Conscious Life Free Online Magazine Aug-Sep edition 59

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Are You WOMAN Enough?

How To Befriend Change

5 Good Mood Foods

Will You Grow Yourself or Your Addictions?

20 Ways to Overcome Insomnia

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Dearest Conscious Life Friends

Do you love your life? I wonder how many people will answer with a resounding YES!! ? Over the past few months, I have been making the conscious decision to find joy each day, to really look at that which is not working for me and set about to shift it, to take the steps necessary to realise my dreams. I have been reminded that I am the architect of my life and if I am not entirely happy and enjoying life each day, then it is up to me to fine tune and even redesign areas of my life that do not resonate with me any longer. I have also been reminded that this is part of the journey, that we all shift and change. That nothing ever truly stays the same – why would we want it to anyway? That as it shifts, we have a choice, to grow, evolve and follow our soul’s desire or to become stuck. I am actively choosing the former, because I realized that I was slipping into the latter by default. In working to be conscious of my thoughts and habitual choices in each moment, I give myself the space to shift the thoughts that no longer serve me and make new choices which are taking my life in a direction that I am really falling in love with. I would love to hear from you about your daily journey in creating the life you love. Pop me a mail at, subject – How I love my life.

STAND A CHANCE TO WIN: Who knows… your letter may even be chosen to be published and win you a nice little book hamper…

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Photo By Tim Mossholder - Unsplash Photo By Jared Rice- Unsplash

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By Michelle L Geldenhuys

I called a man the other day for work purposes and his wife answered the phone. I asked if it was possible for me to speak to him and she replied that it wasn’t and why was I looking for him and so I explained what the call was about. She replied “It’s not possible for you to talk to him because he passed away on the 8th of June” and then she began to cry.

All I could say was “I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry” and then she hung up. I felt her tears in my veins and I felt her pain so intensely. I could taste the bitter agony and grief in my mouth and all I wanted to do was envelop her with so much love and compassion. There, this person I do not know at all, on the other side of the world, and I could feel her pain. I thought deeply about this and wondered was it her pain or was it my pain that I was feeling. How can you feel something that is not already inside of you? And then it dawned on me that we have all felt the same pain, just like we have all felt the same love… it is only our experiences that differ. When you realize that what we feel inside of ourselves is all the same, we realize that it is our human experience of emotion that unites us. It breaks my heart that all over the world we are obsessed with dividing ourselves and losing our intrinsic unity to separation consciousness. Humanity is obsessed with what makes us different instead of what makes us the same.

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We all feel the same pain and we all feel the same love. Yet we will label certain pain as ok to express and another type of pain as not ok to express… we even do this with love, we label certain love as ok but a different kind as not ok when at the end of the day pain is pain and love is love. All our hearts are connected like a grid. This beautiful human immersed in her moment of agonizing pain touched my heart that day and for days after and made me feel deeply empathetic and thoughtful and now I am sharing my emotions around this with all of you and perhaps someone else will resonate and so it is quite evident that we are all connected, all our hearts love and cry in unison but at different times and for different reasons. I wish I could hold everyone who feels pain and sadness but all I can do is assure you that life holds you, life always holds you. The human experience is an emotional one, we are here for the great dance… the great dance with emotions to a symphony of a perfectly orchestrated connectedness. I wish more people would see the beauty of vulnerability. Removing the masks and the tuxedos and the glittery ball gowns and showing up as your real, raw, messy self is fucking beautiful! This is what unites us… this is what brings us together! It's amazing how much literature is out there on oneness and universal love. Yet we only understand it by feeling it, or more importantly allowing ourselves to feel it. This once again proves that our connectedness is not realized by the mind but rather by the heart. Thought creates separation as it is of a dualistic nature... this is right and that is wrong. Oneness is non-dualistic. All the conflicts and wars fought on this planet are all about ideologies and belief structures... those people are less worthy than those people, this political system is right and that one is wrong, this religion is right and that one is wrong. All of this is dualistic in nature which is an expression of the ego. Ego is mind and feeling is spirit. It is only once we silence the mind and truly feel through our hearts that we undeniably realize our universal oneness and connectedness. Our true understanding of our united human experience does not therefore manifest as intellectual but rather as feeling. Our hearts will liberate humanity... nothing else. Let us realize that our hearts beat as one heart. I feel all of you. And I love all of you. Michelle L Geldenhuys (Author of ‘A Guide to Shadow Work’)

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About Michelle: Editor Cj: “I am honoured to call Michelle a dear friend of mine. She radiates such beautiful light and love, that one cannot help but be drawn to her. Her posts always resonate so deeply with me and I know that many of you will find the same” Michelle: “Life is an incredible journey of pain and pleasure engaged in an infinite dance. Our ability to embrace both our light and dark determines the depth at which we will experience our lives. I share my perspectives and my personal lessons for those who resonate with my journey to enjoy.”

Michelle’s Books: A Guide To Shadow Work A short and powerful 9 step guide to healing Kindle Edition Once again this incredible author highlights the importance of healing our pain that we carry. Her first book "Evolution of a Battered Mind" described how she had learnt of the importance of healing through her experiences in life. Now she has put together a brief but powerful 9 step guide that will help anyone on their path towards healing their inner trauma, or 'shadow’. "I myself have been working with my own shadows for most of my life and can say with humbleness and pride that although there were times when my shadow completely overcame me, I have learnt to embrace every inch of what is me and I have found the key to liberation from the torment of this inner shadow. The ‘key’ to it all, that I have discovered through my journey, I have broken down into 9 separate parts.” Click Here to Buy on Amazon Evolution of a battered mind: A true story of depression, addiction, sexuality and spiritual awakening Kindle Edition Reading this book may cause you to question your reality, question your comforts, question your addictions, question life.

Click Here to Buy on Amazon

This multi-faceted autobiography dives deep into the authors experiences of depression, addiction, coming to terms with her sexuality and subsequently her emergence into spiritual awakening. The mind can be our worst enemy. Our inner demons torment and control us. This is a real, raw and uncensored journey to the depths of the soul, where darkness is embraced, and where healing begins.

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By Louise Hay I am not a healer. I do not heal anyone. I think of myself as a stepping stone on a pathway of self-discovery. I create a space where people can learn how incredibly wonderful they are by teaching them to love themselves. After years of individual counseling with clients and conducting hundreds of workshops and intensive training programs across the country and around the world, I found that there is only one thing that heals every problem, and that is: to know how to love yourself. When people start to love themselves more each day, it’s amazing how their lives get better. They feel better. They get the jobs they want. They have the money they need.

Their relationships either improve, or the negative ones dissolve and new ones begin. It’s a very simple premise—loving yourself. I’ve been criticized for being too simplistic, and I have found that the simple things are usually the most profound. Someone said to me recently, “You gave me the most wonderful gift—you gave me the gift of myself.” So many of us hide from ourselves and we don’t even know who we are. We don’t know what we feel, we don’t know what we want. Life is a voyage of self discovery. To me, to be enlightened is to go within and to know who and what we really are, and to know that we have the ability to change for the better by loving and taking care of ourselves.

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It’s not selfish to love ourselves. It clears us so that we can love ourselves enough to love other people. We can really help the planet when we come from a space of great love and joy on an individual basis. The Power that created this incredible Universe has often been referred to as love. God is love. We have often heard the statement: Love makes the world go ’round. It’s all true. Love is the binding agent that holds the whole Universe together. To me, love is a deep appreciation. When I talk about loving ourselves, I mean having a deep appreciation for who we are. We accept all the different parts of ourselves—our little peculiarities, the embarrassments, the things we may not do so well, and all the wonderful qualities, too.

Unfortunately, many of us will not love ourselves until we lose the weight, or get the job, or get the raise, or the boyfriend, or whatever. We often put conditions on our love. But we can change. We can love ourselves as we are right now! We are in the midst of enormous individual and global change. I believe that all of us who are living at this time chose to be here to be a part of these changes, to bring about change, and to transform the world from the old way of life to a more loving and peaceful existence.

Photo by Loe Moshkovska from Pexels

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In the Piscean Age we looked “out there” for our savior: “Save me. Save me. Please take care of me.” Now we are moving into the Aquarian Age, and we are learning to go within to find our savior. We are the power we have been seeking.

If you are not willing to love yourself today, then you are not going to love yourself tomorrow, because whatever excuse you have today, you’ll still have tomorrow. Maybe you’ll have the same excuse 20 years from now, and even leave this lifetime holding on to the same excuse.

Love is something we can choose, the same way we choose anger, or hate, or sadness. We can choose to forgive someone who has hurt us and begin to finally heal. We can choose to be grateful for what we have. We can choose love. It’s always a choice within us.

Let’s begin right now in this moment to choose love. It’s the most powerful healing force there is. For more wisdom from Louise Hay, go to

Photo by Serkan Göktay from Pexels

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She was done not fully being herself. By Adrienne Pieroth

She realized she was the only self she could be—and not being unapologetically true to herself was a disservice to her soul and the world. She was done listening to the noise of the world. She realized the quiet voice of her own soul was the most beautiful sound. She was done questioning her motives, her intentions, the call of her soul. She realized questions seek answers, and maybe she already knew the answers. She was done striving, forcing, pushing through and staying on the hard path. She realized toughing things out might be a sign to pick another path. She was done with friends that admonished her to be more light and breezy. She realized they didn’t understand she swam in the deep waters of life, she felt at home in their dark depths and died if she lived on the surface. She was done with the distractions, the denials, the small addictions that pulled her away from the true desires of her soul. She realized that strength of character came from focus and commitment. She was done not following the desires that yelled out in her soul every day. She realized if she did nothing about them, they died a quiet death that took a piece of her soul with them. Conscious Life Magazine

She was done with dinner parties and cocktail hours where conversations skimmed the surface of life. She realized the beverages created distortion and a temporary happiness that wasn’t real and disappeared in the light of the day. She was done trying to please everyone. She realized it could never be done. She was done questioning herself. She realized her heart knew the truth and she needed to follow it. She was done analyzing all the options, weighing the pros and cons and trying to figure everything out before leaping. She realized that taking a leap implied not fully seeing where she landed. She was done battling with herself, trying to change who she knew herself to be. She realized the world made it hard enough to fully be herself, so why add to the challenge. She was done worrying, as if worry was the price she had to pay to make it all turn out okay. She realized worry didn’t need to be part of the process. She was done apologizing and playing small to make others feel comfortable and fit in. She realized fitting in was overrated and shining her light made others brave enough to do the same. She was done with the should’s, ought to’s and have to’s of the world. She realized the only must’s in her life came from things that beat so strong in her soul, she couldn’t not do them.

Photo by Luis Fernandes from Pexels

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She was done with remorse and could have’s. She realized hindsight never applies because circumstances always look different in the rearview mirror and you experience life looking through the front window. She was done with friendships based on shared history and past experiences. She realized if friends couldn’t grow together, or were no longer following the same path, it was okay to let them go. She was done trying to fit in—be part of the popular crowd. She realized the price she had to pay to be included was too high and betrayed her soul. She was done not trusting. She realized she had placed her trust in people that were untrustworthy—so she would start with the person she could trust the most—herself. She was done being tired. She realized it came from spending her time doing things that didn’t bring her joy or feed her soul. She was done trying to figure it all out, know the answers, plan everything and see all the possibilities before she began. She realized life was unfolding and that the detours and unexpected moments were some of the best parts.

She was done needing to be understood by anyone but herself. She realized she was the only person she would spend her whole with and understanding herself was more important than being understood by others. She was done looking for love. She realized loving and accepting herself was the best kind of love and the seed from which all other love started. She was done fighting, trying to change or not accepting her body. She realized the body she came into the world with was the only one she had—there were no exchanges or returns—so love and acceptance was the only way. She was done being tuned in, connected and up-to-date all the time. She realized the news and noise of the world was always there—a cacophony that never slowed or fell quiet and that listening to the silence of her soul was a better station to tune into. She was done beating herself up and being so hard on herself as if either of these things led to changes or made her feel better. She realized kindness and compassion towards herself and others accomplished more. She was done comparing and looking at other people’s lives as a mirror for her own. She realized holding her own mirror cast her in the best, most beautiful light. She was done being quiet, unemotional and holding her tongue. She realized her voice and her emotions could be traced back to her deepest desires and longings. if she only followed their thread. Conscious Life Magazine

She was done having to be right. She realized everyone’s truth was relative and personal to themselves, so the only right that was required was the one that felt true for her. She was done not feeling at home in the world. She realized she might never feel at home in the world, but that feeling at home in her soul was enough. She was done being drained by others—by people who didn’t want to take the time for their own process and saw shortcuts though hers. She realized she could share her experience, but everyone needed to do the work themselves.

She was done thinking she had so much to learn. She realized she already knew so much, if she only listened. She was done trying to change others or make them see things. She realized she could only lead by example and whether they saw or followed was up to them. She was done with the inner critic. She realized its voice was not her own. She was done racing and being discontent with where she was. She realized the present moment held all it needed to get her to the next moment. It wasn’t out there—it was right here.

She was done seeing hurt as something to be avoided, foreseen or somehow her fault. She realized hurt shaped her as much as joy and she needed both to learn and grow.

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She was done judging. She realized judging assumed the presence of right and wrong—and that there was a difference between using information to inform and making someone else wrong. She was done jumping to conclusions. She realized she only needed to ask. She was done with regrets. She realized if she had known better she would have done better. She was done being angry. She realized anger was just a flashlight that showed her what she was most scared of and once it illuminated what she needed to see, she no longer needed to hold on to it. She was done being sad. She realized sorrow arose when she betrayed her own soul and made choices that weren’t true to herself. She was done playing small. She realized if others couldn’t handle her light, it was because they were afraid of their own. She was done with the facades and the pretending. She realized masks were suffocating and claustrophobic. She was done with others’ criticism and complaints. She realized they told her nothing about herself—only informed her of their perspective. She was done yelling above the noise of the world. She realized living out loud could be done quietly. She was done needing permission, validation or the authority. She realized she was her her own authority. She was done being something she was not. She realized the purpose of life was to be truly, happily who she was born to be…and if she paused long enough to remember, she recognized herself.


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DESIGNING A MINDFUL LIFE... Adrienne is: •a writer •a meditation teacher •a life longer meditator (I learned to meditate in college at the tender age of 21.) •a self-awareness advocate •a pause button pusher •a mindful technologist •a single mother of two teenage sons

Conscious Life Magazine

By Silvia Bladt – Heal Your Self Connection Most of us didn’t learn how to deal with emotional pain.

With this you try to escape from your pain and it works, but only for a short period of time.

We didn’t learn that this actually is a mirror of an old wound showing up in today’s situation. You think that today’s situation is the cause of the pain.

After that the pain is right back and it’s only growing. So is the skill to distract yourself, and it’s evolving into having an addiction. Now it becomes a vicious circle.

But it’s not, it’s only a reflection of an old wound lingering inside of you. A wound that you didn’t process.

The need of something external for a temporary release for an internal problem is now a fact.

Because you didn’t know how or weren’t ready to give space to the pain.

But that can’t EVER solve the problem, it only causes more internal problems.

Instead of you facing yourself, you went into distracting yourself.

The only thing that really can solve this problem is you! You taking responsibility for yourself, taking the pain and using it to go to the next level.

Distracting examples: working, eating, worrying ,sex, sporting, social media, alcohol, drugs and many more…

How? By giving the pain the space it needs. Process it...

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Instead of using the distractions to stay at the same level. It’s by facing the pain that we can grow/evolve as a person. That’s why the pain showed up in the first place. To help us to get stronger in the places we weren't fully developed yet. You choose what you will grow. . Will you keep growing your addictions? Or will you grow yourself into the person you are actually meant to be? Wiser, smarter & stronger… Everything has it’s purpose in life. We are responsible for every action we take, every fall we make, but also to get back up and try again without judging ourselves. In the end it will all make sense, but for now don't give up. Give yourself what you deserve. The present of being fully alive. Feeling the love, passion but also the pain. Because that’s the meaning of being truly ALIVE. Otherwise, you will be the next person that is dead on the inside. Someone who is actually just existing & struggling with life. ________________________________________________

You can follow Silvia Bladt on Instagram, for more valuable insights such as those shared in this article.

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Filled with inspiring articles on the Montessori Method, bringing Montessori into the home; conscious parenting, conscious living, wellness, self improvement, fitness &more.

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Insomnia: What to Do When You Can’t Sleep

By Kissairis Munoz courtesy of

There are few things worse than spending your nights tossing and turning. Whether it’s anxiety about work, stress about financial woes or just plain insomnia, when you can’t sleep, the repercussions are more serious than just feeling drowsy the next day. Sleep is one of the most important things you can do to keep your body healthy. In fact, according to a study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, a lapse in adequate sleep time — at least seven hours a night — can lead to a decreased attention span, depressed feelings and difficulty processing ideas. (1) Sleep problems can also lead to increased weight gain and increase your chances of getting sick. And there are financial repercussions of insomnia or trouble sleeping as well — as this condition is related to lost productivity, absenteeism, workrelated accidents and high health care costs. (2) Although it seems like so many people struggle with getting restful sleep, insomnia and sleep issues are not normal and they need to be addressed. Not getting enough shut eye? Try my 20 favorite tried-and-true strategies — including some natural sleep aids and sleep habits — to address your sleep disorders. They will help you get a good night’s rest on those nights you can’t sleep. Your body will thank you!

Unable to Sleep? It’s Probably Some Form of Insomnia Did you know that one in five people have suffered from insomnia at some point in their lives? In

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fact, one of the most common concerns that I hear from patients is “Dr. Axe, I can’t sleep.” What is insomnia? It’s a sleep disorder that can reduce your quality of life and overall health. Some people with insomnia have trouble falling asleep and others have difficulty staying asleep for multiple hours

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Insomnia has been defined as difficulty sleeping that occurs at least three times per week for at least a month. Although studies show that severe insomnia lasts for a medium of four years. (3) Adults need about seven hours of sleep per night and children need about nine hours. If you, or your loved ones, aren’t getting a full night’s sleep, you may be suffering from insomnia and may benefit from dietary and lifestyle changes. (4)

Types of Insomnia There are two basic types of insomnia: acute and chronic insomnia. (5) Some also consider transient insomnia to be another type that causes symptoms lasting less than one week. Acute insomnia: Acute insomnia is characterized as a brief episode of difficulty sleeping and it usually resolves without the need for treatment. This type of insomnia can be caused by a stressful or traumatic event. Chronic insomnia: Chronic insomnia lasts for a longer period of time, as it’s usually defined as sleeping difficulty for at least three nights per week that lasts for three months or longer. There are many different reasons why someone might struggle with ongoing, chronic insomnia (more on these causes below).

Insomnia Symptoms People dealing with insomnia will typically develop at least one of these common symptoms: •

taking a very long time to fall asleep

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waking up frequently in middle of the night not sleeping soundly non-restorative sleep (not feeling refreshed after sleep) long periods of wakefulness in middle of the night not being able to fall back asleep when you wake up in middle of the night waking up too early and not being able to fall back asleep fatigue and cognitive impairment as a result of too little sleep difficulty at work and school, and in personal relationships as a result of too little sleep

What Causes Insomnia There are a number of conditions and lifestyle choices that can lead to insomnia. According to research published in the journal Depression and Anxiety, there is evidence linking insomnia to hyper-arousal (or increased activation) in cognitive, endocrine, neurological and behavioral domains. This means that there’s no one mechanism that causes insomnia, which is why one treatment plan isn’t effective for everyone. (6) The most common conditions and lifestyle factors that cause insomnia include: (7) • • • • • • • • • • • • •

stress and anxiety pain, such as back pain frequent urination/urge to urinate at night hot flashes sleep apnea arthritis asthma restless leg syndrome digestive problems allergies or respiratory conditions working nights or shift work alcohol and drug use neurological conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease

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certain medications, including antidepressants, psychostimulants, anticonvulsants, decongestants, steroids and dopamine agonists

Insomnia is more prevalent among women, especially with the onset of menstruation and menopause, and older adults. Other risk factors for insomnia include certain medical disorders, psychiatric disorders, pain conditions and working the night shifts. (8)

Can’t Sleep? 20 Insomnia Natural Remedies Look to these 20 natural remedies if you can’t sleep and suffer from insomnia. Many of these remedies have to do with improving your so-called sleep hygiene. In other words, it’s imperative to develop a variety of different practices and good sleep habits, which will help you get a high-quality nighttime sleep as well as a healthy level of daytime alertness.

1. Set the right temperature A too-warm room makes you sweaty, while super cold temps leave you shivering. Opt for a range between 60 and 73 degrees Fahrenheit. A slightly chilly temperature helps decrease your body’s internal thermometer, initiating sleepiness and ensuring that you stay comfortable throughout the night.

into your nightly routine is a safe, natural and therapeutic way to encourage your body to wind down. I especially love using lavender essential oil and Roman chamomile oil to get me in a drowsy mood on those nights I can’t sleep. Studies suggest that lavender oil can improve your sleep quality, eliminate insomnia and works as a natural sedative. (9, 10) And chamomile, whether in tea, tincture or essential oil form, is one of the best medicinal herbs for fighting stress and promoting relaxation, according to research from Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine and Pharmacognosy Review. Inhaling chamomile vapors is often recommended as a natural remedy for anxiety and general depression, which is one reason why chamomile oil is a popular ingredient in many candles, aromatherapy products and bath-soaking treatments. (11) I recommend diluting the pure oil with a carrier oil like almond or coconut oils and then spritzing the combination on your pillow or rubbing it on your neck. Or add just a few drops to an essential oils diffuser to fill the room with a relaxing scent. Learn more about the power of essential oils and diluting them in my essential oils guide.

2. Set the mood To fight insomnia, dim the lights at least 30 minutes before bedtime. Turn off extra noises, lights and distractions. Turn on a fan, white noise machine, calming instrumental music or use earplugs to adjust your environment to be the most comfortable to you. Try to make this a routine to tell your body it’s time to sleep and help it ease into a peaceful night’s rest.

3. Use essential oils Incorporating essential oils, or aromatherapy,

4. Unwind your mind To help overcome your sleep problems, settle into bed with a good novel or a spiritual growth book a half hour or so before bedtime.

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This practice gives your body a chance to unwind instead of forcing it to try and head straight to sleep. But steer clear of thrillers or other brain-jarring reads — you want to lull yourself to bed, not stay awake with a page turner! The key is to reduce stress, especially right before bedtime. For most people, along with diet, stress will disrupt sleep and is a major culprit for keeping you up at night — your mind starts racing with ceaseless thinking and you’re seemingly unable to shut your brain off.

5. Skip late night sugar and simple carbs

settle down after a long day. (It’s also a sign of nomophobia.) Watch your evening programs in the living room and keep that space sacred by eliminating electronics.

7. Maintain a regular sleep schedule Another key sleep habit? Keep your circadian rhythm in check by adhering to a regular sleep schedule as much as possible — yes, even on weekends! As your body becomes used to getting into bed and waking up at the same hours, you’ll find it becomes easier to fall asleep and wake up naturally. Aim for an average of eight hours of quality sleep a night.

8. Limit caffeine after 12 p.m.

Avoid eating sugary sweets, chocolate, simple carbs, juice or high-glycaemic fruit just before bed, as it can spike blood sugar, boost your energy and you can wake up feeling hungry — literally fuelling insomnia. Instead, try a little bit of protein with vegetables or a small amount of complex carbohydrates with protein, which can boost melatonin and help you fall asleep fast! (12)

Did you know caffeine’s effects can last up to 12 hours and seriously disrupt sleep? If you can’t sleep at night, your mid-afternoon cup of joe and even a caffeine overdose might be to blame. In fact, a review of two randomized control trials showed that eliminating caffeine for a whole day was able to improve sleep quality and lengthen sleep duration. (13) Instead of turning to caffeine, try an alternative, caffeine-free drink for a daytime jolt instead.

Some people can tolerate some fruit before bed, but make your snack with a combination of melatonin-forming foods and high-protein snacks so it doesn’t disrupt sleep or you don’t wake up in the middle of the night. Some good bedtime snacks are:

I love this Cilantro Ginger Smoothie. Filled with refreshing cucumber and ginger, it’ll give you a boost of energy without the sleepdepriving effects of caffeine.

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9. Work out in the morning half a banana with almond butter on a slice of sprouted grain bread hummus with carrots, cucumber or celery apple chips and sunflower butter a small handful of cashews, 1/4 cup dried fruit with some seed-based crackers

6. Keep electronics out of bed Watching television in bed and answering late-night work emails can trick your brain into thinking that your bed is just another spot to get things done and not the place to

That rush of endorphins you feel after a solid workout is awesome — until it’s the reason you can’t sleep at night. Try shifting your workout schedule to the mornings. You’ll feel great having completed your exercise session bright and early, and it’ll be easier to unwind at night. Plus, research shows that exercise is known to effectively decrease sleep complaints and treat symptoms of insomnia. (14)

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10. Journal before bed When you can’t sleep, oftentimes, it’s our own thoughts preventing us from falling asleep. Instead of running through situations or problems in your mind after lights out, try journaling before bed. It’s a therapeutic way to address what might be troubling you and chronicle your day before drifting to sleep.

11. Eat melatonin foods and melatonin-producing foods Melatonin is one of the major keys to a natural, healthy sleep cycle. So eating a combination of certain fruits and carbohydrates that support melatonin or contain tryptophan, which contributes to melatonin production, will help you sleep and stay asleep. I don’t recommend having a heavy meal right before bed or eating a large amount of sugary fruits, but include these items during your dinner or an hour before bed as an evening snack, to increase your melatonin production and ensure a sound sleep. Melatonin-rich foods: • Bananas • Morello cherries • Porridge oats • Rice • Ginger • Barley • Tomatoes • Radishes • Red wine • To further spur the production of serotonin and thus melatonin, it’s recommended that you eat these tryptophan-containing foods in the evening. (15)

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• • • • • • • • •

Grass-fed dairy products Nuts Fish, chicken, turkey Sprouted grains Beans and pulses Rice (black, brown or red rice are the best) Eggs Sesame seeds Sunflower seeds

NOTE: Most people notice a better sleep when they combine 15–20 grams of carbohydrates in their evening snacks; however, some people do better without carbohydrates later at night. So, listen to your body. If snacking late doesn’t sound good, then just incorporate these foods into your dinner.

12. Add magnesium food or supplements A magnesium deficiency can lead to sleepless nights. While there are plenty of magnesium-rich foods you can eat naturally, adding a supplement can help jump-start your levels and help you sleep better. In fact, one study in the Journal of Research in Medical Sciences found that magnesium supplements improved insomnia and sleep efficiency. Opt for 500 milligrams daily. (16)

13. Don’t count sheep If you find yourself having trouble going to sleep for over 20 minutes, and you still feel restless, don’t just lay there trying to force yourself to sleep. It’s better to get up and do something else for a few minutes, rather than lay there worrying about the clock. Again, avoid technology, watching TV or doing any work, but try reading a book, journaling or any lower light activity. (17)

14. Get some sunshine Starting your day with natural light exposure helps reset your biological clock. It also balances

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your body’s melatonin and cortisol levels, and serves as a natural source of vitamin D. In fact, research shows that vitamin D deficiency may be linked to sleep disorders. (18, 19) Try going for an early morning walk or leaving the office during your lunch hour to get your dose of sunshine.

15. Relax with a detox bath Instead of taking a rushed shower, try a Detox Bath instead. It’ll help relieve your body of toxins, release the power of essential oils, and soothe both your body and brain. The lavender bath is my favorite to bring the body into balance and help it feel relaxed.

16. Sip on chamomile tea If you’re the type who likes curling up with a warm beverage after dinner, cozy up to a mug of chamomile. Not only can sipping on a warm drink before bed make you feel drowsier, the naturally caffeine-free tea has a calming effect on the body.

17. Meditate with breathing, prayer and thankfulness Guided meditation, mindfulness and healing prayer can help to reduce stress and put you into a positive space that improves your sleep quality. Take several deep breaths, and let it all out. Let your thoughts rest, and focus on relaxing each part of your body. Then spend a few minutes reflecting on what you’re thankful for, praying or just spending some time alone with your thoughts. Always dwell on the positive parts of your day and the bright things you have to look forward to, as it can have a powerful effect on easing your mind into a restful state. A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials indicates that mindfulness meditation significantly improved total wake time and sleep quality in patients with insomnia. Researchers suggest that meditation may serve as a supportive and complementary treatment for sleep complaints. (20)

18. Use natural sleep supplements If you find yourself facing a chronic lack of sleep, consider natural sleep supplements like valerian root, passion flower and melatonin. Research shows that these natural sleep supplements may help to improve sleep quality without producing side effects. Often, these are available in a tea or in supplement tablets. These can get you over the hump when you’ve had several sleepless nights and help your body get some much-needed rest. But these should be used for a limited time only — if you find that minimal sleep has become the norm over several weeks or months, consult your doctor. (21, 22)

19. Engage in full-body exercise Working larger muscle groups during the day, like your legs or all-over body workouts, helps physically exhaust your body, making it easier to fall asleep. I also love burst training; these short but intense exercises really wear you out. You’ll sleep like a baby!

20. Invest in a good mattress and weighted blankets All these strategies are null and void if you’re sleeping on an uncomfortable mattress! Your health depends on getting a good night’s rest, so you want to be sure your mattress is up for the challenge. Check out my tips to choose the right mattress to ensure great sleep every night.

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Lastly, consider using a weighted blanket in order to calm down sleep anxiety, as a study in Occupational Therapy showed that these blankets are effective for many types of anxietyrelated conditions. (23) The blanket can weigh anywhere from 10 to 20 pounds and is weighted down by beads lined inside the blanket that work like a deep tissue massage. This weight apparently can create serotonin in your body, of which some of that becomes melatonin and helps you get your rest.

Bonus remedy: Choosing your best sleep position There are three main sleep positions: back, side, and stomach. Although back and side sleeping positions are recommended by most sleep experts, doctors also stress that sleep position should be an individual decision based on each person’s specific needs and comfort preferences.

Precautions If you have trouble sleeping at least three nights per week and this has lasted for longer than a month, I recommend that you consult with your healthcare provider about the possible causes and you work to formulate a treatment plan. For many people, making lifestyle and behavioral changes can have a huge impact and doesn’t require you to take medications for insomnia. This is a decision that you should make with your doctor after trying these natural remedies for insomnia.

Conscious Life Magazine


CANNABIS  You don’t get high like “Recreational Cannabis”  Every plant contains a pain-killer, anti-inflammatory and helps to balance your blood pressure and cholesterol  Plus each plant has a benefit for a different part of your body Noone has ever died from Cannabis  Although it is known as Medicinal “Cannabis” it is really “Cannabinoids” that are extracted from the Cannabis plant  We can extract from several other plants but get the best variety from Cannabis plants  You are born with Cannabinoids in your body  Your body produces THC every day  CBD is a food supplement and on its own has little value  You need to add THC to activate the CBD - huge difference

Understanding Medicinal Cannabis Presentations Medicinal Cannabis is coming – we all know that. What we all need to know is the truth about this amazing plant and how we can work with it. Dr Gallow will be holding 90 minute explanation presentations in all major centres over the next few weeks. For full details of dates and times please email

Dr Gallow is head of research at Cannabis Oil Research. She is registered with the HPCSA in Clinical Pathology as a Medical Scientist. Also a Registered Professional Natural Scientist with the SACNASP, an Ethno medicine Medical Practitioner with EPASA and is also a registered Dr with the ANHA. She holds 3 Masters Degrees. Medical Science (MMedSci), Public Health (MPH), Business Admin (MBA) and a PHD. She has also completed a Medical Cannabis accredited course with the University of Washington for Doctors. The Universities she obtained her degrees include Durban, Roehampton UK, Open University UK, Washington, UNISA and the MBA was affiliated with HARVARD University. To add to her educational profile Dr Gallow is also a qualified trainer, assessor and moderator with SETA and ETDP SAQA, as well as a Prince 2 Practitioner registered with APMG. Lastly Dr Gallow has completed the Dispensing of Medicines Diploma and is registered with the DOH.

Conscious Life Magazine

Why Afternoon Naps are a Sign of Health, Not Laziness Alex Miles

I find it difficult to get through the day without a short nap, and I’ve indulged in afternoon naps for as far back as I can remember. Naps aren’t something I choose—they choose me.

For a long time, I thought there must have been something wrong with me, as I wasn’t aware of anyone around me who also needed to take regular naps. For a long time, I felt guilty, as though maybe it was laziness causing midday drowsiness, or possibly my diet wasn’t healthy and nutritious enough. I even considered that I might need to increase the amount I exercised.

I think part of the guilt was due to the false belief that naps were for babies, and that as we get older, it’s something we should grow out of. But then, that theory kind of debunked itself when I considered that many elderly people regularly take guilt-free short sleeps throughout the day, so I carried out a little bit of research into why I needed to nap and this is what I found: Our energy levels take a dip during early afternoon, therefore The National Sleep Foundation recommend a 20 to 30 minute nap to restore alertness and improve performance. According to their research, a nap of this length will not leave us feeling drowsy or affect nighttime sleep. The foundation describes three types of napping: •

Planned napping, which involves dedicating a time for a nap, rather than waiting until you get too sleepy.

Emergency napping, when you suddenly become overwhelmingly fatigued, and you cannot continue the activity you were doing.

Habitual napping, whereby you nap around the same time every day.

My napping style is a mixture emergency and habitual, as I find that when I try to force sleep, my mind becomes more alert than ever. However, I may need to consider changing that, as research shows that to receive the maximum benefit, we need to keep our circadian rhythms (internal body clock) stable, which means napping at approximately the same time each day. Keeping our circadian rhythms stable regulates our hormone levels, body temperature, metabolism, and immune system—and it ensures we sleep more soundly during the night. Energy levels wax and wane person to person, but generally dip during the day between approximately 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. For this reason, the optimum time for a daytime nap would be post lunchtime. Scheduling at this time also means the nap isn’t occurring too late in the day, so it shouldn’t have any impact on our nighttime sleep. Daytime napping is meant to reboot our system and leave us feeling relaxed and rejuvenated, not exhausted or disoriented. Therefore, if we do not feel alert and refreshed afterwards, we may be daytime napping all wrong. Here are a few tips for the perfect daytime nap: •

Set an alarm to gently wake you from your snooze

Ensure there will be no noise interruptions, so turn off televisions and close windows if there is a lot of outdoor activity.

Turn the lights off and close curtains or blinds.

Lie down, or relax into a comfortable chair where you won’t be disturbed.

Place a blanket over your body, as when you sleep your metabolism slows down, and your body loses temperature.

To avoid sleep inertia (that groggy, disoriented, zoned-out feeling) try not to sleep for more than 30 minutes.

Sip some honey and lemon water before and after the nap.

Ensure you have a period of recovery time free, so that you can awaken fully before continuing with activities.

Waking up at approximately the same time each day—and going outdoors for an early morning stroll to absorb morning sunlight—also helps to keep our circadian rhythm balanced, as well as refreshing and awakening the body and mind. It can take around 30 days to reset the body clock, so if you’re new to napping, you may feel a little jet-lagged at first, which is perfectly normal, until the body and mind adjust to the alterations. According to James K. Walsh, Ph.D.—a researcher at the Sleep Medicine and Research Center, consuming coffee while working, as well as taking a nap before work, can stave off sleepiness and was found to be an effective strategy for remaining alert and awake. A study at NASA on military pilots and astronauts discovered that a 40-minute nap during the day improved their performance by 34 percent—and alertness by 100 percent. The research also found that those who napped made fewer mistakes and had fewer accidents. Another study found that a lack of sleep can result in us feeling more emotionally reactive or emotionally blocked—also, judgment may become skewed, our speech can become impaired, which can lead to poor performance and functioning, and we may struggle to process emotions When our sleep patterns are regulated, and we are not sleep deprived, we are more likely to be emotionally balanced and stable. We will feel calmer and more rational, our perception is likely to be heightened, and our general health and well-being is enhanced. A daytime nap can prevent us from feeling burned out, particularly if we are going through a stressful or busy period. Slowing ourselves down, so that our body and mind receive the opportunity to rest and re-calibrate for a short period of time, has been proven to have positive impact. . Although it may feel as though taking a nap is time wasting, it is actually time saving, as research has shown that our productivity increases when we gift our system the time to rest, relax, and recuperate. Napping isn’t for everyone, and different studies show a mixture of findings, with some

suggesting a 10-minute nap is sufficient, while others suggest 30 minutes or more. Therefore, I believe it is always better to carry out a little research, and then listen to the body and mind. We will quickly learn what’s best for our own health and vitality, and we can adjust our pattern until we find what suits us. For me, a 20-30 minute downtime between the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. leaves me feeling rejuvenated, creative, motivated, recharged, and ready to navigate the second half of my day.

Author: Alex Myles Image: Flickr/Inessa Akhmedova Editor: Yoli Ramazzina Copy editor: Travis May Social editor: Sara Kärpänen

The ‘little things’ your body cannot do without – make sure you get enough! By Judy Beyer The ‘little things’ your body cannot do without – make sure you get enough! and what you can do about it. Here are a few examples of trace minerals and their functions: •Boron and silicon play a role in building strong bones and teeth. •Zinc performs many functions. It helps maintain healthy bones, hair, nails and skin. Zinc also helps blood clot, is essential for taste and smell, bolsters the immune response, and helps the body to metabolise nutrients. •Iron’s main function is to build red blood cells and help them to work efficiently. Iron oxygenates the blood and creates energy, warding off irondeficiency anaemia, and reducing tiredness and fatigue. •Phosphorus works with calcium to help develop and maintain bone and teeth health. •Manganese helps in the development and maintenance of bones. •Selenium acts as an antioxidant, helping to fight free radicals and oxidative stress. It also helps your thyroid gland work normally. •Other trace minerals work to block damage to body cells, and even form parts of key enzymes and help boost enzyme activity.

Sources of trace minerals The amount of each trace mineral you need depends on your age, sex, physiological state (if you’re pregnant, for example, your needs will not be the same as those of an elderly person), and sometimes your health status. A healthy, balanced diet is the answer, although it’s not unlikely that the soil in which your veggies grow may be nutrient-poor. To top it all, modern eating patterns often tend to ignore a wide range of healthy foods. Multi-mineral supplements can help too, but first:

Welcoming the algae revolution Edible algae that grow in the ocean (we’re talking seaweed) or in clean fresh water are crammed with vitamins, minerals and trace minerals, which they absorb from their surroundings. (For example, seaweed is rich in iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, and vitamin K, along with useful amounts of vitamin E, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin and folate). Algae are a great food source of trace minerals. If edible algae products aren’t easily available, you’ll find get them in supplement form, and in organic superfoods such as spirulina and chlorella.

Be safe when taking mineral supplements Generally, food is a safe source of trace minerals. But if you take supplements, it’s important to make sure you don’t exceed the recommended safe levels. Consult your healthcare professional before embarking on any course of supplements that contain minerals.

Invest in your health now; you’re investing in your future.

Image: emmacodd on Pixabay

Photo by: rhythmuswege on Pixabay

Image: Geralt on Pixabay

Photo by Dani Costelo on Unsplash

Conscious Life Magazine

Are you WOMAN enough? With August being “Women’s Month”, we look at the natural gifts and talents women possess that give us the power to be woman. Have you been suppressing some of these? Written by a woman for women. I want to start by stating this is not a “man vs woman” article. Do not confuse what I term as “feminine” traits with “female” traits. Men are as able to display feminine traits as women can use their masculine traits. And both genders should use both! The goal of my piece is to make women aware and proud of the energy that they naturally might possess, and to celebrate being a woman. “Within every woman lives a powerful force, filled with good instincts, passionate creativity, and ageless knowing. She is the Wild Woman, who represents the instinctual nature of women. But she is an endangered species.” In her book, Women who run with the Wolves, Jungian psycho-analyst Dr. Clarissa Estés uses the image of a wolf to capture the essence of a woman. She says healthy women and healthy wolves share the following characteristics: keen sensing, a playful spirit, great endurance and strength. They are relational by nature, devoted and inquiring. Both women and wolves are deeply intuitive, intensely concerned with their young, their mates and their pack. They know how to adapt to constantly changing circumstances; they are fiercely stalwart and very brave. I want to start by stating this is not a “man vs woman” article. Do not confuse what I term as “feminine” traits with “female” traits. Men are as able to display feminine traits as women can use their masculine traits. And both genders should use both! The goal of my piece is to make women aware and proud of the energy that they naturally might possess, and to celebrate being a woman. “Within every woman lives a powerful force, filled with good instincts, passionate creativity, and ageless knowing. She is the Wild Woman, who represents the instinctual nature of women. But she is an endangered species.” In her book, Women who run with the Wolves, Jungian psycho-analyst Dr. Clarissa Estés uses the image of a wolf to capture the essence of a woman. She says healthy women and healthy wolves share the following characteristics: keen sensing, a playful spirit, great endurance and strength. They are relational by nature, devoted and inquiring. Both women and wolves are deeply intuitive, intensely concerned with their young, their mates and their pack. They know how to adapt to constantly changing circumstances; they are fiercely stalwart and very brave.

Our ability to really communicate Wolves are incredible communicators. Their various facial muscles, eyes, ears and the nose are extremely important when wolves express their feelings. In the same way, most women have the natural ability to use body language and facial expressions to communicate with each other. We are often more aware of subtleties and picking up unspoken nuances. So use it! It may be rusty, but with a little more awareness and practice it will be as acute as ever.

Our sense of loyalty Wolves are creatures with a high sense of loyalty and strength towards their mates and their pack. A wolf will fiercely protect its territory. You, the modern woman, probably know you are generous and compassionate– towards others. Like the wolf, you are fiercely protective of your offspring. Now extend those qualities to yourself and see how things change for you. Learn to receive. For many of us, receiving is not at all comfortable. Start to be loyal to yourself.

Our ability to relate Wolves are social and friendly creatures. How has this played out for women? It has often earned us the unfair (and often not so unfair!) reputation of talking too much. No more. Rejoice in your ability to connect, to be social and to create harmony. The feminine side is warm and open to others. It is nurturing and intensely relational, helping you to take care of people. These are wonderful qualities that allow you to connect with people on a deep level and really understand their needs. Rejoice in your too mu!

Our sharp intelligence, deep instincts and intuition The wolf reflects sharp intelligence in dealing with important matters. Listen to your intuition. Pay attention and respect it. Many successful entrepreneurs, men and women, know that trusting their gut is one of their most important strengths. You can thank your feminine side for your intuition!

Our appetite for freedom Have you kept your spirit alive? Perhaps you have put up boundaries and locked yourself down. Wolves are wild animals that are not easily domesticated. Find what nurtures your soul and what makes your soul come alive. Let your woman-ness come alive; your creativity and your imagination and allow yourself the freedom to do it! Our ability to express ourselves Conversely, you may feel you have exposed yourself too much. Are you living someone else’s dream? Like the wolf that howls, do you need to let some of the tension out and express yourself? So stop and breathe. Are you just steam-rolling ahead, achieving goals? Are these even the goals you want to reach? Take some time for yourself to reconnect with your true, deep passions in life.

In his book, The Athena Doctrine, John Gerzema suggests that traditional feminine traits, like empathy and nurturing, will define 21st century leaders, regardless of genders. He subtitled the book “How women (and the men who think like them) will rule the future”: ‘Women must re-learn how to express their natural, feminine qualities after decades of acting like "men stuck in a woman's body," trying to compete and succeed in a man's world. Women must embody that change within themselves. Your future, our future, depends on it.’ What a man! So ladies, uncover and celebrate your feminine power. Be WOMAN!

About the Author: Celeste Du Toit is a transformational NLP Coach, Holistic Therapist, Inspirational Speaker and Workshop Facilitator. She works on holistic principles, and helps you to become unstuck, become balanced and live a fulfilled life. Celeste is the founder of YES Paradigm Coaching, a provider of individual and group coaching programs, workshops, and retreats. Her workshops and retreats are well-loved; most notably around inner wellness, and the integration of the masculine and feminine. For details on the next one, visit

Conscious Life Magazine

BEFRIEND CHANGE Life is a series of cycles of change whether we like it or not. Change provides us the opportunity to re-adjust, reform and rebirth into another level of our being.

Change can be both comfortable and uncomfortable. It is welcomed and comfortable when it is change that we want and mostly uncomfortable when it is change that shifts us out of our comfort zone. Even for those of us who believe or have convinced ourselves “we like change” – we too resist change when we encounter curve balls in the way we expect ‘change’ to unfold. And at times, we may also fall into the trap of convincing ourselves or pretending all is good just to avoid change. However, change is inevitable and finds its way to materialize.

“You must become the change you want to see in the world.” –Gandhi Why befriend change: 1. Nothing lasts forever – When we accept the fact that nothing lasts forever, we are better equipped to flow with the motions of life. Struggle occurs when we resist reality. So, the best way to end the struggle is to embrace the impermanence in life. Enjoy the ‘good times’ and remember through the ‘not so good times’ that it is temporary and it too shall pass. 2. Wisdom is earned – Nothing of value was ever achieved by remaining stagnant. It is impossible. We learn and grow due to change. When we are faced with a situation that forces a change of some kind, our awareness is inevitably expanded. Whether we follow through on it or not, depends on the person. Wisdom is earned by learning to see the alternate possibilities of what surrounds us. When we view life through a narrow lens, our experience is limited. However, when we see the whole panorama, then wow…life is beautiful.

3. Learn to let go – Some people are meant to be in our lives for decades and others are meant to only stay for a while. This is one of the most challenging realities of life. We often take it personally when our close circle of people change, be it – friends, clients or even family. However, it is for our own good, it may need to happen in order for us to continue to grow and evolve. Not everyone is willing to be with us as we proceed on our journey in a certain direction. Some people may return as our journeys sync again in the future and others may not. So be it. And on the other hand, some people may only like us when we have a certain title or look a certain way. That is okay. Let them be who they are but we need to keep on being true to ourselves. If we lose some people as we proceed on with our life, wish them well and let them go with love. 4. Change always leads to Good – Here is the reality about change: even though it may occur due to a negative event it inevitably leads to something good. Things happen to us for reasons. We may not always understand the reason of why they happened however they teach us valuable attributes and lessons of life. For example, painful experiences can teach us compassion and tolerance.

So how does one learn to befriend change? Firstly, identify the reason for resistance to change. Mostly likely, the reason will be fear. Fear born from insecurities, past experiences, comfort of the known, etc. Then break down and understand the core existence of that fear or reason of resistance and work through it to build a foundation of trust, trust in oneself as well as life itself. When there is trust then it will be easier for one to develop another way of viewing situation’s in one’s life. Each event that happens in one’s life, has the ability to move one forward. The way one chooses to view a situation determines their experience. Change your perception of change so you can flow with life easier. Change is a beautiful thing so view change as a joyous thing. To not embrace change, is to remain in stagnation, which results in no growth. Nothing can be accomplished by not moving forward. The ability to go from resisting change to embracing change can happen. It may not happen overnight but that is okay. The next time you are faced with an experience which causes your reality to change, take a deep breath, be mindful of how you perceiving the change, review it (see the situation from ‘outside the box’) and take a step forward. And it is okay to be mad or frustrated. You are human after all. But once the emotions have settled, give yourself permission to trust and flow with the change. “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” ~ Charles Darwin

By Chetna Madoo

Have You Had A Real Good Belly Laugh Lately? When last did you have some fun? I mean some real let your hair down and be a little less responsible and a little more spontaneous kind of fun - think back to if you ever bunked a day a school kind of fun..... Ok so maybe you don't exactly want to bunk work (or maybe you do)... Often we are so busy being responsible, juggling work/life and all the responsibilities that come with, that we become serious and forget how to play. We forget how to have fun because we are living the same routine day in and day out that we become well...down right boring.

Can you remember when last you had a good belly laugh? You know the kind that leaves you gasping for air and your sides are hurting so much. Research says that having a good belly laugh for just 10-15 minutes of laughter a day can burn up to 40 calories! Did you know? It's no coincidence that the month begins with April Fool's's also know as National Humor Month and was conceived as a means to heighten public awareness of the therapeutic value of humor. Ok so maybe you're not the type to have a good old humongous belly laugh, maybe your idea of fun is to spend time playing with your kids, relaxing on the couch with a good movie, perhaps it's participating in your favourite sport or hobby like painting or gardening or spending time with your loved one. Whatever your idea of fun is, it's ok. My challenge to you today is to actually do something fun in the next 2 weeks (I would've said this weekend but I know some people don't cope well with pressure. I'm feeling a little generous and giving you a whole 2 weeks). Take some time out to let your hair down and do something for you, something fun, lighthearted and enjoyable.

And if you' really, really are not the fun type kind of person then why not take this free behaviour assessment and get some insights into the kind of person you are :) Warmly Paula Quinsee Relationship Expert

Conscious Life Magazine

Isaiah – It’s a good time to give birth to new ideas and situations in your life. I am watching over you, guiding you and protecting you during these changes.” “

“Isaiah – It’s a good time to give birth to new ideas and situations in your life. I am watching over you, guiding you and protecting you during these changes.”

Interpretation It is not often that you are presented with a clean slate and allowed to start over again with new ideas and expectations! Today the Angels are telling you that you have been given this wonderful gift and now the time is right for you to be bringing in all the exciting and new things that you have been toying with but have not yet committed to. They are also telling you not to be afraid of these new concepts as everything is exactly as it should be at this moment in time. You are not alone as you venture into uncharted waters. They stand beside you supporting and guiding you so that you make the right choices to enable you to move forward. They are also protecting you so that you know you are absolutely safe and nothing and no one will harm you. Sometimes it takes a huge amount of courage to step forward into the unknown leaving the old and known behind you. Take the plunge! They are with you every step of the way and will guide and support you so that you are able to fly! Live as the magnificent Being you truly are without fear or regret for that is your way forward! Angel light and blessings Margi (Angel Connection) Angel Card Reading 29th July 2019 – Interpretation by Margi of Messages from the Angels Cards by Doreen Virtue

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Conscious Life Magazine

5 Health Benefits of Baobab: The Superfood Fruit

By Annie Price, CHHC

Looking for another incredible superfood to add to your life? Look no further than baobab! Baobab, also known as “the tree of life,” has been as a food and a medicine (and more) for centuries. Every part of the tree can be used, and it’s an excellent source of key nutrients, including vitamin C, potassium and iron. Baobab fruit and powder are believed to have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. Traditionally, baobab leaves, bark and seeds have been employed as a “panacea,” as in something to treat almost any disease. We’re talking about diseases ranging from serious concerns like malaria, tuberculosis and microbial infections to more common health problems like toothaches, diarrhea and fevers. (1) With a tangy citrus-like flavor, you can add baobab powder to smoothies, homemade healthy desserts, salad dressings and more to reap the highly desirable baobab benefits. And not only is baobab an incredible health food, but baobab tree facts are quite astonishing from its ability to store large amounts of water in its trunk to its extremely long life of hundreds to even thousands of years!

Conscious Life Magazine

What Is Baobab?

5 Health Benefits of Baobab

Wondering about baobab pronunciation: it’s pronounced Bey-Oh-Bab. Baobab is a genus (Adansonia) of nine species of deciduous trees that belong to the hibiscus or mallow family (Malvaceae). A baobab tree can be found growing in Africa, Australia or the Middle East.

1. Immune System

Is baobab good for you? Research shows that there are an impressive array of macronutrients, micronutrients, amino acids and fatty acids in the pulp, leaves, seeds and kernels of the baobab tree. (2)

The immune-boosting benefits of vitamin C have been shown time and again in research studies. For example, a review published in the Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism demonstrates how getting enough vitamin C (as well as zinc) may help decrease symptoms and shorten the duration of respiratory tract infections including the common cold.

What does a baobab tree look like? Baobab trees really stand out from other trees around them with their unique barrel-like trunks that are smooth and shiny. The trunks can be pinkish grey or copper colored and when there are no leaves on the tree, the branches look just like roots sticking up into the air. Baobab trees also have flowers that open at night and fall off within 24 hours. What do they look like? The baobab flower on the African baobab tree (A. digitata) is large and white with a pendulous shape to it. These flowers are frequently pollinated by galagos (bush babies) and bats. There’s also baobab tree fruit, which dries naturally on the branch after it bakes in the sun for about six months. It’s then harvested for various uses (more on that later). Is baobab tree fruit edible? Yes, it definitely is. Once you crack open baobab fruits, which look similar to smooth coconuts, you find a dry, cream colored pulp surrounded by seeds. This pulp is already naturally dehydrated in the shell so no heat or pasteurization is required, and it simply can be ground into a baobab fruit pulp powder that can then be used as a healthy addition to your diet.

Both the leaves and fruit pulp are used as an immune stimulant. This isn’t surprising considering the fact that baobab fruit pulp has an impressively high vitamin C content (280–300 mg/100 g), which is seven to 10 times more than oranges (51 mg/100 g)! (3)

In addition, the review points out how vitamin C and zinc can also help to reduce the incidence and improve the outcome of pneumonia and malaria infections, especially in children living in developing countries. (4)

2. Iron Absorption Baobab fruit’s high vitamin C content helps your body to absorb its iron content. So if you’re struggling with iron deficiency anemia or just looking to up your iron intake, baobab can help. Vitamin C improves the absorption of nonheme iron, which is the form of iron present in plantbased foods like baobab. (5) As a food that contains both vitamin C and iron, baobab is a great way to boost your intake of both of these key nutrients.

3. Skin Health Both baobab fruit and leaves have impressively high antioxidant contents. (6) We know that antioxidants not only help the body to fight disease, but they also really protect and boost the health of our skin. (7) Being particularly high in a very well-known

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antioxidant, vitamin C, baobab used internally (the fruit and leaves) and externally (the seed oil) can help to fend off oxidative stress that promotes signs of aging while also boosting collagen production, which of course is very anti-aging. Vitamin C also helps with regeneration of vitamin E, which helps to protect and repair skin. (8)

4. Digestion and Blood Sugar The researchers behind a 2013 laboratory study published in Nutrition Research hypothesized that baobab fruit extract would decrease starch digestion in vitro and show potential for reducing the glycemic response (GR) while also increasing satiety and diet-induced thermogenesis (a metabolic process during which your body burns calories to produce heat) in humans. Baobab extract taken from six different African locations was baked into white bread at various doses to figure out the optimal dose for reducing starch breakdown and sugar release from white bread after an in vitrodigestion process. What did the researchers find? The polyphenol-rich baobab fruit (Adansonia digitata) extract reduced starch digestion and glycemic response at both low and high doses. However, no noteworthy effects on satiety or energy expenditure were observed. (9)

5. Weight Maintenance A 2017 study published in Nutrition and Health looked at the effects of baobab fruit extract on satiety. Given the fact that baobab fruit is rich in health-boosting dietary fiber and polyphenols, they expected the results to be positive. During this one-day single-blind crossover study, 20 healthy participants consumed a test smoothie containing 15 grams of baobab

extract or a control smoothie with zero baobab. Then subjective ratings of satiety were taken. The researchers found that the consumers of the baobab smoothie did, in fact, report reduced measures of hunger. The study concludes, “This research has positive implications for the use of baobab for reducing hunger, possibly having a positive effect on weight maintenance.” (10)

Baobab Nutrition Two tablespoons of organic baobab powder contain about: (11, 12) 30 calories 0 grams protein 0 grams fat 6 grams carbohydrate 5 grams fiber 1 gram sugars 0 grams cholesterol 5 milligrams sodium 15 milligrams vitamin C (17 percent DV) 2.7 milligrams iron (15 percent DV) 250 international units vitamin A (5 percent DV) 200 milligrams potassium (4.3 percent DV) 16 milligrams magnesium (3.8 percent DV) 40 milligrams calcium (3.1 percent DV)

Baobab Uses What are the uses of the baobab tree? The baobab tree is mainly used as a source of food. In the areas where it grows, baobab is a staple food. All parts of the tree can be consumed including the fruits, flowers, leaves, shoots, roots of seedlings and the roots. The leaves can be used fresh or as a cooked vegetable similar to spinach. When the leaves are dried, they become a great thickener for sauces, soups and stews. What does the baobab fruit taste like? The fruits, also called “monkey bread,” contain a white, mealy, tart flesh can be consumed on its own, used to make drinks and other recipes, or turned into a powder

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Baobab seeds produce baobab oil. What is baobab oil used for? Baobab oil, which comes from the seeds, can be used topically and is very moisturizing and beneficial to the skin. The oil is also edible. What animals eat the baobab tree? In the wild, baboons and warthogs are some of the animals known to eat the seed pods of baobab trees. Domesticated farm animals are also given the baobab fruit, young leaves, seeds and oil as part of their feed. Burning the fruit pulp is also known to produce a pungent smoke that helps to keep insects away from livestock. (13)

Baobab in Traditional Medicine According to a scientific review of baobab, “Several plant parts have interesting antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and baobab has been used extensively since ancient times in traditional medicine.” (14) As a traditional medicine, various parts of the baobab tree have been employed as a general panacea and the long list of health conditions it has been used to improve include malaria, tuberculosis, fever, microbial infections, diarrhea, anemia, toothache and dysentery. (1) Since ancient times in India, practitioners of Ayurvedic Medicine have used baobab to treat diarrhea, dysentery, excessive thirst and skin inflammation. (15)

Where to Find Baobab + Baobab Recipes It’s difficult to find fresh baobab fruit outside the regions where it grows. In areas of the world where baobab fruit is not available, baobab is available in powder or capsule form at your local health store or online. You can purchase baobab fruit powder by itself or you can find it as an ingredient in plant-based nutritional powders. It’s also used in fruit

chews and nutrition bars. You can sprinkle baobab powder on yogurt or oatmeal. You can also add it to water or sparkling mineral water as a refreshing and much healthier alternative to soda. It also makes a tasty nutrient-rich smoothie addition. If you have a sauce that could use a citrusy kick, try adding a little baobab powder. More ways to use baobab: • Mixed into cold or hot water with lemon juice • Mixed into coconut water • In salad dressings, marinades and sauces • Added to soups or stews • Baked into homemade muffins and cookies • Sprinkled on fresh fruit Some nutritious and delicious baobab recipes to try: • Baobab Water • South African Salad Dressing • Baobab Icecream (Vegan) • Strawberry, Mango & Baobab Smoothie

History and Interesting Facts There are many interesting baobab tree facts. For starters, about 75 percent of a baobab tree is water! Where does the baobab tree store water? Baobabs store water in various locations including their trunks and natural hollows found between their branches. In very dry areas where baobab grow, locals will often carve hollows into the trees to create storage wells to catch falling rainwater. How old is the baobab tree? It’s a tree that has been around for thousands of years. The oldest baobab tree still in existence has been carbon dated as over 6,000 years old! It even gets more interesting — this incredibly old tree, located in South Africa, had a pub inside of its hollow trunk called “The Big Baobab Pub.” (18) Sadly, since 2005, nine of the 13

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oldest African baobab specimens and five of the six largest trees have died or suffered the collapse and death of their largest or oldest stems. Why is the baobab tree important? The trees are very culturally and religiously significant in many areas where they are found. As I mentioned earlier, it’s known as the “tree of life” and all of the baobab species continue to be used to this day extensively by locals as both a food and a medicine. (19)

Baobab Precautions and Side Effects In 2009, baobab fruit was certified as GRAS (generally recognized as safe) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). There are currently no well-documented baobab powder side effects. (20) Of course, it’s always important to read product directions carefully and not to exceed recommended dosages. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, being treated for a medical condition or taking medication, check with your doctor before incorporating baobab powder into your diet.

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How Baobab Oil Helps


Image by jensfriislund from Pixabay

This nourishing amber-gold oil is cold pressed from the seeds of the baobab fruit pod. It’s a rare, naturally light oil which doesn’t clog pores and absorbs rapidly without leaving a greasy residue. Baobab oil has a unique fatty acid profile with exceptional quantities of Omega 6 and 9, helping to retain moisture and regenerate new skin cells. It’s also particularly recommended for healing scar tissue. It’s rich in Linoleic acid and applying it to problem skin can result in improved sebaceous gland function and the prevention of acne formation. A recent study on baobab oil shows that it has high levels of linoleic acid making it an excellent therapeutic choice for acne. We’ve boosted baobab’s deeply moisturising and natural anti-inflammatory properties by adding Calendula, Tea Tree and Evening Primrose. This synergistic blend works to reverse Acne and take your skin back onto a healing path.

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Mood-Enhancing Foods Article courtesy of Nature’s Choice

It is easier to eat yourself happy than you think. These foods aren’t only good for your body but for your mind too. The colder season tends to have a negative impact in the mood for most people and so we have listed foods that can boost your mood. Certain foods, such as sugar, provide an energy rush, however, it dips down quickly, making irritable quicker than a fussy toddler. Without more ado, here are happy foods to add to your pantry. Spinach This green leafy vegetable is a great source of B vitamins which play a big role in the release of the happy hormone, serotonin. In addition to this, spinach is great for your skin, can improved eyesight, regulated blood pressure, and is a muscle-builder too. Spinach is loaded with a mineral that helps recede anxiety, magnesium. Spinach is also great for boosting your brain function.

Oats Oats has a multitude of health benefits and is a favourite in most South African homes. Oats has the mood-enhancing mineral, selenium, it is also low in glycaemic index, in other words, Low GI. This means that energy is released gradually into the bloodstream, making blood sugar stable, ultimately impacting a good temperament.

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Lentils This complex carbohydrate helps boost the production of serotonin which is a feel-good neurotransmitter. Lentil are also high in folate and iron, both have an influence in your energy levels, so they’re especially great if you have low iron levels. Folate is a mood-enhancing nutrient that also helps our bodies make genetic material. Increasing the consumption of lentils can help in the production of folate which in turn enhance serotonin receptors.

Chia Seeds This superfood is gaining popularity as the world of foodies leans on healthier foods. Chia seeds are high in fatty acids and Omega 3 which are great for the nervous system, help with concentration, improving mood and depression. The fibre stabilises blood sugar levels and temperament. Chia can be added to smoothies, cereals, salads and some desserts.

Sunflower Seeds Sunflower seeds are a great source of fatty acids and amino acids. They contain the happy ingredients, folate, and magnesium. A handful of sunflower seed provides the recommended daily dose of magnesium which is beneficial in aiding depression. They are also high in fibre. Their high fiber content helps stabilize hormone levels.

Conclusion These are only some of the foods that are conducive to keeping us in happy spirits. Some that are also worth the mention include banana, avocado, cacao, nuts and the list goes on and on. We hope that you’ll find a few favourites to add to your next grocery list. Photo by NastyaSensei Sens from Pexels

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From Green Monday - Recipe and photo credit: Pieter Kotze



• • • • • • •

1. 2. 3.

3 cups Cake Flour 3 ½ cups of water Pinch of sea salt 1 levelled teaspoon of bicarb soda 1 levelled teaspoon of baking powder 2 tablespoons of Vinegar ¼ cup of vegetable oil

4. 5. 6.


Sift dry ingredients together. Mix wet ingredients together Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients and fold in. Add a drop of oil to a Crêpe Pan. Use a soup spoon to had a batch of pancake mixture to the pan. Cook until ends curl up and flip over to other side. Sprinkle cinnamon in the middle, roll up and enjoy.

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(ALMOST) FULLY LOADED SWEET POTATOES WITH PECAN & HEMP SEED SAUCE From Green Monday - Adapted from Francesca Annenberg

Ingredients • •

• • • • • • • •

2 orange sweet potatoes 100g red lentil pasta (I used the brand, Happy Earth People - feel free to use black bean pasta or simply just use chickpeas, black beans or lentils in whole form!) 4. 1/2 walnuts, toasted 1 tbsp pecan nut butter (feel free to use almond, peanut or tahini butter) 1 tbsp nutritional yeast 5. 1/2 small lemon 1 tsp hemp seeds 1/4 tsp soy sauce (liquid aminos or tamari also work) 1-2 tbsp water Fresh coriander, rocket and lemon to 6. garnish

Method: 1. 2.


Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius. Wash the potatoes and place them on a baking tray lined with tin foil or a baking sheet. Prick some holes in sweet potatoes with a fork.


When the oven is ready, pop the sweet potatoes in for about 45-60 minutes. Check them around the 45-minute mark by piercing them with a fork to see if they're ready. While the potatoes are roasting away, make the pasta. Boil a pot with hot water. Add the pasta and cook for about 6-8 minutes (depending on your pasta brand). Make the hemp seed & pecan nut sauce by mixing the pecan nut butter, nutritional yeast, lemon, hemp seeds, soy sauce and water in a small bowl. Mix until smooth. Add more water to create a thinner consistency if needed. Toast the walnuts over a high heat over the stove until lightly browned. Toss them frequently to ensure even toasting. Take the sweet potatoes out the oven and cut length ways down the center. Fill the middle with the pasta, a dollop of the sauce and a sprinkle of nuts. Top with fresh coriander, peppery rocket and a squeeze of lemon. Conscious Life Magazine

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Nia Technique: The Body, Mind, Emotions and Spirit Workout Susan Sloan – Nia Black Belt Instructor and White Belt Trainer I found the practice of Nia sixteen years ago in 2003. It started off fulfilling my need to connect to personal joy through dance and music. I felt the powerful boost that dancing mindfully with a group of like-minded people gave me: for my body, my mind, my emotions, and my spirit. I often experience myself as deeply emotional, and can wake up in the morning feeling completely shattered. My movement practice of Nia is the elixir that brings me back to balance on all levels. My mind gets focused by bringing in a focus and intent for my class that day. The focus is always about the body. In Nia we incorporate nine movement forms which encompass Martial Arts, Dance Arts and Healing Arts. This focus brings me into my body, where I can move safely and mindfully in my own range of motion. There are 52 moves in Nia which are simple for the base, core and upper extremities. These moves make up the form of Nia, and are designed to work the body optimally in accordance with the design of the human body; we call this The Body’s Way. So, I can only feel better when I use these moves, as my body is being moved as it is designed, thereby setting up homeostasis (the body’s own innate sense of intelligence). For my emotions, I get to bring in the freedom and play with the moves (the form), using specific katas (two or three moves sequenced together). I can also make rapid-fire decisions in the moment as I vary the sequences by listening to the music which I know intimately chord by chord. This is excellent for developing neuroplasticity by creating new pathways in the brain and making split second decisions based on the sensation of moving to the music. The freedom to bring in emotional expression is stimulated by using the Dance Arts of Nia. Jazz tunes me into my inner showman and brings out my spontaneous and sassy side. Modern Dance takes me into my dramatic side, and I find an outlet through my body to move through a range of emotions by creating shapes in space, and on and off balance; also stimulated by the music. Duncan Dance invites me to connect to my inner child and express myself in the form and freedom by tuning into the music.

This is where my spirit gets to soar as I connect intimately to moments of who I truly am, unfettered by my inhibitions, my life’s conditioning, and I can just be me. I have been exploring the Healing Arts for a couple of decades now: Holographic Repatterning, Kinesiology, Postural Integration, Conscious Connected Breathing, Kahuna Body Work, Reiki hands-on healing, etc. These modalities take me to a place of exploration and deep connection to myself. The Healing Arts of Nia is the cherry on top of this. Using the Nia 5 Stages of Development, I can shift and move stuckness in my body, mind and emotional realms, and I get to feel better. I am so grateful for the practice of Nia, the privilege of being able to share it with others in a class workout, and being able to teach others to experience these parts of themselves. In 2012 I stepped into training others to become White Belts and to teach Nia.

I look forward to sharing the Joy of Movement and the power to shift, move and connect with more people! SUSAN SLOANE Nia Technique 011 880 5223

Dr. Axe’s Weekly Workout Plan This is an example of a weekly workout plan that includes both strength/resistance training and burst training. Legs 20 reps | Arms 15 reps | Chest/Back/Shoulders 12 reps

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Burst Training: Jumping Jacks 30 seconds Rest 30 seconds Run in place 30 seconds Rest 30 seconds Jump 30 seconds Rest 30 seconds Crunches 30 seconds

Rest 30 seconds Pushups 30 seconds Rest 30 seconds Sitting Squats 30 seconds Rest 30 seconds Mountain Climbers 30 seconds Rest 30 seconds Repeat 1-3 times

Photo by Li Sun from Pexels

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What's the big deal about my PVC yoga mat? by Dominique Irwin of Earth Warrior Trying to get fitter, live cleaner and generally feel healthier? Ironically most yoga mats are made of polyvinyl chloride, or PVC; arguably the most toxic plastic in existence today. What makes it so bad is its toxic and highly harmful ingredients which casually waft into the environment as well as our bodies during manufacture, use and disposal. PVC’s main ingredients is chlorine which, when produced, releases harmful dioxins into the environment. Dioxins are known human carcinogens, linked to serious health problems such as cancer, reproductive, developmental and immune problems. In addition, PVC requires nasty additives, including heavy metals such as lead and phthalates. You may have heard about phthalates or seen the word on labels. Phthalates (pronounced ‘tha-lates’) are a group of chemicals added to plastics to increase their pliability, transparency and durability. They are what make your yoga mat soft, flexible and grippy. That new car smell? Phthalates. New shower curtain smell? Phthalates. Phthalates are known as ‘endocrine disruptors’ because they mimic the body’s hormones and are linked to liver and testicular cancer, reproductive problems, birth defects and learning disabilities. Phthalates are easily released into the environment because there are no covalent bonds between phthalates and the plastics in which they are mixed. We are exposed to pthalates when we get up-close and personal with our mats, breathing them in as they off-gas and by simple skin contact. There is no safe way to destroy or even recycle yoga mats that contain PVC. When incinerated, PVC produces hydrogen chloride gas, that is extremely toxic to marine life, animals and of course humans. They are not biodegradable and when placed in landfills (many of which are unlined) they leach chemicals into soil and then eventually into ground and surface water. Where to from here? Don’t worry, it’s not all doom and gloom! The good news is; alternatives exist for almost all uses of PVC. As consumers recognise the risks associated with PVC and increasingly opt for alternatives, we can start to replace and eventually phase out this poison plastic. By choosing PVC-free, it is possible to protect our health as well as the health of future generations and their planet.

Shop consciously friends. Choose PVC alternatives. Conscious Life Magazine

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By India Horner – An environmental assessment of a plant-based diet and the planetary health diet. No doubt, we all have to eat. However, in order to satisfy our ravenous demand for meat and dairy products, it seems that our global community is going to suffer inescapable environmental and ecological havoc. It is almost impossible to have a conversation around food in 2019, without someone telling you they have adopted a plant-based diet. And yes, lately, veganism has rapidly gained a reputation for being sin-free and harmless to every living soul in the world… essentially it encapsulates the human body and earth itself. What would you say if I told you that there was another diet, that didn’t rule out all the categories of animal products, but simply reduced them. Welcome, to the planetary health diet. Whilst many people are turning to plant-based diets as consciousness grows regarding the damaging nature of the meat and dairy industries on the environment, this new global diet could similarly reduce the damage to the environment, whilst also saving 11 million lives annually. Intrigued? I am. Essentially, the planetary health diet, focuses on reducing meat and dairy consumption, whereas a plant-based diet, is completely committed to cutting out such animal products. Both can be motivated by the desire to improve the critical condition of our environment. Naturally, the choice of which diet path to follow is yours. Let’s take a look as to what these dietary choices can offer you… Conscious Life Magazine

Prefer plant-based? Interestingly, 2019 has been named the ‘Year of the Vegan’ according to The Economist, with millions of people across the world having taken part in ‘Veganuary’ this year. Last year 62% of participants chose to continue avoiding animal products after their participation. As you can see, following a plant-based has evolved into a global sensation like no other food trend. Naturally, there is a plethora of evidence that suggests that avoiding animal products, whether it be in food and drink, or beauty and cosmetics, can benefit both a person’s health and the environment. However, many now debate as to how such a dramatic change in consumption patterns will affect the future of the environment. Oxford academic Dr Marco Springmann attempted to create a model of what a vegan planet would look like at some point in the near future. In order to do so, he kept in mind the changes in climate, potential resource shortages, as well as turbulent population growth. With this, he estimated that if the whole population were to adopt a vegan diet by 2050, it would benefit the global economy massively in terms of saving in healthcare costs, and a potential cut in greenhouse emissions by two thirds. These forecasts clearly demonstrate that there are global benefits of going plant-based. Even a follow-up UN report from 2010 projected a similar idea, that a shift towards a plant-based diet is vital to save the world from the unprecedented level of changes and catastrophes occurring in the climate.

What are the driving factors? Lately, plant-based diets have surged in popularity in many cities across the globe. I have personally witnessed these changes in international hotspots such as London, Sydney and Cape Town, with more and more vegan restaurants cropping up all over the place like hidden Pokemons. It comes as no surprise that the youthful population is attracted by the new, urban and often edgy vibe that veganism promotes. Therefore, it is easy to comprehend that 20% of under 35s have tried a vegan diet. Interestingly, young people today are being inspired by social media and the vastly influential scope of YouTubers, instagrammers and even celebs. YouTube has become a power-house in facilitating the popularity of plant based diets, mainly through recipe inspiration. Similarly, celebs are paving the way for plant based eating to become even more popular, by promoting a lifestyle of clean eating and exercising. For instance, did you know that the Hunger Games hunk, Liam Hemsworth is vegan? See, he manages to stay dead handsome and maintain a vegan diet. Even his wife, Miley Cyrus, is vegan. Couples who vegan together, stay together.

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There is another influential factor that inspires people to convert to a plant based lifestyle. In recent years, Netflix has begun to showcase a series of polemical online documentaries. With Netflix’s global audience of nearly 118 million streaming subscribers, it comes with no surprise that these advocacy films are the cause of many people’s conversion. So, when a lazy sunday inspires you to binge watch Netflix, you thought a documentary would contribute to a peaceful evening. Fair warning, this is not David Attenborough’s ‘Planet Earth’. On the contrary, films such as ‘Cowspiracy’ document the damage the livestock industry has on the animals, the environment and even us humans. Some of these documentaries expose violent scenes in slaughterhouses and farms or factories. Based on feedback from my friends, these documentaries naturally either make you cry for three days due to the harrowing footage or hysterically throw the meat in your fridge out of the window. And hey-presto, you are vegan in about 3 hours. And with fair reason. These documentaries aim to blatantly expose the brutality of the meat, dairy and egg industries, which up until watching the documentary, were hidden from the public eye. Now, I intend to delve into the reasoning behind why people decide to embrace the plant-based lifestyle. Generally, for most people, their choice stems from a combination of factors relating to their personal health, climate change and animal welfare. Whilst these motivating factors may sound simple, there are various positives and negatives of choosing to adopt a plant-based diet.

Health In this day and age, many citizens are constantly looking to be fitter, healthier and more radiant. Furthermore, many online influencers claim that a plant-based diet is the cause of their dewy looking skin and dazzling glow. Yes, and that’s without the excess Chanel highlighter. It is therefore no surprise that people are experimenting with a plant-based lifestyle in order to experience health benefits such as better skin and hair, based on what they see on social media on a daily basis. Generally, as you eliminate meat, dairy and animal products from your diet when transitioning to a plant-based diet, you will rely more heavily on other types of food. Hence, you might replace your regular snacks with things like vegetables, fruits and nuts. Consuming more of these foods can contribute to a higher daily intake of certain nutrients. Other studies also demonstrate that plant-based diets can provide more fibre and antioxidants, as well as being richer in potassium, magnesium and vitamins A, C and E. I didn’t even know a vitamin E existed… Now get ready, this one’s a shocker. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), 1/3 of all cancers could be prevented by factors within your personal control, such as diet. Essentially, avoiding certain animal products may help reduce the risk of prostate, breast and colon cancers. On the other hand, not all plant-based diets have these aforementioned super powers. You could just live off Oreos and vegan fast food, in which case these potential benefits may not come to fruition. I mean, veganism isn’t some sort of fairy godmother of health. Poorly planned plantbased diets can easily lead to insufficient amounts of vital fatty acids, vitamin B12, iron, calcium and zinc. Hence, steer clear of nutrient-poor vegan options, and consider vitamin supplements to replace any vitamins you may be lacking. In addition, the high street is adapting to plant-based demands with incredible speed. Many supermarkets now stock vegan food ranges. Astonishingly, there has been a 185% increase in Conscious Life Magazine

vegan products launched in the UK between 2012 and 2016. However, be aware, as these food ranges can occasionally be misleading and even counterintuitive. Just because something is a plant-based version of a non-vegan food, doesn’t make eating a fake meat burger healthy. It is interesting to note that vegan dietitian Megan Roosevelt states that “fake meat is often loaded with artificial ingredients, preservatives, processed oils and nutritionally empty ingredients.” Instead, grab a vegan lentil burger.

Climate change There is no doubt that by adopting a plant-based lifestyle, it can have multiple benefits on the environment. In many ways, it creates a more ethically responsible world, in terms of reducing your impact via water use, land use, desertification, CO2 emissions and energy use. Here’s a whopper. The global average water footprint of a 150 gram beef burger is 2350 litres, according to a study from 2011. Here’s the fascinating part, the water footprint of a 150g soy burger, produced in the Netherlands, is about 160 litres. Woah. Whilst a beef burger from the same country uses approximately 1000 litres of water, it is clear that a veggie soy burger is WAY better for global water usage. Similarly, consuming less meat leads to a smaller carbon footprint, given that 27kg of CO2 is generated per kilo of beef in comparison to 0.9kg per kilo of lentils… However, one should also keep an eye on your carbon footprint whilst relying on a plant-based diet. Simply because you are avoiding animals products, one should still pay attention to the carbon footprint of the imported fruit and veg that you would consume. On another note, farmland also benefits largely when adopting a plant-based diet. To produce and sustain healthy cattle, you need large amounts of food to feed them. Currently, most of the crops grown in the US are ‘feed grains’ like corn and soybeans, that are used to feed livestock, as stated on the Ohio Environmental Council’s website. Cattle grazing also has detrimental effects on the land, as it requires vast amounts of land which leads to high rates of deforestation. Not only does this have an adverse effect on atmospheric CO2 rates, given that trees absorb CO2, but also generally in our global water and carbon cycles. Land that is used for cattle grazing is often so dry, that it can lead to an increased rate of the human creation of deserts, and therefore desertification. Such land will then struggle to support plants, and few species can survive in such conditions with dry and infertile soil. However, without the need to consume meat and dairy, global farmland use could be reduced by over 75%. This equates to an area similar to the size of the US, China, the EU and Australia combined, Conscious Life Magazine

and we would still be able to feed the current population. This land could potentially be used more efficiently for other purposes, such as growing plants for human consumption. Indeed, with a plant-based diet, through eating local fruit and veg produce from farms near you can save transportation and energy costs if they are produced consciously on a smaller scale. Even if you still choose to consume animal products, consume locally! There is the benefit of knowing how the animals are being treated and in what conditions they are in. Do be careful when sourcing fruit and veg from abroad, especially when out of season. I can understand the intense desire to have avo toast all year round. However, living off fruit and veg that is not locally sourced is also damaging to the environment.

Animal welfare Notably, committing to a plant-based diet is deeply rooted in the world of animal rights activism. Being vegan is generally synonymous with loving animals, and to be vegan is to separate oneself from the cruel nature of factory farming and the livestock industry. For many who have seen the harsh and volatile truths being exposed in vegan documentaries, it is an easy decision to give up meat. However, in order to reduce and eventually rule out the cruel methods of animal slaughter, we must attempt to reduce the demand for meat. This could slowly be achieved if entire nations began to commit to a plant-based diet, or if we adopted the up and coming planetary health diet. According to PETA, each vegan person saves 198 animals each year. Unfortunately, animals are not saved directly due to a person being vegan, or because of a certain amount of vegans in the world. However, it is argued that fewer animals are brought up to later, be slaughtered. Therefore, perhaps 198 animals are not raised to then be killed. On this note, it is important to keep raising awareness about the cruelty of meat production and to try and encourage people to eat less meat. On the contrary, if you are unable to lend yourself to a plant-based diet, even occasionally, then it is always better to look for meat that is free-range or purchased from local farms. At least then, the animals may be living in better conditions. Overall, for those who have become vegan in order to support animals rights and challenge the current methods of production, eating has become a exercise in mindfulness. Some vegans argue that eating food that you know is crueltyfree, essentially leaves you with guilt-free, positive feelings.

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Planetary health diet Essentially, our next goal and challenge as a global community will be to adopt lifestyle choices that promote sustainability and embraces ethical eating. Mainly, we should focus on increasing our plant intake, and reducing our reliance on meat and dairy, which will reduce the cycle of the intense polluting and unethical forms of meat production. This is where I stumbled across the ‘Planetary health diet’, which was created by the EAT-Lancet commission to construct guidelines that provide nourishing food to our ever growing population. Don’t fret, this diet could transform the future of food, by still allowing one beef burger and two servings of fish a week, but most of the protein should originate from pulses and nuts. This dietary discovery, along with many other measures, will perhaps lead us on a route to achieving sustainable development. We should also only take advantage of the natural resources we can locally obtain. This leads me to a fascinating investigation published in the US in 2016, that compared 10 different eating patterns. The conclusion essentially revealed that diets that incorporated animal products, especially milk and eggs, use less land than their vegan alternative option. It appears that more inclusive diets, make better use of existing land. Clearly, meat and milk are not included in a plant-based diet, but both are produced in areas that are completely unsuitable for permanent cultivation. For example, 60% of sub-Saharan Africa is covered by drylands. In this instance, raising livestock is the main, and in many cases, the only land use option available. So, at the start of this ramble, I mentioned that this diet had the power to save lives. Scientists declare that the figure of 11 million lives, is the number of premature deaths that are caused annually by unhealthy diets. Clearly, this would mean that the entire world would have to adopt this newly formulated diet. This could cause a monumental positive wave of change in terms of our current eating lifestyle. However, in order for the diet plan to adequately be able to feed the accounted for 10 billion people, which is the estimated population count for 2050, each country will need to focus on various areas of cutting down foods. Interestingly, The Guardian states that North Americans need to eat 84% less red meat but six times more beans and lentils. Whereas for Europeans, eating 77% less red meat and 15 times more nuts and seeds meets the guidelines.

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So, can we save the planet? To conclude, it is evident that both diets have a similar goal: that of reducing the detrimental effects on our planet. With this, if the global community adopts either one of the two diets proposed within this blog, we will be on good form to making significant progress in our critical climatic state. However, we must stick to the guidelines of the planetary health diet in order to notice dramatic differences in global wellbeing. As for now, don’t be afraid to experiment with new styles of food, and maybe allocate a ‘meat free Monday’ or ‘fish free Friday’. How about that? Happy eating!

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Sustainable Hemp Clothing Industrial hemp is the superstar of natural fibres and if you enjoy the smooth feel of soft fabric against your skin, you will love the comfort and style of hemp clothing. Ecofriendly hemp clothing is set to become the next big thing in the fashion industry and many experts believe it will eventually supersede cotton, linen and polyester completely. This is inevitable owing to the many unique qualities that hemp clothing provides - and on a grander scale - industrial hemp is by far the most eco-friendly, sustainable fibreproducing plant on the planet!

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Green rectangles. Everywhere.

GOD: Frank, you know all about gardens and nature. What in the world is going on down there on the planet? What happened to the dandelions, violets, thistle and stuff I started eons ago? I had a perfect no-maintenance garden plan. Those plants grow in any type of soil, withstand drought and multiply with abandon. The nectar from the long-lasting blossoms attracts butterflies, honey bees and flocks of songbirds. I expected to see a vast garden of colours by now, but all I see are the green rectangles everywhere.

St FRANCIS: It’s the tribes that settled there, Lord, The Suburbanites. They started calling your flowers ‘weeds’ and went to great lengths to kill them and replace them with grass.

GOD: Grass? But, it’s so boring. It’s not colourful. It doesn’t attract butterflies, birds and bees; only grubs and sod worms. It’s sensitive to temperatures. Do these Suburbanites really want all that grass growing there? St. FRANCIS: Apparently so, Lord. They go to great pains to grow it and keep it green. They begin each spring by fertilizing grass and poisoning any other plant that crops up in the lawn. GOD: The Spring rains and warm weather probably make tress grow really fast. They must make the Suburbanites happy. St. FRANCIS: Apparently not, Lord. As soon as it grows a little. They do it sometimes twice a week. GOD: They cut it? Do they then bail it like hay? St. FRANCIS: No, Sir, just the opposite. They pay to throw it away. GOD: Now, let me get this straight. They fertilize grass so it will grow. And, then it does grow, they cut it off and pay to throw it away? St. FRANCIS: Yes, Sir. GOD: These Suburbanites must be relieved in the summer when we cut back on the rain and turn up the heat. That surely slows the growth and saves them a lot of work. St FRANCIS : You aren’t going to believe this, Lord. When the grass stops growing so fast, they drag out hoses and pay more money to water it so they can continue to mow it and pay to get rid of it. GOD: What nonsense. At least they kept some of the trees. That was a sheer stroke of genius, if I do say so myself. The trees grow leaves in the spring to provide beauty and shade in the summer. In the autumn, the fall to the ground and form a natural blanket to keep moisture in the soil protect the trees and bushes. It’s a natural cycle of life. St. FRANCIS: You better sit down Lord. The Suburbanites have drawn a new circle. As soon as the leaves fall, they rake them into great piles and pay to have them hauled away.

GOD: No, what do they do to protect the shrub and tree roots in the winter to keep the soil moist and loose? St. FRANCES: After throwing away the leaves, they go out and buy something which they call mulch. They haul it home and spread it around in place of the leaves. GOD: And where do the get this mulch? St. FRANCIS: They cut down trees and grind them up to make the mulch. GOD: Enough! I don’t want to think about this anymore. St. Catherine, you’re in charge of the arts. What movie have you scheduled for us tonight? St. CATHERINE: ‘Dumb and Dumber’, Lord. It’s a story about….. GOD: Never mind, I think I just heard the whole story from St. Francis. Taken with copyleft permission from Biophile Issue 19.

Photo by Elle Hughes from Pexels

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Holistic Pet Nutrition

The role herbs play

By Paul Jacobson – Vondis Holistic Pet Nutrition By now I am sure that most pet owners have changed to a natural and wholesome diet for their pets, be it buying from Vondis or cooking up a wholesome nutritious meal at home. The commercial food companies were found wanting and all we got was feeble excuses. When there are 11 pet food recalls in the last 12 years when we can clearly see that these ‘freak occurrences’ are the rule and not the exception. In many of the cases it led to the fatal death of our most precious beloved companions. The result is that pet lovers began to ask questions about what goes into their pet food, how the dried pellets are made and which brands can you trust. The marketing brilliance of the multinational, owners of the ‘premium’ pet food brands was revealed.

They identified a gap in the South African market and targeted the vet6s, kennels and breeders by convincing them that their product was ‘totally balanced’ and offering them exclusive selling rights, knowing that these establishments held the credibility within the community. A lot has changed now and people are challenging the food recommendations of their vets and doing their own research and browsing the net for alternative diets and supply sources. The American Protection Institute for Animals also, recently published on the website a list of common medical ailments resulting from feeding our companions animals processed dry food, year in and year out. Their web address in and the subject “Get the Facts: What’s Really in Pet Food”. Vondis Holistic Pet Nutrition is, without a doubt, the best nutrition you can get for your pet. Vondis is a registered nutritional pet food naturally and holistically formulated with absolutely NO nasty preservatives. The cooking process and ingredients, including freshly packed herbs, makes our product unique. The medicinal and mineral wealth in herbs is well documented and is essential to the health of all animals. In the wild, dogs and cats would graze a variety of mineral enriched grass, flowers and herbs, instinctively identifying the healing and cleansing agents that they contain. It is not uncommon for even our domesticated pets to consume grass and roots. It is for this reason that Vondis Holistic Pet Nutrition includes a variety of over 20 freshly picked herbs and as a result have had amazing success in treating skin allergies and eczemas, bad breath, bladder disorders, obesity, eye ailments, diabetes, cancer and nervousness.

GARLIC is a miracle herb and has a powerful natural disinfectant which helps to destroy harmful bacteria in the animals’ system and helps detoxify the body. It also tones the lymphatic cells and helps purify the bloodstream and intestines. It prevents viruses from multiplying and creates hostile conditions that repel most parasites and strengthens the immune system. ROSEMARY has traditionally been used for asthma and lung difficulties, bruises, wounds, colds, depression, eczema, dandruff, hair loss, headaches, heart palpitations muscle spasms, rheumatism and sores. It also produces glossy coats and shinny eyes. THYME has very strong antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Used to fight infection poor digestion, lung infections and skin inflammation. It is also know as an eye strengthener.

MARJORAM is a relaxing herb and used in the treatment of nervous tension and stress related conditions.

MINT reduces excess acidity ad calms nerves, It is digestive, soothing, relaxing and sleep inducing. It is a digestive Alkaliser and prevents mucus formation and sinus blocking.

PARSLEY is rich in iron – builds blood, promotes oxygen absorption, gives good pigment to skin and hair and nourishes the nerves, muscles and internal organs. It also refreshes bed breath.

FENNEL is enriched with so many wonderful minerals and medicinal properties are enormous. It strengthens the nervous system and stamina for highly strung animals gut at the same time reduces acidity and calms nerves. It maintains brain, teeth, eyes and all bones of the body.

BASIL promotes building of the glands which clear the body from toxins and also reduces fatty tissue. It is also excellent for skin and bright eyes.

CARROTS, herb or vegetable, it doesn’t matter because it has a wealth of minerals and a must for any pet food. It builds strong teethe, bones, cartilage and nails. It gives energy, vitality and strength, promotes healing of would and aids with digestions. It is an eye strengthener, fights infection and maintains the health and strength of the entire body.

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Recharge in the Indian Himalayas Journey to India and open up to a completely new worldview. On this adventure you will get new perspectives, new thoughts and new ideas on how to navigate through life. It’s a mindfulness experience like no other.

We spend time with Tibetan monks to explore the more mystical aspect of life, do some meditation, enjoy great food, laugh a lot and generally review the more important matters of life. All with the intent to be happier, calmer and a little more settled. You will also visit the Taj Mahal and Golden Temple (where they feed more than 100,000 people for free every day!) and attend sessions with monks on Buddhist psychology to understand the finer workings of the mind. Most of these are not accessible to ordinary travellers and we have built a very unique program over the years. We even throw in a few Yoga sessions. R39,500 pp includes all flights (ex JHB or CT), all taxis, transfers, accommodation, sessions, 3 meals per day, the lot. We also have free time for shopping in the quaint village markets. Trip dates: 18 to 28 October 2019 email to book

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For a full list of events and to book a stay, please visit out page by clicking on our logo below:

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Welcome To The Angel Connection School of Africa The Angel Connection School of Africa, established as a non-profit organisation, for the highest good of all, will incorporate all forms of Spirituality continuing with the basic teachings of Angels, Ascension, Atlantis etc. which we all know to be Universal. The teachings of various modalities will however, be enhanced by adding the specific requirements of our culture and ethnicity, whilst retaining flexibility.

The mission statement of the school is:“To Light up Africa so that Africa can Light up the World”

A Letter From The School Principal – Margi McAlpine

Angel Connection Day


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The Antbear Drakensberg Lodge is a thatched, whitewashed lodge built high on a natural platform overlooking the Bushman's River and Giants Castle. Antbear Drakensberg Lodge offers various Drakensberg accommodation options in en suite double rooms, luxury suites, family units and also boasts a luxury cave too. Antbear Drakensberg Lodge is one of those smaller intimate kind places which has been lovingly put together. The natural setting of the accommodation is stunning and we have managed to encase all this beauty with an atmosphere of comfort and ease. The cottages are smartly appointed and individually designed and the fact that we are a small place makes for an intimate and personal accommodation experience. Each of the accommodation units are different and are decorated with uniquely eccentric and artistic wooden furniture. It is a bit off the beaten track and is more of an insider tip than just another bed and breakfast. We cater for small intimate groups and never have more than 45 guests at a time. It's a laid back, lovingly cared for kind of place where you feel a sense of happiness and peace. Honeymoon stays turn into anniversary commemorations just as guests become friends. Even foreign tourists return for a second and third taste.

Attractions Drakensburg Hiking Trails Bushman Rock Art Giant’s Castle Kamberg Weenen Game Reserve Royal Natal National Park Drakensburg Boys Choir

Horse Trails Injasuti Nature Reserve Monks Cowl Natal Midlands Tugela Falls Sani Pass Fly Fishing

Retreats The Antbear Drakensberg Lodge is the ideal retreat venue where we can provide all the services and accommodation for your retreat. Situated 4 hours from Johannesburg and 2 hours from Durban with easy access from the N3 Antbear Lodge is easy to get to but has the feeling of being far from the madding crowd. This wonderful place for group retreats offers spectacular views, vast spaces, wild winds, rain, sunshine, clouds and rainbows and in all of this – silence and peace. Retreat groups can book the whole lodge for their exclusive use. The Lodge can accommodate 44 persons in 15 separate accommodation units Antbear Drakensberg Lodge has a spacious dining room with a wood-burning fireplace, a comfortable lounge with a fireplace and spectacular views, a breakaway meeting room, a large veranda and a large meeting room for retreat, team building or training activities. We provide excellent meals and will fit our menu to your expectations.

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Because food is an important part of your stay Meals are part of the real surprises that the Antbear Lodge has to offer where home grown cooking is part of the deal. We like to use our own home grown organic vegetables and if we haven’t got, then we lean heavily on those local providers with similar attitudes to our own. Conny and Andrew both like cooking and are up to changing just about anything to suit tastes or philosophies. Our cooking experience is in part a journal, a record of events and memories expressed in recipes. In the course of our travels we have filed away many recipes and with them images of people and places and their lives. How food tastes has much to do with the associations we make and if you would like to hear the tales of our meals we would love to tell them.

Sustainable & responsible tourism is our social responsibility and what we do to give something back to our community and environment We believe in sustainable tourism and social responsibility. We live is a spectacularly beautiful place called the Drakensberg and our standard of living here is exceptional. But around us lie contrasts of poverty and lack of development. If we are to keep our way of life then it surely follows that we must do everything in our power to contribute to the upliftment and prosperity of this rural area. We believe that the future of South Africa is linked to the prosperity of the people, and that upliftment is linked to education. And as such we have chosen to support our local primary school called Vulakani Primary School.

Pet friendly accommodation Drakensberg One of the few pet-friendly places in the Drakensberg. Beautiful, vast views of the Drakensberg with plenty of ground for my dogs to roam. Walk for hours. Your dogs will be happy with lots of dams to swim in and horses to discover. One of the accommodation units at Antbear Lodge is fenced in so its really easy to leave your dog behind if you would like to explore some of the sights where pets are not that welcome. If country life is for you and you would love to take your pet with you then Antbear Lodge is a great accommodation choice. Your hosts will advise you on all the activities available. Antbear Lodge prides itself on being both family-friendly and petfriendly.

CONTACT Mobile 076 441 2362 Email: Web:

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The Buddhist Retreat Centre, where people of all religions, and none, come to experience peace and tranquility. How to Retreat The Buddhist Retreat Centre offers various types of retreats, ranging from those investigating Buddhist thought and philosophy, through to practice retreats where the emphasis is on meditation; as well as retreats featuring bird watching, cookery, drumming, pottery and photography. At first glance the latter might appear to be unrelated to Buddhism but even these retreats will contain some element of meditation, of mindful awareness, refracting the chosen subject matter through a Buddhist lens. People from all walks of life come to these retreats with a variety of motivations and expectations. Perhaps they want to deepen their meditation practice, to take some time out from a hectic working life; to reflect on a tense domestic situation; to consider the trajectory of their lives; to make a decision about a way forward. Maybe they just want to learn how to take a good photograph. Each person will have a different reason for going on a retreat. Different paths will have led them to this place. We all need to make an appointment with ourselves from time to time. To re-connect with who we are; to maintain balance; to recharge exhausted batteries. To make time to go on a retreat is a necessary and healthy step for anyone.

General Information The Centre has been established on an exquisite 125-hectare country estate near the village of Ixopo, KwaZuluNatal 90 kilometers south of Pietermaritzburg, one and a half hours’ drive from Durban. Set in hilly grasslands amongst dams, indigenous bush and forests, it overlooks one of the great valleys in the Umkomaas river system. CNN featured the BRC as one of the ten finest retreat centres in the world. It was awarded Natural Heritage status by President Nelson Mandela in recognition of its success in establishing indigenous vegetation on the property and providing habitats for wildlife to return, including the endangered Blue Swallow. It is a birder’s paradise with more 160 species recorded.

Walks lead to many interesting sites and viewpoints on the property, including evidence that Bushman lived there and Voortrekkers and Settlers passed through. In 2000, the BRC facilitated the founding of Woza Moya, the community-based NGO, located in Ufafa valley. It continues to support the organisation in a variety of ways.

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Accommodation Fifty retreatants can be accommodated in single and twin-bedded rooms, en-suite cottages and thatched chalets overlooking the secluded valleys on the property – a short distance away from the dining room, office, library, studio and meditation hall. The Centre is justly famous for its fine lacto-ovo vegetarian cuisine which is featured in its own bestselling recipe books, Quiet Food, The Cake the Buddha Ate and Plentiful: The Big Book Of Buddha Food. The BRC menu includes organically grown vegetables and farm-baked bread.

Observances The Retreat Centre offers a tranquil environment for the study and practice of philosophy, psychology, meditation and the arts associated with Buddhist culture. The Centre therefore encourages adherence to traditional Buddhist moral principles during retreats, such as respect for all forms of life and abstinence from alcoholic drinks and hallucinogenic drugs. Noble Silence is maintained from the last meditation at night until the first session after breakfast in the morning. During some retreats, Noble Silence is maintained throughout. Pets are not allowed at the Centre. Only some retreats are suitable for children: please check with the Administrator.

Forthcoming Retreats: For full details of each retreat please go to the website page:

Email: Tel: +27(0)39 834 1863 or 0878091687 Mobile: 082 579 3037

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The Beautiful Hopi Indian Labyrinth at Thirsty Falls Guest Farm

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Help us bring hope to girls without and choices to those with none. Founded in 2000 by Khanyisile Motsa, and run under her diligent care ever, Home of Hope for Girls is an autonomous, self-started initiative to provide real care for exploited, trafficked and abused children in the city of Johannesburg. It is more than just a residential shelter; it is a loving home where dignity is restored, the past is healed and the girls are given the tools to take control of their futures. Home of Hope also reaches out to the community offering the most vulnerable members support, practical help and a lifeline.

The Background to Home of Hope An estimated 10,000 children are prostitutes in Johannesburg and this figure is increasing. When Khanyisile Motsa relocated to Hillbrow she was shocked to observe girls as young as nine working as prostitutes and selling drugs on the streets at night. The truth about these forgotten children is: • • • • • •

Child Prostitute. Photo by Tseliso Monaheng

Criminals pay agents to recruit children They usually target often orphans or/and those from very disadvantaged rural communities Victims are trafficked or seduced to leave with lies about a life in the city Their IDs are frequently taken from them to make escape and identification difficult Their IDs are often sold on the black market ‘Owned’ by their exploiters they are prostituted, abused, made to sell drugs

Email: Mam Khanyi: 073 250 2086 Telephone: 011 614 0861 Conscious Life Magazine

Call 012 430 7775 Lines open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday

Save the Children believes every child deserves a future. In South Africa and around the world, we work every day to give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. When crisis strikes, and children are most vulnerable, we are always among the first to respond and the last to leave. We ensure children’s unique needs are met and their voices are heard. We deliver lasting results for millions of children, including those hardest to reach. We do whatever it takes for children – every day and in times of crisis – transforming their lives and the future we share.

We need your help to ensure that no child is left behind. In a tough funding environment, we have ensured we have multiple avenues of funding and are proud to have 11,000 generous individual donors contributing monthly. We will continue to be innovative in securing funding to enable us to reach more children and will work on increasing unrestricted and consistent funding streams. You can help us make a difference. Even just by becoming aware of our work by reading our annual report. To download and read the full annual report, click here.

Help us do whatever it takes to save the children.

Thank You Gugulethu Ndebele CEO Conscious Life Magazine

Hotel Hope Ministries is a fully registered South African non-profit organisation established with aim of ensuring that each and every child is brought up in a safe, happy and healthy home so that they can grow up and develop into responsible and positive adults. Although children are our main focus, we have a holistic approach to the problem of orphaned and abandoned children. We realise that we need to focus on the cause of the problem too and not only the symptoms. So we have projects to focus on assisting Mothers and Fathers, so that they can look after themselves and their children. We group our projects under three focus areas: BABIES IN NEED Creating and supporting several small family style foster homes for orphaned and abandoned babies.

MOTHERS IN CRISIS Providing young mothers facing unplanned pregnancies with counselling, guidance and practical support. SOCIAL ENTERPRISE Helping Mothers and Fathers to help themselves by providing jobs and skill development opportunities through our fundraising and trading projects. As a fully registered South African charity we are registered with the following authorities: · Section 21 company without share capital - 2010/006792/08 · Non-Profit Organization (NPO) number – 084 289 · Public Benefit Organization (PBO) number – 930 034 387 Mission statement: To engage the local Church Worldwide to embrace its God given responsibility of taking care of destitute mothers and orphaned and abandoned children. Vision statement: To see a full service (either ourselves or in partner with others) covering: •Children’s homes •Adoption advocacy •Mothers in crisis •Counselling centres •Training Academy •Charity shops / trading Conscious Life Magazine

Our fundraising model: We have a unique funding model in place where we are able to generate funds to cover 100% of our administrative costs through our Charity Shop(s) as well as the output of our carpentry workshop and sewing workshop. We are extremely committed to Social enterprise as it creates employment in South Africa, funds for the Charity, volunteering opportunities as well as a lowpriced outlet for customers from low-income groups. Furthermore we can assure donors that 100% of their support will directly benefit the children in our care as well as mothers in crisispregnancy situations. Thank you to our donors and corporate sponsors: As an organisation we are incredibly blessed to have many active supporters, individuals and corporates, who make it possible for us to do what we do and to make a difference. People often comment that it must be difficult to work in our environment hearing sad stories all the time, and it is sometimes hard, but it is also so rewarding to see those stories turning into stories of hope and it is so inspiring and such a privilege to witness people, like our supporters, coming forward to help and to give so generously. There are amazing people out there in the world, click here to see who some of them are and how they have made a difference‌ Click here Our Sponsors:

DONATE FINANCIALLY Deposit or Electronic transfer directly into our account First National Bank Account name: Hotel Hope Account number: 62194003382 Branch: Melville, Johannesburg Branch code (sort code): 256505 Account type: Cheque account SWIFT code: FIRNZAJJ (For international deposits) Reference: Donation (your name) OTHER WAYS TO DONATE/HELP US Conscious Life Magazine

Dear Reader, Because of animal lovers like you, Humane Society International is working around the clock to fight the gruesome dog meat industry – to end it for good. We’ve slammed the doors permanently on nine dog meat farms in South Korea and rescued more than 900 dogs. Not only that, but we’re lobbying hard for better laws throughout Asia to fight the cruelty, transition farmers out of the business of cruelty, and so much more. Here is one transformation that we can't stop smiling about. Sophie was rescued just this year from a horrible life on a dog meat farm. Now, she is running free and playing in the grass, surrounded by the love of her forever family:

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This kind of ending never gets old, but so many other dogs still need you.

You can make a difference for dogs caught up in this brutal industry: Sign the dog meat pledge today.

With you by our side, we're committed to this huge fight against the dog meat trade. We’re closing farms and rescuing the animals; we’re raising public and political awareness of the cruelty involved; and we’re growing substantial support for a phase out and ban of South Korea’s dog meat farms. Become a part of the global campaign to end the dog meat trade—sign your name right now. Thank you, for protecting animals from cruelty all across the globe. Sincerely, Kitty Block President Humane Society International

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Who we are: The Monkey Helpline, started in 1995, is a volunteer group, based in Westville near Durban in KwaZulu-Natal, but operating throughout the province and also anywhere else in South Africa and abroad where our assistance and advice are requested. Our team of dedicated rescuers and rescue assistants, veterinarians, educators, monitors, fund-raisers, administrative assistants and supporters is what makes this project the success that it is today. Monkey Helpline is a registered NPO. 130-166 NPO What we do: As a team we devote our time to educating people about the reasons why the monkeys are here, why monkeys behave the way they do, the things people should do or not do when monkeys are around, and how to humanely keep monkeys away from those places where they are not welcome. Just knowing that monkeys will NOT attack and bite people, and that they DON’T carry rabies, is usually enough to change antagonism and fear into tolerance, and frequently into appreciation. We also run a rescue operation and a “high care” unit. We rescue an average of three monkeys every two days, and their injuries range from wounds sustained during fights with other monkeys, dog bites, being run over by motor vehicles, electrocuted, snared, trapped or poisoned, shot with airguns (pellet/BB guns), catapults, paintball guns and firearms, as well as being caught or injured on razor-wire. Many are babies who are orphaned or injured when mother monkeys are attacked by dogs or other monkeys, or are severely injured or killed in human-related incidents. Over eighty percent of the monkeys we rescue, irrespective of the reason why, have got air-gun pellets lodged in their bodies. Lead pellets cause terrible pain, suffering and a lingering death and no person, adult or child, should ever shoot monkeys, or any other animals, with an air-gun. As the only dedicated monkey rescue project in KwaZulu-Natal, the Monkey Helpline is available to do rescues 24 hours a day, every day! On any given day we are treating ten or more monkeys in our home-based high care unit – frequently in excess of twenty monkeys! Once they have recovered from their injuries these monkeys are released back into their home territory, transferred to a rehabilitation facility or placed in a sanctuary. Education is a vital tool in our hands and we distribute thousands of information leaflets, and visit many schools (at least two schools per week) to do educational talks about the monkeys. During 2009 we spoke to over 40 000 school learners and their teachers. We also do talks to many other interest groups such as police cadets, garden clubs, public service groups, conservation bodies, body corporates, etc. In addition, we advise farmers, businesses, hotels and casinos, housing and golfing estates, botanical gardens etc on the best ways to manage human/monkey “conflict”. Monkey Helpline networks with a number of other Vervet-related individuals, groups, and general primate- and animal-care NGO’s. NB. There is no charge for the services we offer, but donations towards the cost of running the project are welcome. Without your support we would not be able to change attitudes and legislation in favour of the monkeys nor would we be able to rescue the hundreds that we do every year and alleviate their suffering.

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With much appreciation to our advertisers, contributors, endorsers and of course, our readers Namaste

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