406 Woman VOL.14 No.1 Business

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8. Marty Meyer

30. Boys and Girls Club


42. Changed Lives

12. Tammy Purdy 16. Brave Dog Knits 20. Sprouts in Whitefish 24. The Chopp Shoppe

Health 32. Mom and Baby Logan Health - Whitefish 34. Keeping Students Safe 36. Ski Conditioning


40. Dealing with Loss

28. A Probate Toolkit

44. Dr Miller

View current and past issues of 406 Woman at


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w w w . 4 0 6 W o m a n . c o m Published by Skirts Publishing six times a year 704 C East 13th St. #138 Whitefish, MT 59937 info@406woman.com Copyright©2021 Skirts Publishing

Marty Meyer

The Flathead’s Local HOPE Dealer By Mary Wallace Photo by Amanda Wilson Photography

The truth of the matter is that there are life coaches and then there is Marty Meyer. Marty is so much more than a life coach, seriously. . . SO much more! After surviving a devastating season in her own life, her passion has become to help other women. Not necessarily women who are also facing painful and difficult circumstances, she wants to help women find their own life’s work and help them find a path to implement it. In her own words, “I strongly believe that every woman is valuable, gifted, loved, and created by God. Only SHE can do what she has been called to. HOPE is the biggest indicator of achieving a sustainable livelihood. Without hope, we fail to thrive.

“Understanding the power of this truth and having experienced hopelessness myself, I am deeply passionate about helping women get back up and find their voice in areas where life (for whatever reason) has beaten her down. “Using a holistic approach, I lead and encourage women to a place where they can be empowered to create impact and influence – whether that is in their workplace, their homes, within their community, or place of faith. I like to call this ‘Pairing for Purpose’.


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“It’s not just about identifying and addressing our ‘issues’, but about creating awareness about the issue at hand and what it means to support each other in order to keep hope alive and embrace our God-given value.”

No matter where a woman has influence, it is Marty Meyer’s heart-felt desire to see her walk in her destiny to be everything she is meant to be and fulfill her purpose in her unique sphere of influence. She has been called our local HOPE dealer.

What, exactly, is a Life Coach? Google says: A life coach is a type of wellness professional who helps people make progress in their lives in order to attain greater fulfillment. ... Life coaches can help you clarify your goals, identify the obstacles holding you back, and then come up with strategies for overcoming each obstacle.

Marty feels that her role is to help women find a path forward. For some that may be a lifestyle or career change, for others it may be a way out or a

way through to a new ‘purpose’. Marty has worked with successful women who are feeling stuck - in bringing “alignment to their assignment” in order to find even more fulfillment in helping others. Some seek Marty’s help when they find themselves thinking, “Life is good, but I still feel like I am not enough. I still feel like I can do more… BE more… to my family and my community.” Finally, there is the woman who might be looking in the mirror asking herself, “Who am I? What is wrong with me?” It is this woman and others that Marty would like to help to find a way to change the channel in her thought life. “We are always harder on ourselves than on anyone else,” laments Marty. “In fact, I would lay odds that this very same woman would never let anyone talk to one of her friends in the same manner she has just talked to herself!”

It’s these kinds of women and relationships that make Marty’s heart sing! Especially when they’ve worked earnestly together and she has given them the tools they need to not only find their passion but also create a path forward toward it. When a woman sees her actual gifts and potential and does


Marty Meyer

“Using a holistic approach, I lead and encourage women to a place where they can be empowered to create impact and influence – whether that is in their workplace, their homes, within their community, or place of faith. I like to call this ‘Pairing for Purpose’. the actual work on her own to manifest it, that is the best reward and feeling in the world!

And while her services are not free, she certainly understands that women who are broken are not only broken, but they are also likely to be broke. So, she often also helps them find the resources they need to implement their healing and success anyhow.

recovery and reimagined life course. While it is true that much of her expertise comes from her own life experiences, she has, of course, completed the recommended life coaching courses, and is also a certified pastoral counselor. She is working toward a goal of adding mental health life coaching to her credentials.

Even though Marty exudes a unique kind of loveliness, she is undoubtably one of the most real and most genuine persons you might ever meet. She certainly seems to have all her ducks in a row, but she is the first to admit that she has her daily struggles just like everyone else but she has learned to deal with them with a little grace and as much humor as she can muster. Friends have told her that she is insanely funny, and it may well be her sense of humor that makes her so good at what she does. She didn’t always want to be a life coach – she had set her path to become a singer/actress. But as a famous performer named John once said, “Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans,” and she became a wife and mother instead. It was the act of pulling herself out of a particularly low period of her life (newly divorced, homeless, and seriously desperate) that brought her to this juncture. The same caring people who helped her find her way back to wellness also helped bring her to this new calling to help others in their own

Marty spent her early childhood in Holland; her family immigrated to Alberta, Canada when she was about 8 years old. Her parents were both counselors and involved in social work. They were raising four kids, and they fostered four more children in their home. Due to the pandemic, she

hasn’t been able to see them in nearly two years, and she is dearly looking forward to the time when she can spend time with them again. She attributes her parent’s meaningful example and influence to her passion for her life’s work today.

She fell in love with the Flathead valley after moving here with her previous husband. After her divorce, she was determined to remain in this wonderful place and make a home as a single mom with her two children – her son Cole (now age 31 and living nearby in Kalispell) and her daughter Aimee (now age 27, a fashion designer and model living in Greece).

Marty has since remarried the love of her life, Tim Korpela and since he has four children of his own, she is delighted to share the joys of being part of this larger family with him. They recently became homeowners in Somers, Montana, and after surviving the hopelessness in the early days after her divorce, one of her small daily joys is to open the refrigerator door and say to herself, “This is my very own food in my very own refrigerator!” She figures that will never cease to be a ‘thing’ for her. Marty doesn’t usually seek out clients. They are referred to her through word of mouth, or she has met them through her work at RejuveCare Clinic & Medical Spa where she also works part time as weight loss coach and patient care coordinator. “The ones in front of me at this moment are the ones I want to be working with,” says Marty.



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Marty Meyer

One way in which Marty has come to help others find their own calling is through her S.H.E. events. S.H.E. is symbolic for Secure, Healed, Empowered. These events are open to the public and they are a night for women to come together to in a secure environment, find hope, healing, and empower each other to take their place in the world. An upcoming S.H.E. event called S.H.E. RISES is slated for Saturday, September 25th, 6:30 pm. This event is being hosted by Hope Church at 436 Birch Grove Road in Kalispell. Admission is $10 and includes Hors D’oeuvres. In addition to her one-on-one coaching and S.H.E. events, Marty also works with clients via Zoom, and others using a small group coaching format. She will soon be implementing a mentoring group that will be available by subscription, allowing her to not only assist more women at once, but will also foster a spirit of women helping women.

In the not-too-distant future, Marty would like to host S.H.E. events every six months, adding more inspirational speakers, and bringing her mission to even more women. She would like to aid in supporting facilities for women (and their children), who were in the same place she was so many years ago – She dreams of creating a safe haven with living quarters, that could also provide the luxury of having the time and freedom to find their dream and ultimately find ways to achieve it. For instance, one of Marty’s recent protegees bought a tiny bus so that she can give people rides in town and to church.

Once Marty and her client work through her dreams and desires to find what brings her joy, they can determine if her joy can become a new hobby, a giving effort, or a career - and then work together to find ways to make it a reality. It’s important to add that Marty not only wants women to find hope and joy, but also learn what it means to find peace in the middle of life’s chaos. Her Bucket List? She wants to travel more, and she is also looking forward to someday tandem jumping out of a perfectly good airplane alongside her daring daughter. (And now having put that out to the universe, she is going to HAVE to do it!) She is completely happy and fulfilled when people get so good at moving forward on their own, they don’t need her anymore. One particularly rewarding moment was when one of her clients looked at her and said, “That was in me all this time? I didn’t even know!”


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Looking for a real estate professional?

Tammy Purdy Can Help!

By Kristen Hamilton Photos provided by Haley Jessat photography and Lexie Purdy media


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profile} Tammy Purdy As a young mother with two children, Tammy Purdy chose a career in real estate and has been going strong ever since. “It seemed like a great fit with my knowledge base of land division and home building I was already dabbling in,” she said. I’d say she made the right choice after 18 years as a real estate professional in the flathead valley. Tammy was born and raised in northwest Montana. She said that as a child she spent many hours on horseback in the Bob Marshall Wilderness “while dreaming of beaches and sunshine.” Now as an adult she said, “I so appreciate the beauty and character my childhood brought me.”

She credits her parents for the confidence and knowledge they instilled in her at an early age. “Whether it was on the basketball court, operating farm equipment or competing in the rodeo arena. Teaching me I can do what I set my mind to, has helped me become successful and I’ve loved passing that down to my own beautiful children.”

Tammy is grateful for her long career in real estate but even more grateful for her health and family. “I have 3 beautiful girls.... ranging from 23 to 4. I’m so proud of each of them!” she says.

She admits that being a hands-on mother while having a successful career that supports them is her greatest accomplishment. “Teaching my three girls that if you work hard and persevere, big things are possible.”

I asked if there was a job early on that taught her something that is useful today? Tammy replied, “Working in the medical field at a young age in the operating room and medical records had a profound impact on the psychology aspect of dealing with people in general.” She has been influenced by many successful businessmen and businesswomen who have crossed her path. She has watched, learned, and asked many questions along the way and that has been invaluable. Tammy said, “In the world of real estate, it’s tough. My very first broker told me I better get some thick skin if I was to succeed. He wasn’t wrong!”

How does Tammy define success and how does she feel she measures up to that definition? “Staying the course through highs and lows of the real estate market, and not losing your true self throughout the process to me is success. As I look back at my 18-year career, that’s what I am most proud of, regardless of the sales or accomplishments I have stayed true to my morals and character.”

“Staying the course through highs and lows of the real estate market, and not losing your true self throughout the process to me is success. As I look back at my 18-year career, that’s what I am most proud of, regardless of the sales or accomplishments I have stayed true to my morals and character.” I’d say that is an accomplishment in any career!

Tammy added, “So many people inspire me, I am grateful every day for the circle of people in my life.”

I asked if there was something she wanted people to know about her? “I am thankful to each and every one of my clients that have put their trust in me. I will always strive to do the very best for them. Their happiness is my goal, with each and every transaction.”

search and mentors. “Stay accountable and engaged,” she adds. If you are in the market, I encourage you to give Tammy a call, she won’t let you down!

Lucky for you, Tammy has a broad area of expertise but would be considered a specialist in residential, new builds and equine properties.

Would she do anything differently if she had the chance? “I am happy with where I am. Although my 18 years of success has been solely built on referrals and my personal network base, I would also find fulfillment in using my knowledge and resources to build a team to help more people especially in today’s market,” Tammy said. Thinking of getting into business for yourself ? Tammy offers that you find something you are passionate about and make a business plan including short term goals and long-term goals along with a realistic budget. She stressed the importance of re-

Tammy Purdy, Real Estate Advisor Engel and Völkers Western Frontier 214 2nd St E, Suite 101 Whitefish, MT 59937 Tammy.purdy@envusa.com Phone:406-212-0081 www.tammypurdy.evrealestate.com



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Yarn shop offers more than just fancy fiber

Brave Dog Knits

In the quaint little town of Columbia Falls, you’ll find Brave Dog Knits, a curated yarn shop owned by a woman named Sheri Lynn. Unassuming from the outside, once you walk in you won’t be able to stop perusing the shelves, touching the soft blends and ogling the distinct colors. “When we set out to name the shop we wanted to connect something local with something we love. My husband found Brave Dog Mountain near Pinnacle, MT on a topo map and it was the perfect fit,” said Lynn, owner of Brave Dog Knits. The shops’ unique name is upheld by Lynn’s chihuahua, Beans, and her rat terrier, Stitch. They are both seniors and they love being in the shop, adored by customers.


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By Jonna Mary Yost Photos by ACE Photography & Design

Lynn is the owner of Genesis Kitchen, a specialty olive oil and balsamic shop. When a space came up for lease, she and her husband were excited to put in a satellite version of Genesis Kitchen. Since the space was a bit too small, Lynn put her knitting hobby in place and opened the yarn store. “I knit constantly for mental health,” Lynn said.

With her background in both mining and civil engineering, Lynn is a do-it-all kind of gal but feels that nothing has helped her physically and mentally as much as the stress relief and meditative quality of knitting. “It absorbs my mind and puts me into that elusive flow state known for increasing focus and reducing stress,” Lynn said. “I want to share that peace that stitching brings to others.”

Lynn has also noticed the cognitive benefits of stitching. She says her brain is sharp and those skills are slowing the effects of aging on her brain. The stitching can’t be the only thing keeping Lynn sharp. Owning and running a yarn store is no simple task. When you walk into the space, you will immediately be impressed with the organized layout of the yarn.

“Organization by color or brand would look nicer, but it wouldn’t work at Brave Dog,” said Lynn. “I chose to go with yarn visibility and rotation.” Lynn said she lets customers decide how the shop should be. When they tell her it’s overwhelming to see all the color and texture, she ensures it is laid out well and there is always a plethora of relevant and accessible samples around for inspiration. Lynn loves carrying quality yarn and having as many options as possible in one place.

profile} Brave Dog Knits

“It absorbs my mind and puts me into that elusive flow state known for increasing focus and reducing stress,” Lynn said. “I want to share that peace that stitching brings to others.” “I wanted a range of high quality commercial yarns with a heavy lean into local and USAborn yarns,” Lynn said. “I avoid acrylics and keep super wash yarns to a minimum, favoring a wide range of natural fibers.” As someone who both knits and crochets, Lynn has educated herself in both realms, but in the past 10 years has really dedicated her time to knitting. “I enjoy the range of possibility and the ability to be flexible,” Lynn said. “If I’m distracted or there are people around, I’ll work on something simple.”

When her hands are getting sore, she switches her project or moves to a project with a different needle size. “I just keep changing it up,” Lynn said. “I’ll have upwards of 15 projects going at a time, and I complete all of them.”

Her favorite yarn right now is local from Earthstar Farms. Lynn swears their wool yarn makes her a better knitter. While she definitely has her personal favorites, Lynn is great with beginners and guiding people interested in the craft. “I like to start folks with a soft, worsted weight natural wool with some good needles,” Lynn said. “This way they learn on good yarn and have a higher chance of enjoying themselves.”

Lynn takes pride in the selection she offers at the shop, often going by gut instinct on purchases, but she also listens carefully to her customers. Lynn stocks yarns that aren’t well-represented in other shops, giving room for her store to have its own specialties. Despite all the great details of her shop, Lynn is fully aware that her efforts can only go so far. “More online shops have popped up, and more customers are buying more yarn online every year,” she said. “This is a worry because more than fifty percent of yarn stores aren’t profitable anyway, and I expect it’s only going to get tougher for the brick and mortar shops in the future.”

Lynn remains positive. She said she can only hope that all those who participate in fiber arts continue doing what they love and sharing it with future generations. The people that surround Lynn and support her shop make her endeavors worthwhile. She says the more she explores into her passion for yarn, the more she loves every day.

“I like felting, spinning and weaving, but honestly knitting has me solidly occupied,” Lynn said. “Whatever else I’m doing, I can’t wait to get back to my needles.” Brave Dog Knits 609 Nucleus Ave Columbia Falls, MT 59912 406-892-9004 bravedogknits.com

Author Jonna Mary Yost is a Montana native with a passion for the outdoors. When she's not on another mountain or river adventure, she's at Roam, her yoga and fitness studio training with clients.



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25 Years

and Going


Sprouts in Whitefish By Sophie Marchetti Photo by Amanda Wilson Photography

For any new mom starting and running a successful business would be challenging, but for Kelly Marchetti owner of Sprouts Children’s Boutique it was natural- and necessary. After having her first daughter in 1995, Kelly quickly became aware of what was missing among the business community of downtown Whitefish: A young, on trend baby boutique offering the styles and brands she wanted to dress her own daughter Emma in. A year later she decided to start her own and with the help of her husband, Rob and other family members, Sprouts began to take root in July of 1996. For the first five years Sprouts shared a space with beloved local store Sage & Cedar. Their 1-year-old daughter Emma served not only as inspiration but also a model for fashion shoots and shows. By the end of December 1999, the family grew with the birth of their second daughter, Sophie. The growth of their family and the popularity of the boutique meant they soon outgrew the shared space. In 2001 Kelly moved Sprouts into a larger space on the corner of Central Ave, before settling into her current space of the past 17 years-- right next to her friends at Sage & Cedar. Kelly curates Sprouts with baby and kids clothes ranging in size from newborn to 12 years. She incorporates small local brands as well as new ones she discovers at Clothing Markets in Seattle, LA, and Portland. Originally from Oregon, Kelly graduated from the


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University of Montana with a degree in Communications and Fashion Merchandising and Textiles. During her summer after freshman year at U of M she lived in Whitefish with her college friend Kari’s family. At the time Kari’s mom Nancy Svennungsen owned the Village Shop. Kelly started working at the Village Shop where she gained expertise in retail and business management with Nancy’s mentorship which eventually led to her managing the upstairs section of the Village Shop, Indigo Creek in 1991. Kelly had always dreamed of opening her own boutique and it would not have been possible without the support and guidance of Nancy and the Whitefish community.

Sprouts weaves sustainability and craftsmanship into its ethos when deciding what brands to carry. Kelly chooses brands that last. That may sound silly for children who outgrow

things so quickly but Kelly knows that if you buy quality pieces instead of “fast fashion” you can hand them down to younger siblings and friends and family for generations. She often hears stories from longtime customers about items they bought years ago that were handed down 3 or 4 times and still looked brand new! Having now been in the business for several years, Kelly has seen quite a few changes. In the early days it was really difficult to source items with the look she was going for. There just weren't a lot of options but now there are so many options she has to be careful not to over buy for her small space. Her customers have also changed. Babies and little ones who came in with their moms, are now shopping for their own little ones. Kelly says it is really beautiful and satisfying to see it come full circle.

Sprouts weaves sustainability and craftsmanship into its ethos when deciding what brands to carry. Kelly chooses brands that last.

From L-R Emma, Sophie, Rob, and Kelly

Kelly’s latest projects at Sprouts include designing and sewing her own line of hats called Violet & Vern, named after her grandparents. She also recently started screen printing her own Whitefish and Montana themed onesies and t-shirts which have proven to be a hit for visitors. The pandemic caused her to get creative and her husband Rob helped her create a successful online presence. The brick-and-mortar store and website are now fully integrated making shopping at Sprouts easier than ever before.

When she’s not working Kelly loves cycling and hiking with friends and her husband and daughters Emma and Sophie now 26 and 21. Endlessly creative, she also loves photography and making jewelry. Sprouts is celebrating their 25th anniversary this year.

Sprouts Children's Boutique 216 Central Ave. Whitefish, MT 59937 (406) 862-7821 www.sproutswhitefish.com



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Seasoned Butcher Opens a New Shop in Whitefish

The Chöpp Shöppe By Rachael Seymour Photo by ACE Photography & Design

The new Chöpp Shöppe at Alpine Village, where the laundromat formerly sat, is in disarray. New refrigerators sit open and unused, freezer display cases pushed into corners. Wires hang down from the ceiling, sounds of construction can be heard around the back. Large posters depicting chalk drawings of cured ham and sausage cover the front doors and windows with a handwritten sign saying “Alpine Chopp Shoppe, Coming Soon!” But to Collin “Sonny” Johnson, the head butcher, owner and manager, there’s still plenty of work to do before the long-awaited opening.

“We’re in the final stages right now,” Johnson says about the last-minute renovations. “Getting the refrigeration on the roof to get the fridge/freezer combination, then we can bring the rest of the equipment up from storage, my crew, then we can start building product. Maybe do 8-10 days of product building, hot dogs, and salamis that need to cook.”

bury the gut pile, and I did. He came over laughing about three hours later, and he said ‘you actually buried that? If you have that much gumption, I think I can find some work for you here.’”

Later, when Johnson was 14, Duane Reisch offered him a job at the Safeway meat shop to clean up after school five nights a week and wrap meat on the weekend.

The new butcher shop, located on 721 Wisconsin Avenue along with Alpine Village Market and next to the Montana Tap House, will be a nice addition to Whitefish’s expanding array of establishments. Johnson, who used to be a part of Columbia Falls’ Perfect Cuts, will be the store’s main draw for business.

Since then, he has worked everywhere in the valley ranging from deli worker to retailer at the front of the shop. Now with 40 years of experience as a butcher and nearly 50 years working in the meat industry, he’s built a name for himself in the valley. Since then, he has also worked for Duane Reisch’s son Dale Reisch, and is currently working with grandson and Alpine Market owner, Alan Reisch.

Growing up in Montana, the first time Johnson ever worked with meat was when he was five. “My uncle had a small place across from the Duff Armory where he would take all his beef up to be processed, grind it and put it in packages. He brought me along on a kill for a beef and told me to

“I always knew Whitefish was going to eventually blow up, so we (Alan Reisch) made the decision a few years ago to come over.” Johnson says with a laugh. “We were just off by a few years.”


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It was only in the past few years Johnson noticed the shift in population in the Flathead.

Johnson stressed his gratitude towards Alan and Michelle Reisch whom he says the new shop would not be possible without their guidance, enthusiasm, and forward-thinking vision. “They work side by side with all the alpine staff…everything from emptying garbage, throwing freight, fixing drains, and ringing in customers as well as their owner/manager duties,” Johnson said. “The Reisch’s are great people and there is a great crew at the alpine complex and they have welcomed me warmly and have been so positive. I just want to say thank you to them all.” The transition from Perfect Cuts to the Chöpp Shöppe has been five years in the making, with certain elements still needing to settle after months of setbacks.

“Since February it's been kind of frustrating with COVID. A lot of things weren’t produced, pieces and parts, a lot of automated stuff you can’t find around here, but it is the way it is. We were originally going to open the first of July, but things kept getting pushed back by the availability of everything. It sort of stymied us.”

However, it seems Whitefish is quickly becoming the hub that Johnson predicted years ago. With

The nice thing about being a personal butcher shop is that folks can come in and see me take the meat right out of the cooler. If you want a five-inch t-bone or steak, it’ll cut it right there in front of you. tourism rates skyrocketing for Montana, new people are looking for new places to live. According to Montana Free Press, the average sale price of houses in Flathead County has increased from $447,387 to $638,992.

As numbers of permanent residents begin to increase, Johnson is working hard to consider the demands he will face with his new shop, and thinks about how excited he is to be moving back into the same area that he grew up in.

“The last time I remember there being a butcher shop here in Whitefish, it was right next to the Great Northern Bar,” he said, remembering his pitch to Reisch about the shop. “If you can bring this side of the viaduct everything you’re providing them plus a great butcher shop, it’s unbeatable. No one here will have to go into town for things like groceries or gas. You won’t have to go to Costco to get a steak.”

Along with the new people coming in, more will be searching for a clean, more personal way of getting their cured hams and chicken. As one of the few butchers in the Flathead, Johnson is more than happy to take part in providing this service.

“You can go to Kmart and buy something in a plastic wrap and just peel the plastic right off the top and who knows where it was cut or who handled it. The nice thing about being a personal butcher shop is that folks can come in and see me take the meat right out of the cooler. If you want a five-inch t-bone or steak, it’ll cut it right there in front of you. A lot of people are fascinated by that.” With plenty of old customers following him from Perfect Cuts to new ones already lining up at his door, Johnson has his work cut out for him. But according to him, he couldn’t be more ready for the future.

“I am overly excited about being able to serve my hometown again. Whether I have known you for 40 years or 40 minutes, I’m here to feed The Fish. I’m proud to call Whitefish my home.” The Chöpp Shöppe plans to open in September of 2021.


Rachael Seymour is a Whitefish native and graduate of University of Montana. She enjoys walks in the woods with her dogs, fishing with friends, and reading on her front porch with a cup of strong coffee.


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A Probate Toolkit

By Kelly R. O’Brien, Attorney/Partner, Measure Law

The word “probate” has entered your life. Someone you love or who has trusted you as a steward of their estate has died, and it is now time to settle what remains. At a time when you may just want to curl up and grieve, going through legal paperwork is not the highest priority. I’ve prepared this toolkit as a starting point to help work through the process. If at any time you feel overwhelmed and need more help, reach out to a legal professional to guide you. Probate Defined

Probate is simply the legal process of transferring property after an owner's death, acting out the wishes in a will, and if there isn’t a will in place, according to state law.

Is probate required?

Whether or not probate is required depends on one thing, the title of assets, namely property and bank accounts. This is anything owned by someone individually, without a beneficiary.

While it’s not always obvious if an estate will require probate, here are a few examples: Not Required

The deceased’s home, which has a title in both spouse’s names and with rights of survivorship, is not subject to probate. The survivor simply takes on the title of the property after recording it in the county property records.

A bank account where an individual named specific beneficiaries upon their death does not require probate.



A residential property owned by a single individual is subject to a probate proceeding.

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Any account that is not either jointly held or set up with designated beneficiaries is subject to probate. An exception to this rule applies for estates less than $50,000.00 in total assets value. If you don’t have clarity on whether or not probate will be required, don’t worry. It’s a probate attorney’s job to be the expert, not yours. But having a basic understanding of the process will definitely help.

Probate Definitions

Entering probate, like most new things, has a whole new vocabulary. Here’s some legal terms, along with a definition you don’t need a law degree for: Heir

Children, spouses, legal partners, etc. who are named to inherit property (or not) in a will or trust.


All individuals and organizations named in a will to receive a distribution from the estate.


An individual named to receive a certain asset upon death.

Transfer on Death Beneficiary ownership

of the asset transfers to the beneficiary upon death without the need for probate, typically used for a retirement or investment account.

Payable on Death Beneficiary funds held in the account are paid upon death to the beneficiary, typically used for a bank account. Executor or Personal Representative

The person named to take care of all of this most likely you, if you’re reading this. If there is no will, this will be determined by closest living relatives.


A court-appointed executor, if someone dies without leaving a will.


A case where someone dies without a will. This can be very simple or very messy. If you own anything at all, make everyone’s life easier and draft a simple will.




State laws that determine how to distribute the estate of someone without a will and vary from state to state.

Letters of Administration

A document from a probate court authorizing the executor (defined above) to act on behalf of the estate.

Notice of Probate / Notice to Creditors

Notices the executor has to submit, in writing, to the heirs (“interested parties”) and creditors. These also must be published in a local newspaper. The notice starts the 4-month creditor claim period.

Small Estate Affidavit / Summary Probate / Summary Administration

Documents or processes that can allow you to collect personal property or accounts small in value without a full probate proceeding. In Montana, estates with an overall value of $50,000.00 or less are eligible as a small estate.

The only information necessary to file documents with the court to begin the probate process are the death certificate, original will, and names and addresses of those named in the will.

Ready to Begin Checklist

I recommend clients start working through the probate process anywhere from 2-8 weeks after the death. Once you are ready to begin the probate process, here is a checklist of items you will need to bring to your attorney if you are the personal representative or assisting the personal representative.

• A copy of the death certificate, usually obtained by the funeral home. • The original will, if there is one. • Contact information for all of the people, businesses and/or organizations named in the will • Copies of deeds for real estate • Copies of the most current bank statements, investment accounts, etc. • Vehicle titles • A personal property list, if the decedent left one • Information regarding any out of state assets • Information on known debts or claims against the deceased

TIP: The only information necessary to file documents with the court to begin the probate process are the death certificate, original will, and names and addresses of those named in the will. If after reading all of this you’re feeling even more overwhelmed, don’t panic. That is completely normal. Probate is a process, and the first step is to simply start. If you’re not sure what the next right step is, contact a legal professional who specializes in probate law. You will be able to navigate the process together. Kelly O’Brien is a Montana probate expert at Measure Law with more than 20 years of experience in estate, business, and real estate law. You can reach her at 406.752.6373 or visit www.measurelaw.com.


This article is intended for educational and information purposes only, it is not intended to act as legal advice.


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Supporting Our Youth 2) */$&,(5 &28175< Photos provided by Boys & Girls Club

There is a small white chapel sitting on the corner of 4th Avenue and 6th Street, in Columbia Falls. It sits, rather unassuming and non-descript apart from its’ royal blue front doors. The color of these doors wasn’t simply an aesthetic choice. The blue doors of this tiny chapel are symbolic of a movement, an idea and a community that has been alive for more than 160 years, Boys & Girls Clubs of America. When you enter through those royal blue doors, you see that this building is, quite literally, bursting at the seams. Not only because of the tightly packed use of the limited space within its’ walls, or the large number of children present, but more so because this building is full of infinite potential that grows each day. Many people are familiar with Boys & Girls Clubs of America. The symbols of joined hands, the blue door, Denzel Washington’s story of coming up as a ‘club kid’ and the motto ‘Great Futures Start Here’ are known to the masses. The number of people who truly understand what Boys & Girls Clubs provide for our youth and families is far less. Boys & Girls Clubs of America started with a response to a need. In 1860 three women decided to organize a club that provided an alternative for the young boys who roamed the streets, unsupervised and with no direction. These women saw the need to provide not only a safe environment for these boys but also education, mentorship, and overall investment in their lives. That one club and the ideas it was built upon led to the establishment of a national organization which now serves over 4 million youth annually across the nation through community clubhouses.


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Moving forward to today, the mission of Boys & Girls Clubs is, to enable all young people, especially those who need us the most, to reach their full potential as productive, responsible, caring citizens. A mission statement is a beautiful thing, words crafted concisely to create an understanding of the intangible. We cannot touch a student’s full potential; or hold the qualities that make a productive

and caring citizen. In effort to complete this grand mission that’s been set out before them, what do The Boys & Girls Clubs of America actually do? How do they seek to bridge the gap between the needs of our community youth and the mission they have set out to undertake?

Research has shown that during the hours after school youth are likely to participate in high-risk behaviors such as early sexual activity and alcohol or drug abuse. Boys & Girls Clubs aim to fill the void of after-school care by giving youth a safe place to have access to homework help, mentorship, engaging enrichment activities and needed nutrition. Providing these services for our youth allows parents and guardians the freedom to finish their workday and to work during school holidays with peace of mind surrounding their children’s well-being. All families, regardless of their income bracket, have access to reliable after school programming for their children. Every child and family is welcome. Through the Boys and Girls Clubs, children are cared for by a community of invested individuals that believe in their potential and understand their needs.


Boys & Girls Clubs

The mission of Boys & Girls Clubs is, to enable all young people, especially those who need us the most, to reach their full potential as productive, responsible, caring citizens. In addition to traditional after-school care, through mindful programming, Boys & Girls Clubs ensure its’ members are exposed to the arts, natural sciences and technology and frequently take educational and recreational field trips. This year in Columbia Falls, members have had opportunities to ski, hike, and swim. They have learned about baking, sewing and ornithology. They became junior park rangers, grew plants from seed to harvest and made their own candles. They watched duck eggs incubate, hatch and the ducklings grow and countless other experiences while being cared for and guided each day. By also partnering with other local organizations, the services and opportunities granted for club members and their families is immeasurable. Since the Flathead Valley charter, Boys & Girls Clubs of Glacier Country was founded in 1997, it has served its families from within the walls of the tiny white chapel with the royal blue doors. Currently the clubhouse welcomes around 50 students a day and has over 100 members enrolled in Columbia Falls. Harkening back to the

mission in which it was founded, the club strives to meet the various needs of the community youth. Just as our community is ever changing and expanding, likewise are those needs.

Because Boys & Girls Clubs of Glacier Country is a charter, it lends itself to growth to additional clubhouse locations. The vision is that every community and every family within the Flathead Valley will have access to a Boys and Girls Club regardless of income, status, or situation. As the first step towards fulfilling this vision, beginning with this school year, Evergreen will be home to the second clubhouse of the charter. The students and families of the Evergreen school district will now have access to after-school programming and a community of unlimited resources.

When we think again of the blue doors and what they symbolize within the movement of the Boys & Girls Clubs of America, we think of the possibilities of what may lie behind those doors. A clubhouse full of young people, supported, encouraged, and inspired. A young girl finding her voice and the confidence she needs to become a strong young woman. A boy, once timid of his talents now, freely expressing his gifts to his clubmates. Students coming together to do good and to grow. Boys & Girls Clubs of Glacier

Country exists for these possibilities. One can only gather that the tiny white chapel, having served countless youth and having been home to the mission of the club for so many years, can no longer contain the growing potential. The club is in the early stages of planning construction for a new clubhouse and community center for Columbia Falls, to maximize not only the potential of Boys & Girls Clubs but our greater community. They invite anyone and everyone who resonates with the mission that began so many years ago, to join the movement and to join hands. Help fulfill the mission to enable all young people, especially those who need us the most, to become responsible, productive, caring citizens. Join Boys & Girls Clubs of Glacier Country, through volunteer service, sharing the vision and through much needed financial commitment. Join them in their first year participating in The Whitefish Community Foundation Great Fish Community Challenge. For more information visit www.bgcglacier.org or call the tiny white chapel with the royal blue doors at 406-892-2697.


Melissa Dunning, Director of Development: mdunning@bgcglacier.org or (407)754-6223 Mandy Anderson, CEO: manderson@bgcglacier.org


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On Being Mom and Baby Friendly Written by Christina “Riley” Polumbus Photos Courtesy of North Valley Hospital

Women receive an abundance of advice and attention as they journey through the nine months of pregnancy. Once the baby arrives, new families need continued support and instruction as they open the new chapter of their lives with their child.

The Birth Center at Logan Health—Whitefish, formerly North Valley Hospital, provides a family-friendly environment for bonding with their newborn in its first days. Beautiful and wellappointed labor and delivery rooms create a home-like environment and lower the stress on the family. After the birth, families move into warm and inviting postpartum rooms, complete with queen-sized beds, private bathrooms and a nurturing team of nurses at the call. From the first moments after birth, nurses assist with facilitating the bond between mother and child through skin-to-skin contact. During this very special time, called “The Golden


Hour” nurses will perform their initial newborn assessment on the mother’s chest.

OB nurses also assist mothers with breastfeeding their baby. Logan Health—Whitefish is a Baby-Friendly Hospital, a designation that involves a hospital-wide focus on keeping babies and families together and reducing stress during the birth experience. The Birth Center educates patients about the benefits of breastfeeding and family togetherness during the prenatal and postnatal periods. Partners, family members and friends are also part of the process as they can help, give encouragement and support the mother.

Logan Health—Whitefish is one of 10 hospitals in Montana and more than 500 hospitals nationwide with the Baby-Friendly designation. The designation aligns perfectly with the hospital’s Planetree philosophy to create an atmosphere of relaxation and comfort for a more healing environment. By offering education during the family’s hospital stay, and afterward through the Mom/Baby Support Group

Top: A labor & delivery room easily converts into a postpartum room with a queen-sized Murphy bed. Below: Birth Center nurses smile behind their masks.

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Logan Health - Whitefish

Photo by Vicky Kasala


Beautiful and well-appointed labor and delivery rooms create a home-like environment and lower the stress on the family. and partnership with the Flathead Valley Breastfeeding Coalition (FVBC).

Leading health organizations say that babies should be fed only breastmilk for the first six months of life and should be breastfed for at least 12 months. However, over 60% of women stop breastfeeding earlier than expected.

Sandy Beale, a 10-year labor and delivery and postpartum nurse at Logan Health— Whitefish, is also a lactation consultant and support group facilitator. Additionally she serves as Board President of FVBC. Their mission, “to protect, promote, and support breastfeeding in the Flathead Community,” emerged from the experience the coalition’s members had with their own breastfeeding experience. If you have seen life-sized posters around the valley of a woman breastfeeding, it is part of FVBC’s campaign to normalize breastfeeding.

“The biggest challenge for women is being able to continue breastfeeding once they return to work,” explains Beale. “We want to assist women overcome the challenges by helping the community in making work places mom-friendly or babyfriendly.” Beale points out that in Montana women are protected by law for breastfeeding in public, and that employers are required to provide daily-unpaid break time for a mother to express her milk and to make

a reasonable effort to provide a private location (other than a bathroom) for this activity.

Businesses can help support their workers and become “mommy-friendly” in a number of ways. Begin by developing a written policy that states the company’s support of a woman’s choice to breastfeed and describes the workplace accommodations for employees. Allowing new mothers to work remotely, or supporting working flexible hours to provide an opportunity to breastfeed during the day. In addition to furnishing a private room or area for pumping, provide a place for storing breast milk. Some employers go as far as making their workplaces baby-friendly, allowing mothers an opportunity to bring their babies to work, and providing a private place for nursing. Making breastfeeding successful begins on day one. The Birth Center Logan Health—Whitefish offers families a welcoming and supportive environment where the entire family can witness mom feeding her newborn. It is there the mother’s primary support network—her family and friends—share in the baby’s and the mother’s health.

10 Steps to Successful Breastfeeding Logan Health—Whitefish offers assistance and support for breastfeeding mothers by: 1. Having a written breastfeeding policy that is routinely communicated to all health care staff. 2. Training all health care staff in skills necessary to implement this policy. 3. Informing all pregnant women about the benefits and management of breastfeeding. 4. Helping mothers initiate breastfeeding within one hour of birth. 5. Showing mothers how to breastfeed and how to maintain lactation, even if they are separated from their infants. 6. Giving infants no food or drink other than breast milk, unless medically indicated. 7. Practice rooming in - allowing mothers and infants to remain together 24 hours a day. 8. Encouraging breastfeeding on demand. 9. Giving no pacifiers or artificial nipples to breastfeeding infants. 10. Fostering the establishment of breastfeeding support groups and refer mothers to them on discharge from the hospital or birth center.

The Birth Center Renovation

North Valley Hospital Foundation is currently raising funds to renovate the four original labor and delivery rooms to give them the same enhancements as the three rooms added during the 2015 expansion to The Birth Center. To learn how to support the project, contact the Foundation at 406-863-3630.



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The Right Resources

to Keep Students Safe Written by Logan Health Foundation & Marketing

It was an eerily quiet Sunday morning at the soccer fields in Kalispell. Several games were simultaneously at play for one of the largest regional soccer tournaments in the area. Within seconds, the movement and excitement came to a crashing halt as 14-year-old Tucker Paul collapsed on the field. He had suffered a sudden cardiac event. Tucker laid motionless on the grass without a heartbeat or respirations. Two nurses on scene immediately started cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and a parent ran to find one of Logan Health’s certified athletic trainers. All games stopped, as families and teammates joined hands in prayer circles as only the sound of ambulance sirens could be heard in the distance. Amy Thoreson and Tracy Houser, both certified athletic trainers from Logan Health’s Youth Development program, know the importance of always having an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) with them in case of a potential life-ending cardiac event. That morning, before heading to the tournaments, Amy stopped at Logan Health Medical Fitness Center and picked up an AED—unaware she’d have to use it only a few moments later.


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When Amy was alerted to the emergency on the field, she immediately ran to the scene and hooked up the AED to Tucker‘s chest, providing two shocks and restarting the young man’s heart. The ambulance arrived and transported Tucker to Logan Health Medical Center in Kalispell.

“When I went home that evening, I just looked at my two children and I held them close and I cried,” Amy recalled. “I’m sure every parent went home that night and did the same.” Quick actions, skilled people, and the vital AED saved a young life in a situation which could have so quickly ended in tragedy. As part of our commitment to the region’s families and children, Logan Health’s Youth Development program provides certified athletic trainers at every community sporting event as well as within most public schools. With recent additions to Bigfork and Stillwater high schools, there are currently five high schools within the Flathead


Logan Health

That morning, before heading to the tournaments, Amy stopped at Logan Health Medical Fitness Center and picked up an AED— unaware she’d have to use it only a few moments later. Valley that now have full-time athletic trainers on campus — and positions are continuing to be filled.

By supporting Logan Health’s Youth Development program, you’re supporting the wellbeing and livelihood of our region’s children. Our mission is to provide a multi-disciplinary, highlytrained staff to enable all youth to have an active and healthy lifestyle and foster lifelong success through individualized plans that include knowledge of the body, performance training, injury prevention, safety screenings for concussions, recovery to play protocol and nutrition. The program will also provide social workers and counselors in the schools and as a resource to communicate to students about bullying, emotional self-awareness, body image dysmorphic orders, and eating disorders.

Tucker Paul after receiving his automatic defibrillator implant at Logan Health Medical Center. This past year, the Youth Development program screened over 1,100 student athletes for baseline concussion testing — a process which will occur again this August. And, with Tucker’s story as a fresh reminder of what can occur on the field, the Youth Development program recently purchased 20 medical grade AEDs to be provided to local schools and used by our athletic trainers — an encouraging start made possible by a passionate donor, who generously gave a $2 million gift to the program.



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Q:Is Pilates

good for ski conditioning? By Gabrielle Cahoon Photos by Amanda Wilson Photography

A: 100% Yes! Joseph Pilates called his innovative and integrative method of mind/body/spirit work “controlology” that incorporated six original principles: centering, concentration, control, precision, flow, and breathing. These principles are present in winter sports activities like skiing and snowboarding to create balance throughout the body and decrease the likelihood of injury. An initial Pilates session educates the student on breathing and how to engage their core musculature before they get to the Pilates apparatus like the Reformer. Using spring loaded resistance on the Reformer, you can perform a multitude of exercises supine, prone, and standing to create a total body workout to get you ready for your best ski season yet.

Concentration – when you focus on each part of an exercise you become aware of how your body responds to movement. Joseph Pilates’ created an entire exercise program with the intent of performing 5-10 repetitions with perfect practice to create fatigue. In Pilates, there are not sets of exercises, just one set of 5-10 repetitions before moving on to the next exercise. By concentrating on each exercise, you are not only training your muscles on how to respond, but also your mind to focus on the task. The jumpboard attachment takes gravity out of the equation and turns the reformer into a low impact, horizontal jumping machine. Lying down and jumping increases your aerobic capacity, muscular strength and endurance, body awareness in a neutral alignment, and is great for any level of fitness. Centering – by bringing awareness to your core

musculature, a well-trained Pilates instructor will educate you on how to engage your core before you begin any exercise. According to Foundation Training’s creator Dr. Eric Goodman, any muscle that has a direct attachment to the pelvis is a core muscle. By balancing tension between all the muscles attaching to the pelvis, your pelvis now acts as a stable platform for your torso to live (not rest) on top. When thinking of the pelvis as the true center of your body and equally strengthening the musculature above and below it, you are less likely to have compression injuries in vulnerable regions of the body like the cervical and lumbar spine. Standing exercises on the reformer incorporated with Foundation Training’s decompression breathing help to create a pully system of the body from the pelvis.


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Control - In all forms of fitness, especially

Pilates, each exercise gains maximum value when done with complete muscular control. Before the start of each exercise, awareness is brought to the alignment of your body along with how the breath comes into play. This helps to achieve safe and effective movement patterns that over time, your body will remember to create better biomechanics and decrease the likelihood of injury. In exercises like “Backhand” for rotator cuff muscles, make sure to expand the axial skeleton (the ribs and spine) first by taking a deep inhalation into the back and sides of the ribs. This will help place the scapulae (shoulder blade) on the ribcage in a neutral alignment before you move.



Precision – Quality over quantity.

Anyone can work out, but it’s how you work out that makes the difference. Start from the ground up and go from there. When performing exercises standing, like side splits to strengthen the abductors and adductors of the hips, begin by standing with the outside edges of your feet parallel from the ball of your pinky toe to your heel. This aligns the lower limbs into a neutral alignment and creates balanced tension. Make sure you are unlocked throughout your joints, especially your knees. Injuries are less likely to occur when the joint knows how to absorb shock and has balanced tension of the muscles that support it.

Flow – Flow is the sense of being in “the zone,” that feeling where you are fully immersed and focused on the activity involved. Flow is the complete absorption in what you are doing. A Pilates workout connects the body and mind to flow together in an even way to get you in the zone. When you control each aspect of the movement, whether it is the concentric phase (shortening) of the muscle, or the eccentric phase (lengthening of the muscle), the Pilates apparatus gives you feedback to keep you in control and in the flow. In exercises like “arms pulling straps” on the reformer to strengthen the posterior chain (back of the body), focus on creating equal tension on each phase of the exercise. Breathing – ‘Breathing is the first act of life and the last. Our very life depends on it. Above all learn how to breathe correctly’- Joseph Pilates. Each Pilates session starts by bringing awareness to the breath. While you are reading this article, let’s practice how to breathe correctly. Sit on the edge of your chair with your weight on top of your sit bones. Place your thumbs at the back of the ribcage and wrap your hands around the sides with your fingers in front. Take a deep breath in through your nose and notice what happens to your ribs as you inhale and exhale. Now, direct your breath into the sides of your hands and into the back at your thumbs to create an outward and backward expansion of the ribcage when you inhale. When you exhale draw the abdominals in and up away from your pant line as if you are engaging your abdominals to fit into a pair of pants that is one size too small. Notice how the ribcage begins to expand outward and up when you breathe in and downward and in when you breathe out. Now try keeping the ribs expanded when you inhale and exhale to incorporate Foundation Training’s Decompression Breathing into your practice. Maintaining the ribcage towards expansion creates proper form for exercises like “Hug the Moon” on the reformer for spinal and shoulder strength.



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Dealing with Loss

The facts about miscarriages & support resources Written by Dr. Erin Lauer

Early pregnancy loss is a part of pregnancy and obstetrics that does not get talked about in the mainstream nearly as often as it is actually happening. Early pregnancy loss is another term for miscarriage in the first trimester before 14 weeks, which can also be called spontaneous abortion (SAB) or missed abortion (MAB) in medical terminology. (Of note - in medical terminology and in medical documentation, the term “abortion” just means miscarriage, and does not mean pregnancy termination.) Approximately 10% of all pregnancies result in a loss, though this number has been estimated to be as high as 30% of pregnancies when we include those people who start having bleeding and have a miscarriage before they are even aware they are pregnant. It is also estimated that about one third of women will experience miscarriage at some point in their lives. The majority of miscarriages occur because of a genetic chromosomal abnormality. This means that there was either too much or too little genetic material for the sperm and the egg to produce a live embryo and continue growing. Things that do not cause miscarriages: being stressed, heavy lifting, birth control pills or other hormones (these are like the hormones your body makes when your pregnancy is starting and will not harm your pregnancy). There are overall very few activities that could cause a miscarriage outside of drug use, like cocaine. That leads me to one of the most important things I tell women and their families who are experiencing miscarriage: there is nothing that you did to cause this. This is not your fault.


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The other side of that coin is that there is nothing we can do to prevent it, either, if miscarriage is happening. Medicine has not advanced that far; unfortunately, the treatments that have been studied so far, like progesterone supplementation, have not been shown to stop or prevent miscarriage. There is no recommended or effective treatment that can prevent miscarriage. But that does not mean you are on your own — your OBGYN, women’s health Nurse Practitioner (NP), or midwife (and potentially even your family doctor) is here for you. Even your emergency department provider can help in some circumstances. If a miscarriage is passing on its own, and you are having too much pain or bleeding (usually defined as soaking through multiple pads per hour for multiple hours in a row, or becoming lightheaded or dizzy), emergency department physicians are trained to care for women in this situation. If a miscarriage does not pass on its own, there are usually three possible approaches a woman can choose to take. Most of the time, it is up to

a woman’s preference which she chooses, though your medical provider may recommend one over the others due to your personal medical history and circumstances.

1. Expectant: the “watch and wait”

method. This is for women who prefer not to do any medical intervention and let the body pass pregnancy tissue whenever it happens naturally. This method works for many women, but can take many weeks, and some women may not pass the tissue even after more than a month.

2. Medication: we prescribe a medica-

tion (typically misoprostol/Cytotec) in a one-time dose, and this medication causes the uterus to begin cramping. The uterus passes the miscarriage tissue, similar to the way the body would pass the tissue without any treatment, but the woman is able to start this process instead of waiting.


There is no recommended or effective treatment that can prevent miscarriage. 3. Procedure: we do a procedure using a sterile straw called

a suction curette and insert this into the uterus. When suction is applied to the other end of this straw, the pregnancy tissue can be swiftly and effectively removed from the uterus. This can be done in some offices (called an MVA or manual vacuum aspiration) but is frequently done in the operating room, under sedation, in a procedure called a D&C or dilation and curettage. This can usually be scheduled within a few days or a week after discovery of the miscarriage.

Many women and their families also need time to grieve after a miscarriage, and that is both normal and common. Pregnancy loss can affect women and families in different ways. If you or someone you know needs support, there are local and national support groups waiting with open arms. Here at Kalispell OB/GYN we have one of, if not the only, Certified Perinatal Mood Specialist in the state of Montana, Kasey Patton, WHNP, PMH-C. Our providers are able and willing to meet with you and talk about the difficulties and feelings of grief, sadness and/or depression you may be experiencing. Another local support group is the Postpartum Resource Group here in the Flathead Valley: https://www.postpartumresourcegroup.org/ If pregnancy loss is something that you are going through, be kind to yourself and give yourself whatever time you need to recover physically and emotionally before thinking about another pregnancy, if you are hoping to become pregnant again. Many women who have a miscarriage go on to have successful pregnancies with healthy babies.


National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month occurs every October. During the entire month, we take time to honor and remember those who have lost a child during pregnancy or lost a child in infancy. Resources Postpartum Resource Group: www.postpartumresourcegroup.org/ Postpartum Support International: 800-944-4PPD (4773) Local Crisis Line: 406-752-6262 Suicide Prevention Line: Call: 800-273-TALK (8255) or Text: MT or START to 741741 Dr. Erin Lauer grew up in Knoxville, Tennessee in the shadow of the Great Smoky Mountains, and headed north to earn a bachelor’s degree in history at Williams College in the Berkshire mountains of western Massachusetts. She attended medical school at the University of Rochester in snowy western New York state, and then headed back south to complete a residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology in Asheville, North Carolina, nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains. She, her fiancé, their dog and two cats are delighted to call the Flathead Valley and the northern Rocky Mountains home. They are thrilled to continue living and working in a close-knit community with mountains visible not far in the distance.



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Changed lives By Emily Christiansen Photos provided by Child Bridge

In the canyon of Hungry Horse, there resides a precious family whose views are walls of trees and the beautiful canopy that is the “Big Sky” signature of Montana. The wind gently whispered through their orchard trees while a sandy-haired boy and his dog ran easily through the grass. Young chickens clucked in the corner and rows of carrots were popping up in their garden. This is a home where growth is nurtured, love resides and where stability and consistency is sought and valued. Welcome to the home of Isaac and Jordan Rajkowski. The Rajkowski’s have welcomed 17 different children through foster care over the years and said yes to tending to broken hearts that came to them confused and struggling.

The stays of the children vary, but they all come to the Rajkowski’s in crisis. They have held newborns, walked with school aged kids, and encouraged adolescents. Some have stayed for a few weeks, a few years, and one has been permanently grafted into their family. Prior to meeting, both Jordan and Isaac felt compelled to pursue adoption. In time, they began to observe friends who were foster parents, and they began to pursue what this would look like for them. With the help and encouragement of Child Bridge, they sought their foster license and opened their home to children about one year after their marriage. One day they received a call for a four-year-old boy in need of care. Jordan drove to Kalispell and walked into the Flathead County Child and Family Services office. There she met an energetic, vibrant little boy. He was full of spunk and zeal for life and continues to be four years later. While reunification with birth family is always the goal, it isn’t always possible, so two years into his case, the plan moved to adoption. Aiden was welcomed into the courthouse amidst family and friends and after loving him for two years, Isaac and Jordan gave him the gift


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Child Bridge

“We are reminded often of God’s sovereignty,” Isaac shares. “He knows how long these kids will be with us, and it is our job to love them for however long we have them.” of forever. He walked up to the judge as a sixyear-old and was invited to hammer the gavel to make his adoption final. Fast forward 2 more years and today he is climbing in the apple trees. He romps with the family dog, and it quiets his heart to pick up the chickens. He delighted in showing off the first egg that was ever laid by their hens that very day.

Isaac and Jordan are a couple that have learned to take life in stride and celebrate the gift of today. “As believers, this feels like a way to be an extension of Jesus’ hands and feet,” Jordan shares. “It’s amazing to watch children overcome struggles or fears! Our kids have taught us so much,” Isaac adds. Despite the challenges of foster care, they believe firmly that with the greatest risks come the greatest rewards. The more they researched the need for foster parents, their eyes were opened and as Isaac shared “There was no way we could not do this now that we know what we know!”

Loving the children placed with them has expanded their own life skills. They have grown in compassion and have chosen to live selflessly for whatever is best for the children. “It has taught us to trust God even more as we have very little control over the cases,” Isaac recalls. Foster care has risks, but the Rajkowski’s walk into the unknown hand in hand, with eyes and ears open. For twenty-two months they took care of a little one, likely slotted for adoption. In the 11th hour there was a family member who had not been aware of the child’s need who quickly came forward. The Rajkowski’s were deeply grieved to say goodbye but can tell you in hindsight how beautiful it was that this child was placed with family. They celebrated, even through tears, that they were able to love this child for almost two years. As they navigate the transitions of children coming and going and dealing with challenging behaviors that are part of the territory, Child Bridge is there to journey with them. The day this child was transferred to a family member, also ended up being the day of Aiden’s adoption. Their highest day of joy was simultaneously a

day of sorrow. All the while, a team member from Child Bridge was there as a constant in a bittersweet timeline. There is a cost to saying yes to foster care, yet the Rajkowski’s have no regrets in saying yes to vulnerable children. “We are reminded often of God’s sovereignty,” Isaac shares. “He knows how long these kids will be with us, and it is our job to love them for however long we have them.”

So fast forward to today, and it’s back to a simple day in Montana. There is a happy boy, a fluffy dog, apple trees and chickens. There are stories of bear sightings, gardening and fishing. By saying yes to Child Bridge and Montana’s vulnerable children, they also said yes to love. Love is a gift to be given. It was given freely to the kids who came for short or long seasons. “We have no regrets and would do it all again!” Jordan says with a smile as big as the Montana sky.


If you’re considering foster care, or would like more information, contact Child Bridge at www.childbridgemontana.org


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Dental X-Rays Part 1


Since the last time I checked in with you all, my family and I rolled over our 10-year living in Montana mark. Are we locals yet? Probably not (with the exception of my two youngest children Maxwell and Lennon who were born here), but we’ve dug in our heels and we’re never leaving. This also means that I have been submitting my articles well past the deadline for 406 Woman magazine for approximately eight years. At six articles a year that totals almost 50 articles to this point. In other words, there isn’t a dental topic that I haven’t addressed in these pages. Some I have addressed more than once because they are obviously important and warrant repetition. My wife Juli and I are raising four children. The two girls Nayvee and Lennon are the book ends with the two boys Banks and Maxwell in the middle. While we all have our different personalities and interests, there is one activity that we all do and love. An activity that we all participate in almost every summer evening weather permitting, and that is the sport of Wakeboarding. I should specify that I am not referring to Wake Surfing which has recently exploded in popularity, but Wakeboarding. Juli and I both grew up participating in water sports and the sport of wakeboarding was invented in the mid-90’s and we both fell in love with it. In fact, the day before I proposed to my wife she landed her first invert, a backflip maneuver known as a Tantrum, in Blackies Bay on Echo Lake...the same bay that we ride on today with our children. The year was 2003 and it remains as the only invert I have witnessed (in person) performed by a female...although my daughter Nayvee is getting close.


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When we go out as a family to ride our goal is to progress as riders and we encourage our children to practice progressive maneuvers to increase their abilities and comfort level on the board. At times my intensity level gets elevated, and my wife has to remind me to “not take the fun out of it.” And while multiple knee injuries, operations, and age have toned down my riding significantly, my stoke levels for the sport are at an all-time high and I’m the ultimate wakeboarding hype-man. My kids are getting pretty good at riding, but about once or twice a week I tone down the wake, shorten the rope, and slow down the boat so they can work on the fundamentals of wakeboarding. Techniques such as their progressive cut towards the wake, the tension and position of their legs and bodies at the wake, their control while in the air, and everyone’s favorite... jumping from their toe-side. I won’t get into it, but you can identify a good rider by whether or not they jump from their toe-side...google it. As with wakeboarding, it’s important in all aspects of our lives to slow down every so often and remember the fundamentals. So, for the foreseeable future of my 406 Woman articles, I am going to dig deep into the fundamentals of dentistry and hopefully pull back the curtain on some practices and procedures that you might not understand or wonder why the heck we even do them.

So where do we start? Anytime a patient schedules an appointment at a new dental office one of the first questions they are asked is whether they have current radiographs at their former dental office. Radiograph is another way of saying X-Ray. Why do we (dental professionals) care so much about dental radiographs? I’m here to tell you.

Dental Fundamental #1: Radiographs HOW the heck is a radiograph produced anyway?

Without getting too technical a radiograph is produced when a sensitive plate (called a sensor is my world) is exposed to radiation. The radiation turns the plate black so if there is something dense and solid blocking the radiation it’s shadow will remain white. Dense objects such as bone, teeth, dental restorations, foreign objects, etc.

WHY the heck do we need dental radiographs any-

way? Great question. The majority of oral and dental pathologies progress very slowly and are painless most of the time. They are also not visible clinically during the early stages. Fortunately, these pathologies are easily identifiable on routine dental radiographs and intervention can be initiated before irreparable damage is done.

WHAT the heck are Dentists looking for when they evaluate a dental radiograph? The quick and clean answer to this question is the confirmation of health and the absence of anomalies and pathologies. To best describe these specific pathologies, I’ll introduce the reader to the 4 major types of dental radiographs and the specific pathologies that they highlight for the dentist.

The Bitewing Radiograph:

Bitewings are the most frequently captured dental radiograph and are recommended annually. They are

produced by having the patient bite down on a thin “wing” which positions the sensor on the inside of the patient's teeth. The resulting image shows the upper and lower molar and premolar teeth essentially biting together. Bitewing radiographs are an excellent diagnostic tool that gives the evaluating dentist a lot of information. As you can see from the example, bitewing radiographs when taken correctly, show the dentist the contact areas between the posterior teeth. This contact area, called the interproximal surface, is the most common area for cavities to form, especially in the non-geriatric population. A cavity is the loss of healthy tooth structure, which allows for more radiation to pass through, resulting in a darker “shadow” area in the interproximal surface. In the provided radiograph I can easily identify a compromised interproximal area between the two teeth on the top in the middle. For information’s sake this is between the upper left 2nd premolar and the upper left 1st molar. This might look minor to the reader, but a dental professional such as myself knows these are moderately sized cavities. What does this interproximal contact area look like in real life? Great Question! I have a photo: We refer to this view in dentistry as the Clinical view. Basically, what is visible to the naked eye. I imagine the reader at this point sees healthy tooth structure and I can’t disagree. I personally can recognize some very minor shading but realize that I evaluate teeth radiographically before I evaluate them clinically. In other words, I already know there is a good-sized cavity between these teeth. Let’s cut away the superficial healthy enamel to get a good look at this decay clinically: This photo teaches us a lot about the demineralization process of tooth structure. When enamel starts losing vital minerals it turns a chalky white color. When that lesion breaches the enamel-dentin boundary it turns the dentin a dark brown. At this point in the procedure the lesion has been located and now more precise excavation will take place until we are on solid/healthy tooth structure. This is demonstrated in the next photograph. This is a nicely prepared tooth ready for toothcolored composite resin restoration. I captured a final picture of the teeth after the completion of the filling, and at this patient’s regular cleaning appointment we captured an updated bitewing. Bitewing radiographs are also excellent diagnostic tools for evaluating gingival (gum) health. But gum tissue does not show up on radiographs, how can you tell if they are healthy? Because bone health equals gingival health. This is not to say that a patient can’t have inflamed gum tissue and healthy radiographic bone levels, but if the inflammation persists bone loss will occur transitioning into a condition called periodontitis. The example bitewing provided shows radiographically healthy bone levels. So, I hope that this series of images has impressed upon you the importance of regular radiographs. The above cavity left untreated would continue to grow and eventually reach the pulpal nerve tissue of the tooth resulting in a painful toothache requiring much more extensive treatment than was needed as a result of early detection by routine radiographs. That is enough dental talk for this article. Check back in with me in 2 months to continue our discussion of dental radiographs when I educate you on the Peri-Apical and Panoramic radiographs. Hopefully I didn’t take the fun out of something that wasn’t fun to begin with, and you all have a great end of summer and beginning of autumn. It’s the best time of year in MT.



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406 w o m a n

Food & Flavor 18. Eggs Benedict Casserole 24. In the Kitchen with Lane 30. The Notorious History of Rum 32. World Spice for the Win

Book Review

36. Who Built the Road Daddy?



16. Scandinavian Simplicity 42. 7 Ways to Make Your Home Cozier for Fall

Fashion 45. Village Shop


48. Emily’s Getting Married!

Love Story 50. Tyler & Jamie


58 406



View current and past issues of 406 Woman at

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Publisher's Note

A Season of Kindness As we wrap up our summer fun, we hope this issue finds you all ready and excited for a new season. Fall is here and with cooler temperatures, shorter days and hopefully a bit of slowing down it’s time to enjoy the reasons we love the valley. With school starting it’s time to enter into new routines and schedules. We hope this can be a season of kindness and compassion. The world could use a bit of softening and understanding right now. So, spread kindness, pay it forward, lend a helping hand when you can. You never know how much you can affect someone with a simple, small gesture of kindness. With gratitude, Cindy & Amanda


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406 w o m a n

Cover Girl

Kristina Angelo Kristina is a Co-owner of Sappari. As an Artist and lover of design Kristina's creativity can be seen as a curator of the Bohemian, Industrial and Vintage spirit of Sappari. Mixing styles is her favorite thing to do. She attended The Art Institutes for Commercial and Game Art and Kristina continues to paint and create to this day.

Business Girl

Marty Meyer

Marty didn’t always want to be a life coach – she had set her path to become a singer/actress. But as a famous performer named John once said, “Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans,” and she became a wife and mother instead. Read Marty’s amazing and inspiring story in our business feature this month.

Kristina Loves being a part of a community where art and creativity is celebrated and shared. Stay tuned for her Custom Art Snowboards and Gallery Art shows coming soon.

photos by

Amanda Wilson Photography www . amandawilsonphotos . com


Cindy Gerrity


Published by Skirts Publishing six times a year 704 C East 13th St. #138 Whitefish, MT 59937 info@406woman.com Copyright©2021 Skirts Publishing

business manager Daley McDaniel


managing editor

Kristen Hamilton

Want to know about great events, open houses, and more? Like us on Facebook at facebook.com/406 Woman 406 Woman is distributed in Bigfork, Columbia Falls, Kalispell, Missoula, Whitefish and every point in between. Check out www.406woman.com for our full distribution list. Have a great story idea or know someone that we should feature? Email us with your comments & suggestions. Interested in increasing your business and partnering with 406 Woman? Check out www.406woman.com.

View current and past issues of 406 Woman at

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creative & social media director Amanda Wilson



Sara Joy Pinnell



Daley McDaniel Photography Amanda Wilson Photography ACE Photography Jennifer Vernarsky Photography Stephanie Jean Hamilton Christina Ryan

Editor’s Letter Litter – Garbage – Trash - Rubbish I was walking about 50’ behind a 20 something year old guy the other day who seemed to be eating lunch out of a container. Once he finished, he simply threw the plastic container and plastic fork on the ground and continued walking. As I walked by, I picked up the container and fork and yelled out to the guy, “Hey, I think you dropped something.” He ignored me and continued to walk. I called out again, “Don’t worry, I’ll throw this away for you” then asked myself, when did it become ok to litter? I was taught early on that littering was wrong and through the years it has stuck with me. So much so that on my daily walks I attempt to pick up three pieces of litter each time. Sadly, finding three pieces of trash on the ground every time is easy. That wasn’t always the case. It seems that in recent years it has become ok to litter again … that makes me sad and MAD. What is happening? I attribute much of the problem to simple laziness.

• There isn’t a garbage can nearby • It’s only one piece of trash • The bin is overflowing already

I’m sure that 20 something year old guy could come up with countless excuses but the truth is littering has consequences and it’s worth reviewing a few…

• It’s illegal. The fine in Montana is up to $200. • The presence of litter can decrease the value of your property. • Litter on the ground degrades natural areas and kills plants and animals. • Cigarette butts make up over half of littered objects and take over 10 years to decompose. • Fast food packaging is the most littered item on the highway with aluminum cans as a close second. • It’s expensive. Every year millions of dollars are spent cleaning up litter.

It MUST stop to protect the state we love. You can make a difference. It only takes one person to start a movement. Lead by example:

• Pick up a piece of garbage. • Cover your truck bed when going to the dump. • Go out of your way to toss rubbish in the appropriate bin. • Recycle! • Educate children.

Get outside and enjoy the fall! Managing Editor

What did I learn in this issue?


That as many as 30% of pregnancies can end due to a miscarriage. Dr. Erin Lauer shares the facts about miscarriage and reminds you that you are not alone in her story in our Business & Health side on page 40. 62 406


Scandinavians have less in their homes because their homes were traditionally smaller, so this didn't allow for extravagant amounts of decorative items and accents. Unlike modern minimalism, which can feel cold, stark and edgy. There is still a cozy vibe to the space, but it refrains from clutter and busy patterns and the lines are simple and timeless. It is thought that excessive décor contributes to anxiety, blocks creativity and makes it difficult to relax. At its core, Scandinavian minimalism is about combining simplicity and comfort with practicality. It's about making your home beautiful, practical and where you feel calm and relaxed.

The signature element that defines Scandinavian design is minimalism. Creating a practical space that also happens to look good is key. Minimalism in the Nordic region comes from necessity. For years many of the locals had limited space to work with, this means every item in a home must serve a purpose, be well made and functional.

White walls are the hallmark of Scandinavian design as well as neutral colour palettes. Think of greys, light blue grey, light tans and muted shades are forever relevant and pair well with any décor. The use of colour in Scandinavian design tends to be monochromatic tones predominantly white, neutral and pastels. Neutrals like white, beige and grey can also make you feel calm. The fewer colours you combine and the simpler and more pared back a design is, the more calming the space will feel. A neutral colour palette allows for pieces to be seen and textures to be felt. When paint is harsh it tends to drown out the surroundings and paint becomes the star. Consider the opposite, neutral tones set the backdrop for a space that allows the architecture and furnishings to shine. A neutral is classic and Scandinavian design has been doing it for centuries.

Countries in northern Europe, such as Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Iceland are considered Scandinavian countries. They are known for their harsh, dark winters so the interiors tend be on the lighter side due to the lack of natural light.


Let’s identify, what exactly is Scandinavian Design, and how it can easily be incorporated into a space.

The essence of Scandinavian design has become a global phenomenon. The simplicity, functionality and connection to natural elements resonates with people, especially in this unprecedented time. We have all spent an unusual amount of time indoors this last year and have come to appreciate what a space is and how it adds to your mental well-being.

By Adene Lucus, owner of Freyia DEKOR Photography by Christina Ryan

Scandinavian Simplicity


Another term we use in design is harmony, does everything work well together, is the space harmonious, or is there an element lacking? Similarly, Lagom means everything in moderation. Lagom principles are about finding a harmonious existence, a balance between work and play, its about being fair and equal. When styling your home, balance your decor so that you arrive at a space that makes you feel at peace. Mix antiques with modern, bring nature in, use natural light and candlelight, add textures and muted tones to create that balance in your home. A home regardless of style, should reflect you, only better. It is not about making your home trendy, it’s about timeless design and living in space that you feel good in and that’s the Scandi way!

Lagom is a Swedish word, loosely translated means balance. Not too little and not too much. In North American design principles, balance is a key element for a space to work. Balance must be thought out in terms of visual weight. For example, you wouldn't put a black grand piano in the corner and have a white sofa on the other end of the room. The balance would be off in the space and your eye would register that.

Lagom- “Lah gom”

Another way to add texture is the use of sheepskins, which is standard in Sweden. They are cool in the summer warm, in the winter, anti-bacterial, hypo allergenic and of course add a beautiful texture with the curly hair of the hide. Sheepskins come in multiple colours of grey which works nicely with the Scandinavian palette. Sheepskins are a natural by-product of the sheep and can be used for decor, as decorative pillows, in baby cribs, strollers, car seats, or use as a small floor rug on cold floors. They add beautiful decorative texture draped over a chair or sofa for warmth and comfort. The possibilities are endless and the look is timeless.

Aside from a calming colour palate and a minimalist approach to furnishing a room, the next step in Scandi design is to incorporate texture. Typically, texture is predominantly found in wood in the design of the space through walls, wood slats, flooring and furniture. Light woods such as beach, ash and pine are typically used because of their abundance, but it also compliments the aesthetic of keeping things light and airy. Light wood trestle tables are on trend currently and as someone who has handpicked and imported centuries old Swedish décor, I find it interesting that this classic table is back in! It’s the original flat pack furniture since an authentic trestle table easily comes apart in 3 solid pieces for easy transport.


Minimalism is a way to simplify a complicated world and focus on the things that matter. To do so, storage is also key, to conceal necessary clutter and add functional pieces that are dual purpose rather than crowding a space with more, is the Scandi way. Now who has better storage solutions than IKEA? Which of course is Swedish!!

Freyia DEKOR - www.freyia.ca


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Travelling is one of my favourite things to do on my downtime, and it was during my visits to Sweden that I was intrigued by the simplicity and functionality of Swedish design and décor. Paired with my passion for items with artistic and historical meaning, the decision to embark on this new journey came naturally and without hesitation.”

“I always try to meet every design challenge with passion, creativity and a genuine devotion to exceeding expectations.

Adene Lucas has been the lead designer with Freyia DEKOR decorating firm since 2004. Her focus has always been creating living spaces that are as unique as the clients and the lives they lead.

In Norse mythology Freyja (/ˈfreɪə/; Old Norse for "[the] Lady”). She is famous for her fondness of love, fertility, beauty, and fine material possessions.



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Eggs Benedict Casserole Have you ever had the opportunity to eat Eggs Benedict? If you have tasted this delightful breakfast dish, it was probably in a fancy restaurant (or on a cruise). As you were savoring the unique flavor, did you wonder whose recipe it was originally? I did a little digging and here’s what I found… Back in 1894, Lemuel Benedict worked in New York as a Wall Street broker. After partying one night, he stumbled drunkenly into The Waldorf Hotel and asked for buttered toast, poached eggs, and bacon (topped with a hollandaise sauce). The maître d’hôtel of the Waldorf Oscar Tschirsky adapted the recipe and replaced the bacon with Canadian bacon and used English muffins instead of buttered toast. A cook after my own heart, don’t you love changing up recipes? Now that you have the answer to a trivia question… you can wow your family with this delightful casserole (that has the unique flavor of Eggs Benedict) and your newfound knowledge! You can even make this casserole the night before.

By Carole Morris


Eggs Benedict

(made in the oven) 7 toasted English muffins (cut into 1-inch cubes) 14 ounces Canadian bacon (cut into 1-inch pieces) 9 eggs

2½ cups whole milk 1½ teaspoons salt

2 teaspoons pepper

Hollandaise Sauce

2 packages of Hollandaise Mix (prepare according to package instructions) 2 tablespoon lemon juice 6 tablespoons cream cheese 3-quart baking dish (buttered)

Directions 1. Cut English muffins in

half and toast in toaster oven. Cool and cut into 1-inch cubes.

2. Cut Canadian bacon into 1-inch pieces. Place half of the Canadian bacon in a buttered 3-quart baking dish. Top with all the English muffin cubes, then layer the remaining Canadian bacon on top of English muffin cubes.

3. Whisk eggs, milk, salt, and pepper in a bowl. Pour the egg mixture over the top of English muffin cubes and Canadian bacon. Cover and refrigerate for 1 hour (minimum) or overnight.

4. Remove baking dish from refrigerator, place on counter.

5. Heat oven to 375°.

6. Bake 40 minutes. Casserole is cooked when toothpick inserted comes out clean (edges are brown). Hollandaise Sauce 1. Prepare hollandaise

according to package instructions (2 packages).

2. Stir in cream cheese and lemon. Cook hollandaise sauce until cream cheese is melted and sauce is smooth.

3. Divide hollandaise sauce in half and pour over cooked casserole. Serve the remaining half of sauce in a gravy boat for individuals to pour individually.



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Taste the World's Best Olive Oil & Houseinfused Huckleberry Balsamic Vinegar

Balsamic Roasted Carrots prep time: 5 min. cook time: 45 min - *preheat oven to 400

INGREDIENTS 1 1/2 carrots, or about 8 medium sized carrots 1/4 cup Genesis Kitchen Olive Oil 1/8 cup Genesis Kitchen Balsamic Vinegar salt + pepper parsley (optional) 1. Cut carrots in half both lengthwise and widthwise 2. Toss with olive oil in mixing bowl 3. Arrange in a single layer on a cast iron skillet or lined baking sheet, sprinkle with salt and pepper 4. Roast @ 400 for about 15 minutes then flip carrots over

5. When carrots are just fork-tender (about 30 min) remove from oven and drizzle with balsamic - then back in the oven. 6. Roast for about 15 more minutes avoid charring by leaving them in too long. Remove and garnish with chopped parsley.

This recipe is easy and versatile - you can use many combinations of oil and balsamic to suit your tastes. Here are some of our favorites: Garlic oil & Blackberry Ginger balsamic Tuscan Herb oil & Fig balsamic Blood Orange oil & Maple balsamic Lemon oil & Pomegranate balsamic Chipotle oil & Raspberry balsamic

And A Quarter. In the Kitchen with Lane By Lane Smith - Sponsored by

In loving memory of Kert, The Dodge Guy. The creator of “Presentation is Everything.” And a Quarter. The History of Smith Hunting Camp is so very rooted in this simple saying that I would be remiss if I didn’t start with it. In simple terms, life is like poker. You have to play the hand you are dealt. And, according to my father, if you are going to play the game, raise the stakes. Regardless of the cards he was dealt, he would “raise” and often win. It was a metaphor that didn’t make much sense to me as a naïve kid in the 80’s. It wasn’t until much later that I understood that life is like a blind draw. Life deals you cards, you can play, you can fold…. or you can raise. My father taught me to raise. But how does that apply to a cooking column? The simple answer is because of the aforementioned Kert. On a cold October night, he prepared am amazing Linguini and Clam Sauce. He served it with a towel over one arm and the finest convenience store bottle of Riesling in the other….30 miles from nowhere….my journey to being a better cook began…. with my Dad’s “And a quarter” mentality in full force. In the process I discovered the power of sharing a meal. Not just any meal. A meal that took practice, love and of course…. a nod to “Presentation is everything.” Thanks Kert.


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Photos by ACE Photography & Design

Smith Hunting Camp did not start as the cuisine tour de force it is now. Early camp food consisted of Dad’s chili, bread, bologna, Doritos…and coffee. Lots of grounds filled, blacktop worthy coffee. Dad started taking us to camp to “get time with his boys.” We were all growing up and going our own way. What Dad didn’t know at the time was that that time would evolve into a tradition that now, 37 years later, often draws 60-80 people from around the world (Yes. Really) annually for a week of laughter, family, and food. Oh, and hunting for some. What camp is now (and the food served during the week) is quite simply a product of evolution and necessity. As we started dragging our friends to camp Dad had to start cooking weeks in advance. He would write us letters in September that we all looked forward to receiving. Filled with Dad’s euphemisms, excitement and “The List.” The letters were the beginning of what camp is today. The list was an itemized and customized shopping list for each person attending with a nod to their financial situation. The early years were very humble. Dad would make meals in turkey tins and freeze them. At camp Dad would then put them over the fire on an ingenious double broiler and leave—“to go get a paper” leaving the meal to us to be enjoyed as it thawed—we would dish from the edges until we hit the frozen parts, eat, wait, repeat. Those meals

are still talked about today. Chinese Hash, Scalloped Taters, Mac and Cheese with Ham and some form of casserole that represented whatever he had found in cupboard and freezer. Staples all, favorites still. Evolution and necessity aside. You may be asking yourself why on earth would we build an over the top 25 foot cookshack with LED lighting (old eyes), custom cabinets and countertops (grateful attendees) and a car cooling fan for ventilation (actually works). And then put a 36” BlueStar Range (you can NEVER have too much heat), a 60” flattop commercial griddle (Eric’s fault), a Microwave Drawer (umm it’s just cool) and Commercial 35 lbs. fryer (EVERYTHING is better deep fried right?). Well, the simple answer is I blame Kert and the power of good food. You need the best to make the best. Shameless Shout out to Genesis Kitchen, World Spice Merchants and The Chopp Shoppe…add them to the list. We are incredibly fortunate to have them in Smith Hunting Camp this year. Feeding 60 to 80 people is a feat in and of itself… do it 30 miles from nowhere…you have be prepared for everything. On that cold October night my brother Eric and his best friend unknowingly started Smith Hunting Camp down a culinary path that has evolved into a quest for the next great meal to be talked about for the next 20

From L-R: Eric Smith, Dan Smith, Darrell Smith, and Lane Smith



In the Kitchen

On that cold October night my brother Eric and his best friend unknowingly started Smith Hunting Camp down a culinary path that has evolved into a quest for the next great meal to be talked about for the next 20 years. Photo by Bryce Iverson



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In the Kitchen

years. Let me explain. Although there are hunting stories in camp, what is most often talked about are prior meals—either the good, the bad, or even worse…. the not enough. Sit around the fire long enough you will inevitably hear about my father’s famous 25lbs Meatloaf (Epic), A dish that will forever be called “Blandza” (still considered the benchmark for bad) and then there was the Big Danbowski’s tasty Roast Beef Hash. At least I heard it was tasty. I didn’t get any. You get the point. The meals at hunting camp are the single biggest topic THROUGHOUT the year. We talk about the now famous cook-offs and who actually won them. The latter often debatable and contested as to the validity of the voting and surprisingly the origins of the meal itself. Rob’s Mom’s Lasagna anyone? But the holy grail of hunting camp is, and always will be, a meal that changes the game. We all strive for it. We all practice and refine it. Pictured here is one of those meals. Team Salt Pack Prime Rib. The reason for our first Cookshack and a hidden wall oven—a story for another day. As much a game changer as Kert and Eric’s Linguini, this is one of the meals I remember most…and it made me learn how to REALLY cook.

Although this is “In the Kitchen with Lane” I had to defer to the meal that set me on the path to being a better cook. When I asked my brothers what we should make, Eric’s Team Salt Pack Prime Rib was the unanimous choice. One of the first “named meals” Team Salt Pack joined Dad’s Chili, and Mom’s Lasagna on the short list of “the best.” It has since been followed by Lane and Bristal’s Deep Fat Fried Toasted Cheese Sandwiches with Bacon, Middle of the Pack Pie, and Dodge Guy Donuts to name a few. Along with the famous, there are the infamous as well. Lane’s Jambalaya (oof), Darrell’s Bag O’ Gruel, and Super Dave’s Dorito Meatloaf all have stories that cannot be printed here. Coincidentally, it was these notable failures that made some of us strive to be better cooks. Except Darrell. He became a better dishwasher. We all have roles at camp. As you look at the pictures it is our hope that you see more than four boys that decided to keep their father’s legacy alive one forkful at time. Smith Hunting Camp is a colossal effort that takes months of planning and a small army of family and friends to pull off. There are literally hundreds of people that have shared meals, laughter, and memories with us over the years around the fire for a week in October. It’s no longer about just Dad. It’s as much about Kert and Old Man Ray as it is anyone. It’s about the time allotted to each one of us and who we spend it with—new friends, old friends, and family. Camp is about making time for what’s truly important. Ask a Smith Hunting Camp attendee what that is and they will have different answers…and that is as magical as camp itself. Oh, and if you decide to make a dish…. make sure you don’t forget you are on the menu. Just sayin. The Smith Boys. #1 Dan, #2 Darrell, #3 Eric, #4 Lane and our brother from another mother #5 Mark. (Note: When frustrated my father often called us out by the number in which we were born, hence the number designations.)

Tasting Notes

Wild Mushroom and Sage Olive Oil Genesis Kitchen

270 Nucleus Columbia Falls, MT Mon-Sat 10am - 6pm 406-897-2667 Info@genesis-kitchen.com


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Team Salt Pack Prime Rib Ingredients

8-12 Lbs. Bone Tied On Prime Rib (Chopp Shoppe in Whitefish can do this!) 1 Pound of Kosher Salt Genesis Kitchen’s Wild Mushroom and Sage Olive Oil World Spice Merchants Rocky Mountain Rub


Preheat Oven to 500 Degrees. With the bone side down cut ½” deep slices across the fat approximately 1” apart. (Don’t cut the string!) In a small bowl combine 3-4 tablespoons of the Rocky Mountain Rub with enough Wild Mushroom and Sage Olive Oil to make a paste. Apply the paste liberally to all sides of the prime rib, taking time to get it in the slices made in the previous step.

In a large bowl combine ALL the Kosher Salt with enough water (not too much) to make it formable. Put wet salt on the top of the prime rib creating a “Cap.” Drizzle cap with more olive oil. Place prime rib in a roasting pan, bone side down, on the middle rack of the oven. Bake at 500 degrees for 15 minutes. Turn oven down to 225 degrees and bake until internal temp is 135 degrees (approximately 15 min per pound). Remove salt cap and let stand for at least 10 min. Cut strings and set bones aside. (These can be eaten as ribs! They are amazing!) Slice and serve immediately.

Recipe Sponsored by

Rocky Mountain RubWorld Spice Merchants Montana Outpost 62 Arcadia Way Columbia Falls, MT Mon-Thu: 9am-5pm Fri: 9am-12pm 406-892-5001 MToutpost@worldspice.com

FH Fish & Seafood Company Chopp Shoppe Wild caught seafood No hormones or antibiotics Choice to Wagyu Grade Hours 9am-7pm…all week long 721 Wisconsin Ave in Whitefish

3820 MT Hwy 40 W in Columbia Falls www.flatheadfishandseafood.com


By Mary Wallace & Hailey Osborne

The Notorious History of Rum

I bet you always thought the Boston Tea Party was only about tea. . . And that the advent of slavery in America was mostly about cotton. Turns out that both historical events had a lot to do with - wait for it - Rum. Let’s take a quick journey to follow the illustrious history of rum in America.

Our very first American settlers who ventured to the new world quickly found that they had been rather optimistic about the New England growing season, so they couldn’t grow or harvest the commodities wines, grains, fruits, and valuable silks/ gems they had hoped to export to make their fortunes. They really needed to drown their sorrows. To make matters worse, an untimely beer shortage in England meant they couldn’t import any of their favorite beverage. They tried fermenting lots of different local fruits and vegetables - pumpkins, apples, twigs, (you name it) – sometimes with a modicum of success, but mostly they found that the resulting spirits were not really cutting it.


Luckily, our poor colonists’ plight was saved with the development of the recently discovered Azores, Canary, and Caribbean islands off the coast of

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Florida. It was soon determined that these islands were the perfect environment to grow sugar cane crops. “Rumbullion” or “Rumbustion,” made from the molasses of the sugar cane, could suddenly be imported much quicker and cheaper than the beer, whiskey, and brandy the British were sporadically sending over. Small problem though . . .sugar cane takes a lot of manpower to grow. There weren’t that many people on the islands, so the growers began importing slaves from Africa to work the sugar cane. Since the slave traders’ preferred method of payment was alcohol (and the rum was plentiful), that started an endless circle of trade of human slaves, sugar cane, and rum in the New World. A handful of enterprising New England businessmen came up with the brilliant idea of importing the molasses from the sugar cane being grown in the islands to start distilling the rum themselves. By the late 1600’s Newport, Boston, Salem, and Medford boasted over 100 distilleries and were doing a brisk rum trade, at one point accounting for 80% of all exports from the New England area!

The wicked British got wind of this and (as you probably already know) decided to impose taxes on things like tea, as well as on the molasses being imported from the French colonized islands. “No taxation without representation” became the cry of the day, and that precipitated the Boston Tea (and maybe Rum) Party that started the revolution. Yes – THAT revolution! And we all know how that ended when the British surrendered in 1781. This rum of our early American days had a less than desirable taste. The poor usually drank it straight,

but some creative minds began mixing it with sugar, lime, and other ingredients to make it more palatable- in the form of early rum punches and cocktails.

Let’s fast-forward to current times, where several of today’s rum brands are enjoying a fresh moment of popularity. Whiskey drinkers are fast becoming aware of the versatile and the unique flavor rum brings to some of their favorite cocktail recipes. Here are the different kinds of rum and what they are used for.

White or Clear Rums are aged one or more years and then filtered to get rid of any color they may acquire during the aging process. Thus, they appear clear in the bottle. These rums have a mild, light body which makes them good for mixing into drinks where you don't want the liquor flavor to be too overpowering, such as a mojito. Gold Rum

When rum is being aged, usually in oak barrels, it takes on different colors. Gold or pale rums have a darker hue than clear rums and have hints of more vanilla, almond, and citrus notes because of the aging process. This rum is best used in cocktails that want a more noticeable rum taste or in baking recipes like rum cake.

Dark Rum aged the longest of all the types of rum. The process takes place in wooden casks which give it the dark color and a smokey taste. This rum is good for sipping because of its complex flavors. Spiced Rums are aged for around the same time

as dark rum, but spices are added to the barrels to give them a unique taste. These rums are most often flavored with different seeds, dried fruits, edible flora, ginger, and cinnamon, among other spices. Good for sipping, as well, but lends itself well to mixed drinks.

food} Bigfork Liquor Barn carries a wide variety of rum for your tasting pleasure. Here are a few popular brands: Mount Gay Eclipse -

Barbados’s Mount Gay has been in existence since 1703. Perfectly aged in Kentucky oak barrels, Mount Gay Eclipse conveys a subtle smokiness and offers a luxuriously complex aroma, along with distinctive floral and fruity notes of apricot and banana, and hints of vanilla.

Ron Zacapa 23 Centenario - If you're

looking for a rum with a bit of a kick and a lot of body, this Guatemalan produced rum is for you. It's especially tasty in the winter because it contains notes of cinnamon and ginger.

Flor de Caña 12 Year Old Rum – Sustainably produced and naturally

aged without sugar, Flor de Caña 12 offers a full-bodied flavor and a rich reddish amber color. With aromas of red fruits, honey and toasted nuts, it tastes of wood, vanilla and baked apples, with a smooth and well-balanced finish. Drink Flor de Caña 12 in a Rum Old Fashioned or with a splash of premium sparkling water or ginger ale and an orange twist.

The Kraken Black Spiced Rum - The Kraken® is a unique Caribbean

black spiced rum weighing in at a potent 94 Proof. It is distilled in Trinidad and Tobago and enriched with an exotic blend of 13 secret spices. The rich black color takes its hue from the mysterious ink with which, as legend has it, the Kraken (a squid of epic proportions) covered its prey. Enjoy The Kraken® on the rocks, or as a key ingredient to your favorite mixed drink.


Blended Dark N Stormy

2 oz dark rum

1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger


4 oz pineapple juice 1 oz orange juice

4 oz of ginger beer (not ginger ale)

Juice of half a lime

1 oz cream of coconut

Pour 2 oz of dark rum on top

Garnish with a pineapple wedge

Garnish with a slice of lime, if desired



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World Spice for the Win! Recipe by World Spice Merchants www.worldspice.com Photography by Stephanie Jean Hamilton

Spice up football season with some fresh flavors at the tailgate party this season.


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This crowd-pleasing casserole will have everyone cheering! KC Tailgater’s BBQ Rub adds a fresh layer of flavor.

For the Topping

1 cup smoked cheddar cheese, grated 1 1/2 cups plain kettle potato chips, slightly broken 1/2 cup cooked bacon, crumbled 1 tablespoon KC Tailgater’s BBQ Rub

For the Mac & Cheese

4 tablespoons unsalted butter 12 ounces macaroni 4 tablespoons all-purpose flour 1 quart half and half 1 1/2 cups aged white cheddar cheese, grated 1 cup Monterey Jack cheese, grated 1/2 cup cream cheese at room temperature 1 teaspoon garlic salt 1 teaspoon KC Tailgater’s BBQ Rub


Tailgater's Mac & Cheese

Melt the butter in a large heavy saucepan over medium heat. Whisk in the flour. Whisk and cook for about 1 min., then slowly add the half and half, whisking constantly. Cook until sauce thickens, about 7 min., stirring frequently. Remove from heat. Add the cheeses and spices To make the topping, combine the ingredients in to the warm sauce and stir until melted. a medium bowl. Toss to combine and set aside. Pour the sauce over the macaroni and mix To make the mac & cheese, preheat the oven gently until the pasta is coated, then transfer to 350°F. Butter or oil a 2-quart casserole dish. to the prepared baking dish. Sprinkle on the Cook the macaroni 2 minutes less than package topping and bake uncovered for 20 minutes directions. Rinse in cold water, drain and set until piping hot. Let mac ‘n’ cheese sit for 3 minutes before serving. Go team! aside in a large bowl.

............................................................................................................. Place the chicken wings in a large bowl, and sprinkle on 1 tablespoon Harissa and the kosher salt. Toss to coat.

Preheat the grill to medium, about 350 degrees, and oil the grate. While the grill is coming to temperature, whisk together the remaining ingredients to make the sauce. Arrange the wings on the center of the grate, in a crowded cluster. This will help them stay moist. Cook for 20 minutes total, turning the wings every 5 minutes.

Harissa Grilled Chicken Wings

Harissa is a fun flavor twist for these grilled wings! Toasted spices and mild smoky heat make a winning combination.


3 pounds chicken wings 2 teaspoons kosher salt 2 tablespoons Harissa, divided 6 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted 1 tablespoon Moroccan Meyer Lemon Paste 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar 1 tablespoon honey

Remove the wings to a clean bowl and increase the heat to medium high. Pour the sauce over the wings and toss to coat. Return the wings to the grill to crisp the skin, cooking 1-2 minutes per side. Serve with your favorite dipping sauce and crunchy crudité.

Voodoo Pimento-Cheese Ball

Kick off football season with this festive cheese ball. Our signature Voodoo spice scores points for flavor and the fun shape is easy to make!


8 oz. cream cheese 8 oz. medium cheddar cheese, grated 2 teaspoons minced shallot 1 tablespoon minced pimentos 1 teaspoon smoked paprika 2 teaspoons Voodoo, divided 1 teaspoon vegetable oil 1 cup pecans celery sticks for decoration In the bowl of a stand mixer, combine cheeses, shallots, pimentos, smoked paprika and 1 teaspoon Voodoo. Mix well on low speed, using the paddle attachment. On a plate, form the cheese mixture into a football shape and press firmly on all sides. Cover tightly with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.

While the cheese ball is firming, make the crust. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Place the pecans in a small bowl and drizzle with oil and 1 teaspoon Voodoo. Toss to combine. Place the nuts on a baking sheet and toast in the oven for 10-12 minutes, until fragrant. Cool and chop finely. Remove the cheese ball from the refrigerator and unwrap 15 minutes before serving to allow the surface to become sticky. Use celery strips to make the "laces" of the football. Then sprinkle the chopped nuts on the cheese ball and press firmly to make them stick. Serve with veggie sticks and crackers on game day!

Shop online at www.worldspice.com

Family owned and operated for over 25 years, World Spice provides superior quality herbs & spices, handcrafted blends, and estate teas to flavor lovers everywhere.

We ship nationwide or you can pick up at either location.


Montana Outpost 62 Arcadia Way- Columbia Falls, MT 59912 Flagship Store in Seattle behind Pike Place Market 1509 Western Ave, Seattle WA 98101 406

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book review}

Who Built the Road, Daddy? Book Review by Kristen Hamilton

Written by Joyce Siblerud Schmautz Illustrated by Kadyn Schmautz Paya Published by Farcountry Press

I would venture to guess that just about everyone that has lived or visited the area, has taken at least one trip on the Going-tothe-Sun Road. It is such an iconic landmark and engineering marvel that adults as well as children must ponder its creation and completion so many years ago.

More than a scenic highway, the 50-mile stretch known as the Going-to-the-Sun Road bisects Glacier National Park’s east and west sides. Completed in 1932, the road crosses the Continental Divide at a 6,646-foot elevation at Logan Pass. Travelers experience almost every type of terrain that is in the park and the views are magnificent at every turn. Furthermore, in 1983 the Going-To-The-Sun Road was included in the National Register of Historic Places and in 1985 it was made a National Historic Civil Engineering Landmark.


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In the children’s book Who Built the Road, Daddy? Joyce Siblerud Schmautz helps the reader understand the extensive engineering and construction project the Going-thethe-Sun Road was for workers almost 100 years ago. Young readers will find the content informative and engaging. Kady Schmautz Paya’s lovely watercolor illustrations make this book a beautiful keepsake for young locals or visitors.

Find Who Built the Road, Daddy? (ISBN: 978-1-56037-801-3, $12.95) at local bookstores and gift shops in the Flathead and Glacier areas or online at www.farcountrypress.com. To learn more about the Going-to-the-Sun road, please visit www.nps.gov/glac/planyourvisit/gtsrinfo.htm

Author - Joyce Siblerud Schmautz is a third-generation Montanan raised on the same farm as her father near Kalispell. She grew up riding her horse to school and singing her heart out as she drove a tractor in the fields. Inspired by her uncles who helped build Glacier National Park’s Going to the Sun Road and her father-in-law who helped design the Logan Pass Visitors Center at the top of this route, she was inspired to write a story to commemorate her relatives and educate younger generations about the history of this road we enjoy today. Other than living in Nigeria as a missionary she has lived most of her life in Kalispell and has spent many happy days hiking and enjoying Glacier National Park. She enjoys spending time with her husband, gardening, and baking with her grandchildren. Illustrator - Kadyn Schmautz Paya was adopted from South Korea and raised in Kalispell, MT. She has worked around Glacier National Park for several seasons, including as a park ranger. Thanks to the Covid-19 lockdown in 2020, she had the time to illustrate this book. Kadyn is a graphic designer with a degree in Art (Graphic Design) from Whitworth University. She has written and illustrated two other children’s books, “Three Pirates” and “A Christmas Birthday Party.” She enjoys exploring cultures, the great outdoors, and lives in Kalispell with her husband and baby.


7 Ways to Make Your Home Feel

Cozier for Fall

By Sydney Munteanu and Wright’s Furniture

As we start moving from the outdoors to the indoors, fall is a time of year we retreat further into the coziness of our spaces. It’s also a great time to reassess the feeling you want to create in your home and redesign your space so that it matches your desired mood. As you’ll see below, it doesn’t take a lot! While fall decor often centers around the front doorstep with pumpkins aplenty, there are so many ways to bring in a comforting feeling throughout by adding new elements of cozy to your interiors.

Restyle your entryway

Montana entry rooms receive a much hardier use through the fall. To add function for the different ways we use them, look to adding a storage piece for hats and gloves, a new hanging option for coats, or a bench to put boots on -- and take them off.

Bring in color with accessories


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Switching over to warmer colors is the first and most obvious way to make a room feel more autumnal. By adding accessories like pillows, throws, table top decor, artwork, and even chairs, you can bring in pieces with a warmth of color. Rich palettes such as navy, black, slate grey, dusty blue, cognac, burgundy, rust, copper, ivory, brown and green work perfectly to enhance the season. Once you’ve found a few items, restyle the living room, bedroom, or kitchen with those seasonally hued pieces. Or if the room is already done, amp up the accessories to emphasize its coziness!


Play with natural pieces.

A simple way to add a touch of cozy to your home is with nature! Fill a vase with natural fall or winter-themed elements. The Wright’s team loves to add these elements to the showroom to inspire. Think branches, pine cones, birch logs, seed pods, feathers, antlers and furs to further accent the fall season.

Choose bold textures and moody colors

Add a kitchen rug

A bold mix of materials and the use of natural elements go a long way. When it comes to cozy furniture and decor, think pieces made in woods with character, metals, rich leathers, and comfortable fabrics to mix in with existing clean lines. For fall, plaids, checks, velvets, faux furs, leathers, knits, and flannels are all popular at Wright’s and you’ll find many options for these looks.

While it’s easy to focus on the living room, a great way to give your kitchen a dose of fall is with a new rug. It’s such an easy option for any style of kitchen. Throw one down and call it a job well done!

Create a statement centerpiece

Console tables are a great way to bring in seasonal flair. Plus, how you choose to style them will show off the personality of your family! Maybe it’s decked out in Halloween glam or earthy candlesticks. Maybe a gorgeous vase with a dried flower display. Place your console table in the entryway or a main room so that it sets the stage and welcomes everyone into the rest of your home.

Don’t forget the guests

The Wright’s team often finds that this time of year is popular to add seasonal seating and sleeper sofas to our homes. Even a rocking chair with a cozy throw can help makeover a bedroom. Take a look at your guest room furniture and start prepping for those holiday guests!

The team at Wright’s Furniture focuses on bringing in the latest design styles and trend-setting statements along with many timeless favorites that are suitable to our Montana seasons. By prioritizing quality, function, comfort, style and durability, customers can purchase beautiful home furnishings right from the Wright’s Furniture showroom floor or special order pieces with a custom design. Wright’s Furniture is open 7 days a week, offering complimentary design services with free local delivery and install. Visit the Wright’s Furniture showroom in Whitefish or learn more at wrightsfurniturestore.net 6325 HWY 93 South, Whitefish, Montana 59937 | 406.862.2455 | Open Daily |Free Local Delivery | Free Design Services



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201 Central ave. whitefish Montana 59937 - 406.862.3200

happenings} celebration

Gather the Girls …

Emily’s Getting Married! Hosted by Montana Picnic Company Photos by ACE Photography & Design

To celebrate Emily’s upcoming nuptials to Justin, five of her besties decided Montana would be the perfect spot for her bachelorette celebration. Whitefish Lake was the perfect backdrop for the elegant rustic picnic that left everyone smiling from ear to ear. Reagan Hartley and her entrepreneurial mother, Alisia Cubberly of Montana Picnic Company hosted the event with a Montana style. www.montanapicniccompany.com


Above photo: Mel Barcena, Erika Sisneros Kelley, Emily Taylor, Zina Kamal, Hailey Jannetty, Chelsee Esmailli

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love} stories


& Jamie June 26, 2021

Photos by Jennifer Vernarsky Photography

With This Ring I Thee Wed

Jamie's Highlights

Tyler and I both wanted a beautiful outdoor wedding while keeping some traditions alive. One of my favorite moments was walking down the aisle and seeing my future husband. He was so incredibly handsome; I couldn't stop smiling at him. I was very nervous about walking down the aisle with 200 people staring at me, but when I saw Tyler at the end, I couldn't take my eyes off him and I didn't even notice the rest of the people. During the ceremony, we were in our own little world, but knowing that we were surrounded by those we love the most.

My first look with my dad was very special. We have been incredibly close my entire life. I have always been "the little boy he never had," so when my dad saw me for the first time in my dress, so much emotion came over him. He gave me the biggest hug and told me how much he loved me and that's how I knew I was ready to marry my best friend. Even though those two moments were the most memorable and emotional for me, I couldn't be more thankful for all the friends and family who came out to support us on our big day. I had an absolute blast. It was a


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dream come true! We are both very lucky to have such wonderful people in our lives who helped make our day so special. I cannot wait to start a family with Tyler. He will be the most amazing father. He is already an amazing husband! There is truly no better feeling than marrying your best friend.

Jamie’s vows to Tyler

There is an infinite number of things that I love about you. I love how kind, caring, and thoughtful you are. I love how you put family and friends above all else. I love how passionate you are… even if it’s mostly directed toward hunting. Your energy and positivity toward life is undeniable and infectious. Every day, you encourage and motivate me to be my best self. You make me laugh, you make me think, and

above all, you make me happy. You’re my best friend and the best partner I could ever ask for.

So today, I vow to honor you and respect you, support you and encourage you. I promise to dream with you, celebrate with you, and walk beside you through whatever life brings. I vow to laugh with you and comfort you during times of joy and times of sorrow. I vow to cherish our love for one another and never take it for granted. I promise to always pursue you, to fight for you, and love you unconditionally and wholeheartedly for the rest of my life. Together we will face all of life's challenges and share in one another's dreams and goals. Today I am the luckiest person on earth because, in front of our friends, family and God, I get to call you mine forever.

love} stories

I vow

to honor you and respect you, support you and encourage you. I promise to dream with you, celebrate with you, and walk beside you through whatever life brings.



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love} stories

Venue Diamond B Weddings Photography Jennifer Vernarsky Photography Videography On The Fly Films

I promise to be your biggest supporter and smallest critic. I will protect you, honor you, and cherish our love.

Tyler's Highlights

Jamie did not want me to see her until she walked down the aisle. There is a very long approach to the altar at Diamond B, so I had to face the river for what seemed like an eternity, and when I finally turned around, I couldn't hold back the emotions. She was so beautiful. There must have been a lot of pollen in the air because the water works started and would not stop. Friends told me that your own wedding is a lot different. They were right. I was so happy and in-themoment with Jamie, that I felt like it flew by, and we didn't get to talk and celebrate with all the guests. We felt horrible for this, but we were lost in the moment with each other. My main highlight was that indescribable feeling of finally being married to my best friend. I look forward to raising a family, God willing, with Jamie. She will be an amazing mom, wife, and nurse practitioner.


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Tyler’s vows to Jamie

Every decision in life takes us in a different direction, changes our course forever. Events don't always happen as planned and often we can't explain them. The highs and lows are all memorable but I couldn't be happier that all our life decisions came to this point. Four and a half years ago when I first laid eyes on you, I was speechless, and still today I can't find words for how lucky I am to have you in my life. Over these years our relationship has been curing into a rock-solid love.

I promise to live each day with our team in mind. I promise to better myself each day to make our relationship stronger. I promise to pull my weight, plus a little extra as we pull in the same direction. I promise to be your biggest supporter and smallest critic. I will protect you, honor you, and cherish our love. Jamie, I love you, and will continue to love you to our last day and beyond.

Bar Mike McCracken, Pin and Cue mobile bar service Caterer Tony Traina, Fork in the Road Dessert Cake and Cupcakes, Miss Patty Cakes & Macaroons, By Whoops! Tables, chairs, linens, and such Celebrate Event & Party Rental DJ Josh Vierzba, the V team Photobooth Pixelated Gigs Rings and Jewelry McGough & Company Dress and Suits Mimi's Bridal Hair Nikki Bascom Makeup Marcella Cloud, Cloud Makeup

Weldon Kirk

Going To The Sun Gallery Proudly Features,

Montana artist Weldon Kirk and Whitefish artist Jordan Porter

Weldon Kirk

Jordan Porter

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