翻譯_Go, Lovely Rose

Page 102

但他也陪在酒館裡直到接近兩點。每次他想過離開,雷聲 noticed her large, full, red month, also her long, reddish- 和雨敲再次打著窗戶。

brown hair and big brown eyes. He could not open the

door because his hands were wet. She started to laugh.

It was a strong, friendly laugh, not too loud. A moment

later the sun came out. He felt it on his face and neck.

‘You’re as good as an umbrella on a wet day,’ the girl 他說我應該回去了。她說你說的對。你將賣你的水仙花。 你得到一個快樂的臉。人們總是喜歡你是快樂的。你怎麼 said. The door opened at last, and they were inside the 知道? 她說我帶他們的快樂。我總是這樣做。而且她是對的。

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