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Mary Adelle is a poet and editor living in Baltimore, MD. She is currently writing a book of poems about strangers, publication forthcoming in May 2016. She is a MFA candidate at the University of Baltimore. She likes witchcraft and wandering Trader Joe’s. Find more of her work in the Baltimore Fishbowl, Welter, Writers & Words, and Alien Mouth. Follow her on her blog maryadellecom.wordpress.com and on Instagram @maryadelle.

Danielle Badra is working on her MFA in Poetry at George Mason University. She is the poetry editor of So To Speak literary journal. “Dialogue with the Dead” (Finishing Line Press, 2015) is her first chapbook, a collection of contrapuntal poems in dialogue with her deceased sister. Her poems are forthcoming in Outlook Springs.


Hugh Behm-Steinburg’s prose can be found in The Fabulist, *82 Review, Shirley and Gigantic. His short story “Taylor Swift” won the 2015 Barthelme Prize from Gulf Coast. He is a member of the non-ranked faculty collective bargaining team at California College of the Arts in San Francisco.

Cindy Bradley resides in Fresno, California where she is a third year student in Fresno State’s MFA in Creative Nonfiction program and is an editorial assistant for The Normal School literary magazine. She is currently hard at work on her thesis collection Death, Driveways and California Dreams which she hopes will grow up to be a book someday. Her essays have been published or are forthcoming in Minerva Rising and Under the Sun literary journals. The Monterey Peninsula continues to hold a very special place in Cindy’s heart.

Laura Carter lives in Atlanta, where she earned her M.F.A. She has published six chapbooks and lives on the east side of the city with her cats. Numerous poems appear in journals both on-line and in-print.

Sean Cearley is a former professor of philosophy and artificial intelligence researcher in computer-derived writing. He currently lives eight inches above a river watching ducks, otters and herons. His chapbook “The Travesties of Plato” was published by Spacecraft Press in September 2015; other pieces were previously published in A Bad Penny, The Los Angeles Review, Lockjaw, Entropy, and Floating Bridge Review.

Chloe Clark’s work appears in Apex, Bombay Gin, Booth, Rock & Sling, Wyvern, and more. She can be found on Twitter @PintsNCupcakes

Tim Craven, originally from Stoke-on-Trent, England, lives in Princeton, NJ, where he works in a bookshop. A graduate of Syracuse University’s MFA program, his poems have appeared in various journals and anthologies, the details of which can be found at www. timcraven.co.uk.

Vincent Chabany-Douarre studies English literature at Lincoln College, Oxford. His work has been featured in The Bastille, The Belleville Park Pages, No Extra Words, The Birds We Piled Loosely, and will be featured in Glassworks Magazine. He writes a regular column on collective memory for The ISIS which will be on their blog soon.

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