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Robert Farnsworth’s poetry has appeared in magazines all over the U.S., in Canada and the UK, in two collections from Wesleyan University Press: Three or Four Hills and A Cloud (1982) and Honest Water (1989), and most recently in his collection Rumored Islands (2010) from Harbor Mountain Press. For seven years he edited poetry for the national quarterly The American Scholar. His work has won him a National Endowment for the Arts fellowship, and a P.E.N. Discovery citation. During the summer of 2006 he was the poet-in-residence at The Frost Place in Franconia, NH. He has taught writing and literature at Bates College since 1991.

Matthew Gavin Frank is the author of the nonfiction books, The Mad Feast: An Ecstatic Tour Through America’s Food, Preparing the Ghost: An Essay Concerning the Giant Squid and Its First Photographer, Pot Farm, and Barolo, the poetry books, The Morrow Plots, Warranty in Zulu, and Sagittarius Agitprop, and 2 chapbooks. He teaches at Northern Michigan University, where he is the Nonfiction Editor of Passages North. This winter, he tempered his gin with two droplets (per 750ml) of tincture of odiferous whitefish liver. For health.


Rebecca Hazelton is the author of Fair Copy and Vow. Her poems have appeared in Poetry, Best New Poets 2011, and Best American Poetry 2013 and 2015. In 2014, she won a Pushcart.

B.J. Hollars is the author of several books, most recently From the Mouths of Dogs: What Our Pets Teach Us About Life, Death, and Being Human, This Is Only A Test, and Flock Together: A Love Affair With Extinct Birds forthcoming in 2016.

Timston Johnston is the founding editor of Little Presque Books, which just released its first book, To Waltz on a Pin, a collection of poetry by Zarah Moeggenberg. He is a firm believer in pancakes for dinner, that way it can be paired with beer.

Michael Levan has work in recent or forthcoming issues of Copper Nickel, Ruminate, The Boiler Journal, and Hunger Mountain. He is an Assistant Professor at the University of Saint Francis and writes reviews for American Microreviews and Interviews. He lives in Indiana, with his wife, Molly, and children, Atticus and Dahlia.

Ginny MacDonald lives in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula with her husband and their dogs. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Brevity, Hobart, matchbook, Sundog Lit, The Midwest Review, and others.

Shivani Mehta was born in Mumbai and raised in Singapore. Her work has appeared in numerous journals and her first book Useful Information for the Soon-to-be Beheaded, a collection of prose poems, is out from Press 53. A recovering lawyer, she lives in Los Angeles with her husband, five-year-old twins, two cats, and several fish.

Ander Monson’s most recent book is Letter to a Future Lover. Find him online at http://otherelectricities.com.

Tom Montag is most recently the author of In This Place: Selected Poems 1982-2013.In 2015 he was the featured poet at Atticus Review (April) and Contemporary American Voices (August) and at year’s end received Pushcart Prize nominations from Provo Canyon Review and Blue Heron Review.

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