New Titles from the Netherlands | 2 Seas Agency 2019 Spring Rights List | General Fiction & Non-Fict

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Foreign Rights List

General Fiction & Non-Fiction Spring 2019 Recent & Forthcoming Titles

From the Netherlands

2 Seas Literary Agency Inc. 1129 Maricopa Hwy, Suite 175 Ojai, California 93023, USA

Marleen Seegers, Owner Chrysothemis Armefti, Junior Agent (based in Cyprus) The information in this catalog is accurate as of February 25, 2019.

w w w. m e u l e n h o ff b o e k e r i j . n l Meulenhoff Boekerij publishes both commercial and literary titles. We publish upmarket and genre books and have married the marketing sales power of a commercial fiction publisher to the quality controls and good taste of a literary house. We have published many titles that sold over 100,000 copies, no mean feat in a language area of 20 million. Meulenhoff has a great tradition in publishing translated literature from all over the world. Our list features more Nobel Prize laureates than any other Dutch publisher. Boekerij is especially strong in quality commercial fiction and is the market leader in translated fiction. The women’s fiction and thriller list features international bestselling authors.


Lex Boon Lex Boon is a reporter for the leading Dutch newspaper Het Parool. He is known for his fine eye for unique stories. His report on the ‘Freezer Man’ – a Norwegian man who kept his dead grandfather in an icebox, hoping to resurrect him one day – became a national hit. He holds a lifelong fascination for pineapples.

Narrative Non-Fiction


How a man’s passion for pineapples took him across the world, on a journey full of spectacular stories and unexpected encounters. Lex Boon knows everything there is to know about the exotic fruit and writes about it with wit and passion. That’s because one day his girlfriend came home with a gift: a pineapple plant. Shortly after, she broke up

Orig. Title: Ananas Orig. Language: Dutch Orig. Publisher: Meulenhoff 224 pp. January 2019 Territory: World excl. Dutch Material Available Dutch MS English sample available soon

with him and left him alone – with the pineapple. In an attempt to get over his broken heart, Lex became obsessed with the fruit. So, when he read a news story about pineapple farmers in Thailand who dumped their harvest on the highway, he got on a plane, determined to investigate.

For the readers of Mark Kurlansky’s Salt and Cod In the Dutch Bestseller list for several consecutive weeks; 3 print runs so far!

When he arrived in Thailand, he became entangled in the morally opaque world of the fruit industry. What follows is a worldwide search for pineapple stories. Lex finds himself in a 17th century Scottish pineapple castle, at a pineapple congress in Costa Rica - where he manages to track down the inventor of the ‘extra sweet pineapple’ - and in Ghana - where he exports his own ‘less sweet pineapple’ and, against all odds, falls in love again… Pineapple is a fascinating history of – and incredible story collection about – the most exotic fruit we know. What an awesome book [...] I didn’t know that a non-fiction title about pineapples could be such a page turner. [...] Open this book and the sun begins to shine. — De Volkskrant Brilliant story, great man, wonderful book. — Het Parool Put pineapple on a pizza or a grilled cheese and you’ve got yourself a ‘Hawaii’! But why? Ask Lex Boon. — NPO Radio 2 This book is refreshing. You become fascinated by a topic that didn’t really mean anything to you before, and you remain fascinated… — NRC Spring 2019 Rights List - - -


Erik Rozing Erik Rozing studied Medicine at Maastricht University and specialized in psychiatry at Leiden University. He currently lives and works in Amsterdam. As a psychiatrist, his focus is on patients with psychosis and trauma. The Psychiatrist and the Girl was his highly acclaimed debut novel, of which 15.000 copies were sold in The Netherlands and Flanders.


The Best for Everyone Stella is a clever, lively, sharp-witted young woman, but she also suffers from Borderline Personality Disorder and, despite many years of therapy, she can’t seem to leave her past behind. At twenty-seven, she turns to Ender, an organisation that would help her obtain deadly drugs. There, she meets Milou, a young filmmaker who wants to make a documentary about Stella’s decision to end

Orig. Title: Het beste voor iedereen Orig. Language: Dutch Orig. Publisher: Meulenhoff 352 pp. January 2019 Territory: World excl. Dutch Material Available Dutch MS English sample available soon

her life. In the weeks leading up to Stella’s planned suicide, Milou encourages her to tell her story. As Stella’s past unfolds into a more and more complicated reality, Milou comes in contact with Stella’s former psychiatrist, who is determined to prevent her death at the last minute.

Also available:

The Psychiatrist and the Girl The Rosie Project meets Girl, Interrupted meets The Shock of the Fall, set in the Psychiatric department of a General Hospital. Dr. Edgar Simons, a twenty-six-year-old resident psychiatrist, is on call at the Huygens Medical Centre and is paged to the emergency room because a young woman has attempted suicide. Twenty-two-year-old Stella, an attractive young woman in a black dress and with gothic make-up, has the reputation of being the one of the patients with the most severe Borderline Personality Disorder. Six months after their first meeting, Edgar receives a letter in which Stella declares her love to him...

Orig. Title: De psychiater en het meisje Orig. Language: Dutch Orig. Publisher: Meulenhoff 448 pp. | 2016 Territory: World excl. Dutch English sample & detailed English Synopsis available 15,000+ copies sold • Hebban Debut Prize for Fiction (shortlisted)

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Joep Stapel Joep Stapel writes about classical music for NRC Handelsblad and is a literary critic for weblog Tzum. He also works as editor for the literary magazine dodo/nododo and De Gids recently published one of his short stories.

Debut Novel


A sparkling novel dealing with love, loss, regret and the longing for another life. A road trip to Italy which raises doubts about

Orig. Title: Kaf Orig. Language: Dutch Orig. Publisher: Meulenhoff 208 pp. April 2019

the life path to be chosen.

Territory: World excl. Dutch

Intricately composed with short, alternating

Material Available Dutch MS English sample available soon

chapters that create a life-like mosaic. Kaf is a thirty-two-year-old English teacher who is afraid of flying. Together with his best friend and best man he embarks on a road trip to Tuscany where he will marry in the family home of his fiancĂŠe. Gabi is waiting for him in the village where she spent all of her summers as a little girl. Meanwhile she takes care of her gravely ill father and seeks comfort with her memories. Their wedding will be a celebration as well as a goodbye. But when Kaf is delayed and time until the ceremony starts to run out, he is struck with doubt. He thinks about his grandfather, who sailed across the world and started a new life in Japan. He wonders: could I be someone else too? Kaf is like an arrow pointing towards marriage, but at the same time opening up like a fan and revealing alternative futures and the different shapes our innermost desires can take.

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Arthur Brand Arthur Brand studied Spanish and History before specialising in art and antiquities. Nowadays, he is the Netherlands’ most prominent art detective. Some of his findings made worldwide news, including Hitler’s horses, a Dali painting and five paintings from the Westfries Museum. The total value of the cases solved by Brand are estimated at more than 150 million euros.

History | Investigative Journalism

Hitler’s Horses How an art detective made his biggest and most sensational discovery – and became a worldwide news item! During a visit to his former teacher, art detective Arthur Brand comes across a photograph of Hitler’s horses, two-meter high statues that Hitler once ordered to put in front of the Grand Chancellery. It appears they are being sold on the black market. Brand is puzzled: weren’t those statues destroyed in the Battle of Berlin? The ones on sale must be fakes. Surprisingly enough, however, they are not. Like a true detective, Brand starts his investigation to find out where the statues have been for the last 70 years, who owned them and who is trying to sell them on the black market for a massive amount of money. During his search, he meets leaders of criminal organisations, ex-Nazi’s, former members of the Committee for State Security, shady figures and former East-Germany police officers. They all turn out to have played a part in this mystery. After many twists and turns, Brand manages to confiscate the statues with the help of the German police. His victory becomes a worldwide news item.

Orig. Title: De paarden van Hitler Orig. Language: Dutch Orig. Publisher: Boekerij 288 pp. March 2019 Territory: World excl. Dutch Material Available Dutch MS English sample available soon

We read news stories about stolen art, but know nothing of the bewildering criminal networks behind these thefts. Arthur Brand, known for the Omroep Max miniseries about his work as an art detective, knows this shady, surprising and dangerous world like no other, and his engaging storytelling makes it come alive. Hitler’s Horses is an action-packed true crime story featuring secret services, former Nazi’s, neo-Nazi’s and huge amounts of money. German TV-rights have already been sold. The most interesting find in decades. — The New York Times Reads like a novel by John Le Carré. — Nieuwsuur Forget the film The Monuments Men, in which George Clooney saves art from the hands of the Nazi’s. The way in which two massive bronze horses from Hitler’s personal art collection were retrieved – featuring Russian generals and Nazi descendants – is better than the movies. — Het Nieuwsblad

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Charlotte de Monchy Charlotte de Monchy (1979) studied communication science at the University of Amsterdam. She writes cheerful, sparkling feel-good novels. She lives in Bali with her family.

Women’s Fiction

What Happens in Bali When Bobbie finds herself sitting on an ergonomic XLball – curtesy of the business coach – and sees nothing but black spots, she realizes she might be a tad overworked. Luckily, her boss has found her a job on Bali, the island where her sister Lauren lives – the same sister whom she hasn’t spoken to in nine years. All Bobbie needs to do is organize the buy-out of a local surf school, so the company can use the land to build a luxury resort. A piece of cake, as the letter of intent has already been signed. Afterwards, she’ll have plenty of time to make up with her sister and recharge on a white bounty beach.

Orig. Title: Nee heb je Orig. Language: Dutch Orig. Publisher: Boekerij 352 pp. February 2019 Territory: World excl. Dutch Material Available Dutch MS 75.000+ copies sold in Charlotte de Monchy’s books

When she arrives on Bali, things take an unexpected turn. Her sister isn’t exactly overjoyed when Bobbie shows up on her restaurant’s doorstep, massive suitcase in tow. And Samuel, the surf school’s owner, claims he’s never laid eyes on the letter of intent. Yet, Bobbie is certain she can convince him to sell and she books a few surf classes to get closer to him. As they spend time together, the wonderful climate and Samuel’s laid-back attitude and irresistible charm have quite the effect on Bobbie, making her wonder if maybe, just maybe, she’s the one who should be making a change instead?

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Nathalie Pagie Nathalie Pagie (1974) debuted with The Drama Club in 2013. After her second thriller, The Campus, she started writing an ongoing crime series about two journalists, Tara and Diego, who solve crimes in different exotic locations around the world. All three novels in the series are bestsellers: Birds of Paradise, Casa Familia, and Rio Grande. Casa Familia won her the Thrillzone Award 2017 for Best Dutch Thriller. In 2018 she wrote another standalone thriller, situated in Sweden, Ice Angel. Her books have sold more than 250,000 copies in the Netherlands and Flanders.


The Trip (Hawaii) - Standalone An extreme adventure program filmed on Hawaï takes a turn for the worst… Journalists Tara Linders and Diego Martinez are on Hawaii for the TV recordings of an extreme adventure program The Trip. Tara is there to cover the show for the newspaper where Diego works as an editor. When one of the candidates is injured, Diego takes his place. Whilst he puts his life on the line in the programme’s dangerous challenges, Tara tracks down a commune, led by the eccentric Cassandra. Its members appear to be completely under their leader’s spell, and Tara is intrigued.

Orig. Title: De Trip Orig. Language: Dutch Orig. Publisher: Boekerij 304 pp. April 2019 Territory: World excl. Dutch Material Available Dutch MS Long English synopsis for all titles

Then, disaster strikes. Mauna Loa, the biggest volcano in the world, erupts much earlier than predicted and everyone must flee the island immediately. When one of the commune members is found dead and a TV-crewmember goes missing, chaos takes over. Does the commune have something the hide? What is Cassandra’s role in the mysterious disappearance? Tara and Diego decide to stay on the island until they find out the truth, but the time to leave safely is running out. Fast.

Also available:

Ice Angel (Sweden) - Standalone When media entrepreneur Berndt Müller is kidnapped the whole of Sweden is on the lookout. His family goes against police advice and gets in touch with his kidnappers, but when they pay the ransom nothing happens. Meanwhile Berndt finds out that he isn’t alone in the abandoned hotel there’s a little girl who ends up gaining his trust. Can she be his way out?

Orig. Title: IJsengel Orig. Language: Dutch Orig. Publisher: Boekerij 304 pp. | October 2018 Territory: World excl. Dutch English sample & long English synopsis for all titles 12,500+ copies sold • 2018 ThrillerZone Prize for Best Dutch Thriller

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Jackie van Laren Jackie van Laren (1968) has two great passions in her life: music and storytelling. At a young age she already wrote poetry and songs. She studied Dutch and English Literature, is lead singer in various bands and works in publishing. The Q Trilogy was her debut as a novelist.

Women’s Fiction | Romance

The Ladies Man

Reinout Hollebeecq, prim, proper and slightly insecure, is moving to Amsterdam to study Dutch. He dreams of love, but doesn’t dare believe that he could ever be taken seriously by a girl. His only ecape is music; he’s a wonderful pianist and singer, but restrict himself to classical music. In Amsterdam, Reinout moves into an apartment above that of a girl his own age. She’s a bass player in a metal band, has an on-off relationship with the band’s rugged lead singer and lives life on the edge. The differences between them couldn’t be bigger. But when the lead singer

Orig. Title: De Meisjesmagneet Orig. Language: Dutch Orig. Publisher: Boekerij 304 pp. January 2019 Territory: World excl. Dutch Material Available Dutch MS 100.000+ copies sold in all Jackie van Laren’s books

drops out and the girl asks Reinout to join the band, a whole new world opens up for him. A world in which he can rediscover himself and finally lose his insecurity, his shyness and even his virginity. But is reinventing himself as a ladies man really the best way to win his downstairs neighbor’s heart?

Also available:

The Island series Started as a daily serial on Facebook, the Island Series quickly gained a large, loyal and dedicated online fan base in The Netherlands and Belgium. The serial is now published as a series of four interlinking books about friendship, love, and life’s burning questions against the beautiful backdrop of nature, beach and sea of the muchloved Dutch Wadden Sea Islands: Dune Grass, Storm Wind, Spring Tide and Slack Water.

Orig. Titles: — Duingras — Stormwind — Springvloed — Tegenstroom Orig. Language: Dutch Orig. Publisher: Boekerij 336 pp. February - July 2018 Territory: World excl. Dutch Material Available Dutch MS English sample for Dune Grass Combined sales of 40,000+ cp.

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Felix Weber Felix Weber is the pen-name of an award-winning thriller author. His historical thrillers are based on true events that Weber researches meticulously before putting the stories to paper.

Historical Literary Thriller

The Fatal Blow After the war Eden Lumas escapes to South Orig. Title: Genadeschot Orig. Language: Dutch America, but his past catches up with him. Orig. Publisher: Boekerij Driven by a thirst for adventure Eden Lumas enlists 368 pp. as a volunteer for the Waffen-SS during the Second November 2018 World War. He joins the German Army at the Eastern Front only to find himself taking part in a ruthless war Territory: World excl. Dutch of destruction. When he becomes involved in the extermination of the Jews his conscience gets the betMaterial Available ter of him. In an attempt to save a Jewish woman and Dutch MS her baby, he is discovered, tortured, and left for dead. English sample available soon However, he does not die from the injuries. From that moment on, his life is dominated by the hunt for Julius Under Option Liedtke, the SS officer who was responsible for his punGermany ishment and torture. After countless hardships Lumas ends up in Berlin and his search reaches a dead end. Knowing that he cannot stay in Europe, Lumas manages to escape to South America where Perón’s Argentina proves a safe haven for Nazi refugees. Here he meets Sophie Denrée and hopes to build a new life with her. But his past catches up with him and Lumas becomes involved in a struggle between fleeing Nazis an surviving Jewish avengers.

Also available:

Dust to Dust.The War Is Over, But Not Yet Forgotten Resistance fighter Siem Coburg leads a bitter and reclusive life after WWII has come to an end. In 1949, a farmer who saved his life during the war comes to see him. The disabled grandson of the farmer has died under suspicious circumstances in a home for mentally and physically disabled children: Coburg sets up an investigation to repay his debt. During his investigation, he discovers that one child after another has died an unnatural death. His discovery causes both the clergymen and the villagers to turn against the outsider.

Orig. Title: Tof stof 352 pp. | October 2016 English sample available Rights Sold Germany 10,000+ copies sold • 2017 Golden Noose Prize for Best Dutch Thriller • Fall 2017 ‘10 Titles from Holland’ brochure

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11 Van Oorschot is Holland’s oldest surviving independent publisher. Ever since its foundation in 1945, by the legendary publisher G.A. van Oorschot, it has been building a list of the most renowned and respected Dutch literary authors, such as A. Alberts, M. Vasalis, Rutger Kopland, W.F. Hermans, Gerard Reve, and J.J. Voskuil. Over recent years the company, still proudly independent, has been publishing a new generation of talented writers like Nico Dros, Ester Naomi Perquin, Miek Zwamborn, Otto de Kat, Stephan Enter, Marijke Schermer, Gilles van der Loo, Martin Michael Driessen, Maria Barnas, Nicolien Mizee, Erik Lindner, Sander Kollaard, all of which were published to great acclaim.


Julien Ignacio Julien Ignacio (1969) studied European Studies and Literature at the University of Amsterdam. For four years he travelled through Asia and Australia, West-Africa, the Caribbean, South-America and the Middle East. He has published theatre plays, short stories and is editor of the literary magazine Tirade. He lives in Amsterdam and has two sons.

Literary Fiction

Kiss Kiss is a gripping story about a father-son relationship, and the beauty and tragedy of it. Room 11, intensive care, children’s ward. A father keeps vigil at the sickbed of his nine-year-old son, who is lying in a coma. Night after night he talks to his child. He tells the boy about his own father and the son that he once was… until that defining moment. He tells him about his own fatherhood, the impossi-

Orig. Title: Kus Orig. Language: Dutch Orig. Publisher: Van Oorschot 240 pp. October 2018 Territory: World excl. Dutch Material Available Dutch MS English sample

bility of protecting his son from all the dangers of life and the unbearable weight of his love – how all of this made him decide to leave the family. Kiss is a gripping story about a father-son relationship, the beauty and tragedy of it. As the son fails to wake from his coma, the father’s longing grows for a place where time doesn’t affect them anymore.

Delicate… beautiful, serene images… exceptional sensitivity for the fragility and transience of life. — Groene Amsterdammer Original father-son novel… very well done. — NRC Rare poetic strength… fascinating, rich and comforting. — Nederlands Dagblad Impressive novel… tightly composed… full of subtle literary references. — Literair Nederland

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Hanny Michaelis Hanny Michaelis (1922–2007) was born in Amsterdam. She graduated in 1941 and shortly afterwards she and her parents went, separately, into hiding. They never saw each other again. Hanny’s parents were arrested in 1943 and were taken first to the camp at Westerbork and then to Sobibor, where they were murdered. Shortly after the liberation of the Netherlands, Michaelis returned to Amsterdam, where she stayed for the rest of her life. For years she worked in the Amsterdam city council’s department of artistic affairs. She also published six collections of poetry. Her wartime diaries recently appeared in two volumes, both of which were enthusiastically received.

WWII | Diary

War Diary Geel Magenta Cyaan Zwart

hanny michaelis oorlogs dagboek

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When the personal effects of one of the most important post-war Dutch poets, Hanny Michaelis, were found to include her diary from the German occupation of the Netherlands, it caused a literary sensation. Like Anne Frank, Michaelis was Jewish and forced into hiding. Inevitably, the diary is being compared with Anne Frank’s. The large number of notebooks have been published earlier in two annotated volumes: the first covering 1940 and 1941; the second 1942-45. By special request, there has finally been made a selection of those two publications: the best of Michaelis’ war diaries in 400 pages. 44









Orig. Title: Oorlogs-Dagboek Orig. Language: Dutch Orig. Publisher: Van Oorschot 400 pp. Spring 2019 Territory: World excl. Dutch Material Available Dutch MS available soon English sample

In 1942 Michaelis had to take the drastic step of going into hiding. On January 1st she noted: ‘Even the fact of sleeping in my own bed, in my own room, tonight for the last time does not fill me with the sadness I’d feared.’ She was determined to remain in high spirits; despite the tears welling up when the light was turned off on her first night in her new room, she wrote: ‘I don’t feel so very unhappy.’ In the words of the Dutch daily NRC Handelsblad, the diary balances between ‘heights of optimism and pessimistic depths’. Hanny Michaelis hid under a false name, working as a live-in maid in an author’s household, which gave her the ‘privilege’ of being able to read books, write, and – despite life-threatening circumstances – meet wellknown writers and artists. Michaelis was clearly more mature than the younger Anne Frank, but similarly, her diary became her most important ‘conversation partner’. She describes her youth passing and tells of her early attempts at literature and her terrible uncertainty about the fate of her parents, who had been deported to Germany. She eventually discovered that they were murdered in 1943. Michaelis survived, producing a unique testimony of a dark time.

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Index Meulenhoff-Boekerij Lex Boon Pineapple 4 Erik Rozing The Best for Everyone 5 Joep Stapel Kaf 6 Arthur Brand Hitler’s Horses 7 Charlotte de Monchy What Happens on Bali 8 Nathalie Pagie The Trip 9 Jackie van Laren The Ladies Man 10 Felix Weber The Fatal Blow 11

Van Oorschot Julien Ignacio Kiss 13 Hanny Michaelis War Diary 14


Latest Rights Deals 2 Seas Agency’s most recent foreign rights deals include:

February 2019 Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca, The Emotion Thesaurus, The Negative Trait Thesaurus, The Positive Trait Thesaurus, The Rural Setting Thesaurus, The Urban Setting Thesaurus and The Emotional Wound Thesaurus: Turkey (Hep Kitap) Althusser, Louis, Psychoanalysis and Social Sciences: Greece (Epekeina) Bonidan, Cathy, Room 128: USA (St. Martin’s Press, WEL, at auction) Burensteinas, Patrick, An Alchemist Speaks: Italy (Edizioni Mediterranee) Cannell, Sean, Travis, Benji, YouTube Secrets: The Ultimate Guide to Growing Your Following and Making Money as a Video Influencer: Korea (Bom Publishing), Vietnam (1980 Books) Garnier, Stéphane, Catissimo! The Cat Encyclopedia: Poland (Andromeda) Groen, Hendrik, Live and Let Live: Italy (Longanesi) Marmion, Jean-François (ed.), The Psychology of Stupidity: Lithuania (Eugrimas, at auction), Brazil (Faro, at auction), Bulgaria (Iztok Zapad), Russia (Eksmo), Germany (Munchner Verlagsgruppe), World English (Penguin Books, in a pre-empt), Sweden (Mondial), Romania (Litera, in a pre-empt) Marsons, Angela, Lost Girls and Play Dead: Norway (Cappelen Damm) Norty, Cohen, Join the Brand. Building Loyal Communities and the Need for Belonging: China (Beijing Standway Books) Pépin, Charles, Self-Confidence. A Philosophy: Turkey (Epsilon) Vuillard, Eric, The War of the Poor: USA (Other Press, NA) Zaytoun, Hyam, Vigil (Vigile): Sweden (Sekwa)

January 2019 Berry, Thomas, The Dream of the Earth: France (Wildproject) Bhargava, Rohit, The Non-Obvious Guide To Small Business Marketing (Without a Big Budget): Vietnam (1980 Books) Bonidan, Cathy, Room 128: Italy (De Agostini, in a pre-empt), Germany (Zsolnay/Hanser Verlag, in a pre-empt), USA (St. Martin’s Press, WEL, at auction) Bonidan, Cathy, The Perfume of the Hellebore Rose: Italy (De Agostini, in a pre-empt) Caboni, Cristina, The Binder of Lost Stories: Finland (Impromptu) Chiperi, Cristina, Moonlight: France (Pocket Jeunesse) Driessen, Andrea, The Non-Obvious Guide To Event Planning (for Kick-Ass Gatherings That Inspire People): Vietnam (1980 Books) Emma, Another Look. A Bunch of Stuff to See Things Differently, Vols. 1-3: Portugal (Bertrand) 16

Clients & Co-Agents WORLDWIDE REPRESENTATION Selected titles presented in our Spring 2019 Rights Lists

France Allary Editions | Editions de La Martinière Littérature | Le Livre de Poche (paperback originals only) + Préludes Editions | Massot Editions | Editions de l’Opportun | Editions Sciences Humaines

The Netherlands Bertram + de Leeuw | Hollands Diep | Meulenhoff Boekerij | Van Oorschot

United States Ideapress Publishing | Networlding Publishing

Authors (in our Spring 2019 R ights Lists) Angela Ackerman & Becca Puglisi | James Altucher | Sean Cannell & Benji Travis | Jeanne Damas & Lauren Bastide (via Editions Grasset) | Walker Deibel | Jacques Expert (via Sonatine Editions) | Patrick & Ellen Galvin | Cameron Herold & Adrian Salamunovic | Cliff Lerner | Dan Norris | Brian Scudamore

EXCLUSIVE CO-AGENTS For our world rights titles Brazil: Villas-Boas & Moss Agency | China: CA-Link (English titles) | China: The Artemis Agency (French & Dutch titles) | Baltic States, Central Europe (excl Poland), Balkan & Southeastern Europe, Eastern Europe (excl. Russia, Belarus, Ukraine): Livia Stoia Agency | Greece: Ersilia Agency | Israel: The Deborah Harris Agency | Japan: Tuttle-Mori Agency | Poland: Graal Agency | Russia, Belarus, Ukraine: Anastasia Lester Agency | Spain: SalmaiaLit | Taiwan: The Artemis Agency | Turkey: AnatoliaLitAgency


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