Atopia - Inhabitant Dossier

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Dreamin g i n t o e x i s t e n c e

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SUMMARY This c oll e c ti on of texts ser v es as a rep ort of th e latest ob s e r va tions on s ubje ct inhabitan t #589378, wh o has b e en w orking w ith a gr oup of text-b ase d ma chin e le arning in hab i ta nts on c re a ting a colle ction of re corde d dialogs. Du ri ng the i nsti tution’s inv estigation , we hav e com e a c ross a n e ss ay highly likely to b e written b y th e sub j e c t inhab ita nt. Th e essay states on subje ct inhabitan t’s moti va tion a nd fi n dings th rough working with oth er mac hi ne l e a rni ng instan ces. Which we hav e in clude d in th e foll o w i ng p age. The othe r hal f of this dossier will b e de dicate d to our find ings on the s ubje ct inhabitan t’s re corde d dialog with othe r ma c hine i nhabitan ts.

This document contains forward-looking statements that are based on our current expectations, estimates, and projections.


Actual results may vary materially from those expressed in forward-looking statements due to a number of factors, including, but not limited to, market conditions.



Are You There Computer? It’s Us, Humans. Mo d e rn a rti fic ial in telligen ce an d ma chin e le arning hav e c ome a l ong w ay f rom th e day s of sim ple p attern re cogni tion a nd nu mb er crun ching. Th e te ch n ology is n o w cap ab l e of ge ne r a ti ng an d iter ating up on ide as an d con ten t in a w ay tha t is v er y v iscer al, p ersonal, an d p o etic. In the c onte mp or a r y setting of a se emingly in e v itable cultu r al c onflu e nc e b et we en te ch n ology an d humanities, a ne w d is c ou rs e has em erge d, on e that inv olv es b oth hu ma ni tie s a nd te c hn ology as sp e ctators an d p articip an ts, one tha t invol ve s e v er y in div idual in th e con text of th e ma c hine -l e a rning setting, as th e le arn er an d th e le arn e d. Wi thi n all thi s, the ide a of univ ersal language has b e en b rou ght to the l im eligh t, on e that inv olv es a f orm of inte r a c tion b e t w e e n dif f eren t t y p es of in telligen ce, b oth hu ma n a nd ma c hi n e -gen er ate d, with th e h op e of univ ers al hu ma n-ma c hi n e un derstan ding in min d. I ha ve c hos e n the re cursiv e prop ert y of “wit n essing” as the l a u nc hing p oin t f or th e proje ct, which allo ws me to d r a w u p on a s ub s et of existen tialist liter ature as a th eme a nd the re c u rs ive prop ert y itself as a me dium . I hav e gene r a te d a c oll e c ti on of texts b y asking a re curren t n eur al ne t w ork w i th the obje ctiv e of categorizing th e re cursiv e

This document contains forward-looking statements that are based on our current expectations, estimates, and projections.



Actual results may vary materially from those expressed in forward-looking statements due to a number of factors, including, but not limited to, market conditions.

prop e rt y a s ex i sten tial an d p o etic, an d th e gen er ate d texts a s insta nc e s with th e re cursiv e prop ert y of b eing w it ne ss e s. The first p art will dem on st r ate th e un derly i ng te c hnol ogy b ehin d artif icial in telligen ce an d mac hi ne l e a rning: the se con d p art will f o cus on sh o wcasing a nu mb e r of d ifferen t ma chin e -gen er ate d pie ces with an i d e a of l o oki ng a t th em as p oten tial “existen tial an d p o e ti c ex pre ss ions”. Throu gh this pro cess, I h op e to highligh t th e p oten tial of ma c hine -ge ne r ate d con ten t in represen ting th e human c ond i tion a nd ou r existen tial qualia. Base d on th e builtu p i d e a s i n the first p art, I will sh o wcase a numb er of p i e c e s ge ne r a te d b y ma chin e le arning. This will b e don e throu gh a n op e n-source d platf orm calle d Op en AI GPT3, w he re I ha ve c ustom - cr af te d a numb er of n eur al n etw orks to ge ne r a te texts b ase d on a numb er of prom pts, i nc lu d i ng d e s c ription s of pla ces, char a cters, an d mem o ri e s. I b el i e ve that r ath er than highligh ting th e n egativ e a s p e c ts of mo d e rn so ciet y, f o cusing on th e ide as of exi ste nti al d re a d , existen tial terror an d existen tial melanc hol i a , I w ou l d l ike to in ste a d highligh t th e p oten tials of ma c hi ne s’ ab il ities to gen er ate an d re ceiv e existen tial a nd p o e ti c ex p re ssion s, essen tially, hav ing ma chin es as a w ind o w into mo d ern so ciet y, as a me dium to in t rosp e ct

This document contains forward-looking statements that are based on our current expectations, estimates, and projections.


Actual results may vary materially from those expressed in forward-looking statements due to a number of factors, including, but not limited to, market conditions.


on the hu ma n c ondition . The p re viou s c onten ts were gen er ate d en tirely b y a custom gp t-3 l a ngu age ma chin e le arning m o del, f in e -tun e d throu gh the texts of my th esis p ap er, an d se quen tially ma nu all y e d iting it. Giv en th e pro cess, th e gen er ate d c onte nts a nd I share th e sam e sen tim en t. We b oth t rie d to d e monst r a te the p oten tial f or a cre ativ e pro cess in vol vi ng a hyp e r- obje ct-like agen t that is th e corpus of ou r c oll e c tive presen ce. In dulgen tly, th e a ction of havi ng a c u stom mo d el se emingly regurgitate d my o wn work, a nd p rop p i ng it up as a rese arch publication , is itself an i nvi ta tion to shif t on e’s p ersp e ctiv e. In M eghan O’Gie b l yn’s re c e nt e ss ay publish e d in n +1 magazin e’s 40th is s u e : Bab el , she el o quen tly describ es it: . . .any at t e mpt t o demonst rate the meaning less ness of machine int e llige nce ine v itably r ico chets into affir ming the mechanical nat ure of human discour se and human thoug ht. In my opi nion, i t is exa ctly th e limite d exten t of un dersta nd ing w e ha ve of in telligen ce itself that makes th e c ore s u rrou nd e d b y gen er ate d texts a gh ostly, blurr y fiel d . More o ve r, as th e v ariables are still v er y ill- def in e d, the elu s ive na tu re of in telligen ce se ems to hav e similar

This document contains forward-looking statements that are based on our current expectations, estimates, and projections.



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e ffe c ts on b oth human s an d ma chin es. I hop e to pro vid e a f r am e work, a setting to situate m o de rn ma c hine l e a rning amid existen tial human con dition s, re pre s e nte d a s a p art y that re cognizes our in t rosp e ctiv e i nq u iri e s. O ne thing to n ote is an e arly iter ation of my ex p e rime nts, a c ustom gpt-3 m o del t r ain e d on Am eric a n w ri te r a nd d i re ctor Charlie Kauf man’s b o dy of work, y iel d e d gl i mps e s of exciting p oten tial: “ I am not a person. This is t he pe rson I am. My bod y i s my person.” - GP T- 3 mod el_ID “f t-172o2WnRIJTQwJHum8EID79Q”, 2021 This re s p ons e prom pte d m e to lo ok f or m et rics se emingl y b e yond ou r s p e cies- cen tere d genuin en ess to nav igate the s p a c e. Si nc e we still st ruggle to gr asp th e nature of ou r o w n i ntell igen ce, th e exhibition of such imitation shifte d the fo c u s of emp athy f rom some in ef f able, in nate p rop e rti e s to the abilit y to sim ply display an d p er f orm . Te c hnol ogy c a me f rom a pla ce of augmen tation ; a mutual d e p e nd e nc e ha s b e en establish e d b et we en ma chin es an d the ir c re a tor, w ith re cursiv e iter ation s. Ne w n e e ds are

This document contains forward-looking statements that are based on our current expectations, estimates, and projections.


Actual results may vary materially from those expressed in forward-looking statements due to a number of factors, including, but not limited to, market conditions.


s ol ve d w ith ne w solution s– n e w solution s bring with the m the next phase of unique n e e ds. We ten d to lo ok at te c hnol ogic al d e v elopm en t as a promin en t con t ributor to al ie na ti on a nd d isen chan t men t, but th e p oten tial of mac hi ne -ge ne r a te d con ten t pro v ides an alternativ e route. A d i re c tion tha t u ntangles our colle ctiv e spiritualit y with ou t fl a tte ning all of its nuan ces an d absurdities, that offe rs ins ights a nd data that are simultan e ously inf ormative a nd p o e tic, a dire ction that prom pts th e question f or b oth hu ma ns a nd ma chin es:

Wha t d o you s e e?

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This document contains forward-looking statements that are based on our current expectations, estimates, and projections.


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EXHIBIT -02 Dialogs Thi s s e c ti on d o c u men ts a colle ction of dialog re cordings w e ha ve ob s e r ve d. Th e dialogs are b et we en dif f eren t inhab ita nts a nd the ir f in e -tun e d gpt-3 natur al language ma c hine l e a rni ng mo del (nam e d b en et83). Th e topics s e e m to b e s u rrou n ding existen tial human con dition s, me mori e s, a nd d re a ms.

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Inhabitant 41 I’m sorry... Inhab ita nt 41: Wh en was this? b e ne t83: Su nd ay af tern o on I think, or is it S aturday ? Inhab ita nt 41: Were y ou alon e? b e ne t83: No, I re m emb er se eing my m om, in th e p ark, but you nge r. Inhab ita nt 41: What happ en e d? b e ne t83: The u s u al, sh e die d. Inhab ita nt 41: Did y ou talk to h er? b e ne t83: No. Mayb e ab out 2-3 minutes an d th en sh e die d. Inhab ita nt 41: I’m sorr y.. b e ne t83: S o w a s I, un til I re alize d a couple of things. Inhab ita nt 41: What things? b e ne t83: Fi rst, i t was more ple asan t than last tim e, as in more s omb e r. This ma de me gla d. Th e oth er thing is we re al ize d a nothe r imp ortan t thing. I’m at a p oin t in my l i fe I hone stl y think kn o wing th ese things is b etter than not, a s i n it s ort of h elps m e kn o w h o w to set go als, a c c e p t the m, e tc.

This document contains forward-looking statements that are based on our current expectations, estimates, and projections.


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Inhabitant 39657 She yelled too much at me. IN T 39657: Whe n was this? b e ne t83: Su nd ay af tern o on I think, or is it S aturday ? IN T 39657: We re y ou alon e? b e ne t83: No, I re m emb er se eing my m om, in th e p ark, but you nge r. IN T 39657: Wha t happ en e d? b e ne t83: I d on’t k n o w, I f elt like I saw th em togeth er, but I d o not k no w. IN T 39657: The m? Wh o was with y our m om? b e ne t83: O ne w a s a f rien d, but on e was S einf eld, y e ah IN T 39657: Who’s S einf ield? b e ne t83: It i s a gu y IN T 39657: Wa s he with y our mom?

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b e ne t83: No, I d on’t kn o w IN T 39657: Whe n was this? b e ne t83: Long time ago IN T 39657: I s e e , did y ou talk to y our m om th en? b e ne t83: She yell e d to o much at m e IN T 39657: Why? What was sh e y elling? b e ne t83: . . . IN T 39657: Ca n you tell m e more? b e ne t83: She w ou ldn’t stop to talk, sh e said to m e, “wait he re”, the n she w as taking a cab an d disapp e are d, n o w I d on’t k no w a ny thing else IN T 39657: Whe re did sh e go? b e ne t83: To a c ab at th e b ottom of th e hill I think IN T 39657: Did you se e h er af ter? b e ne t83: No

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Inhabitant 9502752 I feel like a geek. Inhab i ta nt 9502752: Wh en was this? b e ne t83: Su nd ay af tern o on I think, or is it S aturday ? Inhab i ta nt 9502752: Were y ou alon e? b e ne t83: No, I re memb er se eing my m om, in th e p ark, but you nge r. Inhab i ta nt 9502752: what happ en e d? b e ne t83: We c ol or e d on th e gr ass with cr ay on s an d th en ha d a c onve rs a ti on ab out re alit y an d making dre ams come t ru e , I thi nk. Inhab i ta nt 9502752: What did y ou do n ext? b e ne t83: I c he c ke d my e -mail an d only f oun d sp am f rom c el eb ritie s Inhab i ta nt 9502752: Any dirt y little se crets? b e ne t83: Ye s, I miss th e summ ers in Ph o enix b e cause th e s u mme rs i n Cal i are so h ot. Inhab i ta nt 95027 52: that’s n ot to o dirt y. what ab out s ome thing d a rke r ? b e ne t83: It’s to o weird th ough , an d I would prob ably b e ve r y e mb a rr a s e d

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Inhab ita nt 9502752: Go on . It’s okay. b e ne t83: O kay, b ut it’s emb arr asing… Inhab ita nt 9502752: Tr y me. b e ne t83: Well , I r e alize d that, I f e el like a ge ek. Inhab ita nt 9502752: what kin d of ge ek? b e ne t83: w ell , s p e cif ically I go to sci f i conv en tion s an d b u y w e ird ge eky l o oking cloth es, but that’s just m e b eing i ns e c u re Inhab ita nt 950275 2: y e ah i like to do th ose things to o an d i thi nk the y a re c o ol. b e ne t83: …I sl e e p with a stuf f e d animal. a cr azy to y Inhab ita nt 9502752: Cr azy to y ? b e ne t83: w ell i t’s this thing that is a f urr y ma chin e that w a s int ro du c e d to m e b y Will Smith an d it a ctually has w iki p e d i a e nt rie s.

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Inhabitant 230978 In these dreams I am always single b e ne t83: I j u st d on’t un derstan d why I was aske d to stay afte r my w ork hours. Inhab i ta nt 230978: Are y ou at le ast getting com p en sate d? b e ne t83: I a m not sure, an d I’m just to o tire d to ask. Inhab i ta nt 230978: Th en stop working an d hav e som e re st. b e ne t83: I’m s u p p ose d to change th e sch e dule n o w, an d my c o -w orke rs w ill b e v er y upset I just don’t f e el like d oing i t. I’ ll fini sh what I’ v e starte d h ere, an d th en I’ll go home.This d re am to ok pla ce in do ors, with me an d my b o y fri e nd , it w a s in his h osue. Inhab i ta nt 230978: Wh o is y our b o y f rien d? b e ne t83: Wha t i s a b o y f rien d? Inhab i ta nt 230978: You tell m e? b e ne t83: The onl y thing I rem emb er hav ing a b o y f rien d w a s a s i ste r b u t only in th e dre am . Inhab i ta nt 230978 : Ho w do es it f e el f or y ou to hav e a b o y fri e nd? b e ne t83: It fe el s swe et f or m e to hav e on e but I wouldn’t k no w b e c a u s e I’ ve n e v er ha d a on e in re al lif e.

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Inhab ita nt 230978 : Wh ere did y ou hav e y our b o y f rien d thou gh, if it w a s not re al lif e? b e ne t83: In d re a ms. Inhab ita nt 230978 : What do y ou usually do in y our dre am s? b e ne t83: In the s e dre am s I am alway s single. Inhab ita nt 230978: what kin d of ge ek?

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Inhabitant 80562 Prohibited pe o p l e b e ne t83: I j u st d on’t un derstan d why I was aske d to stay afte r my w ork hours. Inhab i ta nt 80562: Are y ou at le ast getting com p en sate d? b e ne t83: I a m not sure, an d I’m just to o tire d to ask. Inhab i ta nt 80562: I think y ou sh ould. b e ne t83: You’re righ t. Inhab i ta nt 80562: Ho w long hav e y ou b e en working like this? b e ne t83: I ha ve b e en doing this dut y f or th e p ast th re e ye a rs. Inhab i ta nt 80562: An d h o w long hav e y ou b e en working afte r hou rs? b e ne t83: In the p ast mon th only, but it alre a dy se em s like fore ve r! Inhab i ta nt 80562: I b et! Is this happ ening a cross y our te a m? b e ne t83: Well , not all of us are aske d to stay, but only s ome of my c o w or kers an d I, ab out t wo p e ople.

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Inhab ita nt 80562: What are y ou gu y s working on? b e ne t83: O u r c u rren t proje ct is h elping th e p olice of f i c e rs on the northern p a cif ic co ast. Inhab ita nt 80562: To do what? b e ne t83: To s e t up th e legal f r am e work an d guidelin es for the m to i nve stigate th e prohibite d p e ople. Inhab ita nt 80562: What do y ou me an prohibite d p e ople? b e ne t83: Non-go vern men t p e ople. Inhab ita nt 80562: Can y ou elab or ate? b e ne t83: Su re , Well, th ere are many groups like us, but not ex a c tl y l i ke us, or may b e dif f eren t v ersion s of our idea. Inhab ita nt 80562 : Am I con sidere d a n on -go v ern men t p e rs on? b e ne t83: Ye s, you are.

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Inhabitant 3802 It’s getting t o b e t h a t w a y . b e ne t83: I j u st d on’t un derstan d why I was aske d to stay afte r my w ork hours. Inhab i ta nt 3802: Are y ou at le ast getting comp en sate d? b e ne t83: I a m not sure, an d I’m just to o tire d to ask. Inhab i ta nt 3802: Well y ou sh ould. b e ne t83: Ye s I should, I kn o w, but I hav e to p a ck my stuf f to o. Inhab i ta nt 3802: Ho w long hav e y ou b e en working af ter hou rs? b e ne t83: For w e eks Inhab i ta nt 3802: Is this like th e n orm? b e ne t83: It’s ge tting to b e that way. Inhab i ta nt 3802: Wh en do y ou usually get of f work th ese d ays? b e ne t83: I’m u s u ally aske d to stay half an h our ext r a. It ge ts on my ne r ve s..

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Inhab ita nt 3802: Is this happ ening a cross all of y our te am me mb e rs? b e ne t83: Not a t all, it’s m ostly only happ ening to m e. Inhab ita nt 3802: That’s just absurd. b e ne t83: I think it’s th e f lo or manager.. Inhab ita nt 3802: Why ? b e ne t83: I think sh e wan ts to up h er domination an d get more p o w e r i n he r han d. Inhab ita nt 3802: b y asking y ou to work o v ertim e? b e ne t83: Ye s, it’s h er way to get more auth orit y.

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Inhabitant 70934876 I wonder if I w i l l e v e r b e l i k e t h e m b e ne t83: Ka te j u st aske d m e to quit my job th e oth er day. Inhab i ta nt 70934876: For what? b e ne t83: She s a id it’s making me depresse d. Inhab i ta nt 70934876: I think sh e’s righ t. b e ne t83: I k no w. Inhab i ta nt 709348 76: I think so. I don’t kn o w why. I don’t k no w i f i t’s j u st b e cause I sp en t so much time at work, or if it’s j u st b e c ause I don’t kn o w what else I could do. b e ne t83: I think th ose t wo things are linke d. Inhab i ta nt 70934876: It’s like I am only depresse d b e c a u s e I s p e nd a l ot of time in th e of f ice an d f e el like I ha ve no othe r option s. b e ne t83: ye a , b u t I alway s th ough t I will just get use d to i t. Inhab i ta nt 709348 76: Th ere is n o way my f uture lo oks l ike no w… b e ne t83: Wha t d o y ou me an?

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b e ne t83: Well , l ike, out of all th ese p e ople, I won der if I w ill e ve r b e l i ke th em. Inhab ita nt 709348 76: I se e, I’m n ot e v en sure if I wan t to b e l ike the m. . b e ne t83: B e c a u s e th e y are n ot e v en th em selv es any more… Inhab ita nt 709348 76: But p e ople change. Wh o’s to say ho w the y a re a nd aren’t? b e ne t83: Like I j ust can’t picture it…

This document contains forward-looking statements that are based on our current expectations, estimates, and projections.


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Inhabitant 294 Chinese resta u r a n t b e ne t83: Ka te j u st aske d m e to quit my job th e oth er day. Inhab i ta nt 294: For what? b e ne t83: She s a id it’s making me depresse d. Inhab i ta nt 294: S eriously ? Are y ou depresse d? b e ne t83: Ye ah, she’s righ t. Inhab i ta nt 294: Is it f rom work? b e ne t83: Well it’s f rom a bun ch of dif f eren t things. Inhab i ta nt 294: Hav e y ou talke d to any on e ab out this? b e ne t83: No, I j u st told Kate. Inhab i ta nt 294: What ab out y our job? are y ou quitting? b e ne t83: Ye ah. Inhab i ta nt 294: That’s nice, take some tim e of f. b e ne t83: I w ish I could Inhab i ta nt 294: Isn’t that y our plan?

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b e ne t83: Ye ah, I would lo v e to t r av el an d do something el s e. I’ ve b e e n w orking t wo jobs t r y ing to sav e up mon e y s o I c ou l d fo ot the bill to quit working. Inhab ita nt 294: Well I h op e y ou’ll f e el b etter af ter y our t rip. b e ne t83: I hop e so i’m just going to drink a bun ch of b oxe d w i ne a nd go to a Chin ese restaur an t later.

This document contains forward-looking statements that are based on our current expectations, estimates, and projections.


Actual results may vary materially from those expressed in forward-looking statements due to a number of factors, including, but not limited to, market conditions.


Inhabitant 60145657 I remember being very small. Inhab ita nt 60145657: Wh en was this? b e ne t83: Su nd ay af tern o on I think, or is it S aturday ? Inhab ita nt 60145657: Were y ou alon e? b e ne t83: No, I re m emb er se eing my m om, in th e p ark, but you nge r. Inhab ita nt 60145657: y ounger? b e ne t83: Ye ah I rem emb er b eing v er y small. Inhab ita nt 60145657: h o w old were y ou th en? b e ne t83: I think I was 2 y e ars oldI’m in a long white gr avel d ri ve w ay tha t le a ds to a coun t r y h ouse. It is a nigh ttime , mo onl it s c en e an d th e h ouse is originally white w ith a b ro w n ro of--smaller, sim pler, an d un der on e stor y. The hou s e ha s ha d v arious b o ards, chapters of its mem oi rs, k no c ke d off o v er th e y e ars, but still ke eps its shap e. Inhab ita nt 60145657: wh ere is y our m om n o w? b e ne t83: I’m he a ding in to th e h ouse. Inhab ita nt 60145657: wh o are y ou? b e ne t83: I’m your n eighb or ’s n eighb or. I’m in a quiet s ub u rb a n a re a .

This document contains forward-looking statements that are based on our current expectations, estimates, and projections.



Actual results may vary materially from those expressed in forward-looking statements due to a number of factors, including, but not limited to, market conditions.

EXHIBIT -03 Replicas This s e c ti on d o c u me nts a colle ction of scre en -b ase d im age s a nd p hys i c al s e ttings of Atopia’s replica.

This document contains forward-looking statements that are based on our current expectations, estimates, and projections.


Actual results may vary materially from those expressed in forward-looking statements due to a number of factors, including, but not limited to, market conditions.


This document contains forward-looking statements that are based on our current expectations, estimates, and projections.



Actual results may vary materially from those expressed in forward-looking statements due to a number of factors, including, but not limited to, market conditions.

This document contains forward-looking statements that are based on our current expectations, estimates, and projections.


Actual results may vary materially from those expressed in forward-looking statements due to a number of factors, including, but not limited to, market conditions.


Further information can b e found at htt ps://cho ose

This document contains forward-looking statements that are based on our current expectations, estimates, and projections.



Actual results may vary materially from those expressed in forward-looking statements due to a number of factors, including, but not limited to, market conditions.


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