Material Dashboard is a free Bootstrap 4 Material Design Admin

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Material Dashboard is a free Bootstrap 4 Material Design Admin

This winter the new version Bootstrap, one of the world’s most popular frontend component libraries, was announced. Now we’ve got a new free tool based on Bootstrap 4 framework! Material Dashboard is a free Bootstrap 4 Material Design Admin. Let us tell a bit about it! Material Dashboard is a free Material Design Admin inspired by Google’s Material Design and built over the popular Bootstrap framework and on top of modern frameworks like Angular, Vue, React and HTML5. It comes with a couple of third-party plugins redesigned to fit in with the rest of the elements. The product was evolved in the need of a powerful bootstrap admin dashboard, which allows you to build products like admin panels, content management systems and CRM.

What features does Material Dashboard have? 1. Web fonts By default, Material Dashboard is using Roboto Google font, but it can easily be changed with any other Google font. 2. Google Material Design 3. It’s scalable You can scale vector-only shapes to any size, including retina, with no optimization required. 4. Bootstrap 4 All the Bootstrap components that you need in a development have been redesign with the new look. 5. Content areas provided Tables, comments, description areas, tabs and many others. 6. HTML, React, Angular and Vue versions You can download any of them for free. The general layout resembles sheets of paper following multiple different layers so that the depth and the order are obvious. The navigation stays mainly on the left sidebar and the content is on the right inside the main panel. Material Dashboard has 5 color filter choices

for both the sidebar and the card headers and an option to have a background image on the sidebar. Enjoy! For more details, you can visit the project’s official site. Read about quick start, browser support and available versions on Material Dashboard GitHub page and try Material Dashboard live preview to evaluate how it works. Check this list of awesome Bootstrap themes for 2018!

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