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Gabrielle Montesanti is a recent graduate of Kalamazoo College in Michigan, where she studied studio art and mathematics. She will attend Washington University in St. Louis in the fall to pursue her MFA in Creative Nonfiction.

Mariko Nagai was born in Tokyo, Japan and raised in Europe and America. She has received fellowships from the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, UNESCO-Aschberg Bursaries for the Arts, Akademie Schloss Solitude, among others and has won the prestigious Pushcart Prizes for both in poetry and fiction. Mariko Nagai is the author of Histories of Bodies (2007), Georgic: Stories (2010), Instructions for the Living (2012), and The Promised Land: A Novel (forthcoming from Aqueous Press, 2015). She is an Associate Professor at Temple University Japan.


Austin Sanchez-Moran received his MFA in Poetry from George Mason University. He works as Education Coordinator at the National Steinbeck Center in Salinas, California. His poems have been published or are forthcoming in Laurel Review, Sundial Review, Fjords Review, Rawboned, Texas Review, and Rivet.

Allison Seay is the recipient of fellowships from the Ruth Lilly Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts. She is the author of a collection of poems, To See the Queen, and she lives in Richmond, Virginia.

Diane Seuss’s most recent collection, Four-Legged Girl, was published in 2015 by Graywolf Press. Her second book, Wolf Lake, White Gown Blown Open, won the Juniper Prize and was published by the University of Massachusetts Press in 2010. Her fourth collection, Still Life with Two Dead Peacocks and a Girl, is forthcoming from Graywolf Press in 2018. She has published widely in literary magazines including Poetry, The Iowa Review, New England Review and The New Yorker. Seuss is Writer in Residence at Kalamazoo College.

Lindsey Simard creates autobiographical comics, zines, and songs. She lives in Berkeley, California with her tiny chihuahua mix, Marlow, who is her best friend.

Mei Skvortzoff was born in Paris, but moved to Brussels to pursue cartooning studies. Her major influences are Robert Crumb and teen movies. She usually draws in black and white because she is not gifted enough to master color. In her spare time, she enjoys thinking and drinking Belgian beer.

Gretchen Van Lente studied with George Saunders and Tobias Wolf and taught Creative Writing at Florida Gulf Coast University. She has been published in most genres, including children’s educational television, and as a journalist for The Malibu Times and various Santa Monica papers. She has over thirty short stories in magazines such as The Barcelona Review, Failbetter, Gargoyle (forthcoming), The Seattle Review, storySouth, and Drunken Boat, to name a few. She is currently working on a Space Opera.


Nicole Walker’s forthcoming books include Processed Meats, from Atticus Press in late 2016 and Egg, from Bloomsbury in 2017. The chapbook, Micrograms, is forthcoming from New Michigan Press in early 2016. Her collection of essays, Quench Your Thirst with Salt, won the Zone 3 Press Award for Creative Nonfiction. This Noisy Egg, a collection of poems, was published by Barrow Street in 2010. She edited, with Margot Singer, Bending Genre: Essays on Creative Nonfiction, published by Bloomsbury. A recipient of a fellowship from the NEA, she’s nonfiction editor at Diagram and Associate Professor at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona where it rains like the Pacific Northwest, but only in July.

Alexis White received her MFA in poetry writing from Oregon State Univeristy in 2012. Her poems have been published in magazines such as The Atlantic Review, The Blood Orange Reivew, Dilate, and Switched on Gutenburg, among many others. Her death in 2012 was an irreparable loss to her loving family and friends, and to poetry. We are glad to remember her voice here and always.

Evan Morgan Williams has published stories in such magazines as Witness, Antioch Review, and Kenyon Review. His collection of stories, Thorn, won the Chandra Prize at BkMk Press (University of MIssouri-Kansas City) and later won a gold medal in the IPPY award series. He teaches middle school language arts in Portland. Website: www.evanmorganwilliams.wordpress.com

Gary Young has been awarded grants from the NEA and the NEH. He’s received a Pushcart Prize, and his book of poems The Dream of a Mortal Life, won the James D. Phelan Award. He is the author of several other collections of poetry including Hands; Days; Braver Deeds, winner of the Peregrine Smith Poetry Prize; No Other Life, winner of the William Carlos Williams Award; and Even So: New and Selected Poems. His most recent book is Adversary In 2009 he received the Shelley Memorial Award from the Poetry Society of America. He teaches creative writing and directs the Cowell Press at UC Santa Cruz.

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