Monthly trending Ruby on Rails repositories.

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Welcome to 2019! The new year has just started but promises to be as awesome as can be. Particularly because we have some great new open source Rails repositories aimed to make your life better and happier. In this monthly trending Ruby on Rails repositories from the 9th of January 2019 we’ll explore… embedded Ruby ‘exception reporting service’, Rails app configuration manager, Ruby Serverless Framework, a tool for coordinating the execution of security scanners and many other neat Rails GitHub open source projects! The list starts with the most recent updates.

Monthly trending Ruby on Rails GitHub repositories 1. Logster is an embedded Ruby ‘exception reporting service’ admins can view on live websites, at 2. Sail is a lightweight Rails engine that brings an admin panel for managing configuration settings on a live Rails app. 3. Jets is a Ruby Serverless Framework that allows you to create serverless applications on Ruby and deploy it to AWS Lambda. 4. Redmine is a flexible project management web application written using Ruby on Rails framework. 5. Salus is a tool for coordinating the execution of security scanners. You can run Salus on a repository via the Docker daemon and it will determine which scanners are relevant, run them and provide the output. 6. influxdb-rails is a gem that automatically instrument your Rails applications and write the metrics directly into InfluxDB. 7. Trestle is a modern, responsive admin framework for Ruby on Rails. Its core plugins with extra functionality ready to add to your admin, with more under development. 8. OnRuby is a source for the sites of the Ruby Communities in Hamburg, Cologne, Berlin and Madrid. 9. Anyway Config is a Rails/Ruby plugin/application configuration tool which allows you to load parameters from different sources: YAML, Rails secrets, environment. 10. Jb is a simple and fast JSON API template engine for Ruby on Rails. 11. Autoprefixer Rails is a tool to parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from the ‘Can I Use’ database. This gem provides Ruby and Ruby on Rails integration with this JavaScript tool.

12. Awesome Ruby Bookmarks is a curated collection of essential Ruby and Ruby on Rails resources. The project aims to maintain a well-structured reference equally useful both for beginners and advanced web developers. 13. PropertyWebBuilder is a Ruby on Rails engine for creating real estate websites. 14. WebMock is a library for stubbing and setting expectations on HTTP requests in Ruby. 15. Siwapp is a web application to help manage and create invoices in a simple way. 16. Settings for Rails is a Ruby gem to handle settings for ActiveRecord instances by storing them as serialized Hash in a separate database table. Namespaces and defaults included. 17. Apipie-rails is a DSL and Rails engine for documenting your RESTful API. 18. Down is a utility tool for streaming, flexible and safe downloading of remote files. 19. Brakeman is a static analysis tool which checks Ruby on Rails applications for security vulnerabilities. 20. A bunch of Ruby one liners. From multiline processing to array operations and dealing with duplicates. Find our previous issues about the most popular Rails repositories here. Also, subscribe to our weekly newsletter to find more interesting stuff!

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