a population and an Army for each Peublo that was to be protected from any aggression by a foreign power plus the 8 articles in the MANIFESTO and more.
But Spain was not the only nation that had treaties with the Indian of the America's. Norway, Holland,
and Austria just
to name afew had Secular Treaties. These were taken over by France and England because of long established rights . . Eefore the Moorish conquest, Spain, France, and England were part of the old Roman Empire with
descendants ruling these countries.
With civilized peoples now having bought back their territories, the old ranks would continue on. But the Moors had created another world power because they were still inpart, an Ancient culture where the lifestyle all interlinked, so the Empire had to set aside_citizens whose job it was to take care of International business. Much like the Empire of the Isrealities who set aside the Hebrews to do this business. This power was the Vatican of Rome who could no longer be in the religious business because the Moors already had their Corporate State of Religion. From this.came the Secular Treaties or the Vatican Treaties in which the Vatican became the Third-party to these Moorish Treaties. After the civilized had bought back their land titles and the Moors who had kept International Law or Laws of the Nation letter perfect which was created long before the Old Greek Empire; these Treaties of the Indian of the America's had to continue on under the new nations which gave the continued power to the Vatican whose obligation was to fulfill the stipulations. From this was born the concept, Church and State Rule. For this reason THE INDIAN MlNIDESTO was given to a representative of Rome which were the Missions in the state of California. it was a¡"physic" Manifesto which caused the Vatican to make many trips to visit the Indian of the America's to see if its Internationa: EEecutive Order from 14'2 was carried out and if it was successful.
Occupation of the Mission in 1'72 brought representives
from the Vatican. Mission Officials could not have oceuping Indians collect, so they paid for the services of "SELL-OUTS", which was actually under International Law, The Pirate Clause that encompasses Freebooters and Dragoons. Because the "SELL OUTS" were not white, they fall under "DRAGOONS", to take over the occupation so there would be no collection at this time in history. For a very good reason because
the "physic" MANIFESTO would have made the occuping Indians, the richest in the world, due to the encompassing of the largest !anking, Finanicial, Transportation Organizations in the world; The largest Computer Companies, War Contracts, and Conglomerate Universities and Colleges in the world; The total conglomerates o£ Major and Diversified Corporations on a worksheet staggers human imagination, many with names that are common
to every household in the world; if one was able to combine General
Motors, Ford, and Chyysler ··.· tggether·· on _.
basis, ;
these car companies would be a small store in the country. These world CorporationsHoldings gained through articles of Indian Secular Treaties which belong to the Indians, are more then 10 fold larger then all teeritories, lands, Chnr.ches, Mission and Ranchero holdings in the world. Ir can be easily assumed the reason Mission Authorities could not help occuping Indians collect, because to surrender that amount of wealth that staggers human imagination, greed prevented it. Each Indian recieved a small sum to leave an.d go home. The "DRAGOONS"
paid, $10,000 dollar:
each, but I received nothing to this date. Not even the cost of paper that was used.
KE P T - C H ' A Under the new Dakota languages, it is a slang expression for talking about a subject. However, under the old forbidden Dakota Languages which was a multiple concept thought arrangement, which in detail, carried out several thoughts all at the same time, the word or such expressions had power arrangements in a proper sequense. First Power- THE LANGUAGE. Second Power- HOW THE lANGUAGE IS TO BE USED. Third Power-HOW THE LANGUAGE IS TO BE SPOKEN. Fourth Power-HOW THE
LANGUAGE IS TO EXPRESS THE SUBJECT, so forth and so forth and so forth on. There is not one tribal member today in the United States can deny that they speak the modern Indian language and not the old or ancient one which is either secret or sacred. Little do these Indiansknow that the old language got into this catogory because of an International ,., Executive Order issued by the Vatican of Rome,
new civilized
nations had to carry out to protect the structure of their nations. So, this Executive Order dealt with a language. What language? Whatever this language was, this Order extended out to other languages that knew the language. What language? As stated eag,lier, I hate languages. I avoid them like the plague. But I
nave met Indians that speak French, Spanish, English, German, and
even Eskimos who in their season travels go over the pole
they must
"be¡ able to speak Chinese and Russian. My Indian GrB:r;tdf'.ath_er could speak
write and read¡ several white man's languages such as Swedish,Norwe&ian, Finnish, Polish, and others because it helped him to find work around the reservation. So the Indian does learn to speak whatever language is around the area. If the Indian had treaties with a nation that had another langaage,\ then he could speak, write, and read this language. So the old Indian knew this language. What
I keep asking the question for a good reason. One day I had to give in and look at languages. A language is a language and would so hard as to find a language spoken in a certain area of the Earth. I got the surprise of my life. Not only did
Executive Order kill and murder everyone that knew about this unknown language which didn't require that. one ¡speak the language, bu:t just knew about it; the Order went on to burn and destroy records and schools that taught Homer, Late, and Medieval Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Arabic, and other languages in that area; Middle High and Low German, English, and French; Old Danish, English, French, Norse, and Old Spanish which was getting started. If I can quote from the movie: GHOST BUSTERS, where the man by the Elevator said:" THAT MUST BE SOME COCKROACH!" A GHOST BUSTER answered: "IT'LL Bm YOUR HEAD OFF." The same could be said :for this Executive Order, because i:f you knew this
language it could bite your head off.
I knew what this International Executive Order was called according to historians and there may be over 100 thousand
what this Order was to do in civilized societies, but there were other subjects with events that didn't match up. Such as The burning of Witches at Salem, Mass. If you come from a Matriarch Society you know they were not Witches. Then there was the American Indian Tomato which was called The Devil's Fruit and to eat it was called an act of Heresy. But this was going on at the same time where it was considered proper and good to go out and shoot an Indian, cut it up, have it blessed and sold at the Butcher Shop to be eaten by humans and later came the Doctrines of Pay. so this Executive Order had nothing to do with Religion. Remember this was being done by Christians who were God-Fearing People wPere cannibalism was not a Sin. This is an Old Spanish word that is connected to the Carib.
{) 7
Remember in the logs of Columbus, he stated he could not st.ep the acts of cannibalism amoung his men on the Carib Indians. This was even w2th Fruits, Vegeables, Game Birds, and wild animals in quantities beyond
Historians cannot deny they ate 10 million Carib
Indians. Historians place this period about 10 years which means one¡ million Indians were eaten each year. On a comparative concept and size, that would mean all the people in the cities of St.Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota every year. If all of the rituals in the Roman Catholic Church today which were taken from Indian religious services, this could not but help to stop cannibalism, then the Executive Order was not over religion. If you knew the Battle-cry of the Vatican against the Indians who did not believe in War, Implements of War, Mind Control, or Police
Action, you know its not religion. If you came across an ancient prayer done daily for centuries against American
Indians somewhere on Earth by a religious Sect of
the Vatican called: THE PRAYER OF ATLANTIS which is to prevent the reawakening of American Indian Time Walkers, who could walk the corridors of Time and tell you what this language is, you know its not religion.
Then this International Executive Order did not deal with religion which Historians try to make you believe it did, but with a language. Even the language spoken by the people of Spain under the Moors has been taken off the face of the Earth. In short, any language that would give a clue to what these American Indian
stated as stipulations.
To really understand this term and what its functions you must know that THE INQUISITION was a former Tribunal of the Roman
Catholic Church appointed to examine and punish heretics.
This had nothing to do with religion because the Vatican at that timeXhistory was a Corporate State fulfilling treaty obligations through International Law. The success or failure of THE INQUISITION would make or not make the Vatican a Corporate state of Religion.
So Heretics were some kind of International
Even Secular Treaties of the Vatican, has nothing to do with
religion. The Vatican was responsible for making money for the Indians from their assets. To day the Vatican controls Universities and Colleges
throughtout the world, transportation, Raw Materials, War Contracts, Utili1 Stock and Bonds, Banking and Finanical Institutions second-toa none in the
all of which belongs to Indians and had the Occuping
Indians had not been talked into a small fund, from the Indian Manimesto, -
they would have been the richest in;the world today.. So Secular Treaties gave the right for the Vatican to do whatever
was necessary to make money protected by International Law. The only thing that stood in the way of not having to give back to the Indians was a language. What Language? If one can't answer that question, let me ask still another! What International Law Statute did the Heretics violate? Is there such a Law?
I don't believe such a law existed because Heretics were Dom&etic citizen subjects and did not have any International Status therefore they were executed under Progrom laws where they had not been made the
HERESY is translated to mean, a religious or doctrinal
belief contrary to those of established body or Authority. Any similar unorthodox or controversial belief. HERETIC mean anyone who maintains this belief.
From INQISITION CAME: ·INQUEST: A judicial inquiry, aided by Jury, into a matter, esp. a death possibly resulting from a crime.
INQUIRE, INQUIRY, INQUISITOR, INQUISITORIAL. Now! What was the crime charged? It took over 16 years of reseapch to find the crime. Or proof that it was a crime because it had always been known that to know a certain
language was a crime, but whatlanguage? After reading books, books, and books, on the history of languages
(I hate languages) it was found in the book: THE ARABIC LANGUAGE, Its Role in T H E
Anwar G. Chejne, p.Sl, University of
L A N G U A G E • " forbidden in any shape or
form by the Inquisitors .\1 Then why has the christian Bible permitted to remain bevause all it is, is a translation of religious writtings from the Arabic language?
OH! OH! The Arabic language was spoken all over the world including the lands of the Indian of the America's.? No wonder 100 million Indians had to die, because they could speak the Arabic Language.? That explains why the old Peublo Indian Tewa Language is secret - { ?."'1
and never brought out because it has many
in it and it use
to be a death penalty if anyone found out that someone knew it. It further explains my Dakota Indian name which does not follow regular chain of Boys names, and my father, mother, grandmother, and grandfather knew what they naming me when they named me . . M U S A in the Arabic\languages means- MOSES.
MU S A •
0 F
Thats right! I'm going to ask another it won't be on languages because
We already know
Think this one out. Play with it for awhile. Because the answer puts to sleep many costly Archaeology and Anthropology studies by making them stupid, and the reason1 that the answers have always been available in which the world's scientist in putting together past man's puzzle on history, would have exposed the reason for the Inquisition.
Q UE S T I 0 N
Why did members of the Old Moorish Empire, whose descendants had suffered as slaves not only under the Romans but Greek rule also; defeated the civilized Roman members of that Empire without any mercy;
permitted the Indian of the America's to have treaties that presented the legal concept that they won the wars?
Play with it! No scholar or scientist or ethnic researcher can dispute it.
The study made by the Department of the Interior on the
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidelgo territories, shows the Indian had the ruling force. Why?
How could a culture and Empire who didn't believe in Wars, Implements of War, Mind Control, and Police action defeat the mighty Moorish Empire without raising one finger? I don't care what has been written in the past, because to much was hidden1 so such untruths could be told and
make everyone believe it. If you are a Antiquity or Anthropology scholar, there is printed matter that gives the Answer.
I observed and read it on August
just North of Mexico City.
What one reads puts to sleep the teachings that this part of the world was new1 compared to the old on the other side ···- ....
the Earth.
THE LAMBITYECO TEMPLE GROUNDS. Heading North back to El Paso, its right next to the highway on the left. It doesn't lmQk ltke =uch so you could
When you park, cross over the Temple Grounds to the
other side and just below these grounds you can see a new Archaeology find that is being dug up or maybe its already dug up today. When I visited this place Mexican Officials would not let one get close to this
ÂŁind as it was roped off. Hanging ÂŁrom a rope with Binoculars because the closest one was permitted to get, was about 30 feet. There it was! The reason for the statues. The story was that a young Indian girl had married a young foreigner and the marriage came about because both had been taught a science and were now being sent
on a journey. If you are a great lover of Egyptian culture and mythology, this
place will hold
because here is the very spot where Indians
wished a combined marriage of two cultures, "BON VOYAGE" on a journey to a location that today is known as the Great Pyramids of Egypt.
Just imagine a Moor government official visiting and seeing this place. He knew what it meant. Of course Spanish officials drove Indian slave labor by the millions to cover all the Temples in Mexico and the United States with dirt and clay. Trying to cover the reason for the Inquisition that had nothing to do with religion but a spoken language. But what could be so important about deleting a language that the Indian of the America's spoke as a second language that cost the of lives/100 million Indians? I know you can use the argument that this language cost the lives of much more in Europe and even famous people. That may be! But that is White Man's business, not the Indiants, even if you could say, that Joan of Arc tried to bring this truth out for the
Indian of the America's. What is the impprtance of the Arabic language? I know that
American Indian prophesys state in the last days, the true Isrealities will come to these shores and join the Indian on the last Great Migration,
but God-All-Mighty everybody under the Sun has come and claimed to be -
these people, yet they have not shown one tribal denominator that identify them. This tribal denominator would be no different traditionally then: the one an Isrealite would give from his tribe. If a member of the Moor Empire ever gave one, it cannot be verified because of records destoryed. There is a small gestuTe to one on the ··.
Eagle Bowl Treaty(what you call:The Aztec Stone), but I'm not satsi£ied the Stone is the real one, but made over.
White Antiquist and Anthropologist will now throw -away writtin!??s done on the stone to find the gesture. But· I betJ they got from Indian7 since ·the first encounter through the 1920's, over a million times but missed it. Today the American Indian culture has been so desecrated and desolated, after meeting tribal members from Mexico, United States. Canada, Labrador, Newfoundland, and Nova Scotia; only around a dozen knew of tribal denominators; so everyone is going to have to go way back in their paperwork. But
The Indian of the America's is aatitled to his history, separate
from the civilized educational system if that is the only way it can be done. Present-day Indians, who by governmental policys, have been put in an A'biguous position of not being true legal Indians because of this same covert actions, 25 years have passed so such records should be opened by the world. Indians, by Court history called: Signatory or Ambiguous, have the right to brue history.
I T ! !
If one can imagine and see, an aged and old looking Pirate from the 1800's, with a bandana wrapped around his head, patch over one eye, stup for a leg that needs replacing, a crutch and a cane;
you got a pretty good idea what this Author looks like, who is an American Indian, Home and Retired from 20 years of White Man Wars fighting over Indian Rights. There's no decorations or License Plates I can put on the car for being a Political Prisoner of the United States for 31 months, but the stories I could tell from the Bush, make you wonder what Planet you were onu Believe me,
I know what GERONIMO felt like who was a political
prisoner of the United States for 20 years and died that way and never had a visitor from his family of the Apache tribe, who originally asked the United States to put him there and today enjoy the rights he fougnt·.:,
for, and put his picture all Few if
be world
over their walls.
world hist9rians, past or present, like to
of the event where all Aboriginal tribes throughout the under a eommon cause who suffered as slave labor
with no rights not only under _Roman but Greek rule for over 1,000 years.
(370-410) At the close of the 3rd. and the beginning of the 4th. century, Saxon, Anglia, Mercia, and Northumbrith tribes Conquered Rome's ENGLAND, FRANCE, and SPAIN. It was Dragon or Chief Alaric conquered and sacked Rome. (If one was to wonder why England has an undying hate for Germany,) (remember it was these German tribes that Conquered them •••••••••• )
(406-453) Chief or King Attlia of the Huns conquered remaining Eiropean and Asian countries. Dragon Charlemagne(Charles) Was also the Emperor of the Vatican, dealing in International Law.
(775-839) Dragon or Chief Egbert, first for England.
(* note: Dragon is the term White European Chiefs or what Indians called) (their leaders who were elected by Clan Mathers ••••••••••••••••••••••••• )
(849-901) Dragon Alfred, first Saxon Chief of England. (1022-1066)Dragon Herold II, Last Saxon Chief of England. (1122-1204)Clan Mother Eleanor of Aquitaine of France. (1152-1190)Dragon Frederich of France. Also Emperor of Vatican dealing in International Law. (1162-12271Genhis Khan, Conqueror of Europe and Asia. (1166-1216)Dragon John of England who wrote the Magna Carta establishing Human Rights 6/19/1215
(1214-1294)Kubral Khan, Mongol Dynasty of China. (1300-1919)0tterman Empire by the Turks. The beginning can be linked to the purchasing of civilized territories for the descendants of the old Roman Empire to come back into power including the last purchase made by Queen Isabella the I, and the killing of Chalif Abdella es-Zaghal and taking of the $17 million dollars for that purchase who was the last Moorish King that had signed treaties with the Indian of the America's. (1491)
(1337-lJBO)Dragon Charles V of France. (1420-1498)Tomas de Tarquemanda who later becames an Offical of the Vatican. Not an Emperor becauee ¡ . . history does not record one for this period of time. He sets up and establishes all' the rules for the Court of Inquisition where 100 of millions of people are put to death. ¡ (1443-1513)Giuliano della Rovere who later becomes Julius II It is still under International Law fulfilling treaty stipulations.
(1446-1506)The birth---Df an individual whose true name cannot be found any archives. History only references him by the TITLE NAME given by the Vatican. This %Xis the second time such a Title is issued and the first one was sent to Ireland in the 5th. Century. CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS, which is only a Title issued by the Vatican meaning: is A MAN OF AUTHORITY REPRESENTING CHRIST. The not specific as to which Christ; The Roman or the one christian churchshave as their God. It is more likely the Roman Christ because his acts were to restore Roman descendants back into world power that must include their God or Gods.
I -
,J: fr' 1J':
the Vatican giving free passage on the Seas on International
the Vatican on business for the Vatican.
May 19,1506-Among the Legacies of Columbus, was a codicil dated a day before his death, that has a quote that identified his race and ethnic background: nHALF A MARK OF SILVER TO A JEW WHO USED TO LIVE AT
(British Encyclopaedia Britannica, England, 1868) (refer:Colon. ) (1451-1504)Birth of Isabella who later purchses Spain from the Moors and becomes its first Queen. {1475-152l)Giovanni de Medici who later becomes Pope Leo X who trys to find Indian treaties brought back. (1476-1507)Cesere Borgia who knew of the Treaties. (1480-1519)Lucrezia Borgia who also knew of the treaties.
{1485-1501) Chalif Abdallah es-Zaghal, last Moorish King of Spain. {1502-1585)Gregory who becomes Pope Gregory XIII who invents the Gregorian Calendar which would help hide the Indian Treaties which were dated in Julian and Indian Calendar years. {1542-1587)Clan Mother Mary of the Scots, beheaded 1587 {note: What civilized historians called Queen,were not Queens because) {they were following ancient women¡of authority of a tribe. If we take) {Judge Urbom of court history, UNITED STATES -v- CONSOLIDATED WOUNDED) (KNEE CASES, F.Supp.235-Jan.l7,1,15- the counterpart to an Indian) (Clan Mother was: "CASUS OMISSUS" But this does not match up with the ) (Eternal Flame that White Clan Mothers were to take turns, keeping the) (flame burning forever, from the Treaty-The Palladium of Troy. They were) (Vestal Virgins. 15,000 of them were slaughtered in the 1500's which ) (closed down the Flame to the Treaty-Palladium of Troy. ) We have enough to piece together modern history for theAmerican Indians that wili ;how how-- 100 million Indians died because they spoke a second language. treaties.
second language would translated their
Before we begin, let's make sure you understand certain terms. SECURLAR TREATIES Had nothing to do with religion. It dealt with the sciences of all cultures and lifestyles of the world, because they were
responsible for taking Indian assets and investing them to make money to pay for the services that the Moorish Empire had with the Indian of the America's according to the treaties. So the Vatican was an International Organization under the Moorish Empire.
H E R E S Y or H E R E T I C Had nothing to do with religion. It dealt primarily with a particular philosophical system which was isolated as a Sect. The Vatican established by its International Law, that it was a crime against human beings and persons as a Sect. INQUISITION
A court of investigation. The proceedings and findings of a jury of Inquest on individuals suspected of being a HERETIC, only. The court was to try and punish HERETICS on the basis of what they knew, understood, and practiced. Because it was a philosophical system, it had to be a science.
It was a simple court proceeding: COULD ONE SPEAK OR KNOW ARABIC {?) AS A LANGUAGE? The findings of the jury was equally simple: IF THE ANSWER WAS YES, THEN THE INDIVIDUAL KNEW ABOUT THE MOORISH EMPIRE, THAT THE VATICAN WAS IN THE PROFESSION OF DOING BUSINESS TO MAKE MONEY AND NOT IN THE RELIGIOUS BUSINESS. The Verdict was again simple. CUT OFF THE HEAD • If the individual refused to answer, it was a charge of: CONTEMPT and according to status-Higher ones were placed in Dungeon holes £or the remainder of life. Lower ones were stretched on the rack, eyes put out, tongue cut out, and scalped. No matter how it went, the person had to die. Ask any civilized historian, they were days of darkness.
Bad days!
The civilized white people like to blame all of this on the Moors, but, they were long gone and forgotten.
If there was a Moor around, he was
a dead Moor.
Let's piece it together! (1490-1491) Columbus was a Jew by his own admission, was born in Li9bon Portugal in the Gregorian year of 1446 A.D. so he was a citizen of Portugal or a Portuguese.
Y/ Under the Moorish Empire, Portugal had been given the right to start a trade route with the tribes of the Indian of the America's.
The right to do Business and Commerce with the
Indians. Columbus applies for this position by showing he could .make the trip across the Atlantic because: {1) The Vatican was holding the Treaties to this trade route, {2)
Columbus was given a title by the Vatican,
(3) The Vatican gave him a Cipher which assured that Pirates would not disturb him,
(4) The Vatican signature would give him the authority once arrived in the America's to do business,
(5) Colurr1bus was armed with accurate maps of the area given to him by the Genoese 4., at the Vatican (The NEW DARK AGES CONSPIRACY, Carol White, NewBenjamin Franklin Press,pp. 292) Such maps came from the scholars of the Moorish Empire, such as Ibn Jubayr, Geographer; al-Qalqashandi, Encyclopedist, (The Arabic Language Its Role in History, by Chejne supra) e pp. 79-81) Civilized recorded history contradicts itself.
Some scholars state
that Columbus spent all the money Portugal gave him, while others state he was invited to visit Spain by Isabella who did not have the authority to send him to the America's because Spain was ruled by es-Zaghal of the Moors. (1491-1491) Abdallah es-Zaghal agreed to sell his Kingdom to Isabella for 5 Million Maravedi ($17 Million Dollars). He crossed over into Morocco and was arrested by King Benimerin of Fez of the Otterman Empire who took his
money, put out his eyes, and made him a Beggar.
But he
had to be kept alive in case any Indian tribe remembered him because of the treaties, then the world would have to produce es-Zaghal.
( i492-
) Isabella now makes herself Queen of Spain and gives Columbus the money to make the trip to the America's
{$8,000). He lands in the America's in October 1492.
The Indians
are busy setting up a trade route and make no mention of the treaties.
He returns to Spain and the Queen
claims for Spain the right of Commerce with the Indians. (1493-
) Spain has filed with International Court in Hague THE TE DEUM on February 18, 1493. But Portugal also
this right because (l)Columbus
was a Portugal citizen, and (2)they produced the contract ¡
made with Columbus. It is the Vatican that comes to the rescue of Spain and Columbus. On May 4, 1493 the Vatican issues a Papal Bull to Portugal stating that the territories West of the Azores is the Lost Continent of ATLANTIS and it belongs to Portugal.
The SECULAR TREATY OF TORDESILLAS and another Papal Bull. Portugal gets an additional 2.5 Stat. Miles which comes to
368.69386 miles of Ocean that Portugal got as land but they signed a treaty they had to live by.
) The Vatican can now give all its attention to the European people. It creates THE¡ COURT OF INQUISITION.
There is no Pope
so Monk
de Tarquemanda is made head of these
Hundreds of Millions of people are either
Beheaded, burned at the stake, hung for knowing about Arab-languages, Moorish Empire, treaties with Indians. (1503-1506) The Vatican is satisfied that knowledge to the old Moorish Empire is no longer known by the civilized European nations. Julius II.
Giuliano della Rovere becomes Pope
Abdallah es-Zaghal has been executed so
the existence that signed treaties with the Indian of the America's does not exist. Monk Tomas de Tarquemanda is dead. Queen Isabella will die of unknown causes in 1504 as will ..Columbus die of the same causes in 1506, \'thich he knew he would. Rome's Vatican Pope Julius II has sent young Italian Military and Religious Leader CESARE BORGIA to the Indian lands to get all the Trade Agreements and Treaties that es-Zaghal signed with the Indians. Young Borgia returns later and gives the requested documents to Pope Julius II.
) But it rumored that six of these Indian documents have been seen in Europe.
(It is these same documents that
modern Antiquist have tried to make the world believe they were some kind of American Indian religious
Young CESARE BORGIA believes he is about to be murdered for posessing these documents, so he secretly passes them on to his younger sister LUCREZIA BORGIA after
which CESARE BORGIA dies at the age of 31 years. (1513-
) Pope Julius II has little luck in trying to prove the rumors are true or false so he is relieved of his office by dieing.
This same year Giovanni
Medici becomes Pope Leo
picks up the rumor that is stated to contain the signature Abdallah esZaghal when he was King of Spain that ended in 1491.
If such documents do exist, they must be found before any confrontation can take place against the Indians. (1519-
) Meanwhile, Maiden Borgia who has these much-sought-after documents and is in fear for her life, finally meets and talks with a relative who has become a Monk in the Roman Catholic Church in Rome. An agreement is reached where Maiden Borgia will turn over these Indian documents to the Monk in exchange for her life. The Monk has Maiden Borgia arrested, then takes the documents to the Pope Leo X who now has Maiden Borgia put to death.
) Civilized history records these documents to be named;
BORGIA CODEX or BORGIANUS CODEX which came into the hands of CARDINAL STEFANO BORGIA, for whom it is named, and at his death became the property of the Library of the Vatican where it now reposes. by Waters, p. 129). Pope Leo X now issues a Communique to Hernando Cortez to invade the Indian territories and do whatever is
needed to posess the lands free of any because all Trade agreements and Treaties are in his possession. Cortez invades the territories on April 21, 1519 as a Pirate or Freebooter. (1527-
) All the Indian tribes that were part of the Trade Agreement and the Treaties with the Moorish Empire that could speak
ARABIC(?) had been deleted including
the Indian Moorish Capital of Mora, New Mexico. But, what did CORTEZ call the Indian of the America's?
What word
was used that identified these citizens who had treaties? According to MEDIEVAL LATIN, they were called: A MER I C U S! and from this same forbidden language, they were identified to have teachings at the grass-roots level, scientific study of written records, especially literary works to determine their meanings. were linguistics, a Literary scholar.
Born into a lifestyle that
created a system of philosophy that made tribal members reasonable, calm, patient under all circumstances.
It was believed by the civil-
ized world that the Indians had the imaginary and mythological
PHILOSOPHER'S STONE because Gold and Silver was everywhere and had no personal value. It¡was discovered that the Indians had their spiritual writtings to the concepts of ANGELICUS and ANGELOTUS.
They had concepts to
ANTHROPOCAEDUS, ANTHROPOMORPHITA, ANTHROPOMORPHUS, ANTHROPOSPATHOS, and ANTHROPUS. From this came another Medieval word- A N T I 0 U U S ! which was translated to mean- AN ANCIENT OF LONG AGO whose Logicians writing was
7 7
long before the discovery of ARISTOTLE'S ANALYTYC'S AND TOPICS which was the only knovm science in the civilized world, needed to make or translate spiritual writtings into a Book today that is known as the
T 0
The historical events did happen as stated because the evidence and references can be found and presented, and to challenge it would be foolish for two good reasons.
(1) Civilized history begins on the
very date that Chalif Abdallah esZaghal accepted 5 Million Maravedi or $17 Million Dollars from Isabella.
(2) That date would be in
historical facts the end of tribal rule for European countries, North Africa and Asis and would also give the time that everyone on the Earth still knew their personal Tribe and Clan membership which was knowledge that made one eligible for the "RAPTURE" found in the Christian Bible. that tribe.
You can't be a tribe, without the proper Clans to
ALSO PROVIDED, that all future generations did not violate
the Clan Law and there is only one, because only one was needed.
would also give the time that STONEHENGE or the tribal- FIRE DISC or
PRAYER WHEEL o£ the Europeans was still standing and in one piece. The Challengers would bring to the surface, historical facts,
evidence and references that the author does not have and would enable him to expand his presentation that opens
Pandora's .or
St. John, the Divine's Jar of Plagues- wherever.1·you come from
religiously. Now, that's one hell of a statement that begins this chapter.
contents of the book without this chapter, the author has it made in the shade and· ·is ··home free.
The discoveries are like nothing in the
world, why go on? Because, there is an area that this dumb Sioux Boy from the Plains of South Dakota feels-----.
No, I take that back!
challenged and it would stand up.
Knows he can be
I make no secret about the fact
there is an area that I am not satisfied with, even though there is
I l/f
a reference that is published and printed so an unknown would now have a fact, that had an answer so searching would either stop or discontinue. The references even though it fills the gap needed, to make the conclusion complete, it makes no mention of the unknown. Because it is not mentioned, it leaves open tribal involvement to the facts which I cannot overlook.
vle're back there again!
That's right!
as the song goes. n
L A N G U A G E S !"
I hate languages.
Maybe it comes from my
younger days where the government gave me 30 days to learn the English language or face death. M0 0 R
(moor) A person of mixed Berber and Arab blood, inhabitating Morocco and the s. Mediterranean Coast. Any of the Muslim people who invaded Spain in the 8th Century.-Moorish adj.
It can be expanded to more words from other Dictionaries but not
beyond the content. If we take the history of the word and what people used it, it is less than the above content. PUT TOGETHER.
OLD ENGLISH, describing the condition of land or territories,
that is high, ROLLING waste or Marshy. ME R S C , OLD ENGLISH is the low lands of it.
So, there's no reference in the European languages, New or Old that its use can be tied to a Culture, Language, Nation or People. There's no reference that can be found in Africa or the Mediterranean either.
Of the 17 million people in Morocco, Arabic(?} is the major
spoken language, Shluh, Tamazight, Riffian, French and Spanish but no Moorish language.
As an American Indian, you get to know that White man who gives names as well as stealing them.
For Dakota, he came up with Sioux
which is French, Old French describing a type of drunk. imagine North and South Sioux, for State names? Drunk?
Can you
The North and South
There is another he kept straight- Minnesota, which could
be expanded to mean-- 10,000 lakes.
There are many more taken from
the Indian. It would stand to reason, that he stole the word M 0 0 R from the Indians so he could hide the true word for a Culture, Language, a People and an Empire.
If he did, it would have to be for a
REASON! I know what word this is.
If everyone knew the Indian meaning of
this word, they would know the location where it is used and placed, is according to tribal social laws.
So, whoever these people that
signed treaties with the Indian of the America's- knew tribal laws. Just as UGE given to the present White race that is on our lands, it tells the exact location its people are at the end of their culture, from its original and their exact spiritual beliefs; likewise the Indian name given these unknown people of an Empire that they had treaties with, would follow the same tribal tradition. M0 R A
Now, every Geographer knows the location of Mora, New but, they don't know that its location is on the West side of the Land Corridor that is traditionally a Neutral Zone.
Where tribal
members or different tribes are to come in gentle-ease and work out their differences. This is tribal social law I now know what the Moorish people were like.
How they talked,
played, cried and prayed. Pretty far fetched story! barrel, RIGHT?
Like digging the very bottom of the
I'm way out on the tree limb and no way back!
1FT'S CONSTRUCT SOME OLD ROMAN HISTORY FROM THE TIMES! After es-Zaghal sold back the territory titles to the descendants of the old Roman Empires of Romans, Greeks, Persian and/or Arabs- they did not call them M 0 0 R S , but A F R I US
who were of the
E MP I R E â&#x20AC;˘
After the territory purchases, which included the responsibility of any and all treaties, some MOORS decided to stay and become citizens of these new countries.
To these remaining MOORS, there was a great suprise.
They were brought
to the great JUSTINIAN COURTS and charged with a crime that the Judges said was a violation of International Law. What was the Violation? What great hideous(OF.-hisde, hide,FRIGHT) crime was this? This Old Dumb Sioux Boy who is not a scholar and hates languages, is looking down at references that are about to jump up and hit him right in the face. To re-construct it is to good an opportunity to pass up. Especially when the references have been put together by MFN OF LETTERS whose credentials list by abbreviations that fill a page.
If this
Boy found them and understood them, then in concept
it was right under their noses and they were to help keep it buried. But there were treaties that had to be put to sleep and changed so according to International Law, to change the course of events, references must be made open to those that question- and, the JURISPRUDENC: for any Litigent stipulations. To continue, these remaining MOORS could not overcome Three(3) established Court Cases from the Second Law of the Land(Secundum Lune Determinabantur, BACON, VI 88)which was not religious law, but Ethnic Race Law.
Now, most everyone in the world has had some teaching with some receiving educational credentials, on how the Roman Empire conquerored the world.
The Greeks, Persians, and the mighty Arab and the list goes
on. Spain, France, and England. You name it, they conquerored it. Many have studied or have heard or even seen Movies on the Roman Legions, who were so prowerful that not even human numbers could defeat them. They had methods of War that are still used today and taught at West Point.
For all this Military knowledge which small Indian tribes
made useless in the early days of the United States, again, there was an event in the past that made this knowledge useless which was done by even a smaller group.
How did these MOORISH Ethnic tribal members in small groups defeat
the mighty Roman Empire who had MOORISH tribal members that supported the Roman Empire? These members that supported the Roman Empire are what the American Indian of today calls: SELL-OUTS, RED APPLES, HAND-
AROUND-THE-FORT-INDIANS. So, they who conquerored the Roman Empire, were few in numbers always getting in the way of more aggressive members who were being held back
from belonging to the total Nation system. Little did these aggressive members realize that total membership was to become- Serfs, Slaves, and Indentures just like today.
They had Spies everywhere, just like on Indian reservations today. No different.
These Ancients had no channel or voice or agency to be heard and no Forum to lodge a complaint, just like today. From personal knowledge, the American Indian has no International Forum to lodge a complaint because it was abolished in 1924. It took me 15 years to figure that out and for this reason I call myself a Dumb Sioux Boy. No Archaic or Medieval Language Scholar can dispute that there were three court cases against these MOORISH Ancients: AERIRA -v- AEREA;
Today¡ the American
Indian has- Thousands upon Thousands of social and living standards enforced by the American government; Thousands upon Thousands of U.S. Governmental policies; and, Thousands upon Thousands of Court Historys who got their jurisdiction(with approval rrom SELL-OUTS)from Congress that passed laws on exact TRIBAL and CLAN DESTINE
along with the
OPPRESSION religious organizations using the sounds of:
THE SONG OF ST.JOHN, THE DIVINE, and, THE PRAYER OF ATLANTIS- to destroy any and all spiritual powers of any Indian tribe. With so few numbers, how did the SAXON, ANGLIA, and the NORTHUMBRITH
tribes defeat ROME'S mighty ENGLAND, FRANCE, and SPAIN? I believe it was DRAGON or CHIEF ALARIC that
and sacked
going against the mighty Roman Legions- especially(AEGYPTIACUS)when they could not move against the Roman Empire, two days out of each month due to religious rituals, and were(AEQUAEVUS) the same in appearance as their SELL-OUT counterparts.
Just like today.
The aggressive American Indians of today have either forgotten or have no knowledges that such sciences could ever exist and the United States can tell legally the difference between two types of Indians. With over
by law and Statute classified
as AMBIGUOUS INDIANS that the alleged so-called uneducated Ancient Indian being the only one that can tell the difference to this complex legal classification, that not even 75% of Lawyers and Attorneys have any type of knowledge to this separation. The idea or concept or point that is being presented to evalute from for logic purposes, was that, these MOORISH Ancients were in scientific impossible situation. No Hope, and no way out! Lay down and Die! Because the number of tribal members that supported the Roman Empire
was almost
few Ancient traditionalist could be recognized. just like
the American Indians of today. To make a very
story short and you1re not going to believe how
these £ew traditionalist defeated the Great and Mighty Roman Empire £or two reasons:
(l)The language used in this lifestyle and the court cases
was later by International Tribunals, made a dead language and forbidden
to be used, and, (2)No Historian can dispute that it cost more than 200 million human lives so that there would be no memory to this event in history.
The detrimination and closing act of making a deadlanguage and forbiddi its use, hid how the Roman's were defeated, that now reopens all known civilized sciences to their re£erences. From Archaeology finds, the question arose!
How did small Indian
children of the past, have toys that worked like their big counterparts did, which were vehicles of the future that the white man had not yet invented as of this day?
They or these small children had flying Submarines that flew even as a toy: you're trying to put that in some kind of history of the past, like maybe about ten Ice Ages back, let me give you one that is closer to home. This is by-passing the Indian oÂŁ the America's 10 inch telescope that is stronger than any built by the civilized world that sit on mountain tops that are bigger than the mountain top they sit on. This is a component that the Indian of the America's built, that two scientists at Los Alamos, New Mexico have been working on for the past 20 years and plan to find out how this component works within the next 20 years.
Which is badly needed to work out the
problems that the great wheel will come up with, that is an underground wheel 50 miles in diameter ¡out in Texas that is alleged to show the world below the classification of the Atom, the world in reverse, t!Anti-matter worldn or the world of Infinity. LOTS 1 0 LUCK!! This component is a computer that has no keys to punch.
board to put your hands on, which receives the problem from the human mind and prints out the answer. The civilized scientist believe it has something to do with the known Polygraph system because according to Medieval History, long before the civilized bought back their land titles from
es-Zaghalt Ancients had such components that were used on people with illnesses. After the civilized were back in power, the remaining MOORS were charged with a very hideous crime that broke all the rules to war between nations.
On the battle fields, mighty Roman Legions waited to crush the ÂŁew remaining Ancients, so the rest of their territories could be taken.
Suddenly, these Roman Legions looked up and saw Ships or Vehicles made¡ of Copper or Brass that could go up or down, forward or backwards by a Wild Fire that dropped out of the skies and the Legions ran from
the battle fields.
You can find all this in the Dictionary of MEDIEVAL
LATIN, from British Sources, LONDON, Published for the BRITISH ACADEMY by OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS (1975). But, 100 million Indians had to die for knowing this language. I've tried and the rumors are good, but those that know in part this language, will not identify themselves to the sources seeking. This time. Today! Sources know I can produce a modification of the that is still around, but those that know the original
will not come out of hiding. I
don!t care how far the civilized world has lifted itself from
its practice of cannibalism or the concern it has today on suffering Human Beings, these Indians that know this
They have every
right to remain hidden and I for one, don't blame them because of the
research done, the language is not named for a culture group or people or a land.
If we start with the Greek and go on to New and Old English, French, Lithuanian, Russian, and Old Slovakian just for a start.
The language
is named for a human torture. At the present time, there are churches throughout the world
that go by these names.
Law Enforcement Agencies of the world, owe their birth and existence to the new name given the Moors.
These individuals originally were a
high military force with jurisdiction above the command of the Armed
Forces, (like the K.G.B. or the C.I.A. or the Gestapo of Germany of Today).
They were an Elite Army to Medieval Monarchies and their Orders came directly from the throne so there was no one over them in the field . But, people of the world began to hide remaining Moors so this
Elite Army could not find them.
According to expression connectors
(I hate languages) Monarchs were forced to surrender some of this jurisdiction to local Villages, Towns and Districts.
The French
expression connector tells that the men, women and children were gifted in hiding on any terrain and the Vatican was receiving reports that Moors were arriving in their homelands. So, a new department was formed which are the Policemen of today.
This was Dorr.estic Jurisdiction so the International Violators had to have a domestic charge.
The Vatican was ready for the common people
to take over, because they came up with one, in Latin-RENEGE; meaning
"again deny!", and the jurisdiction for the new formed Police department was ready to operate.
It started as K0.P and advanced to CAP,
meaning to CATCH, SEIZE, TAKE, and siAL.
But it was the Spanish
with their new given language that really perfected the system. The criminal charge had been changed to: In the Medieval period, it was RENEGAR or RENEGADE, meaning; "TO DENY! n which still
stands today. Today, there are churches that have been named for these Human Tortures and Law Enforcement Agency Departments.
The original
language has been destroyed and a new one created which can only be found in two places on Earth.
(1) These churches, who can only
use this language for religious purposes, and (2) American Treaties, which by a covert action, were re-translated into this new language. According to Kenneth Katzner in his book: LANGUAGES OF THE WORLD, Pages 160-161, by the 3rd. Century, this new created language was the prevailing language of Christian Egypt, and in 642 A.D. it began to give way to Arabic {?). But ancient civilized references say otherwise.
MORTON (obl471) Almoner of Peterborough Monastery 1448-67, Northants Rec. Soc. XVI; Benedict of Peterborough (obll93).
It was Bishop
Richard Cumberland of Peterborough, England that saw the first translation of the Bible done from this new language and mastered the language in 1716 A.D.
The creation of this new language had to have been started after 1471 A.D. and after British Scholars had arranged Aristotle's and Ezra's opinions on how the Bible should be put together.
Now, these
references to the British Scholars can be found in Dictionary of MEDIEVAL LATIN from British Sources, Fascicule I A-B, pages xix (beginning at BEDE) that finishes on page XX.
It is complete to
anyone that wishes to know how and who put the civilized christian Bible together.
Once these British Scholars had completed their
arrangement, it was paased on to the Peterborough Monastery who now created the ÂŁirst Bible translation from the new language which had 25 letters borrowed from the Greek and 7 from the Demotic. But it is the original christian belief and language of the Moors who separated themselves from others in 451 A.D. that holds one in fascination because the christian Bible is based on Aristotle's
model of the Delphic priesthood of Apollo {The New Dark Ages spiracy, page 292) so there was something wrong in 451 A.D.
the Moor translations of the Bible and its language had to be destroyed off the face of the Earth in the early 1500's and Aristotle's system
of nself-hypnosis" as a christian belief is back (Ful8p-Miller) what great
truths did this old Moorish translation have that
helped them to rule the Earth for over 700 years? But bear with this Poor Dumb Sioux Boy from the Plains of South for a small moment!
If Bishop Cumberland spoke, wrote, and read as a
of the
modified language from the original KEM language and this Mastery of the language was the alleged Christian Bible taken from the Moors which was in the original KEM language that in the past(451A.D.) had separated them from other christian Sects, why is there disputes to the original KEM language? ATHANASIUS KIRCHER in the 15th. Century was alleged to have found the key to the KEM language and translated an old Antiquity find from
which came a learned spoken language for over 50 years. Then came COMTE de PARLIN with his translation of the same Antiquity find of KIRCHER who stated that this Antiquity was Psalm 100 of the Bible in the KEM language. In the 1850's, a guy named WARBlJRTON was alleged to have translated the original Alphabetic Characters to the KEM language. But get this! In 1799, the
found the famous ROSETTA STONE
which was alleged to have 14 lines of the KEM language, 2 lines of Archaic Greek, and 54 lines of Medieval Greek. Now! The Archaic Greek and KEM language- no scholar can dispute it .
However, it is the Medieval Greek that opens a new jar of worms. The STONE is alleged to record a Degree or Proclamation from KING PTOLEMY the Fifth between 205 to 182 B.C. Medieval Greek did not come into existence till the middle 600A.D. after the Archaic Greek and its records had been destroyed off the face of the Earth. !-Tot till 1716A .D. was a new created modified language from the original KEM that was to be used as a christian Bible only. But the new language had none of the Alphabetic Characters of the
original KEM language, but 7 letters from the Archaic Greek and 25 letters from the modern Greek which did not come into existence till the middle
1500's. A.D. In
1889, Sir E.A.WALLIS BUDGE had his book published that shows
how the KEM language can be learned in easy lessons. But if one was to take page 160 from the book: LANGUAGES OF THE WORLD, supra; and try to match it against any form of Archaic or Medieval or
Modern, plus the book by SIR BUDGE:, publisl}.ed ¡by DOVER Fublicp.tions Inc .. 1$0 Varick Street, New York, New York 10014, one will find that none
of these Greeks match up. However, I did find one very usefull thing from SIR WALLIS BUDGE'S book.
It gave s general idea to the International Dignitaries and their Entourage present, both Moorish and American Indians, who signedes-Zaghal's EAGLE BOWL TREATY. What is better known today as THE AZTEC STONE. But today at this time, there are religious organizations through out the world who go by this name of human tortures. It could be called: CHURCH OF CUT OFF, TO HOLLOW OUT WITH A KNIFE.
TO SPLIT, DIG OUT WITH A KNIFE AND CASTRATE THE MEN, and, FEED THE MEDICINE TO THE WOMEK. So, when es-ZAGHAL sold his Kingdom to ISABELLA, guess what happened the Moorish men and women? The MEN had their complete penis dug out with a knife and then they were castrated, while the WOMEN were forced to take a known Pharmaceutical Chemical that made them barren for the rest of their lives. This same
chemical was used
Dakota women to·keep the
tribe or race low ln numbers when I was a small boy. This chemical is much improved today and can be found in many modern medicines but back in the 1930 1 s it was known to cause Cancer and the medical profession knew it. From all· of this,
One has to admit that such a solution would appear simple and binding to legal records of history, but there are to many secret covert operations against the Indian perpetual+y, that conclude to a known ramification by unknowns to the Indian. So the ramification becomes a question to the Indian. Why was the MOORISH race wiped out?
British Museum. London
0 F
The above is a WOODCUT plan of the Capital City of the AZTEC NATION that reposes at the British Museum, in London, England. The original it is alleged to have been given to Emperor Charles V by CORTES. The AZTEC CAPITAL location is where MEXICO CITY, MEXICO sits today. Along with this WOODCUT plan of the city, were dispatches that were later translated in Latin in Nurembury, Germany. It is the Medieval Latin on the WOODCUT, that one could translate the plan of attack by CORTES. The WOODCUT clearly shows that es-ZAGHAL Treaty Stipulations were carried out to the letter and CORTES avoided any confrontations with the protective body of this Pueblo.
The protective Armies of the Pueblo according to the Treaties as found in Article 8 of the INDIAN MANIFESTo : March 11,1972
OMoorish Army Posts protecting the Pueblo
Country Flag
No matter what in this illegal confrontation that had a treaty, two Items that could .not" be touched or destroyed, so CORTES' life lay o.n the line. The Gold Smelting Plants were not to be touched , along with the Goldsmiths and their workers.
Next, to the Pyramid, standing at the center looking at it, to the left Pyramid, stood an Ornament as high as the Pyramid and half as wide, hung by strands, up and down, row upon row upon row, clear red quartz or crytals, cut like gems. Across the government grounds was another such an Ornament, as high and as wide as the Pyramid, hung by strands, up and down, row upon row upon row, were more clear red quartz or crytals, all cut like gems. Excluding the Gold, there was more wealth hanging as Ornaments, than there was in the whole civilized world.
"How Cute!n
"How Interesting!n
nBorderline to a Probability!"
It makes no difference how one plans to excuse it away, none of us can escape the reality on who we are, nor can we escape the possibility
that one day in the future, we may have to answer the question to this ree.lity. Today! The answer identifies one to citizenship or subject to a
nation or country, but tomorrow, 'the answer. ·could· identify you as a Companion or Foe, Friend or Enemy, Brethren or Cursed. The Reality that will come to a sharp point, is,are we a machine or an entity of existence subject to some kind of regulations?
If this reality is regulations, what priority does it have to other priorities?
has theIst., 2nd., or 3rd. power? HUMANOID? or ROBOT?
As a member of a tribe, to the Indian of the America's,
is kept dorment by a nation's Executive Order, where we are to receive Alcoholic or Hallucinate Pharmaceutical Chemicals on a weekly basis, /
with Peruvian Indians receiving the finest Cocaine, other Indians of the America's receiving the finest four grades of Marihuana, and the exception is, The Indians in or near the United States of America who receive a
specially Hybrid Marihuana that grows with a toxic chemical that breaks the mind and physical functions, known as: "Columbian!", which by government standards,which is the must harmful, makes the American Indian the one that could question the priorities not being complete and it lacks one supreme regulation. So it is this Indian amoung all the Indians found in the America•s, that can see this reality that no other race member in the world can comprehend. To compound any issue, it becomes complex by this specially earmarked
COLUMBIAN GRASS for American Indians having a value. A High profitable
value. So high, we now have specially earmarked chemical Grass and Cocaine that the American Indian is by-passed and the product is now distributed to all the civilized peoples of the world which is defeating its original purpose of upholding "ARISTOTLE'S ANALYTYC'S AND TOPICS", making more occasions for the American Indian to present this reality. If we take the modern word for: H U M A N ! We find that it came from the Latin=Humanus It references Humans collectively as they function in a lifestyle. If we take the modern word for: H U M A N 0 I D ! We find it also came from the Latin=Humanus Eidos It references Humanoids as LIKE or RESEMBLING humans; having the form of(ovoid) an Egg shape body. If we take the word R 0 B 0 T ! We find it came from the Czech= Robota. It makes the first reference to another classification: P E R S 0 N ! whicli¡we now know is the entity identified in the United States Constitution who are White, Civilized, European or European Descent. 42 CJS l.p.647, par.l; 42 CJS 28,p.688, par.l. A person who lives and works mechanically, without spontaneity doing compulsory service. There is no dispute, legally or spiritually, the Indian is completely omitted as a Human, Humanoid, Robot, and Person. But these
have only existed since 1491A.D., so what
was it before the last civilized language change? If the American Indian is separated now, he was separated from the civilized man or woman prior to 1491A.D. What makes a civilized individual that the old traditional Indian will not give in to doing? According to Medieval Latin, as a tribal member, he will not do the act of a: ANTHROPOCAEDUS. A man-slayer. He will not kill another individual without reason. To be civilized, you must be able to kill without a. reason for the act, no matter what the civilized code dictates. It states in medieval latin, as tribal members, we were AEQUAEVUS
or we couldnTt be identified by appearance as any different then¡the civilized person, working in place of businesses or in a governreent job.
How were we classified as a ANTHROPOMORPHUS, because we did have the form of a God, just like the Elite of the world and in appearance we acted and talked like an Elite God.
Would you believe because of the MAY APPLE? By tribal customs and usage, traditonal rituals required we eat
Tomatos and Potatos? Did you know in the 1830's and prior, a civilized individual could go out and shoot, kill, dress, cook, and eat an Indian for eating THE DEVIL'S FRUIT which use to be THE MAY APPLE?
I'm not saying this is the reality, but it does make a separation to who we are and it is drawn on a thin line to a ritual and ritual also comes from the Latin=Ritus. Referencing a prescribed form or method for a performance of a Rite. No one can avoid it or overcome it.
The reality is how to correctly perform.a ritual and ritual means spiritual. The Indian of the America's must overcome the presentation of Alcohol and Hallucinate Chemicals, and religious organizations doing the
rituals of ST. JOHN, THE DIVINE and THE PRAYER OF ATLANTIS; so the American Indian will not do the ritual correctly.
So in the days to come, none of us can we
with the civilized
and the greater judgement for not finding it.
the reality on who
iri"finding it
It comes from the Latin. Classic Latin, which is a bastardized form of Medieval Latin. Beatitude. In its modern usage, individuals are given characterism that make them. spiritual according to the Bible Matthew 5:3-11 The POOR IN SPIRIT:for their's is the Kingdom of Heaven They THAT MOURN: for they shall be comforted The for they shall inherit the Earth They which DO HUNGER AND THIRST AFTER RIGHTEOUSNESS: for they shall be filled The for they shall obtain mercy The PURE IN HEART: for they shall see God The PEACEMAKERS:for they shall be called the children of God. They which ARE PEHSECUTED FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS' SAKE: for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Ye, WHEN NIEN SHALL REVILE YOU, AND PERSECUTE YOU, AND SHALL SAY ALL OF EVIL AGAINST YOU FALSELY. for my sake. But this is not the original writtings of the Gospel, but the Ist. Doctrine of ARISTOTEE'S ANALYTYC'S and TOPICS, as a ritual system to "self-hypnosis" for a religious doctrine(FuJ.c:p-Miller). (You can go without eating for 30 days, pray for 30 days on your -kneesl (Hum a musical note for hours, wrap your limbs up in knots.:'and remain (like that for hours and slow your breathing and heart beat down, or (whipeyourself till the blood flows, or carry a heavy cross till you {fall to the ground, or smoke Black-permo Hashish. No matter what you (do to torture or discipline your mind or body, it is a ritual system (to "self-hypnosis", . It. was thought up and belongs to Aristotle. But back in the Medieval period which is less then 500 years ago, an individual could not live by any of these beatitudes unless you were capable proven by ritual(BEATIFICABILIS). If you passed, then you had to prove you were capable to a court(BEATIFICABILITAS-Secundum Corpus et Animam que Competit). If you passed, then you
the spiritual right to
meet: BEATITUDO or BEATITUDE, which was a church Title such as POPE or ARCHBISHOP or WHOEVER WAS THE LEADER OF A RELIGIOUS SECT. Now the BEATITUDO or BEATITUDE had the exclusive right to issue one of the alleged Beatitudes to live by and that one only. If one failed in this duty, they were a Heretic. But to be successful in this Beatitude issued by the church, one rose
to the highest position there was outside of being a Church Officer.
To Graduate to a BEDEWERUS for the church. A Pirate or Freebooter for the church who armed you with weapons, to invade any territory where tribal religion was practiced. To kill the tribal leaders of the religion, make it a death penalty to anyone that practices this tribal religion and present them with a new religion. Today, we know this as . M..I
0 N A R I E S !
But we can now classify CORTZ who invaded the America's on April 21,
1519. He was a BEDEWERUS for the Roman Catholic Church So, to me, anyone trying to practice a Beatitude, is someone trying to become a Pirate or Freebooter who hopes one day to meet the
B E A T I T UD 0
This is not to say that there are¡ no relfgions on Indian ¡reservatiors that do.not have.ARISTOTLF.'S SYSTEM.
After decades of white dominate oppression and thousands of governement policies, some reservations have accepted an Indian type of a religion created by the Truiene Confederacy or the Eye' of Isis working along side of the standard civilized religions, which also are the product of the Eye of Isis.
C 0 D F
Before one continues 1 there is one fact that must be made clear, not to the readers, but to the Ancient Traditionalist and the CREATOR, GREAT SPIRIT.
As a Dakota, which applies to any American Indian tribe, I am bound to the one condition of a Tribal Code or Law. There are, like Custom and Usage, hundreds of Tribal Codes which are open to tribal review with the exception of,one. For sake of a name to identify, I will call it: THE ILLUMINATE TRIBAL CODE. This one Tribal Code like the· only Clan Code or Law, is not to be violated because it is reviewed by the CREATOR, GREAT SPIRIT, and One deals with my Spiritual Self and the other deals with my Genetic Self. ['
One code restricts me as a Man, from taking up with a Woman who may
of the same Clan that I am. Clan membership is taken from the Mother.
There is another tribal code that Indian reservations misinterprete. Indians are to marry Indians only! This is not the true tribal code. As Indians, who believe in the Ancient Ways, are to marry only those
that believe in the Ancient Ways. Because we have traditionally, no color ·line, it is left open to every race in the world. But they cannot be of
the same Clan in marriage. Any remember of the same Clan, no matter what race they belong to, is family and one does not marry into one's own family. The other code restricts· .me from speaking about my beliefs or religion
with anyone that does not know it, has forgotten it, or does not believe in it. This tribal code breaks down into detail. I cannot say or d6 any act that would change the established religious beliefs of·an individual to another religious belief.
There is a small exception to this. I cannot turn down any individual no matter what race they belong to, if they know their Clan and tribal membership; if they make a request for a minor ritual that would turn them around to go back to their original.
I am bound traditionally, to answer all
questions asked
as long as they do not encompass the three Sun Rituals or what the civilized call:
Again, there is small exception to this. If the individual knows clan and tribe, but nothing on rituals because this begins with Clan Teachers and teachings. The small exception to this is, if this member is the same clan as myself, because they would be of the same family.
These restrictions come from tribal legends on tribal origin that were Commissions handed-down from the CREATOR, GREAT SPIRIT. To be of the very intercore to an Indian religion, you must know your tribe and clan. That is the beginning. It appears to be exclusive, but it is not. FACT! Every human being born on Earth from the past, present, or future:' comes from a tribe and clan. Just because you no longer know this knowledge does not mean you
cannot overcome it.
FOR EXAMPLE! If you know your Clan and your tribe has gone civilized, your half-way into the door. You're going to become like the Washington Lobbyist and bug all the Clans of a tribe you know. Bind and hold them to tribal law, they cannot refuse you. Different tribes have conditions that must be met. They are simple if you mean business. Many give songs and dances to learn along with attending certain celebrations for a short period of time. If you meet the conditions, a Clan will come forward and adopt you into it.
If you no longer know your Clan or tribe, you are still not completely whiped out. You can request at a traditional meeting using the tribal
law, that you want to know if you and two generations back have violated the Clan Law. You may have to visit more then one reservation to get this, but there are prophet and medicine people that have this ability. Of course there is the short-cut to all of this. Anyone that has violated the Clan Law, belongs to so eVerybody¡ no\'i knows their clan membership. But future clan membersh}-p
is restricted from adoption, but you can be sponsored by a Clan which opens the way for your children to become clan members. If your married, make sure your wife is sponsored by a different clan then your, or the same the other way, so your children won't end as EEL CLAN members. If you want to come to tribal meetings and carry a big club, remaind the tribe that all tribal and clan laws are for the children and unborn generations only.
Always keep in mind, as an EEL CLA.N member, if you should do an --act or deed that improves and betters the tribe or nation traditionally, you have the right to become a real Clan Member and all restrictions to your immediate family are to be lifted. No matter how you feel or rejoice, you are now bound by the same
According to a tribal code that one must live, what right does one have, to write on American Indian spiritual subjects?
I chose alittle over a dozen questions asked by members of every race found in the United States, Canada, France, England, Japan, Mexico, and afew Indians on reservations in the United States.
question nobody can deny and if someone was to meet
me on the street foFthe first time, would ask it: 11
It is a good question! Maybe it would require a book of around 1,000 pages to answer it in a vague form, but christian American Indians would be shocked at the contents. I am not one of those long-winded writters. Keep in mind, that I'm one of those Indians off a reservation who learned to speak, write, and read the english language in a Government Indian School so what I have to say is done with a limited knowledge of
the language which makes it in afew words. It makes no difference if it is a Doa, King James, Rotherham Critical Text, Standard or Revised Standard Berkeley or Berkeley Version, Hebrew, Muslim,, Coptic Bibles or any future
ones yet'to c.ome; these translations had to obey the writtings of the BEDE or BAEDA scholars of the English Empire, who used the Ancient notes
of OSIRIS, ARISTOTLE, and EZRA to make the copy of the ·sANHEDRIN SEPTUGINT "'=
BIBLE that sits in· the British Museum(Greek MOUSEION=Temple of the Muses) today. But I am told(HE WALKED THE AMERICA'S) that there also sits another ancient Bible that sits in the British Museum that outdates the SEPTUGINT by 2,000 years which was dug up from some old American Indian Mounds in the United States. Are they same in translations? Are they different? If so, how??
Now! These questions I cannot answer with any authonity
(1) rrm a poor distitute Indian who has neither the ¡resources or financial position to travel with my ancient Entourage to look at these documents, let alone make contact so we could meet in the United States at a certain time. {2) I have neither the status or credentials that would give me the
right to be able to look at such documents, and being an Ancient practicer of my culture, completely disqualifies me.
The only direction left to look into is HERESAY! It is hard to conceive that the civilized world have an Art and .a Science in HERESAY in which credentials are issued.
HERESAY in the sense that one must form an opinion either spiritually or Literarily from the record. In Theology as well as Occu1t Ins.titutions-0! Yes! I've hung around afew of these places trying to learn something- which teach or are taught by Scholars with Credentials that fill
of Antiquity Scientist
to the opinion
they had â&#x20AC;˘to say on all Bibles.
This is alleged to help an individual, to use by opinion to a Bible Verse on how it should be presented according to the Art or Science of HOMILETICS. HOMILETICS is the Theology Branch Science of inducing HYPNOSIS or SELF-HYPNOSIS to the listeners. We can thank ARISTOTLE r S ANALYTYC 'S AND TOPICS for this science.
Bible Scholars will not dispute that the High-Priests for Osiris and Isis had all the places in the Ancient Bible that stated GREAT SPIRIT, was changed to LORD-GOD. It was EZRA who had some of the LORD-GODS changed to JEHOVAH{Heb.YHWH- Symbol for the name of God). Whoever changed the word CREATOR to God in the Bible, is beyond me. It is pretty well known, it gets nowhere near the 800 versions in Greek
or the old KEM language. I could give over 10 versions from my own Dakota Language.
This much is known by Scholars. It is an Old English word which is no longer spoken, meaning- LET EVIL TAKE IT'S COURSE. It gave birth to another TOPIC. THE CAUSE AND EFFECT THEORY. There has to
a Bad for every good. Slavery for every Freedom. A wrong for
every right. An Up for every Down. What is Good for some people, is bad for others. What some people are to enjoy, others must go without. can also be called:
CANAANITE THEORY from the Talmudic, which breaks
down to the NATIVE THEORY, which isolates by race which are good and
those that are bad. This further breaks down tp·the conc?pt of a never ending story.
It ends at: Who can go to Heaven and who must go to Hell!
So, no one can deny, I have a pretty ggoa-idea what has been omitted _. in the SANHEDRIN SEPTUGINT BIBLE from the original. I'll add
one more thing, that will answer the original question. I know for fact, from tribal traditional teachings and without ever seeing or ever permitted to look at this Old American Indian Bible sitting
in the British Museum, that THE CAUSE AND EFFECT THEORY was created from the Mathematical Formula, On The
of Time, which breaks down to a
format on how to have spiritual power and how to use these powers on forces of Nature. No scholar or scientist of the Bible can state
that such verses.exist
in the present Bibles of the world, because it has been omitted. No verses on how to have spiritual power. Only verses on how to live Intellectually so you will fulfill some other person's destiny and not your own. OF COURSE THE ANCIENT OR TRADITIONAL INDIAN ON THE RESERVATION DOESN'T
either Canada or·the United States and you'll get some idea how far your Bible is from the original.
OF COURSE THE ANCIENT OR TRADITIONAL INDIAN ON THE RF.SERVATION DOESN'T BELIEVE IN THE CHRISTIAN BIBLE! Because something is drastically wrong with the followers of a religious faith or belief. The conclusion by the Ancient Indian touched the very core of his spiritual and religious belief and the facts arrived at made him or her accountable to the CREATOR, GREAT SPIRIT. These open decisions had to be well founded that¡were analyzed from his Bible.
turn family against family, tribe against tribe because of religious belief, when there is only one CREATOR.. pray, meditate, and fellowship with the Indian while trying find secret ways to steal his land and resources, when all lands belong to everyone in-common.
To at one time, shoot, kill, dress, and bless so his body could be eaten as a meal. to civilize him, yet give him a poor education so he never fit into the civilized societies. him believe you were his friend, yet permit the medical (\...::./profession try new drugs on him to see if they kill or heal a body or mind. This killed millions of Indians, and is still killing them today. One important fact that few white people realize the Ancient Indian knows without any type of document to be looked at. FACT: Everyone born belongs to a tribe and clan. The construction of the White Dominate Society plus none of them know their Clans, tells the Ancient Indian, they killed and murdered their own tribal members.
Yet they believe in a Bible that is specific
who is the chosen
to be saved in ¡the last days which clearly identifies tribal members. ( ' You cannot be a tribe without the proper Clans that make u{f-trie tribe (
That is not only tribal law, but International Law. If a people
have been adopted into a tribe and clan, an original member of that tribe must stand by you in all spiritual matters. _That is tribal law. It was many years into my life or many Winter Counts or many, many I discovered that there are still Ancient Traditional Indians in
Canada, United States, and
that knew of the event when the
Ancestors of the present day White Dominate Societies, killed, murdered, and destoryed their tribal language and all the living tribal members. What is more fascinating and hard to believe, that some of these Ancient Traditional Indians still know and can speak this dead language. It is the KEM language, so the White People are former members of KEM tribe. This event has been hidden in history by a culture and language change that has been pieced together from limited references. No Historian can deny that tribal people suffered unbelievable deaths not only under Roman rule but the Greeks too, as slaves. How they defeated the world Roman Empire is a story by itself, but they did rule the
a confederacy of tribes throughout the
Earth, organized fron1 around 600's A.D. through 1491A.D. When the old
civilized started to destroy their own tribal members is not clear, but some references give 1470's. We do know it did start after l491A.D. when the civilized white
bought back their territory rights from the tribal white in Europe. The first line of business was to destroy all records, languages, and schools that taught Medieval Greek, Latin, Arab, Hebrew, and all the language in the area of the middle East along with Asia. Next came Middle High and Low English, French, German; Then Old Danish, English, French, Old High German, Old Norse, and Old Spanish which just got started as a language. Then these peoples were given the present languages that are used throughout the world today. The last line of business was to seek out and destroy anyone that knew about the KEM Empire and language through what RECORDED HISTORY calls THE INQUISITION. It cost the lives of Unaccountable millions in
lives in Europe. the Far East, and Asia. It can be safely stated that it cost the lives of 100 million American Indians because they had treaties with this Empire, so they could speak the old KEM language.
But! What was the reason the members had to die?
.Because they too, had an Old Bible translation as old if not older then the SANHEDRIN BIBLE. This translation caused these people to
separate themselves from other christians in Europe, Africa, Far East, a.nd Asia in 45lA .D.
Whatever can be said for this event in past history, my understanding of spiritual law, such a judgement belongs to THE CREATOR, GREAT SPIRIT
ONLY. The dispute appears to be over, about a GOD that was HUMAN and in such cases, the judgement can only be a civil matter unless this HUMAN
GOD committed murder and I find no record that he did. They executed him anyways over 500 years earlier, noJt. -!ls a human ¡ claiming to be a GOD, but as a member of a tribe, so where is the dispute? Today, the descendants of the Executioners wear a Cross. This cross represents and symbolizes to the world, that this Human claiming to be a God, did not have a supreme God that could come down and take him off >;
the cross. The execution on a Cross was
for tribal members that
knew their Clan and could or knew how to use the spiritual power taught in the original Bible â&#x20AC;˘. But the American Indian is not in dispute over this Human who claimec to be a God and never will by tribal spiritual law.(He Walked the America' so why are we treated as though we are? So there must be another reason why the oppression of the Indian!
It was found in[QiNEsrs back to its Archeic meaning.
the word BRETHREN ......_. when it is
BRETHREN was an . ALTERNATIVE plural of brother. Not a relative but a follower. So who were the followers?
Medieval Latin-ALTER meaning OTHER. cause to be different; change; modify; to Catstrate. NATIVE=Latin-NATUS meaning BE BORN, pp.of NASCI meaing beginning to be born to exist or develop as a race. "'""'¡
So NATIVES and ho\i they came about can be traced back to NOAH.
If one is a legal advisor dealing in International Law, you know that
Arc, is a treaty and
that make up the beginning of International
So NOAH as one of the members that signed the Treaty, laid on a big TOOT! Waking from his wine drunk, he discovered that his youngest
Son had jumped the same aboriginal girl he had banged all night. Remember! She was an individual that also signed this treaty and NOAH was mad at his Son because he was messing up his system of Human Genetics to creating NATIVES that one day in the future defeat the treaty he had to sign. NOAH belonged to a strong religious group that believed all tribes should have their men killed or murdered leaving the young women who came from a Matriarch¡Society who were title holders to territory, were to be banged good every night to have natives so he could claim their ..t
territories. Of course this right belonged to only GODS, LORD-GODS, or
his youngest son had his own tribal girls he was banging
to have natives for the territory he wanted, but he wanted to move in on NOAH'S lands. He got caught and all his little Natives got cursed. The art end right to bang native girls was still in practice through J.l
the 1830's in the United States. Tpat is what the Gazebo was for, The GOD or LORD-GOD or LORD could spent a lazy afternoon banging native girls
and it was not a sin because they were classified as not human.
However, if one of these natives girls was ever caught eating the APPLE or DEVIL'S FRUIT, she had to be shot, dressed, blessed, and eaten as a human steak and it was not a sin. The private parts of these girls was considered the best fish bait there was(WHO'S THE SAVAGE, Wilson
APPLE or DEVIL'S FRUIT was either the Tomato or Potato.
Now that Ancient or Traditional Indian on the reservation knows that something is wrong and if there is going to be a day of judgement,
there is no way in HELL! he's going to stand the gap for' those that will claim a grave mistake has been made and being that they are friend to the Indian, they should enter in too.
From what has been written so far, it is not ment to present the idea that I'm some type of Atheist(Greek-Atheos-meaning without God)
because I spend more time daily, in pray and meditation to the CRF.ATOR, Great Spirit by burning the sacred tobacco, then the world religious organization that does a daily ritual called: THF PRAYER OF ATLANTIS so that the American Indian TIME WALKER will not be reborn on any Indian reservation; and another-world religious onganization that also does a daily rituel called: THE SONG OF ST.JOHN, THF DIVINE so the Indian of the America's will not rewaken to the spiritual power that controls the elements and forces of nature. I do this daily even if
99% of the American Indians do not even knoviJ'
such prayers are done against them on a daily basis. There is no worry about the churches on Indian reservations because they have no spiritual power. If they did have, there would be no need for the rituals of:
T 0
The American Indian does have a Bible that he believes in that is s.sme as the civilized one but it does not have the deferent translatic chBnges of the civilized one.
Even though it has been taken away, the spiritusl rituals have been carry on and practiced so long, that it is a way of life. Antiquist know of the exact places of the Migration trails of the last
5, which are the
same as Ice Ages, so we can assume they've been practiced as part o:f the
lifestyle for least 30,000 years.
Bear with me! The civilized or White
has a science in his basic
Intellectual logics that concludes, that for a science to continue, it
must have a permament and perpetual reference or reccrd so that it will not change in the future from the original.
TR'(]'E! Because all ¡civi1i¡zed
languages are expression references to the reference and not a science. This makes the system of communication twice removed from the besic science.
Let me see if I can make this clear and understandable because the English language cannot fit into the Indian language.
TTThere is no such thing in translating the Indian language to the English or any other civilized language, as one Indian word to one english word. If an Indian is doing this for some Institution of Higher learning, He's pulling somebody's leg and leading you down the road to stupidity!n In finding, an example that everyone could relate to and find some reference to, required some continues thought. What concept would every one find understandable and agree that the expression is not complete, or cannot be completed? It has to be a subject or event.that everybody had experienced to
whatever standard they set that could be identified or classified as the
:,he subject or event and could not be fully explained. The subject was simple but not that easy to find because one woulc be trying to find a scientific or Intellectual one. Let's get romantic, because every race and lifestyle has had to deal with it from their idealogys. I
L 0 V F
Y0 U
N I ' NA
0 W ' N G
A simple english pl].rase . But the Ancient Indian has many mind languages going on Instantly and at the same time. FIRST LANGUAGE.
My attention and gentle ease .for this affection cannot be measured by
anything known or to be known. SECOND LANGUAGE.
Your attention has filled my spirit and my reason has lost its .way stands so far from me,
In much quanities, that no one knows numbers, you hold me by these nu.'TI.bers or quanities "and ¡speak -by ¡unknov.rn sounds that paralysis me in a state beyond GOOD.
Your attention stops the songs of the Universe and bigger then any of
this, is your good that feeds my spirit.
So forth and so forth and so on. That is the best I can do and there
are other Indians that can give it in a better depth. English does not have words that make a full expression . Maybe about one quarter of a
total expression, so when an Indian first learns to speak the english language, to him it sounds stupid, because so much is missing. This example is given so that you can begin to understand that when c Ancient speaks, or sings, or dances, or tells legends-many Mind languages are going on instantly. Now there is a code or law or tradition that the mind languages are to fellow in proper order. The language has order that cannot be violated. Let me give another example of this, that will show that the languagE is the permament and perpetual record that cannot change. The best idea I can come up with would be a Graph.
Ist. Language
2nd. Language
l (
3rd. Languae-e
4th. Lan2:uage
end of identity
t I I second
end of identity.
Try to understand that each mind language has 5 other mind languages so detaiJ through ancient expressions breakdown to smaller and exact,
details. When Fthnic Researcherswere listening to a legend by a ancient Indian, another joined in and finished the legend, because when the first expressions were heard, the law or code of the language is so exact and precise that one could finish it even though the finisher of the legen, heard The White Man has rules to his English or language. So does the India.: to his, but the ancient Indian does not need a book to see who is
violating the law because it cannot be violated. When a. ancient mind that has learned the civilized language, many times knows the missing expressions to like subjects he had been taught. I
will give only one that will require the rest of this Chapter
to explain. Many times I will have to break down a scrcnce to explain a small part of the expression.
y 0
G 0 T
As a descend of an Ancient tribe, the civilized concept will give many arguments to the reason this little booklet is not correct. They will begin by stating, the name days of the week are not any way an Ancient system. But they are! Everything the civilized uses in time or whatever, comes from an Ancient system. The only thing to remember is that it has been modified. The reason for this, is, the system could not be replaced or improved, only modified. Next, they will state, Ancients had a different time for starting a new year. True! But that is a subject that must be reviewed by you and where your tribe came from on Earth. The calculation system is not that hard to work out. The number of days in a year will be the next argument. But keep in mind that Jul.ius Caesar got his Julian from an ancient system called: THE CALI YUG. The Julian overstates itself every fourth year by 44 minutes and 56 seconds if it was followed through, but the next or following year this day is deducted, making a tribe 23 hours, 15 minutes, and 04 seconds out of time synchronized for doing¡ tribal rituals every¡-.¡ faarth year. The last argument will be, the using of 24 hours in a day. which is broken down in minutes and seconds, is a white man system and not an ancient system. True!
But the duration of one day, is one day no matter
how it is calculated. The Ancient system gives a fraction breakdown of a day no matter how it is broken down. Tribal rituals must advance time every year.
5 hours,
14 minutes, and 42 seconds in
0 F
Even though Old Traditional Indians make the claim, that we are the GUARDIAN OF MOTHER EARTH and we can no longer control the forces of the Earth or nature, it does not make us humans that total existence depends on the SEASONS. What we were as GUARDIANS to and what, required that we were to care for- and watch over, were subjects of SEASONS. If we were subjects that belonged to the Earth's SEASONS, then we woulc have sex according to your SEASONS and raise'Kids, according to a SEASON. There would be no need for the Tribe and Clan Codes and Laws, and the Mathematical Formulas and Clan Equations, which are rules, to who we are to have sex with in the tribe, to keep a precise genetic family. A rule that subjects of SEASONS do not keep. These subjects do live be another rule that the civilized or White Man has expended for himself in his lifestyle. MARRY AND HAVE SEX WITH YOUR OWN KIND, which is understood to be of the same race or ethnic color. A color boundry. The rule which is a tribal rule, has been twisted from its original law. This tribal law is associated Clan-Law that goes like this: One does not marry into one's own Clan because all of the same Clan are family and one does not marry into one's own family. It bypasses the color boundry. The tribal law goes like this: WE ARE TO MAARY OUR OWN KIND which cannot go by a color boundry
it would violate
Clan Law
to anyone that would the same Clan as members of the tribe. What is ment-TO MARRY OUR OWN KIND, is, if we are Children of Time then we are to marry one who is a Child of Time so we can have off-spring that are children of time. Today, tribal Indians state: INDIANS ARE TO MARRY INDIANS ONLY, which is helping perpetuate the White Race to not become bastardized(OF.packsaddle child) by Indians mixing with them. It is a good lesson for the Indian. If you are not to mix with the White or any other race and you no longer know your tribe or Clan equations, then you know you are classified as a PACKSADDLE TRIBE. I will not mix with them, but they can mix with me provided they know their Clan membership or it can be detremined, they belong to a Clan not the same as mine. But if we are children of TIME, then we are not children that are subject to SEASONS. SEASONS happen within TIME as it is understood, but so does LIGHT, COLD, HEAT, GRAVITY just to name afew. We may, due to the lack
of ancient spiritual knowledge, be subject to GRAVITY. But this does not make us Children of Gravity nor does it take away the title as Children of Time. To the Indian of the America•s TIME is an entity and a science by itself that creates many by-products such as LIGHT that is seen by the human eye. To the White Man, LIGHT is an entity and a science by itself from which becomes a duration and not a science called: TIME. Now! Thats what you call: bastardizing a science. So, TIME to the White Man is a PACKSADDLE SCIENCE. If we are Children of Time, we were born at a time, and to judge this time into the future, it would have to be judged from a system that was not in a SEASON, but from the true time. Now everyone has a birthday that is celebrated every year or once a year. This is a season•s year and not the time a creation that is a Time child•s year. According to the JULIAN or the GREGORIAN calendar system, we add one whole day every four years with each year at 365 days, but we take the day back to the following year. Under this system the SEASON .TIME REMAINS SAME every year, but it does nothing for the Time Child. If this day never had been taken back, we would be close to the birthday of a Time Child, alittle overstated but close. For this reason Ancients had two calendar systems. For the sake of a reference point, let us use THE TROPICAL YEAR (equinox to equinox) which is 365.242198 days. This means that if the one additional day had been kept, visual time would have been overstated by 44 minutes and 56.4 seconds every fourth year. What this means, that if a person was born on October 20,1979, the birthday is always celebrated on October 20th.l989. But if this person is a TIME CHILD, the birthday would be celebrated on October 20th. 1989 at 4:25A.M.and September 30, at 7:34P.M. in rituals. ·. :why the difference of this many days? Because if we are TIME CHILDREN ail -11ght of days must be deducted, to arrive at pure TIME. The civilized churchs call their members CHILDREN OF LIGHT, which they are because there existence is determined from days of light. But this makes them creatures of seasons, which is no different then animal life.
141 So when a person was born within the cycle of the leap year, it becomes complex in time accumilated, for example, if born¡one year before a leap year, at the end of one year, time is overstated 17 hours, 17 minutes, and 8 seconds;as compared to one born on leap year, would only be overstated 44.minutes and 56 seconds at the end of four years or the next leap year. So, Julius Caesar was pretty smart coming up with the leap year idea! But being able to synchronize time correctly has no purpose unless one knows what to do with it, because no one has been taught the rituals that go with synchronized time. I could go into great detail by showing the synchronized time that the present-day Astrologist used can be put down by charts has been worked out by the world's Elite back on September 14,1752A.D. which deleted part of the Julian System that was more precise and in greater detail then the present Gregorian system. This is one fact that the world's Elite know. The Planet VENUS creates the event, that JUPITER selects a time for the event that MERCURY and MARS determines who the event is for according to one's birth. All events created by VENUS are good for mankind. Now for the Monkey Wrench! Synchronizing Time,
true time, and not light, can change the
event using the forces found on Earth. This is the prime reason,that all tribal and Clan rituals must be destroyed, so that no one can enter in the war games. Present-day Astrologist can be thankful they did not live iil Julius Caesar's time because anyone claiming to have knowledge to the st were brought before him and he asked only one question. WHEN DOES JUPITER SYNCHRONIZE WITH VENUS AND MERCURY IN CREATING THE EVENT? Remember you were speaking with a man that perfected the Zodiac system which was part of the Julian Calendar. If you couldn't answer
didn't even give enought time to
say: GOOD-BY to loved ones. He didn't fool around and he hated stupid people. He knew it wasn't Hocus-Pocus religious rituals because the Head Clan Mother for the Cleopatria tribe used it on him and his armies and there was nothing he could do about it.
To give some idea how far off our tribal rituals are, let me give an example that would show how successful the Julian and Gregorian has been in keeping us out of synchronize time.
A y
1 M 1
A y
A y
989A.D. 2
365 days later
990A.D. 2
365 days later
991A.D. 3
366 days later
M A y 1
992A.D. 3 (Sjb held on May 4th. because of 366 days)
M A 1
996A.D. 3 (Sjb held on may 5th. because of another 366 days)
In eight years is has become 2 days off. In the course of 1,000 years later on 1989A.D., it would now be held on October 22, 1989 at Highnoon, but leap year days overstate in time so we would have to deduct 7.802 days from October 22th. This would now make it or held on October 14th, 1989 at 4:45P.M. If one takes into account the present system used by Indian tribes, these dances would still be held on May 3, 1989. We may not like what these figures show, but its a very good reason why we have no spiritual powers. It is the white man that has no liking for you that determines what time you as an Indian should hold your New Year Dances.
How does anyone
0 F
if this religious ritual is directeci against
the Indian of the America's? There is no reference printed that would give a clue that it is related to the culture or lifestyle of the American Indian. The exact number of Occult Organizations that pretend to search for any thing that can be related by assumption or antiquity finds, makes no type of mention that it could be remotely related to the American Indian. Yet there is a Archeaology Find and a classified Scientific Conclusion that clearly identifies the present day descendants and the desendants of the Lost Continent of Mu. It is also known that a world-wide Religious Organization or Cult does this Prayer at an exact time daily which has been going continuely for centuries. This Prayer has even a more exacting purpose and should it fail, would make one known world-wide christian belief no longer usefull, because this ritual upholds all civilized religious concepts. This ritual done daily is to prevent the REAWAKENING OF THE KNOWLEDGE, EXISTENCE, and RITUALS OF TIME WALKERS who they recognize as the descendants of MU and ATLANTIS. The Ritual has been performed for 400 years so
Organization knew who
they were praying against that the Archeaology Find verified in 1917. The scientific conclusion in 1950, now made it possible to identify the exact living descendants today. THE PRAYER OF ATLANTIS done, had its original meaning destroyed and today is translated to have another meaning which does not take away the the purpose from the original meaning or translation. The word- V I D E rnent to prophesy, while the translation is to mean
T 0
VIDE LICET, VIDE ANTE, VIDE INFRA, VIDE SUPRA, VIDE UT SUPRA, and VIDE POST! But the Prayer and how it is performed gives a clue daily to how another ritual done against Indians is to be done daily. This Ritual is called: THE SONG OF ST. JOHN, THE DIVINE which is another subject by it self. THE ARCHEAOLOGY FIND On the ASSOCIATION OF HUMAN REMAINS AND EXINCT VERTEBRATES AT VERO, FLORIDA; PRELIMINARY REPORT OF FINDS OF SUPPOSELY ANCIENT HUMAN REMAINS AT VERO, FLORIDA,Journal of Geology,XXV(l917); ANCIENT MAN IN FLORIDA, J.W.Gidley,Bulletin of the Geological Society,Vol.,XL; FOSSIL MAN IN FLORIDA, J.W.Gidley and F.B.Loomis, American Journal of Science, 5th.Ser.Vol.12; Closed Debate between SMITHSONIAN INSTITUI'E of WASffiNGTON, D.C.; DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY, UNITED STATES NATION MUSEUM with the conclusion that the records to be closed to the General Public . .J
THE SCIENTIFIC CONCLUSION VERO and MELBOURNE MAN, I.Rouse, Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences,Ser.II,Vol.l2(1950)
You have the Prayer, the Archeaology Find, and The Scientific Conclusion that idenfies the Indian of the America's as the descendant of both MU and ATLANTIS which can be recorded by anyone that knows Indian Tribes by their location, so some are descendants of MU while others are descendants of ATLANTIS But this scientific conclusion made other determinations about the American Indian.
(1) The Indian was petrified amoung the bones of extinct Dinosaurs all of the same age, so the Indian has remained the same in body and lifestyle as the Indian of today, so he cannot be included in DARWIN'S theory of Evolution. (2) This gives the time of the last Ice Age within 2000 years. (3) Because the petrified Indian was the same as the Indian of today
in body and lifestyle, he has a science that gives him the knowledge on how to escape the global catastrophe of an Ice Age. It takes no great Intelligence to figure out that in this science that gives the formula to escape an Ice Age, the TIME WALKER has something to do with it. While the egoistic Agnostic and Atheist have their moment, just how much does the leaders of civilized nations know about the Ancient American Indian TIME WALKER? They know that an Ancient Mathematical plate called THE WINTER COUNT has something to do with. Also an ancient translation, where it states that THE TIME WALKER must travel by. THE PRESENT minus THE PAST equals THE FUTURE. They know that the TIME WALKER must travel through THE PAST to arrive at THE FUTURE. Every MASON Uccult or organization in the world knows--they did exist amoung the Ancients and could exist today. For this reason you fina Indians that have been sponsored to become MASONS, which is a hope after reaching the 32nd.Degree and peforming some of the other Ancient Rites from other lands, that it will reawaken this Ancient knowledge within the Indian. That is alot of effort and knowledge, that tells one the TIME WALKER must awaken controlled because the civilized scientific community does not have the mathematical formulas and equations to this Ancient science. But every Ancient Traditional Indian has been taught this science as part of the lifestyle which does not come forth by Intelligence as when it
must be practiced or reviewed to see if the formulas are correct because who could possibly work with the same knowledge on the equations that start with the first requirement of TRIBAL DENOMINATORS that give the arrangements. He or She stands alone in this matter and they are in full knowledge to it. All that is left because there is no way to turn to, depend on personal tribal genetics on the due date. But the beginning to these formulas that start as children's 1', 2', 3's and A', B', and C's that have been in the hands of the world's civilized scientific communities over 2,034 years, so it is not new or unknown. No question! There has been something to be desired in many of the translations. It is hard to comprehend that an American Indian culturual science strike such a fear in the hearts of the Elite to their controlled civilized world, because the science w6uld not, and cannot deal with another type of culture that is not associated in a tribal sense .. To know and exchange TRIBAL SIGNS, TRIBAL DENOMINATORS, and TRIBAL MATH FORMULAS does not qualify an Ancient Visiting Indian to be taught the Song and Dances of a TIME WALKER. Nor does it qualify one to view any exercises of the TIME WALKER just to keep in shape. In my personal dealing, it required off and on contact for a period of around two years and then I was shown only one exercise and the reason for the exercise. I told tribal teachers that one was enough, because the next ones would be and sacred and there is too much responsibility to be carried. The exercise is one of those rare times in the Ancient culture that requires one to discipline the mind and body above and beyond normal levels. In visiting Reservations and being permitted to watch certain rituals, as an Ancient believer in the culture, you are always in a panic state because there are so many rituals that require one to torture and beat the mind and body that come from two White Man books, such as Ignatius Loyola's BOOK OF SPIRITUAL EXERCISES, where an individual is- " ... to experience hell and heaven with all his senses, to know burning pain and blessed rapture ... ... "The NEW DARK AGES Conspiracy, by White, pp.289;or one of the many mind tortures found in the book- THE EYE OF ISIS.
Having been in this White Man's world, a ritual is always associated with walking on burning coals, beating yourself or have someone else¡ do it that cause wounds that bleed, swallow a sword, have pins stuck into your body, sleep on a bed of nails, carry a heavy cross, hum a musical note for a day, or tie the limbs of the body into knots and stay that way for a month or two.
Isn't any wonder that one trys to run and hide because you know it
is not religious rituals to the CREATOR, GREAT SPIRIT. But you have committed yourself to watch a ritual of TIME WALKERS. You¡'re surprised because the exercise has no mind or body tortures or frantic Songs or Dances. Only calculated movements by the body trying to overcome a stress problem not with the body, but a small wooden pole. Picture in your mind, an outdoor firplace. Two poles on each side that supports a long pole that rests on top of the side poles, where one would place a kettle through the long pole that would hang over the fire. Now Imagine several fireplace poles, having a long pole resting across the two upright poles where a young trainee must lift himself up and off the ground, using his hands that are placed on the long pole, like the bar pole in gyms.
This wooden pole less than 2 inches in diameter, able to support about 20 pounds of weight, must support 200 pounds of the young trainee's weight. It is done, without drugs or drinks or crazed songs or dances.
After witnessing this exercise, I broke bread with these teachers, asking the reason for the exercise. I learned something that answered alot of questions. THE TEACHERS: "This exercise is to discipline the mind for a first-time experience. When one enters and walks on time for the first time, it is a SHOCK watching time creating Light that is seen by the eyes and other forces that the body feels. There is no expression that can describe the experience so one can be prepared for the event. The shock of the experience happens so fast that the mind may wander off sending the individual off into another dimension causing him or her to lose the place of reentery. This dimension could be a place where one does not know the communication system and cannot fit into the lifestyle. We have learned to call it: THE CORRID?R OF TIME and to get lost here iot just by spirit but·by · · our body too can best be compared to what the White Man teaches the living in its churches."To fear death because you may not enter in" conditions the_ person when death makes the change, the mind will wander in the change causing the spirit to go to another dimension, and the "void" would be, the spirit not having the communication system to fit in. What the White Man calls; HELL!" 11
The TIME WALKER has three periods to enter in, TO WALK THE CORRLDORS dF TIME in each TRIBAL FORMULA which is determined by his time of birth, his Clan, and the period within the Time Serpent. The TIME WALKER does have a cycle he must work within for any event, and there are 200 cycles for certain events. He must be synchronized to THE WINTER COUNT. What the civilized scientist calls: THE TIMES OF THE BEAST, or THE WINTER TABLES or SATAAN'S TABLES. For each table in THE WINTER COUNT, the Tribal Formula calculates the cycles lasts 11 days, 22 hours, and
minutes and there are 543 periods
to enter in. But each TIME WALK can last no longer then 3 minutes, 58 seconds or half the distance that LIGHT is alleged to travel from the Sun. Traditional Teachers give a warning on a time to guage a TIME WALKER'S journey. TO WALK ON THE FIRST RAYS IN THE HOUSE MADE OF DAWN, IS FROM SUNRISE TO SUNSET. This distance would be from the place the TIME WALKER is, to where he -
sees the Sun set or the Sun to rise. Any distance within this and the search the PAST or FUTURE has no time and is instant. But a walk with a friend in the PAST or FUTURE could violate the duration.
This is only the duties of a TIME WALKER that must be performed for the betterment of the tribe or nation. Within these 543 times to enter in per cycle, he or she must be able to determine which point of entry by tribal equations, he or she will walk in and face DESTINY right in the face and command the future to take another path where the Grass grows Green and the Rivers run to the Sea. It could be called: THE SPIRITUAL DUTIES. Perhaps it is these duties that the American Indian TIME WALKER is so feared. Feared because by spiritual rituals, the course of DESTINY must change its plans. A mathematical number. The PRESENT minus The PAST equals The FUTURE. The exercise was seen in the old Dakota territories which came as surprise because there is so much hate and violence felt for the people of the Dakota Empire for correcting a crime against humenity. Historians cannot dispute this. In the early days of the United States many white people bacame millionaires by killing and scalping Indians. Today, these descendants that still have this money are highly looked up at by other millionaires. In the world of millionaires, it is called: OLD MONEY. Their Ancesters received 8 to 12 dollars per scalp and if we converted this to the inflationary rate of today, would be around 50 to 75
dollars per scalp. If one wiped out a small band of
Indians of around 1,000 Indians, this would come to 50 to 75 million dollars. Indian killing for their scalps was Big Business. But one day, the people of the Dakota Empire got tired of this business and started to scalp white people. The white government was forced to sit down with the Dakota Empire and agree by accord, there would be no more scalping on either side. Then and only then did it become a crime against The accord was world wide and the white man could no longer scalp peoples of Europe, Africa, and Asis. That big business came to a close. Back to the Indian TIME WALKER. His personal TIME WALKING was at random but could not violate the duration or the period of the walk. The success of any TIME WAlKER'S journey is restricted by anyone who knows his or her,s spirit and is against the TIME WALKER. Hence, the need for THE PRAYER OF ATLANTIS WHICH TOUCHES THE SPIRITS of Indians on Reservations who are against any Ancient Indian rituals.
S 0 N G
S T .
0 H N
There is such a science that can be referenced as THE SONG OF ST.JOHN
THE DIVINE. Under normal civilized conditions, the fact the original language to this science is classified as a dead language, holds no special interest to the world in general. But if you are a member of an American Indian tribe living on or near a reservation and someone came up and explained how this science works, and what it must accomplish spiritually. One only has to look at the living conditions, the drunks, and the free drugs for the young, the science becomes a major one. If one trys to bring some of the major traditional teachings at a basic level back, the counter-arguments are either the accepted white religions or the three Indian Religions created by the White Elite for Indians. Even if one shows the vast research and studys being done by White Scientist on the Indian Culture, you are met with closed minds. At this time,
one can see and understand the Ancient Prophecys that state: ONLY A
HANDFUL WILL MAKE THE GREAT MIGRATION, which brings back ancienct history, where one can assume that this problem has been around before, so that Tribal Genetics will remove those that are not worthy. It makes no deference as Indians if we care such a rerooveral method exists in the culture, we know spiritually it does and one day in the future we must face it because secretly we know it will exclude loved ones and family members and each of us knows tribal genetics has warned us that has a intervoice so load that.only a
drunk will silent it.
Keep in mind that as long as you can hear it, you are
one. With the word SONG, it would have to deal with Music. Song and/or Music makes i t to be performed by the human voice singular or collectively. In THE PRAYER OF ATLANTIS you learned that VIDE roent TO PROPHESY. But VIDE is an offshoot to the Greek word DRAMA and the plural-DRAMTICS, meaning CONSTRUED AS SING, which now rnakesthis word of VIDE or VIDERE-IMPERATIVE TO
SING. Doesn't anyone ever wonder why there is no recorded evidence, reference, or history on Ancient Music or Stage Plays or Dramatics prior to.1491A.D. or 6204 Julian?
This is an impossibility because all Auditoriums and Coliseums
were built by Ancients and all prior to l,OOOA.D.
say there is recorded "heresay" that makes reference to millions of
alleged christians died for their religious beliefs but there is no evidence or documentation that supports this theory, they were the ones that died in these auditoriums and coliseums. If one was to visit the CHALULA TEMPLE, at Puebla in Old Mexico that is to have been covered by Indians to escape Spanish Soliders, which is an Engineering impossibility for anyone on the run unless they had about 5000 huge Earth Movers. If they did, then they could have just covered the pursueing soliders. Anyways you can take a tour through the tunnels but at the top of this mound, sits a Catholic Cathedral that has some of the Ancient blocks of the Ancient Temple that were used in the building of the Cathedral. You can't miss it! But on some of the exposed walls of the ancient Temple, it is written for everyone to see, that Indian Song and Dances were performed that related a strange event. The Song and Dances were always successful because the CREATOR, GREAT SPIRIT showed he heard the performance by showing a Phenomenon. So the Indian CHALULA TEMPLE is or was a COLISEUM where Music and/or Stage Plays and/or Dramatics were performed and the only critic was THE CREATOR, GREAT SPIRIT who claped by giving a sign instead of the listener's applause. To begin,we can't use the word SING, because this an Old English word in reference to a tribal ritual-SINGAN. We can't use SCALE-O.E.=ESCALE meaning HUSK. Or the LATIN-meaning LADDER. If we start with D 0 the first tone of the Musical Scale, we hit pay dirt! It is the first tone or note of the "DIATONIC SCALE or c. It makes reference to:Ital-see GAMUT. GAMUT: The entire range of musical tones. [Med.Latin-gam:na UT[ [GAMMA. the first note of the early musical scale-UT]] which later became DO], the name of the notes of the scale were taken from a Medieval Hymn. Ut queant laxis Resonare fibris, Mira gestorum Famuli, Solve polluti Labii reatum, Sancte Iohannes. If we go to from the Standard to the- Collegiate Dictionary, we find that: G AM U T means THE SONG OF ST. JOHN, THE DIVINE. THE SONG OF ST. JOHN, THE DIVINE is the musical scale which came from a Medieval Hymn. It is the "DIATONIC SCALE" today which means, it is a bastarduzed form from the original. In personal research into Medieval Languages, it was discovered, that there are no present day Scholars that know the original nor can they proper1y translate Medieval Latin or the GAMUT as shown. In fact u T cannot correctly be translated today.
If we look at what the American Public refers too as a Trash Paperâ&#x20AC;˘ the one that is being made reference to, is the WEEKLY WORLD N E W S , April 11, 1989. The article is headed- Discovered in the ruins of an ancient rronastery, SECRET CHANTS TO BRING YOU MONEY,LOVE,HEALTH,AND HAPPINESS. by Beatrice Dexter. 11
The chants were alleged to be found in the ruins of an ancient Tibetan monastery by an archeaologist from Nanchang, Chine named- DR. CHI TSANG-MD and the monastery was alleged to be abandoned in the year lOllA.D., and these chants were written down on stone slabs. But chants are no new in any religious ritual by the civilized even if one does not face known- reality, that GOSPEL SONGS are chants that follow the rules of the SONG OF ST.JOHN, THE DIVINE. The more renegade chant for the white people is the one sound coatinued at one tone called: OHM that came from the old Sanscrit meaning: CREATOR, PRESERVER, DESTROYER. This was still part of christiany who were believers that had not yet advanced from Pandora's Song, to St. John's song. Even though they started from the same religious Sect, they disagree spiritually with each other today. Accor¡ding to civilized or White soceities, chanting is to bring down the spirit of their God.
If the two types of chants disagree as being
true(There is only one CREATOR)then chants are to call down the God or Gods of the civilized, and not the CREATOR. We as American Indians may not be as sophisicated as the white in all manner of MANTRA or the Occults, but we are taught at an early age, all spiritual laws that identify THE CREATOR, GREAT SPIRIT. Only in song do we make mention of the last Godhead, who is the WORLD MAKER. I could go to the 1st. and 2nd. books of Genesis to show that the concept in expression to CREATOR,
is the Commission handed-down from the
CREATOR, GREAT SPIRIT on a tribal soceity that must be MATRIARCH, where the women rule the man, but I don't want to be rsponsible for anyone going out and joining a tribe.
I M P R E S S I 0 N Synchronized time, and the possibility of it being easyly calculated appears to complex to the average person, so a person's "center" goes to the next science from which decisions, both spiritually and physically, can be made. The term and the science was developed by the Medieval Latin Scholars as a substitute for not being able to go directly to ancient writtings which contained all subjects and how they were to be carried out. IN PREMERE.To compel one by pressure, to make a Stamp, Mark, Figure, or Signature determined from the senses, the mind, or human feelings. The individual was no longer accountable to the CREATOR, GREAT SPIRIT for the outcome of the decision, but to society or Government or Government Officials. This system had a grading method that determined a person's worth. In some cases, those that went by First Impressions on certain subjects or matters, was determined to be too dangerous for Society or any type of Government Positions and was killed ay once, or was the perfect one needed. Those of second Impressions, were used as councilers, where mbre .. ther one opinion was 'needed. The Third Impression individuals were perfect slaves for the society and government. TODAY! The First Impressionist are the leaders of today. The Second Impressionist is unsatisified with any new idea because it conflicts with present ideologys, so they are unable to make business decisions. Third Impressionist are unable to make any type of decisions. The American Indian could not escape the science because of unsynchronized time, but all the Impressions are the first and broken down into three categorys. It is called: INDIAN TIME. The first is made by the determined thought, the next is made by the senses, and the next is made by human feelinsg. So, when orie'... knows the¡ American Indian is about to do an act, which to everyone believes was long enough or a day late and a dollar short,
Government Officials knew it took 17 days and 36 hours.
What harms the Indians, many being under the Ambigious concept government, was the breakdown of the First Impression.
Why does the Indian take so long to make any decision? Because many First Impressions are genetic overthrows that prophesy a shorter term for a lifespand. Yet- The Indian will tell you, that to not do the First Impression, you pay dearly! So the First Impression must deal with a subject that does not have a fixed rule for any or all permutations. Impressions comes from the science developed by the Elite of Medieval Latin which compels an individual to determine an action, by society classifications. I like to watch white people in their first impressions as an Indian while parked in a parking lot of a Super Market. A couple will pull next to you and quickly notice you are not white, but Indian.
They start to put everything out of sight. Lock
the glove compartment and open the trunk to place everything of great value in there. They double check to make sure all the doors are locked. Once in while when they get to dramatic about it while the're still looking at you, is when I give them a piece of my mind: I look at them straight in the eye and state: " I WOULD'NT STEAL ANYTHING YOU GOT! AS FAR AS I CAN SEE YOUR'E THE ONLY ONE AROUND THAT'S A THIEF .. THE HOUSE YOU LIVE IN IS ON INDIAN LAND THAT YOU STOLE BY A TRICK BECAUSE YOU COULDN'T GET IT HONESTLY. THEN YOU GO TO CHURCH ON SUNDAY AND PRAY LIKE HELL TELLING GOD YOU HAVE NEVER STOLE FROM ANYONE." The white societies have no law for openly- judging a person wrongfully because I hate to be judged
as a thief. In ancient societies
there was a law which would be a LIE or untrue! The judgement for such a crime was one{l) ¡magnitude greater then ¡Murder.One of.the WhitE?.Society. If you want to know how serious the crime of wrongfully judging a person.a theif by Impressions, go to a scientist and he will tell you its a thousand times worse then. To BETRAY someone in any kind of dealings, the penalty was one(l) magnitude greater the lying about someone. No matter how good and proper you think you are, you could never live by the standards of an Ancient Indian Society.
Any religious scholar can tell you that a daily prayer is sufficient to overcome a spiritual problem. So, THE PRAYER OF ATLANTIS which has been for centuries, done to prevent the reawakening of deep spiritual religious rituals of the American Indian, and the prayer will continue on irito the future. By any spiritual standards, after reviewing the conditions of Indian reservations, the prayer is sufficient to stop any spiritual powers from reawakening. Why would another religious ritual be needed to be performed against the American Indian when THE PRAYER OF ATLANTIS fulfills all known spiritual laws? If an additional ritual is needed, then the Indian has a counter-science that overcomes and neutralizes ARISTOTLE'S ANALYTYC'S AND TOPICS and LOYOLA'S BOOK OF SPIRITUAL EXERCISES. After the purchase of land titles by the civilized in 1491A.D., many Delegations were sent to the America's, to put the Indian under hard dominate oppression. They returned without their weapons and told the civilized leaders, they couldn't explain why they could not move against these people. It was then the POPE knew and realized THE PRAYER OF ATLANTIS was not sufficient. Something else spiritually was needed. Keep in mind, the POPE controlled the civilized world by a hard Iron fist up through the end of King Henry VIII of England's reign. The POPE summoned all the religious scholars of the world to council in Rome. From it came the new Battle-cry against the Indian of the Americc S E R P E R E
If we- apply the Medieval connectors to this,
S I L E X !
believe me! This is not
the Dumb Indian that Hollywood Movie Producers, making million upon millions of dollars, presenting permanently in your minds, the Indian as a Savage, Violent, and without reason. This is was the
of the POPE describing a force that could
destroy holdings of civilized nations all over the world. Just what is the translation of these fierce warriors that didn't believe in Standing Armies, Implements of War, Police Action, or Mind Control? "WATCH OUT! THEY ARE CUNNING, SUBTLE.(artificium el) THEY ARE CRAFTS SKILLED IN INVENTIONS AND DESIGNERS OF UNKNOWN OBJECTS THAT MAKE TH ELUSIVE, CRAFTY.(dexteritas) THEY ARE MANUAL AND MENTALLY QUICK WIT THESE OBJECTS THAT APPEAR TO BE UNKNOWN METAL ALLOYS THAT GIVE OFF INCENDIARY AND PHOTOGRAPHIC FLASHS. THEY LIVE IN HOUSES THAT ARE
The civilized world had never seen houses made of
Granite or Baked Adobe! This tells you two facts about history. (1) Granite Castles throughout the world were built from the idea of the Indians. (2) Adobe Houses found throughout Europe, North Africa, and Middle East also came from the Indians. This time the civilized came with a new religious ritual called; PANDORA'S JAR OF PLAGUES that had been renamed: THE SONG OF ST. JOHN, THE DIVINE JAR OF PLAGUES .. What was the reason that THE PRAYER OF ATLANTIS could not fulfill the complete coverage of this spiritual law? Because every Indian carried an object that was part of everyday dress.
A three cornered object called: A GAU. The Vatican made it a major crime for anyone to have one. The few
remaining Indian-descent of the Caribbean today have such a fear for it, they will not
say the Ancient word for it.
The civilized world set about to change the meaning of this word in· all Indian languages. GUY-HAY became GHOST which came from a German word meaning SPIRIT. Let me give you the Prayer Ritual to the GAU and maybe you too, will wonder if this also was stolen from the Indian. YOU ARE THE BEGINNING(alpha) AND THE VERY LAST(omega) TOGETHER, YOU ARE THE FIRST AND LAST AT THE SAME TIME. YOU ARE FROM ONE TIME WALK TO ANOTHER(eternity) YOU ARE MORE LOVING THEN ANY BEAUTIFUL FLOWER ( the rose of Sharon) YOU ARE THE RED STAR (bright and morning star)
B A S I C S T H E As a believer in the Old Ancient Traditional Indian Sciences, one must begin with what will be referred to as : THE TRIBAL FORMULA. This is a mathematical or established numbering system that is be used to any reference on TIME as a science. It is Universal in a sense, that any ancient from around the world will always understand what you are doing, and that it can be applied to the Universe. It serves many mathematical functions in the culture and lifestyle, but it's main purpose is to provide the working parts to a science in which as Indians, we can safely walk a Global Catastrophe in which an unknown energy transforms the Earth to a new cycle, that the White Man calls: AN ICE AGE. The White Man has studied the last 5 Indian Migration Trails and knows them backwards and forwards. There hasbeen built many villeges along many of the trails in hopes when we pass by, that we will take them along and show how we survive an Ice Age. There is still another group of White People with lots of money, who destroyed many Indian Cities, in which new white cities sprung up, but the destruction happemed because this .group was looking for the Seven Golden Cities of Cibola or the Seven Underground Cities where an Indian gr6up will stop on Indian Migration. What you are about to learn has nothing to do with Intellegience, but a formula that will trigger tribal genetics. This knowledge will not insure every Indian that learns it, will make the Great Migration safely, only that those that can still be found to respond'to genetics. Some of you will think the teachings are stupid or out of place, but thats all right, you are a generation that has had to many Clan Violations in the past. If you should want this to be corrected, it becomes your personal decision and is between you and your Medicine People. To many years I've taken abuse under tribal courtesy by Indians that did not believe in the true Indian way, which I considered this as the same as taking it from the White Man.
0 N E
No matter how a civilization calculates the duration of one full day, Ancient formulas apply. But the Ancient were not satisified that one day was just one day. The CREATOR stated: LET THERE BE LIGHT! so visible Light was created. How? The Ancient Indian can be very persistent in searching out a problem leaving very little room for assumptions. He begins by gethering council and presents the problem in which the council must agree that the problem should be pursued. Once there is an agreement, each member of this council returns to their Clan and presents the finding to his or her Head Clan Mother. The Clan Mother in turn takes it the Clan Elders and Medicine People who in turn must agree. Then the original council and their Clans meet to see if there is total agreement. If there is, then the Head Clan Mothers take the issue to the Head Chief, who in turn calls for a Grand Council Meeting. Messengers n -j
are sent to the far corners for all minor tribes and any other tribes that wish to contribute to this meeting. At the Grand Coucil Meeting everyone present must again agree to the issue. This procedure is related to show how this undertaking took place. It shows that great thought was given to the issue and it now became everyone's responsibility to help overcome the issue and present a solution. Even before the solution became part of the lifestyle, it had to be totally agreed upon. So any theories or theorems had to be understood by everyone in the tribe or nation before it became part of the lifestyle. For this concept to have taken place within the tribe, the educational system had to have been somewhat advanced and the poor educational programs the white man has for Indians today would have never made it. The concepts of the Ancients has not changed that much and what the white man has taught you will not make it either. What is needed because the old system has riot been
permitted to be practiced for over 100 years, is good tribal sense.
ONE DAY! Which is separated light from darkness, day and night and it cannot change in it's duration. It is so long and end so percisely that it is understood to be Universal.
The White Man has calculated it, in it's duration, as 24 hours or 1,440 minutes, or 86,400 seconds long. But the Ancient Old Indian also calculated the Duration of one day. It is181 parts long. This figure was arrived at, because one could calculate the speed of light and time. 24 hours divide by 181 parts= .13259669 times 60=7.9558014 minutes or 477.34808 seconds. Sun 93,000,000 divide by 477.34808 sec.= 194,826.38 miles per second(speed of Light) 477.34808 sec. divide by 181 = 2.6372822 seconds it takes time to .reach¡Earth from the Sun. 93,000,000 divide by 2.6372822 sec.= 35,263,576 miles per second is the speed of time. But it was discovered that there was small problem with Venus because it rotated the opposite direction of all other Planets which caused Light to Age. It became the diemnsional change of time. Sun 93 million time 2 times Pi=584,335,740divide 31,556,926 seconds = 18.516877 miles per second the Earth travels in Orbit. 18.51677
= 8,838.9962
194,826.38= 185,987.38 miles per second is the speed of light caused by the dimensional change in time by the Planet VENUS.
The tribe now had mathematical figures to pursue on how LIGHT was
0 P P 0 S I N G
F 0 R C E
Tribal history could now record a major breakthrough on the subject of light and the Tribes felt pretty successful in the group research, but it was the old scholars in rechecking figures that recorded that the new scientific conclusion had a small problem. If LIGHT was an entity by itself and had undergone
dimensional change and Time also undergone the same dimensional change on the same basis as LIGHT, then LIGHT was not an entity by itself, but one had¡ the Creator of the other. But which one? It was easy to assume that LIGHT was the creator of Time because Light made it easy by vision, to calculate time as duration, but not as a science for one good reason. (J) I!)
No energy could be found that would help LIGHT traveling at 194,826.38 miles per second which through it's spectrum, having a front and back, a beginning and end, a left and right ride yet was a perfect asymptote- could accelerate an entity that had a beginning and ending at the same exact moment because it had no alike entity or existence- 181 times faster then its own speed. A simple logical comparision could establish in anyone's mind that Light could not create such an energy. If a extra warm sunny day could produce(using the white man temperature of 1000 F. would produce an energy of around 18,100°F. to accelerate Time to 35,263,576 miles per second. This startling scientific conclusion by logic and assumption only, that LIGHT was a by-product of TIME. Or TIME was the Creator of LIGHT. Even though it was an assumption, it gave the direction that all future research had to go. They knew what had to be done, before this, they had to provide the math theories to what everyone should look for. From the beginning of time, the CREATOR, GREAT SPIRIT had handed-down a ritual
that determined when Song and Dances were to be done. It had been called; THE TIME CYCLE. 3000 divide by 15.08333(181)= 198.89507 days of the TIME CYCLE. 1000 divide by 15.08333(181)=
66.298357 days was ONE CREATOR DAY.
198.89507 times 12 = 2386.7408 days times 181 = 432,000 divide by 200= 2160(amount of WINTER COUNT TABLE) 2160 divide by 181 = 11.933702 days If each part of 181 was.13259669 of a day, then light would have to be deducted coming to 180 parts 11.933702 divide by 180
= .066298344(1000
times smaller then a CREATOR DAY) .066298344 times 60= 3.9779006 minutes 3.9779006 times 2 = 7.9558012 minutes 7.9558012 times 181 = 1440 minutes or 24 hours.
So, it takes LIGHT to be created 7.9558012 minutes after Time gets to Earth but it can't be seen by the human eye for another 22.65 seconds. So it takes 22.65 seconds for Time to Create Light to be seen by the human eye. If this product can been seen by the human eye after creation, then the process can be shown in minute detail or in its infinitesimal state. Such an undertaking was to vast or large and would require a great deal of traveling throughout the world. Because of tribal territories, the Indian tribes would have to get permission from other tribes throughout the world to travel within their territories to finish their research. It would be only fair that these tribes be told what the project is and by tribal courtesy, they would be required to help in the project. You and I know both know, by the workings of tribal procedures-after Song and Dances, exchanging gifts, and Indian Clan Mothers speaking and meeting with other
tribal Clan Mothers throughout the world, 10 years would have past when all the permissions were given and the research starting again.
Antiquity history or writtings does not give a time it took for all world tribes to venture into this scientific journey. We as Indians can only assume the amount of
time due to tribal procedures. Antiquist in vague translations stated that other race artifaces were found in the culture they were being researched. These scholars or scientist were only as kind to mention some of the physic laws that They had-to over come, with translations not always correct. Let's review what the Old Ancient Indians started with to give not only the idea and fact what they knew, but a possible channel their sciences could take them.
t.O r-1
They had not only the cycles of TIME but LIGHT too. They knew it existed and knew how many changes had to take place under certain conditions within a Dimension. Thesecycles plus a distance that was predetermined. The first object that began the cycle of TIME which was the SUN. The second object that orbited the first object which determined the velocity of the second object, the velocity of TIME and when it separated and became LIGHT. The Velocity of TIME and an UNKNOWN did not meet and coincide in their meetings. Discovery showed the UNKNOWN underwent a Dimensional change through an exact perpendicular velocity, to the velocity of TIME. It was then, the Ancient Indians knew the UNKNOWN was the missing formula or equation or a separate science. the prism component established that once when LIGHT had been created, the entities had been isolated into currents or strands infinitesimal in size. But to work out the minute detail, there became concerns for certain Divisor and Multiple Primaries to some of the colors found in the prism. Yellow equating to a small BLUE equating to three sizes larger then Yellow; and RED equating to 9 times larger then Yellow. It went against all known physic laws on sub-matters. A fixed velocity cannot have an associated entity that traveled slower and other
associated entities traveling faster then the
velocity. This was from true
and in other directions, the entities blanded to a pure mix of the color WHITE.
This physic rule applied to sub-matters even in a Dimensional time change. The color strands or currents retained their velocities changes from the fixed velo61ty of TIME, no matter what direction they were directed. So once created, they became free entities separated from their Creator subject to power duration. It did not supply the question or answers for faster or slower speeds. Research provided the following conclusions: LIGHT increases or decreases to a pair of fractions(examples-1/12-50 1;4-90) Actual fractions were infinitesimal. Each of these strands or currects had 12 individual units of power that had to separate into an OPPOSING FRACTION .{slower and .. faster路路speeas }路that ,.,oUld- exhibit a PERFERRED DIRECTION to an exact consideration in TIME. With TIME as the OPPOSING FORCE and the collapse of an UNKNOWN, opposing the PREFERRED DIRECTION was named: THE SPEED OF TIME UNDER A MANIFESTATION. What the civilized scientific communities call: THE SPEED OF LIGHT. But what was the UNKNOWN that collapsed? Does TIME have a sister or brother double?
If so, who is what?
(If I'm an offspring to this kind of rrdnds and have the same blood flowing in my veins) (and almost understand the formulas left by them, tried to relate them to other Indians) (who don't even went to hear it-- WHAT HAPPENED!!! Did the White Man create a new race) ) (of individuals and while nobody was looking, by the truck loads snuck them in as (tribal members?) To find the answers for the UNKNOWN, Ancient Indian tribes had to turn to other tribes throughout the world because they would be their territories in search of the answers. (A) They first had to figure out where tbP and smallest magnifing powers of the Atomspheres.of Earth路 wbere they were located. (B)
Locate on the Earth which would give that factor with 12 changes. aa- The Sun Belt which the strands or currects of Light were highly subject to. It was later ruled because it provided no new answers.
bb- The Four Quarters , the best place for providing answers to the formula to life: aaa- They gave the Origin of Life and the bbb- It gave the TIME the Earth is squared to the North, East, west, and South. Find the diamter and.or the duration ofaa- The Dimensional change through velocity aaa- Pertaing to LIGHT on very point of the surface of the Earth period in the TIME CYCLE cc- Find a cycle in the SUN BELT aaa-that would have an equation with 11 changes dd- Find the formula to the Undercycle and downward forever aaa- This would be the opposite of Upward forever.
After all this had been completed, these Ancient Indians made the following scientific conclusions: (Y)
\.0 r-t
Any UNKNOWN, when created has many of the same attributes of its Creator. LIGHT can reflect and be separated and isolated. Therefore, TIME traveling from the Sun to Earth traveling at a speed-35,263,576 miles per second, strikes the Earth and reflects off according to angles into the paths of incoming TIME. This reflected TIME going against incoming TIME, becomes the OPPOSING FORCE which is traveling 33,663,718 miles per second collapses after creating from its 12 individual powers, LIGHT, DARKNESS, HEAT, COLD, MAGNETISM, ELECTRICITY, GRAVITY, SOUND, VELOCITY, LOGICS, REASON, and LANGUAGES. Let's call it: THE SPECULUM SPECTRUM OF TIME. It now explained the reason there was a slow and fast color within a fixed velocity, LIGHT was being created from the Earth towards the SUN and not from the Sun towards the Earth as civilized scientist believed. The fastest was the slowest 't 1's stated· and the slowest was the fastest. It could now be understoo d wh en 1 • THE· FIRST SHALL BE THE LAST, AND THE LAST SHALL BE THE FIRST and this reference
between Children of LIGHT and the Children of TIME is final.
164 There is not one Man or Woman, with Educational Credentials,. in writing about the American Indian, has tried to add to the confusion tackling the problem of 288. You've read and tried to wonder why Antiquity writers or those trying to write on the Sciences of the American Indian, they all got to the figure of 288 , and something went wrong because they've given it a name or event or science or--just
it ·_·with everything under
the Sun. I'd swore, if given enough time, they have this figure of 288 making Ice Cream fdr the neighborhood. Close to 10 years ago, I knew and spoke to an individual that was and still is, a Scientist, Engineer, and 32nd. degree Mason. There was long dicussions over a period of time.
But he's one trying to find
a new name for this 288. Now Look!
Without waiting to count a day and time by the Sun Light
you see, the Earth has Orbited the Sun in 363.128429 days. Nobody can
it because my ancestors said in their writtings.
However, the White Man has counted days in a year by what he can see which comes to 365.242198 days or 365.25 days .. My Indian Ancestors weren't pl--ind or stup.i.d.
this too·
What they had to do was synchronize TIME duration of a day as a day seen from sunrise to sunrise. The knew that Light day was 2.0954593 degrees beyond Zero in Orbit at the end of the Gregorian year.
So what they had to do, was to calculate how many orbits it would take for the 363.128429 days a year with the 365.242198 days a year vould Zero together. It would take 171.80004 years which now gave us that great figure of
2 8 8 â&#x20AC;˘
is not feathers or beads or days or years. but
degrees in orbit around the SUN. 288 times 5
,zero degrees. 5 times
171.80004 came to 859 years in which the Earth Orbited the Sun 864 times. So there is a cycle for day calculated from Light and for Day calculated from time that can be synchronized. The reason for this? The Ancient American Indian is more interested in synchronizing with the Universe and not the immediate Solar System because the Earth system is for the animals out in the barn. Before this book comes to a close, let me add one more idea. It takes 389.62672 TIME'S Opposing Force Impulses to create 2.1527778 LIGHT Impluses; and the 50 miles diameter wheel being built
out- in Texas---any ancient Indian that knows tribal sciences could tell you that this is only half of the components needed for the research to be done-------and------the wheel is being built in the wrong diameter.