The fifth part losing people water 1

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Project Oleg Kharch Group. Oleg Kharch (Kharchenko) & Olga Shuvalova comprehend

in a common artistic practice an angular question to a person.

Who are we? Where did they come from and where are we going?

The fifth part. "Losing people Water."

93cm x 63cm


cotloqe, 2018.

Despite the huge volumes of water resources in the world. In most countries there is a shortage of drinking water. Life activity of mankind requires it more and more. Ukraine, on the face of this total deficit, looks as if it is fully secured. Moderate climate and combined terrain created all the conditions for even a surplus of water resources. But this is pretty deceptive. We also have unsafe regions with water. Crimea and the southern regions of Ukraine. And on this background, there is an outrageous tranquility and negligence for such wealth as Water. In most waterways in Ukraine, water is contaminated with human products. Plastic bottles and other non-organic. As soon as spring comes. In all its beauty, our eyes are directly on the banks of the rivers and lakes. That is, all the consequences of the rest of people in the nature. And how much, still dirt gets to the reservoirs from the cities? Nobody even thinks about civilized utilization of these wastes. Because everything is indifferent to everyone. One is an imitation of cleanliness. 2018.

Oleg Kharch.

The fifth part. "Losing people Water."

«ry6I11Tb nlOAeM BOAa».

93cm x 63cm , collage, 2018.

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